Screaming into empty space gets rid of what. Emptiness in the soul - why it arises and how to get rid of it

It may seem strange, but an emptiness in the soul can also occur in people who have everything: a job (wealth), and a family, a loved one, children, friends ... and health .., and not only for those who clearly have something missing in life. It would seem, where does spiritual emptiness come from?

However, the feeling of emptiness in the soul, and the associated feelings of loneliness, depression (depression), apathy and pessimism, low mood (dysthymia), passivity and doing nothing .., together with self-digging, suicidal thoughts, tearfulness, self-pity, can often appear for any person - both successful in everything and a complete loser.

What to do if a spiritual emptiness appeared with outward complete well-being and seemingly happiness of a person? How to fill the void in the soul?

Today, on site website you will get answers to these questions.

What is emptiness in the soul, inside, in the heart ^

A lot has been written about what spiritual emptiness is for people with inflated claims and expectations from themselves, others, the world and life in general (who want everything at once), but in reality they have little, a lot has been written (test for a successful and a loser).

Today we will consider what emptiness is in the soul and what to do with it for people who outwardly, at the social level, look successful and self-sufficient, but in fact suffer emotionally and psychologically due to spiritual emptiness.

Where is the emptiness inside, in the human heart ^

The main reason for the inner emptiness of an outwardly successful person is the lack of love. Love, real, natural, natural love is that highest feeling in relation to oneself, to other people, to the world in general, without which it is difficult, even almost impossible, to live happily.

If there is no love in a person’s heart, and other feelings and emotions (usually negative) have not filled it, then a person feels emptiness inside himself, feels lonely, even being surrounded by many people and being outwardly happy, self-sufficient and prosperous.

Such a person can ask himself the question: “Why do I feel spiritual emptiness, what do I lack in life - everything seems to be there, what else do I need?” But he can't find an answer.

Sometimes such mentally devastated people can unconsciously go to extremes: in order to somehow compensate for the lack of “something”, they can “fill” the void inside themselves with alcohol, drugs, food or diets, sports, sex, shopping, games and other excessive consumption , subconsciously and mistakenly believing that in this way they will fill themselves with positive.

As a result, they may become addicted to what, at first, seemed to give them pleasure and spiritual fullness.

How to fill the void in the soul ^

How to fill the void in the soul - of course, only with what it lacks - love. To do this, you need to love yourself, your neighbors and the world around you.

Ask how to do it in reality? It is better, of course, with the help of a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst), because sometimes, in advanced cases, one cannot do without deep psychoanalysis of the soul and psychotherapy.

However, in milder cases and a recently appeared spiritual emptiness, you can fill it yourself by doing some psychological exercises and changing your thinking and behavior in situations that contribute to devastation inside a person.

A unique technique for filling the void in the soul ^

Step-by-step instructions for filling your "empty" soul with positive emotions and love. The technique is designed for two weeks (14 days) of daily practice.

Most likely, you will be able to fill the spiritual void much earlier, but to fix and consolidate the result, you need to train daily for the recommended two weeks.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair, put your hands on the armrests with your palms up and take a few deep breaths and exhale - relax.

    It is imperative to relax well, and if you can’t relax like that, then you should use relaxation techniques: The Jose Silva Method, for example, or learn how to learn to relax using the practice of self-hypnosis

  2. After relaxing the soul and body, try to imagine, imagine and visualize in your head your emptiness in the soul somewhere in the body (in the chest or stomach) as vividly as possible. Feel, feel this empty space, this "black hole" in your body.
  3. Now, having clearly felt the emptiness inside yourself, your body, answer the following questions for yourself, while visually examining your “black hole”, listening to it, smelling it, feeling it bodily and feeling the taste in your mouth.
  • What does my inner emptiness look like, what does it look like on the outside, what does it look like? Look at it all, from all angles.
  • Try to hear the sounds coming from it. What are these sounds, what are they like, what are they associated with ..?
  • Try to catch the smells that come from your inner emptiness. What are those smells that remind you of how you feel?
  • What sensations does this "black hole" cause? Radiates heat or cold, dryness or dampness…, any other sensations?
  • What taste appeared in my mouth when I explored my emptiness?

Having realized everything about your inner emptiness in the body, using all five senses in turn, we proceed to the next step.

  • Next, imagine that your "black hole" has a shell, and emptiness, a kind of vacuum inside this shell. Now take this shell with your hands along with the void and pull it out of the body. Again, as in step 3, look at the void in the shell in your hands, using sight, hearing, smell, feel (kinesthetic) and taste in turn.

    Realize how much you don't like it and feel the desire to get rid of this "black hole" in the shell, and then fill the voids left in the body with something good - pleasant sensations, positive emotions and love itself.

  • Transfer yourself in your imagination to a high mountain and find yourself next to a bottomless abyss. Tell your "black hole" everything you think about it and throw it into the abyss. Watch her fall and disappear into the abyss. Move away from the abyss and find a mountain river nearby. Wash your hands in clean cool water and feel in your body, in the place where your spiritual emptiness was, just a free place, which we will now fill.
  • We begin to fill the void in the soul, imagining how we fill the free space in the body.

    Vividly and as clearly as possible imagine in your hands an object that is suitable in size to a free place in the body. Let this object be pleasing to your sight and touch, let it make pleasant sounds and smells, let your taste sensations be sweet.

    Holding and feeling a pleasant, positively charged object in your hands, vividly imagine, clearly imagine those moments in your life when you were joyful and happy, when you loved and were loved, when you felt calm and beautiful both physically and mentally and spiritually. These may be representations from childhood, another, later age. These may be fictitious imaginations if there were few pleasantries in the past.

    When you clearly feel a slight surge of strength, pleasant sensations in the body, positive emotions, even a feeling of love within yourself, imagine how all these positive emotions, feelings and pleasant sensations fill the object that you have in your hands. You see and feel how the object becomes somewhat heavier and begins to radiate everything positive, love itself. Enjoy some of these feelings.

  • Well, now, you place this object, filled with positive emotions and sensations, filled with love, into your body, thereby filling your spiritual emptiness.

    Imagine how the object falls into place, filling the body and soul with warmth, pleasantness, love and happiness. Feel how a wave of love, tenderness, warmth sweeps through your whole body - enjoy some of these pleasant sensations. Feel how your soul is filled with love.

    You feel how you begin to love yourself, other people, the whole world and life itself more. You feel calm, joyful, satisfied and happy. Enjoy these pleasant sensations for some more time to fully saturate and fill your soul.

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    Reaching heights in the professional field, increasing their income, people, as studies have shown, do not become happier. Often they feel unhappy, find themselves in front of emptiness. Why? What gets in the way of their happiness? It sounds trite, but there is not enough elementary understanding of being, awareness of more significant goals.

    Others seek happiness in a wild life, at the bottom of a bottle, or in smoking cannabis. But does it really help fill the void, or does it get bigger?

    It often happens that a person opens his eyes in the morning and finds himself ... in front of emptiness. If he has the opportunity to earn money for a new car, there is a family that needs to be fed, maintained, at least something moves them forward, and if not, then nothing. He may be well dressed, he may speak well, including discussing religious topics, but the feeling of emptiness will still be present in him, especially when he is alone with himself. A conflict with a loved one, problems at work, illness or other trouble can suddenly break him, destroy a shaky system of values, and an emptiness will again appear inside, in which the echo of his chaotic thoughts will be reflected.

    “While money is the primary source of motivation in choosing a job for most of us, researchers have not been able to find a correlation between income and happiness. In the US, income doubled between 1957 and 1990 (even after inflation is adjusted). But all the polls show that the level of happiness has not changed at all, and the level of depression has increased tenfold. The frequency of divorces, suicides, cases of alcoholism and drug addiction has also increased significantly.

    At some stage, people have an incentive. They think: “Now I will buy an expensive car, I will buy an apartment or a country house, there will be an opportunity to relax in a five-star hotel ... For happiness, I will have everything!”. People achieve this, but still do not become happy. They again find themselves in front of the void ...

    A person earns more, but there is no spiritual uplift. Another leaves his job and sits all day in front of the TV or tries to occupy himself with a new meaningless hobby, but the soul becomes harder and harder. And then such people begin to be thrown in all sorts of directions. Someone drinks, smokes and commits adultery, thinking that this will increase his happiness. Someone prays more, fasts, constantly talks about religion. But even this does not increase happiness, but only temporarily calms them down.

    Why is everything so difficult? There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the lack of a meaningful goal. In addition, there is not enough understanding of life. And also there is no point to which we would daily direct the available amount of positive energy.

    "Everyone must find a goal that satisfies their needs, not their desires", and "the one who has "why" live, can withstand any "as" (F. Nietzsche).

    A person must develop daily physically, intellectually, spiritually - this is more significant than buying a new car, clothes or going to an expensive restaurant.

    A believer, moreover, one who has realized his faith in practice, knows how to live in accordance with it and has learned to overcome difficulties, achieve goals, and also acquire material wealth, usually never has a feeling of emptiness, despair. For him, this or that verse, hadith, wise saying at the moment of spiritual or intellectual drought becomes a plentiful rain with a rainbow or a bottomless well with clean drinking water. I note that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Allah (God, Lord) will not stop bestowing His mercy on you until a feeling of boredom (mental anguish) [from excessive overwork or inactivity and laziness that has gone through through] takes possession of you] !" That is, when faced with troubles, difficulties, a believer should become even more persistent, wise, flexible, generating negative into positive, keeping joy and confidence in success in his soul. Having let boredom or melancholy into his inner world, he, like any other person, turns himself into a miserable creature that can be crushed even by the most insignificant and unimportant.

    In order for people to better understand what I mean, to realize how seriously the depth of thought and the breadth of view can differ, I quoted the words of Mihaly Csiksenmihalyi: “Humanity is developing. The world we live in is becoming increasingly complex, and the human response to this challenge of complexity is not to bury our heads in the sand, but to become more complex, more unique, and at the same time more connected to other people, ideas, values ​​and social groups… The key to happiness lies in the ability to control yourself, your feelings and impressions, thus finding joy in the everyday life around us.

    ... A mature, complex person is not happier than an immature one, but her happiness is of a different quality. ... There is happiness simpler, more accessible, stamped, disposable, and sometimes it is complex, unique, hand forged.

    And now each of the thousands of readers, after reading any of the following answers and using the wise advice in them, with God's blessing, has a better chance of turning the diamond of his soul, even over years and decades, into a beautiful diamond ... And encouraging others to positive transformations and exploits, the diamonds of the souls of many and many people will not lose their brilliance and beauty even when they leave this world.

    Here are three good quotes:

    (one) " If we really want to live, we should not delay. If not, there's nothing to be done, but it's better to start dying right away» (W. H. Auden).

    (2) " Every man's life is a diary in which he is going to write one story and writes another; and his most miserable hour is when he compares the scale of the way things are with what he was about to do» (James M. Barry).

    (3) “If you continue to tell yourself a bad story, if you continue to give it energy, you will almost certainly generate another bad story, or even ten” (D. Loer).

    Starting with yourself, with communication with yourself, tell only good stories about your future. Work hard, and the mercy of the Creator will not be long in coming!

    MY ANSWER (Lily). I myself sometimes feel emptiness, and, probably, it is degradation, when you, like jelly, are smeared through life and cannot get together. Emptiness appears when you stop growing, stop striving, moving. Literature, reading books is generally like traveling to other countries, eras, worlds. How can you not get pleasure from this and not fill the void with this?! Go ahead and enjoy life! Even when you are already over 40, 50 or 70, you, like a child, can live and wonder, grow and discover something new for yourself. And do not say that you have already formed and now you need to adjust everything around you. Not! I eagerly want to absorb every day, enjoying every minute of it!

    MY ANSWER (Ravil). We are all different, but in some ways we are similar. I myself have experienced a state of devastation for many years. Even when I began to practice religious precepts, the emptiness in my soul remained unfilled for many years, although, while reading hadith, I admired the stories about the Prophet and his companions. Perhaps this path should have been so long for me. I must say that my state of mind was simply terrible, I did not see the meaning of life, even believing in the Almighty and His messenger, I did not believe in myself, did not love and did not appreciate myself, but no one from here. How many of them are floating with the flow like chips! But the Almighty endowed us with such abilities and opportunities that we, with a smile on our lips and with joy in our hearts, waking up every morning, should rush into this new day in search of His mercy and contentment!

    MY ANSWER (Raphael). If you want to change the world around you, start with yourself! The Almighty created us the way we are and gave us the opportunity to gain knowledge about our nature. A believer constantly develops himself, discovering new facets, whether in prayer practice, in relationships with relatives, in sports, at work, etc. And literally bathes in the pleasure received from this. What does a person who is unable to learn new things do, even with faith in his heart? He is looking for "easy" pleasure. Subsequently, this pleasure takes strength, health and life itself. We are all given a ticket to Paradise from birth, and it is given only once. Someone takes care of it, surrounds it with the framework of good deeds and good intentions, deeds, prepares for the final journey with all responsibility, realizing the value of this gift. Someone makes a paper airplane out of their ticket and launches it from the balcony of a high-rise building. Someone kindles a fire of vicious habits and passions for them, not realizing that these fragments from the ashes cannot be collected back. And when the time strikes, someone will gladly present this ticket and enter the cherished monastery, on impulse, realizing that he no longer has the coveted ticket. And understanding and repentance will come. But it will be too late...

    MY ANSWER (Yerzhan). Calling the Prophet Muhammad "mercy for the Worlds", we not only emphasize his greatness and the significance of his mission, it also encourages us to continue his mission. A person's life can be like (1) a river that constantly flows, getting rid of garbage (and a person who has a mission, and he tirelessly moves towards the implementation of goals), or like (2) a lake, the water in which stands still and in which garbage is collected (and a person who has no goals, as a result of which a feeling of emptiness sets in).

