What is our part of speech in Russian. Is it correct to assume that significant words are divided into changeable and unchangeable? Service parts of speech

Schoolchildren often ask the question: "How many parts of speech are there in Russian?". It is hardly possible to answer it unequivocally: there are different schools that, based on different approaches, distinguish a different number of these categories. For example, the morphological approach of A.K. Polivanova - N.N. Durnovo allows me to name six. A.M. Peshkovsky identifies only five.

In general, linguists are sure that the question of the number of parts of speech is eternal. The deeper scientists dive into the study of the language, the more often they ask themselves the question: “What exactly should be the fundamental features in the classification of these categories?”. There are many theories, but none of them is indisputable.

The most common is the classification based on morphological and syntactic parameters. It is accepted as the basis of school acquaintance with the language. At the philological faculties, they study all approaches to this issue, get acquainted with all the linguistic works devoted to it. In the school curriculum in Russian, they are determined depending on their morphological, grammatical, syntactic roles. It is these parameters that underlie the classification.

All parts of speech of the Russian language are divided into classes. Allocate:



Independent (they are also called significant) parts of speech in Russian are characterized by their own meaning, constant / non-permanent. They answer specific questions, carry a communicative load, that is, they serve to transmit information. This category includes all parts of speech, except for function words and interjections.

Service words include those words that do not have a nominative meaning, are not independent in lexical terms. Their task is to express semantic and syntactic links between significant words, members or parts of a sentence. These grammatical means of the language include the latter are necessary to change the tone of the message or the formation of numerous

Service (non-significant) parts of speech in Russian are used much more often than significant ones, because there are much fewer of them.

Finally, there are interjections. They are used only to convey emotions or feelings, serve for onomatopoeia, have neither their own characteristics nor their own meaning. They distinguish between interjections proper (Wow! Ah! Oh! Opa!), word imitations (Woof-wow! Kukareku!), substantiated (transferred from other categories) words or whole expressions (Wow! Wah! Nightmare! Fathers!).

Significant parts of speech in Russian are divided into nominal and verbal.

Noun. (Mom, father, blood, orgy, lot, silence, etc.). Their constant characteristics are: gender, declension depending on it, as well as animateness/inanimateness. Non-permanent features include: number (singular, plural), the ability to change in cases.

Adjective (red, strong, courageous, etc.). They designate a sign of an object, have a single constant sign: they can be either qualitative, or relative, or possessive.

Numerals. Indicates a quantity or account number. Depending on this, it can be quantitative (five, three hundred and forty) or ordinal (second, eight hundredth).

Adverb. It is necessary to convey a sign or state of an action (far, away, for a long time, etc.). Does not have inconstant signs, does not change.

Pronoun. It does not have its own meaning, but it can be used instead of any name (the nominal part of speech denoting it). (I, somehow, someone, someone, nobody, etc.). are constant.

Linguists believe that the verbal parts of speech in Russian can be represented directly by verbs and their forms: participle, participle. Some philological schools consider these categories to be independent (independent) parts of speech, others refer them to separate, special verb forms.

The verb denotes an action (run, sing, paint). Its constant signs are appearance (sing-sing), recurrence (washed-washed), transitivity (ability / inability to combine with nouns in conjugation.

Participle. It can be either real (running, painting, drawing) or passive (drawn, pronounced).

General participle. This is a sign of a sign. Does not change, always refers to the predicate because it denotes precisely its additional action (or sign). (I walk, singing. I ran, bouncing.)

The vocabulary of an adult includes about one hundred thousand words. Dahl's dictionary contains twice as many. To avoid semantic confusion, words are usually grouped according to part-of-speech principle. For a better understanding, let's analyze what an independent part of Russian speech is.

In contact with

Principles of classification

Morphology is engaged in the study of words, where all words are defined as independent parts of speech and. They are classified according to several criteria:

  1. Semantic - the generalized meaning of the group. For example, to designate an object, use a noun.
  2. Morphological - an indicator of the modification of the word form. It can be constant or change during the transition to another genus,.
  3. Syntactic - the property of words to bind into a constructive sentence and be its members.

