A story about a dream school. Write a short story about the school of my dreams. Tell us how classes are organized, what subjects are studied, what the school building looks like, what, in addition to lessons, they can

The school of my dreams is an institution where everything is done for the benefit of children and students.

School is a place where you have to study for 9 or 11 years, which is quite a lot. Therefore, it should be as comfortable here as at home. Although the schools are well established now, there is no limit to perfection, and in any case there is room for improvement.

First, there are no teachers who like to take out their anger on children. After all, the lessons of noisy and harmful people (no matter how interesting the subject is) do not want to be taught.

Secondly, you can choose your own food in the dining room. For example, if today there is no mood to eat potatoes, children can take pasta. And if there is an opportunity to take a dessert or fruit - generally excellent.

Everyone would love it if the students could wear whatever they wanted. Jeans, sweaters, skirts, jewelry - whatever your heart desires. If you can’t remove the form, then at least you need to make it beautiful.

Children want fun, exciting lessons, so the classrooms should be equipped in the best possible way: TVs, interactive whiteboards, a good computer lab, microscopes and a living corner in the biology lab, lab kits for physics and chemistry lessons (so that there are as many experiments as possible!) etc.

Each of us is a music lover at heart and dreams of beautiful and modern music playing during breaks, comfortable sofas in the corridors so that there is somewhere to relax between lessons. It would also be nice to make your own school radio, where anyone could express their wishes about the school, congratulate others on the holidays and wish good luck in the next lesson.

Every few months hikes are organized with a class, a school. You can even with tents, for a few days. More trips to neighboring cities, countries, with an overview of the main attractions, museums, entertainment centers. So it will be more interesting for everyone to study the culture of both their native and neighboring countries.

Many would like to cancel their homework. Yes, this way there is much more time for rest, but the material will be assimilated and consolidated twice as worse, and the exercises given at home for this very purpose are asked to be done. But you don’t need to set large-scale work - it’s better to set interesting creative tasks and projects instead.

I hope that soon my school will really become even better than it is.

Option 2

Every child goes to school. The school is exactly the educational institution that forms the child as a person. Schools are rural, there are urban. There are specialized schools, as well as secondary schools. Many schools have an attractive appearance, many schools have been renovated. But, at the same time, there are old schools that are not being repaired at all.

I dream that the school in which I study has an attractive appearance. It has been modernly renovated and is equipped with modern appliances and furniture. This school is known throughout the country, as it employs the most experienced and competent teachers.

I dream that my school does not have compulsory subjects, and what subject to teach the student chooses at his own discretion. For example, you can study the history of the Second World War, affecting history, geography, biology and mathematics. This approach will allow you to learn what you like and what you think you need.

At the school of my dreams, you can study at any time at the discretion of the student. It does not have a clear curriculum. Each student chooses it independently.

Final exams are also taken on a topic chosen by the student, which will guarantee complete knowledge and excellent preparation.

This is what the ideal school I dream of looks like.

Essay about dream school

School is a place where each person spends from 9 to 11 years. And often students dream of an ideal educational institution for themselves.

The school of my dreams will be beautiful from the outside, it is painted in bright colors with interesting patterns. There is a large garden around it, where children can spend their free time: someone will draw, someone will have lunch, and someone will just chat.

The classrooms will be large and equipped with modern devices. In some, instead of chairs, there are soft bean bags and a large screen on which you can watch educational films.

My school will have a huge swimming pool, because swimming develops all muscle groups. A sports hall is also needed, in which everyone will find a suitable activity: tennis, volleyball or football. The physical education teacher will not only be present at the lessons, he will support in any direction and give advice.

For students who are fond of dancing, music, cooking or needlework, separate classes will be created. In them, professionals will fascinatingly tell and show what a particular subject is and how to deal with it correctly.

To teach at school only experienced, kind and understanding people who love children and easily find a common language with them. They will hold informative conversations, take them on various excursions. And the teacher's salary will be decent, because this is not an easy job.

In my school, each student can choose the subjects himself, of course, they will be mandatory, without which they can’t do anything. But the rest should be those that the child will need in the future. It is imperative to introduce driving lessons, they will be useful to both girls and boys.

The canteen at the school is free for both students and teachers. In it, you can cook something yourself or choose from ready-made to your taste. And for lunch, not 15-20 minutes are allocated, but a whole hour.

I think every student would like such a school. I really want to believe that one day at least part of my dream will become a reality.

Sample 4

Now I am in school. We have a large one, it has a dining room, a gym, and an assembly hall. The teachers and classmates are very nice people, but still this is not my dream school. I would like to make changes to it.

The first thing I did was move my school building closer to my house. Every morning I go to school through five apartment buildings and spend a lot of time, a whole hour with the calculation back and forth from school.

Secondly, I would install more sports equipment, benches and gazebos in our school yard, plant more trees.

Third, you need to forget pens and notebooks. In the era of electronics, you need to immediately learn any subjects only with the help of a computer and not pick up ballpoint pens.

Fourth, you need to install a robot instead of a human wardrobe attendant. You should not use human labor to give out outerwear to students if a machine can be used. You also need to install robots in the dining room: one robot washes dishes, another puts portions on plates, the third gives food to students. It is also necessary to diversify the menu in the school cafeteria. It is worth adding more sweets, cakes and soda, and it is also worth excluding cereals.

Fifth, you need to notice teachers on robots. Each lesson will be taught by a special robot machine for each subject (mathematics, physics, Russian language, literature, etc.), which will tell the theory, issue tests, automatically check them and give marks.

Sixth, it is worth organizing more excursions to the theater and museums. During the summer holidays, be sure to plan trips to other countries to find out the way of life and history of other states.

Seventh, the school should be beautifully renovated. The walls should be clean and bright, the corridors should have soft sofas and lots of flowers.

Eighth - at school it is worth organizing a living corner. In a living corner, there must be cats, dogs, fish, monkeys, parrots, hamsters and rabbits.

