Rules for the safe behavior of students at school. School safety rules presentation for a lesson on the topic


Basic rules for safe behavior in short breaks between lessons and after classes for younger and older students:

  • Do not run along the corridors, stairs, classrooms and any other school premises not intended for this;
  • · It is forbidden to slide down the railing, run along the stairwells, open the windows in the classroom and the corridor, climb on the window sills, on the attic and the roof of the school.
  • · It is forbidden to enter the auxiliary school premises, where communications, devices and mechanisms are located. It is dangerous to life and health.
  • · It is not allowed to enter the classroom without a teacher and take school supplies or belongings of classmates.
  • · During the lessons, all students should be in the classrooms, and not “travel” around the school and the school yard, and, moreover, run out onto the roadway.
  • · It is forbidden to run and make noise in the corridor, especially during lessons.
  • Don't push, don't fight, don't shout. Do not play active games in rooms not directly intended for this;
  • Any conflicts that have arisen between students should be resolved peacefully or through a teacher;
  • Be careful when moving through potentially dangerous places: stairs, slopes, icy surfaces, etc.;
  • In winter, do not come close to the walls of the school to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;
  • Do not throw or use hard objects in games that can cause injury: stones, sticks, ice, etc.;
  • Do not bring to school dangerous objects or substances that can harm others: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic);
  • Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, greenhouses and any other high-rise structures;
  • Do not try to enter the territory of utility and technical premises. Do not climb into attics, basements and other places not intended for direct education or recreation of schoolchildren;
  • Do not approach places of increased danger: pits, trenches, pits, nearby roads, etc.;
  • Do not tease, chase away or feed animals (usually dogs) that are on campus. Report cases of the appearance of such animals to the teacher;
  • Do not leave the school grounds without the appropriate permission of the teacher;
  • Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts and do not take part in them. Report conflicts to the teacher;
  • Avoid all other hazards, always observe caution and life safety rules.

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Today in class

Rules of conduct in the locker room Rules of conduct in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the assembly hall and on the sports ground.

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not interfere with others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR ITEMS!

Rules of conduct in the library. 1. Keep order in the library, behave QUIETLY. Don't speak loudly. 2. Upon entering, say hello to the librarian (Nina Anatolyevna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In the book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, use only a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, "TRY IT". Glue. 6. Take special care of library books! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

Rules of conduct in the dining room. It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner. Don't push, don't scream. OBSERVE ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits. Eat everything at the table. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, slide your chair under the table. Clear the table if you're on duty. When leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

Rules of conduct in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. In anticipation of the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Do not laugh if something is not going well on the stage, there is some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance) 8. Do not forget to APPLAUSE! nine . After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

Rules of conduct in the school yard. 1. See if there are classes in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will interfere with the guys with your presence. 2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bars…) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not approach dangerous structures (transformer booths ...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DO NOT PICK FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7. If you ran to play in another yard, DON'T FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

Rules of conduct at school All school things should be in order, neatly packed in a briefcase. We arrive at school ALWAYS ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. When you enter the school, don't push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. When you enter a school, a classroom, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell, you must ask the teacher for permission. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent ..) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, don't yell, but RAISE YOUR HANDS. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask something from the teacher.

8. When making a request to a teacher or comrades, you need to use "polite" words: please, thank you. 9. Each student must take care of his DESK, do not break, do not write, do not scratch with a sharp object. 10. You can go to CHANGE only after the permission of the teacher. 11. DO NOT RUN and SHOUT in the corridor. 12. All adults you meet at school for the first time in a day should be greeted. 13. If an adult is met at the door, you need to give him a seat. 14. If a girl is walking next to a boy, he should let her go ahead. 16. Papers, bits, all rubbish must be thrown into a special basket.

Compliance with safety regulations is an essential condition that must be met by both the employer and employees, as well as children in schools. Especially children. This applies to all public places: cafeterias and restaurants, schools and kindergartens, courthouses and shops. There is no such thing as general safety rules. For different enterprises, organizations and other places where people gather and work, specific rules are established to comply with

security. Children often don't worry about being careful in schools. Therefore, future teachers without fail study such a subject as the protection of life and work. These rules should be known first of all to teachers, in the second - to students.

