How China built a high-speed wonder of the world. Development of high-speed railways

High speed train traffic

The following gradation of speeds of passenger trains has developed:

up to 140-160 km / h - the movement of trains on ordinary railways;

up to 200 km/h – high-speed train traffic, as a rule, on reconstructed lines;

over 200 km/h – high speed movement on specially constructed high-speed highways (HSR).

In the history of the development of Russian railways, a consistent increase in speeds can be traced. Back in 1901, courier trains traveled on the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway at a maximum speed of 110 km / h. In 1913, in experimental trips with an ordinary steam locomotive of the C series, a speed of 125 km / h was achieved, and in 1915 with a steam locomotive of the L series, a maximum speed of 117 km / h was reached.

In 1938, for the first time in the USSR, a speed of 177 km / h was achieved on the Moscow - Leningrad highway when testing a steam locomotive manufactured by the Kolomna Plant with an axial formula of 2-3-2 and an axle load of 20.5 tons. Trips (experimental and operational) were made on rails weighing 43.6 kg/m. In the 1960s, a complex of experimental trips was carried out between Moscow and Leningrad, in which the maximum speed reached 220 km / h.

In 1972, experimental trips of a passenger car with a turbojet engine at a speed of 240 km/h were carried out in the USSR.

The first projects of the Moscow-Leningrad expressway were developed back in the 1930s (K.N. Kashkin, G.D. Dubiler, I.V. Romanov). However, real work on the organization of railway traffic with increased speeds began only in the early 1960s.

After laying a seamless track from R65 rails, replacing turnouts, completing electrification and using electric locomotives of the ChS2 series in 1964, the Avrora daily express was put into circulation on the Moscow-Leningrad line with a route speed of 130.4 km / h.

The first high-speed train in the USSR ER 200 ("Electric train Riga"), which had a maximum speed of 200 km / h, was developed and manufactured in 1968-74. Since 1984, the ER 200 electric train has been operated on the Moscow-Leningrad line. The travel time of this train between the end points was 4 hours 30 minutes, the route speed was 144 km/h. Simultaneously with the ER 200, another high-speed train was being developed, called the Russian Troika, designed for speeds up to 200 km / h. The train was supposed to be a permanent formation of RT 200 cars from the Kalinin (since 1990 Tver) car building plant and the ChS 200 electric locomotive (manufactured by Czechoslovakia). 8 experimental cars were manufactured, which showed good results in tests, but the Russian Troika train was not used in commercial operation.

Since 1994, Russia has been implementing a sectoral program for the development of high-speed traffic, in accordance with which projects were implemented to create special rolling stock for maximum speeds of up to 200 km/h: high-speed passenger electric locomotives EP 100 DC and EP 200 AC, passenger cars of various class for high-speed traffic.

In 2009, Sapsan high-speed trains, produced in cooperation with Siemens, began to operate on the Moscow-St. Petersburg line. The maximum speed of these trains is 250 km/h. A distance of 650 km is overcome in 3 hours 45 minutes. During the first year, 2 million passengers were transported. In the summer of 2010, the movement of Sapsan trains was organized on the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod route.

In December 2010, the regular movement of Allegro high-speed trains, manufactured by Alstom, began between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. The maximum speed of the new electric train in Russia is 200 km/h, in Finland - 220 km/h. Travel time on this international route has been reduced from 6 hours 18 minutes to 3 hours 30 minutes.

One of the strategic directions of innovative development of Russian Railways for the period up to 2015 is the expansion of high-speed passenger trains (Fig. 67). The importance attached to high-speed passenger train traffic is evidenced by the Decree signed on March 16, 2010 by the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to organize the movement of high-speed rail transport in the Russian Federation”.

The history of the development of railway transport has many achievements in the field of increasing the speed of movement, often they were a kind of technical sensation. Back in 1847 in England, on one of the sections of the Great Western Railway with a length of 92 km, passenger trains reached a speed of 93 km / h. In 1890, the Crampton steam locomotive in France with a train weighing 157 tons reached a speed of 144 km / h. The speed limit of 200 km/h was crossed for the first time by a German electric train. In 1903, a speed of 210 km / h was reached during tests on the Marienfelde - Zossen section.

Rice. 67. Development of high-speed passenger traffic in Russia

In 1955, in France, for the first time, the limit of 300 km / h was exceeded and a speed record was set - 331 km / h. This record was improved on February 28, 1981 when the TGV reached a speed of 380 km/h.

The ongoing work in this area shows that the traditional wheel-rail transport system has not exhausted its potential. In 1988, in Germany, when testing an experimental ICE train, a speed of 406.9 km / h was realized. But this milestone was soon surpassed: in 1989, a TGV train in France reached a speed of 412, then 482.4, and finally, in May 1990, an incredible speed record was set - 515.3 km / h.

For the first time in the world, the idea of ​​high-speed rail traffic was implemented in Japan (Fig. 68), between the cities of Tokyo and Osaka, where in 1964 the Tokaido high-speed highway with a length of 516 km was put into operation. The maximum speed on the new line was 210 km/h, and the trip from Tokyo to Osaka took 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Due to high speed and comfort, high-speed trains have gained wide recognition among the population. Within 5 years, passenger traffic on this line more than doubled and reached 70 million people. in year. This significant amount of work provided a solid basis for the economic viability of the high-speed line and allowed Japanese railways to plan further construction of such lines.

Rice. 68. The first high-speed electric train (Japan)

In 1970, Japan passed a law to create a nationwide network of high-speed rail lines, which was called the Shinkansen. This gave a new impetus to the development of high-speed traffic. In 1975, the Sanye high-speed line went into operation. Having stepped over the strait, this line reached the city of Fukuoka, connecting two islands - Kyushu and Honshu.

1982 was marked by the opening of two more new high-speed lines (HSR): the Tohoku line, located north of Tokyo and linking the cities of Omiya and Marioka, and the Joetsu line, crossing the island of Honshu from the Sea of ​​Japan to the Pacific Ocean on the Omiya - Niigata route. In the early 2000s, the length of the high-speed rail network in Japan, which includes six lines, exceeded 2100 km, and the maximum speed of trains circulating on it is 240-260 km/h (Fig. 69).

Shinkansen highways are for passenger traffic only. Unlike ordinary railways, which have a narrow gauge, the gauge of high-speed lines complies with the European standard and is 1435 mm. As a result, Shinkansen-type trains are forced to circulate in a closed system. High-speed highways go directly to the centers of cities and settlements, crossing them on overpasses 25-30 m high.

