Use of innovative processes by travel agencies. Application of innovative technologies in the educational process

Application of innovative educational technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature.

An objective necessity in the conditions of modern education is the development by the teacher and the use by him in his lessons of innovative technologies in teaching children. Today there should not be a teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make the lesson interesting, bright? How to captivate children with your subject? How to create a situation of success in the classroom for each student?

And this is no coincidence. The new organization of society, the new attitude to life, make new demands on the school. Today the main The purpose of training - this is not only the accumulation by the student of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, but also the preparation of the student as an independentsubject of educational activity. At the heart of modern education is the activity of the student, directed by the teacher. Exactlythis goal - the education of a creative, active personality, able to learn, improve independently, and the main tasks of modern education are subordinated.

The relevance of innovative learning lies in the use of student-centered learning, as well as the search for conditions for unlocking the student's creative potential.

« Pedagogical technology” is such a construction of the teacher’s activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of a predictable result.

What is "innovative educational technology"? It is a complex of three interrelated components:

  1. Modern content, which is transferred to students, involves not so much the development of subject knowledge, but the development of competencies that are adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in the form of multimedia educational materials that are transmitted using modern means of communication.
  2. Modern teaching methods- active methods of competence formation based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the learning process, and not only on passive perception of the material.
  3. Modern learning infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

Innovative technologies involve:
- increasing the level of motivation for educational work;
- the formation of a high level of development of students on the basis of their inclusion in a constant increasingly complex activity with the active support of the teacher;
- constant repetition of the studied material;

Systematization of students' knowledge together with the teacher;
- the leading role is the formation of a benevolent atmosphere, the creation of a positive attitude towards learning through an individual attitude towards each student;
- creation of a cognitive scheme of thinking;
- education of self-esteem;
- at the heart of training - a differential approach;
- good knowledge of theoretical material - the success of training;

Creation of a problem situation;
- work with gifted children.

The use of innovative technologies in the classroom has great advantages. The educational process becomes interesting for students, which increases the activity of students, develops the skills to independently acquire knowledge in the process of interaction and search. The quality and strength of the acquired knowledge increases. Research skills and abilities are developed, analytical abilities of students are formed. In parallel with the learning process, the development of communicative qualities and the formation of leadership qualities of the individual.

Innovative areas or modern educational technologies in the Priority National Project "Education" include:

  • Class-lesson learning technology -ensuring the systematic assimilation of educational material and the accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • interactive technologies, or g group learning technologies(work in pairs, groups of permanent and shift staff, frontal work in a circle). Formation of a sociable, tolerant personality, possessing organizational skills and able to work in a group; increasing the efficiency of assimilation of program material.

Interactive technologies, or group learning technologies, are learning based on interactive forms of the learning process. These are group work, educational discussion, game simulation, business game, brainstorming, etc.

A lesson plan is drawn up periodically. It contains:

  • the issue the group is working on;
  • list of participants;
  • self-assessment of each participant from the point of view of the group.
  • Game technology (didactic game).Mastering new knowledge based on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, in cooperation. Business (role-playing, management) games - imitation of decision-making and performance of actions in various artificially created or directly practical situations by playing the appropriate roles (individual or group) according to the rules set or developed by the participants themselves. I use a large number of didactic linguistic games: this is a task like “Exclude the superfluous”, “Know me” and others that instill the ability to synthesize and comprehend information.
  • Problem learning technology(educational dialogue as a specific type of technology), problem-based (heuristic) learning technology.

Problem-based learning is a didactic system of combining different methods and teaching methods of teaching, using which the teacher, systematically creating and using problem situations, ensures a strong and conscious assimilation of knowledge and skills by students. In problem-based learning, there is always a statement and solution of a problem - a cognitive task put forward in the form of a question, task, task.

research projectthe structure resembles a genuine scientific study. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the designation of research objectives, the obligatory putting forward of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained.

Information projectis aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation for a wide audience.

creative projectinvolves the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative art, video films, etc.

role project is the most difficult to develop and implement. By participating in it, the designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional characters. The result of the project remains open until the very end.

  • ESM (electronic educational resources,including ICT-technologies). Training in working with different sources of information, readiness for self-education and a possible change in the educational route.
  • Information and communication technologies.(Presentation, multimedia, watching movies, performances, etc.).Personal Computeris the organizer of educational activities, giving impetus to self-development, self-education of the student (search for the necessary information, improving literacy, preparing a computer presentation on a given topic, etc.). In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, I use the following options for using ICT: creating slides with a text image, computer tests, electronic textbooks and electronic lesson notes, equipped with animation, speaker's speech, multimedia effects.

When teaching the Russian language and literature, I use ICT in the lessons of consolidating ZUN(improving spelling and punctuation skills and abilities when performing training exercises for both group and individual work); in the lessons of generalizing repetition (using a variety of illustrative material: tables, diagrams, algorithms for the theory of language, spelling, punctuation); at the lessons - lectures(information about the language, excerpts from the works of linguists, dictionary entries); in control lessonsand lessons - tests(different types of test forms of control provide targeted preparation for the exam, starting from grade 5).

In my literature lessons, students perform creative tasks (essays, articles, drawings, photographs). For example, they draw up a collection of poems by a favorite poet using research information processing technologies; create projects; compose summarizing tables, algorithms of actions, schemes; act in various roles (photographer, video director, artist); slides are prepared in the Russian language lessons in the following sections: vocabulary and orthographic work, the study of any section of the language (phraseology, orthoepy, word formation, etc.), in literature lessons - an overview of the work of a poet, writer; work with a literary article, etc.

