An example of tactlessness from the literature. Composition on the topic: Tactlessness

The nature that surrounds us makes us admire it at any time of the year. Let it be summer, winter, autumn or spring. In summer, it surprises with bright and beautiful colors, smells and warm sun. In winter, nature dresses in a white fur coat, blows cold and makes children rejoice. Every day she brings a smile to her face and warms the soul. Each person will be able to write an essay on the theme "The beauty of nature."

The world through the eyes of artists

Painters so admire the beauties of the world around them that they love to depict them in their creations. Many of them accurately convey all the little things that allow ordinary people to see all the beauty that they do not notice in everyday life. One of these artists is Aleksandrovich. In his paintings, he conveys all the splendor of the surrounding nature. His work is quite realistic and colorful. This artist chooses colors so well that every small detail in his paintings perfectly complements any image and creates harmony.

All paintings by this artist are similar to real landscapes, which makes them popular with true connoisseurs of the beauty of nature.

An essay on the topic “The Beauty of Nature” will help each reader to see the true beauty of what surrounds him. And take a different look at such an amazing world around us!

Composition "The beauty of nature in spring"

After long cold winter days, the world fascinates with its colors. Everyone noticed that with the onset of spring, the soul begins to rejoice and rejoice. A person understands that the blizzards are behind, and only warm and sunny days await him. gives rise to something new and unusual. Spring is a time of love and admiration for the beauty that surrounds people.

Undoubtedly, everyone likes to watch when the first flowers and blades of grass sprout from the earth, which give hope for a new life. In the spring, all lovers of outdoor walks begin to warm.

In the spring, all the animals and insects that have been waiting for the onset of warm days wake up. Birds fly to their native lands and begin to delight people with their wonderful singing. Nature seems to be saying that she is beginning to live again.

In the spring, the beauty of nature fascinates with the fact that life begins during this period. The sun begins to warm, plants and leaves on trees grow, animals and insects wake up, and people rejoice. Nature in the spring is unusually beautiful and alive.

summer landscapes

How to write an essay "The beauty of nature in the summer"? It is enough to look around and notice that during this period of time nature is especially beautiful. In summer, you can enjoy the hot sun, which warms every cell of the body, surprises and delightful plants. In summer, wonderful flowers bloom, which fascinate everyone with their beauty and fragility. All of them enjoy the warm sun and delight the eyes of true nature lovers.

Everyone loves summer, because it is at this time of the year that you can go on vacation to various beautiful places: the seas, lakes, mountains, forests, rivers, etc. It is in summer that nature appears before us in all its glory. She shows off everything she has to offer.

In the summer, the soul of true lovers and connoisseurs of nature truly rejoices, because, looking around, you can see what beauty surrounds a person.

The beauty of Russian nature

Every person is fascinated by beauty. An essay on this topic can be written by every lover of these beauties, who is able to tell everyone how good what surrounds him in his native land.

The Russian land has inspired many poets and artists who have reflected their emotions and admiration in their work. Tula, Oryol, Pskov can inspire everyone who traveled through their reserved places, revive pure thoughts in him, calm his soul and simply teach him to admire the beauties of the Russian land.

Many world-famous poets and artists were born on Russian lands. Beautiful landscapes are intertwined here, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Not only the writing of poems and paintings is inspired by the beauty of nature. An essay-reasoning can also be written by every child studying at school, as well as every adult who has lived his whole life on Russian soil, which enchants with the wealth and beauty of the surrounding world.

Enviroment protection

Not a single essay "The Beauty of Nature", written by a true lover of her, can do without a description of her majesty and an incentive to protect her.

No one should forget that nature creates the best conditions for us to live. It allows us to admire it, breathe clean air and bask in the warm rays of the sun. Therefore, every person should know that nature needs to be protected and protected.

Nature should be treated like your mother and cared for the way she cares for us. Many people neglect this and destroy it for their own purposes. Never forget that she will repay you in kind! Destroying forests, drying up rivers and lakes, people deprive themselves of clean air and favorable conditions for life. Take care and love the planet, because it gives everything to humanity.

The composition “The Beauty of Nature” should awaken people's love for it, because it gives new strength, creates a good mood and simply gives a person life.

  • V. Tendryakov - the story "Night after the release." In this story, the writer raises the problem of spiritual callousness, indifference, tactlessness in human relations. Lies and hypocrisy are present in the relations of schoolchildren who are considered friends. And only on the night after the graduation ball, for the first time, they evaluate each other frankly. And it turns out that in these relations there is no warmth, responsiveness, understanding, sympathy. Selfishness, selfishness, callousness, a desire to show off - they only see these traits in each other. Only at the end of the story do the characters begin to understand that every person has good and bad. The school, having given the children knowledge, did not teach them nobility, the ability to forgive, make friends, love ...
  • A. Aleksin - the story "Mad Evdokia". In this story, the writer creates the image of a talented, extraordinary girl who believes in her own exclusivity, who wants to be the first at any cost. The price of this championship is the health of her mother. Having gone on a hike with her class, she suddenly disappears to be the first to follow the route of Mitya Kalyagin, the hero who delivered medicines and medical instruments to his uncle, the doctor, during the Great Patriotic War. They start looking for Olya, her parents are informed about the disappearance of the girl. And Olya's mother, a woman with a sick heart, cannot stand it: she loses her mind. The girl, intoxicated with her success, soon appears at home and happily announces that she was the first to follow the route of Mitya Kalyagin and received a prize. Evdokia Savelyevna speaks bitterly about the lack of humanity in the soul of this girl, her indifference to others, her desire to be the first at any cost. Olya does not notice the love of classmate Borya, laughs at him, she often shows tactlessness towards her faithful friend Lucy. The teacher is convinced that the most important thing is not to develop talent in children, but to cultivate kindness and sensitivity in them. And the "mad Evdokia" turns out to be right - life itself proves her rightness.