Rice. 69. Japanese high-speed electric train 300 series

When creating the Shinkansen network, Japanese specialists solved a number of the most difficult engineering problems related to the choice of track structure, the creation of new rolling stock, artificial structures and other technical means.

A special place in these developments is occupied by traffic safety devices. The principle of their operation is that in the event of any malfunction or violation of the operating mode that creates a safety hazard, the train immediately stops. For land modes of transport, this means eliminating the danger.

Practice has proved the high efficiency of the applied security system. For the entire period of operation of the Shinkansen lines, there was not a single accident or crash, not a single passenger was killed or injured. And by the end of the 1990s, about 3 billion people were transported.

Every day, 427 high-speed express trains run along the Shinkansen highway, which transport more than 440 thousand people.

Great work is underway to create a new generation of trains in order to achieve speeds of 300-350 km/h on the existing Japanese HSR network. Since the permanent devices of this network were designed for speeds up to 250 km / h, it was necessary to significantly reduce the load on the axle. This was achieved - in the experimental train, the axle load is less than 8 tons.

The ideologist of high-speed rail systems in Europe is France. After two years of theoretical developments, in 1976 the Society of Railways (SNCF): started the construction of a high-speed line Paris - Lyon, and in September 1981 a high-speed TGV train was given a green light on this line (Fig. 70). The design of the TGV system was carried out in such a way that trains could run along the new line at a speed of 270 km/h and switch to the conventional railway network. Thanks to this, an accelerated railway connection between Paris and the southeastern regions of France was provided. Currently, TGV southeast trains serve more than 50 settlements, where 56% of the country's population lives. The length of the TGV - Southeast network is 2487 km, of which 417 km are new lines.

Commercial traffic has increased dramatically. In the message Paris - Lyon, it was 213 km / h, and the travel time between these cities was reduced to 2 hours.

Rice. 70. French high-speed double-decker electric train TGV Duplex

Based on the first successes, the French Railway Society proposed, and the President of the Republic and the government, decided to build a new high-speed line TGV - Atlantic, which was put into operation in September 1989. The total length of the line is 285 km.

Just like the TGV - Southeast line, the new high-speed line is designed exclusively for passenger traffic. For the Atlantic line, a new generation of high-speed trains TGV - Atlantic has been created, the maximum speed of which in commercial operation on newly built sections is 300, and on conventional railway lines - 220 km / h.

Then the HSR "North" was put into operation - direction to Belgium and to the tunnel under the English Channel (332 km); a bypass high-speed line around Paris, connecting the high-speed lines of France and a number of European countries (102 km) into a single network. The total length of the French high-speed lines by 2004 was almost 1500 km, and the construction of several more lines continues.

The French concept of high-speed rolling stock provides for the creation of trains of constant formation with locomotive traction. Two electric locomotives are placed at the ends of the train, and passenger cars are located between them. A feature of the French TGV train is the use of articulated cars on intermediate bogies.

In Germany, the first high-speed line appeared in 1991; today, the length of such lines here is 800 km (Fig. 71). In Spain and Italy, high-speed lines with a length of 471 and 236 km, respectively, were introduced in 1992.

Rice. 71. German high-speed train ICE 3

In 1992, trains began to run in Sweden, consisting of wagons with a forced body tilt. Such trains develop a speed of 220 km/h. Up to 20 types of such cars have already been created in different countries.

In the UK, three main routes are being improved: London - Glasgow, London - Newcastle - Edinburgh and London - Bristol - Cardiff to achieve speeds of 225 km / h.

Following Europe and Japan, high-speed traffic is also developing in the United States, where for a long time the main role was played by road and air transport. There are seven high-speed rail projects in the US. Some of them are under consideration, while others have undergone scientific research and pre-project development. Currently, the highest speed (193 km / h) for passenger trains is realized in the so-called Northeast Corridor on the section Washington - New York. On the new highways, the speed will reach 270-300 km/h.

High-speed rail projects are closest to implementation in the states of Texas and Florida. In Florida, a 540 km line, designed for a speed of 280 km / h, will be built between the cities of Miami, Orlando and Tampa in a traditional wheel-rail scheme. In Texas, high-speed lines will connect the cities of San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston.

Work on the creation of high-speed railways is being carried out on almost all continents. Australia announced its intention to build a high-speed line between the cities of Sydney and Melbourne. High-speed trains for it will be supplied by leading companies in France and Germany, which have succeeded in creating trains of the TGV and ICE types. German companies are to supply Australia with high-speed locomotives, and French companies - wagons. The new 870-kilometer line will run 30 pairs of trains with an average speed of 292 km/h and a maximum speed of 350 km/h.

On high-speed lines, the track design, signaling and communication devices basically retain traditional principles.

However, they are becoming qualitatively new in terms of science intensity, reliability and maintenance methods. Their necessary elements are microprocessors and computers, diagnostic and information sensors, fine sensitivity devices for determining earthquakes, snowfalls and other situations. All this in double and sometimes in triple redundancy ensures 100% traffic safety.

The main trends in the creation of new types of high-speed electric trains are the maximum lightening of the design of cars, the reduction of energy consumption due to high aerodynamic performance, the use of microcomputers and microprocessor devices, as well as new more economical and reliable systems of electrical equipment for traction.

At present, the HSR system has been technically, technologically and economically tested. High-speed highways have already been built, are being built or are being designed in many countries of the world for almost 50 years. The high efficiency of high-speed lines has been proven, and therefore, today any country, if there are necessary economic conditions for this, can design and build high-speed lines using well-known technical and technological solutions.


1. Aksenov I.Ya. Regulation of transportation on foreign railways. M. Transzheldorizdat, 1958, 179 p.

2. Borovoy N.E. Routing of cargo transportation. M. "Transport", 1978, 216 p.

3. Vvedensky V.A. Notes and critical essays on the operation of Russian railways. St. Petersburg. 1903 110 p.

4. Velichko V.I., Sotnikov E.A., Golubev B.L. Corporate transport service system. M. Intext, 2001, 184 p.

5. Virginsky V.S. The emergence of railways in Russia until the early 40s of the XIX century. – M.: Transzheldorizdat, 1949. – 278 p.

6. Witte S.Yu. Memories. - M .: Publishing house of socio-economic literature. T. 1, 1960 - 556 p.

7. Galitsinsky F.A. Railway capacity and traffic confusion. - St. Petersburg, 1899. - 249 p.

8. Golovachev A.A. History of railway business in Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1881. - 404 p.

9. Dr. Martens. Thirty years (1882-1911) of Russian railway policy and its economic significance. Ed. NKPS. Translated from the German edition of 1919, 285 pp.

