Military schools of radio electronics. Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces

: 59°46′37″ N. sh. 30°06′47″ in. d. /  59.77694° N sh. 30.11306° E d./ 59.77694; 30.11306(G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1953

St. Petersburg Higher Military School of Radio Electronics- a higher military educational institution of vocational education, for the training of officers of the Radio Engineering Troops of the USSR Armed Forces and the RF Armed Forces from 1953 to 2011.


The school is considered the legal successor of the Vilna military school that existed in the Russian Empire from 1864 to 1918. The modern history of the school begins after the entry of Lithuania on August 2, 1940 into the USSR.

  • The Vilna Infantry School was formed in Vilnius on the basis of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR S. K. Timoshenko No. 0191 dated August 17 on the basis of the Lithuanian Cadet School.
  • The Vilnius Radio Engineering School was established by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of February 3, 1953 and the directive of the commander of the Air Defense Forces of February 6, 1953.
  • In 1966, the staff of the Stavropol Radio Engineering School, headed by Major General Logvinovsky, was transferred to the school.
  • In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR and the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of June 9, 1971, the Vilnius Radio Engineering School of the Air Defense Forces was transformed into the Vilnius Higher Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics.
  • In 1992, by Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Armed Forces No. 70 dated February 21, 1992, the St. Petersburg Higher School of Air Defense Radio Electronics was established by transferring the Vilnius Higher Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics to the base of the Air Defense Forces of the USSR named after Yu. from the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to St. Petersburg.
  • November 1, 1998 year, according to the reform program, the school was renamed into the Branch of the Military University of Air Defense.
  • In 1999, the training and material unit of the disbanded KVKURE Air Defense arrived at the school, as well as 800 cadets.
  • January 1, 2005 renamed the St. Petersburg Higher Military School of Radio Electronics (Military Institute).

In 2008, the Orthodox Church of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky was opened on the territory of the school.

Heads of the school

  • Colonel P. M. Chuprukov since 1953
  • Major General Logvinovsky K. G. from 1971 to April 1979
  • Major General Dmitriev A. V. from April 1979 to 1984
  • Major General Grishin P.K. 1984-1992.
  • Major General V. S. Trofimov from 1992 to 2006
  • Major General Tkalenko S. M. from 2006 to 2011.
  • Colonel Kaluga V. M. from 2011 to December 2011. (Acting chief)

Educational process

Training took place at 3 faculties in the specialty:

