City of geometric shapes for children. Extracurricular activities

Maria Malakhova
Summary of the lesson "Journey to the city of geometric shapes" in the middle group

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", "Speech Development", , "Physical development".

Target: develop ideas about geometric shapes.


2. To form the ability to respond to questions: "How much?", "Which one?", "Which place?" ("Cognitive Development").

3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name colors ( "Cognitive Development").

4. Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name geometric figures: circle, square, triangle, rectangle ( "Cognitive Development").

5. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer clearly, speak slowly, without interrupting ( "Speech Development").

6. Develop attention, thinking, ability to guess riddles ( "Cognitive Development").

7. Cultivate interest in mathematics ( "Social and communicative development").

Methods and techniques:

- practical: posting pictures

- visual: viewing, showing geometric shapes

- verbal: riddles, situational storytelling

Materials and equipment:

Demo Material: layout cities« geometric shapes» ; geometric figures: circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

Handout: boards (15x25cm) for each child, a set of colored geometric shapes for each child.

Forms and methods of joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Cognitive and research tour of "Magic, geometric city» , problem solving

Game Game situations

Communicative Guessing riddles, situational conversations, questions

Motor Fizkultminutka

construction game

Logic of educational activity

1 The teacher offers to join hands and stand in a circle to give each other their warmth, so that everyone has a good mood. Children fulfill the request of the teacher An interest in the upcoming activity has been formed

2 The teacher talks about what is unusual in the world city« geometric shapes» and yesterday this city bewitched by an evil wizard, and no one can disenchant. The teacher suggests going to travel, in city« geometric shapes» and try to disenchant him Children accept the teacher's offer

3 The teacher makes riddles in order to open the gate cities:

“Since childhood, I have been your friend, every corner here is straight

All four sides are the same length.

I am glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is ... "

I have no corners and I look like a saucer,

On a plate and on a lid, on a porch, on a wheel"

"My riddle is short : 3 sides and 3 corners. Who am I?" Children guess riddles:

(square (circle (triangle) Success situation organized

4 The teacher thanks the children, opens the gate and draws attention to an interesting path from geometric shapes different colors Children answer from which geometric shapes what color is the path (from circles) Improved ability to recognize and name geometric figure(circle, distinguish color (red, yellow, blue, green)

7 The teacher offers a game "What changed?" To do this, you need to look carefully at the circles, remember in what order they lie. Offers to close their eyes and swaps two circles Children remember where the circles are, close their eyes.

Children open their eyes and tell what has changed, what circles have changed The ability to remember the location of objects and determine the new location of objects is fixed

8 The teacher praises the children for the completed task and offers to go further along the path that leads to the houses with geometric shapes. The teacher reports that the evil wizard has bewitched geometric figures, and now they don't know what they're called. Children go to the houses with geometric shapes Created interest in upcoming activities

9 The teacher offers to help name and disenchant shapes Children name geometric shapes, defining and naming the form by the window of the house The ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions is fixed

10 The teacher draws attention to the circle and the triangle, which quarreled and cannot reconcile, as they are also bewitched. The teacher offers to dance "We quarreled and reconciled" Children dance to music "We quarreled and reconciled" Success situation organized

11 The teacher reports that journey to the city of geometric shapes has come to an end and proposes that the inhabitants of this cities no longer quarreled and they always had a good mood, lay out from friends figures funny pictures. Children put pictures on boards geometric shapes The idea of geometric shapes

Final event: looking at funny pictures.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Journey to the country of geometric shapes" Circle of joy: Hello golden sun, hello blue sky. Hello free breeze, Hello little oak. Hello morning.

Synopsis of the GCD in the middle group "Journey to the forest of geometric shapes" Software content. 1. Consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); name the form.

Abstract of an open lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Journey to the city of geometric shapes" Purpose: systematization of knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties. Program tasks: - to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group on cognitive development "Journey to the country of games and geometric shapes" Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development (mathematical representations) in the middle group. Prepared by the teacher Dubrovina E.V. Topic: Journey.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 35 "Leysan" combined type

Yelabuga municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

City of geometric shapes

Prepared by: M.M. Yusupova - educator

MBDOU kindergarten №35 "Leysan" EMR RT


Summary of classes on the topic: City of geometric shapes

Subject: geometric figure« Rectangle".

