Rules of etiquette for children in all life situations. Rules of conduct in cinema

Telephone etiquette.

Nowadays, it is simply impossible to do without a phone. We are all accustomed to this common means of communication as something ordinary. Many students now have a personal mobile phone.

But does every student know that there is telephone etiquette?

Remember the basic rules of communication on the phone:

You can’t make a phone call and say to the one who picked up the phone in the tone of the order: “Misha!” First, you first need to say hello and introduce yourself. Secondly, do not forget: you expect that you will be rendered a service - they will call your friend to the phone. So it's a good idea to ask for it. And be sure to thank for the answer, even if your friend was not at home, and say goodbye.

You can’t start a telephone conversation with the question: “Who is this?” No one has to introduce themselves to you - it's you who calls and disturbs people.

"Hello" is a special telephone word. You can also use a short "yes" or "listening" instead. The manner of talking on the phone always carries important information about a person and is part of his image.

You should not call the phone often and at a late time, even if you disturb a person very close to you.

Never address a stranger on the phone with “you”, even if it seemed to you that the child answered - your impression may be erroneous.

Do not be afraid of a telephone answering machine - formulate your message clearly and concisely. Give your name and a phone number where you can be called back.

Do not leave an invitation on the answering machine - such an invitation is considered impolite. Be sure to call your friend and invite him personally.

You should not thank you over the phone for a gift or an important service. This must be done in person. It is also not recommended to express condolences over the phone.

Excessive politeness is inappropriate when contacting a help desk operator - here you need clear information from both sides. But in this case, you can not do without the words thank you and please.

Phone hooliganism is unacceptable. For false calls and telephone hooliganism violators will face heavy fines.

To discuss some important matter that will require a lot of time, arrange with a friend about your call in advance.

You can not talk long and loudly on a mobile phone in public places.

Mobile phones must be switched off in the theatre, library, museum, excursions, concerts.

Rules of conduct in society for younger students

Who is let down by bad manners and why you need to know and follow the generally accepted rules of conduct

Preschool children do not always follow the generally accepted rules of behavior, and they are condescendingly forgiven for this. Because everyone has long known: if the parents of a child are well-mannered people, then you don’t have to worry about the baby, because over time he will learn the rules of behavior in society and will not upset adults.

But when schoolchildren show themselves not from the best side, then those around them are rightly outraged. In fact, it is very unpleasant to look at children screaming and pushing in transport, at unkemptly dressed boys and girls who do not know how to use cutlery, at schoolchildren who are disrespectful to the elderly.

Is it really so difficult to learn the basic rules of behavior in society: treat each other with respect, learn to speak polite words, not shout or push in transport, eat neatly at the table and dress neatly?!

Parents always demand from their children the observance of the rules of decent behavior. But this becomes especially important when guests come to you or when you are alone in public places, without adults. There is no one to tell you how to act correctly in this or that case, there is no one to pull you up if you behave ugly. In such situations, your maturity and independence are manifested.

But there is another important circumstance: you represent your family. Do you want your family, your parents to be thought badly? But usually, it always happens that when we meet a rude, ill-mannered person, we always think or say out loud something like this: “What kind of parents does this child have? Couldn't they have taught him how to behave decently in society? And even more often people are indignant out loud: “And what do they only teach you at school?”

In order not to let down your parents and teachers who teach you good manners, try to be a well-mannered and polite person.

Never dishonor those who bring you up, who is responsible for your upbringing: your family and school!

If you are on the street or in public transport

Every day we go out of the house to the street and use public transport services. Of course, it is very important to observe the rules of the road on the street and, first of all, think about your safety. But we must not forget that there are people next to us. An attentive, precautionary and benevolent attitude towards them is obligatory for a well-mannered person.

Be attentive to the people around you and friendly in dealing with them.

Probably, any of you often had to observe various sad scenes from the everyday life of passengers from the outside.

Here in the subway car sits, lounging and throwing his legs over his legs, the guy in the headphones. His eyes are closed, he listens to music, and he does not care about others. He pretends not to notice the standing elderly woman, and does not pay attention to the fact that, making her way to the exit, the girl hit his leg, and the dusty boot left a mark on her clothes.

Here are two pretty girls talking loudly. They laugh and eat ice cream right in the trolleybus cabin, not at all thinking about the fact that their laughter can be unpleasant for someone, and a tasty treat can stain the seats of the car or the clothes of any of the passengers.

But a schoolboy sneezed loudly in a crowd of passengers, forgetting to cover his mouth with a handkerchief or at least with his palm.

Here the girl enters the metro lobby, forgetting to hold the heavy front door closing behind her and not paying any attention to the person following her.

All these boys and girls are most likely quite good people. But they clearly lack education. But in this case, good manners is primarily the observance of certain rules of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Rules of conduct on the street and in public transport

Before you go out into the street, look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that everything is in order in your appearance.

Say hello first when you meet people you know on the street. If someone did not answer your greeting, do not be offended - a person could think about something of his own.

If you need to draw the attention of your companion to something or someone, never point a finger - do it with a look or a turn of your head.

If a passer-by slips or falls next to you, help him get up.

If an older person is walking towards you, step aside and let him go ahead.

A car, bus or trolleybus standing at a stop should go around only from behind in order to see in time if there is another car behind it. But bypass the tram only in front. But it's always better to wait until you have a good view of the whole street.

When entering a bus, trolleybus or tram, let your companion, an elderly person or a woman with a small child, pass at the door. But a boy or a man should be the first to get off the bus, trolleybus or tram to give his hand to his companion.

In public transport, always give up your seat to older people and women with small children.

Do not push through the crowd of passengers, helping yourself with your elbows - do not use your hands, but your voice.

Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or hand when you cough or sneeze.

Do not eat or drink anything on public transport. You can accidentally stain the seat of the car or the clothes of the passengers. In addition, the sight of a person chewing, and even more so drinking from the neck, is unattractive.

Cars, buses, trolleybuses - all types of urban transport - always diverge on the right side. This is the main rule of traffic in our country, and it must be remembered. If you never want to run into anyone on the streets of the city, keep to the right and disperse with passers-by only to the right.

Cross the street only at the green traffic light! Never cross the road in front of a moving vehicle!

Rules for receiving guests, information for schoolchildren

Hospitality is valued at all times. But being a good host is not at all easy. Judge for yourself. A friendly host always welcomes his guests, helps them to undress, seats, entertains and treats them. The owner must be attentive to all his guests and find time for each of them. It is very important for him to introduce guests to each other, to make sure that they do not get bored and enjoy communication. It is also important to be a helpful host, guessing the wishes of your guests. And, of course, the host should not spare books, toys, treats for the guests, as well as his time and effort spent on the reception. It was not for him to complain about the difficulties and worries involved in preparing for the arrival of guests. And also - a tactful host will never notice blunders and mistakes in the behavior of a guest and will never arrange such games and entertainments in which he himself will seem great, and his guest - clumsy.

Try to be a hospitable, attentive, helpful and generous host for everyone who comes to your house.

Remember these basic rules for hosting guests:

Prepare for the arrival of guests. Think over everything to the smallest detail: where and how to accommodate guests, how to treat them, how to entertain them. All preparations must be completed before the guests arrive.

When receiving guests, behave in a way that makes them happy and pleasant. Be friendly. If you're in a bad mood, don't show it to your guests. Be careful and alert. There is a rule: "The desire of guests is the law."