On September 8, a very important officer entered the barn to the prisoners, judging by the respectfulness with which he was treated by the guards. This officer, probably a staff officer, with a list in his hands, made a roll call to all Russians, calling Pierre: celui qui n "avoue pas son nom [the one who does not speak his name]. And, indifferently and lazily looking at all the prisoners, he ordered the guard it is proper for the officer to properly dress and tidy them up before taking them to the marshal. An hour later a company of soldiers arrived, and Pierre and thirteen other men were led to the Maiden's Field. The day was clear, sunny after the rain, and the air was unusually clean. Smoke did not creep down, as in the day when Pierre was taken out of the guardhouse of the Zubovsky shaft, smoke rose in pillars in the clear air, the fire of fires was nowhere to be seen, but pillars of smoke rose from all sides, and all of Moscow, all that Pierre could see, was one conflagration. wastelands with stoves and chimneys and the occasional burnt walls of stone houses could be seen on all sides. Pierre looked at the conflagrations and did not recognize the familiar quarters of the city. In some places one could see the surviving churches. The Kremlin, undestroyed, whitened from afar with its towers and Ivan Ve face. Nearby, the dome of the Novo Devichy Convent shone merrily, and the bells and whistles were heard especially loudly from there. This Blagovest reminded Pierre that it was Sunday and the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin. But it seemed that there was no one to celebrate this holiday: the ruin of the conflagration was everywhere, and from the Russian people there were only occasionally ragged, frightened people who hid at the sight of the French.
Obviously, the Russian nest was ruined and destroyed; but behind the destruction of this Russian order of life, Pierre unconsciously felt that his own, completely different, but firm French order had been established over this ruined nest. He felt it from the look of those, cheerfully and cheerfully, marching in regular rows of soldiers who were escorting him with other criminals; he felt it from the look of some important French official in a twin carriage, driven by a soldier, who rode towards him. He felt this from the cheerful sounds of regimental music coming from the left side of the field, and he especially felt and understood this from the list that, calling the prisoners, was read by the French officer who arrived this morning. Pierre was taken by some soldiers, taken to one place, to another with dozens of other people; it seemed they could forget about him, mix him up with the others. But no: his answers given during interrogation returned to him in the form of his name: celui qui n "avoue pas son nom. And under this name, which was terrible for Pierre, he was now led somewhere, with undoubted confidence, written on their faces that all the other prisoners and he were the very ones who needed, and that they were being led where they needed.Pierre felt like an insignificant chip that fell into the wheels of an unknown to him, but correctly operating machine.
Pierre and other criminals were led to the right side of Maiden's Field, not far from the monastery, to a large white house with a huge garden. This was the house of Prince Shcherbatov, in which Pierre often used to visit the owner and in which now, as he learned from the conversation of the soldiers, the marshal, Duke of Ekmulsky, was standing.
They were brought to the porch and one by one they began to enter the house. Pierre was brought in sixth. Through a glass gallery, a vestibule, a front hall familiar to Pierre, he was led into a long, low office, at the door of which an adjutant stood.
Davout sat at the end of the room, above the table, his glasses on his nose. Pierre came close to him. Davout, without raising his eyes, seemed to be coping with some paper lying in front of him. Without raising his eyes, he quietly asked:
Qui etes vous? [Who are you?]
Pierre was silent because he was unable to utter words. Davout for Pierre was not just a French general; for Pierre Davout was a man known for his cruelty. Looking at the cold face of Davout, who, like a strict teacher, agreed to have patience and wait for an answer for the time being, Pierre felt that every second of delay could cost him his life; but he didn't know what to say. He did not dare to say the same thing that he had said at the first interrogation; to reveal one's rank and position was both dangerous and shameful. Pierre was silent. But before Pierre had time to decide on anything, Davout raised his head, raised his spectacles to his forehead, narrowed his eyes and looked intently at Pierre.

(updated information)

“Great school, great location; if you really want to become a naval officer - this is the place for you! Studying at "Popovka" is an excellent teaching staff, excellent commanders, traditions and customs. Many graduates are the pride of the Navy.”

VMIRE (VVMURE named after A.S. Popov) is located in the city of Petrodvorets, which is a suburb of St. Petersburg (formerly belonged to the region).

Petrodvorets is widely known throughout the world for its wonderful garden and park complex, fountains - it is not without reason that it is called the second Versailles.

Petrodvorets (Peterhof is also often mentioned - it is an integral part of Petrodvorets) 30 kilometers from St. Petersburg.

The educational institution was founded in March 1933 and since then has carried on the glorious traditions of the Navy in the education and training of highly qualified military specialists. In 1998, the Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov (VVMORE named after A.S. Popov) was reorganized into the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics (VMIRE).

During its existence, several tens of thousands of professional military engineers have come out of its walls, who in practice have shown a high level of training to work in a variety of conditions.

The total number of trainees is more than 2000 people.

The duration of training is 5 years, in advanced training courses - 10 months.

Upon graduation from the institute, graduates receive a specialist diploma and a master's degree in their specialty.

Training of cadets and students is carried out directly at the departments, including:

  • Department of Social Sciences;
  • Department of Military History and Law;
  • 8 departments of tactical and tactical-special disciplines;
  • 3 departments of naval and general military disciplines;
  • 5 departments of military-special and military-technical disciplines;
  • 7 departments of general scientific and general special disciplines;
  • Department of Physical Training and Sports.
The educational material and technical base of VMIRE includes:
  • 8 educational buildings;
  • 31 laboratories;
  • 32 stream audiences;
  • 86 general purpose classes;
  • 134 classrooms, classrooms, laboratories for special purposes;
  • 4 classes for course and diploma design;
  • 4 training complexes for light diving training and fire and water fighting training;
  • 11 complex simulators, of which 10 are computer-based;
  • 31 specialized simulators for operator training, including those made at the school;
  • 54 training command posts and combat posts;
  • 2 language classes for learning foreign languages;
  • 2 educational libraries with a book fund of about 350 thousand volumes and two reading rooms for 50 seats; swimming pool.


