Which universities teach Chinese. What language is taught in universities in China? The process of admission to universities in China

History of learning Chinese in Russia and an overview of educational institutions

The Chinese language is taught at universities in many Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Ussuriysk, Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Vladivostok, Kazan, etc. The first Chinese language department in Russia was opened at the Oriental Faculty of Kazan University in 1837

Department of Chinese, Vietnamese, Lao and Thai languages ​​MGIMO

The Center for the Study of Chinese for students of Moscow universities was transformed from a branch of the Department of Chinese Philology at Moscow State University. (information on homepage.ru)

Interuniversity Faculty of Chinese Language (theoryandpractice.ru)


Department of Foreign Languages ​​IESEN (English, German and Chinese) - Institute of Natural and Socio-Economic Sciences of the National State Pedagogical University.


Oriental faculty of St. Petersburg State University
Department of Philology of China, Korea and Southeast Asia (orient.pu.ru/dept_china)


Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute
Department of Chinese Language of the Oriental Faculty (www.uspi.ru/study)

Transbaikal State Pedagogical University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Department of Chinese Language of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​(www.zabspu.ru)

Chita Institute of Baikal State University of Economics and Law
The Department of Foreign Languages, being an interfaculty department, provides teaching of foreign languages ​​(English, Chinese, German, Latin) in professional training in all specialties of CHIBGUEP (narhoz-chita.ru)

The TOP 10 questions that our clients ask us when planning their studies at universities in China have long been deduced. We never sigh heavily and think about, well, when will everyone already know the answers to such common questions, we answer them again and again with great pleasure and enthusiasm, but at the same time we do not stand still, we develop, in connection with than the need for working time increases. That is why we decided to write detailed reviews on the 10 most frequently asked questions.

Answers to many of them are in the section "", but the description there is short, but under this heading "TOP 10 Client Questions" we will answer each in detail, based not only on experience in the educational services market, but also on personal experience .

All questions of the rubric are listed below, the question considered in this article is highlighted in bold. In order to go to the page with the answer to another question, click on it with the mouse. We will write articles gradually, so if the question link is not active, then we just wait, we will try to give answers as soon as possible, you will receive notifications of new publications by e-mail, for this, subscribe to if you have not done so before).

List of questions for this applicant:

So, let's start with the first question, which of the TOP-10 listed above can be classified as TOP-1.

What language is taught in universities in China?

This is the simplest, but at the same time the most common question. To understand the unambiguous answer to it, let's just think about an example. Universities in China offer programs in Chinese (in most cases) and in English (they are more expensive and require confirmation of the level of language proficiency).

  • We are not considering the second option now, since in this case the English language of instruction was initially declared. Knowledge of Chinese is not required, you can learn it on your own, practicing on the spot with native students. Teachers will also be native speakers or Chinese, but certified to teach subjects in English. English-speaking students often come to these programs to study in their native language and receive a diploma from a Chinese university.
  • And what will happen in the first version? Imagine a group of 15 students, say the specialty "International Economics and Trade" or the same long language courses. The composition of the students: 3 Russians, 3 Indonesians, 3 Americans, 1 Japanese, 2 Kazakhs, 1 Italian, 1 African and 1 German. As you already understood, each student has his own mother tongue and half of them may not speak any language other than their mother tongue. So what language is taught at universities in China?

Of course, in Chinese! At the end of the course (bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies), each student must be proficient in Chinese at the maximum level of HSK6 (this is a prerequisite for both bachelor's and master's programs, and doctoral studies). This is possible only when obtaining knowledge in the language of the country of instruction. For admission to any specialty (except for such as "Chinese language and literature", "Business Chinese" and the like, and then far from everywhere), an initial level of HSK4 is required. In the listed specialties or language courses, knowledge of Chinese is not required, you can come "from scratch".

The first word of a teacher who entered the group of new students is 你们好 (Nǐmen hǎo) or 大家好 (Dàjiā hǎo), which means "Hello!" and then only Chinese speech begins to flow.

