Vysokosny year - the year of St. Kasyan. Where does the extra day come from?

A leap year is a year according to the Julian calendar, in which the number of days is one more than in ordinary ones - 366 days.

Leap year superstition

It is not clear why, but there are a lot of superstitions in a leap year. For example, you can not build housing, buy an apartment and other real estate; celebrate the birthdays of the elderly; eat edible fruits that have been found on the ground; and the most common sign, probably familiar to many, is that you can’t get married and plan to have children.

Let's try to figure out why wedding in leap year 2012 raises so many concerns. After all, it would seem that civilization should enlighten modern people. You need to understand that this is ignorance - to believe in signs and superstitions. But we continue to believe, fear and think: is it worth getting married or waiting a year?

But what about those who have already decided to have a child? Or those who have nowhere to live, and the money for an apartment has already been collected? Yes. For years, we have been told that all kinds of catastrophes, misfortunes and misfortunes happen in a leap year. However, science has proven that in a leap year they happen no more than in a normal one. It's just a psychological factor.

People are waiting for something terrible to happen, and make sure to note for themselves if something really happens. And today, many believe that leap year wedding doomed to fail. And what about those young people who love each other very much, but they did not have time to get married in 2011, and there is no strength to wait for 2013? Everything is very simple. You just need to change your attitude towards superstitions. To do this, let's look at history.

Leap year wedding - as they did before

Yes, it is known for certain from historical sources that matchmakers did not go to the bride’s house every four years, but the weddings were much more frequent. How so? After all, in ancient times without matchmaking there could not be a wedding. And the thing is that these years fell on the year of the bride, when the matchmakers went to the groom's house. It is believed that in such a year the bride herself could choose her betrothed. Moreover, the bridegroom could not refuse the bride who came (with very rare exceptions) So, it becomes clear why in the old days they allegedly avoided weddings in a leap year. You just need to look deeper into history.

But the next leap year is the year of the widow, and then the year of the widower. So what happens? Can you only get married once every four years? So it won't take long to change your mind! But this belief has gone, according to historians, since the time of numerous destructive wars.

There is another time when you should not play a wedding, according to superstition. This is the month of May. It is believed that the newlyweds are not destined to experience happiness in family life, but they will have to suffer. Well, such a superstition appeared because of the name of the month. But the sign is considered artificially invented. Apparently, this was done so that in the spring months, when you need to actively look after the future harvest, no love would interfere. After all, she, as they say in the famous saying, comes and goes, but you always want to eat.

Leap year wedding 2012 - superstitions aside

So if you love each other, feel free to play wedding in leap year 2012! After all, love is not afraid of any superstition!

Let us now define the advantages of such a choice. Many still believe these speculations, which means that there will be no queue at the registry office. And you can easily decide on the date of this significant event in life. And the prices for the services of a toastmaster, a photographer and other wedding services will obviously be cheaper than at other times. This is also very good news. And, finally, you will be able to prove to everyone around you that you and your soul mate are not afraid of any popular beliefs. You are not afraid of anything, and boldly reunite with your loved one? Why waste precious time?

Well, what about those for whom leap year wedding 2012 year still scary? With your mind, you understand that there is nothing terrible in a leap year, and the strength of marriage does not depend on numbers, but on the relationship between spouses. Try turning to faith. Think about God. After all, the church crowns, regardless of whether it is a leap year or not. All believers know that there are only church restrictions for weddings: these are fasting and days before major holidays.

We are sure that among your acquaintances there are couples who got engaged in a normal year, and their union fell apart, as well as those who joined their hearts in a leap year and maintained friendly, strong relationships to this day.

If you believe in astrology, then try to listen to the location of the stars and choose a good date for yourself! So that no doubts for you or your relatives spoil the happiest day of your life! Strong and mutual love to you!

Leap year (lat. bis sextus - “second sixth”) - a year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the duration of which is 366 days - one day more than the duration of a regular, non-leap year. In the Julian calendar, a leap year is every fourth year; in the Gregorian calendar, there are exceptions to this rule.

A year is a conventional unit of time, which historically meant a single cycle of seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). In most countries, the calendar length of the year is 365 or 366 days. At present, the year is also used as a temporal characteristic of the revolution of planets around stars in planetary systems, in particular the Earth around the Sun.

The calendar year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars is 365 days in non-leap years and 366 days in leap years. The average length of the year is 365.2425 days for the Gregorian and 365.25 days for the Julian calendar.

