Remove PDF file watermarks. How to remove watermark from PDF file? Convert pdf to tif

All of these can be tried for free, but a license is required to get the desired result.

However, the watermark of this particular PDF file (which the OP emailed me) is not a single image that is repeated on all pages. As it turns out, PDFCreator hardcoded it (nearly pixel by pixel) into each of them. This makes it much more difficult to remove the watermark (and results in a rather bloated PDF file).

Since the watermark is actually made up of many tiny images, you can remove them with a PDF editor (such as Foxit Advanced PDF Editor) by simply selecting them and clicking Remove. Unfortunately, you have to repeat this for every page.

A less time-consuming solution would be to remove the watermark programmatically. We need:

  • Pdftk: A tool for (un)compressing and fixing PDF streams.
  • Notepad++ : A text editor capable of replacing Perl compatible regular expressions.


    Download Pdftk and extract pdftk.exe and libiconv2.dll in %windir%\System32, a directory along the path, or any other location of your choice.

    Download and install Notepad++.

    PDF streams are usually compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm. This saves space but makes the PDF source illegible.

    pdftk original.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress

    unpacks all streams so they can be modified by a text editor.

    open uncompressed.pdf using Notepad++ to reveal the watermark structure.

    In this particular case, each page starts with a block

    Q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118.67 cm BI /CS/RGB /W 1 /H 1 /BPC 8 ID Ÿ®¼ EI Q

    and almost 4000 blocks like this one. This particular block sets only one (/W 1 /H 1) watermark pixels.

    Scrolling down to the pattern change shows that the watermark stream is 95,906 bytes long (counting newlines). The exact same flow is repeated on every page of the PDF file.

    Press Ctrl + H and install the following:

    Find: q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118\.67 cm.(95881) Replace: (blank) Match case: checked Wrap around: checked Regular expression: selected . matches newline: checked

    The regular expression q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118\.67 cm.(95881) matches the first line of the above block (q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118.67 cm) and all subsequent 95,881 characters, i.e. the watermark stream.

    Pressing " Replace all" removes it from all pages of the PDF file.

    The watermark is now removed, but the PDF file has errors (the length of the streams is incorrect) and is not compressed.

    pdftk uncompressed.pdf output nowatermark.pdf compress

    takes care of both.

    uncompressed.pdf is no longer needed. You can remove it.

The result is the same PDF without the watermark (and about half the size).

I mentioned my self-made how to remove watermarks from pdf files downloaded from ProQuest.

« Please note that the pages of the downloaded pdf file "out.pdf" are embossed with a "PREVIEW" watermark to protect something there. Maybe such an inscription appears only in the trial version of access to ProQuest. Or maybe not. I won't lie - I don't know.

If someone "likes" to see this "watermark" in the file, then so be it. But for some aesthetes, like me, he is terribly annoying. To meet the needs of working people all over the world, skilled programmers have created programs that allow you to remove watermarks from pdf files, for example, "PDF Logo Remover", "PDF Watermark Remover", "Nitro Pro", "PDF Converter Ultimate", "VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer", "VeryPDF PDF to Any Converter", etc. And, as they say, even "Adobe Acrobat Pro" itself also allows you to do this. Having tried everything mentioned above, I will say: “They don’t fucking remove this PREVIEW inscription from the files issued by ProQuest!”.

AT principle, task extermination"watermark" on the pages of pdf files for graduate students is not entirely relevant. Because who needs to catch only essence from the multi-page creations of Adobe, and even more so when watermark does not interfere with the direct tearing out of the “from there” text, this problem is “on the drum”.

O However, life is much more complicated and diverse than the graduate student routine, so I personally had the task more than once clear some pdf-file from unnecessary inscriptions, such as "PREVIEW", "COPYRIGHT", "DTIC", "IEEE Proof" and the like. By the way, not for the purpose steal or appropriate someone else's intellectual product, God forbid, but for completely different reasons.

T So, once faced with such a problem, I really tried quite a lot of software products. In some cases worked one, in others other, but much more often "patented doctors" turned out to be powerless. And "what" to do?

BUT what, for example, do brainy and handy men without money do in the villages when they need to move around the local potholes? They, using improvised means, the remnants of Soviet collective-farm equipment, old tires, pieces of scrap metal in the yard, plus a neighbor's welding machine, simply make themselves some kind of self-propelled unit. He, of course, painfully ugly in appearance, but, there it in the swing, — GOOD LUCK! Do you need checkers, or go?

