Classroom is. What is class hour

Scenario of cognitive entertainment for children 5-7 years old "Lessons of Moidodyr"

Lobanova E.E., teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 102", Ivanovo
Description: I am sure that this activity will remind children, and at the same time teach them to take care of their health. It will help children understand how important it is to take care not only of themselves, but also of what surrounds them. The abstract can be used in the work of teachers and music workers of the preschool educational institution.

Topic: "Lessons of Moidodyr"

Target: the formation in children of an attitude to cleanliness as a guarantee of the health of all living things.
- to form the moral traits of a person: diligence, consciousness, the ability to get joy from one's work;
- show children the factors that affect health;
- to educate children in the right attitude towards the world around them, respect for nature;
- develop attention, thinking
A decorated hall, a table, two streams cut out of paper, garbage (paper, bottles, boxes, sticks, etc.), a set of pictures depicting good and bad deeds.
Moidodyr meets the children at the entrance to the kindergarten in the morning.
Moidodyr: We have a law in the garden, sluts are not allowed to enter, clap your hands one, two, three, look at your assistant (gives soap). Be careful, forget about laziness, brush my hands and teeth every day. After the meeting, Moidodyr comes to the children in groups during breakfast, looks at whether the children are neat, whether the tables are clean and invites the children after breakfast to the hall for cleanliness lessons.
Moidodyr: I am very pleased to see you all in this hall. And I really want to see if your faces are clean!? (looks at all the children). Show me if your hands are clean!? What good fellows, washed, washed their hands, I love such kids!
Moidodyr: What do you think, why are we all here, what do I want to teach you?
Children: We will learn to be clean and tidy...
Moidodyr: Why do you need to be careful?
Children: To be healthy and strong...
Moidodyr: And if we are strong and healthy, we will be able to take care of ourselves, our loved ones and relatives.
And what is the most important thing we can save if we are healthy and strong?
Children: Nature, land, water bodies, etc.
Moidodyr: That's right, you guys are so smart.
And we still have guests, look
(The cook and honey enter. sister)
Honey. Sister: I am a nurse. I want to remind you that cleanliness is the key to health! All children and adults must follow the rules of hygiene. And what are the rules I want to hear from you.
When you get out of bed in the morning, what should you do?
Children: You need to wash, brush your teeth, do exercises.
Honey. sister: And when you come back from a walk?
Children: Wash your hands with soap, wash your face.
Honey. sister: Well done, now I'm calm for you!
Remember, to live clean is to be healthy!
Moidodyr: Wash your hands, don't yawn, don't leave me behind.
Show me how game
An adult, speaking, shows with movements how to wash, brush your teeth, wash, rub with a towel, etc., and the children repeat the movements of the adult.
Cook: I'm a cook. To be healthy, you need to eat well.
Who knows what it means?
Children: This means that you need to eat vegetables and fruits, eat fresh foods, cereals, vitamins. And also wash vegetables and fruits before eating, and do not drink "raw" water.
Cook: Well done!
Plums, apples and pears
Don't rush to eat
Do not put directly into the mouth:
Your stomach will hurt!
Any dust stuck to them,
Take them home
And wash them first
Boiled water!