Target: introduce a new geometric figure.

Educational tasks: to form a positive attitude towards learning, respectful, friendly relations with each other.

Educational tasks: to consolidate the concept of geometric shapes; learn to find them in objects made up of various geometric shapes.

Development tasks: continue to develop children's speech, creative thinking.

Methods: game, visual, verbal.

Receptions: questions, instructions, additions, reminders, encouraging word.

Equipment: geometric shapes, Pinocchio, cards.

Main educational area: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development - conversation about geometric shapes, didactic game "Geometric".

Cognitive development- directly educational activity;

Physical development - physical education "Warm-up begins", exercise for the hand and fingers« Who has arrived?"

Lesson progress

1. Exercises for the hand and fingers « Who has arrived?

Who has arrived?( Fast

We, we, we!( The tips of the thumbs are pressed together, and the tips of the other fingers simultaneously quickly clap.)

Mother Mother,

It's you?( X popping with the tips of the thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of your index fingers.)

Papa, papa

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of the middle fingers.)

Brother, brother

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with the tips of the ring fingers.)

Ah sister

It's you?( Clap with your thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap our little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes!( Clap with all fingers.)

2. Conversation with children.

- Guys! Today I met Pinocchio on the way. And he really wants to know about the country of geometric shapes.

- Let us continue our acquaintance and take Pinocchio with us.

Children: yes, yes.

- And now let's remember what cities we visited.

- Let's play.

Pinocchio, you agree to play with us (Pinocchio nods his head). He kindly agreed to play with us. So let's start.

3. A game « Geometric »

- What city is this?

Children: city« A circle».

- Yes kids, that's right. Identify circles by color and size, counting circles forward and backward.

- Well done guys, you did it.

- What city is this?

Children: city« Triangle».

- Correctly. How many sides does a triangle have?

- Arrange the triangles from largest to smallest.

- Good.

Children: city« Square».

- Yes, right. How many sides does a square have?
- What can you say about the sides of a square?

- Name them by color. Sort the squares from smallest to largest.

- Well done boys.

- Let's get to know a new figure now, what do you think, what city is this?(children answer)

- This is the city guys« Rectangle». ( Showing and naming rectangles of different sizes and colors). Now, what does this shape look like?

Children: Wardrobe, table cover, door, window ...

- Very good, well done.

4.Game "Constructor"

- Guys, I will read a poem to you, and you will make pictures from geometric shapes.

I took a triangle and a square,

He built a house out of them.

And I am very happy about this:

Now a gnome lives there.

square, rectangle, circle,

Another rectangle and two circles...

And my friend will be very happy:

I built the car for a friend.

I took three triangles

And a needle stick.

I laid them lightly

And suddenly got a Christmas tree.

First, choose two circles-wheels,

And between them place a triangle.

Make a steering wheel out of sticks. And what miracles

The bike is worth it. Now ride, schoolboy!

5. Physical education "Warm-up begins."

The warm-up begins.

Get up and straighten your back.

Leaning left and right

And they repeated it again.( lean to the side.)

We squat on the account,

One, two, three, four, five.

This is a necessary job

Train leg muscles.( Squats.)

And now hand jerks

We do it with you.

One jerk and two jerk,( Jerks with hands in front of the chest.)

We continue our work.

6. Loto game.

Guys,close the object with a geometric figure that it looks like.

Drawn items:


Round napkin





- Well done guys, well done.

7. Card game.

- Guys, now we will work with the cards. Determine which figure is missing (attention game)



Yes, kids, well done.

eight. " Hatching »

Guys, let's shade the geometric shapes with a simple pencil.We draw the strokes from top to bottom or from left to right without taking our hands off the paper, adhering to the contour lines of the picture.We work carefully, we do not go beyond the contour.(When performing hatching, you should follow the rules).

9. Summary of the lesson.

- What new geometric figure did you meet?

- Pinocchio, did you like our lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes, I liked it very much. I learned a lot about the country of geometric shapes. Can I visit you next time?

- Yes, of course, come!