P since I have long been accustomed to doing many things on the command line in the form of scripts or batch files 1) This approach makes life much easier when automating various routine operations that I have in bulk at work, or when processing large amounts of data. In this case, everything is under control. Moreover, by writing a couple of dozen lines and pressing a button, you can go to all four directions - even smoke, even doze off!, then in this case "shellless" and unsightly « watermark terminator» pdf-files I "blinded" for personal needs from what was. Well, okay! Writing a full-fledged graphical shell, and even with a newfangled, tombstone-style, Windows interface was “scrap”. You don't change clothes for dinner, do you? And you can eat at the table in underwear.

Action algorithm

AT In most cases, the watermark in pdf files is some kind of inscription or textual picture in the background behind main text. Moreover, for its image in pdf-documents with scientific and technical the content usually uses a certain shade of gray - not fifty, as is now fashionable, but one. Paranoid watermark case with multicolor fill, gradient, drop shadows and other design features bells and whistles will not be considered. At « vchenyh» this is a little faster. So in a nutshell algorithm self-made "termination" of unwanted marking is as follows:

And So, let's consider the algorithm described above in more detail.

P Let's say we have a pdf file with some stupid gray inscription in the background. Moreover, let's complicate the introductory: let the file besides protected from changes.

AT from you a living example of such a file is my article in the magazine « Geoscience and Remote Sensing» which was sent to me from there in 2004 for final revision. By opening this file in "Adobe Acrobat pro", and pressing "Ctrl-D", you can see in the "Document Properties" in the "Protection" section that this pdf file is prohibited change, layout, copying and extracting pages.

1. Remove restrictions

T Thus, the first step is to remove the established protection or restrictions. One of the methods of this unfriendly action was described by me in "Trick number 6 - Opening a password-protected pdf file". There, frankly speaking, a good program from “Wondershare” was used for this - “PDF Splitter 1.5”, taken, as always, from the bourgeois for temporary use.

H oh, unfortunately, "PDF Splitter 1.5" does not allow you to work from the command line 2) Actually, in order to use programs without command line support in scripts, I developed a certain technique - maybe not very elegant, but working. Somehow I will describe it in the next "Trick".. Therefore, I had to look for an alternative, which was found in the face of the free utility " qpdf » 3) Link to " " , a link to where you can download this utility., allowing in one line

qpdf -decrypt input.pdf output.pdf

remove restrictions from pdf file 4) The following files are used during operation: “qpdf.exe”, “libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll”, “libstdc++-6.dll”, “qpdf13.dll”. Source link, .. Simple and tasteful.

O Of course, one should not build any illusions about "qpdf". What maybe, she does, and what she cannot, then " Well, I couldn't».

2. Break into pieces

P went further. To split ("split") and merge ("merge") pdf-files heaped up a shitty cloud of programs: different volumes and with different capabilities 5) For example, "A-PDF Merger 2.4", "Free PDF Merger (Splitter)", "PDF Content Split" , "PDF Splitter and Merger" , "PDF Stitcher 2.0" , "Wondershare PDF merger-splitter", "TPDF", etc. etc.. But it has always been more familiar and convenient for me to bungle a batch file, write a couple of lines there, and not worry.

H for example, the file "input.pdf" with lifted restrictions you can “irritate” on separate pages in the blink of an eye using utilities "pdftk", "tpdf", or " " , by executing on the command line just

pdftk input.pdf burst

tpdf -t split -in input.pdf -out out_.pdf -ns —


cpdf -split input.pdf -o pg_%%%%%%%.pdf 6) This line must be written in the bat file, and the batch file must be launched.

P After the first and third commands, a bunch of files like "pg_0001.pdf", "pg_0002.pdf", ... will appear in the current folder, and after the second - "out_001.pdf", "out_002.pdf", ...

3. Convert pdf to tif

D For this operation, they also invented a lot more special beautiful programs and online services. But I use a set of software for such purposes. "ghostscript"(see brief information). Today there is version 9.18, which can be downloaded from here and installed “for no money” - if desired, of course. A portable version of Ghostscript for old and new Windows (required for this case) can be downloaded from here.

AT from is an example of a one-line command in a bat file that converts the "input.pdf" file to "output.tif".

gswin32.exe -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dNOPROMPT -sDEVICE=tiffgray -sCompression=lzw -r300x300 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=output.tif input.pdf -c quit

4. Extract the watermark

E this is the only moment of human intervention in the automatic process of the magical disappearance of the watermark. At first, I wanted to use "Paint Shop Pro 6.02", which I use all the time, despite the 15-year age of this software. « Old people - old things » . Since this version is as light as a bird, fast and intuitive. Unlike its current descendant - the latest version of X8 - a bloated monster with a distribution of about 250 MB with awesome features that are 99% unnecessary for my routine work. Although the trend is obvious. Instead of "Windows 3.11 for Workgroups" on three floppy disks and 640 kilobytes of memory, now any piece of iron, even the most puny one, operates with gigabytes and tens of gigabytes.

