M willing. Okhotny Ryad

In the cold season, there is nothing more warming than a down jacket. Down products not only perfectly retain heat, but are also quite light and beautiful. But practically no outerwear is protected from dirt, so washing is inevitable. But is it possible and how to wash a down jacket at home, if it is most often forbidden?

The label on down clothing usually states that it can only be dry cleaned or dry cleaned. The first method is expensive, and not every dry cleaner takes up the cleaning of downy products, and the second does not always effectively help get rid of dirt. How to be in such a situation? Having shown due attention and accuracy, you can wash the down jacket with your own hands.

Washing a down jacket has certain requirements, which are absolutely impossible to violate, otherwise you can permanently ruin the product.

  • First, let's figure out at what temperature to wash a down jacket. Down does not tolerate high temperatures, it becomes brittle, collapses, loses its warming qualities. Thus, you need to wash in water not higher than 30-40 degrees, and dry it away from heaters.
  • The next step is detergents. Ordinary powders, aggressive detergents. set aside bleaches immediately, they will only spoil the thing, the more poorly they are washed out of the insulation, leaving behind a specific smell and stains on the down jacket. To wash the down jacket by hand, use liquid washing gel for down or wool. Laundry soap, well dissolved in water, or baby shampoo is also suitable. Please note that the detergent does not foam much, as it will be extremely difficult to rinse clothes.
  • Where to wash? You will need a large capacity, a bath is better. The down jacket should be stretched as much as possible during washing. So there will be no creases on the upper fabric, and the fluff will be easier to beat, preventing it from clumping. If you just want to freshen up the jacket, you can wash it by hanging it on a hanger, rinsing the fabric with a damp washcloth. But in this case, the dirt that has eaten into the insulation will remain there, but there is less risk of damaging the fluff.

With a special desire, the down jacket can be washed in a washing machine, as described in this article. However, this method is less delicate.

How to wash

Examine outerwear carefully for stains. If there is such contamination, then dilute a little detergent in a bowl and use a sponge or soft brush to try to remove the stain. Stubborn dirt can be removed with an oxygen stain remover.

Now go to the greasy areas of the down jacket: cuffs, pockets, collar, button area, elbows. Gently rub them with a brush with soapy water, rinse, repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to hand wash a down jacket:

  1. Take a bath of warm water, carefully dilute the detergent.
  2. Soak your jacket for half an hour. Don't wrinkle, don't twist. It is enough to lower it under water and with light pressing movements let it get wet well.
  3. Go over the fabric with a soft brush or sponge to remove any remaining dirt. Raise and lower the clothes several times, stretching the insulation in this way.
  4. Drain the soap solution, rinse the down jacket. This must be done carefully, several times, until the foam ceases to stand out. This is important, otherwise later stains will appear on the jacket, which will be quite difficult to remove. Do not add conditioner while rinsing, as it leaves light spots.
  5. Hang vertically, let the water drain. Gently wring out, then shake so that the fluff is evenly distributed over the lining. Additionally, you can wrap the down jacket with a terry towel to absorb excess moisture. Shake again, hang on a hanger to dry.

How to dry

The down jacket is dried in a well-ventilated place. It can be vertical, it can be horizontal. During the drying process, it is imperative to fluff the jacket every half hour so that the filler does not go astray. It is from this part of the wash that it depends on what your down jacket will be like after washing. Shaking, whipping the product, you gradually return it to its original shape. If this is not done, then the fluff will remain lumpy, and the jacket will deform, it will no longer be possible to wear this.

How to wash a down jacket video

How to wash a down jacket at home by hand

When choosing winter clothes, several parameters are always taken into account:

  • appearance and cost;
  • efficiency at low temperatures;
  • comfort.

Under these parameters, such a thing as a down jacket is ideal. Such a jacket is not only stylish and practical, but also can give odds to any fur coat. However, many are stopped from buying by ignorance of how to properly wash a down jacket at home.

General information on washing a down jacket at home.

Washing can be done with a washing machine or by hand. Therefore, people who are worried about whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine can be calm. The product withstands washing, and if you follow the basic rules, then the jacket will serve you longer than the manufacturer promises.

There is also a very important parameter that affects whether the down jacket can be washed in a typewriter - this is the material.
There are three types of filler:

  • synthetics;
  • artificial fluff;
  • natural down/feather.

The ideal choice would be a jacket with down and feathers in the ratio 80/20.

Not all down jackets are washable and have tags on them to warn you about it. But even this ban can be deceived and do without dry cleaning, if such a need arises. Washing a down jacket at home, along with drying, can take up to 2 days, but the result will be no worse than if the cleaning was done by specialists. The main thing is to follow the basics of care and washing down jackets.

In this article you will find information on any question regarding the washing of such jackets. In addition, our site offers a lot of useful content, for example, “down jacket washing instruction video”, where all the information is visualized, which greatly simplifies the process.

How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not go astray

One of the key points is the care of the filler. In this article, you will learn how to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not stray into a ball.
As mentioned above, the down jacket can be washed either by hand or with a washing machine. If we talk about the first option, it is desirable to use it only for light pollution. In this case, the jacket should be hung on a coat hanger and locally treated with detergents. Then wash off.

