Diagnostic work okr.mir.docx - Diagnostic work on the world around. P

02.06.2017 06:28

Diagnostic test work around the world in grade 3 with keys

"Diagnostic control work on the outside world Grade 3"

Diagnostic control work around the world Grade 3


F I student

1. What distinguishes a person from other living beings?



2. What refers to the characteristics of the country?

    State symbols

    State dance

    Color of the skin

    Native language

3. What herbaceous plant is cultivated?

4. What applies to substances?

5. Which plant belongs to algae?


    Water lily

    water chestnut

    sea ​​kale

6. Which animal belongs to the group of reptiles?



7. Which organ belongs to the circulatory system?

8. What mineral is used as fuel?


9. What plant is grown for pet food?

  1. Cotton

10. What are the payments that citizens and organizations are required to make to the state called?

11 P. What helps a person to accumulate his knowledge about the world?



  1. Inner world

12 P. What substance is gaseous?



13 P. What is the first link in the food chain?

    herbivorous animals

    Predatory animals

    insectivorous animals


14 P. Which lines indicate organ systems?

    Heart, veins, arteries

    Stomach, lungs, brain

    Esophagus, stomach, intestines

    Hands, feet, head

15 P. What countries are located on the territory of Europe?


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"the world"

CMM for intermediate qualification

around the world

Intermediate Attestation Form

Total number of jobs

Number of basic level tasks

Number of advanced tasks


job number

Planned results

Man is part of nature and society; relationship between nature and man

Knowledge of country characteristics

What are bodies and substances; variety of substances

Knowledge of the main groups of plants; ability to recognize natural objects

Knowledge of the main groups of animals; ability to recognize natural objects

The structure of the human body, the main organ systems

The role of natural resources in the economy

The role of natural resources in the economy; main branches of agriculture

the needs of the people; goods and services; the role of money in the economy; budget


What are bodies and substances, a variety of substances


Knowledge of the relationship between animate and inanimate nature, within wildlife


Knowledge of the structure of the human body and major organ systems


Knowledge of countries of foreign Europe


Total points

Godunova A

Kazarin R

Kaftaykina D

Kaftaykina Zh

Kaftaykina M

Kolomina Yu

Portnyagin S

Sidorov V

Saturday B

Trambaeva K

Shabalina A

High level of work performance - 17–22 points.

The average level of work performance is 11–16 points.

Low level of work performance - less than 11 points.

1. Purpose of work– determination of the level of preparation of students of the 2nd grade in the subject area “Social science. Natural science. (The world)".

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 06, 2009 No. 373.

Planned results of primary general education in the subject “World around” (Planned results of primary general education / L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova, etc.); ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova - 1, 2, 3 ed. - M .: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. - 120 p.

An exemplary program of primary general education in the subject “The world around us” (An exemplary basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [compiled by E.S. Savinov]. - 2, 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 2010 , 2011. - 204 p.).

The work includes sections and topics studied in the 2nd grade within the framework of the program “Primary School of the 21st Century”.

3. Characteristics of the structure and content of the work.

The structure of the final work allows you to check the ability of second-graders to navigate the general problems of natural and social reality, as well as the formation of universal educational activities that ensure the possibility of successful continuation of education.

The work includes 10 tasks, differing in form and level of complexity. The expediency of using certain types of tasks is determined by the content being checked. In this case, the structure of the option is based on the list of planned results. Tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity are arranged based on their belonging to the verification of one or another planned result.

The work presents tasks with a choice of one or more correct answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

4. Distribution of CMM tasks by level of complexity

The work presents tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity.

Tasks of the basic level of complexity check the development of fundamental knowledge and skills in the subject, without which it is impossible to successfully continue learning at the next level.

Tasks of an increased level of complexity help to assess the student's potential for successful continuation of education. Using tasks of various levels of complexity allows you to:

a) differentiate students according to the level of educational achievements;

b) evaluate the quality of mastering the planned results at two levels of complexity.

Distribution of tasks by difficulty levels

5. The system for evaluating the performance of individual tasks and work in general

Evaluation of works is carried out in educational organizations by primary school teachers.

Work tasks are evaluated in points in accordance with the criteria. Points are put down by the teacher in the margins next to each task. Grammar and spelling errors made by students do not affect scoring.

A multiple-choice task is considered completed if the answer number chosen by the student matches the correct answer. All multiple choice questions are scored with 0 or 1 points.

A short answer task is considered completed if the recorded answer matches the correct answer. Short answer items are scored 0, 1 or 2 points according to the scoring criteria.

A task with a detailed answer is evaluated by an expert taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer. Tasks with a detailed answer are evaluated from 0 to 2 points in accordance with the evaluation criteria.

The maximum number of points for work is 13.

  • “5” - 11 - 13 b.
  • “4” - 8 - 10 b.
  • “3” - 5 - 7 b.
  • “2” - 0 - 4 b.

6. Time to complete the work. 25 minutes are allotted to complete the work on the surrounding world (excluding the time allotted for instructing students).

7. Additional materials and equipment. Additional materials and equipment are not required.

8. Work plan.

job number Task difficulty level Job type Maximum score
B IN 1
B KO 1
B IN 1
B KO 1
P RO 2
P RO 2
B RO 1
B KO 1
B IN 1
P RO 2
  • KO - tasks with a short answer
  • VO - tasks with a choice of answers
  • RO - tasks with a detailed answer

EMC "Primary school of the XXI century"
2 “____” class. Last name, first name _____________________________

1 option.

1. Specify the object of inanimate nature:

b) bench

c) stone

d) grasshopper

2. What is the name of the capital of our country? ____________________________

3. What should be done to get sick less?

a) move a lot

b) follow the rules of hygiene

c) stay at home

d) take medication more often

4. The sense organ that helps a person to determine colors is called __________________

mother, aunt, daughter, neighbor Vanya, father, grandfather, classmate Mitya.

6. Find the fifth “extra”:

a) Yaroslavl

c) Kolomna

d) Suzdal

e) Moscow

Explain your choice: ________________________________

7. Look at the picture.



8. Fill in the gaps in the diagram:

9. Mark the proverb about friendship.

a) Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

b) You will know a lot, you will soon grow old.

d) A native bush and a hare are dear.



Diagnostic work on the surrounding world for the 1st half of the year (2016/2017 academic year)

UMK "Primary school of the XXI century".
2 “___” class. Surname, name ___________________________

Option 2.

1. Specify the object of wildlife:

2. What is the name of the country in which we live? ___________________________

3. What you need to do before you start doing homework:

a) check the lighting of the workplace

b) remove everything unnecessary from the table

c) turn on the music

d) bring yourself tea

4. The sense organ that helps a person hear sounds is called __________________________

5. Divide the words into groups:

father, grandmother, cousin, uncle, friend Olya, son, mother, neighbor Tanya.

6. Find the fifth “extra”:

a) Moscow

b) Kolomna

c) Sergiev Posad

d) Vladimir

e) Suzdal

Explain your choice:





7. Look at the picture.

Write a rule of conduct at the table.




8. Fill in the gaps in the diagram:

9. Mark the proverb about the Motherland.

a) The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies.

b) If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

c) Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

d) Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

10. Why is it necessary to follow the rules of the road?



Diagnostic work around the world Grade 2

The purpose of the verification work – determination of the level of assimilation by students of basic knowledge and skills by the end of education in the 2nd grade of primary school.

    The structure of the diagnostic work:

The work contains three types of tasks.

Part A - tasks with a choice of answers from the proposed options; classification of objects according to features. The maximum number of options for each task is three.

Part B - tasks with a short answer in the form of one or two words.

Part C - tasks with a detailed answer.

Diagnostic work on the surrounding world contains 14 tasks: 10 tasks with a choice of answers, 4 tasks with a short answer or tasks with a detailed answer.

    Distribution of tasks by difficulty level:

    Distribution of tasks by content and types of activities:

Draw the flag of Russia; choose the correct answer.

Analysis, synthesis

AT 12

Human and nature


Divide the words into three groups, give names to each group

Analysis, classification, generalization.

From 13

Human and nature


Write the names of the continents on the map

Analysis, synthesis

From 14

Man and society


Answer the questions

Selection of necessary information

    Number of options: 2.

    Work time: 40 minutes.

    Converting points to mark:

    Scoring procedure:

1 point - the correct answer is chosen

0 points - wrong answer selected

A2, A5, C13, C14

2 points - the task was completed completely correctly;

1 point - the task is completed, but 1 mistake is made;

0 points - 2 mistakes were made or the task was not completed;

AT 12

3 points - the task was completed completely correctly;

2 points - the task is completed, but 1 mistake is made;

1 point - the task is completed, but 2 errors are made;

0 points - more than 2 mistakes were made or the task was not completed;

    Processing and analysis of results (keys and recommendations for checking and evaluating assignments):


1 - option

Option 2

A1 - b

A1 - in



A 3-b


A4 - b



1. b

2. a

3. g

4. in


1. a

2. in

3. g

4. b

A 6 - in


A 7 - in


A 8 - in


A 9 - b


A 10 - in

A10 - b

AT 11





AT 12

AT 12

1 option

A 1. Wildlife includes:

a) plants, stones, rivers, people

b) plants, fungi, animals, humans

c) sun, stars, air, water, stones.

A 2. Distribute the words into two groups: rain, apple tree, notebook, squirrel, hail, table, leaf fall, storm.



A 3. What is a star?

a) constellation b) flaming ball c) little sun

A 4 . Mark the correct answer: Earth is...

a) star b) planet c) satellite

c) Water pollution.

4. Poor treatment of urban wastewater.

a) lying down so that your back does not get tired.

b) in transport, so as not to waste time.

c) in good light, so that vision does not deteriorate.

A 7. The area or space that we see around us is called:


b) the surface of the earth

c) horizon

A 8. What is a map?

a) photograph of the earth's surface.

b) drawing of the earth's surface.

c) representation of large areas of the earth's surface on a scale.

A 9. The largest continent on Earth?

A 10. The hottest continent on Earth?

a) North America b) Eurasia c) Africa

AT 11. Draw the flag of Russia

B 12. Animals belonging to three groups are listed: owl, butterfly, bear, ant, woodpecker, chipmunk

From 14. Answer the questions:

Option 2

A 1. Inanimate nature includes: a) sun, moon, stars, plants.

b) plants, animals, humans

c) rain, stones, sand, clouds.

A 2. Divide the words into two groups: rain, oak, pencil, titmouse, snowfall, mole, tsunami, blizzard.



3. Hot cosmic bodies are ... ..

a) planets b) stars c) satellites of planets

4. Mark the correct answer: The moon is ...

a) a planet in the solar system.

b) a natural satellite of the Earth.

c) an artificial satellite of the Earth.

A 5. What leads to what? Connect with lines.

c) Water pollution.

4. Deforestation for the construction of cottages.

d) The disappearance of some animal species.

A 6. You need to watch TV ...

a) while eating.

b) at a distance of three meters.

c) four hours a day.

A 7. The boundary of visible space, where it seems that the sky converges with the earth, is ...

a) horizon line

b) horizon

c) horizon line

A 8. Globe is:

a) a painted ball

b) a rotating model of the globe

c) model of the moon

A 9 . The smallest continent on earth?

A 10. The coldest continent on Earth?

a) Australia b) Antarctica c) Africa

B 11. Circle the coat of arms of Russia

1 2 3 4

B 12. Plants belonging to three groups are listed: pine, clover, wild rose, birch, juniper, dandelion . Divide them into groups. Give each group a name.

C 13. Write the names of the continents on the map.

From 14. Answer the questions:

I live on the planet ______________. My mainland is called _____________. My country___________________. The capital of my country is ________________. My city_______________________.

Diagnostic tasks around the world

theme №1 "We and our world" (10 hours)

A basic level of

Enhanced level

Evaluation criteria

Tasks basic level

evaluated in

1 point subject to complete completion of the task ,

0 points if there is an error or failure to complete the task.

To be able to distinguish three components of the world around us, which are nature, culture and people.

1. Choose a suitable caption for each photo: nature, people, culture.

Be able to distinguish between objects of nature and objects created by man.

2. Check the "extra" checkbox.

Be able to distinguish between living and non-living things.

3. Divide the words into 2 groups: stone, blueberry, ladybug, cloud, snowflake.

To be able to establish a connection between objects of wildlife and images of nature in works of culture.

4. For each photograph depicting wildlife, select a photograph of the image of nature in cultural works.

1 point - 1 mistake was made,

Be able to establish a connection between objects of culture and the materials from which they are made.

5. Connect cultural objects with lines from which they are made.

Be able to identify and name the sense organs.

6. Look at the photos. Match them with the names of human feelings.

The task was completed correctly - 2 points,

1 point - 1 mistake was made,

task not completed - 0 points

To be able to understand the special place of man in the world around him.

7. Sign pictures of people. Use words for reference.

The task was completed correctly - 2 points,

1 point - 1 mistake was made,

task not completed - 0 points

Diagnostic work No. 1 in the section: "We and Our World"

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ _______________________________________________________________

    Choose a suitable caption for each photo: nature, people, culture.

__________________ _________________ ___________________

    Check the "extra" checkbox:

□ linden □ chamomile

□ hedgehog □ ship

    Divide the words into 2 groups: stone, blueberry, ladybug, cloud, snowflake.

Live nature: _______________________________________________________

Inanimate nature: _____________________________________________________

    For each photograph depicting wildlife, select a photograph of the image of nature in works of culture:

    Connect the objects of culture with the materials from which they are made with lines:

wooden window clay

Vases, pots, metal

church tree

Bell stone

    Consider the photographs. Match them with the names of human feelings.