H oh, then I remembered another wonderful program - Irfan View, which is in my circle of "chosen" and "indispensable" (I currently have version 4.37). Its use along with the clipin and cmp utilities (from the wonderful 135-utility set Poof! ») made it possible to automate the stage of selecting a fragment with a watermark as much as possible.

R an intelligent being, for example, a graduate student, has only to select with the mouse in the file that opens in IrfanView a “piece” of the actual watermark, press the world-famous combination “Ctrl-C” and close IrfanView.

H and this is your doable the mission ends, after which you can "recover and smoke."

5. Determine the color code of the watermark

D This operation is performed using the utility "identify" from the swanky ImageMagick software package 7) Link to homepage, download location for the current version 6.9.2-4 and the portable versions I use.. ImageMagick is so powerful that it can all. To do this, you need one single little thing - with him you need understand. But just like MiKTeX 8) A bunch of my links: , link 2 , link 3 , link 4 , link 5 , link 6 , link 7 . according to Michal Mikhalych 9) MM. Zhvanetsky: " Well, Switzerland is a very small country. The Krasnoyarsk Territory covers her like a bull covers a sheep" (link)"covers" Word and even the sea of ​​any publishing software, both "bull sheep", and ImageMagick opens up a boundless sea of ​​\u200b\u200bopportunities for those who want to make "candy" out of images.

O with the only command of the form

identify -verbose input.tif >info.txt

the "identify" utility "splits" the input file "input.tif" in a way that a team of investigators cannot do after a 10-hour interrogation. And from his "testimony" (file "info.txt") you can pull out everything you need, including our modest needs for a watermark color code.

6. "Execution" watermark

H and the final stage, for which all this fuss was started, another ImageMagick utility with a modest name comes into play "convert". Having determined at the previous stage the color code of the watermark that interferes with us, for example, in the form #D9D9D9, with a short command

convert input.tif -fill white -opaque #D9D9D9 output.tif

we completely replace this color in the source file "input.tif" to the background color of the page ("white"), writing the result to "output.tif". Now it only remains to turn the tif back into pdf, and this will be a big and bold point.

7. Return to the "origins"

P Since everything has already been invented before us, smart heads on the planet have “planned” a lot of programs and utilities for converting images into pdf format. Personally, I have definitely tried a dozen different “needleworks” plus online services. But for this task, I used the Tiff2Pdf utility and the BitMiracle.LibTiff.NET.dll library from the package "LibTiff.Net" by downloading the archive from the link. With its use trousers turn into elegant shorts with a flick of the wrist»:

Tiff2Pdf -z -o output.pdf input.tif

8. PDF of all countries, unite!

P Programs for "gluing" pdf-files were also piled on "I don't want to". But I've always been interested to know, what for a bunch of programs are needed if there is already a wonderful toolkit already mentioned "pdftk". So, to combine a whole company of pdf files in the “pdfs” folder into one common file “pdf_out.pdf”, it is enough to type on the command line just

pdftk pdfs\*.pdf cat output pdf_out.pdf


E if someone did not fall asleep, having reached these lines, then, I hope, he was able to get general an idea about the algorithm for removing watermarks from a pdf file.

To By the way, until now, some comrades, receiving a government award, end their speech with the words: “ But this is not only my merit, but the merit of our entire team!". Describing almost all utilities that were used to solve this problem, I can not help but mention that, without which I could not do anything: streaming text editor sed 10) , where version 4.1.5 is stored, which I use. on the distribution kit of the current version 4.2.1.. A small and modest home front worker forging victory over text hordes - that's how I would define this utility, indispensable in my work. Glory to sed, the inspirer and organizer of our achievements!

Codes for the curious

I I understand that the passion for picking the insides of toys, like my grandchildren, passes over the years. However, for those graduate students of technical specialties (I’ll keep silent about doctors) who managed to preserve this childish immediacy of theirs, I suggest looking at the insides of this seremyazhny"watermark-terminator". Here - to the page with the codes of all bat-files. When writing them, I tried to comment as much as possible (@rem) on my actions for young graduate students. But most likely something is missing. " Well, call, Mykola! There are no bananas for you».


H at!?! So yes, some the lengthy preamble is over! " Gop-stop, we approached from around the corner».

T so, if you are asking to download this homemade, then I have it. - archive file "" (for a minute, 24,894,285 bytes). Anyone who does not trust me, but for some reason trusts Yandex.Disk, can rock all this "studova", having a guarantee in hand, there are no viruses. By the way, this watermark "terminator" is tested on strangers machines with Windows XP, 7th and 8th versions: everything works.

