International Day Against Drug Addiction and. Events for the day of the fight against drug addiction

Many countries around the world celebrate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The date was set by the UN General Assembly on December 7, 1987, as an expression of its determination to intensify activities and cooperation in order to achieve the goal of creating an international society free from drug addiction. This decision was taken on the basis of the recommendation of the 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Control.

The rapid spread of drugs is seen as a multi-level disaster that entails a variety of harmful consequences - from a demographic catastrophe to the criminalization of the economy, social and political environment.

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the number of drug users in the world has exceeded 300 million people.

On a global level, the most common drug is cannabis - this term includes all derivatives of hemp, such as marijuana, hashish and some others. It is used by 2.6% to 5% of the world's population. The second place is occupied by synthetic drugs-stimulants of the amphetamine group - from 0.3 to 1.2%. With ecstasy - this word refers to a number of drugs of the same amphetamine group - one way or another, approximately 0.2-0.6% of the adult population of the Earth are familiar with cocaine - 0.6-0.8%. Opioids, which include primarily heroin and substances similar to it in terms of effects, were used at least once a year by 0.6 to 0.8% of people.

In the list of 43 risk factors - the main causes of death in the world - drug use is in 19th place (alcohol is third, and tobacco is second).

Globally, drug-related deaths are estimated to be between 0.5% and 1.3% of all-cause deaths among people aged 15-64 years. There are 211,000 drug-related deaths each year, with young people at the highest risk. Drug use is the sixth leading cause of death among people aged 15-49. In Europe, the average age of people who die from drug use is about 35 years.

In addition to drug-related deaths, there are estimates that of the 14 million people who inject drugs worldwide, 1.6 million are HIV-infected, 7.2 million are infected with hepatitis C virus, and 1 2 million are infected with the hepatitis B virus.

Drug abuse causes enormous harm to public health and public safety, endangering the peaceful development and stable existence of society in many countries.

In economic terms, this is reflected in the costs of prevention and treatment, in health care and hospital costs, in the growth of morbidity and mortality. It is estimated that only one in six problem drug users in the world - about 4.5 million people - receive the necessary treatment, and the global total cost of such treatment is about $35 billion a year.

People under the influence of drugs not only cause health care costs, but also pose a serious threat to the safety and well-being of others and the environment.

Drug addiction is one of the most acute health and social problems. According to Viktor Ivanov, Director of the Federal Drug Control Service, there are eight million drug users in Russia who use drugs with varying degrees of regularity. Of these, four million are heavily addicted and take drugs regularly.

The number of heroin addicts in Russia is , each of which needs two doses a day. A third of them do not have money to buy drugs and get them by distribution. In total, about one billion doses of heroin are sold during the year.

The average age of onset of drug use in Russia is 15-16 years, and the average age of those who died from drug-related diseases and overdoses is 30 years. At the same time, the bulk of drug users are outside the scope of medicine and the relevant social services of the state - both at the federal and regional levels.

Drug consumption directly to the country, since eight million drug users spend 4.5 billion rubles a day on drugs and thus withdraw up to 1.5 trillion rubles annually from the country's GDP. The real annual damage to the country's economy is three times higher, at least four trillion rubles.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The UN General Assembly in 1987 proclaimed March 1 International Day Against Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking, thereby defining the full importance of the problem and demonstrating its determination to expand international cooperation to achieve the goal of a world community free of drug addiction. Today, drug addiction has affected all countries of the world, the number of drug users exceeds 200 million people. According to the most rough estimates of experts, from 3 to 4% of the world's inhabitants use drugs.

Problem of drug addiction is one of the most relevant for both health care and society as a whole. This is due to the severe medical and social consequences of substance abuse, among which characteristic personality changes are in the first place. The negative medical and social consequences of drug addiction include: the presence of a number of somatic diseases in patients, a low percentage of employment, a high frequency of criminal behavior and criminal records, and violations of family ties.

In the Republic of Belarus, more than 15,000 patients who use narcotic drugs are currently under the supervision of psychiatrists-narcologists. As of January 1, 2018, 8,025 patients with drug dependence syndrome and 5,061 people were registered in the Republic of Belarus. who use drugs with harmful consequences. Opium drugs (49.6%), cannabis (15.8%), psychostimulants (6.1%) and a number of other drugs still dominate among the drugs used. In recent years, the use of smoking mixtures of "Spice" has become "fashionable" among young people. Admission "Spice" leads to the instant development of drug addiction. With a single or double use of Spice, a psychological dependence develops, and when used for 2 months or more, a physical dependence develops. In 2016, 483 people applied to healthcare organizations of the republic for medical assistance after smoking Spice, in 2017 - 1100 people.

