Consent to the processing of personal data. Phrasal verb give out

The user, by filling out the feedback form on the website http://site/, accepts this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent). Acting freely, by his own will and in his own interest, as well as confirming his legal capacity, the User gives his consent to the Individual Entrepreneur Alexandra Vadimovna Koltashova (TIN 540618483335, OGRNIP 316547600156201) to process their personal data with the following conditions:

1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.

2. Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data of mine that are not special or biometric: last name and first name, phone number, e-mail, user data (location information; OS type and version; Browser type and version; device type and screen resolution ; source from where the user came to the site; OS and Browser language; what pages the user opens and what buttons the user clicks on; ip-address).

3. Personal data is not publicly available.

4. The purpose of processing personal data: processing incoming requests for creating websites and maintaining corporate blogs; ordering a site visitor with his contact information; consideration of the portfolio of candidates for vacant positions; analytics of the actions of an individual on the website and the functioning of the website; posting blog updates.

5. The basis for the processing of personal data is: Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”; present consent to the processing of personal data.

6. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection; record; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (update, change); extraction; usage; transfer (distribution, provision, access); blocking; removal; destruction.

7. Personal data is processed until the individual unsubscribes from the mailing list. Also, the processing of personal data may be terminated at the request of the subject of personal data. The storage of personal data recorded on paper is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archiving and archival storage.

8. Consent may be withdrawn by the subject of personal data or his representative by sending an application for withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data by e-mail: [email protected] website.

9. In case of withdrawal by the subject of personal data or his representative of the consent to the processing of personal data, IP Koltashova A.V. has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006 .

10. This consent is valid all the time until the termination of the processing of personal data specified in clauses 7 and 8 of this Consent.

“The customer is always right” - this phrase is used by company owners as an example for their employees to teach them good service.

“The customer is always right” - this is the phrase that employees hate, believing that they provide good service, and the customer is just “borzeet”. The thin line between good and bad is called customer focus.

Looking ahead, I can say that if you have just decided to postpone reading an article with the words: “My company has good service, which means customer focus is at its best,” then I will immediately advise you not to rush.

Your service may be good compared to competitors or the market average.

However, after traveling around the world, I realized that Russia has room to grow. But the conversation is about you.

Therefore, even if the customer focus in your company is high, I insist that you read this material to the end.

Usefulness, chips and practical experience for the development of customer focus - everything will be. Without it in our blog in any way.

Tomorrow, today will be yesterday

In principle, this is all you need to know about the concept itself before moving on to specific tools to increase customer focus.

Small business - no service needed

The only thing I want to pay attention to is who is customer-oriented.

That is, which company needs to purposefully deal with it, and who better to postpone it for later and start attracting customers.

The answer is simple to disgrace - everyone. Yes, there are a lot of rumors now that this is only necessary for those who work in highly competitive niches.

But small companies, monopolists and innovative start-ups do not need this. But this is a delusion, or rather an excuse not to do this business.

Monopolists can "score" on a good service only for the time being, until a new competitor appears.

Then dissatisfied customers will immediately go to him. A startup is much more likely to “start powerfully” due to good service, external and internal customer focus.

And a small business should value each client as the apple of its eye, so as not to make ends meet in sales endlessly, and start word of mouth.

Therefore, everyone needs it. Only one question - "To what extent?". Everything is more flexible here.

It makes no sense to kill only over one service. Only one service people will not go. Therefore, it is like in, you need to do well, but not perfectly. After all, work on the ideal is endless.


Two types of approach

You could say we started talking about practice. And for its basis, we need in our head to divide customer focus into two types, which many do not know about.

Conventionally, they can be described as external and internal customer focus.

Customer oriented employee (internal)

The customer focus is a huge plus. These are very valuable employees who are quite expensive in the labor market.

They differ not only in that they comply with all the regulations for communicating with the client, but also in the fact that they put the customer, not the company and management, at the forefront.

Although it sounds strange. The example is as old as the world, but it reflects the idea most fully.