How do students who have not previously studied Chinese understand the teacher? This question worries everyone. The learning process is structured in such a way that after 2-3 weeks everyone understands the teacher's speech by 60-70% and this is quite enough, because the remaining 30-40% of misunderstanding give an incentive to learn new words and look into the textbook more often.

In other words, today students have learned 10 new words, tomorrow the teacher uses these words as often as possible in his speech and gives 10 new words for tomorrow in addition to grammar, and so on. In a month there will be 15 words a day, then 20, in one semester 30, in a year 50-60 new words a day plus, of course, writing these words in hieroglyphs. This leads to a simple conclusion - do your homework. Those who treat DZ carelessly begin to speak Chinese in a year, or even later.

Only complete immersion in the language environment without any English, and even more so Russian, Spanish, French, etc., gives such a quick result. You will begin to hear new words in a dialogue with the teacher, on a subconscious level, the translation will already be in your head.

Some students are so outraged by the lack of the Russian language in the teaching process, but this is only before the start of the first lesson, because then everyone realizes the value of this moment and realizes it very quickly. The guys even argue and say that there are universities where they teach in Russian)) Yes, there is! These are more often border universities with the same Russia, for example, in the city of Heihe. But let's think... We sit in a group with some Russian speakers, we hear such understandable and native speech, we leave the lessons and hear it again and again (we chat with friends at breaks, go to eat together, go for a walk together, do homework, etc. .). So what progress do you expect in mastering Chinese?

Do you know why students call us and say that they have been in Russia for three years!!! have been learning Chinese for years, and their HSK2 level? That's why. In China, studying at a university, in three years you will have level 6, but not the second. And pay attention to foreigners (we exclude Russian speakers and a small part of English speakers), only it is customary for them to speak Chinese with each other, no matter how many words they know today, it is considered uncivilized in another country to speak their native language, because others- they don't understand this speech.

Gestures, grimaces, laughter, posing are used, but they speak as best they can. And it is foreigners who often achieve greater progress in mastering the language in the same period of time. English-speakers allow themselves to communicate in English, because they believe that their language is international and everyone should know it)), but this is not a pattern, but an exception, so knowledge of English, of course, will not harm, but not knowledge will not put you in a stupid situation, because there is Chinese and now students from all over the world can understand each other. You can’t even imagine how interesting it is when you speak with the same Hindu, and he understands you, you are friends, have common interests and at the same time ... no English!

I will not be mistaken if I say that the lessons cannot do without English. There are rarely moments when, well, no one in the group understands the meaning of a word or phrase, then the teacher can give its translation into English, but on one big condition that he owns it. More often, knowledge is limited to the school level, so everything becomes clear to students. It is much easier for the teacher to give an explanation with gestures. In some universities, the use of English during lessons is generally strictly prohibited.

They teach Chinese excitingly, always with a smile on their face, interesting stories. When I was studying, at first I was very surprised at how the lesson time flew by, it seemed that they had just started and the bell had already started, then I realized that with great desire I get up early and go to classes, I have no thoughts of skipping, come up with some reason for the absence. Not all students will have such attendance and desire, and not all teachers will have fun in the classroom, but, working with many universities in China and visiting open lessons in them, we can say with confidence that unsmiling and monotonous teachers come across very, very rarely. Do not think that the fun from the podium is relaxing, on the contrary, it keeps your attention throughout the lesson in the "eye to eye" method. We also analyzed underachieving students and came to the same conclusion: these are people who were brought by their parents to China by force due to fashion trends or a desire to quickly send them into an independent life, or who came with any other goals, but besides studying.

I think I was able to answer the question stated at the beginning of the article. Do not be afraid of the Chinese language from the first day, this is an advantage, not a disadvantage, which you will fully experience on your first days of study.