1. Faculty of Radio Engineering (RTV).
2. Faculty of Automated Control Systems (ACS).
3. Faculty of Combat Information Control Systems (CICS).
4. Hydroacoustic Faculty (GAS).
5. Faculty of Mathematical Support for ACS (MOASU).
6. Faculty of Military Psychology.

Separate distance learning for officers and midshipmen of the Navy;
officer training courses;
doctoral studies.

Faculty of RTV

On April 1, 1948, in accordance with the approved staff of the Higher Naval School of Communications and Radar, officers, cadets and employees were allowed to perform duties in new positions at the Faculty of Radar. Thus, the Faculty of Radar (Radio Engineering Faculty) was created. Currently, under the leadership of the head of the faculty, captain 1st rank Evgeny Fedorovich Vedrashko, the faculty trains specialists in the radio engineering service of surface ships and submarines, and electronic warfare specialists in the departments:
  • radar facilities - head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, captain 1st rank A. N. Sakharov;
  • Navy Electronic Warfare - Head of the Department Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor Captain 2nd Rank V. Yu. Osipov;
  • communications - head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, captain of the 1st rank R. R. Bikenin;
  • Marine Radar and Radiophysics - Head of the Department Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Captain 1st Rank Reserve V. A. Kurzenev.
Graduates of the Faculty of Radio Engineering are distinguished by excellent knowledge of the theory and material part of radio engineering means.

Faculty of ACS

The faculty includes two departments - the department of automated control systems for the forces of the fleet and the department of computer technology. Currently, specialists for the fleet are trained by experienced highly qualified teachers. 2 doctors of military sciences, 9 candidates of technical sciences, 7 associate professors work at the departments of the faculty. Veterans of the Faculty Doctor of Military Sciences Professor V.F. Shpak, Doctor of Military Sciences Professor Loptin K.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences Keller F.E. transfer their great knowledge and practical experience to the cadets. Much attention is paid to scientific research in the departments of the faculty. Over the past 10 years, 2 doctoral and more than 20 master's theses have been defended at the departments, a large number of research projects have been completed. The teaching staff of the departments published dozens of scientific papers in publishing houses of the republican scale, the proceedings of major international conferences. Over the years of the existence of the faculty, teachers of the departments have written more than 65 textbooks, manuals and methodological developments. Faculty scientists were at the origins of the development of the ACS system for fleets and the Navy as a whole.

The cadets of the faculty are educated by the heads of courses who have completed the school of naval service, have experience in leading military teams in all fleets of Russia.

But the main criterion, the main indicator of the effectiveness of the activities of the commanders and teachers of the faculty has always been and remains the same - the quality of training of grown pets. Graduates of the faculty serve on surface ships and submarines, command posts and computer centers of naval formations, in research institutions. Many of our graduates go on to serve in the border troops, the military space forces and other even more exotic places of service. The biggest pride is that during the existence of more than 50 graduates graduated with a gold medal and more than 300 received diplomas with honors.

Faculty of Combat Information Controlled Systems (CICS)

At present, the 3rd faculty has three departments and five teaching companies.

Since 1996, the Submarine Information Systems Department has been headed by Captain 1st Rank G. V. Lyamov.

Head of the Department of Information Systems of Surface Ships since 1996. is the captain of the 1st rank V.N. Naumov.

Captain 1st rank Yu.L.Lesovoy since 1991. Head of the Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering.

A large number of scientists have worked and continue to work at faculty departments for a long time. Doctors of sciences I. A. Chebotarev, G. K. Yakhontov, K. P. Glazunov, V. G. Evgafov, V. E. Kadulin, A. I. Korshunov, V. N. Naumov; Candidates of Science A. A. Chekhalyan, Ya. Yu.I. Lesovoy, L.S. Isakov.

At present, there are 2 doctors of sciences, 3 professors, 16 candidates of sciences and associate professors among the teachers of the departments of the faculty. There is an adjuncture at the faculty.

In addition to the head of the faculty, the daily management of the activities of the faculty is carried out by his deputies captains of the 1st rank S. V. Dolzhikov and A. V. Limbakov.

In 1997, the faculty began training cadets according to a new curriculum. To ensure the social security of graduates of the institute, along with the military specialty, they also receive a civilian specialty, which is an analogue of the military one. At the faculty, two military specialties correspond to one civilian analogue: the specialty "Automated information processing and control systems", standardized requirements for this specialty, developed by the scientific and pedagogical council, led to the need for significant changes in the entire education system of the faculty.

The general professional and natural-science training of cadets has been significantly increased, and the humanitarian orientation of their training has been strengthened. A large number of new academic disciplines have been introduced. New disciplines transferred to the departments for study are mainly focused on the study of new information technologies, mathematical methods of modeling and design, on the development of modern information processing tools.

New subject-methodological commissions have been formed at the departments, work has begun on the creation of the necessary educational literature. The first experience in studying disciplines according to new educational and planning documents showed that the orientation of the future education of cadets of the 3rd faculty on fundamental knowledge of computer science and computer technology will allow graduates to find application in various fields of future professional activity: operation, control, design, research of complex automated information processing and control systems.

Hydroacoustic Faculty

In 1980, a decision was made to form a separate faculty at the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov, which would train highly qualified hydroacoustic officers.

The educational process at the faculty was established in close cooperation with the departments of hydroacoustic means, which trained specialists for service on surface ships and submarines. Under the guidance of the teachers of the department, the military-scientific work of the cadets was carried out, aimed at studying and improving the available hydroacoustic means. It should be noted the fact that when appointed to the position of Deputy. the head of the faculty for academic work, preference was given to teachers of the department of hydroacoustic means.

During the existence of the hydroacoustic faculty, more than 1100 hydroacoustic officers were trained. Despite the shortcomings in the training of specialists of the Navy, which is inherent in the entire system of military education, graduates of the faculty have relatively high rates in mastering new types of sonar weapons. Currently, graduates of the faculty hold a number of positions from the commander of the hydroacoustic group to the flagship specialists of the formation.

Faculty of Mathematical Support of Automated Control Systems (MOASU)

The 5th faculty was formed on the basis of the directive of the Civil Code of the Navy dated 07/16/1991 by separating the specialty "Mathematical support of automated control systems" (MOASU) from the 2nd faculty.

The captain of the 1st rank A.I. Romankov, the former head of the 2nd faculty, was appointed head of the faculty.

In August 1999, captain 1st rank Formazov A.K. was appointed to the position of head of the 5th faculty, to the position of deputy. head of the faculty - Musha V.I. The faculty has two departments: 51, 52.

Chair 51

head of department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences Professor Captain 1st Rank V. I. Kuvatov (1991-1997)
Candidate of Technical Sciences Captain 1st Rank Melnikov (since 1998)

Deputy Heads of the Department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences Captain 1st Rank Melnikov (1991-1997);
Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 2nd Rank I. V. Borodin (since 1998).

On January 21, 1992, the department received the first computer of the EU-184110 type. In July 1994, a prototype of the automated training system "ASO-101" (code - LASO "Carnation") was received, consisting of eleven PCs IBM-AT-286 and a screen for collective use. On April 18, 1996, the ABAKUS-4 Computing Class (CTC) was put into operation, consisting of fifteen IBM-486-DX-2 (students' workstations and one IBM-486-DX-4 teacher's workplace). KVU is completed with the licensed NOVELLNETWARE 3.12 system (25 users).

The teaching staff of the department conducts disciplines:

Economic and legal foundations of the software market.
Artificial intelligence systems.
Neurocomputer systems.
Operations research.
Computer graphics.
Interactive graphic systems.

