Highlight quote in html. Beautiful wordpress quote output with css and plugin

Hello, friends!

I decided to write about the beautiful design of quotes in the text of articles on a WordPress blog, as I was directly faced with the need for such work. I had to change the template on one of the sites. But, in fact, it is quite difficult. Despite the fact that now there are a huge number of paid and free templates, it is very difficult to find one that meets all our requirements. Surely there is something in the template that we do not like. Therefore, most often you have to choose a topic with the least number of flaws, and then refine it.

So, one of the shortcomings of the topic I chose was an inexpressive selection of a quote. It was distinguished only by an additional indentation on the left. I had to refine the CSS styles to make this text element more visible and beautiful.

I'll give you three reasons:

  1. You show readers that this part of the text is a quote. This is necessary to respect the copyright of the person you are quoting. On the other hand, linking to an authoritative author adds weight to your article.
  2. Search engines “love” unique texts, and if the quote is not formatted correctly, it will be counted as plagiarism, and the site’s rating will be lowered, its position in the search will drop.
  3. A special kind of quotations makes the text look more diverse and attractive. It's easier to read.

In order to highlight a part of the text in a special way, you can use various methods.

Editing CSS Styles

The first and most correct way to format a quote should be considered using the tag blockquote and his styles. Although any fragment can be selected using CSS rules (I wrote about this in the article), only the tag blockquote lets search engines know that this snippet is a quotation and cannot be unique.

It is this tag that is put in the code if we use the button in

But, as I already noted, the styles of this tag are not always the way we want. To edit them, you need to find the corresponding code in the file style.css and replace the rules prescribed for the tag blockquote, on their own.

This file can be edited in two ways:

  1. Download it using an FTP client from the server to your computer, open it in , make changes and upload it again. File style.css located at wp-content/themes/your_theme/style.css.
  2. You can use the built-in code editor in WordPress. To open it in the WP control panel, select Appearance - Editor. Unfortunately, this editor doesn't show line numbers, making it hard to find.

Before making changes to a file style.css, edit the code with in browser Google Chrome or similar in browser Mozilla Firefox. With these tools, you can immediately visually see how the quote will look on your site.

Quote Design Examples

Quote with quotation marks

This symbol is considered to be generally accepted to indicate quotations, therefore it is used most often. Quotes can be inserted using a picture, which is more common, or you can do this by applying a character code "\201C", which is shown in the example.

Here is the image

And here is the relevant code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 blockquote ( background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fea; color: #009a82; font-family: Georgia,serif; font-size: 18px; font-style: italic; line-height: 1.45; padding: 1.25em 50px; position : relative; width: 750px; ) blockquote:before ( color: #009a82; content: "\201C"; display: block; font-size: 60px; left: 1px; position: absolute; top: 1px; )

blockquote ( background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fea; color: #009a82; font-family: Georgia,serif; font-size: 18px; font-style: italic; line-height: 1.45; padding: 1.25em 50px; position : relative; width: 750px; ) blockquote:before ( color: #009a82; content: "\201C"; display: block; font-size: 60px; left: 1px; position: absolute; top: 1px; )

  • In this code on the second line #fea- background color, you can change it to your own,
  • 3rd line - font color,
  • 4, 5, 6, 7 - font options,
  • 8, 9 – fragment position,
  • 10 - block width, it can be specified as a percentage, for example, 90%.
  • 13 - color,
  • 16 - size,
  • 17-19 - position.

Box selection

Here is an example:

And here is the simple CSS code for it:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 blockquote ( color: #333; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; border: 1px dashed #999; background: #F8F4AB; padding: 10px 20px; )

blockquote ( color: #333; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; border: 1px dashed #999; background: #F8F4AB; padding: 10px 20px; )

If you are interested in the topic of quotation design, I suggest downloading the mini-book. It discusses in detail various examples of highlighting text fragments. After studying these examples, you can create your own design style.