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Due to the dynamic and rapid development of the Middle Kingdom, specialists on the world labor market are in demand, not only studying Chinese, but also understanding the mentality of the people of China. The modern educational system of the PRC allows Russian citizens to enter universities with the study of the Chinese language, having only a high school diploma. At the same time, the level of language knowledge does not matter: you can choose a program where they will quickly and efficiently teach Chinese from scratch. Usually, the basic version is designed for several months and allows you to learn the language at an elementary, everyday level. However, speaking Chinese is not enough for studying at a university: you need to write lectures, read scientific literature and conduct scientific disputes!

How are the language courses

To quickly and effectively master the basics of foreign speech and writing, to master not only everyday Chinese, but also academic, take advantage of the opportunity for advanced pre-university training under the IFP CCN programs. Many universities with the study of Chinese in China invite foreigners to study for beginners in order to prepare for undergraduate and graduate programs in higher educational institutions in China. However, among the numerous proposals, it is IFP CCN that has unique advantages: - the intensity and effectiveness of training (1080 hours); - significant vocabulary (up to 2500 words); - the opportunity to learn the language with a focus on the future profession, including the study of special terminology; - adaptation to the standards of education of the future university; - career prospects: internships and access to future employers; - grades of the preparatory year are counted instead of entrance examinations in any of the universities of the CCN system. The three main groups aimed at specialized training in China for foreigners include humanitarian, technical and business areas. Another important aspect to consider when choosing a pre-university program: IFP CCN provides an opportunity to receive study grants, which will help save a lot of money and get a quality higher education in China.

In connection with the strengthening of the economic position of the countries of the Far East and the revision by Russia of its political guidelines, the demand for specialists with knowledge of oriental languages ​​is steadily increasing in the labor market. Let's try to answer the question of where and how oriental languages ​​are studied in Moscow universities.

If the applicant has firmly decided not only to learn an oriental language at one of the universities in Moscow, but also to acquire a deep knowledge of the culture of the country of the language being studied, then it is best to give preference to the specialty "Oriental and African Studies". You can get this specialty only in five metropolitan universities:

the name of the institution Faculty Passing score in 2014 Number of budget places Tuition fee (rubles per year)
National Research University Higher School of Economics World economy and world politics 274 50 330 000
Institute of Asian and African countries 341* 71 325 000
University of the Foreign languages 227-235 20 150 000
Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity 219 15 170 000 - 190 000
- // - History, political science and law 219 10 170 000 - 190 000
State Academic University for the Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophies - No 160 000

*in four subjects

Prestigious: National Research University Higher School of Economics

The HSE Department of Oriental Studies, which since the current academic year has separated from the Faculty of Philosophy and became part of the Faculty of Economics and World Politics, was opened in 2009. What makes this department especially interesting is that it not only teaches fundamentally Oriental languages ​​and cultures, but also introduces students to the methods and ways of working in the countries of the East. Largely due to the business orientation of the department, he managed to overtake the Mecca of Orientalists of past years - the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University in terms of passing score and cost of education.

Meanwhile, such a young department cannot boast of a rich selection of languages ​​offered for study. The four most popular areas are actively developed here: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic. The compulsory program includes the study of one oriental language, however, from the second year (subject to good academic performance) as an elective, you can also begin to learn a second oriental language. Whether it is possible to master two oriental languages ​​in just 4 years of study is up to the student to decide.

Fundamental: Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

An applicant who boasts good language skills, excellent USE results, deep knowledge of history (an additional entrance exam is conducted at the faculty) and an unshakable desire to become an excellent orientalist should first of all try to enter the Institute of Asian and African countries of Moscow State University. Here, ordinary schoolchildren are made into specialists who not only have a perfect command of the oriental language, but also understand the literature, history, culture, politics and economy of the country of the language being studied.

