Basic teaching methods at school. Organizational foundations of the lesson

Learning aids include a variety of materials and tools used during the learning process. Thanks to their successful selection, it is possible to achieve the set educational goals with great success in a short period of time. Teachers and students use learning tools during the learning process.

What are Learning Tools

Various objects and ongoing processes belong to learning tools, which are a source of educational information and a tool for perception, assimilation and memorization of the material proposed as a study. The main didactic task is entrusted to teaching aids: they are designed to accelerate the assimilation of the required amount of material and at the same time contribute to the development and upbringing of children.

All existing teaching aids can be classified as material or ideal. Teaching aids, textbooks, tests, didactic equipment for laboratories, technical means - all this constitutes teaching aids, called material. Oral and painting, music, diagrams, tables, diagrams, as well as the organizing and guiding activities of the teacher, his qualification level, and the method of organizing training belong to the ideal ones.

Teaching will give positive results if the means of teaching, ideal and material, are used in a complex, complementing each other.

Features of modern teaching aids

Achieving results in learning, both personal and subject, is possible only with the use of all existing means of presenting and mastering educational material. In this regard, both traditional methods and modern teaching aids based on digital technologies should be used in the educational process.

Today, the main task of the educational system is to teach a person to cognize, to engage in search activities, to learn, to cooperate with others in time. The new approach to learning is precisely to create opportunities for free access to various information resources, to organize educational networks and communities. .

Therefore, modern teaching aids should include traditional and traditional means of using printed and non-printed media, equipment, devices and tools for experiments, experiments and practical exercises. Innovative means are all the equipment that functions on the basis of digital technologies.

Benefits of multimedia learning tools

Today, many educational institutions use multimedia teaching aids to achieve high quality education. Conducting lessons using modern technologies has many advantages. Firstly, children perceive and assimilate the material better, interest, desire to learn and learn increases. Secondly, there is the possibility of an individual approach to teaching each child, opening up prospects for the realization of his creative abilities. Thirdly, multimedia learning tools make it possible to reduce the number of different types of work that tire children, to interest students in presenting new material when the teacher's story alternates with schoolchildren's answers using audiovisual means - music, animation, graphics. Fourthly, the presentation of the material is dynamic, there are conditions for organizing the work of students in groups, as well as independent activities of the student. And last but not least, the self-esteem of the growing personality increases.

In the course of the modern learning process, multimedia tools such as electronic textbooks, CDs, websites and quests are used.

The active use of modern teaching aids is an integral part of the educational process in those educational institutions where teachers who are in love with their profession work. After all, the competent and systematic use of multimedia tools contributes to improving the quality and efficiency of education.

The teaching method is one of the main components of the learning process. If you do not apply various methods, then it will not be possible to realize the goals and objectives of training. That is why researchers pay so much attention to clarifying both their essence and functions.

In our time, the development of the creative abilities of the child, his cognitive needs and features of the worldview must be given great attention. A.V. wrote about the importance of teaching methods. Lunacharsky: “It depends on the method of teaching whether it will arouse boredom in the child, whether teaching will slide over the surface of the child’s brain, leaving almost no trace on it, or, on the contrary, this teaching will be perceived joyfully, as part of a child’s game, as part of child's life, will merge with the child's psyche, become his flesh and blood. It depends on the method of teaching whether the class will look at the classes as hard labor and oppose them with their childish liveliness in the form of pranks and tricks, or whether this class will be soldered by the unity of interesting work and imbued with noble friendship for its leader. Imperceptibly, the methods of teaching pass into the methods of education. One and the other are intimately connected. And education, even more than teaching, should be based on knowledge of the psychology of the child, on the living assimilation of the latest methods. (17, 126)

Teaching methods are a complex phenomenon. What they will be depends on the goals and objectives of training. Methods are determined, first of all, by the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods.

