The result of the technology lesson in elementary school. Technology lesson in elementary school mine.docx - Abstract of the lesson on technology "Gift for Dad"

Technology, as an academic subject, has great potential for creating conditions for the cultural and personal development of schoolchildren. The social order of society in the field of teaching technology puts forward the task of developing the personality of students, strengthening the humanistic content of education, more fully realizing the upbringing, educational and developmental potential of the subject in relation to the individuality of each student.

A lesson is a flexible form of learning organization. It includes a variety of content, in accordance with which the necessary teaching methods and techniques are used.

The subject "Labor training" in the lower grades is organically included in the educational field "Technology", since it has always been a material manual processing technology of materials. Its name is fully consistent with the meaning of educational activities in this subject; children are taught to work as adults work, i.e. personally realize the task, personally understand the possibility of its implementation, personally do everything that is necessary to get the product, personally be responsible for the quality of their work.

The lesson organizes frontal, collective and individual forms of educational work. Various forms of conducting a lesson not only diversify the educational process. Each lesson has its own structure, consisting of several stages.

Learning new material, consolidating knowledge, testing knowledge, skills, generalization and systematization of knowledge, homework. The ratio of the stages of the lesson depends on the content, didactic and cognitive goals of the lesson, the choice of methods and the use of technical teaching aids.

Depending on the purpose, content and teaching methods chosen for it, types of lessons are distinguished: introductory, combined, learning new material, generalizing, subject. When selecting types, it is necessary to take into account the source of knowledge and the specifics of the teacher's activity, and the cognitive activity of the student. Types of lessons: explanatory, laboratory, TV lesson, film lesson, test lesson.

Introductory lesson. The main didactic goal: the formation of students' general ideas about the subject. The structure of the lesson is as follows:

  • 1. conversation in order to identify the level of preparation of the student to study the topic
  • 2. the teacher's presentation of the main tasks of this topic and its leading concepts
  • 3. acquaintance with the methods of work, forms and activities of the student in the process of studying the topic.

General lesson. The main functions of this lesson serve the purposes of repetition, consolidation, systematization of knowledge, understanding of individual elements, systematization of students' knowledge and disclosure of an important idea, the topic of the course. The structure of the lesson consists of the following steps:

  • - setting goals,
  • - repetition of the main question of the topic,
  • - identification of leading concepts and systematization of knowledge,
  • - further development and deepening of concepts,
  • - discussion of the most important material of the topic,
  • - the end of the lesson.

At all stages of the lesson there is a summary.

A lesson in learning new material. This lesson reveals the content of a new topic, the study of new material. It can be organized in different ways, depending on its complexity, the level of preparation of students. It can combine various methods of work, an obligatory moment is an introductory conversation. creativity thinking lesson

A special place in the typology of lessons is occupied by subject lessons. A feature of the subject lesson is the work of students with objects of living and inanimate nature. Features of subject lessons:

  • 1. The presence in the lesson of a specific subject, about which the concept is formed. The study of the subject can be organized both individually and in groups.
  • 2. The combination of independent work of the class with the explanation of the teacher, while the teacher cannot reveal the essence of the phenomena and patterns that will be established as a result of observations and setting up the experiment. The result of experimental activity is necessarily recorded in the form of diagrams, tables, schematic drawings.
  • 3. Conducting subject lessons requires careful preparation from the teacher: the selection of equipment, handouts of natural material and other visual aids. Preparing for the lesson, the teacher needs to determine the structure of the student's activity with the subject, form questions and assignments on the topic.

At the subject lesson, sometimes there is no test of knowledge, skills, abilities. The main part of the lesson is devoted to the study of new material, the methods of independent work of students, after which the learned is consolidated.

The classification of lessons according to the main type of training is as follows:

Traditional (the purpose of the lesson is the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The activity of the teacher in the lesson is the transfer and consolidation of knowledge according to the model, without applying the content of knowledge).

Developing (problem-search lesson: the goal is the formation of mental activity for more effective accumulation and application of knowledge. The activity of the teacher: identifying a method that links the study of the concept into a single system of generalized knowledge for the development of mental activity. These are lessons of a general methodological orientation of reflection and control).

Integrated (goal: the formation of a holistic mental activity based on inter-subject and intra-subject communications. Teacher activity: integration of various types of subjects and knowledge).