Moidodyr: What should we tell our guests?
Children: Thank you! Goodbye!
Moidodyr: Do you guys want us to play a game?
Children: Yes!
Game - relay "Good - bad"
Children are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines, on the opposite side, on the table, pictures are laid out, which depict good and bad deeds. One team is given the task to select pictures depicting good deeds, the other - depicting bad deeds. Children one by one from each team run to the table, take the desired picture, go back and pass the baton to the next one. The team that picks up their pictures the fastest wins. At the end, the correctness of the task is checked.
Moidodyr: What attentive guys, I didn’t even expect you to complete the task so quickly!
(Untidy enters - an adult, gnaws seeds, throws candy wrappers, juice boxes on the floor)
Moidodyr: What is this dirty little girl!? Who are these guys, do you know?
Untidy: Didn't guess. My name is Untidy, hello
Moidodyr: Why do you think she is called that?
Children: Because she is untidy, dirty, unwashed, sloppy, etc.
Moidodyr: That's right, that's what they named her for.
You know, Untidy, and today we have a lesson in cleanliness in the garden. What have you done here, sketched candy wrappers, seed shells. Even spoiled the mood. I always get sick from dirt, sneezing and coughing.
Untidy: So what. On the street, too, everywhere there is garbage, broken glass, bags. What is it? While I was walking here, I suffocated from the gas - it was three cars that lowered the brakes at once. Blue smoke over the road, how can I breathe - then I'm under it?
Moidodyr: Horrible!
Have you guys seen how cars emit smoke, and what is it like, is it harmful to us and the environment?
Children: Yes, we saw! It is black, it smells bad, it makes you breathe badly, it is harmful, it pollutes the air, etc.
Moidodyr: It's true guys! Humans and animals all need fresh air to breathe. But in all cities there are a lot of cars and the air is heavily polluted, soot, dust, exhaust gases, harmful substances settle on the leaves of trees, and therefore even trees live in the city less than in the forest. And our city air is cleaned only by trees!
Educator: Then think, guys, what should we do to get more fresh air in the city?
Children: You need to plant a lot of trees, grass, shrubs, flowers. Preserve our parks and gardens, protect and not break trees, water, etc.
Untidy: I realized that you need clean air, and you are nowhere without it!
Do you need water?
Children: Yes!
Untidy: Why do you need it, I don't understand?
Moidodyr: Guys, let's use movements to show Untidy why we need water, and let her guess for what!
Children show with movements how they drink, wash, wash, water, etc.
Untidy: Well, what is so special about water, in your opinion?
Educator: And let's guys tell her proverbs and sayings about water, maybe she will understand!
Children:- There is no life without water.
- As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem.
- Clean water is a disaster for diseases.
-If you want to be beautiful, wash yourself with soap more often.
Where there is purity, there is beauty.
- Water wears away the stone.
(A child runs in - a stream, he has garbage attached to his train)
I was a cheerful brook.
Though not very deep.
I sang loud songs
Vodichka rang clean.
Untidy came -
Threw a lot of garbage
This is where I completely disappeared.
Lots of rubbish at the bottom
Life is not easy for me!
Moidodyr: Oh, trouble!
How can we guys help the stream?
Children: We can clean it, remove all the garbage, etc.
Game - relay "Let's clean the stream"
Children are divided into two teams, on the opposite side of them there are two streams (cut out of paper) on the floor. In these streams there is garbage (boxes, jars, paper, sticks). Children, one by one from each team,
they run, take one thing from the stream and return, and so on all the children. The team that clears the stream the fastest wins.

