The initial place of the ship φ, λ ; — its true heading and IR speed, V ; - the time of the ship's movement on a given course t. Determination of directions in the sea The ship took a certain course

True Directions. Knowing the position of the true meridian (NS), any direction on the surface of the earth (sea) can be determined by the angle between the nordic part of this meridian and the direction to the object. In this case, the value of this angle is measured in degrees in a circular system, i.e. from 0° to 360°.

Direction vessel movements is determined by the position of its diametral plane (DP). relative to the Nordic part of the true meridian. The true heading of the vessel (IK). The angle between the north part of the true meridian and the diametral plane of the vessel is called the true course of the vessel ( rice. 165).

Rice. 165. True Directions

true bearing(IP). The angle between the north part of the true meridian and the direction to the observed object is called the true bearing ( rice. 165). In practice, the navigator has to deal with the inverse true bearing (RTB). RIP = PI ± 180°.

heading angle.(KU). The angle between the diametral plane of the vessel and the direction of the observed object is called the heading angle ( rice. 165). The heading angle c is read from 0o to 180° and has the name: port side (l/b) or starboard side (r/b), depending on the location of the object relative to the DP. In the case when KU = 90°, i.e. the direction to the object is perpendicular to the DP, then this KU is called a traverse (┴).

The following formulas are used to calculate true directions:
IP \u003d IK + KU
KU \u003d IP - IR
IR \u003d IP - KU

In this case, KU p / b has a "+" sign, and KU l / b - sign "-". Due to the fact that the Earth is a huge magnet with NM and SM poles, the forces of magnetism position the compass needle in the plane of the magnetic meridian. This arrow is directed with one end to the north pole, and the other to the south. Thus, the magnetic meridian passing through the axis of the magnetic needle does not coincide with the true meridian and makes a certain angle with it, which is called the magnetic declination ( rice. 166).

Fig.166. Magnetic declination

Magnetic declination(d) - the angle between the nordic parts of the true and magnetic meridians. If d is directed to the east, then it is called the core (E) and has a "+" sign, if to the west - the West (W) and has a sign Magnetic declination has different values ​​for different places on the earth's surface and, in addition, this value is variable character. Specific values ​​of d and its annual change are given for a given navigation area on the navigation chart. Given that charts are issued periodically, the navigator must take into account the change in declination over the years that have passed from the year the chart was issued to the present. For example, the map indicates that the magnetic declination (d 0) is given to 1990 and in this area its value is 2°.5E, the annual decrease is D d = 0°.1. Swimming is carried out in 2000. It is required to bring the declination to the year of navigation.

where d is the declination reduced to the year of navigation;
n is the number of years (the difference between the year of navigation and the year to which the declination is given on the map);
∆d - annual change in declination (has a "+" sign if an increase, a sign if a decrease).

Note: sign "+" is placed before n if d is east and "-" if d is west.
d 2000 = 2°.5 + 10(-0°.1) = + 1°.5
Answer: d 2000 = 1°.5E.

Another example.

Knowing the magnitude of the magnetic declination, it is easy to calculate the magnetic directions for known true directions:

MK = IR-d,
MP = IP-d

These formulas are algebraic, so the declination sign must be taken into account when calculating.


Decision(rice. 167): MK=45° ,0-(-5 °,0)=50 °,0; MP=90 °,0-(-5 °,0)=95 °,0; KU=IP-IR=MP-MK=90 °,0-45 °,0=95 °,0-50°,0=+45 °,0=45° p/b

Answers: MK = 50 °,0; MP=95°.0; KU=45 °p/b

In addition to terrestrial magnetism on a magnetic needle compass ship iron operates, which tends to be magnetized from the Earth. In this regard, the compass needle under the influence of the ship's iron deviates from the plane of the magnetic meridian and the direction in which the axis of the arrow is located on the ship is called the compass meridian. The deviation of the compass needle on the ship from the magnetic meridian is called deviation.

Deviation(δ) - the angle between the nordic parts of the magnetic and compass meridians ( rice. 169).

Fig.169. Deviation

When N K deviates east of N M deviation has a "+" sign, when N K deviates west of Nm, the deviation has a "- " sign. The amount of deviation depends on ship's heading, or rather, from its position relative to the earth's magnetic field lines, and is a variable value. If the value of the 8 directional compass on the ship exceeds measures taken to destroy it. The destruction of the deviation is carried out by specialists with the help of magnets and mild steel placed close to the magnetic compass. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate the deviation. Therefore, the residual deviation is determined at various courses and entered in the table. There are a sufficient number of ways to determine the residual deviation, but all of them are based on the fact that it is necessary to establish the difference between the known magnetic and compass bearings for a lighthouse, alignment, sign, etc.

δ \u003d MP - KP \u003d OMP - OKP;
δ \u003d IP - KP - d

To determine the residual deviation, near the ports there are specially equipped polygons with several (fan) alignments with known magnetic bearings. Crossing the alignments on the main and quarter points (8 courses), according to compass compass bearings (CP) are taken. Then, according to the well-known formula, the values ​​of δ are calculated for these courses. If there is no alignment fan, then the deviation can also be determined from one alignment, the magnetic direction of which is either known or calculated from the known magnetic declination (d) and the true direction (TI) of the alignment. The principle of definition is the same as in the previous case.

To determine the deviation, the following method is also acceptable:

A distant object is taken at a distance of at least 300 circulation radii; the vessel (boat) at anchor turns around and every 45 ° takes 8 CP; average KP () is taken as MP; the difference between the calculated MP and the KP taken on 8 courses will show the value of 8 on each course. When determining the deviation, the navigator must remember that when changing the course, the card does not come to the meridian immediately, therefore, direction finding after changing the course should be done after 3-5 minutes. To obtain the deviation value in any navigation area, you can use a wooden or rubber boat. Bearings taken from a boat made of non-magnetic material on different courses will correspond to the MP, and bearings for the same objects from a motor boat, boat, yacht from the same point will give a control point. Using the already known formula, the values ​​of 8 are determined, which are drawn up in a tabular form.