Integration of art objects - an alternative system for teaching art objects to schoolchildren, an alternative system for their aesthetic education and development of creative abilities. An integrated course that covers the following subjects - fine arts, literary reading, music, has common goals for each of them, does not violate the principles of dialectics, preserves the specifics of different types of art, takes into account the age and individual abilities of students, focuses in general on children's knowledge of reality, on a full perception of the beauty of the surrounding world. "Children think in images, forms, colors, sounds, sensations in general, and that educator would uselessly and harmfully violate the child's nature, who would want to force her to think differently."

Non-traditional (goal: the development of cognitive interest based on unusual means of presenting educational material and the inclusion of the student in the activity of partially changing the content of the educational material. The activity of the teacher: changing the ways in the organization of educational activities and the content of the knowledge being studied), but also cause students satisfaction from the process itself labor.

Labor lessons in the primary grades should have a pronounced creative coloring. T.F. Agarkova suggests the following structure of the technology lesson.

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson involves:

  • Provision of workplaces with the necessary materials and tools;
  • Establish discipline
  • Announcement of the topic of the lesson, initial acquaintance with the sample

II. Children's work planning includes:

  • A conversation that will help the teacher to identify children's knowledge of the subject, deepen and expand them
  • Product sample analysis
  • Determination of the manufacturing technology of the product (using drawings or an instructive-technological map, its “double” details)
  • ・Planning for children
  • · Determining the criteria for evaluating the product, with a repetition of the rules for performing labor operations.

III. Independent work of students is very specific. It is here that a new object is “born”, which must meet the previously specified criteria. During its production, the polytechnic knowledge of schoolchildren is consolidated, their skills are developed to implement the plan, save time and materials, keep the workplace clean; the cognitive processes of students are improved: attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination; improved relationships with teachers and classmates.

IV. The outcome of the lesson gives students the opportunity to:

  • Summarize the acquired knowledge;
  • Analyze the work done and evaluate it.

V. Homework is determined by the teacher and should be exploratory in nature.

So, when developing a technology lesson, it is necessary to focus on these provisions.

Let's consider ways of their exemplary implementation. It is known that any lesson begins with its organization. As practice shows, teachers solve this issue in different ways. Let us dwell on the features of the first stage of the lesson, a rational option for the material support of the workplace of each student. For this you need:

  • 1. All materials and tools for the next quarter should be purchased in advance for the whole class. This is possible if the parents of the students not only know exactly what products the children must complete during the specified period, but also get acquainted with the samples made by the teacher.
  • 2. The material necessary for the manufacture of a certain product should also be prepared on the eve of the lesson for each student, taking into account the level of formation of his labor skills, and distributed immediately before the start of the lesson.
  • 3. The visibility of the lesson must meet the requirements. The product made by the teacher - the standard for students, is prepared in triplicate.
  • 4. The instructional-technological map, revealing the entire sequence of the technological process, is a demonstration and should be visible to the students of the entire class, regardless of the location of their workplace. It can be assembled on a single canvas or consist of separate "doubles".

A skillfully organized material base creates certain prerequisites for the creative work of teachers and students. The primary demonstration by the teacher of an aesthetically and competently executed sample will increase the motivation for the implementation of the product by children.

Like any lesson in elementary school, a technology lesson can be traditional or non-traditional.

In the last decade, non-standard forms of lessons have firmly taken their place in the educational process. Schematically, their classification can be represented:

  • 1. Integrated lessons (di…, three…, poly…, integrated)
  • 2. Transformable lessons (lecture, seminar, test)
  • 3. Lessons with non-standard content construction (game, problematic and modular content)
  • 4. Lessons with non-standard design (excursion, journey, fairy tale).

The periods of preparation and conduct of non-traditional lessons are very significant. There are 3 periods: preparatory, the lesson itself, and its analysis.

Preparatory. Both the teacher and the students take an active part in it. If in preparation for a traditional lesson such activity is only a teacher (writing a plan, making visual aids, handouts, providing, etc.), then in the second case, students are also largely involved. They are divided into groups (teams, crews), receive or recruit certain tasks that must be completed before the lesson: preparing messages on the topic of the upcoming lesson, compiling questions, crossword puzzles, quizzes, preparing the necessary didactic material.

Features of technology lessons

Preparing and conducting technology lessons in elementary school


1. Features of technology lessons.

2. Types and structure of technology lesson.

3. Planning of educational work. Preparing a teacher for a technology lesson.


Konysheva, N. M. Methods of labor training of younger schoolchildren. Fundamentals of design education [Text]: textbook. allowance for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / N. M. Konysheva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 192 p. - 30000 copies. - ISBN 5-7695-03947.

