The decision of the exam adopted by the court in a particular case. Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres

Level A task:

I. Russian emperor who ruled Russia during the Patriotic War of 1812.
A) Paul the First;

B) Nicholas the First;

C) Alexander I.

II. His reign was characterized by mass arrests and exiles of nobles, ferocious drill and cane discipline, and a sharp increase in censorship. He was killed by conspirators in collusion with whom his eldest son was.
A) Peter the Third;

B) Alexander the Third;

B) Nicholas II

D) Pavel I.

III . Specify the years of the reign of Alexander I:

A) 1803-1823;

B) 1801- 1831;

C) 1801-1825.

IV. Specify the years of the reign of Nicholas I:
A) 1830-1845;

B) 1805-1835;

C) 1825-1855;

D) 1825-1865.

v. When was the first attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II made?
A) 1866;

B) 1876;

B) 1886;

D) 1856.

VI. What events took place during the reign of Alexander II?

A) the Crimean War began;

B) the Paris Peace Treaty was signed;

C) the death of A.S. Pushkin;

D) war with Turkey 1877-1878;

D) Decembrist uprising;

E) conquered the Caucasus;

G) Alaska was sold.

VII. In commemoration of the victory in the Northern War, the Senate and the Holy Synod in October 1721 awarded Peter I the title:

  1. Father of the Fatherland;
  2. Father of the All-Russian Fatherland;
  3. Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia.

VIII . The establishment of absolutism in Russia is associated with the name of the monarch:

  1. Ivan VI;
  2. Alexei Mikhailovich;
  3. Peter I;
  4. Catherine II;
  5. Nicholas I.

IX . The Smolensk War and the "Azov Seat" took place during the reign of:

  1. Alexei Mikhailovich;
  2. Mikhail Romanov;
  3. Fedor Alekseevich;
  4. Princess Sophia.

X . Which of the emperors owns these nicknames: "Nyx" and "Unforgettable".

one . Nicholas I;

2. Alexander I;

3 . Nicholas II;

4.Paul I.

Level B task:

I. The reign of which Russian monarch is referred to in the work of the Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky: “The Germans poured into Russia, like rubbish from a holey bag, stuck around the courtyard, sat down on the throne, climbed into all profitable places in government”?

1) Catherine I;

2) Elizabeth Petrovna;

3) Anna Ioannovna;

4) Paul I.

II. Establish a correspondence between the names of Russian emperors and

foreign policy developments during their reign.


A) Alexander I 1) the beginning of the Crimean War

B) Nicholas I 2) accession of Finland

C) Alexander II 3) the first section of the Commonwealth

D) Nicholas II 4) the conquest of Central Asia

5) Russia's participation in the First World War

Sh. Establish a correspondence between rulers and cultural figures:

A) Griboyedov A.S. 1) Nicholas II

B) Zhukovsky V.A. 2) Alexander I

C) Novikov N.I. 3) Nicholas I

D) Blok A.A. 4) Catherine II

IV. Are the following statements correct?

During the period of "enlightened absolutism":

A) a uniform class judicial system was introduced;

B) there was an uprising led by E.I. Pugachev.

1) only A is true 3) only B is true

2) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

v. Compare the legislative acts related to the abolition of serfdom with the names of the monarchs.

A) "Decree on free ploughmen" 1) Alexander III

B) Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom 2) Nicholas II

C) Manifesto on the abolition of redemption 3) Alexander II


D) Establishment of a peasant bank 4) Alexander I

VI. Determine who is depicted in the portrait:

A B C)_______________

_______________ ____________________ ________________

VII. Fill in the blanks:

VIII . Match the ruler with his favorite(s):

1) Catherine I A) Afanasy Lavrentievich Ordin-Nashchokin

2) Peter II B) Menshikov Alexander Danilovich

3) Mikhail Fedorovich B) Dolgorukov Ivan Alekseevich

4) Alexei Mikhailovich D) Boris Ivanovich Morozov

  1. Match the names of the emperors with their folk characteristics (nicknames):

A) The quietest 1. Nicholas I

B) Peacemaker 2. Mikhail Fedorovich

C) Liberator 3. Alexander III

D) Palych 4. Alexander II

x. Match emperors with universities founded during their reign

A) Nicholas I 1) Tomsk University

B) Alexander I 2) Kazan University

C) Alexander II 3) Moscow University

D) Elizaveta Petrovna 4) Imperial University in Kyiv

Level C tasks.