In general, a method is a method, or a system of techniques, with the help of which one or another goal is achieved when a certain operation is performed. So, when determining the essence of the method, two characteristic features of it can be identified. Firstly, here we should talk about the sign of the purposefulness of the action, and secondly, about the sign of its regulation. These are the so-called standard characteristics of the method in general. But there are also specific ones that are related only to the teaching method. These primarily include:

Some forms of movement of cognitive activity;

Any means of exchanging information between teachers and students;

Stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students;

Control over the learning process;

Management of cognitive activity of students;

Disclosure of the content of knowledge in an educational institution.

Moreover, the success of the implementation of the method in practice and the degree of its effectiveness directly depend on the efforts of not only the teacher, but also the student himself.

Based on the presence of numerous features, several definitions can be given to the concept of a teaching method. According to one point of view, the teaching method is a way of organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities. If we approach the definition from the point of view of logic, then the teaching method can be called a logical method that helps to master certain skills, knowledge and abilities. But each of these definitions characterizes only one side of the teaching method. The concept was most fully defined at a scientific and practical conference in 1978. According to it, teaching methods are called "ordered methods of interconnected activities of a teacher and students aimed at achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren."

The teaching method depends on:

1) on the purpose of the lesson. For example, students in grade 5 need to learn the conjugation of verbs. In this case, neither conversation nor coherent repetition will help the students to consolidate them. In this case, the most effective method will be the independent work of students, for example, doing exercises;

2) from the stage of the lesson. So, at the initial stage - during the period of explaining new material - the method of conversation is used or the information given in the new topic is offered for home consolidation. Therefore, in the lesson, students will already understand what is being said. To consolidate the material, it is proposed to perform a series of exercises at home, to recall what has been done earlier. The conversation of the teacher with the students also helps;

3) on the content of training. Each subject has its own specific features, respectively, for its development requires a certain method. For example, when studying physics and chemistry, students are encouraged to do a series of laboratory work. Thanks to this, they can consolidate and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge; 4) on the mental characteristics and capabilities of students. For older and younger students, they will be different. Young children get tired of doing the same thing for a long time very quickly, so it is not advisable to use one method in working with them. In this case, it is better to alternate methods of exposure. You can use the game method, since younger students have a high need for motor activity. But here the teacher should constantly ensure that the methods used correspond to the goals of teaching; 5) on local conditions. Both the contingent of children and local conditions play a role here. For example, in the lessons of botany, it is necessary to visually show several types of plants. It will not be difficult for a rural teacher to do this, but for a city teacher it may cause some difficulties. If it is not possible to show the material being explained on a living example, you should use other means, for example, make diagrams or drawings and show them on the board;

6) from the availability of teaching aids. A visual aid plays a huge role in choosing a teaching method. It happens that it is simply impossible to explain new material without it. So, for example, by studying geometric shapes, you can make flat and three-dimensional models, include watching a movie or photographs in a lesson;

7) on the personality of the teacher. For example, some teachers can explain a topic for a very long and interesting time, keeping the class's attention until the end of the lesson. Others, on the contrary, live, long communication is difficult. Therefore, it is quite natural that they will use a different method, more acceptable to them. But this does not mean at all that the teacher should use the same methods that he likes. It is necessary to apply the best, as a result of which the effectiveness of training will increase. The choice of method is individual for each teacher and for each case.

It should be noted that the teacher must constantly improve his professional skills, expand the range of methods used and apply them in practice. Otherwise, if the teaching methods are used incorrectly, there may be negative results. It is very important to remember that the methods must be used in combination, because a single method will not make it possible to fulfill the tasks and learning objectives. As proof, one can cite the words of Yu.K. Babansky. Reflecting on the problem of teaching methods in his book “The Choice of Teaching Methods in Secondary School”, he said: “The more aspects the teacher justified the choice of a system of teaching methods (in perceptual, epistemological, logical, motivational, control-adjusting, etc.) , the higher and more durable educational results he achieves in the learning process for the same time allotted for the study of the relevant topic.