10. Railway workers in the Great Patriotic War / Ed. N.S. Konareva. M.: Transport, 1987. 590 p.

11. Zenzinov N.A., Ryzhak S.A. Prominent engineers and scientists of railway transport. - M.: Transport, 1978. - 327 p.

12. Informatization in railway transport. History and modernity / V.S. Nagovitsyn, E.S. Poddavashkin, I.V. Harlanovich, Yu.S. Handkar. - M .: "Veche", 2005. - 720 p.

13. Historical sketch of the development of the organization of the Department of Communications. - St. Petersburg. 1910. - 115 p.

14. History of railway transport in Russia. Volume 1, 2, 3, St. Petersburg, 1994, 336 pp., 1997, 416 pp., 2004, 631 pp.

15. Brief information about the development of domestic railways from 1838 to 2000, comp. G.M. Afonina M., 2002, 232 p.

16. Kreinis Z.L. Essays on the history of railways. - M .: GOU "Educational and methodological center for education in railway transport", 2007. - 335 p.

17. Kudryavtsev V.A. Rail traffic management. – M.: Route, 2003. 203 p.

18. Levin D.Yu. Dispatch centers and transportation process management technology. M. Route, 2005, 760 p.

19. Melnikov P.P. - engineer, scientist, statesman - St. Petersburg, Humanistics, 2003, 472 p.

20. Report of the Minister of Railways Pavel Petrovich Melnikov to Emperor Alexander II for 1866. Published in the journal of the Ministry of Railways. Volume nine. St. Petersburg, 1868.

21. Petrov A.P. Train formation plan. – M.: Transzheldorizdat, 1950. 278 p.

22. Rules for the operation, number-by-number accounting and settlements for the use of freight cars owned by other states. Council for Railway Transport of the CIS Member States, 2004, 87 p.

23. Senin A.S. Moscow railway junction 1917-1922. M. Editorial URSS, 2004, 576 p.

24. Sotnikov E.A. History and prospects of world and Russian railway transport (1800-2100) - M .: Intext, 2005 - 112 p.

25. Sotnikov E.A. Railways of the world from the 19th to the 21st century. - M.: Transport, 1993. - 200 p.

26. Sotnikov E.A., Levin D.Yu., Alekseev G.A. The history of the development of the transportation process management system in railway transport (domestic and foreign experience). – M.: Tekhinform, 2007. – 237 p.

27. St. Petersburg Sorting Station Moskovsky 120 years (1879-1999), St. Petersburg, 1999, 96 p.

28. Technical railway dictionary. M. State transport railway publishing house. M. 1946, 606 p.

29. Technical reference book of the railwayman. M. State transport railway publishing house. 1956, 739 p.

30. Tishkin E.M. Information and control technologies for the operation of the rolling stock. Proceedings of VNIIAS, vol. 4. M.: 2005. 188 p.

31. Tulupov L.P. and others. Automation of the management of the transportation process with the help of electronic computing, M., 1966. Transport, 167 p.

32. Shavkin G.B. Schemes and equipment of marshalling yards of the railways of the USA and Western Europe. M. VINITI AN SSSR, 1960, 63 p.

33. Sharov V.A. Technological support for cargo transportation. M. Intext, 2001, 198 p.

A high-speed railway line (HSR) is a specialized dedicated railway line that provides train traffic at a speed of over 250 km/h. As part of the implementation of the Program for the organization of high-speed and high-speed railway communication in the Russian Federation until 2030, the implementation of 20 projects is envisaged, which will allow organizing more than 50 high-speed routes with a total length of more than 7 thousand km. The main promising HSR projects in Russia are the lines Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg with the connection of Ufa and Chelyabinsk, Moscow - St. Petersburg and Moscow - Sochi.

The goal of the Program is to accelerate economic growth and improve the quality of life of the Russian population by creating a network of high-speed and high-speed rail links that provide passengers with the best balance of speed, comfort and cost of travel. The Program focuses on projects for the creation of new dedicated high-speed lines, or the reconstruction of existing tracks that provide route speeds of more than 100 km/h. The HSR is also called the regional metro, because due to its speed, high tact of movement and the availability of train stations and stations, it connects regions and makes intercity travel available, including daily ones. The construction of high-speed rail lines stimulates economic development - each ruble invested in high-speed railways gives 1.43 rubles of investments in other industries.

Implementation stages

Russia has unique prerequisites for the development of high-speed and high-speed rail communication. Since the launch of Sapsan trains between Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2009, they have transported more than 16 million people. Compared to the same period last year, 40% more passengers used the service, and the demand for high speed travel continues to be unsatisfied.

When developing the Program, an approach was used that allows minimizing public investment in projects. Costs that are nevertheless required will be carried over to the life of the project when the budgetary effects exceed the budgeted costs. In total, the increase in income of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation from the implementation of the program is estimated at 7.8 trillion. rubles in 2015 prices.

The program is divided into three stages. The first stage (2015-2020) involves the design and implementation of the first lines of high-speed highways, the most effective for the state and other project participants.

The key project of the first stage will be the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod-Kazan high-speed line, which is currently at the design stage. In parallel with this, it is planned to start implementing other large-scale projects for the development of high-speed lines, in particular, the construction of the first section of high-speed line 3 (Center - South) from Moscow to Tula. In addition to creating a high-speed connection between Moscow and Tula, it will significantly speed up communication with Orel, Kursk and Belgorod.

On the territory of the Ural test site, it is planned to implement a project for the construction of the Ekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk high-speed line. The highway will connect the two largest and rather close cities of the Urals with a high-speed railroad track. Currently, they are connected by a railway with a complex profile and low speed. It is also proposed to modernize the existing Yekaterinburg-Nizhny Tagil railway line on the territory of the Ural test site. On the territory of the Siberian test site, it is planned to launch a high-speed communication on the Novosibirsk-Barnaul section.