Magnetic compass deviation table

First, the calculated values ​​of 8 on 8 points (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) are entered into the table, and then its values ​​\u200b\u200bare determined for the rest of the courses using linear interpolation. Often a table is compiled for QC every 10 °, but for small boats it is enough to compile a more enlarged table through 15 °. When using tabular data for QCs not listed in the table, values ​​of 8 are calculated by interpolation. For example, you need to define a value of 8 for a QC of 25°. From the table for KK 15° δ = + 0.5, for KK 30° δ = + 0.8, i.e. by 15°(30° - 15°) Δδ = + 0°.3 (0°.8 - 0.5). Thus, 0.02° (0°.3: 15) per 1° change in QC in this case, and 0°.1 per 5°, and 0.2 per 10°. Hence, for KK = 25°, the value of δ will be 0°.7(0°.5 + 0°.2; 0°.8 - 0°.1). During the operation of the vessel, the determination of the compass deviation should be made as often as possible.

compass correction. The algebraic sum of magnetic declination and deviation is called compass correction. (DK).

In other words, the correction of the magnetic compass is the angle between the nordic parts of the true and compass meridians ( rice. 170).

Rice. 170. Compass correction.a

Correction and translation of rhumbs. The transition from compass directions to true is called the correction of points, and the transition from true to compass is called the translation of points.
In those cases where d and d are known, the solution of the problems of correcting and translating rhumbs is not difficult.


№ 1 . Given:

KK = 45°
d = 10°,
0E 8 = - 2°.0
IR = ?

Decision: (rice. 171)

Δ K \u003d d + 8
Δ K \u003d + 10o.0 + (-2o; 0) \u003d + 8 °.0
Δ K = KK + DK = 45°.0 + 8°.0 = 53°.0


No. 2. Given:
IP = 125°.0
d = 15°,0W
8 = - 5°.0
KP = ?

Decision: ( rice. 172)
Δ K \u003d d + 8 \u003d -15 °.0 + (-5 °.0) \u003d - 20 °.0
Δ P \u003d IP - DK \u003d 125 °.0 - (-20 °) \u003d 145 °.0

Answer:Δ K = 53°.0
Answer: Δ P = 145°.0

Rice. 172.

To solve problems using a graphical method, it is recommended to use rice. 173, and to correct the compass and translate the true directions, the following schemes:

Name of directions

Order of definition


Removed from the compass when taking bearings

From the deviation table

Calculated by the algebraic formula DK = d + δ

Calculated by the formula IC = KK + ΔK

Calculated by the formula KP = OKP ± 180°

Calculated by the formula PI \u003d KP + ΔK

FORMULA (algebraic)

IR \u003d MK + d; IP \u003d MP + d;
IR \u003d KK + d + δ; IP \u003d KP + d + δ;
IR \u003d QC + DC; IP \u003d KP + DC.

Removed from the card

Removed from the card

Removed from the map and reduced to the year of navigation (d = d0 ± n Δd)

Calculated by the formula MK = IR - d

Calculated by the formula MP \u003d IP - d

From the deviation table for MK

DK = d + δ

According to the formula KK \u003d IR - DK

According to the formula KK \u003d IR - DK

FORMULA (algebraic

KK = MK - δ; KP \u003d MP - 8;
KK = IR - (d + δ); KP \u003d IP - (d +8);
KK = IR - ΔK; KP \u003d IP - ΔK

ship's course

Alternative descriptions

The position of the vessel under sail in relation to the wind

Course, position of the ship relative to the wind

Ship's track from turn to turn

The position of the sailboat in relation to the wind

The road from turn to turn

Segment of the path of the ship (vessel) from turn to turn when sailing in variable courses

Tackle of the running rigging of a sailing ship (vessel)

Russian artificial satellite

Vessel's course relative to the wind

Heading upwind

Side to the wind

The course of the ship side to the wind

Vessel's course downwind

Vessel's heading to the wind

Heading over wind

ship track


Vessel's heading according to the wind

Vessel course

Wind course

Windy course change

Part of the way when tacking

The ship's course refers. wind

Course according to the wind

Side to top

Wind course

. "windy" course of the ship

Tackle holding the sail

Vessel's course relative to the wind

Vessel's position relative to the wind

Segment of the ship's path from turn to turn

. "windy" course of the ship

sailboat course

Heading across the wind

M. morsk. rope, tackle, pulling the lower windward corner of the lower and slanting sails: the lee is called a sheet. On the Volga, tack naz. deadlift, vacation sheet. Since the tack is stretched (sits down) from the wind, then this word, with the addition: right, left, also means from which side the wind is, with a steep course (see bet, hauled); go on the starboard tack, on the left side of (against) the wind, which will blow on the right. The name of the tackle of the tack is given by the sail: main-tack, fore-tack, etc. The sheet is pulled, and the tack is planted. Tack, related to the tack. Hals-clamp marine a well in the side where the tack passes. Gals-tali pl. hoists, blocks with a base, for landing a tack in a fresh wind

Lower sail cable

Windy course change

Let us turn to the study of the current state of affairs in our Fatherland. The current ruler of Russia rightly calls himself the top manager of the country and at the same time adds that he does not consider himself an outstanding statesman. What does it say? – Only that this person has the germ of a sense of Justice, so he knows his true value.

I want to say that on the so-called intuitive level, he has a concept of the cosmic Law of Commensurability. Not being a Knowing (Initiated) person, he took on his shoulders the entire burden of responsibility for the fate of the country. I accepted it because I saw what the entourage of the former insane ruler of Russia was like. Therefore, when Putin received an offer to take the post of the ruler of the country, he asked himself the question: if not me, then who? – and made the only correct decision.

This act also speaks of another valuable quality of his spirit - courage. I affirm that very few inhabitants of this planet possess such qualities of the spirit. Of course, even among the most outstanding people of the Earth, the positive qualities of the spirit are in their infancy, if they are compared with the sevenfold scale of the qualities of the spirit of the entire keyboard of the One Cosmic Life poured into countless forms (i.e. bodies). Let me briefly explain this phrase: the more reasonable and spiritually higher the being of the universe, the more perfect his sense organs, and the qualities of the human spirit are directly dependent on the degree of development of these organs. The humanity of the Earth has developed only five primitive sense organs, therefore the positive qualities of the spirit of earthlings are underdeveloped, and what is even worse is that the qualities of the spirit have become negative in most people. If my words were not true, then there would not be a single weedy bastard on Earth. And even more so, there would be no well-organized black brotherhood, numbering several billion corrupted souls.

But, despite the many positive qualities of the spirit possessed by the current ruler of Russia, I affirm that things in our Fatherland will worsen more and more every day and every month, and the population of the country will morally degrade and continue to die out at an unprecedented speed. Why? Because the current ruler is instilling a capitalist way of life in Russian society. And what is capitalism? - As the classic of the great Revolution correctly stated, “capitalism is war”, or rather, continuous wars of conquest. And another truly intelligent representative of the human race of this planet, who lived in the nineteenth century, pronounced a fair verdict on capitalism: even faster than the birth rate.