WP-Note plugin for styling blog snippets

This plugin makes it easy and simple to style article snippets. But it should be noted right away that for search engines these fragments will not be considered quotes, since they do not use the tag blockquote. The plugin serves only for external design, and not for highlighting quotes.

By default, there are five design options in the plugin settings. In order to apply them, you do not need to change any code, it is enough to enter the appropriate tags directly in the visual editor at the beginning and end of the fragment.

WP-Note Plugin Tags

Plugin editing

If you don't like the default design options or don't harmonize with the design of your site, you can change them. But for this you will already have to make changes to the style file. You can find it at wp-content/plugins/wp-note/style.css.

You can also use the built-in WordPress editor. To do this, in the control panel, select Plugins - Editor, then on the right in the drop-down list we find Wp-note and press the button Choose, a list of all plugin files will appear.

I hope I explained everything well enough, and now you understand how to arrange quotes on the site. Don't forget to share the article on social networks.

See you soon!

Of course, you have seen on some sites a ban on the use of the right mouse button. This feature primarily fights those who want to steal your content. This measure will not completely protect you from theft, but it will completely protect you from manual copying. Other options .
I do not recommend disabling the right mouse button if you post materials intended for copying on your blog. These can be codes, scripts, recipes, reference materials, and more. A copy ban in this case will turn away visitors from you, and your blog will become less useful for visitors. If plagiarism protection is important to you, then it is better to use adding your url at the end of the copy. Then you will be sure that if someone wants to publish elsewhere on the Internet, copied from you, then the copy-pastor is more likely to share a link to your blog.
This recipe is suitable for any website. You only need to paste the code on all pages of your blog:

AT Blogger add the code to the HTML/Javascript gadget in the Design tab. If you are using one of the latest themes on your blog (Emporio, Contempo, Soho, Notable), then don't forget to activate the visibility of the widget (tick "Visible to all", "Show "HTML/JavaScript" widget").
On the Wordpress add the code to the Text widget.

Author: Ivanova Natalia


The holiday is approaching - International Women's Day. Let's get ready for it. You can congratulate girls and women in an original way using the postcard services, which will be discussed below.

You can use the same services that we used for.

Ready postcard services

Create a postcard March 8 online

Use the following services to create a postcard from scratch.

  1. Canva is a well-known functional photo editor. Here you will find many templates. Registration required.
  2. Printclick If you have your own business, you can order a batch of postcards with the logo and contacts of your company. You can also use the princlick postcard generator. Great promotion and inexpensive.
  3. Crello is an editor that requires registration. Do not be afraid of the English language, in the settings you can switch to Russian.
  4. Online postcard - for those who have a well-developed imagination, as they will have to create a postcard from scratch.
  5. Mumotiki - prepare a beautiful picture and you can add a congratulatory text here. By the way, if you just need to add text to the picture, then you can check out.

I hope that using one of these generators, you will be able to adequately congratulate your ladies on March 8!

Author: Ivanova Natalia


The content of the article:

Google Plus is shutting down

The Google Plus platform did not live up to the hopes of the developers and will be completely removed on April 2, 2019. Together with it, the albums associated with it in Google Photos will disappear, and authorization on sites with a Google Plus account will become inaccessible. Since February 4, the function of creating Google Plus profiles, channels and pages has become inaccessible. If valuable content was stored on your account, then you can download a backup copy.
Most of the changes will affect bloggers running their blogs on Blogspot. Some G+ widgets, G+ comments, and your Google+ profile will no longer be available. This is stated in the notification in the Blogger admin panel:
Following the announcement of the end of the Google+ API scheduled for March 2019, there will be a number of changes to Blogger's integration with Google+ on February 4th.
Google+ Widgets. The +1 Button, Google+ Followers, and Google+ Badge widgets will no longer be supported in blog designs. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
Buttons +1. The +1 and G+ buttons will be removed, as well as the "Share to Google+" links below blog posts and in the navigation bar.
Please note that if you are using a custom template that includes Google+ features, it may need to be modified. Seek guidance from the person who provided you with this template.
Google+ Comments. Support for comments using Google+ will be discontinued, and standard Blogger comments will be restored for all blogs that use this feature. Unfortunately, comments posted via Google+ cannot be transferred to Blogger, so they will no longer appear on your blog.

