What is the impact of presentation radiation. Presentation - Radiation and life

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Radiation Alpha radiation - consist of alpha particles (helium nuclei). These particles propagate to distances of no more than 10 cm. They are completely absorbed by a sheet of paper. Ionizing radiation is a stream of contaminated neutral particles, as well as electromagnetic waves. There are several types of radiation. Beta radiation - particles propagate to a distance of up to 15 meters. Gamma radiation during nuclear transformation propagates at the speed of light. Spread hundreds of meters. This radiation is the most dangerous for humans.

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Radiation sources Artificial sources of radiation: Enterprises, nuclear power plants, military installations. Natural sources of exposure: Solar flares, natural gas,

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Characteristics of lesions in accidents at nuclear power plants The main causes of accidents at nuclear power plants are: Equipment failure Erroneous actions of personnel or violation of operating rules External events (aircraft crash, natural disasters, acts of sabotage) Accidents at nuclear power plants form areas of radioactive contamination, which are divided into A-moderate zones exposure B- strong exposure C- hazardous exposure D- extremely hazardous radiation

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Consequences of radiation accidents Radiation substances have certain properties They have no color, taste or other external features, they can be detected only by special devices They are capable of striking at a distance of up to 100 meters from the source of pollution Radioactive substances cannot be destroyed by chemical or other means .to. radioactive decay is determined by the half-life The half-life is the time during which half of the atoms of a radioactive substance decays.

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Effects of radiation on the human body 1st group: red bone marrow, genitals 2nd group: muscles, thyroid gland, adipose tissue, liver, kidneys, stomach, lungs, eye lenses. Group 3: skin, bone tissue, hands, forearms, shins and feet.

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Carrying out iodine prophylaxis Potassium iodide is used in the following dosage: Adult population - 130 mg Children under three years of age - 65 mg The drug is used after meals in a place with jelly, tea or water 100 times During a single intake of iodine 131 B 90 times Two hours after the intake of iodine 131 B 10 times Six hours after a single intake of iodine 131 B 2 times

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Measures to protect the population in case of radiation accidents Phase of the accident and its duration Sources of exposure Main types of exposure Measures to protect the population Early From several hours to several days Radioactive cloud, radioactive fallout External, internal, through contaminated products Warning. Shelter. Respiratory and skin protection. Evacuation. Carrying out iodine prophylaxis Average from several days to a year Radioactive substances deposited from the cloud External, internal, through contaminated products Resettlement. Territory decontamination. Food control. Medical control Late, before cessation in protective measures Radioactive substances deposited from the cloud External, internal, through contaminated food Food control. Medical control.