Scientists of the department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences Professor Captain 1st Rank V. I. Kuvatov;
Candidate of Technical Sciences Head of the Department Captain 1st Rank V.B.Melnikov; Candidate of Technical Sciences Captain 1st Rank E.Yu. Butyrsky;
candidate of technical sciences associate professor captain 2nd rank I.V. Borodin;
Yu. N. Maklakov, candidate of technical sciences, laureate of the State Prize;
Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronics of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. E. Kadaulin;
doctor of technical sciences professor G.A. Velichko.

Department 52, heads of the department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank V.A. Ryabov (1991-1992);
candidate of technical sciences associate professor captain 1st rank M.I. Carnation (1992-1995);
candidate of technical sciences associate professor captain 1st rank Yu.F. Volynets (since 1995 to the present).

Deputy Heads of the Department:

Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank N.Ya. Kolenteev (1991-1997);
captain 1st rank S.I. Besedin (from 1997 to the present).

From the moment of its formation, the department had a computer class, which included twenty ES-1841 PCs. In 1992, the first IBM 386 DX arrived - 11 pieces, in 1993 and 1994, one more computer of the same type. In 1995, after the arrival of five more IBM 386 DX and two IBM 486 DX, a local network was organized at the department, complete with a network license system NOVELL NETWARE 3.12 (25 users). In 1997, places were equipped for the installation of personal computers for cadets.

The following disciplines are taught at the department:

  • Probably-statistical methods.
  • Structures and algorithms for data processing on a computer.
  • Theory of computational processes and structures.
  • Operating Systems.
  • Database. Organization of databases.
  • Object-oriented programming.
  • Programming.
  • Parallel programming.
  • Functional programming.
  • Computer processing of experimental data.
  • Logic programming.
  • Computer modelling.
  • Software development technology.
  • System software.
From the first days of the existence of the faculty, the efforts of the command of the faculty, heads of courses and teaching staff were aimed at improving the professional level of cadets and their qualitative mastery of the specialty. The faculty coped with the task successfully, firmly occupying a leading position in the educational process.

In connection with the reform of the higher education system, since 1997, the Faculty of Mathematical Support for Automated Control Systems switched to training cadets in accordance with the State Standard in the specialty "Software for Computers and Automated Systems.

At the departments of the faculty, a lot of work has been done on new information technologies and their introduction into the educational process, creative teams have been formed that have begun to develop teaching aids that meet all the requirements of modern science and technology.

Special Branch

A special department intended for the training of foreign specialists (under interstate agreements) was established on October 4, 1992.

At a special department of the institute, foreign military personnel are trained with a 5-year training period in the following specialties:

1. Radio equipment of surface ships.
2. Submarine radio equipment.
3. Hydroacoustic means.
4. Combat information control systems of submarines.
5. Mathematical and software support for the functioning of automated control systems and combat information control systems.
In these specialties, advanced training courses for specialists with a training period of 10 months are organized.

The number of foreign specialists is 2.5% of the total number of trainees.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who graduated from educational institutions of secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education from among:

  • citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22;
  • citizens who have completed military service and conscripted military personnel - until they reach the age of 24;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) - after the expiration of half the term of military service specified in the first contract, until they reach the age of 24 years.
The age of applicants for study is determined by the state at the time of admission to the university.

The institute accepts persons who are fit for training for health reasons, according to the level of physical fitness, according to professional suitability on the basis of a psychological and psychophysiological examination. Persons from among citizens who have passed and have not passed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the institute, submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at the place of residence before April 20 of the year of admission.

The application shall indicate: surname, name and patronymic, year and month of birth, address of the place of residence, name of the military educational institution and the specialty in which he wishes to study. Military personnel who wish to study at the institute submit a report to the commander of the military unit before April 1.

Attached to the application (report) are:

  • A copy of the document on secondary education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance, students of civilian universities - an academic certificate).
  • Autobiography.
  • Characteristics from the place of work, study or service.
  • Service card (for military personnel).
  • 3 photographs (without headgear) 4.5x6 cm.
  • Photocopy of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Photocopy of birth certificate.
  • Certificate from the RVC on the registration of the admission of military personnel and civilian youth to state secrets.
After passing a medical examination and professional psychological selection, medical documents and professional selection cards are attached to the application. Documents for candidates from among civilian youth are sent to the institute by military commissars before May 20 of the year of admission, for candidates from among military personnel - until May 15. A passport, a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, a military ID or registration certificate, a birth certificate and an original document of secondary education are provided by the candidate to the admission committee of the institute upon arrival. Military personnel, in addition, must carry a service record, clothing, cash, food certificates and a medical book. Candidates selected in military units and military registration and enlistment offices arrive at the institute only upon the call of the selection committee and at the exact time specified in the calls.

The servicemen are sent to the institute by June 3 to conduct a professional selection with them. From June 5 to June 30, training camps are held with them to prepare for entrance exams.

Candidates can travel to the institute free of charge on travel documents issued by the military registration and enlistment office at the candidate's place of residence or by the commander of the military unit. Candidates who arrived at the Institute for the period of professional selection are provided with free hostel, medical care and meals.

The professional selection of candidates for admission to the institute is carried out by the selection committee of the institute from July 10 to 30.

It includes:

  • Determining the suitability of a candidate for health reasons.
  • Determination of professional suitability on the basis of their socio-psychological and psycho-physiological examination.
  • Assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of the candidate by conducting entrance examinations in subjects:

    Russian language (written, presentation);
    mathematics (in writing);
    physics (oral).

  • Assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates by conducting physical fitness exams: pull-ups on the crossbar, 100 m run, 3 km run (cross), swimming.
  • Minimum standards for physical training:

    Pull-ups on the crossbar - 7 times;
    100 m run - 14.8 s;
    running (cross) 3 km - 13 min. 30 s;
    freestyle swimming (excluding time) 50 m.

Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are entered into the competitive lists and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in the institute. Candidates who receive an unsatisfactory grade in one of the subjects submitted for examinations are seconded to their former place of service or to military commissariats at their place of residence.

Out of competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection from among orphans, or children left without parental care, as well as citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, who, in accordance with the law, have been granted the right to out-of-competition admission to higher and secondary special educational institutions.

Preferential right in enrolling in the institute is used by candidates who showed equal results during the professional selection, from among:

  • citizens awarded state awards of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens who performed a special task of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract or conscription;
  • citizens who have completed military service;
  • children of servicemen performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 or more years;
  • children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
  • children of military personnel who died in the performance of their military service duties or died as a result of an injury or disease received by them in the performance of military service duties;
  • citizens who have been duly assigned the first sports category or sports title in one of the military-applied sports;
  • citizens who have undergone appropriate training in military-patriotic youth and children's associations.
Candidates from among:
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • graduates of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools;
  • citizens who have completed the first or subsequent courses of civil educational institutions of higher professional education, if the name of the specialty of their training corresponds to the open names of the specialties for training in which they enter the university;
  • persons who graduated with medals from educational institutions of secondary general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive results of the interview. The specified persons who have not passed the interview are given the right to take exams in general education subjects on a general basis.
Candidates enrolled in the institute are appointed to military positions of cadets by order of the head of the institute from August 1 of the year of admission to study, are provided with all types of allowances, including being satisfied with a monetary allowance depending on the course of study. Parents of cadets enjoy all the rights and benefits established for the families of military personnel of the Russian Army. During their studies, cadets are annually provided with a one-month vacation with free travel to and from the place of vacation (in summer) and a two-week vacation vacation in winter, subject to successful passing of semester exams.

12th training center of the Air Defense Forces; branch of the Pushkin Higher School of Radio Electronics; MVURE air defense; branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great; Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics KV

Since the 1960s, in connection with the entry into service of the armies of foreign states of strategic ballistic missiles and space systems for various purposes, the Government of the USSR has been taking measures to protect the country from a sudden missile attack. Since 1967, the forces and means of the RKO have been included in the Air Defense Forces of the country.

Since 1967, the training of officers for the RKO troops in several major military specialties has been entrusted to the Zhytomyr Higher Military Command School of Radio Electronics of the Air Defense Forces of the country.

