Where is yesterday. What is a time zone

The number of lakes in the Leningrad region is indicated differently in different sources. Most of them speak of 1800 lakes, and some indicate 41600. Apparently, in various studies, reservoirs of various sizes were recognized as worthy of being counted, but even the smaller of the two numbers indicates that the entire Leningrad region is literally strewn with lakes.

There are a huge number of small kame lakes in the region, hiding among the kame hills and filled with transparent bluish or greenish pure water. Such lakes have an area of ​​​​no more than half a kilometer and a depth of up to 35 meters.

On the way of the melting of ancient glacial waters, chains of small narrow lakes arose, strung like beads on rivers.

There are giant lakes on the territory of the region. The ten largest are: Ladoga, Onega, Otradnoye, Vuoksa, Vyalye, Sukhodolskoye, Glubokoe, Samro, Komsomolskoye and Balakhanovskoye.

Lake Ladoga on the map

Ladoga, a lake of glacial origin, is one of the largest fresh water reservoirs in Europe. It covers an area of ​​more than seventeen thousand kilometers. The average depth is about fifty meters, and in some places the depth reaches more than two hundred meters. Its northern shores, high and rocky, made of crystalline rocks, have an indented coastline that forms islands, bays and straits. The southern shores are lower and swampy.

Most of the lakes are located in the north of the Karelian Isthmus (Balakhanovskoye, Pravdinskoye, Sukhodolskoye, Otradnoye and Vuoksa),

Lake Vuoksa on the map

In the Luga region of Lake Samro, Vyalya-Ostrechno, Vrevo, Syabero, Cheremenets, Syabero and many others.

Lakes Vrevo and Cheremenets on the map

In the Leningrad region, large lakes are found mainly of glacial origin, and among small reservoirs there are karst lakes. Most of the lakes are flowing. About 30 species of fish live in them, including whitefish, pike perch, tench, burbot, grayling, bream, smelt and roach, and seals have been found in Lake Ladoga since ancient times, when there was a sea on the site of the lake.

Also, you can get acquainted with separate reviews and maps of the most popular lakes in the Leningrad region:

The highest lake in St. Petersburg. It is located at an altitude of 79 meters above sea level, next to the heights of the same name. It is believed that it was formed as a result of a dam on one of the rivers. Relatively clean - a carp was brought there a few years ago, and it took root there quite well. Favorite vacation spot for residents of the southern regions.

    by minibus to Krasnoye Selo


At first, there was one large lake Parkola (which gave its name to the neighboring village of Pargolovo). Then Count Shuvalov took possession of the land around it: it was then that the reservoir was divided into three small lakes. They were nicknamed Suzdal because people from the eponymous district of the Vladimir province lived nearby. At the beginning of the 20th century, dachas of townspeople began to appear around them (on one of which the revolutionaries killed priest Gapon), they even brought a tram here (the line is still operating). The lakes are still a favorite vacation spot for citizens, but swimming in them is not recommended.

    to the metro station "Ozerki" or "Prospect of Enlightenment", and from there on foot

It is called so because of the elongated shape. In the 1980s, it became significantly shallower and decreased in size during the construction of housing estates here. Then for almost twenty years it stood unkempt with swamps and reeds around. It began to be improved in the 2010s, and since 2014 the lake has been officially suitable for swimming.

    to the Komendantsky Prospekt metro station, and from there on foot or by trolleybus 25


This lake, located a ten-minute walk from the famous Komarovo necropolis, was known as early as the 16th century: excellent fish was always found here, which was served to the Swedish kings on the table. Now it (as well as Lake Druzhinnoye and adjacent forests) is a protected area. That, however, does not prevent the grandiose influx of tourists every summer.

    to Komarovo, and from there on foot 20 minutes


The most popular lake in the Priozersky direction. It is located a stone's throw from the station "Kavgolovo", in the neighborhood there are many rest houses, there are many convenient places for parking by the lake itself. You can swim in it. In addition, despite the fact that Kavgolovskoye is a relatively shallow lake, you can go fishing here.