The calendar year in the Islamic calendar contains 353, 354 or 355 days - 12 lunar months. The average length of the year is 354.37 days, which is less than the tropical year, and therefore Muslim holidays "roam" according to the seasons.

The calendar year in the Jewish calendar contains 353, 354 or 355 days in a simple year and 383, 384 or 385 days in a leap year. The average length of the year is 365.2468 days, which is close to the tropical year.

The length of the tropical year (the time between the two vernal equinoxes) is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. The difference in the duration of the tropical year and the average Julian calendar year (365.25 days) is 11 minutes 14 seconds. Of these 11 minutes and 14 seconds, approximately 128 years add up to one day.

As the centuries passed, a shift in the day of the vernal equinox, with which church holidays are associated, was noticed. By the 16th century, the vernal equinox occurred about 10 days earlier than March 21, which is used to determine the day of Easter.

To compensate for the accumulated error and to avoid such a shift in the future, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII reformed the calendar. In order to better match the average calendar year to the solar year, it was decided to change the leap year rule. As before, a year remained a leap year, the number of which is a multiple of four, but an exception was made for those that were a multiple of 100. From now on, such years were leap years only when they were also divided by 400.

In other words, a year is a leap year in two cases: either it is a multiple of 4, but not a multiple of 100, or it is a multiple of 400. A year is not a leap year if it is not a multiple of 4, or it is a multiple of 100, but not a multiple of 400.

The last years of centuries ending in two zeros are not leap years in three cases out of four. So, the years 1700, 1800 and 1900 are not leap years, since they are a multiple of 100 and not a multiple of 400. The years 1600 and 2000 are leap years, since they are a multiple of 400. The years 2100, 2200 and 2300 are non-leap years. In leap years, an extra day is introduced - February 29. The Catholic world lives according to the Julian calendar. Unlike the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar takes into account only one object - the Sun.

Now we live according to the Julian calendar (new style), before the revolution we lived according to the Gregorian (old style). The difference between the old and new styles was 11 days in the 18th century, 12 days in the 19th century, and 13 days in the 20th-21st centuries. In the 22nd century, this difference will already be 14 days. The Gregorian calendar was introduced under Soviet rule on February 14, 1918 (after January 31, it was no longer February 1, but immediately the 14th). The last leap year was , the next one will be .

1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956, 1952, 1948, 1944, 1940, 1936, 1932, 1928, 1924, 1920, 1916, 1912, 1908, 1904, according to Gregorian 1900 is a non-leap year, Julian is a leap year. 1896.

Note: For most computer and mobile systems, valid dates are from December 13, 1901, 20:45:54 GMT to January 19, 2038, 03:14:07 GMT. (These dates correspond to the minimum and maximum value of a 32-bit signed integer). For Windows, valid dates are from 01-01-1970 to 01-19-2038.

The Salem witch hunt has begun.

Peter issues a decree on the laying of the Biysk fortress

Leo von Klenze was born - the founder of architectural trends on the principle of ""new - a little rebuilt antique"". And the Marquis de Sade was transferred to the Bastille, where in five years he would write three of his most famous and outrageous novels.

Gioacchino Rossini is born.

Napoleon appoints commanders in his army. Alexander I is considering a gas lighting project in the capital of his empire.

The Grand Duchess is getting married - of course, a prince. The Russian emperor takes care of widows and the country's legislation.

Aubert's opera The Mute of Portici (or Fenella) premiered.

Charles Darwin explores the Brazilian jungle during the Beagle expedition.

The Crimean War is over.

Herman Cholerite is born.

The St. Gotthard Tunnel was completed.

The Russian Empire is full of cultural events. Performances are played, writers write letters. In Europe, Engels wrote something of little interest to Liebknecht. In America, another round of a court case, which eventually dragged on for a quarter of a century and led to a change in the rules of forensic evidence.

An international commission has been set up to regulate fur seal hunting. It was one of the first examples of international cooperation in the field of animal protection.

Talented organizers and creative personalities were born all over the world on this year and day.

According to the Gregorian calendar, 1900 is a common year; according to the Julian calendar, it is a leap year.

The Russo-Japanese War is one of the first in the 20th century. And in Europe they dance and sing.

Liquid helium was obtained at the Leiden Laboratory. The Oryol Central was created in Russia. Football is played in Brazil.

Joseph Stalin flees from exile. Russia is helping to conclude a Serbian-Bulgarian treaty. Workers are on strike in Bodaibo.

