The story of a former student about his studies and something else ....

Exercise 1. Conduct a content analysis of the following essays by two students (the style of presentation of the students is left). Formulate your own goal of content analysis. How will the result of your work change if you set a different goal?

Composition 1. My studies at the university

University for me was one of the goals in life. Studying at the university is prestigious for any, I think, student. Here the quality of knowledge differs significantly from other educational institutions. However, studying at the university is not as easy as it seems to ignorant people. In fact, this is hard work that requires diligence, patience, and most importantly, the desire to become a good specialist in your future profession.

I love my faculty, the teachers who teach us. I love most of the disciplines that we have. I study interestingly, but it is difficult, because I need to complete a lot of tasks. I think that all this will be useful to me in the future, so I need to work.

I like doing practice, doing tasks on it. Especially, I think, it will be interesting when students are divided into specializations. Then we will have more specific goals that we want to achieve.

I don't really approve of the ranking system, because it creates a tense learning environment, especially towards the end of the semester. However, it is necessary to study and accept the conditions of the university too. If you do not focus on the rating, then the training will become even more interesting.

Composition 2. My studies at the university

Studying at the university from the very beginning seemed very difficult for me. I understood and realized that this is no longer a school where everything seemed simple, here you need to work hard, and on your own. Also, a new team appeared here - my group, with which I had to get acquainted and make new friends. Soon I got used to the university, to the class schedule with their red and blue weeks, which at first was difficult to figure out, to the location of the classrooms, I learned how to use the library correctly. There were new disciplines for me that I did not study at school, it was interesting to learn something new, to master and accept them, although, of course, it was not at all easy. My first session went well, but I was terribly afraid, for some reason you are always afraid of something new, unfamiliar. But it was already much easier to pass both the second and third sessions. It was very interesting for me to go to practice, both pedagogical and field, it gave me the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge to a real situation.

Over time, you get used to studying at the university, and it becomes easier to study. Now I like to study here, although, of course, there are various difficulties.

Task 2. Conduct a content analysis of the TV program for the past week.

Task 3. In pedagogical practice, ask the student to compose a story (orally or in writing - according to the capabilities of the child) about how ... (formulate the topic yourself). Conduct a content analysis of his essay in order to characterize the direction of his personality.

Task 4. Analyze the child's crafts made during your teaching practice. Use the approximate scheme for analyzing the crafts of a child of primary school age (Appendix 8).

Task 5. Develop schemes for analyzing the design of the child's educational place (drawing up a cheat sheet) in order to characterize:

a) personal characteristics of the student (orientation of the personality, its knowledge, skills, features of mental processes, typological properties of nervous processes);

b) attitudes towards the ongoing educational activities.

What other goals can be achieved by analyzing student products?

Task 6. Make a plan for studying the different products of the student's activity.

Das Studium - University studies

Seit dem vorigen Jahr bin ich ein Student (eine Studentin) und studiere an der Technischen Universität St. Petersburg. Ich bin zurzeit im Direktstudium und muss dabei nicht arbeiten. Ich kann die ganze Zeit meinem Studium widmen. Für die jungen Leute, die gleichzeitig arbeiten und studieren wollen bzw. müssen, gibt es in unserer Universität Abend- und Fernstudium.

Since last year I have been a student at St. Petersburg Technical University. I am currently a full-time student and do not (should not) work. For young people who want or need to work and study at the same time, our university has an evening and correspondence department.

Im ersten Studienjahr haben wir insgesamt neun verschiedene Fächer. Das sind Physik, Chemie, Informatik, Mathematik, technisches Zeichnen, russische Geschichte, Kulturologie, Deutsch und Sport. Das Studium fällt mir ziemlich leicht und gefällt mir sehr gut.

In the first year we have a total of nine different subjects. These are physics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, technical drawing, Russian history, cultural studies, German language and physical culture. Studying is given to me quite easily and I really like it.

Ein Unterricht an der Universität besteht aus zwei Doppelstunden. Üblicherweise haben wir drei Doppelstunden pro Tag. Am Sonntag studieren wir nicht. Unser Unterricht kann in Form von Laborarbeiten, Vorlesungen, Seminare or praktischen Lehrveranstaltungen durchgeführt werden.

A lesson at the university consists of two double academic hours (pair). We usually have three couples a day. We don't study on Sunday. Our classes can be conducted in the form of laboratory work, lectures, seminars or practical exercises.

Unsere Universität hat mehrere Fachbereiche. Dazu gehören Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Maschinenwesen, Chemie, Mathematik, Architektur, Physik, Informatik, Gesundheits- und Sportwissenschaft, Ingenieurfakultät: Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung.

Our university has many faculties. These include: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Architecture, Physics, Computer Science, Sports and Health Sciences (Physical Education and Sports), Faculty of Engineering - Green Building, Economic Sciences, Education and Pedagogy.

Meine Fakultät ist Architektur. Nach der Absolvierung der Universität werde ich ein Diplom-Architekt für industrielle Objekte. Mein künftiger Beruf gefällt mir sehr gut. Außerdem ist sie zukunftsgerichtet. Ich hoffe, dass ich eine interessante und gutbezahlte Arbeit in der Zukunft finde.

My faculty is architecture. After graduating from university, I will be a certified industrial architect. I really like my future profession. In addition, it is promising. I hope to find an interesting and well-paid job in the future.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, opens a new column - an interview, in which the journalists of the publication will take thematic, relevant and exclusive comments from people. The topic of the first interview did not make us choose for a long time, and decided to invite Captain Alexei Petrov, a 2001 graduate of the Moscow Military School of Radio Electronics of the Aerospace Forces, now a pensioner of the military service of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

- Hello Alexey! Tell our readers why you decided to become a military man?

Good afternoon, the decision to make me a military man was made by the family council, which my aunt convened. She went on a business trip to Moscow, found out that there is such an educational institution, got acquainted with the conditions for admission. I liked the offer of older relatives, the prospect of breaking out into the capital of Russia and mastering the military profession excited my measured, rural life. He began to play sports intensively, preparing for exams. I just really didn’t want to go to do it alone, I persuaded my classmates, but no one agreed, basically their parents didn’t want to let them go. In my native, Olenek secondary school, the news was accepted without much confidence, I remember the classroom hour, where everyone had to announce plans regarding the choice of a place of study and a future profession. When I told about my intentions to enter anywhere, but to Moscow, and even to become an officer of the military space forces, everyone started laughing, they said that Lekha Petrov decided to become an astronaut. It was embarrassing then, but now I remember it with a smile.

- And then the day came, you came to act, how did Moscow meet you?

It was the hot summer of 1996. Approximately 2,000 candidates came from all over Russia for admission. Due to the insufficiency of the location, we were settled in the garage boxes of the car park. Severe military everyday life began ... These were the first, difficult trials in my independent life. Every time I thought about leaving everything and going home, the faces of my parents, sisters, relatives, friends who accompanied me came up before me. Then I realized that I did not dare to look back and should only go forward.

What were your happy moments?

The first joy is, of course, the news that you have been enlisted. Well, in the future, receiving letters from relatives, parcels with pies and jam was a long-awaited and joyful event. New friends appeared, with whom, during layoffs, they went to the cinema, to cafes, walked around the city, and attended sporting events. Taking this moment, I want to express my gratitude to the parents of my friends with whom I studied. During the period of study, I often went to their home and each parent received me, met me as their son. With classmates who now live throughout Russia, we keep in touch to this day. Whenever possible, we always visit each other.

- After graduation, did you return to Yakutia?

No, not right away. By distribution, I was sent to serve in a military unit, which was located in the town of Sofrino near Moscow. Parents, meanwhile, moved from Olenok to the capital of Yakutia. Once again, when I came to them on vacation, I found out that there was also a part of my kind and type of troops here, wrote a report and transferred to serve in Yakutsk, where I served until I retired.

In your opinion, is military service necessary for guys? Will you send your child to pay his debt to the Fatherland?

It seems to me that every man who is fit for health reasons should go through military service. This is necessary, first of all, for the reassessment of values, everything is known in comparison. Being far away, left alone with yourself, you understand how important it is to have support, support, a home to which you can return, where you are expected. You learn to overcome difficulties and achieve your goals on your own. Well, to choose the profession of the defender of the Motherland as the path of life is everyone's business. For me, this choice served as a kind of social elevator that lifted me from the hinterland of Yakutia to Moscow. He gave me the opportunity to get a high-quality, free, which was important in those difficult nineties, a higher education and a specialty in which I was provided with a job.