At the second stage, a significant expansion of the HSR network and high-speed communication is proposed. In the period from 2020 to 2025, it is planned to implement 9 projects:

  • Extension of HSR-2 from Kazan to Yelabuga station, in the zone of influence of which are large cities - Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk.
  • Extension of the High-speed Line Center - South from Tula to Voronezh, as well as the construction of a section from Rostov-on-Don to Adler.
  • Organization on the territory of the Central polygon of high-speed communication on the route Moscow - Yaroslavl. This will require the construction of a new high-speed track in the section from Pushkino to Yaroslavl, and the launch of a high-speed line in the existing profile by upgrading the infrastructure in the Moscow-Krasnoye section. It is also proposed to build a high-speed double-track highway in a new profile from Vladimir to Ivanovo on the territory of the Central Polygon.
  • Design and build a high-speed highway Yekaterinburg - Tyumen on the territory of the Ural test site.
  • To organize high-speed traffic on the territory of the Siberian test site in the sections Novosibirsk-Kemerovo, Yurga-Tomsk and Kemerovo-Novokuznetsk. This includes the construction of tracks in a new profile, and the modernization of the existing infrastructure.

In the period up to 2030, the formation of the supporting framework of the network will be completed:

  • The largest project at this stage will be the Moscow-Yekaterinburg high-speed line. VSM-2 will be extended from Yelabuga to Yekaterinburg.
  • The construction of the Voronezh-Rostov-on-Don section will make it possible to connect the previously constructed sections of the VSM-3 Center-South into a single highway.
  • A major project will be the construction of a high-speed line from HSR-2 Cheboksary-Samara, which will connect such large cities as Ulyanovsk, Samara and Tolyatti with the supporting frame of the HSR.
  • A separate project will make it possible to link Stavropol and the resorts of the Black Sea coast by high-speed rail.

Eliminate bottlenecks

The implementation of high-speed and high-speed traffic projects will make a significant contribution to eliminating bottlenecks in the Russian transport system by switching part of the long-distance passenger traffic from existing lines to high-speed ones. Such a transfer will free the busy lines for the transport of goods. In addition, this will remove a number of restrictions on economic growth by increasing budget revenues and gross regional product, developing engineering, tourism and other sectors of the economy.

The implementation of high-speed rail projects will create the basis for dynamic economic growth. Such projects, along with their own efficiency, act as a catalyst for the development of industries, small and medium-sized businesses, and the development of regions.

At the same time, the absence in Russia of a railway transportation segment with such speeds is one of the bottlenecks in our transport system, which makes the domestic economy much less competitive.

Our current interest in the development of high-speed railways can be explained by such motives as the need to remove infrastructure restrictions and stimulate economic growth in various industries. In accordance with the Forecast of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and the Transport Strategy for the period up to 2030, as well as the General Scheme for the Development of the Railway Network in Russia, it is planned to create an integrated network of high-speed and high-speed railway traffic. By the specified date, it is planned to build more than 4.2 thousand km of new high-speed communication lines.

In addition, Russian Railways is actively implementing the corporate development strategy approved by the Board of Directors, which sets a large-scale goal of maintaining its share in the passenger transportation market through the development of high-speed and high-speed communications and the introduction of new technologies. By 2030, the company plans to increase the existing volume of passenger traffic by at least 40%, which is almost impossible if we do not provide transportation at a new level of speed.

So it was not in vain that Russia joined the “HSR Club”. When we first launched the first high-speed train, they looked at us rather skeptically, but the popularity and experience of using Sapsan and Allegro removed all questions about the need to develop high-speed lines. As practice shows, the demand for modern transport services in the country is very high. This year, Russian Railways launched the practical implementation of a pilot project for the construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line with a medium-term extension to Yekaterinburg and a more distant one to Beijing. The emergence of high-speed railways will give Russian regions new opportunities for development. At the same time, Russian Railways can count not only on an increase in passenger traffic, but also on an increase in global competitiveness in the transport services market.

Alexander Misharin, First Vice President of Russian Railways

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Driver of social and economic development

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HSR nationwide

The experience of states where it successfully operates shows that high-speed lines perform an important system-forming function. In Russia, the creation of high-speed railways has been talked about at various levels for a long time, but only now dreams are becoming a reality. Moreover, despite the difficult economic situation, the implementation of the project is not delayed. “The organization of high-speed traffic is one of the projects of a national scale that meets the interests of not only the railway industry, but also the country's economy as a whole,” said Alexander Misharin, First Vice President of Russian Railways, General Director of High-Speed ​​Railroads.

The main difficulty that any company faces when implementing such a large infrastructure project is raising funds in the capital markets. The fact is that the payback period for such projects is about 35 years, and not every investor is ready for such long-term investments. In addition, today the situation is aggravated by foreign policy problems, primarily the lack of access for Russian companies to international financial markets. It should also be taken into account that there have not been such projects (in terms of scale and cost) in Russia yet, so many potential investors treat it with some apprehension. At the same time, there is an understanding that investments in transport infrastructure are usually paid off due to the accompanying socio-economic effects.

From idea to implementation

The uniqueness of the Russian project lies in the fact that today trains with speeds over 300 km/h are not operated on a regular basis anywhere in similar climatic conditions. There is no HSR in Northern Europe or North America, where winters are cold and snowy. “Accordingly, we have to answer numerous questions related to the organization of high-speed traffic at low temperatures. If such an experience appears in Russia, it will become exclusive and in demand by our foreign partners,” Alexander Misharin believes.

The first in Russia will be the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line. It has already been decided that the highway will pass through the territory of the Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as the republics of Chuvashia, Mari El and Tatarstan. It is expected to get a multiplier effect from the implementation of the project. According to the calculations of the leading industry institutions, only in the first 11 years, from 2019 to 2030, the total GDP growth will be more than 11.7 trillion. rubles, and additional tax revenues - 3.8 trillion. rub.

High-speed import substitution

The creation of the VSM will become an impetus for the modernization and expansion of the base of domestic suppliers, including from the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses. The implementation of the project provides for a deep (at the level of at least 80%) localization of production. This also applies to the production of rolling stock. It is planned to create over 370,000 jobs in the region where the highway passes in more than 20 sectors of the country's economy.

Thanks to the development of related industries and colossal agglomeration processes, the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions will have the greatest effect with a 75% increase in GRP. “By increasing transport accessibility for the population, economic and business ties between the largest cities of the Volga region will be strengthened,” adds Alexander Misharin.

According to his estimates, in connection with the construction of the high-speed railway, Russia has a real chance to create a new technological order of the domestic economy. In other words, there is an opportunity not only to unite enterprises of related industries, but also to raise their overall level of production to modern standards, as well as to ensure synchronous development.

