Scenario about home front workers during the Second World War. Evening meeting with home front workers “Military years, human destinies

9.30. military songs are heard on the square.
10.00. opening meeting.

In the history of our Motherland, as in the history of any great power, there were many joyful and sad pages. There were those among them who were bashfully silent for a long time, but there were also those that burn with a deep burn and should burn not years, not decades - centuries, in the memory of generations.
In 2010, we celebrate the anniversary of the Great Victory, and honor all our compatriots who died in that hard time, who gave their lives so that our people would live forever! To forever stood on the ground Russia!
Russia defended! Glory to you
Hard worker wars!
You have protected our banners
And gave life and happiness to us!

For sixty-five years now, we have been meeting this memorable, sacred for all of us, May 9th day ... this date in the history of our country unites people of different ages and different generations. Much has been rethought in our history today, but for years, for centuries, the feat of the victorious people, the feat of those who defended their homeland during the war years, defended our right to life, will remain.
I declare the rally dedicated to the opening of the obelisk to home front workers open!

The anthem of Russia sounds.

The floor is given to the acting head of the village of Ust-Pristan Zyryanov Anatoly Alexandrovich.

The further the era of war goes from us, the more often the memory returns to that bright, joyful, unique May day that brought Victory. But the scars of that war remained in every town and village. It is impossible to forget the great disasters that the war brought to our country, to our people. We know at what cost the victory was won, and we will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.
The floor is given to the chairman of the regional council of veterans Utkina Valentina Afanasyevna.

Home front workers have gathered here today, those who have faced a difficult test.
In the rear, women, children, old people worked in factories, dug trenches, built defensive structures, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs in order to save their homes from fire. Tens of thousands of women, teenagers, elderly people got up to the machines, mastered tractors, combines, cars to replace husbands, fathers and sons who went to the front. The main motto of the whole country was: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" In the rear, they selflessly worked for the front, at the front they fought for those who remained at home.
The word is given to the home front worker

LEADING: The right to open the Obelisk To the home front workers, from grateful fellow countrymen, for their contribution to the Great Victory of 1941-1945 is given to ________________________________________________________________________

Fanfare for the opening of the obelisk

A deep bow to you, courageous soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. Live long and happily. May your sky be peaceful, rich fields, full-flowing rivers, may our Motherland live and prosper, because it was for this that you shed your blood and worked in the rear. Happy holiday to you!

The rally dedicated to the opening of the Obelisk to Home Front Workers, from grateful countrymen, for their contribution to the Great Victory of 1941-1945, is declared closed!

You did not fight in fierce battles,
Only it's not your fault
For the war they did not wear medals,
But countries fought for happiness.
Howling sirens at the hour of the air raid
Tore you from sleep at night,
The bread of war, both heavy and bitter,
Fully redeemed with native blood.
That war is far away ... And your children have already grown up,
Only the memory is alive in you about her.
And most of all you want in the world,
So that the children of your children do not know the war.

Explanatory note

Thinking about holding a creative meeting, the organizers sought to tell modern children not about the war with fights and battles, but about the war in the rear, about the life of ordinary people: how they ate, dressed, where they worked, how they studied, what they thought and dreamed about, how they managed endure the trials that befell everyone.

Participant invitation.

It is advisable to invite only middle and high school students to the meeting. The forced appearance of children will not give a positive result, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary conversation with them and try to interest, captivate the proposed topic.

It is also necessary to carry out preliminary work with the guys, explain who will come to them, what will be discussed, and prepare interesting and competent questions for the interlocutor in advance.

The meeting time is calculated for 1.5 hours, since this time is optimal for perception. The main content is proposed in the meeting script, but the script may vary depending on the resources available to the organizers: multimedia materials, technical equipment, creative performances.

In the proposed version of the script, literary processed memories of those people who were direct participants in the meeting were used. After reading a fragment of memories, the facilitator introduces the meeting participant whose memories were voiced. This gives the meeting a special touching, there is a feeling of closeness of the participants to each other.


Since the scenario contains moments of using photo and video materials, in the hall - in the center or to the side - it is necessary to place a white crane on which the image will be projected. In general, the design of the stage should correspond to the traditional military theme: flowers, flags, orders, ribbons, etc. An important role is played by the musical accompaniment, represented by songs of the war years (“Dugout”, “Blue Handkerchief”, etc.), which are played before the start of the meeting, when guests gather and sit down, and during it. The scenario involves the use of the songs "Oh, roads", "Victory Day", as well as instrumental musical works that correspond in mood to the performances of the readers. Instrumental melodies are necessary as a background when reading poetry and memoirs.