    to "Kavgolovo" by train, from there on foot


Three different lakes, which are interconnected by small channels. The shallow south is more suitable for swimming (the depth is about a meter or two). The north, with its steep banks and pine forests, was chosen by fishermen - the fish bite there at any time of the year. Until the 1940s, the border between the USSR and Finland passed along the Vyun river flowing out of the lake. Nearby is the holiday village of Vaskelovo.

    to Lembolovo, Vaskelovo or Gruzino by train, and from there on foot


The name does not lie: this is one of the most picturesque lakes in the Leningrad region. There are also steep banks with slender pine trees, cozy beaches on the shallow western coast, and places for excellent fishing (perch, pike, zander, bream). In addition, the lake is perfectly landscaped: there is a place to relax, eat and park a car.

    to Zelenogorsk by train or minibus, and from there by taxi or minibus

In the southern part of the Leningrad region, there are also many lakes for recreation. For example, Tsaritsyno. The name appeared in the 17th century: Queen Daria, exiled by Ivan the Terrible, was hiding here. A stone was placed there in her memory. In addition, there were fierce battles during the Great Patriotic War, in honor of which a commemorative plate was also installed. There is a children's camp "Eaglet" on the shore, but there are also cozy "wild" places for swimming.

    by train to Tikhvin, from there by minibus


Part of the large lake-river system Vuoksa. The most picturesque lake in the Leningrad region. The depth in some places can reach several tens of meters. Formed during the Ice Age. In the middle of the lake there are several islands, the most popular of which is Oleniy, covered with a dense coniferous forest. In Soviet times, boats went on the lake, now, alas, this type of transport has fallen into decay.

    by train to Priozersk

Lakhtinsky spill

A lake connected by a small channel immediately with the Gulf of Finland. Its shores are mostly swampy, which, however, does not interfere with the rest of the townspeople. After the territory of the North Primorsky part was built up, a path was laid along the coast (for running and for cyclists), and local residents began to have picnics there. The same thing happens on the other side, in the village of Lakhta. There are still fish in the lake. Part of its coast belongs to the Yuntolovsky forest dacha - and active recreation there (like cooking barbecue and kindling fires) is illegal.

    to the metro station "Staraya Derevnya" or the railway station "Yakhtennaya", from there by minibus, bus or tram to the spill or Shuvalovsky Prospekt

I sit at home, get sick - and get out of bed by lunchtime. It’s probably stupid to complain here, but still I want to rewind time a little back or forward in order to get up with the sunrise. And do everything in the world!

So, in Moscow now 15:00. And in the US, people are just waking up:

In general, there are as many as six time zones. This is almost half as much as in Russia. Well, about the beginning of the awakening, I also exaggerated a little. The thing is that the average American at 6 am is already fresh and alert, like a cucumber. And even at 5 in the morning, when only the most inveterate larks rise in our country, people are already beginning to appear on American streets.

There are several reasons for such a regime: firstly, the notorious American love for work. Here, a career for many is akin to a personal deity. Americans know how to have fun and relax, but they clearly know when it's time to pursue a career.

The second reason is earlier sunrises, especially in winter. We still have a terrible darkness at 6 in the morning, and there it is already quite light.

The third is related to the peculiarities of settlement. For the norm, to live not in the largest city, but in its environs. Accordingly, while you leave the kids to study, while you eat, until you get to work, you have already spent several hours.

Planet Earth moves in orbit around the Sun, which heats the planet, provides the necessary light to plants and living beings that depend on photosynthesis. But the Sun from time to time hides behind the horizon, then reappears. And even the day when it shines is not the same everywhere. In one place of the planet the Sun is at its zenith, in another it tends to the horizon.

The planet's time zone system

To accurately record time, mankind had to be divided into time zones. These are zones that correspond to 1/24 (by the number of hours in a day) of the length of the parallel at a particular latitude. Less common are zones with a difference of thirty minutes in relation to the neighboring zone. Below is a table of world time zones and the difference with Moscow. The reference point is the time zone of the Greenwich Observatory in the UK.