Ninth - the school should have a large swimming pool. I love swimming and swimming very much. If the school had a swimming pool, then you can swim all year round, even in winter.

This is how my dream school should be, maybe someday it will happen and a swimming pool will appear in my school!

Grade 3, Grades 5 and 7

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School of my dreams.
We spend most of our time at school. School is an integral part of the life of each of us. At school we met our friends, learned a lot of new things. The school introduced us to friends. By the 11th grade, everyone understands how they don’t want to leave their native walls, and involuntarily they begin to remember all the bright moments of school life. Human memory is not durable, and, of course, we do not remember the entire period of study from grades 1 to 11 in detail. Then our imagination offers options for how it could be. If you completely distract yourself from memories and “fly into the clouds”, you can easily come up with the school of your dreams.
The school of my dreams is a magnificent three-story building with a huge bright hall, with large classrooms equipped with the latest technology, with a dining room with separate round colored tables. On the first floor there are lockers for students so that the children can put their textbooks in them and not carry heavy bags around the school. The school of my dreams has a swimming pool, a huge sports hall, a music hall with many musical instruments, a choir hall, and a chic library. The school of my dreams will have its own radio, the DJ on which will be a high school student. In my school there will be a large assembly hall with comfortable easy chairs, a dance hall with special parquet and wall-to-wall mirrors. I believe that the school needs a room where students can relax - a room with a coffee machine and soft sofas. The school should have a buffet with biscuits, juice and chocolates so that students can have a snack between classes. The school should have a stadium for physical education in the warm season, a summer garden with swings and benches. I would like to have tables on the street so that you can have a bite while sitting in the air.
Now I am studying at the lyceum in the profile class. By the 9th grade, many guys have already decided on their profession, or at least with the direction. In the school of my dreams, I want the guys to study those subjects that they like and that they want to study in the future from the 9th grade. For those who choose foreign languages, native speakers will need to be invited. This is great practice for kids! For the study of natural sciences, it will be necessary to equip professional laboratories. I think grades at my dream school can be canceled, in other matters, as well as homework. Instead, students will perform creative work, present their thoughts in reports, presentations, films for public viewing, which will be vigorously discussed not only by the teaching staff, but also by the students themselves.
In the schedule of my dream school, I would include more excursions and travel. I think it's very important to travel with your classmates and share experiences.
The school of my dreams is a school where there will be no forced attendance, but where everyone will come with a smile and no one will want to miss classes.

Write a short story school of my dreams


My school is good, but sometimes I find it a bit boring and tedious due to a lot of homework. So I would like to change something. If I were the principal of the school, I would cancel homework - I think it's a waste of time. Then, I would make the breaks between lessons longer. I would also improve the menu in the school cafeteria - most of the food is just disgusting. I think schoolchildren need more salads, vegetables, and fruits. The next step is school holidays. Summer holidays are quite long, but I would extend the autumn, winter and spring holidays to allow students to spend more time away from home or traveling. My favorite subject at school is biology, so in my ideal school I would like to have this subject every day. It would be nice to have more practical exercises, different studies or projects. Sports, music, visual arts should be mainstream subjects and teachers should be friendly, fun and experienced. Therefore, their work should be well paid. In the schedule of my dream school, I would include more excursions and travel. I think it's very important to travel with your classmates and share experiences. Here is the idea of ​​my dream school.

The school of my dreams is beautiful and comfortable. It is really modern and well equipped. It has a large swimming pool and sports ground. There are soft carpets on the floor of the classrooms. Colored cushions on the chairs. The school is warm and light. Each student has their own computer on the table. The school library is rich in various interesting books. There is one large hall, which is filled with various musical instruments. Students can use them. The teachers are very kind, wise and talented. We often go to concerts and theaters. In addition, they organize excursions to the UK and these trips are absolutely free for the best students. And finally, I want to say that there are no difficult tests and homework in my school. Everyone is healthy and happy. *** In the school of my dreams, children would not run, but would walk calmly during breaks. I really want to relax during the breaks, but because of the crazy squeals, screams, running around, you get even more tired and your head starts to hurt. When the lesson starts, you sit tired, and you think and remember much worse. It is also necessary to go out cautiously from around the corner, fearing that someone will knock you down or open the door abruptly, with force. I really like my school, but if during the breaks the children didn’t run around, didn’t scream, but behaved more calmly, it would be much easier for both teachers and students themselves. Moreover, psychologists say that screaming destroys the human nervous system. Also, in the school of my dreams there would be a radio, music would play at every break. Thanks to the radio, one could congratulate birthday people, make musical gifts to each other. My opinion is that the school should have special boxes in which children would leave changeable shoes. The school would be much cleaner and there would be no quarrels with students for not wearing change of shoes. The bag is full of books and notebooks every day, and especially in winter, when it's cold, you don't feel like wearing change of shoes. So I think the ideal school needs: silence, radio, lockers. **** In the school of my dreams, children would not run, but would walk calmly during breaks. I really want to relax during the breaks, but because of the crazy squeals, screams, running around, you get even more tired and your head starts to hurt. When the lesson starts, you sit tired, and you think and remember much worse. It is also necessary to go out cautiously from around the corner, fearing that someone will knock you down or open the door abruptly, with force. I really like my school, but if during the breaks the children didn’t run around, didn’t scream, but behaved more calmly, it would be much easier for both teachers and students themselves. Moreover, psychologists say that screaming destroys the human nervous system. Also, in the school of my dreams there would be a radio, music would play at every break. Thanks to the radio, one could congratulate birthday people, make musical gifts to each other. My opinion is that the school should have special boxes in which children would leave changeable shoes. The school would be much cleaner and there would be no quarrels with students for not wearing change of shoes. The bag is full of books and notebooks every day, and especially in winter, when it's cold, you don't feel like wearing change of shoes. So I think the ideal school needs: silence, radio, lockers.