It turns out how difficult it is to answer such a simple question! The explanatory dictionaries of Ushakov, Ozhegov and Shvedov interpret tactlessness as a property devoid of sensitivity, a sense of decency. The ancient Greek scholar Theophrastus claims that "Tactlessness is the inability to choose the right moment, causing trouble to the people with whom you communicate ...". Everyone living at least once faced with a similar phenomenon.
We can, without thinking, offend a person, injure him, offend him completely in vain.

We give useless advice without asking if we need it. And we do all this out of good intentions, but, nevertheless, this is tactlessness in relation to others.
Tact, delicacy, nobility must be constantly cultivated in oneself. For example, one of your classmates read someone else's note. At first glance - a trifle? Rather - tactlessness. Some people have a habit of slamming the door, loudly until the glass clinks, so that others startle. In the proposed passage in sentences 25-30, more vivid examples are given. Boys classmates rudely ridicule their friend who gave the girl flowers. Unceremoniously interfere in the conversation and high school students passing by. Ridicule and ridicule of good intentions lead the hero to the fact that he himself commits a similar act (sentence 34-37) and thereby offends his mother. In this case, any definition is suitable - lack of education, tactlessness, rudeness. Of course, it is impossible to approve or reconcile with tactlessness, no matter how it manifests itself.

I believe that the ability to behave, to know how to act in certain circumstances, should be inherent in every person. And this should already be inculcated in the family, school. Remember, A.P. Chekhov said: “... A good upbringing is not that you don’t spill the sauce on the tablecloth, but that you don’t notice if someone else does it.”

Source text for essay writing:

(1) In the morning, in a crystal vase on the table, Vitya saw a huge bouquet of mimosa. (2) The flowers were so yellow and fresh, like the first warm day!
“(3) Dad gave it to me,” said mom. - (4) After all, today is the eighth of March.
(5) Indeed, today is the eighth of March, and he completely forgot about it. (6) He immediately ran to his room, grabbed a briefcase, pulled out a postcard in which it was written: “Dear Mom, I congratulate you on the Eighth of March and I promise to always obey you,” and solemnly handed it to my mother.
(7) And when he was already leaving for school, his mother suddenly suggested:
- (8) Take a few sprigs of mimosa and give to Lena Popova.
(9) Lena Popova was his desk mate.
- (10) Why? he asked gloomily.
- (11) And then, that today is the Eighth of March, and I am sure that all your boys will give something to the girls.
(12) He took three branches of mimosa and went to school.
(13) On the way, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him. (14) But at the school itself he was lucky: he met Lena Popova. (15) Running up to her, he held out a mimosa.
- (16) This is for you.
- (17) Me? (18) Oh, how beautiful! (19) Thank you very much, Vitya!
(20) She seemed ready to thank him for another hour, but he turned and ran away.
(21) And at the first break it turned out that none of the boys in their class gave the girls anything. (22) None. (23) Only in front of Lena Popova were tender branches of mimosa.
- (24) Where do you get flowers from? the teacher asked.
- (25) Vitya gave it to me, - Lena said calmly. (26) Everyone immediately whispered, looking at Vitya, and Vitya lowered his head low.
(27) And at the break, when Vitya approached the guys as if nothing had happened, although he already felt unkind, Valery began to grimace, looking at him.
- (28) And now the groom has come! (29) Hello, young groom!
(30) The guys laughed. (31) And then high school students passed by, and everyone looked at him and asked whose fiancé he was.
(32) Barely having sat through the end of the lessons, as soon as the bell rang, he rushed home with all his might, so that there, at home, he could vent his annoyance and resentment.
(33) When mom opened the door for him, he shouted:
- (34) It's you, it's your fault, it's all because of you! (35) He ran into the room, grabbed the mimosa branches and threw them on the floor. - (36) I hate these flowers, I hate them!
(37) He began to trample the mimosa branches with his feet, and the delicate yellow flowers burst and died under the rough sole of his boots.
(38) And Lena Popova carried home three tender branches of mimosa in a wet cloth so that they would not wither. (39) She carried them in front of her, and it seemed to her that the sun was reflected in them, that they were so beautiful, so special ...
(According to V. Zheleznikov)*
* Vladimir Karpovich Zheleznikov (born in 1925) is a contemporary Russian children's writer and screenwriter. His works devoted to the problems of growing up have become classics of Russian children's literature and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.