The most difficult tongue twisters in the world are short. Tongue twisters for diction: complex tongue twisters, the largest Liguria

Using the most complex tongue twisters, you can make your speech more clear, beautiful and correct. Good articulation is essential for everyone. However, there are a number of professions where it is simply impossible without it. Actors, singers, journalists, presenters, announcers, lawyers, public people must speak clearly and clearly. To achieve this, you need to constantly train. And long and complex tongue twisters for diction help with this. Memorizing and quickly pronouncing certain phrases works for the speech apparatus in the same way as charging for our body.

Features of working with complex tongue twisters

First, it’s worth understanding how tongue twisters help in the development of the articulatory apparatus. First of all, such difficult phrases are focused on improved pronunciation of consonants. If you work with tongue twisters regularly, that is, every day for at least 5 minutes, then speaking a complex and long text will not be difficult for you.

There are several rules that should be followed during training when pronouncing the most difficult tongue twisters for diction.

Basic Rule- regular classes. In order not to forget about them, you can go for a little trick. It is recommended to write or print about five phrases on a large sheet: one phrase per sheet. It is recommended to hang such “cheat sheets” in the most prominent places: on the refrigerator, on the TV, on the mirrors, on the computer, etc. Then you will not forget about the classes.

Second rule- systemic. You need to pronounce tongue twisters every day, even if it is very difficult. It is recommended to do at least three approaches, each of which will last 10 minutes.

Third rule- constant updating. In order to engage in the development of articulation was not boring, approximately every 7-10 days you should change the group of elective tongue twisters. However, this is not just about boredom. Systematic updating allows avoiding the habituation of the articulatory apparatus to the selected texts.

How to approach classes correctly?

If you decide to engage in the development of diction, do not try to immediately do everything right. Do not think that you will immediately be able to pronounce the most complex and long tongue twister in the world for adults. Approach the process wisely. Try to pronounce each word rhythmically and slowly, immediately delving into the very meaning of the sentence. It is better to increase the pace gradually. Learn to pronounce the text in one breath.

In order for the lesson on the development of the articulatory apparatus to be useful, get used to warming up a little before it. How to do it? Very simple! First, say these sounds three times: “k” and “g”. Slightly open your mouth. In this position, try to pronounce the following vowels: a, o, e. Each sound is called at least three times. At the end of the gymnastics, “rinse” your mouth with air. This will allow you to relax your muscles. After that, you can practice on short tongue twisters.

Little tricks

There is another trick to a competent approach to working on diction. Make a voice recorder and a mirror an invariable attribute of your studies. To understand how correct your articulation is, read very complex tongue twisters in front of a mirror. Record each session on a tape recorder. This approach will allow you to track the level of progress and identify weaknesses.

The most difficult tongue twisters for diction

Start working on diction using difficult tongue twisters. Take first 5, then 10, then 15 or more idioms. But tongue twisters should be both short and monosyllabic. Below are some good examples.

You can use fairly fast and heavy tongue twisters in which words are repeated - they are good for adult diction. There are many rare and very unusual tongue twisters in Russian that have no analogues in the world. It will be more interesting for children and teenagers to use funny tongue twisters or little-known ones to develop diction. Below are some phrases in this format.

Short and medium length difficult phrases can be combined with each other, but keep in mind: the text must get a certain meaning, otherwise it will be difficult to remember. Often, in the course of such experiments, very non-standard and cool tongue twisters are obtained that no one else in the world knows.

Start with the simplest tongue twisters and gradually move on to the longest phrases to develop diction. Here you can use both popular idioms and unknown ones. Increase the speed of difficulty in stages. First, use the top of your favorite tongue twisters - let them be 25 or a little less. Over time, include in your arsenal more and more difficult versions. Such solutions are suggested below.

Correct and clear speech allows you to achieve success in your career. Clear articulation is necessary for all people, but it is especially important for announcers, actors and public people. Tongue twisters for the development of diction make speech understandable, articulation correct. How to choose the right tongue twisters?

A tongue twister is a naive and primitive text that combines intricate and difficult combinations of syllables and words. They are often confused with proverbs. But proverbs and sayings carry worldly wisdom and experience. Tongue twisters are not so deep in meaning - they are intended to train diction and eliminate speech defects. Funny content allows you to quickly memorize tongue twisters - daily activities will be fun.

Tongue twisters are short and simple - they are used for classes with children. Announcers and public people need to master long and complex tongue twisters. Children's and adult tongue twisters often differ only in meaning, since speech problems do not depend on age. The longest and most complex tongue twisters are designed to work out 3-5 complex sounds at once.

