Time passes slowly in the army. Year in the army

Hello dear BroDude. I have been reading you for several years and actively use your advice. But recently I had a question for which I was not ready. It so happened that I failed the exam for graduate school, and I am threatened with service in the AFRF. I don't want to go there, not because I'm afraid of hazing, isolation, deprivation. But because I don’t want to lose the life that I built in the capital in 6 years. Considering the current state of affairs in our country and the world, I understand that urgent service is absolutely not needed, because there are enough defenders in our country, but I don’t want to waste my life. I want to know your opinion on this matter, because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people like me.


Well hello, good reader BroDude. We regret that it was not possible to go to graduate school, but we do not want to revel in grief. It did not work out this year - it will work out sometime if you suddenly want to. We hope that graduate school is not just a way to get away from the army, but a really conscious choice. But now is not about that. Now about the army.

First of all, I want to say the following: I myself did not serve and never regretted it, although from time to time thoughts creep into my head that I need to go. Not in order to repay the debt to the country (I did not borrow anything from it), but simply to escape from the bustle of the city. That hazing that was in the 90s or early 00s is not in the army today, although you yourself understand that you still have to stand up for yourself. But this is also true for ordinary life, if you are not a hiccup, of course.

I understand that your problem is that you are afraid of "wasting" your life. But understand, even if you end up in prison, it does not mean a waste of time. It all depends on your own attitude towards extreme conditions, the breakdown of a comfortable existence. Life in the city, where there are no serious worries, and there is always support nearby, may well be a waste of time. To be honest, most people, even without any army, kill their potential by doing nothing worthwhile for decades. So, your phrase "urgent service is absolutely not needed" is premature. There are situations in life when this is exactly what a man needs.

But my words would be very slurred if I did not back them up with the words of our friends who really went through the army. All of them served in different parts, all have different impressions and emotions. I asked them about what they learned positively from their military experience. I decided not to raise negative things, because there is no need for you to think about the negative. If there is a real chance to get into the army, it is better to go there with good motivation, in good spirits.

Andrei:“I lost weight and took my mind off the pain of a chick who fucked my friend. For a year, she managed to fuck with the rest of my friends, but it didn’t matter anymore. The ability to eat normal food overcame this dubious suffering. In general, the army is for cattle, if possible, avoid it.

Konstantin:“We were lucky with the service. He spent his entire service at the headquarters, helping the head of the acquisition department. Of the benefits - this is a decent salary (I served in the Caucasus). In the rank of junior sergeant and the position of squad leader, he had 15 thousand rubles a month. I always spent it out of necessity: from the form, if something fell into disrepair, either a stationery, or something for tea. Everything that was left was put aside. I came with money, it was enough to live in Krasnodar before looking for a job. On the specifics of the service, I gained experience and understanding of how military units are completed. In general, not bad.

Anton:“From the positive. The daily routine is being built, you can find good comrades. And if you serve in the Caucasus, then the views are gorgeous.”

Yes, I understand that a very unpopular opinion is being built up, because the majority proposes to mow down the army in all possible ways. And you have such an opportunity. Seriously, it doesn't take much intelligence to avoid an army. Health care is full of loopholes, but they should have been worked out in advance. If there is money, then there are even more opportunities (but this issue can be solved without attracting large funds). But still you think about the service again. What are you afraid of? What will you lose? Is your life really so stable that one single year will “break everything”? Or do you, no matter how much you want to admit it, experience the most common fear of the unknown, which is backed up by stereotypes about the service?

Ideally professional. But we doubt that Russia will be able to achieve this in the next decade. Therefore, you will have to solve this problem yourself. And you have a choice. But whatever you choose, stop doing one thing - stop being afraid. Nothing terrible happens, the army will not change your life dramatically, and the “lost year” can become a year gained, which will make you rethink your life. But this is at best. Most, no matter how much I asked, talked about the army as a rather boring place, which will give a smart person time to think about it. However, we do not undertake to speak for all the parts - here much depends on luck.