The proposed program is designed to use chronicle frames and photographs about the war. This requires the following technical equipment: computer, projector, screen. For the meeting, you need to pick up a chronicle and photos in such areas as: “The Beginning of the War”, “The Work of Children in the Home Front”, “A Woman at War”, “The Siege of Leningrad”, “Victory, Victory Parade”.

scenario solution

Before the start of the creative meeting, songs of the war years, songs about the war are heard.

Azamat Tekoev "In the dugout".

Mohammed Tavasiev:Hello dear guests.

Dana Tegaeva . Good afternoon! Our meeting with home front workers and war children is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Vlada When that will be, I don't know.

In the edge of snow-white birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears.

Raise the old marches

army pipes of the country,

And the marshal will go out to the army,

not seen this war.

And I don't even think

What kind of fireworks will hit there,

What tales will they tell

And what songs they will sing.

But we know for sure

We had a chance to know,

What was the ninth of May

In the morning in the forty-fifth year.

Elina Dzadzaeva . I don’t know what future the poet Sergei Orlov was talking about in these lines, but for 70 years now the holiday of May 9 has remained a holiday with tears in his eyes ... with tears of sorrow and joy at the same time.

On the eve of the Victory Day, we invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, those who were children in those harsh years, as well as today's schoolchildren, to a creative meeting to remember and tell about that time.

Milana Totoeva . We wanted to invite you to a conversation - no, not a war, and not even about victory, but about a person, a hero, a winner. It seems to us that everyone who happened to live at that time, those who with honor and dignity withstood the trials of the war years, can be called heroes and winners.

The first verse of the song “Oh, roads ...” sounds, then, gradually fading, it goes in the background.

Fatima Soltanova.Roads run everywhere ... they run somewhere in the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again ...

Fatima Tavasieva.But the roads are very different. For example, the road of happiness, the road of success ... such clear, wide light roads.

Kochinyan Lucy. And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. No one chooses such roads, they just go along them ...

Marina Bataeva. A huge country went through a painful, long road of war for 4 years, went forward, went to a victorious spring ...

Ilina Sodikova. Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war,

There are only five minutes left.

Mohammed Tavasiev.The Great Patriotic War lasted four years and claimed the lives of millions of people. Grief came to almost every family. Among the defenders of the Fatherland are Ossetian highlanders, many of whom left for the front on the very first day of the war. Every fifth inhabitant of the republic fought.

Frames of the chronicle "The beginning of the war."

Dana Tegaeva Until 1941, it was an ordinary day, now it is a day of memory and sorrow - June 22. The first days, the first months of the war are a special page on the way to victory. How it was seenliniks of North Ossetia who visited the Republic of Belarus for the first time. From our district Katya Tekoeva and Alina Makoeva +- presentation

Katya Tekoeva . June 21 on Saturdaywe plunged into the atmosphere of peaceful pre-war life in 1941. People from all over the former Soviet Union gathered in the city of Brestparticipants of the event "Tomorrow there was a war". We danced "Krakowiak" to a brass band, sang songs with "Soviet soldiers"

Alina Makoeva. And on the night of Sunday, June 22, we visited the Brest Fortress for a reconstruction of the beginning of the war. There were frightening sounds of close shots, it was felt like the earth was leaving from under the feet from explosions and screams of people. We are as close as possible to those events. In a new way, they reviewed their knowledge of the war.

Katya Tekoeva . The garrison of the Brest Fortress diverted the infantry divisions of the Nazis for a month. There were more than 500 natives of North Ossetia among the representatives of 33 peoples of our Motherland who fought as part of rifle regiments and swore an oath: “We will die, but we will not leave the fortress.” (Book of memory)

Alina Makoeva . We saw and learned how the war began, at what cost world peace was won, we felt pride in the patience and courage, the greatest stamina and heroism, and the love for the Fatherland of the defenders of our Motherland. As a sign of memory and sorrow, flowers were laid at the foot of the sculptures: “Thirst” (Brest Fortress) of a Lonely Girl (Red Coast), “Unbowed Man” (Khatyn), Memorial of Glory (Minsk), Eternal Flame (Moscow).

Mohammed Tavasiev.No, they are not heroes, they were just children, children of war. They didn’t eat… they didn’t finish the game… they didn’t finish their studies… children’s memory is very selective, only the brightest moments remain in it.