Before starting classes, you need to objectively assess the problematic sounds in speech. Each tongue twister is designed to improve a specific combination of sounds. Therefore, after analyzing the speech, you can direct efforts to problematic sound combinations.

With the help of tongue twisters, they improve diction, articulation, and the rate of speech. People who naturally speak quickly should pronounce difficult talkers slowly, clearly highlighting each sound.

The longest and most complex tongue twister is Liguria. This is a logical story, which is made up of popular hard talk. It is used for setting diction to speakers.

On Thursday, the 4th, at 4 and a quarter, the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria, but 33 ships tacked, tacked, but never caught, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller was eloquently, but not purely he reported, and so reported about the wet weather, that so that the incident would not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where crested laughers laughed with laughter and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: do not smoke, Turk, pipe, buy better a pile peak, better pick a pile, buy it, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come - he will bombard him with bombs because some black-nosed half of his yard has dug, dug and undermined with his snout; but in fact the Turk was not in business, and Klara-Kralya was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tarry widow Varvara 2 these thieves stole firewood; but sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish rustled in a fight - so the thieves were not up to the scorer, but not up to the tarry widow, and not up to the tarry children; but the angry widow removed the firewood into the shed: one firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodcutters-woodcutters for Varvara, who became emotional, drove the firewood across the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron was stunted, the heron was dry, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the young man the sheep itself, which carries Senya hay in a sleigh, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: sled - lope, Senka - to the side, Sonya - on the forehead, everything - into a snowdrift, and from there only a cone cap knocked down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway; Sonya, Sashka’s girlfriend, was walking along the highway and sucking dry food, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly in a honey cake, but she didn’t care for the honey cake - Sonya, even with cheesecakes in her mouth, reprimanded the sexton, - overreacted: buzzing, like a ground beetle, buzzing, and spinning: she was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, she will go to Lavr to Frol, Lavra will tell lies that - a sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain, at a snake - a hedgehog, at a hedgehog - a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest took him away cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms and a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of lentils without a wormhole, and 1666 pies with whey curd from curdled milk - about everything about that, the stake bells rang with a ringing, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising from - under an armored personnel carrier, he stated: as all the bells cannot be re-belled, not re-belled, so all tongue twisters cannot be re-speak, not re-speak; but trying is not torture.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation teaches you to put your tongue and lips correctly, to direct the flow of air. Gymnastics prepares the articulatory apparatus for pronunciation of complex tongue twisters.

You need to do it daily for 3-5 minutes. Perform exercises while sitting, the back is straight, the muscles are relaxed. Perform gymnastics in front of a mirror to control the correctness of the exercises. Perform each exercise until a slight tension of the facial muscles.

Basic exercises:

  • Smile broadly, expose the upper and lower teeth, hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Pull your lips forward, blow on an invisible fluff.
  • Alternate the first and second exercise at a fast and slow pace. The lower jaw must remain motionless.
  • Open and close your mouth in a wide smile.
  • Smile, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip.
  • Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, pull out the tip - the tongue becomes narrow.
  • Alternate wide and narrow tongue at a slow and fast pace.
  • Raise the tip of the tongue by the upper front teeth.
  • Fix the tongue behind the lower front teeth.
  • Move the tongue up and down, fix for 2 seconds behind the upper and lower teeth.
  • Lower the tip of the tongue, move it deep into the mouth. Alternately bring the tongue closer to the right and left front incisors.

Such gymnastics is the best practice for mastering the basic correct positions of the lips and tongue.

Articulation exercises

Tongue twisters are aimed at improving the pronunciation of consonant sounds. But learning to speak tongue twisters correctly is impossible without knowing the basics of articulation of vowel sounds. These rules will teach you to pronounce sounds clearly, which will make it easier to pronounce complex sound combinations in difficult speeches.

Vowel articulation rules:

  • "a" sound. Open your mouth in the form of a wide ring, place 2 fingers folded on top of each other between the teeth. Cover the lower teeth with a lip, the upper teeth are open. Inhale - hold your breath - as you exhale, pronounce the sound very quietly.
  • "u" sound. Pull the lips forward with the proboscis. As you exhale, pronounce the sound for as long as possible.
  • "o" sound. The lips are folded into a ring, slightly extended forward and stretched. Place your thumb between your teeth. Air should pass into the gap between the teeth, not rest against the palate and teeth.
  • "y" sound. Place the little finger between the teeth, the lips are stretched, the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. Air passes clearly between the teeth.
  • Sound "and". Place the tip of the little finger between the teeth. As you exhale, pronounce the sound. Air must pass clearly between the teeth, otherwise whistling will be heard.