It is necessary to determine which emperor we are talking about:

I. Opened an Orphanage for Orphans. Introduced mandatory vaccinations against smallpox.
Foreign policy was carried out successfully. She composed comedies, operas and fairy tales for children. She corresponded with prominent thinkers of the West. I cared about education.
Hardworking, distinguished by religious tolerance, sacredly observed Orthodox customs. “Every peasant has a chicken in his soup, some have a turkey,” the queen announced to the attention of Europe after traveling along the Volga.
Vanity was foreign to her. When representatives of the estates decided to give her the title of “Great, Wise and Mother of the Fatherland”, the empress replied: “Whether I am great, posterity will decide ... to love my people and be their mother is my duty.”
G. R. Derzhavin , poet and statesman:

You think sensibly about merits,
You deserve honor.

A. P. Sumarokov , writer: "Peter gave us being, .... - the soul."
S. G. Pushkarev , historian: “For the entire XVIII century. about 9,500 books were published in Russia, of which about 85% are in ....reign...»

II. During her reign, the death penalty was abolished, and on the basis of her decree, the landowners received the right to exile serfs to a settlement in Siberia for their "presumptuous state."
Another empress wrote about her: "Truly, it was impossible ... not to be amazed at her beauty and majestic posture."
After her death, she left 15 thousand new dresses. Once, having unsuccessfully dyed her hair, she was forced to shave it off. The court ladies could not have been unaware of this. Then the queen issued a special decree ordering all court ladies to shave their heads and put on wigs.


III. His great-grandfather is the husband of the daughter of Peter I. Grandfather - Peter III. He forbade giving peasants to factories, selling them at a public auction with the fragmentation of families, donating or paying private debts with them. Legally defined the norms of punishment of peasants by landowners.
During his reign, a national idea based on Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality was developed.
Under him, M. E. Saltykov - Shchedrin was sent to Vyatka to serve, Yu. F. Samarin - to the fortress, 20 Petrashevites, including F. M. Dostoevsky, were sentenced to death (replaced by hard labor).
Industrial production during the years of his reign doubled.
Having learned about the revolution in one of the European countries, the tsar said: “Saddle your horses, gentlemen, a republic has been declared in France ...”
Married to the daughter of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm, Princess Charlotte.
Deeply religious, the theater was his favorite pastime.
He died either from illness or from self-poisoning.

A. S. Pushkin, poet:
I just loved it:
He cheerfully, honestly rules us;
Russia suddenly he revived
War, hopes, labors.

And Valuev is a statesman: "Shine above, rot below"

B.N. Chicherin, historian : "Of all European states, only Russia remained under the old order ... Everything from top to bottom trembled before the authorities ... There was no question of freedom of speech."
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain:"His mind is not processed, his upbringing is careless."


IV. He had three sons, two of whom became emperors, and eight daughters. The favorites were E. Nelidova and A. Lopukhina.
He limited the corvee to three days a week, established Sunday rest for the peasants, the officers received the right to sue senior commanders.
He forbade wearing tailcoats, round hats and high boots.
Proclaimed himself Grand Master of the Order of Malta.
Declared war on France, concluded a treaty against her and an alliance with Turkey. He sent 40 regiments of Don Cossacks to conquer India.
Once, having met an officer in a fur coat and a soldier following him with an officer's saber in his hands, he promoted the latter to an officer, and demoted the officer to a soldier.
N. M. Karamzin, historian : "... began to dominate the general horror, not following any charters, except for his whim."
M. N. Pokrovsky, historian: "His paradomania and uniform mania were derivative qualities of his love for regulation and order in general."


v. He was the fourteenth child in the family. He himself had 12, but two survived.
He doubled his income during his reign. For the first time created a system of secular schools. The Church Slavonic font was replaced by a civil one. A week before his death, he signed a decree on the creation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Seeing the tomb of Richelieu, the king exclaimed: "Great man, I would give half of my country, just to learn from you to manage another."
The following words also belong to the king:
"The glory of kings is created by their ministers."
“Our monks are fat. The gate to heaven is faith, fasting and prayer. I will cleanse their way to paradise with bread and water, and not with sterlets and wine.”
Once he made a toast: "Long live the one who loves God, me and the Fatherland."
P. N. Milyukov, historian and statesman:"... At the cost of ruining the country, Russia was elevated to the rank of a European power."
N. A. Berdyaev, philosopher: "He ... was a Bolshevik on the throne."
G. P. Fedotov, philosopher: “It would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole spiritual experience of the decentralization of Russia, undertaken by Lenin, pales before the deed .... . Far from puppies to the lion.


VI. He owns the words: "The well-being of the state does not play any role in the management of affairs. There is only unlimited power that does everything topsy-turvy ... The choice of performers is based on favoritism ... The farmer is offended, trade is constrained, freedom and personal well-being are destroyed. Here picture of modern Russia...". During his reign, East Georgia, Finland, Bessarabia, Azerbaijan, the Duchy of Warsaw were annexed to Russia.

Carried out attempts to carry out liberal reforms.They were attracted to women. In dealing with them, he was an impeccable knight.

The poet wrote about him:

The ruler is weak and cunning,
Bald dandy, enemy of labor,
Inadvertently warmed by glory,
He reigned over us...

Ratings and opinions:

. Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France: "This is a true Byzantine, a subtle pretender, a cunning one. He is much smarter than they think about him." ON THE. Berdyaev, philosopher: "... there was a tsar - an intellectual, who searched for the truth all his life, in his youth he was an enemy of autocracy and serfdom, but a man divided and not strong ...". A.I. Herzen, a writer and philosopher, called ... "crowned Hamlet."


VII. More than once he regretted that he was "born a grand duke".
He spoke French, German, English and Polish.
Unstable in family life. He had a wife and eight children, he truly loved another woman who gave birth to three children from him. A month and a half after the death of his wife, the king
married Princess E. Dolgoruky.

Ratings and opinions:
And I. Herzen, writer and philosopher:"We salute him in the name of the Liberator."
Ya. A. Kropotkin, theorist of anarchism:“He is not a coward and would calmly go face to face with a bear...”
Marquis de Custine, French writer:"This is in the full sense of the sovereign ... He is the most beautiful example of the sovereign, of all I have ever seen."


VIII . Until the age of 5 he lived in a women's chamber. By the age of 10, he knew the rite of worship well, he sang in the kliros. At the age of 16 he became king.
In his reign, the reunification of Ukraine with Russia took place.
Once he ordered not to let the ambassadors of O. Cromwell into Russia, stating: “That when they dared to cut off their King’s head, which has not been heard anywhere in the world, the Russian Tsar does not want to have any communication with them.”
Once a foreign officer in the Russian service proposed the introduction of the death penalty for fleeing the battlefield; The king refused such a step.

In his reign there weremajor uprisingsthat were suppressed.
He loved to amuse himself with falconry and swimming in the hole in those who did not keep up with the royal review.

Lived 47 years.

Ratings :

N.I. Kostomarov, . historian: ".... once personally dragged his father-in-law Miloslavsky by the beard ...".

CM. Solovyov, historian: "the king's favorite entertainment was falconry."

IN. Klyuchevsky, historian: "In the church, he sometimes stood for five or six hours in a row, laid a thousand prostrations, and other days for a thousand and a half."
T. Carlyle, English historian: "Subjects ... honor him almost on a par with God."