Escort each of the guests who have come to the room, introduce him to the friends who have gathered with you.

When receiving gifts, do not put them aside indifferently. The gift is supposed to be immediately unwrapped, examined, thanked and expressed gratitude. If, for any reason, you did not like the gift, in no case show it - do not upset the person who tried to please you. If you were given something tasty, treat everyone around you first, and then try the treat yourself.

If guests are interested in your books, photographs, collection of coins, badges, stamps or postcards, show the collection to guests, even if you fear that it will be spoiled.

If the guests made a mess in the room that you diligently cleaned for their arrival, do not show your disappointment - you will have to do the cleaning again when the guests disperse. But even if one of your guests breaks or breaks something, do not show that you are upset. On the contrary, try to comfort this guest, because he already feels very uncomfortable.

At the table, give all your attention to the guests. Show cordiality so that they feel: you treat them sincerely. First offer each dish to the guests, and then take it to yourself. Make sure that your guests do not sit with empty plates. Do not get up from the table if you see that the guests are still eating.

Seeing off the guests, help them get dressed, open the door. And if you had a girl visiting you, you must definitely take her home.

Etiquette for schoolchildren. Company Code of Conduct

Learn to behave in a company

Appearance largely depends on the ability to sit and move beautifully.

To create a pleasant impression of yourself, you just need to develop a beautiful posture: always keep your back straight, shoulders should be deployed, and your head slightly raised. In rare cases, a person receives a beautiful posture from nature. Most often it is the result of a patiently developed habit.

Always watch your gait as well. Do not swing your arms when walking, do not tap your heels, do not keep your hands in your pockets.

According to the rules of etiquette, it is very important for girls, for example, to be able to sit beautifully. And it's just unacceptable:

sitting down, raise a dress or coat;

collapse noisily on the seat of a chair;

sit with legs wide apart;

sit, lounging on a chair;

sit perched on the very edge of the chair;

wrap your legs around the leg of a chair;

hug your knees;

getting up, push the chair away.

For boys, etiquette is no less strict. They are ordered to always be attentive, gallant and helpful, not only with their companions, but also with unfamiliar women and girls. To support and protect a woman, as well as those who are weaker and younger, is considered one of the main virtues of a man.

For boys, there are some rules that you should not forget:

the boy should never look loose, unassembled, defiant and rude;

do not walk with your collar turned up unnecessarily, do not keep your hands in your pockets;

help anyone who needs your help;

be attentive to girls and women, to the disabled and the elderly: help carry a heavy bag, skip forward at the door, help cross the street, get off the bus, climb the stairs;

never enter into quarrels and quarrels, do not be petty and quarrelsome.

But the rules, the implementation of which must be paid special attention to both girls and boys:

a well-mannered person chews chewing gum only when left alone and, of course, never sticks it to walls, tables and chairs;

do not whisper in society;

to yawn in society means to demonstrate one's bad manners;

when coughing, slightly turn away and cover your mouth with your hand; in case of a sharp cough, be sure to put a handkerchief to your mouth;

blow your nose quietly, turning away or stepping aside, never sniff;

the need to sneeze should, if possible, be restrained by rubbing the bridge of the nose (in Russia, it is customary for a person who sneezed to say: “Bless you!”; while the person who sneezed apologizes to those present);

You should not appear in public places with a cold, so as not to spread the infection.

Rules of conduct in cinema

You really like to watch various films on TV.

But going to the cinema is much more pleasant: a huge screen, powerful sound and ... a romantic atmosphere evoke a completely different feeling.

You can go to the cinema alone, with a friend or with your parents.

But that is not all. A young man can invite you to the cinema, so you should know for sure how you should behave in this case.

Before we continue our conversation, we want to ask you one question: what will you do if you already realize at the beginning of the film that it did not live up to your expectations or you have already seen it once?

1. Put your feet on the person in front of you.

2. Put on a big shaggy hat and never take it off until the end of the movie.

3. Go for ice cream as often as possible.

4. Loudly notify everyone about the main events and tell the end of the film.

5. Watch until the end.

6. You will leave immediately.

7. You will be glad that there is an opportunity to chat with a neighbor on the right.

8. You will chew nuts loudly and rustle candy wrappers.

9. Move to the last row and sleep.

10. Call a friend and make an appointment at another cinema.

The rules of conduct in the cinema are largely the same as. It just so happens that going to the cinema is considered a less formal event, which means that the rules are not so strict.

Firstly , appearance. You don't have to go to the movies all dressed up, you can even wear jeans. Just do not forget that the clothes should be clean and tidy.

Secondly, it is allowed to take popcorn or sweets with you to the cinema hall, but you do not need to eat too loudly or litter.

Clapping in the cinema is not accepted, as well as laughing out loud and commenting on what is happening. In general, these "rules" apply not only to the cinema hall, but also to a friendly viewing of a movie at home.

Of course, having gathered to watch a movie with friends at someone's home, you are spared the need to buy tickets and communicate with strangers.

But in this case, it is also impossible for others to interfere with watching a movie with their remarks and jokes.

And it’s absolutely not good at the very beginning to declare that you have already seen this film, and then tell in detail how it will end.

At the cinema you:

1) do not litter;

2) do not make noise;

3) do not behave provocatively;

4) do not comment on the film with the air of a connoisseur;

5) and in no case do not chat on the phone.

These are the basic rules. We hope you find this information useful.

And then you will often be invited to the cinema or theater, because it is better to go anywhere in a pleasant company.

Etiquette. Communication with peers. How to communicate with peers

How your relationships with peers develop depends largely on you. Of course, your knowledge and skills, your appearance, sense of humor will always be important to create authority. But the ability to behave, to be tactful and attentive with others is still perhaps the most important. You can be able and know a lot, but if you don’t learn the accepted communication with people, they won’t want to listen to you or admire your achievements.

There can be no small things in communication. It is pleasant for every person at any age to communicate with a polite, well-mannered and helpful person.

It is ugly, for example, to look into your neighbor's notebook without permission. You can not read other people's letters, personal diaries. It is impolite to stand behind the back of a person who works on a computer.

Even if there is nothing secret in a written letter (on paper or on a computer), not everyone is pleased to have someone read the words intended for another person.

For some reason, some guys in communication do not call each other by their first names, but come up with various nicknames for their classmates. Most often, school nicknames are formed, of course, from the surname. For example, Skvortsov, Stepanov, Belov, Frolov and Morozov automatically become just Starling, Styopa, Bely, Frol and Moroz at school. Some guys are proud of their nickname, while others are completely indifferent to what they are called.

But there are many impressionable and shy children who are painfully worried and even suffer from such treatment and are very ashamed of their nickname. It even happens that from such suffering and grief they experience nervous breakdowns. It is not uncommon for offensive nicknames and difficult relationships with peers to cause stuttering. And some nearsighted guys refuse to wear glasses just because they will be teased by bespectacled people or nerds.

It doesn’t even occur to many children that their classmate is worried and crying because of the nickname given to him.

Of course, only very stupid and evil people take pleasure in hurting another. Most of the time, guys don't do it out of malice. But before you give someone a nickname, remember that the person has a name. For each of us, the name means a lot. Parents chose it for a long time, hoping that it would bring their child good luck in life. It is ugly and impolite to call your friends by their surnames or to replace the first name with a stupid or offensive nickname.