MOU secondary school No. 44 Presentation on the topic: Radiation and its effect on living organisms Completed by students: Anatoly Devivier and Konstantin Ovcharov, grade 9, Tomsk. Radiation is all around us. We were born and live in an environment of natural and artificial penetrating radioactive radiation. Usually a person is exposed to two types of radiation: external and internal. External sources include cosmic radiation, and internal sources, when food enters the human body, air contaminated with radiation .. Under natural conditions, a person is irradiated from sources, both external and internal. There is also artificial radiation i.e. created by man. It can go both to the detriment of a person, and in favor (for the treatment of serious diseases). Radiation itself can be very useful for a person, of course, you need to be able to use it in order to use it for wellness procedures and in various enterprises. the privilege of the heaviest elements of the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev. “Radioactivity is the spontaneous (spontaneous) transformation of an unstable isotope of a chemical element into another isotope (usually an isotope of another element); in this case, electrons, protons, neutrons, or helium nuclei (a-particles) are emitted. The essence of the discovered phenomenon was the spontaneous change in the composition of the atomic nucleus, which is in the ground state or in an excited long-lived state. Radiation Radiation has always existed. Radioactive elements have been part of the Earth since the beginning of its existence and continue to be present to the present day. However, the very phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered only a hundred years ago. In 1896, the French scientist Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered that after prolonged contact with a piece of a mineral containing uranium, traces of radiation appeared on photographic plates after development. Later, Marie Curie (the author of the term “radioactivity”) and her husband Pierre Curie became interested in this phenomenon. In 1898, they discovered that as a result of radiation, uranium is converted into other elements, which the young scientists named polonium and radium. Unfortunately, people professionally involved in radiation endangered their health and even life due to frequent contact with radioactive substances. Despite this, research continued, and as a result, humanity has very reliable information about the process of reactions in radioactive masses, largely due to the structural features and properties of the atom. negatively charged electrons move in orbits around the nucleus - tightly linked positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons. Chemical elements are distinguished by the number of protons. The same number of protons and electrons determines the electrical neutrality of the atom. The number of neutrons can vary, and depending on this, the stability of isotopes changes. Most nuclides (the nuclei of all isotopes of chemical elements) are unstable and constantly transform into other nuclides. The chain of transformations is accompanied by radiation: in a simplified form, the emission of two protons and two neutrons (-particles) by the nucleus is called - radiation, the emission of an electron is  -radiation, and both of these processes occur with the release of energy. Sometimes an additional release of pure energy occurs, called  radiation. 1.1 Basic terms and units of measurement (SCEAR terminology) Radioactive decay is the entire process of spontaneous decay of an unstable nuclide. A radionuclide is an unstable nuclide capable of spontaneous decay. The half-life of an isotope is the time it takes, on average, for half of all radionuclides of a given type to decay in any radioactive source. The radiative activity of a sample is the number of decays per second in a given radioactive sample; the unit of measure is the becquerel (Bq). Absorbed dose unit of measurement in the SI system - gray (Gy) - the energy of ionizing radiation absorbed by the irradiated body (tissues) Effective equivalent dose SI unit of measurement - sievert (Sv) - equivalent dose multiplied by a factor that takes into account the different sensitivity of different tissues to radiation Collective effective dose equivalent SI unit of measurement - man-sievert (man-Sv) effective equivalent the dose received by a group of people from a source of radiation Chapter II Effects of Radiation on Organisms in high doses often results in all or part of death of the body due to the destruction of tissue cells. The difficulty in tracking the sequence of processes caused by radiation is due to the fact that the effects of radiation, especially at low doses, may not appear immediately, and it often takes years or even decades for the development of the disease. In addition, due to the different penetrating ability of different types of radioactive radiation, they have an unequal effect on the body: - particles are the most dangerous, but for - radiation even a sheet of paper is an insurmountable barrier; -radiation is able to pass into the tissues of the body to a depth of one to two centimeters; the most harmless -radiation is characterized by the greatest penetrating ability: it can be retained only by a thick slab of materials with a high absorption coefficient, for example, concrete or lead. The sensitivity of individual organs to radioactive radiation also differs. Therefore, in order to obtain the most reliable information about the degree of risk, it is necessary to take into account the appropriate coefficients of tissue sensitivity when calculating the equivalent radiation dose: 0.03 - bone tissue 0.03 - thyroid gland 0.12 - red bone marrow 0.12 - lungs 0.15 - mammary gland 0.25 - ovaries or testes 0.30 - other tissues 1.00 - organism as a whole. The probability of tissue damage depends on the total dose and on the size of the dosage, since due to the reparation abilities, most organs have the ability to recover after a series of small doses. Table 1 shows the extreme values ​​of permissible radiation doses: Organ Red bone marrow Permissible dose 0.5-1 Gy. Eye lens 0.1-3 Gr. Kidneys Liver Bladder 23 Gr. 40 Gr. 55 Gr. Mature cartilage >70 Gr. Note: The allowable dose is the total dose received by a person for 5 weeks. However, there are doses at which a lethal outcome is almost inevitable. So, for example, doses of the order of 100 g lead to death in a few days or even hours due to damage to the central nervous system, from hemorrhage as a result of a radiation dose of 10-50 g, death occurs in one to two weeks, and a dose of 35 grams threatens to turn into a lethal outcome of about half of those exposed. Knowledge of the specific reaction of the body to certain doses is necessary to assess the consequences of high doses of radiation in