Flash mob gifts for the new year. Flashmob New Year's gifts!!! WCbook official position

Dear friends, we are faced with a terrible phenomenon in the social network VKontakte - a book pyramid! Perhaps many of you have already come across an entry with a peppy title: "Books for children as a gift for the New Year." Stop! Whether by stupidity, or by malicious intent, but in this way you will become a member of a real pyramid built on books!

Dear friends, we are faced with a terrible phenomenon in the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook - a book pyramid! Perhaps many of you have already come across an entry with a peppy title: "Books for children as a gift for the New Year." Stop! Whether by stupidity, or by malicious intent, but so you will become a member of a real pyramid built on books!

The message itself looks like this:

Books for children as a gift for the New Year. Great idea for a flash mob. I suggest you too: give one book to one child, and your child in return will receive 36 books in the mail from a variety of people! We need 6 applicants (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and others), who would like to please their children with books, and who are serious about participating. Here's how it works: you buy and send only ONE book to the address given to you, and your child then receives 36 books from other participants (this will work if everyone follows simple rules). If you want to participate, tell me and I will send you the rules. The first 6 people who sign up under this post participate! The country of residence is not important, it is even more interesting to exchange children's books from different countries.

Everything looks delightful - send one book and get 36 as a gift. But remember, only you always pay for miracles!

Let's take a closer look at the rules of the game. Of course, we do not publish two forwarding addresses.

You send the book to the first child. Responded friends write in the first place of my child, the second of yours. (addresses). After that, send it to the 6 members who commented on your post. So simple!
If less than 6 people who want to take part respond, you will receive books again, only there will be less than 36, since you need to have 6 friends,so that they, in turn, pass it on to the next 6. But even if there are fewer, again it's good, since you only buy one book,in order to start a pyramid of books and to pass from one to another. And this is one of the best ways for kids to start reading, and not sit on gadgets. Just imagine how nice it will be for a child to receive a colorful book with a fascinating story, a fairy tale or an encyclopedia, maybe a puzzle book or just some kind of educational book with different games in it. Think about what kind of book you would like to receive as a gift and send it, although it seems to you that it is expensive, it is worth it for 1 book You get 36!!! Of course, there are people who do not have the opportunity to buy expensive and good books, so let's help them get a wonderful collection for their child. By the way, this initiative can be done for adults by sending their favorite book. Copy my post and post it on your wall. And the first 6th send this message that I sent you.
That is, you send the book to the addressee under number 1, and you rearrange the addressee under number 2 to the first place, and your child will be in the second ...
It is only necessary that at least 6 people from your friends take part.

Before you - standard pyramid scheme , which was previously used to simply take money from the population. Everything seems simple and clear, if you forget that pyramids have explosive growth, and people tend to end . Let's take a look at some simple steps:

  1. To bestow a gift on the first child, he must be sent 36 books. So far so good.
  2. To bestow upon the next 36 children, books should be sent already 1296 . It seems not fatal for our country.
  3. The next step will require sending already 46656 books. And it will give rise to the same number of people who want to receive a book as a gift.
  4. The step number four looks a little strange, because it requires 1679616 shipments. But our country is large, and there are one and a half million book lovers.
  5. And here the problems begin. To please one and a half million participants, it must be sent 60.5 million books.

In the seventh step, we need only 11 populations of the entire globe. Which of the steps do you think will stop the growth of the pyramid?

Think about it! Your own child can get anything only in case that if any of the six who took over from you can attract at least one person. The probability of this is already extremely small, but it is even less likely that you will receive a decent book. And if your friends accidentally stumble upon the so-called " trolls", and at best you will get a textbook on quantum physics or some kind of erotica, and even worse - cheap pulp novel.

If you are lucky enough to be on top of it, then you will get something. But most likely, you will just take part in a strange and slightly fraudulent scheme .

Only you know what your child really needs!
Pyramids and flash mobs are not an option!
Just give books to your child!

Do not be fooled by this, it is better to give these six books to your child together with your relatives! And our search service will help you find them!

Gift a book to your child!

Almost a year later, after the publication of this article (and it appeared on December 8, 2015), we have prepared useful tips for everyone on how to properly participate in this event. You can get acquainted with them with the help of this magic green button.

If you want to do good deeds - please your children, younger brothers and sisters, friends!

Don't let the pyramid grow!

Give a book to YOUR child!

WCbook official position

Dear friends, participants and opponents of the book pyramid! Given its popularity, the project management would like to express their opinion on this matter.

We do not encourage you to opt out in this dubious event, just as we do not call you into its orderly ranks. We are only point out doubtfulness and poor study the event itself on the part of the author.

We do not encourage you to buy books in our store. At least for the simple reason that we don't sell books but only help to find them. And we will be very happy to help you find the right book on the virtual shelves of popular online stores in Russia.

We call you to account. All of you! After all, we are talking about our future - our children.