To prevent the jacket from getting completely wet, try to wet only the outer fabric. This can be done with a shower. Direct the flow of water at an angle so that the water tangentially runs down. If you direct the jet at the down jacket, the water will immediately seep out and soak the down.

But if you know that you need a radical cleaning, but there is no washing machine, then in this case you will have to do the washing by hand, although this is quite difficult. How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not fall off? The secret is that after washing, the filler should be manually distributed evenly over the product, and after that it must be hung upright and shaken regularly.

If you have a washing machine, then this process will be much simpler and easier. How to wash a down jacket so that the fluff does not crumple in the washing machine? The answer is simple. For this, balls are used, which during washing will not allow the filler to stray into lumps. It can be either special spiked rubber balls or tennis balls.

After the washing machine, regardless of whether there are lumps or not, during drying, the down jacket should be shaken off from time to time.

How to wash a down jacket correctly so that there are no stains and streaks

Regardless of the color of the product (white, blue, and so on), stains and other marks may remain after washing, which will spoil the appearance. To avoid this, you should know a few simple rules on how to properly wash a down jacket so that there are no streaks.

Naturally, cleaning such a product is a very laborious job. But it will be much easier if you do not make common mistakes. For example, often out of ignorance, people wash their jacket in a washing machine or by hand using dry powder or laundry soap. And this, in turn, is the first and main mistake!

The powder gets under the pad, where it is absorbed into the filler. And it is very difficult to wash it out. If it is bad to rinse the product after such a wash, then during drying, all the powder that remains inside will stain the jacket fabric. Washing a down jacket at home without streaks will work if you use a special gel.

Putting the jacket in the drum with other things is prohibited. If the drum is clogged, this will affect the quality of the rinse, which in turn can cause streaks to appear on the down jacket.

All visible stains and other problem areas must be rubbed with soapy water in advance. The washing mode is selected according to the information on the label.

To make washing a down jacket at home without streaks more comfortable, you should use several rubber balls or tennis balls. They will not allow fluff to stray in one place and will make rinsing better. Of course, it is better to use factory rubber balls with spikes, because tennis balls shed over time and can leave marks.

For a better rinse, the last time instead of the usual mode, you can turn on the normal wash, but do not add detergent.

In addition, you need to rinse the down jacket 3 to 5 times. After that, it is very important to approach drying responsibly. It is strictly forbidden to dry the jacket on batteries or with a hair dryer - the fluff will begin to rot, releasing an unpleasant odor and dark circles, so you will be provided with stains and stains. The down jacket should dry itself in a room with ventilation or on the balcony.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Hand washing is quite troublesome. Therefore, most often, to save time and effort, household appliances come to the rescue. But before embarking on this important event, you should figure out how to properly wash down jackets in an automatic washing machine. To get started, read the manufacturer's detailed instructions on the label. It summarizes all the necessary information.

The label may say "Dry Clean Only" or "Dry Clean Only". You can try washing such things in the machine on a delicate mode, but you still risk ruining the thing. And if it is dear to you, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Before throwing a thing into the drum and pouring detergent for down jackets in the washing machine, several preparatory steps should be taken. First of all, the down jacket must be carefully examined. Any damage (holes, etc.) can irreparably damage the thing. Therefore, before washing, sew up all torn places. But if cleaning is urgently needed, and there is no time to repair clothes, then give preference to hand washing.

Also, if there are additional elements on the jacket, they should be removed:

  • fur trim;
  • hood;
  • belt;
  • hanging hardware accessories.

Be sure to check the pockets for foreign objects. Fasten all fasteners and turn the jacket inside out. The most contaminated places (hem, sleeves and collar) pre-treat with soap and rub with a brush.

To prevent damage to the down jacket, do not wash it often, so as not to spoil the water-repellent impregnation of the product.

Many people ask the question, at what temperature should a down jacket be washed so as not to spoil it? The permissible maximum temperature for washing a down jacket is 30 - 40 ° C.

Having decided on the temperature values, you should proceed to the next item, namely on which program to wash the down jacket. The "golden mean" is considered the delicate wash mode. But, based on experience, we emphasize that the recommended programs may differ on different models. For example, if there is a manual mode for washing a down jacket in a washing machine, and the same indication is on the label, then in this case there should be no doubt about choosing a program.

Another important factor in this procedure is the choice of detergent. There is still a debate on the Internet on the topic “how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine?”. If you weigh all the pros and cons, then it is better to use liquid detergent. After all, the use of powder can spoil the thing. Such a tool will simply get stuck in the fluff, and if you do not rinse well, washing will not bring any results.

You should always pay attention to what kind of filler is inside, because it depends on it with which powder you can wash the down jacket in the machine, and which can not.

Of course, there is a powder for washing a down jacket in a washing machine on sale and the label says that it is suitable for all types of jackets. But in fact, it can be used by those who own a down jacket with artificial filler. For natural fluff, it will not work for the reason indicated above.

How to wash a down jacket without tennis balls

It is advisable to wash the down jacket using tennis balls or special rubber balls. But if they are not at hand, or you are not going to buy them for these purposes, then it does not matter. You can wash a down jacket without using tennis balls.

Washing without balls differs in principle only in their absence. All other points are the same as in the case of washing with balls:

  • product preparation;
  • machine setting (temperature, mode, and so on);
  • choice of detergent.