Researchers classify words differently. There is no consensus on how many parts of speech are in . The generally accepted rule is allocation of 10 speech groups.

Numerals are studied only at school. Academicians equate them with adjectives. The dispute goes around and participles. Some linguists note manifestations of verb properties in them. Others are sure that such forms should be separated into independent (significant) parts of speech.

Separate textbooks suggest referring the words "nowhere", "there", "there" to adverbs. This is due to the difference in composition. When writing the article, we were guided by the literature approved by Ministry of Education.


Let's look at the parts of speech. There are two large groups:

  1. Significant - giving names to objects give their characteristics or point to them. In fact, all words are concentrated in this group.
  2. Service - determine the relationship between significant word forms, contribute to their connection in one sentence. They do not carry a semantic load, they serve as a constructive construction of speech.

Separate the group consists of interjections. They express feelings. Imagine that a person cuts his finger while cooking. Emotions need to be released. The injured person can lament for a long time, using all known independent and auxiliary parts of speech. That is, describe the knife, the action performed, the signs that it possesses (significant); using prepositions to determine the relationship with the subject (service). Or maybe just exclaim "Ay!"

Important! You can ask a question only to significant word forms.

We have placed the characteristics of parts of speech and examples in the table.


The rules state that significant words:

  1. Endowed with meanings that unite them into classes and distinguish them from others. So, the words side and bull have different lexical, but the same grammatical meaning.
  2. Name objects, signs and actions;
  3. In the proposal are the main or secondary members.

Depending on whether what information about the subject the words give, they are separated:

  • subject is a noun. Examples: spinach, newlyweds;
  • belonging, quality and property - adjective - cute, relevant;
  • state category;
  • the order of the arrangement of objects or the number - the numeral - twelve;
  • action or state - verb (to modernize);
  • additional action - gerund (breaking through);
  • sign by action - participle (alluring);
  • if the word does not name an object, property or sign, but points to them - this is a pronoun (why, ours);
  • a sign of action, circumstances - adverb (for the first time, little, blindly).

word forms

Independent and other parts of speech used in the Russian language are divided into permanent and variable. Adjectives, nouns, pronouns, numerals are subject to declension. verb and its derivatives conjugate.


  • shaping - the grammatical meaning changes (table - on the table);
  • word formation - the lexical meaning changes (top - top).

The significant part of speech that remains unchanged is the adverb (on the side, now, always).

Some words may belong different speech groups. The word "everything", depending on what context is in the sentence, acts as one of the four parts of speech. Let's take a look at examples of sentences:

The whole lake is covered with ice - indicates a sign, is a pronoun.

You are still learning - answers the detailed question when ?, a synonym for the adverb constantly.

Every day it gets dark earlier - it emphasizes the constancy of growth, it performs the functions of a particle.

We nevertheless lifted a heavy load - a union, a synonym nonetheless.

What part of speech a word is is sometimes determined intuitively by meaning. “Milk glass on the floor” and “broken glass was taken to the trash.” Glass in the first sentence is a verb, in the second - a noun.

Morphological analysis

Full grammatical description of the word form called morphological parsing. The belonging of the word to the group, its properties and functions in the sentence are determined. For independent parts of speech, we give examples:

Let's take the word "pillar" for analysis.

  • determine belonging: ask the question what? Therefore, it is a noun;
  • we examine the state: a pillar is a common name for inanimate objects. Hence, the common noun is inanimate;
  • indicate the gender of the independent part of speech, according to the rules (male) and the form of declension - 2nd cl;
  • show the number of objects - the singular number of the nominative case;
  • significance in the sentence - the main or minor member.

Similarly act with words from other groups:

  1. Let's determine what part of speech is represented by the word "for the first time". The word form gives the concept of the time of what is happening (when?). It cannot be converted. This means that this adverb does not change, it performs the function of a circumstance. Secondary member of the proposal.
  2. Know (what to do?). Verb, infinitive, 1st conjugation, transitive, imperfective, indicative mood. Offer membership is determined by context.

We study independent parts of speech

What are the parts of speech in Russian


If we give a simple definition of what an independent part is, then we can say that this is a designation of a property, quality or action of an object, which loses its meaning without the use of significant words.

Part of speech is a category of words determined by common features of syntax and morphology. In world languages, the classification of the name (noun, adjective) and the main verb, which determines the action of the object or its state, are more often used. Morphology divides all words into categories into independent and service words. Interjections are included in a separate group.


The noun acts more often as a subject, denotes an object or person, gives answers to the main questions “who?” (for the animate) or “what?”. This part defines items in a global sense.

  • Things(house, car, column, stone).
  • faces(Human).
  • Substances(acid, sugar, salt).
  • Living beings(deer, bear, dog).
  • Facts and phenomena(concert, conversation, walking).
  • Geographic locations(America, Russia, Europe).
  • Qualities and Conditions(sadness, joy, euphoria).

Morphological and grammatical features of a noun

A common noun is a common name for a kind of single objects (a vase, a book, a table). It can be concrete, non-specific, abstract (friendship, life) and material (water, fire, ashes). Proper nouns are called certain object, which is isolated from the homogeneous ones (Anna, the Himalayas).

The part of speech has important attributes that are characteristic of many world languages. These include:

  • A case grammatical category that has an inflectional function. In Russian linguistics, six types are distinguished.
  • Number - quantitative designation of the subject.
  • Animation.
  • Three structures of the gender, distributing words on the basis of gender or the absence of it.
  • According to these categories, the noun has its own declension paradigm (3 classes).


In Russian, it denotes a sign of an object and gives an answer to the questions “what?” and "whose?". It is divided into three categories, which are a constant feature of morphology.

  • quality. Combined with the words "very" and "too". Most adjectives of this order have two forms. There are three kinds of comparison for a group.
  • relative. A sign is determined that is impossible in a qualitative formulation. Expresses the relation of an object to another object, matter, time, place, etc.
  • Possessive. They denote the belonging of an object to an animate being.

An adjective is often formed from a noun by adding a suffix or prefix. In syntax, it plays the role of a predicate or a definition.


The part of speech that identifies the state or activity of an object. Within a sentence, it often acts as a predicate. In Russian, the following features are classified:

  • Face- a category that determines the interaction between the speaker and the listener.
  • Time- relation of the described situation to the present moment.
  • Pledge- a verb category that determines the connection of any action with an object and a subject. In Russian, active and passive are distinguished.
  • Conjugation- inflection of the number or person of verbs.
  • Mood- a category denoting modality (the attitude of the speaker to the object of the statement or reality).
  • Aspect- a function showing the comprehension of the action on the time interval. It is either perfect or imperfect.

Features of the numeral, pronoun and adverb

The numeral is a part of speech that determines the number, permanent order and number of objects, gives answers to the questions “how much?” or "which?". It is divided into four types of lexical and grammatical structure.

  • quantitative(thirty forty).
  • Collective(two, ten) - give an answer to the characteristic question "how much?".
  • Fractional(seven eighths, three ninths).
  • Ordinal(twenty-fifth, hundredth).

The pronoun defines signs, points to objects, quantities, but does not specifically identify them, i.e. completely replaces the main parts of speech. In the tradition of the Russian language there are several classes.

  • Personal pronouns establish an object without naming it.
  • Refundable express a reaction to the producing action.
  • Undefined indicate the limited information about the referent, as well as its features and properties.
  • Interrogative pronouns show that the speaker needs to define the subject ("who?", "what?").
  • demonstrators accurately identify the object and its location.

Adverb A part of speech that never changes. Answers specific questions “where?”, “how?”, “how much?” and more often identifies a sign of action.

  • By meaning, it is divided into circumstantial and definitive.
  • Compiled with the help of suffixes and prefixes.
  • Synthesized by means of adjectives, qualitative adverbs have a degree of comparison.