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  1. Babenko Marina 11 "B" class.

    School of my dreams.
    We spend most of our time at school. School is an integral part of the life of each of us. At school we met our friends, learned a lot of new things. The school introduced us to friends. By the 11th grade, everyone understands how they don’t want to leave their native walls, and involuntarily they begin to remember all the bright moments of school life. Human memory is not durable, and, of course, we do not remember the entire period of study from grades 1 to 11 in detail. Then our imagination offers options for how it could be. If you completely distract yourself from memories and “fly into the clouds”, you can easily come up with the school of your dreams.
    The school of my dreams is a magnificent three-story building with a huge bright hall, with large classrooms equipped with the latest technology, with a dining room with separate round colored tables. On the first floor there are lockers for students so that the children can put their textbooks in them and not carry heavy bags around the school. The school of my dreams has a swimming pool, a huge sports hall, a music hall with many musical instruments, a choir hall, and a chic library. The school of my dreams will have its own radio, the DJ on which will be a high school student. In my school there will be a large assembly hall with comfortable easy chairs, a dance hall with special parquet and wall-to-wall mirrors. I believe that the school needs a room where students can relax - a room with a coffee machine and soft sofas. The school should have a buffet with biscuits, juice and chocolates so that students can have a snack between classes. The school should have a stadium for physical education in the warm season, a summer garden with swings and benches. I would like to have tables on the street so that you can have a bite while sitting in the air.

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  2. Delete
  • Kalyakova Anastasia 11 "B" class.

    School of my dreams.
    The theme of my dream school is relevant at all times. Everyone has ever gone to school or is going to school now. Of course, she does not seem ideal to the students, because everyone has their own interests, needs, and she cannot please everyone. In this topic, it is proposed to fantasize and imagine what the school of my dreams will look like.
    So, my dream school would be on an island. A tunnel would connect the shore to the island. This school has its own park, a large stadium, a gym with changing rooms and showers. The walls of the school would be glass, so that you could constantly enjoy the space around you. Lessons at this school would start at 9 o'clock. There was one big break, about 1 hour, so that you could relax, take a walk and have lunch. And of course, small changes between lessons. The dining room would be large and spacious with tables outside. Pupils could choose their own food from a pre-compiled menu for the week. In the halls of the school there would be computers connected to the Internet, so that at any time you could find the information you need. This school has a huge assembly hall, with soft sofas. All classes are equipped with the latest technology. This is what my dream school looks like.
    Unfortunately, such a school is unrealistic, but in dreams it is very pleasant to imagine such a school.

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  • Azizova Lina 10 "A" class.
    "School of my dreams"
    A person spends the most important years of his life in school. It is here that he finds true friends, is determined in the choice of his hobbies, for the first time encounters life's difficulties and rejoices in his first victories. The school remains for a long time in the heart of every person a bright stage in the life path.

    Usually students at school say that he would like the lessons to be few, so that nothing is asked. It is not right. My dream school is not much different from our regular schools.

    I would like to see some lessons added, for example, a dance lesson, because not everyone can afford to pay for additional education. I would like the school to have a swimming pool, this is, first of all, health. I would like the number of lessons to be no more than six. It is very difficult, especially for graduates who are preparing to enter higher educational institutions, to have time to prepare for school lessons and go to additional classes, there is simply not enough time. Also, in the school of my dreams there would be a radio, music would play at every break. Thanks to the radio, one could congratulate birthday people, make musical gifts to each other. My opinion is that the school should have special boxes in which children would leave changeable shoes. The school would be much cleaner and there would be no quarrels with students for not wearing change of shoes. Every day the bag is overflowing with books, notebooks, and especially in winter, when it is cold, there is a reluctance to wear removable shoes.

    But if they ask me: "What is it, the school of your dreams?" I will proudly answer: "This is my native Lyceum-Lyceum No. 21"

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  • Bolog Anna, 10 "A" class
    Time. School. We
    I chose this topic because no one is indifferent to how and why the same basic knowledge is presented differently at different times, I want to compare the Soviet and Russian teaching systems.
    The turn of the millennium is a turning point. We have lived in such a period. And what time, such people, and everything is reflected, including education. There are good changes, and there are not so good ones. For example, the universal introduction of the USE in 2009. Yes, maybe the test form allows even not very smart graduates to enter universities. But in the process of student education, “slipped” will be weeded out on its own, if the latter do not take up their minds in time. In general, there are more advantages in the USE - it is possible to at least approximately know what tasks will have to be solved. And most importantly, when entering a university, if you choose the Unified State Examination, you do not need to take additional exams - there are enough results in the required subjects.
    Some time ago, electronic diaries were introduced in our lyceum. In principle, there are practically no shortcomings. The problem with server overload is fixable - wait a while, and you will be allowed into the system. But for some reason, the magazine was divided between students, their parents and teachers. And now the ministry is complaining that parents are not interested in studying. Because more often the grades are looked under the name of the student. Isn't it possible to give one username and one password per family? The magazine, on the other hand, gives out the same pages - grades, bulletin board, mail, and so on. Yes, and it's more convenient.
    Now they can't put a uniform on us. Hmm, what with the form, what without - all students are the same, whether lyceum students, ordinary schoolchildren. In the Soviet Union there was a woolen uniform - did anyone love it? Well, okay, wear it to the graduation in the eleventh grade, but it didn’t really fit for every day - it’s not warm enough for winter, it’s hot in this dress in spring. It seems to me that the whole uniform - black and white clothes, whether it's jeans or trousers - it doesn't matter.
    However, it is possible to argue on all of the above and not only endlessly. We're living in a world of change. The main thing is that the changes carry more benefits than negatives.