And, of course, not a single university in Moscow can compete with ISAA in the number of Oriental languages ​​offered for study. So, at the philological department of the faculty, eight departments are currently conducting educational activities:

  • Arabic philology (Arabic and its dialects);
  • Japanese Philology (Japanese);
  • Chinese Philology (Chinese);
  • Iranian philology (Persian, Dari, Pashto and Tajik languages, as well as (optionally) Armenian and Georgian languages);
  • Indian Philology (Hindi, Urdu and Tamil);
  • Turkic philology (Turkish, Turkmen and Uzbek languages);
  • philology of Southeast Asian countries, Korea and Mongolia (Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino, Mongolian, Burmese, Khmer and Lao-Thai languages);
  • Western European Languages ​​(specializes in teaching a second foreign language).

Entering the Institute of Asian and African Countries is no easier than entering other faculties of Moscow State University, it is very difficult to study (especially if the applicant plans to study an oriental language from scratch). But after four years of sleepless nights and cramming khuruf with hieroglyphs, the graduate will receive an invaluable store of knowledge, a coveted diploma and a flurry of interesting offers from employers. By the way, you can also study Oriental languages ​​at this university in Moscow on a contract basis: in 2014, the faculty allocated 41 contract places. However, as usual at Moscow State University, this will not be cheap: the cost of education in the 2014/15 academic year was 325,000 rubles.

Available: Moscow City Pedagogical University

Moscow State Pedagogical University is one of the most democratic universities in Moscow where you can study oriental languages. So, in order to enroll in the budget in 2014 in the specialty "Oriental and African Studies" (profile "Languages ​​and Literature of Asian and African Countries - Chinese"), the applicant had to score only 227 points in the Unified State Examination. And in the profile "Japanese" - 235 points. For each direction, 10 budget and 10 extra-budgetary places are allocated.

Note that the profile "Translation and Translation Studies" (with the qualification of a linguist) is slightly more popular at this university in Moscow. The passing score for the Chinese language department in 2014 was 247 points, and for the Japanese language department - 246 points. For each of the departments, 5 students are accepted for state-funded places and 10 for non-budgetary ones. However, the cost of studying on a paid basis at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the Moscow State Pedagogical University is only 150,000 rubles a year, so even the above points are not so critical.

Despite the fact that the departments of Chinese and Japanese at the Moscow City Pedagogical University were opened only in 2006, they managed to establish international cooperation and organize free internships for students in the country of the language being studied. This is especially true of the Department of Chinese, with which more than 20 students annually go to China for a year or a semester. In addition, native speakers work at the university.

For students studying Oriental languages ​​at this university in Moscow, it is also obligatory to study English as a second foreign language. In addition, there is an opportunity to study another European language on a paid basis. Of the significant shortcomings for non-resident students, it can be noted that there is no hostel at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Unstable: Russian State University for the Humanities

At the RSUH, you can master the specialty "Oriental and African Studies" at two faculties at once: at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, as well as at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Historical and Archival Institute of the RSUH. At the same time, both departments of the university have significantly lost their positions this year. If in 2013 for admission to the specified specialty it was necessary to score 257 points for three results of the Unified State Examination, then in 2014 - only 219.

The Department of the Modern East of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law implements a curriculum in five areas: Arabic Studies, Sinology, Iranian Studies, Turkology and Japanese Studies. However, the main languages ​​for teaching are only Arabic and Chinese. At the same time, teaching Chinese at the Russian State University for the Humanities will cost 190,000 rubles a year, which is 20,000 more expensive than with specialization in other Oriental languages.

There are three departments at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity where Oriental languages ​​are taught:

  • Department of History and Philology of the Ancient East (Arabic and Persian languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of South and Central Asia (Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Tamil, Mongolian, Tibetan, Turkish and Kazakh languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of the Far East (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Lao-Thai languages).