In the footsteps

  1. Download the archive and unzip it to a folder on your computer.
  2. Throw in this folder a pdf file from which you want to try to remove the disgrace in the form gray watermark.
  3. Rename this file as "pdf_in.pdf".
  4. Bale on the batch file "_clean.bat", clearing the folders from the possibly remaining previous results.
  5. Bale on the batch file "1_remove-wm.bat", starting the process of "destroying" the watermark.
  6. Don't be intimidated by the flickering Ghostscript windows: pdf files are converted to tif images.
  7. On the picture that opens in IrfanView, visually select a fragment only watermark without "cling" the text. By pressing the left mouse button with the help of the cross-shaped cursor, we select the desired, small area of ​​the image. Then the button can be released, allowing the mouse to take a breath of air.
  8. Press the magic keys "Ctrl-C" and close IrfanView.
  9. Everything else will do itself. After a while, a file without a watermark will appear in this folder - “pdf_out.pdf”.

H to confirm that this works, I propose to look at four examples of different pdf-files "BEFORE" conversion and "AFTER". In the last example, the original file was protected by file modification restrictions.

  • Video: Tutorial - Fill, Edit and Sign Your PDF Document Online Using PDFfiller
  • Video: How to Add Watermarks, Dates and Page Numbers to PDF Documents?

  • Video: How to Annotate Document Using PDFfiller

  • Video: How to Convert PDF to Word document online?

  • The site supports Internet Exporter (IE), Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

  • Do I need to download or install any software?

    No downloads needed!. website supports any browser.

  • Can I edit a PDF document online?

    Yes. site allows you to edit any type of PDF document, scanned form, application, contract document, license form or certificate with our various tools and features. You can rearrange, rotate, and delete, the pages. You can also add text, images, and signatures to each page.

  • How do I Create, Use and edit Templates?

    Upload the document with website Uploader or select the document in "My Forms" page. Fill in the information that you want your template to always contain and click "Done" button to return to "My Forms" page. Select the filled document and click "T"--"Template" button. Your document will be converted into a template. Every time you open the document, you will be prompted for a new document name and a new one will be created. The template itself will remain unchanged and ready for use. If you need to modify the template, simply select the template form in the "My Form" page and click the "Template" button. The template will be converted to a regular form. You can modify and convert it to a template later.

  • How do I add a watermark to PDF documents?
  • Can I create watermarks in a PDF file?

    Of course you can. To add a watermark to a PDF document, upload your document to PDFfiller, or choose the PDF you would like to edit in MyForms. Click "Watermark, ETC" on the right, and select "Watermark." You can create watermarks with options to customize text, size, orientation and opacity. You can also choose to only add watermarks to select pages if desired.

  • How can I apply custom watermark to PDF forms?

    To add a watermark to a PDF document, upload your document to PDFfiller, or choose the PDF you would like to edit in MyForms. Click "Watermark, ETC" on the right, and select "Watermark." You can create watermarks with options to customize text, size, orientation and opacity. You can also choose to only add watermarks to select pages if desired.

  • How do I insert page numbers in a PDF form?

    To insert page numbers into a PDF document, upload your form to PDFfiller, or choose the PDF you would like to edit in MyForms. Click "Watermark, ETC" on the right and choose "Page Numbering." Then, choose display format, size and position to add page numbers to your PDF document.

  • How do I add a date to a PDF documents?

    To add a date to each page of your PDF document, upload your form to PDFfiller, or choose the PDF you would like to edit in MyForms. Click "Watermark, ETC" on the right and choose the "Date" option. Then, choose a display format, size and position to add a date to each page of your PDF document.

  • How to annotate PDFs?

    To annotate PDF documents, upload your document to PDFfiller, or choose the document your want to annotate in "My Forms" page and click "Fill" button. Open "Draw" tab and access the editor toolbar, you can have a variety of annotation features: highlight text, add comments, underline text and insert sticky notes or arrows.

  • Can I Annotate a PDF file?

    Yes, you can. Upload your PDF documents to PDFfiller, or choose the document you want to edit and click "Fill" button in PDFfiller"s "My Forms" page. You can access to a variety of annotation features using the editor toolbar in "Draw" tab. To mark parts of text in the document, click the first button and select the text you"d like to highlight. To add a comment, click the fourth button and place a text box anywhere in your document. To add a sticky note, click the last button of the toolbar and place a note anywhere in your PDF. You can change the notes" font setting using the buttons below the "Sticky Note" button. To underline text, click "Line" (the 6th) button and draw a line in your document. Place the line under the text you want to underline .

