Animals in English (with transcription and translation). Description of the animal in English Interesting facts about sea animals in English

How to write a short story about my favorite animal? It's very simple. In this article you will find several examples of such stories about both pets and wild animals from the forest. You yourself can compose any similar story using a simple scheme: first you name this animal, then describe its appearance, what is characteristic of it (for example, long ears, a short tail, beautiful fur, smart eyes - everything that seems characteristic of it to you). this animal).

Then describe a little of its habits, what it can do, how it helps people, or how you take care of it, how this animal plays, where it lives, what its favorite food is, and so on. At the end you can write a short conclusion about why you like this animal. The main thing you may need is a supply of adjectives about animals, the ability to use verbs in, and you can check the correct spelling of your essay for free on the website:

Animal stories:

My favorite animal is a dog

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. He is white with a bit of brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice his tail is wagging. He likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. He lives in our house. All my family likes to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone approaches me, he starts to bark. But he never bites. All these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. It is mostly white with some brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice, his tail wags in a friendly manner. He loves to eat meat and cakes. He lives in our house. My whole family loves playing with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his mouth and drops it on my leg for me to kick. Larry takes care of me. If someone comes near me, he starts barking. But he never bites. All of these reasons show why I truly love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite animal is cat

My favorite pet is my little cat. Its name is Musya. Her color is white, gray and a little reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it by her selves, but I also keep her neat and clean. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also likes fish and meat. She is playful. Sometimes she is scratching me with her claws. Musya likes to go out in our garden where she eats some grass and climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I like playing with my cat very much.

My favorite pet is my little cat. Her name is Musya. She is white with gray and reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it herself, but I keep hers clean and tidy too. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also loves fish and meat. She's playful. She sometimes scratches me with her claws. Musya loves to go outside in our garden, where she eats grass and climbs trees. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I really like playing with my cat.

My favorite animal is horse

My favorite animal is a horse. Its name is Mila. Its color is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very big and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers in their work. She likes eating grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love to feed her, to take care of her, and I love riding her.

My favorite animal is a horse. Her name is Mila. It is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very large and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers with their work. She loves to eat grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love feeding her, taking care of her, and I love riding her.

More short stories about my favorite animal

Hedgehog - Hedgehog

My favorite animal is the hedgehog. It has sharp spines all over its back. He can curl up into a ball. He can climb trees and swim in water. He loves to eat bugs and dig in the ground for earthworms. He uses his sense of smell to find food.

The hedgehog sleeps under stones and in tall grass. It has short legs and a short tail. He doesn't like winter. Winter is too cold for hedgehogs, so they curl up and go to sleep. A few months later they wake up and they are very hungry!

Fox - Fox

My favorite animal is fox. They look like dogs. They have triangular ears and a long and bushy tail. The fox has reddish fur and a pointed muzzle.

At night they like to catch mice and rabbits. They also eat fruits and vegetables. They live in the forest. Sometimes they go to farms to hunt chicken. Farmers don't like foxes.

There are many fairy tales about the fox. The fox is cunning and careful. I love them because they are very beautiful.

Monkey - Monkey

My favorite animal is the monkey. Monkeys have five fingers and five toes, just like humans. They have long arms and a long tail.

The monkey lives in trees in tropical forests. It is very hot in the tropical forest. They swing on the branches with great pleasure.

They love to chew fruits and leaves. Bananas are their favorite food. A group of monkeys is called a troop. Monkeys are very smart animals.

Penguin - Penguin

My favorite animal is the penguin. It is a type of bird, but it cannot fly. He waddles.
They have black and white feathers. They have black and orange beaks and black webbed feet. Penguins are good swimmers. They can jump out of the water. They live in a very cold place called Antarctica.

There is a lot of ice and the water is very cold. Penguins have a lot of fat on their bodies to keep them warm. They eat seafood, preferably fish and squid. They can lie on their stomachs and slide across the snow. I like penguins because they are so cute and wonderful.

Dolphin - Dolphin

My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins live in the ocean. Dolphins have a long tail and a large fin at the top. Their skin is gray and white, and they have no hair.

They can swim very fast and jump out of the water. They are very smart. There are many varieties of dolphins. You can find them in all the oceans of the planet.