After the completion of the project Journey to Tsifrograd» We received many letters asking us to continue our mathematical journeys. And we, on reflection, decided to give the project a second life, continuing the adventures of the boy Dima and the girl Dasha in the country of Mathematics.

In the new project Journey to Geometrograd» waiting for your kids 4 big trips into the fascinating world of geometry, where they can get acquainted with the whole "families" of geometric figures, shapes, as well as with geometric tools!

"Geometrograd" is an unusual city, it is inhabited by geometric "inhabitants" - figures, shapes, geometric tools and a funny, cheerful friend of all kids - Pencil! We again set off on a journey together with inquisitive heroes who love mathematics - Dima and Dasha.

AT first trip, your kids will get acquainted with the city of Geometrograd, its founders - dot and line, with compass and whole the Krug family: circle, semicircle, oval, sphere, cylinder and ellipsoid. To get to the city, get to know its inhabitants and meet the Krug family, Dima and Dasha will need to solve a lot of geometric riddles and hear many interesting geometric stories. The heroes of the geometric journey are waiting for interesting adventures, acquaintance with new geometric concepts: dot, one, many, near, vertical row of dots, horizontal row of dots; straight line, horizontal, vertical, oblique, "along", "between", "above", "under", "on"; around, closed curve, circle, circle, border, oval; shape, body, volume, ball, ellipsoid, thickness; compass.

The project is age-appropriate 3 to 7 years old.

Objective of the project- to give the child initial geometric concepts, to form the child's orientation skills in space, the basics of the worldview, to develop logical thinking and memory, fine motor skills of the hand.

Within the framework of the project, there is an acquaintance with the families of geometric shapes and forms, as well as geometric tools.

Main directions of development, according to which the child is taught in the process of working with a thematic play set to get acquainted with geometric shapes and forms:

  1. intellectual development (memory, attention, imagination, thinking)
  2. Logico-mathematical development (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, seriation, orientation)
  3. Sensory development and fine motor skills (lacing, didactic games, working with scissors, strokes, puzzles, working with various objects)
  4. Speech development (finger games, reading author's fairy tales, task poems)
  5. Creative development, imaginative thinking, fantasy (application, modeling, drawing)

The authors and organizers of the project have built a system for presenting the material in such a way that the kid gets basic geometric knowledge in a practical, interesting and accessible way. To study a group (family) of geometric shapes and forms prepared a separate thematic game set.

Today we are pleased to present you the first (out of four) part of the project

"Journey to Geometrograd" - Circle family.

Kids get acquainted not only with geometric concepts,

but also with the environment!

In the kit you will receive the following materials:

  • Author's fairy tale "Journey to Geometrograd" part 1, which consists of 4 mini-tales and introduces your kid to the main characters of the tale - the boy Dima, the girl Dasha, the inhabitants of the city of Geometrograd: Pencil, geometric shapes, forms and geometric tools. In this fairy tale, kids get to Geometrograd and get acquainted with the founders of geometry - Point and Line, as well as with the tool - Compasses. For the first time, in Geometrograd, children get acquainted with the family of the Circle: the Circle, the Semicircle, the Oval, the Sphere, the Cylinder and the Ellipsoid.
  • Folder lapbook "Circle Family" with original author's tasks, with the help of which the child will get acquainted with the basic geometric shapes - a point and a line, with 6 geometric shapes and forms of the "Circle Family", and will also learn to distinguish between flat figures and three-dimensional forms. It will consolidate the concepts of "long - short", "wide - narrow", "thin - thick". The child will be able to learn to draw each geometric figure and shape, write their names. Learn to visually compare real objects with their geometric counterparts and much more.

This is what the finished folder looks like after it is made:

  • Detailed instructions for manufacturing lapbook-folder "Krug Family" and work with her.

  • With the kit you get lacing, puzzles "Shapes and forms - the family of the circle", applications and creative tasks with author's poems and original recommendations for children to create their own masterpieces.

  • Cards in the palm of your hand "Geometrograd" part 1 containing 9 cards of a convenient format, for getting acquainted with geometric shapes and forms: a point, a straight line, a curved line, a circle, a semicircle, an oval, a ball, an ellipse, a cylinder. The cards contain descriptions, author's poems, interesting and informative information, practical tasks for getting to know shapes and forms.