However, it should be borne in mind that in conditions when only 15 state-funded places are allocated at the faculty for the specialty "Oriental and African Studies", in reality it will be almost impossible to choose, for example, Tibetan as a first language. And the possibility of specialization in the "History and Philology of Thailand and Laos" is provided only on a contractual basis. In other words, if an applicant certainly wants to study a rare oriental language, then the only university in Moscow that is ready to guarantee such an opportunity is the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University.

Miniature: State Academic University for the Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences

Despite the fact that GAUGN is the only university in Russia that was founded on the basis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its popularity is not so high. There are very few state-funded places at the university (and there are none at all for the specialty "Oriental and African Studies"), there is no hostel, educational buildings are located in different parts of Moscow and, as a result, there are few students at the university, and most of them have very modest USE results. So, in 2014, only 5 students were enrolled in the GAUGN for the specialty "Oriental and African Studies", four of whom have USE results below 200.

The most significant drawback of teaching oriental languages ​​at this university in Moscow is that no one here specializes in languages. Orientalists are trained here at the Department of Philosophical and Political Thought of the East, which has a very, very indirect relationship to philology.

The second option to study oriental languages ​​in Moscow universities is to study as a philologist, linguist, translator or teacher. This opportunity is provided by a number of metropolitan educational institutions. Of those universities that were not described above, it is worth highlighting:

Moscow State Linguistic University

At the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Faculty of Translation of Moscow State Linguistic University, you can learn Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Persian and Korean. Under the direction "Translation and translation studies" in this university in Moscow, 110 state-funded places have been allocated (for all languages, including European ones). The passing score in 2014 was 237 points, training is conducted only on a budget. Interestingly, this educational institution accepts the results of the USE not only in the usual English, German and French languages, but also in Spanish.

Naturally, in a language university with such a rich history and good reputation, one should count on deep and comprehensive language teaching. The department cooperates with many educational institutions in Turkey, Japan, China, Korea and some Arab countries, so excellent students are sometimes sent for free internships. The term of study at the faculty is 5 years (specialist qualification).

Moscow Pedagogical State University

At the Faculty of Philology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, one can get a pedagogical education with two profiles at once - Russian and a foreign (Chinese) language. In other words, a graduate of this department will be able to teach Russian and Chinese. In 2014, 20 state-funded places were allocated for this specialty at the university, and the passing score was 228 points. The cost of training on a commercial basis is only 115,000 rubles per year. The duration of study, despite the fact that the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree, is 5 years.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

At the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Oriental languages ​​can be studied only in the programs of additional professional education (Arabic, Chinese and Persian), as well as in the master's program as a second foreign language (Chinese only).

Some non-state universities in Moscow also specialize in teaching Oriental languages, for example:

This commercial linguistic university in Moscow allows students to learn the most popular oriental languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi and Farsi. In addition, English is required as a second foreign language. And although the cost of studying at the Institute of Oriental Studies is quite high for a non-state university - in 2014 at the full-time department it was 174,000 rubles for 2 semesters (duration of study is 4 years) - the quality of education deserves it. The fact is that the university operates on the basis of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And graduates are awarded a diploma with the assignment of a very prestigious specialty "Linguist".

The rather high USE score of students who entered the Institute of Oriental Studies in 2014 speaks about the demand for the educational institution: for many it is above 200, and the score of some students would allow them to study oriental languages ​​in pedagogical universities in Moscow or the Russian State Humanitarian University on a budgetary basis. In 2015, the Institute plans to enroll 23 students in the first year of the Faculty of Linguistics.

International Independent Environmental and Political University

This non-state university in Moscow is implementing a joint Russian-Chinese program with the Qingdao University of Technology and Science. After successfully completing the program, which takes 5 years, graduates are awarded a Chinese international bachelor's degree. At the same time, the first year of study takes place in Russia, and the next four - in China.

Students have the opportunity to choose one of three specialties:

  • international management (management and economics);
  • international law (jurisprudence);
  • environmental protection (ecology and nature management).

The cost of education is 150,000 rubles per year in Russia and 79,700 rubles per year in China. Enrollment is based on test results (USE results are not required).