But as always, there is one thing. You can not wash the down jacket in this way if it is not stitched into sections. In such models, all the fluff will get into one lump, and most likely the product will be irretrievably damaged, because it will be extremely difficult to evenly distribute the filler.

But, if the jacket is divided into sections, then you can safely throw the jacket into the machine. The difference from washing with balls awaits you only at the drying stage. Due to the lack of balls, before hanging the jacket to dry, you should manually try to fluff the fluff in each section. After that, this procedure will also have to be repeated several times until the down jacket dries completely. If everything was done correctly, then the fluff will fluff up again, and the down jacket will be like new.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine with tennis balls or balls

Due to the fact that most manufacturers allow washing the product, this makes life easier for the consumer. However, even the delicate wash program does not always give the desired result. Especially when it comes to natural material - fluff.

The filler of the down jacket tends to stray into lumps in the process of erasing. And straightening it under the layer of the jacket is quite difficult. For this, an additional technique was invented, namely the use of balls. And most importantly, there is nothing complicated about how to wash a down jacket in a typewriter with tennis balls. They just need to be put to the down jacket.

To prevent damage to the down jacket, do not wash it often, so as not to spoil the water-repellent impregnation of the product. Only one down jacket and balls in the amount of 4 to 8 should be placed in the drum.

There are several options for this accessory:

  • factory rubber balls;
  • tennis balls;
  • magnetic balls for washing;
  • tourmaline elements.

If we talk about balls for washing a down jacket, then these are ordinary rubber products with spikes. This form allows you to most effectively knock down fluff during washing.

But not always in the kit there are such balls, but do not worry. You can buy regular tennis balls at any sports store. Washing will not be much inferior to the first option.

Soak tennis balls in hot water with bleach before use.

Not so long ago, magnetic balls appeared on sale. They perform the same function as rubber - churning down fluff. But, in addition, thanks to their magnetic properties, they improve the quality of water, making it softer. Which in turn positively affects the result.

The latest innovative method of cleaning a down jacket is the use of tourmaline elements. The principle of operation is that tourmaline balls are placed in the washing machine with a jacket. During washing, they release negative ions, which affects the acid-base balance of the environment. And this is almost the same as what happens during the application of washing powder. Thus, you can completely abandon the use of detergents.

How to wash a white down jacket

Not everyone takes the risk of buying white down jackets. The thing looks stylish, but on the other hand, many do not know how to properly wash a light-colored down jacket. And you need to be able to do this, because any pollution is very clearly visible. In addition, if washed incorrectly, the entire jacket will be stained and streaked. Then how to wash a white down jacket so as not to spoil the product?

In many ways, the result depends on the first preparatory steps. There are a lot of special products that are designed to clean such jackets, including powders. But the question still arises, how and how is it better to wash a white down jacket? If we talk about the light color of the product, then it is best to purchase a gel for delicate things. This tool does not leave streaks on white fabric.

In addition, you need to know how to wash a white down jacket in a washing machine and in what mode. Suitable program "hand wash", "synthetics" or "wool". The temperature, as in the case of down jackets of a different color, is 30 degrees.
it is best to use special rubber balls during washing. Unlike tennis, they do not leave any marks, and the quality of washing is much higher.

The preparation process is the same as for any other jacket:

  • remove foreign objects;
  • remove additional elements;
  • turn inside out before washing.

Therefore, the question of how to properly wash a white down jacket should not arise.

An important step comes after the wash is over. Knowing how to wash a white down jacket is only half the battle. Rinsing is an equally important stage, and it should be done 2-3 times.

It should be noted that if the jacket is washed for the first time, then after rinsing, yellow spots and stains may appear. You should not panic and immediately search the Internet for the answer to the question "how to wash a white down jacket without streaks."

This is a consequence of the fact that the natural filler has a yellowish color and sometimes transfers it to the fabric. There may also be another reason - poor factory cleaning of the filler.

Put a terry towel in the drum to the down jacket. This will help improve the quality of the rinse and avoid streaks.

But these spots can be detected already at the drying stage. In the light, the places where the product has turned yellow will be clearly visible. In this case, transfer the down jacket back to the bathroom. Mix some gel with warm water and apply to the yellowed fabric. Rub it. After that, with your hand, but already moistened with clean water, remove traces of the gel. Repeat the procedure until completely clean.

Is it possible to wring out a down jacket in a washing machine

Already after the down jacket has been washed and rinsed several times, the owners begin to think, is it necessary to leave the product for spinning? Search engines and queries come to the rescue, like “How to wash a down jacket correctly”. But it is not always possible to find a clear answer.

In fact, the fears of many owners are justified, because if the down jacket is poorly sewn, then spinning can greatly spoil the product. Therefore, if you doubt the strength of the seams or notice after washing that there are holes in the jacket, where the filler came from, it is better to refuse further wringing, and immediately send the down jacket to dry.

But this is the only reason why this procedure should be abandoned. Otherwise, spinning has only positive aspects. Therefore, it is not worth doubting whether it is possible to wring out a down jacket in a washing machine or not. The main thing is to know some details.

This procedure will help get rid of excess moisture, because after washing it will be enough. The filler will get completely wet, and drying may take up to 2 days. But the spin function comes to the rescue.
On average, in modern washing machines after this procedure, the residual moisture will be about 50%, and this is a good result.