In Russia, as the largest country in the world, there are eleven such time zones. The countdown starts from the westernmost point, Kaliningrad, and continues to Moscow, where the time difference with Greenwich Mean Time is three hours. In Magadan, the easternmost time zone, the difference with Greenwich is already twelve hours.

Overview of Time Differences in Time Zones

The table of the difference between the time zones of the world and Moscow will show how large the distances are on Earth and how different the time of day can be even within the same country. Each time zone has its own name. In the table of time zones of the world, taking into account, time zones are also reflected, where the time difference is not an even hour, but half. This is due to the historical features of the borders of states and the accounting of time.

World difference from Moscow
Timezone Where applicable (main points) Difference with Moscow
-12 -15
-11 Samoa-14
-10 Aleutian Islands-13
-9 Alaska-12
-8 California-11
-7 Arizona-10
-6 Central America-9
-5 Cuba-8
-4 Venezuela-7
-3:30 Newfoundland-6:30
-3 Brazil-6
-2 Atlantic Ocean-5
-1 Azores-4
0 Great Britain-3
+1 Western Europe-2
+2 Eastern Europe-1
+3 Russia0
+3:30 Iran+0:30
+4 Azerbaijan+1
+4:30 Afghanistan+1:30
+5 Kazakhstan+2
+5:30 India+2:30
+5:45 Nepal+2:45
+6 Bangladesh+3
+6:30 Myanmar+3:30
+7 Mongolia+4
+8 China+5
North Korea+5:30
+8:45 Australia+5:45
+9 Japan+6
+9:30 Australia+6:30
+10 Papua New Guinea+7
+10:30 Australia+7:30
+11 Solomon islands+8
+12 Marshall Islands+9
+12:45 New Zealand+9:45
+13 Kiribati+10
+14 Kiribati+11

The line where the dates change

As can be seen from the table of the world time zone difference with Moscow, there are also such subtleties as a 24-hour time difference in areas that are several kilometers from each other. For example, residents of the Magadan region, who have twelve o'clock on the clock, can look through binoculars through binoculars on the first of January, as it will be the thirty-first of December in Alaska. Between time zones with time UTC + 12 and UTC-12 there is a line delimiting dates. In the table of the difference between the time zones of the world and Moscow, the deviation from Moscow time is +8 and -15 hours, respectively. Traveling through from west to east, you can get into the day already lived, while returning from east to west, you can get into the future for one day.

Time zone features

Theoretically, time zones should be even, like the meridians of the Earth. But it's not. You cannot force half of a city or region to live according to one time, and half - according to another. For a unified holistic economic and territorial system, synchronous work is important, therefore, within the framework of small states, in the ocean, the time zone either expands or narrows, repeating the administrative boundaries of the territories. In addition to such deviations, there is a separate group of territories where the time deviation from the neighboring time zone is thirty or even forty-five minutes. These zones are also indicated in the table of the world time zone difference with Moscow. Such time zones have developed historically, they are not related to the astronomy of a particular region.

In addition to regions with their own non-standard standard time, above 60 degrees north latitude, time zones do not follow natural formal boundaries, since they are less populated and in these latitudes the lighting conditions are not the same as in Moscow. There are already beginning phenomena such as polar day and polar night.

Time zones of Russia: features

From the table of the difference in time between the time zones of the world and Moscow, it can be seen that Russia occupies a significant number of time zones, as many as eleven. Despite reforms and time zone adjustments, their number will always be eleven, as this is an astronomical necessity. But time zone boundaries are constantly changing. In modern Russia, they are tied to economically closed administrative formations, regions, and territories, for which work in a single temporary space is important. Time zones are not just lines on a map. Compliance with standard time when calculating the savings in energy resources gives enormous numbers. If the time zone of the Moscow region is moved even by an hour, then the whole country will lose billions of rubles. Because the indicated difference in world time zones with Moscow in the table is just useful information. In the modern world, dials with Moscow time hang on all world exchanges for the correct synchronization of trading on these exchanges.