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    Essay on the topic: "School of my dreams."
    Buyalskaya Maria 9 "A" class
    For each of us, school is something of our own, dear. It is part of each of us. We all care about our future, our education. Of course, students want the school to be perfect. And this, of course, is not lessons for five minutes and breaks for half an hour, this is not restaurant food in the dining room, these are not slippers instead of second shoes. This is first and foremost a complete education.
    I can dream a little now, but still this is what most of the students of various schools want. In my opinion, our school lacks a good lounge with soft sofas instead of benches and a “winter garden” so that students can relax after classes or in between classes. I also think that we need to equip our assembly hall. Put the latest equipment there (for example, an interactive whiteboard, so that it would be convenient to view various presentations and films at school-wide events), a large stage and beautiful curtains, instead of chairs, put portable ottoman bags that adapt to any body shape. We need a good gym with new horizontal bars for exercise. I think that we need a spacious dining room with tables outside (in winter you can put it in the building). It would be desirable that the maximum number of lessons (in the senior classes) would not exceed seven.
    These are all, of course, just dreams, but I believe that they are feasible. This is real. But still, if someone ever asks me about which of the schools is my dream school, then I will proudly and respectfully answer that this is my native lyceum No. 21!

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  • Sukhanova Darya 11 "B" class

    Each of us goes to his own school every day and does not even think about what he could study in another educational institution. Everyone has their own school - the most beloved and dear, but it can be better. What should be the dream school?
    When the phrase “dream school” is used, similar pictures are drawn in the imagination of each student: a beautiful two-story school, large wide corridors, spacious classrooms, but this is not enough for the school to be truly the best. Students should go to school every day in a good mood, and the school should keep that mood going. Students should study with interest, understanding that their knowledge depends on their future profession. Therefore, in my opinion, students should be involved in more independent learning from the 10th grade, so that they understand the full responsibility of their future work and study at the university. Those subjects that the student has chosen for admission should be studied at an in-depth level, and those subjects that are not needed should be completely removed from the curriculum or reduce the number of hours on them in order to give more time to study the necessary subjects. I would like to have more practical classes in advanced subjects outside of school, perhaps even with students from other schools. In addition, the food system should be improved in the dream school. Wider choice of dishes, more fruits and vegetables. Two meals a day at the request of the student, if the number of lessons per day exceeds 7. It is also important that the student himself can decide when he can go to lunch, there should be an opportunity to eat something in the lesson. For many, it is a problem to get to school in the morning, so a school bus should be organized to take children to school in the morning. To develop the horizons of students, more trips and excursions around their native land can be included in the schedule. It is also important that the formal dress code be abolished at the school, as it is important to give the student freedom so that everyone feels comfortable and comfortable in what he is wearing. The curriculum of fifth graders should have more lessons aimed at developing creative skills. I would like the lesson of technology from the ninth grade to be divided into two areas - a lesson in psychology and a lesson in labor, where students could fully decide on their future profession and begin practical activities in it. Teachers should try to impart knowledge to students with kindness, and students, in turn, should treat teachers with respect and do their best to assimilate the material and accumulate experience. The dream school is a comfortable learning environment, it is a school where everyone understands each other, where everything is interconnected, where everyone knows what they are getting knowledge for.

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  • Essay on the topic: "School of my dreams"
    Arkhipova Olesya, 10"A" class
    When I grow up, what will I remember about the years of my youth? Perhaps only the brightest and most memorable moments of that time. But what about the school? After all, in it we spend those most important years of our lives. Here our first friends appear, the first difficulties in life, we acquire some interests, and all this appears at the expense of the school. In order for me to remember the school for a long time and remember it as a kind of bright stage in my life, I can safely imagine and talk about the school of my dreams.

    What would I like to see my dream school? To be equipped with new equipment. Much more interesting, when the teacher shows a presentation or a fragment of a film, an idea immediately appears of what we are talking about. I wanted this school to be fun. The most common holidays in other countries were held, for example, “Hallowen”, “Flower Day”, various masquerades. There are outdoor lessons. At the end of May and the beginning of September, all schoolchildren sit in class dreaming about how good it would be to go outside from a stuffy office. And if there are some lessons in the fresh air, then it is more interesting and pleasant to learn the material and the topic. I would also like to see field trips at the school of my dreams. How interesting it is to go to rest during the school holidays with your classmates in nature. Get a lot of energy, delight and emotions before starting your studies.

    This is how I imagine the school of my dreams. After all, remembering the school, we rarely remember the lessons, but more often about the events that took place in it and the emotions and impressions associated with them. So let's work together to make our dream a reality!

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  • Essay: "School of my dreams"
    Every person has some kind of cherished dream that he seeks to realize. My dream is to improve my school.
    Our lyceum is good, but sometimes it seems boring and tiring to me. So I would like to change something.
    I believe that there is a need to introduce electronic textbooks. Because it's so convenient! I'm so tired of carrying heavy weights to school every day, it hurts my back a lot. And the electronic textbook for all subjects is one, therefore, this is a great convenience for students.
    Since my favorite subject is biology, so ideally I would like this subject to be every day. But, unfortunately, this is not possible. Instead, you can increase the hours of biology circles, create a laboratory and a living corner.
    For all the time I was in school, I dreamed of my own personal locker. The common locker room is very inconvenient. The advantage of a personal locker is that you can leave the things you need for lessons in it, so as not to wear them every day.
    Of course, the lyceum should be planted with greenery, a lawn field for recreation should be created, as in European schools. Students will really like it and improve the appearance of the lyceum.
    You can dream a lot and about everything. But the best thing about a dream is when it becomes a reality. I hope that my dreams of an ideal school will soon come true.