Teaching methods in a modern school Presentation by the primary school teacher MBOU "School №11" Vyazniki Demidova Svetlana Viktorovna "There are exactly as many good methods as there are good teachers" D. Poya

"Tell me - I will forget, Show me - I will remember, Involve me - I will understand." Chinese proverb "All knowledge remains dead if students do not develop initiative and self-activity: students need to be taught not only to think, but also to want." N.A. Umov The development of a student is more effective if he is included in the activity.

A person remembers 10% of what he reads, 20% of what he hears, 30% of what he sees; 50-70% is remembered when participating in group discussions, 80% - when self-discovery and formulation of problems. 90%, when the student is directly involved in real activities, in independent problem posing, developing and making decisions, formulating conclusions and forecasts.

An essential component of pedagogical technologies are teaching methods. Teaching methods are ways of interconnected activities of teachers and students in the implementation of the tasks of education, upbringing and development. (Yu. K. Babansky). Teaching methods are the methods of teaching the teacher's work and organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students in solving various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied. (I.F. Kharlamov).

“The methods used in educational activities should arouse the child's interest in learning about the world around him, and the educational institution should become a school of joy. The joys of knowledge, creativity, communication. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Requirements for teaching methods Scientific methods. The accessibility of the method, its compliance with the psychological and pedagogical possibilities of the development of schoolchildren. The effectiveness of the teaching method, its focus on a solid mastery of educational material, on the fulfillment of the tasks of educating schoolchildren. The need to systematically study, use innovative methods in their work.

The choice of teaching methods depends on: General and specific learning objectives; content of a particular lesson. From the time allotted for the study of a particular material. From the age characteristics of students, the level of their cognitive abilities. From the level of preparedness of students. From the material equipment of the educational institution, the availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means. From the capabilities and characteristics of the teacher, the level of theoretical and practical preparedness, methodological skills, his personal qualities.

Features of the modern lesson The modern lesson is a free lesson, a lesson freed from fear: no one scares anyone and no one is afraid of anyone. A friendly atmosphere is created. A high level of motivation is formed. Great importance is attached to the methods of educational work. Special attention is paid to the development of students' skills of independent cognitive activity, creative attitude to the educational process.

Organizational Foundations of the Lesson Everyone works and everyone works. Everyone's opinion is interesting and everyone's successes are encouraging. Everyone is grateful to everyone for his participation, and everyone is grateful to everyone for their progress towards knowledge. Trust in the teacher as the leader of group work, but everyone has the right to an initiative proposal. Everyone and everyone has the right to express their opinion regarding the lesson.

A student is an active subject of the educational process, showing independence in developing and making decisions, ready to take responsibility for his actions, self-confident, purposeful. The teacher is a consultant, mentor, partner. The task of the teacher is to determine the direction of work, to create conditions for the initiative of students; properly organize the activities of students.

Features of modern teaching methods The method is not the activity itself, but the way it is carried out. The method must necessarily correspond to the purpose of the lesson. The method should not be wrong, only its application can be wrong. Each method has its own subject content. The method always belongs to the actor. There is no activity without an object, and there is no method without an activity. (According to Levina M.M.)

The learning process should evoke in the child an intense and inner motivation for knowledge, intense mental work. The success of the entire educational process largely depends on the choice of methods used.

My personal position The optimal combination of forms of work in the classroom. Teaching students the basic methods of educational activities. The development of thought processes in students. Creation of conditions for ensuring high activity of the student in the lesson. Implementation of the principle of individual approach.

Based on modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology and methodology, I proceed from the following provisions: The need for knowledge is one of the most important human needs. Interest in knowledge as a deep orientation of the personality and a stable motive for learning awakens creative thinking, creates favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative individuality. The leading principles that make it possible to realize the tasks set are: the principle of developing and educating education; the principle of developing the creative abilities of students; the principle of creating a positive emotional background for educational activities; the principle of humanization of primary education.

