A handwritten letter from Nikolai Aleksandrovich Benois addressed to Milica Igorevna Barteneva and Igor Aleksandrovich, written on letterhead "Nicola Benois". Approximate word search

IV City Literary and Regional Studies Conference
to the 210th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin and the 110th anniversary of V.V. Nabokov

The library of spiritual development "Rodnik" with the support of the Department of Culture and the Department of Education of the Administration of Pskov holds on November 26, 2009 the IV city literary and local history conference "There are strange rapprochements in life ...", to the 210th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin and 110th anniversary V.V. Nabokov.

Sample speech topics:

• Pskov roots of VV Nabokov.

• Provincial Pskov in the time of A.S. Pushkin.

• Pskov acquaintances of A.S. Pushkin (Nabokovs, Nazimovs).

• Translation of A.S. Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" into English and commentary by V.V. Nabokov to the poem.

Librarians, researchers of museums and archives, teachers, writers, local historians, students of educational institutions, students, journalists are invited to participate in the conference.

To form the conference program, we invite you to declare your participation, the topic of the speech until November 20, 2009.

The conference will be held on December 15-16 in the Rodnik library, at the address: Pskov, Truda street, 20.

Start at 14:00.

Contact information: tel. 72–43–23 - Efimova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, head of the library.

e-mail: [email protected]

For the fourth time within the framework of the project “Pskov trace in the history of literature and culture”, on December 15, 2009, a literary and local history conference was held within the walls of the library. This year it was dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin and the 110th anniversary of V.V. Nabokov.

The first part of the conference was dedicated to VV Nabokov. He wrote 8 novels in Russian, 6 in English, about a dozen plays, many poems, short stories, critical and literary works, chess problems, articles on entomology.

1. In the chain of generations that led to the birth of the classic of world literature, Vladimir Nabokov, there are also important Pskov links.

Natan Feliksovich Levin, a local historian from Pskov, told the conference participants about the “Pskov roots of V. Nabokov”.

2. "Chicks of Russian estates" were many of our writers and poets. The destinies of Russian estates are similar to human destinies, and even dependent on them - you can find the times of spring and prosperity, maturity and decay in them, they are full of surprises, fatal accidents. The source of pure inspiration for V.V. Nabokov was the time spent in the estates of Batovo, Vyra, Rozhdestveno.

The idea of ​​the Russian estate, its poetic image, which has developed in the works of V. Nabokov, was told by Razumovskaya Aida Gennadievna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of PSPU named after S.M.

"Russian estate in the lyrics of V. Nabokov"

3. In the work of each artist there is a Pushkin theme. Popkov Sergei Vladimirovich is no exception - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, who presented a fragment of his solo program "My Thoughtful Sounds".

The second part of the conference was devoted to the Pskov trace in the life and work of A.S. Pushkin.

The first presentation of this part was prepared by - Timofeeva Svetlana Nikolaevna - librarian of the Rodnik library (Pskov)

The past does not disappear. But his mysterious presence is revealed only when we ourselves want it. The veil of time is falling. The long-gone is approaching so much that the faces of the participants in long-standing events rise as if alive, as if appealing for sympathy and understanding. Life is the best novelist. She has a huge number of plots in store, from which she adds up human destiny. About the fate of grandmother N.N. Goncharova

"Euphrosyne Ulrika von Posse (Liephart)"

The next speech of the conference was devoted to the provincial Pskov of the time of Pushkin.

"The other day, when I saw autumn through the window, I got into a cart and rode to Pskov" - from a letter from A.S. Pushkin to V.A. Zhukovsky October 6, 1825

Throughout the life of A.S. Pushkin was closely associated with the Pskov region. Two speakers spoke about how certain architectural monuments of Pskov looked like when many buildings were built that still adorn our city, as A.S. Pushkin saw them.

"Provincial Pskov of the times of A.S. Pushkin" -

About the unique translation activity of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov

Zhgun Anton - 9th grade student

MOU "Multi-profile legal lyceum No. 8"


13.30 – 14.00 – Registration of participants

14.00 - 14.20 - Opening of the conference. Official part

14.20 - 17.00 - Speeches of the conference participants:

1. "Provincial Pskov of the times of A.S. Pushkin" -

Novikova Natalya Nikolaevna - Deputy. director of the GUK for the protection of monuments (Pskov)

2. "Euphrosine Ulrika von Posse (Liephart) - N.N. Goncharova's grandmother" -

3. "My thoughtful sounds" -

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Popkov Sergey Vladimirovich

4. "Pskov roots of V. Nabokov" -

Levin Natan Feliksovich - local historian (Pskov)

6. "Unknown autograph of V.V. Nabokov in the album of the youngest daughter of the poet K.K. Sluchevsky - Alexandra and the relations of the Sluchevsky and Nabokov families" -

Ivanchenko Irina Evgenievna - Member of the Union of Russian Writers of Estonia, member of the board of the Pushkin Society of Estonia, local historian, director (Narva)

5. "Russian estate in the lyrics of V.V. Nabokov" -

Razumovskaya Aida Gennadievna – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, PSPU named after A.I. CM. Kirov (Pskov)

14.00 - 16.00 - Speeches of the conference participants:

