Winter wonderland in Great Britain - holidays and fun. Winter essay in English with translation Winter games topic in English

Summary of an educational and playful lesson in English with preschoolers (primary schoolchildren) on the topic “10 little snowmen”

Lesson Plan “10 Little Snowmen”

Krikunova Irina Gennadievna, English language teacher at the Syoma children's center, Buguruslan, Orenburg region
Description of material: I offer a summary of an educational and gaming lesson for children of senior preschool and primary school age. This summary can be useful for both teachers working with preschoolers and teachers teaching English in primary schools. During the lesson, children in a playful way get acquainted with the tradition of Christmas and New Year in English-speaking countries; make snowmen from plasticine, listening to the teacher’s instructions in English; learn to read expanding syntagmas (whole-word approach); sing a song about snowmen, repeating the count from 1 to 10 and counting back from 10 to 1, colors. This summary represents the first lesson in the series “Waiting for the New Year holidays.” At first glance, the lesson may seem too complicated, but the children with whom it was conducted began learning English at the age of 3.5 - 4 years old (now they are 5.5 - 6 years old). With children starting to learn English, you can simply increase the time for completing tasks and divide the notes into 2-3 lessons.
Purpose of the lesson: getting to know the tradition of Christmas and New Year in English-speaking countries, getting to know the popular Christmas characters Santa Claus, Rudolph the reindeer, and the snowman.
Educational: teach reading expanding syntagmas, activate previously studied lexical and grammatical structures in children’s speech, in particular use Please give me..., repeat greeting formulas and counting from 1 to 10, colors.
Educational: develop children's cognitive activity; develop auditory and visual memory, fine motor skills.
Educational: to cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards the culture of English-speaking countries, to cultivate hard work and accuracy.
Lexical material: a snowman, a reindeer, Santa, scarf, stockings, presents, Merry Christmas.
Speech function: asking for something (Please give me...)
Equipment: a plush snowman-backpack, plasticine, a page with the word snowman on several lines (one for each child), felt-tip pens, colored pencils, a computer or laptop for playing the song, an electronic supplement to the “English for Preschoolers” manual, New Year-themed stickers.
Lesson duration: 40-45 minutes.


I. Greeting. Greetings. (2-3 minutes)

Teacher: Hello, children! I'm happy to see you! Look, we've got a guest!
What kind of superman is this?
It's made of snow! - Snowman.
Children: Snowman!
Teacher: Yes. It's a snowman! Hello Snowman!
Snowman: Hello kids! I'm a snowman.
Teacher: Hello reindeer!
Hello, snowman!
Hello, children!
Let's have fun today!

Children: Hello Lera!
Hello Ella!
Hello Sasha!
Let's have fun today!

Hello, Matvey!
Hello, Kirill!
Hello, children!
Let's have fun today!
Children listen to a greeting song, watch a video of a song with Christmas characters (“Hello, Reindeer!” from Super Simple Songs - Christmas), and then greet each other by name in song form. The snowman is present throughout the lesson.

II. Calendar with Coloring Pages. Working with a coloring calendar. (3-5 minutes)

Teacher: Children, what season is it now?
Children: It's winter now!
Teacher: That's right! And what month is it now?
The children’s answers about what month it is in Russian, since they still don’t know how to name this month in English.
Teacher: It's December! What date is it today?
Student 1: It’s the first of December.
Teacher: What day of the week is it today?
Student 2: It's Monday today.
Teacher: Now let’s color the picture in the calendar! Look! It's a snowman!

Children are already familiar with the coloring calendar; they color it for several months, gradually memorizing the names of the seasons, months, and days of the week. Children color the picture, each gets one or two elements in the coloring calendar (the picture shows a snowman and a fox).