In order for you to develop good relationships with friends and classmates, pay attention to these tips.

Rules for communicating with classmates

show attention to your friends and classmates, try not to offend them with your words and actions;

never laugh at the physical defects of people;

always and in everything help the younger and the weak;

do not forget to thank for the service rendered to you;

do not invent offensive nicknames for anyone;

if you yourself suffer from a nickname attached to you, do not respond to it; maybe then your offender will remember your name;

if a friend has lent you something, give it back to him within the promised time, without waiting for him to remind you of it;

always keep your promises;

never promise what you cannot fulfill;

cherish your word: your friends should know that you can rely on you in everything, that you always keep your word;

always be precise: inaccuracy is first of all impoliteness;

never eavesdrop on other people's conversations and do not read other people's letters;

never show disrespect, impudence, impudence, rudeness or rudeness to people.

Good manners and etiquette for children

“Wise parents bring up morality in children, because those who have knowledge of etiquette bring glory to the whole family.” Chanakya Pandit

Etiquette rules for kids!

Manners and etiquette behavior of children are regarded as the most important indicators of the upbringing of children in the family. However, teaching good manners to some teenagers will feel like an almost impossible task. But don't despair, just stick with it. Good manners are important to every child's confidence and success in life.

Manners and etiquette of children in the house

The family is a place where it begins, where the "seeds of manners" are planted and nurtured, where children learn not only good manners, but also basic values ​​and ethics. It is a haven where your children learn to be considerate, tolerant and respectful. They learn to share and respect the space of all other family members. This is a place where children learn the basics of etiquette in practice, and then they will have to carry them through life.

Let's start with respect. Respect for a person's privacy is very important. In a family, this is one of the most important rules. Parents, teenagers and even the smallest children all deserve a certain amount of privacy, respect for privacy.

Most of these "good manners and etiquette for children" listed below apply to both parents and children. And remember that you must put into practice what you preach!

    If the door is closed, it is respectful and good manners to knock and wait for permission to enter.

    If you want to borrow something, always ask permission and make sure you return what you have borrowed. Make sure you return it in the same or better condition.

    Never cross the border of personal territory, this is very bad for cultivating respect.

    It's very tempting to read a diary and love letters (of a sister/brother, for example), but you have to restrain yourself because it's very personal and you wouldn't want anyone to do the same to you.

    Your family's affairs are your family's private affairs, and that's how it should be. If mom and dad are having an argument, or things aren't going well, or your brother isn't doing well in school, outsiders don't always need to know. However, if any of the family members shows violence in any of its forms, then it is necessary to notify specialists or authorities about this.

    Another rule of good manners is that you shouldn't expect someone else to clean up after you. Leave the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and TV clean and tidy, don't leave dirty dishes in the house. Your wet towels or dirty dishes are your responsibility. If you share a bedroom with someone, you share the responsibility for the safety, cleanliness and order.

    Again, good manners and etiquette start at home, so your parenting advice is relevant all the way to school and the playground. For example, if children are playing a board game at home, the loser must learn to recognize the other's victory. On the sports field, children should know that it is good manners to thank the opposing team, shake hands and say, “Well done!”.

    Telephone etiquette for children - do not underestimate the fact that the way your child answers the phone can have a strong favorable (or unfavorable) impression on people who call your home.

    Good table manners and etiquette for children should become a way of life.

    Parents must control their own behavior at all times, show examples of good manners and etiquette, and of course good social behavior. If you're sending a message in front of the kids to thank someone, be sure to include something like, "I'll just send a thank you note to Aunt Maggie. She helped us out so much last week by picking up the kids from school when I couldn't." In this way, you show appreciation and an example of how to behave naturally, rather than teaching a lesson in manners and etiquette for children.

    If you are sending flowers for the death of another family, this is a good time to teach the children the basics of funeral etiquette. These "humble" lessons in manners and etiquette will have a stronger impact on children when they see and experience them in a real situation. So to speak, strike while the iron is hot.

    Do not embarrass or tease anyone, even if the situation may seem humorous or awkward. Just think about how you would feel in those circumstances. So don't use confusion and embarrassment as a lesson in manners and etiquette for children, just put yourself in their place.

Another important situation for the lesson of good manners and etiquette is meeting and greeting guests.

Children are never too young to learn the art of welcoming family and guests. Your child will never be too young to learn these valuable rules of etiquette and good manners, as warm and friendly greetings are essential in the ethics of relationships.

Depending on the age and gender of the child, the following rules of manners and etiquette for children may apply:

    When opening the door and inviting guests, you need to smile and be friendly.

    If the child is a boy, it is good masculine greeting to shake the hand of a grown man.

    Either accept guests' coats, or show them where they can leave their things.

    If this is grandma and grandpa, it would be nice to hug and kiss them.

    If adults ask questions to the child, then he needs to politely answer them or avoid answering if the child is shy or does not want to talk anymore.

    If your guest comes in and continues the conversation in the house, let the kids go so they don't feel like outsiders.


It is equally important to show good manners and know what proper etiquette is when you are a guest in someone else's house. Here are some etiquette rules for visiting:

    Do not visit unless you are invited or you have called to arrange a convenient meeting time.

    Permission from both of your friend's parents is required, especially if you wish to stay overnight.

    Never think that you can stay as a guest as long as you like. Your friend's parents need to know exactly when you will leave and how you will get home.

    Help if you are asked to; but do not expect that you will be patronized and served by you.

    Make your bed and room, keep things in order, and of course leave your bathroom spotlessly clean! Remember, your good manners will not go unnoticed and will be a reflection of the quality and level of your upbringing and parents.

    Be sure to say "thank you" when you leave the house. In return, invite a friend to your house sometime in the future.

General rules of etiquette and etiquette in public places

    Give up your seat to an adult, especially an elderly person, a disabled person, and a pregnant woman. Because it is not only good manners, but also the memory that one day you will also be old and fragile.

    Don't sit with your legs up, it's a disgusting habit. People should not look at the dirty soles of your shoes.

    Do not eat on public transport - it is unpleasant and the smell of hamburgers, cake, chips, etc., may well make other passengers sick.

    Turn off your mobile phone as other passengers are not interested in your personal affairs.

    Turn off your portable music player, it's often very annoying to listen to continuous percussive sounds.

    Skateboarding down the aisle is both stupid and dangerous...

    Throw trash in the trash can, imagine if everyone was throwing trash in the streets.

    No need to draw graffiti!

    When you are in a society, try to keep your voice quieter and your behavior less noisy, someone from the people around you may have a bad day.

    Watch your language! When you use a 3-letter word, it can be "hot" in the eyes of your friends, but it's rude and disrespectful to do it in public.

    Bullying other children is cowardly. You wouldn't want someone to do this to you!

    Don't bully and don't bully. Be polite - your manners speak for themselves. Even if this adult is trying to intimidate you, you have the right to defend yourself.

    Old people are easily offended, be kind, polite, respectful and respectful.

    Open the door for others. Let the adults pass first, and you hold the door open for them. If you enter first, do not let the door slam in the face of those who come after you.

    Before entering the elevator, let people out of the elevator first. This rule of etiquette also applies to buildings, or even rooms, where the person from the inside comes out first.