An analysis of the social characteristics of persons under dispensary observation by a psychiatrist-narcologist in 2017 showed that among the observed patients with drug addiction, the number of persons under 18 years of age was 731 people. (5.2%), aged 19 to 25 - 3860 people. (27.1%), over 30 years old - 6329 people (44.3%).

With drug addiction syndrome 2434 women (17.1%), 109 (1.3%) school students, 345 (4.1%) vocational school students, 148 people (1.7%) technical school students, 89 people (1.1%) are university students.Among the observed contingent, people with secondary education dominate (81.3%), with incomplete secondary education - 18.8%.Only 3.8% of patients have higher education.Only 66 are employed .8% of patients, 55.7% single (unmarried), living with parents 41.8% of patients.

In addition to the fact that drug addiction leads to physical, moral and social degradation of the individual, it pushes "lost themselves" to crime. Of the observed contingent, 52.1% have a criminal record, and in 26.6% of cases, the criminal record is not related to drug transactions.

Causes of drug addiction

Drug addiction is understood as a painful attraction, addiction to the systematic use of drugs, leading to severe impairment of mental and physical functions.

Some of the main reasons leading to drug addiction among teenagers are:
- lack of love and attention from loved ones;
- an experiment on one's consciousness (this motivation is usually used by intellectual youth, they are quite educated, study specific, psychedelic literature, take all measures available to them so as not to step over the brink of addiction);
- curiosity.

The reason for drug use may be rebelliousness, which is a form of protest against the values ​​that society and family profess, especially given the young age of people prone to this destructive passion. Acting impulsively, adolescents, before thinking, commit an act, most often the wrong one. They do not want to fulfill any duties, they are looking for pleasure in everything. Lacking a sense of responsibility, they often come into conflict with those who have power over them.

Many teenagers also have a complete lack of interest in any activities, events and other things. They are indifferent to school and usually do not have any hobbies. They have no interest in future events, any personal achievements are of no value to them.

Another "reason" for drug use can be serious internal conflicts, problems of socialization.

A number of symptoms are very characteristic of those individuals who have very low self-esteem, who consider others better than themselves. They are dominated by a feeling of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety, boredom, self-doubt, depression. They feel unhappy at home, they are characterized by alienation and isolation from the family, in relationships with peers. In such cases, a person is in dire need of additional "pain relief". But as practice shows, many run away to "substitutions" and lock themselves in the motionless and illusory world that they have created around themselves.

For some, drugs are a means of combating depression. While in a state of emotional difficulties, many believe that by using drugs or alcohol, they can avoid a state of deep depression. But usually alcohol and drugs bring only temporary relief.

Consequences of drug addiction

The consequences of drug use can be divided into three groups: medical, mental and social.

To medical consequences relate:

Depression- a state of depression or dreary mood. Depression in drug addicts occurs during the period of abstinence from taking drugs.

Overdose- a frequent situation in the life of a drug addict, especially when using funds and raw materials, the activity of which is higher than that of those that he usually used. In case of an overdose, it is possible: loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac arrest - all this requires emergency medical care. An overdose often results in death.

convulsions- one of the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome that occurs during the period of abstinence from drug administration. When it is not possible to inject the required dose of the drug, first the general state of health worsens, the mood decreases, then there are disorders in the stomach, intestines, cardiovascular system in the form of various kinds of pain, changes in stool, interruptions in the work of the heart.

Often, patients with drug addiction have complications and infections due to violations of asepsis rules when administering drugs.

Inflammation of the veins- a consequence of the use of non-sterile syringes and needles or the introduction of drugs. Inflammation of the veins, in turn, can lead to a serious complication - blood poisoning.

Hepatitis parenteral- Inflammatory liver disease, very common among drug addicts. They are caused by viruses that are passed from one addict to another through contaminated needles.

AIDS. During the period of “withdrawal” and irresistible craving for the drug, all thoughts and actions of a person are aimed at immediately receiving a dose in any conditions, in any syringe and any needle - hence the danger of contracting HIV infection.

Mental Consequences

addictive- a hallmark of drug addiction as a disease. Gradually, the drug becomes necessary not only to experience the buzz, but also to simply feel comfortable, mental dependence is formed.