III. Christmas. New Words. Christmas. Introduction of new lexical units using agreements. (5 minutes)

Teacher: What kind of superman is this?
It's made of snow! - Snowman.
Snowy winter comes to us, He wears a scarf from his clothes - a warm scarf, And in his stockings - stockings the Snowman hurries to put gifts with Santa - Presents. Merry Christmas, Santa! Merry, happy, dignified Christmas!
(by I.G. Krikunova)
Children get acquainted with English nouns, pronounce them several times behind the teacher separately, then in a poem. On the board are pictures labeled in English: snowman, scarf, stocking, gifts, Santa, reindeer. The teacher briefly talks in his native language about how Christmas and New Year are celebrated in English-speaking countries, that gifts for children are brought not by Father Frost, as in Russia, but by Santa Claus, who is helped by the reindeer Rudolph with a red nose. The teacher notes that Christmas in England and America is a more significant celebration than the New Year.

IV. Song "10 Little Snowmen". Song "10 little snowmen".

1) Listening to the Song “10 Little Snowmen”. Introducing the song “10 Little Snowmen.” (2 minutes)

Snowman: I know one nice song about snowmen. Would you like to listen to it, boys and girls? I’ll sing it for you with your teacher! Listen!

The snowman and the teacher sing the song “10 Little Snowmen” in English to the music, and the children listen, carefully looking at the board on which the lyrics of the song hang.

2) Modeling snowmen. Modeling snowmen from plasticine. (9-10 minutes)

Teacher: We can make our own snowmen. Let's model a little snowman!
Take a piece of white play-dough (modeling clay), warm it up, knead it with your fingers and roll a small ball. It’ll be your snowman’s head. Now cut two bigger pieces of white play-dough (modeling clay), warm them up, knead them with your fingers and roll two bigger balls to make your snowman’s body. Now join the three balls. It’s time to make two eyes, a mouth and a nose. The face is ready! What’s missing on your snowman’s head?
Student 1: A hat!
Student 2: A bucket (a pail)!
Teacher: What color do you need? Choose!
Student 1: Please give me red.
Teacher: Here you are.
Student 2: Please give me brown.
Teacher: Here you are.
Student 3: Please give me purple. Etc.
All the children choose colored play-dough (modeling clay) using the phrase Please give me...

Children repeat the teacher's actions and make their own snowmen. While working on snowmen, children repeatedly listen to the song “10 Little Snowmen” in English. So they involuntarily remember it. When they need to make a snowman's headdress, the children ask the teacher to give them plasticine of the desired color. This is how they repeat the colors.
Modeling sometimes takes a lot of time, so you can finish making snowmen in the next lesson. The main thing that needs to be done in this lesson is to create the base of the snowman by rolling 3 white balls, decorate the face, and “put on” the headdress. At the next lesson, upon completion of work, children will consolidate the introduced vocabulary, in particular scarf (scarf), snowman (snowman), buttons (buttons), etc.
Teacher: Our little snowmen are ready! Hurrah!

3) Song Time! Let's sing a song! (2 minutes)

Teacher: Let's sing the song “10 Little Snowmen” together!
One little, two little,
Three little snowmen.
Four little, five little,
Six little snowmen.
Seven little, eight little,
Nine little snowmen,
Ten snowmen
Learning to read.

Ten little, nine little,
Eight little snowmen.
Seven little, six little,
Five little snowmen.
Four little, three little,
Two little snowmen,
One snowman
Learning to read.

There are various versions of this song - “10 Little Aeroplanes”, “10 Little Happy Children”, “10 Little Pencils” and others, in our case the snowmen are suitable - “10 Little Snowmen”.

4) Restore the Song and Sing It Again! Let's collect the scattered words of the song and sing again! (7 minutes)

Teacher: Children, the wind blew so strong that the lines of our lovely song are mixed now. What shall we do? Snowman, can you give us any advice?
Snowman: Let's restore the song! We've got a pattern on the board! Look! It'll help us!