    MY ANSWER (Gani). In the realities of our life it is very difficult to find or discern happiness, especially when all kinds of anxiety arise in the soul. Sometimes we, people, with the emergence of new problems do not become stronger, but begin to destroy ourselves from the inside. And I think our Creator created people in such a way that we feel how powerless, especially when there is no faith. A believer gathers his strength and moves on. After reading the Koran, hadiths, religious books, you will not immediately become a different person. First of all, you need to specifically account for your actions. Having managed to change yourself, killing laziness, despondency and starting to practice at least one verse in your life, you will understand that life is a search for harmony for the soul and the subsequent life, that a person will have a huge reward for good deeds. Islam and Muslim values ​​(Quran, Sunnah), as well as literature, psychology and philosophy help to solve the problem of emptiness. They open doors to the future for a person. There are many non-Muslims who have achieved success in this life. These are people with powerful vitality, hardened by time and possessing fortitude. Look at these people, compare yourself to them. Are you worse than them?! They were also born, lived like us, only with a different, positive attitude, and they are happy in this life. We, Muslims, must achieve the same, and we are given a greater chance, by the grace of the Almighty, to enter Paradise.

    MY ANSWER (Lily). How to fill the void in the heart? Jogging brings you well, thoughts are rebuilt from negative to positive, things are going uphill. Checked! Communication with loved ones also has a positive effect on the state of a person.

    MY ANSWER (Pari). If a person feels empty, then everything in his life is not going the way he would like. And the way he fills the void is his protest. A protest against life circumstances, one's own destiny. How can one help such a person? The whole problem is that we do not know how to truly believe and rely on Allah. We read namaz 5 times a day, fast, give obligatory alms, help people, but at the same time we do not know how to accept life as it is. If you look, people who fill the void with alcohol, drugs, clubs, etc., have some problem that they do not try to solve, and they have a void in their soul. If a person truly believes, he does not have such a void, he has every free minute on the account, and he uses it to replenish his knowledge, do a good deed, go in for sports, etc. For such a person, life is a huge a wide space of time and opportunities that he can use for a good cause pleasing to the Almighty. A weak-willed person is unlikely to be able to cope with the problem of emptiness on his own, but in any life situation there is one useful action with a 100% effect. This is a prayer-du‘a addressed to God from a pure heart. Do not despair!

    MY ANSWER (Gulmira). Now I am reading books by Shamil Alyautdinov, and a few months ago I did not know about the existence of this man. I took the first book that fell into my hands from a relative (the words “For those who speak and think in Russian” were used), then I found his website (now sometimes I spend half of my working time reading his answers to questions, listening to sermons). I mailed out almost all of his books and those that he recommended reading, I read and reread day and night, I reprint excerpts from his books on a sheet and attach them to the wall in the nursery. It doesn't fill, it displaces the void. The knowledge gleaned from books literally saves.

    MY ANSWER (Damir). I am graduating from the academy, writing a diploma takes up most of my time, so there is no time to be bored. Everyone should acquire worldly knowledge, whether in the field of technology or in the humanities, in order to further apply their knowledge and earn their living. In most cases, people have no desire to do something, but there is always something to do.

    MY ANSWER (Ilshat). You just need to go to the cemetery, think about the people who were overtaken by the end of worldly life, and think about what awaits you.

    MY ANSWER (Denmark). There are black holes in space that suck in everything that gets in their way, destroying even the space around them. That is their nature. And there are stars that radiate light and heat. There would be no life on earth without heat and light, our Sun. Such is the nature of the stars. There are people like these black holes. They are always missing something. In an effort to fill their inner emptiness, some do not disdain even the destruction of someone else's life. The black hole of the inner world will be reborn into a star, only by changing its nature, attitude towards itself, towards life. Thinking like “what can I get from life” needs to be changed to “what do I radiate into life, into this world”. Only in this way the soul is no longer filled with self-pity, boredom, a feeling of inferiority and emptiness. By the grace of the Almighty, the greatest shining stars-prophets, philosophers, scientists (peace be upon them all) lived on Earth. Studying their bright trail, biography and sacred works, a person cognizes himself, being filled with the light of wisdom and the beauty of spiritual treasures, learns to be a star that radiates warmth and light. For only he who has can give.

    MY ANSWER (Ilnur). I can't fill the void either. Sometimes it seems that the soul is empty. Probably because of a long and unrequited love. I often get depressed and don't want to do anything. I am looking for support from friends, but there is no effect that I would like to get. Sometimes, it happens, I find solace in a bottle, but I don't want it. I want to be better, not to drink and not to smoke. This is my motto for life. But it doesn't always work out. Maybe you can help?

    MY ANSWER (Nariman). A devastated person is a person who does not know what to do with himself. As the proverb says, live a century, learn a century! So, all your conscious life you need to draw knowledge, be it secular or religious. It is necessary to work on ourselves every day, every hour, to fight laziness, which prevents us from achieving tremendous success in life! Laziness is one of the strongest weapons of the devil. People who follow their passions, spend time at home in front of the TV screen with a bottle in their hand, fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. What does Islam teach us? Islam teaches us to value our precious time, teaches us to do good and be an example for all other people. Islam teaches us to appreciate our youth, which passes unnoticed, because we receive the bulk of knowledge in youth. People forgot about moral values, forgot Whom they owe all their lives, forgot about eternal life, chasing what they cannot take with them to the next world, forgot that they are slaves of the Creator of Heaven and Earth!

    MY ANSWER (Nurum). Man seeks happiness, tranquility, joy, peace. And alcohol, drugs, idle pastime are moments of happiness and comfort that do not last long. To experience these short-term pleasures, you need to make a little effort, but they have a bunch of negative side effects, both for the person himself and for society. There is one more thing: alcohol, gambling, drugs - all these bad habits cloud the consciousness of a person, push him to an even more unconscious life. Faith, spirituality, religion - this is another method of achieving happiness, more long-term, stable, not requiring much effort. Literature, psychology, philosophy broaden our horizons, help us to understand life and ourselves deeper, help us find the most effective ways to solve any problems. I think a spiritually rich person will be able to live a happy and productive life in all respects. Spirituality and understanding of how the nature of a variety of things works makes our consciousness brighter, more open, and purer. Knowing and realizing are different things. For example, one of my acquaintances, an ethnic Muslim, in the past almost a complete alcoholic, walked, beat his wife, sold everything from his house when there was no money, just to buy a bottle. His children are scared. Some children are not allowed to play with his children on the street, saying they are from a dysfunctional family. Closer to the age of 50, this man became a believer, and once told me that he knew and felt all his life that he was a believing Muslim. When he led an unlucky lifestyle, didn’t he know that it was wrong, didn’t he know that Muslims were forbidden to drink alcohol?! Of course he knew, but he didn't realize! He began to realize only when he began to develop spiritually. The longer a person leads an unconscious life, the more it seems to him complex and empty. People, in order to fill the void, take up the bottle, and then addiction appears, the circle closes, it becomes more difficult to break out of it. All this hinders the development of the personality (if not to say that it stops completely), as a result of "immature" decisions and a lot of problems.

    MY ANSWER (Anastasia). Open your heart to love, light, goodness, live creatively rich, knowing the world, yourself and learning to love the Almighty, help develop and improve, lend a helping hand to your neighbor, and you will always feel God near, thank, appreciate and try to do more and better, then new doors will open for you. Taking the Holy Scripture as a basis (correct landmarks, points of coordinates), you will be able to move in the right direction, and Allah will give you new strength and a surge of energy, open new horizons and give knowledge through different sources. Ask and it will be given to you. Everything will work out for you, because the Lord is with you, and you are learning to be obedient to God. The main thing is your intention. Start small: put things in order in the house, in the head. Smile!.. It's Sunnah, and helping is a sacred duty of Muslims, and if you think you have an unresolved problem, look at who is around or how rich many people with disabilities live. Who seeks will always find!

    MY ANSWER (Muzaffar). Every day I try to quit my bad habits, realizing all the harm they bring to me, but I don’t even have enough for a day, let alone months and years. Lectures by Shamil Alyautdinov help me, which I listen to in my free time and fill up with inspiration for those actions and deeds that benefit both others and me. In the sermons, I heard about situations that I myself have been in and acted wrongly. A person can receive a huge amount of positive charge (iman) in a few minutes, and keep it in his heart - we learn this all our lives and, moreover, every day.

    MY ANSWER (Inver). Emptiness, of course, can be replaced by literature. Religious or classical. Take E. Zola and you will understand what real emptiness is. Any classic forms a personality, which means fortitude, kindness and tolerance. Not the worst content for an empty vessel.

    MY ANSWER (Rinad). It is necessary to harmoniously combine the acquisition of knowledge (not only religious, but also secular) with the implementation of this knowledge in practice.

    MY ANSWER (Fatima). The void can and should be filled with love! Love for the Creator!

    MY ANSWER (Salman). Nothing fills the void like: 1) reading the Holy Quran in Arabic, 2) studying tafsirs, interpretations of hadiths (if you read at least a word from the Holy Quran correctly, you can consider that the day was not spent in vain), 3) doing at least would be an insignificant good deed (even a kind word to a loved one).

    MY ANSWER (Alsu). Every person on earth has his own purpose, for which the Almighty created him. How do you know why you came into this world? In the depths of his soul, everyone will find the answer to this question. “Do [good deeds], for each person has an easier path to that for which he was created.”

    The Almighty created us different, with different inclinations and abilities. Discovering these abilities and talents in yourself is one way to fill the void. For emptiness appears from the lack of vision of the meaning of one's existence. When a person realized what he would like to do, pulled out a dream from the depths of his soul, then he found a goal. But in order to fulfill his dream, he will have to go through difficulties and obstacles. It is they who strengthen us, give our dream even greater value.

    There are difficulties in everyone's life, but the advantage of those who face trials on the way to their dream is the desire to make it a reality, which gives strength, even in the most difficult times. A person will not give up, because the Lord will make his way easier. When a person does what he loves, no matter how much effort he gives, he gets more, and this is satisfaction from the work done, the benefit of your work for others. Otherwise, the forces leave, and in their place comes a void that you want to fill with fleeting pleasures.

    I would like to quote an excerpt from the preface to Paulo Coelho's book The Alchemist, which inspires me on this difficult path - the path to my cherished dream. “What is your own destiny? This is our highest destiny, the path prepared for us by the Lord here on Earth. Whenever we do something with joy and pleasure, it means that we are following Our Destiny. However, not everyone has the courage to follow this path, achieving a meeting with their cherished dream. Why do not all desires and dreams come true? There are four obstacles to this.

    The first is that a person is taught from early childhood that what he most desires in life is simply not feasible. With this thought, he grows up, and with each passing year, his soul becomes more and more overgrown with a scab of numerous prejudices and fears, overflowing with guilt. And one day there comes a moment when the desire to follow Your Destiny is buried under the weight of this burden, and then it begins to seem to a person that he has finally lost the sense of his highest destiny. Although in fact it, of course, still lives in his soul.

    If a person still has the courage to extract his dream from the depths of the soul and not give up the struggle for its realization, the next test awaits him: love. He knows what he would like to achieve or experience in life, but he is afraid that if he gives up everything and follows his dream, he will thereby cause pain and suffering to his loved ones. This means that a person does not understand that love is not an obstacle, it does not interfere, but, on the contrary, helps to move forward. And the one who really wishes him well is always ready to meet him halfway, try to understand and support him along the way. When a person realizes that love is not an obstacle, but a help on the way, a third obstacle awaits him: the fear of failure and defeat.

    The one who fights for his dream suffers more than others when something doesn’t work out for him, because he has no right to resort to the well-known excuse like “well, okay, I didn’t really want to.” He just really wants to, and he realizes that everything is at stake. He is also aware that the path determined by Fate is as difficult as any other, with the only difference being that "there your heart will be." Therefore, the Warrior of Light must have the patience that is so necessary for him in difficult moments of life, and always remember that the entire Universe helps to ensure that his desire comes true, even in the most incomprehensible way for him.

    You ask: are defeats really necessary? Whether they are necessary or not, they happen. When a person is just starting to fight for his dreams and desires, he, due to inexperience, makes many mistakes. But that is the meaning of being, to fall seven times and get back on your feet eight times. In that case, you ask, why should we follow Our Destiny, if because of this we will have to suffer more than everyone else? Then, that when failures and defeats are left behind - and, in the end, they will certainly be left behind - we will know the feeling of complete happiness and will begin to trust ourselves more. After all, deep down we believe that we deserve something extraordinary to happen to us.

    Every day, every hour of our lives is a moment of the Glorious Battle. Gradually, we will learn to joyfully perceive and enjoy every moment of life. Strong suffering, which can fall upon us unexpectedly, passes faster than less intense, which seems to us more tolerable: such suffering can last for years, it gradually and imperceptibly for us begins to corrode our soul, until an irresistible feeling of bitterness settles in it finally, until the last days, clouding our lives.

    So, when a person has extracted his dream from the bottom of his soul and fed it for many years with the power of his love, not noticing the scars and scars left on his heart after a hard struggle for its realization, he suddenly begins to notice that what he has long desired is already very close and is about to come true - perhaps tomorrow. It is at this stage that the last obstacle awaits him: the fear of fulfilling the dream of his whole life.

    As Oscar Wilde wrote, “People always destroy what they love most.” And indeed it is. The very consciousness that what a person has dreamed of all his life is about to come true, happens to fill his soul with a sense of guilt. Looking around, he sees that many have not been able to achieve what they want, and then he begins to think that he, too, is unworthy of it. A person forgets how much he had to endure, suffer, what he had to sacrifice in the name of his dream.