General school safety rules

Oddly enough, even the observance of the most seemingly mundane rules protects students from injury. So, the student will be safe if:

Comes to class early, takes his time, calmly reaches his place in the class;

Visits (and enters) the labor office only with the permission of the head;

Thoroughly washes hands before culinary (if any) classes;

Does not fidget in a chair, does not leave his seat until the end of the lesson;

Behaves attentively and calmly in the classroom, starting and finishing work only with the permission of the teacher;

Does not touch without the permission of the teacher objects with which he was not previously familiar (rulers, protractors, flasks, etc.);

Children do not use school props for games (this is also stipulated by safety regulations);

Uses tools correctly, under close supervision of the teacher;

Complies with the rules for storing personal belongings in the classroom and other classrooms of the school;

Does not bring piercing / cutting objects to school, keeps the desk and personal locker clean;

Is not distracted by conversations with other students while using special tools;

And finally, the rules of technology exclude the presence of students in classes during recess.

The most "dangerous" classrooms in the school are laboratories in physics and chemistry. Oddly enough, students violate the order more often than children. Therefore, general safety rules in the chemistry classroom are prescribed in a separate column for all schools. So:

- in no case should you “try the tongue” of substances, as well as sniff them at close range;
- in order to avoid injuries, silence and order should be maintained at the desk of each student;
- protective gloves must be worn when working with certain chemicals; substances should not be allowed to come into contact with the open skin of the hands and body;
- each container with reagents must be signed, kept clean;
- when working with substances in test tubes, they should be supported with one hand at the bottom, with the other - at the neck;
- safety rules in this case also include proper handling of test tubes and flasks: you can not direct them with holes at yourself and others;
- used substances must be poured into specially designated containers, and not into sinks.

Compliance with all of the above rules will protect children.

School is a place where a large number of people gather. And imagine if everyone here starts to behave as he pleases. What will become of a public place then? In the forest! To prevent this from happening, each student and his parents need to know all the rules of conduct at school.

General provisions

  • Each student is obliged to behave in a dignified manner, to know and adhere to all norms of ethics and morality.
  • Each student shows respect for the elders, provides assistance to the younger ones, if they need it, takes care not only of their own, but also of other people's things, fulfills all the requests and requirements of the employees of the school.
  • Students do not use physical force and rude expressions, do not enter into conflict situations.
  • All students give way to adults, boys to girls, older ones to younger ones.
  • It is forbidden to leave the school grounds during the lessons without the knowledge of the teachers or school management.
  • The use or carrying of drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, intoxicants is prohibited.

School uniform

Disagreements often arise on the issue of school uniforms. If it is customary to wear a certain uniform at school, then there should be no problems, the main thing is to make sure that it is always neat: clean and ironed. But in some educational institutions it is not mandatory to wear a uniform, hence the problems arise. Schoolchildren decide that they are allowed to dress as they please. As a result, their appearance leaves much to be desired. They look as if they were going to a disco or as if at home, they dress casually.

This cannot be allowed. Business attire must be respected. You can wear skirts or sundresses only if they are not too short and not bright colors, trousers and jeans in dark shades, it is desirable that the trousers are with arrows. Various shirts, white blouses, vests, jumpers and sweaters are well suited to them.

It is very beautiful when boys come to study in costumes. Of course, they are more suitable for the holidays, as they do not give the opportunity to play football after school. You must understand that with your clothes you create a learning mood not only for yourself, but also for your classmates and teachers. The attitude towards a person in a business suit is completely different, more serious.


Every person who enters the school must have a change of shoes. This is required by the rules of conduct for students in the school. The change, as well as the shoes in which you walk down the street, must be clean. High-heeled shoes cannot be worn.


All students must be neat, tidy, clean. The hairstyle must also correspond to the business style, defiant haircuts, colorful hair dyes, haircuts under “zero” or “punk” bouffant are not allowed. The student himself must monitor the cleanliness of the teeth, nose, hands, body and carry a handkerchief.

locker room

  • You should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the call for classes. Not later than 5 minutes before the lesson, all students must be in the classroom.
  • When entering the school, immediately change into a change of shoes.
  • Leave things in the locker room on your hanger, for this, outerwear must have a loop. Don't forget a roomy bag for changing shoes.

On the lesson

  • Don't be late for class unless there's a good reason.
  • Prepare in advance notebooks, textbooks, a pen, pencil, ruler and everything else you need in class.
  • During the lesson, keep silence, listen to the teacher without being distracted, without talking, without doing other things.
  • It is not allowed to chew gum, swear, disrupt the lesson, interfere with classmates, the teacher and cheat.
  • Don't interrupt your teacher or classmates.
  • Wishing to answer the question posed, do not shout, but simply raise your hand.

Rules for safe behavior at school

  • Do not run along the corridors and stairs, it is not safe! Such fast games will sooner or later lead to bruises or injuries.
  • Take good care of school property.
  • Fighting, harming other students is prohibited.
  • To protect the health of other students and teachers, do not come to class with high fever, infectious and viral diseases.
  • Carrying weapons, spray cans or sharp objects with you is completely excluded.

School canteen

  • Each class visits the canteen at a certain break, so as not to destroy the order.
  • Do not come to the dining room without taking off your outer clothing.
  • Conversation with classmates should be quiet and calm, so as not to disturb those who have lunch in the neighborhood.
  • No need to run to the dining room, push everyone and break through the line to the buffet, ahead of the kids.
  • Follow all table manners.
  • Treat all employees of the school cafeteria with respect.
  • Clean up your dishes after every meal.


  • It is forbidden to make noise, talk loudly, litter in the library and reading room.
  • Return on time all the literature that you take home.
  • Don't harm the books.


The rules of conduct for children at school regulate the behavior of students not only during classes, but also at breaks, before and after school.

  • During breaks, students must clean their workplaces.
  • If the teacher asks everyone to leave the class, the students must leave the classroom.
  • It is forbidden to run around the corridors and classrooms.
  • You can not be in the attic, in the kitchen, in the basement, in chemical and physical laboratories.
  • You can not, without the permission of teachers, open the windows or sit on the windowsills.
  • If your class is on duty, you should all help discipline the teacher on duty.


You will start on duty from 7th to 11th grade and will be required to:

  • Help younger students to undress at the entrance to the school, check that they have a change of shoes.
  • Ensure that all dressing rooms are in order.
  • Follow the areas of the school that are assigned to you. They must be clean.
  • Help teachers and school management to organize the educational process.
  • After the end of the educational process, each duty officer cleans up his areas and hands them over to his class teacher or duty teacher.
  • If one of the students violates discipline, the duty officer does not have the right to use physical force against him.

Completing assignments, keeping notebooks, diaries, handling textbooks

  • Every day you must complete all the tasks that the teacher sets at home. They are only fully implemented.
  • If the teacher assigns homework not the next day, you still have to complete it in advance. If you were absent for good reason at the lesson, you still do the homework that was assigned. If for some reason you did not complete the tasks, your grade will be unsatisfactory.
  • If you have special reasons that did not give you the opportunity to prepare for the lesson, inform your teacher about this before the class begins. If you were sick, you had a good reason not to attend classes, but you must bring a certificate from the hospital and be ready for the lesson with your homework done.
  • Each notebook and school textbook must be signed and wrapped. The notebook covers are well designed.
  • Every day you must carry a diary and all the notebooks and textbooks necessary for that day.
  • All entries in notebooks are made with a blue or black pen (depending on the requirements of the school management). The Primary School Code of Conduct requires all students in grades 1-4 to take notes with ballpoint pens. Without the permission of the teacher, the use of pencils, felt-tip pens, colored pens and stickers is unacceptable.

Knowing every rule of conduct for students in the school will lead to order, discipline and a high level of learning, so follow this charter every day. Success in your studies!

In modern society, the laws of morality and morality are not acceptable and understandable for most school-age children. The culture of behavior of pupils at school leaves much to be desired. But it all starts with the family. From parents. From how they are organized, how they communicate with each other, how they eat, how they talk, how they listen, how they spend their leisure time, etc. After all, the child is so arranged to imitate and copy their parents, but how else? You are parents! And if mom or dad does it, then it’s right, so I will do it too. Those who say that everything will come with time are very mistaken. It will not come if everything is left as it is. You need to talk with the child, talk about the culture of behavior, restraint, sincerity, kindness, understanding; about safe behavior at school and possible unpleasant consequences in case of violation of the rules and elementary norms of behavior.

Rules of conduct at school

It should be noted that the rules of the culture of behavior of students at school explain to each student both his rights and obligations. Everything is written in them concisely enough and clearly for both children and adults. To fulfill these simple rules, you only need to know them and have the desire to follow them. With full observance of the rules of conduct, a friendly atmosphere and a positive psychological attitude are established in the school.

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How to sit at the desk correctly?

Each student spends at his desk at school and at home for several hours a day.

But not everyone keeps track of their posture. The task of parents and teachers is to control whether the child sits correctly at the desk.

Rules of conduct for students of the municipal educational institution "Khozankinskaya school"

Arrival of students to school

1. Come to school no later than 8:15 a.m.
2. Dry your shoes before entering the school.
3. At the door, do not try to go first, skip ahead teachers, younger students. Boys give way to girls.
4. From the lobby, go to your class without stopping unnecessarily.
5. If you missed at least one day of classes, be sure to submit a certificate from your doctor.

Appearance of students

1. Come to school in clean and ironed clothes, shoes cleaned, neatly combed.
2. Come to physical education classes and sports activities in sportswear.
3. Come to classes in school workshops and to socially useful labor events in work clothes.
4. Have a clean handkerchief with you.

Student behavior in the classroom

1. After the call, immediately take your seat in the classroom or office.

Rules of conduct for students at school

Sit constantly in the place assigned to you, keep it clean and tidy.
2. Prepare everything you need for the lesson - textbook, notebook, diary, etc.
3. When the teacher enters, stand up and silently greet him. Sit down only after permission.
4. Sit straight at the table, do not fall apart and do not stoop. Listen carefully to the explanations of the teacher and the answers of the comrades.
5. When called to the board, come out to answer with a diary. When answering, stand facing the class, stand straight, answer loudly and slowly.
6. If you want to ask the teacher a question or answer, raise your hand without lifting your elbow from the table. After the teacher's permission, stand up and ask a question (answer).
7. During the survey, open books and notebooks only at the request of the teacher.
8. Do not correct a friend's answers aloud without the teacher's instructions, do not prompt.
9. During the lesson, keep cleanliness and order, do not litter, write only in notebooks and on sheets for drafts. Don't leave paper and trash on your desk.
10. After the call from the lesson, do not jump up, do not shout. Leave the classroom calmly, only with the permission of the teacher.

Student behavior during recess

1. Only students on duty remain in the classroom, office during the break. Studying in the classroom during the break is possible only with the permission of the teacher.
2. Keep order in the school premises: speak quietly, calmly walking along the corridor. Do not go out unnecessarily to another floor and stairs.
3. When walking on the stairs, keep to the right side, do not run, do not jump over the steps.
4. When meeting with all school staff, parents and other adults, stop and say hello.
5. Do not overtake the teacher, another adult walking ahead of you on the stairs, corridor, and if necessary, ask permission.
6. Take care of the cleanliness of the school. In the corridors, on the stairs, in the dining room do not litter. If you see a piece of paper or other garbage, take it away.
7. Go to the cafeteria only during the break that is set for your class by a special schedule.
8. After calling for the lesson, do not linger in the corridor, immediately go to the office indicated in the schedule and get ready for the lesson.

Behavior in the cafeteria

1. Head to the cafeteria with the students in your class, in an organized and calm manner.
2. In the dining room behave according to the rules of cultural behavior.
3. Sit down at the table with your classmates.
4. Handle bread and other food with care.
5. After eating, collect your dirty dishes and take them to a special table.

At parties, meetings

1. At extracurricular activities, be at exactly the appointed time.
2. If adults or students from other schools came to a gathering, meeting, other extracurricular activities, greet them, take them to empty places, and if necessary, give up your place.
3. When holding mass events, be smart, do not interfere with your neighbors.

Behavior outside of school

1. Each student values ​​the honor of his school, his class and his own.
2. Students everywhere behave according to the rules of cultural behavior, always polite and modest.
3. Students only sit down if all adults are seated and there are empty seats.
4. Each student should be attentive to adults, small children, the sick and the elderly, making way for them, a place, and helping them in every possible way.
5. Walk the streets calmly, without noise. If there is no special sidewalk for pedestrians, then walk on the left side of the road.
6. Students take care of nature (do not break branches, do not tear flowers, do not destroy bird nests).
7. Students are prohibited from smoking, drinking alcohol.
8. Primary school students should not be on the street without an adult after 20:00, students of Y-IX grades - after 21:00.

Duties of the class officer:

1. Before each lesson, prepare the classroom for classes:
- ventilate the room;
- wash the board with a damp cloth;
- prepare chalk;
- check the sanitary condition of the office.
2. Prevent damage to school property.
3. Monitor the behavior of students in the classroom during breaks.
4. Before the start of each lesson, submit a list of absent students.
5. After the end of the lessons, the attendants, under the guidance of the teacher, carry out wet cleaning of the classroom assigned to the class.

School Superintendent Responsibilities:

1. Start duty 20 minutes before the start of classes.
2. Monitor the behavior of students during changes.
3. To maintain at the proper aesthetic level, assigned to the on-duty areas of the intra-school territory.
4. Organize duty in the dining room according to the schedule established in the class.

Project theme: Rule of conduct at school

  • Relevance of the project: When creating a model of signs "Rules of conduct at school", it will help students to better understand and realize them. Thus, students will strive not to violate them, as well as urge their comrades not to violate the "Rules of Conduct at School".

The purpose of the project: to introduce the rules of conduct at school and create signs of “good behavior at school.

  • Project objectives:
  • Remind students of the rules of conduct at school.
  • Develop the ability to follow these rules.
  • Introduce students to the code of conduct.

Project algorithm:

  • Recall with students the rules of behavior at school;
  • To acquaint students with the norms of behavior at school;
  • Create "good behavior at school" signs.

Internet resources:

  • The author of the poems is Fedorova V.G.
  • Pictures:
  • Go to school along the path, Wipe your feet on the porch!

    Rules of conduct for students at school

    And then just come in - Training Day ahead!

  • You enter the class
  • with the word "hello" And you will be healthy yourself, To feel great, Wish you good health in the morning!
  • For all the law, not desire - Come to class without delay! As soon as the bell rings - the lesson begins!
  • In the evening put notebooks, textbooks, pencils in a briefcase. Check again in the morning - Ready to practice now!
  • A school desk is not a bed, And you can’t lie on it, We must not forget to keep your back straight!
  • In the lessons we will be Diligent, attentive! Repeat three times Not necessarily!
  • Do not be afraid to make a mistake - After all, you came to learn, Do not be discouraged, do not suffer - After all, you learn from mistakes!
  • The bell rings for a break, So that you will certainly rest, Another lesson awaits you - Be ready for it, my friend!
  • In the hallway we must keep to the right, besides, I personally think it's indecent to shout at school!
  • Walk around the school calmly, Don’t run around the class either, Always behave with dignity, Take care of your health!
  • Eat in class on a napkin Carefully needed, kids! Clean up after yourself, wash and dry your hands!
  • Everyone follows things Himself, without grandmother and mother. Unpleasant confusion, Neumeyki and sluts!
  • The words "thank you", "sorry" Do not be shy, speak, Anya, Slava, Valya, Vitya You do not quarrel, but reconcile!
  • "See you! Goodbye!" Say goodbye to everyone, Tomorrow we will again Smile a new day!

The work of the guys

Rules of conduct at school

It is sometimes not so easy to achieve compliance with the rules of behavior at school from children.

Students simply forget about them, or even motivate their behavior with ignorance. Of course, this state of affairs is highly undesirable for both teachers and students themselves. Indeed, very often pampering and childishness lead to irreparable consequences - these are all kinds of injuries, disrupted lessons, poor academic performance or the appearance of a negative attitude towards learning. To avoid this, children should know well how to behave at school and unquestioningly follow the rules of safe behavior.

Rules for the safe behavior of children at school during recess

The time when a child can rest, prepare for the next lesson or have a snack should not be wasted. Actually, therefore, the rules of safe behavior at school strictly regulate the activities of students. So, during the break, students are prohibited from:

  • run around the classroom and corridor;
  • get out and sit on the windowsills;
  • open windows without the permission of the teacher;
  • litter;
  • vandalize school property;
  • bring to school and play with sharp or flammable objects;
  • eat in the corridor and even more so on the go.

Also, kids should remember:

  • the bell rings for the teacher, and only with his permission can they be free;
  • during the break, class attendants should prepare the board for the next lesson and air the office;
  • when walking along the school corridor, children should keep to the right side;
  • giving way to an adult or a girl, the student will show himself from the best side.

Rules for the behavior of children in the classroom

There are misunderstandings and conflicts between teachers and students during the lessons. To minimize these unpleasant moments, teachers conduct conversations and hang out reminders with the rules of conduct at school. The latter read:

  • the student must come to class in advance;
  • students should be seated only in their places, established by the class teacher;
  • only a teacher can open an office;
  • on the desk, the student should not have anything superfluous that distracts him from the lesson;
  • leaving the classroom during the lesson is possible only after the permission of the teacher;
  • in the classroom, students must follow the instructions of the teacher and observe silence;
  • when the teacher enters and leaves the classroom, students are required to stand up;
  • the child should go to the board with a diary.

Also in schools, teachers conduct conversations about the rules of conduct on the territory of the educational institution. Teachers warn that the school is prohibited:

  • break branches of shrubs and trees, trample flower beds and pick flowers;
  • litter in the school yard and kindle fires;
  • damage the bark of trees and carve various inscriptions on it;
  • leave school during lessons without permission;
  • use or bring with you drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes;
  • come to class with a high temperature caused by a viral or infectious disease.