Brook: Thanks guys!
Remember that clean water is the wealth of nature. Without it, there is no life on earth. Take care of her. And I ran to you through the water pipes to the tap. See you!
Untidy: Well, give me this garbage, since you can’t throw it into the river, I’ll go into the ground and bury it (takes a shovel)
(A child runs in - a mole with a bandaged paw)
Educator: What happened? Why are you crying?
Mole: I'm crying for a reason. Trouble has come to my little mink. Someone buried a broken bottle in the ground, and even a tin can, and straight into my hole. I hurt my toe.
People, people, help! Save our mother land!
Moidodyr: We need to think about how we can live on!?
Or maybe you guys know how to save the earth - mother?
Children: Yes, we know! Do not litter, break glass and scatter them, do not throw cans, do not bury anything in the ground, do not burn fires on the ground, you need to clean up after yourself in the forest and park, clean up your streets and yards, etc.
Moidodyr: That's right guys!
No need to pollute nature and your city too. A clean city is the soul of a person! No need to pollute it so that we can breathe easier, cleanliness in our city. Primarily.
Educator: In order for our city to be cleaner, greener, you yourself must be more attentive and kinder.
What else do you think is needed?
Children: Do not break trees, do not trample grass and flowers, do not pollute the air, water, etc.
Educator: Don't throw trash, be human. After all, natural wealth does not last forever!
Moidodyr: Run the mole to your hole and don't be afraid of anything else, the guys will protect you.
Untidy: I got it, I got it! I even wrote a poem.
Do you want to listen?
Whatever you eat, don't get sick
Drank water without fear
It is necessary that nowhere dare,
Spoil our land spawning.
Save the seas and air
Earth, forest and silence,
To have work and rest,
As it used to be in the old days!
Moidodyr: Guys, did Untidy understand everything correctly after reading his poem?
Children: Yes!
Moidodyr: Let's then repeat everything together, and Untidy too, how to benefit ourselves and everything that surrounds us?
(Children repeat everything that was said during the lesson)
Moidodyr: It's nice to hear it! If you and I try, we will make the world a better place!
Moidodyr: And who, guys, liked our lesson? (children's answers)
Which of the characters did you like? (children's answers)
And you wanted Untidy to get better?
Children: Yes!
Moidodyr: So, did you succeed?
Children: Yes!
Moidodyr: Everyone, well done, tried their best! I am very, very happy!
Educator: And let's guys invite Moidodyr and Untidy with us for a walk. We will show them how clean we cleaned the area. Let's show Untidy where we have the garbage container, so that she knows where to throw the garbage.
Well, let's all go to the street.
All well done. Thank you!

MBOU Mikhnevskaya NOSH

Screenplay based on the work

K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

for 1st grade students

Primary school teacher

Zhuravleva Olga Viktorovna


Scene "Moidodyr"

(There is a stove on the stage, a bed, a samovar on the table. The boy lies on the bed.)

Loud, fast music turns on, the boy jumps out of bed


The sheet has flown (children take away a blanket, sheet, pillow)

And a pillow

Like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for the candle

Candle - in the oven!

I'm for the book (children take away a candle, a book)

Ta - run

And skipping

Under the bed!

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me (samovar runs away)

Run away like fire.

God, God

What happened?

From what

All around

started spinning


And rushed the wheel?

Irons for boots

Boots for pies (to fast music all things

Pies for irons, run and jump around the boy)

Poker for a sash -

Everything is spinning

And spinning

And rushes somersault.

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame, (moydodyr comes out from behind the scenes)

Washbasin runs out

shakes his head:


"Oh you, ugly, oh you, dirty,

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself:

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob under your nose

You have such hands

That even trousers ran away

Even trousers, even trousers

They ran away from you.

Early in the morning at dawn

The mice are washing

Both kittens and ducklings

And bugs and spiders.

You alone did not wash

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And stockings and boots.

I am the Great Washbasin,

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Head

And washcloths Commander!

If I stamp my foot

Call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Wash basins will fly in

And they bark and howl,

And their feet will pound

And you a brainwasher

Unwashed, they will give -

Directly to the Moyka

Directly to Moyka

Head down!"

He hit the copper basin

And he cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub


(At this time, brush girls run out onto the stage)

Brush girls:

"My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!"

(At this time, the soap boy runs out onto the stage)

Here the soap jumped

And clung to the hair

And wilted, and lathered,

And bit like a wasp.

Boy: (runs away from the washcloth girl)

And from a mad washcloth

I ran like a stick

And she is behind me, behind me

Along Sadovaya, along Sennaya.

I'm to the Tauride Garden,

Jumped over the fence

And she follows me

And bites like a wolf.

(the crocodile comes out from behind the scenes and the washcloth girl runs away)

Suddenly towards my good,

My favorite crocodile.

He is with Totosha and Kokosha

Walked along the alley

And a washcloth, like a jackdaw,

Like a jackdaw, swallowed.

And then how it roars

How to pound with feet

Crocodile: (walks on the boy, stamping his feet)

"Go home,

Yes, wash your face

And not how I'll get on,

I'll trample and swallow!"

How he started running down the street,

He ran to the washstand again.

Soap, soap

Soap, soap

Washed endlessly

Washed off and waxed

And ink

From an unwashed face.