They eat fish and seafood. They can play. They can make sounds. Some species of dolphins can hold their breath for 30 minutes. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open. Dolphins are very good and friendly, and sometimes they can save people's lives.

Parrot - Parrot

My favorite bird is the parrot. The parrot is a very beautiful and intelligent bird. He lives in warm countries. Its colors are green, yellow, blue and red. It has a strong and curved beak. It eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds, pears, nuts, and cooked rice. It can also eat worms and other insects. He washes himself every morning.

Some parrots can talk and whistle. They can imitate the human voice. Some people keep parrots in a small cage at home. Some people train parrots to do amazing things.
I love parrots because they are very beautiful, smart and can learn to do many things.

Hamster - Hamster

My favorite animal is the hamster. He has a small body, a very short tail, mustache, sharp teeth and red eyes. A hamster looks like a mouse. Hamsters love to eat seeds, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Hamsters are black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red or a mixture of colors.

Hamsters are cute and smart. Typically, they sleep during the day and play at night. They carry food in their cheeks and this makes their head twice the size. It is very funny. The hamster is playful. He loves to exercise, so you should put a play wheel in his cage. I like hamsters because they are very cute and funny.

Fish - Fish

I have a goldfish and his name is Minor. He lives in a large aquarium. Minor has large black eyes and chubby cheeks. It has a long tail, which helps it swim very fast. At night he sleeps in a hole in a large stone. He's probably having some really nice fish dreams!

Minor loves to eat fish food. I feed him twice a day. Minor is a very greedy fish because he loves a lot of food. His stomach looks like it's going to burst, but he never stops eating.

I like my goldfish because he is calm and quiet, easy to take care of, and very funny. That's why my cute goldfish is my favorite pet. I absolutely adore it.

Cow - Cow

My Zorka, like all cows, has a tail, two horns, an udder, and four legs with hooves. It is black with large white spots on its sides. Zorka moos loudly. In the summer, Zorka grazes in the meadow all day, and in the evening she goes home herself, and I follow her, but in the winter she remains in the stall. She mostly eats grass and drinks water. We also give her some vegetables and bread.

In winter, she eats hay and straw. There is always a large piece of salt in the corner of the stall and Zorka can lick it whenever she wants. Zorka chews all the time.

She is a friendly and smart cow. Zorka gives us milk, and her milk is very tasty. My mother milks her twice a day. Zorka is curious and calm, but she can be scared if someone wants to touch her. We make butter and cream from Zorka's milk. I love to play with my beloved Zorka, pet her and give her tidbits. She snorts funny and tries to lick my nose.


Molly is very small, with short brown fur and a white belly. She has rounded ears, a pointed nose with curly mustache, beautiful black eyes and a long tail. Molly is a very clean animal that constantly grooms itself by licking its fur.

I put shredded paper and fabrics in her crate so she can have a comfortable bed. My Molly rips fabric and makes a huge nest in the middle of which she sleeps, it's very cute.
I love her and give her the best food and care. I clean her cage every 3 weeks and give her mouse food every day. She also loves fresh vegetables, seeds, cheese, fruits and grain bars from pet stores.

Whenever I give her food, she squeaks back, “thank you!” and eats her. Most of all she loves seeds.

She gets a lot of exercise, sits on my hand when I reach her into her crate, and loves to be held. Molly is tame and pleasant.

Mice are great pets if you are willing to spend time playing with them and taming them.
I love mice because they are all unique, playful and loving animals.

Turtle - Turtle

My favorite animal is Dormouse the turtle because she is cute and easy to keep as a pet. The turtle has claws, but it is a tame animal that does not harm anyone. This reptile also has a thick, hard shell to protect itself. She uses her four plump legs to crawl. The turtle is known as an animal that is never in a hurry.

Sonia loves me and she slowly follows me around the house. She finds me and lies on her back waiting to be tickled. I tickle her, pick her up and take out some food. The turtle is mainly a vegetarian animal. It feeds on plants and sometimes worms. Sonya loves cheese and I always feed her it.

Sonya also likes to play with small balls, I roll them 30 cm and she follows them and tries to move the ball with her paws.

Some people like cats or puppies as pets, but I would definitely prefer a turtle because it has a long life. She can live more than 150 years.

Topics in English can be very different, and one of them is a description of the animal in English. It may seem that this topic, a topic about an animal, can only be useful for a schoolchild to write an essay.