    I happened to meet people who, following Their Destiny, found themselves literally a stone's throw away from the cherished goal they aspired to with all their hearts, but at the last moment did a lot of stupid things and as a result, their goal, which seemed to be within easy reach, remained elusive. Of all four, this obstacle is the most insidious, since it is, as it were, fanned by a certain aura of holiness - a kind of renunciation of the joy of accomplishment and the fruits of victory. And only when a person realizes that he is worthy of what he so passionately fought for, he becomes an instrument in the hands of the Lord, and the meaning of his stay here on earth is revealed to him.

    MY ANSWER (Marat). Yes, they help. The meaning of life becomes clear, goals are clearly presented, there is a desire and interest to achieve them, thoughts and attitudes take on a positive form.

    MY ANSWER (Zhasik). The void is filled with an understanding of the meaning of life, and Islam and Muslim values, as well as literature, psychology and philosophy contribute to this.

    MY ANSWER (Oleg).“How do you think Islam and Muslim values ​​(Quran, Sunnah and the opinions of scientists), as well as literature, psychology and philosophy, help to solve this problem?” They can't help and they can't solve the problem. They can only suggest, show the way how a person should live in accordance with the Koran and the Sunnah. A person must choose what to follow. If a person wants to be instructed, then he will be instructed.

    MY ANSWER (Olzhas). I am 20 years old. It happens that at times I feel an inner emptiness in myself and, of course, I try to fill it. At such moments, I stop feeling sorry for myself and try to awaken shame, because, thank God, I have something that sometimes others do not have. I have two arms, two legs, excellent eyesight, head on my shoulders. And the most important thing is that I have a loving family, my mother and brother, my friends, who are also always ready to help me. Realizing this, I understand that my loved ones and the feeling that I live, and not just exist, fill my emptiness ...

    MY ANSWER (Rustam). For most people, the circle of friends and the weakness of the spirit are the decisive factor.

    MY ANSWER (Ildar). Islam as a whole helps to discover everything new, to look at the world with different eyes, there is an expansion of horizons. And I don't want to turn back. Life from now on turns into a struggle. During this struggle, you get stronger, you feel stronger. If a problem arises, you turn to the Koran, to the Sunnah, to the advice of wise people, to religious literature for an answer. The most important thing is not to overdo it. We must do everything in moderation. If you learn this, you will feel good. Gained knowledge - apply them in practice. Got rid of one sin, got stronger, got self-confidence, move on to the next step. But not all at once, otherwise you will not withstand the load. Visiting the mosque, communicating with Muslims eases your soul from worldly problems. You get positive energy, new strength, new ideas. You leave the mosque inspired. Subsequently, immunity to evil is developed in the soul. If there is not enough knowledge, then the soul itself feels that something is wrong and gives a signal not to do it. It is important not to bend under difficulties, adversity. Communicate with people, analyze, have patience.

    MY ANSWER (Albina). She was only 21 years old. A happy childhood, a diligent youth, a school with a medal, small awards and achievements, praise from teachers and relatives were left behind. Now - the fifth course of a prestigious institute, the most rated specialty with a brilliant prospect of an absolutely red diploma and a stunning career. But... Right now, when there was so little left before the next victorious finish, everything became completely unnecessary, empty and bleak. It seemed, what else can you dream of - youth, health, true friends, excellent education, good work, brilliant prospects ... Well, what else do you need? She herself could not understand for a long time what she needed. But terrible sadness continued to devour her, tears rolled down from her eyes for days on end, and this melancholy and hopelessness began to ache in her chest. And no one and nothing could pull her out of this swamp ... For some reason, the tears did not stop, there were no words to explain either to herself or to others. Everyone around was confused. And she herself terribly wanted to break this circle of emptiness, hopelessness and despondency.

    Everything was tried, how many people were disturbed and puzzled, but it hurt and ached only more. And already she began to think that it would be easier, perhaps, not to torment anyone - neither relatives, nor friends, and most importantly, herself, and just leave. But... The next attempt of her friends to help her was to organize a trip to the magician, who, perhaps, would be able to break this circle.

    This magician turned out to be not a magician at all, although he spoke spells in Arabic, but a very strong, strong-willed and impressive man, and most importantly, a first-class psychologist. He said something about her grievances that needed to be let go, asked about her life, and then suddenly asked - does she believe in God? She, like, perhaps, many, believed in higher powers, but she considered religion “an opium for the people” (all the ritual formulas and sentences for every occasion and without, which she had to see with an observant grandmother, seemed to her a real Middle Ages and certainly not capable of provide any benefit). Then he asked: “How can you judge if you don’t know anything about this, about Islam?” And then suddenly everything turned upside down ...

    Now she is already 30. She walks down the street, radiating joy and happiness, a smile does not leave her lips, a luxurious silk scarf covers her head, and a beautiful long dress fits her silhouette, which flows charmingly from her light gait. She has a little daughter in her arms, as sweet and tender as she is. On both sides, playful little boys run either behind or ahead, and they all laugh fervently and have fun! Yes, almost 10 years ago life ended, but another life ended, in which there was everything - success, prosperity, prospects, but there was no most important thing - faith. Having acquired this most precious treasure and wealth that a person can only possess (“Verily, the Lord gives worldly goods and riches both to those whom he loves and to those who are unloved. Faith and religiosity He gives only to those whom he loves”) , she in an instant ... has not changed, no!

    But all these years I tried to become better, day after day, year after year. Bad habits, religious practice, new knowledge, education, new relationships... Gradually, with ups and downs, somewhere very quickly, somewhere very slowly. No, life did not become a fairy tale, ease, but she began to relate to it with ease and hope - “And verily, with difficulty - ease [if it is difficult in one, then at the same time lightness appears in another]. Indeed, with difficulty - ease [look closely, and you will notice this, which will give you strength and confidence] ”(Holy Quran, 94: 5-6). And she did not stop making mistakes and did not stop being afraid, but she went forward, confidently and exactly only forward, improving and changing!

    “The most beloved of all that My servant [says the Creator] does in an effort to get closer to Me, is what I have charged him with the duty [respect for parents, respect for the wife (husband) and proper upbringing of children; self-discipline in good and righteous; strict fulfillment (to the best of my ability and ability) of my obligations to God or people, honesty, etc.]. And My servant will try to draw near to Me, doing more, until I love him. When I love him, then I will become his ear, with which he will hear; with his sight, with which he will see; with his hands with which he will work, and with his feet with which he will walk. [A person will be imbued with peace of mind, self-confidence, will be full of hope, vitality, rational calculation and real everyday affairs. It will be easy for him to hear, see, feel the main thing and focus on it without being distracted by the secondary.] And if he asks Me for anything, I [the Lord of the worlds continues] will definitely grant it to him, and if he turns to Me with a request for protection I will certainly help him. And nothing that I do makes you hesitate to such an extent as the need to take the soul of a believer who does not want death [after all, he still wants to do so much]. Because I don't want to hurt him."

    And the emptiness and hopelessness also did not go away right away, they still returned to her, trying to poison her already new, seemingly meaningful life. Sometimes it even seemed that she would go crazy, but she believed, searched, waited and went forward. She learned not to be afraid of anything except Him - the Almighty, no loneliness, no betrayal, no sharp turns, no long descents. And still learning to believe, to truly believe, so that there is no place for emptiness, so that the impossible becomes possible, so that enemies become friends, so that your faith is alive, and not “spells and sentences.” So, she already 30. She walks down the street, radiating joy and happiness, a smile does not leave her lips, a luxurious silk scarf covers her head, and the silhouette fits a beautiful long dress that flows charmingly from her light gait. She has a little daughter in her arms, as sweet and tender as she is. On both sides, playful little boys run either behind or ahead, and they all laugh fervently and have fun! They go to their car to drive home. She has a good job and in her dreams there are still many plans for her own business. And also about a wonderful husband, a big house, one or two more children, philanthropic projects and much, much more ... And if they had not asked her then, did she believe in God?

    MY ANSWER (Sayat). Today in the world a person has so many opportunities to realize himself, to become better, higher, stronger, but also a lot of everything that can destroy and corrupt him. . It is also very important that there are people nearby who can help and support in difficult times! In general, you need to learn to accept the good and the bad.

    MY ANSWER (Leysan). Devastation... Such a feeling, I'm sure, visited each of us. Comparing the period of my life when I was not yet a practicing religion, and the period when I began to observe, I understand that many doors that I did not even dream of opening opened themselves before me. It was Islam that filled the void, penetrating more and more into the heart . The more books you read about Islam, the faster the abyss inside disappears. Every second, every minute becomes so important that it is as if a person's life depends on every minute and every second decision. And there is no time left for emptiness. The healthier a person’s heart is (the more often knowledge is updated), the better he feels, the more he wants to create and not stand still. Every believer must understand that certain problems are from the Almighty, with the help of which He, the Lord of the worlds, hardens us, removes sins from us and with the help of which we can earn His mercy and prove to the Almighty our devotion, our love. This is a unique chance to get into the eternal Paradise. The void has been eliminated.

    MY VERSION (Kaloy). I am 30 years old, married and have three children. I have a higher education, Ph.D. Of course, many, becoming parents, are completely devoted to raising their children. By raising children, you yourself are educated. But why does emptiness arise in a person? Not because he doesn't have children. Their presence does not save him from feeling empty. Not! What a person does in life, his business - that's what matters. During my life I was engaged in a variety of things: I was both a salesman and an official. My profession as a lawyer, which I myself wanted to get, did not bring the expected pleasure when I got a job. I think this word is the key - "pleasure". For myself, I divide the occupation into two categories: “for the soul” and “not for the soul”. I'll start with the second. I refer to occupations “not for the soul” those that I have to do only for the sake of material reward, for the sake of the need to support my family, children, etc. I refer to occupations “for the soul” that from which I get great inner pleasure and feel the benefit for yourself. So, for many, 95% of their lives are classes “not for the soul”, but simply for the sake of earning. Until recently, I myself was engaged only and only in activities “not for the soul” and periodically caught myself thinking, how tired I am of all this! Although at first I thought I liked it. But you can't know the taste until you try it! I thought for a long time about what I would like to do. And found it! I know that this idea will benefit me and many other people, and perhaps in the future a whole nation can save their language, many will be able to know and save their genealogies for their children and grandchildren, etc. This is a non-commercial project, not cheap, but I am overwhelmed with the desire to implement it. Because it fills my void! It gives my life even more meaning than just "raising children" or "reading the Quran". I myself read the Holy Scripture in the original and only "for" to be read, but life can pass us by while we sit with our hands folded.

    Social circle is also an important part of our life, it is as important as what we do. If we communicate with people whose level of intelligence is lower than ours, then such communication may well lower our bar. Therefore, it is necessary to determine for yourself a circle of contacts from those people whose intellectual level is at least not lower than ours. This greatly affects our inner world and the presence or absence of emptiness in it.

    I wish everyone to find their own occupation for the soul! Not everyone is lucky, like Steve Jobs, to do what they love and earn money. Let it be at least 30% of the total amount of work, but it must be. I wish each of us to find an occupation from which we will get real pleasure!

    MY OPTION (Nursultan, 19 years old). I am young and maybe I still don’t understand much, but it seems to me that emptiness appears where there are no clear moral principles, there is no meaning of existence. All this can be given by faith in the One and Only Creator, the Lord of the worlds. But I would like to write about only one facet of faith, the one that, in my opinion, will make the void disappear. This is gratitude to God. Gratitude for the body, the mind, the ability to see this world, admire the sunrise and sunset, hear the voice of parents, friends, listen to the azan or the beautiful Koran, the ability to walk, walk along the shore, feel the sand under your feet and breathe fresh air in full breasts ... Is it really possible to enumerate the blessings of the Almighty, granted to us and not deserved by us!.. After all, if it were not for the mercy of Allah, then I would not exist at all. Try to imagine non-existence. But you exist, you live and enjoy countless benefits, without even thinking about the fact that you possess such jewels. And if there is this understanding, then what kind of emptiness can we talk about? How can you despair, bathing in the mercy of Allah?

    Thank you for this site, Shamil Rifatovich! Thanks to him, your sermons, I learned what Islam is and what it means to be a Muslim. God grant that we all grow and develop, reaching ever new worldly and eternal heights.

    MY OPTION (Linar). How to fill the void? Useful favorite thing (you need to decide on this as soon as possible), 10-kilometer run (every other day) and audio books (if you don’t like to read).

    MY OPTION (Kirill). In modern realities, the manifestation of the emptiness of consciousness, soul and mind, the lack of awareness of actions can be found literally everywhere, from some personal actions and deeds to global behavior. The world is on auto-pilot in the direction of consumption, contentment and possession of something more, more obscene (vulgar, obscene), which, to a large extent, takes a person further and further away from conscious life.

    Reasons for this? Everyone can have their own. However, it is important to understand, realize, see, feel and not deny that in your soul at this stage there is nothing but emptiness. You should not be afraid of this, on the contrary, this is the first step to fill the vessel of your soul with the right perception and approach to life, abandoning the insignificant, futile, constantly renewed attempts to hide and get away from circumstances. It is then that a person can change something in his life for the better, but for this he will need significant efforts and material from which to build his future destiny. Such invaluable material can be the Holy Quran (translations of meanings), books on psychology, leadership, success, self-improvement, time management, of which there are a lot now.

    I will try to convey one of the meanings that was conveyed to us in the Holy Scriptures, and I will also give one of the quotes from a famous person, the president of The Energy Project, Tony Schwartz.

    There are many verses in the Holy Quran that point to a certain meaning of everything created by the Almighty, everything that seems ordinary to us, habitual, that we used to take for granted. Awareness can raise a person to a higher level of feeling those many blessings with which he is gifted in abundance. However, this can be understood and realized only by the owners of the mind, who understand, think, analyze.