In connection with the demise of the USSR and the formation of the CIS, there was an urgent need to train officers of these specialties in Russia.

In 1993, on the basis of the 12th training center of the Air Defense Forces, which carried out retraining of officers of the RCS and trained ensigns, sergeants and soldiers in many specialties of the RCS, on the basis of the Directive of the RF Ministry of Defense, a branch of the Pushkin Higher School of Radio Electronics was formed.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 777 of July 5, 1994, in order to improve training and advanced training, the PVURE branch is transformed into the Moscow Higher School of Air Defense Radio Electronics.

After the reorganization of the types of the Armed Forces of Russia, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1009 dated 08/29/1998, the Moscow VURE Air Defense was transformed into a branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great.

In connection with the formation of a new type of troops - the Space Forces, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 464 dated 06/26/2002, the Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics was formed on the basis of the branch of the VA Strategic Missile Forces.

Organizational and legal support of educational activities

The founder of the Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces is the Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the Founder after the establishment of the Institute are performed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The activities of the institute are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, departmental acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the charter of the institute (with an addition), approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2003, duly registered. Certificates of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are available.
The Institute has a license from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2003 No. A-000895 (registration number 0885).

In accordance with the license, the institute conducts training on educational programs of higher professional education:
- in specialties with the assignment of qualifications according to code 65: 210302 Radio engineering, 230101 Computers, complexes, systems and networks, 230105 Computer equipment and automated systems software with a standard term for mastering full-time education of 5 years on the basis of secondary (complete) general education;
- postgraduate professional education (adjuncture) in the specialties of scientists: 20.02.12 System analysis, modeling of combat operations and military systems, computer technologies in military affairs, 20.02.14 Armament and military equipment, military complexes and systems with a standard development period full-time education 3 years, part-time education 4 years on the basis of higher professional education;
- additional education: translator in the field of professional communication with a period of development of more than 1500 hours; higher school teacher with a period of mastering over 1000 hours; professional retraining in the profile of the main professional educational programs of the university with a development period of more than 500 hours; advanced training in the profile of the main professional educational programs of the university with a development period of 72 to 500 hours; preparation for admission to a university with a development period of up to 2 years;
- vocational training under the program: the driver of the car category "C".

The contingent of students at the university is established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is formed only at the expense of students on a budgetary basis.
During training, cadets are on full state support: food, uniforms, living quarters. They are paid a monthly allowance. For cadets of the 1st and 2nd courses (before the conclusion of a contract for military service) from 600 to 700 rubles. For cadets of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th courses (after concluding a contract for military service in the 2nd year) from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles.
Every year, cadets are provided with holidays (during the winter holidays - 15 days, during the summer holidays - 30 days) with free travel to the venue in one of them.
Upon graduation from the institute, graduates are awarded the military rank of "lieutenant", a diploma of the all-Russian sample is issued and the qualification "engineer" is awarded.

  • Faculty History
  • Faculty Head
  • Educational and material base
  • Video

    5 Faculty of Electronic Warfare (and Information Security) is the only faculty in the system of universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which trains highly qualified specialists in the field of electronic warfare (EW) and information security (IS) for the electronic warfare troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (ground forces, air force and coastal part of the Navy), as well as other branches of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies and departments.

    The faculty trains officers in two specialties of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education:

    Special radio engineering systems;
    - information security of automated systems. and five military specialties.

    In addition, the teaching staff of the faculty takes part in the training of officers with higher operational and tactical education under the master's program.

    Studying at our faculty, you will get a unique opportunity to master the most interesting military specialties, become a specialist in the use of electronic warfare systems with aerospace and ground control systems, learn how to operate electronic warfare systems and apply information protection tools from foreign technical intelligence. cutting edge of modern science, since radio-electronic means in the world are developing at the fastest pace. You will be able to comprehensively develop, being engaged in military scientific circles, sports sections, to discover and develop various talents in yourself. At the end of your studies at the faculty, you will be able to choose your own path in team, engineering or scientific activities. We are waiting for you at the Faculty of Electronic Warfare (and Information Security)!