Deleting Google Plus Comments

Unfortunately, the comments that were published in the system will be deleted forever. You can only use the same tool https://takeout.google.com to say backup comments from Google+ to your computer. Only a bootloader is not provided for it, and you can only restore comments manually in a rather crooked way. It's good that I'm in my time on time.

How to replace google plus profile with blogger profile

If you're blogging on Blogspot, it's a good idea to switch back from your Google Plus profile to your Blogger profile now (for those who switched to Google Plus in the past). I recommend doing this right now in order to avoid unforeseen situations that may occur when deleting Google Plus accounts.

How to get your Blogger profile back

This is easy to do in the Blogger admin settings:
Settings –> User Settings –> User Profile – select Blogger here

Save your changes.

Confirm the transition to and enter your name or nickname.

Don't forget to upload an avatar on your Blogger profile.

how to delete google plus profile

If you decide to get rid of your G+ profile once and for all, then go to your Google Plus page –> Settings –> scroll to the bottom of the page –> delete your Google Plus account:

Author: Ivanova Natalia

Today I will tell you what CSS3 is, what it is eaten with, where to look for it, how to write it correctly. I warn you, I will tell from myself, simplified for the general public, as I see it + examples. So, let's start from afar.
CSS is styles that describe the properties of an object. This means that they are in all existing engines, if you cannot find them, then either look in the wrong place, or they really do not exist ( curve site). Where are they usually found? Usually this is the root of the site, the name of the style.css file, although, in principle, the name is not as important as the .css extension if the file with such an extension is a style file.
See also on my blog.

Where to look for them?

The path to the file is attributed in the template between
" />
Blogspot is a little different, where styles are written right in the code, before the tag between
here styles

What do styles look like?

let's look at an example:
#header ( background: #fff; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: Georgia,"Times New Roman","Bitstream Charter",Times,serif; color: #333; ) .contacts ( position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 10px; )
website site author contacts
You can view the styles on any site, all you need is a browser. Now you can easily recognize them by reading how they look in this article.
As you can see, the styles are written differently. Styles that start with a pound sign have a specific block id in , styles with a dot have a specific block class. Otherwise, the styles will not work. You can come up with whatever names you want, the main thing is that they correspond to the written id and class in html. Style properties must be enclosed in parentheses and followed by a colon ( look at the example above), the parameter is written and closed with a semicolon. It is allowed that in the last property at the end you can not put a semicolon, just a closing bracket.
It happens that CSS is written immediately in a block, without outputting it to a separate file:
site header

CSS on Blogspot

Styles can be written differently, I will explain later because of what. Opening the code, we can see this (look at the styles carefully, and you will see the familiar blogging tags that set the styles):
As you can see, the style property .Header h1 listed separately above. How to understand and find a property? very simple, font there is a parameter header.font, that's what we're looking for. We find it in the "Blog Title" property group for the ".header h1" style, inside 2 properties "header.font" and "header.text.color". Here we are changing them. This is done to speed up the reading of styles by the browser, so it makes fewer requests. After all, the property header.text.color may be repeated elsewhere. There is more below header.shadow.offset.left and others, the meaning in them is the same, I will not repeat.
When they say to search in css (or styles), it means we are looking in blogspot between tags
and usually before the tag
unless of course they are written directly in html (example above, styles in blocks). In other cms, everything is usually placed in a separate file with the .css extension

Author: Ivanova Natalia


This latest article is written to provide up-to-date information on removing redundant links from Blogspot templates as well as new Blogger themes. As you know, there have been changes in the Blogger codes in 2018, so many code actions need to be done in a new way. Plus, there are new themes that are formed differently. In connection with these changes, we will analyze the topic of deleting links.
You can check your blog for external links on the services https://pr-cy.ru/link_extractor/ and https://seolik.ru/links. Do not forget that you need to check not only the main page of the blog, but also the page of records (posts) and pages (Page). A large number of external links open for indexing hinder .