  • Cooperation Pedagogy.Implementation of a humane-personal approach to the child and the creation of conditions for the conscious choice of the educational route by students.
  • Technology of conducting collective creative affairs.Creation of conditions for self-realization of students in creativity, research activities, a team of students. Involvement of students in the discussion and analysis of the problems that concern them most, self-assessment of various negative life situations. Formation of organizational abilities of students.
  • Active Learning Methods (MAO) -a set of pedagogical actions and techniques aimed at organizing the educational process and creating conditions by special means that motivate students to independent, proactive and creative development of educational material in the process of cognitive activity
  • Communication technologies.Recently, the use of information technology in teaching the Russian language and literature has expanded significantly. In addition to the options listed above, in my work I use standard software modules that are part of the software and methodological complex of the “School Mentor. Russian language. High school. Part 1, 2”, when conducting computer lessons (5–11 classes); software and methodological complex “Training Simulator. Centralized testing” (grade 11); software-methodical complex in literature “Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius” (5–11 grades); a computer, a multimedia projector for preparing fragments of lessons and educational presentations on the Russian language and literature; electronic textbooks on the Russian language, computer programs-tutors on CD-ROMs, for example, “Russian language. Simulator program” from the “Tutor” series (grades 9–11), as well as a variety of computer programs designed to work on an interactive whiteboard.
  • portfolio technology.

For the studentportfolio is the organizer of his educational activities, for the teacher - a means of feedback and a tool for evaluation activities.

Several portfolio types . The following are the most popular:

  • portfolio of achievements;
  • portfolio - report;
  • portfolio - self-assessment;
  • portfolio - planning my work.

student gotta learn:

  • select and evaluate information;
  • specify the goals that he would like to achieve;
  • plan your activities;
  • give assessments and self-assessments;
  • track your own mistakes and fix them.
  • Development of critical thinking. Developmental training.
  • Modular learning.
  • Distance learning.
  • Test technologies.Computer tests that are designed to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. I most often use such tasks at the stage of consolidating and repeating the material covered (for example, 1C: Tutor. Russian language. Simulator program in the Russian language “Phrase”). I conduct elective courses to prepare students for passing the OGE and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and literature. All this leads to good results.
  • Technology for identifying and supporting gifted children.In the process of learning, I identify gifted children who participate in subject Olympiads, creative competitions and reviews, in scientific and practical conferences.
  • Technologies of additional education, etc.

When using innovative technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature, I successfully apply the following techniques in my lessons:

1) associative series;

2) reference summary;

3) brain attack;

4) group discussion;

5) cinquain;

6) essay;

7) key terms;

8) confused logical chains;

9) didactic games;

10) search tasks;

11) text research;

12) work with tests;

13) linguistic maps;

14) linguistic tasks;

15) non-traditional forms of homework.

In recent years, I have been using it quite often in my lessons. cinquain as a technique for the development of critical thinking at the stage of reflection. Although cinquain can be used at different stages of the lesson: at the stage of repetition - a concise message of updating previously acquired knowledge and systematizing the material; at the stage of reflection - thoughtful work on new concepts; at the stage of reflection, it is a means of creative expression of meaningful material.

Non-traditional forms of homework are also of great importance for revealing the creative potential of the student., which are designed, on the one hand, to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson, on the other hand, allow the child to show independence, to find a solution to a non-standard issue, task himself.

Homework types:

Creative work (write an essay or story on the topic of the lesson; prepare

message, etc.);

Linguistic study of the text;

Preparation of illustrations for literary works;

Drawing covers for literary works;

Creation of video clips;

Creation of independent literary works of various genres;

Artistic reading;

The staging of a work of art;

Historical commentary on works (slides);

Continuation of unfinished works;

Nature observation (photo and video filming);

Drawing up a questionnaire for the test on the topic;

Preparation of vocabulary dictations;

Letter from memory;

Drawing up a summary, reference tables, diagrams;

Presentations (review of the heroes of the work, biography of the writer);

Preparing material for the quiz.

Such homework helps to avoid monotony in learning. The child can feel himself in the role of the author, and in the role of an illustrator, and in the role of a teacher. Unusual tasks activate thinking, make the child generalize, systematize the material on the topic.

There are several classifications of non-standard lessons and many types of them:lesson-seminar, lesson-lecture, lesson-conversation, lesson-workshop, lesson-excursion, lesson-research, lesson-game, lesson-KVN, lesson-dispute, lesson-conference, lesson-masquerade, lesson-travel, lesson- offset.

Non-traditional lessons of the Russian language and literature provide a systematic analysis of linguistic information, develop linguistic observation. That is why I am happy to use all of the above types of lessons in my work.

The success of a modern teacher:
- the ability to manage oneself;
- set reasonable personal goals;
- ability to solve problems;
- personal growth;
- Inventiveness and ability to innovative creativity.

One of the interactive teaching methods associated with the development of professional business communication skills. Its meaning is in the development of a collective solution to a problematic task, in the exchange of views on the formulated problem and ways to solve it.

innovative method 1.

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should understand the essence of the phenomenon of personality, familiarize themselves with the main approaches to the analysis of personality, draw a correlation between the concepts of "person", "personality", "individual", "individuality", the personality of a criminal, "individual personality".

Build a logical (serial, parallel-serial) chain, fixing the concepts:

Individuality MAN




innovative method 2.

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should become familiar with the main approaches to the analysis of the personality of a criminal in criminology, learn to study the personality, using methods for studying and correcting the personality.

Group assignment for 15 minutes. Students are divided into three small groups. Each group presents its own answer, which is commented by representatives of the other three groups. With the help of a teacher-led discussion, the correct answer is formulated.

Analyze two historical documents

the date November 29, 1825 May 9, 1887
Place of compilation Trigorskoe village, Opochesky district Bremen, Police Directorate
Document type Ticket (passport - "road") Report
Document content This is given to the village of Trigorsky to people: Alexei Khokhlov, 2 arshins tall. 4 inches, dark blond hair, blue eyes, shaves his beard, 29 years old, and Arkhip Kurochkin, 2 ars. 3 tops, light blond hair, thick eyebrows, crooked eyes, ripples, 45 years old, in confirmation that they were definitely sent from me and therefore I ask the Lord of the commanders at the outposts to repair them a free pass. Today, 1825, November 29, the village of Trigorskoye, in the Opochesky district. State Councilor Praskovya Osipova Signalement: slim figure, height 1.75 meters, blond hair, ordinary nose, growing mustache, Upper Germanic and English dialect. Clothing: dark gray coat with dark velvet collar lined with black, black solid Amushkan hat, boots with rubber

Historical note: under certain circumstances, A.S. Pushkin forged a “road pass”, giving him the right to travel to the center of Russia - to St. Petersburg, on behalf of his neighbor P. Osipova, whose estate was located near the village of Mikhailovsky, where the poet was in exile.