The teacher says that a strong wind mixed up the words of the song and the lines were mixed up. The Snowman comes to the rescue and offers to reconstruct the song by looking at the sample hanging on the board. You can organize a game by dividing the children into 2 teams. The first team assembles the first page, the second - accordingly, the second page with text in large font. After this, each team reads each line of the song after the teacher. Next, the first team reads the odd lines, the second team reads the even lines of the song. Then vice versa. Then each team sings its own verse. In the first verse the count is direct, in the second - reverse. Then you can invite the teams to exchange verses. After this, sing the song in chorus. If desired, children can sing the song solo or in a duet.
At one of the final lessons of the series “Waiting for the New Year holidays,” you can organize a “Voice” program, where each child will perform this or another favorite New Year’s song in English, solo. Children will get into the role perfectly if you give them a toy microphone.

V. The word of the week – SNOWMAN. Let's write it! Word of the week – SNOWMAN! Let's learn to write it in English! (6-7 minutes)

Teacher: Children, try to guess the word of the week. It's white. We use snow to make it in winter. It has got a carrot instead of a nose.
Children: Is it a snowman?
Teacher: Yes, it is! Listen!
A SNOWMAN (Track 1.28)
I'm a big snowman. I am a big snowman.
I'm big and round. I am big and round.
I'm a big snowman. I am a big snowman
Standing on the ground. Standing on the ground.
(Gomza, S.Kh. “English for preschoolers” (with electronic application): a manual for teachers of institutions providing preschool education. - Minsk: Vysh.shk., 2011.)
Teacher: Now let's learn how to write the word SNOWMAN. Look at the second line. Color the words your favorite color. Look at the third and the fourth line. Trace the words. Look at the fifth line. Write the word of the week yourselves!

Children guess the word of the week (it is white, instead of a nose there is a carrot - the teacher puts a toy carrot to his nose, it is made of snow), then the teacher distributes sheets of paper with tasks: 1) color the English word “snowman” with your favorite color; 2) circle the word with dots, 3) write the English word “snowman” yourself twice.

Winter is early this year! In our area there has been snow since October and I think everyone has already enjoyed sledding, snow scooters, ice skates and cheesecakes. And I’m sure many people have already wondered what to call all this in English in order to arrange a real English walk.

In this article you will learn all kinds of ways to ride down a hill in English, including on your butt :)


Let's start our acquaintance with winter in English with an educational cartoon.

Before going out, that is, in the morning, you can invite your child to get acquainted with the names of different devices for going down the mountain, and then choose which one he or she would like to take with him for a walk today.

Flash cards

Here you will find cards with English and Russian captions on how you can slide down a slide: on a cheesecake, on an ice slide, on a snow scooter, on a sled, on your butt, on a toboggan.

Rhyming chant

Already in the hallway, while dressing your child, you can say this simple rhyme

“Hooray, hooray - we have snow

Sledding down the hill we go!

(Hurray, hurray, we have snow, We're going sledding)

Glossary for walking and sliding:

1. Let's go outside and sled down the hill

2. Where is the nearest hill?

3. Let's go to our favorite one

4. Get on your snow racer and I’ll pull you there

5. Look, here is the road. Get off the snow racer as it won’t go on the asphalt

6. So, here is the hill

7. How do you want to go down the hill?

On your snow racer?

8. Let’s do the first thing together to check the slope

10. Now you can do it by yourself

11. Watch out for other kids and obstacles on your way!

1. Let's go outside and go down the slide

2. Where is the nearest slide?

3. Let's go to our favorite

4. Get on the snow scooter and I'll take you there

5. Look, the road. Get off the snow scooter because it won't go on asphalt

6. So, here's the slide

7. How do you want to roll off it?

On a snow scooter?

8. Let's go for the first time together and check out the track.

9. It was fun!

10. Now you can go alone

11. Look carefully for other children and obstacles on the road.

A song for frozen mothers :)

While the child is sliding down the slide, the mother usually stands and freezes. Therefore, especially for frozen mothers, we suggest learning the song Winter Hokey Pokey, so that periodically during a walk you can dance with your child or yourself, singing louder for warmth. 🙂


You put your right mitten in,

You take your right mitten out.

You put your right mitten in,

And you shake it all about.

You do the winter pokey (shiver)

And you turn yourself around

That's what it's all about!

That's what it's all about!