The project is expected to serve as a driver for the development of the transport industry in the face of economic instability. According to comprehensive studies conducted by VTsIOM in 2014, the emergence of high-speed railways can increase the industrial and socio-cultural potential of cities located on the route of the highway by almost 60%. In this case, only the growth of the real estate market can be from 5 to 10%.

International experience shows that major infrastructure projects stimulate the development of the real sector of the economy to the greatest extent. The organization of high-speed rail communication is a fundamentally new step in the modernization of the Russian transport system, which has already been taken by such countries as Japan, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, China, etc.

Increasing population mobility

The appearance of high-speed lines stimulates not only economic, but also social development of the territory due to progress in industry and the provision of a new level of service. The construction of the high-speed railway will make a significant contribution to eliminating bottlenecks in the Russian transport system, since part of the passenger traffic will switch from existing railway lines to high-speed ones, and the existing infrastructure will be freed up for freight traffic. In addition, it will be possible to increase passenger traffic in suburban traffic due to increased mobility of the population. This, in turn, will result in increased revenues and open up new business opportunities.

Finally, high-speed rail transport is the most environmentally friendly. The massive use of high-speed lines will help unload roads. In addition, if you have a high-speed connection, you do not need to change your place of residence to work in a metropolis and you can always have time for business negotiations in another city.

An increase in the speed of passenger traffic, an increase in the mobility of the population make it possible to acquire a new qualitative status for those areas through which high-speed highways run. All this together will have a positive impact not only on employment, but also on regional development, and hence on the country's economy as a whole.

Tatiana Simonova

Moscow - Kazan: you can't catch up with us

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High-speed railway Moscow - Kazan will become the basis for the organization of high-speed rail traffic in Russia. The new branch is going to download completely. It is assumed that trains will run along it, which can reach speeds from 200 to 400 km / h. The most modern carriages will be manufactured specially for the HSR lines. “Taking into account the demand for the Moscow-Kazan route, the operation of several types of passenger trains is envisaged. For example, for suburban high-speed traffic, trains with speeds up to 200 km/h will be used. They provide maximum capacity with sufficient comfort. The main workhorse should be high-speed electric trains with a maximum speed of up to 400 km/h. They will connect all stations of the highway and will carry the main passenger traffic. At the same time, the entire range of rolling stock will be produced in Russia,” said Georgy Petrushenko.

The developed project has already passed the justification of investments in the construction of the first section Moscow - Vladimir. In addition, state expertise, technological and price audits were carried out. Given the scale of the project, its implementation requires the use of public-private partnership mechanisms. The entire project for the construction of a new highway is estimated at almost 900 billion rubles, or 1.068 trillion rub., including the cost of station infrastructure and rolling stock.

As a reminder, on June 18, 2015, Russian Railways, following the results of an open tender, concluded an agreement with a consortium of design companies represented by Mosgiprotrans, Nizhegorodmetroproekt, and Er Yuan, a Chinese railway engineering corporation. The document includes engineering surveys, development of a planning and land surveying project, as well as the development of project documentation for the construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line.

It should be noted that the distribution of work and responsibilities within the framework of the consortium will be carried out taking into account the merits and experience of each of the participants in the design of large-scale transport facilities. The Russian participants (Mosgiprotrans and Nizhegorodmetroproekt) have extensive experience in designing transport facilities in Russia. The companies thoroughly know the domestic regulatory and technical base, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of transport design and construction, local restrictions, climatic conditions of construction and operation features. In turn, the Chinese corporation "Er Yuan" has extensive experience in designing high-speed railways in China and has advanced world design technologies tested in practice.

Memorandum concluded by representatives of Russia and China in the field of construction of high-speed railwayof the Moscow-Kazan highway is considered by the parties within the framework of broader cooperation, which involves the docking of the Eurasian Economic Union and the trans-Eurasian trade and infrastructure project "The Economic Belt of the Silk Road". The corresponding agreement was reached during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow in May.

HSR of the Eurasian scale

Such a global trade route as Moscow-Kazan-Beijing can give the Russian economy a huge boost. If it is planned to carry out mainly passenger transportation on the Moscow-Kazan section, then when connecting to the Beijing highway, the movement of many high-speed freight trains will be launched. The payback of the new railway will largely depend on freight traffic. Travel time between the two extreme points will be reduced from 6 to 2 days.

In the process of implementing a large-scale project to create a high-speed line between Moscow and Beijing, Ekaterinburg will have every chance to become a strategically important international transport and logistics hub on the border of Europe and Asia. The high-speed highway Moscow-Beijing, within the framework of the Silk Road international project, will provide a fast and reliable connection between the global markets of Europe, China and the Middle East. supposed to. However, the Trans-Eurasian Belt of Razvitie, integrated into the Silk Road economic belt, also implies a European component. A year ago, the management of Russian Railways announced the possibility of organizing a new high-speed route Minsk - Moscow - Astana - Almaty through the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. So we can assume that the development of high-speed lines in the Russian Federation is only at the beginning of a long journey.

Tatiana Simonova

New opportunities provided by the development of a high-speed highway

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Release of existing rail lines for freight traffic;

Economic recovery of regions;

Development of technologies for high-speed transportation of containers along high-speed lines;

Reduction of environmental impact through the introduction of highly environmentally friendly technologies;

Transformation of the appearance of cities and regions, development of new areas of residence;

Increasing population mobility;

Effects from the construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line

28 trillion rubles total economic effect

3.4 trillion rubles overall budget effect until 2030

11.7 trillion rublescumulative GDP growth in 2019–2030 at the expense

agglomeration effects achieved by reducing the delivery time of goods and passengers, as well as simplifying the exchange of information, goods and services between cities

85% population of Russia according to VTsIOM surveys for 2014, supports the implementation of high-speed railway construction projects

1.068 trillion rubles total cost of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed rail project, including the construction of railway station infrastructure and rolling stock

More 100 million people(2/3 of the country's population), according to the Center for Strategic Research, now lives in the high-speed line design zone

Project gaining speed

"Allegro", which connected the northern capital with Helsinki. Today, the loading of high-speed trains on the Russian Railways network is more than 90%. Now the country's transport system has to take a new step and move on to the construction and operation of high-speed railways, the speed of trains on which can reach 400 km/h.

Next generation service

Current trends in the development of the Russian and global economy pose new challenges for Russian Railways to increase the company's global competitiveness and increase business value. According to Georgy Petrushenko, Head of the Center for the Organization of High-Speed ​​and High-Speed ​​Communications of Russian Railways, 2014, full of economic and political events, has become one of the most difficult for the passenger transportation sector. However, the situation in the field of high-speed and high-speed communication developed positively.