In addition, to achieve a greater effect, tennis balls or special rubber balls should be left in the drum. And don't let the noise bother you. Neither the equipment nor the product will be affected. Balls will help not only fluff, but also reduce the percentage of residual moisture.

There is also a common mistake that the more RPM the better. Modern technology makes it possible to turn on the spin at a speed of 1500 to 2000 rpm. Is it possible to wring out a down jacket in a washing machine at such speeds? The answer is no! Such numbers will irrevocably ruin your thing. The optimal figure is approximately 600 rpm.

Regardless of the material or type of item (coat, T-shirt, and so on), you should not set more than 1000 revolutions in the spin program, otherwise the wardrobe item will last less than we would like.

Another plus in favor of spinning if you have a white down jacket. After washing, if this function is neglected, the jacket will be completely soaked and at first it must be kept in the bathroom until the water drains. With poor-quality rinsing, stains are guaranteed to appear on light-colored jackets. Therefore, spinning plays the role of additional protection to avoid this unpleasant event.

Thus, to the question “is it possible to wring out a down jacket in a washing machine”, we conclude that it is not only possible, but also necessary.

How to dry a down jacket after washing

Having finished the washing stage, and after squeezing the product, you should proceed to the last equally important step. Drying the jacket. But how to dry a down jacket after washing in a typewriter so that it looks like new?

Despite the fact that you can follow all the tips (tennis balls, special gel, and so on), after washing a down jacket at home, the filler may stray into small lumps, unevenly distributed in the lining of the jacket. Nothing wrong with that. You just need to use a simple and proven method.

How to dry a down jacket after washing? Many immediately hang up and leave the product to dry. However, before that, it is necessary to smooth out and separate (if any) fallen down lumps of fluff. This is done in a vertical position. Armed with a carpet beater or a wooden stick, you should lightly and gently tap on the surface of the down jacket from top to bottom. It is better to carry out such a home drying procedure for a down jacket in the fresh air: on the balcony or on the street.

When whipping a down jacket, it is important not to overdo it - you don’t need to beat it like a carpet, otherwise you can deform the jacket.

Often questions may arise about how to dry a down jacket after washing and why it is impossible to dry it horizontally? In a horizontal position, the down jacket can be dried only if it is laid out on a hard surface covered with natural fiber. This product will absorb moisture. But even in this case, it is necessary to use additional tools, such as a hair dryer.

However, we know that such "help" is fraught with consequences. Using a hair dryer to dry, you run the risk of spoiling the filler, because the down and feathers will simply deteriorate at high temperatures, they will begin to smell and stains will pass to the outer fabric of the down jacket. As a result, the item is damaged. Therefore, the only correct and safe method is drying on a coat hanger.

Store the washed and dried down jacket not in a plastic cape, but in a cotton cover.

How to dry a down jacket in an upright position? Everything is very simple. The jacket must be hung on a hanger. This is done in order to allow fresh air to circulate, gradually taking away excess moisture that is available. However, during such a drying process, direct sunlight should be avoided on the down jacket (this is especially true for light down jackets).

The main quality condition for such a drying of the jacket will be constant shaking in different directions, as if you are fluffing a pillow or blanket with your hands. Or, instead of shaking, you can lightly tap with a wooden stick, as was done while smoothing out lumps.

How to wash a feather down jacket

The most expensive down jackets have practically no feather inside, but such models are not cheap either. The most common feather to down ratio is 50/50. And sometimes there is even less fluff. Therefore, you should know how to wash a feather down jacket.

Both down and feather are very sensitive materials, so care must be appropriate. It is often undesirable to wash such things, but only if necessary (1-2 times a year).

There are practically no fundamental differences in how to wash a down jacket with a feather from other jackets. To get started you need:

  • close the pockets, fasten the zipper and turn the product inside out;
  • put rubber balls or tennis balls inside;
  • set the delicate wash mode with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

The most important thing in how to wash a down jacket with feathers is the choice of detergent. Given the material, conventional powders should be abandoned. They are quite difficult to wash out of the filler. But on the other hand, if there is as much feather as fluff (or even more), then you can use powder, but one that is specially designed for such products. But at the end you need to include an additional rinse. And it is better to turn on the wash again, but without adding detergent.

Most importantly, if the jacket is a little smudged, you should not immediately look for information on the Internet "How to wash a down jacket from feathers." Natural filler loses its properties if it is often sent to the washing machine. It is better to remove such dirt manually with a solution of water and soap, trying to prevent the jacket from getting wet through.

And how to wash a down jacket for down, you can read in the next subsection.

How to wash a down jacket

The modern market does not often offer a jacket with a natural filler. On the one hand, such material perfectly retains heat, but on the other hand, it has a number of negative qualities:

  • fluff accumulates dust;
  • absorbs moisture well and keeps it inside for a long time;
  • crumbles into clumps.

How to wash a down jacket from down if it is problematic to clean? First of all, you should study the tags in order to know for sure what is inside the natural material. There should be an inscription "down". If you are the owner of a down filler, then you need to follow a simple rule on how to wash a down jacket.

This material is very sensitive to any detergents. Therefore, the down detergent must be chosen carefully. Powders should be discarded, even if it is written that they are intended for down jackets. Prefer only liquid gels for delicate fabrics.

If the gel could not be found, you can use hair shampoo. Use the powder only as a last resort, and after it rinse the item at least 5 times.