That is why, according to the Great Plan of Evolution, capitalist societies do not have a single chance for further existence on this planet. Those peoples who will not be able to voluntarily give up the capitalist way of life in the foreseeable future will be selectively destroyed by the Fire of Space to their very last member. I approve!

The only possible conclusion follows from this: the current ruler, without knowing it himself, is leading the Russian nation to the grave - throwing it under the ax of ruthless Evolution. After all, Evolution knows neither pity nor mercy when the times of Fulfillment of the Cosmic Dates come, appointed at the very beginning of time by one or another Creator of planetary systems, Galaxies ... and even more grandiose worlds of the manifested Universe.

I will substantiate my statement in more detail and more intelligibly for all sections of the masses of the people: it is customary for people to compare the state with a ship sailing on the boundless ocean of Life. So our ship – the Russian Empire, saved by Mahatma Lenin, His mighty will was sent to further sail on the waters of Life. The next ruler, the captain of our “ship”, confidently, though not without gross mistakes, led it along the evolutionary-correct course laid by the Great Lenin. For the born Leader of the peoples, Stalin did not doubt the ideas of the One Who laid the only true course of the ship. Subsequent "captains" slowed down the course of the "ship", because they were more amateurs in matters of navigation than pros. Well, the flattering simpleton “Gorby” completely stopped the course of our ship, as he doubted the correctness of the course laid by the One Who saved the ship and let it continue sailing on the waters of Life.

As soon as the little faith doubted the fidelity of the course followed by the ship, the ship's crew rebelled almost immediately. The cowardly captain could not resolutely and ruthlessly suppress the rebellion on the ship entrusted to him. Therefore, he was most arrogantly expelled from the captain's bridge by the rebellious crew, and his place was taken by an absolutely insane sailor-bulldigger who had no idea at all about the profession of a ship's captain. It was this very bastard who, having been in a drunken stupor all his conscious life, turned our ship, the Russian Empire, in the opposite direction of Evolution, that is, in the direction opposite to Life itself. At this point in time, our ship, the Russian State, is heading towards its death at full speed.

Someone might think why the current captain does not correct the disastrous course of the ship? After all, what could be simpler: look at the starry sky, determine the coordinates of the ship and, having corrected the course, follow in the right direction to the cherished harbor. Yes, this is exactly what a real Captain of a ship, who has a special education and practical navigation skills, would do. And the current captain has never been a navigator: he is just a passenger of the ship, who, out of necessity, stepped onto the captain's bridge. He has no idea where the ship should sail and where the cherished Harbor is located, in which the ship should anchor. Even if he had heard about the existence of the cherished Harbor, he still would not have reached it, because he does not have any opportunity to plot the right course, because he does not know how to use the map of the starry sky.

The current course of the ship, the passenger, who, by the will of circumstances, was forced to step on the captain's bridge, keeps on the barely noticeable silhouettes of ships sailing in the distance at the very edge of the horizon. The passenger, standing on the captain's bridge, sincerely believes that he is guiding the ship on the right course, because, he argues, all the captains of the ships that he observes at the edge of the horizon cannot be wrong in choosing the course.

But I, one of Those Who Know, say: the passenger who controls our ship, the Russian State, is unaware that the current "political" course is a course to the grave. I affirm that the ships visible at the edge of the horizon, that is, all the states of the West, are doomed to inevitable death. Why? Because the peoples of the West have already crossed the line after which there is no return to Life. Therefore, all these states and the peoples inhabiting them will inevitably perish.

I will briefly explain my idea on the example of piloting aircraft. While flying in unorientated areas remote from civilization - in the endless tundra of the Arctic, in the desert and high-mountain regions of Central Asia, countless times I carefully calculated the return line, because I was never drawn to commit suicide.

The return limit is calculated when there are no alternate aerodromes along the aircraft's course where the crew could make a safe landing in the event of a sudden closure of the destination aerodrome. Having reached the return line, the pilot-in-command decides either to continue the flight to the destination or to return to the departure airfield. If at the return line the commander decides to proceed to the destination, this means that after flying the line, in the event of some circumstances not taken into account by him, the aircraft, crew and passengers are doomed, because the fuel needed to return to the departure airfield , is no longer enough. That is why I, with all the responsibility of a Knowing person, declare: the peoples of Western and almost all the peoples of Eastern civilization, who have adopted the capitalist way of life, will inevitably perish, for they have passed the line after which there is no return to Life. Said!

Many have guessed that the boundary after which there is no return is the consciousness of people, accumulated over millions of years of their stay on this planet. And the consciousness of the peoples of capitalist societies does not correspond to the Cosmic Principle of the One Life. After all, practically the entire Western society consists of people-egoists, tied with a strong rope to illusory private property, which does not exist, and has never existed in the Universe. And egoists and self-interested people have no place in the Evolution of the universe - they are immutably destroyed by the Fire of Space, that is, by the energies of the Absolute, God ... and other names of That which manifested the current universe to Being.

Remember: in the Universe, only such rational beings have the right to live, who have developed a collectivist consciousness and recognized with all their spiritual nature that there are no types of property in the Cosmos. For only collectivists with altruistic consciousness are capable of self-sacrifice, that is, they can give their souls for their friends at any moment. And, as I have already said, Life in the manifested universe is supported by the voluntary sacrifice of all the creatures inhabiting it without exception. No sacrifice, no life. If you don't sacrifice, then you won't live. This is the immutable law of the Cosmos.

Yes, the temporary captain of our ship, Russia, due to ignorance, thinks that he is leading him on the right course. He even tries to speed up the ship in order to catch up with the armada of ships that can be seen at the edge of the horizon, sailing into Oblivion. What else is our passenger doing, who, out of necessity, has become the captain of the ship? He is busy with the smallest duty of the captain of the ship - maintaining decent living conditions in the cabins of the passengers of the ship entrusted to him. He also spends a lot of effort on repairing the ship, smashed to pieces by the former insane team, which the bastard sailor tried to lead.

And how do the passengers of our ship behave after a sudden change of course to one hundred and eighty degrees and the announcement by the insane crew that staged a riot on the ship that, it turns out, the passengers were not sailing where all the other civilized travelers are sailing? - More than ninety percent of the passengers are extremely dissatisfied with this state of affairs, because the usual worldly intuition tells them that their ship - Russia, following the new course, is rapidly approaching its death. But, due to the weakness of the mind and the absence of even the minimally necessary will to Life, they resigned themselves, because they know that they will not be able to change anything.