For several months, conscripts are trained in special training units, “training schools”. During this period, the young man generally has no personal time. From the rise to the lights out - solid drill training, specialty training, outfits.

But after the young soldiers have completed their studies and taken the oath, "buyers" come to the "training" for them - specially seconded officers from all regions of Russia. In order to recruit replenishment into combat units.

If a young man has acquired some sports skills before the service, knows how to sing, dance or play a musical instrument well, it's time to declare this. Even if the guy has only the second adult category in swimming or boxing, you need to boldly say that he is a master of sports or a candidate for a master of sports. If he graduated from only 5 classes of a music school in playing the trombone, then it’s all the same to say that he is the best graduate of this school.

In this case, "buyers" may become interested and take such a person to a sports company or a song and dance ensemble. Of course, later the skills of the recruit will be checked, but he can say that he has recently lost his form, and will soon restore it.

The army structure is massive and inert, if a person is enrolled in one unit, he is unlikely to be transferred to another. And once in a sports company or song and dance ensemble, he will be able to develop the skills acquired before the service. And his life will be much freer and more pleasant than that of an ordinary soldier or.

Sports and amateur performances in the combat unit

In the ordinary part, especially if it is large, there is an orchestra, a football team, volleyball team and even an amateur club. You should immediately declare all your talents and try to become a member of these communities. If this can be done, then life will be much more interesting and productive.

You can play sports. In the evenings, employees have free time until lights out. Almost every department has a set of weights and barbells. There is an opportunity for the remaining time to seriously put the body in order, to make it beautiful. And after the service, when meeting girls in a nightclub or on the beach, this will be a big trump card.


If you have a skill in drawing, you should make a portrait of some colleague and then show it to everyone. If the work is done with talent, such an artist's future life in the unit will consist mainly of creativity, and not military service. Not only colleagues, but also officers of the unit will contact him with orders.

keep diaries

You can start keeping diaries, writing down all the vicissitudes of military service, and after its completion - based on them. The main thing is to make sure that none of the unspoken informers and "informers" steal the diaries and hand them over to the political officer of the unit. If the diary accurately and humorously describes all the shortcomings of military service, the army structure or the state as a whole, you can “run into” serious problems. At best, such a writer will get outfits out of turn. At worst, you can "run into" a guardhouse or another part.

To study

If a young man wants to study, he can enter one of the country's universities in absentia, receive new assignments, and perform them in his free time or during night outfits. And after the service, immediately enter the full-time department of the second year of this institute.

According to the latest news, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation proposes to amend the law "On military duty and military service." Innovations must be prepared and approved by July 1, 2018. Officials propose to introduce two categories of conscripts. The first category will include young people in the reserve without military ranks, while the second category will include young people outside the reserve with military ranks. The countdown of the term of service for the first category of conscripts will begin from the day the rank is awarded, for the second - from the day of the order to send them to the military unit. This year the recruitment dates will remain the same. Military registration and enlistment offices will hospitably open their doors on October 1, and recruiting events will end on New Year's Eve, on December 31.

Service life in the army in 2018 Russia 1 year 8 months order


Rumors of an increase in service life remain unjustified. To date, there is no official order according to which the Russians should serve longer.

For this reason, the federal law is taken into account, part 1 of article 38, which regulates military service: young people should serve only 1 year. The term can be changed only with a corresponding adjustment to the current bill.

The term of service in the army will not be increased Why there are rumors about an increase in the term of service Rumors about an increase in the term of service in the army appear, since since 2012 the deputies have repeatedly considered the corresponding term. It was assumed that the duration should be increased to 1.5 or 2 years, as well as to 1 year and 8 months.

Service life in the army in 2018-2019

In the second year, time seems to 'slow down', and for the last six months it begins to drag on, and you think: when is the demobilization?

  • A year in the army flies by quickly enough. Because the first six months are spent in army training.

    And there is a course for a young fighter, physical training, vocational training, study of regulations, sleep-training, shagistics, possibly political studies, and much more. Young recruits during this period have very little free time at all.