    Understanding and realizing is good, but it is important to create, bring and fill life with meaning, and not only your own. It is not so easy, it requires huge purposeful efforts that must be applied constantly (every day, every hour and minute). Tony Schwartz, in his blog on the Harvard Business Review website, writes: “Meaning is far from something new that we discover (learn, find). This is what we gradually create (with maximum effort). We get (extract, deduce) meaning by finding a way to express (show) our unique abilities (capabilities, abilities, skills that are originally inherent in us) and aspirations for the sake of (for the sake of serving) that which is much more than ourselves (above our own desires, needs, opportunities). Realizing (understanding) how best to contribute (to this life) is a challenge (difficulty, difficulty, puzzle) that is reborn (appears again, takes on new meaning) every day throughout life.

    The desire to change and work on oneself should not just appear once, flare up, and then go out. It must be constantly maintained, fed.

    We can talk for a long time about the fact that Muslim values, the Holy Quran, the Sunnah, smart books on psychology, motivation bring indescribable sensations, new knowledge into our lives, but their truth is far from being immutable for everyone. Only the Almighty is able to open the hearts of people so that they look at this world in a different way and breathe in its aroma with a full breast.

    In conclusion, I would like to quote the well-known meaning of the verse: “In no case (never) despair of the mercy of the Almighty!” It is important to find the echo of these words in your heart.

    Has it ever happened to you, being preoccupied with this or that worldly thing, that you suddenly come across the source of the solution of everything that is sore and supposedly insoluble?! I think a lot of people are familiar with this. After listening to the sermon twice, I was simply ashamed to think in terms of the categories that existed in my head. It became ashamed, as it happens to a child when they point out his misdeeds. And they pointed precisely to the spiritual emptiness that took place. I didn't want to be "dummy". And then the process of rethinking values ​​\u200b\u200bbegan in my head. I realized that, firstly, every believer should never fall into a state of despair and despondency, which only confuse consciousness even more, preventing the concentration of forces to accomplish something useful, significant, and obligatory. It also calls into question the very belief in the Almighty. Secondly, looking closely, you notice that the cause of most problems is internal emptiness, often skillfully covered and disguised by external attributes, no matter what. And what happens to a person in this situation? He begins to be thrown in various directions in order to somehow fill the emptiness and internal instability. This state of affairs can continue and last for a long time, a person will make problems, rush from one extreme to another. He either understands that no one but himself will take care of his life, or he does not understand this.

    And you need, without sparing yourself, to sculpt your personality, to be in a continuous desire to learn new things, to improve in your professional field, etc. Sometimes it is difficult to admit to yourself that you are empty, although you seem to be doing something. And it is even more difficult to first realize this, to begin to see the real state of affairs.

    I advise everyone to listen to this sermon by Shamil Alyautdinov.

    MY OPTION (Rustem). Faith is what helps to fill the void within oneself, but faith without good deeds is empty. One must live and do good without expecting praise. Only then will you get the true recognition of people and their respect. Never regret the lost time, that was - that was. The main thing is not to lose yourself.

    MY OPTION (Farit). I moved to the Moscow region from another city, having no idea how I would live here, having neither a profession nor work experience. I had a desire to change something in my life. I did not even know what specialty and where I would work. By the grace of God and thanks to the help and support of loved ones, I found a job, got a profession, sold an apartment in my hometown and buy in Moscow. Everything is going well, I did not even expect. There are problems at work, but the reason for this is often my lack of concentration and unwillingness to study. I lived here for almost three years. Would I like to exchange these years for those empty years from that life? No. You need to take the best from life and move forward, further, because new, great opportunities have opened up for you. The state of emptiness appears as a result of inflicted insults, insults, which can slow down the movement forward. A state of emptiness can arise from failure. Success inspires, failure suppresses. How to fill the void? Start changing your life again and this time be confident in yourself, trusting in God. It won't change anything in our lives as long as we don't act. Missed something - it does not matter, forget it and move on, do not return to the past. By the grace of the Lord of the worlds, you are only at the beginning of the journey.

    1. Find peace of mind. This is one of the most important approaches that helped me "measure" my spiritual emptiness. “If you can’t measure (measure), you can’t handle it” (“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”, Greg Thurman). Until we figure out what's wrong with us, we can't fix it.

    “Indeed, Allah (God, Lord) will not change the situation of people until they change themselves. [Changing for the better from the inside, in his self-image, in his attitude to what is happening, and in his actions, a person causes God's mercy and blessing. And starting to spiritually rot and sink, committing crimes, dishonor and various kinds of sins, a person calls upon himself, even if not soon, but inevitable punishment. These are the laws established by the Creator on this earth.] And if He [the Lord of the worlds] wishes evil to people [in the form of various crises, natural disasters, personal troubles, etc.], then no one can prevent it. They (people) have no [true] ruler (patron, guardian), besides Him [the Creator of all things. There is no authority that would be higher than God's commands and blessings] ”(see Holy Quran, 13:11).

    By the grace of Allah, I had the opportunity to go to study abroad and in the university environment I was the only representative of my country. It was then that, being in a foreign country, far from family and friends, I began to feel what inner emptiness is. I can say that it somehow gave me the opportunity to look at everything (my life, the foundations of my religion and culture) from the outside. Thus, to understand who I am, what I expect from life, etc.

    By meeting and communicating with different new people, I got to know new cultures and tried to extract something good for myself from their distinctive qualities. When you participate in the work of volunteer clubs at the university, where we helped educate poor children and orphans, you see all this, your heart seems to open and become more sensitive to understanding your own life and its meaning.

    Having found harmony with myself, I set myself short-term and long-term goals for the “game”, because life is just a game. When you realize this, life becomes easier.

    “Worldly life is nothing but a game and fun [frivolous seriousness, it is not as complicated and scary as we sometimes imagine, and it is fickle. This is a game at the cost of eternal life.] The eternal abode is the best [there, in fact, is life with all those joys and comforts that people strive for] for those who are pious [who carried the postulates of faith and were active in the righteous, who left behind a good legacy in the mundane. For those who understood and found harmony between the earthly and the eternal, becoming happy in both worlds. Indeed, through correctness in worldly things one goes to well-being in the eternal.] Can't you understand this (clear it out for yourself)?!" (Holy Quran, 6:32).

    And this verse energizes me:

    “Those who make efforts (zealous, persistent, purposeful), and do it to please the Almighty [with a prayer for His mercy and forgiveness; does before Him, by His might, for the benefit of faith and spirituality, for the sake of the triumph of the Word of God and eternal values, and not for the sake of passions, base desires; not out of a sense of revenge or to spite someone; without proving to others that he is smarter, more influential and richer ... Whoever makes efforts before God (not 100%, but 110%)], for those people the Almighty will open blessed ways [to achieve all-round success in worldly and eternal; provide a way out of hopeless situations; will lead out of the darkness of hopelessness to the brightly lit "route" of hope and confidence in the future]. [Know] there is no doubt that Allah (God, Lord) is together with those who are noble in deeds and deeds ”(Holy Quran, 29:69).

    There is simply no time left to think about the emptiness of our own lives, and as believers, we will certainly remember that our main goal is the worship and comprehension of the Almighty (see Holy Quran, 51:56, 67:2).

    I don’t know who said the following words, but I liked them: “When I feel alone, I know that Allah is All-Knowing, and He does not let me down when people do it. I know He sees that I go to the end and He was with me from the very beginning. I know that He will support me when I fall and ease my pain when I am in pain. He is everything I need, but I will never be able to express my appreciation and gratitude to Him fully.

    2. Find your "strong" why. Of course, the void will not be filled instantly or even in a few hours, days (this is not a mobile phone battery that fills up in a matter of hours), it is more a process that can last our whole life. After all, even a believer can be overtaken by moments of feelings of emptiness, loneliness. Until a person understands the true reason for this, until the process of self-knowledge becomes a priority for him, the emptiness will not go away. Therefore, you need to find in the depths of your soul some kind of “strong” why which in moments of difficulty will not allow us to experience spiritual hunger, will charge us with patience.

    “If you are harmed, then you can respond with the same (similar), but if you show patience [forgive the offender, wisely avoid conflict and confrontation], then this is the best for those who are patient [who really is such, knows what is stamina, will, strength]. Be patient and [know that] your patience is only with Allah (God, Lord). [Since it is He who can lay in your heart a lightness of the inner state and perseverance in overcoming life's obstacles, when a person, showing patience, does not waste himself on emotions, hard-to-swallow resentments, painful intrigues, but gains even more strength from all this. After all, if he tirelessly moves forward through the thorny thickets of obstacles, climbs up to more and more new peaks, then it does not become easier for him, but, on the contrary, more and more strength and skills are required]. Do not be sad because of them (do not be sad), and let your heart not shrink from the pain that their intrigues inflict on you (deceit, cunning). [You will successfully pass and achieve, and the difficulties created with someone else's participation will only benefit you if you maintain confidence in yourself and God's grace, and also do not stray from the positive and optimistic line of your path, doing your best. ]” (Holy Quran, 16:126, 127).

    “Be patient (hardy, resistant)! Verily, noble people (who try to do everything in the best possible way and quality) for their good deeds [persistent diligence and bringing the necessary and useful things to the end] Allah (God, Lord) will reward in full [not a single unit of a good deed they have done will be left without Divine attention in the form of His mercy and generosity]” (Holy Quran, 11:115).

    That "strong" why will push us to a continuous process of spiritual healing, work on ourselves, so that the picture of our life looks even more beautiful and filled with all possible colors. How can the Master draw a bright, meaningful picture of your life if you, a human being, do not do what is necessary on your part?! As the Qur'an says: “Do not weaken [in purposefulness and commitment to your ideals; be tireless] and do not be sad [losing what is loved and desired for you], you are above [many and many on this planet], [but only on condition] that you will be believers [not the faith of philosophical reflection, but the faith of the mind and heart which tirelessly beats out of you with numerous good deeds and noble aspirations as a life-giving spring]” (Holy Quran, 3:139).

    MY OPTION (Alexey). How to fill the void? Awareness!

    In the holy month of Ramadan, during fasting, the awareness of freedom came to me. By abstaining from something, you can control your desire, while in everyday life everything happens the other way around, and the control of desire is a manifestation of the will. Through fasting, the Most Wise gave me free will, or rather, an understanding of how to achieve it. The Creator allowed me to understand how to stop being a slave to my own (and maybe other people's) desires. Freedom, in turn, brought with it the ability and joy of reflection.

    Thinking without the influence of desire or, so to speak, personal interest, allows, by the grace of the Almighty, to rise from the level of a subordinate to the level of a manager. The time in which we live is the time of desires. From early childhood, we are told that in order to live well and happily, you need money and power. They are taught to desire good cars, luxurious houses and a fun, carefree life. If you ask why you need all this, you will not hear a clear answer. I want to note that I am not opposed to good cars, big houses and improving the quality of life, I just want the believers not to swap priorities and the concepts of “goal” and “means”. Everything that is now promoted as ends is only a means.

    Having free will and the ability to analyze (even pronouncing these words is pleasant), it is necessary to make plans and implement them. Define the main, main goal, break it down into subgoals (draw a tree of goals), write down the ways to achieve it, model it, and then visualize and dare.

    Fill the void with activity. As they say, faith without works is dead. Yes, of course, we will meet resistance: we will be overcome by laziness, self-pity, fears and doubts, but let's purify our faith, souls and hearts and strive towards the Lord of the worlds: “Allah has many gifts for you, so go to meet them ".

    And most importantly, with what you can fill the emptiness - with the realization of how beautiful and great our Existing, Living and One is. Meditate on yourself, your actions, your life, the verses of the Koran, the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), and I sincerely hope that you will find that inexhaustible source that the Creator has endowed us with. And you will not only fill your emptiness, but also the emptiness of this worldly life.

    The way to achieve the goal is the way of new discoveries. This is the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement. On this path, you may encounter many difficulties, but remember what the Qur'an teaches (be patient in times of difficulty, ease follows hardship). Overcoming obstacles, you become stronger spiritually, because life experience has no price. When you read the biographies of great people (prophets, artists, athletes, scientists, etc.) about their ups and downs, you learn from these people. As they say, a smart person learns from the mistakes of others.

    In the Holy Quran, the Almighty cites stories from the life of the prophets (for example, about Yusuf, about Musa). Using the example of the prophets, you can learn not to give up even in the most difficult moments of your life, and most importantly, not to make mistakes.

    There is no doubt that the Lord of the worlds created people for a specific purpose. One of the main goals of a person, stimulating him to commit great, good deeds, is self-improvement. Cultivate the qualities that Muslims should possess (patience, kindness, optimism, hard work, willpower, justice, honesty, the ability to value your time and what you own at the moment of your life, benevolence, friendliness, etc.), you can only overcome the trials that Allah gives you, reading smart books (choose at least something from the list of books recommended by Shamil Alyautdinov), of course, reading the Koran, communicating with people. After all, everyone is unique and can teach you something that no one else can teach you (for example, enjoy the rain when you forgot your umbrella at home; value health if it is a person close to you who is in the hospital).

    It is important to be able to concentrate on the activity that you are doing. Do not think about the stranger who was rude to you on the bus, when you are sitting in the circle of your loved ones, rejoice in what you have at the moment. Live, enjoying life, then you will have the feeling of a fully lived day. Surround yourself with people who you feel comfortable with, with those who charge you with positive energy. Do not think that they are not in your environment. And do not let failures in relationships with people make you give up. Concentrate your thoughts on the positive, imagine yourself surrounded by those people with whom you want to be. Robin Sharma writes in one of his books that he made a list of people he wanted to meet. And surprisingly, these people began to appear on his life path. And as the author writes, the whole secret is that thoughts were concentrated on achieving the goal. Use this trick too. Surround yourself with things that inspire you to do things. This will help in achieving the goal, and therefore, for a sense of satisfaction with life. It can be a screensaver that inspires you on the monitor screen, or a picture on the wall, or your favorite song. I wish you to experience an amazing feeling of satisfaction with life!