case of accidents of nuclear installations and devices or the danger of exposure during prolonged stay in areas of increased radiation, both from natural sources and in the case of radioactive contamination. However, even small doses of radiation are not harmless and their impact on the body and health of future generations has not been fully studied. However, it can be assumed that radiation can cause, first of all, gene and chromosomal mutations, which can subsequently lead to the manifestation of recessive mutations. The most common and serious damage caused by radiation, namely cancer and genetic disorders, should be considered in more detail. In the case of cancer, it is difficult to assess the likelihood of disease as a consequence of radiation exposure. Any, even the smallest dose, can lead to irreversible consequences, but this is not predetermined. However, it has been found that the likelihood of disease increases in direct proportion to the radiation dose. Leukemias are among the most common radiation-induced cancers. The estimate of the probability of death in leukemia is more reliable than similar estimates for other types of cancer. This can be explained by the fact that leukemias are the first to manifest themselves, causing death on average 10 years after the moment of exposure. Leukemias are followed “by popularity” by: breast cancer, thyroid cancer, and lung cancer. The stomach, liver, intestines and other organs and tissues are less sensitive. As for the genetic consequences of radiation, they manifest themselves in the form of chromosomal aberrations (including changes in the number or structure of chromosomes) and gene mutations. Gene mutations appear immediately in the first generation (dominant mutations) or only if the same gene is mutated in both parents (recessive mutations), which is unlikely. Studying the genetic consequences of exposure is even more difficult than in the case of cancer. It is not known what genetic damage occurs during exposure, they can manifest themselves over many generations, it is impossible to distinguish them from those caused by other causes. There are three ways in which radioactive substances enter the body: by inhalation of air contaminated with radioactive substances, through contaminated food or water, through the skin, and through infection of open wounds. The first way is the most dangerous, because: the volume of pulmonary ventilation is very large; the values ​​of the absorption coefficient in the lungs are higher. Natural sources of radiation Natural radionuclides are divided into four groups: long-lived (uranium-238, uranium-235, thorium-232); short-lived (radium, radon); long-lived single, not forming families (potassium-40); radionuclides resulting from the interaction of cosmic particles with the atomic nuclei of the Earth's matter (carbon-14). Various types of radiation fall on the Earth's surface either from outer space or come from radioactive substances located in the earth's crust, and terrestrial sources are responsible for an average of 5/6 of the annual effective equivalent dose received by the population, mainly due to internal exposure. Radiation levels are not the same for different areas. Thus, the North and South Poles, more than the equatorial zone, are exposed to cosmic rays due to the presence of a magnetic field near the Earth, which deflects charged radioactive particles. In addition, the greater the distance from the earth's surface, the more intense the cosmic radiation. Artificial sources of radiation exposure differ significantly from natural sources not only in origin. First, the individual doses received by different people from artificial radionuclides vary greatly. In most cases, these doses are small, but sometimes exposure from man-made sources is much more intense than from natural sources. Secondly, for technogenic sources, the mentioned variability is much more pronounced than for natural ones. Finally, pollution from artificial sources of radiation (other than fallout from nuclear explosions) is easier to control than naturally occurring pollution. The energy of the atom is used by man for various purposes: in medicine, for the production of energy and detection of fires, for the manufacture of luminous watch dials, for the search for minerals, and, finally, for the creation of atomic weapons. The main contributor to contamination from man-made sources is the various medical procedures and treatments associated with the use of radioactivity. The main device that no large clinic can do without is an X-ray machine, but there are many other diagnostic and treatment methods associated with the use of radioisotopes. It is not known the exact number of people undergoing such examinations and treatment, and the doses they receive, but it can be argued that for many countries the use of the phenomenon of radioactivity in medicine remains almost the only man-made source of exposure. In principle, radiation in medicine is not so dangerous if it is not abused. But, unfortunately, unnecessarily large doses are often applied to the patient. Among the methods that help reduce the risk are a decrease in the area of ​​​​the x-ray beam, its filtering, which removes excess radiation, proper shielding and the most commonplace, namely the serviceability of the equipment and its competent operation. Man is the blacksmith of his own happiness, and therefore, if he wants to live and survive, then he must learn how to safely use this “genie from the bottle” called radiation. Man is still young to realize the gift given by nature to him. If he learns to manage it without harm to himself and the whole world around him, then he will reach an unprecedented dawn of civilization. In the meantime, we need to live the first timid steps in the study of radiation and stay alive, preserving the accumulated knowledge for future generations. Lisichkin V.A., Shelepin L.A., Boev B.V. Decline of civilization or movement towards the noosphere (ecology from different angles). M.; ITs-Garant, 1997. 352 p. Miller T. Life in the environment / Per. from English. In 3 vols. T.1. M., 1993; T.2. M., 1994. Nebel B. Environmental Science: How the World Works. In 2 volumes/Transl. from English. T. 2. M., 1993. Pronin M. Be afraid! Chemistry and life. 1992. No. 4. P.58. Revell P., Revell C. Our habitat. In 4 books. Book. 3. Energy problems of mankind / Per. from English. M.; Nauka, 1995. 296s. Environmental problems: what is happening, who is to blame and what to do?: Textbook / Ed. prof. IN AND. Danilova-Danilyana. M.: Publishing House of MNEPU, 1997. 332 p. Ecology, nature conservation and environmental safety.: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.I. Danilov-Danilyana. In 2 books. Book. 1. M.: Publishing House of MNEPU, 1997. - 424 p. T.Kh.Margulova "Nuclear Energy Today and Tomorrow" Moscow: Higher School, 1996