The famous 19th-century criminologist Franz von List is outraged by this description, which makes it difficult to find a criminal, and gives an example: “N.N. 1.59. Small height, rather weak figure, light hair color, narrow forehead, light eyebrows, blue eyes, pointed nose, small mouth, preserved teeth, no beard, narrow chin, pale complexion, narrow outline of the face.

As you can see, there are common vague features of appearance, no features, unless, of course, such a small sprout is considered.

According to F. Liszt, it is impossible to identify the identity of the criminal only by such signs, it is necessary to improve this process.

According to the theory of C. Lombroso, identify among those present a thief, a swindler, a rapist.

But first, carefully read the description of the criminal given by the author of the anthropological doctrine.

“... The offender is a large and heavy subject, has long ulnar bones, he is often left-handed, the skull protrudes backwards ... Hanging ears, slanting eyes, crooked nose, rich vegetation on the head, but a thin beard; ... pain sensations are lowered, and hence - contempt for death, a cruel disposition, the custom of tattooing ... Morally, the born criminal is numb: he does not know the feeling of compassion, does not understand remorse, he has no conscience. He is ... empty, ... lazy, fickle, frivolous, superstitious, loves women ... attached to gambling and drunkenness; he is ... more cunning than smart ... expresses himself in his own special language, has his own special literature, writes in his own special handwriting, moreover, if he is a murderer, then it is different than if he is a thief or a swindler!

Groups receive the same tasks, then commenting on the solutions proposed by other groups, evaluating their performance and the performance of representatives of other groups with the help of the teacher. In conclusion, taking into account all the proposed options, the correct answer to the question is formulated.


innovative method 3.

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should understand how the phenomenon of crime arose, why it is so stable, what shortcomings of the social system and culture cause it.

Group assignment for 15 minutes. Students are divided into three small groups. Each group presents its own answer, which is commented by representatives of the other three groups. With the help of a teacher-led discussion, the correct answer is formulated.

Summarize the official data of criminal statistics and publications on bribery and name the criminogenic conditions for the formation and commission of such crimes and determine the type of their selfish motivation.

Groups receive the same tasks, then commenting on the solutions proposed by other groups, evaluating their performance and the performance of representatives of other groups with the help of the teacher. In conclusion, taking into account all the proposed options, the correct answer to the question is formulated.


Innovative method 4.

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should learn to develop a criminological vision, the ability to justify their point of view.

Group assignment for 60 minutes. Students are divided into three small groups. Each group presents its own answer, which is commented by representatives of the other three groups. With the help of a teacher-led discussion, the correct answer is formulated.

1. Competition for the best team name and motto on a criminological topic (5 minutes).

2. 1. List in writing all possible types of crime in various aspects (both quantity and quality are taken into account, within 5 minutes).

2.2. List the criminal professions in writing and pronounce them one by one (5 minutes).

2.3. List the determinants of victims of street robbery and pickpocketing (5 minutes).

2.4. Answer the following questions (within 10 minutes).

What does "various world of scammers" mean? What types of fraud are most common in Russia? Why? Justify your choice of answer.

To what topic of the course "Criminology" does the following proverb refer: "I chased a cheap one and stayed with my nose"? Name the types of crime.

Explain from the point of view of criminology why the road (street) is full of surprises.

Give some advice to potential victims (for a specific life situation: due to some circumstances you have to walk down the street at night and ...). Team captains receive specific tasks and answer on a given topic.

3. Resolve the following situation (within 10 minutes).

3.1. Natasha would give a lot right now if it were possible to erase that tragic evening from her life forever, which mercilessly crippled her girlish fate. But you can't turn back time. It remains only to bitterly regret what happened. And then, when her school friend Lucy called her, whom she had not seen for more than a year, and cooed into the phone: “Natasha, do you have a desire to have a fun evening? There will be boys and music,” she agreed without hesitation for a long time.

The evening was spent at the apartment of one of the boys, whose parents were on a business trip abroad. Natasha was immediately surrounded by the attention of a young man with the manners of a frequenter of the district disco, who introduced himself as Bob.

To begin with, the host invited the guests to "commune" than God sent. Then they listened to foreign recordings, danced to the "magician". In short breaks, they still "communed" and danced again. Natasha could not remember now how she ended up alone with Bob in the next unlit room.

It was embarrassing to come home at dawn. It's scary, being alone, realizing what happened. Bob did not show up again, although he promised to call. Natasha lived as before, trying to forget what had happened. And when, after three months, her voice was hoarse, a pale pink rash broke out on her body, it never occurred to her to connect it with that fateful evening. Angina, she probably decided, and on top of that, an allergy.

In the clinic, where she turned for help, the general practitioner urgently sent the girl to the skin and venereal dispensary ...

Name the type(s) of crime, the reasons and conditions for Bob's crimes. Why did Natasha become a victim of the crime(s)? Which one(s)? What is the victimological prophylaxis in a particular case?

3.2. Alla unexpectedly received a call from her longtime friend Lyuba:

Hello, help me! You see, my old friend Rafik came from the south. Invites to the restaurant of the hotel "Joy", where he stayed. But he is not alone, but with his brother. Keep me company.

Do not want. 'Cause I don't know your friend or him

That's how you know. We pass the evening, and leave when you get bored. Help me out, will you?