How to wash a down jacket with down? There is no particular difference from synthetics. The principle is the same. The preparation phase is no different. The washing mode is delicate and the temperature is not more than 30 degrees. The use of balls. The only difference is that during drying, you need to knock down the jacket very often so that the fluff does not fall off.

In addition, many owners are trying to find a special approach to washing based on the type of natural material. Very often there are requests like: "How to wash a down jacket on duck down." There are no significant differences between the materials. If you know the basics of caring for a natural-filled jacket, then you know how to wash a down jacket made from swan, goose and duck down.

To avoid the harmful effects of chemicals on natural material, use tourmaline balls.

You should know that not always there is only fluff inside. A filler ratio of 90 to 10 or 80 to 20 (down to feather) is often used. In this case, you can find a tag with the inscription "feather". How to wash a down jacket down feather? With a small amount of feathers, washing takes place according to the same rules as in the case of only down in the jacket.

How to wash fur from a down jacket

A down jacket, like any other jacket, can have natural fur inserts. Most often, the manufacturer makes fur collars, sleeves and hood edges. What to do if such a jacket is dirty and how to wash a down jacket with fur? First of all, they need to be removed, but if such elements are not removed, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Washing both the jacket and the fur at the same time is fraught with consequences.

But how to wash fur from a down jacket separately? There are several options. You can use dry potato starch, talc or semolina for this process. Rub one of the indicated products into the fur by hand and leave for half an hour. After that, shake off the fur over the bath and comb it with a comb. So without much work and wet washing, the fur insert in the down jacket will be clean.

You can also moisten the sponge with medical alcohol or vodka diluted with water, and then wipe the fur, but only against the pile. In this way, all kinds of dirt and greasy shine will be removed. After the fur dries, comb it again against the nap, lifting it up a little to restore fluffiness.

If this option is not suitable, and the question of how to wash fur from a down jacket is relevant, let's move on to considering another cleaning method. After separating the fur from the down jacket, soak it in a basin or bowl of warm water. Pour no more than 100 ml of liquid detergent into a basin and leave for a few minutes. After using your hands, rub soapy water into the fur and proceed to rinse. Rinse thoroughly with warm water only until you feel that there is no soapy sensation on the hands and fur villi. You can dry both at home on batteries and in the fresh air.

If you want to wash in the machine, then turn on the delicate wash mode at the optimum temperature of no more than 40 ° C.

And how to wash the fur on a down jacket if it is tightly sewn? As mentioned above, it is best to go to a dry cleaner. Do not wash down jacket and fur at the same time.

How to clean a down jacket that cannot be washed

On some jackets, you can find a label that says "dry clean only". Such labels hang for a reason, and it is not recommended to risk clothes for the sake of experimenting with a washing machine. It is very easy to ruin a piece of clothing.

But do not despair, because there are several simple ways to clean a down jacket at home without washing it.
First of all, it should be understood that the surface of the jacket has water-repellent properties, but they are not unlimited. Therefore, during cleaning, you must not allow excess water. Everything is done carefully, because if we get wet, we risk ruining the down jacket.

The first method of cleaning is chemistry. To do this, the liquid gel is mixed with water. After that, quite a bit is applied to dirty places and rubbed with a brush. The next step is to take a sponge moistened with clean water and rub the area with a blur. The procedure is repeated until complete cleaning.

For a more comfortable cleaning, place the down jacket on a smooth and hard surface.

If there is no such chemistry at hand, there is another option on how to clean a down jacket that cannot be washed. To do this, we take improvised means. We need:

  • 100 mm of water;
  • a tablespoon of dish detergent;
  • a tablespoon of alcohol or vodka.

These ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting liquid is rubbed with a brush for several minutes. Then, as in the case of chemistry, we remove the remaining foam with a sponge with warm water.

The grease stain is removed with a solution of water (500 mm), a tablespoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.

Or you can also mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia. After the process occurs, as in the previous version. In any case, it should be remembered that if a radical wash is required, it is best to take such a down jacket to dry cleaning.

How to wash a down jacket by hand

If you do not trust the washing machine, then the only way out is hand washing. It is still more delicate, but on the other hand quite laborious. Another reason why you should refuse washing in the machine if damage has been found on the jacket. In the drum, the jacket can only disperse even more in a problematic place, and then it remains only to throw it away.

In such cases, you need to know how to wash the down jacket by hand. If we talk about the preparatory stage, it is no different from any other options for cleaning a down jacket. Remove and remove all excess. This is especially true for fur. Washing such material along with the filler will adversely affect the jacket as a whole.
Before looking for information on how to properly wash a down jacket by hand, make sure that such cleaning cannot be avoided. All small stains can be removed with more gentle methods, and if you start manual cleaning, it will take a lot of time and effort. And with a negligent attitude to business, you can lose your favorite thing.

The use of powders is strictly prohibited. It will be impossible to manually rinse the down jacket with high quality.

But if a radical cleaning is required, then there is one proven way to wash a down jacket by hand. To do this, warm water is poured into the basin and mixed with a gel that is designed for delicate fabrics. After that, the jacket lies down there and soaked for 40-60 minutes.

Then you need to very carefully walk around the entire down jacket with a brush. This process can take at least 30 minutes and you can’t be lazy here, otherwise the wash will be ineffective.