But you can’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders, and you never know what and how you will need it in life. The peculiarity of describing an animal is that we can use almost all known adjectives. Writing a complete and complete description of an animal will require a person to know both the parts of the body and the names of the shades of colors. In English, as in Russian, there are certain words for the name of suits that are not included in the standard vocabulary.

  • Where to start describing animals in English?

As always, we start with an introductory phrase. It depends on what our ultimate goal is. A school essay is one thing, and a wanted poster for a missing dog is another. Let's consider the first option. It is best to start with an aphorism about animals or a proverb. For example: "A man brings home a cat in order to gain a tiger to pat"“A man gets a cat so that he can have his own tiger that he can pet.” Naturally, such phrases, sayings and sayings are accompanied by the words "They say" and so on. This eliminates the need to cite the author of the quote and ensure its accuracy.

  • Do you want to interest the listener? Express your attitude to the subject of conversation.

Even when describing some abstract animal, you must adhere to certain rules. For example, expressing your own opinion about the animal that is being described will be a plus. It has been proven that a person remembers information that is somehow related to his personal experience and experiences 17% better. But the most important rule of any description is “from the general to the specific.” That is, first we describe the general characteristics of the animal - size, color, and then - details, for example, the size of the eyes, ears and the shape of the tail. Ideally it should look something like this:

“They say, a dog will love you anyway. I think it’s true and it is the reason why I like dogs more than cats"“They say only a dog will always love you. I think this is true. That's why I love dogs more than cats."

“I want to describe my dog. It is a terrier. His name is Spot. He is not very big but clever. His back is ash-grey and his ears are black. His nose is wet and black too. “He has got small legs and a very small tail.” – “I want to describe my dog. This is a terrier and his name is Spot. He's not very big, but he's smart. The fur on his back is ash-gray, and his ears are black. His nose is also black and wet. He has small paws and a very small tail.”

If you wish, you can add a few words about the habits and habits of the animal. For example:

“He likes to eat meat and to sleep in my bed. He doesn’t like cats but adores parrots and other birds. We often go to the forest together, and Spot runs and jumps there like a rabbit"“He loves to eat meat and sleeps in my bed. He doesn't like cats, but loves parrots and other birds. We often go to the forest together, where Spot runs and jumps like a real rabbit.”

  • Finishing touches

At the end, it is advisable to write about your attitude towards the animal you are describing and what it means to you. For example:

“I can say that my dog ​​is my best friend. He loves me and I know that he will protect me in any danger. I love him very much and often buy him something tasty"“I can say with confidence that my dog ​​is my best friend. I know that he will protect me from any danger. I love him very much and often buy him something tasty.”

We are all, to some extent, dependent on our smaller brothers. These cute little bundles of happiness bring us joy and lift our spirits. And although not all animals can be called cute, this makes their role in the existence of planet Earth no less important. Animals in English is the basis that all students go through when studying English. So that your vocabulary does not end with dogs and cats, you need to make a little effort. C"mon!

To make it easier for you to learn the names of animals in English, we have divided them by type. For example: domestic, farm, wild and exotic animals. In this article you will find lists where animals are presented in English with transcription. We are sure that you had no idea about the existence of some of the list.


Those very favorites that many want to acquire. Most of the words below may not be new to intermediate or beginner level students, but they can be extremely relevant to beginners learning English. Also, a list of pets in English for children will be very useful. In addition, animals in English for children and adults will be easier to learn if you use the Training section, which is absolutely free for all our registered users. You can simply create a list of words called “Animals”, the translation of which you will enter there. After studying this list, English will seem a little easier to you. And to ensure that your spelling is correct, we have added a transcription to each word.

So let's get started.

Pets in English:

cat cat
kitten kitty
dog dog
puppy["pʌpɪ] puppy
hamster["hæmstə] hamster
parrot["pærət] parrot
guinea pig["ɡɪnɪ pɪɡ] guinea pig

Farm animals

Those friends who benefit us in the household are our irreplaceable helpers and breadwinners. You may already be familiar with most of the words on the list, but words like “lamb” and “kid” are less common. In English vocabulary, however, they will not be superfluous. When you are in a store abroad, now you definitely won’t be at a loss, if, of course, you want such meat.

Farm animals in English:

chicken["tʃɪkɪn] chicken
rooster["ru:stə] rooster
turkey["tɜ:kɪ] turkey
gobbler["gɔblə] turkey
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
billy goat goat
kid kid
sheep[ʃi:p] sheep
ram ram
lamb lamb
bull bull
cow cow
calf calf
horse horse
stallon["stæljən] foal
colt foal
mare mare
pig pig
sow female pig
piglet["pɪɡlɪŋ] pig
rabbit["ræbɪt] rabbit
kit rabbit, kitten
doe female (rabbit, deer, hare, goat, rat, mouse, ferret, kangaroo)
buck male (rabbit, hare, deer, antelope, sheep, goat)

Wild animals

Those that delight and frighten us are those, unfortunately or fortunately, that are not found in our country and cities, such as in Australia or Africa. But what if you happen to go on a luxury safari in Africa? It's worth improving your wildlife vocabulary to fully understand or even correct your guide.

Of course, you may never meet some animals in real life, but broadening your horizons has never harmed anyone. By the way, if you are not aware, it will be very useful to watch programs about wild animals in English. This way, you will improve your listening skills and also expand your vocabulary. Also remember that when learning new words, be it fruits, vegetables or animals, the English translation must be from a trusted source.

Wild animals in English:

crocodile["krɒkədaɪl] crocodile
deer deer
elephant["elɪfənt] elephant
elk elk
fox fox
giraffe giraffe
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
hare hare
hippopotamus hippopotamus
hyena hyena
jaguar["dʒæɡjʊə] jaguar
leopard["lɛpəd] leopard
lion["laɪən] lion
lynx lynx
marten["mɑ:tɪn] marten
mink mink
mole mole
mongoose["mɒŋɡu:s] mongoose
monkey["mʌŋki] monkey, monkey
mouse mouse
hedgehog["hedʒhɔg] hedgehog
muskrat["mʌskræt] muskrat
otter["ɒtə] otter
panda["pændə] panda
panther["pænθə] panther
polar["pəʊlə] fox arctic fox
puma["pju:mə] cougar
raccoon raccoon
rhinoceros rhinoceros
sable["seɪbl] sable
squirrel["skwɪrəl] squirrel
tiger["taɪɡə] tiger
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle (land)
wolf wolf
yak yak
zebra["zi:brə] zebra

Exotic animals

And these are the most unique, strange, disappearing and rare, crawling and rustling “troubles” that are phobias for many. Let them remain in your life only in your vocabulary. Although, you can have a cute turtle at home, just like a snake, but this is not an acquired taste. And, for example, you can even find a lizard in your country house. There are rumors that you can even buy a penguin for $5,000, but this must be a very carefully considered purchase.

Exotic animals in English:

hissing cockroach hissing cockroach
triton["trʌɪt(ə)n] tritone
piranha piranha
scorpion["skɔ:pɪən] scorpio
salamander["saləmandə] salamander
chameleon chameleon
tarantula tarantula
green iguana green iguana
tamandua ant-eater
flying squirrel["flaɪɪŋ "skwɪr(ə)l] flying squirrel
kinkajou["kɪŋkədʒu:] kinkajou (chain-tailed bear)
Chanterelle Fennec[ʃæntə"rel "fɛnɛk] fennec fox, African fox
skunk skunk
capybara capybara, capybara
hermit crab["hɜ:mɪt kræb] hermit crab
bush baby galago (prosimian)
alligator["alɪɡeɪtə] alligator
crocodile["krɒkədʌɪl] crocodile
emu["i:mju:] emu
ostrich["ɒstrɪtʃ] ostrich
penguin["pɛŋɡwɪn] penguin
snake snake
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle
lizard lizard
chinchilla chinchilla
kangaroo kangaroo


Any animal, like a person, has the right to a happy existence in this world. Make the decision to buy a pet consciously; do not leave your beloved kittens at home alone for days. Even wild animals are of great benefit to flora and fauna; it is important to love and protect nature.

Let all the animals in English be easy for you, develop with EnglishDom and become better every day.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

If baby geese are hatched in the absence of their mother, they will follow the first moving object that they see.

(If goslings hatch in the absence of the mother, they follow the first moving object they see)

A South African monkey was once awarded a medal and promoted to the rank of corporal during World War I.