How to Remove Links from the Old Standard Blogger Template

Using the Simple template as an example.
Such templates give the most inbound links. In my test blog, when installing a simple theme, when checking, 25 external links were found on the main page, of which 14 were indexed.
I remind you that before making changes in the template code, make a backup copy!
  1. Remove Blogger Link - https://www.blogger.com/. This link is wrapped in an Attribution widget. In the "Blog Design" tab, it appears as an Attribution gadget and . To remove it, go to the "Theme" tab-> edit HTML. By searching for widgets (list of widgets), we find Attribution1 and delete all the code along with the footer section in which it is enclosed. This is what the removed code looks like in collapsed form:

    And so the full code:

    We save the changes and check the blog for Attribution.
  2. You have certainly seen the “Wrench and Screwdriver” icons on your blog for quick editing of widgets. Each such icon carries with it an external link to Blogger. Now they are closed by the nofollow tag, but you still need to get rid of them. You will edit widgets in the Design tab.
    Here is an incomplete list of links that are encrypted in wrench icons (the blog ID will be yours)
    - HTML1 Widget: http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=1490203873741752013&widgetType=HTML&widgetId=HTML1&action=editWidget§ionId=header
    - HTML2 widget http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=1490203873741752013&widgetType=HTML&widgetId=HTML2&action=editWidget§ionId=header
    - Blog archive: http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=1490203873741752013&widgetType=BlogArchive&widgetId=BlogArchive1&action=editWidget§ionId=main
    - Blog Labels: http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=1490203873741752013&widgetType=Label&widgetId=Label1&action=editWidget§ionId=main
    - Popular posts: http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=1490203873741752013&widgetType=PopularPosts&widgetId=PopularPosts2&action=editWidget§ionId=main
    All these links are easy to get rid of. Find the tag in your blog template . It occurs as many times as there are widgets on your blog. Remove all occurrences of a tag .
  3. We remove links to quick editing of a blog entry (the “Pencil” icon). Makes it easier to edit posts, but carries the threat as an external link of the form: https://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1490203873741752013&postID=4979812525036427892&from=pencil
    How to delete:
    Method 1. In the Design tab, edit the "Blog Posts" element and uncheck the "Show "Quick Edit"" checkbox.
    Method 2. find the tag in the blog template and delete it. Save your changes and check your blog for the icon and link.
  4. Delete Navbar. Search for widgets in the html template of the Navbar1 blog and delete all the code along with the section.


    Now the Navbar on the blog does not provide indexable external links, but I believe that this is an extra element that does not carry a functional load, and it is better to remove it.
  5. Remove external links to images. When images are uploaded to a blog post, a link is automatically embedded in them. To remove such links, you need to edit all blog posts. In the “View” mode and then to the “Link” icon. If the image does not contain an external link, then when you click on the photo in the post editor, the “Link” icon is not active (the icon is not highlighted).

  6. Remove the link to the blog author's profile. Delete the author of the blog under the entry. To do this, find the code trueand write false instead of true. It turns out false
  7. Close the link from the “ ” widget from indexing with the nofollow tag. If you use the “profile” widget in your blog, then use a quick widget search in the blog template to find the Profile1 gadget code. You need to edit the widget code, replacing rel='author' with in two places and adding to the two links. You should get something like in the screenshot:

    Made using the example of editing a Google Plus profile. As a reminder, Google Plus will be phased out on April 2, 2019. Accordingly, after this date, it will be necessary to make other changes in the code of the “About me” widget.