    MY OPTION (Tulip). Before you understand how to fill the void, you need to realize that it is really present in the soul. It is present where piety and good manners have given way to debauchery, laziness and apathy. A person who is mired in a swamp because of his lust and selfishness is unlikely to think that "somewhere in me there is emptiness." It will just seem to him that everything is fine with him.

    Therefore, you need to think first. I thought about it and realized that I needed to change something. As they say, regarding other people's mistakes and actions, we are like judges, and regarding ourselves, we are lawyers.

    First of all, you need to work on ousting vices from yourself. Change greed for a broad soul (more kind words addressed to colleagues, more attention to loved ones, more strength and energy for good deeds), laziness to kill with sports and learning a new language, ignorance to make up for reading a variety of literature (I’ll start, perhaps, by reading books about Harry Potter to keep my daughter company in discussing her favorite characters), quit smoking and drinking - to develop willpower. By building a routine and following it, after a certain time (no doubt it can take years, but it's worth it) you can just get used to it and make it part of you. A hateful run in the morning will become a favorite, a grumpy work colleague who always spoils your mood will become a friend, since it turns out that you are both interested in wood carving, and your other half will begin to look at you with respect, admiring your willpower and helping you in your achievements.

    And what? Where is the void? With this approach, you have already taken a glass of white gouache and painted over a black canvas! We are the smiths of our own happiness! Feel yourself at 100%, and you will be at 100%!

    And most importantly - do not be afraid of emptiness. You have to look for this emptiness in yourself. Search, find and complete. I have a poor vocabulary (oh! emptiness!) - I need to read more. I don’t know how to cook compote (emptiness, space!), I should practice with dried fruits. And that will lead to growth. Inconspicuous at first, but growing!

    MY OPTION (Timur and Arina). Whoever has experienced, is experiencing or, by the grace of the Almighty, has not experienced and will not experience such a sensation as spiritual emptiness, we adopt and practice the 92nd verse of the 3rd sura of the Holy Quran, as well as the 61st verse of the 37th sura.

    1) “[People] you can never achieve righteousness (piety, piety) until you start spending from what you love [and not only start, but also be constant in this]. And whatever you spend [whether you love or don't want; useful and necessary or already worthless, even that which is extremely small and imperceptible], verily, the Lord is Aware of this [knows the full depth and breadth of your deed] ”(Holy Quran, 3:92).

    Shamil Alyautdinov's commentary on the verse: “What does a person love? A good attitude towards yourself, respect, prosperity, beauty, help in difficult times? ..

    Until we learn to transfer to others what is important for us, desirable, and not what we have become boring and useless (first of all, material values ​​are meant here), we will not be able to acquire that state of mind, the owners of which easily, by the grace of the Almighty, become happy and in the mundane and in the eternal.

    A person comes into this world naked and leaves it the same way. At one point or another in his life, the splendor, beauty, attractiveness of the worldly things can touch his heart, engender enthusiasm and a feeling of happiness in him, but the heart should not be attached to this life, it should be free and should not encounter obstacles in its ascent into eternity. A person who follows the right path enthusiastically moves through life, "breathes" every minute, is saturated with the warmth of every ray of the sun, he himself gives warmth with his smile to others, and at the same time, reaching material, intellectual heights, he at the right time, without hesitation, parting even with that without which he himself can not ... After all, 21 grams of the soul is always more valuable than gold kyntar of the highest standard.

    If you are ready to give everything, even tearing your own heart out of your chest in order to light a beacon in the darkness of the life path of others, remember: “ He is knowledgeable about everything". For Him, the state of souls is clear and obvious: whether they are full of sincerity and lightness or are disturbed by the expectation of gratitude and exclamations of human admiration.

    2) “Let [concentrated] workers work [working, investing their time, strength, knowledge, energy into something] for the sake of something like this [result that opens up endless expanses and prospects, beauties, magnificence and bliss]” (Holy Quran , 37:61).

    Shamil Alyautdinov's commentary on the verse: “Usually, at first, a person thinks that he studies and works from morning to night in order to drive a good car and live in a spacious apartment, house. If he does not stop working and selflessly strive for this, then after a while (when he is already over thirty or forty years old) he acquires everything that motivated him to labor activity and filled his life with meaning. But after a person begins to feel that his spiritual emptiness has not been filled with the acquisition of these earthly goods, the emptiness weighs and presses somewhere from the inside. Someone then hits a new search, and someone begins to sink to the bottom of life (constant quarrels, loss of physical form, cigarettes, gambling, alcohol, sitting for half a day in front of the TV, etc.).

    The 61st verse of the 37th sura sets a high bar of standards for a person, already from his childhood and youth, when earthly achievements, acquisitions, ups and downs become a bridge to Divine mercy and an indescribably wonderful life in a heavenly abode. Such a person will not seek happiness at the bottom of a bottle or the tip of a needle, he will seek it in consistent selfless work, in everyday spiritual, physical and intellectual discipline, which is required of him by Muslim canons from the age of 12-15. The final messenger of the Creator, the Prophet Muhammad, said: “Whose aspiration (the end point of aspiration, the essence of his intentions) [will be] eternity [how worldly affairs will return to him on the Day of Judgment in the form of inevitable punishments or Divine rewards], (1) the deeds of that, the Almighty will bring together [the necessary circumstances, opportunities, people will appear in time on his life path, unexpectedly they will be nearby; The Creator will bless him for concentration, composure, a clear vision of worldly and eternal goals, tasks, for the optimality of their solution]; (2) and also fill his heart with happiness (all-round self-sufficiency); (3) worldly life, willing it or not, will fall at his feet [the gates of earthly abundance and all-round well-being will, as necessary, unimpededly open before him] ".

    MY VERSION (Umid). Man by nature is arranged in such a way that he strives to live and act, having some meaning. When this meaning is lost (or it did not exist at all), then a feeling of emptiness arises. You can be active, filling your life with the desire to earn money, gain power, status (which is very typical for today's society), however, having got everything you only dreamed of, you understand - “the more you have, the more you realize that you have nothing ". These are the words of Aristotle Onassis - at one time one of the richest people on earth.

    Therefore, it is very important to have something that will inspire you throughout your life, until your very last breath. So that there will never be a feeling of regret that, under the banner of false ideals and values, all life was lived in vain.

    I can't say that I've ever experienced a feeling of emptiness. However, there was a certain stage in the search for the meaning of life.

    The following verses and hadith charge me with positive and give my life more purposefulness.

    “He created death and life in order to test you who will be the best in deeds (in work, labor; occupations, deeds) [materializing thoughts, reflections and words into specific thoughtful and promising deeds, deeds, while being highly qualified and approaching everything responsibly]. He [the Lord of the worlds] is Almighty and Forgiving” (Holy Quran, 67:2).

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once said: “In order to [at least a little] understand difference[within the limits of earthly representations available to you] between worldly life[with all its charms, beauty, splendor, abundance] and eternal[in the abode of paradise], let one of you come to the sea, dip your finger into it, and stick it out, look - with what will he return to it [with how much water] ?! [These drops are the totality of all worldly gifts and riches, all the diversity and splendor on earth and heaven. And the water that remained in the sea, this endless expanse with all its depth, are eternal blessings, in Paradise]” .

    Everything is temporary in this world. You came naked, man, and you will leave naked. You can’t take anything of the material with you, except for your deeds.

    The one who understood and realized this verse and this hadith has his goal beyond the limits of earthly life. But this in no way implies that you need to lead a monastic, hermitic lifestyle. On the contrary, it forces a person to take an active life position in order to accomplish as much more the best affairs.

    And in support of what has been said, I want to cite one more verse: “They [the inhabitants of Paradise] were [in a worldly abode] patient [know how to achieve the unattainable, overcome the insurmountable. They patiently sowed and did not rush to harvest. Through earthly trials they passed with dignity, without bowing their heads, except before God]. And they relied on their Lord [heart, thoughts, global goals and objectives]” (Holy Quran, 29:59).

    Unfortunately, the presence of faith, religious practice, reading the Koran does not guarantee that a person will bypass the feeling of emptiness. It is important to realize, understand the true meaning of life.

    It was not until the 20th century that psychologists came to the conclusion (although Muslims already knew this more than 1,400 years ago) that change comes "from within to without." That is, first you need to clearly identify yourself, find your meaning, and only after that the surrounding reality will begin to change. For example, it would be difficult for me to exercise regularly, to stick to a moderate diet, if I did it, because it’s just necessary, it’s so useful, it’s fashionable, everyone does it. Sooner or later, the question would arise: “Why do you need this ?!” But when a person sees the point in being active at the age of 90, by the mercy of the Creator, to accumulate the best affairs, for discovering and learning a surprisingly interesting and beautiful life, for realizing the potential laid down by the Lord of the worlds (in order to be even more filled with a sense of gratitude to the Almighty), here the motivation is completely different!

    How to find this true meaning, you ask? The answer, it seems to me, is in the following verse: “Those who make efforts (zealous, persistent, purposeful), and do it to please the Almighty [with a prayer for His mercy and forgiveness; does before Him, by His might, for the benefit of faith and spirituality, for the sake of the triumph of the Word of God and eternal values, and not for the sake of passions, base desires; not out of a sense of revenge or to spite someone; without proving to others that he is smarter, more influential and richer ... Whoever makes efforts before God (not 100%, but 110%)], for those people the Almighty will open blessed ways [to achieve all-round success in worldly and eternal; provide a way out of hopeless situations; will lead out of the darkness of hopelessness to the brightly lit "route" of hope and confidence in the future]. [Know] there is no doubt that Allah (God, Lord) is together with those who are noble in deeds and deeds ”(Holy Quran, 29:69).

    In conclusion, I urge everyone to be positive and active. As the Buddha said: “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and its life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

    MY OPTION (Vadim, Kazakhstan). How to fill the void? First of all, you need to understand what emptiness is for each of us. Life has its own meaning. And he is one for all. Trying to comprehend the meaning of life is a waste of time. But to find out, and maybe to determine one's own destiny in this life, is everyone's concern. What is emptiness for me? This is clear indifference. Indifference to what used to be significant. Indifference to that dream, but rather, the illusion that I fed myself before. Illusions about a beautiful life, a big house, an expensive car, a Zenith watch and a mobile Vertu. Illusions about great opportunities and success. Now there is only indifference to this dream... There is also no desire to know what life is filled with. There is no desire to know everything in the world. There is no desire to be the strongest. There is no desire to strive. There is no desire to be better tomorrow than today. Where are these desires? Where did they disappear to? Indifference appeared ... You do not see the meaning and benefit of what you will do. I want to go to some quiet place and enjoy the atmosphere, take a walk alone. How to fill the void? Memories? Memories of how beautiful everything was. It turns out everything was beautiful! How to fill the void? Smells. Each of them takes you to moments from the past. Or landscapes… This is how you live, traveling through the past, enjoying past emotions, inhaling aromas that no longer exist, playing dialogues, again and again returning yourself to those situations and smiling in an empty room. How to fill the void? Maybe that illusory world where you are with her and where everything is fine with you? How many years have I lived this illusion? It feels like you don't have anything in the present. All good things are lived. The future does not ignite, does not excite. Indifference… How to fill the void, when every situation, every smell, every present day is connected by a thread with the past, and you associate everything with the bright moments of the past? So what can fill the void, if not the past? If only to forget everything and paint a picture on a new canvas. Feelings, emotions, smells - forget. It was never! Forget her image. Forget all. So what's left? The present! The present you are in. But where, why and why? Here is the question: how to fill the void? where to live? why live? to live why? It is enough for someone to see a brand new Ferrari, and he will burn with a desire to cash in on it. It will turn on the button in the “On” mode and will work day and night. What if the other also saw the same Ferrari, wanted to, switched the button to the “On” mode, but there were no batteries! Someone started up and drove off. And it is useless to push someone ... The desire, desire and energy to act - this is God's spark. The same batteries. The same blessing. What to do when there are more than a dozen reasons to take active steps to develop yourself, to secure a place in the sun, but along with this there is only one, but inexorable why? Batteries, grace? Maybe all this is just laziness and you need to go against yourself, move, and then by inertia? What else can you do? How to fill the void? Where do you get the meaning? The past can be erased. And there will always be a new canvas. Brushes, paints too. But the master's inspiration was gone...

    MY OPTION (Olzhas). I answered you on the first survey, but now I have rethought my answer a little. I thought that the void could be filled by hanging out with friends. But… Now I am going through a difficult period of my life. About a week ago I broke up with my fiancée. I thought she was the one I always dreamed of, but we had to break up, and this is my fault. I only now realize that all my life plans were linked to her. She left, and suddenly everything collapsed like a house of cards. I was left all alone, and all around was emptiness. I don’t know how to deal with it, since my mother and brother are nearby, who help me, provide at least some support. From time to time I think about work and projects that interest me. I switch to some things that I like. Thanks to my mom for giving me a good upbringing and I'm not trying to fill a void in clubs or on the street. I think my family and hobby can fill my void. Time will tell, maybe I'm wrong ... I don't want to open my eyes at 60 and understand that I have been unhappy all my life and have not lived the life I would like to live.

    MY OPTION (Yusuf). To fill the fuel tank, you need to set up your internal combustion engine in such a way that it can run on fuel of all currently existing types. Fuel is all temporary and permanent, positive and negative life situations that give us a charge. The motor is our soul. The tuning parameters of such motors are indicated by the Creator of these motors in the instruction manual called the Koran.

    MY OPTION (Maryam). How to fill the void? Study, knowledge and travel.

    MY OPTION (Ihlas). You need to fill all your free and non-free time to the limit, there will simply be no place for boredom and emptiness. But if such a feeling creeps up, you need to smile (or even laugh in the face of this feeling) and not pay attention, call a close friend, relatives, read something something useful and remember the 214th verse of Surah al-Baqarah.

