Multilevel system of education in the Russian Federation. Participation of Russian Universities in the Bologna Process: Practical Steps


The ongoing changes in all spheres of life of modern society have led to a change in priorities and guidelines in education. The modernization of education in the context of globalization is one of the debatable problems facing the Russian state today. The topics of discussion are strategic guidelines for the development of education and state educational policy, the role of foreign students in the internationalization of universities, the national factor in education and other problems related to the implementation of the Bologna Convention.

Russia's accession in September 2003 to the European initiative for the harmonization of education systems, launched by the Bologna Declaration of 1999, made the main aspects of this process key not only in the field of cooperation between Russian and European universities, but also in the field of reforming the Russian education system. The task of integrating the Russian Federation into the world educational space is designated as one of the main goals in the field of education development in Russia in the main documents defining educational policy - the "Draft Strategy of the Russian Federation in the field of education development for the period up to 2010" and the Federal Program for the Development of Education.

The Bologna Declaration sets out six main tasks, the solution of which will contribute to the unity of Europe in the field of education. This is the introduction of generally understandable, comparable qualifications in the field of higher education, the transition to a two-stage system of higher education (bachelor's degree - master's degree), the introduction of an assessment of labor intensity (courses, programs, workload) in terms of credits (credits) and the reflection of the curriculum in the supplement to the diploma, sample which was developed at UNESCO, increasing the mobility of students, teachers and administrative and managerial personnel, as well as ensuring the necessary quality of higher education, mutual recognition of the qualifications of relevant documents in the field of higher education, ensuring the autonomy of universities. To date, it is customary to talk about ten tasks: the introduction of postgraduate studies into the system of higher education (as a third level), giving a “European dimension” to higher education (its orientation towards common European values), increasing the competitiveness of European education, and realizing the social role of higher education are added to the previously formulated ones. education, the development of a system of additional education (“education throughout life”).

It should be noted that the Bologna Declaration repeats the well-known provisions of the Soviet educational system. First of all, this is the pragmatic orientation of educational programs, which provides university graduates with the opportunity to start professional activities without any lengthy adaptation period, thanks to narrow specialization at the final stage of mastering the educational program and long-term industrial practice. The most difficult thing for Russian higher education is the transition to a two-stage education system, although the first documents were prepared a decade and a half ago, and the first attempts at a real transition were made about 10 years ago.

The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 emphasizes: “A system of constant monitoring of current and prospective labor market needs for personnel of various qualifications should be created, including taking into account international trends. In accordance with these needs, it is necessary to build an optimal system of vocational education, in particular, a real multi-level system of higher education.” Despite this, the Government of the Russian Federation took into account the recommendations of the academic community represented by the Union of Rectors and found it possible to maintain the training of specialists in some specialties.

At present, a system of higher professional education has developed and operates in Russia, which consists of two subsystems: a single-level one, associated with the implementation of basic educational programs for the training of graduates in the relevant specialties or areas of training (the training period is 5 and 5.5 years), and a two-level one, ensuring the implementation of basic educational programs at the levels of higher professional education with the award of a graduate with the degree of "Bachelor" (term of study 4 years) or "Master" (term of study 1-2 years) in the direction of training.

The transformation of any public institutions gives rise to polar, but at the same time reasoned assessments and judgments. An attempt to implement the reform of Russian education in accordance with the Bologna Declaration causes conflicting opinions among domestic researchers. The unification of Russian educational standards in accordance with European ones, on the one hand, should stimulate the growth of the competitiveness of Russian educational institutions. On the other hand, the Soviet-Russian higher school, with proper funding, has a number of undeniable socio-cultural advantages. Some researchers believe that two-level training can be implemented in all specialties. In other points of view, it is proposed to maintain the traditional system of personnel training for the period of transition (indefinitely).

Such a diversity of opinions indicates the complexity of the issue under consideration, which requires non-standard approaches to its solution, as well as the low level of awareness of the academic community about the goals of the ongoing reforms. This once again confirms that the adoption of a two-stage education system at the level of legal documents is not enough without specific measures to further improve it and popularize it among the educational community of the entire population.