  8. Check for external links on any Blogspot post page that has comments. Find and delete the code in the blog template:

    In the Blog Settings along the path Blog Settings -> Other -> Site Feed -> Allow Blog Feed, apply the following settings:

Remove external links from the new default Blogger template

Using the Notable theme as an example
  1. Removing Attribution (link below - Blogger Technologies)
    We find Attribution1 in the widget search blog template (list of widgets) and delete the code along with the section by analogy with the old Blogger template (see above 1).
  2. Remove the link from the "Report Abuse" widget. This is the ReportAbuse1 widget. We find in the search for widgets:
    The whole code looks like this:

  3. We check the blog post page with comments and remove links by analogy with the old blog templates (see above - point 8).
  4. Remove links from blog posts that are embedded in post images (see point 5).

Author: Ivanova Natalia

Usually, when laying out texts for the web, they do not pay enough attention to the design of quotes. Trying to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding, we will touch on two issues: the typographic design of quotes (in the part where layout errors are most often made) and the implementation of this design in HTML code.

We also will not touch on the issues of checking the semantic accuracy of quoting, the correct use of cuts, abbreviations and additions - everyone who is interested is waiting for the “Reference book of the publisher and author” by A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova.

We hope that this entry will be convenient to use as a reference for frequently encountered questions about citation formatting.

Typographic design of quotes


Quotations inside the text, typed in the same way as the main text, are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quote is highlighted in color, font size, another font, italic, or the quote is placed in a separate graphically highlighted block of text, then quotes are not put. Also, quotes-epigraphs are not marked with quotation marks, unless they are accompanied by non-quoted text.

Quotation marks are placed only at the beginning and end of a quote, regardless of the size of the quote and the number of paragraphs in it.

Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks of the same pattern as those used in the main text as the main ones - in the vast majority of cases, these are Christmas tree quotation marks "".

If there are words (phrases, phrases) inside the quote, in turn enclosed in quotes, then the latter should be of a different pattern than the quotes that close and open the quote (if the outer quotes are Christmas trees "", then the inner ones are paws " ", and vice versa ). For example: Vasily Pupkin stated in a recent interview: “The Pupstroytrest company took the honorable six hundred and twelfth place in the ranking of construction companies in Zaporozhye.”

If there are quotation marks of the “third stage” in the quotation, that is, inside the quoted phrases of the quotation, there are, in turn, words taken in quotation marks, as the latter, quotation marks of the second figure, that is, paws, are recommended. An example from Milchin and Cheltsova: M. M. Bakhtin wrote: “Trishatov tells a teenager about his love for music and develops the idea of ​​an opera in front of him: “Listen, do you like music? I love terribly ... If I were composing an opera, then, you know, I would take the plot from Faust. I love this theme very much.” But in general, it is better to try to rearrange the design of the quote in such a way that such cases do not arise.

Punctuation after a quote at the end of a sentence

If a sentence ends with a quote, then a period is always put. after closing quote. The dot is omitted in the following cases.
  1. If there is an ellipsis, an exclamation mark or a question mark before the closing quotes, and the quote enclosed in quotes is an independent sentence (as a rule, all quotes after the colon separating them from the words of the quoter are like this). In this case, the punctuation mark is placed inside quotes. An example from Milchin and Cheltsova:
    Pechorin wrote: “I don’t remember a bluer and fresher morning!”
    Pechorin admitted: “I sometimes despise myself ...”
    Pechorin asks: “And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?”
  2. The same if a quotation ends with an independent sentence, the first sentence of which begins with a lowercase letter. For example: Pechorin reflects: “... why did fate throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their tranquility ... "
  3. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, and the quotation is not an independent sentence, and after the entire phrase with the quotation there should be a question or exclamation mark. For example: Lermontov exclaims in the preface that this is "an old and pitiful joke!"
We emphasize once again that in other cases, a period is put at the end of the sentence, and it is put after closing quote.

