Capitals of countries that are not major cities. Capital but not largest city

In almost all countries of the world, the capital is the largest city. For example, Moscow is about 2.4 times larger than St. Petersburg, Kyiv is 2 times larger than Kharkov, Tokyo is 3.5 times larger than Yokohama

But there are countries in which the capital is not the largest city.


Canberra - purpose-built capital since 1913

Population - 358,222 (2011)

Population - 4.8 million people (2012)

Sydney is 13 times bigger than Canberra


Belmopan - purpose-built capital since 1962

Population - 13,351 (2010)

Population - 69,474 (2013)

Belize was the capital from the 17th century until 1970, remains the de facto capital

Belize is 4.9 times larger than Belmopan



Population - 223,552 (2002)

Population - 761,137 (2006)

Government is located in Cotonou

Cotonou is 3.4 times larger than Porto-Novo


Sucre (formerly Nuevo Toledo, Charcas, La Plata, Chuquisaca)

Population - 295,455 (2009)

De facto capital (seat of government) in La Paz (887,512 people (2009)

Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Population - 1,529,000 (2006)

Santa Cruz de la Sierra is 6.2 times larger than Sucre


Brasilia - purpose-built capital since 1960

Population - 2,609,997 (2011)

Until 1960, the capital of the country was Rio de Janeiro (1763 - 1960)

Sao Paulo

Population - 11,316,149 (2011)

Sao Paulo is 4.3 times larger than Brasilia


New Delhi is a district of Delhi, or a city within a city

Population - 295 thousand people (2011)

Mumbai (called Bombay until 1995)

Population - 12,478,447 (2011)

Mumbai is 42 times bigger than New Delhi


Astana (formerly Akmolinsk, Tselinograd, Akmola)

Population - 780,880 (2013)

Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata)

Population - 1,501,000 (2013)

Alma-Ata was the capital from 1927 to 1997, today the southern capital of Kazakhstan

Almaty is 1.9 times larger than Astana


Population - 883,391 (2011)

Population - 2,615,060 (2011)

Greater Toronto agglomeration - 5,715 million people

Toronto is 3 times larger than Ottawa (agglomeration 6.5 times)

Ivory Coast

Yamoussoukro has been the capital since 1983

Population - 242,744 (2010)

Population - 3,802,000 people (2007)

Abidjan agglomeration - 5 million people

Abidjan was the capital from 1934 to 1983, remains the de facto capital

Abidjan is 15.6 times larger than Yamoussoukro (agglomeration 20.6 times)



Population - 9,000 (2009)


Population - 22,232 (2011)

In fact, Valletta and Birkirkara merged into a single agglomeration

Birkirkara is 2.5 times larger than Valletta


Population - 1,622,860 (2004)


Population - 3,356,337 (2012)

Casablanca is 2 times bigger than Rabat


Population - 975 (2008)

Monte Carlo

Population - 2,874 (2008)

Monte Carlo is almost 3 times larger than Monaco


Naypyidaw has been the capital since 2005

Population - 924,600 (2009)

Yangon (formerly Rangoon)

Population - 4,477,638 (2005)

Rangoon was the capital from 1852 to 2005.

Agglomeration - 5,990,318 people

Yangon is 4.8 times larger than Naypyidaw (agglomeration 6.5 times)


Abuja has been the capital since 1991

Population - 778,567 (2006)

Population - 7,937,932 (2006)

Lagos was the capital from 1914 to 1991.

Lagos is 10.2 times larger than Abuja

New Zealand


Population - 431,400 (2007)

Population - 1,303,300 (2009)

Auckland was the capital from 1841 to 1865.

Auckland is 3 times bigger than Wellington

United Arab Emirates

Population - 921,000 (2013)

Population - 2,262,000 (2008)

Dubai agglomeration - 3,006,000 people

Dubai is 2.5 times larger than Abu Dhabi (agglomeration 3.3 times)


Ngerulmud - purpose-built capital since 2006

Melekeok State has 8 villages, one of which is Ngerulmud. The population of the entire state of Melekeok is 391 (2005).

Population - 10.5 thousand people (2007)

Koror was the capital of an independent republic from 1981 to 2006.

Koror is about 30 times larger than Ngerulmud


Islamabad has been a purpose-built capital since the late 1960s.

Population - 1.152 million (2011)

From 1958 until the end of the 60s, Rawalpindi was the temporary capital

Population - 21.2 million people (2012)

Karachi was the capital from 1947 to 1958.

Karachi is 18.4 times larger than Islamabad

San Marino

San Marino (city)

Population - 4,600 (2008)


Population - 10,392 (2010)

Serravalle is 2.3 times larger than San Marino



Population - 601,723 (2010)

New York was the capital from 1790 to 1800.