One of the first implementation of the system of multi-level training was carried out at the Tula State University. Higher professional education at TulSU is carried out according to a multi-level system in accordance with a scheme that defines various educational trajectories, involving the receipt of bachelor's, graduate, master's degrees, as well as subsequent postgraduate education with the defense of candidate or doctoral dissertations. Currently, training is underway in 45 undergraduate areas in 24 enlarged groups of specialties, 110 specialties and 40 master's areas. Among the features in the system of multi-level training of the university: almost complete coverage of the contingent studying at the university; a high degree of unification of curricula in areas and specialties of higher professional education; a combination of broad fundamental training in the bachelor's degree followed by in-depth specialization in the chosen master's program.

The multi-level system of continuous education implies the presence of many stages of basic and vocational education: the more completed levels supported by the relevant state documents in the system, the more opportunities are provided for a person to choose the path of cognition that is feasible for him, change, if necessary, the chosen educational trajectory with relatively small losses. The experience of TulSU allows us to assert that a multi-level system of training is able, even in our conditions, to optimally satisfy the needs of an individual in education, to train specialists of various levels for industrial, commercial, research and other fields of activity.

Thus, Russian education, as a participant in the Bologna process, will face transformations aimed at creating an open system that meets both international trends in the development of education and the modern social needs of Russian society.

Bibliographic link

Batanina I.A. MULTILEVEL SYSTEM OF EDUCATION: FEATURES AND PROSPECTS // Successes of modern natural science. - 2008. - No. 7. - P. 107-108;
URL: (date of access: 06/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The education system of the University "Dubna"

The university graduates bachelors, specialists and masters in the following areas and specialties:



"Computer Science and Computer Engineering"

"Automated systems for information processing and control" "Computer software for automated systems" [Curriculum]


"Linguistics and Intercultural Communication" [Curriculum]


"Organisation management"

"Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources"

"Applied Informatics (by area)"

"Design and technology of electronic means"

"Design and technology of electronic means" "Personal electronics"



"Radiation safety of man and the environment"


"Sociology" [Curriculum]

"Social work"

"Ecology and nature management"

"Geoecology" "Ecology"


"Accounting, Analysis and Audit" [Curriculum] "Finance and Credit" [Curriculum]


The task of the university is to train specialists who are able to perceive and implement in their future activities the ideas about the integrity of nature, society and man, their interconnection and interdependence. The university trains versatile educated specialists, primarily for the Moscow region, who combine deep encyclopedic knowledge in the field of the humanities and natural sciences with in-depth training in the chosen specialty.

For the formation of modern systemic thinking of students, corresponding to these ideas, the program of all areas (specialties) includes such courses developed at the university as "Fundamentals of Modern Natural Science", "Human Biology", "Introduction to Ecology", "Informatics". To accelerate the adaptation of students to the needs of today's life, additional educational services (on a paid basis) in computer science (practical classes on a computer) and English have been introduced.

There are no faculties at the university, the basic unit is the departments: graduating and teaching. This facilitates the organization of interdisciplinary courses, the computerization of the learning process.

The university has introduced a multi-level system of higher education that meets international standards. It provides for higher basic and higher specialized education.

The most important feature of basic higher education is training not in one specialty, but in a direction that includes a number of related specialties.

The multi-level structure of higher education is implemented by successive educational and professional programs of three levels, different in content and terms of study.

First level(general higher education) provides students with fundamental natural science and humanitarian knowledge without elements of professionalization. It aims to prepare the student for continuing education leading to academic degrees and professional qualifications. The normative term for mastering the program is 2 years. After two years of study, the student must also be fluent in English and a computer.

Second level is implemented by the program of basic higher education, which provides for the acquisition by students of fundamental professionally oriented knowledge in the chosen direction, which can be the basis for subsequent training in the programs of the third level of higher education. The normative term for mastering this stage is 2 years. Those who have received a basic higher education are awarded an academic degree "bachelor" and a diploma of higher education is issued indicating the direction of study.

Educational and professional programs third level aimed at training masters of science or graduates with higher education, ready for independent creative professional activity.

The Master of Science training program assumes a predominantly research nature of his future activities. Its implementation period is at least two years. Upon completion, a diploma of higher education is issued with the assignment of the academic degree "Master of Science".