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  • Chernykh Darya 9 "a"

    We spend a lot of time studying and therefore it is fair to say that the school is our second home. Of course, we want this place to meet our desires, we want the school to be truly a second home, so that we would like to return to it again and again. The school of my dreams is not some fabulous mansions and not even the cancellation of homework, but our lyceum, but with minor adjustments.
    So, the most important thing that the lyceum lacks, in my opinion, is a separate gym from the assembly hall with exercise equipment (at least with a wall bars). Separate men's and women's locker rooms with showers must be attached to the newly equipped gym.
    I find the common locker room terribly uncomfortable. It takes a lot of work to get to your clothes through a crowd of guys rushing home. It would be just great if simple hangers were replaced with individual lockers in the American style. Firstly, it would allow lyceum students to save time. Secondly, we could leave a change of shoes and sportswear in the lockers.
    Every day we are like loaders carrying a huge amount of textbooks. Of course, maybe such physical activity does not harm our health, but it is simply inconvenient. The problem of heavy textbooks can be easily solved by replacing single lessons with pairs. This option can also make homework easier. You can also enter an electronic textbook. Then, instead of a pile of thick textbooks, you could take only this gadget.
    I believe that these changes can turn the lyceum into a dream school for any student.

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  • School of my dreams.

    The school of my dreams is beautiful and comfortable. It is really modern and well equipped.

    There are no fences around the school (because it spoils the whole appearance of the school), and pleasant modern music plays on the street, as well as in the school itself.

    Inside the school there is a large swimming pool and sports ground. There are soft carpets on the floor of the classrooms. Colored cushions on the chairs. There are many sofas and armchairs in the corridors. The school is warm and light. Each student has their own computer on the table. The school library is rich in various interesting books.

    The teachers are very kind, wise and talented. We often go to concerts and theaters. In addition, they organize excursions to the UK and these trips are absolutely free for the best students. Lots of KVNs and similar events.

    And finally, I want to say that there are no difficult tests and homework in my school. Everyone is healthy and happy.

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  • Essay on the topic "school of my dreams"
    Pupils 9 "A" class Kasatkina Ksenia

    We spend more than half of our time at school, and therefore it should be comfortable and equipped.

    The school of my dreams is not some kind of palace, this is our lyceum. The most important thing that the lyceum lacks, in my opinion, is the equipment. You need equipment for almost all lessons and, of course, you need to equip a gym. Both showers and separate changing rooms should be attached to the gym. The common changing room is not very comfortable. For myself, and I think for most of the students, it would be better if we had separate lockers, as in America.

    I think if all this is translated into reality, then the lyceum will become the dream of any student.

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  • Gorbunov Vitaly, 11 "a" class. "School of my dreams"
    In the school of my dreams, learning continues for ten years. The eleventh grade is entirely devoted to preparing the student for the exam. That is, he attends only those lessons for which he has to pass the exam, and physical education. Students are divided into groups based on the subjects they pass; thus, the student does not scatter his strength and attention on unnecessary objects. Teachers in the 11th grade work on the principle of a tutor, preparing a student for the exam, without loading them with extraneous, useless tasks. There are no events at my dream school - it only deals with teaching and thorough preparation for exams. All this, of course, for free. The food in the cafeteria at the school of my dreams is natural, low-fat, with a predominance of proteins and a small amount of carbohydrates. But there is also a buffet with low prices for groceries so that the student can choose his own lunch if he does not feel like eating what is cooked. Meals are free. The dining room is well ventilated, there are hoods so that the smell of food does not become attached to clothes. The school of my dreams also has a gym with coaches in various sports. Instead of activities, classes occasionally go to some interesting places (but not such as a museum or theater). The clothes are free style, the main thing is that they are clean. In terms of bad habits, no one touches the student. There is a well-ventilated smoking area a few meters from the school. At the exit from it, a person chooses a chewing gum with the taste he likes, so as not to cause inconvenience to others with bad breath. Instead of bells, the music ordered by the students is played at the school. There are several doctors at the school, two of them are sports doctors. There are psychologists. The description of the school as a whole is over.

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  • School of my dreams
    I chose this topic for writing an essay because I think it is relevant because now many new schools are being built, I am repairing old ones, and every lyceum student thinks about what the lyceum will be like after I graduate from it. We all want to see the lyceum much better than the new school No. 56 has now been built. we all begin to fantasize about this topic, thinking about the real and the unreal. How do I see my school in the future? Of course, a new, large, single building. Of course, every student of the lyceum would like us to have our own sports hall and a full-fledged assembly hall. In order to have only new equipment in each classroom and our lyceum is improving in this, room No. 218 of building No. 2 was made larger, as they want to make a second computer class, now it will be possible to study on computers not only in computer science classes. This is all about the building, but what about the teachers of the lyceum of my dreams? It's that I don't want new teachers! Maybe someone wants robots, but they will teach lessons without emotions. But the most important thing is that the lesson, first of all, be informative, that we would take away new knowledge from the lesson, but also that it be interesting, so that children would like to go to classes. And in fact, this is how it is now. Looking at our teachers, you think that you will never change any of them, and you proudly say that they are your teachers! We have a lot of events at the Lyceum. We celebrate a variety of dates, not a single school has celebrated the day of the founding of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, 200 years of Borodino, and, of course, I would like there to be more such holidays in the Lyceum. This is how I see my dream lyceum: new building, new equipment, more activities, but good old teachers!
    Kabanyuk M. 9 "B" class

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  • Kurnosov Anton 11B. "School of my dreams" School of my dreams. What should she be? I never thought about it, but now I'll try.
    The school building should be very large and spacious. Corridors should be convenient for movement along them. Every office in the building must be air conditioned. The school should have a large gymnasium. It is necessary. Then it will be possible to organize sports games at physical education lessons, the lesson will be much more interesting. The school should have an office equipped for the rest of students. It should have comfortable furniture, computers, internet. It is very important to have a good rest during breaks. At the school of my dreams, the lessons would start no earlier than 10 o'clock. It would be much easier to work. It would have longer lessons but no homework. The lesson could last for an hour. A school student, starting from the 10th grade, could choose several subjects and study only them. School should be fun. Therefore, entertainment events would be held there every week. There would be no need to carry a change of shoes. The dream school should have wireless Internet that any student could use. In the dream school, one could individually choose any time for meals. And the food would be very intense. The dress code would be strict. But on Saturday it would be possible to come in any clothes. At the lessons, teachers would give out the necessary literature, since it is very inconvenient for schoolchildren to carry a large number of textbooks. The territory should be equipped with benches, playgrounds for sports games.
    So, in my opinion, the dream school should look like. It should contain not only classes, chairs, desks. She must be interesting.