A small part of the masses, consisting of mentally handicapped passengers, guided by the bestial instinct of capture and purely practical considerations, decided to somehow brighten up their journey and took up what the talkative citizens urged them to do, who supposedly know “how to live”. This small part of the total number of passengers took up the arrangement of their personal cabins. To equip their personal cabins, the most unscrupulous, but extremely enterprising passengers had to take away almost all property and other material values ​​from those who did not show any interest in this occupation. Moreover, the enterprising passengers, who robbed the rest of the travelers to the last thread, acted on the direct decree of the insane crew of the ship: enrich yourself at any cost! The one who loots the most will become a non-judgmental member of the ship's captain's team, that is, the new elite of Russia.

Yes, it is precisely on those who in Soviet times stole, speculated, wiped their pants, sitting in the chairs of party and Komsomol secretaries, that the current team of the “ship” staked on the revival and prosperity of Russia. After all, no one in their right mind will deny that it was the morally decomposed bastard that I listed above, to whom decent people disdained to give a hand at the best of times, occupied all the upper steps of the social and power ladder of modern Russia.

A small group of travelers with specific inclinations of the soul, those who always know “how to live”, were delighted with the dashing maneuver performed by the ship. For earlier, talkers were gagged so that they would not interfere with the captain to navigate the ship, but now they can talk to their heart's content and even give a bunch of advice to the crew about navigation. Of course, everyone guessed that they were intellectuals (in their hearts all intellectuals are democrats), for whom the meaning of life is to constantly grind their tongues and express their personal opinion. But intellectuals do not just need to express their personal opinions: in order to get emotional pleasure, they need to involve as many people as possible in the discussion of their personal idiotic opinions. These citizens are capable of talking for days on end - without sleep and rest - for any trifling reason, or for no reason at all.

Probably, my compatriots noticed that the verbal battles between intellectuals and those who are dissatisfied with the current “political” course end with this phrase: under the previous “totalitarian” regime, such discussions were generally impossible, and discussion of the political course of the head of state was considered to be sedition. The intellectuals, they think, cite a fact that convincingly proves the superiority of democracy over the former "totalitarian" regime.

Let's see, what if the supporters of democracy are actually right? After all, indeed, under the previous regime, no one could even think that the leaders of the country of the Soviets could put at the disposal of citizens all the available media to express dissatisfaction, for example, with the political course pursued by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

I have already explained that our state - a ship, having taken a disastrous course, is rapidly approaching the boundary, after which a return to the previous, correct evolutionary Path will become impossible. What will happen is clear to everyone - Russia will perish along with the doomed states of the West and the peoples inhabiting them. Yes, indeed, the passengers of our “ship”, which is heading in full swing to its death, that is, the citizens of Russia, were allowed to talk their heart out - grind everything that wanders into a violent head with your tongue. But the ship, if it does not urgently change course, will die along with the passengers. Hence the conclusion follows: the “freedom of speech” allowed by the current authorities is exactly the same “freedom” as that of the gallows going to the scaffold. After all, people sentenced to death are also given their last word. And who sentenced the Russian nation to death? “The one who changed the course of our ship and directed it to the rocky shore from which we sailed dark centuries ago.

But how will mentally healthy people behave when they find out that their ship is sailing on the rocks, will they really not shut up the mouths of talkers and trust people who know navigation, that is, professional sailors, to navigate the ship? I am sure that mentally healthy people, making a choice between life and the ability to grind their tongues, will certainly choose life.

It is this choice that mentally healthy people sentenced to death will make, but not intellectuals! Why? Because for an intellectual, the meaning of life is to tirelessly grind with your tongue. Deprive an intellectual of the right to publicly express his personal opinion, and he will immediately wither away like a fish thrown ashore. Well, why intellectuals are extremely talkative is not difficult to explain: they do not know how to think. After all, someone who has learned to think does not even want to open his mouth once again to answer the questions of his still unreasonable fellow tribesmen. Remember: The Thinker only opens his mouth to voice his thoughts when absolutely necessary. From this follows the conclusion: only an empty man, who has no idea what Life is, cracks small peas.

Yes, this is the Truth: the one who knows is silent, and the one who knows nothing is extremely talkative. There is a directly proportional relationship: the more ignorant and insignificant the two-legged, the more talkative he is. Moreover, talkers are the most useless workers in all spheres of human activity without exception. But I have not yet told the whole truth about talkers. Chatterboxes are dangerous members of society, because with their flawed verbal chatter they distract from important matters not only ordinary able-bodied members of society, but even outstanding figures of the Common Good. After all, no one will deny that in a short time a weak-minded talker is able to ask so many stupid questions that a wise man will not be able to answer for his entire life. And the vain theft of time from your neighbors is much worse than the usual theft of material values. After all, one who steals time from the people around him in vain, simply speaking, steals priceless time from their lives in the physical world, assigned to them by the Lords of Karma with an accuracy of one minute.

An example from history to confirm my words: can you imagine what would have happened to the Russian nation if Mahatma Lenin, instead of organizing the masses to save the great Power, would have embarked on theoretical disputes with intelligent talkers who imagined themselves to be Philosophers? - The Russian State, which received a huge hole as a result of the February conspiracy of the Zionists, would go to the bottom. That is why the great Leader brushed away a flock of annoying "flies" beyond the borders of the nascent Soviet Empire, which prevented Him from saving the country, leading the rest of the world. It should be emphasized that Lenin, who possessed great mercy, did not give the command to beat the annoying "flies", which would have been advisable to do in those days, but ordered this motley chatty audience to be seated on "philosophical" ships and sent to well-fed and well-groomed countries of the West.

Another example: what would happen if the born Leader of the peoples, Stalin, instead of carrying out the accelerated industrialization of the Soviet Empire and the complete collectivization of its agriculture, that is, the revival of the primordial communal way of life of the Russian people, barbarously destroyed by the “great reformer” Stolypin, would embark on endless theoretical discussions with his enemies about the loyalty of his political course? – I assure everyone that in this case, no more than thirty million people of the European part of the perished Soviet Empire would now speak German. And an even smaller part of the population living beyond the Urals would wake up in the morning in barracks under a hail of blows from Japanese guards' bamboo sticks.