    Modern technologies, automated training systems and the latest models of weapons and military equipment are actively used in the educational process.

    The faculty actively conducts scientific work, with the active participation of cadets, research and development work is carried out in the areas of activity of the faculty, much attention is paid to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, there are two scientific schools.

    The entire staff of the faculty takes an active part in scientific, sports, cultural and leisure activities held in the academy, the city of Voronezh, within the framework of the Ministry of Defense, other organizations and ministries.

    The faculty and its subdivisions are repeated winners of various competitions and competitions. Teachers and cadets won prizes and were awarded diplomas of the international salon "Archimedes", exhibitions "Dual-use products and technologies. Diversification of the defense industry”, “Means of ensuring the security of the state. Interpolitech", "High technologies - XXI century", "Intellectual property - XXI century" and "NTTM", competitions "Innovative technologies in the educational process", "U.M.N.I.K.", competition of scientific works of universities of the Moscow Region RF, an open Moscow competition for the best work of university students in the field of information security and the international conference "Gagarin Readings", and also became multiple winners of the All-Russian competitions "Engineer of the Year" and "Student of the Year".

    In its current composition, the Faculty of Electronic Warfare (and Information Security) was formed in 2010 on the basis of two faculties, which, in turn, were formed as part of the Voronezh Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics. The first enrollment of cadets in the specialties of the faculty was made in August 1981. On September 1, 1981, the school began its first academic year. The first issue of officers was made in 1986. As the Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics, the university existed until the end of 1993. In November 1993, the school was transformed into the Military Institute of Radio Electronics.

    In this status, the Institute lasted until August 2006. In connection with the reform of military education, the Military Institute of Radio Electronics was attached as a structural unit to the Voronezh Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (Military Institute).

    Memorable dates of the faculty:

    April 15 (1904) - Day of the electronic warfare specialist (established by order of the RF Ministry of Defense No. 183 of May 3, 1999);
    December 16 (1942) - Day of the formation of electronic warfare units and subunits (Decree of the State Defense Committee No. GOKO 2633ss);
    May 7 - Faculty Day (established by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense of June 7, 1981).

    You can ask Faculty Command questions here (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

    Colonel Kalachev Viktor Vladimirovich was born on October 23, 1976 in the family of a military man.

    In 1999 he graduated from the Voronezh VVAIU. He served in various command and teaching positions.

    In 2015 he graduated from the master's program of the VUNTS VVS "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" with a degree in "Management of forces and means of electronic warfare of the Air Force".

    From 2015 to 2017 he commanded the faculty of secondary military special training.

    In 2017, he organized the transfer of faculty training to the base of 183 training centers (Rostov-on-Don).

    Since September 2017, he has been acting head of the 5th Faculty of Electronic Warfare (and Information Security).

    Married, has two daughters: Tatyana (born 2000), Ekaterina (born 2008).


    The housing and barracks fund complies with the requirements of all governing documents. Cadets of the 1st and 2nd courses are accommodated in a comfortable barracks in cockpits of 10 people, each floor of the barracks is equipped with showers and washing machines. Senior cadets (3-5 courses) live in a cadet hostel located on the territory of a military camp. Accommodation in rooms for 4-6 people. The hostel also has all the amenities for a comfortable stay of the personnel. All conditions for sports, psychological relief and recuperation have been created. Three hot meals a day with a varied menu are organized.


    The departments of the faculty are equipped with modern electronic computers, multimedia systems, the latest samples of radio-electronic equipment and the most modern electronic warfare facilities and complexes. Classes with cadets are held in specialized classrooms, in the field class, at the training airfield and the training ground of the academy.

    Class with technology class to hold
    practical exercises
    Universal computer
    training apparatus

    Automated workplace of the teacher Computer class for group lessons Class of automated learning systems

    computer class Class of radio monitoring equipment lecture audience

    Training complex Special media class Specialized class of control points

    Station in position, academy training ground Practical lesson on technology Accommodation of personnel in the field camp