Methods of teaching labor with a workshop [Text]: a course of lectures / T. N. Zotova; Biysk Pedagogical State University. V. M. Shukshin. - Biysk: NRC BPGU im. V. M. Shukshina, 2004. - 172 p. - 100 copies.

Pedagogical practice for students of the OZO faculty of primary school teachers in the specialty ʼʼPedagogy and methods of primary educationʼʼ [Text]: methodological guide / L. Ya. Kulbyakina, T. A. Bragina, L. G. Koltakova, E. V. Ostrovskaya and others .; Ed. L. Ya. Kulbyakina, E. V. Ostrovskaya; Biysk Pedagogical State University. V. M. Shukshin. - Biysk: NIC BiGPI, 2000. - 106 p. - 100 copies.

Test questions:

1. Highlight the features of technology lessons in elementary school.

2. Name the types and describe the structure of the technology lesson.

3. What is the preparation of the teacher for the lesson?

5. What are the possibilities of using the subject ʼʼTechnologyʼʼ for circle work in elementary school?

Terms and concepts:

calendar plan, long-term planning, reproductive lesson, creative lesson, creativity, experience lesson, practical lesson.


To reveal the features of preparing and conducting technology lessons in elementary school.

A distinctive feature of technology lessons is that they are based on subject-practical activities, and practical actions with objects provide the child with sensual (sensory) knowledge of reality. And it is the lessons of technology that provide unique opportunities for this. Here, students work with a variety of materials and, through sensations and perceptions, receive information about their properties: heavy and light, smooth and rough, hard, brittle and soft, plastic, etc. Sensory experience, which is obtained directly in practical activities, when the student must take into account the properties of materials in each action, is more valuable.

Teachers and psychologists note an important circumstance in the subject-practical activity: by operating with objects, a person can more clearly ʼʼseeʼʼ many abstract connections and concepts. Not only children, but also adults often resort to this method: what is difficult to solve ʼʼin the mindʼʼ, we strive to model on objects as much as possible. The meaning of these actions is that a person simply uses the pattern: mental activity is facilitated if it is accompanied by motor, practical activity.

The peculiarities of the technology lesson include the requirement to spend most of the time (up to 80%) on practical work, otherwise labor skills simply will not be formed.

The third feature, the teacher is constantly forced to reckon with the fact that all children work at different speeds and pulling them up to the general rhythm (do as I do, do with me) does not give the desired results, the teacher gets tired, the children are noisy, the products turn out to be bad .

The fourth feature, despite the fact that the authority of the teacher in the lower grades is high, the business environment at the technology lesson is maintained only when it goes at a dense, rich (but not fast) pace, at a high level of children's interest. Interest is retained if the child does a good job. And for this, he must understand the task and the way to implement it, remember the work plan and implement it without undue difficulty. For this reason, it is extremely important for a teacher to build a lesson correctly, reinforcing each stage not just with separate teaching aids, but with their complexes, which will ensure the achievement of the goal, create conditions for independent work in an individual rhythm.

In technology lessons, the atmosphere of psychological relief is also of great importance. Slowness in work, calm, measured activity of children helps to create such an environment. At the same time, it should not be confused with lethargy and boredom, which have an extremely negative effect on the child. There should be psychological comfort in the lesson: normal emotional tone, thoughtful change of activities. This provides an organic connection between learning and creativity in manual labor.

Another feature is that the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements is of great importance. This problem does not lose its relevance. The remarkable teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky (28.9.1918 - 2.9.1970) wrote that the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow from them, which feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of the child's hand, the finer the interaction of the hand with the tool (pen, pencil, etc.), the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind, the more skill in the child's hand, the child cleverer.

The need to develop active movements of the fingers has received scientific justification. Scientists involved in the study of the activity of the children's brain, the psyche of children note the great stimulating value of the function of the hand. The level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements.

Studies of the development of child hand movements are of interest not only to educators and psychologists, but also to other specialists (philosophers, linguists, historians, biologists). hands, having a variety of functions, are a specific human organ. The ontogeny of the development of the actions of the child's hands is interesting. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (8/13/1829 - 11/15/1905) was one of the first scientists to criticize the theory of hereditary predetermination of the development of the child's movements, as a result of the maturation of certain nervous structures.
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He wrote that "the movements of a person's hand are not hereditarily predetermined, but arise in the process of education and training, as a result of associative links between visual, tactile and muscle changes in the process of active interaction with the environment."

What conclusion follows from all this? Manual labor lessons, with their unique educational and developmental opportunities, are simply necessary in a modern school, incl. in schools with the most serious educational orientations (say, in mathematics, language, etc.).