(Once Upon a Time in South America monkeywas awarded a medal and promoted to corporal during World War I.)

The abdomen of the ant contains two stomachs. One stomach holds the food for itself and second stomach is for food to be shared with other ants.

(In the abdominal cavity ant 2 stomach compartments. One contains food intended for himself, the other contains food that he will later share with others.)

Adult ants cannot chew and swallow solid food. Instead they swallow the juice which they squeeze from pieces of food.

(Adults antscannot chew or digest solid food. Instead, they swallow the juice that they suck from it.)

The average life expectancy of anant is 45-60 days.

(WITH average life expectancy ant- 45-60 days).

Ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for 50 years.

(Ostriches live about 75 years, 50 of which can actively produce offspring).

The typical laboratory mouse runs 2.5 miles per night on its treadmill.

(Regular laboratory mouse runs about 2.5 miles per day on the wheel.)

A cheetahcan run 105 kilometres per hour.(on short distances)

(Cheetah can run at a speed of 105 km per hour (for short distances).

A rat can last longer without water than a camel can.

(Rat can go without water longer than a camel).

A woodpecker can peck twenty times a second.

(Woodpeckercan chisel wood at a speed of 20 times per second).

A co w gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.

(Average cow produces 200,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime).

The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons.

(The largest animal on earth blue whale weighs 50 tons at birth. An adult individual reaches a mass of 150 tons).

A cat sees about six times better than a human at night.

(Cat sees 6 times better than a person in the dark).

A cat uses whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.

(Cat uses its whiskers to determine the size of the space it needs to crawl into. Whiskers, like antennae, help the animal judge the width of the passage).

A cat will clean itself with paw and tongue after a dangerous experience or when it has fought with another cat. This is an attempt by the animal to soothe its nerves by doing something natural and instinctive.

(Cat also begins to lick and clean itself with its paw after some dangerous incident or a fight with another cat. This is a kind of attempt to calm the nerves by doing something natural and instinctive).

The grizzly bear can run as fast as the average horse.

(Grizzly bear can run at the same speed as a horse).

The female lion does more than 90% of the hunting while the male simply prefers to rest.

(Lionesses perform 90% of all hunting, while male lions prefer to rest).

At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.

(Newborn panda smaller than a mouse and weighs about 115 grams (4 ounces).

polar bears are left handed.

(White bears- left-handed).

A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.

(B egemoths can run faster than a human).

Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective carpet under them as they travel along. The discharge is so effective that they can crawl along the edge of a razor without cutting themselves.

(Snails produce colorless sticky mucus, which acts as a “carpet path” along which the mollusk crawls. This “track” is so effective that it allows the snail to crawl along the knife blade without the risk of injury.).

A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

(To the rocodiles cannot stick out their tongue).

It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
(To the horn You can go up the stairs, but you can’t go down).

A dog's sense of smell is one of the keenest in nature. If a pot of stew was cooking on a stove, a human would smell the stew, while the dog could smell the beef, carrots, peas, potatoes, spices, and all the other individual ingredients in the stew.

(U dogs the most acute sense of smell in nature. If soup is being cooked on the stove, a person will smell the soup, while a dog will smell beef, carrots, potatoes, spices and other ingredients.)

Jellyfish have no brains, yet they can tell light from dark, and sense movement.

(U jellyfish no brain, but she can distinguish light from dark and detect movement).

Shrimps"hearts are in their heads.

(U shrimp the heart is located in the head).

Swans and Ducks are the only birds with penises.

(Swans And ducks- the only birds that have penises).

When a giraffe"s baby is born it falls from a height of six feet, normally without being hurt.
(At birth the baby giraffe falls from a height of 6 feet (about 1.8 meters), usually without injury).

A pig" s penis is shaped like a corkscrew.

(U pigs the penis is shaped like a screwdriver).

A dog can hear sounds 250 yards away.

(Dog hears at a distance of 259 yards (about 233 meters).

Penguins don"t have teeth but they still can bite.

(U penguins no teeth, but they can still bite).

An octopus"s testicles are in its head.

(U octopus the testicles are located on the head).

Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk.

(U dragonflies 6legs, but she cannot walk).

Bees have 5 eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee"s head and 2 larger ones in front.

(U bees 5 eyes. 3 small eyes are located on the top of the head. and 3 are larger in front).

Every night wasps bite into the stem of a plant, lock their mandibles (jaws) into position, stretch out at right angles to the stem, and, with legs dangling, fall asleep.

(Every night wasps dig their jaws into the stem of the plant, stretch out at right angles to it and fall asleep, while their legs dangle freely in the air).

Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as to any other color.

(Blue color attracts mosquitoes (mosquitoes) twice as strong as any other).

Only female mosquitoes bite.

(Only females bite mosquitoes).

Crocodiles and alligators are surprisingly fast on land. Although they are rapid, they are not agile; so if you ever find yourself chased by one, run in a zigzag line. You"ll lose him or her every time.

(Crocodiles and alligators They run amazingly fast on land. But although they are fast enough, they lack agility. Therefore, if you are being chased by a crocodile, run in a zigzag manner, and perhaps :), you will be able to escape from it).

Bees die when they after they sting.

(Bees die after biting their prey).

The erect penis of a blue whale is approximately 9.5 feet long.

(Penis blue whale when erect it is about 9.5 feet (about 2.9 meters).

Giraffes are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bone knobs on the forehead.

(Giraffes-These are the only animals that are born with horns. Both males and females have bony growths on their foreheads).

The porpoise is second to man as the most intelligent animal on the planet.

(Dolphins-the most intelligent creatures on the planet after humans).

Ostriches can run faster than horses.

(Ostriches can run faster than a horse).

There are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos.

(There are more than 50 types kangaroo).

A c chameleon"s tongue is twice the length of its body.

(Language chameleon twice as long as his body).

The largest cockroach on record is one measured at 3.81 inches in length.

(Length of the largest cockroach that has ever been recorded is 3.81 inches (about 9.7 cm.)

Australian termites have been known to build mounds twenty feet high and at least 100 feet wide.

(Some Australian termite mounds reach 20 feet in height (about 6 meters) and 100 feet in width (about 3 meters).

Cholesterol is a vitamin for insects.

(Cholesterol is a kind of vitamin for insects).

Monarch butterflies are poisonous.
(Monarch butterflies poisonous species).

Butterflies taste with their feet.

(Taste buds butterflies are on their paws).

A duck can"t walk without bobbing it"s head.

(Duck cannot walk without wagging its tail).

The cockroach has a high resistance to radiation and is the creature most likely to survive a nuclear war.
(T roaches have enormous resistance to radiation and are most likely to survive a nuclear war).

Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating.

(Snails can sleep for 3 days without eating).

The pet ferret was domesticated more than 500 years before the house cat.

(Ferret was domesticated 500 years before the cat).

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.
(If snake is born with 2 heads, they start fighting for food).

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
(U tigers not only striped fur, but also skin).

The starfish is one of the only animals who can turn it"s stomach inside-out.

(Starfish- one of the few animals that can turn its stomach inside out).

The placement of a donkey" s eyes in its" heads enables it to see all four feet at all times.

(Eye position donkey on his head so that he can see all 4 of his legs at the same time).

The oldest known goldfish lived to 41 years of age. Its name was Fred.

(The most famous old gold fish lived to be 41 years old. Her name was Fred).

The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.

(13 seconds is how long the longest recorded flight lasted Chicken ).

Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food.
(Some tapeworms will begin to eat themselves in the absence of food).

Slugs have 4 noses.

(U from lisp 4 noses).

Reindeer like to eat bananas.

(Reindeer love bananas).

Polar Bears trying to blend in with the ice will sometimes cover up their black nose with their paws.

(White bears, trying to camouflage themselves in the snow, sometimes they cover their nose with their paws).

Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.

(Cow produces more milk when listening to music).

Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

(U camel 3 eyelids to protect against sand).

Camel's milk does not curl.

(camel milk does not curdle).

Armadillos are the only animals besides humans that can get leprosy.

(Armadillos- the only creatures other than humans that are susceptible to display).

An ostrich"s eye is bigger than its brain.

(Eye ostrich bigger than his brain).

A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.

(Mole can dig a 300-foot tunnel (about 100 meters) in one night.)

A jellyfish is 95 percent water.

(Jellyfish 95% consists of water).

A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

(Hummingbird weighs less than a penny (one-kopeck coin).

A hedgehog"s heart beats 300 times a minute on average.