IX. Elected to the throne. Upon the election, the Lithuanian hetman said: "Well, we have irritated Moscow; how would she, having recovered, not pay us and take her more than her own."
The warring factions were reconciled, the interventionists were repelled, some native Russian lands were returned, and economic life was established in the country.
A new state seal has been introduced. In it, the word "autocrat" was added to the title of the king, and crowns appeared above the heads of the two-headed eagle.
The death penalty (pouring molten metal down the throat) to counterfeiters has been abolished. Now they were branded “thief” on their necks and put in chains.
A decree was issued banning the use of tobacco. The city of Krasnoyarsk was founded. During the reign, Russian lands doubled.
Composer M. I. Glinka wrote an opera, called "Life for the Tsar", dedicated to the described person.
S. M. Solovyov, historian: "... The personality of the tsar ... contributed to the strengthening of his power in the most possible way: the gentleness, kindness and purity of this sovereign made the most favorable impression on the people for the duration of the supreme power."
V. O. Klyuchevsky, historian : "On its own ..... A 16-year-old boy, who did not stand out in any way, could have few views on the throne, and, however, such hostile forces as the nobility and the Cossacks converged on him."


X . In 1787, Catherine II wished to inspect her new possessions in the Crimea and New Russia. She noted with pleasure the dense population of the newly conquered region. This journey of the empress was the moment of the highest triumph of a noble nobleman.

1. Name the name and surname of the famous nobleman.

2. Indicate what famous expression is used in Russian, denoting any desire to create an impression of well-being where it does not exist.


Keys to the Olympiad tasks:

Level A: I.B; II.D; III.B; IV.B; V.A; VI.B,G,F,E. VII.3. VIII. 4.IX. 2.X.1.

Level B: I.-3; II.A-2, B-1, C-4, D-5. III. A-2; B-3; AT 4; G-1. IV.-2. V.A-4; B-3; IN 2; G-1. VI. Alexander I; Alexander III; Nicholas I.


VIII. 1-B; 2-B; 3-G; 4-G, A. IX. A-2; B-3; AT 4; G-1. X. A-4; B-2; IN 1; G-3.

Level C: I. Catherine II. II. Elizabeth Petrovna. III. Nicholas I. IV. Pavel I. V. Peter I.VI. Alexander the First. VII. Alexander II. VIII . Alexey Mikhailovich. IX. Mikhail Fedorovich. X. Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich; Potemkin villages.

(1) The sweat pores of a person secrete up to half a liter of sweat during his night's sleep, but we sweat especially strongly in the heat and in cases where the muscles have to do hard work. (2) Then the sweat evaporates from the skin, the evaporation takes heat from the body, due to which the whole body cools. (3) (...) sweat protects us from overheating.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. During a night's sleep, a person's sweat pores secrete up to half a liter of sweat, but we sweat especially strongly in the heat and when doing hard work.

2. Sweat pores secrete up to half a liter of sweat during a person's night sleep, which protects us from overheating.

3. Standing out especially intensively in the heat or during hard work, sweat protects a person from overheating, evaporating from the skin.

4. A person sweats especially intensely in the heat or during hard work, but after a while his body cools down.

5. Sweat protects the human body from overheating, so people often sweat in the heat or when doing hard work.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word TIME. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TIME, -meni, pl. -mena, -myeon, -menam, cf.

1. In philosophy: one of the main objective forms (along with space) of the existence of infinitely developing matter. Outside of time and space, the movement of matter is impossible.

2. Duration, the duration of something, measured in seconds, minutes, hours. Average daily time.

3. An interval of one or another duration in which something happens, a successive change of hours, days, years. Time interval. Have a good time. Long time. Win some time.

4. A certain moment at which something happens. Set a meeting time. Lunch time.

5. Period, era. Season (spring, summer, autumn, winter). During the time of Peter I. Severe time.

6. Time of day, year. Evening time. Rainy time.

7. Suitable, convenient time, auspicious moment. Everything has its time. Time for lunch.

8. Same as leisure. There is no time for walking.

9. In grammar: a form of a verb referring an action or state to the past, present or future tense.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

deepen mosaic locked white bent

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The answer was made in DIPLOMATIC terms.