“Statistics confirms that passengers in practice choose a quality and comfortable service,” he stressed.

Russian Railways highly appreciates the potential of high-speed lines for the railway industry and the country as a whole, therefore, it has become more active in stimulating their development. Thus, this year the company has started design and survey work for the construction of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line.

“Any HSR project is a huge order for the industry. Only for the supply of equipment and construction products during the creation of the Moscow-Kazan line, the domestic industry and the construction industry will receive a direct order for at least 270 billion rubles. Even up to 100 billion rubles. - for equipment and line equipment (machines, energy, automation and communication systems),” Georgy Petrushenko commented.

The standards for the design of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed rail line are based on Russian developments, as well as the regulatory framework of the member countries of the European Union and China adapted for Russia. “Such a solution significantly reduces the time for research and development and avoids significant costs,” said Georgy Petrushenko.

Main indicators of the high-speed line Moscow - Beijing (plan)

195 million people average annual planned passenger traffic

8 thousand km approximate length of the route Will pass through the territory of 3 states of Russia, Kazakhstan and China

1345 artificial structures


255 bridges

223 overpasses

102 flyovers

Main indicators of HSR Moscow-Kazan

770 km length of HSR Moscow – Kazan

400 km/h maximum train speed

370 thousand potential new jobs

354 thousand tons of metal will be required for the construction of artificial structures

Annual passenger traffic of 10.5 million people in the first years of operation of the line

17 million people by 2030

7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation Moscow and Moscow region, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions, Chuvash Republic, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Tatarstan

15 stops in 5 - in large cities (Moscow, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Kazan)

10 - in regional centers

Get down to business - with a portfolio of innovations

Behind case – with a portfolio of innovations

The construction and operation of high-speed highways require the use of innovative for Russia technologies for designing track infrastructure structures, erecting artificial structures and track structure elements, as well as developing intelligent traffic control systems. How is it planned to equip the high-speed lines and what is Russian Railways doing for this?

To master the technologies necessary for the organization of high-speed communication, the company has formed a special technological platform

"High-Speed ​​Intelligent Rail Transport". Based on the platform, a set of measures has been developed that will allow the creation of promising technologies. For this purpose, educational and scientific organizations, design bureaus and industry enterprises are united within the technological platform. A working committee headed by Senior Vice President of Russian Railways Valentin Gapanovich has been appointed as the executive body. Coordination of participants' actions is entrusted to the Center for Innovative Development.

As Alexander Korchagin, head of the Center, said, at present, the subject of ongoing research mainly affects the issues of intellectualization of traffic control processes. When ensuring movement at high speeds, this is necessary, because in some situations a person may simply not have time to respond to ongoing events in time.

At Russian Railways, considerable attention is also paid to the search and implementation of promising track designs. In particular, at the end of 2014, four types of ballast-free track structures for high-speed railways, assembled at the expense of manufacturing companies, were laid for testing on the experimental ring in Shcherbinka at the end of 2014. Such structures are able to withstand overloads and do not deform. Additionally, 100-meter rails were laid on the ballastless track, which were not previously used on the Russian railway network. As a result, it became possible to obtain a new generation of track superstructures, which also require special concrete and monolithic structures.

The construction of high-speed rail is expected to generate demand for a range of innovative materials. Modern equipment will also be required to automate engineering surveys and construct infrastructure facilities.

An intelligent traffic control system is distinguished by the fact that it is able to make decisions on its own depending on the situation or helps a person choose the most optimal course of action.

In addition, it is necessary to create a unified intelligent system for monitoring the technical condition of the rolling stock and its impact on the track in real time (“RZD-monitor”). As part of this project, some of the components already have their prototypes.

Currently, within the framework of the technical regulations of the Customs Union on safety, a unified system of regulatory and technical documents for high-speed lines is being created. After that, as noted at a special meeting of the Joint Scientific Council of Russian Railways, it will be possible to optimize many existing solutions, as well as determine the need for the transfer of foreign technologies.

Alexander Solntsev

Fast track to success

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Race of the century

The pioneer of the High-Speed ​​Line (hereinafter referred to as HSR) is Japan, where the first high-speed line between Tokyo and Osaka was put into operation in 1964. Initially, it was supposed to be used for freight traffic, but with the growth of the population, the strategy was changed. Today, the length of high-speed lines in Japan is about 2.5 thousand km. Shinkansen trains are used to transport passengers (translated as “new highway”).

It can be said that Japan sets the pace for high-speed transportation around the world. This year, a new speed record was set in the country: a train on a magnetic levitation cushion (maglev) was able to accelerate to 603 km/h. It is reported that this is only an experiment and such speeds will not be achieved in everyday operation. Nevertheless, the speed of 500 km / h is quite real. Japan is going to launch such trains on the Tokyo-Nagoya branch, the construction of which will be completed by 2025. Thus, a distance of 290 km will be covered in 35 minutes.

High speed lines are also being developed today in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, and the Netherlands. And every state has its own breakthroughs. For example, in France, the first high-speed line was launched in 1981, and already in 2007 an experimental speed record of 574.8 km/h was set.

In Germany the development of high-speed lines was complicated by bureaucratic procedures, so high-speed lines appeared there 10 years later than in France. InterCity Express (ICE) trains were launched along the new lines at a speed of 330 km/h, which today also carry out cross-border transportation to Austria and Switzerland. Interestingly, Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) and SNCF (French Railways) have a joint HSR carrier, Alleo. The rolling stock during transportation between countries alternates, and in the brigade of conductors and drivers, representatives of both countries are equally divided.

Italian carrier Trenitalia last year introduced the train of the future, created by Bombardier. Today it is the fastest train in Europe, capable of speeds up to 400 km/h. True, while such trains will be operated at a speed of 300 km / h. According to the manufacturer, the design of the train is ideal for driving on curved sections of the highway.

Spain, where the first HSR route appeared in 1992, by 2020 it plans to take the first place in Europe in terms of the length of high-speed railway lines. At the same time, half of the funds are supposed to be allocated for these purposes from the state treasury.

In general, experts note that now the pace of development of high-speed lines in Europe slowed down a bit. In particular, in France it is planned to build just over 500 km of new high-speed lines, in Germany - about 400 km, in Italy even less - about 125 km. This is mainly due to the fact that the high-speed railway, although taking passengers from road carriers and slower trains, continues to lose to low-cost airlines.