Why you need to know the time of another time zone

In modern Russia, which is closely integrated into the world economy, knowledge of time zones is important in every industry. Tables of the difference between the time zones of the world and Moscow for some professions are a reference book. Numerous purchasing managers working with Chinese suppliers understand that calling Shanghai at the end of the working day in Moscow is silly, since it is already late at night in China. And calling the USA at the beginning of the Moscow working day is also not worth it. There are many amazing things on planet Earth, and such things as time zones, date lines, etc. only emphasize the uniqueness and complexity of life dictated by global ones, such as the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun and the height of geographic latitude, which underlie calculation of time by all mankind.

When traveling around the world, people inevitably find themselves at different times of the day - this is due to the movement of the planet around its axis. Russia is a very large country occupying an impressive territory. For greater convenience, its area was divided into a certain number of zones corresponding to the number of time zones in Russia.

What determines time on Earth

Our planet, as you know, has a spherical shape. In 24 hours, it manages to make a complete revolution around its axis, that is, 360 °. Accordingly, in one hour the Earth rotates around its axis by 15 °.

In different parts of the world, people meet sunrise or sunset at different times. In places located on different meridians, at the same moment, the hands of the clock will show different times of the day. For example, in Yakutsk it will be 21 hours, while in Yekaterinburg - only 17.

But at the same time, on the same meridian, throughout its entire length from the North to the South Pole, the time of day will be the same. Such time is called local or solar.

However, using local time is extremely inconvenient: it makes the development of relations between countries very difficult. To eliminate this discomfort, astronomers have proposed to introduce a standard time system around the world.

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As a result, the whole planet was divided along the meridians into 24 belts, each of which includes 15 ° longitude. Thus, the time in each time zone differs from the time in neighboring zones by 1 hour.

The zero time zone is considered to be the center of which runs the Greenwich meridian. He is also the 24th in a row. Time zones are counted from zero from west to east.

Rice. 1. Reference point - Greenwich meridian.

Time zones of Russia

The length of Russia from west to east is very large, and covers 11 time zones. The capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow - is in the second time zone, and, say, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - in the twelfth.

Moscow time serves as a reference point for determining local time anywhere in Russia. The difference is calculated by the number of full hours: minutes and seconds are the same in all time zones.

In order to avoid confusion on the territory of Russia, all work of river, sea, air and rail transport, as well as various kinds of communications, are carried out only in Moscow time.

Rice. 2. Time zones of Russia on the map.

For greater convenience in Russia, the second and eleventh time zones were combined into one. For this reason, within the Russian Federation, they meet not eleven, but ten times.

It is not difficult to independently calculate the zone time of each individual settlement. It is enough to know the boundaries of its location and the number of the time zone in which it is located. For example, if in Moscow, located in the second zone, it is 8 am, then in Yekaterinburg, located in the fourth zone, it will be 10 am, since the difference with Moscow will be 2 hours.

Table by city (time difference)

Daylight Savings Time

In 1930, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars throughout Russia, the clock hands were moved one hour ahead of the relative standard time. The country lived in this mode for more than 50 years according to the so-called "maternity" time. It was believed that the change to a new time was installed in order to save electricity. The return to seasonal time only happened in 1981.

In the same year, summer time was introduced on the territory of the USSR. In the period from April 1 to October 1, clocks throughout the country were set one hour ahead. The official reason for this transition is the rational use of daylight hours and energy savings.

Rice. 3. Physiologists are against the transition to a new time.

However, physiologists are sure that such jumps in time have a very negative effect on people's well-being. For any organism, the transition to a new time is stressful, and it takes some time for the life cycles to adjust to the new conditions.

The transition to daylight saving time in the Russian Federation was canceled in 2011.

What have we learned?

When studying one of the topics in the 8th grade geography program, we learned how many time zones there are in Russia. We found that their number of time zones corresponds to the number of meridians, and the difference in time in each neighboring zone is exactly one hour. Moscow time is considered the main time in Russia, according to which all types of transport operate, communications are established throughout the country.

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