2. The PERSONAL beginning of the writer is not clearly expressed in the essay.

3. I have a DUAL opinion on this issue.

4. He took part in the discussion of this problem with a BUSINESS look.

5. After the storm, there was a COMPARATIVE calm on the sea.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Fix it

mistake and write the word correctly.

COACHES of children's sports schools FOR TWO Hundreds of visitors LIE on their backs

THE INVENTOR of this model is a pair of STOCKINGS

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms


1) At the production meeting, not only issues of labor discipline were discussed, but also the new system of remuneration.

2) We argued for a long time over books written by a famous TV presenter.

3) In the story "The Foundation Pit" A. Platonov reveals to us the tragic fate of different people who have been deprived of faith, hope, the purpose of life, and the very desire to live.

4) Following A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky shows that how great a small person can be with his soul, his feelings, and develops the theme of “humiliated and offended” in the story “Poor People”, in the novel “Crime and Punishment”.

5) Upon arrival in Paris, I immediately visited the Louvre.

6) Reading historical novels, the events of past years seem to come to life in memory.

7) In his novel "The Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov revealed Pechorin's individualism and considers not only his psychology, but also the ideological foundations of his life.

8) Everyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics, grammar.

9) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation."


8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

abbreviation ... reduction ... exposing ... living (vices) exercising ... protecting ... protecting

9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these

words by inserting the missing letter.

(nothing is visible) ... gee, ... to the side of ... interchangeable (adjective), take ... mother pr ... refuge, pr ... managed

ad... yutant, s... natural look... rocks, super... gra

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

sieve ... how to prolong ... vermicelli ... red ... wadded festive ...

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

melted .. you covered .. you pasted .. the delay .. you sword .. you

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. open the brackets and

write out this word.

1. If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, it is (NOT) NECESSARY to be sad about them.

2. Prince Andrey was irritated by Speransky's cold (NOT) LETTING into the soul look.

3. (NOT) EVERYONE can accurately formulate his thought.

4. Ivan began to think about the fact that the surgical department has a very (NOT) BAD team.

5. Limes in the old garden (NOT) CUT DOWN, they managed to defend.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Reveal

brackets and write out these two words.

1. The meaning of a polysemantic word is concretized in the text, (WHEREVER) some words only in this text can denote the same (SAME) concept.

2. (B) FOLLOWING the bad weather came the cold, and (FOR) THEN the first frosts.

3. It was especially difficult (FOR) BECAUSE I was the only specialist at the plant working (FOR) THIS profile, and I assumed all responsibility.

4. It was necessary (DURING) TIME to collect raspberries and (AT) EARLY August cut dry bushes.

5. They looked condescendingly at me, as well as at my brother: WHAT (WHATEVER) I did, everything was forgiven me (SAME).

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

At the (1) evening of unexpected (2) o-negada (3) o, there were tales (4) o many warm words addressed to the (5) hero of the day, who touched (6) o thanked all the invites (7) s.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Suddenly he jumps up for no reason.

2. For a whole life, if he didn’t tell, then he remembered this story.

3. One jump and a lion on the back of a buffalo

4. Watery tea and bread and butter seemed especially tasty to Peter that evening.

5. This year the sea is cold and almost all the beaches are deserted.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence should

stand commas.

Reflecting with living silver (1), the water extended to the other bank, and (2) the wind (4) infused with field grasses (3) weakly blowing (5) barely perceptibly shakes the young growth (6) creeping along the eaves of the other bank.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentences should

stand commas.

In addition (1) the absence of struggle-intrigue in Chekhov's plays (2) really (3) led to an unusual organization of the speech of the characters, devoid of (4) it would seem (5) any purposefulness, which (6) happened (7) was bewildering spectators.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence should

stand commas.

At early dawn (1) the apple orchard (2) through the trees (3) of which (4) the morning sun shines here and there (5) is filled with purple fog.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which in the sentence should

stand commas.

The last meters of the path seemed to Konstantin especially difficult (1) but (2) when they were

passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4), then it became very good at heart.