Sometimes a conditioner is added while cleaning the down jacket by hand, but this should not be done, otherwise stains may appear that are difficult to get rid of.

After washing the down jacket in a basin, proceed to rinse. Remember that this is the most important step. Poorly rinsing the product, you will surely get a jacket with stains and stains. Therefore, type in a bowl of clean warm water and start washing the jacket. In the process, you will have to change the water in the basin 2-3 times. From the first time, it will not work to remove all the absorbed soapy water from the filler!

After the rinsing process is over, hang up the jacket so that the water drains. Then beat the filler with a stick and shake the product regularly so that the material inside acquires its original appearance.

A down jacket is essential on cold winter days. It will save from frost and wind and at the same time you can look very stylish in it. For the winter, we purchase one model and wear it "both in a feast and in the world." Therefore, it is not surprising that you have to wash the down jacket often, especially models made of light fabric. To ensure that the product does not lose its thermal and external properties, it is necessary to properly care for it.

If the down jacket is not large, then you can wash it in the basin; if there is a long and heavy product, it is recommended to use the bathroom. It is recommended to wash downy things with liquid detergents, since it is very difficult to rinse out powder ones. You can wash the down jacket with ordinary liquid soap or shampoo.

In the absence of heavy dirt and heavy stains, the following steps are required:

  1. To avoid complete wetting of the product, it is required to wash with two people. So that one holds it over a bath or basin, and the second does the laundry. If physical abilities allow, you can wash alone.
  2. The part that is dirty is immersed in a soapy solution.
  3. The wetted surface is carefully treated with a sponge or brush, you can rub it with your hands.
  4. Rinsing is carried out under running water. Try to leave only the soapy part of the product wet.
  5. The wet part is carefully squeezed out by hand. You can hang a down jacket to drain over the bathtub.

This method of hand washing eliminates clumping of the filler, and the product dries very quickly.

In case of heavy contamination, it is necessary to completely dip the product in soapy water. It is possible to soak the down jacket, but not more than half an hour. Washing temperature - 30 degrees. The following actions are performed:

  1. We remove everything that interferes with the jacket, metal parts, including fur.
  2. We drop into the water.
  3. We wash especially dirty places on our hands.
  4. We rinse several times. Preferably in running water.
  5. We squeeze.
  6. We hang to drain and dry on a hanger.

Periodically, the product must be shaken and the filler broken. Use a carpet beater for this.

Machine wash method

For many, it is preferable to wash a down jacket in a typewriter. This method saves a lot of time and effort. In order for the product to retain its properties and attractive appearance after washing, it is necessary to adhere to the main recommendations.

Preparing a down jacket for washing

For washing in washing machines, the product must be prepared. All stains and places that, as a rule, are more heavily soiled, and these are cuffs, collars and pockets, are thoroughly washed. Stains are best removed with laundry soap. The down jacket must be turned inside out and fasten all zippers and buttons.

The fabric that is inside stretches well, but will not suffer from friction against the washing machine drum.

Choosing a detergent

In household chemicals, you can find different types of detergents. It is recommended to use special chemicals. Pay attention to labels. Choose those that are marked "for down jackets." Additives have distinctive features from conventional powders. They are well washed out and do not have a negative effect on the filler. Powder for washing a down jacket maintains the shade of the upper fabric, prevents the filler from being musty.

Tennis balls, tourmaline products

On sale you can find special devices, if they are not available, you can wash your favorite down jacket with shady balls. It is important to remove the dye with bleaching. Replacement will not affect the quality of washing in any way.

Tourmaline balls are a universal remedy for any clothes. Service life up to three years. Put their sterile machine with the product.

It is better to wash the down jacket in the usual mode for delicate fabrics, but without adding powder. The disadvantage is the high cost. But there is an opportunity to save on household chemicals.

Mode and temperature selection

It is strictly forbidden to use the mode for cotton products. Turn on "hand wash" or for delicate items. The peculiarity of the operation of the machine with such settings is the slow movement of the drum, long pauses.

Washing time and spin

Long-term rotation of the drum will not affect the quality of cleaning the down jacket, but it contributes to the jamming of the filler, therefore it is recommended to wash the product in the hand wash mode for no more than 40 minutes. Press at 800 rpm, if exceeded, fluff will crumple, and if reduced, the jacket will dry for a long time.

Stain removal - 4 ways

Before washing, it is required to treat especially dirty places and stains, but it happens that this does not help, so you need to resort to some tricks. It is possible to assess the degree of contamination and cleaning of the product only after the complete drying of the filler and the outer fabric. Before using any method, try it on the inside of the jacket.

Hydrogen peroxide

This substance is in the medicine cabinet of any family. The method is cheap and effective, it works for various types of stains. It is used with caution for bright and colored down jackets. Do a color wash test before use. Peroxide must be treated with a contaminated area and left for a few minutes to act. Then wash off with soapy water and rinse.


Works great on stubborn areas. Table vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Cuffs and collars are treated with this solution.

After cleaning, it is washed off with running water. The smell on the product after drying will not remain. If desired, ventilate the product additionally.

Dishwashing liquid

Works well against greasy contaminants. Lather the product on the stain, leave for a few minutes to dissolve the fat. Rinse the lathered area thoroughly.

soap solution

You can remove greasy stains from a down jacket using a solution prepared from grated solid soap and warm water. Lather the solution on the product with a brush or hands and rinse it off. Soap without dyes is recommended, it is effective to use household soap.