Customer oriented internal

It is they who follow the saying - "The client pays you money, not the manager."

It is quite difficult to evaluate and see such employees, but, as a rule, they are good sales managers who sell much more than their colleagues. They have the most loyal and regular customers.

Customer-oriented company (external)

This is a company that primarily focuses on long-term work and long-term stay in business.

To do this, the company develops whole rules, regulations and employees with customers. Where it is written even what temperature to pour tea to the client.

But papers are papers, it is impossible to foresee all situations. Therefore, the company's management must initially determine the strategy, not only create rules, but also nurture this attitude in each employee.

Unfortunately, this is the main problem, because companies are more focused on money and customers, and not on working with employees.

Examples of successful implementations

Example 1 Internet provider. After connecting the Internet, the master at the door, scratching his hands, asks the question: “Mistress, do you still need to do something around the house?”.

Most, as a rule, refuse, but there are people who ask to fix the faucet or throw out the trash. The loyalty of the client after such an act of the master, of course, rolls over.

Example 2 Zappos online store. The company takes care of the domestic problems of employees.

The company has a “Good Deeds Department” that helps employees with family tasks (for example, taking their mother to the hospital).

Thus, employees become more focused on work, which means they treat the client better, because they see a good example.

Example 3 Clothing store. In the event that a client needs a different size in the dressing room, all he needs to do is press a button, at the signal of which the seller will come and bring the required size.

Usually the client has to scream or worse, dress in their clothes and repeat the lap of honor.

Example 4 Center for Child Development. The administrators of the company give out tablets with the Internet and games for those parents who are waiting for their child during the lesson.

Thus, time flies by unnoticed, besides, all this is supported by comfortable and large chairs.

Example 5 Starbucks coffee shop. On each ordered glass of coffee they write your name.

This helps them not only in finding the owner of the drink, but also makes it possible to communicate all the time with the client by name. And as you know, we are ready to listen to our name forever.

Customer Focus at Starbucks

Example 6 Our company. We always call back to all clients who do not call us (for example, outside working hours) and give a bonus for the current situation.

On the one hand, we are not obliged to give anything, because it is normal that there is non-working time.

But on the other hand, the client made an appeal to our company, and this is important for us.

Example 7 Jewelry "Cartier". When buying a ring in Europe, I was prepared for the fact that they would speak to me in English, but no.

For all popular countries (including Russia), native speakers are provided on site. And for rare countries, you can be provided with an interpreter for a few hours.

Example 8 Bank Alfa-Bank. In the winter season, the bank wrapped all its metal handles with soft, velvet material, so that when the client opens the door, he would feel not the cold, but the warm love of each person from this company.

Customer focus in Alfa-Bank

Example 9 Pizza restaurant. Since the restaurant is very famous, with the influx of the season there are queues for tables that go along the street.

The wait can be up to 1 hour. So that during this time you are not tired, you are provided with chairs and free water, which is constantly replenished by the waiter in this area.

Example 10 Taxi service. When ordering a car, you can choose the “Silent driver” option.

Such an order will make it clear to the taxi driver that you need to drive in silence, and not tell how much he already drives this car and how the last passenger deceived him by 10 rubles.

Concrete steps

It is impossible to give a list of required actions to become a customer-oriented company.

Because if you read carefully, all criteria are based on the needs of the client.

In one business, it is important for the consumer to have soft chairs in line, and in another, they don’t give a damn about these chairs, the main thing is to be able to fill out all the documents on their own, even while standing.

In the example above, you can start to object and say: “We need both chairs and self-filling.” It's right.

True, if we are talking about small and medium-sized businesses, then there are no resources and time for everything.

Therefore, you need to move by priority and start with the most important. One to one, as in the use of advertising channels (see the video below).

But in order not to let you go with bare hands and a stuffed head, I will give you some theoretical and practical advice that will help you form the right actions in order to lay the foundations of customer focus.