Features of technology lessons - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Features of technology lessons" 2017, 2018.

At present, society puts forward new requirements for the labor preparation of schoolchildren. The main goal of school education is the formation of a creative, productively thinking person who owns universal educational actions, interrelated ways of transforming activity.

This is due to the fact that in the modern information-computer method of production, the ability to search for optimal (best) ways to create products becomes dominant.

In connection with the transition to technological education, teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions have a large number of questions about how to teach children in order to implement the tasks put forward in practice. The practice of labor training and education shows that teachers and educators are reluctant to switch to the use of new means and methods of teaching.

This is due to the fact that they find very scarce information on this problem in the programs and published methodological recommendations in recent years for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Basically, in methodological manuals, detailed instructions are given on how to make a particular product. That is, the learning process is reduced to "stuffing hands."

In addition, in most schools, on the recommendation of the SES, a one-hour lesson is allotted for a labor lesson in the first grade. This means that on one of the days of the week, children can only carry out the organizational part of the technological process, and put their plans into practice in a few days.

Thus, in order for the children to leave the lesson with a ready-made object of labor, teachers have to spend a minimum of the allotted time on the organizational part of the lesson, and organize practical activities according to the “do as I do” principle.

Observations show that in the first grade, children have poor ideas about how to organize a workplace, do not know how to keep order in the workplace in the process of work, experience difficulties in planning and evaluating the results of work, do not know how to transform and use the necessary information, etc. d. And this inevitably leads to difficulties in the implementation of the comprehensive development of the child's personality. With such an organization of the lesson, the technological component of labor activity remains outside the pedagogical organization. There is a violation of the integrity of the pedagogical process.

We propose to consider the methodology for organizing a technology lesson for children of primary school age who study from 6 and 7 years old. The proposed method was tested in teaching children the technology of processing various materials under the experimental program "Design for Beginners" in educational institutions of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the Sverdlovsk region and gave positive results.

Methodological foundations of a technology lesson in elementary grades

A survey we conducted among primary school teachers and preschool teachers showed that the most frequently practicing teachers have difficulty in developing a summary and in formulating the goals and objectives of a particular lesson and lesson. Basically, typical mistakes are made - this is the omission of a number of stages of the lesson and the discrepancy in assessing the activities of children and the tasks assigned to them.

Each lesson is an integral part or step in the educational process, so it has both specific and general elements. The most common elements are: organizing upcoming activities, reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson, updating and testing knowledge, presenting new material, consolidating new and studied material, instruction, independent work and the final part.

Technology lessons, as indicated in the educational program, are held according to the schedule - in grades 1 and 2, one lesson per week, and in grades 3 and 4, two lessons per week. The lesson system makes it possible to organize clarity and order in the implementation of labor education and upbringing and to correctly standardize the educational work and rest of students.

Basic requirements for organizing and conducting technology lessons

Let's name the main of these requirements.

1. When designing a technology lesson, it is necessary to clearly and clearly define the purpose and results of the designed activity.

2. Taking into account the material base of the classroom, the experience of students and the experience of the teacher himself, and based on the goals and objectives, age characteristics of students, educational and visual material is selected. When choosing objects of labor, the teacher must take into account the level of complexity that students have to overcome in its manufacture.

3. Taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the specifics of the educational material, the teacher selects teaching methods.

4. When designing the stages of the lesson, the teacher allocates time for the timely start and end of the lesson, the organization of the intellectual and practical activities of students, determines the time of the dynamic pause, control and evaluation of activities.

5. Each technology lesson should have developing and educating functions.

6. At each stage of the lesson, the activities of the children should be evaluated. Taking into account the identified shortcomings, it is necessary to organize the correction of erroneous movements and actions in time.

The effectiveness of the technology lesson largely depends on its preparation. For each topic, the teacher should be able to select not only educational, but also additional educational material. Before starting to study the topics of a new module, the teacher must check the availability of technical teaching aids (TUT), laboratory equipment, objects of labor, tools and a sample of the product, all necessary materials, check the serviceability of all tools and devices, study the rules for safe work, sanitary requirements for conducting technology lessons. Immediately before the lesson, the teacher prepares the board, ventilates the class.

Types and structure of technology lessons

The lessons of technology can be classified on didactic goals and objectives(a lesson in acquiring new knowledge, a test lesson, a lesson in consolidating what has been learned, a combined lesson); by prevailing methods used in labor training (lesson-conversation, lesson-excursion, movie lesson, practical lesson); content(a lesson on textile processing, paper processing, processing various materials, technical modeling, etc.)