Just try these few things:

  1. Primarily, gift a book to your child. No one but you knows what will be best for your children, what aspects of their character you would like to change with this book, what interesting knowledge and exciting adventures you would like to give them. Helping and making other children happy is great, but then, and only then when you have done everything necessary for your child.
  2. If you do not have children yet, the previous paragraph can be completely and completely transferred to the children of your relatives, friends and just good friends. Before going to visit them this New Year's holidays, contact the parents and ask for advice on whether to give their child a good book.
  3. In the event that you still want to please a child you do not know, be sure to contact his parents. This is very easy to do, because the parent of the first child on the list himself passed the baton to you, and through him you can also find the parent of the second child. Be sure to discuss with parents what to give their children. Remember that the name, age and place of residence can't say anything about the interests of the child. In addition to interests, cultural characteristics, religious views and many other features of the worldview of the family you want to please can have a huge impact.
  4. Provide reporting maximum. When sending a book by Russian Post, courier service, parcel terminals, hyperspace tunnels, teleporters, powerful spells, floating bottles, carrier pigeons, send the track code of their package to the lucky recipients. So you will be sure that the New Year's gift, and with it the joy, will reach the recipient.

Make the most of the responsibility and give the children joy!

Remember that contests and flash mobs are not required to do good deeds. Love to read and give this love to others.

Anton "AlterVision" Reznichenko, head of the Bookshelf project, was indignant about the flash mob

That's honestly hooked!!! I was hooked on why I can’t write my opinion about this Scam Flash Mob!

Why if a person writes his opinion different from the opinion of the creator of the post, then these comments should be deleted !!!

I think that this flash mob is a SCAM-pyramid and it is mainly selfish persons who are only concerned about the fate of their children, and they don’t give a damn about the rest! Since a normal sane person understands that in this adventure there will be many children who will not even receive one gift! And I don’t need to write that I feel sorry for the unfortunate book! I feel sorry for other people's children, children who will go to send a parcel with their mothers and grandmothers to the post office, and then they will check the mailbox in the hope of receiving a gift! And there is no need to write about the fact that these mothers are stupid chickens (figuratively), since they dedicated the baby to this game! But this is for children, so children must wait for this gift, otherwise what is all this for????

I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinion correctly and I think that those who clean up their posts then do not allow others to read all the opinions and make their choice are not being honest !!!

FU well really hooked

FLASHMOB Christmas gifts!!!

I found this flash mob in OK, from there I moved it here! I think it's a great idea!!!

Dear MOMS! Who wants to participate? GIFTS FOR CHILDREN for the New Year!!! Great flashmob idea.

I suggest you too: give a gift to one child, and your child in return will receive 36 gifts in the mail from a variety of people!

We need 6 people (moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and others) who would like to please their children with gifts, and who are serious about participating!!!

Here's how it works: you buy and send only ONE gift to the address given to you, and your child then receives 36 gifts from other participants (this will work if everyone follows simple rules).

If you want to participate, tell me and I will send you the rules. The first 6 people who sign up under this post participate! The country of residence is not important, it is even more interesting to exchange children's gifts from different countries.

Just let's immediately determine the minimum value of a gift at $ 4 (75,000 Belarusian rubles at the current exchange rate or 300 rubles), I think everyone can afford it.

I wish you all good luck and happy holidays!!!

Girls, let's, who will assemble their own team of 6 people, will we help others to assemble such a team? After all, those wishing to participate will always arrive.

📌 Friends, last week I received more than 10 offers to take part in a flashbom with 36 gifts for children, last year - no less with books. Be careful! I am quoting an article where it is written “on the fingers” why it is not necessary to participate in such events!
☝ Dear friends, we are faced with a terrible phenomenon in the social networks VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, baby.ru - the New Year's pyramid! Perhaps many of you have already come across a record with a peppy headline: “THE HOLIDAY IS COMING TO US!!! ". Stop! Whether by stupidity, or by malicious intent, but in this way you will become a member of a real pyramid built on gifts!
☝ Everything looks amazing - send one gift and get 36 for your child. But remember, only you always pay for miracles!
Before you is a standard pyramid scheme, which was previously used to simply take money from the population. Everything seems simple and understandable, if you forget that the pyramids have an explosive growth, and people tend to end. Let's take a look at some simple steps:
To give the first child, 36 gifts must be sent to him. So far so good.
☝ To present the next 36 children, 1296 gifts must be sent already. It seems not fatal for our country.
The next step will require sending already 46656 gifts. And it will give rise to the same number of people who want to receive a gift for themselves.
The step number four looks a little strange, because it requires 1679616 submissions. But our country is large, and there are one and a half million lovers of gifts.
☝ And this is where the problems begin. To please one and a half million participants, 60.5 million gifts must be sent.
In the seventh step, we need only 11 populations of the entire globe. Which of the steps do you think will stop the growth of the pyramid?
☝ Think about it! Your own child can get at least something only if one of the six who took over from you can attract at least one person. The probability of this is already extremely small, but it is even less likely that you will receive a worthy gift.
If you are lucky enough to be on top of it, then you will get something. But most likely, you will simply take part in a strange and slightly fraudulent scheme.
☝ Only you know what your child really needs!
Pyramids and flash mobs are not an option!
Just give gifts to your child!
Do not be fooled by this, it is better to give these six gifts to your child together with your relatives!
Perhaps the authors of the flash mob wanted to do a good deed, but an elementary ignorance of mathematics ruined the whole idea. The result was a fraudulent scheme, misleading enthusiastic mothers and grandmothers.