  1. Determine direction. To a greater extent you are aimed at the client or at money. This is important because, for example, customers are often dissatisfied with a product and demand an exchange, a gift, and a return.

    Under the law, in some cases, you can refuse them. But the fact of the matter is that customer focus is not a law, so you need to decide on the shore what to do.

  2. Count customer churn. Customers leave (below are interesting statistics) and this cannot be avoided. But if all customers leave, then something urgently needs to be changed.

    After all, the outflow of customers is one of the indicators of your service. Tracking losses is easiest with .

  3. Exceed customer expectations.“Easy to say but hard to do,” you think. But actually it is not.

    For example, all a retail store needs is to include a chocolate bar in a customer's purchase. This will surprise him, and ruin you for mere pennies.

  4. Do not collect feedback using questionnaires. Never! Listen, never!

    Questionnaires do not work, because even a positive client is too lazy to fill it out, and if he fills it out, he writes only good things so as not to offend.

  5. Deal with angry/gone customers. Be ready to talk to a lost client at any time.

    A particularly powerful effect is achieved if the issue is resolved not just by the employee, but by his manager. And this will brighten up the negative if the issue has not been resolved positively.

  6. Change the staff. Implement bonuses for the best customer-oriented employees, this will be an additional incentive for them.

    The prize can be both material and non-material, the main thing is that the employee wants to receive it.

Calculation formula

Everyone knows a lot about customer focus, but how to measure it - there is no single formula that takes into account all factors.

But I liked the Ovum research (it's a big research center).

They developed their own formula and decided to test different companies to see which one was how much customer-focused. Ready for results?

Even such large companies as Apple, IBM, General Electric could not rise above 80%. The absolute majority of companies did not overcome the bar above 55%.

This perfectly shows that most companies in America "do not bother" with the quality of work. What can we say about Russia, where the situation is much worse.

Only by focusing on service and quality of service in order to avoid lowering the coefficient due to the product and other technical issues that are not directly related to customer focus.

I hereby consent to the processing of Tourist Administrative Systems LLC (TIN 7705870599, PSRN 1137746962066, legal address: 115093, Moscow, 1st Shchipkovsky lane, 1) of my personal data and confirm that by giving such consent I act with my will and in my own interest. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I agree to provide information related to my personality: my last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, position, contact phone number, e-mail address, passport data and other information. Or, if I am a legal representative of a legal entity, I agree to provide information related to the details of the legal entity: name, legal address, types of activities, name and full name of the executive body. In the case of providing personal data of third parties, I confirm that I have received the consent of third parties, in whose interests I act, to process their personal data, including: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating or changing), use , distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Consent to the processing of personal data is given by me in order to receive the services provided by Tourist Administrative Systems LLC on and through the website.

I express my consent to the implementation of the following actions with all the specified personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating or changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Data processing can be carried out both with the use of automation tools and without their use (with non-automatic processing).

When processing personal data, Tourism Administrative Systems LLC is not limited in the application of methods for their processing.

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that, if necessary, Tourist Administrative Systems LLC has the right to provide my personal data to achieve the above goals to third parties, including when third parties are involved in the provision of services for these purposes. Such third parties have the right to process personal data on the basis of this consent and to notify me of service rates, special promotions and website offers. Informing is carried out by telephone and/or e-mail. I understand that clicking the "Submit Application" button constitutes my written acceptance of the terms and conditions described above.

Agreement on the processing of personal data when sending an application

By agreeing to the provisions set out below by putting a tick "V" opposite the word "I agree", you have the opportunity to send the Tour Operator (Travel Agent) an application for the selection of a tourist product. The Company acts solely as an intermediary between you and the Tour Operator (Travel Agent), passing the details of the application to the Tour Operator (Travel Agent).

ATTENTION! When filling out an application, booking a tourist product is not made.

Providing you with up-to-date, accurate and reliable information about yourself is a necessary condition for processing and sending to the Tour Operator an application for the selection of a tourist product. The required fields of the application form include your last name, first name and patronymic, phone number and a valid email address. With each subsequent formation of an application for the selection of a tourist product, you need to enter the above data in the application form again.