Fears. The addict has many reasons to feel fear: fear of being exposed, arrested, fear for his health, because of his debts, etc. Fears and depression are the most common causes of breakdowns during this period.

High suicide risk. Fear, depression, "breakdown" and all of the above negative consequences of drug addiction exhaust the human psyche, bringing him to despair. The seeming hopelessness of the situation pushes a person to commit suicide.

Social Consequences

Domestic scandals, loss of friends: a person who uses drugs is forced to constantly hide his addiction from parents and other people, more and more moving away from them. The longer the experience of using drugs, the narrower the social circle becomes.

Criminogenicity(with all the ensuing consequences: beatings, arrests ...) of drug addicts is due to several factors: the need for money to buy drugs, forced connection with drug dealers (which in itself is an illegal act), personality changes with a characteristic moral and ethical decline. In addition, drug addicts may commit illegal acts while under the influence of drugs or in a psychotic state.

Early signs of drug addiction

Circumstantial evidence of drug use and drug dependence is not absolute, but often helps in identifying drug users. Their appearance is not completely terrible. If you focus on external signs, you should remember that they are not suitable for drug addicts with little experience.

What are these signs:

Always wear long sleeves, regardless of the weather and situation;
- unnaturally narrow or wide pupils regardless of lighting;
- detached look;
- often - sloppy appearance, dry hair, swollen hands;
- dark, destroyed, "broken off" teeth in the form of "stumps";
- posture is often stooped;
- slurred, "stretched" speech;
- clumsy and slow movements in the absence of the smell of alcohol from the mouth;
- a clear desire to avoid meetings with representatives of the authorities;
- irritability, harshness and irreverence in answers to questions;
- injection marks.

Experienced drug addicts inject themselves anywhere, and traces must be looked for in all areas of the body, not excluding the skin on the head under the hair, often injection marks do not look just like multiple red dots, but merge into dense bluish-purple strands along the veins.

Sometimes the signs that are common to all drugs are considered “quite normal behavior for a teenager,” although this is not entirely true. Here they are:

The growing secrecy of the child (perhaps without worsening relations with parents), accompanied by an increase in the frequency and increase in the time of “walking”, he loses interest in learning or in his usual hobbies and hobbies, parents learn about absenteeism from school, academic performance decreases;
- financial demands increase, and the teenager is actively looking for ways to satisfy them (money from parental wallets and valuables from home begin to disappear);
- new suspicious friends appear (but at first the young man usually meets very decent-looking drug addicts) or the behavior of old friends becomes suspicious (conversations with them are conducted in a whisper, incomprehensible phrases or in solitude);
- the mood changes for unknown reasons (very quickly and often does not correspond to the situation).

Prevention of drug addiction

At the state level, drug addiction prevention includes 2 components:

1 - measures to limit the spread of drugs;
2 - anti-drug propaganda provided by the media and social institutions.

In order to minimize the consequences of drug addiction, respond in a timely manner and develop adequate responses to new trends in drug use, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus is constantly working to improve the forms and methods of providing medical care.

At the same time, it is expedient to consistently carry out work on the prevention of drug addiction in schools and vocational schools. For the purpose of early detection of drug users, it is necessary to consistently introduce testing of schoolchildren for the use of drugs in strict accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

School programs should become the most widespread form of anti-drug education. The emphasis in the work on drug addiction prevention should be placed on work with adolescents and their parents.

Material prepared:
Head of the Department of Narcology
State Institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health"
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Maksimchuk V.P.

27 February 2018

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking was established by the UN General Assembly in 1987. Even then, the problem of combating this disease was particularly acute on the planet. Therefore, almost immediately, the General Assembly held a session on drug problems, at which it was decided to drastically reduce drug addiction in a decade.

Since then, June 26 has been a day when all people and organizations interested in the health of nations unite with one goal: to resist this evil. Under the motto "NO to drugs!" there are sports competitions and sports and recreational events, meetings with schoolchildren and students, teachers and parents.

Unfortunately, the problem of drug addiction has not only not been resolved, but has worsened. The number of people who use drugs has increased and exceeds 3% of the total population of the planet. This is partly due to the high profits that the drug business brings. In pursuit of it, organized criminal groups are ready to forget about laws and morality.

But this "business" has another side - the buyer. If there are no people willing to pay for the destruction of their health and a quick death, the whole “business” will fall apart.