Strikes, pogroms, sunken ships, orders and everything that accompanies the world war. In Moscow, poets are self-elected as Presidents of the globe.

The Red Army is pushing the atamans Denikin and Annenkov. The first constitution was approved in the Czech Republic. The Kapp putsch began in Germany.

After the civil war, culture revives. Surrogate money is prohibited. Vladimir Kryukov is born - the chairman of the KGB and a member of the State Emergency Committee.

The Central Electoral Commission and Council of People's Commissars of all levels produce documents. Writers write letters. The artists are performing. The ships are being built. Celebrities are born.

In Finland, an armed rebellion of the Nazis. The last emperor of China is still trying to lead the state.

Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model of the structure of the atom.

Hitler fools the American diplomat. Black Hetty McDaniel wins an Oscar.

Soviet troops are successfully advancing in all directions.

The President of Peru criticizes opponents. Irina Kupchenko was born.

The USSR sends notes to America because of the Katyn affair. Stalin is sent a letter about Paulus. The Academy of Arts thinks about talented children. End and start testing aircraft. Raisa Smetanina is born in the village of Mokhcha.

Airplanes are flying. The unjustly accused and shot generals have been rehabilitated. Islamic Republic of Pakistan established. In Finland, the President has resigned. In Korea, articles are published that fully support the opinion of the country's leader.

The largest earthquake in Morocco. Flights of cruise missiles and new aircraft. Movie premieres. Writers and at least one serial killer were born.

Launching a Soviet nuclear submarine. The message of the Americans about the existence of a new strategic fighter aircraft. The Pact on Arab Cultural Unity was signed.

Launched ships and submarines. The Il-18D aircraft crashed.

V. Vysotsky sings in Moscow. In the United States, John Lennon begins the fight for an American visa.

In the Julian and Gregorian calendars, a leap year is a year that consists of 366 days. Thus, it differs from the usual one by the presence of an “extra” day. In the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. As for the Gregorian, it has a similar approach to determining a leap year, but with a small exception.

What are leap years in the Gregorian calendar?

To be considered a leap year, the year must first of all be divisible by four. Regarding zero years, from which centuries begin, they are considered leap years only if their number is a multiple of 400. So, for example, the year 2000 is a leap year, while the year 1900 is not.

As for the question of how many days are in a leap year, the world's most widely used Gregorian calendar contains 366 days. The “extra” day is February 29th. Thus, people born on this day officially celebrate their birthday every four years. This is an interesting feature of leap years.

Where does the extra day come from?

Our planet is constantly revolving around its celestial body - the Sun. The Earth makes a complete revolution in 365 days and several hours. This period of time is called a "year". For convenience of calculation, the “extra” few hours are not taken into account for three years. In the fourth year, additional hours are added up and, as a result, an “extra” day is obtained, which is usually added to every fourth February.

Leap years: a list for the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries

Given the above rules for determining leap years, it is possible to form a list of them for the last centuries. So, in the 19th century, these were: 1804, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 180. 1888, 1892, 1896.

In the 20th century, the leap years, respectively, were 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 194. , 1988, 1992, 1996.

As for the 21st century, in which we all were lucky enough to live, the leap years were 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. The next leap year will be 2016.

Leap Year Mystery

Despite the fact that the origin and features of leap years have long been studied and absolutely clear, many people are apprehensively waiting for their onset. It just so happened that a leap year is considered something strange and somewhere even dangerous. Nevertheless, if we analyze history, in ordinary years there were no less various kinds of cataclysms and negative events than in leap years. Therefore, it is not necessary to attach any special significance to leap years.

With this "tail", equal to 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds, the eternal problems of the calendar are connected. Among the people, these leap years, elongated since the time of the Romans and Greeks, have been notorious ... But is the devil as terrible as he is painted?

Vysokosny year - the year of St. Kasyan.

Usually, the image of Kasyan was associated with hell and assigned to him demonic features in appearance and behavior. One of the legends said that Kasyan was a bright angel, but betrayed God, telling the devil about the Lord's intention to expel all satanic power from heaven. Having committed a betrayal, Kasyan repented, God took pity on the sinner and gave him a relatively light punishment.

He assigned an angel to him, who beat Kasyan on the forehead with a hammer for three years in a row, and in the fourth year gave him rest. Another legend tells that Kasyan stood guard at the gates of hell and only once a year had the right to leave them and come to earth.

According to popular notions, St. Kasyan is unfriendly, mercenary, stingy, envious, vindictive and brings people nothing but misfortune.