Dana Tegaeva. This military childhood was terrible. Those who were taken prisoner did not have a childhood at all behind the bars of the camps.

Mohammed Tavasiev. The word "Children of War".

Amanda Kozaeva - song "Cranes"

"Stalingrad" is read by Omar Butuev

Frames chronicle "Siege of Leningrad".

Dana Tegaeva. For 900 days and nights the city on the Neva fought courageously. The Leningrad Symphony takes us to a besieged city. The blockade squeezed the Leningraders in a tight ring. But in everyone lived a steady faith in victory, so nothing could break them.

Magomed Tavasiev.People worked for 11-12 hours without days off, did not get enough sleep, often spent the night right in the workshop, and in the morning they again stood at the machine. "Home Front Workers" - that's how they are officially called now. But it was not work - it was a real feat. Those who worked tirelessly also brought victory closer, as did those who fought with weapons in their hands.

Dana Tegaeva. The word "Workers of the rear."

Dana Ganoeva - song

Mohammed Tavasiev.Four years of ruthless battles, suffering, grief and tears, and here it is - the long-awaited victorious spring!

Chronicle "Victory" and "Victory Parade".

Dana Tegaeva. The victorious salutes will die down, the men will return from the front and the transition to the much-desired peaceful life will begin. But this is a completely different story ... The story of another feat. And May 9 - Victory Day - will forever remain a holiday with tears in our eyes.

Mohammed Tavasiev.From the children of peacetime, everyone is given a dance as a gift.(“Honga kaft”. Yana Temirova and Marat Gatsalov.)

The song "Victory Day" sounds, against which the presenter pronounces the final words.

Dana Tegaeva . The floor is given to the Deputy Head of AdministrationDzansolov Vitaly Agubeevich.

Mohammed Tavasiev.Dear guests, thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to the creative meeting. We do not say goodbye to you, but say - until we meet again!


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Fatimet Takaho
Scenario of a meeting with veterans and home front workers

Goals: To instill a sense of pride in our ancestors who fought in the Second World War.

Cultivate a sense of patriotism for our Motherland. To expand children's ideas about military professions about the army about people who do their duty to their native country, protecting its peace

Material: Museum exhibits, an exhibition of children's crafts, a folder folder

on the theme "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

preliminary work: Examination of illustrations about the Second World War, a conversation on the topic "how

the Second World War began", drawing on the theme "we do not need war", hearing

front-line songs, learning songs and poems about the war. Event progress.

Pre-arrange museum exhibits, crafts, children's drawings,

illustrations about the Second World War.

Vedas. "Back then, we weren't there. light" M. Vladimov

Back then we weren't there light

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Back then we weren't there light,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries

You fought a holy battle!

Back then we weren't there light,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Guys, today guests from the Museum of Military Glory came to us. They brought

many interesting exhibits that were collected throughout our region.

Our guests will tell how it was and what exhibits are presented here.

Museum staff talk about the war, about the items that they brought with them.

Children are given the opportunity to look at the objects presented on the

exhibition, try on a military uniform.

Vedas. The victory was hard for him, many ordinary residents and soldiers died then.

1 child Congratulations veterans

Thank you for your deed and courage

Because you ended the war

For the fact that for the sake of us, the children managed

Reclaim a free country!

Vedas. Not everyone made it to victory. Let's observe a moment of silence for those who

died in this war.

(metronome sound)

Vedas. Dear guests, our children have prepared poems and songs for you.

2r. Only brave heroes

The joy of victory is given.

The brave strives for victory,

Bold way forward.

A bold bullet is afraid

Does not take a bold bayonet.

3r. Thanks to everyone who gave their lives

For native Russia, for freedom,

Who forgot fear and fought,

Serving the people you love.

Vedas. Our guys are also preparing to become defenders of the fatherland.

And now they will show you a military warm-up.

Children Our wars go one, two

The drums beat loudly tra-ta-ta

At sea, our ships are here today, there tomorrow

Proudly they swim on the seas, on the waves

Missiles are allowed to take off

Our tanks go tr-forward, tr-back

Our guns accurately hit boom, boom

Our army salute Hooray!

4r. We dedicate this song

Our fathers, our grandfathers.

Our beloved Motherland

Glory, glory on Victory Day.

Vedas. Our children are so eager to go to serve that they are already marching.

Song "Aty-baty"

5r. Glory to our generals

And ordinary soldiers.