Could Stalin, the leader of the peoples, knowing that a great war would break out very soon, carry out reforms in the Soviet Empire in some other more benign way? Yes, he could have carried out his reforms according to a different scenario, however, if another people lived in the Empire. But such a people, which would not be strangled by the black toads of personal property, envy, negligence, laziness ... simply does not exist on this planet. I will say more: those who really suffered from the heavy and not always fair hand of the People's Leader Stalin should still be grateful to him for the invaluable life experience gained in "captivity". By the way, as if in our time one of the “Russians” lives in the wild, daily observing the sky through the barred windows of his apartment and barricading himself with a steel door from the raid of countless hordes of robbers and marauders.

Let someone try to refute my words: during the reign of the People's Leader Stalin, an insignificant layer of society experienced animal horror, stealthily corrupting the consciousness of the Russian people, and in our time, all “Russians” are afraid for their lives, and regardless of their social status and material prosperity. For more than ninety percent of the impoverished "Russians" every day expect the arrival of bandits of all stripes for their souls, or bureaucrats-skuroders, which in principle is one and the same. As Mahatma Lenin used to say: "The rich and the crooks are two sides of the same coin." But no one will deny that the personal fortunes of the highest state officials, "acquired" by them in the public service, have almost equaled the fortunes of the oligarchs of the nineties. But even this extremely thieving public has finally realized that no personal protection will save it if the more arrogant robbers want to take away the stolen valuables from its representatives, or they want to deprive them of their very lives. Of course, it will be difficult for someone to understand my clear thought, because the consciousness of many citizens of Russia is damaged. I will not even talk about the consciousness of the peoples of Western civilization, because these peoples practically no longer exist on this planet, because they are doomed.

Let me give you one more example, so that the citizens of my country understand why the People's Leader Stalin should be thankful for taking the helm of the Russian Empire at a critical moment in its history. It is known that very high pressure is needed to form diamond from carbon. Just as a diamond is obtained from carbon as a result of an alchemical reaction (i.e., transmutation), so also from a layman, as a result of personal suffering experienced by him, something suitable for further Evolution can be obtained. Since the time will soon come when a great selection of “diamonds” for Eternal Life will take place on this planet, then all people who have reason should rejoice when they have the opportunity to temper themselves with pressure. Let us not envy those who, in the great time of the Selection of the Last, will turn out to be far from being a “diamond”, for the fiery energies of the Higher Forces will tear empty people into elementary cosmic particles.

Let no one think that I call on my compatriots to self-torture of their dense shells (ie physical bodies). Otherwise, someone might think that sexual perverts and religious fanatics who torture their flesh grow spiritually. Nothing like this! I meant that a person's life in the physical world of the Earth is a continuous and never-ending chain of suffering, which can only be gotten rid of in one and only way - to develop spiritually and be born in the Light, that is, to become a God-man and ascend to his long-abandoned Motherland - Fire World.

So Humans need to learn to endure all suffering, and not to shy away from them. Therefore, there is a saying: God endured and commanded us. Only thanks to the experienced personal suffering is a person capable of an alchemical reaction of his consciousness, that is, of the transformation of his lower animal nature into a divine one. The great Philosopher Nietzsche was right when he said that "the superman is lightning from the dark cloud of man." With these words the Philosopher described the transmutation of human consciousness. Of course, I would correct this formula, replacing the concept of the superman with the concept of the God-man, because there are no supernatural phenomena in Nature and in the Worlds. Yes, the so-called miracles are a manifestation of the secret (ie occult) laws of Nature, which are still unknown to the inhabitants of the Earth, which establish the Great Intelligences in the space of the Universe.

So, we must remember: of two evils, a person must choose the lesser evil. Therefore, it is better to be oppressed than an oppressor, it is better to be persecuted than a persecutor, it is better to be robbed than a robber, it is better to be slandered than a slanderer. Why? Because at the End of Times, which have already come, those who trample on Justice will be selectively destroyed by the Fire of Space.

It became clear to the readers of my Message what is currently happening on our “ship”, that is, in our Fatherland. Robbers and officials, which are one and the same thing in a democratic state, without any fear for their existence, continue to spread rot and brazenly rob their compatriots, because they are protected by unjust state laws, which they themselves issued. Talkers, that is, intellectuals, on endless television "shows" distract the people from the cardinal solution of the pressing problems of the Russian nation. Or does someone think that the endless “political” TV shows, on which the intelligent, like a flock of outbred mutts, bark at each other and in general, everyone and everything, do not blow a fair popular indignation into the whistle? And I must say that the just indignation of the people is a gigantic potential of subtle energy, capable of sweeping away any regimes and any rulers who stand in its way. Therefore, those who, through television shows and other media, consciously blow the whistle of this gigantic popular force, know what they are doing.

Of course, one should not think that our democrats invented the mechanism for releasing just popular indignation. The English "elite" did not invent it either in the form of the famous Haydn Park, which is nothing more than an aviary for outbred dogs, where they can release their indignation, fearlessly barking at those in power. Of course, England is not the birthplace of this primitive mechanism for releasing popular indignation into a whistle, for this invention of dark forces has its roots in the multi-million past of mankind.

Hence the conclusion follows: all these poisonous regulars of all kinds of talk shows, occupied exclusively with the poisoning of the people's consciousness, are the most ardent and worst enemies of the Russian nation. Said!

Gromadsky Andrey

If there are currents, winds and waves in the navigation area, it is also necessary to take into account:

- demolition of the ship by the current, i.e. to know and take into account the elements of the current - its direction and speed;
- drift a ;
- time t "of the effect on the ship of the current, wind and other hydrometeorological factors.

All these quantities are called elements of the numeration.

The following requirements are imposed on the calculation of the ship's path:

- the reckoning must be carried out continuously so that at any time it is possible to see the position and path of the ship relative to the environment;
- the reckoning must be accurate in order to ensure navigational safety of navigation and the solution of the tasks assigned to the ship;
- the calculation should be quite simple and clear.

The graphic method of reckoning is often referred to as a navigation pad. However, it should be borne in mind that the navigation pad is a broader concept: in addition to dead reckoning, it includes the mapping of the observed places of the ship, obtained on the basis of measuring various navigational parameters.

§ 47. Elementary tasks of navigation laying, solved on the map in the Mercator projection

Both the graphical reckoning and the navigation laying as a whole largely consist of solving a number of elementary tasks on the map.

These tasks include:

- drawing a point on the map according to the given coordinates;
- removal (measurement) of the coordinates of a given point;
- measurement of distances between given points;
- laying from a given point of given directions;
- measurement of directions between given points;
- transfer of a given point from one map to another.