The external appearance of Kasyan is unpleasant, his slanting eyes with disproportionately large eyelids and a deadly look are especially striking.

The Russian people believed that "Kasyan looks at everything, everything fades", "Kasyan mows everything obliquely", "Kasyan against the people - it's hard for the people", "Kasyan against the grass - the grass dries, Kasyan against the cattle - the cattle dies."

Some legends explained the malignancy of Kasyan by the fact that in infancy he was abducted from pious parents by demons, who raised him in their home. In addition, they told that St. Basil the Great, having met with Kasyan, put the sign of the cross on his forehead, after which Kasyan began to have the ability to burn demons approaching him.

However, all this could not whitewash the saint, and for everyone he continued to be Kasyan the Unmerciful, Kasyan the Envious, Kasyan the Terrible, Kasyan the Miser.

Memorial Day of St. Kasyan was celebrated once every four years. Saint Kasyan spreads his malignity throughout the year: "Kasyan came, went to limp and break everything in his own way."

Many couples in love are sure that getting married on a leap year means dooming their marriage to collapse. What to do if you want to play a wedding, but there is no desire to wait for 2013? If we turn to history, we can see a funny picture. Indeed, once every four years, young people did not disturb the matchmakers, and there was no festive commotion in the house of the bride's parents. But this does not mean at all that lovers could not get married. What is most remarkable, the girls went to woo.

It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could choose their own groom! Initially, the custom of women's matchmaking had one condition: that "every lady who goes to woo should put on an undershirt made of scarlet flannel and that its edge should be clearly visible, otherwise the man will have to pay a fine for it." They could refuse to marry a bride only in the rarest cases, but no mention of them has been preserved.

If a leap year were somehow objectionable to the church in terms of the celebration of the Sacrament of the wedding, then this would certainly be reflected in church canons.

But there is no such rule. So this superstition has nothing to do with the true state of things. But if this sign matters to you, but you are still going to get married in 2012, then ask the priest to say before the crown: "I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end."

Leap year 2012 - name day of death

There is another superstition associated with the leap year. It says that more people die in a leap year than in other years ("death will rise!").

It is believed that a lot of "overstayed" old people and sickly people die on a leap year.

Why in a leap year "someone dies"? There is such an intricate legend.

One of the Christian saints beats devils with chains without rest for 4 years. In the new year, he lifts his eyes, and the earth consoles him.

Having consoled himself, he begins to whip the devils with particular frenzy, which, accordingly, harm what comforted him: grass (and fires destroy crops), animals (and pestilence begins) or people.

Another legend belongs to the ancient Roman holiday called Feralia and held on February 21 - on this day, a meal was prepared for the souls of the dead and brought as a gift tiles with a withered wreath, bread soaked in wine, some violets, a few grains of millet, a pinch of salt.

But souls do not need plentiful food and gifts; the memory of the living is more important to them. Therefore, the most important thing is to pray to them with all your heart and not forget about them.

If we touch on modern statistics, then approximately the same number of people die in leap years as in others, and the mortality rate depends entirely on other factors. But, alas, in folk psychology, all the troubles, one way or another, are transferred to leap years! If there are sick relatives in your house, and you are still afraid that there is a leap year ahead - go to church, light a candle and pray for the dead ...

Childbirth in Leap Year 2012

There are about 4 million children on February 29 in the world - this is only 0.0686% of the world's population. The chance of a baby being born on a leap year is about 1 in 1500.

Do not forget that there is another sign: on this day, the chosen ones and the lucky ones are born. According to some ancient sources, this day was sacred: the day-mystery, the day-mystery... the day when the window to the "parallel world" opens. It is not for nothing that this day is still called "pop-up", "eluding", as if appearing from nowhere and going nowhere ... It was believed that the chosen ones were born on this day. Some messengers from a parallel world.

In ancient times, these people were considered born Mages, endowed with a prophetic gift. Carefully guarded and guarded, forced to live as recluses, the "chosen ones" really possessed a miraculous gift, capable of not only predicting, but also healing, "cleansing" of all filth.

If you were born on February 29, in a leap year, thus falling under the sign of Pisces, you will have less difficulties and more luck in your early years.

Children born in 2012 will be rich and provide their parents with a decent old age. And what can it mean for "mere mortals" if you suddenly meet people born on February 29 in your life? Considering that these are human messengers, they appear in the fate of a person by no means by chance, but with a specific mission: to convey information to us.