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Biological action of radioactive isotopes
radiation and life

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Nuclear energy is the source of everything that exists
Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon, whether scientists discovered it or not. Soil, precipitation, rocks, water are radioactive. The sun and stars shine thanks to the nuclear reactions taking place in their depths. The discovery of this phenomenon led to its use. Now there is not a single industry without its use - medicine, technology, energy, space, the discovery of new elementary particles, this is nuclear weapons, nuclear waste, nuclear power plants.

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Excited atoms and ions have a strong chemical activity, so new chemical compounds appear in the cells of the body, which are alien to a healthy body. Under the action of ionizing radiation, complex molecules and elements of cellular structures are destroyed. In the human body, the process of hematopoiesis is disturbed, leading to an imbalance of white and red blood cells. A person falls ill with leukemia, or the so-called radiation sickness. Large doses of radiation lead to death.
Radioactive radiation has a strong biological effect on the tissues of a living organism.

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Glossary of terms: Ionizing radiation Radiation dose Exposure dose Quality of exposure Effective equivalent dose Critical organs Radioprotectors
Nuclear ionizing radiation
1) Alpha radiation; 2) Beta radiation; 3) X-ray and gamma radiation; 4) Neutron flux; 5) The flow of protons.

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Sources of ionizing radiation
Natural deposits of ores with alpha or beta activity (thorium-232, uranium-238, uranium-235, radium-226, radon-222, potassium-40, rubidium-87); Cosmic radiation of stars (streams of fast charged particles and gamma quanta)
Man-made Isotopes; Devices, devices in which radioactive isotopes are used; Household appliances (computers, possibly cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.)

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Different radioactive substances penetrate the human body in different ways. It depends on the chemical properties of the radioactive element. radioactive substances can enter the body with food and water, through the digestive organs they spread throughout the body. Radioactive particles from the air during breathing can enter the lungs. In this case, one speaks of internal exposure. In addition, a person may be exposed to external radiation from a source of radiation that is outside their body. The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident were mainly subjected to external radiation.
"Entrance Gate of Radiation"

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Effect of radiation on human tissues and organs, susceptibility to ionizing radiation.

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Ionizing radiation, when acting on living organisms, primarily leads to the ionization of water molecules, which are always present in living tissues, and molecules of various protein substances. At the same time, free radicals are formed in living tissues - strong oxidizing agents that have great toxicity, changing the course of life processes. If a person is systematically exposed to even a very small dose of radiation or radioactive substances are deposited in his body, then chronic radiation sickness may develop.

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Radiation effects Exposure of people
Somatic (consequences of exposure to radiation that affect the exposed person, and not his offspring)
acute radiation sickness
chronic radiation sickness
local radiation injuries (radiation burn, eye cataract, damage to germ cells)
Somatic-stochastic (difficult to detect, since they are insignificant and have a long latent period, measured in tens of years after exposure)
reduction in life expectancy
malignant changes in blood-forming cells
tumors of various organs and cells
Genetic (congenital deformities resulting from mutations, changes in hereditary properties and other disorders in the sex cell structures of irradiated people)

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Radioactive substances cause irreversible changes in the DNA structure.

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Even small doses of radiation are not harmless and their impact on the body and health of future generations has not been fully studied. However, it can be assumed that radiation can cause, first of all, gene and chromosomal mutations, which can subsequently lead to the manifestation of recessive mutations.