By eight in the evening, the girlfriends were at the hotel. Rafik and his brother Zhora were already waiting for them. The girls left their coats in the young people's room on the 10th floor and went down to the first floor to the restaurant.

Dinner to the sounds of a small orchestra with the singer proceeded cheerfully and carefree. In the midst of the meal, another brunette appeared at their table, whom Zhora introduced as his best friend. Introducing himself to the girls as Said, he ordered champagne "for the first acquaintance." Then cognac appeared on the table and ... more, more ... By eleven o'clock the gentlemen were noticeably tipsy. Alla said that it was time for her to go home and asked Rafik to bring her coat.

Your coat is at ... I forgot where, - he said.

How did you forget? We undressed in your room, Alla was surprised.

What difference does it make where they undressed. Jora is escorting you now. And Lyuba and I will just pay off the waiters and also go up to you with champagne and sweets.

Said followed Alla and Zhora, saying that he urgently needed to call the phone in their room. In the room, Zhora began to fool around and demanded a ransom from Alla for a coat - sex.

And I have a ransom for champagne and sweets, - Said said, trying to forcefully throw the girl on the sofa.

Guys, we didn't agree. Redemption some other time. Consider me a debtor, - she tried to laugh it off.

Look what, ate and saw, but is not going to pay off, Said pressed.

He brutally grabbed Alla by the shoulders and tried to drag her onto the bed. And Alla had to work hard with her hands and feet, remembering self-defense lessons, until, pretty wrinkled, in a torn blouse and without a gold chain around her neck, she finally broke out of the tenacious male “embraces” and jumped out of the room. The duty officer on the floor, looking at her disheveled appearance, immediately called the police.

Name the type(s) of crime, the reasons and conditions for Zhora and Said to commit the crime(s). Has Alla become a victim of the crime(s)? Why? What is the victimological prophylaxis in a particular case?

4. Answer the following questions (within 10 minutes).

Explain the meaning of the following combination: a weapon that is always with a woman. Your advice to women who are potential victims for the use of these weapons (why and when?).

How does a thief choose a victim? What does it depend on?

5. Name in turn (the right to choose for the team that is in the lead) works about the outcasts of Russian classics (5 minutes).

6. In 5 minutes, come up with sentences containing the words “boss”, “subordinate”, “money”, “hit” (on a criminological topic).

Groups receive the same tasks, then commenting on the solutions proposed by other groups, evaluating their performance and the performance of representatives of other groups with the help of the teacher. In conclusion, taking into account all the proposed options, the correct answer to the question is formulated.

7. Competition of captains. Both ask each other questions and answer them on the topic: "Criminology is power!". The original question and the original answer (15 minutes) count.

Unfamiliar criminological words and phrases are given, it is necessary to try (with a hint) to explain them.

Adjectives are called alternately - the criminogenic qualities of the fox from the fable of I.A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox". Is the crow a victim? (Express your point of view.)

What parting word did the father give to his son Grinev (who is faster)? What is the name of this work? Who is author? Name the names of state criminals.

Can this fatherly mandate be called a kind of prophylactic aspect? Why?


Innovative method 5.

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should understand and explain the emergence of the phenomenon of corruption crime, define this type of crime, give a criminological description of the personality of corrupt criminals, name and disclose measures to prevent this type of crime.

Group assignment for 20 minutes. Students are divided into two groups. Each group presents its own answer, which is commented by representatives of the other two groups. With the help of a teacher-led discussion, the correct answer is formulated.

1. Choose a clearer formulation of the concept of "corruption" for today's time. Explain your choice.

corruption is a complex social phenomenon, a product of society and social relations;

corruption - abuse of public power for private gain (YM. Gilinsky);

corruption - ?

2. Why are the following countries the most corrupt: Russia, a number of countries of the former USSR (?), Pakistan, Tanzania, Nigeria?

Least prone to corruption: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada?

3. A number of scholars argue that corruption in Russia, as a social phenomenon, is in its early stages. Till. But is it? But what about in ancient times, for example, Peter's, - the reign of bribery and covetousness?

4. Explain this diagram:

CORRUPTION = Money laundering

CORRUPTION Money laundering

5. What is the role of the Anti-Corruption Council under the President of the Russian Federation, formed on November 24, 2003?

6. What is another name for bribery, lobbying, protectionism, illegal distribution and redistribution of public resources and funds, appropriation of public resources for personal purposes, illegal privatization, extortion, provision of soft loans, orders ...?

7. Why business, economics, politics consistently become areas of criminalization:

a large number of businessmen are involved in the formation of the country's economic policy;

who pays - he orders the music;

so good for everyone? :

8. The U.S. has an unusually titled "USA PATRIOT" law passed after September 11, 2001, a sweeping piece of legislation that expands police powers to close the U.S. borders to foreign terrorists. The law establishes new types of crimes and new penalties for domestic and international terrorists. The law gives federal officials broader powers to monitor and intercept communications and empowers the Secretary of the Treasury with regulatory authority to fight corruption in U.S. financial institutions to combat foreign money laundering.

How can foreign experience be used within our country?

Groups receive the same tasks, then commenting on the solutions proposed by other groups, evaluating their performance and the performance of representatives of other groups with the help of the teacher. In conclusion, taking into account all the proposed options, the correct answer to the question is formulated.


Brief glossary of terms

Anthropological approach to the study of crime- one of the non-traditional areas of criminology. Within the framework of the anthropological approach, crime is defined as a disease. Crime, according to the supporters of this approach, is the result of degeneration, degeneration, a consequence of certain psychophysiological anomalies that lead to “moral insanity”. At the same time, the concepts of sanity and general prevention of criminal punishment essentially lose their meaning. The main method of influencing crime, developed by this direction, is the separation of the healthy from the sick (isolation and treatment or destruction of the latter).

architectural criminology- one of the directions of modern criminology. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that there is a connection between crime and the nature of development, the location of dwellings, the layout of settlements, their design:

firstly, through the planning of cities and towns, it is possible to reduce the number of so-called "blind zones", uncontrolled territories, "dark corners", which become a source of situational victimization, where people are defenseless, where no one comes to their aid in case of criminal encroachments;

secondly, the nature of urban architecture can destroy the system of social control;

thirdly, mediocre, dull architecture has a negative impact on the mental state of people, and often turns out to be a factor in criminal behavior.