If ($answer_counter == 1): ?> endif; ?>

For image-based watermarks, there are several tools that promise to remove them automatically. For example:

You can try all of these, but a license is required to get the desired result.

However, the watermark of this particular PDF file (which emailed me) is not a single image that is repeated on all pages. As it turns out, PDFCreator hardcoded it (nearly pixel by pixel) into each of them. This makes the watermark much harder to remove (and results in a rather bloated PDF).

Since the watermark is actually made up of many small images, you can remove them with a PDF editor (such as Foxit Advanced PDF Editor) by simply selecting them and clicking Remove. Unfortunately, you have to repeat this for every page.

A less time-consuming solution would be to programmatically remove watermarks. We need:

  • Pdftk: A tool for (un)compressing and fixing PDF streams.
  • Notepad++: A text editor capable of replacing Perl's supported regular expressions.


    Download Pdftk and extract pdftk.exe and libiconv2.dll in %windir%\System32, a directory on the way, or any other location of your choice.

    Download and install Notepad++.

    PDF streams are usually compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm. This saves space but makes the PDF source illegible.

    pdftk original.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress

    unpacks all streams so they can be modified with a text editor.

    open uncompressed.pdf using Notepad++ to show the watermark structure.

    In this particular case, each page starts with a block

    Q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118.67 cm BI /CS/RGB /W 1 /H 1 /BPC 8 ID Ÿ®¼ EI Q

    and almost 4000 blocks like this one. This particular block sets only one (/W 1 /H 1) watermark pixels.

    Scrolling down to the pattern change shows that the watermark stream is 95,906 bytes (counting newlines). The exact flow is repeated on every page of the PDF file.

    Press Ctrl + H and install the following:

    Find: q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118\.67 cm.(95881) Replace: (blank) Match case: checked Wrap around: checked Regular expression: selected . matches newline: checked

    The regular expression q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118\.67 cm.(95881) matches the first line of the above block (q 9 0 0 9 2997 4118.67 cm) and all subsequent 95,881 characters, i.e. the watermark stream.

    Clicking Replace All, remove it from all pages of the PDF file.

    Now the watermark is removed, but the PDF file has errors (the length of the streams is incorrect) and it is uncompressed.

    pdftk uncompressed.pdf output nowatermark.pdf compress

    takes care of everyone.

    uncompressed.pdf no longer required. You can remove it.

The result is the same PDF without the watermark (and about half the size).

A watermark is text or an image placed behind or before the content of a document. It is usually information that identifies the author of the document.
For watermarks, you can adjust the size, font, style, color, location on the page, specify the page numbers on which they will be displayed, etc., and also select an image from a PDF file as a watermark. Watermarks of different types can be used in one file. You can add multiple watermarks to each page of a document.
Watermark settings can be saved for later use.

Adding watermarks.

To add watermarks to a PDF document, select from the main menu: Document>Watermark>Add

  • View Setting the parameters of the inserted image.
    Turn- The value of the rotation angle (in degrees) of the watermark in relation to the document page.
    Opacity- Opacity value (in percent).
    Scale relative to target page - The scale of the watermark in relation to the page of the document on which this mark will be added.
  • Source Document Select the type of watermark to be inserted. This can be entered text or an image from a PDF file.
    Text When the marker is set, the source material for the watermark will be the entered text.
    Font- Set the following options for the watermark text: font type, size, color, and text highlighting with underlining.
  • Saved settings List of saved watermark templates.
    To add a template, specify the required watermark options and click Save. In the dialog box that appears, write down the name of the template.
    To delete a template, select it from the list of saved settings. Confirm the deletion of the template in the dialog box that appears.
  • File When the marker is set, the source material for the watermark will be an image loaded from a PDF or image file.
    Review- Select source PDF file or image file for watermark.
    Page number- The page number of the file whose image will be used as a watermark. (The total number of pages in the file is displayed under Total Pages)
    Scale- The scale of the watermark in relation to the original image inserted from the PDF file. To make this item active, remove the marker in the item View> Scale relative landing page.
  • Position Sets the position of the watermark on the document page.
    Vertical shift- The value of the vertical offset of the watermark relative to the selected position: Top, Center or Bottom.
    Horizontal shift- The value of the horizontal offset of the watermark relative to the selected position: Top, Center or Bottom.
    Units- Choice of units of measurement for specifying the shift distance.
  • Page Range Specify the page range to add watermarks.

Remove all watermarks.

To delete single characters, select from the main menu Document>Watermark>Delete.All single characters in the document will be removed.