Glory to the fallen and the living,

I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

Let's not forget those heroes

What lie in the damp earth

Giving life on the battlefield

For the people, for you and me!

Vedas. We are glad that honored guests came to us today.

It is time for us to say goodbye to them, but we promise never to forget the great feat that our great-grandfathers and grandfathers accomplished.

All children. Eternal glory to them!

Scenario of a meeting with home front workers

“A medal for a battle, a medal for labor from one metal, they pour ...”

inSchool of Collective-Simonovskaya Secondary School

Before the start of the creative meeting, songs of the war years, songs about the war are heard.


On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. The peaceful labor of people was interrupted, a new period began in the life of the people of our state and people - the period of the Great Patriotic War. In these difficult days, the patriotism of people, both at the front and in the rear, manifested itself on an unprecedented scale. Our Samara (Kuibyshev) region is no exception. Everyone wanted to contribute to the defeat of the enemy.

Leading: In the first 3 days alone, about 10 thousand applications for voluntary enrollment in the Red Army were received from the then Kuibyshev region. By mid-October 1941, hundreds of thousands of people were sent to the army from the region. In July 1941, the formation of a people's militia began in the region, in addition, battalions were created in the regions in case of a fight against paratroopers. In all towns and villages, 70,000 people's militia volunteers were on guard duty, guarding bridges, roads, fields, oil storage facilities, and telephone lines. To strengthen the protection of the railway, 179 squads were created, consisting of 4217 people.
Our countrymen fought on all fronts.


1. Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory,

All those who are related to her by their own blood.

There was a great war, there was a bloody war


2. How much grief your generation endured,

Every day you lost front-line friends,

Every day, think about it, memorial day

One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.


3. The war marked you with a mark,

There is nothing in life and there was nothing more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown

One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.


4. She rewarded you with a front-line community,

There was no community stronger and kinder.

Under fire, under bullets, courage was tempered

One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.

Leading: On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the parade in Kuibyshev "Kuibyshev is a spare capital", we invited home front workers and today's schoolchildren to a meeting to remember that time and tell about it.

Leading: We would like to invite you to a conversation - no, not about the war, and not even about victory, but about a man, a hero, a winner. It seems to us that everyone who happened to live at that time, those who with honor and dignity withstood the trials of the war years, can be called heroes and winners.

The song "Oh dear..."

Reader 1: Roads run everywhere ... They run somewhere far away, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again ...

Reader 2: But the roads are very different, for example, the road of happiness, the road of success ... Such clear, wide, bright roads.

Reader 3: And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. No one chooses such roads, they just go along them ...

Reader 4: A huge country went through a painful, long road of war for 4 years, went forward, went to a victorious spring ...

Reader 5: Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war,

There are only five minutes left.

Leading: Until 1941, it was an ordinary day, now it is a day of memory and sorrow - June 22. The first days, the first months of the war are a special page on the way to victory. Let's remember how it was...

Frames of the chronicle "The beginning of the war."

Reader 2: It entered the life of our people with the hateful howl of enemy bombs, destroyed villages and cities, killed by the millions at the fronts, driven into slavery, tortured to death in death camps.

Reader 3: The war has left its mark on almost every family. 27 million of its sons and daughters were not counted by our country. They did not spare their lives for our victory.

Reader 4: 1710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages were destroyed. About 32,000 industrial enterprises and 65,000 kilometers of railway lines were blown up. Destroyed what was created by the labor of our people. Plants and factories were put out of action, mines were flooded, fertile fields were trampled.

Reader 1: Our people endured a difficult war on their shoulders. He shed blood, starved, gave the last to the front.

Reader 2: Terrible... Cruel... Bloody... This is how the Great Patriotic War is called by both veterans and descendants... The ancients were led in Russia: in a difficult time, the Russians were ready to give - and they gave! - on the altar of the Fatherland everything: your work, property, your life. So did our countrymen during the Great Patriotic War.

Reader 3: The whole people rose to defend the country, not only the regular army, partisan detachments, but also the entire able-bodied population participated in the struggle against the invaders. “Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! - that was the motto of the home front workers.

Leading: From the very beginning, the Germans were rapidly rushing towards Moscow. According to Hitler's plan, a huge reservoir was to be formed on the site of our capital, and with the fall of Moscow, the war could be considered over. The Barbarossa plan provided for the capture of Moscow as soon as possible.

Leading: The Germans were preparing for the victory parade on November 7 on Red Square. Moscow went into a state of siege. During the first months of the war, the Germans managed to get significantly closer to the capital, its suburbs were visible through ordinary field glasses. In October 1941, German troops came close to Moscow . On October 15, 1941, the State Defense Committee adopted a decision that essentially established a "reserve capital" in Kuibyshev.

In October 1941, German troops came close to Moscow. Party bodies and government institutions were hastily evacuated from the capital. Part of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and the diplomatic corps moved to Kuibyshev. Factories, creative teams, artists and cultural figures are also evacuated here. The city became the second capital of the Soviet Union.
Leading: In order to raise the morale of the people and demonstrate the will to resist, the country's leadership decided to hold, despite the critical situation, a traditional military parade dedicated to the next anniversary of the October Revolution.
In addition to Moscow, parades were held in Kuibyshev and Voronezh. The Kuibyshev parade acquired special significance and fame. The morning of November 7, 1941 in Kuibyshev turned out to be gloomy and frosty. The sun barely peeked through the thick clouds. Troops lined up in the central square of the city.
Leading: Party and Soviet leaders M.I. rose to the podium built near the monument to Kuibyshev. Kalinin, N.A. Voznesensky, A.A. Andreev, N.M. Shvernik, E.M. Yaroslavsky and others, leaders of the Kuibyshev Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, executive committees of the regional and city Soviets. A special rostrum was reserved for military and naval attachés and ambassadors of friendly and neutral countries. The parade was broadcast by famous writers Vs. Ivanov, V. Kataev, K. Finn...
Leading: The parade of troops on horseback was hosted by Marshal of the Soviet Union K.E. Voroshilov. The parade was commanded by Lieutenant General M.A. Purkaev. After giving the report to Voroshilov, the "Internationale" broke out. Having traveled around the troops and congratulating them on the holiday, the marshal dismounted and, rising to the podium, made a speech, which was completed by 40 artillery salvos.
Leading: Fanfares sounded and the parade began. It was opened by Red Army soldiers with rifles and machine guns, they were replaced by carts. Then followed the motorized infantry and searchlight teams. Behind them, tankettes, tractors with guns, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, and armored vehicles left for the square. The orchestra played the air march "Higher, and Higher, and Higher," and fighters and bombers flew over the heads of the assembled. “Sometimes it seemed that the air parade had already ended, when suddenly an air wave reappeared far on the horizon,” the Volga Commune wrote a day later.
Leading: After the end of the parade, Voroshilov went down to the diplomatic platform and shook hands with each ambassador and attaché, for whom the parade was largely designed. The demonstration of the residents of Kuibyshev was also impressive. Within two hours, about 200 thousand people passed in front of the podium.
This parade on November 7, 1941 was of great importance, it was the only air parade in all the years of the war (more than 600 new combat aircraft flew). More than 22,000 fighters marched on foot, on horseback, and with a mechanized column. After the parade, a demonstration of workers took place on the square - 178 thousand. After the parade, the 65th Infantry Division went to the front and after 3 days was already fighting near Tikhvin.
The parade and demonstration made a proper impression on the diplomatic corps, convincing all those present of the power of the Red Army and the readiness of the people for a difficult battle with the enemy.

Leading: Who could bring victory closer. In the rear, people worked for 11-12 hours without days off, did not get enough sleep, often spent the night right in the workshop, and in the morning they again stood at the machine. "Home Front Workers" - that's how they are officially called now. But it was not work - it was a real feat. Those who worked tirelessly brought the Victory closer as well as those who fought with weapons in their hands.

Leading: The colossal sacrifices made by the peoples of our Fatherland in the name of its freedom and independence, hard work and exploits in the rear were not in vain - a complete victory was won over the enemy.

Leading: The workers did not have enough bread, housing, clothing. A mighty patriotic impulse gave birth to labor heroism unprecedented before. Regardless of time, the workers strove to give more production to the front.

Leading: The work of state farms, collective farms, and MTS was reorganized on a war footing. Women, teenagers, old people took the place of the men who went to the front.

Leading: Experiencing great hardships and difficulties, lack of sleep and malnutrition, the Kuibyshev people worked in a military way, putting everything on the altar of victory. They knew that the outcome of the war against the fascist aggressors was decided not only on the battlefields, but also in the rear, where there was a great battle for metal, military equipment, for bread.