Made in China

China is considered the leader in terms of the pace of construction and the length of high-speed highways. By the end of 2015, there will be more than 19,000 km of high-speed lines in this country. The dynamics of their development is impressive: less than 20 years ago, the maximum speed on the PRC railway network did not exceed 48 km/h, which made this type of transportation absolutely uncompetitive compared to road and air transportation. They set to work at an accelerated pace: the active construction of tunnels and bridges began, new modern rails were installed, and old tracks were electrified. As a result, it was possible to achieve indicators of 160 km / h. In 1998, thanks to the use of Swedish technology, the speed of trains on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen section reached 200 km/h. And in 2007, trains in China were already accelerated to 250 km/h.

The pace at which high-speed lines are being built in China is alarming the world expert community. According to experts, this may affect the quality of infrastructure and, accordingly, traffic safety. For example, in 2008, the China Railway Design Institute published a study stating that substandard components, such as ash-added cement, were used in construction. Experts have calculated that it is simply impossible to produce the necessary amount of high-quality material needed for the construction of highways in the country.

The cost of building 1 km of high-speed lines in China is about $15 million. For comparison: in the United States - $40-80 million. Japanese engineers, China's main competitors in the fight for tenders in the high-speed line segment, have repeatedly said that security is neglected in the Celestial Empire. The construction of all branches was until some time based on Japanese technology, but they were originally designed for speeds 25% lower than those used today in the PRC.

However, despite such statements, in just 5 years of intensive development of the high-speed railway, China has managed to ensure that rail passenger transport is unrivaled today: all train tickets are sold out completely, the railway transports 2 times more people every month than airlines. Over the past 4 years, traffic has grown by an average of 28% annually.

Initially, high-speed trains in China were imported or built under a technology transfer agreement with the participation of foreign developers - Alstom, Siemens, Bombardier, Kawasaki. The first train built in China, CRH380A, was introduced only in 2010. Now the country itself is ready to build and export trains for high-speed lines. This year, the merger of two Chinese engineering corporations, CSR and CNR, was completed. Now they form the giant CRRC, the world's second largest engineering company (after Bombardier). In many countries, including the USA, UAE, India, Great Britain, negotiations are already underway for the supply of trains for high-speed lines from China. The American dream

The pace of China is really amazing: in just one day, December 10 last year, the country opened 32 new high-speed routes. Now, in other countries, where for many years the possibilities and potential of the HSR were only discussed, the matter seems to have moved off the dead center. The United States this year announced that a number of HSR projects would still be implemented. In particular, the Washington-Richmond branch (160 km). A grant of $1 million was received for its construction. But this is not enough, $2 billion is needed. However, if this branch is built, it will become a weighty argument that may convince other states of the need to develop the high-speed railway. But this, according to experts, will not happen soon.

A bit of history: 45 years ago, in 1970, US President Richard Nixon staked on the development of freight rail traffic in the country. Three years earlier, in 1967, politician Anthony Haswell made an attempt to revive the passenger service and even founded the National Association of Railroad Passengers. But Nixon did not see any benefit in passenger transportation, so there has been virtually no financial support for the sector since then. Congress even decreed that if by 2002 America's only high-speed train, Amtrak, did not become self-sustaining, then rail passenger transportation would be eliminated altogether. But this, fortunately, did not happen.

In 2009, President Barack Obama decided to return to the development of passenger traffic and connect the country with a high-speed rail network. To this end, he allocated about $ 7 billion to the states where the new lines were to go. But already in 2011, they all returned this money back, as they decided to engage in more cost-effective projects in the freight traffic segment.

Public opinion plays an important role in the issue of high-speed rail construction in the United States. Numerous environmentalists and residents of the areas through which the proposed branches must pass oppose such projects. According to citizens, high-speed rail transport in a country with well-developed highways will not be in demand. By the way, for the same reason, another high-profile high-speed rail project, but already in the UK, is being hampered - the HS2 highway.

Nevertheless, HSR enthusiasts have already begun to implement ambitious plans on their own. There was information that the private company Texas Central is very successfully looking for investors to build the Dallas-Houston high-speed line. Representatives of the company said that they did not plan to wait for help from the authorities, but only rely on private firms. This, in their opinion, will avoid all bureaucratic delays and disagreements. Of the $10 billion needed, only $75 million was found.

It is noteworthy that investors are showing interest in VSM, while the public is against it, deliberately spreading negative rumors about the project. Texas Central was even forced to publish a document called Rumors vs. Reality, in which it tried to dispel the most common myths. “Most of the concerns of citizens are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the goals of this project,” the company said. “We would like to replace rumors with facts.”

The Texas authorities today fully support the HSR. Texas Central Railway Executive Vice President Catherine Kaufman recalls that the Shin-kansen project in Japan in 1964 was met with hostility immediately after its launch. But as soon as the first train left Tokyo Station, it became a symbol of the progress and development of the whole country. The Dallas-Houston high-speed rail project is currently undergoing environmental review. The start of construction is scheduled for 2017, and commissioning is scheduled for 2021.

New player

Meanwhile, a new player appeared on the world arena in the field of high-speed lines this year - India. The country does not yet have high-speed transport, but the current government plans to create a "golden quadrangle", that is, a network of high-speed lines with a total length of 6.5 thousand km, connecting Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta.

It was decided to develop the Mumbai-Ahmedabad section (573 km) first. India is ready to spend $16 million on this. As the country's authorities assure, there are no problems with finding funding for the remaining HSR network. In particular, China offers to conclude lucrative agreements, but tenders have not yet been announced.

At the same time, India's HSR will become the cheapest in the world. A one-way trip on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad line will cost from $44. For comparison: a ticket for a shin-kansen in Japan (this is exactly the technology they want to use in India) today costs $124. The fare on the Shanghai-Beijing line in China costs $77.

Today, the HSR is a kind of visiting card of many countries. It is on such highways that states rely on the development of the national economy and tourism. Having appeared in Japan in the last century, high-speed lines are now actively making their way to developing countries.

Christina Alexandrova

P.S. The head of the American company SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, proposed a futuristic Hyperloop concept. This is a system of pipes through which capsules with passengers will move at a speed of 1200 km / h. The total cost of the highway, which will further connect the cities of California, will be $ 7-16 billion. (For comparison: the previously approved high-speed rail plan will cost about $ 68 billion.) Construction of the test section has already begun.