What to do to avoid divorce

To wash the down jacket so that there are no streaks, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  1. For washing, choose a liquid detergent that does not form a lot of foam.
  2. Observe the temperature regime.
  3. It is better to rinse the product several times until the powder is completely washed out.
  4. Dry the down jacket properly in an upright position to avoid churning.

How to dry the product

Washing down clothes is a very difficult process, but it is important to dry it properly after that. Avoid exposure to high temperatures, and you can not dry the product for more than two days, otherwise the filler will fade.

Method 1

It is preferable to dry the product in natural conditions. This method will take time, but the quality of the product will not be affected. To prevent fluff from straying after washing in a washing machine, the jacket must be constantly knocked down. Use your hands or carpet-beating sticks for this. Place the product on a hanger and every hour or half an hour go up to it and straighten it. It's important not to be lazy.

Method 2

When the down jacket needs to be dried faster, use improvised means, such as a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. Gently blow the product with a hair dryer from all sides. Use cool air. Airing the down will speed up the drying and won't harm it. Hot air will not speed up the process, but there is a risk of melting the upper fabric.

It is necessary to blow the product with a vacuum cleaner. This method is possible if the vacuum cleaner has a reverse air intake function. Put the down jacket in a sealed bag and turn on the appliance. Thus, the fluff in the jacket is distributed evenly and dries faster.

Knowing how to wash a voluminous down jacket by hand at home is important, because 1 dry cleaning treatment costs about a third of the jacket itself. When washing at home, only liquid products are used, for example, Vanish. Wash the product with a soft brush without strong friction. It is forbidden to dry the down jacket near the batteries and in a horizontal position, as streaks may appear.

Nowadays, the demand for down jackets is growing every day, because they are beautiful, practical and warm. They are worn by people of any age and gender, but light models and children's jackets are most often contaminated. To restore their appearance, immediate washing is necessary. Consider how to wash a downy wardrobe by hand so that it does not lose its warming qualities and attractive appearance.

Washing rules

Almost every housewife who is faced with a dirty jacket wonders how to wash a down jacket by hand at home correctly, because incorrect processing of such clothes instantly leads to a loss of aesthetic and warming properties of the product.

That is why you should strictly follow the rules for washing a down jacket:

  1. First of all, you need jackets. It may be indicated: washing in a typewriter or by hand is prohibited. Then you have to use the services of dry cleaning. If only washing in the machine is prohibited, then in order to save money, you can clean it manually. The temperature regime suitable for washing a certain down jacket is also indicated there.
  2. Regular powder should be discarded due to the appearance of streaks after washing on the surface of the jacket. It is recommended to use only liquid forms of detergents, such as Vanish.
  3. Before processing, it is necessary to check if the seams have come apart and if feathers are coming out of them (after washing, this will make the jacket unsuitable for further use).
  4. Cuffs, collar and pockets should be washed by hand before washing the entire jacket.
  5. During the spin cycle, do not twist the fabric so as not to tear it or deform it.

By adhering to these elementary rules, you will not spoil the jacket during washing. However, in addition to these cleaning features, you need to consider what material the jacket is made of.

Determining the type of filler

Washing a voluminous down jacket by hand is not an easy task, because often there are down jackets on the markets made not from natural down, but from its synthetic substitute, for example, synthetic winterizer. Naturally, a different approach should be applied to such jackets when washing. But due to the perjury of the manufacturer, after washing, the jacket may become unusable.

How to distinguish a real down jacket from a synthetic fake:

  • down jacket easily folds into a small bundle;
  • when folded, the down jacket weighs no more than 500 g;
  • manufacturers of real down jackets attach special bags to the product, which contain a little filler.

If a down jacket does not meet the criteria described above, it means that it contains artificial filling, and its processing by hand may differ from standard methods.

Important! Almost every down jacket has a feather in its composition. This is done to save fluff (in production) and increase the volume of the product. Such wardrobe items should not contain more than 20% of the total filler feathers.

Ways to clean a down jacket and whether dry cleaning is needed

Depending on what is written on the label, there are several types of washing down products:

  • automatic in the car;
  • manually;
  • in dry cleaning.

Machine washing is the easiest way to wash, but it is not uncommon for it to be banned by the clothing manufacturer. Then you have to resort to manual processing of things or dry cleaning. Naturally, the latter option is expensive - often 3-5 washes of a down jacket cost more than the jacket itself, so it is not suitable for the bulk of the population. There is only one thing left - to wash the voluminous down jacket at home correctly.

Types of cleaning down jackets at home

In addition to the method described above, there are other ways to wash down jackets. Each of them can be performed at home, using different means and cleaning sequence.

Existing types of cleaning jackets:

  • wet - implies contact with water;
  • dry - water is not used, but specially designed for cleaning down jackets are used in the form of a spray.

Dry washing is suitable if stains that have not ingrained into the structure of the fabric appear on the jacket. Wet washing is indispensable if there are old dirt.

Which detergent to choose for wet washing

After washing with powder, stains appear on the surface of the jacket, so its use is strictly contraindicated. For the treatment of such delicate clothing, only liquid products can be used:

  • washing gels;
  • capsules.

