Prince of Chernigov. Land of Chernihiv-Severskaya

Chernihiv Principality - Under the name of Ch. Principality in a broad sense, one should understand the entire Seversk land, but in a more particular sense - the actual Chernigov lot. The fate of the latter is also closely connected with the fate of the entire Seversk land. Severshchina, Seversk specific principality - one of the most extensive in Ancient Russia. Its original composition included the lands of the northerners who occupied the basin of the river. Desna and Sula, Radimichi, who lived along the river. Sozha, and Vyatichi, who lived along the river. Ok. On the current geographical map, it would take lips. Chernigov, part of Poltava, Kursk, Mogilev, Kaluga, part of Oryol, Tula, Moscow and Smolensk. It can be assumed, however, that the population of this region did not stay within these limits indicated by the chronicler, but at favorable moments went beyond them. The northerners, for example, extended their possessions far to the south beyond the river. Sulu, as well as Psl and Vorskla. To the south - to the Black and Azov seas - there were paths from the north of the earth; there was founded the Russian colony Tmutarakan, which was in close connection with Chernigov-S. earth. With the appearance of the Polovtsy in the southern Russian steppes, Tmutarakan was wiped out by them and the northern population had to move north. The Vyatichi developed extensive colonization into neighboring Finnish territories and laid the foundation for the Murom and Ryazan principalities, which soon became completely isolated. The northerners subsequently served as one of the foundations for the formation of the Little Russian people (within the Chernigov and Poltava provinces), Radimichi - Belarusian, Vyatichi - Great Russian. The cities of the northerners - Chernigov, Pereyaslav, Lyubech - were famous for trade with Byzantium, along with Kiev and Smolensk. The northerners are the most cultured of the three tribes that made up the northern part of the land. Archaeological data (mainly from the excavations of Prof. Samokvasov) testify that they did not live in a "bestial" way, but, on the contrary, stood at a rather high level of culture. They also played a leading role politically. Already under the son of St. Vladimir, Mstislav of Tmutarakan, the beginning of S. land as a special region was laid, but the real founder of this principality was the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Svyatoslav. Under him, a special Principality of Pereyaslav on the Posulye stood out from the region of the northerners. The offspring of Svyatoslav established himself in the S. land, which consisted of the Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky and Muromo-Ryazan principalities. The latter became isolated in the family of the younger son of Svyatoslav of Chernigov, Yaroslav, Chernigov passed to his eldest son, David, and Novgorod-Seversk - to the well-known opponent of Vladimir Monomakh Oleg, nicknamed Gorislavich. The chronicler from Kiev is very unfriendly to Oleg, but S. the population supported him, as well as other princes of this favorite princely branch. Between the Monomakhoviches and the Olgoviches, between the lands of Kiev and S., there was a constant antagonism, which found expression in the policy of the S. princes, who always supported the opponents of the Kiev princes; at the same time, they themselves acted as contenders for the Kyiv grand prince's table and captured it several times due to their geographical proximity to Kiev. The main reason that moved the S. princes to these enterprises was the multiplication of the princely family, which felt crowded in their own area. The same reason caused their adventure in the Galician Principality, where they suffered a difficult fate: the Galician boyars begged three captured S. Igorevichs from the Ugrians - Roman, Svyatoslav and Rostislav - and promoted them. Standing on the border with the steppe, S. land had to wage a constant struggle with the Polovtsy. During the Batu invasion, the town of Kozelsk became famous for the heroic defense of S.; Chernigov after the defeat of the prince's army was taken and burned. Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov with the boyar Fedor was martyred in the Horde. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the principalities into which S. land broke up were even more crushed; former centers - Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversk, Pereyaslav - have lost their political role; Bryansk, which lay further north, gained importance, retaining its independence until the middle of the 14th century, and then passing under the rule of Lithuania. Veche in S. land did not reach a special development, but it energetically supported its princely branch in its defensive wars. Christianity spread early in the S. land. An independent diocese (in Chernigov) was opened in 922; Neophyte was the first bishop. In Chernigov, the oldest of all Russian cathedral churches is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky: it is older than Kiev and Novgorod Sofia; started construction under Mstislav Tmutarakansky, until 1034; many princes of Chernigov are buried in it. Near Chernigov there are two monasteries of the princely period - Yeletsky and Ilyinsky; near Novgorod-Seversk - the famous Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery. Rev. Anthony, founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; in all likelihood, Daniil Palomnik also came from the Severshchina. S. the land was famous for its industry and trade; many of her princes were very rich. Chernigov stood out from the cities, which has preserved much of the past, Novgorod-Seversk, Kursk, Putivl, Rylsk, Lyubech, Oster, Pereyaslav. This area had its own monetary unit - the hryvnia of a special type. Despite the loss of independence, S. land, or, more precisely, its regions, act as territorial units in the Muscovite-Lithuanian period of our history, either in the form of Ducatus Severia, or in the form of S. ukraina; they play a particularly prominent role in the Time of Troubles, being a hotbed of marginal elements; the connection of the population with the former Severyansky finds expression in the ethnographic term stellate sturgeon. From the half of the 17th to the 2nd half of the 18th century. the core of the former S. land - Chernihiv and Poltava - turns into the hetman's Little Russia on the left bank of the Dnieper, and ethnographically becomes the center of the Little Russian nationality, which was based here on the S. branch of the Russian-Slavic tribe. See D. Bagalei, "History of S. land until half of the XIV century."; I. Golubovsky, "History of S. land until the half of the XIV century."; Lyaskoronsky, "The history of the Pereyaslav land until the middle of the 13th century."; Zotov "About the Chernigov princes according to the Lyubet synodikon and Chern. kn. in the Tatar time."

Svyatoslav VI Col.
YaroslavDavyd VysheslavBorisOleg NovelGleb Eupraxia
VII Col.



VsevolodRostislav VIII Col.
Saint VladimirIzyaslav III IvanGleb Vsevolod IIIgor Svyatoslav
Svyatoslav Daughter IX Col.



Daughter?Daughter?AnnaVladimirSvyatoslav III ZvenislavYaroslav Sbyslava
X number RostislavFarther FunYaropolk Rostislav
XI Col. Vsevolod
XII Col. Andrei


Svyatoslav was fully aware of the influence that the clergy acquired at that time and knew how to win him over to his side: he patronized St. Anthony and Theodosius, generously endowed the Caves Monastery and built the Yeletsky and Ilyinsky monasteries in Chernigov. The chronicler notes his love for books, the monument of which is the so-called "Svyatoslav Izbornik" (1073), with the image of Svyatoslav and his family.

material from the site


Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (1027-1076) - the prince blackens then led. prince of Kyiv, son of Yaroslav the Wise. First he reigned in Volhynia. After the death of Yaroslav (1054) he received Chernigov. kn-in. After the death of the younger brothers, Igor and Vyacheslav Yaroslavich, their inheritances were divided among themselves by the elder brothers: Svyatoslav Yaroslavich became the prince, very signifi- cantly, the region, which included all the lands that lay east of the Dnieper: Chernihiv, region. Northerners and Vyatichi, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan. At first, the sons of Yaroslav the Wise lived in friendship and harmony, they did everything together. Together with the brothers Izyaslav and Vsevolod, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich was part of a kind of triumvirate, which controlled (1054 - 1072) all affairs in Russia. In 1059 he contributed to the release from prison of his uncle - Sudislav Vladimirovich, who had been in it for 24 years. For several years, he contributed to important changes in the legislation of Yaroslav the Wise, including the replacement of tribal revenge with vira. The brothers worked together to solve the problems of protecting the South. Russia from the raids of the nomads: so, having gathered (1060) a large army, they went against the Torks, who, pushing the Pechenegs to the west, constantly robbed the Russians. possession. The campaign was a success: the Torks were defeated, driven out of the forest-steppe. bands, two of them died from cold, hunger and pestilence, and those who fled were finished off by the Polovtsy, who were replacing the Pechenegs and Torks in the Black Sea region. After this victory, the Steppe quieted down for 4 years, but then the situation became tense, the fault of which was internal. disagreements and strife between the princes. In 1064, the nephew of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Rostislav Vladimirovich, deprived of his uncles in the distribution of destinies, recruited a squad from Novg. freemen, approached Tmutarakan and, having knocked out his son Svyatoslav Yaroslavich - Gleb, sat down on the Tmutarakan table. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich sent his governor there and returned Tmutarakan to his son, but as soon as Chernig. the army left the limits of the Tmutarakan principality, Rostislav again found himself on the local table. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich was forced to accept this time. In 1066, the Greeks poisoned Rostislav, after which the inhabitants of Tmutarakan asked Svyatoslav Yaroslavich to send Gleb to them, which was done. In 1067, the brothers gathered a large army and moved it against the Polotsk. book. Vseslav Bryachislavich, who ruined on the eve of Novg. volost and robbed Novgorod the Great. A huge army besieged and then took Minsk. On the river A fierce battle took place in Nemiga, Polts. The prince was defeated and fled. A few months later, the brothers, having invited Vseslav supposedly to sign peace, treacherously seized him and imprisoned him in Kyiv. prison. In 1069, the brothers suffered a severe defeat on the river. Alte from the Polovtsy; Vsevolod and Izyaslav fled to Kyiv, and Svyatoslav Yaroslavich fled to Chernigov. The people of Kiev, having learned about what had happened, rebelled and freed Vseslav. Izyaslav, frightened by the rebels, fled to Poland. The Polovtsy, taking advantage of the confusion, began to plunder the Russians. lands. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, having gathered only combatants, decided to fight the nomads. Battle with the main Polovtsian forces happened on the river. Again, at its confluence with the Desna. Three thousand Russians attacked the superior forces of the enemy, and the Polovtsy fled. Many enemies were cut down, more sunk in Snovi, and Ch. their khan was taken prisoner. After that, the prestige of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich in Russia increased significantly. A year later, Izyaslav from Polish, cor. Boleslav came to Kiev, hoping to regain the lost throne. Vseslav pretended that he was going to repulse Izyaslav and the Poles, but at night, on the eve of the decisive battle, he secretly fled the city, leaving the people of Kiev to their fate. Those, frightened, urgently gathered “ewe”, at which they decided to turn to Svyatoslav Yaroslavich in Chernigov with a request to protect them from the Poles. Then Svyatoslav Yaroslavich and Vsevolod sent Izyaslav to tell him to take the lead. table, but the Poles would have ordered to return home. Izyaslav, not very severely punishing the people of Kiev, again sat on the grand duke. throne. For several years it was quiet in Russia. During this time, S. Ya., together with his brothers, compiled the Russian Truth, developed the rules for the inheritance of led. reigns and tables in destinies. In 1072, celebrations took place in Vyshgorod, the transfer of the relics of Sts. Boris and Gleb from a dilapidated wooden church to a new, stone one, built especially for this purpose by Izyaslav. In 1073, a struggle broke out between Izyaslav and his younger brothers, the cause of which was again Vseslav, who entered into secret negotiations with the leader. prince, which stirred up Svyatoslav Yaroslavich and set Vsevolod against Izyaslav, Chernigov. the ruler did everything to expel the elder brother from Kyiv. S. Ya., revered by the inhabitants of the capital for having saved them from both the Polovtsy and the Poles, eventually got on the bike. table, and Izyaslav again had to flee to Poland. There, however, he was robbed by Bolesław, who refused to help him. After that, Izyaslav asked for help from the Germans. imp. Henry IV, who could not help him in any way, but only sent an embassy to Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (1075), which was unsuccessful. Izyaslav even appealed to Pope Gregory VII, but also in vain. Only thanks to the unexpected death of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Izyaslav again found the bike. reign. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich had a large library, forced to rewrite Slavic-Bulgarian manuscripts for himself. From it remained the most ancient monuments of Church Slavonic. writing - Svyatoslav's Izborniks of 1073 and 1076.