Each lesson is conducted according to a pre-planned plan. The set of elements included in the lesson and located in a certain sequence and relationship is called the structure of the lesson.

Structure lesson-conversations and excursion lesson is based on the study of materials science, production processes, electrical phenomena, etc. Such lessons give the most complete picture of the processes and phenomena being studied.

Theoretical lessons usually used as an introduction to learning a new topic or new technology. In these lessons, a significant part of the time is devoted to the technological component of the activity.

Lessons consolidation of the studied theoretical knowledge or mastered practical skills are built in such a way that students have the opportunity to realize their potential in the practical (performing) component of the activity.

On the combined lessons time for the organizational and executive components of the activity are distributed approximately equally. At such lessons, observations, experimental work are organized, new information is given, previously studied material is deepened, practical work is organized, design skills are mastered, etc., and an opportunity is provided to test technological and labor skills.

Practical Lessons most often organized in nature or in the process of mastering skills in self-care or housekeeping. A small part of the time is devoted to organizing the activities of children in such lessons. Briefing before starting work is carried out in the form of a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the upcoming activities.

On the test lessons the teacher organizes the activities of children to test knowledge or practical skills. The organizational part of the lesson, in this case, is devoted to conducting a clear briefing and the requirements of the design specification - a detailed list of criteria for the actions, operations, parts or object of labor performed.

In designing the lesson structure, the teacher should consider form of organization of children's activities.

In the classroom, technologies are used as individual, as well as group and collective forms of organizing child labor. For experiments and observations in the classroom, work in pairs is most acceptable. The group form of the organization of child labor is more often used in the organization of exhibitions, in design work, in activities organized by the type of competition, in design. The frontal form of organization of activity is used more often in the organization of cleaning the territory, premises, in the process of studying new material, etc.

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Technology, as an academic subject, has great potential for creating conditions for the cultural and personal development of schoolchildren. The social order of society in the field of teaching technology puts forward the task of developing the personality of students, strengthening the humanistic content of education, more fully realizing the upbringing, educational and developmental potential of the subject in relation to the individuality of each student.

A lesson is a flexible form of learning organization. It includes a variety of content, in accordance with which the necessary teaching methods and techniques are used.

The subject "Labor training" in the lower grades is organically included in the educational field "Technology", since it has always been a material manual processing technology of materials. Its name is fully consistent with the meaning of educational activities in this subject; children are taught to work as adults work, i.e. personally realize the task, personally understand the possibility of its implementation, personally do everything that is necessary to get the product, personally be responsible for the quality of their work.

The lesson organizes frontal, collective and individual forms of educational work. Various forms of conducting a lesson not only diversify the educational process. Each lesson has its own structure, consisting of several stages.

Learning new material, consolidating knowledge, testing knowledge, skills, generalization and systematization of knowledge, homework. The ratio of the stages of the lesson depends on the content, didactic and cognitive goals of the lesson, the choice of methods and the use of technical teaching aids.

Depending on the purpose, content and teaching methods chosen for it, types of lessons are distinguished: introductory, combined, learning new material, generalizing, subject. When selecting types, it is necessary to take into account the source of knowledge and the specifics of the teacher's activity, and the cognitive activity of the student. Types of lessons: explanatory, laboratory, TV lesson, film lesson, test lesson.

Introductory lesson. The main didactic goal: the formation of students' general ideas about the subject. The structure of the lesson is as follows:

a conversation to identify the level of preparation of the student to study the topic

presentation by the teacher of the main tasks of this topic and its leading concepts

acquaintance with the methods of work, forms and activities of the student in the process of studying the topic.

General lesson. The main functions of this lesson serve the purposes of repetition, consolidation, systematization of knowledge, understanding of individual elements, systematization of students' knowledge and disclosure of an important idea, the topic of the course. The structure of the lesson consists of the following steps:

setting goals,

repetition of the main question of the topic,

identification of leading concepts and systematization of knowledge,

further development and deepening of concepts,

discussion of the most important material of the topic,

lesson summary.

At all stages of the lesson there is a summary.

A lesson in learning new material. This lesson reveals the content of a new topic, the study of new material. It can be organized in different ways, depending on its complexity, the level of preparation of students. It can combine various methods of work, an obligatory moment is an introductory conversation.

A special place in the typology of lessons is occupied by subject lessons. A feature of the subject lesson is the work of students with objects of living and inanimate nature. Features of subject lessons:

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