The Vanish tool has proven itself well in this regard. To wash 1 jacket, pour a cap of detergent into water or a little onto a soft clothes brush. The maximum effect is achieved when the rubbed clothes are left for 30–40 minutes, and then they are washed again, but the entire jacket is already.

Note ! If the house accidentally did not have a suitable product, you can use any hair shampoo. It also shows good results when washing a down jacket.

How to wash a down jacket by hand: preparation

After you figured out what the product consists of and familiarized yourself with the general washing rules, figure out how to properly wash a down jacket by hand.

Wash sequence:

  • remove all contents from the pockets of the jacket;
  • remove fur accessories, brooches, belt, etc.;
  • we fasten all zippers, buttons, buttons.

Use a vertical cleaning method. This is rational, because water does not penetrate inside the jacket, which contributes to the rapid drying of the product and prevents damage to down.

Vertical down jacket washing method

Washing a jacket with a vertical method is not difficult. The principle is to hang the product on a rope with clothespins or on a trempel. It is recommended that there is a clean wall behind the jacket - such a support will make washing clothes more convenient.

Wash sequence:

  1. Find a place to do laundry - usually a bathroom or shower. It is important that there is direct access to water, such as a shower hose.
  2. Moisten the down jacket slightly with water, pouring it from top to bottom with a hose.
  3. Apply detergent to the jacket.
  4. Go all over the jacket with a soft garment brush, paying special attention to stains and soiled areas: pockets, collar and cuffs.
  5. Rinse off dirty foam.
  6. To dry, hang the down jacket on a trempel - its hangers will be fixed, and there will be no dents from clothespins. Dry the jacket thoroughly in a warm room, but not near heaters or stoves.

Note ! Fluctuations in water temperature and boiling water can damage the down structure. For washing, warm liquid with a temperature of 30-40 ° C is used.

This type of washing is relevant, because even people living in high-rise buildings where the room temperature is low can wash a voluminous down jacket with their hands. In such conditions, after complete wetting, the jacket will dry for 2-3 days, which will lead to the appearance of a doggy smell.

If, in addition to hand washing, machine processing is allowed

Often, on the labels, manufacturers indicate that the jacket can be washed not only by hand, but also in a typewriter. In this case, it is necessary to apply a different processing algorithm, because often after without special devices the jacket loses its fluffiness and attractiveness.

Washing sequence in the machine:

  • follow all the rules for preparing the jacket for washing;
  • turn the down jacket inside out;
  • pour detergent (not powder) into the machine;
  • put inside the drum, they will not allow fluff to stray into a ball;
  • run the machine in "Delicate" mode or "Synthetics", "Wool", "Bio-fluff", "Hand wash";

Note ! Make sure that the washing temperature does not exceed 30-40°C, depending on what is written on the label.

  • carefully squeeze at 800-1000 rpm (together with the same balls).

When washing in the machine, it is also important to observe the temperature regime. Before running it, you need to make sure that the temperature used by the program is allowed on the shortcut.

Is it possible to rub a down jacket

The friction force during washing plays an important role, so rubbing the jacket is not only possible, but also necessary. Examine it completely and rub the dirty ones with your hand (you can use a soft brush). However, in this case, you do not need to rub hard so as not to damage the fabric structure.

How to get rid of grease on a down jacket, see in the video:

How to dry a down jacket

How the down jacket dries depends on what shape it will take and whether it will lose its warming properties.

To properly dry a down jacket, you should follow the following sequence:

  1. Hang the jacket on a hanger in a warm, well-ventilated area with minimal humidity.
  2. Fasten all the locks so that the down jacket returns to its original shape after drying.
  3. Shake the jacket by holding the hem about once every 2-3 hours. The stronger the shaking, the better the fluff will fluff.
  4. Feel the down for lumps. If they are found, immediately knead them with your fingers and evenly distribute the filler throughout the cell.
  5. It is forbidden to remove the down jacket from the trempel until it is completely dry, because the down can rot.

If you need to speed up the drying process, you can blow on the down jacket with a hair dryer set to medium. The device should be held at a distance of 10-15 cm from the jacket.

Note ! In no case do not dry close to heaters and in a horizontal position, avoid drying under the sun. This can cause stains on the jacket..

Usually, during vertical manual processing, the fabric does not wrinkle, but if the down jacket was wrung out, most likely it will happen. Ironing a down jacket is strictly prohibited, so you will need to additionally purchase a garment steamer and process the down jacket from top to bottom (in a vertical position).

Maximum caution

Given the delicacy of the down wardrobe, its exactingness in washing, during processing, pay attention to such factors:

  • do not wash at high temperatures;
  • do not dry near heating devices;
  • do not use conditioners and powders;
  • you can rub the jacket with a brush, but using weak force;
  • do not lay the jacket horizontally while drying;
  • avoid drying in a damp and cold room.

And most importantly, during drying, it is imperative to shake the jacket, while using force. The better it is whipped, the better the fluff will fluff. However, this must be done while the down jacket dries. After drying, whipping will no longer help, the fluff will get lumpy, and it will be almost impossible to restore the attractiveness of the product.

Washing a jacket by hand is much more difficult than washing a jacket, but it is possible. Avoid factors that cause fluff to become unusable and use only liquid laundry detergents, otherwise the result will be unsatisfactory.

Larisa , February 12, 2018 .