So, you need to follow the rules of etiquette everywhere and always - in the family, with friends, at the workplace or at school, in public places. The behavior of children is often judged on the knowledge of manners and style of parenting, and in general about parents. Therefore, knowing the basics of etiquette and teaching good manners is important for a child of any age.

Topic "Rules of dating"

Conduct form: role-playing game.


Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct that you need to know when meeting and introducing a stranger in society;

Discuss some rules of etiquette.


In order to successfully and profitably conduct such a class hour, you need to carefully prepare, not hoping for impromptu or that everything will work out during the lesson, so you need to:

Pick up guys who want to play skits;

Work out and rehearse the script;

Think over the elements of the costumes, or at least write the names of the characters they portray;

Prepare "reminders" of etiquette rules on this topic for all participants.

Introductory word of the teacher

It should be told that in our life there are certain rules of behavior developed by society that you need to know and follow in various situations.

For example, there are clear rules for introducing and representing people in society.

Teacher: Guys, in order for us to better understand the rules of etiquette when communicating and find out what we are doing right and what is out of decency, let's play a few short scenes and discuss what was right and wrong in them.



Mother - Elena Ivanovna

Father - Peter Pavlovich

Their son Sergei

Friends of the son (classmates) - Ilya, Nastya

Vadim and Lena - guys from another school, Sergey's neighbors

Grandfather - Pavel Nikolaevich

Act one "Hi, birthday boy!"

Do not sit at home - go out to people!

M. Genin

In the center of the class there is a table covered with a tablecloth. There are several chairs near the table. Serezha, his parents and grandfather are in the room. Mom is busy at the table, dad and Seryozha are watching TV, grandfather is reading a newspaper.


The series opens. Enter his classmates - Ilya and Nastya.

Seryozha: Well, finally, I've been waiting for you. Why couldn't they come earlier?

Ilya: Serezha, we congratulate you on your birthday!

Nastya: This is a gift from us to you.

The guys give the birthday man flowers and a package. Seryozha leads the guys into the room, puts the gift on the shelf.

Serezha: My friends came to see me. Call us when everything is ready, while we look at the new magazine.

Mom: Okay, kids, I'll try to get through this quickly. True, you still need to make sandwiches.

Seryozha: Let dad help you, but we have no time.

Serezha with classmates are removed to another room.

Freeze Frame #1."What's the faux pas"

Teacher: Guys, let's discuss what was wrong in the behavior of the guys. Where did they go wrong?

Let's remember the most elementary rules of behavior at a party.

Memo No. 1 "Rules for guests to the owners of the house"

The most exquisite pleasure is to give pleasure to others.

J. La Bruyère

When entering the house, you need to say hello to everyone.

You need to come to visit at exactly the appointed time, being late for 10-15 minutes for an unforeseen reason is justified, but the arrival of a guest ahead of time can create inconvenience for the host, who is not yet ready for the meeting.

However, according to the rules of etiquette, it is advisable for the owner of the house to prepare to receive guests 30 minutes before the appointed time.

The owner of the house needs to start the conversation not with attacks and claims for being late, but with a joyful welcome to his guests. If there is a delay, the guest must apologize for being late, explaining the reason (transport, hours, etc.).

If you came to a holiday, birthday or just to visit, give flowers to your mother, and a gift to the hero of the occasion.

The owner of the house needs to introduce his friends by name to others.

It is advisable for the birthday man to immediately open the gift and thank the guest, in no case asking about the value of the gift; it is indecently indifferent to disregard the presented gift.

The table must be set before the guests arrive.

If the hosts have something not ready for the table, the guests should offer their help; the owners, thanking, refuse it. Guests to take a look at magazines, photos, listening to music.

Note: It is advisable to print this memo in advance and multiply it so that when discussing the scene, the guys have it before their eyes.

Act two "We are so polite..."

...If a person can come out of you, do not prevent him from doing so.

M. Genii

Teacher: Guys, let's repeat this scene in the "classic version", correcting the mistakes made.

The guys note that in order for everything to work out according to the said rules, it is necessary to change the introductory incorrect family situation:

Only mother is busy with the housework, and father and son watch TV, grandfather reads the newspaper.

On the right one: the whole family is busy together, preparing to welcome guests. The children repeat the scene.

Doorbell. Sergey's classmates come in.

The children greet each other cheerfully.

The guests apologize for being late, greet their parents.

Seryozha introduces his friends to his parents by name and calls his relatives by name and patronymic, starting with grandfather.

Ilya gives flowers to Elena Ivanovna, congratulating her on her son's birthday.

Nastya congratulates Serezha and gives him a gift.

Serezha opens the gift and thanks the guys for their attention, noting their delicate taste, or thanks them for remembering his old dream of having this thing.

Serezha, in a more delicate manner and in a friendly tone, asks his parents if he needs help in preparing a festive feast.

Mom says she can handle herself.

Dad and grandfather offer their help to mom.

Parents ask Sergey to keep the guests busy until everything is ready.

Note: During the action, you can repeat the “freeze frame”, making comments, remarks, corrections regarding the rules of good manners. As a result of the discussion, the necessary phrase, gesture is born. The guys can change roles or replace the former "artists".

Act 3: Who's there? Welcome!"

Doorbell. Dad opens the door. Neighbors enter - Vadim and Lena

Vadim: Hello, Petr Pavlovich, I congratulate you on your son's birthday.

Lena: Hello, Elena Ivanovna, I also congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on Serezha's birthday, accept this modest bouquet.

Vadim: And where is the hero of the occasion?

Dad: Come on guys. Serezha and his classmates are watching some new magazine. Join them.

Vadim: Thank you. But first we want to congratulate him.

Serezha leaves the room, apologizing to his classmates, explaining that he needs to meet new guests.

Serezha: Hello, Lena and Vadik. Good to see you, I was a little worried that you were gone.

Lena: Seryozha, excuse us for being late, but there was an unforeseen delay - we urgently needed to buy medicine for my grandmother.

Serezha: Lena, did you find a cure? Do you need our help? Maybe consult with my grandfather?

Lena: No, don't worry. Now everything is in order, my mother is with her.

Vadim: Seryozha, Lena and I want to congratulate you, accept a common gift from us.

Series: Thanks guys. I am very pleased that you remember my passion for music. This disc is just not in my library. Come on, I'll introduce you to my classmates.

Serezha: Guys, please meet Lena and Vadim.

Ilya offers his hand to Vadim, calls his name.

Nastya comes up to Lena and introduces herself, giving her name.

"Freeze frame" No. 2 "We know and apply the rules"

When a person comes to visit, he spends the time of the hosts, not his own.

A gentleman is a person who never offends his neighbor without intention.

O. Wilde

Teacher: Guys, let's discuss the third act. How, in your opinion, did the appearance of new guests, their greetings with adults, the birthday boy and Sergey's classmates?

The guys find out that there were practically no flaws in this scene, with the exception of the forced delay, which had to be warned about by phone.

They note that Sergei introduced Vadim and Lena to his classmates, without focusing on the fact that he has been friends with them since childhood.

Everyone liked that the acquaintance was friendly.

They conclude that further communication will be convenient, interesting and mutually pleasant, which will please the birthday man and his relatives, and the guys will make new friends.

The teacher invites the class to familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct presented in handout No. 2.

Memo No. 2 “Let's introduce ourselves according to etiquette”

I love well mannered people!

They will never respond with rudeness to your scolding...

M. Genin

The younger ones are introduced, or they themselves are introduced to the elders.

The same with an obvious difference in social status: the younger one introduces himself to the older one.

A woman, regardless of age and position, does not appear to a man first.

There may be exceptions to the last rule, for example, if this woman is a student, and the man is an honorary professor.

When meeting, it is customary to look the interlocutor from the eye. Acquaintance, begun with a friendly smile, will surely have a positive continuation for you.

The first to give a hand is the person to whom the other was introduced. The woman holds out her hand to the man, the older one to the younger one (do not forget, if you already know this, then this is done the other way around). The face that has just been introduced is amiably and calmly waiting for the time when it will be possible to finally answer with a mutual shake of the hand.

When a man is introduced, he must stand up. The lady gets up only if she meets a much older woman or a man who is very respectable in all respects. In society (at a party, in the theater), the hostess (owner) of the house or the organizer of the event introduces people to each other.

Difficulties in getting to know each other arise if one of the invitees arrives late. In no case do not greet first of all with your friends, old acquaintances, leaving everyone else unattended. The owner of the house will introduce you to everyone at once and seat you in an empty seat. A latecomer can then get to know his closest neighbors on the table.

If there is a need to be introduced, and there is no one around who could help you with this, then you should simply shake your hand and clearly identify yourself.

They represent their wife, husband, daughter, son with the words: “my wife”, “my son”. Acquaintance with mother and father is an exception to this rule: acquaintances are introduced to parents, but not vice versa.

When introducing a person, you should clearly pronounce his first and last name.

Among peers, when meeting, it is quite acceptable to name only the first name.

Do not say, introducing your companion or companion: "This is my friend." This emphasis on personal relationships can offend others. Just say the name.


Do not cut the branch on which no one but you sits.

M. Genin

The teacher sums up the game. He thanks the guys for actively participating in the discussion, hopes that knowledge of the rules of etiquette will become the norm of life and they will not keep them, as it were, “in reserve”.

It is wrong to think that you know how to behave, how to be educated, although now you do not need it, but if necessary, you can do everything as it should. These rules need to be developed by a person from early childhood, so that subsequently they do not feel awkward in any situation, behave correctly, naturally and naturally. It would seem that etiquette is not directly related to safety, but this is by no means the case. Sometimes not only your safety and well-being, but also life can depend on our behavior, the ability to behave in society, to communicate correctly.

"What is etiquette" - Know how to always please your loved ones and relatives. Ancient times. You need to be tidy. The word "etiquette". What is etiquette. Talk too loud. The ability to behave. You need to put your phone on silent mode. Loyal and reliable friends. Always say hello when you meet. Important rules of etiquette.

"Well-mannered person" - Poll results. Distinguished by a good upbringing. What does it mean to be educated. Politeness. An educated person. Educated students. Punctuality. Main quality. Quotes about upbringing. Politeness rules. Characteristic plan.

"Games by etiquette" - And there are general rules for all games. You probably like to play ... Can you play? Each game has its own rules: hide and seek have their own, Cossack robbers have their own. Do not rejoice when others lose, because next time you may lose. Lessons of politeness and etiquette.

"Lady and gentleman" - Strengthen communication skills. Boys) Selection of words - associations to new concepts. Theme: "Ladies and gentlemen". Tasks: Formation of the moral position of students. Equipment: sheets of paper, markers, computer, illustrations, encyclopedias. Lady. Lesson plan. Remember: everything blossoms from love and kindness!

"Etiquette of behavior at the table" - The history of hedgehogs. Dish. Invitation etiquette. Bananas. Etiquette. Table etiquette. Gift etiquette. Fashion etiquette. What is the knife used for fish? Festive table. Luxury. Pieces from common dishes. Compliance with good manners. Politeness. Business etiquette. Visiting etiquette. How to eat a cutlet.

"Etiquette for Children" - Role-playing games give children the opportunity to practically apply behavioral rules. Subtypes of etiquette are determined by the nature of the situation in which the person is. Role model, reward and punishment, accustoming, exercise, creating educational situations. To consolidate the rule, you can use the simplest homework:

Total in the topic 23 presentations

School hotel MBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.I. Boreeva

Morshansk, Tambov region





To consolidate knowledge of the rules of general civil etiquette: on the culture of speech, elementary politeness, the ability to behave in public places and in different situations, the ability to maintain a conversation when people communicate with each other, the ability to manage their emotions (both negative and positive);

To cultivate politeness, courtesy, demeanor in society;

To develop the ability for self-assessment based on the criteria for the success of educational activities, the ability to independently formulate the goal of the lesson after a preliminary discussion;

Form readiness for self-development and continuous education.

Forms and activities: intellectual game-journey; multimedia presentation, guessing an anagram, watching a video, analyzing and explaining etiquette situations, performing competitive tasks, working in groups.

Necessary equipment: TSO (computer, screen, multimedia presentation, video); handouts - tokens, leaflets with a record of various situations, blank sheets of paper, questionnaires, pens; certificates, medals to the winners.

Educator - Mokshanova I.V.



    Organization, motivation

Hello dear high school students! On the screen in front of you is an anagram. Having solved it, you will find out what our today's lesson will be devoted to: IETTKE.

- Etiquette.

- The ability to know the rules of etiquette and apply them in communication is a great art and at the same time one of the secrets of human happiness. The famous French writer and poet Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "The greatest luxury on Earth is the luxury of human communication."

There are no “little things” in etiquette, more precisely, it all consists of “little things” strung on a single rod of politeness, attention to people. Today we will recall and summarize the knowledge about all manifestations of civil etiquette, studied in previous classes.

What is etiquette?

List its types.

Why do you need knowledge of etiquette?

Student responses.

    goal setting

Our lesson will be held in the form of a game: we will go on a journey to the amazing country of OPE - the United Rules of Etiquette. To start the game, divide into 2 teams - "Ladies" and "Gentlemen"(divided into teams by gender).

Now pay attention to the names of the stations that we have to visit today during the trip, and formulate the purpose of our today's lesson.

Student responses.

Write the goal on the board.

How to properly greet each other, make compliments, talk on the phone, behave at a party and receive friends at home - our game is devoted to these and other issues of norms of behavior in society.

For each correct answer, the team will be given a token, and the team with the most tokens will be the winner of the game. So here we go!


    Welcome Etiquette Station

For thousands of years, people have been looking for ways and forms of communication in which everyone would be comfortable and comfortable, so that no one would feel uncomfortable. It is interesting to trace how human thought developed, how people learned to behave in society. Let's start with greetings.

1) Blitz-poll "How was it customary to greet each other in different countries and in different centuries?"

Team captains respond by choosing the appropriate picture in the presentation. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer passes to the other team.

- some Indian tribes it is customary at the sight of a stranger to squat until he approaches and notices this peaceful posture. Sometimes they take off their shoes to greet.

- In the 17th and 18th centuries important counts and countesses, dukes and duchesses, ladies and cavaliers bowed for a long time at the meeting, using a wide variety of movements.

- Tibetans , greeting, they remove the headdress with their right hand, they put their left hand behind the ear, and still stick out their tongue.

- the Japanese three types of bows are used for greeting - the lowest, medium bow - with an angle of 30 degrees and light - with an angle of 15 degrees.