1. Ich bin schon Student. Ich bin Direkt-Student und studiere an der Technischen Universität. Mit dem Studium habe ich vorläufig keine Probleme. Wir haben im ersten Semester neun Fächer. Das sind: Informatik, Mathematik, Physik, technisches Zeichnen, Chemie, Kulturologie, Geschichte Russlands, eine Fremdsprache (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch oder Spanisch) und Sport. Ichlerne Deutsch.

2. Wir haben jeden Tag drei bis vier Doppelstunden Unterricht. Das sind praktischen Unterricht, Laborarbeiten, Seminare und Vorlesungen. Den Unterricht erteilen bekannte Professoren und Dozenten. Sie halten auch Vorlesungen. Das Studium an der Uni fällt mir leicht und gefällt mir sehr.

3. Unsere Universität ist eine große und alte Hochschule. An der Uni studieren über 20,000 Direkt-, Fern- und Abendstudenten. Sie hat dreizehn Fakultäten, fünf Zweigstellen (Filialen), ein Zentrum für die zweite Ausbildung und Weiterbildung, ein Zentrum für Informationstechnik, eine große Bibliothek, ein Rechenzentrum mit dem Zugang zum Internet, vier Forschungsinstitute, vier Mensen und eine Poliklinik.

4. Die ältesten Fakultäten sind: Bergbau- und Baufakultät, mechanische und chemische. Die jüngsten sind Fakultät für geisteswissenschaftliche (humanitäre) und sozialökonomische Ausbildung, physikalisch-mathematische Fakultät, Fakultät für Informationstechnologien und Steuerung.

5. Meine Fakultät ist die Fakultät für Informationtechnologien und Steuerung. Mein Studium werde ich in fünf Jahren abschließen. Ich werde Diplom-Ingenieur für Informatik, das heißt ein Fachmann für Computer.

My studies (student's story)

1. I am already a student. I am a full-time student and study at a technical university. I haven't had any problems with my studies yet. We have nine subjects in the first semester. These are computer science, mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, chemistry, cultural studies, the history of Russia, a foreign language (German, English, French or Spanish) and physical education. I am studying German.

2. Every day we have 3-4 pairs of classes. These are practical classes, laboratory work, seminars and lectures. Classes are taught by well-known professors and associate professors. They also give lectures. Studying at the university is easy for me and I really like it.

3. Our university is a big and old university. More than 20,000 full-time, part-time and evening students study at the university. It has thirteen faculties, five branches, a center for second higher education and advanced training, an information technology center, a large library, a computer center with Internet access, four research institutes, four student canteens and a polyclinic.

4. The oldest faculties: Faculty of Mining and Construction, Faculty of Mechanics and Chemistry. Young faculties: faculty of humanitarian and socio-economic education, faculty of physics and mathematics, faculty of information technology and management.

5. My faculty is the Faculty of Information Technology and Management. I will finish my studies in five years. I will be a computer science graduate, that is, a computer specialist.

Need more useful information?

Self-control is a sign of intelligence, a necessary and useful quality, especially in relation to subordinates. Personally, as a child, I realized that I would not be a doctor (how can I “cut” a living person!) And a teacher, for which it is necessary to “feel” people, but I don’t have this. At the same time, I was subconsciously "attracted" by radio and electricity. In addition to the fact that I really wanted to study, and I didn’t want to study ... it was at the full-time department: it’s more interesting and useful to work and study at the same time, one helps the other, and this is independence, and it’s easier for parents!

I started working at the age of 15, at the same time I entered the technical school at the evening radio department. After graduation, he immediately thundered into the army, where I consider that time lost. I ended up in an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, having got there on my own report in order to serve on a radar, i.e. on more sophisticated technology. To serve was very, very sad, boring and dreary, like never before in my life. One of the reasons ... my education, and even radio engineering! They did not know what to do with me, not only the sergeants, but also the officers! Then I myself became a sergeant, it became easier. I must admit that to me - for some reason? - both the platoon commander and the regiment commander treated very well; I remember them fondly to this day! By the way, it was they who allowed me early demobilization! In general, one month would have been enough for me to master my military specialty and everything else there. By the way, from my AK-47 I fired only once with one cartridge, having received a “good”, the commander said that the test was passed; then I just cleaned it.

