The initial formation of the ability to do something. Basic terms of defectology


The system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social measures aimed at correcting or easing physical and (or) mental disorders

Compensation in one way or another for non-sewn, impaired or lost functions and condition m account of restructuring or increased use of retained functions

The adaptation of a person as a person to existence in society in accordance with the requirements of this society and his own needs, motives and interests

Restoration of impaired functions of the body and ability to work, achieved by using a complex of medical, pedagogical and social measures the assimilation of social norms and methods of social behavior, as well as the active reproduction of the system of social ties by the individual

The concept of correction is central in defectological science. The entire history of special (correctional) pedagogy can be represented as the history of the development of the theory and practice of correctional work. The correctional systems and concepts of Eduard Segep (1812-1880), Maria Montessori (1870 1!) D)2), OnpdaDecroly (1871-1933), L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), L.II. Graborova (1885-1949) and others.

Correction can be both direct and indirect. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish direct correction(direct use of special didactic materials and methods of influence) and indirect(the whole learning process has a corrective value, the main ways are to clarify and correct existing experience and form a new one).

Implementation of corrective action requires the use of various means. All means of correction conditionally can be divided into traditional(play, study, work, extracurricular activities, socially useful activities, regimen, treatment and preventive measures) and unconventional(alternative: sensory and psychomotor training, legoteka (lego-games of constructive content), aromatherapy, hippotherapy (from the Greek "ippo" - horse), art therapy, music therapy, etc.).

Most traditional remedies have a broad meaning and involve the correction of the personality as a whole. Alternative means, as a rule, are aimed at the development and correction of individual functions and are used in combination with other measures (T.V. Varsnova). The choice of means of correction involves reliance on the socially significant content of the material.

According to V.P. Kashchenko, the following provisions form the basis of pedagogical correction:

Organization of a kind of children's environment, involving
taking into account the "small world in which the child lives";

The effectiveness of the pedagogical tools that he owns

Constant continuous study of the child;

Collaboration of various specialists (doctors, teachers,

The opinions of the authors are unanimous in understanding the importance of early correction in the formation and development of the personality of a child with special needs of psychophysical development: the sooner correctional work is started, the less difficulty it will have.

motor, speech and intellectual development. The early start of corrective work makes it possible to more effectively compensate for deviations in the mental development of a child at risk, thereby mitigating secondary deviations. Timely help and correction provide an exceptional opportunity!]) to “smooth out” shortcomings and problems in development, and in some cases even eliminate them, thereby ensuring a full life for the child.

As noted by V.G. Petrova, early detection of children with special needs of psychophysical development should first of all be carried out in families with an “increased” risk, which include families where there are already:

A child with developmental disabilities;

Family members (grandparents, uncles, aunts) with disabilities

development of any kind;

Children who have undergone intrauterine hypoxia, birth asphyxia
this, trauma, neuroinfection, etc.;

Parents who have been exposed to radiation
lived in an unfavorable ecological environment, worked in
hazardous conditions of the chemical industry;

Mothers who had an acute infection during pregnancy
onnoe disease, severe toxicosis, trauma;

One of the parents is a drug addict or suffers from alcoholism.
Early intervention includes:

The earliest possible detection and diagnosis of violations in


Reducing the gap between the moment of detection of violations
in the development of the child and the beginning of targeted correction
noah help;

Mandatory inclusion of parents in the correctional process;

Corrective impact on all areas of child development and
creation of the necessary conditions for the development of his personality.

One of the forms of early correction is the system of pedagogical patronage of young children (from birth to 3 years), which has become widespread in many countries of the world (USA, 1970). By definition L.I. Aksenova, patronage: - this is a special kind of assistance to a child, his parents, teachers in solving complex problems related to survival, rehabilitation treatment, special training and education, socialization, with the formation of a growing person as a person.

A qualified teacher visits the family once a week, draws up a program of parental activities for

seven upcoming days, teaches them all the main actions (shows how to organize observations, record the results in special printed forms), monitors the implementation of the previously proposed work plan, provides didactic aids and educational toys from the game library, organized according to the principle of libraries.

Medical-social-pedagogical patronage (MSP-patronage) is becoming the leading form of organization of early correctional assistance to children with special needs of psychophysical development in our country as well. SME-natronage is implemented as a wide range of long-term rehabilitation assistance measures focused on the family of a child with OPFR. This assistance is carried out in the process of coordinated work of specialists of different profiles.

SME patronage includes: diagnostics, assistance in choosing an educational trajectory, designing individual correctional and rehabilitation programs, primary assistance in the implementation of plans.

Thus, correction can be viewed as a specially organized psychological and pedagogical influence, carried out in relation to high-risk groups and aimed at restructuring, reconstructing those unfavorable psychological neoplasms that are defined as psychological risk factors, at recreating the harmonious relationship of the child with the environment.

The essence of the compensation process (from Latin compensatio - compensation, balancing) is to compensate to some extent for impaired functions and conditions: the brain receives signals from damaged areas (kind of SOS signals), in response to which it mobilizes defense mechanisms, “reserves reliability of a living organism” and counteracts the pathological process (T.V. Varenova). When the optimal result is achieved, the mobilization of defense mechanisms stops.

Violation has a dual effect on the development of the child: on the one hand, it impedes the normal course of the body's activity, on the other hand, it serves to enhance the development of other functions that could compensate for the deficiency. This circumstance was emphasized by L.S. Vygotsky, saying: "The minus of a defect turns into a plus of compensation."

Compensatory mechanisms depend on the nature of the violation, the time and degree of damage to the function, a number of psychological

factors (awareness of the violation, setting for compensation, etc.), as well as the timeliness of the provision of qualified assistance. Without the ability of higher nervous activity (HNA) to mobilize their reserve capabilities, effective pedagogical work is difficult and the more effective is correctional and developmental work; activity, the more stable new conditioned connections are fixed in the central nervous system (CNS).

Compensation, as L.S. Vygotsky, maybe biological and social.

The existing compensatory processes are not absolute (sustainable) in nature, therefore, under adverse conditions (excessive loads, stress, illness, seasonal deterioration of the body, abrupt cessation of training sessions, etc.), they can disintegrate. In such cases, there is i decompensation, those. recurrence (repetition, return) of functional disorders. This phenomenon of the psyche must be taken into account in * pedagogical interaction. With the phenomena of decompensation, there are serious impairments of mental performance, a decrease in the rate of development, a change in attitudes towards activities, people.

The phenomenon of compensation should be distinguished from the phenomena of compensation. pseudo-compensation, those. imaginary, false adaptations, harmful formations resulting from a person’s reaction to a vehicle or other undesirable manifestations towards him from the people around him (causing the child’s behavior when it is impossible to attract attention to himself in other ways).

Correction and compensation are closely related to rehabilitation (recovery), which includes measures to ensure and (or) restore functions, compensate for their loss or absence, and remove functional restrictions. In UN documents, the term "rehabilitation" means "a process designed to help persons with disabilities achieve and maintain optimal physical, intellectual, mental and (or) social level of activity, thereby providing the means to change their lives and expand the scope of independence."

Basic principle work of all special educational institutions is corrective orientation learning.

In addition to the concepts considered, which form the basis of the categorical apparatus of the scientific field of defectology, the law “On the education of persons with special needs of psychophysical development (special

education)” defines a number of terms that are used in the designation of various phenomena. Among them:

special education - the process of training and education of persons
with features of psychophysical development, including special
social conditions for obtaining an appropriate education,
provision of corrective assistance, social adaptation and inter
the grace of these persons in society;

person with special needs of psychophysical development- face, name
causing physical and (or) mental disorders, preventing
for education without creating special

child with special needs of psychophysical development- face with
features of psychophysical development under the age of eighteen
tsati years;

physical and (or) mental disorders- deviations from
norms restricting social activities and confirmed
nye in the manner prescribed by law;

multiple physical and (or) mental disorders -
two or more physical and (or) mental disorders, confirmed
data in the manner prescribed by law;

severe physical and (or) mental disorders - physically
skie and (or) mental disorders, confirmed in the order,
established by law, expressed to the extent
that getting an education in accordance with the educational
standards (including special ones) is inaccessible and
learning opportunities are limited to gaining basic knowledge
about the world around us, acquiring self-care skills,
obtaining elementary labor skills and elementary pro
professional training;

early comprehensive care - a system of measures that includes you
phenomenon, examination, correction of physical and (or) mental
mental disorders, individualized education of a child with special
psychophysical development at the age of up to three years with
psychological, medical and pedagogical support in se
myi, educational institutions and health care organizations;

psychological-medical-pedagogical examination - study with
using special methods and techniques of individual
characteristics of the child's personality, the development of his cognitive and
emotional-volitional spheres, potentialities and
state of health in order to determine special conditions for
getting an education;

special conditions for education - obu conditions
training and education, including special training programs
and teaching methods, individual technical means of training
teachings, special textbooks and teaching aids, adapted
living environment, as well as pedagogical, medical,
social and other types of assistance, without which it is impossible or beyond
it is difficult for people with disabilities to master the relevant curricula
features of psychophysical development;

general education institution- educational institution
created for the training and education of persons who do not have a physical
ic and (or) mental disorders that prevent getting
education without creating special conditions;

special education institution- educational institution
created for the education and upbringing of persons with special needs
psychophysical development;

homeschooling - organization of special education,
in which the development of the relevant training programs by a person with
features of psychophysical development, for health reasons
temporarily or permanently not attending an educational institution,
carried out at home.

Thus, it becomes obvious that defectology has a specific categorical apparatus that reflects the main processes and phenomena of the scientific field.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1.4 cm, a discussion was raised about the inappropriateness of using the concept of “defectology >>?

2. Name the main subject areas of defectology and their content.

3. What are the goals and objectives of defectological science?

4. What are the main socio-cultural concepts of defectology and races
cover their essence. What factors determine the revision of these concepts

5. List the main categories of defectology and reveal the essence
each of them.

6. Compare the processes of correction and compensation, formulated
wav preliminary comparative parameters.

7. What is the fundamental difference between the processes of pseudo-compensation and decom

8. On what grounds can a family be classified as a group of "increased
risk” in the birth of a child with special needs of psychophysical development?

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Page creation date: 2017-12-12

Often they talk about the abilities of a person, implying his propensity for a certain type of activity. At the same time, few people think that this concept is scientific and implies the level of development of this quality, as well as the possibility of its improvement. Not everyone knows what levels of development of abilities exist, how to work on improving them and learn how to use them to the maximum. Meanwhile, it is not enough to have any ability, this quality must be constantly developed if you want to really succeed in a certain area.

ability level

According to the scientific definition, ability is an individual and psychological feature of a particular person, which determines his ability to carry out a specific activity. Congenital prerequisites for the emergence of certain abilities are inclinations that, unlike the first, are laid down in a person from birth. It should be borne in mind that abilities are a dynamic concept, which means their constant formation, development and manifestation in various fields of activity. The levels of development of abilities depend on many factors that should be taken into account for continuous self-improvement.

According to Rubinstein, their development takes place in a spiral, which means the need to realize the opportunities provided by one level of abilities in order for a further transition to a higher one to occur.

Ability types

The level of development of personality abilities is divided into two types:

Reproductive, when a person demonstrates the ability to successfully master various skills, acquire and apply knowledge, and also implement activities according to an already proposed model or idea;

Creative, when a person has the ability to create something new, original.

In the course of successful acquisition of knowledge and skills, a person moves from one level of development to another.

In addition, abilities are also divided into general and special, according to Teplov's theory. The general ones are those that are demonstrated in any field of activity, while the special ones are manifested in a specific area.

Ability Development Levels

The following levels of development of this quality are distinguished:




In order to form a person's giftedness, it is necessary that there be an organic combination of general and special abilities, and their dynamic development is also necessary.

Giftedness - the second level of ability development

Giftedness implies a set of various abilities that are developed at a sufficiently high level and provide an individual with the opportunity to successfully master any type of activity. In this case, the possibility of mastering is specifically implied, since a person, among other things, is required to directly master the necessary skills and abilities for the successful implementation of the idea.

Giftedness is of the following types:

Artistic, implying great achievements in artistic activity;

General - intellectual or academic, when the levels of development of a person's ability are manifested in good results in learning, mastering various knowledge in various scientific fields;

Creative, involving the ability to generate new ideas and demonstrate a penchant for invention;

Social, providing a high identification of leadership qualities, as well as the ability to build constructive relationships with people and the possession of organizational skills;

Practical, manifested in the ability of the individual to apply their own intellect to achieve their goals, knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of a person and the ability to use this knowledge.

In addition, there are types of giftedness in various narrow areas, for example, mathematical talent, literary, etc.

Talent - a high level of development of creative abilities

If a person who has a pronounced ability in a particular area of ​​​​activity, constantly improves them, they say that he has a talent for it. It should be borne in mind that this quality is also not innate, despite the fact that many are accustomed to think so. When we talk about the levels of development of creative abilities, talent is a fairly high indicator of a person's ability to engage in a certain field of activity. However, do not forget that this is nothing more than pronounced abilities that need to be constantly developed, striving for self-improvement. No natural inclinations will lead to the recognition of talent without hard work on oneself. In this case, talent is formed from a certain combination of abilities.

None, even the highest level of development of the ability to do something, can be called a talent, since in order to achieve a result, it is necessary to have such factors as a flexible mind, strong will, great ability to work and a rich imagination.

Genius is the highest level of ability development

A person is called a genius if his activity has left a tangible mark on the development of society. Genius is the highest level of development of abilities that a few possess. This quality is inextricably linked with the originality of the individual. A distinctive quality of genius, unlike other levels of development of abilities, is that it, as a rule, shows its "profile". Any side in a brilliant personality inevitably dominates, which leads to a vivid manifestation of certain abilities.

Ability Diagnostics

The identification of abilities is still one of the most difficult tasks of psychology. At different times, many scientists put forward their own methods for studying this quality. However, at present there is no technique that allows you to identify a person’s ability with absolute accuracy, as well as determine its level.

The main problem was that abilities were measured quantitatively, the level of development of general abilities was deduced. However, in fact, they are a qualitative indicator that must be considered in dynamics. Different psychologists put forward their own methods for measuring this quality. For example, L. S. Vygotsky proposed to evaluate through the zone of proximal development. This suggested a double diagnosis, when the child solved the problem first together with an adult, and then on his own.

Other methods for diagnosing the level of development of abilities

Human abilities can manifest at any age. However, the sooner they are identified, the greater the likelihood of their successful development. That is why now in educational institutions from a very young age, work is required, during which the levels of development of abilities in children are revealed. Based on the results of work with schoolchildren, classes are conducted to develop the identified inclinations to a particular area. Such work cannot be limited only to the school, parents should also take an active part in the work in this direction.

The techniques most widely used for diagnosing abilities, both general and special:

- "The problem of Everier", designed to assess the purposefulness of thinking, that is, to what extent a person can concentrate on the task at hand.

- "Research of memory using the technique of memorizing ten words", aimed at identifying memory processes.

- "Verbal fantasy" - determining the level of development of creative abilities, primarily imagination.

- "Remember and dot" - diagnostics of the volume of attention.

- "Compasses" - the study of features

- "Anagrams" - the definition of combinatorial abilities.

- "Analytical mathematical abilities" - the identification of similar inclinations.

- "Abilities" - identifying the success of the performance of activities in a particular area.

- "Your creative age", aimed at diagnosing the correspondence of the passport age with the psychological one.

- "Your creativity" - diagnostics of creative possibilities.

The number of techniques and their exact list are determined based on the goals of the diagnostic examination. At the same time, the end result of the work is not revealing the ability of a person. The levels of development of abilities must constantly increase, which is why after the diagnosis, work must be carried out to improve certain qualities.

Conditions for increasing the level of development of abilities

One of the most important criteria for improving this quality is the conditions. The levels of development of abilities must constantly be in dynamics, moving from one stage to another. It is important for parents to provide their child with conditions for the realization of his identified inclinations. However, success depends almost entirely on a person's performance and focus on results.

The fact that a child initially has certain inclinations does not at all guarantee that they are transformed into abilities. As an example, consider a situation where a good prerequisite for the further development of musical abilities is the presence of a person's fine hearing. But the specific structure of the auditory and central nervous apparatus is only a prerequisite for the possible development of these abilities. A certain structure of the brain does not affect either the choice of the future profession of its owner, or the opportunities that will be provided to him for the development of his inclinations. In addition, due to the development of the auditory analyzer, it is possible that abstract-logical abilities will be formed, in addition to musical ones. This is due to the fact that the logic and speech of a person are in close connection with the work of the auditory analyzer.

Thus, if you have identified your levels of ability development, diagnosis, development and eventual success will depend only on you. In addition to the appropriate external conditions, you must be aware that only daily work will turn natural inclinations into skills that can develop into real talent in the future. And if your abilities are unusually bright, then perhaps the result of self-improvement will be the recognition of your genius.

SECTION 4. Glossary of terms (glossary).

HABILITATION- the initial formation of the ability to do something (habilis - to be capable of something). The term is applied primarily to young children with developmental disabilities, as opposed to rehabilitation- restoration of the ability to something, lost as a result of illness, injury, etc.

AUTOMATISM- performance of actions without regulation by their consciousness. The physiological basis of A. are conditioned (dynamic stereotype) and unconditioned reflexes. A. action underlies the formation of habits, skills.

AGNOSIA- Disorder of the function of gnosis or object perception. Distinguish A.:

1) visual, expressed in a violation of the process of recognizing objects and their images while maintaining sufficient visual acuity;

2) tactile, manifested in the form of disorders in the recognition of objects by touch (asteriognosia), impaired recognition of one's own body or ideas about the structure of the body (somatognosia);

3) auditory, expressed in a violation of phonemic hearing, i.e. the ability to distinguish speech sounds, which leads to its disorder, or in violation of the ability to recognize familiar melodies, sounds, noises (while maintaining elementary forms of hearing).

AGRAMMATISM- a general violation of the grammatical structure of speech, manifested in the inability to grammatically correct words and build sentences (expressive A.), as well as in a misunderstanding of the meaning of grammatical forms (impressive A.). When A., there is an omission of prepositions, incorrect agreement of words in gender, number, case, "telegraphic style", etc.

ACTIVE DICTIONARY- words that a speaker in a given language not only understands, but also uses, actively uses.

ACOUSTIC- auditory.

ALALIA- absence or underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence, due to damage or underdevelopment of the speech areas of the cerebral hemispheres due to birth injuries, brain diseases or injuries suffered by the child in the pre-speech period. Allocate A. motor (violation of the expressive side of speech) and sensory (underdevelopment of understanding of speech).

AMBIDESTRIA- the ability to equally own the right and left hand.

AMIMIA- the absence or weakening of the expressiveness of the facial muscles due to paresis, paralysis and disorders of the coordination of movements of the facial muscles in various diseases of the central nervous system, as well as paresis of the facial nerve.

AMNESIA- a violation of memory, in which a person cannot reproduce ideas and concepts formed in the past. There are two main forms of A.:

1) retrograde A. manifests itself in the form of memory impairment for events preceding the disease (trauma), when events that occurred within several hours, days, and sometimes years before the disease are forgotten;

2) anterograde A. - impaired memory for events that occurred after the onset of the disease; can cover events and periods of various duration.

ANAMNESIS- communication of the patient (relatives, employees, etc.) about his life, the history of the development of the disease; used to establish a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

ANARTRIA- a severe form of dysarthria, when speech is almost completely impossible due to paralysis of the speech motor muscles, which sharply upsets the articulation system.

ANOMALY- a pathological deviation from the norm in the functions of the body and its parts.

ANTICIPATION- replacement of previous sounds by subsequent ones.

Apraxia- violation of purposeful movements and actions due to lesions of the cerebral cortex. A patient with symptoms A. is able to move his hand, but cannot perform purposeful actions (cannot raise his hand on instructions, fasten buttons, etc.). There are the following main forms of apraxia:

1) kinesthetic - the collapse of the desired set of movements due to a violation of kinesthetic analysis and synthesis;

2) spatial (constructive) - a violation of the visual-spatial organization of a motor act;

3) kinetic (dynamic) - difficulties in performing a series of successive acts that underlie various motor skills, the appearance of motor perseverations;

4) "frontal" regulatory - violation of obedience to a given program.

logical, morphological and syntactic structures of speech, understanding of speech while maintaining the movements of the speech apparatus.

AFFERENT- bringing, bearing to the center.

APHONIA- the absence of a sonorous voice with a preserved whispered speech. It is observed in acute and chronic diseases of the larynx, inflammatory processes, paralysis of the laryngeal muscles, tumors, cicatricial changes in the vocal cords (true or laryngeal aphonia), as well as in hysteria and other neuroses (functional or hysterical A.). The immediate cause of A. is the non-closure or incomplete closure of the true vocal cords, as a result of which air leaks during phonation.

AFFRIKAT- a consonant sound, which is a fused combination of a stop consonant with a fricative one of the same place of formation.

BATTARISM- a pathologically accelerated rate of speech, one of the varieties of takhilalia. With B., speech breathing is impaired, words are pronounced at an excessively fast pace, indistinctly, they do not agree, “with choking”, speech is illegible. Often, phonemic deficiencies in speech in B. are accompanied by a violation of its syntax, the sequence of expression of thought. B. is one of the manifestations of general increased excitability and is most often found in neuropathic children.

BILINGUALISM- cm. bilingualism.

BRADIKINESIA- general slowness of movement.

BRADILALIA- pathologically slow rate of speech with stretching of vowels, sluggish, fuzzy articulation. Synonym - bradyphrasia. B. is a particular manifestation of slowed down nervous processes, general lethargy, lethargy.

BROKA CENTER- the center of motor speech, located in the back of the lower frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere. With the defeat of B.c. a person cannot pronounce words (motor alalia and aphasia). In the implementation of the motor function of speech, in addition to this area, other areas of the cerebral cortex (premotor, etc.) take part.

LETTER- a graphic sign in the alphabet of a given language, which serves to designate sounds (phonemes) and their varieties in writing. The same B. can denote different sounds. On the other hand, the same sound can be transmitted by different letters. One B. can transmit not one sound, but two, for example, the letters i, e, yu. In the Russian alphabet there are letters that do not represent sounds: ь, ъ.

BULBAR PARALYSIS- clinical manifestation of the disease of the medulla oblongata. There is a lesion of the nuclei of the motor cranial nerves located in the medulla oblongata - glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossal. Often the facial and trigeminal nerves are also affected. B.p. characterized by peripheral paralysis of the muscles of the tongue, lips, palate, pharynx, vocal cords, epiglottis and is manifested by a violation of swallowing - dysphagia.

VELAR- posterior palatal sound (for example, g, k, x).

VERBAL- verbal or verbal.

WERNIKKE CENTER- a section of the cerebral cortex, located in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere, is the center of speech perception. If this area is affected, a person perceives the sounds of speech, but loses the ability to perceive the meaning of words (sensory alalia and aphasia).

PLASTIC CONSONANTS- stop consonants, during the pronunciation of which the bow breaks. Synonyms: instantaneous, exponential, stop-plosive consonants.

VIBRANT- trembling consonant.

EXTERNAL SPEECH- speech in the proper sense, i.e. clothed in sound, having sound expression.

ATTENTION- the focus of mental activity on some objects and phenomena while distracting from others. The physiological basis of V. is the presence of dominant foci of excitation with more or less significant inhibition of the remaining parts of the cortex (the law of negative induction of nervous processes). V. is arbitrary and involuntary. The simplest and initial form of attention that occurs without a person's special intention is the orienting reflex. With voluntary attention, a person sets himself the goal of paying attention to certain objects through volitional efforts.

INTERNAL SPEECH- hidden, silent speech, various types of use of language (linguistic meanings) outside the process of real communication. There are three main types of V.R.:

1) internal pronunciation - “speech to oneself”, preserving the structure of external speech, but devoid of phonation;

2) internal speech itself, when it acts as a means of thinking, uses specific units (a code of images and schemes, an objective code, objective meanings) and has a specific structure that is different from the structure of external speech;

3) internal programming, i.e. the formation and consolidation in specific units of the meaning (type, program) of a speech statement and its meaningful parts.

PLAYBACK- one of the processes memory. There is a revival in the consciousness of past memories, feelings, verbal material, aspirations, actions that occur as a result of the activation of previously formed systems of temporary connections that arise in the human brain when they reflect reality.

PITCH- sound quality, depending on the frequency of vibration of the vocal cords per unit time: the more

vibrations, the higher the sound, the less vibrations, the lower the sound.

HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY- the activity of the cerebral cortex and the subcortical formations closest to it, which ensures the normal complex relationship of the whole organism to the external and internal world and the subtle balancing of the organism with the surrounding conditions based on the development and inhibition of temporary connections.

HEMIPLEGIA- paralysis of the muscles of one half of the body. The incomplete degree of G. is called hemiparesis.

GENESIS- origin.

GYMNASTICS OF SPEECH- a system of exercises for speech organs according to the instructions of a speech therapist.

HYPERACUSIA- Hypersensitivity to quiet sounds, indifferent to others. Seen in sensory disturbances.

HYPERKINESIS- excessive involuntary movements, an extensive group of movement disorders that occur with organic and functional disorders of the cortex, subcortical formations of the brain.

HYPOACUSIA- decreased hearing acuity.

vowel sounds- sounds formed by the free passage of air in the mouth, consisting mainly of a voice (voice tone) with almost no noise. The classification of vowels according to their articulation is based on the following features: the degree of rise of the tongue, the place of its rise, the participation or non-participation of the lips. G.z. can be strong (under stress) and weak in an unstressed syllable).

DEAF-MUTE- Absence or profound hearing impairment and the associated lack of speech.

nasality- an unpleasant nasal tone of speech sounds and voices.

VOICE- a set of sounds of different height, strength and timbre, emitted by means of the vocal apparatus. G. is one of the components of speech. Along with breath and articulation serves as an external expression of thought (word) and is controlled by the cerebral cortex.

LABIO-DENTAL CONSONANTS- consonants formed by bringing the lower lip closer to the upper lip.

GRAPHEM- the main structural unit included in the system of the written version of a given language; designation of a phoneme in writing by a letter.

BILINGUALITY- Equally perfect command of two languages.

DEFECT- a physical or mental handicap that interferes with the normal development of the child. The main types of defects: visual impairment, hearing impairment, movement disorders, mental disorders, speech disorders.

DEPRIVATION- insufficient satisfaction of basic needs.

DECOMPENSATION- disruption of the activity of any organ or organism as a whole due to a violation compensation(a complex process of restructuring the functions of the body in case of violations or loss of any function due to diseases, injuries).

dysarthria- violation of the pronunciation side of speech, due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. Articulation disorder, difficulty

in the pronunciation of consonant sounds of speech due to paresis, spasm, hyperkinesis or ataxia muscles involved in the motor function of speech. Speech becomes unclear, slurred, slurred or stretched, slowed down, intermittent. Depending on the localization, there are dysarthria: bulbar, pseudobulbar, extrapyramidal, cerebellar, cortical.

DISGRAPHY- Partial specific violation of the writing process. Writing is carried out with persistent, gross and peculiar errors that are not related to knowledge of grammatical rules. There are the following types of D.: articular-acoustic, based on violations of phonemic recognition, on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis; agrammatical and optical. D. usually accompanied by speech disorders (alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, dyslalia), seen with deafness mental retardation, but it can also occur on its own.

DYSLALIA- a disorder of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus. According to the causes of occurrence, D. is distinguished functional and mechanical (organic).

DYSLEXIA- partial specific violation of the reading process. With D., there are replacements and mixtures of sounds during reading, most often phonetically close, as well as replacements of graphically similar letters, distortions in the sound-syllabic structure of words, agrammatism, and impaired understanding of what is read. There are the following types of dyslexia: phonemic, semantic, agrammatical, mnestic, optical, tactile. D. is most often based on deviations in oral speech, expressed in a limited vocabulary, violations of the grammatical structure of speech, as well as defects in phonemic perception and shortcomings in the pronunciation of sounds.

DICTION- clear, intelligible, expressive pronunciation of words.

STUTTERING- a disorder of the communicative function of speech, in which the smoothness of its flow is interrupted by involuntary delays, forced repetitions, stretching of individual syllables, words. Due to speech convulsions (clonic, tonic, mixed).

IMPAIRED MENTAL FUNCTION- Violation of the normal pace of mental development of children.

SOUND OF SPEECH- an element of spoken speech, formed by speech organs. With phonetic articulation of speech, a sound is a part of a word, the shortest sound unit uttered in one articulation.

MIRROR LETTER- a writing disorder in which the writing of letters and words is similar to that reflected in a mirror.

SPEECH THERAPY PROBES- instruments made of stainless metal, designed for mechanical impact on the tongue when staging and correcting the pronunciation of certain speech sounds.

IMPRESSIVE SPEECH- perception, understanding of speech. Oral I. r. normally expressed in the auditory perception of the spoken, written I.r. - in the visual perception of the text (reading).

INVERSION- reverse word order.

INNERVATION- supply of organs and tissues with nerves.

INSPIRATION- inhalation.

ITERATION- repetition, hesitations, repetitions in speech.

CATAMNESIS- information about the patient after recovery.

KINESTHETIC SENSATIONS- sensations of the position and movement of organs and parts of one's own body.

COMMUNICATIVE- relating to communication as the transfer of intellectual content, as opposed to emotional, i.e. expressions of sadness, joy and other feelings that make up the content of non-communicative statements.

COMPENSATION- compensation for impaired function, functional restructuring.

CONVERGENCE- a change expressed in the similarity or even in the coincidence of different sounds of the language.

CONTAMINATION- an erroneous reproduction of a word, which is a mixture of elements of two or more words (squirrel and yolk - “squirrel”). The emergence of K. contributes to the semantic and phonetic proximity of words. To. it is noted at alalia and aphasia, but can also occur in healthy people in the form of reservations.

CORRECTIONAL PEDAGOGY- (special pedagogy, defectology) refers to the pedagogical sciences and studies the patterns of development, upbringing and education of children with deviations in physical or mental development.

PRONUNCIATION CORRECTION- correction of deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds.

Laryngospasm- convulsive contraction of the muscles of the larynx, vocal folds.

LATERAL- lateral sound.

BABE- voice reactions of the child to positive stimuli. L. usually appears after cooing, at 5-6 months of age, consists of various combinations of vowels and consonants, both present in the child's native language and absent in it.

LOGONEUROSIS- neurosis, manifested in the form of a speech disorder - stuttering.

LOGOPAT- a person with defective speech.

SPEECH THERAPIST- a teacher who deals with the elimination of speech defects in children and adults.

SPEECH THERAPY- a special institution in which, under the guidance of a speech therapist, classes are held to eliminate the shortcomings of oral and written speech.

LOGOPEDIA- the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, detection and elimination by means of special training and education, a section of correctional pedagogy.

LOCALIZATION- the place of development of any phenomena, processes.

MACROGLOSSY- proliferation of the muscles of the tongue, a rare congenital anomaly.

MEDICAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGICAL CONSULTATION- a special institution that conducts a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of abnormal children to send them to the appropriate educational and recreational institutions.

MIMIC-GESTURE SPEECH- a forced form of communication of deaf-mute people who do not speak verbally, an independent, albeit a primitive form of communication and thinking. Its basis is a system of gestures, each of which has its own meaning. Mimicry is also used, which not only expresses feelings, states, but also changes the meaning of the gesture.

MYOCLONIA- hyperkinesis; quick and short twitches of individual muscles or muscle groups.

VOICE MODULATION- a change in the pitch of the voice, associated, in particular, with intonation. M.g. suffers from hearing loss and especially deafness, speech becomes monotonous. During training, sound-amplifying equipment and special exercises are used.

MONOPLEGIA- paralysis of one limb.

MOTOR- a system of motor reactions of a person and an animal.

MUTISM- violation of verbal communication (silence), resulting from mental trauma. M. is temporary, but can sometimes last for years. It is based on the inhibition of motor speech analyzer as a reaction of weakened cortical cells to one or another irritant that is superstrong for them (unbearable demand, conflict, resentment, etc.). Occurs in shy, timid, insecure children. Sometimes M. is part of the overall picture of psychogenic trauma, for example, in acute mental shock.

SKILLS- automated actions.

NASALIZATION- the acquisition by sounds, mainly consonants, of a nasal tone due to the lowering of the palatine curtain and the simultaneous exit of an air stream through the mouth and nose.

SPEECH DISORDERS- deviations in the speaker's speech from the language norm adopted in a given language environment, manifested in partial (partial) disorders (sound pronunciation, voice, tempo and rhythm, etc.) and due to a disorder in the normal functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech activity. From the point of view of the communicative theory of N.r. are violations of verbal communication. Synonyms: speech disorders, speech defects, speech defects, speech deviations, speech pathology.

READING AND WRITING DISORDERS- a sharp difficulty in mastering the graphic form of speech, most often associated with a general underdevelopment of speech in children. However, there are often deviations in the assimilation of reading and writing in violation of only the pronunciation side of speech. The main task in overcoming reading and writing disorders is to form a child's clear ideas about the sound composition of words while correcting pronunciation, to develop analysis and synthesis skills in the perception and reproduction of speech sounds. This work is being carried out on speech therapy points at public schools or in boarding schools for children with speech disorders.

NEUROPATHY- constitutional nervousness (increased excitability of the nervous system).

ONTOGENESIS- the individual development of an animal or plant organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life. In O., each organism passes through successive periods of development. There are perinatal, postnatal periods of development of the individual. The postnatal period is divided into the period of newborn and infancy, childhood and primary school age, puberty, maturity, old age.

OPTICO-GNOSTIC DISORDERS- the inability to see the whole in objects, despite the ability to capture individual signs and properties.

SPEECH ORGANS- various parts of the human body involved in the formation of speech sounds (speech apparatus). O. r. active, mobile perform the main work necessary for the formation of sound - tongue, lips, soft palate, small tongue, epiglottis. O. r. passive, motionless are not capable of independent work, in the formation of sounds they serve as a fulcrum for active organs - teeth, alveoli, hard palate, pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx.

PARALINGUISTIC MEANS OF COMMUNICATION- facial expressions, gestures.

PARESIS- incomplete degree of paralysis or paralysis in the stage of reverse development.

PASSIVE DICTIONARY- words understandable, familiar, but not used in ordinary speech.

PATHOGENESIS- a section of pathology that studies the internal mechanisms of the occurrence and development of pathological processes underlying the disease. P.'s studying is of great importance for practical medicine, development of rational measures of treatment.

PATHOLOGICAL- painful, abnormal.

PERSEVERATION- obsessive, repeated repetition of the same words - memory images. P. is often found in speech, when reading aloud and writing in some forms aphasia.

SOUND SETTING- the first stage of the formation of pronunciation skills in deaf, hard of hearing, in children with speech disorders. It is characterized by the wide use of preserved analyzers (visual, skin, motor, auditory), the use of various methodological techniques, technical devices, as a result of which the child learns one or another primary pronunciation skill.

SYMPTOMOCOMPLEX- a group of symptoms characteristic of a disease. Synonym - syndrome.

SIMULTANEOUS- the process of analysis and synthesis, which has a certain integral (simultaneous) character.

SYNKINESIA- additional movements, involuntarily joining arbitrary ones. There are normal and pathological cases of synkinesis.

SITUATIONAL- due to this situation.

SYNTAGMA- syntactic intonation-semantic unit.

SCANDED SPEECH- reading poetry with emphasis on their meter, artificial emphasis on the stressed syllable in the foot. Wed as a special technique is used in some cases in speech therapy classes with stutterers in cases of takhilalia. Often Wed. is a persistent violation of normal speech, due either to improper learning (for example, in the deaf, hard of hearing), or a brain disease.

DICTIONARY OF THE CHILD- vocabulary, continuously impressively increasing. There is a dictionary that is accessible only to the understanding of the child (passive), and a dictionary that he uses in his own speech (active).

COMPLEX (COMBINED) DEFECT- a defect in which certain connections are traced, for example, speech and visual insufficiency and other combinations.

MIXING SOUNDS- a lack of speech, expressed in the fact that the child, knowing how to pronounce certain sounds, mixes them in speech (for example, instead of “hat” he says “sapka”, instead of “sledge” - “shanki”). S.z. - a sign of a violation of the processes of mastering the system of phonemes. Normally, this process ends in a child by 4-5 years. By this time, all speech sounds are correctly pronounced and distinguished by children by ear. Under the influence of literacy training S. h. overcome in more than 60% of cases without special speech therapy assistance. However, if this does not happen, S. z. may entail biography.

CONNECTED SPEECH- Simultaneous joint pronunciation by two or more persons of words or phrases. It is used as a kind of reproductive speech when correcting some speech disorders. Due to its availability, cf. used in the early stages of speech therapy, especially in the traditional method of overcoming stuttering.

SOCIAL ADAPTATION- bringing the individual and group behavior of abnormal children in line with the system of social norms, rules and values.

SOCIAL REHABILITATION- the inclusion of a child with developmental disabilities in the social environment, familiarization with social life and work at the level of his psychophysical capabilities.

CLONIC CLONES- short-term involuntary contractions and relaxation of muscles quickly following one after another.

TONIC CAPS- prolonged muscle contractions due to a single impulse.

SUCCESSIVE- the process of analysis and synthesis, implemented in parts (sequential), and not holistically.

SURDOMUTISM- psychogenic deafness. Functional impairment of hearing and speech. S. is temporary, transient.

tactile- tactile.

TAHILALIA- violation of speech, which is expressed in the excessive speed of its pace. Unlike Battarism, T. is a deviation from normal speech only in relation to its tempo, while the remaining components of phonemic design, as well as vocabulary and grammatical structure, are fully preserved. T. is overcome by speech therapy classes using scanning.

TEAK- involuntary, rapid clonic muscle contractions, stereotypically repeated, characterized by a violent nature. With speech tics, patients sometimes utter meaningless words or phrases. The course of a tick is chronic, remissions are possible, sometimes spontaneous cessation of a tick.

TREMOR- involuntary rhythmic vibrations of the limbs, voice, tongue.

BRAKING- one of the main nervous processes, opposite to excitation, actively delaying the activity of nerve centers or working organs (muscles, glands). T. is of exceptional importance: it is involved in the regulation of the vital functions of the body, in particular in the protective function. With a wide distribution of T. in the cerebral cortex, drowsiness occurs, then sleep, when T. captures subcortical formations.

HEARING LOSS- Persistent hearing loss, making it difficult to perceive speech. T. can be expressed to varying degrees: from a slight disturbance in the perception of whispered speech to a sharp limitation in the perception of speech at conversational volume. Allocate three degrees of T.: easy, average and heavy. Children suffering from T. usually have deviations in speech development and are brought up in special schools for the hearing impaired.

BRIE SHORT- a congenital defect, consisting in the shortening of the tongue (hyoid ligament). With this defect, the movement of the tongue can be difficult. U. to. usually causes mechanical dyslalia. To stretch the frenulum of the tongue, special speech therapy exercises are successfully used - tongue gymnastics. In such cases, the need for surgical intervention is eliminated.

URANOPLASTY- Operative closure of the gap of the hard and soft palate.

RISK FACTOR- various conditions of the external or internal environment of the body, contributing to the development of pathological conditions.

PHOBIA OF SPEECH- obsessive fear of speech, often found in stuttering.

FONASTENIA- violation of the function of voice formation without visible organic changes in the vocal apparatus. With F., rapid fatigue and interruption (misfire) of the voice, unpleasant sensations in the throat when singing and talking (scratching, burning) are observed. In younger students, sometimes the so-called pseudophonasthenia occurs - interruption of the voice from excitement, most often when answering in class.

PHONEME- the sound of speech. Each language has a certain number of phonemes that are opposed to each other by their acoustic features and are used to distinguish words. There are 42 phonemes in Russian: 6 vowels and 36 consonants.

PHONEMATIC PERCEPTION- special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word.

EXOGENOUS- arising from causes lying outside the body.

EXPIRATION- exhale, inhale.

EXPRESSIVE SPEECH- external form of speech, active oral or written statement.

EXTIRPATION- radical removal.

EMBOLOPHRASIA- distortion of the syntactic construction of the phrase due to the insertion of additional sounds, syllables and words, most often: ah, and, yes, well, here, that means etc. E. is usually observed with such complex speech disorders as stuttering and aphasia. Synonyms - embolalia, speech embolism.

ENDOGENOUS- arising from reasons lying in the internal environment of the body.

ETIOLOGY- the doctrine of the causes of the onset of the disease, any disorders, is sometimes interpreted more broadly, including predisposing conditions.

EFFERENT- carrying away, heading from the center.

ECHOLALIA- a pathological tendency to repeat words, sounds, questions, one of the forms of echopraxia; observed in adults and children suffering from organic diseases of the brain. E. is sometimes found in normally developing children, constituting one of the early stages in the development of their speech.

LANGUAGE - 1) a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will and serving as the most important means of communication between people. Being inextricably linked in its origin and development with a given human collective, language is a social phenomenon. It forms an organic unity with thinking, since one does not exist without the other.

2) a kind of speech characterized by certain stylistic features.
SECTION 5. Workshop on problem solving.

Not provided

SECTION 6. Changes in the work program that have occurred since the approval of the program.

The nature of the changes in the program

Number and date of the minutes of the meeting of the department at which this decision was made

Signature of the head of the department approving the change

Signature of the Faculty Dean (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs) approving this change

1. Rehabilitation - the application of a whole range of measures of a medical, social, educational and professional nature with the aim of preparing or retraining an individual to the highest level of his functional abilities. Definition given by the World Health Organization. In Spanish-speaking and French-speaking countries, ter "min" readaptation is used.

Habilitation - the initial formation of a lost ability for something. The term happens to be capable of anything.

According to N.M., Nazarova, it is advisable to apply habilitation in relation to children of the early nose with developmental disabilities.

Creation of adequate conditions, taking into account the peculiarities of the mental development of the child with different variants and types of disorders, is possible on the basis of correction, compensation and socialization (EA Strebeleva).

Correction (from Latin - correction) - a system of psychological, pedagogical and therapeutic measures aimed at overcoming or weakening the shortcomings of psychophysical development and deviations in the behavior of children.

Compensation (from Latin - reimbursed, equalized) is a complex multi-level process, including the restoration and replacement of lost or impaired functions. Socialization (from lat. sosyu1k - public) - the formation of an individual's ability to live in society on the basis of the assimilation of its social values ​​​​and ways of socially positive behavior.

Socialization gives the individual the opportunity to function as a full member of society. It is connected with the development of an adequate attitude towards social values. In the process of socialization, a person learns social norms, masters the ways of performing social roles, and the skills of social behavior.

4. Terms used in the field of special education (according to N.M. Nazarova):

special education - pre-school, general and vocational education, for the receipt of which special conditions are created for persons with disabilities;

person with disabilities - a person with physical disabilities that prevent the development of educational programs without creating special conditions for education;

person with special educational needs - a person who needs special pedagogical support and specific methods of education to overcome the limitations and difficulties caused by developmental disabilities;

handicap - a physical or mental handicap, confirmed by a psychological and pedagogical commission in relation to a child and a medical and social expert commission in relation to an adult;

Physical disability - a temporary or permanent deficiency in the development and (or) functioning of a human organ, or a chronic somatic or infectious disease, confirmed in the prescribed manner;

mental deficiency - a temporary or permanent deficiency in the mental development of a person, confirmed in the prescribed manner, including impaired speech, emotional and volitional spheres, including autism, the consequences of brain damage, including mental retardation, mental retardation that creates learning difficulties;

complex handicap - a set of physical and (or) psychological handicaps;

severe disability - a physical or mental disability, expressed to such an extent that education in accordance with state educational standards (including special ones) is inaccessible and learning opportunities are limited to obtaining basic knowledge and skills:

special conditions for obtaining education (special educational conditions) - conditions for learning (upbringing), including special educational programs and teaching methods, individual technical training aids and living environment, as well as pedagogical, medical, social and other services, without which it is impossible (difficulty) mastering educational programs by persons with disabilities;

special (correctional) educational institution - an educational institution for persons with disabilities.

Conceptual ideas of the adaptive school
Without the definition, understanding and rethinking of conceptual ideas, today it is almost impossible to reasonably design the educational process at school and manage it. Conceptual ideas make it possible to correlate the strategic tasks set by the school and the real state of student activity.

The current stage of development of comprehensive support for persons with special needs in Western countries
1. The basis of social activities for the comprehensive support of persons with special needs is the modern legislative framework of developed Western countries. It includes: UN - the documents listed above - Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Declaration ...

Empirical verification and statistical processing of results
The presence of a sufficient number of test tasks allows you to proceed to the development of a test as a system with integrity, composition and structure. At the third stage, tasks are selected and tests are created, the quality and efficiency of the test are improved. The integrity of the test forms the relationship of the answers of the subjects to ...


The history of the formation and development of special education in Belarus has its own characteristics. Researcher

historical roots and foundations for the formation and development of the system of special education I.M. Bobla notes that:

  • specially organized state charity de
    children with peculiarities of psychophysical development in the pre-revolutionary
    Noah Belarus did not exist;

  • decisive role in substantiating the need and
    The importance of educating children with OPFR was played by the contacts of Belarusian
    Dagogov with Ya.A. Comenius, activities of professors Vilensky
    University (J. Snyadetsky and others), the views of Russian enlighten
    lei (A. Radishcheva and others) and the practice of defectologists in Russia;

  • special institutions for deaf-mutes, stutterers and
    blind children were discovered in the late XIX - early XX century. (Minsk,
    Vitebsk, Gomel).
Charity and treatment of the elderly and sick, including persons with disabilities in psychophysical development, was administered by orders of public charity: Mogilevsky (1781), Minsk (1796), Vitebsk (1802), Grodno (1805), Vilensky (1808).

Among the first speech pathologists were deaf and speech therapists M.Ya. Nisnevich, SO. Okun (Minsk School for Deaf and Dumb and Stuttering Children - 1888), I.O. Vasyutovich (Vitebsk School of the Deaf and Dumb - 1896), P.P. Sliozger (individual education for the deaf and dumb in Gomel - 1902, school for the deaf and dumb in Minsk - 1908). Typhlopedagogical practice was carried out by I.U. Zdanovich, I.V. Georgievsky, K.S. Boltuts (Minsk School for Blind Boys - 1897). There were no schools for children with intellectual disabilities before the revolution in Belarus.

The materials of the 1897 census indicate that over 7,000 abnormal children lived in Belarus.

In 1920, schools for deaf-mute and mentally retarded children were established in Vitebsk, orphanages for mentally retarded children in Gomel and Mogilev, and in 1921 an orphanage for mentally retarded children was opened in Minsk.

The formation of a system of special education in Belarus required the training of defectologists. The leading forms of training and retraining of personnel were courses offered on the basis of the best specialized institutions, and distance learning for teachers of the republic at defectological faculties of Myuou Russia.

According to I.M. Bobly, in the 1940/41 academic year, 32 special schools worked in Belarus: 18 - for children with disabilities

ha, 10 - for mentally retarded children, 3 - for the blind, 1 - for children with hearing and speech disorders. About 3,000 pupils studied and over 300 teachers worked there.

Immediately after the liberation of the territory of Belarus from the fascist invaders, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR dated October 09, 1944 No. 659 determined a network of schools for deaf and dumb children: 11 schools for 1,400 students. By March 1945, there were 5 schools for the deaf and dumb in the republic (Mstislavl, Bobruisk, Gomel, Oshmyany, Novogrudok) and a school for the blind (the village of Porechie, Grodno region). In the autumn of 1945, a republican school for children with hearing and speech disorders was opened in Kobrin (Brest region), and in 1949 the first auxiliary school in Vitebsk was completed.

In the 60s, new types of schools appeared for Belarus: for the hard of hearing and late deaf (1961), for the visually impaired (1963), for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (1964), for children with severe speech disorders (1966).

The training of professional specialists for the system of special education in Belarus began in 1960, when at the Minsk Pedagogical Institute. A.M. Gorky, a defectology department was opened, which in 1976 was transformed into a defectology faculty (now the faculty of special education).

The 1980s are characterized by a significant expansion of the network of educational institutions for various categories of children with OPFR: in 1980, schools for children with mental retardation were opened, the number of speech therapy centers at secondary schools and clinics, hospitals at audiology rooms and clinics increased, with Republican Center for Pathology of Hearing, Voice and Speech.

Today in the Republic of Belarus, the problems of educating and educating children with special needs of psychophysical development are of a state nature, the rights of these persons are protected by the law “For the rights of children” (1992) and the law “On the education of persons with special needs of psychophysical development (special education)” (2004) .

1.1.3. Sociocultural foundations of defectology

In the history of the development of human civilization, the attitude of society towards people with special needs of psychophysical development has developed in the form of social “shelves” or “niches” that are assigned to them.

were diluted, and manifested itself in the manner in which they were treated. Let's name some of these "niches" or models.

"A sick man"(essence: persons with special needs of psychophysical development - sick people considered as an object of treatment). It should be remembered that educational programs for such people should include not only and not so much care and treatment, but education and development. This model stimulated the development of scientific research in the field of clinical study of the causes and consequences of impaired development and possible methods for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, the consequence of which is a limitation of human capabilities. In modern conditions, this model is insufficient, since in itself it is a limiter on the capabilities of a person with special needs of psychophysical development.

"Subhuman"(essence: a person with peculiarities of psychophysical development is considered as an inferior being, approaching in its level to an animal). The model underlay the application of inhumane treatment to such persons.

"A Threat to Society"(essence: some categories of persons with special needs of psychophysical development pose a threat to society). The model was based on the opinion that these people can “spell damage”, “call misfortune”, inflict material and moral damage. Society protected itself from this potential "threat" by creating boarding schools, closed institutions of charity, often in remote places, sometimes with a strict regime of detention in them. Training was either absent or insufficient.

"Object of Pity"(essence: a person with special needs is treated like a small child who does not grow up, remaining in childhood forever). The main task of the model is only to protect a person with OPFR from the "bad" world around him by isolating him from society, creating a comfortable living environment, and not providing assistance in education and development.

"An object of onerous charity"(the essence of the model is that spending on the maintenance of persons with various disabilities is considered as an economic burden, which they try to reduce by reducing the amount of assistance provided).

"Development"(essence: society is responsible for more than half of the development of a child with OPFR). The model highlights the presence of

persons with peculiarities of psychophysical development of abilities for education and development. Society is charged with creating conditions favorable for the development and correctional and pedagogical assistance to such children: a person with special needs for psychophysical development has the same rights and privileges as all other members of society (the right to live, study, work in their area, live in house, choose friends and be friends with them, the right I. a desirable member of society, the right to be like" her).

The formation and development of defectological science was based on various sociocultural ideas and concepts, determining the attitude of society towards persons with special needs of psychophysical development (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Sociocultural ideas and concepts



The concept of social rehabilitation of a person with special needs of psychophysical development (late XIX - early XX century)

The idea of ​​the social usefulness of man; the idea of ​​the value of special education (initiation to work by correcting and compensating for a defect)

Idea of ​​racial biology (racial hygiene)

The futility of supporting people with special needs, sterilization and physical destruction of "inferior" people

paternalistic concept

The priority of the interests of society over the interests of the individual; "High quality" and small size of people with special needs of psychophysical development; organization of training in individual educational institutions; weak social and professional protection of the disabled; the formation of dependent attitudes in people with limited ability to work

The modern concept of social rehabilitation of persons with OPFR

The priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of society; independent lifestyle personality

At the present stage, the leading directions new coupledigmas defectology are:

humanization- the purpose of special education is to make the life of a person with special needs of psychophysical development full and worthy (inclusion in social relations, support for the formation of individuality, etc.);

fundamentalization - philosophical-categorical analysis,
rethinking and clarification of common parameters and norm differences

and pathology;

integration- forms of joint education and upbringing
children with special needs of psychophysical development with their healthy


Thus, we can conclude that the historical, cultural and economic determinism of the socio-cultural foundations of defectology. The current stage in the development of defectological science is closely related to the processes of integration of persons with OPFR into society.

1.1.4. The main categorical apparatus of defectology

Table 1.2

Basic terms of defectology

Term Correction







The system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social measures aimed at correcting or easing physical and (or) mental disorders

Compensation in one way or another for non-sewn, impaired or lost functions and condition m account of restructuring or increased use of retained functions

The adaptation of a person as a person to existence in society in accordance with the requirements of this society and his own needs, motives and interests

Restoration of impaired functions of the body and ability to work, achieved by using a complex of medical, pedagogical and social measures the assimilation of social norms and methods of social behavior, as well as the active reproduction of the system of social ties by the individual

The concept of correction is central in defectological science. The entire history of special (correctional) pedagogy can be represented as the history of the development of the theory and practice of correctional work. The correctional systems and concepts of Eduard Segep (1812-1880), Maria Montessori (1870 1!) D)2), OnpdaDecroly (1871-1933), L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), L.II. Graborova (1885-1949) and others.

Correction can be both direct and indirect. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish direct correctiontion(direct use of special didactic materials and methods of influence) and indirect(the whole learning process has a corrective value, the main ways are to clarify and correct existing experience and form a new one).

Implementation of corrective action requires the use of various means. All means of correction conditionally can be divided into traditional(play, study, work, extracurricular activities, socially useful activities, regimen, treatment and preventive measures) and unconventional(alternative: sensory and psychomotor training, legoteka (lego-games of constructive content), aromatherapy, hippotherapy (from the Greek "ippo" - horse), art therapy, music therapy, etc.).

Most traditional remedies have a broad meaning and involve the correction of the personality as a whole. Alternative means, as a rule, are aimed at the development and correction of individual functions and are used in combination with other measures (T.V. Varsnova). The choice of means of correction involves reliance on the socially significant content of the material.

According to V.P. Kashchenko, the following provisions form the basis of pedagogical correction:

  • organization of a kind of children's environment, involving
    taking into account the "small world in which the child lives";

  • the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools that he owns

  • constant continuous study of the child;

  • collaborative work of various specialists (doctors, teachers,
The opinions of the authors are unanimous in understanding the importance of early correction in the formation and development of the personality of a child with special needs of psychophysical development: the sooner correctional work is started, the less difficulty it will have.

motor, speech and intellectual development. The early start of corrective work makes it possible to more effectively compensate for deviations in the mental development of a child at risk, thereby mitigating secondary deviations. Timely assistance and correction provide an exceptional opportunity!]) to “smooth out” shortcomings and problems in development, and in some cases even eliminate them, thereby ensuring a full life for the child.

As noted by V.G. Petrova, early detection of children with special needs of psychophysical development should first of all be carried out in families with an “increased” risk, which include families where there are already:

  • a child with developmental disabilities;

  • family members (grandparents, uncles, aunts) with disabilities
development of any kind;

  • children who have undergone intrauterine hypoxia, birth asphyxia
    this, trauma, neuroinfection, etc.;

  • parents who were exposed to radiation,
    lived in an unfavorable ecological environment, worked in
    hazardous conditions of the chemical industry;

  • mothers who had an acute infection during pregnancy
    onnoe disease, severe toxicosis, trauma;

  • one of the parents is a drug addict or suffers from alcoholism.
    Early intervention includes:

  • the earliest possible detection and diagnosis of violations in

  • reduction of the gap between the moment of detection of violations
    in the development of the child and the beginning of targeted correction
    noah help;

  • mandatory inclusion of parents in the correctional process;

  • corrective impact on all spheres of child development and
    creation of the necessary conditions for the development of his personality.
One of the forms of early correction is the system of pedagogical patronage of young children (from birth to 3 years), which has become widespread in many countries of the world (USA, 1970). By definition L.I. Aksenova, patronage: - this is a special kind of assistance to a child, his parents, teachers in solving complex problems related to survival, rehabilitation treatment, special training and education, socialization, with the formation of a growing person as a person.

A qualified teacher visits the family once a week, draws up a program of parental activities for

seven upcoming days, teaches them all the main actions (shows how to organize observations, record the results in special printed forms), monitors the implementation of the previously proposed work plan, provides didactic aids and educational toys from the game libraryorganized according to the principle of libraries.

Medical-social-pedagogical patronage (MSP-patronage) is becoming the leading form of organization of early correctional assistance to children with special needs of psychophysical development in our country as well. SME-natronage is implemented as a wide range of long-term rehabilitation assistance measures focused on the family of a child with OPFR. This assistance is carried out in the process of coordinated work of specialists of different profiles.

SME patronage includes: diagnostics, assistance in choosing an educational trajectory, designing individual correctional and rehabilitation programs, primary assistance in the implementation of plans.

Thus, correction can be viewed as a specially organized psychological and pedagogical influence, carried out in relation to high-risk groups and aimed at restructuring, reconstructing those unfavorable psychological neoplasms that are defined as psychological risk factors, at recreating the harmonious relationship of the child with the environment.

The essence of the compensation process (from Latin compensatio - compensation, balancing) is to compensate to some extent for impaired functions and conditions: the brain receives signals from damaged areas (kind of SOS signals), in response to which it mobilizes defense mechanisms, “reserves reliability of a living organism” and counteracts the pathological process (T.V. Varenova). When the optimal result is achieved, the mobilization of defense mechanisms stops.

Violation has a dual effect on the development of the child: on the one hand, it impedes the normal course of the body's activity, on the other hand, it serves to enhance the development of other functions that could compensate for the deficiency. This circumstance was emphasized by L.S. Vygotsky, saying: "The minus of a defect turns into a plus of compensation."

Compensatory mechanisms depend on the nature of the violation, the time and degree of damage to the function, a number of psychological

factors (awareness of the violation, setting for compensation, etc.), as well as the timeliness of the provision of qualified assistance. Without the ability of higher nervous activity (HNA) to mobilize their reserve capabilities, effective pedagogical work is difficult and the more effective is correctional and developmental work; activity, the more stable new conditioned connections are fixed in the central nervous system (CNS).

Compensation, as L.S. Vygotsky, maybe biological and social.

The existing compensatory processes are not absolute (sustainable) in nature, therefore, under adverse conditions (excessive loads, stress, illness, seasonal deterioration of the body, abrupt cessation of training sessions, etc.), they can disintegrate. In such cases, there is idecompensation, those. recurrence (repetition, return) of functional disorders. This phenomenon of the psyche must be taken into account in * pedagogical interaction. With the phenomena of decompensation, there are serious impairments of mental performance, a decrease in the rate of development, a change in attitudes towards activities, people.

The phenomenon of compensation should be distinguished from the phenomena of compensation. pseudocom pensions those. imaginary, false adaptations, harmful formations resulting from a person’s reaction to a vehicle or other undesirable manifestations towards him from the people around him (causing the child’s behavior when it is impossible to attract attention to himself in other ways).

Correction and compensation are closely related to rehabilitation (recovery), which includes measures to ensure and (or) restore functions, compensate for their loss or absence, and remove functional restrictions. In UN documents, the term "rehabilitation" means "a process designed to help persons with disabilities achieve and maintain optimal physical, intellectual, mental and (or) social level of activity, thereby providing the means to change their lives and expand the scope of independence."