Oleg Svyatoslavich

Oleg Svyatoslavich (nickname Gorislavich) (d. 1115) - Prince of Chernigov. Son led. prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich , grandson Yaroslav the Wise . In received from his father in the destiny of Vladimir-Volynsky. In 1078 he tried to seize power in Chernigov, but failed and fled to Tmutarakan. In 1079 he was taken prisoner by the Khazars and exiled to Constantinople, then to the Greek island. Rhodes. In 1083 he returned to Russia and captured Tmutarakan. In 1094, with the help of the Polovtsy, he expelled Vladimir Monomakh from Chernigov and began to reign there. He refused to appear at the princely congress and in 1096 killed his son Vladimir Monomakh - Izyaslav, but was defeated by his brother Mstislav . In 1097, Oleg had to submit to the decision of the Lyubech Congress and get Novgorod-Seversky to reign. Participating in many strife, O. even used the help of the Polovtsy, but later in 1107 and 1113 campaigned against them and repelled their attack.

Used materials of the book: Shikman A.P. Figures of national history. Biographical guide. Moscow, 1997

Oleg Svyatoslavich (? -1115) - Prince of Chernigov, son of the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatoslav Yaroslavich . In 1073 he reigned in Rostov, then in Volhynia. After the death (1076) of Svyatoslav, Oleg Svyatoslavich was removed by the new Grand Duke, Vsevolod Yaroslavich, from Vladimir-Volynsky. In 1078 he fled to Tmutarakan, from where he came from Chernigov. book. Boris Vyacheslavich and the Polovtsy went to Chernigov and took it. In the same year, together with Vladimir. Monomakh made a successful campaign against Czech Republic . In the autumn, in the battle with the combined forces of Izyaslav and Vsevolod Yaroslavich at Nezhatina Niva, Oleg Svyatoslavich, together with Boris, suffered a serious defeat. Boris died, and Oleg Svyatoslavich again fled to Tmutarakan. In 1079 he was captured by the Khazars, who sent him to Constantinople. Byzant. the government sent him into exile on Fr. Rhodes. In 1083 he returned to Tmutarakan and expelled Prince. Volodar Rostislavich and Prince. Davyd Igorevich. In 1094, with the help of the Polovtsians, he captured Chernigov. land, driving Vladimir Monomakh out of Chernigov. In 1096 Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh expelled him from Chernigov, and he fled to Starodub. He left Starodub for Smolensk. At that time, his brother David was sitting there, who, fearing to lose his possession, did not let Oleg into the city. Then Oleg Svyatoslavich went to Murom and killed (1095) Izyaslav Vladimirovich, who arbitrarily occupied the estate of Oleg Svyatoslavich. Then he "passed over the entire land of Muromsk and Rostov and planted posadniks around the city and took tribute more often." The son of Monomakh, Mstislav the Great, expelled these posadniks from Rost. and Murom, lands, and Oleg Svyatoslavich himself, breaking into the river. Kolokshe, forced to retreat to Ryazan. By decision of the Lyubech Congress of Princes, Oleg Svyatoslavich was given part of the "fatherland", Chernig. land, including Tmutarakan. According to an agreement between Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh (1096), Oleg Svyatoslavich was to receive Murom, a parish. After the death of Svyatopolk (143), Oleg recognized the reign of Monomakh in Kyiv, although his brother David had more rights to Kyiv. The union of Oleg Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy and his “sedition” and “rotation” in the Russian land were condemned by the Russians. chroniclers and the author of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", who called him Gorislavich.

Used materials from the book: Boguslavsky V.V., Burminov V.V. Rus of the Ruriks. Illustrated historical dictionary.

OLEG SVYATOSLAVICH(sk. 1115), Prince Vladimir-Volynsky (1073-76), Tmutarakansky (1083-94). Chernigov (1094-96), Novgorod-Seversky (1097-1115), son led. book. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. In 1076, Oleg Svyatoslavich, helping the Poles, committed together with Vladimir Monomakh trip to the Czech Republic. In 1078 he tried to establish himself in Chernigov, but failed. In 1079 he was captured by the Khazars and sent to Constantinople, spent there, and then on about. Rhodes in captivity for four years. In 1094, with the help of the Polovtsians, Oleg Svyatoslavich took Chernigov from Vladimir Monomakh. Oleg Svyatoslavich refused to go to Kyiv for the congress of princes, but he did. book. Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh, having started a war against him in 1096, forced him to submit. By decision of the Lyubech Congress (1097), Oleg Svyatoslavich received Novgorod-Seversky as his inheritance. Participated in Vitechevsk (1100) and Zolotchevsky (1101) princely congresses and in campaigns against the Polovtsy (1107 and 1113).


Rapov O.M. Princely possessions in Russia in the X-first half of the XIII century. M. 1977. S. 100-102.

Gleb Svyatoslavich (sk. 1078), son of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, prince. Chernigov. In 1064 he sat in Tmutarakan, from where he was expelled by Rostislav Vladimirovich. The following year, Svyatoslav expelled Rostislav from Tmutarakan and again planted Gleb there, but as soon as Svyatoslav left, Gleb was expelled a second time by Rostislav. In 1067 Gleb reigned in Novgorod, from where in 1068 he left for Tmutarakan and returned again. In Novgorod, Gleb had to withstand the attack of Vseslav of Polotsk. In 1078 Gleb was killed on a campaign against the Zavolotsk Chud and was buried in Chernigov.

Used materials from the site Great Encyclopedia of the Russian people -

Gleb Svyatoslavich (? -1078) - prince of Novg., son of grand. book. Russian Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. In 1064, being Tmutarakansk. prince, twice (1064) expelled from Tmutarakan by his cousin Rostislav Vladimirovich. After his death (1066) he was sent to reign in Tmutarakan. In 1067 he received from his uncle, led. book. Russian Izyaslav Droslavich, Novgorod the Great. After the reign of Vseslav Bryachislavich in Kyiv, he was forced to return to Tmutarakan, where, according to the inscription on the marble Tmutarakan stone, in 1068 he measured the distance between Tmutarakan and Kerch. Perhaps the latter was also part of the possessions of Gleb Svyatoslavich. After the flight of Vseslav to Polotsk (1069), he led the Novg. militia that defended the city from the troops of Vseslav, whom he defeated near Novgorod. Upon the ascension of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich to the Grand Duke. table (1073), Gleb Svyatoslavich received Pereyaslav region from him. After Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1077) reigned in Kyiv, he was forced to return to Novgorod. In 1078, when the Magi appeared in Novgorod, inciting the people to revolt against the Orthodox. church and the prince, the chief of them personally cut his head with an ax. Driven out for this by the disaffected Novgorodians, Gleb Svyatoslavich called for help from Vladimir Monomakh, but he did not respond to this call, and Gleb Svyatoslavich fled beyond Volok, where he was killed by a miracle.

Used materials from the book: Boguslavsky V.V., Burminov V.V. Rus of the Ruriks. Illustrated historical dictionary.


IGOR OLGOVICH(col. 8). Of the kind Chernihiv book. The son of Oleg Svyatoslavich and the Greek Theophania Mouzalon. Vel. book. Kyiv in 1146

In 1145, the sick Vsevolod, brother of Igor, who at that time was the Grand Duke, called his brothers, relatives and cousins, as well; brother-in-law of Izyaslav Mstislavich. and said to them: "If God takes me, I will give Kyiv after me to my brother Igor." All the brothers and Izyaslav kissed Igor's cross, thereby recognizing his rights to Kyiv. In 1146, Vsevolod ordered the best Kievans to be called to him and also said to them: "I am very sick, here is my brother Igor, take him to your princes"; they answered: "We will gladly take it." Igor went with them to Kyiv, called all the townspeople, and everyone kissed his cross, saying: "You are our prince." After the death of his brother, Igor sent to Izyaslav Mstislavich, asking him if he was faithful to the former kiss on the cross. Izyaslav did not give an answer and did not even let the ambassador go back, because the people of Kiev invited him to reign. Izyaslav moved to Kyiv, and Igor called to himself the main Kiev boyars - Uleb, Ivan Voytishich, Lazar Sakovsky, promising them the same honors that they had from his brother Vsevolod. But Igor was late: these boyars, together with others - Vasily Polochanin and Miroslav Andreevich - had already gone over to the side of Izyaslav. The five of them gathered the people of Kiev and consulted how to deceive Igor; and they sent to Izyaslav to say: "Go, prince, we agreed with the people of Kiev; we will throw the banner of Olgovich and run with our regiment to Kyiv." Izyaslav approached Kiev and stood with his son Mstislav at the rampart, near Lake Nadov, and the people of Kiev stood apart at Olga's grave, in a huge crowd, says the chronicler. Soon Igor and all his army saw that the people of Kiev sent to Izyaslav and took from him a thousand with a banner; after that, the Berendeys crossed the Lybid and captured Igor's convoy in front of the Golden Gate. Seeing this, Igor said to his brother, Svyatoslav and nephew Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich: "Go to your regiments, and how God will judge us with them"; .ordered Uleb Tysyatsky and Ivan Voitishich to go to their regiments as well. But as soon as they arrived in their regiments, they threw down the banners and went over to the side of Izyaslav. Igor and his nephew were not embarrassed by this and moved against Izyaslav; but because of the people of Kiev and the Berendeys, it was impossible for them to get to him by Nadovoy Lake; they went on horseback and ended up in the most unfavorable place, between two ditches from the lake and from dry Lybid. The Berendeys came in from the rear and began to cut them with sabers, and Izyaslav with his son Mstislav and his retinue went in from the flank; The Olgovichi ran, Igor drove into the swamp, the horse got stuck under him, but he could not walk, because he was sick with his legs; his squad was driven to the very Dnieper, to the mouth of the Desna and to the Kiev ferry. Four days later, when Izyaslav had already sat down on the Kyiv table, Igor was seized in a swamp. Izyaslav first sent him to the Vydubitsky monastery, and then ordered him to be kept in chains in the Pereyaslavsky Ivanovsky monastery.

In prison, Igor fell completely ill and sent a message to Izyaslav: “Brother! I am very ill and I ask you to be tonsured; I wanted this when I was still a prince, but now in need I am very ill and I don’t think I will survive.” Izyaslav took pity and answered him: "If you had the idea of ​​being tonsured, then you are free, and I will let you out already for the sake of your illness." Above Igor, they dismantled the top of the prison and carried out his sick man to his cell; for eight days he did not drink, did not eat, but then he felt better, and he took the vows in the Kiev Fedorovsky monastery in the schema.

In the spring of 1147, Izyaslav went on a campaign. From the road, he sent ambassadors to Kyiv to announce the treachery of his allies, the Chernigov princes, Vladimir and Izyaslav Davydovich, who wanted to lure him to him and seize him, the Kievans wanted to go to the aid of the prince against the traitors, but at that time someone from the crowd shouted: “We will go after our prince with joy, but first we need to think about this: as before, under Izyaslav Yaroslavich, evil people released Vseslav from imprisonment and made him their prince, and for that there was a lot of evil to our city; and now Igor , the enemy of our prince and ours, not in prison, but in the Fedorovsky monastery; we will kill him and go to Chernigov for our prince; we will finish him. The people, hearing this, rushed to the Fedorovsky Monastery. Igor stood in the church at Mass. People burst into the church and dragged him away, shouting: "Beat! Beat!" With the help of the boyar Mikhail, Vladimir Mstislavich, Izyaslav's brother, managed to bring Igor into his mother's yard and shut the gate behind him. But the crowd, having beaten Mikhail, broke down the gates and, seeing Igor in the passage, broke the passage, dragged Igor from them and threw him unconscious to the ground; then they tied a rope to his feet and dragged him from the Mstislav court through the whole city to the princely court and killed him there; from here, laying on firewood, they took it to Podol and threw it at the auction. Vladimir ordered to take Igor's body and put it in the Mikhailovsky Church, and the next day they buried him in the Semyonovsky Monastery

All the monarchs of the world. Russia. 600 short biographies. Konstantin Ryzhov. Moscow, 1999

Read further:

Karamzin N.M. History of the state of Russia vol. 2 Chapter XI. Grand Duke Igor Olgovich .

Svyatoslav Olgovich (? - 14.02.1164+) (see genealogical table 20 )

Parents: Oleg Svyatoslavich (? -1115+), ? ;

Children: Polovchanka, daughter of Aepa Girgenevich-

  • Oleg (?-1180+);
    1st wife c 1150 daughter Yuri Dolgoruky ;
    2. Agafya, daughter Rostislav Mstislavich(since 1163) -
    • Svyatoslav (1166-?), Prince of Rylsky;
    After the death of Svyatoslav Olgovich, the Principality of Chernigov was to be inherited by his eldest son Oleg, but another, stronger contender appeared - Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (? -1194+), Oleg's cousin. Oleg failed to save Chernigov, he was allocated the Seversk principality;
  • Igor (1151-1202+), book. Seversky (1179-1202), hero "Words about Igor's Campaign" ;
  • Vsevolod (1153?-1196+), book. Kursky, nicknamed "Buy-Tour";
    wife - Olga Glebovna, granddaughter Yuri Dolgoruky ;
Highlights of life
Prince of Chernigov (1157-1164);

material from the site


Svyatoslav Olgovich (col. 8)

Svyatoslav Vsevolodich (? -1194) - led. Prince of Kyiv., son led. book. Kyiv. Vsevolod Olgovich. In 1140, at the request of the Novgorodians, his father sent Svyatoslav Vsevolodich to reign there. But in Chernigov, he learned that Novgorod the Great preferred one of the Monomashichs to him, and returned to Kyiv. Vsevolod decided to punish Novgorod and detained in his “honorary” captivity the Novgorod bishops and the “best husbands” sent for Svyatoslav Vsevolodich. OK. In 1142, his father put him in Turov, but after a while he gave him Vladimir-Volynsky, since Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was transferred to Turov from Pereyaslavl South. In the same year, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich walked with Izyaslav Davydovich and Gal. book. Vladimir Volodarevich to help the Polish king Vladislav, who fought with his brothers. In 1143 he married the daughter of Polotsk. book. Vasilko (either Rogvolodich, or Svyatoslavich).

In 1144, Vsevolod Olgovich quarreled with Vladimirok, who did not want to see Svyatoslav Vsevolodich in Vladimir-Volynsky. In the end, the great prince had to make a campaign against Vladimirka, in which Svyatoslav Vsevolodich also took part.

In 1143 led. the prince again sent him along with his uncles to Poland to help the same Vladislav. Peace with Gal. the prince turned out to be fragile, and in 1146 Vsevolod moved to Galich, taking Svyatoslav Vsevolodich with him. Soon after this campaign (already after the death of his father), Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was drawn into the struggle of his uncles, Igor the Blessed and Svyatoslav Olgovich, with Izyaslav Mstislavich for Kyiv. table. After the victory of the latter, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was withdrawn from Vladimir-Volynsky and received in return Mezhybozhye, Buzhsk, Kotelnitsa and several other cities, and he was forced to kiss the cross for loyalty to Izyaslav, who then forced him to fight first against his uncle - Vyacheslav, and then against Svyatoslav Olgovich. Later, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich reconciled with the latter, going over to the camp hostile to Izyaslav, because he was dissatisfied with the awards he led. prince. After the death of Izyaslav (1154), Svyatoslav Vsevolodich took an active part in the struggle of the princes for the great. table, holding the side of one or the other. All these years he did not forget about his rights to Chernig. inheritance and sought it in every possible way, relying on the help of Svyatoslav Olgovich.

In 1157 he received from the new led. prince, Izyaslav Davydovich, Novgorod-Seversky in exchange for the recognition of Izyaslav led. prince, but after a short time Svyatoslav Vsevolodich quarreled with Izyaslav.

In 1159, he tried to take Chernigov from Svyatoslav Olgovich, and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich helped his uncle defend his possession. A year later, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich participated, together with his uncle and other princes, in the siege of the city of Vshchizh, where Svyatoslav Vladimirovich was sitting. After some time, the allies repeated this campaign.

In 1161, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was again in alliance with Izyaslav Davidovich (deposed from the throne), to whom Svyatoslav Olgovich reluctantly joined, since Kyiv. the boyars managed to quarrel the latter with the leader. book. Rostislav Mstislavich. The allies wanted to overthrow Rostislav and restore Izyaslav to Kyiv. foot. However, the union turned out to be fragile, since soon Svyatoslav Vsevolodich and his uncle made peace with Rostislav and kissed his cross. In 1162, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, along with other princes, probably on behalf of led. prince, went against Vladimir Mstislavich Macheshich, who captured Slutsk.

In 1164, Svyatoslav Olgovich died, and Chernigov was supposed to pass to Svyatoslav, the eldest in the Olgovich family, according to the "ladder right" of inheritance, but the widow of Svyatoslav Olgovich, on the advice of the near boyars, decided to hide her husband's death from her nephew in order to enable her son Oleg to capture Chernigov. However, Bishop Anthony let Svyatoslav Vsevolodich know about the death of his uncle and the actions of his aunt. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich entered into negotiations with Oleg, and he went to Novgorod-Seversky, and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich settled in Chernigov. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich promised to give the brothers (Oleg, Igor and Vsevolod Buy-Tur) lands from his possessions, but he did not fulfill the promise. Oleg was silent this time, but when their common relative, Prince Vshchizhsky, died. Svyatoslav Vladimirovich (1167), and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich once again bypassed Oleg, without allocating him an allotment from the volosts of the deceased, a gap occurred between them, which almost ended in strife. They made peace among themselves, and Oleg received from his cousin. brother 4 cities. In the same year, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich married his daughter Boleslav to Gal. book. Vladimir Yaroslavich. After his death, he book. Kyiv. Rostislav Mstislavich (1167) great. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was supposed to take the table, but the people of Kiev opposed this, wanting to see Mstislav Izyaslavich Monomashich on the throne, and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was forced to stay in Chernigov. After some time, he participated in the successful campaign of the princes against the Polovtsy, which was organized by Mstislav.

From 1169 to 1172 Svyatoslav Vsevolodich did not take part in the struggle of Andrei Bogolyubsky and Mstislav Izyaslavich for Kyiv. table.

In 1172, he founded a church in Chernigov in the name of St. Michael the Archangel. In the same year, Andrei Bogolyubsky participated in the hostilities against the pitches. Rostislavich: under his command, Vlad. the prince gave a large army, which included squads of 20 princes. This campaign, however, ended in nothing, since the princes who captured Kyiv could not hold him. Having won a victory over the supporters of Bogolyubsky, the Rostislavichs, by agreement, gave Kyiv a luc. book. Yaroslav Izyaslavich. Svyatoslav immediately reminded the latter of their long-standing agreement: whoever takes Kyiv first will not forget the other. Yaroslav refused to fulfill his promise, and then Svyatoslav Vsevolodich and his brothers unexpectedly found themselves under the walls of Kyiv and forced Yaroslav to flee. At this time, Oleg Svyatoslavich, seeing that Svyatoslav Vsevolodich had settled in Kyiv, went to Chernigov, intending to rightfully sit down to reign in it. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, fearing not to keep Kyiv and lose Chernigov, reconciled with Yaroslav, who had occupied Kyiv again by that time, and went to ruin the volosts of Oleg, who was forced to leave Chernigov. The war between Svyatoslav Vsevolodich and Oleg continued in 1174: Oleg made an alliance with the Rostislavichs and Kyiv. book. Yaroslav, in order to move from the sides to Chernigov, however, the Rostislavichi and Yaroslav soon concluded peace with Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, destroying only a small town for his warning. Oleg also had to go to the world. After the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky (1174) in the war between the younger brothers of the latter, Mikhalk and Vsevolod, and the Rostislavichs, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich took the side of the former, helping them with soldiers, equipment, taking their wives under his protection. By that time, Yaroslav had to cede Kyiv to the eldest in the Rostislavich family - Roman, who failed in the campaign against the Polovtsians (1176). Svyatoslav Vsevolodich took advantage of this and drove Roman out of Kyiv. Mstislav Izyaslavich came to the aid of the Rostislavichs, and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich left Kyiv. Realizing that Chernig. the prince will harass the led. table and will always prevail over Roman, who did not like and did not know how to fight, the Rostislavichs did not take away the throne from Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, and he again ended up in Kyiv.

In 1177 Svyatoslav Vsevolodich married his sons: Vsevolod Chermny - to the daughter of the Polish, cor. Kazimir, and Vladimir - on the daughter of Mikhalko Yurievich.

In 1180 Svyatoslav Vsevolodich and Vsevolod the Big Nest took up arms against each other because of their influence on the ryaz. book. Roman Glebovich, who was bound by an oath to Vsevolod, and related to Svyatoslav Vsevolodich. bonds. The Rostislavichs, who were trying to seize Kiev in the absence of Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, were also involved in their dispute. Soon, however, he reconciled with both. The world was sealed (1182) by marriage: Gleb Svyatoslavich married the daughter of Rurik Rostislavich, and Mstislav Svyatosovich (son of Svyatoslav Vsevolodich) married Vsevolod the Big Nest, his sister-in-law. Since that time, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich strengthened his position as leader. prince. In the same year, he sent Vladimir Vsevolod to help with a regiment against the Volga, Bulgars.

In 1184-1185, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich organized Russian campaigns. soldiers in the Steppe. In 1186 he consecrated Chernigov. Church of the Annunciation. In 1187 Nov.-Seversk. book. Igor Svyatoslavich, having escaped from the Polovtsian captivity, arrived in Kyiv to ask Svyatoslav Vsevolodich for help against the Polovtsians.

In 1188 led. the prince, finally, together with Rurik and Vladimir Glebovich, gathered for a campaign that ended in nothing, since the Polovtsians, having learned about the approach of the Russians, went deep into the steppes. In the winter of the same year, the campaign was repeated, but the result was the same, because brother Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, Yaroslav, did not want to go far into the Steppe. Kyiv was sent for the Polovtsy. governor Roman Nezdilovich, who found their vezh and defeated the Polovtsian forces.

In 1189 Hung. box Bela, who still held Galich, wishing to enlist the support of Svyatoslav Vsevolodich in his own interests, sent ambassadors to him with a request to make peace. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich secretly from Rurik sent his son Gleb to the king, believing that Bela would put him in Galich. Rurik learned about the conspiracy of the Hungarians with the led. prince, and the peace treaty between the allies was almost terminated.

In 1190, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich and Rurik subjugated the Polovtsy "to their will", but the peace with the steppe dwellers also turned out to be short-lived this time. Already in the autumn of the same year, Svyatoslav grabbed (according to a denunciation) a torso. Khan Kuntuvdey, but, after consulting with Rurik, decided to swear him in and let him go. The offended Khan, wanting to take revenge on Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, went to the Steppe to the Polovtsy and persuaded them to go to Russia. At this time in Kyiv. the land was only the son of Rurik Rostislav, because Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was visiting his brothers, across the Dnieper, and Rurik went to Ovruch. It was difficult for Rostislav alone to cope with the defense of Kyiv. region, but he brilliantly coped with his task. His father, leaving, asked Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, when he went beyond the Dnieper, to give Rostislav to help, just in case, the son of Gleb. Vel. the prince promised, but did not send Gleb. Moreover, he soon started a lawsuit with Rurik and David for some volosts in Smol. earth. Rurik sent messengers to Vsevolod the Big Nest and pitches. book. David, and they reminded Svyatoslav Vsevolodich that he was violating the articles of the previous agreement with Prince. Roman, and sent him back with a cross-kiss. letters. This meant the break of the union. Svyatoslav Vsevolodich sent the ambassadors away in an angry outburst, but soon changed his mind and returned them in order to kiss the cross of the Monomashichs in their presence "with all their will." In the same year he married his grandson, Davyd Olgovich, to the daughter of Novgorod-Seversk. book. Igor Svyatoslavich.

In 1192, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich with his brothers and Rurik stood all summer at Kanet, guarding Kyiv. prince from the Polovtsians, after which they undertook a campaign against them. However, the allies led. princes, black hoods, refused to go beyond the Dnieper, and the campaign did not take place.

In 1193, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich, seeing that Rurik had made peace with one of the Polovtsian hordes, offered to do the same with the other, who roamed near the Russian. borders; the princes arrived to make peace with the Polovtsy in Kanev, where 2 hordes of Polovtsy also came, but the princes and Polovtsy went home without agreeing. Rurik soon warned Svyatoslav Vsevolodich that he should prepare for a campaign against the Polovtsy or gather forces to protect his possessions from the steppes. Referring to a crop failure, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich abandoned the campaign. Rurik still tried to bow the bikes. prince to military operations against the Polovtsy, but Svyatoslav Vsevolodich insisted on his own, and the campaign did not take place.

In 1194 he invited his brothers, his native Yaroslav and cousin. Igor and Vsevolod Bui-Tur, to Rogov (according to other news - to Kanev) for advice on a trip to the ryaz. princes, with whom Chernigov. The princes had long-standing border disputes. However, Vlad. book. Vsevolod the Big Nest spoke out against this campaign, and Svyatoslav Vsevolodich was forced to submit. At that time, the prince of Kyiv. was already seriously ill and soon died.

Used materials from the book: Boguslavsky V.V., Burminov V.V. Rus of the Ruriks. Illustrated historical dictionary.

Boris (? - 1078) (col. VII), Prince of Vyshgorodsky (1073 - 1077)

Oleg (? - 1115) (col. VII)

Vsevolod (? - after 1124) (col. VIII), Prince of Murom (1123 - after 1124) married to the daughter of Boleslav III (see Piasts)

Rostislav (? - 1120) (col. VIII)

Ivan (? - 1148) (col. VIII)

Vsevolod II (1094 - 06/30/1146) (col. VIII), Prince of Chernigov (1127 - 39), great. Prince of Kyiv (1139 - 46), married since 1116 to Agafia, daughter of Mstislav I Vladimirovich (see Descendants of Rurik)

Daughter of Izyaslav III (col. IX)

Daughter of Svyatosha Davydovich (col. IX), according to some sources, wife since 1123 of Vsevolod Mstislavovich (col. IX) (see Descendants of Rurik)

Boleslava (? - ?) (col. X), wife of Vladimir Yaroslavovich (1151 - 1199) (see Princes of Peremyshlsky and Galician)

Vsevolod III Chermny (? - 1214) (col. X), book. Chernigov (1204 - 1210.1214), great. book. Kyiv (1206 - 1207, 1210 - 1214), first wife since 1178, ave. Maria (? - 1179), daughter of Casimir II the Just

Euphrosyne - Theodulia (c.1212 - 09/25/1250). Her fiancé Fedor Yaroslavovich (1219 - 5.6.1233) died before the wedding or on the day of the wedding (see Princes of Vladimir - Suzdal). Gone to be a nun

Rostislav Mikhailovich (? - c. 1262) (col. XII) has been married since 1243 to Anna, daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary (see Hungary. Arpads). Prince of Novgorod (1229 - 1230), Prince of Galicia (1238), Prince of Lutsk (1239), Prince of Chernigov (1240 - 1243), Ban Machevsky on the Danube (1243 - ?)

Daughter of Rostislav Mikhailovich (col. XIII), wife of Mikhail II Asen (1238 - 1257), Tsar of Bulgaria (pr. 1246 - 1257)

Bela (col. XIII) (? - 1272), killed

Kunguta (Kunigunda) (1245 - 9/9/1285) (col. XIII), first wife from 10/25/1261 Premysl Ottokar II (1230 - 8/26/1278), King of Bohemia, Duke of Austria (see Czech Republic (Bohemia). Przemyslovichi. Descendants Vladislav I)

Agrippina (c. 1250 - 1303) (col. XIII), wife since 1265 of Leszek the Black, Prince of Krakow (see Piasts. Descendants of Kazimierz II the Just). In 1271 she went to a monastery, in 1275 she reconciled with her husband. In 1289, she transferred the right of inheritance to Wenzel (Vencheslav) II (1271 - 1305), the son of her sister Kunguta

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Chernihiv Principality

Chernigov. Pyatnitskaya church of the 12th century

CHERNIGOV, a city in Little Russia on the banks of the Desna, one of the oldest Russian cities. In the ninth century was the center of the East Slavic tribe of the northerners. In the end of the 9th century. became part of Kievan Rus. First mentioned in Russian chronicles under 907. In the X-XII centuries. Chernihiv was a large craft and trade city. In 1024-36 and 1054-1239 - the capital of the Chernigov Principality (in 1037-53 as part of Kievan Rus). In 1239 it was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. In the 2nd floor. 14th century Chernihiv became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. After the victory of the Muscovite troops in the war against Lithuania, Chernigov in 1503, together with the Chernigov-Seversk land, was returned to Russia. In 1611, the Poles captured it, and according to the Deulino truce of 1618, it retreated to Poland, in which it was the center of the so-called. Chernigov Principality, and from 1635 - Chernigov Voivodeship. The population of the city took an active part in the liberation war of 1648-54. With the expulsion of the Polish-gentry troops from the city (1648), Chernigov became the place of deployment of the Chernigov regiment. After the reunification of Little Russia with Russia (1654), Chernigov became part of the Russian state, in 1782 it became the center of the Chernigov viceroy, from 1797 - Little Russian, and from 1802 - Chernigov province. In the XIX-XX centuries. a major industrial and cultural center. Monuments of architecture: Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (c. 1036), Elias Church of a rare pillarless design (2nd half of the 12th century).

Chernigov Principality, Old Russian principality (XI-XIII centuries) with the center in Chernigov. It occupied the territory on both banks of the Dnieper, along the course of the Desna, the Seim, the Sozh and the Upper Oka. Previously, this territory belonged to the tribal associations of northerners and glades. The territorial core of the Chernihiv Principality consisted of the cities: Lyubech, Orgoshch, Moroviysk, Vsevolozh, Unenezh, Belavezha, Bakhmach, as well as “Snovskaya Thousand” with the cities of Snovsk, Novgorod-Seversky and Starodub. Until the 11th century this area was ruled by local nobility and governors from Kyiv, who collected tribute here. Politically, Chernigov became isolated in 1024, when, by agreement between the sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Chernigov and the entire Dnieper left bank received Mstislav Vladimirovich. After his death (1036), the Chernihiv territory was again annexed to Kiev. Actually Chernihiv Principality stood out in 1054, inherited by the will of Yaroslav the Wise Prince. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich together with Murom and Tmutarakan. From the end of the 11th century. The Chernihiv principality was finally assigned to the Svyatoslavichs. In the XII century. its princes played an important role in the political life of Kievan Rus. Many of them (Vsevolod II Olgovich, Izyaslav Davydovich, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, Mikhail Vsevolodovich) occupied the Kyiv table and defended all-Russian interests. Some Chernigov princes reigned in Novgorod. The territory of the Chernihiv Principality has grown strongly in the eastern and northern directions, Ch. arr. at the expense of the Vyatichi lands. At the same time, within the Chernihiv Principality itself, there were signs of disintegration. In 1097, a principality was separated, headed by Novgorod-Seversky (see: Seversky principality), in the XII century. Putivl, Rylsk, Trubchevsk, Kursk, Vshchizh, and others became the centers of special possessions. In 1239 Chernihiv was taken and burned by the Mongol-Tatars. Soon the Chernihiv Principality ceased to exist as a state entity. VK.

Chernigov is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe and the Slavic world, the largest center of Southern Russia and modern Ukraine. Having emerged in the early Middle Ages (end of the 7th century), for many centuries it was the second city of Kievan Rus. In 1992 Chernihiv celebrated its 1300th anniversary.

For the first time in the Chernihiv region, a man appeared more than one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. In the north-east of the region (Novgorod-Seversky, the village of Chulatov, etc.), archaeologists have discovered numerous monuments of the Mousterian era of the Old Stone Age. The most interesting monument of this period is the unique site of a primitive man of the Late Paleolithic, discovered by Ukrainian archaeologists in 1908 near the village of Mezin, on the river. Desna, a few kilometers south of the city of Novgorod-Seversky. One of the first musical instruments in the history of mankind, made from sea shells and mammoth bones, was found here. Meander images painted on jugs and household utensils were also found here. A similar meander pattern will appear among the ancient Greeks and Romans in many millennia.

A settlement of a primitive man of almost the same time as the Mezinskaya site was discovered not far from the city of Slavutich, where the Chernobyl power engineers now live. This parking lot went down in history under the name Pustynki and is located 1.5 km. from the village of Mnev, on the left bank of the Dnieper. Here the ancient inhabitants carried out the exchange of their goods, coming both from the right bank of the Dnieper and from the left, as well as from the upper reaches of the Dnieper and its tributaries. Apparently, the name of the village Mnev (exchange, exchange) has survived to this day. The settlement itself represented several dozens of wooden dwellings, installed in two rows, forming a canal street, along which boats could drive up to any house and buy goods. The houses, as if on chicken legs, stood on high wooden piles, thus the inhabitants could avoid flooding from the full-flowing spring floods of the violent Dnieper.

And in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Navozy (former Dnieper), which is a few kilometers from the city of Slavutych on the Dnieper, archaeologists discovered the remains of primitive crocodiles:

At the end of the 7th century on the ancient land of the tribe "severa, severa" (northerners) of Iranian origin, on the Yelets hills, which is near the Boldin heights, where the Eternal Flame is now for the soldiers who fell in the war of 1941-45, the city of Chernihiv was founded, which later became the capital of the principality.

The Chernihiv Principality was the largest Old Russian Principality in terms of territory, occupying an area equal to 400 thousand square meters. km - this is 14 modern Chernihiv regions or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Great Britain.

The borders of the Chernigov Principality covered the lands from the Dnieper in the west to Moscow in the east, from South Belarus to Taman with Tmutarakan principality on the Black Sea.

Chernihiv-Severshchina was one of the most populated territories among the twelve ancient Russian principalities. There were more than five hundred cities and towns, impregnable castles of Medieval Russia, where almost half a million people lived. Chernihiv region from the south and east side was adjacent to the Wild Field, where numerous steppe peoples (Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Turks) roamed.

The constant danger from such aggressive and restless neighbors brought up a warlike spirit in Chernihiv. They knew how it was necessary to fight with wild tribes, so many ancient Russian princes often resorted to the help of Chernigov-northerners to seize new lands, and hired Chernigov residents got no small wealth of enslaved peoples. This is how foreign princes paid off the mercenaries:

The Chernihiv Orthodox diocese adopted Christianity in 992, four years after the baptism of Kyiv, and was the largest in terms of parishioners, and in the number of Christian churches and monasteries it was not inferior to the Kiev diocese, where the Patriarch of All Russia was located.

According to the legends of the city of Chernigov and the Polish chronicles, the first prince of Chernigov was supposedly the prince of Cherny, who, even before the adoption of Christianity, died in a battle with the Drevlyans under the walls of Chernigov. His daughter Cherna (Tsarna), because of which, in fact, there was a battle, having learned about the death of her father, her protector, committed suicide so as not to get to the Drevlyans. Where Prince Cherny died, a huge mound was poured, 15 meters high and almost 40 meters in diameter. When a fire was lit on its top, the fire was visible for 30 km. in District. Over time, this mound began to be called the "Black Grave", i.e. Cherny's grave.

It is located in the courtyard of a modern administrative building on the street. Proletarskaya, 4, opposite the Yelets convent. This mound is one of the surviving mounds in the former Soviet Union from the time of pagan Russia. His excavations at the end of the nineteenth century. the enthusiastic archaeologist Samokvasov D.Ya., who came to the conclusion that the method of burial, the structure of the hill, completely coincides with the Greek burials of the Trojan War.

Prince Cherny, unfortunately, is an unproven beautiful legend, nothing more. Otherwise, we would have a certain source or version of the origin of the name of the city of Chernihiv. Until now, it is a historical mystery.

The struggle for Chernihiv and the Seversk land continued throughout its history, Chernihiv region with its main river, the beautiful Desna, was already a very tasty morsel.

The first annalistically known prince of Chernigov was the son of Vladimir the Baptist from the famous Polotsk princess Rogneda Mstislav Vladimirovich Tmutarakansky, nicknamed "The Brave". The hero of the duel with the Kasozhian prince Rededey. Unfortunately, we still do not know exactly who Mstislav's mother is, there is an assumption that the Czech Adele (Adil) was also her. And in general, there is little historical information about Mstislav of Chernigov, although the chroniclers speak of him as a worthy successor to the military glory of the Kiev prince Svyatoslav, Mstislav's grandfather, father of Vladimir the Baptist. You will not find these words about his older brother Yaroslav the Wise, who, with his temper and ambitions, unleashed the first civil war in Kievan Rus, refusing to pay taxes from his reign in Veliky Novgorod to his father Vladimir the Baptist.

In 1024 Mstislav defeated the army of his brother Yaroslav the Wise near the village of Maly Listven, which is not far from the village of the Chernigov region of Repki, and thereby divided Kievan Rus into two states - Right-bank Russia with its capital in Kyiv and Left-bank Russia with its capital in Chernigov.

In the year 1024, Mstislav founded the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior as the cathedral church of the capital of Left-Bank Russia - the city of Chernigov. Now this Cathedral of the Savior is the most ancient Orthodox church, both in Ukraine and in Russia. Only the Constantinople Sofia, which is now located in Turkish Istanbul, is older. Kievskaya Sofia is 12 years younger than Chernigov Spas, and Novgorodskaya Sofia is two decades younger.

The Spassky Cathedral of Chernigov, which is now located in the ancient princely court (Val), still arouses admiration to this day. Here one can trace the architectural style of early Russia, distant Byzantium and India. Its two towers, which, unfortunately, took on a catholic spiky appearance so strange for Orthodoxy after a strong fire at the end of the 18th century, served as a clock, but not quartz, but solar.

The priests, with an accuracy of up to five minutes, could determine the time of the beginning of the service from them. Window niches, on the left bell tower, were directly the clock. They are located in such a way that sunlight fills large niches in exactly one hour, and smaller niches in half an hour, 15 and five minutes. Indeed, how did the ringer determine when it was necessary to strike the bell during the morning service, mass and supper. It is difficult to determine the exact time from the sundial in bad weather.

But not long Chernihiv was the capital of the Left-bank Ukraine. The mysterious death of the first adult son of Mstislav Eustathius, and then the mysterious death from an upset stomach after hunting (burned out in three days) in 1036 and Mstislav himself, allowed Yaroslav the Wise to seize all the lands of Great Russia in his own hands.

Only 18 years later, in 1054, in the year of the great schism (schism) in the Christian church, the first official prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the eldest son of Yaroslav the Wise, was planted in Chernigov. He ruled in Chernigov for almost 20 years. During this time, the city became a beautifully fortified fortress. Was built Yelets Monastery with the majestic Assumption Cathedral.

Assumption Cathedral of the Yelets Monastery, XI century

In 1069, in the Boldin Hills, the great Chernigov resident, a native of Lyubech, the first Russian monk, the father of Russian monasticism, the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Anthony of the Caves (in the world of Antipas) lays the Chernigov Anthony Caves, the secrets and mysteries of which continue to excite many scientists today.

In front of the entrance to these caves, which have a length of about four hundred meters underground, at a depth of up to 12 meters, where the year-round constant temperature is + 10 + 12 degrees C and almost 100 percent humidity, under Svyatoslav, the one-pillar Ilyinsky Church was built, which does not have time and architecture of world analogues. The caves and the church, in a somewhat rebuilt form, have survived to our times and are still active.

For more than thirty years, employees and hundreds of visitors to the Chernihiv caves have been observing mysterious phenomena occurring in the bowels of the caves, at a depth of almost 12 meters, next to the underground church of St. Nicholas Svyatosha:

Every year, on February 18, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of the Yelets Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God. The history of this amazing and the first miraculous icon in Russian Orthodoxy is very interesting.

During the reign of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich in Chernigov there was a miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God on one of the firs of the Yelets mountain. And it happened in 1060. The prince saw this as a great sign and ordered to build the Assumption Church on this site. But the adventures of the miraculous Yelets Icon were just beginning.

In the history of the Russian Church, the appearance of this icon was the first such miracle, which is why it was called the "Fadeless Flower" of the Yelets Mother of God of the Assumption Monastery in the city of Chernigov, which is a great asset and shrine not only to the Chernigov diocese and the entire Chernigov region, but also to the entire world Orthodox Christian Church in in general.

The first Yelets icon allegedly disappeared during the Tatar pogrom in Chernigov in the autumn of 1239. Although there is a legend that they managed to wall it up in the stone wall of the Assumption Cathedral. Then it was removed from the wall and put back in its place in the Assumption Cathedral.

In 1579, the direct descendant of the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (Olgovich family), Prince Baryatinsky, took the holy icon to his house. But in 1687, the okolnichiy (the second highest boyar rank), Prince Daniil Baryatinsky, being the commander of the Novgorod regiments, took the shrine with him on the Crimean campaign.

Returning home after heavy fighting, Prince Daniel fell mortally ill and, being not far from Kharkov, gives the icon to the Kharkov Assumption Cathedral. In Soviet times, the icon disappears without a trace.

But our Chernihiv was not left without its shrine. Back in 1676, the brothers Matvey and Nikita Kozel brought to Chernigov for the Epiphany Fair the image of the Holy Mother of God of Yelets. It is not known at what price they agreed, but Konstantin Mezopeta from Chernigov buys this icon from the brothers and on January 11, 1676 presents it to the Yelets Monastery.

In 1930, by order of the Soviet authorities, this icon was transferred to the State Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. V.V. Tarnovsky (from whose collection this museum was basically created), where it was located until 1941. The abbess of the monastery wanted to make a copy of the icon and donate it to the museum, but the museum demanded the original.

In 1941, during the bombing of Chernihiv, the fires did not escape the museum, where, on the ashes of abandoned historical values, an unknown woman picked up a miraculously surviving wooden icon and transferred it to the Trinity Ilyinsky Monastery of Chernigov.

After the war, the icon was again taken to the Chernihiv Historical Museum. In the museum, I have repeatedly seen how believing Christians came to this icon and, falling on their faces in front of the shrine, prayed in front of it, not paying attention to the astonished looks of visitors.

Finally, on April 1, 1999, the city authorities transferred the Yelets Icon to the Yelets Monastery for temporary use. Metropolitan Anthony of Chernigov and Nizhyn and the abbess of the Holy Dormition Convent of Yelets, Mother Ambrose (Ivanenko in the world) put a lot of strength and wisdom into receiving their shrine.

Modern art historians have examined the icon and found that it really dates back to the 90s of the 17th century, i.e. this is the icon that was donated to the Yelets Monastery by the Chernigov Mezopeta. Glory to you Mesopetus!

The icon is painted with tempera and oil paints on two wide boards fastened with two wooden dowels. The total length of the icon is 135 cm, width 76 cm, board thickness 3 cm.

The composition of the icon is also interesting, having both theological meaning and the iconography of the very history of the appearance of the shrine in the distant 1060.

On the Boldin Hills there are two unique pagan mounds - "Nameless" and "Gulbische", where the remains of a giant warrior were found, who had an almost one and a half meter steel sword, weighing more than ten kilograms. But they also had to work in battle. So what power did his master possess?

And not far from these mounds, you can see many large and small mounds, there are more than two hundred of them. These are mounds, under which Chernihiv residents were buried in pagan times.

For about twenty years, Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh, son of Vsevolod, grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, ruled in Chernigov, until he was called by the people of Kiev in 1113 to pacify the uprising of the townspeople against Jewish usurers.

It was Prince Vladimir Monomakh of Chernigov who initiated the first congress of the six Russian princes in the city of Lyubech in 1097. Here it was accepted that the internecine strife had come to an end, everyone keeps his own patrimony, here everyone swore to go together against the filthy Polovtsians.

Monomakh was buried not in Kyiv, but in Chernigov, in the Cathedral of the Savior.

In the 1120s, Prince David of Chernigov founded the Orthodox Borisoglebsky Cathedral on the pagan temple, which is on Val, next to the Cathedral of the Savior. The first Ukrainian educator and creator of Ukrainian book printing, Archbishop Lazar Baranovich of Chernigov, is buried in the Borisoglebsk Church (the burial has been preserved).

Also, during the reign of David, the monastery complex and the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa were founded (now the Chernihiv Ukrainian Drama Theater is located on the territory of the monastery, and the square in front of it is called the Red Square of the city). During the war, the Nazis bombed the Pyatnitsa Church, this monument of Chernihiv architecture. Only through the efforts of the architect Baranovsky, who at one time saved St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow from destruction by the Bolsheviks, was the Pyatnitskaya Church restored after the war, the same age as the Tale of Igor's Campaign.

And the hero of this amazing work, Prince Igor, at one time even was the Chernigov prince, where he sat quietly like a mouse after the failure with the Polovtsy in 1185, then he was still the Novgorod-Seversky prince.

In the autumn of 1239, Chernigov fell under the blow of the Tatar hordes.

For almost three centuries, the chronicles have been silent about Chernihiv. Until Chernihiv region fell under the rule of Lithuania and the Commonwealth. In 1503, most of the Chernihiv region became part of Moscow Rus. Lithuanians and Polish gentry left Chernihiv. But horseradish was not sweeter than radish. In the summer of 1606, from Chernigov Putivl, where Yaroslavna once wept for her prince Igor,

a huge army of rebellious Cossacks, Chernigov, under the leadership of Ivan Bolotnikov, rushed to Moscow. The uprising was suppressed, but in Muscovy they thought about the freedom-loving people of Chernigov.

Soon Moscow gave the Chernihiv region again to the Poles, they say, away from sin. Here the gentry remembered everything to the Ukrainian people, until Bogdan Khmelnitsky came. Among the closest associates of Bogdan was the first Chernigov colonel Martyn Nebaba with his Chernigov regiment of dashing Cossacks.

In 1696, it was the Chernigov Cossack regiment under the command of the hetman Yakov Lizogub who broke into the Turkish fortress of Azov. Peter the Great, delighted with the heroism of the Chernigov people, awarded them all, and especially Yakov Lyzogub. Upon returning home to Chernigov, Yakov Lyzogub, using the funds raised by the participants of the Azov campaign, builds the Catherine Church in Chernigov in the Ukrainian baroque style.

No less famous is the participant of the Battle of Poltava, Colonel of the Chernigov regiment Pavel Polubotok, on whose courage and ability to fight Peter the Great counted so much, and the Chernigovites did not let the tsar down.

In 1679, on the Boldin Hills, the Trinity Cathedral was founded by the Archbishop of Chernigov, Leonty Baranovich, according to the project of a German from Vilna (now Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania) John the Baptist. And in 1775, a magnificent 58-meter bell tower was built according to the project of Rastrelli, the author of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg.

In 1700, the Collegium was built in Chernigov, where the children of wealthy Chernigov citizens were taught science. Prepared them for public service. Later, a similar Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum near St. Petersburg will be opened.

Under Empress Elizabeth, Count Potemkin repeatedly visited Chernihiv region. It was in the Chernihiv region in the village of Lemeshi, near Kozelets, in the local church, that he heard the singing of the beautiful young man Alexei Rozum, the son of Razumikha, who grazed goats during the day and worked on the kliros in the evening. The young man was immediately taken to St. Petersburg before the eyes of the Empress are clear.

Thus began a lightning-fast career to the field marshal's baton of the favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna of Chernigov, Count Alexei Grigoryevich Razumovsky and his brother Kirill, who would be President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov's patron, the last hetman of the Left-Bank Ukraine.

Chernigovians were active participants in the December uprising of 1825, but not in the north, but in the south of the empire. The uprising of the Chernigov regiment, organized by Muravyov-Apostle S.I. and Bestuzhev-Ryumin M.P., which began on December 29, 1825. in the village of Trilesi. Then more than a thousand soldiers and officers captured the city of Vasilkov, Chernihiv province. But near the White Church they were defeated by government troops on January 3, 1826. In July 1826 leaders of the Chernigov uprising were executed in the Peter and Paul Fortress of St. Petersburg.

In the village of Voronki, which is not far from the town of Bobrovitsa in the Chernihiv region, the last years after the amnesty of 1856, the Decembrist Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky and his amazing wife, Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, the daughter of the general, hero of 1812, Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, lived and were buried here .

It was the 20-year-old Maria Volkonskaya who became the heroine of the Nekrasov poem "Russian Women", it was Maria Volkonskaya, who, leaving a warm house, a noble rank, and a young son, went to hard labor in Siberia with her husband, where she spent the most difficult years for him in the mines, and this is 30 years in a foreign land, in a half-starved land. Those were good times and people!

Trinity Eliinsky Monastery:

In the right nave of the Trinity Cathedral, there is a shrine of the Archbishop of Chernigov, the holy miracle worker Theodosius of Uglitsky and Chernigov, the heavenly patron of Chernigov. Near his holy remains, many thousands of sick people were healed, and there is a lot of evidence of this. To this day, a wooden house has been preserved on the territory of the Yelets Monastery, which is more than three hundred years old and where the great Theodosius lived.

On the modern territory of the Trinity Monastery there is one of the few religious schools in Ukraine for the preparation of church regents - leaders of church choirs. It also houses the Office of the Chernigov diocese, headed by Archbishop Anthony of Chernigov and Nizhyn. Currently, unfortunately, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is experiencing another split.

Also on the territory of the Trinity Monastery is now located the chapel of Shcherbina Grigory Stepanovich,

a native of Chernihiv region, 1868 - 1903, a Russian diplomat who knew 16 languages, graduated from the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ​​in Moscow. He worked in Turkey, Egypt, Albania, and in 1902 he was appointed consul to Mitrovica (Serbia), where he was killed in 1903 by an Albanian fanatic. Shcherbina G.S. was a member of the Russian Geographical Society, defended his doctoral dissertation in Turkish.

A bust of Glebov Leonid Ivanovich, who was buried here, is installed near the Trinity Cathedral. In Ukrainian literature, he is considered as the most talented fabulist (in Ukrainian - baykar).

Also, next to the Trinity Cathedral, Major General, Princess Sofya Ivanovna Prozorovskaya was buried,

nee Skoropadskaya, born in 1767. and died in 1833. She was a relative of the wife of Generalissimo Suvorov A.V. Varvara Ivanovna.

Sofia Ivanovna came from an ancient noble family of Skoropadskys. Her grandfather Ivan Ilyich was the hetman of the Left-Bank Ukraine, a participant in the Northern War.

In 1820, a descendant of hetman Skoropadsky, Ivan Mikhailovich Skoropadsky, buys the village of Trostyanets, Ichnyansky district of Chernihiv region, where he creates a huge regular park no worse than Peterhof near St. Petersburg. Scientists, nature lovers from almost all over the world came to him and brought with them new seedlings for such an amazing park, which spread over an area of ​​more than two hundred hectares. The family crypt of the Skoropadskys is also located here. And the last of the Skoropadsky family, Adjutant General of the Russian Tsar, Pavlo Petrovich Skoropadsky, was declared hetman of Ukraine in 1918. But he never became a "broad Ukrainian", he failed to cope with the duties of a hetman - Ukraine did not become an independent and independent country until 1991.