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  • Essay on the topic: "School of my dreams".
    Pupils of the 9th "A" class of Skutina Tatyana.
    The most important, significant years in our lives are spent studying. School is our second home. In the process of learning, we acquire knowledge that will be needed in the future. It is at school that we find real friends. The school helps to form a personality out of a person. Memories of learning stay with us for the rest of our lives.
    Our “guides” in the world of knowledge are, of course, teachers. They lead us along a "difficult, intricate road, showing us the right route." With our beloved teachers, we reach new heights. They teach us not only certain sciences, but also prepare us for the future, independent life.
    I was very lucky, because I study at the best lyceum - Lyceum No. 21.
    The lyceum has everything to make the student's life interesting and varied. But I think that some changes will make the life of a lyceum student more exciting. For example, equipping the school with new equipment (appearance of new mannequins, introduction of electronic diaries, etc.). You can also develop a plan for conducting school activities that the students themselves would make.
    The most important thing that the lyceum needs at the moment is a separate sports hall with changing rooms. Also, students would like to have a separate locker for things at school, since it is not convenient for everyone to carry heavy bags and bags with physical education uniforms and change of shoes.
    I think that all these changes can turn the lyceum into a dream school for any student.

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  • "School of my dreams"

    I am very lucky that I study at such a wonderful school as Lyceum No. 21. I like everything in the lyceum: the lessons, the teachers, the most interesting events, competitions, and holidays… Lyceum life is full of bright events! Various changes, transformations can only improve and improve the lyceum.
    Changes can be made to the education system. For example, change the options for conducting lessons.
    For a visual representation of something in the biology classroom, you can make a living corner, as well as models (manikins). It will be very informative and interesting to consider, for example, the structure of a plant cell or the structure of the human brain.
    In my opinion, circles on professions and meetings with university teachers will be very helpful for self-determination of students. Field sessions that can be done from the ninth grade will also help with this.
    All equipment needs to be replaced with newer, modern technology, and electronic books should be introduced instead of textbooks.
    As for events and holidays, everything is very good here! Interesting events and holidays can be held more often.
    And, for example, once a month you can introduce creative programs in various areas.
    It would be very good if they made school transport, because many have to travel by bus, gazelles, and this is very inconvenient and hard. You can make custom cabinets. Then the students will be able to leave their things there: some textbooks, sports uniforms, second shoes. It is very comfortable.
    The students in the lyceum are fed just fine. Everyone loves it. And for this we say a huge thank you to our chefs! But the dining room could be bigger.
    In the lyceum it is necessary to make a large gymnasium and an assembly hall. You can buy good sports equipment, as well as make a shower room for students.
    It is possible that teachers and students walk in a certain, strict form.
    This is how I envision my dream school! Perhaps someday such changes will be made.
    But still, the school of my dreams is my dear and beloved Lyceum No. 21!

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  • Karfidova Anastasia 11 class "B"

    The lyceum is our second home, so we need to make sure that the students come here with pleasure and do not want to leave. Studying should not be a burden, but a joy, and so that the children receive a sea of ​​​​positive emotions while being here. So let's figure out how to improve our lyceum!
    To begin with, I would transform the appearance of our lyceum. The porch should be with columns around which plants wrap around, patterns can be made on the railing. There are not enough benches, urns in the school yard, and a fountain would also look good so that children at breaks, when it's warm outside, can go outside and breathe fresh air. In the summer, there should be a beautiful landscape design, you can create a garden in which to plant trees with fruits. In winter, an ice town would look beautiful on the territory of the lyceum, it is possible to make a competition between students for the best ice figure. Also near the building there should be a stadium with a lawn and sports equipment.
    The school building itself should be cozy so that the children feel comfortable there. It will be large, bright, with large windows, with quite a lot of space in the classroom. In the corridors of the school there are flowers and soft, small office sofas. Paintings, achievements of the school, certificates, diplomas hang on the walls of the school. The school is both orderly and clean, in such a wonderful school the students would not even want to litter. The desks in such an office are arranged in accordance with the subject taught in this class. If the subject is humanitarian and requires more talking than writing, then you can organize a large round table so that students can see each other. If this is a subject on which they write a lot, then separate desks with comfortable seats are better.
    Meals at school should be both tasty and healthy, so it is advisable to develop the menu by asking the opinion of the students. You can also arrange "little holidays", for example, on Saturdays, give cake to children.
    Teachers need to make their lessons not only useful, but also interesting. For example, Geography lessons should be accompanied by videos of the studied continents and countries. History lessons - with documentaries, interactive maps. In summer, it is possible to go to excavations within the region. There are special desks in the chemistry classroom, where two people sit and conduct experiments under the strict supervision of a teacher and a laboratory assistant. In the biology room, everything is also equipped with everything you need. Often, students do not just sit and write lectures, but conduct various experiments and research. Also, sometimes biology lessons can be held in nature. Also in the biology room there is a living corner, which contains: several large aquariums with fish, one aquarium with turtles, as well as cages with guinea pigs and hamsters, birds, parrots. In the literature classroom there should be a special cabinet with methodological literature, where each student can look at the information that interests him. There is also a cabinet with dictionaries in the Russian language classroom. Basically, all classrooms are equipped with methodological literature.
    Also, I would like to experiment with holidays, for example, in winter it can be increased to a month, that is, 2 weeks of December + 2 weeks of January, 2 weeks of holidays in autumn and spring, so as not to disturb the number of school days, summer holidays can be reduced to 2 months. You can study 5 days a week, but every day there are 4 pairs of 40 minutes and breaks of 10 minutes, which will also not affect the hours that are allocated for educational material.
    In their free time, children should attend free sections that are located at the school / lyceum, for example, dance, culinary, art, making crafts from natural materials. On weekends or holidays, children should travel to other cities, visit museums, exhibitions, in order to be culturally developed.
    I am in the 11th grade, and over the remaining year, it is unlikely that anything will change dramatically in our lyceum, but I want my children to go to school with great pleasure and desire. I hope someday my dreams will come true.

