Test words for ca cha. Spelling of letter combinations CHU-SCHU

Lesson 27 Combinations cha, shcha, chu, shu

Learning to pronounce and write words correctly with combinations of cha, shcha, chu, shu

193. Read. Speak quickly. Often in the thickets wolves prowl, looking for prey.

In Russian, the sounds [h ’], are always soft, so the letter combinations cha, shcha, chu, shu must be pronounced but written after h, u should be a, y:

Cha, write with a. Chu, shu write with y.

194. Read. Correctly pronounce the combinations cha, shcha, chu, shu.

Sorrel, cast iron, luck, pike, gloves, playground,

Kettle, grove, area, looking for, often, part, miracles.

Make sentences with two words (of your choice).

195. The task of choice.

1. Form words with combinations of cha, chu and write them down.

2. Change the words given in brackets so that the letter combinations chu, shu appear in them. Write it down.

Solve (problem), call (doctor), go to (grove). 196. Read. How can you answer the question posed in the title of the text?


I know that blacks live in the sea, blacks live in the mountains, and blacks live in the kitchen.

Turtles live in the sand, worms live in the ground, and black people live in the garden. Besides, I know

Although I have never seen that some black man lives in a black closet.

But who lives in the clock, I still do not know. No matter how many times I carefully unscrew them, there is nothing there but wheels and screws. Who's ticking there?

According to G. Yudin

Write out the words with the missing letters from the text. Explain the spelling.

Consider the drawings. Which of them can be called an illustration to the text? Why?

Find in the text words with a combination of zhi.

197. Find words that are close in meaning. Write them down in pairs.

Magician, miss, regret, sad, sorcerer, spare.

198. According to the model, replace these words with opposite ones in meaning. Write down, underline cha, chu.

Sample. Joy is sadness.

Own - h ..., rarely - h ..., I say - m ..., the end - n ....

199. Test yourself! Key words of the lesson.

Combinations cha, shcha, chu, shu, spelling, pronunciation.

200. Write by inserting the missing letters.

1. Always help comrade... 2. Appreciate h..zhoy work. 3. Check the time by your own hours, and the person by business. 4. Die yourself, and comrade .. help out (Proverb).

Combinations of cha, scha, chu, schu - Russian mova

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Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu

Hedgehogs, knives, pears, skis, puddles, ears, bumps, siskins, good, wide, make friends, sew, circle; thicket, grove, tea, cup, dacha, knock, be silent, shout; miracle, pike, I'm looking for, I want, I'm silent, I teach, I cry.


1. Write down poetry. Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

In combinations of zhi, shi

Just keep writing!

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,

Skis, puddles,


Giraffes, tires and walruses,

Rosehip and pencils,

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, mix, hiss and sew.

Remember the syllables zhi and shi

And only with a letter and write.

In combinations cha, shcha

We write only the letter a.

Heap, thick, tower,

Cloud, grove, locust,

Thicket, cottage and seal

You need to write with the letter a.

In combinations chu, shu

Write only the letter y.

I want to write well

Words in chu and shu I teach:

A stocking, and a miracle, and cast iron,

An eccentric, and a pike, and a grumbler,

Dirty, scarecrow, chump,

Wonderful, feelings and closet,

I scream, I grumble, I search, I drag.

I write with y and chu, and shu.

(From the collection “Entertaining


2. Write down sentences. Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

1. I am in the first grade. 2. Siskins live in the forest. 3. The guys are looking for bumps. 4. Fragrant flowers grew in a flower bed. 5. Never take other people's things. 6. Grandmother treats us to a pie. 7. The giraffe has a long neck. 8. There are mice in the closet. 9. A seagull is circling over the sea. 10. I never cry.


1. Listen to excerpts from poems. Write down and read words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu.

The carpenter is good

Better for an engineer

I would go build a house -

Let me be taught.

I will draw first

The house is what I want.

Nice house, big house

On all four sides

And the guys will live in it

Comfortable and spacious.

(V. Mayakovsky)

Squinting eyes and furrowing brows,

Muttering in his mouth,

Watchmaker Ivan Petrovich

Carefully took the watch

(S. Mikhalkov)

2. Listen to riddles and proverbs. Write down words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu.

golden sieve

There are a lot of black houses.

How many little black houses

So many white people. (Sunflower)

Lies under the fence

Yes, wagging his tail. (Pig)

I don't upset anyone

But I make everyone cry. (Onion)

Flying like an arrow

Buzzing like a bee. (Airplane)

One-eyed old woman

Embroider patterns. (Needle)


1. Do not rake in the heat with the wrong hands! 2. You can't hide an awl in a bag. 3. Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds. 4. It is better to lose wealth than to break a word. 5. No matter how keen a pike is, it will not take a ruff from its tail.


Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

Silence on the river in the morning. We are sailing on a boat along a wide channel. Wonderful white water lilies float on the water. A dragonfly circles above them. Dragonflies are like little helicopters.


My dad loves fishing. He often takes me with him. Yesterday we went by car to the lake. Dad caught a big bream and a pike. He put them in a garden.


Hedgehogs, mice and a hare live in our school. The kids take care of the animals. After the lessons we run to the living corner and treat our friends to something delicious.

Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu - Russian mova

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1. Here is a grove. Magpies are chirping. At the jackdaw, the jackdaws are screaming. The rook has a rook. The bunnies squeak at the bunny. (fifteen)

2. We went for sorrel. A cloud came running. The thicket made a noise. The firs rocked. There were frequent drops of rain. We raced home. (sixteen)

3. Brooks murmur. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove is green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are chirping. Meet spring! (fourteen)

4. Warm. The hares have bunnies. Wolves have wolf cubs. The thrushes squeak at the thrushes. There were jackdaws, starlings. Hot time. (17)

5. We say goodbye to winter. Frost does not crack. We welcome spring. Soon the jackdaws and starlings will squeal. (fifteen)

6. A sentry in an overcoat stands on the square. A shepherd is sitting next to him. The jackdaws are screaming on the plank roof. The shepherd began to growl. (17)

7. More often than not, bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from branches. Often nests are insulated with down. (sixteen)

8. Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud floated across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He doesn't have a coat. (sixteen)

9. The rain began to beat on the wooden roof. The wind shakes the branches. The jackdaws squeak in the nest. (thirteen)

11. Arctic terns boldly defend their nests from a polar bear. Daredevils not only scream loudly. Birds often grab the poor fellow by the tail and ears. (23)

12. Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry there. It stays for a long time - two hours. He is cold. He is wearing gloves but no coat. The guys are screaming, cracking like jackdaws. The sentry pays no attention. (thirty)

13. Shepherd puppies were born. They growl. Now mom will feed them. Puppies are silent sucking milk. Milk is their food. We came to see the puppies. The shepherd notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

14. Thicket of the forest. Wolves are playing in the meadow. They are! growl, squeal. The she-wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears birds chirping in the thicket. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

15. There is an ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeal, they scream. It might rain in an hour. The rabbits run home. The darkness thickens. The first drops hit the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

16. There is a cottage in the forest. An old grandfather lives there. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them, puts them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come back more often. (32)

17. We often go to the forest. Grasshoppers are chirping there. One crackled very loudly. We listened to the violinist for an hour. Wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we returned, a cloud came running. We raced home. (31)

18. We have been walking in the forest for an hour now. Our sheepdog is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a bowl. It's time to return. We cross the stream on a boardwalk. Here is a grove, and behind it is our cottage. (thirty)

Words with combinations chu, shu chu, schu write with the letter u.

1. I solve a problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I learn the rule. (ten)

2. I came to a strange house. I want to come in and knock. The dog can hear me. (thirteen)

3. I am dragging a stuffed animal to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be amazingly good. (thirteen)

4. I drag a pike out of the water. I'm happy with this monster. I want to cook an ear. The pike squints its eyes. (sixteen)

5. I want to find a pot. I'm looking in the closet. I twist it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

6. A pika is a small bird. She has a nose with an awl. Look - miracles! The pika is dancing the waltz. She circles around the spruce and makes wonderful jumps. This is a pika waltz. (23)

7. A grubby scarecrow lived in a cast-iron pot in a closet. His eyes illuminated the monstrous darkness. What a miracle Is it a monster or a freak? His name is Chuschuk. On the tentacles are bizarre stockings. Once Chushchuk felt trouble. He swam down the river Shchure. (35)

8. Birds lay eggs. The fish are spawning. Fry emerge from the eggs. Pike, catfish bream spawn in spring. (17)

9. I want to catch a big pike. Throwing a fishing rod, I sit down on a block of wood. I sit, I am silent. I feel the pike bite. I'm dragging her. When you drag, I'll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

10. We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud, My brother Sasha squinted. The wind is whipping. Waves rush in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

11. The food of arctic foxes is fish and birds. Where do foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in the hole. Food stays in such a wonderful refrigerator for a long time. (27)

12. A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. He has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. Went out to fight. Here is the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. Fired a wonderful arrow. No more terrible monster. (31)

13. Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. Runs, can't feel his feet. Ran into our closet. Got dirty on cast iron. Became dirty. (37)

14. We caught a pike. Poured water into a pot. Slightly salted. There will be an ear! Our shepherd smelled the fish. She has good instincts. Firewood is running out. I'll look for more and bring them. Then I'll peel the potatoes. (thirty)

15. I met a knight in chain mail. He is a foreigner. I want to invite him over. Let him live. He's a freak. He went into the closet and sits. I am silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

16. I drag a pike from the river. I am cleaning fish. I want to cook an ear. I put the pike in the iron and put it in the stove. My shepherd dog Chunya smells wonderful fish soup. In an hour I'll pull out the cast iron. Wow, how good. (37)

17. Yasha Chukin had a puppy Chubrik. Chubrik saw a scarecrow in the garden. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy squinted. What a dumb freak! What a miracle of nature! (22)

18. I want to plant vegetables. I'll take a shovel in the closet. I will find a place for each vegetable. I'll bring a watering can. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I will treat my friends. (27)


After w, h, w, w not written yu, i, s, but are written u, a, and, for example: miracle, pike, hour, grove, fat, sew.

The letters u and i are allowed after these consonants only in foreign words (mainly French), for example: jury, parachute(including - in proper names, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in compound words and alphabetic abbreviations, in which, as a general rule, any combination of letters is allowed.

Exceptions words count well Yu ri, bro Yu ra, parash Yu t,psh Yu t, fish Yu . But these words do not contradict the wording of the rule. See a little higher.


H at before

SCH at ka

Uch a sch a etsya

F and votnoe

W and rocky

History of the rule

The legs of the ZhI-SHI rule grow from past centuries, in which soft [Ш] and [Ж] existed in the Russian language. The letter I also showed this softness. Now Ch and Shch denote only soft sounds, and Zh and Sh only hard sounds, the neighboring vowel cannot soften an already soft or always hard sound. And since when pronouncing ZhY and ZHI, SHI and SHI, CHYA and CHA, SCHYA and SCHA, CHYU and CHU, SCHU and SCHU would sound the same, it was logical to choose one spelling of each syllable, which was done. In the first grammar textbooks for gymnasiums, we find the formulation of this rule that has hardly changed to this day. It would be nice then to immediately bring to uniformity the spelling of O and Y after hissing, otherwise all the vowels of the second row were taken into account in some rules, and with O and Y we are still suffering. But this is a separate conversation. So, the need for a uniform spelling of these syllables is obvious.

There are 2 points of contention:

1. Choosing a letter after the hard Zh and Sh. Many researchers believe that, according to the sound, one should write ZhY and SHY - firmly!

Don't miss the letter combinations: zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu

In combinations zhi and shea write after consonants well and w letter and,

in combinations cha and shcha after h and sch - letter a,

in combinations chu and shu after h and sch - letter at :well and t, mash and on, h a shcha, h at before, u at ka.


Why we write well and, w and ? After all, the letter and usually shows that the consonant before it is soft, for example: artand st- [t'] . And the hissing [w] and [w] are hard! The fact is that this is a traditional spelling. Once upon a time, the sizzling ones were soft. Then they began to be pronounced firmly, and the spelling of the letter and after well and w preserved: skiing and, mash and on the.

Letters are also traditional a and at after h and sch: h a sch a, h at before, u at ka.


Letter Yu found in borrowed words: well Yu ri, bro Yu ra, parash Yu t, as well as proper names, for example F Yu l Vern.

Do not be surprised, you may also come across complex abbreviated words that do not correspond to this rule, for example izhYu collegium(Izhevsk legal board). When forming complex abbreviated names and abbreviations, such combinations of letters are possible that are not typical for the Russian language.

Pronounce these words correctly: bro[shu] ra, couple[shu] t,[Zhu] le Verne, and[juju] collegium.
Don't be surprised: the word well Yu ri pronounced differently: and [w "y] ri, and [zhu] ri.