Communion and participle - characteristic

The participle contains the features of the verb and the adjective. Objective signs include categories of gender, case and number. Education is built on form and transitivity.

A gerund means an additional action in the presence of the main one. Combines features of both verb and adverb. It is divided into perfect and imperfect form. In a sentence, it takes on the role of a predicate or circumstance, it does not conjugate. Sometimes denotes an additional action if adjacent to a predicate.

How many parts of speech are in the service category?

Prepositions show the dependence of independent parts of a sentence on other words. They are classified by origin (the oldest, new), structure, and also by structure. They have valency (the inherent case). Prepositions denote relations of space, time, reason, etc.

Unions connect simple sentences in the structure of a complex one, and are also a unifying node of homogeneous members. Unable to hide or bow. Define relationships between syntax units. They differ in origin, use, meaning and composition.

The particle is designed to introduce certain shades of meaning, emotionality into the sentence, sometimes it acts as an assistant in the process of word formation. In its structure and functionality, it approaches conjunctions and interjections. The value of a particle is determined by the relation it renders . There are 4 ranks:

  • Subjunctives(let it go)
  • Negative(no, not at all).
  • Modal(interrogative, demonstrative, exclamatory, etc.).
  • Particles are classified according to their origin and composition.

On a note!

Interjection linguistics does not refer to either significant or auxiliary. It plays the role of signal words and is used to manifest any desire, demand, call to action.


This video will help you prepare for the Russian language exam and covers the topic Parts of Speech.

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1. All words of the Russian language can be divided into groups called parts of speech.

Together with syntax, morphology constitutes a branch of the science of language called grammar.

2. Each part of speech has signs that can be grouped into three groups:

3. All parts of speech are divided into two groups - independent (significant) and official. Interjections occupy a special position in the system of parts of speech.

4. Independent (significant) parts of speech include words that name objects, their actions and signs. You can ask questions to independent words, and in a sentence, significant words are members of a sentence.

The independent parts of speech in Russian include the following:

Part of speech Questions Examples
1 Noun who? what? Boy, uncle, table, wall, window.
2 Verb what to do? what to do? Saw, saw, know, learn.
3 Adjective which? whose? Good, blue, mother's, door.
4 Numeral how many? which? Five, five, fifth.
5 Adverb as? when? where? and etc. Fun, yesterday, close.
6 Pronoun who? which? how many? as? and etc. I, he, such, mine, so much, so, there.
7 Participle which? (what does he do? what did he do? etc.) Dreaming, dreaming.
8 gerund as? (doing what? doing what?) Dreaming, deciding


1) As already noted, in linguistics there is no single point of view on the position in the system of parts of speech of participles and participles. Some researchers attribute them to independent parts of speech, others consider them to be special forms of the verb. Participle and participle really occupy an intermediate position between independent parts of speech and verb forms. In this manual, we adhere to the point of view reflected, for example, in the textbook: Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades. M., 2001.

2) In linguistics, there is no single point of view on the composition of such a part of speech as numerals. In particular, in "academic grammar" it is customary to consider ordinal numbers as a special category of adjectives. However, school tradition classifies them as numerals. We will adhere to this position in this manual.

3) In different manuals, the composition of pronouns is characterized differently. In particular, the words there, there, nowhere and others in some school textbooks are classified as adverbs, in others - as pronouns. In this manual, we consider such words as pronouns, adhering to the point of view reflected in the "academic grammar" and in the textbook: Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.L. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades. M., 2001.

5. Service parts of speech- these are words that do not name either objects, or actions, or signs, but express only the relationship between them.

    It is impossible to put a question to official words.

    Service words are not members of the sentence.

    Functional words serve independent words, helping them to connect with each other as part of phrases and sentences.

    The official parts of speech in Russian include the following:

    pretext (in, on, about, from, because of);

    union (and, but, but, however, because, in order to, if);

    particle (would, whether, same, not, even, precisely, only).