In hindsight: to avoid the army, you should have entered the full-time department of the institute, so as not to whine later.

After demobilization, he returned to work at his old place in the electrical laboratory in the measurement group, in which he worked for only 1 year; but this year gave me a lot - as D. Mendeleev stated, science begins with measurements, the knowledge of which is extremely necessary for engineers; I saw this all the time and everywhere.

I was attracted by electroautomatics, it was there that there was a wide field for creativity, in addition, there was a creative team, in which I took root. I remember all my bosses with respect. For a diploma at our institute, I took a free topic, which later became the topic of a dissertation. A free topic is a blessing, if only because it is easy to defend yourself, because the teachers are not aware of the topic! After the defense, being the chairman of the commission, my head jumped up to me. engineer, and, congratulating, said with enthusiasm: well done, well, you “hit” them, know ours! At first I did not understand what and how, what it was about, and then it dawned on me: it turns out, when answering the questions of a doctor of technical sciences, I behaved with him on “equals”.

The best way to learn is independence, i.e. take a good - thick! - a book, you read, study, gain knowledge, and calmly pass exams. Textbooks and books differ in that they are written, as a rule, by the greatest specialists in this field, i.e. not a single teacher, not a single lecture will give what is stated in the books!

Somehow, my wife needed knowledge in hydraulics, which neither she nor I had previously studied. She is a specialist in the protection of equipment from corrosion, including various pipelines. So we took books - of various thicknesses! - in hydraulics, studied them, wrote their own computer program, which everyone began to use later. Of course, the wife designed it with a rationalization proposal.

Once a “funny” incident occurred at a lecture on electrical engineering, which was taught by a strict, assertive teacher who required silence and obedience, the attention of students. In the classroom, I usually sat somewhere in the middle so that I could do something extraneous. My friend, on the other hand, always chose the first table, trying to “soak up” everything and get the maximum possible from the lecture. And so she tells the topic and writes formulas on the board; suddenly we began to notice that for some reason she periodically stops and looks at him intently; and so several times. Finally, she stopped in front of him and asked: are you, student, everything that I tell you, is it not interesting that you are so openly sleeping at my lecture? He: interesting, but it's already ... common knowledge! Her: Then continue the formula I started writing on the board. He: this and that follows, that is, he continued the formula correctly. She: after standing a little in confusion, she said: well, what to do, sleep peacefully further, if we do not interfere with you! We, of course, laughed heartily: that's it, know ours!

In our group, all the students already had work experience, were adults and serious people. Therefore, on the very first semester, we demanded ... to replace the mathematics teacher with a more experienced one, since the girl who had just graduated from the university's mathematics faculty did not suit us! By the way, then she taught classes with my daughter, who studied at another faculty and graduated with honors. So, she no longer complained about that girl rejected by us.

And then this was utter impudence, nothing like it had ever happened! They listened to us, and a mathematics teacher came to us, as for me, she was outstanding in all respects. Where I only later and no matter how much I studied, but no one could equal her, she, for me, in any case, remained the best and unforgettable !

Nevertheless, our arrogance did not go unpunished: I was also suspected of being the instigators, and, in my opinion, other teachers began to take revenge on us. Technical disciplines did not cause any worries for me and ... suddenly I get unsuccessful in terms of strength of materials. Then, of course, I retaken it, but the rule worked: After all, no good deed goes unpunished! Further more!

And then the session came, which, of course, we found out somehow “accidentally”, just suddenly one of our students appeared, the harbingers of all our future sessions! It should be noted that it was easy for me personally to study: the knowledge gained earlier both in the technical school and at work helped. Therefore, I often skipped lectures, if, for example, on the way to the institute ... "met" an interesting movie. In some subjects, I did not attend lectures at all: knowledge on this subject was enough, including for passing the exam.

And now we pass an exam in mathematics, my favorite subject. I knew her well both at school and at the technical school, so I was calm. Having answered everything according to the ticket, my “beloved” teacher began to ask additional questions: one, two, then ... the 7th, then it was already over 10. I can’t understand what’s the matter, an unprecedented case! Somewhere on the 13th additional question, I could not stand it and noticed that we had already gone through all the topics and you are repeating yourself, how much can you?