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  • Essay on the topic "school of my dreams"
    Pupils of 9 "A" class of Valiullina Yesenia

    School is my second home. And these are not big words. After all, I spend most of my time here.

    I am very worried about the school now and the school tomorrow, because I have to spend almost 3 more years within its walls. My dream school is cozy classrooms with modern equipment, a large gym where you can practice according to your interests, a huge library with a reading room, rest and relaxation rooms and, of course, a spacious dining room with a wide range of quality products. But all this is just an outer shell. After all, the most important thing in a school is people. These are smart and kind teachers, inquisitive and sympathetic students, as well as polite and friendly staff (watchmen, barmaids, cleaners).

    I understand that a lot depends on external factors, but each of us must make efforts to realize this dream.

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  • Essay on the topic "School of my dreams"
    Shulakova Xenia 11B class
    Now the school can be called my second home. She occupies a significant place in my life. It is the school that most influences my daily routine, what I do. It is at school that I communicate with friends, I learn a lot of new and interesting things at the lessons.
    My dream school is a large building with spacious, comfortable classrooms. The school will be decorated with flowers and various paintings. Such a school would even have lounges with upholstered furniture so that students can spend time there if classes are canceled for any reason - it's much better than wandering the streets before other classes start. The atmosphere at the school will be the most fashionable, instead of wooden desks and chairs, there will be soft chairs, and music will play instead of the usual bells. Upon entering the school, each student must undress in their own locker with a fingerprint lock. Instead of textbooks, each student will have their own personal computer, which contains all the educational information. The school will have a gym where physical education lessons will be held, a swimming pool. Gyms should have a lot of health equipment. In physical education, children try different sports: swimming, figure skating, gymnastics, tennis, biathlon, shooting. I love animals very much, so it would be nice if the school had a living corner with many kinds of animals. For greater convenience, after school, those who live far away should be transported by a special bus. I want them to go to school with desire, with joy, as in a second home, so that children feel comfortable and cozy.

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  • Essay on the topic "School of my dreams"
    Nalimova Varvara, students of the 9th "A" class

    For each student, the school where he studies is called native. Such is the lyceum for me. But, taking advantage of the opportunity, I decided to dream.

    The dream school for many students is an educational institution with short lessons and long breaks, with classrooms for recreation or a lawn around the school. For me, a dream school is a school with a high level and quality of education, with additional classes in the subjects you need. The school has its own self-government, which organizes themed evenings and festive events. All students are friendly, polite and responsive. Senior students look after the younger ones, help them in difficult situations.
    For many, the ideal school is if it has individual lockers for personal belongings, an electronic textbook that contains all the books at once, computer rooms equipped with the latest technology, assembly and sports halls, and its own large stadium. Hearing the phrase “the school of my dreams”, each of us imagines our ideal school, in which everything will be the way we want.
    For me, the ideal school is one in which it will be possible not only to study hard, but also to relax in a relaxed atmosphere. I would really like our school to have a small lounge with sofas where you can calmly chat, read books or do your homework.
    Our school lacks a modern gym with locker rooms. Because it is convenient and very fast. Everyone wants the school to have a large gym with good equipment, in which it is fun to conduct physical education lessons.
    Many lyceum students are very fond of animals, so it would not be bad to have a small living corner in our educational institution, which would be fashionable to take care of.
    But no matter how we dream about a new building, new technologies, lockers, the best school is the one in which a person can get a good education and enter adulthood with pride and self-confidence.

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  • Essay on the topic: "School of my dreams"
    11th grade students "B"
    Curves of Victoria
    Since the eighth grade, the lyceum has become a second home for me, where I would like to feel comfortable and cozy, feel the support and participation of teachers, so that all their lessons are interesting and entertaining.
    The school of my dreams seems to me bright, warm and with wide corridors. It is inconvenient for students and teachers to move along the narrow corridors all at once, and everyone starts to push and get nervous. It would also be nice to have some soft sofas in my dream school so that the students can relax for a while during breaks. I would also like each student to have their own locker for storing textbooks, personal items, etc. And in the school canteen there is a wide variety of nutritious and tasty dishes that correspond to the preferences of each lyceum student. I also consider it necessary to purchase a school bus to deliver students from remote settlements of the Artemovsky district.
    It would be good for teachers to explain the material in a simple and accessible language for all students and ask if they understand all the material. I would like to listen to educational material in the classroom, supported by presentations, various videos and interesting facts.
    This is still a small part of what can be transformed in our lyceum. In my opinion, it's easy. I believe that the teachers and staff of the lyceum will listen to our wishes and do everything possible to implement them.

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  • Essay on the topic: "School of my dreams"
    Izycheva Vari, students of class 11 "A"

    We spend more time at the lyceum, and for sure each of us would like to see it a little different than now.
    My dream school is a kind of large building in the shape of a circle, in the center of it is an open field with a football or tennis court. The school building has everything: the right number of classrooms equipped with technology for more convenient lessons, recreation rooms with various games, a large dining room with free meals where everyone could fit. A canteen open throughout the school day, its own gym, including extensive equipment and, finally, a huge assembly hall with high ceilings and a large stage. In addition to the wardrobe, make lockers for each lyceum student, in which there will be second shoes, textbooks and student accessories. For 11th grade students who are focused on preparing for exams, make attending subjects that they do not take optional.
    This is what my dream school looks like. My dream school is a magnificent three-story building with a huge bright hall, large classrooms equipped with the latest technology, with a dining room with separate round colored tables. On the first floor there are lockers for students so that the children can put their textbooks in them and not carry heavy bags around the school. The school of my dreams has a swimming pool, a huge sports hall, a music hall with many musical instruments, a choir hall, and a chic library. The school of my dreams will have its own radio, the DJ on which will be a high school student. In my school there will be a large assembly hall with comfortable easy chairs, a dance hall with special parquet and wall-to-wall mirrors. I believe that the school needs a room where students can relax - a room with a coffee machine and soft sofas. The school should have a buffet with biscuits, juice and chocolates so that students can have a snack between classes. The school should have a stadium for physical education in the warm season, a summer garden with swings and benches. I would like to have tables on the street so that you can have a bite while sitting in the air.
    Now I am studying at the lyceum in the profile class. By the 9th grade, many guys have already decided on their profession, or at least with the direction. In the school of my dreams, I want the guys to study those subjects that they like and that they want to study in the future from the 9th grade. For those who choose foreign languages, native speakers will need to be invited. This is great practice for kids! For the study of natural sciences, it will be necessary to equip professional laboratories. I think grades at my dream school can be canceled, in other matters, as well as homework. Instead, students will perform creative work, present their thoughts in reports, presentations, films for public viewing, which will be vigorously discussed not only by the teaching staff, but also by the students themselves.
    In the schedule of my dream school, I would include more excursions and travel. I think it's very important to travel with your classmates and share experiences.
    The school of my dreams is a school where there will be no forced attendance, but where everyone will come with a smile and no one will want to miss classes.

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  • There will be a recreation area around the school where students can take a break from classes during breaks. A park that will feature various types of plants for study in biology classes. D heaps of books will be tablets, the school board will be touch. Notebooks, I think, will remain, otherwise people will forget how to write. Physical education lessons will be held in the gym or swimming pool. In the school of my dreams, I want the guys to study those subjects that they like and that they want to study in the future from the 9th grade. I think grades at my dream school can be canceled, in other matters, as well as homework. Instead, students will perform creative work, present their thoughts in reports, presentations, films for public viewing, which will be vigorously discussed not only by the teaching staff, but also by the students themselves. I think everyone will like this school. It will be interesting to study there, no one will have to be forced to come. No student wants to miss class.

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  • Every student dreams of the best and most unusual school, but for everyone this school is completely different. So what is it, the school of my dreams?

    Firstly, in the school of my dreams, all the classes are huge so that you can run around them without any difficulty during breaks!

    Secondly, the school of my dreams is equipped with the latest technology: I don’t need to carry heavy books, they are all downloaded to a new tablet, the green board has given way to an electronic one, on which it is so easy to draw with a stylus, and I also have a special card, with the help of with which I can pay in the cafeteria, go to school and use the school computer.

    Thirdly, this school will definitely have a huge gym, where everyone can find something to their liking. Tennis, volleyball, jump ropes, football, skiing, skateboarding - no matter what the student chooses, the physical education teacher will always support him and give him useful advice.

    Fourthly, each student will be able to independently choose the lessons he likes in order to go to subjects that will be useful to him in adulthood. In addition, there will be new subjects at my dream school: cooking, lessons in proper communication with people, driving courses, technical courses and a fantasy lesson. In the last subject, the teacher will develop in his students the imagination, which is so often lacking in adults. Everyone has to do some design work, not limited to a theme. Though the invention of wings, even the preparation of the most delicious pie in the world!

    I think that in such a school, each student would have their hidden talents revealed, and after that it would be much easier for him to make a choice of professions when he becomes an adult!

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    • Today, the Internet is in almost every home. On the Internet you can find a lot of very useful information for study or for something else. Many people watch movies and play games on the Internet. Also, on the Internet you can find a job or even new friends. The Internet helps to keep in touch with relatives and friends who live far away. Thanks to the Internet, you can contact them at any moment. Mom often cooks delicious dishes that she found on the Internet. Also, the Internet will help those who like to read, but […]
    • Friendship is a mutual, vivid feeling, in no way inferior to love. Friendship is not only necessary, it is simply necessary to be friends. After all, not a single person in the world can live all his life alone, a person, both for personal growth and for spiritual, simply needs communication. Without friendship, we begin to withdraw into ourselves, suffer from misunderstanding and understatement. For me, a close friend is equated to a brother, sister. Such relationships are not afraid of any problems, life's hardships. Everyone has their own understanding of […]
    • Native and the best in the world, my Russia. This summer, my parents and sister and I went on vacation to the sea in the city of Sochi. There were several other families where we lived. A young couple (they recently got married) came from Tatarstan, they said that they met when they worked on the construction of sports facilities for the Universiade. In the room next to us lived a family with four small children from Kuzbass, their father is a miner, extracts coal (he called it "black gold"). Another family came from the Voronezh region, […]
    • The Poetry Boom of the Sixties of the 20th Century The sixties of the 20th century were the time of the rise of Russian poetry. Finally, a thaw came, many prohibitions were lifted, and the authors were able to express their opinions openly, without fear of reprisals and expulsions. Collections of poems began to appear so often that, perhaps, there was never such a "publishing boom" in the field of poetry, either before or after. "Business cards" of this time - B. Akhmadulina, E. Yevtushenko, R. Rozhdestvensky, N. Rubtsov, and, of course, the bard-rebel […]
    • My home is my castle. It's true! It does not have thick walls and towers. But my small and friendly family lives in it. My house is a simple apartment with windows. From the fact that my mother always jokes, and my father plays along with her, the walls of our apartment are always filled with light and warmth. I have an older sister. We don't always get along, but I still miss my sister's laugh. After school, I want to run home on the steps of the entrance. I know I'll open the door and smell Mom and Dad's shoe polish. I will step over […]