Leading: There was Volga grain, but how difficult it was to grow it ... Hundreds of thousands of the most able-bodied collective farmers and machine operators were drafted into the army. Elderly people and old people, women and teenagers remained in the village. The entire burden of wartime fell on their shoulders. Food was severely limited: there was not enough bread, sugar, salt, soap, and flour were in short supply. Young girls and women mastered the specialties of machine operators, became foremen, link leaders. Only in the summer of 1941. 105,037 students and 8,000 teachers took part in agricultural work in the region. Young people, schoolchildren surrounded the families of soldiers with the most touching attention, provided them with all kinds of household services: they sawed firewood, went shopping, looked after babies and the sick, cultivated gardens.
Leading: The people of the front and rear lived a single life. They had a single goal - to defeat fascism.



We, today's schoolchildren, live a completely different life. We can calmly study, dream, make plans for the future. But in our families the memory of those who defended their homeland in those terrible years will never fade away.


During the Great Patriotic War, each family sent its defenders to the front, and a particle of each seemed to break away.

Many invisible family deeds gave strength and support to our people, helped to survive in that terrible distant war.


The whole world remembers with gratitude the feat of the victors of fascism. Especially Russia. Because we all owe our lives to those who defeated Nazi Germany and saved their land from slavery.


Many years have passed since then. Most of those living today were born after the war. We do not know it and cannot remember the horror that Hitler brought here, and the unthinkable will to Victory that our people had then.


From books and films, little can be understood and felt. Only those who have experienced what the Great Patriotic War is, know the price of victory and the price of life.


Not burned by the forties,

Hearts grown into silence -

Of course, we look through different eyes

For this big war.


We know from confused difficult stories

About the bitter victorious path,

Therefore, at least our mind should

Pass the path of suffering.


And we have to figure it out ourselves

In the pain that the world has endured.

Of course, we look with different eyes -

But still, full of tears.


We are infinitely happy and proud that today we meet you in our school - those who survived the terrible five years of the war, worked for the sake of victory.


We are glad to see you again and again. You are an example of courage, heroism and perseverance.

Questions from students.

Dear home front workers, do you remember the beginning of the war? How old were you?

Answers of the home front workers.

Tell me, please, did front-line letters come to your family? What did your family write about?

Answers of the home front workers.

Tell me, in what conditions did you have to live, work? Did you have toys, what games did you play?

Answers of the home front workers.

What trace did the Second World War leave in your family?

Answers of the home front workers.

Tell me, please, how did you differ from us at our age? What interests did the youth of your generation have?

Answers of the home front workers.

You have experienced the horrors of war. What would you like to wish us, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren?

Answers of the home front workers.

Thanks for the questions and answers. I suggest you commemorate all the fallen soldiers and all veterans of the war and home front who have not survived to this day, moment of silence .

A moment of silence.

Performance of concert numbers.

Leading: The colossal sacrifices made by the Soviet people in the name of the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, hard work and exploits in the rear were not in vain - a complete victory was won over the enemy.
The working people of our region made a significant contribution to the military and economic victory over the enemy. The rapid growth of industrial production has turned the Kuibyshev region into one of the country's largest economic and military arsenals.
Under the conditions of temporary occupation and then restoration of the devastated western regions of the USSR, the Volga region was one of the main bases for supplying the front and the country with food.
For labor feat during the war years, more than 5 thousand workers in industry, transport and agriculture were awarded orders and medals, and about 240 thousand people were awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945".
Leading:: During the war years, the Defense Fund received 1 billion 395 million 991 thousand rubles, hundreds of thousands of warm clothes for the army, from the workers of the city of Kuibyshev and the Kuibyshev region. The life of people during the Great Patriotic War was very difficult. They had to endure many trials, but at the same time, people did not stop enjoying life and hoping for Victory. They always supported each other, helped in difficult times, shared the last piece of bread. They were brothers and sisters bound by the bonds of war. People have never forgotten about such qualities as mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual support, a sense of compassion for others. So let's not forget about them now! We must treat veterans with respect, help them, because it is only thanks to them that we live!

Leading: On November 7, a parade of memory will be held on Kuibyshev Square, which will exactly repeat a similar event in 1941.

Then three military parades were held in the country - in Moscow, Voronezh and Kuibyshev. The country managed to demonstrate its military power to the whole world and prove that we will stand. To recall the greatness and significance of the event, representatives of the regional department of United Russia took the initiative to hold on the square. Kuibyshev parade of memory.

Leading:: We again and again return to the years of the Great Patriotic War, relive the past events, think deeper into the origins of the victory of the Soviet people over fascism and draw certain conclusions for ourselves for the future. The feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War will live forever in the memory of mankind. The heroic combat and labor exploits of the Volga people in these formidable years are not forgotten. They now inspire our countrymen to new glorious deeds, new achievements in peaceful creative work.


The rumbles of guns are left behind, their volleys now signify Victory, Victory with tears in their eyes, which our people suffered. Our compatriots have passed a glorious military and labor path!


Behind your shoulders are the fates of a whole generation, we are proud of you, we wish you health and a peaceful sky again and again.

Leading: How good it is to wake up at dawn

It's good to have dreams at night!

It's good that the planet is spinning

How good it is in Russia without war!

Leading: The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people:

Come on people never

Let's not forget about it.

Leading: May her memory be true

Store, about this flour,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren grandchildren!

Leading: Let everything that life is full of

In everything that is sweet to the heart,

We will be given a reminder

About what was in the world.

Host: one metal pour medal per the battle, medal per work Search work KTD "Cities - ... waltz" Congratulations workers rear Happy Victory Day Meeting With workers rear, "What...

  • Patriotic song contest Review of formation and song, military sports game "Zarnichka" (1)


    ... "Besieged Leningrad" - " From one metal pour medal per the battle, medal per work Search work of KTD "Cities - ... Alapaevsky district / Scenario, photographic materials Visual stand... Congratulations workers rear Happy Victory Day Meeting With workers rear, "What...

  • “Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country. Mighty will, great glory is your property for all time!


    V.Yu. Scenario events... in rear enemy. ... are pouring tears from ... workers. ... from metal»; "The bravest from... organization meetings ... from agricultural implements labor ... per behind Leningrad. Medal per ... one from most tragic events of the Chechen war - unequal combat ...

  • Vasily Vitalievich Shulgin The last eyewitness Vasily Shulgin the last eyewitness


    Rings from yellow metal. ... masters and slaves, workers and loafers, heroes... Per them works, for glory, per good - a per sins, per ... pour ... were afraid per border. Then I went out per ... scenario... stage, I dating With one from old Bolsheviks... against rear. ... medal per ...

  • MOU "Kalitinskaya secondary school"

    Evening meeting with home front workers "How young we were" 04/06/2012

    Vedas. - Good afternoon dear friends! Today in our hall it is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of epochs and generations. We were visited by people who endured all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. To you, dear veterans, home front workers, we dedicate our meeting.

    Word _____________________________________________________

    The song "Tanks rumbled on the field ..." Spanish. Ensemble "Kalinka"

    Music sounds (three guys read a poem)

    1. Wait for me and I will return,

    Just wait a lot.

    Wait for sadness

    yellow rain

    Wait when others are not expected.

    Forgetting yesterday.

    Wait when from distant places

    Letters will not come.

    Wait until you get bored

    To all who are waiting together.


    2. Wait for me and I will return,

    don't wish well

    To everyone who knows by heart

    It's time to forget.

    Let the son and mother believe

    That there is no me.

    Let friends get tired of waiting

    Sitting by the fire

    Drink bitter wine

    For the soul...

    Wait. And along with them

    Don't rush to drink.


    3. Wait for me and I will return.

    All deaths out of spite.

    Who did not wait for me, let him

    He will say: - Lucky -

    Do not understand those who did not expect them

    Like in the middle of a fire

    Waiting for your

    You saved me

    How I survived, we will know

    Only we are with you. -

    You just knew how to wait.

    Like no one else.

    Song dark night. MusicA. Bogoslovsky. Words by V. Agatov

    4. They, mothers and wives, brides and sisters knew how to wait. Wait, hope, love. And inspire hope in those who are at the front, at the forefront. Who is at war. But they couldn't just wait and hope. Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

    (against the background of the video clip "The Woman's Face of Victory")

    5 ... Can you tell me about it -

    What years did you live in!

    What an immeasurable heaviness

    On women's shoulders lay down! ..

    6. That morning I said goodbye to you

    Your husband, or brother, or son,

    And you with your destiny

    Left alone...

    7. You walked, holding your grief,

    Severe through labor.

    The whole front, from sea to sea,

    You fed with your bread.

    8. In cold winters, in a snowstorm,

    At that distant line

    The soldiers warmed their greatcoats,

    What you sewed with care.

    9. They threw themselves in a roar, in smoke

    Soviet soldiers in battle

    And the enemy strongholds collapsed

    From the bombs you planted...