6. occupy a special position among the parts of speech.

    Interjections do not name objects, actions, or signs (as independent parts of speech), do not express relationships between independent words, and do not serve to link words (as auxiliary parts of speech).

    Interjections convey our feelings. To express amazement, delight, fear, etc., we use such interjections as ah, ooh, ooh; to express feelings of cold - brr, to express fear or pain - oh etc.

7. As noted, some words in Russian can change, others cannot.

    To immutable include all service parts of speech, interjections, as well as such significant parts of speech as:

    adverbs ( forward, always);

    gerunds ( leaving, leaving, taking).

    Also some of them don't change:

    nouns ( coat, taxi, blinds);

    adjectives ( beige coat, electric blue suit);

    pronouns ( then, there).

    via graduation;

    Wed: sister - sisters; read - read.

    via endings and prepositions;

    Sister - to the sister, with the sister, with the sister.

    via auxiliary words.


The word "still" - what part of speech in Russian?

August 16, 2014

What part of speech is the word "still"? You will receive the answer to the question asked from the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what a part of speech is in general, what signs it has.

General information

“More” is what part of speech? Before answering the question posed, it should be said that absolutely all words in the Russian language can be divided into peculiar groups, which are officially called parts of speech. Moreover, each of them has its own special features, combined into three groups:

  • common grammatical meanings, that is, meanings that are the same for all words of the Russian language that belong to the same part of speech;
  • morphological features (case, person, gender, time and number, as well as conjugation and declension);
  • syntactic features (the ability of words belonging to the same part of speech to be certain members of a sentence, as well as the features of their connection with other words).

What groups of parts of speech exist in Russian?

In order to understand what part of speech is “still”, you should find out into which groups all the words of the Russian language are generally divided.

So they may refer to:

  • Independent parts of speech (or so-called significant).
  • Service. These include prepositions and particles.

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Independent group (parts of speech)

Answering the question of "still" - what part of speech is quite easy. But first it should be said that this word can refer to both a significant group and a service one. In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention to the context under study.

Thus, in order to determine which part of speech the word is “still”, it is necessary to list all existing parts of speech (independent) in Russian, as well as their questions:

What part of speech is the word "still"? We find out together

Now you know all the parts of speech that exist in Russian. Moreover, almost all the questions that relate to them are presented to your attention. It should be especially noted that this information will make it much easier for you to find the answer to the question asked (the part of speech of the word “still”).

Let's analyze the word "more"

In order to determine the category of the named word, it is necessary to carefully study the sentence in which it is used. For example:

  • Give me more potatoes.
  • He hasn't arrived yet.
  • Come visit again.
  • I can still catch the bus.
  • The moon shone even brighter.

After studying the context for this word, you need to ask the question: "How?" - more. From the information presented above, it is known that it is answered by a pronoun, an adverb and a participle. The first and last are dropped, since the word "yet" does not have the features of a verb and does not indicate any person. From these exceptions, we can safely conclude that this is an adverb. However, this raises a new question: "Why at the end of the word after the hissing letter is written not "o", but "ё"? The fact is that this expression falls into the category of exceptions.

Define the particle "still"

The part of speech is a special category of words in the Russian language, which has both syntactic and morphological features. It should be noted that in some cases the same expressions may belong to completely different categories. The word "still" is one of them. After all, in addition to the adverb, in a sentence it can also be expressed by an ordinary particle. Here are some examples:

  • She's still a slut!
  • Where else will fate take us?
  • Ask him this question! - Why else?
  • I don't remember the name of the movie. Andrei Polyadkovsky also played there.

In these contexts, the word "still" acts as a particle. What is it connected with? The fact is that you cannot ask a question about a particle, since it belongs to the service part of speech. Actually, this fact is the main difference between the adverb “still” and a particle similar in spelling and pronunciation.

Summing up

Now you know what part of speech a word like “still” belongs to. It should be noted that this information will especially help you if you need to determine all the members of a particular proposal. Recall that most often adverbs appear in it as a circumstance.