Quote with the quoter's words inside

Despite the fact that the quote contains the speech of the quoter, quotes are still put only once - at the beginning and at the end of the quote. Put a closing quote before the words of the quoting person and re-opening after them not necessary.

If there are no punctuation marks at the place where the quotation breaks, or the break occurs at the place of a comma, semicolon, colon or dash, then the quoter's words are separated on both sides by a comma and a dash ", -" (do not forget that the dash must be preceded by a non-breaking space! ).

At source In text with quote
I became incapable of noble impulses... “I,” Pechorin admits, “became incapable of noble impulses ...”
…My heart turns to stone, and nothing can warm it up again. “... My heart turns to stone,” Pechorin concludes hopelessly, “and nothing will warm it up again.”
Too one-sided and strong interest excessively increases the tension of human life; one more push and the person goes crazy. “Too one-sided and strong interest excessively increases the tension of human life,” D. Kharms reflects, “one more push, and a person goes crazy.”
The goal of all human life is one: immortality. “The goal of every human life is one,” writes D. Kharms in his diary, “immortality.”
Genuine interest is the main thing in our life. "Genuine interest, - says D. Harms, - is the main thing in our life."
If there is a dot at the place where the quote breaks in the source, then a comma and a dash ", -" are placed before the quoter's words, and after his words - a dot and a dash ". - "(do not forget about the non-breaking space!), And the second part of the quote begins with a capital letter (in the common people also called "big" or "capital"). before the words of the citing put this sign and a dash "? -; ! -; ... -", and after his words - a dot and a dash ". -" if the second part of the quote begins with a capital letter. If the second part of the quotation begins with a lowercase letter (also called “small” in the common people), then a comma and a dash “, -” are placed after the quoter’s words.
At source In text with quote
I sometimes despise myself...isn't that why I despise others too?... I have become incapable of noble impulses; I'm afraid to seem ridiculous to myself. “Sometimes I despise myself ... is that why I despise others too? .. - Pechorin admits. “I have become incapable of noble impulses…”
… Forgive love! my heart turns to stone and nothing will warm it up again. “... Forgive love! - writes Pechorin in his journal, - my heart turns to stone ... "
This is some kind of innate fear, an inexplicable premonition ... After all, there are people who are unconsciously afraid of spiders, cockroaches, mice ... “This is some kind of innate fear, an inexplicable premonition ... - Pechorin is looking for explanations. “After all, there are people who are unconsciously afraid of spiders, cockroaches, mice…”

Formatting quotes in code

Many people forget that the HTML 4.01 standard already provides elements for decorating quotes typed inside the text, and either does not use them at all, or (even worse) put quotes inside tags or . It was also cited to observe the use of the blockquote element to create indents, which is also unacceptable from the point of view of observing the semantics of the layout.

So, two elements are used to highlight quotes: a block quote and an inline q . In addition, the inline cite element is used to describe the source from which the quotation was taken. Please note that cite is used only and is necessary to indicate a link to the source, the quote itself is not included inside the cite element!

According to the HTML 4.01 specification, the blockquote and q elements can use the attributes cite="…" , which points to the URL where the quote was borrowed from (not to be confused with a separate cite element), and title="…" , whose content will pop up as a tooltip when hover over the quote with the mouse.

Unfortunately, browsers don't handle these HTML elements very well yet. So, the cite="…" attribute is not rendered by any browsers at all. In order to get around this flaw, there is a script by Paul Davies that displays a tooltip with a link specified in the cite attribute in a separate layer.

The second global flaw related to the output of inline quotes is connected (surprise, surprise!) with the Internet Explorer family of browsers. Again, according to the specification, the author of the document must not type quotes when using the q element. The quotes must be rendered by the browser, and in the case of nested quotes, they also have a different pattern. Okay, let's say Opera does not comply with the last requirement, and the quotes for nested quotes are the same. But IE up to version 7 doesn't render them at all!