    MY VERSION (Iskander). A void is a cavity within something. In our case - inside our soul. The scope of the soul is unlimited. We can fill it with a variety of things, both necessary and unnecessary. In the absence of certain occupations, a person begins to fill the void, as it was said, by smoking hemp, gambling, empty pastime, sin ...

    Many people think that to fill the soul is to set a goal, achieve it, find a favorite thing, do what brings pleasure and joy. But you don't have to start with that! To fill the void is first of all to change your thoughts, improve your mood, your behavior, do good, be useful, be in good physical shape, and then everything else will follow.

    How does Islam and Muslim values ​​help us to constantly nourish the soul, not only for eternal, but also for worldly life? In order to help a person to perform worship, to warn him from delusions and at the same time test him, the Lord placed on him a certain minimum of duties, which are the five pillars of Islam. And in my opinion, these pillars show us how to live in order to achieve complete satisfaction with life. Let's consider them.

    1. Firm belief in faith and evidence that there is no god but the Creator and that Muhammad is His Messenger.

    "Knowledge absolutely certain that it is infallible is faith" (I. Zamyatin).

    This pillar is the foundation of everything. The basis of happiness and contentment in life. Any goals and undertakings are the result of faith - faith in success, faith in yourself, faith in the best. Without absolute confidence in something, a person does not have a strong core, he does not believe in himself, in success, which means that he is prone to depression, useless fear and failure in general.

    1. Performing five prayers.

    In a healthy body healthy mind.

    Prayer must be performed regardless of mood, life situation, location and occupation. Thus, prayer does not allow a person to remain inactive. So in life, a person must be in constant motion. Movement is a sign of life. Going in for sports is not just desirable - it is necessary. Insufficient physical fitness takes away health, reduces the level of the moral and mental state of the nation, as well as its chances of survival. Run, swim, play football, walk, take the stairs, move! Believe me, movement is an important component of happiness. The result of a healthy lifestyle will be the absence of diseases, greater efficiency, more active and complete rest, getting rid of physical and mental fatigue and, in general, a new outlook on life.

    1. Annual observance of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

    “Kindness for the soul is the same as health for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business” (L. N. Tolstoy).

    Just as food keeps the body alive, fasting is food for our spirit. More than one book can be written about the benefits of fasting, but I would like to highlight just a few of them. Fasting is a bridle that helps us keep our baser instincts in check; it is a shield that protects us from sinful deeds. In the month of Ramadan, believers try to be kinder, more generous, monitor their behavior and speech. The happiness that a fasting person experiences is connected precisely with his discipline and self-control. A person's behavior and his actions greatly influence his perception of the world. Smile, help people, be an example for others - and you won't even notice how that same emptiness will begin to disappear.

    1. Annual payment of zakat.

    “A gift is a gift to the giver, it returns to him ...” (W. Whitman).

    Zakat is the art of sharing with neighbors, disadvantaged people their sorrows and aspirations; the realization that everything given to us by God is only a temporary possession, which is a test for us. Independence from material things, helping others, generosity - these are the very qualities of a person that awakens in him the obligation to pay zakat. It is hard to imagine a greedy, wealth-appreciating human consumer who is absolutely happy.

    1. Performing the Hajj once in a lifetime if there is a material opportunity.

    "The only luxury on earth is the luxury of human communication" (A. Saint-Exupery).

    A person must go to another state, to a completely new place for him. In general, he must travel, even if this journey begins with a trip to visit neighbors or relatives in a neighboring city. Communication, new acquaintances, new places - a huge component of personal and spiritual development. The Almighty knowingly created different peoples, languages, cultures - the study of all this helps to better understand all the beauty and extraordinaryness of this world!

    Thus, the Islamic minimum of duties teaches the ignorant and educates those who adhere to those very qualities of character that, in my opinion, should be present in everyone who wants to find the meaning of life, find their happiness, find contentment with life - in other words, fill the void.

    Finding yourself is much easier than most people think. Transferring passion to an existing job is much easier than finding a job that, by a happy coincidence, would correspond to hobbies. But at the same time, someone wants to find himself, his destiny, and not just enjoy any work. For such people, I will quote the words of the author of business books Seth Godin: “The only thing that keeps you from becoming an artist, doing something out of the ordinary, is resistance. It is the loud voice of the lizard brain telling you that you can't do it, that you don't deserve it, that people will laugh at you. We do not lack talent, but we lack the ability to present the results of our activities. Anyone who dares to overcome resistance and is smart enough to draw a new map can be successful.”

    MY VERSION (Radik). I would like to try to answer this question for myself.

    I will quote the words of the great thinker Leo Tolstoy: “In order to live honestly, one must tear, rush about, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and always fight and lose ... And peace is spiritual meanness ... "

    Man is initially empty. In the process of upbringing, during the formation, it is "filled" with different qualities, character traits, knowledge, habits and values. There is no empty person, but at every corner there are people stuffed with sawdust of knowledge, fragments of values, dust of habits. There are people who are gnawed by their condition, they are dissatisfied with their place in this life. They realize that they need to grow and work, fight and win. But questions immediately arise: if we grow, then where? if you work hard, how? if you fight, then by what rules? if you win, then who is the opponent? There is a possibility that by answering these questions, a person will gain spiritual balance and, having squeezed out bad painful qualities, will be filled with the nectar of life-giving force.

    Looking at the Western world, at the successful people of our time, one can say that these answers are contained not only in Islamic sources. However, following the canons of our religion, a person has a chance to become successful in both worlds.

    If you win, then who is the opponent? Even the electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia can answer this question if it is correctly asked: “Jihad against one's vices, against nafs. The individual struggle of each Muslim against his vices is the most difficult form of jihad."

    For each of us, an opponent has been prepared who would force us to become stronger, to be higher than him. This opponent is ourselves.

    What are the rules to fight? Everyone can choose the right motto, life credo. It must be emphasized that one must treat oneself strictly and impartially. You can remember the wise words: "Treat others like a lawyer, treat yourself like a judge."

    One of the common truths should be all-round development. Smart books, physical exercises, good deeds - will successfully deal with shortcomings.

    If you work hard, how? Having determined the values, having understood what weapon will be the most effective for us, a person must acquire them by the sweat of his brow. A constant regime (this is very difficult for me), a description of specific goals for the day, week, month, year, five years, continuous development - these are the important components, which will result in an ideal version of yourself.

    If growing, then where? In one of al-Ghazali’s books, there are approximately the following words: “If this world were created by the Lord for pleasure and entertainment, then would the Almighty, Knowing, Merciful, would allow the human race to experience the bitterness of loss, bodily and mental pain, agony on Earth hope?

    This world is a test for us, a person is a test for another person. Those sensations, painful and joyful, pleasant and distressing, are a test for our faith, a test for us. And in the course of life's adversities, failures for an unprepared person, there is a risk of losing the most valuable quality - faith. However, by struggling with difficulties, tempering oneself in a grueling struggle with oneself, reaching a personal Everest, a person can preserve and strengthen, even help others gain faith in God, faith in themselves.

    When a feeling of emptiness arises in the heart in the form of bitterness, despair and disappointment, this is a signal for action. Chinese wisdom says: the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

    MY VERSION (Sh.). There is such a Chinese wisdom: “The following words were carved on the bath of King Ching-Chang: “Every day, renew yourself perfectly, do it again, and again, and again.”

    Do you want something lively and bright? In the most ordinary, in everyday affairs, I find peace of mind and body. It takes very little to be happy.

    I am a mother of two children and work at a school. With children, there can be no emptiness. You just need to be able to communicate with them correctly, find common interests, play together, run, jump. I have learned a lot from children. For example, never sit idle, but constantly do something.

    It seems to me that with books a person will never be bored, empty. When I read, I always underline the thoughts that are interesting to me and write them out in the reader's diary. I also keep diaries for my children and for myself. It's very interesting and educational.

    I live in a village, and the places here are wonderful: there are forests and fields all around. You can go out for a walk with the children and tell them about the Creator, about the world.

    Women, moreover, have household chores every day.

    I believe that emptiness appears in a lazy, stupid person who does not appreciate the minutes of being ...

    MY VERSION (Timur). Shamil-khazrat, I will quote your words that I remember for a long time. You spoke about a man with a wounded soul who, coming to a mosque, asks to teach him some kind of prayer. In this case, prayer is a short-term help, a kind of bandage that closes one or two wounds. And the soul is completely wounded ... I think, in order to fill the void, you need to start with the soul itself. Prepare it for filling, cleanse, reconsider views on life, character, manners, behavior. I will say in the words of Brian Tracy, transform your self-concept, remake yourself. At that bright moment, when you understand that you are the creation of the Most High Lord, Merciful and Forgiving, that your life is a great blessing, and everything that surrounds you is the result of your efforts, unlimited opportunities open up before you to serve the Most High, your family, people, the realization that the Lord God has given you maximum opportunities for self-realization in this world. And the soul is filled with an incredible feeling of joy, tranquility and peace. There is no longer any place for emptiness or fears, negative thoughts that previously pulled you back. There is inspiration and confidence that you are in your place and doing everything right. Then the performance of prayer becomes a joyful event, and after fard and sunnah, one wants to pray again, thanking the Lord God for this life and countless blessings.

    MY VERSION (Doszhan). To fill the void, you must first throw away the rubbish from your past, empty life. I study economics at the university and often resort to reviews of rating agencies in order to compare and analyze the state of a firm or company. Over time, their rating levels change due to their actions in the market. So a person should evaluate his actions. For example, a believer gossips a lot, this is his illness. If he does not slander about someone, then he will rate this act at 2 points (+), and if he corrects someone, then he will have 5 points (+), if he remains silent, but blames his heart, then it will be 1 point (+) in his favor. And at the end of the week, he will calculate how many points he has scored. If you score a lot of points, then you can make yourself some kind of gift by buying something. Many people say that you need to read a lot. I would add that you also need to be able to write. Write essays, articles, scientific papers on your profile or on social topics. Learn to express your thoughts clearly. And do not forget to put points, it is very important. Be your prime minister during the day when you work, and the opposition in the evening, to look at what has been done from the side and evaluate it.

    MY VERSION (Raphael). The state of emptiness, in my opinion, is the absence of a goal that would start every day, make you move forward. Everyone has their own motivation and their own goal. For me, filling the void is as follows. First of all, it is a dream to become a real Muslim! It is important for me to improve every day, become more successful, stronger, smarter, more competent in various issues. I can't afford to "steam" because of problems. Life is beautiful and too short to miss out on opportunities. I have a vision of myself, what I want to become, and I'm going to it.

    For some, life is a search for oneself, but for me, life is creation. Every day I read literature that motivates me, makes me move towards my goals spiritually and professionally. I got myself a small, beautiful, leather book with golden pages, in which I write down new goals, tasks and cross out the achieved, solved ones. It also contains smart quotes, hadiths and short verses from the Holy Quran. As soon as the level of motivation drops, I open this or that page - and I am again charged to the maximum. I visualize my goals, I see the final result.

    Another very important moment, in my opinion, is to be constantly included, to be where you are now. If you pray, then you need to enjoy these moments of communion with the Creator. Live for today and enjoy the present moment. Very often people regret the past, the mistakes they have made and the sins that drag them down. I look ahead and look for opportunities to correct past mistakes and make the future better, rather than reliving the burden of the past again and again. As in the song: “There is only a moment between the past and the future, it is he who is called“ life ”.

    Live today. The past cannot be returned, and thinking about it, you can miss the present ... Do not waste time and do not try to pass it or kill it. Time is what our whole life consists of.

    I wish everyone to stay positive, as well as good mood and the fulfillment of the most desired!

    MY VERSION (Matluba, Tajikistan). Having gone through the pain of the betrayal of my beloved husband, I tried not to let the spiritual emptiness take root in my mind. Looking back, I gratefully remember those days when you live life, but do not live, you look, but do not see the most important thing, you feel, but do not feel all that depth and fullness of the precious life that the Lord has awarded you. I am sincerely grateful for the experienced feeling of emptiness, which helped me to stop, move away from the usual (seemingly prosperous) way of life and take off highly psychologically, morally, looking at everything that happens from a different angle.

    My guest Void left, but not immediately. At first I pushed her in vain, but she was so comfortable in my soul! But I created comfort for her myself, without even suspecting it. She created it with her despondency, weakness, incorrectly placed life priorities. I tried to put myself together like a puzzle. I began to study and analyze myself.

    The younger brother advised me to look for all the answers in Islam. At first, I thought it was rather banal. Growing up in a Muslim family and country, I knew from childhood what is bad and what is good, but I never delved into the study of my faith. The inner emptiness helped me take the first steps towards the study and understanding of the meaning of my religion. The lines of Divine Scripture helped to see many facets of the world, both my inner and outer. I discovered a completely new Islam! Clean, understandable even to a child!

    I can say with absolute certainty: to see, feel and apply Muslim values ​​in your life, reading the Koran is not enough. Reading cognitive and fiction, playing sports, studying psychology, spending time with your children, self-discipline - all this together helps to understand and apply all that versatility of Islamic culture.

    I have a five-year-old son, Umar. I will not tell you how much Islamic values ​​and intellectual nourishment help me to keep the right course in his upbringing. Let me just say that my Umarik never for a moment forgets about the existence of God. He sees and feels His presence always. We often talk with him about God, about His irreplaceable and invaluable role in our lives. At the same time, I try not to overload his still unformed psyche, trying to convey the Divine instructions in a language that is accessible to him. He believes in miracles, sincerely believes that God is a kind wizard who will always help in a difficult situation, rejoice with him, help to see his mistakes.