Other verses: left mitten, right boot, left boot, winter hat, long scarf, snowsuit

Winter Hokey Pokey

Right mitten in a circle

Right mitten from the circle

Right mitten in a circle

And we'll shake her

Doin' the winter Hokey Pokey (shake it)

And you're spinning

Other couplets: left mitten, right boot, winter hat, long scarf, overalls

Finger game about frozen nose

To take your child away from a walk, you can read him a poem about a frozen nose.


After returning from your walk, you can read Arnold Lobel's classic American story of Frog and Toad. The first story in this book is about how inseparable friends went down the slide.


Coasting down the hill

Frosty is the morning;

But the sun is bright,

Flooding all the landscape

With its golden light.

Hark the sounds of laughter

And the voices shrill!

See the happy children

Coasting down the hill.

There are Tom and Charley,

And their sister Nell;

There are John and Willie,

Kate and Isabel

Eyes with pleasure beaming,

Cheeks with health aglow;

Bless the merry children,

Trudging through the snow!

Now I hear them shouting,

"Ready! Clear the track!

Down the slope they're rushing,

Now they're trotting back.

Full of fun and frolic,

Thus they come and go.

Coasting down the hillside

Trudging through the snow.

Going down the hill

Frosty morning

But the sun is bright

Fills the whole landscape

With your golden light.

Listen to the sounds of laughter

Look at the happy children

Driving downhill.

There's Tom and Charlie

And their sister Nel,

There's John and Willie

Kate and Isabel.

Eyes sparkle with pleasure

Cheeks glow with health,

Bless the cheerful children

Making your way through the snow!

Now I hear them screaming:

"Ready! Clear the way!

They're going down the hill

Then they climb back.

Full of fun and enthusiasm,

They climb up and go down

Going down the hill

Making your way through the snow.

P.S. If the winter theme is interesting and relevant to you, then we have a very interesting set of winter themed materials “Winter Weeks”


3 weeks with 5 subtopics each, a total of 15 topics for games.

(click on the picture to find out more and try 2 days for free)

We will be very glad if you like this wonderful article and share it with your friends on social networks.

As always, I'd love your feedback - feel free to comment, ask questions, and share your favorite winter games.

In the column to the right of the article you will find the winter lotto game Winter Bingo - it’s free, download and play with your kids on long winter evenings - this way the winter-themed words will stick perfectly!

Finding yourself in the UK during Christmas, every guest will feel like they are in the midst of the celebration. This country is rich in winter fun and festive events. We decided to tell you about the most popular and fun ones. After all, if you manage to visit the UK these days, this article will become a pleasant guide to the most significant events of the beginning of winter.

Outdoor skating rink

Since the Middle Ages, winter in Great Britain has been associated with snowball fights, ice skating and sleigh rides. Of the many pleasures that winter brings, this fun is still one of the most favorite not only among children, but also among adults. Every year, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, open-air skating rinks begin to operate. The most popular are the skating rink in the courtyard of the Somerset House complex near the Thames embankment and the Christmas skating rink in the Tower of London. Residents and guests of the capital can get an unforgettable experience, enjoy the views of the evening illumination and warm up with hot drinks.


Another British winter pastime was born this time in Scotland at the beginning of the 16th century. The essence of this game is to hit a target with a disk sliding across the ice. The oldest curling club is located in the birthplace of this sport in the city of Kilsyth, Scotland. Now this fun has become a full-fledged sport, represented even at the Olympic Games. It was Great Britain and Ireland who received the first Olympic gold. There are sports clubs everywhere where professionals and amateurs can test themselves on the ice.

Winter Solstice - December 21

For many centuries, the traditions of pagan times have been preserved in Great Britain. December 21 is marked as the shortest day - the day of the Winter Solstice. Holiday festivals are held in different parts of the country, but the most popular place remains the sacred ruins of Stonehenge. Fans of the pagan culture of England and keepers of the Druid traditions celebrate this astrological phenomenon by holding various ceremonies inside the stone circle.