On the eve of the International Day against Drug Addiction, employees of the Psychoneurological Dispensary of the Seversk Clinical Hospital of the Siberian Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia told about the history of this phenomenon and what to do so that your child can say his firm “NO!” any drugs offered to him. Read more in the section "Learning to be healthy".

The number of people who inject drugs worldwide has exceeded 13 million. In Russia, according to the Federal Drug Control Service, 6 million drug addicts, 1.8 million people are drug addicts, 350,000 are registered in narcological dispensaries. From 900 thousand to 1 million 100 thousand drug addicts are teenagers and young people aged 11-24 years. Every year from 70 to 100 thousand Russians die from drugs. The problem of drug addiction is directly related to the growing prevalence of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. From 60 to 80% of HIV carriers were infected by injection, that is, due to the use of drugs.

Drug addiction is a physical and psychological dependence on narcotic substances, which gradually destroys the human body. People have been familiar with drug-containing substances for a long time. Thousands of years ago, during various rituals, shamans and other clergymen put themselves into a trance with the help of drugs. Warriors also used drugs to maintain morale and not to feel pain. Then it was poisonous mushrooms, herbs. However, there was practically no drug addiction among the population.

In Europe, hashish and opium became known only at the beginning of the nineteenth century. At first, they were used by healers to relieve pain, but very quickly people realized that they could be used to introduce themselves into a special state.

Of course, in those days, not everyone had access to such substances. There were few drugs and their use was widespread only among artists, artists and poets. It is unlikely that such use of narcotic substances can also be called drug addiction.

The famous "opium wars" served as an impetus for the legalization of the drug trade, their colonialists imported from India. This moment can be called the beginning of the history of drug addiction. Chinese culture has never used narcotic substances. Therefore, faced with them, the people plunged headlong into drug addiction. America owes the emergence of opium smoking to poor Chinese immigrants. It can be said that, entering the twentieth century, the world was already quite familiar with drug addiction as a problematic phenomenon. However, it must be clarified that in those days drug addiction was developed only among certain circles of society. They were prisoners, bohemian circles, former military men, addicted to this habit during their stay in the colonies. Drugs were banned soon enough. From that point on, drug use was limited to the poor and criminals.

The next round in the development of drug addiction occurred in the sixties of the twentieth century. A good material level of development of Western society has made it possible to expand the circle of drug users. Now it is very fashionable among advanced youth, it is a symbol of freedom and protest. Gradually, a strong middle stratum of the population was drawn into this process. The number of drug addicts around the world has grown rapidly in the shortest period of time. And until the nineties, the number of drug addicts in America and Europe grew. This process came to a halt when a new epidemic, the AIDS epidemic, broke out around the world. Then there was a fashion for a healthy lifestyle, and the number of drug addicts began to decline.

Developing countries should also be considered. Here, the level of drug addiction, on the contrary, is directly related to the deterioration of socio-economic conditions. Similar phenomena marked the second half of the twentieth century. And at the end of the twentieth century, drug addiction was recognized as one of the most serious problems in the world. Drug addiction exists in all states, regardless of their location or economic development. Russia is no exception.

Without knowing the reasons that lead a person to a drug, it is impossible to effectively confront this problem. Research into the causes of initiation of drug use has shown that there are many risk factors for drug abuse. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups - factors that parents and close relatives cannot have a direct impact on, and factors that directly depend on them.

The first group can conditionally include social factors, such as the availability of drugs, an aggressive marketing environment in relation to the sale of psychoactive substances, a drop in the living standards of the majority of the population, a worsening criminal situation, specifics of legislation in the field of illegal sale and trafficking of drugs, as well as the loyalty and indifference of society. regarding drug use. These circumstances are the strongest negative factors that contribute to the increasing involvement of young people in the ranks of drug addicts. The state has a leading role in overcoming these problems.

But the most significant and indisputable factors in the development of drug addiction are the following factors: unfavorable family atmosphere, lack of mutual understanding and care on the part of parents, the presence of relatives in the family with narcological diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders, the characteristics of the child's personality and upbringing in the family.

Parents should be aware that there are a number of personality traits in a child that may be predisposing factors for the development of drug addiction in the future. For example, suggestibility, infantilism, naivety, innocence, self-centeredness, risk taking and the like, that is, in other words: "dependent" personality type. Dependent persons are dominated by the following model of behavior: the motivation to avoid failure instead of the motivation to achieve success, subordination to the environment instead of being ready to actively confront. In a child, this may manifest itself in excessively timid or aggressive behavior, belonging to the “rejected” or those who are in contact with rejected children in the classroom, positive attitudes towards substance use at school, among peers.