(Heart hedgehog beats at a frequency of 300 times per minute).

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

(Memory goldfish short-term and lasts no more than three seconds).

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.

(A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch (about 50 centimeters) tongue.)

A cow produces 200 times more gas a day than a person.

(Cow emits 200 times more gases daily than humans).

Subject “Animals”- one of the first ones encountered when learning English. Today we will look at the names of domestic animals, wild animals, groups of animals (such as a flock) in English, and also learn how animals “speak” in English. All words are given with transcription and translation.

Pet names in English

domestic animals Pets
cow cow
bull bull
horse horse
mare mare
goat goat
he goat goat
ram ram
mule mule
pig pig
cat cat
dog dog
calf calf
lamb lamb
foal foal
mouse mouse
rat rat
guinea pig (cavy)[ˈgɪni pɪg] [ˈkeɪvi]guinea pig


  1. words mouse – mice, not mice.
  2. Word sheep in the plural too sheep(the shapes are the same).

Wild animals in English

wild animal wild animal
wolf wolf
fox fox
bear bear
lion[ˈlaɪən]a lion
ape (monkey)[ˈmʌŋki]monkey
hare hare
rhino (rhinoceros)[ˈraɪnəʊ]rhinoceros
deer deer
lynx lynx
seal seal
tortoise (turtle)[ˈtɔːtəs] [ˈtɜːtl]turtle
hyena hyena
raccoon raccoon
elk (moose)[ɛlk] ()elk
opossum (possum)[əˈpɒsəm] ([ˈpɒsəm])opossum
puma (cougar)[ˈpjuːmə] ([ˈkuːgə])cougar
dinosaur[ˈdaɪnəʊsɔː ]dinosaur

Note: word deer in the plural too deer, the shapes are the same.

Groups of animals in English

In addition to the names of individual animals, there are names of groups of animals. In Russian we say a flock of sheep, a flock of wolves, but not a herd of wolves and a flock of sheep. Here is what groups of animals are called in English with a rough translation (rough because the exact one depends on the context):

Group nameTranscriptionApproximate translation
colony (of ants, rabbits)[ˈkɒləni]the colony
swarm (of bees, flies, butterflies) Roy
flock (of birds, geese) flock
herd (of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats) herd
pack (of dogs, wolves) flock, pack
school (of fish) flock, school
pride (of lions) pride, pack
nest (of snakes) nest
litter (of puppies, kittens)[ˈlɪtə]brood, offspring, litter

As you can see, some words are similar to Russian, some are very different: we also say “ant colony”, but we don’t say “rabbit colony”. What amused me most was that a group of kittens, puppies and other youngsters is called litter - literally, scattered things, garbage, disorder.

What do animals say in English? Song for children

Another interesting topic regarding animals is how their “speech” is conveyed in English. For example, we say that a bird chirps “tweet-tweet” and a pig grunts “oink-oink”, but an Englishman will say that the bird chirps “tweet-tweet” and the pig grunts “oink, oink”.

Here we need to highlight two groups of words:

  • Onomatopoeias like “quack-quack”, “oink-oink”.
  • Verbs that name the process of “speech” itself, for example: quack, grunt.

Onomatopoeia is well demonstrated in this nursery rhyme:

And here is a list of some, let's say, verbs of speech. In brackets are the names of animals and birds to which these actions may relate.

Now let’s look at what animals these “verbs of speech” refer to:

  • growl– bears, tigers, lions
  • squeak– rodents (mice, chinchillas, etc.), rabbits
  • scream- monkey
  • roar– lions, bears
  • cluck- Chicken
  • moo– cows
  • chirp– crickets, cicadas
  • bleat– goats, sheep
  • bark- dogs
  • howl– dogs, wolves
  • quack– ducks
  • hiss– snakes
  • tweet- birds
  • meow, purr– cats

I will give examples with some verbs:

Can you hear the dogs barking? Go, check the backyard. - Do you hear, dogs? bark? Go check out the backyard.

Whose cat is meowing ouside for like an hour? – Whose cat is this for about an hour? meows on the street?

The mouse sqeaked and hide under the pillow. - Mouse squeaked and hid under the pillow.

My neighbor's dog howls like a wolf every night. – My neighbor’s dog howls like a wolf every night.