- Shaking hands. When we greet each other, we shake hands. This gesture is now clear to everyone. Although, for example, the Chinese in the old days, greeting, shook hands with themselves. Today, with this gesture, the speaker greets the audience.

- And hereeskimos, greeting each other, lightly knock each other on the head and shoulders with a fist.

- Laplanders rub their noses.

2) Competition "Situational pantomime"

Now it's a pantomime contest. Who will show the situation faster and better, using facial expressions and gestures?

2 pairs come out: 1 pair from each team, draw out a variant of the situation.

A) Situation 1. On the street

A passer-by asks you how to get to the cinema. The cinema is right next to it. What gesture do you use when answering a passerby?

Hint for the jury: you can't point with your finger, only with your whole hand.

B) Situation 2. At the lesson

The teacher silently points out the error to the student writing on the blackboard. The student immediately remembers, annoyed at himself. Which gestures are used by the teacher and which by the student?

3) Competition "You said" hello "...

Now you will be offered several situations of meetings and farewells.

Task: listen carefully to the given situation and answer the question correctly, arguing your answer.

A) 1st situation

You enter the room. Who should say hello first?

“Inequality” is taken into account in etiquette, therefore, always the young are obliged to be the first to greet the elders, those who enter are present, those who are late are waiting, etc. At a party, first of all, they greet the hostess and the owner, after them - women (first the elderly, then the young), then the older and older men, and then the rest of the guests.

B) 2nd situation

You walk down the street and meet friends. What are the rules of etiquette to follow when meeting?

On the street, a walking young man bows first to a standing one. The girl is the first to greet the boy if she overtakes him. Greeting a friend on the street, a man lifts his hat or cap (but does not take a hat or winter hat). If the greeting is accompanied by a handshake, the man must take off his glove, but the woman may not take it off, since gloves are part of the ladies' toilet. However, it is recommended that a woman also remove a mitten or a warm glove.

C) 3rd situation

The young man is sitting. How should he greet an incoming girl or older person?

A seated young man, greeting a woman or a person older in age and position, must necessarily stand up. If he greets people passing by without engaging in conversation with them, he may not get up, but only rise.

D) 4th situation

The communication of acquaintances is over and the speakers disperse. What formulas are used when saying goodbye?

At the end of communication, the following formulas are used: "Goodbye", "Goodbye", "See you soon", "See you tomorrow". All of them mean the end of the conversation and farewell, although they have a different semantic coloring - a wish, a premonition of a new meeting, or even a doubt about it (“Farewell”).

    Compliment Art Station

    Blitz Poll

What is a compliment? (Praise, an expression of approval, admiration for the appearance, his manners, a well-spoken word.)

What are compliments for? (So ​​that a person would be pleased, to show his friendly attitude, to give pleasure. Sometimes - to cheer up, support in a difficult moment, or just like that: everyone likes to hear pleasant words addressed to them.)

What compliments do people say to each other? (How beautiful you look, how well you did, how well you said, thought ...)

- What compliments can be awarded to the stronger sex?(Compliments are not accepted between men, this is indecent. Women, girls should also not compliment men.)

    Compliment Contest

It is proposed to leave 2 participants - 1 from each team. Task: Give a compliment, given the proposed situation.

Participants pull out leaflets, read out the proposed situations and complete the tasks:

Situation 1.

After the summer holidays, you noticed that your classmate has noticeably changed: she tanned, matured.

Situation 2.

Your mom is upset about something. You give her a compliment that could cheer her up.

3. Station "Telephone etiquette".

Watching the 1st part of the video "Talking on the phone". Analysis

Watch the video. After listening to the conversation on the phone, give answers to the questions:

    What did the hero of the video do wrong?

    What rules of telephone conversation should be followed?

    What is the culture of telephone communication?

    What should you do after you have answered the phone?

    What should you do if the phone is not picked up by the person you called?

    How to invite to the phone the person to whom the call is addressed if they called on a landline phone?

    What time can you make a phone call?

4. Station "Guest etiquette"

A cultured and educated person, observing decency, will be understood and accepted by society better than an ignoramus. How to behave at a party?

    situational analysis

Try to put yourself in the place of the characters in the short story and think about how you would behave.

Teams draw tasks from the proposed ones and read out the situations:

Situation 1.

It's good to have guests. But once the guest did not please me. From the very threshold in dirty boots, he stomped into the room, began to inspect everything and grab it in his hands.

Is it a vase? Oh well!

This is a lamp? Oh well!

Is it drying? he asked, raking a handful of sushki into his pocket.

Well, okay, - he said, - I went ...

“Why did he come, I wonder? - I thought. “Besides dirty footprints on the floor, he left nothing.”

Question: How would you behave in the place of the owner of the apartment?

Situation 2.

One day I was visiting a friend. There were other guys there. I got so much fun! I molested everyone, shouted various funny nonsense at the top of my voice, chewed sweets with a terrible champ. In general, he made everyone laugh. And everyone didn't like it. And the owner too. He pouted and was offended, as if he did not understand jokes. It seems to me that a hospitable host should not sulk at the guests. They must forgive everything.

Question: What would you do if you were the owner?

2) Written work in groups. Tasks:

A) The "Gentlemen" team to write down the rules of conduct at a party;

B) The “Lady” team write down the rules of conduct for the host who receives guests.

The time limit is 5 minutes, after which the groups present their answers.

Jury hint:

If you are a guest:

    It is necessary to go on a visit either only by invitation, or by warning about your visit. Having received an invitation, it is important to come without delay;

    You must ring the doorbell no more than twice;

    While visiting, it is ugly to evaluate the apartment, and especially to make critical remarks;

    It is not customary to examine the interior items in the room with curiosity. It is strictly forbidden to take any of the things in hand without the knowledge of the owners;

    Do not ask how much it costs and where it was bought;

    It is unethical to stay away for a long time, the hosts should rest. It is tactless to abuse the hospitality of cultured people;

    You need to behave at a party in such a way that everyone is comfortable, convenient and safe in your company.

If you are the owner:

    Guests should be received kindly and cordially, at the same time keeping themselves simple and natural. If the host or hostess is in a bad mood, try not to let the guests notice it;

    If the guest came in for more than a few minutes, offer him to undress, and you should help hang his coat on a hanger and give slippers;

    At the reception, the hosts should not give preference to any of the guests. Particular attention should be paid to guests who came for the first time;

    It is necessary to try to make the guest get used to it and feel comfortable as soon as possible: invite him to sit in the most convenient place, engage the guest in a conversation - let the guest choose a topic for conversation. You can not leave the guest alone for a long time;

    When inviting guests, it is necessary to prepare an entertainment program in advance;

    If the guest has sat up and is not going to leave, and you have urgent business, you must find a tactful form of how to let him know this;

    At the end of the reception, the hosts are supposed to escort guests to the door.

    Business etiquette station. Blitz Tournament

Our journey ends with a blitz tournament. You are invited to determine the name of the country according to some national features of business etiquette. For a correct answer, the team receives a token. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to another team.

Attention, let's start:

1) This country is characterized by: good mood, energy, friendliness and openness, not too official atmosphere during negotiations. Jokes are appreciated and responded to well. If you want to meet someone, you need to call in advance, notify of your arrival and wait for an invitation. Don't shake hands every time you meet. If you are invited somewhere, you need to arrive at exactly the appointed time. The slightest delay is unacceptable rudeness. This country - … (America).

2) In this country, they do not pay much attention to preparing for business negotiations. At the same time, formalities are observed very carefully here and attention is paid to details. It is important to understand the titles and ranks, as well as strictly follow the dating procedure. You may not address anyone by name unless you have received special permission to do so. It is not permissible to say "you" to each other. Here they shake hands very rarely, only at the first introduction. You can't kiss a woman's hand. It is considered impolite to give public compliments such as: "Your dress is beautiful" or "These cakes are delicious." This country - … (England).

3) The main difference between the national manner of doing business in this country is officiality, restraint and observance of all formalities. All meetings are scheduled in advance. These people pay attention to your punctuality. When you speak with a representative of this people or shake hands, you must not leave your hands in your pocket: this is considered the height of disrespect. It is advisable to name the title of the person you are talking to. If the title is unknown, then you can address it like this: "Herr Doctor!". The word "doctor" is used in any case, regardless of the specialty or profession. This country is called... (Germany).

4) Caution is the main thing that characterizes the behavior of this people in business relations. They are not as ceremonial as the English, but they like to keep protocol. Compared to Americans, they are less free and independent in making final decisions. In this country, discussing business over food is widely practiced. A business lunch can last an hour and a half or two, and dinner can take the whole evening. Business entertainment is more often organized in a restaurant than at home. The name of this country... (France).

5) There are a number of general principles that should be followed when visiting these countries: all business is interrupted five times a day for prayer (prayer). And while visitors do not have to kneel and pray, you must respect the right of the host to do all this. You should never start talking about religion and politics here. You must arrive at the appointed place on time, but the owner may be late. A handshake is accepted outside. In his own house, the owner may greet you with a kiss on both cheeks, and it is your duty to answer him in the same way. What are these countries? (Muslim).

6) In this country, when meeting, it is customary to give the full name and surname, you can’t limit yourself to one name. Addressing a person, they call his last name and add the word "san" (master). It is very important to be punctual. When starting to establish contacts with these people, the procedure for exchanging business cards is of great importance. Here they observe subordination very much, they are extremely ceremonious, great importance is attached to the protocol. Joking or touching people during business negotiations is not recommended. The first greeting is not a handshake, but a long low bow. Name this country. (Japan).

7) In this country, when conducting business negotiations, much attention is paid to the appearance of partners and the manner of their behavior in order to determine the status of each of the participants. In the negotiations, the "spirit of friendship" is of great importance for this people. There are many experts in the national delegation from this country, which increases its size. This country attaches great importance to the implementation of the agreements reached. In business life, gift giving is practiced here, but it is customary to give gifts only after the completion of all transactions. You can’t give a watch as a gift, because in the language of this nationality the word “watch” and “funeral” sound similar. The country is called... (China).

8) This nation is characterized by openness, directness and simplicity. She is very cosmopolitan. When greeting a person in this country, you can say both “sholom” and “hello”. Almost everyone speaks English and one or two other languages, especially in business circles. Already at the first meeting, you may be offered to switch to “you”. It is not necessary to come to visit with a gift, although a souvenir for a child or flowers for the hostess will be very useful. These people are very careless about their appearance. This country - … (Israel).



The survey is being conducted:

I worked in class


With my work in class, I

satisfied (linen)


Occupation seemed to me


In class I

not tired

My mood


got worse

The material of the lesson was

not clear


    It was difficult for me...

    Now I can…

    I have learned (learned)...

    I was surprised...

    I wanted…

      Jury score. Winner's reward ceremony

    Teams are awarded with certificates,the most active students are awarded with medals.

    3) The final word of the host (educator)

    Our journey to the amazing country of OPE has ended. We remembered the basic rules of greeting and talking on the phone, the rules of conduct at a party, consolidated our knowledge of how to visit and receive guests at home, and talked about national features of business etiquette. I dare to hope that this etiquette game was interesting for you and, perhaps, some information turned out to be new and useful for you.

    In the meantime, goodbye and see you again!

    Used electronic resources:

    Methodical development of a class hour on etiquette for high school students

    Topic "Behavior at the table"

    Conduct form: tea ceremony.


    help students in the class get to know each other better and introduce them to the parents of some classmates;

    organize joint creative activities of groups of students and their parents;

    to expand students' knowledge about the history of tea, about the rules of etiquette and about the culture of communication at the tea table;

    reveal the acting and culinary talents of students.


    The whole class is divided into teams. Six teams of four are teams of players. They receive homework on setting the tea table and preparing sweet dishes, preparing a brief report on the history of tea and selecting proverbs and sayings about tea. Two other teams, each consisting of three people, play the roles of "standards of etiquette" and "clowns". The members of the jury are the parents of students who play the role of "standards of etiquette".

    The game-tea drinking is held in the dining room. During the game, an image of a tea bush and a picture of B.M. are shown on the screen or on the wall using a projector. Kustodiev "The Merchant for Tea", the songs "At the Samovar I and My Masha" performed by L. Utesov and "A Cup of Tea" performed by the ensemble "Merry Fellows" are heard.

    The content of the classroom

    Teacher : Guys, today we will take part in a small tea ceremony. You have already set the tables, and now the members of our esteemed jury will appreciate your creativity.

    Let me introduce you to those who will judge your participation in the competition today. Meet Olga Ivanovna - mother of Katya Kruglova, Tamara Petrovna - mother of Maxim Tolstoy and Alexander Georgievich - father of Lena Petrova. Katya, Maxim and Lena do not participate in today's competitions, so we can hope for an unbiased and objective judging. The maximum score for the "Table Setting" contest is 5 points. The floor is given to Olga Ivanovna.

    Olga Nikolaevna : Dear guys, under the terms of the competition, you were asked to cover the tea table with a linen tablecloth, place dessert plates, tea cups, saucers, teapots, sugar bowls on it and arrange dessert spoons, knives, forks and napkins, decorate the table with a small ikebana. Let's first go to the jury table and see how the tea table is served correctly. The tablecloth and napkins can be of any color, but they must be combined with each other and with the tea set.

    A dessert plate is placed for each guest. To the right of it they put a dessert spoon or knife, to the left - a dessert fork with the horns up. Napkins are placed on dessert plates. The teacup is placed on the saucer with the handle to the left, and the teaspoon is placed to the right. In this case, the cup and saucer are placed on the table to the right of the dessert plate. The teapot and sugar bowl are placed in the center of the table and a special spoon is placed in the sugar bowl.

    Now, please, sit down at your tables and listen to the jury's scores.

    Everyone is seated. The teacher sits at the jury table. The jury announces the evaluations of the table setting competition, especially distinguishing the delicate aesthetic taste of its participants.

    On a separate table there are electric samovars or teapots, sweets, jams, pies, cakes, cookies and fruits. In addition to the tables of students-competitors, two more tables are served. Behind one of them are two young ladies and one gentleman, and behind the other - three clowns. The young ladies and the gentleman demonstrate the rules of good manners during tea drinking, and the clowns, distorting good manners, caricaturely demonstrate how not to behave at the table.

    Teacher: And now we are moving on to the next competition - "Tea Brewing". The maximum score for this competition is 3 points. The water in our samovars is already boiling, and the hostesses of the tables can begin to act. The floor is given to Alexander Georgievich.

    Alexander Georgievich: Guys, I will tell you about some rules for brewing tea:

    tea should be brewed with water as soon as it starts to boil;

    a porcelain teapot for tea is first rinsed with boiling water, and then, pouring tea into it, pour 2/3 of it with boiling water and close the lid;

    black tea insist 3-5 minutes, green - 5-8 minutes, and then add boiling water;

    if foam forms during brewing, then the tea is brewed correctly;

    if you like to add herbal infusions to tea, then at the same time brew these herbs in a separate teapot and let them brew for 7-10 minutes;

    the most delicious will be the tea of ​​the first infusion.

    Teacher: Thanks to Alexander Georgievich for interesting and useful information. And now guys, while the tea is brewing, let's move on to our sweet buffet and fill our dessert plates. Pay attention to the signs next to each dish. They indicate the names of culinary masterpieces, the names of their creators and team numbers (table numbers). Young chefs with their culinary creations are participants in our next competition - "Sweet Table". The maximum score for this competition is 8 points.

    The guys fill the plates and sit down at the tables. Mistresses of the tables pour tea.

    Teacher : I wish everyone a pleasant appetite, and the jury members a pleasant tasting of drinks and sweet dishes.

    Everyone eats and drinks tea.

    The song “At the samovar, I and my Masha” performed by L. Utesov sounds.

    About the history of tea

    Teacher : Guys, we continue to drink tea, but let's try to combine the useful with the pleasant and hold the "History of Tea" contest. Now we will listen to stories about tea and the traditions of tea drinking in Russia, and the jury members will rate these stories on an 8-point scale. So, the word is given to the contestants.

    Speaker from table #1: By the will of the lot, we were given the question of the birth of tea. China is the birthplace of this wonderful drink. There is a legend that once, many centuries before our era, when a maid was boiling water in the garden for the Chinese emperor, several leaves from a tea bush fell into a vessel with water. At the same time, the water suddenly darkened and a delicate and pleasant aroma began to emanate from it. They tried the solution and admired its unlike tart taste. This is how tea entered the world culture.

    Speaker from table #2 : Since then, the culture of tea brewing has been constantly evolving. And in China and Japan, special tea ceremonies were even developed. Imagine a shady park with a small intricate tea pavilion. There, a young beauty, dressed in a kimono, in a cup resembling a bowl, with the help of a special brush, sort of whips up freshly brewed tea dust. She does this slowly and without fuss, while the guests of the tea house at this time relax and tune in to a philosophical mood. The young beauty then pours the tea into tiny tea cups and serves them to the guests. And now the participants of the tea ceremony enjoy this amazing drink and have leisurely conversations about the eternal.

    Speaker from table #3: Today, tea is grown on five continents. Tea is a perennial evergreen shrub that grows in areas with a humid subtropical climate. Collect only young shoots of tea - the upper leaves of the bush. In fresh tea leaves, vitamin C is 4 times more than in lemon, and in green tea - 10 times more than in black. Tea is a whole pharmacy. It contains both caffeine, which increases human efficiency, and essential oils, which give the tea a delicate aroma, and tannins, which give the tea astringency, taste and color. Among medicinal plants, tea occupies one of the most honorable places. It increases mental activity, eliminates fatigue and improves digestion.

    Speaker from table #4: Tea appeared in Russia at the end of the first half of the 12th century. And he was sent as a gift to the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich by the Mongol Khan. For a long time, this drink was considered rare and was available only to very important persons. And only in the XVIII-XIX centuries. tea became available to the nobles, burghers and merchants. But at first they drank it only in exceptional cases. Therefore, the expression "to indulge in tea" arose. And water for tea was boiled in special vessels with a pipe and a brazier inside - samovars.

    Speaker from table #5 : Almost until the middle of the XIX century. tea was not available to the poor, and in connection with this, such comic verses even appeared:

    Once the master sent me some tea and told me to cook it,

    I don't know how to make this tea.

    I took it then, poured some water, poured tea

    I'm all in a pot

    And seasoned with onions, peppers, and parsley root.

    He poured the brew into bowls,

    well mixed,

    I cooled it down a bit, served it on the master's table.

    The guests with the master spat, he himself was already brutalized,

    And, sending me to the stable, he ordered me to be flogged.

    I thought for a long time, wondered why I could not please?

    And then I realized that I forgot to add salt.

    Speaker from table #6: In the second half of the XIX century. tea in Russia becomes a drink available to everyone. Russian people are very fond of drinking tea from a samovar. They drank 10 cups, and samovars were made in buckets. The samovars were heated with oak, birch and fir cones. This made the tea even more flavorful. The Russian people drank vkusku and overlay, and the poor people look closely.

    A picture of B. Kustodiev "The merchant's wife for tea" is projected on the screen.

    So, with their little fingers protruding to the side, burly Russian merchants drank tea from saucers. They drank earnestly and with stately dignity.

    Teacher: Thanks everyone for the very interesting posts. I hope the jury members will be able to appreciate them. And now let's sum up the results of the "Tea Brewing" and "Sweet Table" contests.

    The jury announces the results of the competitions, noting especially liked drinks and sweet dishes.

    The jury sums up the results of the "History of Tea" competition, then announces the total score.

    Competition of proverbs and sayings

    Teacher: We congratulate the winners and move on to the last competition - the competition of proverbs and sayings. Now the teams, one by one, in turn, will tell us one proverb or saying about tea. For each proverb or saying, the jury will award the teams a point. The team of table No. 6 will start the competition, then tables No. 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 will perform, and then again the team of table No. 6, etc. Those teams that cannot remember a suitable proverb or saying in time are eliminated from the game, while others continue to compete. So, the word is given to the team of table number 6.

    Teams take turns saying proverbs and sayings about tea.For example:

    Do not drink tea - do not live in the world.

    In a good dish, tea tastes better.

    Each medicine is for its own disease, and tea is a medicine for the darkness of diseases.

    With a samovar-buyan, tea is more important and conversation is more fun.

    We have Chinese tea, and the master's sugar.

    Drink tea - live long.

    We do not miss tea - we drink six cups each.

    Drink tea, do not go into sadness.

    Where there is tea, there is paradise under the spruce.

    Do not be lazy, but distinguish where the straw is, and where the tea is.

    You drink tea - you will live up to a hundred years.

    With tea dashing does not happen.

    You don't drink tea, where do you get your strength?

    Drinking tea is not chopping wood, etc.

    Teacher: And I want to end this competition with an old saying:

    Moscow has one vow,

    In addition to any food:

    In the morning - tea, in the afternoon - seagulls,

    Tea in the evening.

    The jury summarizes the results of the competition, announces the total score and presents the winning team with an honorary prize - a pack of Ceylon leaf tea.

    Teacher: Guys, I hope you had a good time, learned something new, ate delicious food and indulged in tea. And our novice chefs exchanged recipes and will soon delight us with new works of art again. Thank you very much to all the participants of our game and their parents. Thanks to our esteemed jury members. Thanks to the "standards of etiquette": the young ladies Katya and Lena and their worthy gentleman Maxim. Thanks to our cute clowns who helped us learn and remember the rules of etiquette.

    And now, when you have learned to behave with dignity at the tea table, you can move on to the main thing - to intimate communication. After all, when you are invited to tea - you are invited to talk and consult. The Russian person is so arranged that he is used to conducting all confidential conversations over a cup of tea. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "The greatest luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication."