Russian geographical names on the world map. Project work "Russian names on the world map"

"Russian names on the world map"

Explanatory note

Every person constantly encounters geographical names. “It is impossible to imagine the life of modern society without geographical names,” writes a well-known expert in the field of toponymy E. M. Murzaev. - They are everywhere and always. Everything on earth has its address, and this address begins with the place of birth of a person. His native village, the street where he lives, the city, the country - everything has its own names.

Take a look at the geographical map, it is all dotted with the names of countries, seas, islands, rivers, lakes, cities, villages. All geographical names have their own meaning. Behind every word are amazing stories, often legends, and sometimes curiosities. It is believed that there are seven wonders of the world. But it seems to me that an ordinary geographical map should be recognized as the legitimate eighth wonder of the world.

Firstly, any card is simply beautiful.

Secondly, she always excites, excites the imagination, calls to distant lands and seas.

Thirdly, the map is a powerful tool of knowledge, visibly creating a game of colors, conventional signs, contours, the nature of a particular area, at the same time characterizing its economic development, its degree of population, the level of study. But among the advantages of any geographical map, there is one, perhaps the most serious one: the map is humane, it has incorporated a thousand-year history of people, and pioneers (they are pioneers), and thoughts, and heroes - in general, the most worthy representatives of the human race who have the right name on the map - this says a lot, it is evidence of respect, love, recognition of merit. On the maps of different countries we read Russian names and words transmitted in Latin letters - in the Arctic and Antarctica, in America and Oceania on the star and lunar maps.

The task of the lesson is to tell about Russian names on the world map.

Russian names and names on the world map!

Elena Glinskaya became the first female ruler in the history of Muscovy and, admittedly, far from the worst

On the night of December 3-4, 1533, the Grand Duke of Moscow, Vasily Ioannovich, died, recorded in the historical register as Vasily III (although, of course, he himself did not use any numbers, and would not have tolerated it). The second wife of the Grand Duke, Elena Glinskaya, became the regent under his three-year-old son-heir Ivan - the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Although it is known that Vasily, being on his deathbed, categorically did not want to say goodbye to his wife.

Grand Duchess Elena Glinskaya: reconstruction by forensic expert S. Nikitin of her appearance from the skull

The circumstances of the death of a still young and quite physically strong sovereign today could be considered suspicious. Having gone hunting, he suddenly fell ill, as at first it seemed, not too seriously: according to sources, some kind of pimple seemed to jump up on his left thigh, which developed into an abscess. The thing, in general, is common for those who spend a lot of time in the saddle - horse sweat and all that. Of course, there were no antibiotics used today, but even then medicine, especially court medicine, made it possible to solve this problem, so to speak, with little bloodshed. However, it didn't work out.

The official version of what happened is extremely vague, it is only known that Vasily III, poisoning the air with a heavy stench, died in terrible agony from a purulent disease, the nature of which was never unraveled by the foreign doctors who used it, and they knew a lot about such ailments! Perhaps everything is banal, but one should not discount the fact that by that time the Byzantine tradition of “baiting” the ruling persons had successfully taken root in Moscow soil. The imminent departure of the sovereign to another world, precisely in the specific circumstances of that time, suited a number of powerful boyar clans, who received a completely unintelligent heir to the throne, on whose behalf they could comfortably rule the state for at least a dozen years. And what's next, no one guessed, after all, the heirs are also mortal.

And it's no secret that the boyar clans did not consider the young Ivan not only a legitimate heir, but even a legitimate one. Not only because, according to the church canons of that time, Vasily's second marriage was considered illegal, but also because the boyar nobility did not recognize Glinskaya's son as a child conceived by the sovereign. And not without reason! So the role of Grand Duchess Elena Glinskaya herself as regent was then seen simply: a screen. She was assigned the honorary role of chairing the Boyar Duma and listening to the reports of the boyars, but all real power was in the hands of the Board of Trustees.

Already at death, Vasily Ioannovich entrusted direct custody of Elena and two sons (the youngest, Yuri, born in 1632) to his closest and devoted assistants - the boyars Mikhail Yuryevich Zakharyin and Mikhail Lvovich Glinsky - his wife's uncle, and the butler Ivan Yuryevich Shigon-Podzhogin . To help this ruling triumvirate, Vasily gave several more well-born boyars, members of the Boyar Duma, including two brothers of the princes Shuisky. All of them swore an oath to serve the princess and the heir faithfully. As the chronicle informed, the young widow, being “in a great turmoil for the Grand Duke Vasily”, withdrew from power, declaring to the boyar entourage: “As it will be more attractive, and you do so.” It didn’t work out better, the interests of the boyars differed too much, so that in its composition the board of trustees could not exist for any long time. Yes, and what kind of distant prospects are there, if the future guardians of the young Ivan committed an ugly brawl even at the deathbed of the Grand Duke, naturally almost fighting.

But what the young widow threw out already in the same December 1633, no one expected: Elena Glinskaya, relying on her favorite-lover Prince Ivan Fedorovich Ovchina (Telepnev-Obolensky), actually carried out a coup d'état, liquidating the board of trustees and subjugating Boyar Duma! By order of Elena, he was captured, imprisoned, where he was killed, the appanage prince Dmitrovsky Yuri Ivanovich, the second son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III and brother of the late Vasily III. By order of Elena, her own uncle, Prince Mikhail Glinsky, was arrested and thrown into the dungeon. Other members of the Board of Trustees were imprisoned - Princes Ivan Fedorovich Belsky and Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky. Voivode Ivan Vasilyevich Lyatskoy, together with the boyar Prince Semyon Fedorovich Belsky, fled to Lithuania in the summer of 1534. So Elena Glinskaya actually became the first female ruler in the history of Muscovy, the first empress and, admittedly, far from the worst. Rules, of course, along with his lover, Prince Ivan Ovchina (Telepnev-Obolensky). However, other historians are inclined to believe that the power of Ovchina, as well as Glinskaya, actually served as a screen for that boyar clique that did not actually manage affairs in the state at a loss to itself.

Nevertheless, let's pay tribute to Elena herself: it was her diligence that carried out the outstanding monetary reform of 1535 - the first in Muscovy to unify the monetary system. The Novgorod kopeck was taken as the basis, a hundred of which now amounted to the ruble. A single currency finally appeared in the state, which, of course, contributed to the centralization of the country. In addition, there were other achievements, especially foreign policy ones. So, the diplomats of Glinskaya managed to get the Starodub peace that was beneficial for the Moscow state from the Polish king and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund. And with Sweden they managed to conclude an agreement on free trade and benevolent neutrality, agreeing that she would not help the Livonian Order and Lithuania.

But by the end of the fourth year of the regency of the Grand Duchess, the competing boyar clans managed to find a common language, and the regent became superfluous. Therefore, on April 3, 1538, she died suddenly, although she had not been sick before. Elena Glinskaya died in terrible convulsions and torment, so no one even doubted that the boyars had poisoned her. They buried the empress on the same day, in fact, not allowing the relatives to say goodbye to the deceased. Moreover, they were in such a hurry that the metropolitan did not even perform a funeral service for her! Were the signs of poisoning so obvious that the traces of the atrocity had to be covered up as soon as possible? And a week later, the turn of her lover also came: they took Prince Ovchin "and put him in a chamber behind the palace near the stables and killed him with smoothness and iron burden."

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The work was performed by students of grade 7 "B" of the MBOU secondary school No. 2, Dobrinka village Laptev Ilya Soshkin Aleksey Supervisor Fateeva E.M.

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Hypothesis: Russian travelers and researchers own many discoveries on the planet. Since there was a tradition to give names to objects in honor of their discoverer or expedition leader, we believe that there should be many objects on the geographical map bearing the names of our compatriots. Purpose: To determine, as a result of the analysis of the world map, objects bearing the names of Russian travelers and researchers, to find out the reason for their name, to give them a brief description.

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Requirements for geographical names: The object for which the name is proposed must be unnamed. The name must be organically included in the regional system of geographical names. The name should clearly characterize the object and be simple, short, clear and easy to use. Names-dedications must be accompanied by a convincing justification for their legitimacy. The spelling of Russian names must strictly comply with the rules of Russian spelling, and foreign names - the rules for their translation into Russian.

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Classification of geographical names according to V.P. Semyonov - Tyan - Shansky (1924) from personal names, nicknames, surnames; from church holidays; from historical names; from a pagan cult; from ancient tribes; assigned in honor of various events and persons; from the objects that make up the typical geographical landscape of the area.

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Russian names on the world map Wrangel Island Cape Dezhnev Lisyansky Island Miklukho-Maclay Coast Bellingshausen Sea Przhevalsky Ridge Laptev Sea Pronchishchev Coast Krusenstern Strait Chersky Ridge Bering Sea Shelikhov Bay Golovin Strait Fedchenko Glacier in the Pamirs Potanin Glacier in Altai Ratmanov Island Sannikov Strait Lomonosov Ridge Cape Chelyuskin Atlasov Island

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Russian names on the world map Cape Dezhnev Bering Sea Bering Strait Bering Island Bering Glacier in Alaska Lisyansky Island Bellingshausen Sea Laptev Strait Kruzenshtern Sea Lazarev

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Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev - an outstanding Russian navigator, explorer, traveler, explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia, Cossack ataman, and also a fur trader, the first of the famous European navigators, in 1648, 80 years earlier than Vitus Bering, passed Beringov the strait separating Alaska from Chukotka. His name is: Cape Dezhnev, which is the extreme north-eastern tip of Asia (called Dezhnev - Big Stone Nose), as well as: an island, a bay, a peninsula and a village.

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Semyon Ivanovich Chelyuskin In the autumn of 1714, in Moscow, he was enrolled in the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, which was located in the Sukharev Tower. In the 1720s, S. I. Chelyuskin served on the ships of the Baltic Fleet as a navigator, apprentice navigator and sub-navigator. From 1726 he served in the Baltic Fleet, in 1733-1743 he participated in the Great Northern Expedition.

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Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern is a Russian navigator, admiral. Comes from Baltic German nobles. In 1802 he was appointed head of the first Russian round-the-world expedition (1803-1806), which included the ships Nadezhda (commander K.) and Neva (commander Yu. F. Lisyansky). Description of the journey and the results of oceanological and ethnographic research K. outlined in a three-volume work. One of the major straits of the Kuril chain, the Krusenstern Strait, is named after Kruzenshtern.

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Vitus Bering Vitus Jonassen Bering - navigator, officer of the Russian fleet, captain-commander. Vitus Bering was born in 1681 in the Danish city of Horsens, graduated from the cadet corps in Amsterdam in 1703, and entered the Russian service the same year. In 1725-1730 and 1733-1741 he led the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions. He passed through the strait between Chukotka and Alaska (later the Bering Strait), reached North America and discovered a number of islands in the Aleutian ridge. In the name of Bering, in the North Pacific Ocean, are named: an island, a strait, a sea, a Bering glacier in Alaska.

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Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky is a Russian navigator and explorer. Captain of the second rank. Comes from an ancient Ukrainian Cossack family. Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky on the sloops "Nadezhda" and "Neva" made the first Russian round-the-world expedition. Lisyansky commanded the Neva and discovered one of the Hawaiian Islands. Lisyansky was the first to describe Hawaii in his book Journey Around the World (1812). In honor of Lisyansky are named: Lisyansky Island, a cape, a strait and a peninsula, a peninsula on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

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Faddey Fadeevich Bellingshausen Faddey Fadeevich Bellingshausen is a famous Russian navigator, discoverer of Antarctica. Comes from Baltic German nobles. In 1803-1806, Bellingshausen participated in the first round-the-world voyage of Russian ships on the faregat Nadezhda under the command of Ivan Krusenstern. In 1819-1821 he was the head of the round-the-world Antarctic expedition sent to the south polar seas. It consisted of the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny", the latter was commanded by Mikhail Lazarev. The Bellingshausen Sea in the Pacific Ocean, the Thaddeus Islands and the Thaddeus Bay in the Laptev Sea, the Bellingshausen Glacier are named after Bellingshausen.

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Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev is a Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet, participant in three round-the-world voyages and discoverer of Antarctica. On January 16, 1829, he (together with Bellingshausen) discovered the sixth part of the world - Antarctica - and a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Many geographical objects are named after him, as well as a glacier in Antarctica, scientific stations and the sea off the coast of Antarctica.

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“I named this island in the southern latitude 54˚51 ׳, western longitude 37˚13 ׳ Annenkov Island in honor of the second lieutenant on the Mirny sloop,” wrote the head of the expedition, Bellingshausen, in his diary on December 5, 1819. This was the first geographical discovery of the Russians on the way to Antarctica. But now we may not even know who Annenkov is. The very Russian sound of the name becomes the main one in the function of the geographical name.

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Yakov Sannikov SANNIKOV Yakov (18-19 centuries - Yakut industrialist, explorer of the Novosibirsk Islands. In 1800 he discovered and described Stolbovoy Island, in 1805 discovered Faddevsky Island. In 1808-10 he took part in the M.M. Hedenshtrom on surveying and exploring the Novosibirsk Islands, crossed New Siberia Island from south to north in 1810. In 1811, together with the surveyor Pshenitsyn, he bypassed Faddeevsky Island and found that it was connected to Kotelny Island by a low-lying sandy area, later called the Land of Bunge. S. expressed the opinion about the existence of a vast land to the north of the Novosibirsk Islands, the so-called Sannikov Land (later it was proved that it does not exist). The strait between the islands was named after S. M. Lyakhovsky and Kotelny and the river on the Novosibirsk Islands.

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Dmitry Yakovlevich Laptev Khariton Prokofievich Laptev Dmitry Yakovlevich Laptev is a Russian explorer of the Arctic, Vice Admiral. Since 1736, he led one of the northern detachments of the Second Kamchatka Expedition. As a result of the voyages and land campaigns of 1739-1742, inventories of the northern sea coast were carried out. A cape in the delta of the Lena River is named after Laptev. The Laptev Sea is named after Dmitry Laptev and his cousin Khariton. Khariton Prokofyevich Laptev - Russian naval sailor, commander of the detachment of the Kamchatka (Great Northern) expedition, who described in 1739-1742 the previously unknown coast of the Taimyr Peninsula. The northwestern coast of Taimyr, which was photographed directly by Khariton Laptev, is called the Khariton Laptev Coast.

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Ratmanov Makar Ivanovich Russian navigator and traveler. In 1784, at the age of twelve, Makar Ratmanov was appointed to the St. Petersburg Naval Cadet Corps, which was then headed by Admiral I.L. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Toropets nobleman. Three years later, Ratmanov was promoted to midshipman and made his first voyages on various ships in the Gulf of Finland. At the end of the course on January 1, 1789, M. Ratmanov became a midshipman. M.I. Ratmanov took part in the first Russian voyage under the command of Krusenstern. Senior Lieutenant Ratmanov was appointed senior officer on Nadezhda. And here Kruzenshtern was not mistaken. Ratmanov was already a participant in numerous naval battles, for ten years before the expedition he commanded military ships. Stern, laconic, athletic, pedantic in matters of service, he was ideally suited for the role of senior assistant.

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Ferdinant Petrovich Wrangel Graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1817, as a midshipman on the sloop "Kamchatka" under the command of V.M. Golovin Wrangel went on the first trip around the world. In 1825-1827, he made a second round-the-world trip, commanding the ship "Krotkiy" F.P. Wrangel is one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society

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Vasily and Maria Pronchishchevy Pronchishcheva Beach, Pronchishcheva Bay - these names not only mark geographical points, but can also be a symbol of fidelity, friendship and love. On the ship "Yakut", brave sailors made their way through the ice and reached the maximum northern latitude for those times (1736) (77˚29 ׳, taking into account imperfect instruments, it is possible even 77˚55 ׳). At the end of the hard way back, Vasily Pronchishchev died, and a few days later, his accompanying wife, Maria Pronchishcheva, also died. The expedition was led by Lieutenant Semyon Chelyuskin. Deep reverence and gratitude should awaken such names on the map of Taimyr as the Pronchishchev coast and Pronchishcheva bay. Through their labors, the map of the coast of the Arctic Ocean, which we see today, has acquired its general form, and which has become the property of all mankind.

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky Russian names mark mountain ranges, peaks, glaciers. On the maps of different countries we read the word Przhevalsky: Przhevalsky Ridge in China, Przhevalsky Island in the Kuril Islands, Cape Przhevalsky on Bennet Lake in Alaska. Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky walked 33 thousand kilometers across Asia, studying ridges, deserts, flora and fauna. The students of Przhevalsky, the geographers of the world, inscribed his name on the map of the world, the students of the students continued this tradition of memory.

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Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maclay N.N. was a kind of “teacher of life” for the Papuans. Miklukho Maclay. Miklukho-Maclay proved by his observations that the cultural level of any people is determined not by its biological characteristics, but by the historical development of the people itself.

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Golovin Vasily Mikhailovich In 1812, a new strait was marked on the map in the ridge of the Kuril Islands, named after the Russian captain V.M. Golovin. During a geographical expedition, Golovin was captured by the Japanese and remained in captivity from 1811 to 1813. It was the captivity of a real scientist, a Russian man, even whose captivity became a definite starting point in the history of Japan and Russia. V.M. Golovin taught the Japanese the basics of the Russian language. Note that after a visit to Nagasaki in 1853, the Russian language began to penetrate Japan, and the first Russian language textbooks for the Japanese were compiled. But the very first teacher was the captain-geographer V.M. Golovin

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Russian navigators, along with European ones, are the most famous pioneers who discovered new continents, sections of mountain ranges and vast water areas. They became the discoverers of significant geographical objects, took the first steps in the development of hard-to-reach territories, and traveled around the world. So who are they - the conquerors of the seas, and what exactly did the world learn about thanks to them?

Afanasy Nikitin - the very first Russian traveler

Afanasy Nikitin is rightfully considered the first Russian traveler who managed to visit India and Persia (1468-1474, according to other sources 1466-1472). On the way back he visited Somalia, Turkey, Muscat. On the basis of his travels, Athanasius compiled the notes "Journey Beyond the Three Seas", which became popular and unique historical and literary aids. These notes became the first book in the history of Russia, made not in the format of a story about a pilgrimage, but describing the political, economic and cultural features of the territories.

He was able to prove that even as a member of a poor peasant family, one can become a famous explorer and traveler. Streets, embankments in several Russian cities, a motor ship, a passenger train and an aircraft are named after him.

Semyon Dezhnev, who founded the Anadyr prison

Cossack chieftain Semyon Dezhnev was an Arctic navigator who became the discoverer of a number of geographical objects. Wherever Semyon Ivanovich served, everywhere he sought to study the new and previously unknown. He was even able to cross the East Siberian Sea on a makeshift koch, going from Indigirka to Alazeya.

In 1643, as part of a detachment of explorers, Semyon Ivanovich discovered Kolyma, where he founded the city of Srednekolymsk with his associates. A year later, Semyon Dezhnev continued his expedition, walked along the Bering Strait (which did not yet have this name) and discovered the easternmost point of the mainland, later named Cape Dezhnev. An island, a peninsula, a bay, a village also bear his name.

In 1648, Dezhnev set off again. His ship was wrecked in the waters located in the southern part of the Anadyr River. Having reached on skis, the sailors went up the river and stayed there for the winter. Subsequently, this place appeared on geographical maps and was called the Anadyr prison. As a result of the expedition, the traveler was able to make detailed descriptions, draw up a map of those places.

Vitus Jonassen Bering, who organized expeditions to Kamchatka

Two Kamchatka expeditions inscribed the names of Vitus Bering and his associate Alexei Chirikov in the history of marine discoveries. During the first trip, the navigators conducted research and were able to supplement the geographical atlas with objects located in Northeast Asia and on the Pacific coast of Kamchatka.

The discovery of the Kamchatka and Ozerny peninsulas, the bays of Kamchatsky, the Cross, the Karaginsky, the Bay of Conduct, the island of St. Lawrence are also the merit of Bering and Chirikov. At the same time, another strait was found and described, which later became known as the Bering Strait.

The second expedition was undertaken by them in order to find a way to North America and explore the Pacific Islands. On this journey, Bering and Chirikov founded the Peter and Paul prison. It got its name from the combined names of their ships ("Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul") and subsequently became the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

On the approach to the shores of America, the ships of like-minded people lost sight of each other, heavy fog affected. "Saint Peter", driven by Bering, sailed to the west coast of America, but got into a severe storm on the way back - the ship was thrown onto an island. The last minutes of Vitus Bering's life passed on it, and the island subsequently began to bear his name. Chirikov also reached America on his ship, but successfully completed his voyage, finding several islands of the Aleutian ridge on the way back.

Khariton and Dmitry Laptev and their “named” sea

Cousins ​​Khariton and Dmitry Laptev were like-minded and assistants of Vitus Bering. It was he who appointed Dmitry the commander of the Irkutsk ship, and Khariton led his double-boat Yakutsk. They took part in the Great Northern Expedition, the purpose of which was to study and accurately describe and map the Russian shores of the ocean, from Yugorsky Shar to Kamchatka.

Each of the brothers made a significant contribution to the development of new territories. Dmitry became the first navigator to survey the shores from the mouth of the Lena to the mouth of the Kolyma. He made detailed maps of these places, based on mathematical calculations and astronomical data.

Khariton Laptev and his associates conducted research on the northernmost section of the coast of Siberia. It was he who determined the size and shape of the huge Taimyr Peninsula - he surveyed its eastern coast, and was able to identify the exact coordinates of the coastal islands. The expedition took place in difficult conditions - a large amount of ice, snowstorms, scurvy, ice captivity - Khariton Laptev's team had to endure a lot. But they continued the work they had begun. On this expedition, Laptev's assistant Chelyuskin discovered the cape, which was later named after him.

Noting the great contribution of the Laptevs to the development of new territories, members of the Russian Geographical Society decided to name one of the largest seas in the Arctic after them. Also, the strait between the mainland and Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island is named after Dmitry, and the western coast of Taimyr Island bears the name of Khariton.

Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky - organizers of the first Russian circumnavigation

Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky are the first Russian navigators to circumnavigate the world. Their expedition lasted three years (started in 1803 and ended in 1806). They set off with their teams on two ships, which bore the names "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Travelers passed through the Atlantic Ocean, entered the waters of the Pacific Ocean. On them, sailors sailed to the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

This trip allowed us to collect important information. Based on the data obtained by the navigators, a detailed map of the Pacific Ocean was compiled. Another important result of the first Russian round-the-world expedition was the data obtained on the flora and fauna of the Kuriles and Kamchatka, local residents, their customs and cultural traditions.

During their journey, the sailors crossed the equator and, according to maritime traditions, could not leave this event without a well-known ritual - a sailor dressed as Neptune greeted Krusenstern and asked why his ship arrived where the Russian flag had never been. To which he received the answer that they are here solely for the glory and development of domestic science.

Vasily Golovnin - the first navigator who was rescued from Japanese captivity

Russian navigator Vasily Golovnin led two round-the-world expeditions. In 1806, being in the rank of lieutenant, he received a new appointment and became the commander of the sloop "Diana". Interestingly, this is the only case in the history of the Russian fleet when a lieutenant was entrusted with the management of a ship.

The leadership set the goal of the round-the-world expedition to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, with special attention to that part of it that is within the native country. The path of "Diana" was not easy. The sloop passed the island of Tristan da Cunha, passed the Cape of Hope and entered the port, which belonged to the British. Here the ship was detained by the authorities. The British informed Golovnin about the outbreak of war between the two countries. The Russian ship was not declared captured, but the crew was not allowed to leave the bay either. After spending more than a year in this position, in mid-May 1809, the Diana, led by Golovnin, tried to escape, which the sailors successfully succeeded in - the ship arrived in Kamchatka.

Golovnin received his next responsible task in 1811 - he was supposed to compile descriptions of the Shantar and Kuril Islands, the shores of the Tatar Strait. During his journey, he was accused of not adhering to the principles of sakoku and was captured by the Japanese for more than 2 years. It was possible to rescue the crew from captivity only thanks to the good relations of one of the Russian naval officers and an influential Japanese merchant, who was able to convince his government of the harmless intentions of the Russians. It is worth noting that no one in history has ever returned from Japanese captivity before.

In 1817-1819, Vasily Mikhailovich made another round-the-world trip on the Kamchatka ship specially built for this.

Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev - discoverers of Antarctica

Captain of the second rank Thaddeus Bellingshausen was determined to find the truth about the existence of the sixth continent. In 1819, he went to the open sea, having carefully prepared two sloops - Mirny and Vostok. The latter was commanded by his associate Mikhail Lazarev. The first round-the-world Antarctic expedition set itself other tasks. In addition to finding irrefutable facts confirming or refuting the existence of Antarctica, the travelers were going to explore the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian.

The results of this expedition exceeded all expectations. During the 751 days that it lasted, Bellingshausen and Lazarev were able to make several significant geographical discoveries. Of course, the most important of them is the existence of Antarctica, this historical event took place on January 28, 1820. Also during the trip, about two dozen islands were found and mapped, sketches were created with views of Antarctica, images of representatives of the Antarctic fauna.

Interestingly, attempts to discover Antarctica were made more than once, but none of them were successful. European navigators believed that either it did not exist, or it was located in places that simply could not be reached by sea. But the Russian travelers had enough perseverance and determination, so the names of Bellingshausen and Lazarev are included in the lists of the world's greatest navigators.

There are also modern travelers. One of them .

Ilcheva Maria, Bezhentseva Alina

The geographical map has incorporated a thousand-year history of people, discoverers, thoughts, and heroes. On the map of Russia we read the names of Russian scientists and travelers. The work is devoted to the biography of Russian travelers. The authors consider geographical objects on the map of Russia, named after them.



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"Names of Russian travelers on the map of Russia" Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 of the Central District of Volgograd 2013

The Laptev Sea The Laptev Sea is the sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. Most of the year it is covered with ice. The sea is named after the brothers Dmitry and Khariton Laptev, Russian polar explorers.

Dmitry Laptev Dmitry Yakovlevich Laptev is a Russian explorer of the Arctic, Vice Admiral. Since 1736, he led one of the northern detachments of the Second Kamchatka Expedition. As a result of the voyages and land campaigns of 1739-1742, inventories of the northern sea coast were carried out.

Khariton Prokofyevich Laptev - Russian naval sailor, commander of the detachment of the Kamchatka (Great Northern) expedition, who described in 1739-1742 the previously unknown coast of the Taimyr Peninsula. The northwestern coast of Taimyr, which was photographed directly by Khariton Laptev, is called the Khariton Laptev Coast. Khariton Prokofievich Laptev

Bering Sea A sea in the north Pacific Ocean covered with ice in winter. The air temperature is up to +7, +10 °C in summer and -1, -23 °C in winter. Named in honor of Vitus Bering, navigator, Russian Navy officer, Dane by origin.

Vitus Bereng Vitus Jonassen Bering is a Danish navigator, captain-commander of the Russian fleet, leader of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions, which laid the foundation for scientific exploration of the coasts of Russia. Vitus Bering was born in 1681 in the Danish city of Horsens, graduated from the cadet corps in Amsterdam in 1703, and entered the Russian service the same year.

The northernmost point of Russia and the Eurasian continent, Cape Chelyuskin (77°43" N and 104°18" E), is named after the polar explorer Semyon Chelyuskin

Semyon Chelyuskin Semyon Ivanovich Chelyuskin - Russian polar explorer, captain of the 3rd rank (1760). Member of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. In 1741-42 he described part of the coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, reaching the northern tip of Eurasia. Chelyuskin was born in the Kaluga province in the Przemysl district in the village. Borishchevo.

Cape Dezhnev (formerly Cape Kamenny Nos) is the easternmost point, the easternmost continental point of Russia and all of Eurasia.

Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev - an outstanding Russian navigator, explorer, traveler, explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia, Cossack ataman, and also a fur trader, the first of the famous European navigators, in 1648, 80 years earlier than Vitus Bering, passed Beringov the strait separating Alaska from Chukotka.