Boy: (pants fly out from behind the scenes)

And now trousers, trousers

So they jumped into my hands.

(pie runs out)

And behind them is a pie:

"Come on, eat me, my friend!"

(sandwich runs out)

And then a sandwich:

Jumped - and right in the mouth!

Here comes the book

The notebook turned

And the grammar started

Dance with arithmetic.

Here is the Great Washbasin,

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Head

And washcloth Commander,

Ran up to me dancing

And, kissing, he said:


(approaching the boy and hugging)

"Now I love you,

Now I praise you!

Finally, you dirty

Pleased Moidodyr!"

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

(Everyone runs onto the stage and recites a verse)


Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel

And tooth powder

And thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble

In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere -

Eternal glory to water!

(Everyone leaves the stage, waving their hands)

"Classroom hours" - Technology for the preparation and conduct of a student-oriented classroom hour. Draft decision of the teachers' council. Traditional classroom. The concept and functions of the classroom. The theme of the teachers' council is "Class hour in the system of educational work." Guide - a class hour helps to translate theoretical knowledge into the field of practice, direct students to real practical cases.

"Class hour of the Second World War" - Participant of the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945 We remember and we are proud. Children of war. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Nikolay Danilovich. Kucherenko Nikolay Ignatievich. Classroom hour. Marfin Ivan Abramovich. Tankman.

"Class hour about besieged Leningrad" - Bread has become practically the only food for Leningraders. "Everyone who defended Leningrad is not just a city dweller, but a soldier." But the risk justified itself: Leningrad lived! Failed! Zyukova Olga Gemellovna One of the most beautiful cities in the world. The "Road of Life" began to operate - in autumn and summer on water, in winter on ice.

"Class hours and education" - Personal significance for students; Comfort, favorable psychological climate; Opportunity for the manifestation and development of individual and creative abilities of schoolchildren; Enriching the life experience of students; Spiritual and moral value; Involvement of students in the preparation and conduct of the classroom.

Development of a primary school teacher Sultanshina M.R. Thinking aloud and choosing the optimal version of the hypothesis. Work in microgroups of "fours", the choice of the best hypothesis. Family. didactic goals. Why are grandparents my family? The activities of the teacher. Class hour "My FAMILY". For teachers.

"The main thing is man" - Rainbow The main miracle? Man. Look at the world more cheerfully. Jami? No person can always be right. Classroom hour. ? We, like rainbows of color, are never apart. ? ORT: Original, romantic, talented. Boys and girls. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Tears of sorrow will not help. Man lives among people.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

Today, one of the most important forms of organizing educational work with students is the class hour. It is held once a week, on a certain day and time. During the lesson, the teacher conducts conversations with students, educates them, broadens their horizons, determines the tasks and goals of the class team.

Basic information

The class hour is between the teacher and the students. Today it is held in every school. The lesson is included in the training schedule and is held, as mentioned above, once a week. Its duration is 40 - 45 minutes.

In general, such a policy is not entirely correct. may take less time, since its main task is to complete the tasks set by the teacher. You can conduct a lesson both in the classroom and in the assembly hall, library, museum, even on the street.

Main goals and objectives

Class hour at school has several goals.

First of all, this educational which is to expand the circle of knowledge of students in various areas of life.

Followed by guide. It affects the practical side of the life of schoolchildren, their behavior and attitude to life. It is implemented with the help of a conversation about a particular life situation, supported by examples.

Last target - orientation. With its help, a certain relationship to the objects of the surrounding reality, spiritual and material values ​​are formed.

The main classes include:

Creation of conditions for the manifestation of the individuality of students;

Enriching their knowledge about the world around them;

Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere;

Formation of a class team.

Forms of holding

A class hour is an activity that can be carried out not only in the form of a lecture, but also:





Preparing for the lesson

Before preparing a class hour, it is necessary to decide on the topic of the lesson. This can be done in advance by having a conversation with students or a questionnaire. When choosing a topic for a classroom hour, it is necessary to identify the age characteristics of the student, their interests.

Before you write your classroom script, you need to sit down and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. How to set up children to participate in the classroom?

2. How and when to carry out preparatory work?

3. In what tasks will children be able to express themselves most fully?

4. Which student will be able to help lead the class?

5. How to sum up the lesson correctly?

Answers to these questions should be written down on paper and periodically return to them as the summary of the lesson is written.

After that, you need to start writing a script and conducting preparatory work. In some situations, you can use ready-made developments of class hours taken from specialized magazines for teachers, various Internet resources. But it is important to remember that most of them require editing. So, certain tasks may seem too complicated to children or not interest them. You should replace such tasks with easier or more interesting ones.

In general, the preparation consists of the following points:

  1. Definition of the topic and tasks.
  2. Determining the place and time of the event.
  3. Definition of key points.
  4. Preparation of the plan and scenario.
  5. Material selection.
  6. Room decorations.
  7. Definition of class members.

After the lesson, it is necessary to perform its analysis.

Lesson structure

When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account that the class hour has its own structure. In general, it is the same as the structure of any lesson:

  1. Introduction, the main task of which is to activate the attention of students, designate the problem.
  2. The main part, the content of which is determined by the tasks of the class hour.
  3. The final part, which stimulates the needs of students in self-education.

Communication hour

One of the forms in which a classroom hour can be held is a social hour. It is defined as a joint creative process between a child and an adult. Children take part in organizing an hour of communication along with adults, together with the teacher determine the topic and range of interests.

An hour of communication has one important rule - to create a favorable environment in which each of the students can safely express their opinion.

The main forms of communication hours are:


Role-playing game;

oral journal;

Socio-cultural project.

Information class hour

Class hours in the classroom can also be held in the form of protection and implementation of information projects, political minutes.

The main goal of such a lesson is to form an understanding of one's own importance, the need to participate in the socio-political life of the country and the world as a whole. During the information class hour, children learn to understand complex modern problems, to respond correctly to what is happening around them.

The main forms of work in such lessons:

Newspaper reports;

Retelling the event using quotes;

Working with a dictionary;

Working with a political map;

Commenting information;

Formulation of problematic questions and search for answers to them;

Viewing and discussion of video materials.


A few words about what the theme of class hours can be. Classes may be devoted to:

  1. Moral and ethical problems.
  2. Questions in the field of science.
  3. aesthetic problems
  4. Issues of state and law.
  5. Psychological issues.
  6. Features of physiology and hygiene.
  7. Healthy lifestyle issues.
  8. Environmental issues.
  9. General school problems.

Within the framework of a particular topic, you can spend a number of class hours, united by one goal and having similar tasks.

Sample Topics

Based on the interests of students and their age, the topics of class hours can be as follows:

For 5th grade students:

  1. "Where do I see myself in ... years?"
  2. "What am I?"
  3. "Books around us".
  4. "What I can?"

For 6th grade students:

  1. "My hobbies".
  2. "I'm at school and at home."
  3. "Own opinion. Is it important?"
  4. "My strengths and weaknesses."
  5. "Learning to listen and hear."

In grade 7, you can spend educational hours on the following topics:

  1. "I want and I can."
  2. "Learning to manage yourself."
  3. "Attention and care".
  4. "Tell me who your friend is."

In grade 8, you can spend class hours on topics:

  1. "What is genius and talent?"
  2. "Training memory".
  3. "Responsibility and security".
  4. "The Land of My Dreams"

Grade 9 students will be interested in conversations:

  1. "Man and creativity".
  2. "My rights".
  3. "My future profession".
  4. "Beauty in our life".

For grade 10, it is advisable to prepare such class hours:

  1. "Me and my environment".
  2. "Adulthood - what is it?"
  3. "Human Disadvantages: Causes and Consequences".
  4. "Learning to control ourselves."

In grade 11, you can spend hours on the topic:

  1. "Will the school remember me?"
  2. "My professional choice".
  3. "My Destiny"
  4. "Humor in human life".