My activity is aimed at providing conditions for the development of the individual, making the process streamlined and manageable, and forming thinking subjects. I try to combine the scientific nature of teaching with accessibility, vivid visualization with the game, to ensure that all students work with enthusiasm. This is facilitated by a set of pedagogical skills that I possess. Skills: I demonstrate to children my complete trust in them; I organize the presentation of new material in the form of a fascinating dialogue; I do not violate the unity of the logical structure of the lesson; I proceed from the fact that students have an intrinsic motivation to learn; I try to involve students in activities that evoke the joy of learning and arouse persistent curiosity. An individual approach to students helps to create an atmosphere of success in educational activities.

School motivation According to the results of the diagnosis "School motivation" revealed: Based on this, I determined the levels of cognitive activity of students.

Beginning level Passive children, with difficulty get involved in work, unable to solve the learning problem. Purpose: awakening interest in learning activities, creating the prerequisites for the student to move to a higher cognitive level. The content of the activity: "creating an atmosphere of success"; "emotional recharge"; "active listening"; "complimentary" style of communication.

Intermediate level The interest of children in certain learning situations related to an interesting topic or unusual techniques. Purpose: to develop the ability of students to strengthen the success achieved, to show interest in intellectually volitional efforts. The content of the activity: keep attention in a state of "tense surprise"; alternation of activities in accordance with the requirements of health saving in the lesson; use of emotional techniques, games.

High Level Students are actively involved in all forms of work. Purpose: education of the need to find non-standard solutions, self-expression and self-improvement. The content of the activity: use role-playing situations; problem tasks; work with additional sources. Efficiency: the success achieved awakens interest in learning and involves the transition of each student to a higher level.

To ensure the cognitive activity and cognitive interest of students at various stages of the lesson, I use active forms and methods of work. I consider the most productive: Game forms; Organization of group, pair and individual work; Organization of independent activities of students; Creation of specific situations, their analysis; Asking questions that stimulate dialogue. Problem learning. It is necessary to apply a variety of methods and find new ones. The school should be a pedagogical laboratory, the teacher in his educational work should show independent creativity. L.N. Tolstoy.

The game "The child does not get tired of work that meets his functional life needs." S. Frenet Didactic games - arouse a keen interest in the process of cognition, activate the activity of students, help to more easily assimilate educational material. Role-playing games are a small scene played out by students, which helps to visualize, see, revive circumstances or events familiar to students. In mathematics lessons, for the development of activity and attention, I conduct an oral count with elements of the game.

Pairs and groups This method gives students more opportunities for participation and interaction. Working in pairs and groups develops in children the ability to accept a common goal, share responsibilities, agree on ways to achieve the proposed goal, correlate their actions with the actions of partners, take part in comparing goals and work. To work on the topic of the lesson, the methods “Beehives”, “Business cards” are used for groups of shift or permanent composition. The “Creative Workshop” method is used by me with great success in general lessons.

problem methods. Not from knowledge to problem, but from problem to knowledge. Contribute to the development of intellectual, subject-practical motivational spheres of the individual. A problematic question is a question that requires intellectual efforts, analysis of connections with previously studied material, attempts to compare, highlight the most important provisions. A problem situation is a comparison of two or more mutually exclusive points of view. Problem tasks-tasks that pose problems for students and orient them to an independent search for solutions.

Project method A method based on children's needs and interests, stimulating children's initiative, with its help the principle of cooperation between a child and an adult is realized, which makes it possible to combine the collective and the individual in the educational process. It is focused on the development of research, creative activity of students, on the formation of universal educational activities. I use it mainly in the lessons of the world around. “Visiting Winter”, “My Pets”, “The Secret of My Surname”.

The main stages of project activity - Choice of the theme of the project. - Work with different sources. - Choice of the form of presentation of the project. - Project work. - Presentation of results. - Protection of projects. Summarizing. At the end of the work, the student must answer the questions: Did I do what I planned? What was done well? What went wrong? What was easy to do and what was difficult for me? Who could thank me for this project?