Also, IE doesn't understand the CSS properties quotes , before , after , and content , which, bastard, completely buries hope to solve the problem with semantically correct layout using CSS.

This problem is solved in several ways:

  • using a proprietary CSS behavior property (Paul Davies' solution) that triggers JavaScript that places quotation marks in IE, with the pattern of nested quotation marks interleaved;
  • using conditional comments, by simply executing JavaScript on page load (Jez Lemon's solution from Juicy Studio), while the pattern of nested quotes is constant;
  • or by zeroing the quotes in CSS using the quotes property and placing quotes in the text manually, but (attention!) outside the q element so as not to violate the W3C recommendations (solution by Stacey Cordoni on the A List Apart site).
The last method seems to me as much a deal with conscience as trying to find a way to get around the restrictions on Shabbat - a violation of the spirit while observing the letter of the recommendations.

Therefore, choosing the second method from the first two, we use Jez Lemon's script, slightly modified for the Russian language. Yes, with disabled JavaScript, the IE user will be left without quotes, we accept this as a necessary evil.

Our quotation solution

So, in order to adequately compose the text with quotes, you need to download the quotes.js script, and then connect it inside the head element using conditional comments:

In addition, for browsers that render quotation marks adequately, you need to specify the image of quotation marks for the Russian language in the CSS file. Fortunately, in Russian typography, nested quotes have one pattern regardless of the nesting level (which is easy to implement in CSS without involving additional classes), but we once again strongly recommend avoiding deeply nested quotes at the stage of writing text.

// Adding to the CSS file
// Outer quotation marks
q ( ​​quotes: "\00ab" "\00bb"; )

// Nested paw quotes
q q ( quotes: "\201e" "\201c"; )

It is clear that this mechanism, if necessary, can be complicated in the case of alternating quotation marks with deep nesting, by introducing classes, for example, q.odd and q.even and specifying the class by hand directly when quoting.

Now we easily and semantically typeset the following quote: “The success of the Žalgiris campaign,” Vladimiras Pupkins told Russia Today, “is due not only to the choice of toothpaste vendors, but also to what Mark Twain called “jumping through the door that leads inside.”

The success of the Zalgiris campaign, said in an interview with Russia Today Vladimiras Pupkins, - is due not only to the choice of toothpaste vendors, but also to the fact that Mark Twain called jumping through the door leading inside.

The best part is that title="…" attributes for nested tags are handled correctly by browsers.

Writing an example for correctly sharing nested blockquote , q , and cite elements is left to the reader as homework. :)

update: Correction from - of course, to set a quote pattern in CSS, you do not need to describe nested styles, the standard functionality of the quotes: q property is enough (quotes: "\00ab" "\00bb" "\201e" "\201c";)


  • quotes
  • quote
  • blockquote
  • quote
Add tags

Two elements are used to create quotes in HTML: block element <Ыockquote> and inline element . Tag <Ыockquote> used to display long quotes that take up an entire paragraph and display it indented from the left and right edges. This tag allows you to place text compactly in the center of the page. It may contain other text formatting elements.

Element used for short quotes that are part of the current paragraph. Generally, browsers wrap the content of an element in quotation marks. Typically, a quotation does not include line breaks, and the quotation is considered a text-level element.

Both elements can have an attribute CITE, whose value is the URL of the quoted fragment.

Example: long and short quotes

  • Try it yourself "

can be easily determined using a vertical plumb line.

As A. A. Milne said, some people talk to animals.

Zenith is the highest point in the sky for an observer.
in the vertical direction, which, as is known,
can be easily determined using a vertical plumb line.

As A. A. Milne said, some people talk to animals.


An abbreviation is an abbreviation of words adopted in writing or a word made up of several parts of other words (university, research institute, executive committee, etc.). When using any acronym or abbreviation in the text, use the tag . Using the "title" attribute, you can set a tooltip with the decoding of the abbreviation. At the same time, search robots index exactly the full version of the transcript, defined in the "title" attribute. To distinguish abbreviations from regular text, they are underlined with a dotted line.