    Recently, in a children's encyclopedia, he read that scientists have been trying for many decades to create a perpetual motion machine similar to the human heart, but so far no one has succeeded in doing this. Umarik often returned to this issue in our conversations and did not cease to be surprised and at the same time admire how God is Almighty, who created that same perpetual motion machine - our heart. But miracles happen to each of us every day: we wake up in health, we can open the window and breathe in the fresh morning air ... This list is endless, but many of us are so accustomed to Divine gifts that we take it for granted. As the hero of Andrei Mironov said in the film "Assignment": "Why is everything so simple: everything that seems important to us in life is actually unimportant, and everything that seems secondary is important."

    We must learn to forget the bad and remember only the good. There is something good in everyone's life. So it does not happen that it, good, does not exist. Can not be! Learn to enjoy the little things in life and enjoy them (from sleeping and waking up, from the taste of food, reading interesting books, walking, bathing your children and spending time with them, from greeting and smiling at acquaintances). You will not believe it, but it helps on the way to self-awareness, introspection, raising the spirit.

    If spiritual emptiness has visited you due to disappointment in life, this is a sure sign that you need to change. Change for the better, grow, move forward, but do not lose heart! J. Maxwell in the book "Motivation is everything" has a chapter called "Pay attention to today, not to yesterday or tomorrow." I would change its title to: "Pay attention to today, learning from yesterday and not forgetting about tomorrow."

    And here is the statement of Barbara Bush, the former first lady, who compared the future to a train ride: “We get on this train at the moment of birth and want to cross the continent because we think there is a station somewhere. We look out the window of the train of life at sleepy little towns passing by, grain fields, road junctions and buses full of people. We pass large cities and factories, but we do not stop looking at them, because we want to get to the station. We believe that somewhere there will be a station where we will be met with an orchestra, flags and banners, and when we get to it, it will become the destination of our lives. We do not make acquaintances with other passengers. We walk up and down the aisles, looking at our watches, and eagerly waiting for our train to arrive at its destination, because we know for sure that life has a station for us. Throughout its life, this station changes several times. At first, for most of us, it becomes the eighteenth year of birth and graduation from school. Then that station turns out to be the first promotion, the children getting higher education, retirement, and then ... too late, the truth is revealed to us: there is no station on the other side of the continent that God built. Happiness is in the journey itself. Travel is happiness. Sooner or later, but you will understand that in fact there is no such station, and the meaning of life is in the trip itself. Read books, eat ice cream, go barefoot more often, fish more, laugh more. You will arrive at your final station soon enough. And while you're on this journey, find a way to make this world even more beautiful."

    Let me end with the words of Jan Arthus-Bertrand, photographer, author of the documentary 6 Billion Others. When asked by a journalist what happiness is, he answered: “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.” I am sure that sooner or later you will find it, banishing that very spiritual emptiness from your pure and transparent, like a drop of spring water, soul.

    MY VERSION (Rauan). During the month of Ramadan, I was absolutely devastated. Before the holy month, about a week in advance, I began preparing for it. And when it came, I began to fast, like everyone else. But after three or four days he committed a sin, and deliberately. And after that it all started. For a month I fasted and sinned at the same time. I was angry with myself, but everything happened automatically, and every day I became more and more unhappy. Everything lost its meaning: work, study, goals that I set, plans, etc. I slept a lot, went to bed earlier than usual, was late for work, sometimes I didn’t go at all. Everything around has become somehow different. And this continued throughout the holy month. And so, on the first of September, I made a deep analysis of what was happening to me. Because this has never happened to me before. After thinking carefully, I realized that I was tormented by a sense of guilt before the Almighty and, for some reason, before my parents too. I did not achieve the goal that I set, although I was confident in myself. I think this is what caused the loss of meaning. Even my mother noticed the changes that happened to me. But I could not find a way to correct my mistakes. The inner voice said: “Read the Koran, ask the Almighty for forgiveness with tears”, but the mind did not want to do this, and the body too. I don't wish anyone to go through this. The emptiness is the most unpleasant, terrible feeling I've ever experienced. And so the next day I started reading Brian Tracy's book "Achieving the maximum", and gradually the emptiness inside was filled with meaning and joy. I reviewed my plans for the future, remembered my goals, looked around and saw my parents, younger sister, friends, relatives and thanked the Supreme Creator for all that He had given me. And then he looked at himself and realized that it was not in vain that I walk this earth, that everything has some meaning.

    MY VERSION (Linar). I can't advise how to fill the void. But I will say one thing: to fill the void, you must first understand where it came from. Many believe that they lack something, that they are deprived of something, they could not justify someone's hopes, to reach certain heights. My advice is look around! In the world, in our country, in almost every major city there are orphanages for abandoned children, shelters for disabled children. I want to cry when you see these children! Think about their fate! It always breaks through me. I cannot appreciate the feelings of these children, maybe for them an achievement is if the teacher praised them a couple of times a day. Praise be to Allah, I have an education, arms and legs, I can think soberly, find a language with any person. And it’s also very important: to be strong in spirit, you need to be physically active, go in for sports.

    My version (Jovid). I recently met with the guys who spent some time abroad. They are dissatisfied with their homeland, everyone was talking about how boring and uninteresting it is here, that there is no future, no freedom. At the same time, they admired the country from which they returned and which expelled them, where there is freedom.

    I am also a visitor, but I have never had such views. I think that my country is much better than the one in which I am now, where I came, but there is also a lot of useful, interesting things here that give hope and freedom.

    I began to tell them what benefits there are in their country, for example, gold, precious stones, oil, gas ... I haven’t mentioned the freedom when you can calmly pray anywhere, go to the mosque, dress in national clothes, read the Koran aloud , do not hide your faith. Isn't that freedom, isn't that a blessing?

    We do not remember gratitude, but the Lord says: be grateful, and I will give you even more. Psychologists say the same thing: thank fate (God) every day by finding at least 5 reasons for this, and you will feel these blessings, and do not accept them as something natural.

    My version (Tulip). As one of the options: when everything in life is gray and dull; when you do not know where to go and what to do; when the emptiness that devours everything and everything binds the soul; when it seems that life is devoid of any meaning ... just turn around 180 degrees! Stop mourning yourself, young and energetic! Become what someone else fills their void! Become the one who will be a beacon in the raging sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, whether for parents, for a husband (wife), for friends, relatives. May the whole world be filled with you, your smile, your energy, your active life position!

    Sometimes people with their whole appearance (beginning with an uncombed head and ending with a devastated look) resemble damp matches: no matter how you strike the boxes, they will not light up, they will only scratch the boxes and break in half. Become the one whose fire is enough to light all the raw heads, so that thoughts sparkle!

    For a modern person, money, fame, glamour, firmly stand on the pedestal of life. Family and relationships with people are somehow “not fashionable”, this is a kind of given. The words of R. Sharma come to mind. Their meaning is such that a career (material achievements) is like a rubber ball: if you drop it, it will simply bounce off the floor, that is, you will have at least one chance to catch it again; family (relationships, love, mercy, mutual understanding) is a glass ball, drop it - and your whole soul will shatter into pieces, which, alas, even if you later carefully glue them together, will gather into something ugly. That is, you can’t return the past if you lose your happiness ... Don’t let it! Save, save your glass ball! Fill it with your warmth and love.

    MY ANSWER (Shamil Alyautdinov).(1) “He created death and life in order to test you who will be the best in deeds (in work, labor; occupations, deeds)” (see Holy Quran, 67:2). To fill the void, you need to move, act, and if you don’t feel like it, then throw yourself out of the comfort zone, not sparing or regretting. It is important to get a higher education, acquire the skills necessary for the profession and work on them all your life, improving and taking new heights of the professional Olympus. Reaching the next height, there is no point in admiring yourself, but you should thank the Creator, share your successes, acquisitions, skills and opportunities with others, and free of charge, and get great pleasure from it!

    Relationships with people also require knowledge, skills and practice, in introducing yourself to which you need to work hard, again without sparing or sparing yourself. Body, intellect, soul and family will require aspiration and effort, actual deeds and everyday work in order to become the best. in business before God and earn happiness in both worlds.

    (2) “Let [concentrated] workers work [working, investing their time, strength, knowledge, energy into something] for something like this [a result that opens up endless expanses and prospects, beauties, magnificence and bliss]” (St. Koran 37:61).

    (3) “Those who make efforts (zealous, persistent, purposeful), and do it to please the Almighty [with a prayer for His mercy and forgiveness; does before Him, by His might, for the benefit of faith and spirituality, for the sake of the triumph of the Word of God and eternal values, and not for the sake of passions, base desires; not out of a sense of revenge or to spite someone; without proving to others that he is smarter, more influential and richer ... Whoever makes efforts before God (not 100%, but 110%)], for those people the Almighty will open blessed ways [to achieve all-round success in worldly and eternal; provide a way out of hopeless situations; will lead out of the darkness of hopelessness to the brightly lit "route" of hope and confidence in the future]. [Know] there is no doubt that Allah (God, Lord) is together with those who are noble in deeds and deeds ”(Holy Quran, 29:69).

    Act, fill the void with selfless work, run, walk, crawl, but don't stand, don't sit and don't feel sorry for yourself! Become the one who, with your self-discipline and purposefulness, will fill not only your own emptiness, but will also help tens of millions of others in this for free, and you will feel the rain of Divine grace and generosity descending on you and your loved ones!

    * Again, thanks to the survey participants and praying to the Lord of the worlds for a blessing for each of us to turn life into masterpiece

    « If we really want to live, we should not delay...» (W. H. Auden).

    See: Holy Quran, 39:53.

    Of course, this is not a call to give the last ruble. This is just a step towards developing an understanding of the culture and traditions of philanthropy, the culture of paying and implementing zakat, the culture of accumulating funds for large-scale (or targeted) educational, social, scientific, information or general humane projects. This is especially important in regions where Muslims are in the minority and there is no state support.

    Scientists have proven that after biological death, the body of any person becomes lighter by an average of 21 grams. Other scientists have recorded changes in weight loss from 3 to 7 grams. Perhaps this is the weight of what is already passing into eternity - the soul. See about this: Lyulchak E. Where the soul lives // RBC daily, March 24, 2008, No. 51 (367). S. 14.

    Almost 45 kg.

    Hadith from Zayd ibn Thabit; St. X. Ibn Maja and at-Tabarani. See, for example: az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. In 17 vols. T. 8. S. 667; Ibn Maja M. Sunan. 1999. p. 444, hadith no. 4105, "sahih"; al-Qardawi Yu. Al-muntaka min kitab "at-targhib wat-tarhib" lil-munziri. T. 2. S. 331, hadith No. 1948.

    See, for example: al-Khamsy M. Tafsir wa bayan [Commentary and explanation]. Damascus: al-Rashid, [b. G.]. S. 414; al-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990, p. 475, hadith no. 7763, “sahih”.

    “Do you really think that [so easily] you will enter Paradise?! Look at the [life] examples of those who were earlier [in past centuries, eras, and were awarded Paradise by the grace of the Creator]: they suffered misfortunes and suffering [impoverishment, loss of property, encroachment on personal wealth, expulsion from their native lands, lack of stability , tranquility; various kinds of diseases, accidents, etc.], and they were shaken [by various cataclysms and disasters]. [Sometimes it became so unbearable that] even the messenger of God [of one period or another] and those who believed with him, [even the patient and enduring] began to speak [without any doubt in the help and protection from the Creator, but no longer enduring psychological and physical severity of trials]: “When will [we see] the help of Allah (God, Lord)?!” [And they invariably received the answer:] Listen now! Verily, His help is near” (Holy Quran, 2:214).

    Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

    Lydiard A., Gilmore G. Running with Lydiard.

    Artists are geniuses who are able to find a new answer, a new connection or a new way to do something.

    The final messenger of the Creator, the Prophet Muhammad, said: “Whose aspiration (the end point of aspiration, the essence of his intentions) [will be] eternity [how worldly affairs will return to him on the Day of Judgment in the form of inevitable punishments or Divine rewards], (1) the deeds of that, the Almighty will bring together [the necessary circumstances, opportunities, people will appear in time on his life path, unexpectedly they will be nearby; The Creator will bless him for concentration, composure, a clear vision of worldly and eternal goals, tasks, for the optimality of their solution]; (2) and also fill his heart with happiness (all-round self-sufficiency); (3) worldly life, willing it or not, will fall at his feet [the gates of earthly abundance and all-round well-being will, as necessary, unimpededly open before him]”. Hadith from Zayd ibn Thabit; St. X. Ibn Maja and at-Tabarani. See, for example: az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. In 17 vols. T. 8. S. 667; Ibn Maja M. Sunan. 1999. p. 444, hadith no. 4105, "sahih"; al-Qardawi Yu. Al-muntaka min kitab "at-targhib wat-tarhib" lil-munziri. T. 2. S. 331, hadith No. 1948.

    How to fill the void in the soul? It happens that life loses its colors, emotions and feelings become dull, energy drops, nothing else interests. A person begins to get bored, apathetic, he is seized by the meaninglessness of existence, depression comes. Emptiness in the soul: the reasons for this phenomenon may be different. You need to get rid of emptiness one way or another, because it affects mental and physical health.

    What is the soul

    When answering the question of what to do if there is emptiness in the soul, it is worth understanding what the soul is. Religious, philosophical and mythological traditions characterize the feeling of emptiness from different angles.

    Most often, the concept of the soul includes an incorporeal entity that is in a living being. From the point of view of psychology, this is the mind, feelings, character, awareness of reality, human memory, perception and thinking. If one of the components is missing, then it is considered that emptiness settles in life.

    Philosophical systems may recognize or deny the immortality of the soul. In Christianity and Judaism, the soul is believed to be immortal. Thomas Aquinas (Catholic theologian) said that the essence of man does not die. He also argued about the presence of the soul exclusively of humanity (according to his theory, animals did not have a soul).

    In other religions, there is a teaching that all organisms have a soul. For example, confirmation of this can be found in Hinduism and Jainism. Some non-biological objects can also be alive - this is evidenced by animism. Therefore, spiritual emptiness can be in everything that exists.