Markovich Afanasy Vasilyevich, a Ukrainian folklist and ethnographer, who was married to the equally famous writer M.O., was buried on the Boldin Hills, on a steep slope. Vilinskaya (Marko Vovchek). Collects folk songs, proverbs. He wrote music for Kotlyarevsky's play "Natalka Poltavka".

There, on Boldina Hill, above the Ilyinsky Church, the Kotsyubinsky couple, Mikhail and his wife Vera Deisha, are buried. Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky is an outstanding Ukrainian writer, public figure, founder of modern Ukrainian literature.

I want to tell a few words about Lyubech, a wonderful city, first mentioned by Nestor in The Tale of Bygone Years under the year 882, which is 25 years earlier than Chernigov.

For many years Lyubech was owned by Count Andrei Miloradovich, father of Mikhail Miloradovich, Governor-General of St. Petersburg, hero of 1812, mortally wounded by Peter Kakhovsky on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square in St. Petersburg during the December uprising. It was in Lyubech that the mother of Vladimir the Baptist Malusha was born, and her brother, the epic hero Dobrynya, became the mentor and father of the young Vladimir.

To this day, there is a legend in Chernigov that underground passages were dug from Chernigov and Lyubech to Kyiv, through which the inhabitants of the city in hard times left the enemy.

In conclusion, I want to say that Chernigov, being a unique historical city, has never claimed leadership in Russian history, and even more so in modern history, although there is every right to do so. After all, the current President of Ukraine Kuchma L.D. originally from Chernihiv region, from the village of Chaika, not far from the city of Novgorod-Seversk.

Chernihiv region became the birthplace of the Russian sculptor Martos Ivan Petrovich, the author of the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky in Moscow. The Russian painter Nikolay Nikolayevich Ge was also born in the Chernihiv region and often came here to look for inspiration. Ilya Repin repeatedly visited Chernihiv and its suburbs, where he tried to find living prototypes of his heroes in the painting "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan."

The city of Chernihiv has some inexplicable aura, because the events of April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not touch it in the first days. Indeed, if you look at the map of radioactive fallout for the first five days after April 26, 1986, you can see that the contamination of Chernigov is minimal compared to other regions, especially Kiev.

Gruzdev Vyacheslav Borisovich

Princes of Chernigov:

Chernihiv Principality

In the Chernigov Principality, a dynasty of princes of the descendants of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich was established.

Mstislav Vladimirovich 1024-1036

Svyatoslav Yaroslavich 1054-1073

Vsevolod Yaroslavich 1073-1076

Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh 1076-1077

Boris Vyacheslavich 1077

Vsevolod Yaroslavich 1077-1078

Oleg Svyatoslavich 1078

Vladimir Monomakh (secondary) 1078-1094

Oleg Svyatoslavich (secondarily) 1094-1097

Davyd Svyatoslavich 1097-1123

Yaroslav Svyatoslavich 1123-1126

Vsevolod Olgovich 1126-1139

Vladimir Davydovich 1139-1151

Izyaslav Davydovich 1151-1154

Svyatoslav Olgovich 1154-1155

Izyaslav Davydovich (secondarily) 1155-1157

Svyatoslav Olgovich (secondarily) 1157-1164

Oleg Svyatoslavich 1164

Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich 1164- 1177

Yaroslav Vsevolodovich 1177-1198

And grief Yaroslavich (possibly) 1198

Igor Svyatoslavich 1198-1202

Oleg Svyatoslavich 1202-1204

Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny 1204-1210/12

Rurik Rostislavich 1210/12-1214

Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (secondary) 1214-1215

Davyd Olgovich 1215

Gleb Svyatoslavich 1215-1219

Mstislav Svyatoslavich 1219-1224

Mikhail Vsevolodovich 1224-1226

Oleg Svyatoslavich 1226

Mikhail Vsevolodovich (secondarily) 1226-1235

Mstislav Glebovich 1235-1239

Rostislav Mikhailovich c. 1240

Mikhail Vsevolodovich (for the third time) c. 1240

Andrei Mstislavich 1246

Vsevolod Yaropolkovich 1246-1261

Andrei Vsevolodovich 1261-1263

Roman Mikhailovich the Old 1263-1288

Oleg Romanovich con. 13th century

Mikhail Dmitrievich con. 13th century - early 14th century

Mikhail Alexandrovich perv. floor. 14th century

Roman Mikhailovich the Younger 7-1370

Dmitry-Koribut Olgerdovich c. 1372-1393

Roman Mikhailovich (secondary) 1393-1401

Liquidation of the appanage by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Destinies of the Chernihiv Principality

Chernigov princes.(genealogical table).

The Chernigov (or Chernigov-Seversk) Principality was one of the most significant states into which the originally united possessions of the Rurikovichs broke up. In the principality, several cities were constantly strengthening at once, because in the end it broke up into smaller destinies. In the 14th century, it included the Chernihiv-Seversk principality in the number of subject lands.

Natural conditions and territory of the Principality

The main territories of this principality were located in the basin of the Desna and the Seim, extended to the eastern bank of the Dnieper. From the Don, merchants dragged their way to the Seim, from it they got to the Desna, and from it to the Dnieper. It was on trade along these rivers that the Chernigov-Seversk principality based its power. The occupations of the population were typical for the lands of central Russia at that time. Most of it cultivated the land, cutting down and burning forests for this.

In different decades, the Chernihiv-Seversk principality included different territories. For most of its history, in the west it was limited to the lands of Chernigov, in the east, during its heyday, even included Murom. Novgorod-Seversky remained its most significant city after Chernigov for most of its history; in the last decades of its independent existence, Bryansk became the center of this state.

Principality becomes independent

For the first time Chernihiv became the center of a separate principality after the battle of Listven in 1024. This is the last and biggest battle between the sons of St. Vladimir. During the battle, Mstislav Vladimirovich Udaloy utterly defeated Yaroslav Vladimirovich (later the Wise), but did not continue the fight, but invited his brother to divide the subject lands. Chernigov turned out to be the main city of the part inherited by Mstislav. But the Principality of Chernihiv-Seversk did not receive the founder of its dynasty in the person of this not without reason nicknamed Udaly, the founder of his dynasty - his only son Eustace died before his father and did not leave his own heirs. Therefore, when in 1036 Mstislav died on a hunt, his possessions were under the rule of Yaroslav.

Yaroslav the Wise, as you know, divided his state between his sons before his death. Chernihiv went to Svyatoslav. Then the future Chernihiv-Seversk principality became finally independent. The princes of his dynasty began to be called Olgovichi after the son of Svyatoslav Oleg.

The struggle of the heirs of Yaroslav the Wise for the principality

Yaroslav the Wise bequeathed to his three sons to live in peace. These sons (Izyaslav, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav) did this for almost 20 years - they formed an alliance, which today is called the Triumvirate of the Yaroslavichs.

But in 1073, with the support of Vsevolod, Svyatoslav expelled Izyaslav and became the Grand Duke, uniting the Kiev and Chernigov-Seversk principalities under his rule. Three years later, Svyatoslav died because they unsuccessfully tried to remove the tumor. Then Vsevolod reconciled with Izyaslav, who had returned from Poland, ceded the throne of Kyiv to him and received from him the Chernigov-Seversk principality as a reward.

The policy of the brothers in the redistribution of land deprived the sons of Svyatoslav Chernigov. They didn't put up with it. The decisive battle at this stage was the battle on Nezhatina Niva. This time Vsevolod won, the Chernigov-Seversk principality remained with him (as well as Kiev, because Izyaslav died from an enemy spear).

The hard fate of Oleg Svyatoslavich: overseas

As mentioned above, in the end, the family of the Chernigov-Seversky princes came precisely from Oleg Svyatoslavich. But his path to the inheritance of his father was very difficult.

After the defeat in the battle on Nezhatina Niva, Oleg and Roman managed to escape to the inheritance of the second - Tmutarakan. But soon Roman was killed by his allies, the Polovtsy, who betrayed him, and Oleg was captured by the Khazars and transferred to Constantinople.

It is not known what plans the Byzantine emperor had about the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, in any case, they changed dramatically after the rebellion of the famous Varangian guard, which was then made up of immigrants from Russian lands.

This event did not have a political background: just the soldiers, being in a state of intoxication, attacked the imperial bedroom. The speech failed, its participants were forgiven, but expelled from the capital, and since that time it has consisted of Anglo-Saxons who fled from England after this country was conquered by William the Conqueror. There is no information about Oleg's participation in the rebellion, but he was also exiled - to the island of Rhodes.

In Rhodes, Oleg's affairs gradually began to improve. He married a representative of the local influential family Theophano Mouzalon. In 1083, apparently, not without the help of the Byzantine detachment, he expelled the Khazars and became either a prince or a Byzantine governor in Tmutarakan.

The hard fate of Oleg Svyatoslavich: return to Chernihiv

In 1093, Vsevolod Yaroslavich died and the Polovtsians attacked Russian lands, including the Principality of Chernigov-Seversk, the geographical position of which completely allowed the nomadic peoples from the Black Sea steppes to reach it. It was the Polovtsians who supported Oleg Svyatoslavich in the struggle for his father's inheritance. The famous son of Vsevolod Vladimir Monomakh spoke out against the nomads.

The following year, Svyatoslavich received Chernigov. He began to annex other cities of the principality to him, went on campaigns against Murom, Rostov and Suzdal, but was defeated by the sons of Vladimir Monomakh Mstislav and Vyacheslav and the Polovtsians (who now acted on the side of Vladimir).

In order to finally establish peace between the Russian princes, in 1097 the famous congress took place in Lubitsch. It is believed that he consolidated the trend towards the disintegration of the legacy of St. Vladimir into destinies. But for this article, it is important that the Chernigov-Seversky principality, despite the defeat of Oleg, finally passed to this prince.

Novgorod-Seversky is separated from the principality

Specific fragmentation - the time of constant wars between the princes. Almost all of them sought to expand their possessions, and many - to take the grand throne in Kyiv. Actively participated in these wars and the Chernigov-Seversk principality. The geographical position (proximity to Kiev and control over part of the Dnieper) contributed to this. Therefore, the principality was ruined many times.

Large principalities broke up into smaller destinies. Novgorod-Seversky became the center of a separate principality by decision of the congress of princes in Lyubech in 1097, but for a long time its ruler was the heir to the throne in Chernigov. In 1164, after the death of Svyatoslav Olgovich, an agreement was concluded between his son Oleg and the eldest of Oleg's cousins ​​- according to him, the first got Chernigov, and the second - Novgorod-Seversky. Thus, independent dynasties began to rule in these cities.