Those who complete the program of training a graduate are issued a diploma of higher education with the assignment of qualifications in the specialty received. The term for the implementation of such a program is at least one year and depends on the qualifications received by the specialist.

Persons who have completed any third-level educational and professional program are eligible to enter graduate school. Since 1996, postgraduate studies have been opened at the university in the following specialties: "Radiobiology", "Ecological Geology", "Economics and Management", "Application of Computing Technology, Mathematical Modeling and Mathematical Methods in Scientific Research (by branches of science)". There are full-time and part-time forms of study in postgraduate studies.

In 1991, Novosibirsk State Technical University was one of the first universities in Russia to switch to a multi-level education system. Now it extends to daytime education. The benefits of such training are undeniable. Multi-level training makes the education system more flexible, offering students the opportunity to choose the purpose and nature of further education at its various stages. In addition, such a transition contributes to the entry of domestic higher education into the global education system, since a multilevel education system is common in many countries of the world.

The essence of the multi-level system of training is that there is a step-by-step training of bachelors, graduates and masters. At the same time, a student who wants to obtain a bachelor's degree in a chosen direction studies for four years and, upon completion of training, becomes the owner of a bachelor's degree in science (level II). After two years of undergraduate studies, a student can also receive a diploma of incomplete higher education (I level).

Bachelor's graduates can either leave the university and start practical activities, or participate in the competition to continue their studies and receive higher education of Level III under the Master's degree programs or under the diploma programs. Master's training lasts 2 years, involves a largely individualized training program and is focused on students who show a penchant for research and scientific and pedagogical work. Those who are attracted by the solution of engineering problems study for 1 or 1.5 years under the program for the training of graduates.


Adopted in 1992Federal Law "On Education" marked the beginning of reforms in domestic higher education. This law introduced new concepts for us:bachelor's, master's, multilevel education system.

He, without breaking the existing system, retained and included in the new and old, one-stage system of training specialists, leaving universities to decide for themselves what program to train graduates.

On the one hand, this opened up new opportunities for universities and students, on the other hand, it introduced some complexity associated with the need to choose an educational system.

The Federal Law "On Higher Professional and Postgraduate Education" of 1996 defines 3 levels (or stages) of higher education as follows:

    first stage:

incomplete higher education with a term of study of 2 years,

    second stage:

basic higher education (bachelor's degree) with a term of study of 4 years,

    third stage:

"Diploma" with a 5-year training period (previously existing model) and "Master" with a 6-year training period (new model).

BACHELOR- in the current education system, this is a university graduate who has received a basic higher education (or, in the terminology of the state educational standard - SES, education in some chosen direction).

It's easier to say this: a bachelor is a university graduate who studied at a university for only 4 years and received fundamental training without any narrow specialization; have the right to occupy all those positions for which their qualification requirements provide for the presence of higher education (clause 7 of article 6 of the above-mentioned Law).

But what about specialization? How can it be provided?

First, you can specialize by working in practice under the guidance of an experienced specialist in a particular narrow field.

And what to do if you ended up in a place after high school where they simply do not exist? (in many regions there is a very noticeable "hunger" for highly qualified specialists in the field of law, commerce, management and other specialties). Of course, you can continue to "nibble on the granite" of sciences on your own. If the university has given you really fundamental basic training, you should cope. But this is not the best option.

It is more efficient to do this within the framework of the education system - that's why it is multi-level. | From which follows the second option to ensure specialization - to continue training in one of the programs of the third level. At the same time, you have the choice of one of the following levels of higher education.

CERTIFIED SPECIALIST. If you decide to get the qualification of a “graduated specialist”, then you need to study for another 1 year (provided that the programs coincide, in fact, studying “at a desk” lasts 1 semester, then there is independent work - certification).

MASTER- the best way for a bachelor to the top of the qualification. Education in it lasts 2 years and ends with the defense of the final work - a master's thesis and, accordingly, the assignment of a master's degree.

What gives this variety of possibilities, what to prefer?

Everyone must choose their own educational trajectory, based on their own life situation (intellectual and financial capabilities, professional interests). At the same time, it must be said that Choosing a bachelor's degree as a level of professional training has the following advantages:

    This type of qualification (in contrast to the "graduated specialist" is accepted according to the international classification and is understandable to employers all over the world).