  • Guidelines for parents and teachers with detailed recommendations for the entire complex of games and activities. The guidelines describe the best techniques and techniques for introducing a child to geometric shapes and forms, the concept of a flat and three-dimensional figure, illustrations of the techniques are given, and you will also receive a set of exercises with real objects and geometric tools for the best consolidation of the concepts being studied. Also along with the recommendations you will receive class calendar, which will help you record and mark the progress of your baby, his possible difficulties in mastering the material.

Together with a themed play set ( additionally!) You are getting – Poster “Geometric shapes and forms” which you can print, hang on the wall and play with the child, repeating all the geometric shapes and forms . In part 1 of the project, you get the basis of the poster and the geometric shapes and forms of the “Circle family”.

Open the mysterious world of geometry to your kids!

Buy the first part of "Journey to Geometrograd»

in PDF format

Price 1100 rubles

But this is not all the materials that we have prepared for you!

We have prepared for the set 30 page workbook, which you can use for individual lessons , and for group lessons .

The advantage of an electronic notebook is that you can print as many notebook sets as you need. This is especially important when you are working with a large number of children. You can’t do this with ready-made notebooks on a printed basis. After all, for each child you need to purchase these notebooks. The benefit of the electronic version of a high quality notebook is obvious!

Buy workbook "Family of the Circle»

in PDF format

Price 300 rubles

At the time of buying set plus notebook

price 1300 rubles

PS. The authors of the kit warn! With the participation of the kit in clubbing, repurchases and any distributions, the kit will immediately be removed from sale and no one else will be able to get it. Let's treat each other with respect!

AT present time purchase project materials at a Happy Day discount IT IS FORBIDDEN!

Sections: School psychological service

The problem of determining the level of a child's readiness for the beginning of school education has arisen relatively recently and is associated, first of all, with the earlier start of systematic education. It is necessary to distinguish between pedagogical, psychological, social and physical readiness for schooling.

Pedagogical readiness reflects the level of awareness of the child, possession of elementary school skills, such as knowledge of letters, numbers, etc.

I would like to dwell on the psychological readiness of the child for school.

The psychological readiness of the child for school is the formation of his readiness to accept a new social position of the student- position of the student. The student's position obliges him to take a different position in society, with new rules for him. This personal readiness is expressed in a certain attitude of the child to school, to the teacher and educational activities, to peers, relatives and friends, to himself.

Attitude towards school. Follow the rules of the school regime, come to class on time, complete school assignments at school and at home.

Attitude towards the teacher and learning activities. Correctly perceive the situations of the lesson, correctly perceive the true meaning of the actions of the teacher, his professional role.

In the situation of the lesson, direct emotional contacts are excluded, when it is impossible to talk about extraneous topics (questions). It is necessary to ask questions on the case, first raising your hand. Children who are ready in this regard for schooling behave adequately in the classroom.

Thus, in order to successfully and quickly adapt to future first-graders, so that they begin to learn, make friends, and communicate. I offer you one of the introductory developmental activities that will help children to adapt to learning activities at the initial stage.

Lesson at the school of Preschooler No. 1

Topic: Building a city from geometric shapes

  1. Introduce children to each other, develop the ability to work in pairs.
  2. Development of cognitive processes.
  3. Learning to maintain good relationships.

Equipment: business cards, colored pencils, a ball, geometric shapes by the number of children (circle, triangle, square, polygon), cards with hares, fish (by the number of children), Drawings: Karkusha, wolf, Baba Yaga,

Lesson progress


Hello guys. My name is (teacher's name). Today we met for the first time, and, probably, no one knows each other. What do we need to do?

That's right, let's get to know each other. At the expense of 1-2-3, everyone will loudly call his name, and at the signal "silent" (finger on his lips) he will close his mouth with his palm.

Were you able to hear and remember who's name is? Why do you think? (It's just noise).

But what do we need to do? How can we get to know each other? ( in turn).

What do you mean everyone takes turns saying their name? ( someone will start first):. If someone speaks, others listen and do not interrupt. If you know, raise your hand.