Method of discussion Where a person is a creator, there he is a subject. The need for communication is the first manifestation of the activity of the subject. The ability to communicate with each other, to lead a discussion enables each child to develop the ability to listen, speak in turn, express their opinion, experience a sense of belonging to a joint collective search for truth. Students need to know the rules of discussion. The teaching comes from the students, and I direct the collective search, pick up the right thought and lead them to the conclusion m. The students are not afraid to make a mistake in the answer, knowing that classmates will always come to their aid, and together they will make the right decision. For discussion and decision-making, I use, for example, methods such as "Traffic Light", "Brainstorming".

ICT The use of ICT by primary school teachers in the educational process allows: to develop students' research skills, creative abilities; increase learning motivation; to form in schoolchildren the ability to work with information, to develop - communicative competence; actively involve students in the learning process; to create favorable conditions for a better mutual understanding of the teacher and students and their cooperation in the educational process. The child becomes thirsty for knowledge, tireless, creative, persistent and hardworking.

The method of an unfinished story I use mainly in the lessons of literary reading. Reading the text, I stop at the most interesting place. The child has a question: “What next?” If a question arose, it means that there is a need to find out, which means that the child will definitely read the text. Stop Reading. 2-3 stops are highlighted in the text, questions are asked to children that encourage critical thinking. What made the hero do this? How will events develop further? The technique "Tree of predictions" is used. Children learn to argue their point of view, to connect their assumptions with the data of the text. What will happen next? How will the story end? How will events develop after the finale? Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Methods for the beginning of the lesson "Smile at each other." I smiled at you, and you will smile at each other, and think how good it is that we are all together today. We are calm, kind and welcoming. Exhale yesterday's resentment and anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe in the freshness of a clear day, the warmth of the sun's rays. Let's wish each other good mood. Pat yourself on the head. Hug yourself. Shake your neighbor's hand. Smile at each other. "Greetings". Students walk around the class and greet each other, while saying the words of greeting or naming their names. This allows you to start the lesson in a fun way, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between students within a few minutes.

Methods for clarifying the goals “We know - we don’t know” The goals of using the method - the results of applying the method allow me to understand what students know and what they do not know from the material planned for the lesson. What knowledge of schoolchildren can be based on, giving new material. I ask students questions, leading them to the purpose and objectives of the lesson. Students, answering them, find out together with me what they already know about this topic and what they do not. "Flower Meadow" Before starting to clarify expectations and fears, I explain why it is important to clarify goals, expectations and fears. Pupils write down their expectations on blue colors, and fears on red. Those who wrote down attach flowers to the clearing. After all the students attach their flowers, I voice them, after which we organize a discussion and systematization of the formulated goals, wishes and concerns. In the process of discussion, we clarify the recorded expectations and concerns. At the end of the method, I summarize the clarification of expectations and concerns. "Air balloons"

Summing up methods Allows you to effectively, competently and interestingly sum up the lesson in the form of a game and complete the work. For me, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out what the guys have learned well, and what you need to pay attention to in the next lesson. "Cafe" I invite the students to imagine that they spent today in a cafe and now I ask them to answer a few questions: - I would eat more of this ... - I liked it most of all ... - I almost overcooked ... - I overate ... - Please, add... "Chamomile" Children tear off chamomile petals, pass colored sheets around and answer the main questions related to the topic of the lesson, written on the back.

“Final circle” The poster has a large circle divided into sectors: “I learned new knowledge”, “My participation in the work of the group”, “I was interested”, “I liked doing the exercises”, “I liked speaking to the guys”. All students are invited to draw a circle with a felt-tip pen. The brighter the sensations, the closer to the center is the circle. If the ratio is negative, the circle is drawn outside the circle.

Relaxation Techniques If you feel that your students are tired, take a break, remember the restorative power of relaxation! Earth, air, fire and water method. Students, on the teacher's command, depict one of the states - air, earth, fire and water. I myself take part in this, while helping insecure and shy students to participate more actively in the exercise. "Funny ball". "Physical minutes for the eyes."

Results The use of various forms and methods that ensure the inclusion of students in active cognitive activity allows us to draw the following conclusions: The quality of knowledge

The degree of student learning

Conclusion “Many subjects at school are so serious that it is useful not to miss the opportunity to make them a little entertaining” It is necessary to use various forms, methods and techniques of teaching in elementary school: they allow you to teach the material in an accessible, interesting, vivid and imaginative form; contribute to a better assimilation of knowledge; arouse interest in knowledge; form communicative, personal, social, intellectual competences. Lessons using active learning methods are interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. But their unsystematic, ill-conceived use does not give good results. Therefore, it is very important to actively develop and implement your own game methods in the lesson in accordance with the individual characteristics of your class.

All creative success

Since the beginning of the 20th century, world pedagogical science has been working to ensure that they are used in both school and university education. The result of this work was the emergence of a type - specialized, national schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges.

Changes also affected the structure of higher education. A multi-level system has developed that unites institutions of postgraduate education, as well as those that provide higher education. International universities and private universities began to operate, academies and universities became the main higher institutions.

In the pedagogical process innovative teaching methods provide for the introduction of innovations in goals, methods, content and education, in the joint activities of the teacher and the student. These innovations may be specially designed, already developed, or newly introduced through pedagogical initiative.

School innovation methods

Today, many teachers, in order to achieve learning outcomes, use modern technologies and. These methods include active and interactive forms used in teaching. Active ones provide for an active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with him. During lessons with their use, textbooks, notebooks, a computer are used, that is, individual tools used for teaching.

Thanks to interactive methods, there is an effective assimilation of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students work on the material being studied, while each of them is responsible for the work done.

Interactive methods contribute to the qualitative assimilation of new material. They belong to:

Creative exercises;

Group tasks;

Educational, role-playing, business games, imitation;


Lessons-meetings with creative people and specialists;

Classes aimed at creative development - lessons-performances, film making, newspaper publishing;

Use of video materials, the Internet, visualization;

Solving complex issues and problems using the methods of "decision tree", "brainstorming".

So innovative teaching methods at school contribute to children, teach to systematize and generalize the studied material, to discuss and discuss. Comprehending and processing the acquired knowledge, students acquire the skills to apply them in practice, gain communication experience. Undoubtedly innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

Features of the application of teaching innovation methods in universities

The main task of a higher educational institution at the present stage is the training of specialists who are able to respond non-standard, flexibly and in a timely manner to changes that are taking place in the world. Therefore, to prepare students for professional activities in the future, they are used.

These methods include the formation of skills for solving problematic problems that do not have a clear answer, independent work on the material and the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Also innovative teaching methods provide interactive learning. It is aimed at active and deep assimilation of the studied material, development of the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role-playing games, discussions, simulation situations.

One of the modern methods is learning through cooperation. It is used for work in small groups. This method aims to effectively master the educational material, develop the ability to perceive different points of view, the ability to cooperate and resolve conflicts in the process of teamwork.

Applied at the present stage innovative teaching methods at the university also provide for a method, the priority of which is It contributes to the formation of individual moral attitudes based on the development of the ability to represent and defend one's own opinion.

Innovative methods have made it possible to change the role of the teacher, who is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a mentor who initiates the creative search for students.


Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Methods in the Modern School

1.1 The concept of the teaching method

1.2 Classifications of teaching methods

Chapter 2. Characteristics of teaching methods in modern school

2.1 Traditional school methods

2.2 Game and developmental teaching methods in modern school

2.3 Computer and distance learning in school




School education has a great prerogative in the development of a person, which should provide adequate knowledge and appropriate education in the process of becoming a student's personality as a full-fledged social member of society, since this age period determines a great potential prospect for the versatile development of the child.

Relevance. Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual using various teaching methods for this.

The teaching method is a very complex and ambiguous concept. Until now, scientists dealing with this problem have not come to a common understanding and interpretation of the essence of this pedagogical category. And it's not that insufficient attention has been paid to this problem. The problem lies in the versatility of this concept. Translated from Greek, methodos means "the path of research, theory", otherwise - a way to achieve a goal or solve a specific problem. I. F. Kharlamov understands teaching methods as "methods of the teacher's teaching work and the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in solving various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied." N. V. Savin believes that "teaching methods are ways of joint activity of a teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems."