Gradually, the fragmentation of these principalities into smaller destinies continued.

Batu's invasion

The principalities, broken up into small destinies, could not defeat the Tatar-Mongolian troops led by Batu Khan (in the Russian tradition, Batu). There are many explanations for this, one of the main ones is that the cities did not rally in the face of a common enemy. The Chernigov-Seversk principality is a clear confirmation of this.

It became the target of the main enemy strike in 1239, although its first destinies were defeated in the previous, 1238th. After the first blow, Prince Mikhail of Chernigov did not prepare in any way to repulse the main blow. He fled to Hungary, returned a few years later, went to the Horde and died for refusing to perform pagan rites (canonized as a holy martyr), but he never entered the battlefield against the Tatar-Mongol.

The defense of Chernigov was headed by Mstislav Glebovich, who had previously claimed the princely throne in this city. But Chernigov resisted without the support of the rest of the principality and was defeated, Mstislav fled again to Hungary.

The Chernihiv-Seversk principality became famous for the defense of one of its small towns - Kozelsk. The city was ruled by a young prince (he was only 12), but it was built impregnable. Kozelsk was on a hill between two and Drugusnaya) with steep banks. The defense lasted 7 weeks (only powerful Kiev managed to defend itself longer). It is indicative that Kozelsk fought alone: ​​the main forces of the Chernihiv-Seversk principality, in 1238 still practically unaffected by the invasion, did not come to his aid.

Under the Tatar-Mongol yoke

Soon after the conquest of Russian lands, the Tatar-Mongolian state collapsed. Batu Khan actively participated in the struggle of the descendants of Genghis Khan with each other. As a result, he became the ruler of one of the fragments of his state - the Golden Horde (to which the Russian lands were also subject).

Under the rule of the Golden Horde, the princes did not lose their power, but they needed to confirm their right to it, for which they went to the Horde and received the so-called label. It was beneficial for the invaders to manage the Russian lands with the hands of the Russians themselves.

The administration of the Chernihiv-Seversky Principality was built on the same principle. But the center has shifted. Now Chernigov began to rule from Bryansk. It suffered from the invasion much less than Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversky.

The Olgovichi, who were unable to organize the defense of the principality, lost this title. Over time, it was received by the princes from Smolensk.

As part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

In 1357, Bryansk was captured by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd. Soon, the rest of the destinies of the Chernigov-Seversky principality became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It is worth saying a few words about Olgerd, through whose efforts the Chernigov-Seversky principality came out from under the power of the Tatar-Mongol.

Olgerd was not the eldest son of the previous Grand Duke of Lithuania Gedemin, but 4 years after the death of his father, it was he who, with the support of his brother Keistut, received supreme power. Of his sons, the most famous is Jagiello. Thus, the descendants of Olgerd were the Jagiellons, a dynasty that ruled in several states of Eastern and Central Europe.

When Olgerd and Keistut received supreme power in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, they shared powers. Keistut took up the defense of the western borders, his main opponent was the crusaders. Olgerd took over the eastern foreign policy. His main opponent was the Golden Horde and the states dependent on it (one of which at that time was Olgerd succeeded. He defeated the Tatars in 1362 in a major battle on the Blue Waters and annexed many ancient possessions of the Rurikoviches to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. He became the owner of the capital the first Russian dynasty - Kyiv.

As part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, autonomy was preserved for a long time, which means that the features of the Chernigov-Seversky principality, because formally it remained independent, just its ruler was appointed from Vilna. The last such prince was Roman Mikhailovich, who later ruled Smolensk, where in 1401 he was killed by angry residents of the city. In the XV century, the destinies of the former Chernihiv-Seversk principality lost their independence.


Among the states into which the once united power of the Rurikovichs broke up, one of the most significant was the Chernigov-Seversk principality. The characterization of its history is relatively typical for many former possessions of Yaroslav the Wise, but it also has its bright interesting pages.

It isolated itself, broke up into destinies, could not resist the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols and submitted to them, and later to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1569, his lands were transferred to the Kingdom of Poland.

Many influential families of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth came from the destinies of the Chernigov-Seversky principality. The most famous of them are the Novosilsky princes.

Chernihiv Principality- one of the largest and strongest state formations of Kievan Rus in the XI-XIII centuries. Most of the Chernihiv Principality was located on the left bank of the Dnieper in the basin of the Desna and Seim rivers. The principality was inhabited by northerners and, in part, by glades. Later, his possessions extended to the lands of the Radimichi, as well as the Vyatichi and Dregovichi. The capital of the principality was the city of Chernihiv. Other significant cities were Novgorod-Seversky, Starodub, Bryansk, Putivl, Kursk, Lyubech, Glukhov, Chechersk and Gomel. The possessions and influence of the Chernigov principality reached deep to the north, including the Murom-Ryazan lands, as well as to the southeast, to the Tmutarakan principality.

Until the 11th century, the principality was ruled by local tribal elders and governors from Kyiv, appointed by the Grand Duke to collect taxes from the population, resolve litigation, and also to protect the principality from external enemies, mainly nomads.

At the end of the 11th and in the 12th centuries, the principality was divided into a number of destinies. In 1239 it was devastated by the Mongol-Tatars and soon broke up into a number of independent principalities, of which Bryansk became the most influential. From 1401 to 1503 - as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.


For the first time the city of Chernihiv is mentioned in the chronicles in 907, which refers to the peace treaty between Prince Oleg and the Greeks, and it was made the first city after Kyiv. In 1024, Chernigov was captured by the prince of Tmutarakan Mstislav Vladimirovich, who reigned there until his death in 1036. His only son, Eustace, died before his father, childless, and Chernigov was again annexed to Kiev. The Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise, shortly before his death, assigned inheritances to his sons, of which the second, Svyatoslav, got Chernigov (1054). The continuous family of Chernigov princes begins with him. The next independent prince was the eldest son of Svyatoslav Davyd, after which, by the right of seniority, the Chernigov throne passed in 1123 to Yaroslav, who was expelled by his own nephew Vsevolod Olgovich in 1127. Thus, the Chernigov principality remained in the possession of the offspring of two princes - David and Oleg Svyatoslavich. The senior line, the Davydovich line, ceased with the death in 1166 of the great-grandson of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Prince Svyatoslav Vladimirovich. The younger line - the descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavich ("Gorislavich" - according to "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"), that is, the Olgovich line, was divided into two branches: the older one - the descendants of Vsevolod Olgovich, through the son of the last Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, and the younger one - the descendants of Svyatoslav Olgovich, through his sons Oleg and Igor Svyatoslavich.

After the death of Mikhail Vsevolodovich in 1246, the Chernigov principality broke up into separate destinies: Bryansk, Novosilsky, Karachevsky and Tarussky. Bryansk became the actual capital of the Chernigov-Seversk land, since the defeat of Chernigov by the Mongol-Tatar troops no longer allowed it to perform capital functions. The Bryansk princes were simultaneously titled the Grand Dukes of Chernigov. In the XIV century, the fragmentation of the Chernigov-Seversky lands continued: in addition to those mentioned above, principalities arose: Mosalsky, Volkonsky, Mezetsky, Myshetsky, Zvenigorodsky and others; Novosilsk principality breaks up into Vorotynskoe, Odoevskoe and Belevskoe. In 1357, Bryansk was captured by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, and the principality lost its independence. However, even under Lithuanian rule, it retained autonomous control for several decades; Roman Mikhailovich was the last Prince of Bryansk and Grand Duke of Chernigov. Subsequently, he was the Lithuanian governor in Smolensk, where in 1401 he was killed by rebellious citizens. By the end of the 15th century, most of the specific principalities in the Chernigov-Seversk land were liquidated and the corresponding territories belonged directly to the Grand Duke of Lithuania, who appointed his governors in the cities.

The owners of the small Chernihiv principalities at various times lost their independence and became service princes under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The largest of them (Novosilsk princes) retained full internal autonomy from Lithuania and their relations with Vilna were determined by agreements (ends), the smaller ones lost part of their princely rights and were approaching the status of ordinary estate owners.

In the middle of the 15th century, part of the southern Russian lands, on which appanages had already been liquidated, was granted by the Lithuanian princes to the princes, who came from the Moscow grand ducal family and fled to Lithuania. Thus, several specific principalities were restored in the Seversk land: Rylsk and Novgorod-Seversk (descendants of Dmitry Shemyaka), Bryansk (descendants of Ivan Andreevich Mozhaisky), Pinsk (descendants of Ivan Vasilyevich Serpukhovsky).

The descendants of many of the specific Chernihiv-Seversky princes at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries returned to Moscow jurisdiction (Vorotynsky, Odoevsky, Belevsky, Mosalsky and others), while retaining their possessions and using them (until the middle of the 16th century, when appanages were liquidated in Moscow, existing on the territory of the Chernihiv-Seversk land) with the status of service princes. Many of them became the founders of the Russian princely families that exist to this day.

Destinies of the Chernihiv Principality

  • Novgorod-Seversky Principality
  • Kursk principality
  • Putivl principality
  • Bryansk principality
  • Trubchevo principality
  • Glukhiv Principality
  • Ustiv Principality
  • Novosilsk Principality
  • Karachev Principality
  • Rylsky Principality
  • Lipovichi Principality
  • Obolen principality

Novgorod-Seversky Principality

Before the Mongol invasion, Novgorod-Seversky was the second most important princely center after Chernigov in the Chernigov-Seversky land. After the Mongol invasion, the principality fell apart, part of the land went to the principality of Bryansk, the southern outskirts were subjected to repeated devastation and partially went to the principality of Kiev (Putivl) and partially came under the direct control of the Golden Horde (Kursk). Trubchevsk, the northernmost portion of the Novgorod-Seversky Principality, retained its importance.

Bryansk principality

After the Mongol invasion, Bryansk became the political center of all the Chernigov-Seversky lands, although the southern and eastern princely centers were assigned to separate lines of the Olgovichi. An important princely center of the Bryansk principality was also Starodub.

Russian princely families originating from the Chernihiv principality

  • Belevskie
  • Vorotynsky
  • Odoevsky
  • Mosal
  • Koltsov-Mosalsky
  • Oginsky
  • Puzyna
  • Gorchakovs
  • Yelets
  • Zvenigorod
  • Bolkhovskiye
  • Volkonsky
  • Baryatinsky
  • Muscular
  • Obolensky
  • Repnins
  • Tyufyakiny
  • Dolgorukovs
  • Shcherbatovs
  • Kromsky