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Radon and its decay products make a significant contribution to human exposure. The main source of this radioactive inert gas is the earth's crust. Penetrating through cracks and crevices in the foundation, floor and walls, radon lingers in the premises. Another source of indoor radon is building materials (concrete, brick, etc.). Radon can also enter homes with water (especially if it is supplied from artesian wells), when natural gas is burned, etc. Radon is 7.5 times heavier than air. A person receives the bulk of the dose of radiation from radon while in a closed, unventilated room; Long-term exposure to radon and its products in the human body greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.
invisible, tasteless, odorless, heavy gas

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Radiation can cause serious effects that occur in hours or days, and long-term effects that appear after years or decades. The harm done to the human body depends on the dose of radiation. The dose, in turn, is determined by two circumstances: the radiation power (the amount of radiation emitted by the source per hour); the duration of the impact. The greater the dose of radiation, the more serious the consequences. A person who receives a very large dose in a short period of time is likely to die within a few hours.
What can radiation cause?

Presentation on the topic "Radiation - problems and prospects ..." in physics in powerpoint format. An educational presentation for 11th grade students tells about what radiation is, what types and sources of radiation exist, about its pros and cons. Presentation author: teacher Kakhovskaya T.N.

Fragments from the presentation

The sun is a source of radiation

More than twenty centuries have passed, and humanity again faces a similar dilemma: the atom and the radiation it emits can become for us a source of prosperity or death, a threat or hope, a better or worse thing.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

So, radiation is two-faced and its evil face threatens us. But are we able to fully appreciate her kind face? A one-sided approach usually leads to an extreme, one-sided assessment. Indeed, just as it is impossible to always only praise the life-giving rays of the sun, so it is also impossible to attribute only destructive properties to radioactive radiation. Let's talk about this in more detail.


  • know the natural and artificial sources of radiation, the pros and cons of radiation, protection from radioactive radiation;
  • be able to independently acquire new knowledge using ICT, compose and make reports on a given topic, analyze the information received and draw scientifically based conclusions; develop communication skills;
  • it is reasonable to use the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, to ensure the safety of one's life.

Radiation is the spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei.

Types of radiation:

  • α - particles;
  • β - particles;
  • γ - radiation;
  • neutrons;
  • x-ray radiation.

Sources of radiation

  • Cosmic, sun rays;
  • Radon gas;
  • Radioactive isotopes in rocks (uranium 238, thorium 232, potassium 40, rubidium 87);
  • Internal exposure of a person due to radionuclides (with water and food).
Man made:
  • Medical procedures and treatments;
  • Nuclear power;
  • Nuclear explosions;
  • garbage dumps;
  • Construction Materials;
  • combustible fuel;
  • TVs, computers and other household appliances;
  • Antiques.

Radiation in medicine

Radiation is used in medicine for diagnostic purposes and for treatment. One of the most common medical devices is the X-ray machine.

Radiation in agriculture

Research in the field of radiation genetics and radiation breeding has yielded about a hundred new varieties of high-yielding cultivated plants resistant to various diseases.

The world leaders in nuclear power generation are:

  1. USA (836.63 billion kWh/year),
  2. France (439.73 billion kWh/year),
  3. Japan (263.83 billion kWh/year),
  4. Russia (160.04 billion kWh/year),
  5. Korea (142.94 billion kWh/year)
  6. Germany (140.53 billion kWh/year).

Russian NPP

Kalinin NPP.

Central nuclear power plant of Russia. It is located near the city of Udomlya, 150 km north of Tver. The produced energy is sent to eight regions of the country. Put into operation in 1975.

Balakovo NPP

Russia's largest electricity producer. Put into operation in 1985. The station generates more energy annually than any other nuclear, thermal or hydroelectric power plant in the country. The station provides the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia and the center.

Nuclear power plants

  • Nuclear power plants are unsafe.
  • Before the Chernobyl accident, the 1979 accident at the American nuclear power plant Trimile Island near the city of Harrisburg (Pelsinvania) was considered the most severe in nuclear energy.
  • It would seem that nuclear power plants are very profitable stations! But the whole trouble is that in the event of an accident, their radioactive fuel enters the environment, causing radiation sickness that is deadly for humans and infecting the area for 300 years.
  • The infected area is surrounded by barbed wire, it becomes uninhabitable.

Consequences of exposure to radiation

  • Radiation sickness
  • Infertility
  • genetic mutations
  • Eye damage
  • Nervous System Damage
  • Accelerated aging of the body
  • Violation of mental and mental development
  • Cancer diseases.

Advantages of a nuclear power plant

  • A small amount of nuclear fuel.
  • Low transport costs.
  • No connection to major rivers or fossil fuel deposits
  • Low cost of electricity.
  • The use of nuclear fuel is not accompanied by the combustion process and the emission of harmful substances and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  • Today, the world is developing underground and floating nuclear power plants and nuclear engines for spacecraft.