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

Learning Chinese has long been a popular phenomenon. First of all, this is due to the rapid development of the Chinese economy, doing business between countries. In addition, the development of information technology dictates such training - more than half of the sites are in Chinese. His knowledge will provide an opportunity for new information, unhindered communication while traveling. For some, the language will be needed at work or study, and for some, it’s completely a tribute to fashion. For those who do not plan to spend money on studying, there is an opportunity to take Chinese language courses at the Chinese Embassy for free.

Where to find free courses

Often they look for Chinese language courses at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China for free, but such classes are held not in the building of the embassy itself, but at the Confucius Institute. This university is one of the founders of this faculty.

Students of any higher educational institutions can enter there, having passed the appropriate interview. There is no fee for the courses, so Moscow students have an excellent opportunity to learn the basics of the Chinese language for free.

The duration of the program is 612 academic hours and takes six student semesters. In order not to break away from the main studies, classes are held in the evening, twice a week for two hours. At the end of the course, it is obligatory to pass an exam, after which the student is issued a certificate of knowledge of the basics of the Chinese language. It also organizes online classes for students from remote cities.

You should also pay attention to the Chinese Cultural Center, located in Moscow on the basis of the faculty. Its founder is the Chinese Embassy. The main task of the center is to disseminate information about China, the values ​​and traditions of its people among Russian residents.

There are no free language courses here, but there is an opportunity to communicate directly with the Chinese, and, as you know, there is no better tool for learning than live communication.

Literary evenings are organized here, at which Chinese films with Russian subtitles are shown, and book presentations by Chinese authors are held. This practice is one of the best in teaching. In addition, at the initiative of the center, annual competitions for knowledge of the Chinese language are held. The premises of this organization are equipped with all necessary audio and video equipment. And periodically free training in Chinese calligraphy is held.

Of course, those who travel to the country itself for study or work matters are the most fortunate. You can’t imagine a better study than a direct presence on the territory of the republic. Live communication with the Chinese is much better than any course. But even in the absence of funds and with a strong desire, you can study this discipline with the help of Chinese language courses at the Interuniversity Faculty of Chinese at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

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When registering via the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent good apartments for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

Confucius Institute

Those who wish to master the language knowledge to perfection should turn to paid training services. The most advanced in this area can be considered a specialized Confucius Institute.

Such an institute is not a separate educational institution, but a whole network of educational centers. The main objective of this network is the teaching of the Chinese language. The centers are currently operating in sixteen Russian cities. The first such establishments were opened in 2006 and 2007 in Vladivostok and Moscow, respectively.

Features of training in such an institute are:

  1. Teaching not only oral speech, but also a much more complex section - hieroglyphics, which can not be found in all courses.
  2. A variety of forms of education - from classes to internships for the best students in different cities of China.
  3. Developing your own Chinese textbook.
  4. An improved technique aimed not only at speaking, but also at reading and writing.
  5. Conducting regular knowledge tests in the form of dictations, essays and exams.

The Institute has the necessary equipment for the demonstration of films, and each of them is analyzed in detail after viewing. Students have access to Chinese newspapers, magazines, and seminars and lectures held at the center will introduce students to the cultural and historical development of the country. Special attention is paid to the tea culture of China. Students can practice their communication skills while communicating with native Chinese speakers.

Timetable of classes

Education at the Confucian Institute is divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced. Each of them lasts for 180 academic hours. In the daytime, training takes place three times a week for three academic hours. In the evening - twice for two hours. There are also summer courses where the primary level is taught. Classes are held twice a week for three hours.

The cost of each level is 18,000 rubles. There is an option to pay in instalments. Upon completion of the course, a certificate corresponding to the level is issued.

Despite the frightening complexity, with the help of qualified specialists, learning Chinese is not as difficult as it seems at first. The study of such a discipline is not only promising and prestigious, but also interesting.