The name should not be an address of an Internet resource or e-mail, its use should not contradict the copyrights of third parties to intellectual property objects (trademarks, trademarks, etc.).

In all other respects, which are not expressly provided for in the above provisions, you should be guided by the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website (), Privacy Policy (), as well as the Personal Data Processing Agreement ().

Personal data is ALL information, information relating to an individual (or to the subject of personal data).

They can be divided into:

  • General. This is information with which a person can be identified: full name (surname, first name, patronymic), date of birth, gender, etc.
  • Special. These include information related to race, religion, nationality, etc.
  • Biometric. Measurable, directly observable biological and external data, physiological features. For example, height, weight, health status, medical diagnosis, fingerprints, etc.

On the Internet, consent is required for the processing of general personal data only. The information depends on the service you are using. The following data may be required: full name, address of registration / actual residence, details of an identity document, date of birth, gender, phone number, position, education, etc.

When and why you need consent to the processing of personal data

Consent to the processing of personal data on the Internet will be required to fulfill the terms of the contract between the client (the user whose personal data is of interest) and the service (which the client uses). For example, an online store (service) needs the customer's (customer's) address in order to deliver the ordered goods and carry out a payment transaction with a non-cash or even cash payment. Also, the client's personal data is used to send information and advertisements with the consent of the client.

It should be noted that the concept of “data processing” includes the collection, systematization, storage, accumulation, application, clarification / modification, recording, extraction, transfer and even depersonalization, deletion from the system and complete destruction of information about the client. Therefore, an Internet service that is not related to municipal or state institutions needs to take the consent of the client for any actions with personal data. Information is transferred to third parties in situations specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation. This is regulated by the federal law “On Personal Data” (N 152-FZ).

Agreements for the processing of personal data on various Internet resources

As a rule, similar user agreements are used on the Internet, which include a clause on consent to the processing of information.

However, the wording, designations, number of articles, etc. differ depending on the resource on which this or that agreement is concluded.

An example of consent when registering on Internet services

Consider an example of an agreement on the resource when creating (that is, when) an email box (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Consent to the processing of personal data when registering a mailbox

The user provides the following information: first name, last name, date of birth, gender. Optional: city and cell phone number.

Since the site does not check the information provided, the data is not called personal, but accounting.

Consent in this case is necessary so that the resource can provide the service, keep records of users, carry out newsletters, etc. It is also mandatory because the site has paid services.

Here, the user gives his consent to the processing of personal data by clicking on the "Register" button (Fig. 1). Near the button there is a link to the "User Agreement". By opening this agreement (by clicking on it with the left mouse button), the user simultaneously agrees to the processing of his personal data. This is stated in the User Agreement. This is how it is not quite easy to find a link to your consent to the processing of your personal data. By the way, this is also about the benefits of reading what we do not like to read and usually skip. But in vain, sometimes it is useful to know what we actually subscribe to on Internet resources.

And one more example. Below is the form to be filled out when:

Rice. 2. Consent to the processing of personal data when registering a Yandex mailbox

As you can see, when registering Yandex.mail, you need to have a checkmark next to consent to the processing of personal data (see “Privacy Policy”), but in Mile ru there is not even a checkmark, everything is simpler there, but the essence is the same. But here it is more clearly and directly stated that the service requests the user's consent to the processing of his personal data.

The main feature of registration and agreement on services of this type is the ability to provide false information on the part of the user. However, the responsibility in this case lies entirely with the user.

Also note that by agreeing to the processing of information on such Internet resources, you also agree that the data may be transferred to service partners. The list of partners is usually indicated in the contract, but it is also possible that the partners will not be explicitly indicated.

Such agreements are drawn up by experienced lawyers, who, on the one hand, ensure full compliance with the requirements of federal laws, and, on the other hand, facilitate the task of the service in obtaining and processing users' personal data for the benefit of their business.