Guys, who came to our lesson? (Karkusha)

Look how sad she is, and what the weather is like on her island (the sky is dark). What do you think happened to her?

Baba Yaga is chasing her! She wants Karkusha to take her to school, Baba Yaga also wants to learn how to write and count. But Karkusha is afraid of her, can we help Baba Yaga?

Why do people go to school? Why is it necessary to learn to read and count, write?

Outcome (reflection of answers)

Karkusha invites us to Friendship Island. What do you think the rules are here? And who lives there?

Friendship Island

If you want to get to know someone, how can you do it? Shall we try? (and with adults:)

They get acquainted, remind about the rules with which they introduced Baba Yaga.

The game "Snowball" (ball) Call their name and the names of their neighbors. Further, you can complicate: whoever has the ball in his hands, he is silent, and the rest must guess what his name is.

For the implementation of the rules - everyone gets a circle chip.

Hares Island

Who is meeting us here? (Wolf) What do you think he's doing? (asking for help, Baba Yaga gave him a task: Count the hares in the forest)

For completing the task - everyone gets a square chip.

Karkusha invites us to visit the following island:

Island of Words (M P A S H I O N A H R D)

Words need to be assembled from letters. For example: world, dad, etc. (show)

For completing the task - everyone receives a triangle chip.

Guys, Baba Yaga is tired of studying, she wants to relax. While she is resting, we will play a game (children make movements in the course of f / m)

Physical education minute

Hands raised and shook - these are trees in the forest.
Hands bent, brushes shaken off - the wind knocks down the dew.
Hands to the sides, gently wave - these are birds flying towards us.
We will also show how they sit down - the wings are folded back.

Look, Baba Yaga is already on the island:

Task Island (Activity View)

The guys watch the animation and make up a task based on it, after which they solve it.

For completing the task - everyone gets a polygon chip.

From the figures received, the children make up a house for Karkusha (we repeat the names of geometric shapes, you can play Magic Bag)

Karkusha is very happy with the new house, she will invite her friends to live in your houses.

Guys, we will now collect all our houses, here on this sheet of paper, what will happen: (the city of "Geometric shapes"), and what can be added to it? (trees, flowers, pond, etc.) The guys cut out and make up a composition (or you can prepare blanks from geometric shapes)

What new did we learn in the lesson? Whom did you meet?

Do you think Baba Yaga changed her mind about going to school? Why? - And you?

What was interesting about the lesson? (the result is summed up by the psychologist)

A gift from Karkusha (fish). (Then they can be cut out and “launched” into the pond.

Vasiliev A.Ya. one

Ammosova L.M. one

1 Municipal educational budgetary institution "Secondary school No. 26" (with in-depth study of individual subjects) of the City District "Yakutsk City"

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format


Last year I got acquainted with the program Blender - a program for creating three-dimensional computer graphics. This year, in the 5th grade, we have a new subject - Visual Geometry. I immediately liked this item. Since I know how to use some of the features of the Blender program, I thought that I could build the buildings of our city in this program and show the geometric shapes and bodies used in the construction.

Object of study: buildings of the city of Yakutsk.

Subject of study: construction of a 3D model of buildings and their comparison with geometric shapes and bodies.

Research hypothesis: If more geometric shapes and bodies are used in the construction of buildings in the city of Yakutsk, then our city will become more modern, unique in architecture, recognizable, attractive both for the residents of the city of Yakutsk and for guests of the republic.

Research novelty: Creation of our own project in the form of a 17-storey educational and entertainment center for children and adolescents (URC of the city of Yakutsk).

Purpose of the study: explore geometric shapes and bodies in the buildings of the city of Yakutsk.

To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks:

1) explore the buildings and houses of the city of Yakutsk;

2) to consider the most interesting, from the point of view of geometry, the buildings of the city, to identify in them comparisons with geometric figures and bodies;

3) build models of selected buildings in Blender;

4) complete the project of a multi-storey building of an educational and entertainment center for children and teenagers in the Blender program.

Research methods:

- study of literature on geometry (geometric figures and bodies);

Everyday observations; search and collection of information about structures (buildings);

Photographing and comparison with google-map;

Construction of building models in Blender;

Formalization of work;

Formulation of conclusions.

Briefly about Blender

Blender is a free professional package for creating three-dimensional computer graphics, including tools for modeling, animation, post-processing and editing video with sound, and so on, as well as for creating interactive games. It is currently the most popular among free 3D editors.

The date of creation of the first source code files is January 2, 1994. The latest version of Blender 2.79 was released on September 12, 2017.

The Blender program, on the advice of an older brother, was downloaded from the Internet. Very great opportunities, but recommendations on how to use the program are not provided.

It is presented entirely in English, so a basic level of English is required to use it. You can also learn how to use the various features of Blender on the youtube website, where there are video tutorials in Russian.

With this program, you can make three-dimensional models not only of buildings, but also of entire cities, people and animals, as well as wonderful postcards, greeting videos and others.

I am just learning how to use this program, but I already know that we, schoolchildren, need it very much.

2. Geometric figures and bodies in the buildings of the city of Yakutsk

In recent years, a lot of beautiful and unusual buildings have been built in our city of Yakutsk. Walking around the city and looking at them, in each of them you can see various geometric shapes and bodies, which are made in a very original way. Such buildings with unusual shapes attract much more attention than buildings with standard rectangular shapes. And of course, if there are more such buildings in our city, then it will be attractive not only for us - the inhabitants of the city, but also for guests. Let's look at the variety of geometric shapes and bodies on the example of some buildings in the city of Yakutsk.

The first selected building is the building of the Yakut River School, which is located on Vodnikov Street, Building 1. It was renamed the Yakut Institute of Water Transport (branch) of the Siberian State University of Water Transport. It is a structural subdivision of the Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport.

I chose it because of the three "Scarlet Sails", which everyone can see from afar. They are made in the form of: one regular and two truncated irregular pyramids, attached by the sides to the parallelepiped (side of the building) (Appendix 1).

The second building is the glass building of Komdragmet, where the main treasury of Yakutia is located. From the front, it looks like a cylinder. But it turned out that he was a half-cylinder attached to a parallelepiped. It is clearly visible from the side and from above. At the top is a truncated cone (Appendix 2).

The triangle office building in the 202 microdistrict is very interesting. I learned that it was originally planned to build an administrative building there with a children's club "Brigantina", which was supposed to be located on the lower floors. Because of the name of the club and regulatory requirements for construction, the idea arose to build a building of a triangular shape. Currently, there is a business center with an entertainment club. The decoration of this building is the gray part of the body, which looks different from different sides. For example, on one side we see a triangle in it, a rectangle in a triangle, standing on a rectangle. From the point of geometric bodies visible: a parallelepiped and a triangular prism (Appendix 3).

There is a very interesting residential building on Peter Alekseeva Street. When viewed from the side, a part of the cylinder is visible in the rectangle. And from above, the view turned out to be very interesting: “the intersection of a square and a circle” (Appendix 4).

Another building - the building of the Arctic Institute of Culture and Art (AGIIK). It looks like an “ellipse”, but upon closer examination and design, it turned out that from the side we see different “cylinders”, and the top view is a circle adjacent to a curvilinear trapezoid and a circle next to it (Appendix 5).

Also in our city there are buildings in the form of truncated octagonal pyramids - this is the House of Archa. It is the center of the spiritual culture of the Yakuts, where you can get acquainted with the history of the religion of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia. Made and decorated in the national style. It consists of truncated octagonal pyramids with hemispheres at the top. The top view represents an irregular hexagon, on which octagons with a circle inside stand in a triangle (Appendix 6).

And finally, in my opinion, the most beautiful building is the huge building of the Triumph sports complex, which was built for the International Games "Children of Asia" (Appendix 7).

If you look from above, then we see an oval in it, on the central side of the building there are three squares surrounded by semicircles of different sizes. From the back of the building we see an octagon, inside of which there is an even smaller octagon. The front consists of many geometric bodies: a truncated hemisphere, prisms of different sizes, truncated pyramids, squares. On the back: a truncated hemisphere, narrowed at the bottom to create the effect of refraction of light, octagonal prisms of different sizes on the tower.

On the Internet, I found a draft design of the building of the future IT park, which is planned to be built on the territory of the Radio Center on Avtodorozhnaya Street. It looks like a “cube inside a cube”. Above is a square. I really look forward to when it will be built, I want to go there to see, and even better, if possible, go to classes there (Appendix 8).

In our city there is no single building for sectional and extracurricular activities for children and teenagers. Therefore, I propose my project of an educational and entertainment center for children and adolescents (URC in Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in which all the children of our big city will be happy to study and study. I drew a very large light glass and spacious multi-storey building in the Paint program training and entertainment center. I used the entire area of ​​the building for use and designed its 3D model in the Blender program (Appendix 9). There are 4 spacious elevators inside. Like all buildings, it is also in the form of a parallelepiped. The entrance is semi-cone. On the roof of the building there is an elongated parallelepiped, on top there will be planetarium, which is built in the form of a ball inside a ring - a planet with a belt.

I calculated that for the implementation of my project it is necessary to build a 17-storey building:

1st floor: dressing room and large buffet;

2nd and 3rd floors: a very large library, including an electronic one.

4th floor: on this floor there will be a large conference hall where scientific and practical conferences will be held and separate small conference rooms where quizzes, brain-rings, various intellectual competitions will be held.

5th floor: computer classes for extracurricular activities in informatics and IT-technologies.

6th floor: for extracurricular activities in mathematics. Various olympiads in mathematics and mathematical competitions will be held.

7th floor: for extracurricular activities in the study of various languages, including Russian and Yakut languages. There will be literary competitions, Olympiads in foreign languages.

8th floor: this floor will be completely historical. There will be a history museum here.

9th floor: for lovers of geography, geology and paleontology.

10th floor: for biologists, future ecologists. I want to see a mini-zoo for children on this floor, they can take care of the animals themselves: feed, stroke, watch them.

11th floor: for chemists with a modern laboratory for their experiments.

12th floor: various circles on choreography and various types of dances.

13th floor: for sports activities. I placed them on this floor because it is close to the roof. Future athletes can practice outdoors on the roof of my building in the spring and summer.

And at the very top - in the dome in the form of a planet, there will be a planetarium, the largest and most ultra-modern. There, I and everyone else will be able to observe the stars and explore space.


In the process of carrying out the work, I saw how many different geometric shapes, bodies and planes a person uses in the construction of buildings.

I studied and compared geometric shapes in the buildings of our city: all buildings consist of geometric shapes, which, in turn, form geometric bodies. Learned their names and definitions.

I am learning how to use Blender to build 3D models. And in the future I will be able to study not only the arrangement of individual geometric figures and bodies in buildings, but also the relative position of all figures and bodies in one structure.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, I built my own project of a multi-storey educational and entertainment center in the Blender program, in which all the children of our big city will be happy to study.

Summing up the work, I came to the conclusion about the relevance of the chosen topic - it is impossible to imagine our life without geometric shapes and bodies: they are around us, we live among them and we need them.

List of used sources and literature

Mathematics: Visual geometry. 5-6 cells: textbook / I.F. Sharygin, L.N. Erganzhiev. - M.: Bustard, 2016. - 189 p.

Visual geometry: textbook / V.A. Smirnov, I. V. Smirnova, I. V. Yashchenko. - M.: MTsNMO, 2017. - 272 p.

Drawing geometric shapes and compositions: a method. developments / V.P. Mamugina, M.V. Nikolsky. - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2009. - 32 p.

Electronic resource:

Electronic resource:

Electronic resource:


Appendix 1

3D model of the Yakut River Command School, made in Blender

Appendix 2

3D model of the Komdragmet building made in Blender

Appendix 3

3D model of an office building in 202 microdistrict, made in Blender

Appendix 4

3D model of a residential building on Petr Alekseev Street, made in Blender

Appendix 5

3D model of the building of the Arctic Institute of Culture and Art (AGIKI), made in Blender

Appendix 6

3D model of the House of Archa, made in Blender

Appendix 7

3D model of the building of the Triumph sports complex, made in Blender

Appendix 8

3D model of the preliminary design of the building of the future IT park, which is planned to be built on the territory of the Radio Center on Avtodorozhnaya Street, made in the Blender program

Appendix 9