She: but you missed classes;

Me: but I answered everything;

She: you didn't listen to all the lectures;

I bend my line: but I answered everything;

She: you see, if a student has not been to part of the lectures, how can he know the whole program?

Me: but I answered all your and additional questions!

She thought about it, then so hesitantly asks: so, do you need to put excellent?

I don’t “give up”: I answered all the questions, if you want, ask further!

She: you understand, when a student has listened to the entire course, then everything is clear, but I have a different situation with you;

I explain to her: I am convinced that sooner or later lectures will generally be replaced by self-education and consultations with teachers; it will be much more efficient;

She: thought again, and then, with such sadness in her voice, she slowly said: well, I have to put you ... excellent!

So, know ours! Ours don't give up!

In the process of further study, I did not have any questions with her.

When the engineering center was formed, where I ended up, since all production services from our department were transferred there. For me personally, this was an extremely important event, since it became possible to engage in creative work more widely: for my work experience, the number of various improvements and rationalization proposals is in the hundreds, many inventions and patents, medals for our exhibits exhibited at various exhibitions, dozens of articles in various collections and specialized journals, etc.

At the very beginning of my career, someone once said in a conversation that we are building many different facilities abroad, and that specialists are sent there, for example, to India. For me it was a shock; then the desire to go abroad constantly arose, which was only realized 20 years later, when the ministry sent me to another country for 3 years, where we were building a huge facility. Thus my dream came true. I must admit that only outside the Motherland can one understand and feel what nostalgia is - it turned out to be enough for me only one year: a year later, having arrived on vacation, I did not want to return back to a foreign land!

After returning from a business trip abroad, he continued to work at the same place; then, by transfer, he went to work in one organization in Siberia. The reason: the daughter brought home a student husband, then she gave birth to a grandson, so money was needed to expand the living space.

There, in Siberia, rather out of boredom than because of finances, sometimes he worked simultaneously at 6 jobs: part-time, he taught classes at various courses and in educational institutions, participated in the commission for the defense of diplomas; with firefighters drew up documents for new facilities, having the appropriate license; they also attracted me to the acceptance of new equipment, including in other cities, etc.

There he worked at the enterprise, where the director and chief. power engineers were “dedicated” to the marrow of their bones to production and business. All my subordinates had only secondary technical education; Every time I "hinted" to them about the need to study further and get a higher education: nowhere and never did I meet a specialist in our field who did not have it. Finally, one managed to “seduce”, he went to study, and the organization began to pay for his studies; the second education is paid. And suddenly the counter-economists refused: you see, I need specialists, but they don’t need them, these are not their children! Let's go to the director, it was absolutely clear to me that he would give the go-ahead: that's what I demand! learning will solve the problem. The discussion was between me and the control, the director listened and smiled. Then he began to flip through the student's record book and announce the grades: 1st semester - 4,4,3,3; 2nd - 3,3,4,4; 3rd - 4,3,4,3; 4th - 3,4,3,4. Damn it, that's the number - my student turned out to be weak! But then I “realized” and praised him: well done, he walks smoothly and steadily; This is how it would be in our country! It seemed that the director was only waiting for something so unusual in order to satisfy his request: he began to laugh and repeat: he’s walking steadily, well done, C grade student, but ... stable! The issue was resolved.

I then used similar episodes for my critical, satirical, humorous and other articles in various media, despite the fact that I generally have a negative attitude towards the latter.

I was forced to leave Siberia. By the way, I note that, despite my almost venerable age, I could and wanted to work further, but our director and chief left. power engineer, and instead of them there were completely, completely ... other “leaders”, some “second-hand” ones who simply survived me.

On this occasion.The Spanish thinker Balthazar Gracian (his brochure was on sale) 300 years ago gave a wise rule: the boss can forgive his subordinate for any superiority over him, except for one - superiority in intellect, in mind! As soon as he notices this, finish, write - it's gone: such a subordinate will either be squeezed by him so that he won't peep, or will even survive.

This is how one student lived, striving to constantly learn!

I think so! And you, friends, think, think, for only he is worthy of life and freedom who every day strives to change and improve them!

I wish you all peace, friendship, health and love; freedom, equality and brotherhood; a successful, worthy, meaningful, full-blooded, joyful and happy life; all normal human benefits and successes, and, most importantly, cheerfulness and faith in a better future.