Thus, the protection is strong family ties, the situation when parents monitor the behavior of their children, are constantly involved in their lives and teach them clear rules of behavior within the family; success in school affairs and events, strong connection with social institutions - family, school, observance of generally accepted norms of behavior by others.

Obviously, a prosperous and happy family is a reliable barrier between a child and an aggressive external environment. Parents should make efforts to educate their child in such qualities as self-reliance, self-confidence, independence, and the ability to withstand negative factors. It is likely that such children will form a cultural and socio-moral society that respects their country and themselves in the future.

Psychoneurological dispensary SKB SibFNKTs FMBA of Russia

Addiction to narcotic drugs is a terrible problem of the modern generation. That is why the International Day Against Drug Addiction provides an opportunity for people suffering from this addiction to unite, to believe in themselves.

The history of the establishment of such a date

June 26 - Day against drug addiction. This date is the day of the fight against addiction and against the illegal circulation of such harmful drugs. Data was founded in 1987. It was a kind of demonstration of the determination of the Alliance General Assembly to focus its work on this area and create a drug-free society.

At the end of the nineties, a session of this body was held, the purpose of which was to significantly reduce this negative phenomenon throughout society by 2008. Today, however, approximately 185 million citizens use drugs of the narcotic type. At the same time, every year the numbers are getting higher and more threatening. The consequences of drug use are directly related to the demographic situation. More children and adolescents are using illicit drugs, and more and more young women are taking stimulants.


A few years ago, the age of addicts was 17 years old. Now this threshold has decreased to 14 years. Over the past decade, the number of women taking psychotropic substances has increased sevenfold.

Fighting this addiction in Russia

International Day Against Drug Addiction in Russia is also held on June 26th. This is another preventive measure that has a propagandistic character. On this day, in schools and on the streets, in universities and workplaces, various events are organized dedicated to this problem.

For several years now, special bodies have been operating in our country that control the spread of drugs and prevent the commission of crimes in this area. It is they who carry out preventive measures, issue various posters on the topic of the harm of such substances and conduct conversations with schoolchildren and youth representatives.

Modern drug addiction is not only a disease, but also a profitable business. Drug dealers want to cash in on someone else's grief, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of drug-related crimes in Russia has increased. Such a rapid spread of harmful addiction causes concern of the relevant authorities and leaders of the state. That is why, when the day of combating this phenomenon passes, educational and informational events are held.

What is included in preventive measures

Actions to prevent and prevent addiction and crime in this area include the following:

What is the problem of drug addiction

World Day Against Addiction encourages young people to give up addiction, which leads to dire consequences.

A key means of getting rid of this phenomenon is to inform the public about the extremely adverse consequences after using any type of drug. Only in this case can the younger generation be saved from a monstrous mistake.

Drug addiction leads to a complete deformation of the personality and health complications. If a person is addicted to harmful substances, he gradually loses respect for his own person and moral attitudes, his mental health becomes unstable. Due to pathology in the psyche, he ceases to fully communicate with friends and relatives, young people cannot get a decent profession, and already working citizens quit.

Another danger of such dependence is the irreversible state of the drug addict. The changes that occur in the body due to the use of substances remain forever. If the cured addict decides to try the dose again, the course of therapy will have to be repeated.


Specialists do not use the phrase "recovered addicts", drug addicts can only be "recovering".

The international day dedicated to the fight against this phenomenon should not leave indifferent any citizen. It is important to support all preventive actions and take an active part in them. Only in this case it is possible to reduce the number of dependent people in our country.

How to treat addiction

Is it possible to get rid of this habit on your own? There is only one answer: you can return to a full life only in stationary conditions in modern drug treatment centers.

If you notice signs in your relative or friend that he is not indifferent to drugs (confused mind, strange look, inappropriate behavior), be sure to persuade him to visit a professional narcologist.

In such clinics, they will do everything necessary to rid the patient of a terrible habit:

  1. detoxification of the body. In this case, with the help of special medicines, toxins that have accumulated during the use of drugs are removed from the body.
  2. Getting rid of addiction through the use of psychotherapeutic techniques and other means.
  3. Social rehabilitation. With such an event, the patient returns to life in society, while individual and group psychotherapy sessions are held.

World Day Against Drug Addiction is a necessity in today's society. It is important to competently carry out preventive actions and involve young people in a healthy pastime. If your loved one is still faced with such a problem, contact a specialist in a timely manner who will not allow further development of addiction. Many clinics provide anonymous treatment, so you don't have to worry about your reputation.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Consult with your physician.

The problem of drug addiction has long ceased to be considered only in the aspect of maintaining health. A person who uses drugs poses a real threat to society. Such people do not get a job, offend relatives and friends, commit crimes. Adolescent drug addicts in the future are deprived of the opportunity to have children or give birth to babies with malformations.

In order to combat the spread of drugs, to draw public attention to the problem, the UN General Assembly in 1987 took the initiative to establish an appropriate date. Since then, March 1 has been the Day of Combating Drug Trafficking.

What is addiction?

Drug addiction is a group of diseases caused by the use of a particular drug and determined by a pathological attraction to a narcotic substance. The diagnosis is established by a narcologist based on clinical signs.

Drugs are usually divided into strong and weak. This classification misleads not only teenagers, but also older people. Some young people (and not only them) think that soft drugs are not so dangerous. Actually it is not. Substances of the marijuana series quickly cause psychological dependence. Later, the addict turns to the use of stronger substances: heroin, cocaine, etc. So March 1 - Anti-Drug Day - is a good reason to pay attention to educational work.

Some teens use all drugs indiscriminately at first, then prefer any one substance. The choice is determined by the body's reaction or fashion to a particular drug.

Drug addiction is much worse than alcohol addiction. The drug addict is not interested in anything but a pathological craving for the drug and the opportunity to get another dose. Over time, the amount of the injected substance has to be increased, resulting in death from an overdose.

How does the drug business work?

Drug business refers to the receipt of income from the illegal drug trade. The people who sell are called dealers. Most often, drug dealers themselves do not use drugs, but they actively persuade others to do so, because profit depends on it. Among the sellers of narcotic substances, wholesalers supplying large quantities of goods and retailers are distinguished. Wholesalers either do not work anywhere, or have a legal business for

The distribution channels for drugs are varied. The drug can be offered on the street, at school, at a disco. Huge amounts of money are generated from the drug trade and used to support other negative phenomena in society (terrorism, corruption, etc.). Therefore, March 1 - the Day of Combating Drug Trafficking - is designed to draw public attention to other, no less serious problems.

Ways to combat the spread of drugs

The fight against drug trafficking is carried out all over the world. We have joined forces to counter illegal drug trafficking. Within the framework of cooperation, the legal framework is being improved, programs are being developed to counter drug trafficking, drug situations are being analyzed and predicted, smuggling of illicit substances through the territories of states is being suppressed. Specialists conduct investigative and search operations, provide legal assistance in criminal and civil cases.

The problems of countering drug trafficking are discussed at the scientific level. International conferences are regularly held, methodological manuals are published on the issues of preventing, detecting and solving crimes related to drug trafficking.

The execution of the adopted decisions is controlled at the national level of the member states of the Commonwealth. World Day Against Drug Trafficking is celebrated in all CIS countries.

Festive events

In order to prevent drug addiction, trainings and seminars are held in schools and other educational institutions. Thus, in Maykop, the International Day Against Drug Trafficking began with arm wrestling competitions. Girls also took part in the event. Then the youth were shown video materials about the benefits of sports, and the holiday ended with a dance flash mob.

Residents of Saratov listened to the speech of the narcologist of the Balakovo Psychoneurological Dispensary I. Zatachaeva. The specialist expressed concern about the problem of early onset of drug use, warned about the dangers of spices, smoking mixtures and other similar compounds.

In Abinsk, March 1 is the Day of the fight against drug trafficking - also noted interesting and fun. The administration and teachers of secondary school No. 1 organized the work of thematic studios. The children learned about the legal consequences of the manufacture and distribution of drugs, determined the choice of profession and recognized themselves with the help of psychological tests. In all educational institutions of the city, an Internet lesson was held to promote the rejection of drugs. Young people participated with pleasure in the campaigns "Take care of life", "Healthy you - a healthy society", dissemination of information

Prevention of drug addiction

The health of people, including children and adolescents, is determined by the microclimate in the family, the system of values, the presence or absence of vital goals. Young people should study, attend electives and hobby groups, help their parents with the housework. It is extremely important to teach a growing person to distinguish good from bad, to think independently and be able to say “No”. The fact that drugs are evil must be remembered not only on Anti-Drug Day, but also on all other 364 days of the year.

If trouble has already happened, then you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. The sooner medical and psychological assistance is provided, the less likely it is to sit on the needle.