    (video clip continues)

    10. Speaking about the heroic deeds of the people during the war years, I especially want to say about the labor exploits of women. In the first days of the war, overcoming enormous difficulties, they replaced their husbands, fathers and brothers at the machine tools. Their work is inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the history of our Motherland.

    11. Yes, there were, like centuries, moments.

    It's hard to remember this.-

    "It would only be enough strength, patience,"

    Her mother repeated almost audibly.

    When the dawn was still dozing

    and the roosters were sound asleep,

    she, weakened, got up

    to crazy horns.

    She was 27 incomplete,

    Bringing in the Siberian blizzard

    into the hut, she fell, I remember

    barely undressed, on the bed.

    Tired for the day inexpressibly,

    She whispered like yesterday:

    I would have time to rest for the night -

    and was silent until the morning.

    It only became clear to me afterwards:

    to them, women, such as mother,

    stubborn, the heart ordered

    to save the Fatherland in the rear.

    12. The Great Patriotic War left a fiery trail not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships fell on the lot of those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only labor, hard, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines, in the fields.

    Dedicated to home front workers

    13. War. There is nothing more terrible in the world

    Everything for the front! - the motto of the country is

    Everyone worked: both adults and children

    In the fields and at the open-hearths, at the machines.

    14.Front secure! - there is no more important task,

    Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

    Fighters in battles can not stand otherwise,

    Labor for victory deserves praise.

    15. Everything was given to the front for victory,

    The rear left only crumbs for itself,

    endured hardships and misfortunes,

    To quickly defeat the enemy in the fight.

    16. The rear provided the army reliably,

    Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

    Although it was incredibly difficult,

    But the armies marched boldly against the enemy.

    17. Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day!

    Orders sparkle on their chests,

    But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

    Labor Front! It was the whole country!

    18. Next to the older brothers and sisters, the youngest citizens of our country, schoolchildren, also worked, they were sent to where help was needed for the elders.

    19. Fathers and older brothers went to the front. The boys were also eager to fight, besieging the military registration and enlistment offices. Plants, factories, collective farms, all institutions were urgently rebuilt. Everything for the front! Everything for the victory"

    20. Over 200,000 schoolchildren took an active part in the tense struggle for bread in the first war year. In those difficult days, collective farms and state farms owed a lot to young patriotic schoolchildren.

    21. A heavy burden fell on children's shoulders with the cares of the labor front. Boys and girls worked, thousands of hectares of mowed grain, thousands of bundled sheaves, thousands of threshed grain.

    22. Children in the rear did not fight ...Some stood at the machine for ten hours, and if growth did not allow them to reach the machine, they would substitute a chair. Others worked in weaving mills to ensure that there were as many warm clothes as possible for the front-line soldiers. They contributed to the Great Victory.

    Song of the ensemble "Kalinka"

    Vedas. - Yes! The burden of wartime children was not easy. And their childhood was, indeed, scorched by the war.
    Today our guests are interesting, respected people who have given their work for many years. A lot of patience, attention, sensitivity, kindness and responsiveness were required from you. You worked without regret and without sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How did you get enough for everything?! Here they are our workers!

    names of veterans:


    23. Do not look for excessive severity
    In our restless atomic age.
    Age is just a faux pas
    If a person is young at heart.

    24. Let a smile light up your face,
    Even if gray hairs are like snow
    Age is just a mistake
    If a person is young at heart.

    25. It's too early to go to rest,

    Though they fly in succession of years,
    Veterans do not grow old in soul,
    Our grandmothers are still somewhere.

    26. And they will tell us verses,
    And sing a good song
    If necessary, they will even dance,
    All young people are shut up in their belts.

    Word ___________________________________________________________

    27. It is a pity that the old forces are not the same
    Days unlived is small stock,
    Take care of old people
    Without which there would be no us.

    28. Years flew by with a white flock
    But the soul is still young.
    The nightingales haven't sung everything yet
    Not all the water has flown yet.

    29. This day is both festive and bright
    And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
    Long years to you, white apple trees,
    Joy and happiness and kindness.

    30. There are days in your life
    Which cannot be ignored
    And so, congratulations
    And from the bottom of my heart, let me wish:

    31. Pay no attention to the years,
    Always be energetic, alive,
    Like nature doesn't have bad weather
    So in life, age is always remembered.

    32. You did a lot of things
    To leave a mark on the earth
    We wish you again today
    Health, happiness, long years!

    Song "We wish you happiness"

    Veterans are given gifts, invited to tea.


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