Cons of nuclear power plants

  • Nuclear power plants can pose a global threat.
  • Accidents at nuclear power plants entail dangerous environmental consequences over vast territories, affecting huge masses of people.
  • The geoecological consequences of an accident at a nuclear power plant remain acute for a very long time.
  • Air currents and water spread radioactive emissions to territories very remote from the nuclear power plant (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the height of emissions from the emergency unit reached a height of 1200 m)
  • Radioactive fuel enters the environment, causing a deadly radiation sickness for humans and infecting the area for 300 years.
  • The problem of disposal of radioactive waste.

radiation friend

  • Use in medicine (X-ray diagnostics, radiation therapy, etc.)
  • Radiation genetics and selection;
  • Radioactive lightning rod;
  • Sterilization and food preservation;
  • Photo recovery;
  • The use of ionizing radiation in industry.

Radiation is the enemy

  • Irradiation;
  • radioactive waste;
  • The danger of "peaceful" radiation;
  • Genetic consequences of irradiation.

A. Einstein:

“The discovered power of uranium threatens civilization and people no more than when we light a match. The further development of mankind does not depend on the level of technical achievements, but on its moral principles.



9.11 grades

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the latest scientific data on radiation and its effects on biological objects

Lesson objectives:

  • To acquaint students with natural and artificial sources of radiation, the mechanism of its effect on body tissues and with methods of protection against radioactive radiation;
  • To teach students to work independently with additional literature, compose and make reports on a given topic, develop skills in reading and compiling information tables;
  • Develop an interest in physics.

Conference plan

Sources and doses of radiation

  • Natural radiation background.

1) External exposure:

a) cosmic rays

b) terrestrial radiation

2) Internal exposure

2. Artificial sources of radiation.

  • nuclear explosions
  • Nuclear power
  • Chernobyl tragedy

The impact of radiation on biological objects

  • The effect of ionizing radiation on body tissues
  • Penetrating power of radioactive radiation, methods of protection against radiation and radiation doses


  • External exposure:

a) cosmic radiation;

b) terrestrial radiation.

2. Internal exposure.

  • People living at sea level receive a radiation dose of 0.3 mSv/g.
  • As the height above sea level increases, so does the level of exposure.

Earth radiation

  • Terrestrial radiation is the radiation of radioactive elements that make up the earth's crust.


  • 3 billion years

Survived to the present day:

  • 23 2 Th T=14 billion years
  • 238 U T=4.5 billion years
  • 235 U T=0.7 billion years

and their decay products: radioactive potassium, rubidium, radium, radon, polonium, bismuth, lead, etc.

  • Effective dose of external exposure from terrestrial sources - 0.35 mSv in year

Radioactive iodine-131 enters the meat and milk of cows through the grass, and then into the human body.

Mushrooms and lichens are capable of accumulating large enough doses of radioactive isotopes of lead-210 and, especially, polonium-210.

Artificial sources of radiation

  • Radiation sources used in medicine.
  • Nuclear explosions.
  • Nuclear power.
  • Chernobyl tragedy.

Radiation sources used in medicine

  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment method


  • There are 300 to 900 X-ray examinations for every 1000 inhabitants;
  • The average equivalent dose received by a person from these examinations is 20% of the natural radiation background, i.e. 0.38 mSv in year.


  • Exposure to ionizing radiation
  • Radioisotopes
  • radioactive waste

Atomic bomb and nuclear explosions

We've done the job

for the devil

Robert Oppenheimer

The first atomic bomb of the USSR "RDS-1"

In the USSR, the first atomic bomb was created by the efforts of Soviet scientists, led by I. V. Kurchatov, and also thanks to information from Soviet intelligence officers who worked at the American nuclear center at Los Alamos. The Rosenbergs, the main suspects in passing information about the bomb to the USSR, were executed by a US court. The fragment is presented by RGAKFD.


The nuclear charge was first tested on August 29, 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site. Charge power up to 20 kilotons of TNT equivalent.

First thermonuclear warhead for an intercontinental ballistic missile

Charge power up to 3 megatons of TNT

I not I know with what weapons the Third World War will be, but I know for sure that the Fourth World War will be with stones and sticks

Albert Einstein

nuclear explosions


A significant part of Hiroshima was destroyed, killed and wounded by St. 140 thousand people.