In winter, you can hold a class hour “Prevention of influenza”, as well as “Prevention of injuries”, “Rules of conduct on ice”, “How to behave in winter”, “Holidays without violations” and others.

An interesting move that a teacher can make to determine the topics of classes is to announce classroom plans at the beginning of the year or semester and allow children to independently propose certain topics, supplementing the existing plan, and offer to participate in their preparation.

Do not forget to hold KVN games, during which students will be able to test their knowledge and skills. The form of the event also needs to be changed from time to time. For example, today there was a lecture, so next time it could be an excursion or a conversation.

For a more effective class hour, you should adhere to the following tips:

1. The room in which the lesson is held must be cleaned and ventilated.

2. It is advisable to decorate the office with flowers. You can use both real and artificial ones.

3. The topic of the class hour must be written on the board. It would also be appropriate to use an aphorism.

4. Do not forget about multimedia projectors and presentations, they will significantly increase students' interest in the material.

5. When questioning, tests, use forms. Do not forget about visual materials - brochures, booklets.

6. Pay special attention to preparing for the lesson if it is a classroom hour in elementary school. Features of the development and perception of children are such that educational hours are best spent in the form of a game, travel. So you can much faster interest students, attract their attention.

7. Do not forget about the comfort of students. Let them sit however they like. You can also arrange desks in a circle, move two desks into one, if group work is supposed.

8. Do not be afraid to invite specialists to class hours - doctors, psychologists, historians, librarians. Of course, if they understand the topic of your class hour better than you and can tell a lot of useful information.


Class hour is one of the most important. It is held once a week. During the lesson, the teacher raises the cultural level of students, forms their attitudes and values, organizes the team. The form of conducting can be any, depending on the topic of the lesson and the goals set by the teacher.

The class hour is a direct form of communication between the class teacher and the students.

Class hour can be held in the form of:

  1. Educational hour (class teacher hour);
  2. Tours;
  3. Thematic lecture;
  4. Conversation (ethical, moral);
  5. disputes;
  6. Meetings with interesting people;
  7. Quizzes in various fields of knowledge;
  8. Discussions (discussions can be free, or there can be discussions on a given topic);
  9. KVN;
  10. Interactive games;
  11. Games - travel;
  12. Theatrical premieres;
  13. Psychological games and trainings;
  14. Reader conferences.

The class teacher's hour (class hour) is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the outside world.

Classroom functions

  1. educational

    The essence of the educational function is that the class hour makes it possible to expand the range of knowledge of students that are not reflected in the curriculum. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the city, in the country and abroad. The object of class hour discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

  2. Orienting

    The orienting function contributes to the formation of a certain attitude to the surrounding world and the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate the phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

    Enlightening and orienting functions are closely related, because You cannot teach students to evaluate phenomena with which they are not familiar. Although sometimes the class hour performs an exclusively orienting function: when discussing a well-known event.

  3. guide

    The guiding function is designed to translate the discussion of a phenomenon into the real experience of students.

  4. Formative

    The formative function develops in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, helps in developing skillful dialogue and expression, defending their own opinion.

To select the topic and content of the class hour, the class teacher needs to identify the age characteristics of students, their moral ideas, interests, etc. This can be done, for example, with the help of questionnaires or conversations.

When preparing a class hour, it is necessary to strictly follow the methodology for organizing and conducting a class hour.

  1. Definition of the topic and tasks of the class hour
  2. Determination of the time and place of the class hour
  3. Identification of the key moments of the class hour and development of a plan for the preparation and conduct of the class hour (select the appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement on the topic, draw up a plan (script) for the class hour)
  4. Determination of the participants in the preparation and conduct of the class hour (give a task to the students for preliminary preparation for the class hour (if provided for by the plan), determine the degree of expediency of the participation of teachers or parents)
  5. Analysis of its performance.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the material by students, monitor attention and, when it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or pose a “sharp” question, use a musical pause, change the type of activity.