How to practice

In order for the results of the classes to be noticeable, the following rules must be observed:

  • pronounce tongue twisters regularly - daily 2-5 times for 10 minutes;
  • reminders - print 3–5 tongue twisters on a sheet, hang them in prominent places;
  • changes - tongue twisters should be changed every 10 days so that the articulation apparatus does not get used to.

You should not immediately try to pronounce the tongue twister quickly. It is necessary to pronounce each word slowly and rhythmically, to understand the meaning of the difficult phrase. Increase the pace gradually, trying to pronounce the phrase in one breath. Pay special attention to the clear pronunciation of endings - activate consonant sounds, and not make them heavier.

Do a light warm-up before you start exercising. Say the sound "g", "k" three times. Then, with your mouth half open, say the vowels “a”, “o”, “e” - each sound 3 times. Rinse your mouth with air to relax your muscles.

Helpers to improve diction will be a mirror and a voice recorder. In front of the mirror, you should silently pronounce the tongue twister, following the articulation. Then pronounce the difficult speech in a whisper, while all sounds should be clear and audible.

Each lesson must be recorded on a voice recorder. This will allow you to hear how diction improves, what points to pay attention to.

In the future, you need to pronounce tongue twisters in motion - dance, squat. This will help diversify classes, teach you to keep pace and breath.

How to read tongue twisters to become an announcer

To learn how to speak fast, you first need to learn how to speak clearly slowly. When familiarizing yourself with a tongue twister, you need to repeat the most difficult words several times - you need to achieve their easy and free sound.

It is pointless to pronounce the difficult tongue in syllables incorrectly - this makes speech heavier, makes it unnatural. Each phrase must be pronounced in 2-3 tempos. Speakers with slow speech need to pronounce tongue twisters slowly, quickly and very quickly. With a fast pace of speech, you need to pronounce phrases slowly and quickly.

At the initial stage, pronounce vowel sounds quietly, consonants - clearly and loudly. Gradually, the volume of the sound must be increased, read the tongue twister in full force. At the same time, tilt your head from side to side, move your tongue to your lips - this exercise gives the effect of quiet vowel sounds. You can pronounce the tongue twister through your nose pinched with your fingers - this improves diction.

They begin classes with monosyllabic, short tongue twisters, gradually moving on to long and complex difficult tongue twisters.

From the stomp, from the stomp, from the stomp,

From the clatter of hooves, from the clatter of hooves, from the clatter of hooves,

Dust across the field, dust across the field, dust across the field,

Dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field,

Dust across the field flies from the clatter of hooves.

Pronounce the first part of the tongue twister in a semi-singing voice, gradually raising the tone of the voice to the highest point. The second part is pronounced in decline - from the highest key to the lowest. At the end, in the middle tone, say the last 2 lines of the tongue twister again.

Tongue twisters can be combined, complex and long semantic combinations can be made up of them. A tongue twister describes some action or event. The task of the novice speaker is to convey the essence of the tongue twister.

Complex tongue twisters

  • From body to body there was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
  • Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies.
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky.
  • In Kabardino-Balkaria valocordin from Bulgaria.
  • Deideologized, deideologized, and dodeideologized.
  • Their pesticides won't outdo ours in terms of pesticide.
  • Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a short cooker.
  • Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized, but not privatized.
  • Lilac tooth picker.
  • A fluorographist fluorographed a fluorographist.
  • I am a vertical. I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya.

What is the difference between tongue twisters and tongue twisters

Clean tongues are used in children's speech therapy to improve the pronunciation of sounds and their automation. They are based on the repetition of consonants in various combinations with vowels. You need to pronounce them in different ways - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly. You can do exercises to the music, which will instill in the child a sense of rhythm.

Whistling sounds need to be worked out with children 3-3 years old. Hissing and the sound "l" - at 4-5 years. Sound "r" - 5-6 years. Pure tongue twisters are also useful for adults, as a warm-up before tongue twisters.

"s" sound

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - Sonya has a long braid.

So-so-so, so-so-so - Sonya rolls the wheel.

Os-os-os, os-os-os - they picked up a vacuum cleaner.

As-as-as, as-as-as - they drank delicious kvass in the evening.

Sound "z"

For-for-for, for-for-for - there is a horned goat.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu - fasten the goat.

Uz-uz, uz-uz-uz - they cut a watermelon with dad.

Az-az, az-az-az - a diver is visible in the sea.

"ts" sound

Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa - look, a sheep is running.

Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso - the bird sat on the porch.

Tsy-tsy-tsy, tsy-tsy-tsy - soon the starlings will arrive.