Christmas - December 25

Christmas in Great Britain is celebrated on December 25th. On this day, family and friends give each other gifts and wish ‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’. By the way, it should be said that celebrating the New Year is not as widespread in the kingdom as in Russia. The exception is Scotland.
The English Christmas tradition was strengthened during the reign of Queen Victoria. Around this time, the legend of using holiday stockings on fireplaces was born. According to legend, while entering the houses through the fireplace, “Christmas Father” dropped coins into one of the socks, left to dry by the fire.
The British have many glorious traditions associated with Christmas. We talked about one of them in our previous publication. Note to those who are puzzling over a gift - read what and with what words they give in England on Christmas Eve.
The British were the first to decorate their homes with wreaths of plants - ivy, mistletoe or holly. Even in pre-Christian times, these plants symbolized protection from evil spirits during winter holidays and foreshadowed spring after winter.

Boxing Day or “Boxing Day” - December 26

Traditionally, Boxing Day falls on the celebration of St. Stephen's Day. For the British, Christmas doesn't end on December 25th. In the old days, wealthy people gave gifts - the so-called 'Christmas box' - to their employees and people from low-income families. This tradition is closely connected with the manifestation of mercy and charity. Wealthy Catholics collected donations for the poor, which they took to churches. In modern Britain, people visit their friends and relatives and delight them with pleasant surprises. There are many charity events in the kingdom on this day.

Hogmanay or Scottish New Year

Our winter-New Year selection of joys ends with the Hogmanay holiday.
New Year's celebrations are not as popular in England as Christmas. Nevertheless, every year a New Year's theatrical parade takes place in London. This spectacle is a real extravaganza, a vibrant show with the participation of actors, dancers and musicians from all over the world.

In Scotland, New Year's celebrations are celebrated on a grand scale. Here it is called Hogmanay.

This tradition has pagan roots. The beginning of the holiday falls on the last day of the year - December 31. The fun can continue until January 3rd. Integral events during the celebration are fireworks, fire shows and torchlight processions.
The Scots have a belief associated with the first person to enter the house on this day - first footing. It is believed that good luck and joy in the house throughout the next year depend on this. A dark-haired man with gifts, for example, is a very welcome guest.

On the eve of the New Year holiday, we wish you a lot of joy, success in the English language and not only and New Year's mood!

Victoria Tetkina

We present to your attention short and interesting story texts in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - this will make it easier for you to learn English. If you want to practice more in English, not only online, but also via Skype, then knock on my Skype door - markandvika (Canada). I will help you.

You will also find other texts in English in the section interesting and useful. When copying text, translation or audio and posting it on supporter resources, a link to this site is required.


Do you love vacations? How do you spend your holidays? I spend my favorite summer holidays in the village. But schools have winter holidays. What do you do in winter? Winter is a lot of fun! I love it when it snows. I ski in winter, my sister likes to skate. I invite friends to spend time together. We make snowmen.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, but sometimes the temperature is very low. Mom doesn't allow me to go for a walk if the temperature is low. But this happens rarely. It's windy in winter, isn't it? I have special clothes for winter. I wear mittens, scarves, a hat, a coat, warm trousers, sweaters, woolen socks and shoes. Sometimes I wear winter overalls, they are very comfortable and beautiful.

It is very slippery in December, January and February. Many people fall because they walk on ice. People don't see the ice because it's covered with snow.

The sun rises late and sets early in winter. We are very happy because we celebrate the New Year in December. New Year is my favorite holiday. I love New Year more than my birthday!

Sometimes winter is warm, sometimes snowy and windy. The climate is very variable in our region. Do you like winter? What do you do in winter? Do you like ice skating? Do you love skiing? Do you like making snowmen?

The winter

Do you love your school holidays? How do you spend your holidays? I spend my favorite summer vacation in the village. However, there is a great winter vacation too! What do you do in winter? Winter is very fun! I love when it snows.

I ski in the winter and my sister loves to skate. I invite friends to spend time together. We make snowmen. Winter is the perfect time of year, but sometimes the temperature is very low. