Physiognomy and facial expressions: Face zones. Forehead, middle and lower parts of the face of the same height

Physiognomy is an amazing science that allows not only to determine the character of a person, but also to look into the depths of his personality. Facial features can communicate the potential of a person, personal tragedies that he still experiences inside himself, hidden diseases. But the myth that one can predict the future by looking at the face is a pure deception, according to experts.

An experienced physiognomist, who has more than one year of work behind him, easily reads a person like an open book, but, alas, very few specialists have such knowledge. If you want to learn to recognize a person's character from their facial features, you will need patience, attention to detail and some knowledge of psychology. Physiognomists argue that it is quite possible to learn to recognize on a person's face a tendency to lie, anger, cruelty.

Today we will talk about the structural features of the superciliary arches in men and women. This seemingly insignificant detail can tell a lot about a person's personality.

What is a brow ridge? Where is she?

The superciliary arch is called the protruding part of the forehead, covered with hairline - eyebrows. Its main function is to protect the eyes from the wind, sweat, small specks, etc. The superciliary arch is equipped with a muscle that allows you to raise or frown your eyebrows, thereby expressing surprise or anger.

A few years ago, scientists tried to attribute protruding superciliary ridges to rudimentary organs. Rudiment - a sign inherent in a person at the initial stage of development, which a more developed personality should not have.

But actually it is not. Superciliary ridges are more often pronounced in men than in women, and are usually found in southerners. Pronounced brow ridges are associated with the male hormone testosterone - the more it is, the more convex they are.

What do protruding superciliary arches say?

Pronounced superciliary arches indicate the presence of a rather rigid, strong-willed character. Such a person prefers to live according to a proven, established scheme, deviations from which he does not welcome. He strictly follows the established regime and adheres to strict rules. Such a military approach is for him the optimal environment in which he feels comfortable.

Stubbornness is another distinguishing feature. A person is trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for certain actions, persistently looking for personal motives in the actions of his friends and acquaintances.

If a person has a more developed upper part of the frontal bone, this indicates a tendency to self-sacrifice. But with a developed lower part of the forehead, which is typical for people born under the sign of Aries or Leo, the person is prone to frequent resentment, selfishness, selfishness. In this case, not the best sides of the character inherent in these two signs often appear.

At the same time, people with a developed lower forehead have a sense of dignity and decency. Despite the fact that they, as inveterate egoists, are able to justify even their most unseemly actions. The hollow between the eyebrows indicates vanity.

In addition, the owners of protruding superciliary arches have curiosity, attentiveness, giftedness, a penchant for playing music or other creative activities, an inquisitive mind and an intuitive nature. These personalities are sociable in most cases, they are pleasant conversationalists if you speak on neutral topics.

The location of the superciliary arches is very important. This will be discussed further.

The subtleties of the location of the superciliary arches

If the brow ridges are enlarged closer to the nose, then these people are so stubborn that they often refuse to change something in their lives, even in case of emergency. In professional language, this is called rigidity. In communication, they are pleasant, until you offer, even if unconsciously, something radical. Actor Johnny Depp has a similar arrangement of superciliary arches.

Large superciliary arches closer to the temples speak of acquired scarcity of thinking, conservatism, and a certain limitation. Communication with such people, especially on business topics, can be difficult.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the eyebrows - color, shape, density. In physiognomy, these details play an important role. Their balance in the absence of excessive eyebrow density and the presence of an even and clear line speaks of harmony between feelings, emotions and reason.

Absence of protruding superciliary ridges and character

In most people, the superciliary arches are not pronounced, especially for women. Physiognomists claim that these are flexible personalities, able to adapt to the situation. They are open to new acquaintances and people, they know how to make spontaneous decisions. Such people are very enterprising and able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Brow ridges and leadership qualities

What brow ridges should a person with leadership inclinations have? Protruding brow ridges on a steep forehead indicate the presence of leadership qualities, great willpower and the ability to lead. Broken, wide eyebrows also testify to this. Since the face is closely related to character, a person with unexpressed superciliary arches cannot be a leader.

Are brow ridges a sign of cruelty?

Some physiognomists really believe that pronounced brow ridges, like a sharp chin, are a sign of cruelty to other people. This is due to the fact that such individuals are internally very strong and conservative. They only consider their opinion. Therefore, in some situations they can behave rudely and sometimes harshly.

The forehead represents on the face:

  • career
  • intelligence
  • the older generation
  • age from 15 to 30 years
  • good luck
  • inheritance
  • inner views
  • thoughts

The hairline also matters. If you divide the forehead into three equal parts, then you can see the level of development of logic, memory and calculation.

forehead width

narrow forehead speaks of a quick reaction, but such a person is easy to anger and, it is easy for him to get confused in love problems.

Broad forehead speaks of a polite, quick-witted, intelligent person who first thinks and then acts.

If forehead not smooth, it means career difficulties, hard work, difficult childhood, poor health. The owner of such a forehead is easy to get into an accident situation, it is easy to get confused in business matters and, most likely, he will experience difficulties between the ages of 15 and 30 years.

If forehead smooth, he says he has a good childhood, good health, great social life, high chances of promotion. Such a person will easily achieve his goals up to 30 years.

forehead shape

high forehead- good chances for development, excellent logic, support of the older generation and ancestors, intelligence, anxiety and, alas, loneliness. Low forehead - respectively, poor chances for development, weak logic, stupidity and disappointment.

square edge hairline speaks of good abilities, realism, honesty and good fighting spirit.
edge of hair in the shape of the letter M- betrays a pioneer with good intuition and self-control. Such a person is doomed to fame, especially if the forehead is also convex.

round edge hair speaks of a good memory, but an unstable (female) character. High bald patches on the forehead belong to travelers, people who love change and movement. They are distinguished by intelligence, logic, strong self-motivation. Sometimes the hairline is not even, it speaks of insufficient parental care.

forehead profile

If you look at the forehead in profile, you can see convex(aggressive) forehead, telling us about the mind, good communication skills and good chances for promotion. Flat the forehead belongs to a wise man with good self-control and foresight. negative, or concave forehead, indicates an unsuccessful career and problems with money.

I think it's time to offer you a small express analysis of the face of a famous person.

Valentin Kataev

What can you tell about this man by the shape of his face?
Wise, understanding, has a sharp memory, intuition, quick reaction, good fighting spirit, luck. Subtly feels other people, self-confident, a bright leader.

The most beautiful and largest part of the face is the forehead. He tells us about a good childhood, the ability to communicate well with older people, love for parents. This is the forehead of a pioneer and experimenter who loves change and movement. Congenital intuition (6th sense), support of ancestors. Pronounced intellectual mindset. This is a thinker, inclined to analyze everything. Think first, then do. Bibliographic memory, excellent erudition.

As for COMMUNICATION, ( , ) - he was a man with an excellent sense of humor, healthy, one might say. Attention to detail is what characterizes these eyes. I liked order in everything. He liked to show himself, he easily learned everything new. He had a special relationship with women. He was more forgiving towards them. And in general, there was a lot of feminine in his character, hence, I think, the softness and beauty of presentation.

Characteristics of the forehead and fortune telling

Wrinkles on the forehead, like the lines on the palm, correspond to the planets and carry certain information that reflects the character and abilities of a person. The uppermost wrinkle is located at the edge of the hair and falls under the auspices of Saturn and patronizes children. Below it is the wrinkle of Jupiter, showing a predisposition to religiosity. This is followed by the wrinkle of Mars - this patronizes the military. Below is the wrinkle of the Sun, which is especially favorable to the rulers. Even lower is the wrinkle of Venus - a feature of the rulers. The wrinkle of Mercury following it speaks of susceptibility to disease and suffering.

Different schools have different divisions of wrinkles, including the one shown in the picture.

Five wrinkles of equal length in the middle of the forehead speak of a great mind, directness and integrity both in the family and in the service. Such a person is an ascetic who sacrifices himself for the happiness of his neighbor.

The deep and even wrinkle of Saturn marks the sexy champion. If the wrinkles of Jupiter and Saturn are curved in the shape of a bow, then their owner is ambitious. In the case when these two wrinkles are sinuous, then they belong to a dishonest person, a liar. The break in the center of Jupiter's wrinkle indicates great spiritual strength. Travelers are characterized by a single straight wrinkle. If the only wrinkle twists like a snake, such a person is strong both in soul and body. The versatility of interests and talents is indicated by two equal deep wrinkles above the eyebrows. If there are many small and thin wrinkles above the eyebrows, then this indicates poor health.

Rice. 36. Distribution of wrinkles on the forehead according to European astrological principles: 1 - line of Saturn; 2 - line of Jupiter; 3 - line of Mars; 4 - line of Venus; 5 - line of the Sun; 6 - line of the Moon; 7 - line of Mercury

Above the right eye is the line of the Sun, above the left eye is the line of the Moon, and above the nose is the line of Mercury.

Each of these lines from the right to the left side is divided into 60 equal parts, which is a year; the middle above the nose shows half of that number or years. When these lines are long, straight, not intersected by extraneous lines, warts and spots, they show the following:

Saturn line: responsible for house-building, points to skilled people in the craft.

Jupiter line: indicates learning and wealth.

Mars line: militancy, disposition to medicine and bloodshed.

Line of Venus: disposition to music, panache, fun and pleasure.

Sun Line: predicts happiness, wealth and nobility.

Moon line: love of travel, trade, animal hunting, etc.

Mercury line: love for the sciences, eloquence, merchants, brokerage and litigation.

If these lines are short, crooked, crossed, spotted or warted, then they mean misfortune. Bent lines show a variable disposition, the same means if these lines separate or diverge.

The crooked or round line of Saturn shows an evil and unhappy person; a slingshot in it - threatens with misfortune, and such a person is more harmful than useful.

When branches up and down are visible from the Jupiter line, a person is in danger from water and this trait shows the inconstancy of character.

Forehead in Chinese

The forehead was placed by Chinese physiognomists in the upper zone of the face. When analyzing this area, the physiognomist can at first glance probably say more about the fate of a person than about his character. According to the Chinese, the history of a person's life for a period of 15 to 30 years is inscribed on the forehead.

Ideally, the bony structure of the forehead should be broad, but it should not protrude excessively. The platforms on both sides of the forehead should go down without the effect of sharp breaks. The skin should be tight enough and have a healthy sheen.

Among Chinese physiognomists, as to some extent in the West, the forehead is considered to indicate mental abilities. However, the physiognomist must be careful when analyzing the "powerful" forehead. As with the Five Essential Features, a "powerful brow" should be well balanced and in proportion with other facial features.

If the forehead is so large that it protrudes excessively, then this can mean both genius and idiocy. Such cases can only be assessed in combination with other facial features.

Chinese physiognomists give the following characteristics of a person depending on the shape of the forehead.

If a forehead narrow and low leaning back - this indicates a weak mind.

Forehead protruding far in width and height(Fig. 37 d) - a great mind.

Forehead low(Fig. 37a) - an energetic, cruel nature, prone to crime, replete with base instincts.

The forehead is wide and convex at the corners(Fig. 37b) - a rich fantasy, sick imagination.

The forehead is steep, convex in the middle- a serious mind.

Forehead crescent-shaped(Fig. 37c) - nature is narrow-minded, routine, moderate in qualities, with hidden flaws.

Rice. 37. Forms of the forehead according to the Chinese physiognomic school

Rice. 38. Forms of the forehead according to the Japanese physiognomic school

According to the Japanese physiognomic school inverted pyramid forehead(Fig. 38, No. 2), - a melancholy-cunning nature, deceitful and stupid, selfish, prone to debauchery.

Forehead straight and slightly wide- straightforwardness, kindness and narrow-mindedness.

Forehead quadrangular(Fig. 38, No. 4) - generosity.

Strongly developed forehead- a vast, observant mind.

Too big forehead- laziness, immobility.

Forehead is too prominent(Fig. 38, No. 3) - the nature is evil, narrow-minded, worldly-practical.

Forehead too flat- soft disposition, and sometimes limited mind.

Forehead too wide- hot, quick-tempered nature, arrogance.

forehead too small- mobility (usually the poverty of spiritual forces).

Forehead with bulging musical bumps(Fig. 38, No. 7) - musical talent and wealth of the inner world.

Small, short forehead- dishonesty.

Forehead in the representation of Europeans

Forehead is smooth, without wrinkles- carefree, cheerful disposition.

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the eyebrows,- deep mind

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hair,- cruelty, pride.

Forehead with deep wrinkles in the form of folds- mediocre mind, laziness.

Forehead wrinkled in all directions,- eccentricity, originality.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles towards the base of the nose- deep mind

Forehead with horizontal, parallel and subtle wrinkles- calm mind, honesty.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles- great mind, energy, pride, ambition.

Forehead with deep zigzag wrinkles- failure in business.

The forehead is low, bony, with deep zigzag wrinkles.- shamelessness and all sorts of vices.

Forehead with deep and irregular wrinkles in all directions- impetuous mind, sharpness, quarrelsomeness and rudeness.

Some people reach maturity in their twenties, others in their thirties. According to physiognomists, it depends on the fate of a person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops as experience is gained. The more problems we face, the more intensively we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In the process, marks and lines appear on the face, well known to face readers as wrinkles.

In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of a person. Some lines can be clearly defined, others only slightly.

Rice. 39. Location of wrinkles

People who have a harder life tend to have deeper wrinkles. But that's it: a groove is not a hard and fast rule, as many young people develop deep wrinkles prematurely. When studying the face, the analysis of these phenomena can reveal a lot about the character and fate of a person.

Of course, in each part of the face there are a large number of different lines. We will only explore the main ones here. So, for example, from one to six lines usually pass through the forehead (Fig. 39a).

Irregular lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39b) - characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and helplessness of a person in life. Such people are prone to evil deeds. Even if such a person rises to a high position, his mind will still be marked with suspicion. If these lines are very deep, then this may indicate premature death.

Irregular lines, but rough and more pronounced and also scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39c), indicate the collapse of plans, gloominess and inability to achieve the intended goals. Such people also suffer greatly from domestic troubles.

One and only horizontal line passing through the middle of the forehead (Fig. 39 d) is a sign of a beautiful and noble life. Such a person is likely to be successful in all his undertakings, and especially at a young age. However, if the line is located too close to the eyebrows, that is, "too low", then this may indicate early unhappiness in life.

Two or three lines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39e) are considered a good sign. A forehead with two lines is very common in successful and resourceful people. A forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.

If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle with a short perpendicular line (Fig. 39e), then this is a sign of nobility, especially favorable fate, long life and a high position associated with power.

Three long lines without breaks, running across the forehead, forming a large arc (Fig. 39g), indicate a person of great popularity.

Such a person is highly respected and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without much hardship.

Lines of unusual outlines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39h) indicate that a person will soon occupy a prominent position. However, if other facial features are weak, then this means a life full of hardships.

Rare lines in the form of a rhombus (Fig. 39i) indicate a long life and great fame. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.

Chinese standard hair line

The forehead should be considered considering its shape, width, height (from the hairline to the eyebrows), wrinkles, hairline (front and on both sides), shine. The forehead must be free of distortion, either from birth defects or other causes. An uneven forehead on the left side indicates the loss of a father at an early age, on the right - the loss of a mother.

When determining the width and height of the forehead, a line is drawn one inch above the eyebrows (Fig. 39a). The measurement is taken from the lower right hairline across the front of the forehead to the lower left hairline. In most cases, the length of this line is from 12.5 to 20 cm. Of course, there are foreheads that are narrower and wider, but they are considered as “abnormal”.

Ideally, the width of the front of the forehead lies between 7.5 and 10 cm (Fig. 39b). Then comes the slope to the temples on both sides of the face. The slope should be smooth and soft. Individuals with such foreheads are capable of achieving success and prosperity.

If there is a sudden "kink" in the slope, then this indicates poverty and misfortune. A wide forehead with a high hairline and an abundance of meat on the bones indicates intelligence and prominence.

Conversely, a narrow forehead with a low hairline indicates mediocrity.

As a general rule, the hairline should be 5–8.7 cm from the eyebrows, but should not excessively exceed the length of the nose or the lower zone (Fig. 39c). Moreover, this length only matches the natural hairline, not the hairline created by cosmetics, wigs or plastic surgery.

Many individuals begin to lose their hair and become bald at a young age. But this receding line should not be considered part of the forehead.

Horizontally, the ideal forehead should be between 15 and 16.5 cm long.

Thus, the standard for a good forehead is an open area without hair, 12.5 to 20 cm long and 6.2 to 15 cm wide.

The hairline is closely related to the shape of the forehead. If the forehead is angular, then the hairline will be the same (Fig. 39 d). A person with this type of forehead is likely to be practical, gifted, sociable.

He has a disciplined, practical mind.

However, he has no artistic streak. A woman with such a forehead prefers a business or professional career rather than homework.

An angular forehead in which both lateral hairlines converge, making the top hairline much shorter than the previous type, indicates that the person has an unhappy family background. Such a person submits to pressure from the outside and may be in continuous stress.

In such cases, a person should try to correct this negative situation by taking a more confident and courageous position (Fig. 39e).

The M-shaped hairline (Fig. 39e) is a sign of artistic temperament and great sensitivity.

Such people are able to advance as artists, musicians, writers and scientists. By giving free rein to his passion, such a person may find incongruous anger and joy.

He is also indifferent to the future, has no business acumen, and prefers a bohemian lifestyle.

Women with a hairline similar to an M-shape, but much smaller and more pointed (Fig. 39g), belong to a chaste and virtuous type. They are sensual and value constancy in relationships. They also love household chores.

Often women have a round hairline (Fig. 39h). It indicates a liberated spirit and an independent thinking mind. Angled hair lines can be found in enterprising women, in female employees. Such women are always ready to compete with men on an equal footing.

An uneven hairline, with frayed edges (Fig. 39i), forming a jagged contour, indicates a difficult childhood and a neurotic personality in later years. Often such a person is sullen and rude and rebels against society.

Most people with scalloped hairline are of low intelligence. But again, a word of caution is in order. This conclusion does not apply to people who have a forehead of good shape, broad and fairly even, despite the irregular hairline.

The facts from history show that many rebellious people, despite the jagged hairline, had a high intelligence.

Rice. 40. Zones of distribution of abilities among the irregularities of the forehead and skull according to European phrenology

1 - physical love;

2 - the instinct to preserve the species;

3 - kindness;

4 - the spirit of contradiction;

5 - cunning;

6 - a tendency to steal;

7 - pride;

8 - ambition;

9 - caution;

10 - tameability;

11 - terrain instinct;

12 - memory for faces;

13 - memory of words;

14 - the ability to articulate speech;

15 - a feeling that determines the relationship of sounds;

16 - a feeling that determines the ratio of numbers;

17 - mechanical. instinct;

18 - metaphysical mind;

19 - poetic talent;

20 - imitation;

21 - a tendency to religiosity;

22 - steadfastness

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Pain in the forehead- is a variety headache. The reasons for its occurrence are varied. They can be divided into the following groups:
1. Forehead injuries.
2. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
3. Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
4. Pathologies of the nervous system.

By the nature of the pain in the forehead can be acute, throbbing, pressing, stabbing. It can disturb for a short period of time or for a long time, occur alone or in combination with other symptoms. The patient must tell the doctor about all this at the appointment so that the correct diagnosis is made and effective treatment is prescribed.

Acute severe pain in the forehead with injuries

Forehead injury

Bruising of the forehead area is a type of injury in which only soft tissue damage is noted (in this case, mainly skin). Pain in the forehead occurs immediately after the injury, and gradually disappears in the following days.

Often, pain in the forehead with a bruise is accompanied by the appearance of a subcutaneous hematoma (bruise). It also resolves within a few days. If the hematoma is large enough, it can fester. In this case, the pain in the forehead increases, the body temperature rises, when touched, severe pain is noted.
The cause of severe pain in the forehead with a bruise is established during a direct examination. In case of head injuries, there is always a suspicion of a concussion of the brain, therefore, an examination by a neurologist is mandatory, especially if there is a hematoma.

Frontal bone fracture

Fractures of the frontal bone are quite severe injuries that, as a rule, occur upon impact. At this moment there is a very strong pain in the forehead. Such injuries are almost always accompanied by concussion or bruising of the brain.

With fractures of the frontal bone, severe pain in the forehead is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • well-defined subcutaneous hematoma in the forehead;
  • deformation in the forehead, which, as a rule, is also clearly visible;
  • general disorders: headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • if the fracture affects the orbits, then there is visual impairment, double vision;
  • there may be bleeding from the ears, the release of a clear liquid from them - cerebral cerebrospinal fluid (this indicates severe damage);
  • if the paranasal sinuses (maxillary, frontal) are affected, then there is an accumulation of air under the skin of the forehead and face - it seems a little swollen.
If there is even the slightest suspicion of a fracture of the frontal bone, then the victim must be shown a CT scan. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is immediately admitted to the hospital.

Concussions and brain injuries

With injuries to the forehead, concussions and bruises of the brain can be noted. If there is a fracture of the frontal bone, then one of these conditions will certainly be identified.

With a concussion of the brain, pain in the forehead is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and general weakness. There may be a short-term loss of consciousness at the time of injury (with a concussion, it usually lasts no more than 5 minutes). At the same time, sometimes with a concussion, there is only severe pain in the forehead without any other symptoms. If there is a suspicion of this condition, then the patient admitted to the emergency room must be examined by a neurologist.

A brain contusion is a more serious and severe condition. At the time of injury, there is also severe pain in the forehead, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Loss of consciousness can continue for a long time. Neurological manifestations such as double vision, uneven pupils and their different widths, weakness in the leg or arm on one side may be detected.

With a brain contusion, pain in the forehead and other symptoms not only do not decrease, but may even increase. During the X-ray and computed tomography, fractures of the frontal bone are almost always detected.

Concussions and bruises of the brain are quite serious conditions that can have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, with a sufficiently severe injury to the forehead and the head in general, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the emergency room for examination.

Abrasions and wounds of the forehead

Forehead pain can occur as a result of damage to the skin and other soft tissues - wounds and abrasions. If the wound has a sufficiently large depth, then it is necessary to visit a traumatologist and suture. This will speed up healing and prevent the formation of ugly scars.

Pain in the forehead with infectious and inflammatory diseases


Frontitis is a disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses, located in the thickness of the frontal bone, directly above the nose. Most often, frontal sinusitis is a complication of acute respiratory diseases, viral infections.

Patients with frontal sinusitis are worried about severe pain in the forehead area, especially in the morning. Depending on which side of the sinus is affected, there is pain in the forehead, mainly on the right or left. It can have varying degrees of severity: from almost imperceptible to unbearable. It usually subsides as the contents flow from the frontal sinus, and then resumes again. Thus, sensations are cyclical.

Pain in the forehead with frontal sinusitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general malaise, fever;
  • nasal congestion on the side where pain is noted;
  • in severe cases, there is a loss of smell, photophobia.
Frontitis and pain in the forehead on the right or left very often occur as a manifestation of influenza infection. In this case, the patient can often notice swelling above the nose due to impaired blood flow in the capillaries and swelling of the skin.

The diagnosis of frontitis is established after examination by an ENT doctor. Antiviral and antibacterial treatment is prescribed.


Sinusitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary sinuses located on the sides of the nose. Often, this causes pain not in the immediate location of the sinuses, but in the forehead, on the right or left.

Other symptoms of sinusitis are quite characteristic:

  • pain occurs, as a rule, always at the same time of day;
  • body temperature rises, general weakness, malaise, chills are noted;
  • the nose is stuffed up on one side, there is discharge from the nostrils.
Diagnosis of the causes of pain in the forehead area and the appointment of treatment are carried out by an otolaryngologist. Antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy are prescribed. In more severe cases, piercing of the maxillary sinus is prescribed.


Ethmoiditis is an inflammatory disease of the ethmoid sinus, which is located behind the nose, deep in the skull. At the same time, pain in the forehead is also noted periodically, at a certain time of the day, accompanied by a runny nose, fever and other symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition is carried out by an ENT doctor.

Infectious diseases

Headaches in the forehead area are quite often observed with the following infections:
1. With influenza, pain in the forehead is associated with the penetration of the virus into the blood and general intoxication of the body. Also, pain syndrome can become a sign of a developed complication - frontal sinusitis. With the flu, forehead pain has some peculiarities. It usually occurs at the very beginning of the disease, and spreads to the temples and brow ridges. At the same time, the patient feels weakness, chills, muscle pain. At the same time, the main symptoms of the pathology may still be completely absent: they develop in a couple of days.
2. Headaches are very characteristic in typhoid and malaria. They are, as a rule, very intense, accompanied by a general disorder, fever, and other manifestations characteristic of these diseases.
3. With meningitis, pain may be localized in the forehead area. The disease is an inflammation of the lining of the brain, which contains a large number of nerve endings. The most common purulent meningitis is caused by pathogens of meningococci. This causes severe pain in the forehead or other areas of the head. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply: the body temperature rises, he loses consciousness, various neurological symptoms are noted. The disease is treated in a neurological hospital, in intensive care units. Contact with patients is very dangerous in terms of infection.
4. Encephalitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by various pathogens. In this case, the clinical picture can also differ, and have a different degree of severity. The patient is worried about headache in the forehead or other parts of the head, weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness. In more severe cases, hallucinations and delirium develop, coma.
5. Today, Thailand and other southern countries have become a favorite travel destination for tourists. Going on a trip for the first time, you can transfer dengue fever- a viral disease that is somewhat reminiscent of the common cold. The patient is concerned about pain in the forehead, chills, fever, pain in the muscles and bones. Pain in the forehead and elevated body temperature (up to 40 o C) disturb the patient cyclically, appearing for 2-3 days, and then disappearing for 1-3 days. For the diagnosis and treatment of such an "unusual cold" it is necessary to contact an infectious disease specialist. In total, the disease can last 3 to 8 weeks.

Pain in the forehead associated with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

In the cavity of the human skull there is a huge number of vessels that deliver blood rich in nutrients to the brain and surrounding tissues. One of the symptoms of impaired blood flow in the cranial cavity is pain in the forehead.

Increased intracranial pressure

The brain is located in a closed cavity of the skull, surrounded by dense bone walls. With an increase in pressure in the cranial arteries and veins, many of the nerve endings located here are irritated. As a result, a headache develops, in particular, pain in the forehead.
Headache in the forehead with increased intracranial pressure is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, lethargy, pallor, pre-syncope and fainting;
  • feeling of pressure in the eyes, pain of a throbbing nature.

The causes of pain in the forehead with increased intracranial pressure may be the following conditions:

  • Arterial hypertension, especially hypertensive crisis (an episode of severely elevated blood pressure).
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the sympathotonic type, in which high blood pressure is noted.
  • Skull injuries (concussions and bruises). An increase in intracranial pressure and pain in the forehead can develop even in patients who have suffered an injury for a relatively long time.
  • Violation of blood flow in the vessels of the brain, for example, as a result of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, or a tumor.
  • Congenital malformations of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances and drugs.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Sometimes pain in the forehead and other parts of the head in the evenings can be caused by banal overwork.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine glands: adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.

Decreased intracranial pressure

With a decrease in intracranial pressure, pain in the forehead may also be disturbing. They can have different intensity, from mild to very strong, painful. Often, pain sensations are girdle in nature, that is, they occur in the forehead, temples, and back of the head. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, pallor, drowsiness, pre-fainting and fainting;
  • usually pain in the forehead with a decrease in intracranial pressure increases in the supine position and sitting;
  • noise in the ears, "flies before the eyes."
The reasons for the decrease in intracranial pressure and pain in the forehead can be as follows:
  • Narrowing of the arteries of the brain caused by atherosclerosis, thrombosis, congenital malformations: at the same time, rather large vessels are narrowed, which play a leading role in the blood supply to the cranial cavity.
  • Tumors of the brain.
  • Hypotension (general low blood pressure, which may be an individual feature of the body, or caused by various pathological factors). Pain in the forehead area, due to such reasons, can be provoked and intensified with prolonged stay in a stuffy room, excessive intense physical exertion, stress, mental overwork.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the vagotonic type: this form of the disease is accompanied by low blood pressure.
  • Endocrine pathologies: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.
For pain in the forehead caused by an increase or decrease in intracranial pressure, an examination is carried out to determine the cause of the symptom, which includes an x-ray of the skull, angiography (X-ray examination of the vessels of the cranial cavity with contrast enhancement), computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ECHO- encephalography, general and biochemical blood tests. Treatment is carried out by a cardiologist or internist.

Pain in the forehead due to pathologies of the nervous system

Pain in the forehead can be symptoms of various pathologies of the nervous system.


Migraine is a chronic disease that occurs in 10% of people. It manifests itself in the form of periodic intense throbbing pains in the forehead, which cover the right or left half of the head.

Usually at the beginning of a migraine attack there is a strong throbbing pain in the temple, which spreads to the forehead and the orbit, the back of the head. There are other typical symptoms, too:

  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain and discomfort are greatly aggravated when the patient is exposed to bright light and loud noise;
  • if there are pungent odors in the room where the patient is located, then he also perceives them quite painfully;
  • in some patients, during a migraine attack, there is a violation of orientation in space;
  • sometimes there may be a violation of digestion;
  • noise in the ears, "flies before the eyes."
Most often, migraine attacks are repeated at intervals of 2 to 8 times a month. Sometimes they disturb the patient very rarely, and sometimes almost daily. At the moment, the cause of pain in the forehead with migraine is not fully established.

Most often, the patient feels the approach of a migraine attack: it is preceded by a complex of sensations called an aura. It can be certain smells or light flashes before the eyes. Sometimes it's just a set of sensations that are difficult to put into words.
For the treatment of pain in the forehead with migraines, medications are used. At the same time, the patient should avoid all factors that can provoke seizures. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe and frequent that the patient has to establish a disability group.

Migraine is usually diagnosed and treated by a neurologist.

cluster pain

Cluster (beam) pain in the forehead area is paroxysmal pain that occurs spontaneously, for no apparent reason, and then also passes on its own.

Cluster pains are characterized by high intensity: sometimes they are so strong that the patient tries to commit suicide and attempts suicide.

In most cases, cluster headaches in the forehead occur for the first time between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The most characteristic age is 30 years. A series of attacks usually follows, after which the patient has no symptoms for 3 years. Then the headaches come back. With cluster headaches, heredity was not noted. Usually the patient is the only person in the family suffering from this pathology.

An attack of cluster headache in the forehead is characterized by the following features:
1. It arises spontaneously, on its own. It is not preceded, as in migraine, by an aura.
2. Pain in the forehead is one-sided. It usually occurs only on the right or left. Pain extends to the temple, to the corresponding part of the forehead and the back of the head. Sometimes they are localized only around the right or left eye.
3. Attacks are usually very short (15 minutes) but frequent. From 1 to 10 attacks can occur per day. An episode of headaches in the forehead can last from several days to weeks, and even months. After that, as described above, there is a 3-year period when nothing bothers the patient.
4. During an attack, the symptoms arising from the eye are very characteristic. Pain in the forehead is accompanied by redness of the eyeball, constriction of the pupil, visual impairment. The eyelid on the side of the same name is lowered and slightly swollen.
5. Characterized by increased heart rate.
6. Regular attacks of cluster headaches are provoked by smoking, drinking alcohol. Often they occur in the spring or autumn season.

Treatment of cluster pain in the forehead area is carried out by a neurologist. Due to the short duration of attacks, their therapy is difficult. Today, some drugs are successfully used, but this should be done only under the supervision of a doctor.

trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease whose nature is not yet fully understood. It is accompanied by attacks of sharp stabbing pains in the face, in the places where the corresponding branches of the trigeminal nerve pass. If the upper branch is affected, then sharp, rather severe pains are noted in the forehead on the right or left.

Attacks of trigeminal neuralgia are characterized by the following features:

  • They can occur on their own, for no apparent reason, but are most often provoked by touching, shaving, washing with cold or hot water.
  • There is a so-called trigger zone, with irritation of which pain occurs with a greater degree of probability: it is located between the nose and upper lip.
  • Most often, acute pain in the forehead lasts no more than two minutes (in most cases, the attack takes a few seconds in duration), it has a shooting character.
  • The distribution of pain is very variable, depending on how the branches of the trigeminal nerve pass under the skin: often patients complain of toothache, pain in the eyes, ears and nose. Sometimes there is pain in the index finger on the left.
Treatment of pain in the forehead with trigeminal neuralgia is carried out by a neurologist. Medications are used. Sometimes, in severe cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention - the destruction of the trigeminal nerve node, which is located on the inner surface of the temporal bone.


Pain in the forehead can also be psychogenic. For example, with neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis, pathologically increased suspiciousness. At the same time, apart from the pain itself, no other pathological symptoms are detected.

The diagnosis of neurosis, the only manifestation of which is pain in the forehead, can only be established after all other causes of the symptom have been excluded.

Pain in the forehead in diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative disease of the spine, in this case, its cervical region. In this case, there is a partial destruction of the intervertebral discs, the formation of bone outgrowths on the vertebrae - osteophytes. As a result, the openings between the vertebrae narrow, through which the roots of the spinal cord exit the spinal canal. Their compression leads to pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, cervical osteochondrosis is manifested by pain in the back of the head. But sometimes there are predominantly pains in the forehead. By nature, they can be pressing, pulling, aching or shooting.

Often, a headache in the forehead caused by osteochondrosis is provoked by cold, excessive physical exertion, prolonged monotonous position of the head and neck, for example, during work. Morning pains that occur after the head has occupied a monotonous position are very characteristic, especially if an uncomfortable pillow has been used.

For pain in the forehead with osteochondrosis, other symptoms are also characteristic:

  • tinnitus, "flies before the eyes", darkening in the eyes;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pallor;
  • impaired coordination of movements, unsteady gait;
  • tingling, numbness, "crawling" and other unpleasant sensations in the skin of the face, head, neck.
For the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used. For the purpose of treatment, medications, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises are used. During an attack of headache in the forehead caused by osteochondrosis, painkillers, dry heat, rest are used.

Tension headache

Pain in the forehead of a pressing character can be caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the head and face, neck. The causes of such pain may be the following factors:
  • prolonged stress, depression, increased levels of anxiety;
  • prolonged muscle tension associated, for example, with constant work in a monotonous position;
  • severe fatigue.
Headaches in the forehead, associated with muscle tension and, as a result, exacerbation of pain sensitivity, are characterized by the following features:
  • along with it, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, staggering may occur;
  • usually pain starts from the neck, and only then captures the head and forehead;
  • there are pressing pains in the forehead;
  • most often the pain syndrome develops in the evening, in the afternoon;
  • often patients compare their sensations with tightening their heads with a hoop or a tight hat.
In order to treat tension headaches, rest, painkillers are prescribed. It is advisable to control the level of blood pressure.

Eye pathologies

Pain in the forehead area can be a symptom of eye diseases. The nerves and vessels of the orbit pass directly into the cranial cavity, so pain and increased pressure in the eye vessels are often transmitted to the intracranial vessels and nerves.

Pain in the forehead associated with tumor processes

Sometimes chronic pain in the forehead is associated with tumor processes. Most often, the following types of tumors lead to the appearance of a symptom:
1. Tumors of the frontal bone located on its inner surface.
2. Tumors of the frontal lobe of the brain. In this case, pain in the forehead may be accompanied by symptoms such as epileptic seizures, mental disorders, speech, smell, movements.
3. Vascular tumors are hemangiomas. Pain can be caused by a hemangioma located in the region of the frontal lobe of the brain.
4. Tumors of the paranasal sinuses: frontal, maxillary. Smokers are especially prone to such pathologies.
5. Tumor of the pituitary gland - the most important endocrine gland of the body, located at the base of the skull. In this case, pain in the forehead area is often combined with visual impairment.
6. Tumors located in the cavity of the orbit. They can originate from the eyeball, nerve, blood vessels, adipose and connective tissue. This is characterized by bulging eyes and double vision. Outwardly, it is possible to identify the asymmetrical position of the eyeballs in the orbits.

Typically, patients suffering from prolonged pain in the forehead caused by tumor processes, initially get an appointment with a neurologist. Then the oncologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

What to do if you are worried about pain in the forehead?

As follows from the above, forehead pain can have various causes. Sometimes it is simply a consequence of overwork, and in other cases it signals a serious pathology. If the pain syndrome occurred once, for a short time and was not very pronounced, then, most likely, there was simply an episode of tension pain, and there is no reason for concern. If the pain is strong enough and recurs periodically, then you should consult a doctor, primarily a neurologist.

Painkillers help relieve the symptom, the most common of which is analgin. However, it is worth remembering that they help only for a while, and do not eliminate the cause. Therefore, if the pain in the forehead is caused by any disease, it is necessary that the doctor prescribes a special treatment.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.