Victimological prevention of crimes- one of the promising areas of influence on crime. Victimology (from Latin victima - victim) explores aspects of crime associated with the victim.

Victimization- special phenomenon. On the one hand, these are the specific qualities of people that increase their likelihood of becoming a victim. On the other hand, it is, as it were, a mirror image of crime (everything that is connected with its negative consequences).

crime prevention- activities of state and public bodies aimed at deterring citizens from committing crimes. The essence of crime prevention is the prevention of individual crimes, i.e. prevention of not all crime, but some part of it.

Prevention- medical term, literally meaning protection from something. Within the framework of criminological theory, it is correct to investigate two aspects of prevention:

protection from crime of potential victims (victimological prevention);

protection of society and individuals from being affected by crime (from infection with a “virus”, readiness to commit a crime), protection from drawing citizens into the criminal sphere, into criminal business, criminal activity; figuratively, this direction can be called the protection of people from falling into the network of crime.

Fight against crime involves harsh forms of denial of crime. As a rule, struggle is associated with the search for, detention of criminals and bringing them to justice, or destroying them with resistance. To date, the fight is an essential component of any strategy to influence crime.

Willingness to commit a crime- this is such a state of the subject, in which at any moment (as soon as the starting impulse arrives) he can start illegal activities.

Differential association theory- one of the most popular modern foreign criminological theories. The differential association theory reveals the mechanisms by which social disorganization criminalizes the population. Its founder is a professor at the University of Illinois, Edwin Sutherland (1883-1950).

Behaviorists R. Burgess and R. Akers supplemented E. Sutherland's theory with the concept of operant behavior. Based on the explanation of behavior according to the “stimulus-response” scheme, these scientists modified the main provisions of E. Sutherland as follows: criminal behavior is learned as a result of the fact that these forms of behavior lead the teenager and those from whom he learns to results that are useful and pleasant for them. . Criminal behavior is learned when it is reinforced more strongly than non-criminal behavior.

Foreign criminological theories (modern)- a system of diverse views of foreign scientists on crime, its causes and control measures. An analysis of modern foreign practice of influencing crime shows that the working criminological concepts include:

neoclassicism (theories of I. Bentham and P. Feuerbach with minor modifications);

F. List's theory of criminal policy;

psychoanalytic concepts of crime;

sociobiological theory of destructiveness;

the sociological theory of anomie (developed on the basis of E. Durkheim's concept);

the concept of crime control (developed by E. Sutherland based on the provisions of E. Durkheim);

the theory of differential connection (proposed by E. Sutherland and modified by his followers);

victimological theories.

The study of the identity of the offender- the most important direction in the study of the subjective prerequisites for criminal behavior and the causes of crime. The fundamental methods of studying personality include survey and observation, an intermediate form is psychological testing (combining elements of the first and second).

Clinical Criminology- one of the directions of foreign criminology. Its methodological basis is the concept of the dangerous state of a person developed by E. Ferry and R. Gorafalo, the essence of which was that the criminal should not be punished, but taken out of a state of increased propensity to crime (and until this is done, isolated).

The most thorough methods of clinical influence on criminals (real and potential) were developed by the French criminologist Jean Pinatel. Clinical impact is carried out sequentially in accordance with the following stages: diagnosis, prognosis, re-education.

Quantitative and qualitative signs of crime- indicators of its state, structure and dynamics. Crime as a phenomenon can be assessed and even measured in certain quantitative and qualitative indicators, which is very important for understanding the essence of this phenomenon, identifying its internal relationships, dependence on external factors. Without an objective assessment of the scale of crime, it is impossible to adequately prepare for the fight against it and develop appropriate measures to effectively influence it.

Correction of negative personality traits- Neutralization of propensity to crime. Changing personality traits is one of the methods of influencing a person and his behavior.

Three levels of influence can be distinguished:

1) harsh measures of influence (lobotomy, thalamotomy and other surgical techniques for changing the structure of the brain; violence, imprisonment, murder);

2) soft measures (persuasion, coercion, stimulation, exercise, change in the social situation of development, organization of activities);

3) a subtle level of influence (suggestion, bioenergetic influence, parapsychological techniques, etc.).

The traditional methods of influencing a person are persuasion, coercion, and exercise. Complex methods include changing the social situation of personality development and organization of activities.

Criminal and criminogenic phenomena- negative social phenomena: alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, extremism, marginality. Many of them are alarming symptoms of the degradation of the social sphere and national culture, the decline in the level of morality and spirituality in society, the loss by people of adequate social guidelines and the meaning of life.

Criminogenic personality traits- such personality traits that increase the likelihood of a person committing a crime. Personality qualities are usually called long-term characteristics that are manifested in a person's behavior in various situations.

Criminogenic factors- social phenomena that cause crime. Among the most common factors that can be observed to varying degrees in any country are the following:

social disorganization, disharmony (social injustice, social inequality, social disunity, interethnic and interreligious contradictions);

shortcomings of the education system (family, religious, school, public);

low efficiency of positive informational and ideological impact;

defects in the functioning of the system of law enforcement and penitentiary bodies.

Criminological characteristics of crime- disclosure of its qualitative and quantitative features (state, structure, dynamics, character).

Criminology- the science associated with the legal analysis of crime and its sociological study. The term "criminology" comes from the Latin word crimen - crime, and the Greek logos - doctrine. Literally - the doctrine of crime, and in a broad sense - about crime.

Identity of the perpetrator- a set of criminologically significant properties of a person that led to the commission of a crime .

Lombrosianism in criminology- the doctrine of the criminal as a special human type (deviation from the norm) and crime as a consequence of degeneration. This doctrine is based on the principles of anthropology (the science of human evolution and normal variants of its physical structure).