    And even then it must be used wisely. Drive so that the days just flicker. The second half of the year is not so active. However, it also goes by rather quickly.

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These people include:

  • specialists with a scientific degree;
  • blood brothers, sons of the military who suffered or died during the defense of the Motherland;
  • men working in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, taking into account being at work until the age of 27.

In addition, young dads who have 2 or more children, who are still single fathers, are exempted from the army. In fact, they are given some kind of respite until it ends, men are not subject to service due to age.

What can change? So far, young people who do not have health problems and have not reached the age of 27 are required to serve in the army for 1 year. In fact, we are talking about the learning process, and after a short service life.

Military service 1 year and 8 months from 2018

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes Contents

  • Will military service be extended?
  • Why there are rumors about the increase in service life
  • How did the terms of service in the Russian army change?

In 2018, the only thing left for the conscripts to survive is the autumn campaign. During this period, those who could not enter the university and receive a deferment from the army will be drafted into the army.


The call-up campaign will last from October 1 to December 31. At this time, conscripts must undergo a medical commission for the further start of service.

The latest news about military service and the possibility of extending the term for conscripts to 1 year and 8 months from 2018 are of interest to many people. Will the term of service in the army in 2018/2019 be increased to 1.8 years | Terms of the autumn draft Will the term of service in the army be extended In 2018, conscripts will continue to serve 12 months (1 year).

And remember in your life there will be friends only there, real friendship only there.

  • At first, time drags on for a very long time, you already want to go home, it seems that a lot of time has passed and a week has passed, then you start counting the days, and time goes on and on, and after some three months, some six months, time just starts to fly, passes day after day , even the days are not particularly considered, and when there are two weeks left before the house, the time starts to stretch again, the last week seems to be the longest, because I really want to go home.
  • When I served (then they served for 2 years), the first six months flew by instantly! They just had time to spin all day until lights out, went to bed, touched the pillow - already get up! Further - it seemed that the day seemed to drag on slowly, and the weeks flew by quickly - one after another.

Autumn call 2018, dates, start and end dates

All this is extremely important in order to prepare the male half of society for possible military conflicts, plus the army allows you to strengthen patriotism, and then consider the transition to mass contract service. In fact, the deputies of the State Duma have repeatedly raised the topic of returning to the term of service, which provides for 24 months.
Also, experts wanted to increase the period to at least 1.5 years. For the time being, the president is not enthusiastic about such ideas, and potential conscripts are still counting on only 1 year of military service.

And since V.V. Putin again became the Russian president, it is not worth worrying about changes once again. What is available as an alternative? In no case should we forget about the unusual ways of "sloping" from the service.

Officially, there are variations of alternative service, it is enough to undergo other types of training. Moreover, no one talks about specific dates.

New rules for conscription in the army in 2018 - changes, terms of conscription

If the amendments are adopted, those wishing to enroll in military universities, but recognized as partially fit for service, will have another opportunity. Already this fall, they will have the right to undergo a second medical examination.
This innovation will benefit everyone who wants to connect their lives with the armed forces, but could not get a positive opinion from doctors the first time. Another change concerns the term of service in the army, which will now be counted according to the new rules. The amendments propose to divide all conscripts into two categories: those who are not in the reserve, holders of a military rank (limitedly fit for military service) and those who do not have a military rank, but are in the reserve (graduates of secondary schools). For the latter, the term of service will be counted from the day the rank was awarded. At the moment, days at the collection point are not counted.
The main arguments for increasing the service life are as follows:

  • lack of ordinary soldiers who are doing compulsory military service;
  • the inability to master military-technical specialties at a decent level, since it is assumed that there is a need to study numerous nuances;
  • the reserve composition of the armed forces of the Russian Federation must meet more stringent requirements;
  • lack of time for diverse training of military personnel;
  • the inability to effectively conduct exercises in conditions that should be close to combat.

Despite serious arguments, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, refuses to implement such a bill.
According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, this year the Russian armed forces will consist only of conscripts and contract soldiers - their number will be 15% and 85% respectively. Thanks to this decision, the Russian army will develop at a new level, since young people who clearly understand the importance of military service will go to contract service in the army. The age of conscripts remained at the same level - young men from 18 to 27 years old. In addition, young men are provided with two ways of undergoing military training - passing training at the military department of a university and entering the civil service in institutions whose work is similar to military service. Young people, having chosen these options, will not be able to leave the service until the end of its term, and also quit - this is punishable by criminal liability. The term of such service will be 21 months.

  • home
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  • How fast does a year go by in the army?
  • 23-09-2016 Does a year go by quickly in the army?
  • Ooooooooo ... such a question .... girls probably don’t understand this, for us the days go on and on, and there everything is probably difficult in the army, at least probably for the first half of the year, and then it’s still easier, depending on where you get to, to whom and with whom do you serve
  • Firstly, don’t be afraid of anyone, you will have a plus, tune in that you will have to spend a whole year there and with people who are nearby, stealing from your own people will not be forgiven to the end, you can’t surrender (in the sense of knocking) you will lose all respect. At first, the real feeling of hunger, don’t think it will pass quickly, physical training, push-ups, now you can just spend a few hours at close range. In short, remember to be a normal kid and that's it, everywhere there are normal people they won't let you peck. Don't be last and don't get ahead of yourself.

What is a year in the army like? What happens to a soldier during these 365 days? What is he going through and what is he preparing for?

Today I want to tell you about what a year in the army consists of for a conscript. Of course, the sequence of events described in this article is not true for everyone. It is a specific case for me and my comrades in the Training Battalion of junior specialists of the VI ZhDV and VOSO.

But I assure you that after talking with many comrades, friends and acquaintances who have already served or are serving now, the sequence described in this article is as close to the truth as possible. To what we go through in 1 year in the army really.

Right now about what we have already been through, what we are doing now, and what lies ahead for us.

KMB or Young Fighter Course

When I learned about the meaning of this concept for the first time in my life, I had such a picture before my eyes.

Over there, on the left in the distance - it's me!

I, with all the ammunition, weapons, body armor and full equipment, run 10/20/30 km with my comrades. We run through the fields, jump over obstacles, crawl under barbed wire in the rain. Our clothes are dirty like pigs in a pen and so on ... In general, everything is like in American films about fur seals.

Probably, I even partially prepared for this. But it was exactly until the moment when I found out that there is a quiet hour in the army, and in the dining room they give 2 dishes to choose from. After that, my expectations from the army changed significantly. Including about KMB.

Until recently, I did not believe that we would have it. However, I and my friends had to take this course.

In my case, it lasted 5 weeks. Some have less, some have more. The maximum term of the course of a young fighter was with my colleagues, who were called up on June 2.

The whole point is that KMB goes to the oath. We took the oath on August 1st. Therefore, some KMB had not 1, but 2 months.

So what is this young fighter course now?

To be honest, it's not at all what I expected. We didn't have any forced marches or anything like that.

Our KMB consisted of the following elements:

  • Drill.

Where without her. The basis of army life is drill training. It's like a deadlift for bodybuilders. All free time in the first month was given to the drill. And rightly so. We still couldn't walk. But practice works wonders!

  • Cramming of the Statutes.

By the way. For those who don't know. There are more charters in the RF Armed Forces than one. A lot more! That is why in our KMB special attention was paid to the acquaintance and analysis of individual chapters of the statutes. General military, drill, disciplinary and others.

  • General military disciplines.

As I said in one of my articles, our studies began already on the third day of service. And then the second.

  • Shooting.

My favorite day in the first month. It was unbelievably cool! Shot from AK-74. I got a combat machine and 6 rounds. Out of 60 possible points, I knocked out 56. I am waiting for the next shooting to understand whether this figure was an accident ...

In general, I don’t remember anything else special. Study took up most of the time. So it was before the oath, and after taking the oath, our life has changed somewhat.


Someone calls "training" just the period when we had KMB - the first month of service before the oath. Perhaps it is. But I can’t name the current period of service otherwise. All due to the fact that now there is even more study!

Couples go every day except Sunday, from 09.00 to 16.30 minimum. With a lunch break, of course. But still!

This is a real study in the truest sense of the word. Stroeva has become many times smaller, and instead of the Charters, we now read each other books with poems by foreign poets in the evenings.

All due to the fact that someone swore during the day, and this was heard by the responsible officer.

Yesterday, by the way, it was. As many as 4 delinquents took turns reading 3 verses in front of the whole company. With such intonation, so sincerely! You should have heard it...

In addition to more studies, there were more “workers”. Guys are now actively used in the canteen, in warehouses, at individual institute facilities, and in general for little things. For example, paint the parade ground. The job is responsible. It seems to be simple, but it takes all day.

As the officers told us: “Until you have taken the oath, we cannot demand practically anything from you. Here's how you get…”

And so it turns out. Now the soldiers here make up the free labor force.


I'm talking to you. This is a real university, school and army together. All in one. Exams will be in each discipline around the end of October - beginning of November 2015. By November 5, I think, 3 out of 4 companies will have already passed all the exams. And then we all wait...

High school graduation

This event is more like an oath. At least those that take place on a large parade ground and in the presence of parents.

Only instead of the sacred words of the oath, we will receive diplomas on the development of a specialty, and some will get shoulder straps of junior sergeants.

Here's how it went half a year ago.


Literally the next day after graduation, distribution to the troops will begin.

The scheme is approximately the same as I described in my article about the first day in the army with the "purchase" of conscripts in the unit. Only here buyers will come to our unit and pick up from here. In the rest - everything is the same.

Immediately after the distribution, or even during it, recruits will drive up to our unit. From the very first day of their arrival, we will all become And the real one will begin. Only not the one you thought of, but the real one described in my article.

Service in the troops

At this point, I have so far little information. There are only a few acquaintances who have already managed to leave for the troops. They talk about how they spend the whole day on the "work".

That is, they paint, repair, clean, clean, build. What they just don't do. After all, we are soldiers. We must know everything!

military unit in Red village is considered top for our guys. It is actively promoted by officers, sergeants, and military personnel themselves. Everyone wants to go there. But when I ask what to do there, and why it is good, I don’t get a reasoned answer.

One of my good friend-colleagues once said that there is an opportunity to serve at the checkpoint in that unit. Kind of a security guard. What a good place, in my opinion. You sit quietly, you look at the cameras. Or even more to a computer with internet. Coffee/tea/water. Everything a soldier needs to be happy!

I also know some information about a military unit 40 km from Moscow. called 2nd Guards Taman Motor Rifle Division. If you do not go into details, then "Guards" means that its soldiers, at one time, distinguished themselves in the battles for the Motherland for the better.

As for the service there, I had a good impression of it. I even consider it an elite part.

The impression was formed on the basis of communication with three officers from there. It's not at all like ours.

I would say that we have a kindergarten here compared to what is happening there. They have real anxiety rises. With running around, withdrawing equipment and so on. This event takes half a night, not 1 hour, as we had here.

Plus, 29 people from ours were taken to this division. They say it's better there than here. Better is a loose concept, of course.

For example, I like it here! ;-)

By the way, about me. The last point about distribution will not affect me the way it will affect my friends. They will disperse to different parts of the country, to different branches and types of troops.

And I will stay here to continue my service until the demobilization. And you know what? I'm happy about it!

Of course, everything has its pros and cons. But here I found more pluses for myself than I could find for military service.

However, there are still a few weeks before distribution. Therefore, you can think about everything.

By the way, my predecessor himself expressed a desire and left for distribution to the troops, no matter how my commanders asked him to stay here. And on the second day, he sent an SMS to my boss with the text: “I should not have done this.”

Pretty instructive story, don't you think? But he took the place of the one who rushed there with all his might!

This is what happens in our life. Friends, once again I want to recall one of the laws of our life, which I understood precisely thanks to the army: “Everything that is done is all for the better!”

I wish you every day better than the previous one, see you soon!