Ets-ets-ets, ets-ets-ets - they bought a sweet candy.

"sh" sound

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha - porridge with butter is good.

Shu-shu-shu, shoo-shu-shu - I'm in a hurry to the skating rink.

Ash-ash-ash, ash-ash-ash - the children hid in a hut.

Ush-ush-ush - took a shower in the morning.

Sound "g"

Zha-zha-zha - the toad met the snake.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - how funny walruses are.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I will not tell the secret.

Already-already-already - lost our luggage.

Oh, oh, oh, he looks like his parents.

"ch" sound

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - a wheelbarrow, a cottage, a tower.

Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi - bricks in the market.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo - I cry, I nurse, I laugh.

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah - tea, Easter cake, kalach.

"r" sound

Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra - it's time for us to go for a walk.

Ro-ro-ro, ro-ro-ro - I brought home a pen.

Ar-ar-ar, ar-ar-ar - I hear a mosquito buzzing.

Ir-ir-ir, ir-ir-ir - dad drank all the yogurt.

Learning to speak clearly and correctly is a difficult task. To achieve results, you need to learn 200 tongue twisters for the development of diction - simple and complex, long and short. You should practice several times a day, practicing a clear pronunciation of various sounds.

Complicated and even simple tongue twisters can not only amuse if they are not pronounced correctly, but can also be very useful. Find out why tongue twisters are needed, which ones are the most difficult to pronounce, and also how to train speech in this way.

Why are tongue twisters needed?

Tongue twisters complex and simple have existed for a very, very long time. But their original purpose has not yet been established. Some philologists believe that such complex phrases were just a way to have fun and have fun in those days when there were no televisions or anything like that. And others are sure that the first tongue twisters are complex, butsometimes completely unpronounceable appeared in Russia. Russian women with their help taught their children to speak.

As for the present time, tongue twisters are used by speech therapists when teaching children and adolescents to pronounce any letters. In addition, they help improve diction and make speech more clear and understandable. So “pure tongues” (as they are also sometimes called) are periodically spoken by actors, singers, announcers and other people whose professions are somehow connected with performances or conversations.

Tongue twisters are complex and difficult to pronounce

So, what tongue twisters are difficultand so unpronounceable that not a single tongue has already twisted and tied into a knot? This, of course, is not, but nevertheless.

1. In the forest, the beaver and the brother of the beaver work (emphasis and emphasis is placed on this word) without an ax.

2. Brit Klim brother (short pause), Brit brother Ignat (short pause again), brother Peter is bearded.

3. The eyes of a gazelle gazed at her from behind a spruce (meaning a tree).

4. I’m driving along a pothole (emphasis on the letter “s”), I won’t leave the pothole (emphasis on the 1st syllable).

5. Timur terrorized Tamara, terrorized, but terrorized.

6. Tall Vavilo in Babylon merrily stirred and tossed the pitchfork.

7. Buy a kippah (this phrase seems very short and incredibly simple, but if you try to say it 10 times in a row, your opinion can change dramatically).

8. Branchy winding grapes (emphasis on the letter "c"). Ah, apricot fresh flavor! Large butterflies are chatting (the main letter here is "b"). Blue carnation is sad (emphasis on "g").

Such tongue twisters and complex,and interesting. They will certainly please both the child and the teenager and make them try and break the language a little.

How to say tongue twisters correctly

Complicated tongue twistersThey will not be effective and will not help develop speech if you pronounce them incorrectly. There is a whole technology of pronunciation of such phrases. It includes several stages.

1. Do not immediately try to pronounce a difficult phrase quickly and clearly. Will not work. In addition, the child may lose all his ardor and tune in to failure. So the 1st step is slow tongue twister. You need to do this until each sound is mastered.

2. 2nd step - study of the articulation of the lips. Need to speak a sentence About myself(without pronouncing it), actively moving your lips. If everything is done correctly, then the text can be read by lips. In this phase, a mirror will be very useful to you.

3. You can now speak the text in a whisper. It was in a whisper, but not to hiss or whistle a phrase.

4. Now you should say the phrase aloud. Slow, clear and understandable. You need to speak until the phrase is imprinted in memory and is pronounced perfectly.

5. You can also say a tongue twister with different intonations. You can even sing a phrase. This helps to master the most complex sounds and consolidate them.

6. Well, now you can earn speed. But it is worth increasing it gradually, pronouncing the words each time faster and faster.

The most difficult tongue twisters

Let complex tongue twisters be remembered, pronounced easily and improve speech. Note: pronunciation of difficult tongue twisters is a great way to improve speech not only in Russian, but also in any foreign language.