Population - 8,363,710 (2010)

New York is 13.9 times larger than Washington


Dodoma - the capital since 1993

Population - 324,347 (2002)

Dar es Salaam

Population - 4,364,541 (2012)

Dar es Salaam was the capital from 1890 to 1996, remains the de facto capital

Dar es Salaam is 13.5 times larger than Dodoma


Population - 133,868 (2012)

Agglomeration - 353,300 people (2010)

Population - 391,068 (2012)

Agglomeration - 1,188,600 people (2010)

Zurich is 2.9 times larger than Bern (agglomeration 3.4 times)

Sri Lanka

Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte - capital since 1982

Population - 115,826 (2008)

Population - 672,743 (2007)

Colombo is 5.8 times larger than Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

In fact, the capital of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte is part of the Colombo agglomeration

Republic of South Africa


Population - 2,345,908 people (2007)


Population - 4,434,827 (2011)

Agglomeration -7,860,781 people (2011)

Johannesburg is 1.9 times larger than Pretoria (agglomeration 3.4 times)

Little difference between the largest city and the capital

Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City is 1.2 times larger than Hanoi

China - Shanghai is 1.2 times larger than Beijing

Liechtenstein - Schaan is 1.1 times larger than Vaduz

Turkey - Istanbul is 1.3 times larger than Ankara

Ecuador - Guayaquil is 1.4 times larger than Quito

    Below is a list of the capitals of the states of the world, grouped by parts of the world. Contents 1 Europe 2 Asia 3 Africa 4 America ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Capital (meanings). The capital is the official main city (less commonly megalopolis) of the state. In the capital, as a rule, the highest authorities and administrations are located: the residence of the head of state (monarch ... Wikipedia

    This is a service list of articles created to coordinate ... Wikipedia

    The third capital in Russian national and regional political discourse is a city that, in an alternative development of historical events, claimed or was close to becoming the capital of Russia, in which historically replaced ... Wikipedia

    Winnipeg City Winnipeg Country ... Wikipedia

    Official capitals of states proclaimed as such since 1960 (cities whose capital status was proclaimed after the transfer of the capital from another city, after the separation of a special administrative unit from the former capital, or ... ... Wikipedia

    Europe- (Europe) Europe is a densely populated, highly urbanized part of the world named after a mythological goddess, forming together with Asia the continent of Eurasia and having an area of ​​​​about 10.5 million km² (about 2% of the total Earth area) and ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), state in the Center. Europe. Germany (Germania) as a territory inhabited by germs, tribes, was first mentioned by Pytheas from Massalia in the 4th century. BC e. Later, the name Germania was used to refer to Rome. ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

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It seems that it was a surprise for each of us to learn at school that the capital of the United States is not New York. The fact that the capital of Australia is Canberra, not Sydney, and Turkey - Ankara, not Istanbul, in our time, perhaps everyone knows. But today there are 36 states in the world in which it is easy to confuse large cities with capitals.

We are in website found out something interesting about the 12 most interesting of them and we want you to be surprised too.

This map shows states whose capitals are not the most populous cities in the country. These settlements make up 14% of all capitals in the world.


The first thing that comes to mind when answering a question about the capital of Switzerland is Zurich. The second is Geneva. But the first city is the financial center of the country, the second is considered the diplomatic center. It is noteworthy that Switzerland does not have a documented capital. De facto, as the official seat of the government of the country, was approved city ​​of Bern.


Contrary to the popular belief that the capital of this dwarf state is Monte Carlo, the real administrative center of the country is Monaco. To distinguish the name of the principality from the name of the city, it is sometimes called Monaco-Ville (from the French ville - "city"). However, it cannot be called a city either. With a population of just 975, Monaco-Ville is a historic district.


Capital of Vietnam - Hanoi, the second largest city in the country with a population of 7.7 million people. The largest city here is Ho Chi Minh City. With a population of 8.4 million people, it is also known by its former name Saigon: then it was the capital of the French colony, and after the independent state of South Vietnam. It is noteworthy that the former name of the city is still used today.


"Rio de Janeiro!" - we are in a hurry to show off our erudition. Yes, it was the capital from 1763 to 1960, but now it is not even the largest city in the country, the title of which is Sao Paulo with a population of 12 million people. According to the Brazilian constitution, adopted in 1891, the capital must be a city located in the geographical center of the country. Right here in the city Brasilia, and the capital was moved from Rio.


Since the creation of the federation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971 Abu Dhabi had the status of a temporary capital. The constitution of the new state at that time determined the construction of the new city of Al-Karama, which was intended to be the capital. However, the proposed city was never built. Abu Dhabi has been the permanent capital of the Emirates since 1966. The largest city in the country, as you probably already guessed, is Dubai, its population is 3 million inhabitants.

New Zealand

For the title of the main city of the country, the struggle was fought for 26 years. Only from Toronto to Quebec and back the capital moved 4 times, until in 1857 Queen Victoria appointed Ottawa. Now the capital