Example: Abbreviation

  • Try it yourself "

NASA is doing some incredible space experiments.

Ex. Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist.

NАSА!} hosts some incredible
space experiments.

Ex. Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist.


used to indicate contact information, addresses and telephone numbers. It may contain a postal address, as well as an email address or phone number. Most browsers display the element's content
italic font.

Example: Address

  • Try it yourself "

HTML Tutorial
Belyi Maksim Maksimovich
Northwestern Institute of Technology
Teplogorsk State University of Technology and Design
[email protected]

tags and

Tag used when referring to some primary source, such as a book, website, or academic work, to indicate the referenced source. Often used in bibliography, when attributing copyright or mentioning the name of the owner of a resource. Browsers display element content italic font.

Tag used to indicate the definition of some new term. The explanation of a new term (a scientific concept or a narrow-profile name) in the text is called a “definition”. Element can be used if a new term occurs in the text for the first time and its definition is immediately given. The browser displays such text in italics.

Example: Sources and definitions

  • Try it yourself "

Watching Stephen Hopkins' Red Dragon.

The momentum of the body is a vector quantity, the direction of its vector is the same
with speed direction

More than ten thousand tickets were sold in the first month alone
to watch a movie Red Dragon Stephen Hopkins.

body momentum is a vector quantity, the direction of its vector is the same
with speed direction


Tag controls the direction of the displayed text. It has a required dir attribute that takes the values ​​ltr (left to right) and rtl (right to left).

Example: Text Direction

  • Try it yourself "

If your browser supports bidirectional algorithm (bdo),
next line will be written from right to left (rtl)

This text is written from right to left.


Final task

In this lesson, you got acquainted with some more logical formatting elements that determine not the appearance of the text, but its type, and depending on which browser applies one or another type of external formatting. All of the elements discussed above are containers and require a closing tag. Some of these elements may not change the appearance of the text at all, so the focus here was on how they define the meaning of text rather than how they format it.

It's time to review what you've learned and complete four simple tasks:

Short Quote

  • Decide for yourself »

Using the HTML boolean, add quotation marks around the word: "Theory".

Short Quote

Theory predicts new phenomena and new laws.

Short Quote

Theory predicts new phenomena and new laws.

long quote

  • Decide for yourself »

Put the following text inside an element that will make it a left indented quote. Specify the URL of the resource where this quote comes from: "http://www.world.org".

long quote A characteristic of the speed and direction of movement is a physical quantity - speed.

Element definition has been changed

and . The article explains what this means for developers.

Definition Changes


represents content that is a quote from another source, possibly, including a mention of this source, which should be placed inside elements
or , and, possibly A containing notes and abbreviations.

Content inside an element

, except for reference to the source and changes in the text, it should be exact quotation from another source whose address, if any, may be specified in the cite attribute.

Rare case

One of the arguments against using cite and footer inside a blockquote to indicate the source of citations is that the quoted content itself can contain citations and citations. We can discard this argument for the reason that such cases are extremely rare. Opt Out and

for the sake of such a rare case is another example of theoretical purity that will not serve practical purposes.

But if you have such a case, currently the HTML specification suggests that you simply comment out the source indication in the quote code. (The question is still open and this tip is subject to change):

(Added 11/6/13, editor's note.) In response to feedback, we have decided to change our proposal for the specification to use the class attribute (which can be used to extend) the element to indicate that it is part of the source of the quote.

My favorite book is At Swim-Two-Birds

- MikeSmith

Definition Changes

The developers opposed changes to the definition:

Join the civil disobedience campaign against overly restrictive, backwards-incompatible element changes . Start using HTML5, but start using it wisely. Let's see how bad advice goes down the drain.

They also gave abstract and real examples of citing the source. Now, as a result of research, data analysis and discussion, developers can reuse in order to refer to