Methodology for identifying the causes and conditions of a crime- an algorithm, a certain sequence of actions, by performing which a person will be able to obtain information on the following issues: what criminogenic qualities of a person caused a certain crime or offense (or can lead to a crime); what are the reasons for their formation; what are the conditions for their stability; what circumstances hinder lawful behavior; what circumstances make it possible to commit a crime (including preventing its suppression).

The study of the causes and conditions of the crime is preceded by the promotion of appropriate hypotheses (versions). To do this, you need to know the typical causes and conditions of crimes. One of the variants of the typical, most common criminogenic circumstances turns out to be the real cause or condition of a particular crime.

Methods of criminological research- a set of techniques for studying crime, the personality of the offender, the causes of crime and measures to influence it.

Motivation for criminal behavior- the internal process of the emergence, formation and implementation of criminal behavior. Motivation of criminal behavior includes the following elements: need, motive, goal, choice of ways and means to achieve it, probabilistic forecasting, decision making, control and correction of behavior, analysis of the committed, repentance or the choice of a protective motive.

The motive of criminal behavior is an internal motivation for a socially dangerous action. The motivational sphere of a person is a set of potential motives of a person.

Legal approach to the analysis of crime- traditional methodology of the analysis of the criminal phenomenon. The essence of the legal approach is to consider crime as a collective concept - a set or even a system of crimes. Defining crime in this way, the authors start from individual crimes. Their totality in society forms crime.

Crime- the main object of criminological study. Everything that researches criminology, one way or another connected with crime. At the same time, crime is the main object of influence of measures developed by criminology. All the conclusions of criminology, recommendations and proposals developed within the framework of this science are aimed at achieving the main goal - having a destructive effect on this socially dangerous phenomenon.

Causality- this is such a connection between phenomena, in which one gives rise to another. Causality in the criminal sphere has its own characteristics: it is mediated (informational, probabilistic) in nature.

Radical criminological theories- concepts of foreign criminologists who believe that it is impossible to get rid of crime without fundamental social changes. Scientists involved in research in line with radical criminology proceed from the fundamental theoretical position that social disorganization is an integral property of the social system; without a radical change in the latter, it will not be possible to get rid of crime or even reduce its level. The radical direction in criminology develops the more intensively, the less representatives of state structures listen to the recommendations of criminologists, the more often they actually refuse to introduce their proposals into social practice. Under these conditions, scientists have no choice. They themselves have to become organizers of an effective impact on crime: organizers and performers in the implementation of their own criminological concepts.

Social disorganization (anomie)- the crisis state of society, which is characterized by a lack of harmony and solidarity, on the one hand, between individual citizens, on the other hand, between society and state structures. Anomie is a state of society in which the social mechanisms that regulate people's behavior either cease to function at all or function inefficiently.

Sociological approach to the study of crime- one of the most popular areas of criminology. The main idea of ​​sociological criminology is that crime is a disease of society, and crimes are symptoms (signs) of this disease. The nature and scale of crime do not directly depend on the will of the legislator: which acts are prohibited under the threat of criminal repression (criminalization), and which are allowed. As history shows, mistakes, arbitrariness, lobbying, and selfish interests (construction of the legal to destroy statehood) are possible in legislative practice. Crime depends on the nature of social relations that have developed in society. Its objective characteristic is danger (in this sense, the number of people who are afraid of becoming a victim of criminal attacks is a much more objective characteristic of crime than the number of registered crimes).

stigma- the term put in the name of one of the popular foreign criminological theories. The theory of stigma reveals one of the most important factors of social disorganization - defects in the field of social response to crimes and offenses, negative aspects of relevant traditions and public opinion, defects in social mechanisms functioning in this area (police, justice, penal system). Stigma in Latin means "brand". We know from history that stigmatization of criminals made them outcasts, and such a measure of the fight against crime often initiated new, most serious crimes as a response to social exclusion. This fact was generally recognized, and the authors of this theory took it as an axiom.

  • Nishanov Mahmudjon Sobirovich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Namangan State University

Annotation: The article focuses on the use of innovative technologies through which comfortable conditions for learning and education are created, in which all students actively interact with each other, simulate life situations

  • Pedagogical communication in the structure of pedagogical activity
  • Comparison of programming languages ​​on the example of array sorting
  • The use of gaming technologies in the process of education and upbringing
  • Problem-based learning methods as developing technologies

Innovative technologies should not be one-sided, offering only the development of the mental abilities of children. Innovation in education should carry, first of all, the process of developing a small person's confidence in himself, in his abilities.

Innovations in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating a person who is set for success in any area of ​​application of his abilities.

Innovations in primary education and upbringing are:

  • developmental education
  • development of critical thinking
  • informatization of education
  • person-centered approach
  • health saving technologies
  • project activity
  • research work

The student is the main one in this system. He actively accepts the learning task, analyzes ways to solve it, determines the causes of errors; he does not accept a ready-made model or teacher's instructions thoughtlessly, but he himself is equally responsible for his successes and mistakes.

In this aspect, methods of active social learning (ASL) have been developed: role-playing games, socio-psychological trainings, discussions, etc. With their help, teachers master the ways of interaction, develop sociability. Another direction is the study of the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students (A. A. Bodalev, S. V. Kondratieva, etc.). They are significant due to the fact that contact is possible only under conditions of a fairly complete mutual understanding between the communicants, the achievement of which requires the search for certain conditions and methods. A special group of studies are those that study the norms implemented in pedagogical communication. First of all, these are studies on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact (E. A. Grishin, I. V. Strakhov and others).

For the successful introduction of innovations in the educational process, it is necessary to diagnose the individual characteristics of students, which makes it possible to predict their reaction in various situations, which in turn makes educational work more rational and effective.

When using innovative technologies, comfortable conditions for training and education are created, in which all students actively interact with each other, simulate life situations.

The structure of an innovative lesson or extracurricular activity requires the inclusion of specific techniques and methods that will make the event unusual, more intense and interesting. In this way, situations can be created that are perceived as problematic, which creates an atmosphere in the classroom that helps the emergence of a teaching that is meaningful to the student.

Modern innovative technologies make it possible to introduce an adaptive system of education and upbringing, which forms personal functions associated with independence, initiative, responsibility, criticality, and creativity.

When conducting lessons and activities, it is necessary to use a variety of forms: search, research, reflection, play, theater, travel, defense of projects, round table discussion, reflection lesson, conference lesson, etc.

Properly organized work will allow you to solve several problems at the same time. The main thing is that it develops communication skills, helps to establish emotional contacts between students, and provides an educational task.


  1. Belinskaya E.P., Tihomandritskaya O.A. Social psychology of personality - M .: Aspect Press, 2001
  2. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. Textbook for higher educational institutions / G.M. Andreeva. - 5th ed., corrected. and additional – M.: Aspect Press, 2003.- 364 p.
  3. Dontsov A.I. Psychology of the team. - M .: MGU, 1984

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in the technologies and methods of the educational process. Graduates of educational institutions should be prepared for the trends of the changing modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at an individual approach, mobility and distance in education seems necessary and inevitable.

What is "innovative technology"

Word " innovation"is of Latin origin. "Novatio" means "update", "change", and "in" is translated as "in the direction". Literally "innovatio" - "in the direction of change." Moreover, this is not just any innovation, but after the application of which there are significant improvements in efficiency and quality of activities.

Under technology(Greek techne "art", "skill", logos "word", "knowledge" - the science of art) is understood as a set of methods and processes used in any business or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. Thus, innovative technology- this is a technique and process of creating something new or improving an existing one in order to ensure progress and increase efficiency in various fields of human activity.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used do not work as effectively with a new generation of students. Standardized education does not take into account the individual qualities of the child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that cannot be solved by the old methods, there are difficulties with the introduction of innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction of innovative methods not only helps his pupils learn the material more efficiently, it develops their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher to realize their own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovations

A variety of pedagogical innovative methods are used in school education. In choosing a huge role is played by the profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards.

The most common innovations in the education process:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • student-centered learning;
  • design and research activities;
  • gaming technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with informatics, as well as computerization of assessment and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stage of the educational process. Schoolchildren are trained to work with the main programs, study the material thanks to electronic textbooks and manuals. Using a computer and a projector, the teacher presents the material. Presentations, diagrams, audio and video files, thanks to their clarity, contribute to a better understanding of the topic. Self-creation of slides, diagrams, memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps in memorization.

The presence of a computer, the Internet and special programs makes it possible distance teaching, online tours, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study of the topic, as a control can be used computer tests. Schools use the system electronic journals, in which you can track the results of an individual child, class, or performance in a particular subject. come into use and electronic diaries where grades are given and homework assignments are recorded. So that parents can find out the child's scores and the availability of tasks.

It is important to teach students how to use the Internet, search engines and social networks correctly. With a competent approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and a way for students to communicate with the teacher and among themselves.

Popularity is gaining creation of a teacher's own website. Thanks to it, you can share interesting books, manuals, articles, educational videos and audios, and answer students' questions remotely. It can be used in the development of a group project: participants share their best practices, results with each other and the curator, and solve emerging problems.

Learner-centered learning

In this case the child is recognized as the main actor in education. The goal is to develop the student's personality, taking into account his individual qualities. Accordingly, it is not the students who adapt to the educational system and the style of the teacher, but the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes training according to the characteristics of the class.

Here it is necessary for the teacher to know the psychological, emotional and cognitive characteristics of the student team. Based on this, he forms lesson plans, selects methods and ways of presenting the material. It is important to be able to arouse the student's interest in the material presented and work collectively, acting not so much as a leader, but as a partner and adviser.

At the request of the educational institution, it is possible student differentiation. For example, completing a class according to a certain attribute as a result of testing; further division according to interest; introduction of specialized classes in high school.

Design and research activities

The main goal is to develop the ability to independently, creatively search for data, set and solve problems, use information from different fields of knowledge. The task of the teacher is to awaken interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, teamwork skills, communication skills, the ability to listen to other people's opinions, criticize and accept criticism also increase.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to know the world, analyze facts, and draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in entering a higher educational institution and working on diploma and master's theses.

Gaming technologies

The value of gaming technology lies in the fact that, being essentially recreation, it performs an educational function, stimulates creative realization and self-expression. Of course, it is most applicable in the younger group of schoolchildren, since it meets their age requirements. It must be used sparingly.

At the request of the teacher, the entire lesson can be held in a playful way: a competition, a quiz, KVN, staging scenes from a work. It is possible to use game elements at any stage of the lesson: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. A properly organized game stimulates the memory of schoolchildren, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in the educational sphere are necessary and inevitable. And it should be noted that for the most part students are happy to accept something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and able to perceive. The last word belongs to the teachers.

Many useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the "Publications" section. You can draw interesting tricks and ideas from the work of colleagues.

irina kozina
Analysis of the work "Using innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Modern conditions of social life make special demands on the development of the individual. These conditions introduce new adjustments into the life of Russian society, requiring mobility, flexible thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, and a creative approach to solving various problems from specialists.

Today's preschoolers think and feel in a special way. Psychologists, teachers, parents talk about one: These children require a special approach because they are different. The changed world requires a different consciousness, and for us, adults, this consciousness becomes more accessible precisely through communication with children.

The concept of modernization of Russian education states that a developing society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for fate. countries. In the educational process, the idea of ​​self-development of the individual, its readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore.

In this regard, the functions of the teacher are changing. Now he is no longer an informer, but an organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action.

In his work with children I try use a variety of innovative technologies aimed at the implementation of the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education.

One of the important tasks of preschool education is the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle. Health-saving people help me with this. technology.

I try to apply health-saving technology in various activities. In order for children to do morning exercises with pleasure, I spend it in a playful and thematic form. To prevent fatigue during regime moments, I include exercises for the eyes, breathing exercises, finger games. On walks, I offer outdoor games not only with running, but also with climbing, throwing and throwing. The kids love games like "Sly Fox", "Wolf in the Den", "Bear and bees", "Burners", "Classes" other. Children love to play sports games: "Football", "Volleyball", "Basketball", "Badminton" In summer, children enjoy riding scooters, bicycles, and in winter, sledding and skiing.

In his I use music therapy at work. Listening to classical music, falling asleep to music, performing movements to music helps to correct the behavior of children, their emotional state.

I created a center in the group "Health". It has attributes for sports games: balls, jump ropes, flags, throwing bags, bowling alley, ring toss, albums with illustrations of summer and winter sports, disks with cartoons about sports, as well as non-traditional sports equipment made with parents: dumbbells; paths for walking barefoot; equipment for the prevention of violations of posture and flat feet, board games on sports topics "Sports Lotto", "Vitamins", "Winter sports", "Summer Sports", "Hockey", "Volleyball", "Football"; breathing games "Air Volleyball". In order for parents to look at the health of their children in a different way, I place posters, wall newspapers, folders of movement on informative stands, covering issues of disease prevention "Barefoot from diseases", "Golden rules of nutrition", "Healthy lifestyle rules", "Strong and healthy teeth from childhood" and others. Parents are happy to participate in sports activities, sports holidays, hiking trips, promotions dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Technology project activity is a new educational technology, which allows you to effectively solve the problems of a student-centered approach in teaching children. Usage the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrative education of preschoolers, allows you to significantly increase the independent activity of pupils, develop creative thinking, the ability of children to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in various ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality, and also makes the educational system of the preschool educational institution open to the active participation of parents. In his at work I use creative research projects that allow children to experiment "Garden on the window", "Our flowerbed", "Food World", "Magnets", "Sorceress Water";role-playing projects that allow in the form of a game in the form of characters to solve the tasks " "Cosmonauts", "Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Safe Road"; information projects that provide an opportunity to collect information, analyze and decorate on stands, stained-glass windows, etc. "Red Book of Nature", "Unusual ball", "My best friend","Unusual space".

Work over the project includes the activities of children, teachers and parents of pupils. When making a plan work with children on the project, I try to interest each child in the subject of the project, create a game motivation based on the interests of children, create an atmosphere of co-creation with the child, using individual approach, develop the creative imagination and fantasy of children, be creative in the implementation of the project, orient children to usage accumulated observations, knowledge, impressions. Technology project activities in the garden allows me to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate into the inner world of each child.

Technology research activity in kindergarten helps to form the basic key competencies in preschoolers, the ability for an exploratory type of thinking. With the help of research activities, it is possible to maintain and develop in a child an interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly, speech (the ability to think, reason and analyze, the development of the child as an independent, proactive personality will be more successful.

Children love to experiment always, everywhere and with everything, using for this, any material, any time of the year. My children are no exception. In order to develop primary natural-science ideas, observation, curiosity, activity, and the formation of the ability to examine objects, I created an experimentation center. In him appeared:

- natural material: stones, shells, saw cut and leaves of trees, moss, seeds, soil of various types, etc.

- technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails, cogs, screws, designer parts, etc.

- different types of paper: plain, cardboard, emery, copier, etc.

- Other materials: mirrors, balloons, oil, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glasses, candles, etc.

Sieve, funnels

- parting assistants: magnifying glass, hourglass, microscopes, loupes

I'm experimenting: with water, air, magnet, sand, snow, dough. For example, with sand: "Hourglass", "Loose Sand" or "Properties of wet sand". Same with paper: "In the Realm of the Paper Queen", "Paper properties"; water "Magic drop", "What is water"; magnets "Properties of a magnet", air, sunlight, cloth, fur, etc.

As a result use in your work research activities in children increased cognitive activity, interest in the world. They became more self-confident, began to strive to get results in achieving their goals. The children's speech improved. They began to express their thoughts, build sentences correctly, compose coherent creative stories.

Usage information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education. The introduction of ICT in the educational process of the kindergarten improves the quality of preschool education. The main goal of introducing information technologies is the creation of a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants of the educational and upbringing process: administration, teachers, pupils and their parents.

Information and communication technology helps me:

1. Select illustrated and educational material for classes and material for designing group stands, a corner for parents. Children's educational sites help me with this. "Preschooler", "Preschooler", "Cats and mice"», "Sun", "Children's World" and etc.

2. With the help of a computer, I can simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show in class or see in everyday life (for example, reproduction of animal sounds; nature, transport work, etc.. e.) .

3. Create presentations in the PowerPoint program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children. I have created presentations "Unusual space", "History of Olympic Games", "Birthday of Santa Claus", "Professions", "Animals of hot countries" etc. Use parent-teacher presentations "Our Kindergarten Life", How do we get ready for the New Year? etc., joint events with parents and children "Our Mothers", "Winter Olympics in Sochi" .

4. Exchange experience, get acquainted with the scenarios of holidays and other events, developments other teachers in Russia and abroad.

5. Get acquainted with periodicals in electronic form.

6. Constantly improve your qualifications at the Pedagogical University "First of September" through distance learning courses.

7. Participate in international and all-Russian competitions for children and teachers on the Internet.

8. New modern features help in work not only with children but also with their parents. Our kindergarten has its own website. Parents can freely go to it, find out news about the life of children in the preschool educational institution, see reports on past events, get advice on a topic of interest to them, etc.

But no matter how positive, huge potentials information and communication technology, they cannot and should not replace the live communication between the teacher and the child.

Thus, the application innovative pedagogical technologies contributes:

improving the quality of education;

advanced training of educators;

application of pedagogical experience and its systematization;

use of computer technologies by pupils;

preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils;

improving the quality of education and upbringing.