Destroyed a third of the city of Nagasaki, was killed and wounded approx. 75 thousand inhabitants.


T = 5730 years

T = 30 years

T = 64 days

T = 30 years


There are very few nuclear power plants in Russia, amounting to 11 % from the entire energy sector of the country



  • ██ restricted areas (over 40 Ci/km²)
  • ██ permanent control zones (15-40 Ci/km²)
  • ██ periodic control zones (5-15 Ci/km²)
  • ██ 1-15 Ci/km²


  • 170 thousand people received radiation dose from 10 to 50 mSv
  • 90 thousand from 50 to 100 mSv

50 5 000 000 10-20" width="640"





Quantity (persons)

Residents of zones with "strict control"

Dose ( mSv )


Residents of other contaminated areas


5 000 000

The impact of radiation on biological objects

  • The effect of ionizing radiation on body tissues.
  • Penetrating ability of radioactive radiation and methods of protection against radiation.
  • doses of radiation.

X-ray and

radioactive ionization of matter


free education


cell modification

radiation sickness

750 mSv Severe radiation sickness at 4.5 Sv "width="640"


  • Permissible dose of absorbed radiation up to 5 mSv per year
  • Permissible single exposure dose up to 100 mSv
  • Radiation sickness is caused 750 mSv
  • Severe radiation sickness at 4.5 Sv




Dose equivalent

Consequences of general exposure

0.1 - 0.5 Sv (10 - 50 rem)

Death of individual blood cells and germ cells, temporary male sterility

0.5 - 1.0 Sv (50 - 100 rem)

Violation of the hematopoietic system, a decrease in the number of lymphocytes

3 - 5 Sv (300 - 500 rem)

~ 50% irradiated dies from radiation sickness within 1 - 2 months. The main reason is damage to bone marrow cells, which results in a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

10 - 50 Sv (1000 - 5000 rem)

100% of those irradiated die in 1-2 weeks due to internal hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of the death of cells of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines

Dose equivalent

1 Sv(100 rem)

Type of disease

Number of cases per 1000 people


thyroid cancer

Lungs' cancer

Mammary cancer

Chronic exposure of parents to an equivalent dose of 1 Sv (100 rem) over 30 years can lead to approximately 2 genetic diseases per 1000 children born.

Type of radiation

Free path length

in the air

alpha rays

Hazardous impact

In the biological fabrics

up to several centimeters

beta rays

up to several meters

gamma rays

about 100 m

skin contamination

up to several centimeters

effects on the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, lungs and gastrointestinal tract

ionization of matter

Ways to protect against radiation:

  • removal from the radiation source;
  • the use of a barrier made of radiation-absorbing materials;
  • specialist. clothes;


  • Which of the following sources of natural background radiation is a source of external human exposure?
  • γ - radiation of natural radioactive isotopes of the earth's crust.
  • Cosmic rays.
  • Natural radioactive isotopes of potassium 40 and carbon 14 in the human body.

A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 1 and 2.

  • Which of the following sources of natural background radiation is a source of internal human exposure?
  • γ - radiation of natural radioactive isotopes of the earth's crust.
  • Natural radioactive isotopes of potassium 40 and carbon 14 in food Radon in the atmospheric air.
  • Natural radioactive isotopes of potassium 40 and carbon 14 in food
  • Radon in the atmospheric air.

A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 2 and 3.

  • Which radioactive gas contributes the most to internal exposure?

A neon B. radon C. argon D. xenon

  • What building materials should you not build your house from?

A. wood B. brick C. concrete D. granite and alumina

5. What type of radioactive radiation has the highest penetrating power?

6. What type of radioactive radiation is most dangerous for internal human exposure?

A. β-radiation B. γ-radiation C. α-radiation D. all three types of radiation

7. Which of the following units is used to measure equivalent dose?

A. Roentgen B. Rad W. Sievert G. Gray

8. What is the approximate value of the equivalent dose from natural background exposure at sea level for 1 year?

A. 0 s B. 0.3 mSv C. 365 mSv D. 50 mSv

9. What value of the equivalent dose per year is accepted as the maximum allowable for persons professionally associated with the use of sources of ionizing radiation?

A. 0 sv B. 2 mSv C. 50 mSv D. 0.1 sv

10. Which of the following values ​​of the equivalent dose is deadly for a person with a single total radiation?

A. 2 mSv B. 0.1 Sv C. 0.5 Sv D. 5 Sv