    Science considers the soul as a construct denoting a certain substance. It is located in the human brain. Scientists still cannot prove or disprove the existence of a higher essence in man, living and inanimate world.

    According to biologist Cyril Barrett, soul refers to an idea that was invented and cultivated by humans themselves. They wanted to imagine that existence has a conscience. The expert referred to the fact that the supreme essence is a complex organization of matter in the human brain. The soul has a biological explanation.

    At the beginning of the last century, an experiment was conducted by Duncan McDougall. He measured the weight of patients during their lifetime and after leaving the other world. The scientist believed that at the time of death a person was losing weight. The soul weighed 21 grams. Presumably the essence was in the heart.

    Soul emptiness: reason

    There is emptiness in my heart. What to do? Fill your heart with love. This is the simplest answer to a difficult question. Usually a void arises inside a person, since he has no interests or he does not love anyone. It is important to love yourself first.

    Fill the void in my soul possible with the help of the spiritual source of love. You need to make connections with him. as as soon as a person loves himself, stops ignoring his feelings, trying to overshadow them with drugs and rituals, then the feeling of empty space and meaninglessness will disappear.

    It is important not to have false ideas about yourself. In this case, wounds remain on the ego. It makes a person think that he is unattractive or not good enough. Creation cannot be wrong or bad. It is ideal by nature, and this should always be remembered. With a long stay in a feeling of lack of inner love and not knowing how to fill the void in the soul, a feeling of deep loneliness and detachment from the real world arises.

    Programmed beliefs of self-destruction have no true basis. They try to control human life, constantly make you feel depressed, focus on negative emotions. The individual thinks that he is not good enough, so he turns to drugs and alcohol as a means of escaping from reality. This is a defensive reaction that leads nowhere. So it will not work to fill the empty space inside.

    False reasons for emptiness in the soul

    How to fill the void in the soul? Can you always feel happy? And to arrive in harmony with yourself and the outside world? The answer is unequivocal - yes. One has only to discover the truth that a person is able to fill his life with positive energy and manage it independently.

    The main reason for the feeling of empty space inside oneself lies in false beliefs about the emergence of the process. They are considered to be:

    1. The partner does not give enough affection and does not pay the necessary attention.
    2. There is no reliable companion in life.
    3. High ambitions that cannot be met at work.
    4. Expectations from taking off on the career ladder, their unjustified.
    5. Lack of funds for a certain standard of living.
    6. Boring and uninteresting days.
    7. Lack of love, attention from a close circle of people.
    8. Life is seen as continuous workdays.

    Also, the cause may be an acute shortage of love relationships. Sometimes an individual does not know how to properly cope with problems and minor troubles that develop into serious conflict situations.

    The above points are easily solved. You should not take them to heart, and even more so make the cause of emptiness in the soul. To cope with this condition, people usually perform rituals:

    1. They eat a lot of sweets. Drugs and alcohol are used, even if there was no craving for this before.
    2. Removal from the real state of things in the world, which contributes to immersion in television, the Internet, shopping, gambling.
    3. At such moments, the emptiness begins to fill, but this is a false feeling.
    4. Inappropriate behavior is another attempt to deal with the problem. This grabs the attention of the people around you.

    How to fill the void in the soul, and what to do if nothing helps? At least refuse the listed rituals. They do not solve the situation, but only exacerbate it. Such methods work only for a short time, after the individual returns to a depressive state. Separate symptoms are removed, the picture as a whole does not change.


    There are certain symptoms when you can understand that a person has an emptiness in his soul. Symptoms were formulated by psychologists and psychoanalysts:

    1. The individual thinks that he is not good enough, or that certain people have high expectations of him.
    2. Constant striving to be useful to everyone. Such people have a false sense of guilt literally in front of everyone.
    3. A person wants to be perfect at all times and in everything.
    4. A person does not want to do anything and not have a conversation with anyone.
    5. Fear prevents a life full of joy and happiness. Obsessive phobias follow on the heels.
    6. Every day the individual experiences anxiety that he is not smart enough, beautiful and successful enough. The result is apathy.
    7. There is a feeling of being a victim, fatality and irreversibility of life.
    8. There is an understanding of the meaninglessness of being, there are no more ideas how to fill the void in the soul.

    The owner of this disorder constantly feels helpless and unhappy. Pessimistic thoughts slip through, they may not leave consciousness for a long time.

    It seems to a person that his love and feelings are not important. He does not want to give his love to anyone and appreciate anyone. An individual loses or gains weight for no reason, he develops chronic pain, insomnia. There may also be skin and gastrointestinal diseases.

    In rare cases, suicidal thoughts appear. The person thinks that emptiness can only go away after death. Feeling anxious and depressed. Such people expect that their activities and personal lives will be discussed by others, constantly envying success.

    When people are looking for an answer to the question of how to fill the void in the soul, they usually tend to various addictions. Alcohol and drugs come to the fore. They give a false sense of fullness.

    What to do

    It is not easy to overcome the state of emptiness within oneself, but it is possible. It is impossible to have a superficial attitude to such a situation. It must be remembered that such a feeling requires treatment, like any phobia or depression.

    In most cases, a person feels internal discomfort. It is important at this point to seek help from a specialist:

    • psychologist;
    • psychotherapist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • psychoanalyst.

    It also happens that additional support is needed from doctors from other areas. Everything individually and directly depends on the symptoms of mental pain. Changes for no reason at the mental and physical level are diagnosed by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist. Against the backdrop of spiritual emptiness, a therapist will help get rid of chronic pain. He usually recommends taking painkillers with a sparing effect.

    In addition to medication, serious work on yourself may be needed. This eliminates the feeling of empty space. Sometimes you need to have the courage to make changes in your daily life. It is important to choose completely unexpected ways, to identify and eradicate sources of internal discomfort. It can be old friends, not an interesting job, an inappropriate life partner. Sometimes creativity helps, getting rid of unhealthy relationships, old habits.

    How to fill the void in the soul? You need to try to love yourself and the world around you. Make changes to the actions that are performed every day, make your inner world and your guidelines different.

    First aid

    Inner emptiness can develop into a deep depression. For this reason, attention is needed both to oneself and from loved ones. Sometimes it is difficult to cope with this phenomenon on your own. It takes a lot of will power. You need to ask the question: who do I want to be, how much I live a full life, and what needs to be done to correct the situation.

    Emergency measures look like this:

    1. It is worth complaining to everyone and everywhere. So you can look at yourself from the outside, voice everything that worries. The main thing is to find a person who is ready to listen to all aspirations.
    2. Trust people as much as possible. This is often difficult to do, especially after a recent betrayal. You need to look closely at the environment more often, look for reliable partners and friends.
    3. Independently looking for the cause of the internal state is another way to deal with a depressive state. Self-digging will help. It is important not to get too carried away, try to find rational arguments, what actions were wrong, what I would like to correct.

    Psychologists also recommend looking for the cause of your condition. You need to stir up your emotions as soon as possible. It is important not to be indifferent. Adrenaline should rush into the blood. For example, it is recommended to take up an active sport, read a dramatic book or watch a funny movie.

    It is worth finding things that can really interest you, think about future events. For example, if you love books, psychologists advise you to look into bookstores more often. The plot easily captivates, the same applies to fans of the series.

    In this state, it is better to refrain from communicating with advisers, the choice of an interlocutor must be approached carefully. Wrong decisions or untimely information plunges a person into a deep depression. It is recommended to invite people with a positive outlook on life, a thirst for energy and action. It is desirable that the company heard laughter and jokes.

    Another option is to listen to your favorite music. No need to be shy to sing along to your favorite artist or dance. In some cases, it is enough to visit an art gallery or an exhibition in a museum.

    It also helps to have pets. They require constant love and care. It is important to pay attention to them. Responsibility for smaller brothers distracts from problems and worries, gradually pulls out of depression.

    For a woman, a change in image is suitable. It is best to go to a beauty salon, change hair color, do a few procedures that will be beneficial for the body and face. This will instill a charge of vivacity and confidence in the future.

    It is worth remembering that people are almost never alone. Most have a circle of relatives and friends. You can visit them, ask on the phone how they are doing, what they are passionate about. The meaning of life gives complicity in their affairs.

    There are times when a void forms in a person’s soul. It devours feelings, emotions, hobbies, colors of life; meaninglessness of existence and boredom is generated.
    For some this happens often, for others rarely; but it happens. I had a very good medicine for such a case ...

    It would seem that there are no problems in personal life, at work too - and here you have it. In less than two weeks, I'm sour; and I realized this thanks to a useful indicator. Every time I am at work, I write a list of tasks and mini-tasks: what needs to be done in my spare time. Just not to forget. The lists came out decent every day; there were moments, he came home, did everything necessary - and immediately went to bed. And then it turned out that the list was empty.

    I am a versatile person, I have 9 hobbies in my arsenal and do not sit idle. And in the difficult moments that came, I had a plan: I forcibly rocked myself in the direction of, say, two hobbies from the list. And already carried away by the small - over time, the state of the joy of life self-stabilized. But then the moment came when the plan did not work, the medicine did not help ...

    The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. There may be some moral support from the outside here, but you have to pull yourself out with your own hands. By the way, it seems to me important to have the Desire to pull yourself out; because some just give up and go with the flow.

    In the process of analyzing a problem, the brain tries to cling to any straw, trying to find answers to questions in it. You can generally sit for 40 minutes in thought and not come up with a single even more or less sensible thought.

    I think the answer has been found. And he is trivial. If earlier I clung to what I already had, now I just need to expand my own boundaries. And for this you need to choose new hobbies for the soul.

    It's debatable, but listings of hobbies, even without descriptions, can really be useful. And the actual purpose of this article is not my experience, but to provide you with this list.

    just a list of hobbies, though some of them I think are stupid:
    Active hobbies:
    Sports: a great variety of varieties, including:
    Table tennis and big
    hand-to-hand combat
    Martial arts
    Shooting (bow, crossbow, pneumatic weapon)
    ballroom, club, European, hustle, Latin American, oriental, Arabic, belly dance, strip dance, belidance, etc.
    Mountain bike
    Extreme driving, street racing, drag racing
    Rafting on the rivers (rafting)
    Rock climbing
    mountain tourism
    Aggressive rollers
    hang gliding
    Fire show and poi
    Various active:
    A bike
    Sox game
    finger skate
    Traveling in different countries, in different cities, within the same city, in different clubs, parks, lakes, hitchhiking, etc.
    Hiking in nature with tents, tourism, ecotourism
    Horseback riding
    Quad biking
    Tubing skating rink (on a sled from an inflatable circle)
    Repair J (also a kind of hobby - addictive)
    Swimming in the hole
    land art
    Yachting, boating
    picking mushrooms
    Historical fencing and reenactment
    treasure hunting

    "Calm", "home" hobbies:
    singing, karaoke
    Playing a musical instrument
    Listening to music of a certain direction
    Creating and recording audio on a computer, synthesizer
    Making tapestries
    Painted on wood
    wood carving
    Vine weaving
    Making hand-made things (bags, cosmetic bags, coasters, jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.)
    Clothing decoration
    Do-it-yourself postcards, photo frames
    Clay crafting
    Painting on glass and fabric
    Embroidery (cross stitch, satin stitch, hardanger style)
    Knitting and crochet
    Making dolls, Venetian masks
    Netsuke and okimono cutting
    Sculptural and textile dolls
    Manufacture of leather products (jewelry, paintings, bags)
    glass painting
    Artificial flowers
    Straw paintings
    Guilloche (fabric burning)
    Steel engraving

    Other "calm":
    Putting together puzzles
    Writing articles, poems, mathematical poems
    Chess, checkers, backgammon, mahjong, cards
    Solving crosswords, crosswords, sudoku, Japanese crosswords
    Studying history
    body painting
    Carpentry (design and manufacture of furniture)
    Creation of videos, video clips,
    Computer graphics
    Billiards, bowling
    Movies, cartoons, anime (studying history, not just watching movies!)
    Chatting in Internet
    Playing in the amateur theater
    Breeding or keeping a domestic (or wild) animal, bird, fish
    Learning foreign languages ​​(both standard European and Oriental, as well as Elvish)
    3D graphics
    Massage (many types from classical, therapeutic to oriental, Tibetan)
    Collecting Models
    Construction, amateur radio
    Costume design (e.g. for dances)
    Interior design, clothing, landscape design, WEB design, etc.
    Feng Shui
    Drawing (many styles)
    Website building
    Divination (scribe, I am in silent shock from some positions)
    Psychology, NLP, psychological tests
    Jokes and making people laugh
    Assistance in the restoration of churches
    Tea ceremony, brewing exotic teas
    Nail extension and their design
    Creation of board games
    Gluing match houses (a favorite pastime of convicts)
    Photo hunting for unusual cars
    Tattoos, piercings
    Flairing (the art of artistic juggling with bottles, as well as everything that is at hand at the bartender)
    Fanaticism (in general, a bad trait in a person's character):
    You can be a fan of any sports team, any sport and attend competitions, any artist or performer, musical group, historical period, one movie, animals, etc. And then become the offended protagonist of the movie "saw" in real life, yeah.
    Numismatics (money, coins)
    Playing cards
    Refrigerator magnets
    Decorative plates with city views
    Ships in bottles
    Toys and figurines on any topic (bears, cats, pigs, angels ...)
    Butterflies and beetles
    A photo
    tea spoons
    sugar bowls
    fruit stickers
    branded sachets
    Quotes and Philosophical Sayings
    Weapons incl. ancient
    Bagged sugar from a cafe
    Stones and minerals
    beer mugs
    Movies, cartoons
    Chocolate wrappers
    Faceted glasses
    Zhostovo trays
    Dreams (recordings)
    old irons
    Phone cards
    Beer bottle caps
    Little books
    Bottled water from different seas and oceans
    Different types of pasta
    Psychological tests

    The list is taken from here: