Setting the sound w summary of the lesson. Abstract of an individual lesson on the topic: “Sound

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: Setting the sound [Ш]. "Merry Nyusha"

Purpose: Clarification of the articulation of sound [W], sound setting.


  • Fix the correct execution of articulation exercises.
  • Continue the formation of a long directional air jet.
  • Learn "right" make a sound [w] with mechanical assistance.
  • Keep learning how to make sounds [w] from a series of sounds, syllables and words.
  • Continue learning to form relative adjectives.
  • Exercise in the correct use of prepositions: on, in, for, under, because of;
  • Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: mirror; a toy "Nyusha" ; Pictures "articulatory gymnastics" ; cotton ball on a string "Kopatych" with gates; "sound tracks" to make a sound [W], "train with pictures: "dog" , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "closet" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "baby" ; pictures for the game "Delicious pies" ; pictures for the game "Where did Nyusha hide?"

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

Now we have a speech therapy lesson with you.

Came to visit you today "Nyusha" - cartoon character "Smeshariki" .

She found out that you will learn to hiss, and she came with you to learn how to hiss.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Let's show "Nyusha" what exercises to do with the tongue to learn how to hiss.

You need to warm up well, do gymnastics. Let's do an exercise first. "Fence" (repeat 3-4 times), then "Ring" (repeat 3-4 times). Make sure that the teeth are closed and the lips are rounded.

And now the tongue will work. Show how he can do the exercise "pancake" (repeat 3-4 times). After that, blow on the tongue.

Next exercise "delicious jam" , lick the lip from top to bottom with a wide tongue. Let's drink tea from "Cups" . It should be large, wide, taken out of the mouth (repeat 2-3 times). Now hide the tongue behind the upper teeth and hold it in this position (repeat 3-4 times).

3. Cultivating a strong directional long-term smooth oral air jet

Nyusha loves to show tricks and look at them.

Let's show tricks to Nyusha. (The speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long). Hold the ball in front of your lips. - Smile. Show me your teeth. Open your mouth. Pull out your lips with a tube. Lightly blow on the ball. See how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the balloon to your nose. Smile. Show me your teeth. Open your mouth. Raise your tongue in the shape of a cup to your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. Look how beautifully the ball flew up.

"Nyusha" likes to play with his friends. Today she invited her friend to play football with you. "Kopatych" is already at the gate. You need to kick the ball into the goal. Also lift the tongue in the shape of a cup to the upper lip, blow on the tip of the tongue and score the ball into the goal.

4. Development of phonemic hearing

To Nyusha learn "right" to hiss, you must first learn "catch" sound « [W]» .

- Now we are going to play a game. "Catch the Sound" and show Nyusha how "catch" sound [W]. As soon as you hear the sound [W], immediately catch him - clap your hands:

M-Sh-K-Sh-T-N-Sh-D-P-Sh-Ts-S-Sh (catch with claps)

HA - SHA - LA - PA - SHA;

HAT - AUTUMN - FUR COAT - CAT - DONKEY - BAG - porridge; (catch signal)

5. Finger gymnastics. Goose exercise.

Listen carefully to the riddle, who is this riddle about?

Walks boldly to the river

He is dressed in white

On his legs

red boots (goose)

Let's show Nyusha what a goose is.

Bend your palm at a right angle. Stretch your fingers forward and press against each other. Bend the index finger and rest on the thumb.

The goose cackles and cackles,

He wants to pinch you.

(perform right and left hand)

5. Sound production

Now let's learn how to hiss like a goose.

Show Nyusha how "whistling" water in the tap: sssss. At this time, lift your tongue with a spatula and listen, you hear "goose hiss" . (sound production [w] from the sound [with] with mechanical assistance).

Lift the tongue again by the upper teeth and make a sound [WITH], to "went" warm air.

Well done, you learned to hiss like a goose.

See what position the tongue and lips take when pronouncing a sound. [W] (analysis according to the schema-table). lips in shape "window" , the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth, in the form "cups" .

6. Fixing isolated pronunciation of sound

And now "let's help" Nyusha hiss like a goose. Move your finger along the track and clearly pronounce the sound [W]. (shhhhh….) Work on audio tracks.

7. Audio articulation analysis [W](according to the scheme)

What position are the lips in?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

Refine articulation of sound.

Lips with a “window”, teeth with a “fence with a window”, the tongue is raised up, the lateral edges are pressed to the molars, warm air comes out "middle" language.


Our Nyusha stretched

Once bent, twice bent.

Hands stretched out and bent

And walked down the street.

8. Determining the presence of sound [W] in words.

Cheerful Nyusha wants to ride a steam locomotive, ride wagons. But only items that have a sound in their names will travel in the cars. "SH" . Help Nyusha choose words with sound "SH" . Pictures with words: "dog" , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "closet" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "baby" .

9. Formation of relative adjectives.

A game "Delicious pies"

Nyusha loves delicious pies very much. Let's treat her to cakes. Look how many pies are here. This raspberry pie, it's raspberry. And this apple pie, what is it? This cherry pie, what is it? .. (Cherry.) This pear pie, what is it? .. (pear.) This strawberry pie, what is it? .. (Strawberry.) This pie with different berries, what is it? .. (Berry.) This pie with different fruits, what is it? .. (Fruit).

10. Formation of grammatical structure

Didactic game "Where did Nyusha hide?"

Nyusha likes to play different games. She especially likes to play hide and seek. Look at the picture and tell me where Nyusha hid?

- "Where did Nyusha hide?" ....... (under mushroom).

- "Where did Nyusha get in?" …….(in the hollow).

- “What did Nyusha sit on?” …… (on a stump).

- "Where did Nyusha hide?" ……(hidden behind a tree).

- “Where does Nyusha look out from?” ……(behind the tree).

- “About what did Nyusha sit down?” …… (near the flower).

11. The result of the lesson.

Show Nyusha again how to hiss correctly.

What sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

Clarify the articulation of the sound [w], imitate it or put it mechanically using the basic sound [s] (to exercise control over breathing);

To teach the pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables;

Continue to form a long, directed air jet, exercise in blowing at the upper lip;

Develop phonemic hearing, exercising in isolating sound from the sound stream, in determining the position of sound in words;

Develop attention, articulatory mobility, fine motor skills.

Material: mirrors, spatula, cotton ball for breathing exercises, a piece of cotton wool, illustrations, cards for determining the position of sound in a word.

Course of the lesson: 1. Message of the topic of the lesson:

Today we will learn how to pronounce a new sound.

2. Self-massage to relieve tension in the forehead, nose, facial muscles:

Hands rubbed and warmed up

And we wash our face with our warmth,

Rakes rake up all the bad thoughts,

We rub our ears up and down quickly,

We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes,

And then we leave with our fingers on the cheeks.

We knead the cheeks to puff up,

We knead our lips to smile.

Like ducklings we pull beaks to ducks,

Knead them gently without touching the nails.

(Movements are performed in accordance with the text).

3. Articulation gymnastics: All the guys in order

Do exercises in the morning

Our tongue wants too.

To be like kids.

Our Tongue decided to do exercises with the children. Children pull the rubber band and the Tongue too. - "Fence".

Children love to play with hoops, Tongue also took a hoop. -"Bagel".

Children rest on mattresses, and the tongue too. - "Shovel". The children bent their backs and Tongue bent his. - "Cup". The children began to toss their balls up and the Tongue too. -"Focus".

4. Finger gymnastics "Cat and Mouse": And the cat has ears on top,

To better hear the mouse in her hole. (Show the cat with your right hand). A gray lump sits And rustles everything with a piece of paper: sh - sh - sh. (Show the mouse with your left hand).

5. Characteristics of the sound [w] according to articulatory and acoustic features.

6. Game "Catch the sound."

When you hear the sound [w], clap your hands. Sounds are pronounced: [h], [w], [g], [s], [w], [c], [w].

7. Exercise to determine the position of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Pictures are called, the child lays out a chip on a card diagram.

8. Calling up sound by imitation (to control the air jet, a piece of cotton wool is brought to the nose).

9. Setting the sound [w] mechanically (through the syllable C A).

10. Automation of sound [w] in syllables:

Sha-sha-sha sha-sha-sha-sha-sha Shi-shi-shi shi-shi-shi-shi-shi Sho-sho-sho sho-sho-sho-sho-sho - shu - shu - shu

11. Game "Add a syllable" (sha, shi, shu): On. .(sha) Ma. .(sha) good... .(sha),

At Ma. .(shi) good du... .(sha), Ma has it. .(shi) doll Yes. .(sha) But she doesn't like ka. .(shu).

12. Summing up the lesson:

What sound did you learn to make?

Summary of classes on sound production [g]

Purpose of the lesson:

Clarification of the articulation of the sound /zh/, staging the sound /zh/, fixing in an isolated pronunciation;

Development of speech motor skills;

Development of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis;

Fixing the connection between sound and letter / w /

Equipment: mirror, pictures, digital series, word schemes.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

We speak beautifully, clearly, so that everyone can understand

Remember what you learned in class.

2. Post topic

There are several pictures on the board: a beetle, a spider, a bird.

The speech therapist reads the riddle:

I'm sitting on a branch

I'm sitting on a branch

I keep repeating the letter

Knowing firmly this letter

I repeat in spring and summer.

Who is that buzzing on the branch? Find a picture.

What is the first sound in the word "beetle"? This sound resembles the buzzing of a beetle. Today we will learn how to pronounce the sound /zh/. For this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

(The Tale of the Merry Tongue)

For lips: Speech therapist reads a riddle

In this house there are red doors

There are white animals near the doors.

Animals love sweets and buns.

Guessed? This house is a mouth. The doors to the house open and close. Like this: mouth open: “smile”

Mouth closed: "tube"

"frog guys"

Pull the lips straight to the ears - the frogs really like it,

They smile, laugh, and their eyes are like saucers.

“elephant boys”

I imitate an elephant, I pull my lips with my proboscis.

For the language: In this house, my friend, a cheerful tongue lives.

Oh, and he is a smart boy and a little naughty

So he went out for a walk, sunbathe on the porch (the tongue lies on the lower lip)

“shovel” - put the tongue with a shovel, hold it a little,

He lies quietly and does not tremble at all.

A light breeze blew and the tongue shivered (the tongue is an “arrow”), hid in the house and closed the door behind it (remove the tongue, close the mouth).

And in the yard the sun hid behind the clouds and the rain drummed on the roof (we knock on the teeth with our tongues, we say “d-d-d-d”).

The tongue did not get bored at home, the ceiling was whitened)

“Painters” (we are painters today - we will whitewash the ceiling).

The tongue looked at the clock, it was ticking: “tick-tock” (mouth open, lips in a smile, touch the corners of the mouth with the tip of the tongue) - “watch”

"It's time for me to sleep too," thought Tongue.

4. Setting the sound /w/

(the technique of staging is used by voicing the sound /sh/).

Put your hand on your throat. Make the sound /sh/, and now say it loudly, so that the neck trembles. It turns out the sound /g/.

After a long pronunciation, it is clarified that the beetle is buzzing like that. Children make sounds. The speech therapist corrects and refines the articulation of sound.

5. Clarification of articulation /zh/ (in front of the mirror)

Let's say /w/ again. What position are the lips in?

In what position are the teeth - closed or open?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

The tip of the tongue is raised upward, but does not touch the upper teeth. The tip of the tongue and the lateral edges are curved and cup-shaped.

The speech therapist shows the position of the tongue with the help of the hand.

What does the tongue look like? (cup).

6. Development of phonemic analysis

A) The game “Catch the sound” (clap your hands when you hear the sound /g/)

From a number of sounds: M, F, B, R, F, L, F ....

From a series of syllables: zha, wa, lo, jo, du, zhu ...

From a number of words: toad, glass, jump, shovel, TV, giraffe ....

B) Distribute the pictures under the diagrams: W _____________ _____________ W __________

(at the beginning of a word) (in the middle of a word)

Previously, children characterize the sound /zh/: consonant, solid, sonorous.

Pictures on the board: skis, giraffe, acorns, jacket, vest, pajamas, hedgehogs, magazine.

Children should distribute the pictures under the schemes: under the first scheme, there are pictures in the name of which the sound /zh/ at the beginning of the word, under the second scheme - /zh/ in the middle of the word.

C) Determination of the place of sound /zh/ in a word according to the digital series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

The speech therapist pronounces the words: dinner, leather, fire, boots, spring.

7. Fixing the connection between the sound and the letter “Zh”.

Show the letter "g". What does she look like?

Make a letter out of sticks.

Pick up pictures with sound /w/.

During the independent performance of this task, the speech therapist deals individually with children whose articulation of the sound /zh/ is not yet sufficiently fixed.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson.

(using isotechnics)


teacher speech therapist Shlyanina O.P.

Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory

Topic: Setting the sound [Ш]

Target: clarification of the articulation of the sound [Ш], sound production, clarification of the isolated position; development of speech motor skills; development of phonemic hearing; development of precise hand movements.

Equipment: mirror, subject pictures, paints, brush, jar of water, paper, frog, already, Dr. Aibolit.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment. Finger gymnastics- Look at our merry frog today, and this is the swamp in which he lives. Let's help the frog jump from leaf to leaf. (The child performs exercises with all five fingers, turning the brush to the left, to the right)

Jump, jump, jump, jump,

I'm from leaf to leaf,

I am a funny frog

Your sweet friend.

2. Articulation gymnastics.(performing, symbols are drawn with paints)

Once upon a time there was a kind Shurik. His throat hurt so badly that he stopped hissing. He went to Doctor Aibolit for help. On the way, Shurik met our cheerful frog and smiled "Smile". The frog held the mouthpiece "Shout" in its paws, croaked loudly, calling the frogs to pancakes "Pancake". Of course, Kwak invited the snake. They drank tea with Tasty Jam jam. Apple jam lay in a beautiful cup "Cup". Shurik told the frogs about what happened to him and the sun heard him. The sun extended its ray and said: “Paint it with magical yellow paint, and it will show you the way to Dr. Aibolit.” Already did so. Then he thanked everyone for their help, sat on a horse, rode "Horse". On the way to Shurik's nose, a leaf fell from a tree, he began to blow "Focus" on it. I was so carried away that I did not notice how I arrived.

"Smile" (strip)

"Chorus" (wave)

"Pancake" (circle)

"Delicious jam" (vertical stripes)

"Cup" (semicircle)

"Malyar" (zigzags)

"Horse" (poke)

"Focus" (spiral)

3. Staging sound mechanically.

Put a pencil on the child's lower teeth, the child will put his tongue on it. Ask to depict how the patient sneezed already - tap the upper alveoli with the tip of the tongue, pronounce the sound [H]. At the same time, he should blow strongly and continuously on the tip of the tongue. Then “it stops sneezing” and for a longer time pulls the sound [H] which is converted into sound [W].

So Dr. Shurik cured. He crawled and hissed Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh - Sh.

(the child schematically depicts how it crawls already)

4. Refinement of articulation.

What position are the lips in?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

5. Exerc. "Wonderful meadow" There are subject pictures on the table, the child must draw along the dotted contour only those in the name of which there is a sound [Ш]. Outlining the contour, the child pronounces the sound [Ш] for a long time.

Ball, umbrella, mouse, beetle, cat, bag, car.

6. Summary of the lesson.

Positive assessment of the child's activity.

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Children in the process of forming speech have various problems with many letters. One of the most common difficulties is staging the sound sh. It is usually difficult for children to pronounce hissing sounds for the reason that they cannot relax the tongue and place it in the required shape, which is required by the correct articulation of the sound sh.

The main reason that a child cannot correctly make hissing sounds is the way the parents communicate with the baby. Many adults deliberately copy the speech of the child, speaking to him in a childish way. Thus, the child hears the wrong pronunciation and gets used to just this manner of staging the sound sh. That is why experts strongly recommend that parents speak to their children correctly.

In addition to the parental craving for imitation of baby talk, an important role for staging the sound w is played by some features of the structure of the articulatory apparatus, which include the following points:

  • the movement of the tongue is limited due to the shortened hyoid ligament;
  • articulation is affected by the size of the lips (too thin or full) and the size of the tongue (too big or small);
  • dental anomalies;
  • disruption of the auditory canal.

In most cases, a violation of the production of sound sh is quite simply corrected at home with regular and careful work with the child. In some cases, babies who have problems with the pronunciation of hissing will be helped by a speech therapist.


The key to good pronunciation is the correct articulation of the sound w and w. To teach a child to pronounce the letters w and w correctly, it is necessary to study one method of articulation, since the speech apparatus works almost the same when pronouncing both letters.
So, in order to correctly pronounce the letter sh, it is necessary to work with the articulatory apparatus as follows:

  • the baby's lips should be slightly pushed forward in the form of a tube;
  • the tip of the tongue is raised to the sky so that a small gap remains between them;
  • with the lateral edges, the tongue of the child is pressed against the upper extreme teeth, giving the tongue the shape of a cup;
  • a stream of air easily passes through the unused vocal cords, creating the necessary sound.

In order to understand how to teach a child to say the letter zh, it is necessary to resort to the articulation described above, while connecting the vibrations of the vocal cords.
Regular exercises for setting sounds are very important. These exercises can be done both with a speech therapist and at home.


Specialists have developed special speech therapy exercises for the sound w and w to help kids learn how to pronounce it correctly. This technique includes many different exercises. Below are the most effective and popular in use among speech therapists.

shoulder blade

This exercise for setting the sound sh is aimed at relaxing the tongue. You need to open your mouth and smile. In a relaxed smile, stretch the tongue forward and place the tip in a calm position on the lower lip. The side walls of the anterior part of the tongue gently touch the corners of the mouth.

It is important to maintain this position without tension for a few seconds. This exercise is basic for such a problem as staging hissing sounds, including the letters zh and sh.


The task "Pie" must be used to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, as well as to develop the mobility of the side walls of the tongue. As in the previous exercise, the mouth is open in a smile, the tongue lies on the lower lip. Without straining the lips, it is necessary to lift the side walls of the tongue so that a depression forms along the central axis of the tongue.

You need to hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.


"Swing" is used to make the children's tongue more mobile. The initial position of the articulatory apparatus is as follows: an open and relaxed smile on the lips, the tongue lies wide and flat (do not allow it to become narrow).

Alternately carried out movements of the tongue:

  • first, to set the sound w, a wide and flat tongue reaches for the ceiling, after which it goes towards the floor;
  • then the tongue moves first to the upper lip, then to the lower;
  • it is necessary to climb with the tongue between the upper lip and upper teeth, and also do the same with the lower lip and teeth;
  • then the tongue touches the upper and lower incisors;
  • at the end, you need to touch the wide tip of the tongue to the alveoli behind the lower dentition, and then behind the upper one.

The tongue goes through the teeth

This task is useful for setting the sound w in that it develops the baby's ability to control his tongue well. To complete this task, you need to open your mouth and relax smiling lips. With a wide tip of the tongue, touch the lower dentition from the side of the tongue, and then from the side of the lip.


This task for working out the letters zh and w helps, first of all, to strengthen control over the setting of the language. It also gives the baby a feel for how to guide the tongue to the top of the mouth.

It is necessary to open the mouth in a half smile, relax the lips and fix the lower jaw in one position. Next, imagine that the tip of the tongue is a paint brush, and the sky is the ceiling that needs to be painted. In order to do this, it is necessary to stroke the palate with the tongue from the larynx to the teeth and vice versa, not allowing the tongue to go beyond the mouth.

The above exercises for setting the sounds w and w should be performed regularly. At the same time, parental control over exactly how the baby performs the exercise is very important - it is important to control the correct fixation of the jaw, the position of the lips and the movement of the tongue.

In order to say the sound sh without problems, you need not only articulation, but also automation.


For the correct pronunciation of complex sounds, staging and automation of sound are equally important. If the production of the sound w has already been carried out with the help of speech therapy exercises, you can proceed to fixing the sound, that is, to automation.

Automation of the sound w is carried out by working out the sound itself, syllables with this sound, and then words, sentences and texts. The production of hissing sounds is of particular benefit from working with pure phrases, rhymes, proverbs, etc.

  • The letter sh in syllables and words.

scamp, chess, scarf; Rustle, Chocolate, Shorts, Silk, Whisper, Silk; JOKE, NOISE, FUR COAT; Latitude, Bump, Sewing; Six, Shelest, SHEST, etc.

  • The letter w in syllables and words.

Heat, Pity, TOAD; Zhor, Juggler, Jockey; Acorn, Yellow, Perch; Crane, Beetle, Horror; Belly, Life, Animal; Iron, Wife, Jaundice, etc.

  • Automation of the sound w with the reading of phrases.

Masha feeds the baby.

In the summer it's good to walk down the street.

Pasha and Dasha gave porridge to the baby.

GLASHA wrote a poem about our BABY.

Our songs about the BOWL with porridge are good.

Speak in a WHISPER: MORE haircuts are sleeping at the swift.

At the window on the couch I lie.

Mishenka, give me a donut and tell me a fairy tale.

Our Natasha is more beautiful than all girls.

  • Children's rhymes will also help to pronounce the sound w correctly.

A miner came from the mine
With a wicker basket,
And in the basket is a lump of wool.
A miner found a puppy for our Dasha.
Dancing and jumping Dasha on the spot:
“How good! I have a friend!
I'll bake him a pie
I'll sit down to sew him a fur coat and a hat -
My black puppy will be happy.”

The correct operation of the articulatory apparatus and the careful consolidation of the studied sounds are the only true methods of sound production.

In order for a child to understand how to pronounce complex sounds correctly, it is necessary not only to perform special exercises, but also to monitor the correctness of their own speech.

If you regularly work with your child on the production of sounds, then soon it will be possible to forget about the problem of how to teach a child to speak the letter w.