    The fundamental nature of training, its initial "non-narrowing" makes it easy, if necessary, to change one's profession. In accordance with the State Educational Standard, bachelor's programs in various fields are designed in such a way that they allow one to move to one of the whole "fan" of compatible professions in just a year (For comparison: a graduate who studied under a tough 5-year "specialist" program will have to receive a new profession in program of the second higher education for 2 - 2.5 years).

    In just 4 years after admission, you can start professional activities and gain financial independence.

    In the case of a change of profession, a graduate with a diploma with the qualification "specialist" receives exactly the second higher education, and, according to the law, it is always only paid. The bachelor, entering the master's program of a different profile, continues his education according to the third level program, i.e. free of charge (of course, if it passes through the competition for budget places).

    About employment abroad. For a large number of jobs, a foreign employer simply invites bachelors, without even specifying the direction of training. Does it surprise you? Meanwhile, there is nothing surprising in this, since for the so-called office work he just needs an educated person who knows how to work with information, with people, who is able to prepare all kinds of documents and is simply not stupid. All these requirements are met by a person with a bachelor's degree.

Education system in Russia. Bachelor, Master, Specialist - who is it?

Reforms in domestic higher education began in 1992 with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Education". He legitimized new concepts for us: bachelor's degree, master's degree, multi-level system. But, without breaking the existing system, he retained and included in the new and old, one-stage system of training specialists, leaving universities to decide for themselves what program to train graduates. This, while giving both universities and students new opportunities, also introduced some complexity associated with the need to make a choice. (It used to be easier - they chose from one).

The levels (or, as they say, stages) of higher education are defined in our country by the Federal Law "On Higher Professional and Postgraduate Education" adopted in 1996. In accordance with it, higher education includes three stages:

    first stage: incomplete higher education with a term of study of 2 years,

    second stage: basic higher education (bachelor's degree) with a term of study of 4 years,

    the third stage - the situation is more complicated with it: the former model is also included in it - "certified specialist" with a training period of 5 years and a new one - "master" with a training period of 6 years.

And now - more about the bachelor - who is he. In the current education system, this is a university graduate who has received a basic higher education (or, in the terminology of the SES, education in some chosen direction). It sounds intricate, but it means a very simple thing - he received fundamental training without any narrow specialization - after all, he studied for only 4 years. What then is a graduate to do? The answer is given by paragraph 7 of Art. 6 of the aforementioned Law - to hold all those positions for which their qualification requirements provide for the presence of higher education. But what about specialization? Let's see where it comes from. First, you can specialize by working in practice under the guidance of an experienced specialist in a particular narrow field. And what to do if you ended up in a place after high school where they simply do not exist? (And this is often the case in many regions with specialists in the field of law, commerce, management and other specialties, the "hunger" for which will not be satisfied for a long time). In the worst case, continue to "gnaw the granite" of sciences on your own - if the university has given you really fundamental basic training - you should be able to cope. But, of course, it is better to do this within the framework of the education system - that's why it is multi-level.

Secondly, to continue studying in one of the third level programs. Here you have a choice - if you decide to get the qualification of a "graduated specialist", then you need to study for another 1 year (provided that the programs coincide, in fact, training "at a desk" lasts 1 semester, then there is independent work - certification). But the best path for a bachelor to the top of the qualification is a master's degree. Education in it lasts 2 years and ends with the defense of the final work - a master's thesis and, accordingly, the assignment of a master's degree.

What gives this variety of possibilities, where to stop? This is a question about choosing a personal educational trajectory. And here we only note the advantages of choosing a bachelor's degree as a level of professional training:

    This type of qualification (in contrast to the "graduated specialist" is accepted according to the international classification and is understandable to employers all over the world),

    The fundamental nature of training, its initial "non-narrowing" makes it easy, if necessary, to change one's profession. The fact is that, in accordance with the State Educational Standard, bachelor's programs in various areas are designed in such a way that they allow one to move to one of the whole "fan" of compatible professions in just a year. "you will have to get a new profession under the program of the second higher education in 2 - 2.5 years.

    In just 4 years after admission, you can start professional activities, i.e. gain economic independence.