1. "Euphrosine Ulrika von Posse (Liphart) - N.N. Goncharova's grandmother" -

Timofeeva Svetlana Nikolaevna - librarian of the library "Rodnik" (Pskov)

2. “Provincial Pskov of the times of A.S. Pushkin" -

Matveeva Ksenia - student of the 10th grade of the Municipal Educational Institution "Humanitarian Lyceum"

3. “Provincial Pskov of the times of A.S. Pushkin" -

Kaptsova Irina - student of the 6th grade SEL No. 21

4. "Translation of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" into English and commentary by V.V. Nabokov to the poem" -

Zhgun Anton - 9th grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8"

5. "One love of my soul" - film by Natalia Bondarchuk

16.00 - Summing up the results of the conference

Irina Evgenievna Ivanchenko was born in Leningrad, graduated from the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University. Screenwriter and director of four films. Published in the magazines "Tallinn", "Rainbow", Riga Bibliophile", "New Journal".

Author of the book "The Sluchevsky Family in History. Portraits and Fates", published in 2004 by the St. Petersburg publishing house "Academic Project". The book deals not only with the work of the poet K. Sluchevsky, but also with the fate of his ancestors and descendants.

Militsa Igorevna Barteneva - Candidate of Architectural Sciences, author of a book about N.L. Benois, a descendant of the poet K. Sluchevsky, his great-grandniece.

Now Irina Evgenievna, together with Milica Igorevna Barteneva, is preparing a book of memoirs by I.A. Bartenev for publication.

Igor Alexandrovich Bartenev - architect, painter, academician, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where for 25 years he was vice-rector for scientific work.

In the family plexus of Igor Alexandrovich, the names of many of our countrymen - the poet A.N. Yakhontov, Konovnitsyn, Kastyurin, Snavidov, Polyansky, Mussorgsky, Chirikov and others.

It is known that V.V. Nabokov had family ties with the Golenishchev-Kutuzov family.

I.A. Bartenev through the male line is directly connected with the Golenishchev-Kutuzov family, namely with the elder sister of Mikhail Illarionovich - Anna Illarinovna, who married Osip Petrovich Ushakov.

One of the chapters of the forthcoming book will be devoted to the genealogy of Igor Aleksandrovich.

Bartenev I.A. stood at the origins of the restoration of Petrovsky and was one of the first to organize a summer practice for students of the Academy of Arts in the Pushkin Reserve.

He knew Semyon Stepanovich Geichenko well.

He traveled to all Pushkin's places in Russia, which are depicted in his watercolors.

[Italy, 1980s]. 5 l. 29.6 x 20.9 cm. In good condition. Crease marks, slight soiling.

33033 - Codiorpo (Ud.). "La Dacia" (This address is only until the end of the month, and then Milan again).

Dear and dear Igor Aleksandrovich and Militsa Igorevna!

Having returned the day before yesterday from distant wanderings around the wide world, I found your most interesting letters and, first of all, I ask you to forgive me for the long (but involuntary) silence, which I can only justify by my long absence from Italy!

I hasten, first of all, to answer the questions that you, dear Milica Igorevna, ask me about my grandfather, Nikolai Leontyevich Benois. At the same time, I must say that the mere thought that this very close person, chosen by you for your dissertation, not only deeply excites and touches me, but at the same time arouses in me a feeling of sincere sympathy and prompts you to wish you complete success from the bottom of my heart! (...) My nephew, the son of my sister, alas, could hardly have taken up this business, because and he is far from good health, which was forever undermined by his stay in a German concentration camp, where he, along with his father, artist Yuri Cherkasov, ended up during the occupation of Paris, as Soviet citizens (poor Yuri returned from this camp with such a disturbed nervous system that when the Germans finally released him, he soon hanged himself, which had a particularly detrimental effect on the further development of his son) (...) In the hope that we will still be able to meet, if not in Leningrad, then somewhere in Italy, I send To you both, my warmest greetings and best wishes!

With deep respect, Your Nikolai Benois.

P.S. Have you tried, dear Milica Igorevna, to get in touch with Fyodor Frantsevich Benois, who lives in Leningrad (but, unfortunately, I don’t have the exact address). He is a kind of "biographer" of the Benois family and even (if I'm not mistaken) published a book about the history of the Benois family? I, personally, do not know him and do not even correspond, but I am aware of his existence, although I do not even know exactly what he does.

Further, a certain Eugene Benois, who lives in Switzerland, may turn out to be a very useful source of information. He has a rich and valuable archive on the Benois family. Its address is Suisse. Mr Eujene Benois, 11 rue du Lac - Lausanne.

P.P.S. Thank you for interesting books about Russian art, which I still read with great pleasure!

Nikolai Alexandrovich Benois (1901-1988) - Russian artist. Son of Alexander Nikolaevich Benois. Honorary Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR.

Militsa Igorevna Barteneva (born 1945) is a candidate of architectural sciences, the author of a book about N.L. Benois, a descendant of the poet K. Sluchevsky, is his great-grandniece.

Estimate: 12,000 - 13,000 rubles.

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research development

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study NOT development

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# study


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For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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bromine ~1

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Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

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The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

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Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
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