Modern achievements in computer technology convincingly prove to us that teaching methods can also be understood as "a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students" (TA Ilyina) without the participation of a teacher at all. Thus, at the present stage of development of pedagogy, the following definition seems to be the most appropriate: teaching methods are ways of organizing a student's educational and cognitive activity with predetermined tasks, levels of cognitive activity, learning activities and expected results to achieve didactic goals. (8, 129)

In primitive society and in ancient times, teaching methods based on imitation prevailed. Observation and repetition of the actions of adults turned out to be dominant in the process of transferring experience. As the actions mastered by a person become more complex and the volume of accumulated knowledge expands, simple imitation could no longer provide a sufficient level and quality of assimilation by the child of the necessary cultural experience. Therefore, a person was simply forced to switch to verbal teaching methods. This was a kind of turning point in the history of education; it has now become possible to transfer a large body of knowledge in a short time. It was the responsibility of the student to carefully memorize the information transmitted to him. In the era of great geographical discoveries and scientific inventions, the volume of the cultural heritage of mankind has increased so much that dogmatic methods could hardly cope with the task. Society needed people who not only memorized patterns, but also could apply them. Consequently, methods of visual learning have reached the maximum development, helping to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Departure towards humanitarian principles and ideals leads to the disappearance of authoritarian methods of teaching, and they are replaced by methods of increasing the motivation of students. Now it was not the rods that should have encouraged the child to learn, but the interest in learning and results. Further search led to the widespread use of the so-called problem-based teaching methods based on the student's independent movement towards knowledge. The development of the humanities, primarily psychology, has led society to the understanding that a child needs not only education, but also the development of his inner abilities and individuality, in a word, self-actualization. This served as the basis for the development and wide application of developmental teaching methods. Thus, three conclusions can be drawn from the evolution of teaching methods:

1. No single method can provide the required results in full.

2. Follows from the previous one; good results can only be achieved by using a variety of methods.

3. The greatest effect can be achieved using not multidirectional, but complementary methods that make up the system.

The purpose of the course work is to explore teaching methods in a modern school.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were formulated:

Consider the theoretical foundations of teaching methods;

To study the characteristic features of some teaching methods in a modern school.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Methods in the Modern School

1.1 The concept of the teaching method

school teaching method

The teaching method is one of the main components of the learning process. If you do not apply various methods, then it will not be possible to realize the goals and objectives of training. That is why researchers pay so much attention to clarifying both their essence and functions.

In our time, the development of the creative abilities of the child, his cognitive needs and features of the worldview must be given great attention. A.V. wrote about the importance of teaching methods. Lunacharsky: “It depends on the method of teaching whether it will arouse boredom in the child, whether teaching will slide over the surface of the child’s brain, leaving almost no trace on it, or, on the contrary, this teaching will be perceived joyfully, as part of a child’s game, as part of child's life, will merge with the child's psyche, become his flesh and blood. It depends on the method of teaching whether the class will look at the classes as hard labor and oppose them with their childish liveliness in the form of pranks and tricks, or whether this class will be soldered by the unity of interesting work and imbued with noble friendship for its leader. Imperceptibly, the methods of teaching pass into the methods of education. One and the other are intimately connected. And education, even more than teaching, should be based on knowledge of the psychology of the child, on the living assimilation of the latest methods. (17, 126)

Teaching methods are a complex phenomenon. What they will be depends on the goals and objectives of training. Methods are determined, first of all, by the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods.

In general, a method is a method, or a system of techniques, with the help of which one or another goal is achieved when a certain operation is performed. So, when determining the essence of the method, two characteristic features of it can be identified. Firstly, here we should talk about the sign of the purposefulness of the action, and secondly, about the sign of its regulation. These are the so-called standard characteristics of the method in general. But there are also specific ones that are related only to the teaching method. These are, first of all,