*** A lilac eye gouge with half-broken legs. *** In the yard grass on grass firewood on firewood lads. *** Whoever wants to talk, He must pronounce Everything correctly and clearly, So that everyone can understand. *** We will talk And we will pronounce So correctly and clearly, So that everyone can understand. *** There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs. There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaws. Now the wolf cubs are clamoring like jackdaws, And, like wolf cubs, jackdaws are silent. *** Carl has corals. Clara has a clarinet. Clara stole corals from Karl, Karl stole the clarinet from Clara. Karl has no corals, Clara has no clarinet. *** The one who is not bankrupt has an ATM full of banknotes, while the one who is bankrupt has no banknotes in the ATM. *** From under the hillock, from under the tuck, the bunny tucked up. *** Ball bearing balls rummage around the bearing. *** Mom did not spare soap. Milu's mother washed soap with soap. Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped soap. *** Your sexton of our sexton cannot be re-assigned; Our sexton will re-sponsor your sexton, re-sponsor. *** Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack, and without a jack Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on the highway. And a tractor jack is waiting on the road. *** Zakhar stored sugar. He filled the bin with them. Zakharov's bins are candied in full. *** Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak-Tsin-Drak, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Chibi, Chibi-Dribi, Chibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi. Yak married Tsibi, Yak-Tsin-Drak married Tsibi-Dribi, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni married Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi. Children were born to them: Shah to Tsibi, Shah-Sharakh to Tsibi-Dribi, Shah-Sharakh-Sharoni to Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi. I'm driving along the potholes, I won't get out of the potholes *** The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch. *** For some reason, it's easy for a commoner to act criminally, And in a simple way, he says goodbye. *** Intermediate simplification simplifies construction. *** It's easier than ever to just stop using simple things. *** The quick talker spoke quickly, saying that you can’t speak all tongue twisters, you don’t speak quickly, but having flustered, he said quickly - that you can speak all tongue twisters, you speak quickly. And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan. *** Repeat "Password Eagle" or "Popcorn Bag" three times. *** A cap on a cap, And under a cap a cap. *** Forty line by line Scribbles shirts for shirts. *** Before he lied that even the vrunometer exploded. *** “Our river is as wide as the Oka. How like Oka "" target="_blank"> source it will also be interesting Tongue twisters for children with the letter B

TV presenter of the Baltic Channel Elena Solomina showed a stunning class by pronouncing a 2.5-minute tongue twister in one breath and without a single mistake. The most difficult tongue twister is called "Liguria".

Elena managed to pronounce all sorts of intricate turns of speech in the Russian language, which delighted the viewers of the TV channel. In general, look and be surprised.

The text of the most difficult tongue twister, try also:

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, and did not catch. And then the protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol, how the Ligurian traffic controller interviewed by the interviewer spoke loudly, but not cleanly, but so reported about the wet weather that so that the incident would not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where crested laughter girls laughed and they shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, a pipe, better buy a bale of peak, better buy a bale of pips, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come - he will bombard him with bombs because some black-nosed half of his yard has dug up, dug and undermined with a snout; but in fact the Turk was not in business.

Yes, and Clara-kralya at that time was sneaking to the chest, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Clara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tarry widow Varvara, these two thieves stole firewood. But it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish rustled in a fight - that’s not up to the scorer to thieves, but not up to the tarry widow, and not up to the tarry children. But the angry widow removed the firewood into the shed: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters-woodcutters for Varvara, who became emotional, drove the firewood across the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron was withering, the heron was drying, the heron died.

The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the young man the sheep itself, which carries Senya hay in a sleigh, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled is a lope, Senka is to the side, Sonya is on the forehead, everything is in a snowdrift, and from there only a bumpy hat knocked down Then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway. Sonya, Sashka's girlfriend, was walking along the highway and sucking dry bread, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly in a honey cake, but she had no time for honey cake - Sonya, even with cheesecakes in her mouth, overreacts the sexton, - overreacts: buzzing, like ground beetle, buzzing, yes spinning.

She was at Frol’s - Frol lied about Lavra, she’ll go to Lavr at Frol Lavra, she’ll tell lies that - a watchman with a watchman, a captain with a captain, a snake has a snake, a hedgehog has a hedgehog, and his high-ranking guest took away his cane, and soon five guys again ate again five and a quarter quarters of a quarter of lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with curdled whey curd.

The bells rang about everything near the stake, so much so that even Konstantin, the unpromising Salzburg man from under an armored personnel carrier, stated: just as all the bells cannot be belled, not re-belled, so all tongue twisters cannot be re-speak, not re-speak.

But trying is not torture!