The listed tasks are solved on a map in the Mercator projection using a profiling tool, which includes a measuring compass, a navigational protractor and a parallel ruler. Instead of a protractor and a ruler, two right-angled triangles made of transparent material, one of which is marked with degree divisions, can be used; a special mechanical laying ruler, which is included in the autoplotter kit, can also be used.
Let's consider how the simplest tasks of navigation laying are solved with the help of a laying tool.

Task 1. Based on the given latitude and longitude, plot a point on the map.
The problem is solved using a parallel ruler and a compass.
On the side frame of the map, a division is marked corresponding to the given latitude; attaching a parallel ruler to the parallel closest to this division, move the ruler so that its cut falls on the marked division. Then, without moving the ruler, mark on the lower or upper frame of the map the division corresponding to the given longitude, and, having removed the segment from this division to the nearest meridian with a compass, lay it along the cut of the ruler from the same meridian.
The compass makes a weak injection, which will designate a point with the given coordinates.

Task 2. Remove the latitude and longitude of a given point from the map.
The problem is solved with the help of a compass. Putting one leg of the compass at this point, move it apart so that the second leg falls on the nearest parallel. After drawing a part of the circle with a compass, make sure that its leg touches this parallel. Then, without changing the solution of the compass, one of its legs is applied to the same parallel on the side frame of the map, and the other along the frame to the north or south of this parallel, respectively, to the north or south of this parallel is the given point. A weak prick of the second leg of the compass will mark the desired latitude of this point. To take longitude, again put one leg of the compass at a given point and, having extended it to the nearest meridian, describe with the second leg an arc of a circle tangent to the meridian. Without changing the solution of the compass, one leg of it is applied to the same meridian on the upper or lower frame of the map, and the other along the frame to Ost or W from this meridian, respectively, on which side of it the given point is located. A weak prick of the compass will mark the required longitude of the given point.

Task 3. Measuring the distance between two points.
The problem is solved with the help of a compass. Set one leg of the compass to the first point, and the other to the second, and without changing the solution of the compass, transfer it to the side frame of the map in the latitude corresponding to the measured distance, where the number of miles found in the solution of the compass is counted. If the distance between the points is large and cannot be removed with one compass solution (the angle between the legs of the compass should not be more than 90 °), then it is measured in parts, taking each part in the corresponding latitude.

Task 4. From a given point on the map, lay a given direction.
The problem is solved with the help of a ruler and a protractor. The protractor is placed on the map near a given point so that the lower cut of its ruler is approximately the given direction with the meridian, and the central stroke coincides with the nearest meridian. Then, without shifting the central stroke from the meridian, turn the protractor to the right or left until the division of the protractor corresponding to the given direction coincides exactly with the meridian. Having achieved a match, they check whether the central stroke of the protractor has shifted from the meridian line, then a parallel ruler is tightly applied to the protractor shoulder. After that, the protractor is removed and, maintaining the given direction, the cut of the ruler is brought to this point, from which a line is drawn with a finely sharpened pencil. This will be the line of the given direction. To check the correct position of the ruler, it is recommended, without changing its direction, to once again attach the protractor to the cut of the ruler at the nearest meridian. If the given direction is close to 0 or 180°, then the protractor should be applied to the parallel and set to a reading that differs from the given direction by 90°.

Task 5. Determine the direction of the line laid on the map.
The problem is solved with the help of a protractor and a ruler. Having precisely aligned the parallel ruler with the course or bearing line laid on the map, a protractor is applied to its cut so that its central stroke coincides with one of the meridians. The reading on the protractor will show the value (in degrees and fractions of a degree) of the determined direction (course or bearing).

Task 6. Move a point from one map to another.
The problem is solved using a ruler, protractor and compass and can be performed either by bearing and distance from the landmark, or by the geographical coordinates of the point.

By bearing and distance. On the first map, the true bearing and distance from any noticeable point landmark (lighthouse, trigonometric sign) marked on both maps to a given point are measured and recorded. Then, from the same landmark on the second map, the same distance is plotted along this true bearing on the scale of the second map. For control, the same actions are repeated again, but now it is necessary to measure on the first map and plot the bearing and distance from another landmark on the second map.

By geographic coordinates. On the first map, the latitude and longitude of a given point are measured and recorded. According to the taken coordinates, the point is plotted on the second map. For control, the latitude and longitude of the marked point on the second map are measured and compared with the coordinates of the given point on the first map.

§ 48

In the absence of wind, the ship, under the influence of the work of propellers (propellers), moves relative to the water in the direction of its diametrical plane. If there is also no current, then this direction can be considered coinciding with the direction of the ship's movement relative to the ground (seabed).

Having laid a straight line on the map (figure) from the starting point A, making an angle with the meridian of the map equal to the true course of the ship, we get the line of the course along which the ship moves.
The distance traveled by a ship can be calculated from the log or from the speed of the ship and time. To do this, at the moment when the ship was at the initial dead reckoning point A, the clock time T1 and the lag reading ol1 are noted. At a given moment, i.e., after a certain period of time has elapsed, these actions are repeated: the clock time T2 and the lag count ol2 are again noticed.
The distance traveled by the ship during the time t = T2 - T1 can be calculated from the lag Sl = cl (ol2-ol1) or from the speed of the ship and the time Sb = Vb * t.
Having laid this distance from the starting point A along the course line, we obtain point B corresponding to the position of the ship at the moment T2 when counting the lag ol2. The point B obtained in this way is called the numerable place of the ship and is indicated by a small dash perpendicular to the course line. By similar actions, you can find the place of the ship at the next moment of time Tz when counting the olz lag, etc.
The compass course of the ship is inscribed along the course line and then in parentheses is the compass correction with its sign. Near each countable point, an inscription is made in a fraction: in the numerator - hours and minutes, in the denominator - the countdown of the lag. The fractional line is always drawn parallel to the parallel using a ruler, the ends of the line should not protrude beyond the sides of an imaginary rectangle bordering the fraction numbers. The height of each digit should be approximately 4 mm.

A necessary condition for the accuracy of the calculation is the constant monitoring of all measurements and calculations. It must be firmly remembered that only true courses and true bearings are plotted on the map, and the distance traveled by the ship is taken with a compass from the side frame of the map at the latitude in which the measured distance lies.
Graphic reckoning should be carried out neatly and cleanly, without blots, with a finely sharpened pencil; the course lines are thin but clear. Too hard pencil scratches the card, too soft - smeared on it. The gum should be soft, pencil. It is best to have separate medium-hard (TM, T, M) pencils for working on the map, and record observations in the navigator's notebook (ZKSH) and the navigation log with softer pencils.

§ 49. The circulation of the ship. Methods for accounting for circulation in the gasket

The ability of a ship to change its direction of motion and move along a curvilinear trajectory under the action of a rudder removed from the diametral plane, or under the action of machines, or both together is called agility. The curvilinear trajectory, which describes the center of gravity of a ship moving with the rudder removed from the diametrical plane, is called circulation. Consider the nature of the circulation of the ship, and then the methods of accounting for circulation during laying.
Suppose, on a ship following a straight course, when it was at point H (figure), a command was given to shift the rudder. It will take some time to transfer, rehearse the helmsman and execute the command, during which the ship
continues to follow the same course. As soon as the rudder is shifted, hydrodynamic forces will begin to act on the ship, deflecting the stern in the direction opposite to the side of the rudder shift; the ship's center of gravity initially shifts in the same direction (section AB). The course of the ship begins to change in the direction where the rudder is placed; the ship begins to turn (roll) in the right direction. In this case, hydrodynamic forces arise that act on the ship's hull and cause a change in the direction of movement. The ship's center of gravity describes the VSD curve, which is called the circulation curve or simply circulation.
The period of time from the moment the command is given to the rudder until the moment when the course of the ship begins to change is called the dead period or the preliminary circulation period. The distance BB, by which the center of gravity of the ship is shifted in the direction opposite to the side of the turn, is called the reverse displacement of the ship on the circulation. Usually it does not exceed half the width of the ship and is neglected when laying it.
The duration of the dead time is not the same for different ships and depends on the time required to shift the rudder, the inertia of the ship, the influence of wind and waves, and under adverse conditions can reach one minute.

The duration of the circulation dead time must be well known and always taken into account by the navigator, so that the beginning of the actual turn of the ship coincides as accurately as possible with the point of the beginning of the turn calculated and plotted on the map.
In the initial period, the circulation somewhat differs from a circle (arc ABC) and does not have a constant radius, but after turning by 90-120°, its radius becomes constant, and the steady-state SDE circulation is practically an arc of a circle. During the circulation, the diametrical plane of the ship does not coincide with the tangent to the trajectory of the center of gravity of the ship, but makes with it a certain angle Qc, called the drift angle on the circulation; in this case, the bow of the ship is directed inside the circulation.

The distance V "D between the line of the initial course of the ship and the point D of circulation, where the center of gravity of the ship is located after turning the first 180 °, is called the tactical circulation diameter (Dts). The distance DE between the circulation points corresponding to the next 180 ° turn is called the diameter Du of steady circulation The time during which the ship makes a turn through the first 180° is called the circulation half-cycle and is denoted t180°.

During circulation, the resistance of water to the movement of the ship increases and the actual speed of the ship becomes less than with the same number of revolutions of the propellers on a straight course. This phenomenon is called the loss of speed on circulation. It can reach 50-60%.

Of the circulation elements, the tactical diameter and circulation half-cycle are of the greatest importance for dead reckoning. Tactical circulation diameter is usually expressed in cable or meters. It depends on a number of factors, which include, in particular, the design features of the ship (its length, width, displacement, rudder blade area, etc.). For a given ship, these factors can be considered constant, and the tactical diameter depends mainly on the rudder angle. The greater the rudder angle, the smaller the circulation diameter. The magnitude of the tactical circulation diameter is also affected by sea waves and wind; in addition, the speed of the ship, its trim and draft also have an insignificant effect.

The circulation half-cycle depends mainly on the speed of the ship and the rudder angle. With increasing speed, travel and rudder angle, it decreases. In graphical reckoning, circulation is taken into account if laying is carried out on maps of scale I: 500,000 and larger. The circulation can be taken into account by graphical methods or, if their accuracy is insufficient, using special tables.

The graphic accounting of the circulation is based on an approximate representation of the ship's circulation as an arc of a circle with a diameter equal to the tactical diameter of the circulation. The value of the tactical circulation diameter at different rudder angles is determined on the basis of observations made when determining the maneuvering elements of the ship, and is entered in the navigator's reference tables. When circulation is taken into account, two particular problems can occur.

Task 1.
The course and line of the initial course are set; the course to turn; the moment of time and the countdown of the lag of the beginning of the turn (they are noticed at the moment when the ship began to roll).
Find the end point of the turn through which the new course line is to be drawn.
This problem is solved as follows (figure at the bottom left).

On the line of the initial course, using the techniques discussed in the previous paragraph, the starting point of the turn B is plotted. A straight line is drawn from it in the direction of the turn of the ship perpendicular to the initial course, along which a segment VO is plotted, equal to the ship’s circulation radius Rc on the map scale. From the point of the O-center of circulation obtained in this way, a compass opening equal (on the scale of the map) to the radius of circulation is drawn an arc of a circle. Then, with the help of a protractor, a parallel ruler is set in the direction of the new true course of the ship and is brought in so that the cut of the ruler touches the previously drawn circle. A straight line is drawn from the point of contact C, representing the line of the new course of the ship. At point C, the circulation ends and a new course begins. To find the end point of the turn C more precisely, a perpendicular is lowered from the center of circulation to the line of the new course - its base will be the end point of the turn.

Task 2.
The line of the initial course of the ship and the line of the new course are given.
Find the point at which the ship must start the turn in order to be on the given course line after the circulation, and the end point of the turn.
This problem has to be solved when turning to the line of alignment, to the axis of the fairway when swimming in narrow spaces, etc. It is solved as follows (figure at the bottom left).

Parallel to the line of the initial course at a distance from it equal to the radius of circulation Rc, an auxiliary straight line EF is drawn. On this line, such a point O is selected so that a circle drawn from it both from the center with a radius equal to the radius of circulation (on the scale of the map) touches both the line of the initial and the line of the given course. The first of the points of contact A found in this way is the desired point of the beginning of the turn; the second B is the end of the turn. In order to plot these points more accurately, perpendiculars must be lowered from the center of circulation O to the line of the initial course and to the line of the given course. The rudder command should be given before reaching point A by the distance traveled by the ship during the dead time interval.

Tabular ways of accounting for circulation.
Despite the simplicity and clarity of the graphic accounting of circulation, it has a significant drawback - low accuracy. Therefore, in cases where more accurate accounting of circulation is necessary, tabular methods are resorted to. The main dependencies underlying the tabular methods for accounting for circulation are also based on the representation of circulation as an arc of a circle, the radius of which is equal to half the tactical diameter of the circulation. To account for circulation in this way, in addition to the radius, it is necessary to know the following elements of circulation:
a - the angle of the ship's turn (the angle between the lines of the old and new courses);
Ksr - intermediate course;
Sa is the length of the path of turning through the angle a (circulation sailing);
ta - time of rotation through the angle a;
q - heading angle of the intermediate course;
a- intermediate navigation (length of the line of the intermediate course);
d1 - distance to the new course line along the old course line.
The relationships connecting these quantities are clear from the figure on the left.

The angle of rotation a is the difference between the new and initial courses:
The VCM triangle, as formed by two tangents and a chord connecting the points of contact, is isosceles; hence,< СВМ = < СМВ = q. (< - это угол). Угол a, как внешний угол треугольника, равен сумме двух внутренних углов:

a = 2q, whence q = a / 2. (157)

Therefore, Kav = IK1 ± q = IK1 ± a / 2.

Determination of directions in the sea using a magnetic compass is complicated by the fact that on a steel ship the magnetic needle is not installed in the magnetic meridian, but in the determined vertical plane passing through the axis of the magnetic needle in equilibrium on the ship, i.e. the plane of the compass meridian. The angle between the magnetic and compass meridians is called compass deviation (b).

Deviation is caused by the action of the ship's magnetic field on the compass needle. With a change in the angle between the diametrical plane of the vessel and the magnetic field lines of the Earth, the magnetic field of the vessel also changes. Therefore, the deviation value changes with the course of the ship. Theoretically, the deviation can reach from 0 to 180 ° to O st or W. Deviation is usually considered with a plus sign if the compass meridian is deviated to the east from the magnetic one, and with a minus sign if it is to the west (Fig. 15).

Compass courses and bearings

Directions determined relative to the compass meridian are called compass. The angle between the north part of the compass meridian and the course line is called compass course(QC). The angle between the north part of the compass meridian and the bearing line (from the compass to the landmark) is called compass bearing(KP). OKP - reverse compass bearing, a value that differs from the CP by 180 °.

From fig. 15 it can be seen that the compass directions according to the magnetic compass differ from the magnetic ones by the deviation value of ±6. The relationship between compass and magnetic directions is established by the formulas:

From here

Knowing the compass directions, deviation and magnetic declination, you can determine the true directions:

In practice, to determine the true directions through compasses, they take the algebraic sum of declination and deviation, which is called compass correction AMK (in Fig. 16, the angles between the true and compass meridians). AMK compass correction = d + 8.

Rice. sixteen

If the compass meridian is deviated to the east from the true one, the correction has a plus sign, if to the west - a minus sign. The calculation of true directions is carried out according to the formulas:

On vessels of mixed river - sea navigation, in addition to magnetic compasses, gyroscopic compasses (gyrocompasses) are installed. The axis of the gyroscope of the gyrocompass is set approximately in the direction of the true meridian, and its tracking system allows you to directly transmit this direction to the pointers (repeaters) of the gyrocompass installed on the navigation bridge and in all ship control stations. The guiding moment of a gyrocompass is many times greater than that of a magnetic compass and does not depend on the Earth's magnetic field. However, like any device, the gyrocompass has a correction, which, unlike the correction of a magnetic compass, is denoted by AGK. A plus sign is assigned to the correction if the nordic part of the gyroscopic meridian (the vertical plane passing through the gyroscope axis or a system of gyroscopes) deviates to O st from the nordic part of the true meridian, and a minus sign - if to W.

The relationship between the compass directions on the gyrocompass and the true ones is expressed by the formulas:

where KKgk is the compass heading on the gyrocompass. From formulas (12)
The ratio between the courses on the gyroscopic and magnetic compasses is expressed by the formulas:
Calculation of the heading according to the gyrocompass, corresponding to the given magnetic heading, is made according to the formula

Determination of residual deviation

When the deviation of the main magnetic compass (on which the course is set) is more than ± 3 °, and for the track (on which the ship is controlled) is more than ± 6 °, it should be destroyed. The essence of the destruction of the deviation is to create with the help of permanent magnets and mild steel, placed in close proximity to the magnetic compass, magnetic forces equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction to the magnetic forces of the vessel.

However, the deviation cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, the deviation remains within acceptable limits and is called "residual". To take into account the residual deviation during swimming, it is determined and entered in the tables. All methods for determining the residual deviation are based on the fact that they establish the difference between the known magnetic and compass bearings of any landmark, i.e.

To determine the residual deviation in large ports on the outer roadsteads, special polygons are equipped, consisting of a fan of alignments with known magnetic bearings. Maneuvering in an appropriate way, they cross the alignments on eight equally spaced courses (usually on the main and quarter points) and at the moment of crossing the alignment they take bearings according to the main compass. The difference between the known magnetic bearings and the obtained compass bearings at each of the eight courses will give the residual deviation at those courses. If there is no alignment fan, then the deviation can be determined from one alignment, the magnetic direction of which is known or can be determined from the true direction and the known declination value. The principle of determining the residual deviation remains the same.

Sometimes a distant object can be used to determine the residual deviation, and the smallest distance to it should be at least 300 circulation radii. Turning around by cars or with the help of a tugboat on a barrel (anchor), eight CPs are taken for the selected object in eight courses (through 45 °) and the average CP is taken as a magnetic bearing. The difference between the obtained average bearing and the compass bearing on the corresponding heading will show the deviation on that heading.

In some ports, the residual deviation is determined by the method of "mutual bearings". It is as follows. On the coast, where the magnitude of the declination in the observation area is constant, a magnetic compass is installed and, according to a prearranged signal, the bearing of the vessel is taken according to the coastal compass and from the vessel the bearing of the coastal compass. The difference between these bearings corresponds to the magnitude of the deviation. To obtain the difference between MP and CP in any area of ​​navigation, you can install a compass on a boat made of non-magnetic material (wood), and the ship's compass bearing taken from this compass will correspond to MP.

The deviation can be determined from the bearings of the heavenly bodies.

To do this, in eight courses, they take the CP of some luminary, record the time each time and calculate the PI of the luminary at the same time points. The deviation is calculated for each course using the formula

To improve the accuracy of direction finding, you need to choose luminaries with a low altitude, for example, the Sun at sunrise and sunset.

The deviation of traveling compasses is determined simultaneously with the main one by comparing their courses and is calculated by the formula