And one more thing: in the event of a change of profession, a graduate with a diploma with the qualification "specialist" receives exactly the second higher, and it, according to the law, is always only paid. A bachelor, entering a master's program of a different profile, continues his education according to the third level program - i.e. free of charge (of course, if it passes through the competition for budget places).

And, finally, about employment abroad. For a large number of jobs, a foreign employer simply invites bachelors, without even specifying the direction of training. Paradox? - No, just for the so-called. office work, he just needs an educated person who knows how to work with information, with people, who is able to prepare all kinds of documents and is simply not stupid. All these requirements are met by a person with a bachelor's degree.

A multi-level system of training specialists as a means of maintaining a single educational space.

Yerusalimsky Ya.M.

The multi-level system of training specialists, which appeared in Russia in connection with the need to bring the Russian system of higher education into line with the global one, can also be considered as a means to preserve a single educational space. This requires the consistent introduction of the bachelor-master system with the simultaneous rejection of one-stage training of specialists.

The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Russian State University was the first in Russia in 1991 to start implementing a multi-level system of higher education. The eight-year experience of our faculty has shown that:

    bachelor graduates are in high demand and their training can be carried out by all higher educational institutions

    Master's training can and should be carried out only at leading universities, while regional associations of partner universities will naturally arise, the educational and scientific activities of which should be clearly coordinated. For students (especially "strong" ones), this will mean a sharp increase in academic mobility.

The level of training of masters is more in line with the requirements for teachers of higher education than that of graduates with the qualification of a specialist, which means that the transition to a multi-level system of training "bachelor-master" will also increase the level of university teachers, especially the "assistant corps".

Simultaneously with the widespread introduction of a multi-level training system, one should think about changing the approach to the concept educational standard. The current standards define the requirements to the maximum, not the minimum, therefore, in most cases, they are unrealizable both in leading universities due to the facelessness of the standards and in others - due to the overestimation of the requirements laid down in them.

Permission to change the direction of training (for example, "mathematics" - "applied mathematics", "theoretical physics" - "mathematics", etc.) will also contribute to increasing the academic mobility of students during the transition to the master's level.

Consistent and widespread introduction of a multi-level system of training specialists (and this term should be replaced by multilevel system of higher education) cannot be implemented without abandoning the previous (single-level) system at the legislative level. The parallel existence of the old and new systems of higher education has created a situation that is well described by the expression "Not two, not one and a half", and should be stopped for the main university courses of study.

ON THE INTRODUCTION OF A MULTILEVEL STRUCTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION RESOLUTION MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, HIGHER SCHOOL AND TECHNICAL POLICY OF THE RF March 13, 1992 N 13 (D) To ensure the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to choose the content and level of their education, create conditions for the flexible response of higher education in response to the demands of society in a market economy, the humanization of the educational system, it is necessary to supplement the existing system of higher education with educational and professional programs of various levels that are different in nature and volume. To this end, the Committee on Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation decides: level (Appendix 2). 2. The Educational and Methodological Department, together with the Educational and Methodological Associations of Universities, other interested organizations and institutions, to develop in the 2nd quarter of 1992 a list of areas and specialties of higher education, the forms of diplomas provided for by the Interim Regulations on the Multilevel Structure of Higher Education in the Russian Federation, and also requirements for the content of educational and professional programs of various levels. 3. Until the beginning of 1993, the Educational and Methodological Department (Taturu Yu.G.), together with the Department for Attestation and Accreditation (Kushel A.A.), analyze and summarize the experience of introducing new educational and professional programs in the universities of the Russian Federation. 4. To impose control over the execution of the Decree on the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Higher Education Shadrikov V.D. Chairman of the Committee for Higher Education V.G. KINELEV March 13, 1992 N 13 Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 N 13 INTERIM REGULATIONS ON THE MULTILEVEL STRUCTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION General provisions 1. The multi-level structure of higher education in the Russian Federation aims to expand the possibilities of higher education in meeting the diverse cultural and educational needs of the individual and society, increase the flexibility of general cultural, scientific and professional training of specialists, taking into account the changing needs of the economy and the labor market. 2. The structure takes into account domestic and foreign experience in the development of higher education and the International Standard Classification of Education adopted by UNESCO. 3. The existing system of educational and professional programs of higher education in specialties is included as an integral part of the new multi-level structure of higher education. Characteristics of the structure of higher education 1. The multilevel structure of higher education in the Russian Federation is implemented by successive educational and professional programs of three levels, different in content and terms of study. 2. The basis of higher education - basic higher education - is made up of educational and professional programs in areas of study covering all areas of science, technology and culture (second level programs). They provide the individual with the opportunity to master the system of scientific knowledge about man and society, history and culture, to receive fundamental natural science training and the basics of professional knowledge in areas of study. Persons who have mastered the second level programs are prepared to continue their education in the third level educational and professional programs or independently master the professional knowledge and skills necessary for adapting to work. The term of study for basic higher education programs is at least 4 years on the basis of general secondary education. Persons who have received a basic higher education are issued a diploma of higher education with a bachelor's degree and an indication of the direction of study. 3. Educational and professional programs of the first level include two years of study in educational programs of bachelors and vocational training in the amount provided for specialists with secondary vocational (special) education. The total duration of training in these programs is 3 - 3.5 years. Persons who have successfully completed a two-year study under the bachelor's program are issued a certificate of incomplete higher education, and those who have mastered the entire first-level program are issued a diploma of incomplete higher education with qualifications in accordance with the list of specialties of secondary vocational (special) education, approved in the prescribed manner. 4. Educational and professional programs of the third level are aimed at training specialists who are ready for independent creative professional activity. Programs of this level can be implemented in two forms: 4. 1. On the basis of general secondary education - at the expense of existing programs for the training of graduates with higher education, based on the integration into a single program in the specialty of educational and professional courses with a total duration of study of 5 - 6 years. Persons who have completed their studies in these programs are issued a diploma of higher education with the assignment of a qualification in the specialty received. 4.2. On the basis of basic higher education - through the further development and differentiation of educational and professional programs of basic higher education. Educational and professional programs for individuals with a bachelor's degree may be aimed at preparing masters of science or graduates with higher education. The Master of Science training program assumes a predominantly research nature of his future activities. Its implementation period is 2-3 years. Upon completion, a diploma of higher education is issued with the award of a master of science degree and an indication of the specialty. Those who complete the program of training a graduate are issued a diploma of higher education with the assignment of qualifications in the specialty received. The term for the implementation of such a program, depending on the qualifications received by a specialist, is from one to three years. 4.3. Persons who have completed any third-level educational and professional program are eligible to enter graduate school. 5. Lists of areas and specialties of training, state requirements for the content and quality of higher education (standards) at all its levels are approved by the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation. 6. Three degrees of diplomas of higher education are established depending on the success achieved by the graduate: a diploma with honors, a diploma of 1 and 2 degrees. The procedure for issuing diplomas of various degrees is determined by a special regulation. Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Yu.G.TATUR Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 1992 N 13 REGULATIONS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS OF DIFFERENT LEVEL BY STATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1 All state higher educational institutions that currently train specialists in accordance with the current curricula and the list of specialties are considered to be implementing educational and professional programs of the third level of higher education, as defined in paragraph 4. 1 of the Interim Regulations on the multi-level structure of higher education in the Russian Federation. 2. The implementation of educational and professional programs of basic higher education in state higher educational institutions is carried out at the initiative of the Academic Council of the university and as soon as the teaching staff, educational, methodological and material and technical base are ready. The transition of a higher educational institution to training in educational and professional programs of basic higher education is formalized by order of the governing body in charge of the university. 3. The introduction of a magistracy in a higher educational institution is carried out with the permission of the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation. 4. The implementation of educational and professional programs of the first level of higher education in higher educational institutions that have the right to train bachelors is carried out by decision of the Academic Council of the university. The academic councils of these universities are granted the right, following the completion of the second year of basic higher education, to transfer part of the students in the prescribed manner to the first-level educational and professional program. For the implementation of first-level programs in the university or at it, special structural divisions or educational institutions should be created. 5. In 1992, the right to implement educational and professional programs involving the awarding of bachelor's and master's degrees will be granted primarily to universities and academies of various profiles. 6. In state higher educational institutions, budgetary financing of educational and professional programs of all levels is carried out. Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Yu.G.TATUR

After the Great October Socialist Revolution until the early 1990s. in the education of the former USSR, a mono-level system of education operated, which aimed to train specialists to solve a narrow range of specific professional tasks ("the German system").
This system had significant advantages: state typification and unification of curricula in all colleges and universities; the possibility of obtaining narrow, but deep knowledge and skills in a particular specialty; a simplified procedure for the transfer of students from one educational institution to another in the same specialty; the possibility of using a single educational and methodological support for the training of specialists (textbooks, teaching aids, posters, diagrams, educational films, etc.).

Together with However, the mono-level system had a number of disadvantages: lack of flexibility and adaptation in education, depending on the personality of the student and the level of his abilities; inability to transfer to a non-core university; the complexity of taking into account the needs of the market (customers) and the specific capabilities of educational institutions; discrepancy between the content of the programs and the requirements for specialists of the Western European education system, which complicated the nostrification of graduate diplomas or made it impossible.

The system of multilevel education can be represented as a structure that provides for the following levels (stages) of education (Fig. 2.3).

I level - incomplete higher education with a duration of study of at least two years. The contingent of students is formed mainly from school graduates. No qualification is given.

II level - higher professional education. The contingent of students is formed from graduates of the I level of education, as well as from graduates of secondary schools and colleges. Full term of study - at least 4 years; qualification (academic degree) - bachelor. A diploma of higher education is issued.

Level III - implemented under the main professional educational programs of two types:

the first type (magistracy) - on the basis of a bachelor's program in the relevant direction, a specialized training program is mastered, including mandatory research and (or) scientific and pedagogical activities. The standard term of study is at least 2 years. The graduate is awarded the qualification (academic degree) "Master" and the corresponding diploma is issued;

second type (specialty)- the program includes disciplines of all cycles (blocks) of the SES VPO, as well as theoretical and practical training in the specialty and specialization. The normative period of study after graduation from the bachelor's degree is at least one year. The graduate is awarded the qualification of a specialist, certified by a diploma of higher education.

Educational programs for the training of specialists can be mastered regardless of the bachelor's degree. In this case, the normative terms of training are established by the SES VPO in a particular specialty, but not less than 5 years.

The development of educational programs at the university is ensured by the appropriate organization of the educational process. At present, the block-modular structure of curricula has become widespread in universities: at the first level (1st and 2nd courses), the content of education mainly corresponds to the disciplines of the social-humanitarian and natural-mathematical cycles of the SES VPO, which makes it possible to lay the foundation for education; general professional disciplines at level I make up 10-15% of the professional educational program. This approach preserves a single educational space, its openness, and a certain security of the student: he, if necessary, can move from university to university, from one professional program to another, without any special losses.

The unification of the disciplines of the first level of education has allowed many universities to partially solve economic problems: in the schedule of classes for students of related areas and specialties, you can put combined streaming lectures, which reduces training costs while maintaining quality. With the introduction of state educational standards, universities received sufficient academic freedom, which gives them the right, within the scope of hours allotted for courses of the student's choice and for the regional (university) component, to improve the quality of specialist training by introducing appropriate copyright courses, expanding the scope of the content of the federal component.

Most customers for specialists (market organizations), along with professional requirements for an employee, put forward knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to work on a computer in user mode as mandatory. SES VPO allow the university to provide appropriate training due to the flexibility and variability of the educational and professional program and the personality-oriented concept of education.

The ability to build a curriculum for undergraduate specialties also makes the educational system more open and mobile. Thus, the requirements of the SES VPO are focused on:

· openness, flexibility, mobility of the education system;

· a culturally appropriate approach to the selection of content, which ensures the development and self-determination of the individual;

Fundamentalization of knowledge in conjunction with a practical focus on professional activities;

· integrity and continuity of educational programs of different levels, their openness and variability, continuity;

personality-oriented nature of education, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of each subject of the educational process;

· wide introduction and use of new information and innovative educational technologies.

The opportunity to choose or change the educational trajectory in the process of obtaining higher education, without interrupting it, develops a sense of responsibility, self-determination, accelerates the socialization of the future specialist and provides students with emotional comfort. Expanding the range of professional activities after graduation increases the social security of the graduate.