Examples of consents to the processing of personal data in online stores

Online stores require the consent of the client to the processing of personal data in order to provide a service, send an order, send out informational/advertising announcements.

  • On some resources, you will need to check the box next to the sentence “I agree to the terms of the “User Agreement”” (or similar).
  • On others, consent is given automatically when you click the “Submit (place) order” button.

As a rule, such agreements are drawn up according to a single template, the clauses of which state that the client:

  • Agrees to all actions with personal data with and without the use of automation tools.
  • Undertakes to provide a specific list of information and is responsible for their truth.
  • It has the right to withdraw personal information, but this is tantamount to breaking the contract between the parties.
  • Additionally, the agreement includes a list of partners, the grounds on which data transfer is possible, the purpose of processing, the duration of the agreement, etc.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data and its possible consequences

By law, the client / user has the right not to give consent to the processing of their data, because this act is completely voluntary. It has no legal consequences, that is, a person will not be prosecuted or punished in any way. However, this almost always makes it impossible to use an Internet resource or receive a service from a service.

It turns out that the refusal of the agreement is tantamount to the refusal of the service. At the same time, even disagreement to change the terms of the “User Agreement” (which, by the way, are made unilaterally) is the basis for terminating the contract.

If you have already signed the agreement, but then decide to terminate the agreement, you can withdraw your personal data. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the Internet resource and write about your desire. Further actions are carried out according to the instructions provided by the administration of the Internet service.

Consent to the processing of personal data in real life

Consent to the processing of personal data may be required not only on the Internet, but also in any store. For example, when filling out a questionnaire for a discount card, there is a small print about consent, and consent is also required when applying for a job, while studying, in many medical institutions. It is often impossible to do without similar parental consent in kindergarten, school, etc.

Oddly enough, but without such consent, the bank will not be able to process an application for a loan. Also, the employer may refuse the applicant because of his refusal to process personal data, since the employer may decide that the applicant is hiding something from him.

As noted above, personal data of a person is considered to be information that relates to a specific individual. Again, personal data can be divided into three main categories.

  1. Public. Such data is not hidden by the carrier. These include information about the name, date of birth, etc.
  2. Biometric. Appearance and features of physiology, if they are visually determined.
  3. Special. Religion, nationality, criminal record, as well as information related to employment.

While on the Internet consent is required for the processing of publicly available information, in real life consent must be obtained for all three categories of personal data.

Protection of information about a person in employment

When an employee is hired, the employer must require some documents for employment. In this case, all documents contain certain information about the applicant. Naturally, in this case, it is necessary to obtain consent to the processing of personal data against signature. The person is also warned that they can withdraw consent by withdrawing their consent.

The employer must inform the applicant how the received personal data will be stored and processed, how they will be protected from outside interference, and how you can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data.

Can I refuse to give consent? - a question that may concern many applicants.

According to the law, you can not give consent to the processing of data. However, it should be noted that when applying for a job or when contacting a banking institution, the lack of consent to processing may lead to refusal to hire or to provide banking or other services. Since the employer is also interested in personal data for making decisions about hiring a candidate. And banks are interested in personal data to make decisions about the provision of services to the client.

Responsibility for disclosure of personal data

According to the law, the disclosure of personal information by an employer is fraught with serious consequences. In particular, it can be both disciplinary and criminal liability. In other words, the one who is guilty of transferring personal information will face serious punishment.

The same applies to banks and other institutions that request consent to the processing of personal data.

How to revoke the consent given to the employer?

To revoke consent to data processing, it is necessary that 1 of 2 cases is relevant:

  1. Upon dismissal
  2. If the employer does not ensure the confidentiality of information.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of a written application from the employee, in which the reason for the withdrawal must be indicated.

When recalling, all information must be deleted by the employer within a month.

Note. Information about consent to the processing of personal data in real life (and not just on the Internet) is given by me to get a general picture, in particular, to understand the connection between ongoing events in real life and on the Internet.

Everywhere you need consent to the processing of personal data:.
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