Jean-Pierre Lubinou, Director General of the International Union of Railways, said at the 13th China International Exhibition of Modern Railway Technologies and Equipment that opened today that China is the country with the fastest development of high-speed railways, which marks an outstanding contribution to the development of world railways. roads.

According to the data, by the end of 2015, the length of the operated Chinese railways reached 121 thousand km, of which over 19 thousand km are high-speed railways, which corresponds to more than 60% of the operated high-speed railways in the world.

China is the country with the fastest development and the largest scale of high-speed rail.

Below is a list of countries with the longest high-speed rail network in the world.

1. China

: 19 thousand km

China has the longest network of high-speed railways with a length of more than 19,000 km.

The country also operates a high-speed maglev train line, the Shanghai Maglev, which develops speeds of over 430 km/h.

2. Spain

Length of high-speed railways: 3100 km

The trademark of the Spanish railway operator, Renfe-Operadora, was created to provide high-speed rail services in the country.

The name is translated literally "Spanish high-speed (transport)", the abbreviation at the same time beats the word "ave" (ave) - the bird that is depicted on the company's logo.

Transportation is carried out on specially built lines of the standard European gauge of 1435 mm at a speed of up to 330 km/h.

3. Japan

Length of high-speed railways: 2664 km

Japan's high-speed rail network is designed to transport passengers between major cities in the country.

Owned by Japan Railways. The first line was opened between Osaka and Tokyo in 1964.

There are seven competing railroad companies in Japan that own and operate all express and high-speed lines.

The total annual income from the activities of high-speed lines in Japan is 60 billion euros

4. France

Length of high-speed railways: 2036 km

The French high-speed train network is developed by GEC-Alsthom (now Alstom) and the national French rail operator SNCF.

Currently managed primarily by SNCF. The first line was opened in 1981 between Paris and Lyon.

5. Russia

Length of high-speed railways: 1496 km

High-speed rail communication in Russia plays an important role as one of the most promising areas of passenger transportation.

On December 26, 2008 JSC "Russian Railways" presented in St. Petersburg the first high-speed electric train "Sapsan" manufactured by the German company Siemens.

A trial run of the new train took place in early August 2009, and regular service opened on December 18, 2009.

The minimum travel time between the two capitals is 3 hours 45 minutes.

Russia is the largest country in terms of territory - every schoolchild who studies geography knows this. Huge expanses allow us to extract significant dividends, but they require a competent approach so that long distances do not turn into a problem. One of the methods for solving this problem is the construction of high-speed railway lines. Well, for starters - an increase in the directions in which high-speed electric trains run.

"Sapsan", "Allegro" and "Swift".

Is it reasonable to pay attention also to high-speed rail transport in the age of affordable air travel? As practice shows, high-speed trains are quite an attractive way of transportation for many of our citizens. Thus, the Sapsan trains running between Moscow and St. Petersburg in the first half of 2016 carried 31% more passengers than in the same period last year.

The movement of high-speed trains brings not only our two largest cities together. For example, from St. Petersburg you can get to the capital of Finland, Helsinki, in 3 hours and 36 minutes by the Allegro high-speed train. And from Moscow, you can get to Nizhny Novgorod by the high-speed train Strizh in about 3.5-4 hours. In 2016, it is planned to launch the Strizh from Moscow to Berlin via Smolensk, Minsk, Brest and Warsaw.

The first "Swallows"

For some time, the high-speed rail traffic in Russia was limited only to the above directions. But as a legacy from the 2014 Olympic Games, we got the Lastochki high-speed electric trains, some of which were sent to other regions of Russia after the Olympics.

After the Olympic Games Lastochka continued to carry passengers in the Sochi region. However, new directions have also emerged. Now on a high-speed electric train you can get from Krasnodar to Adler and Rostov-on-Don, and from Adler also to the capital of Adygea - Maikop. From St. Petersburg, "Lastochka" runs to Petrozavodsk, Bologoye station (via Veliky Novgorod), and also recently to Vyborg. From Moscow on these trains you can get to Nizhny Novgorod, Kursk (via Oryol), Smolensk and Tver.

Also, "Lastochki" are operated in the Sverdlovsk region - here electric trains connect Yekaterinburg with large settlements of the region - Nizhny Tagil, Kamensky-Uralsky and Pervouralsky (terminal station - Kuzino). With the help of "Swallows", if necessary, residents can go to work in megacities. This partly solves the problem with employment in individual settlements.

Of course, the number of destinations in which the Lastochka will run will only increase in the future. New routes are planned to be opened in the Leningrad region, Siberia (Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk), in the Urals (from Yekaterinburg to Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and Verkhoturye) and in the Volga region (Samara - Ufa - Chelyabinsk, Samara - Saratov - Volgograd, Samara - Penza, Samara - Saransk).

The active use of Lastochka as suburban and interregional express trains is also planned in the Moscow region. And in autumn 2016, these electric trains will be launched on the Moscow Ring Railway.

It should be noted that since 2014, the new Lastochki electric trains have been produced at the Ural Locomotives enterprise in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. The plant will reach its design capacity of 250 cars per year in 2017. Localization should reach 80%.

High speed rail lines

But from high-speed rail communication it is necessary to move over time to high-speed. Russian Railways plans until 2030. construction of the following high-speed railway arteries:

Speed ​​160 km/h (available for "Swallows"):

Moscow - Yaroslavl;

Moscow - Suzemka (with extension to Kyiv);

Speed ​​160 - 200 km/h:

Moscow - Tula - Orel - Kursk;

Samara - Saransk;

Samara - Penza;

Samara - Saratov;

Saratov - Volgograd;

Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk;

Khabarovsk - Vladivostok;

highways in Siberia (Novosibirsk will be connected with Omsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk).

Speed ​​300 - 400 km/h:

Moscow - St. Petersburg (2.5 hours);

Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Yekaterinburg (7 hours), with branches to Samara, Perm and Ufa;

Moscow - Rostov-on-Don - Adler.

And, perhaps, the most significant project for the construction of high-speed railways, thanks to which we can count on the help of Chinese partners, is the Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk-Astana-Irkutsk-Ulaanbaatar-Beijing route. The highway from Moscow to Yekaterinburg is just a part of this high-speed transport corridor to Asia. The travel time between the end points should be 30 hours instead of the current 5 days.

In the next decade and a half, thanks to the construction of high-speed lines, our country will be able to solve two problems - to make travel between major regional centers within the country more accessible, and to become a transport and economic bridge between China and Europe. The bonus will be the stimulation of production and business activity, as well as the creation of a significant number of new jobs.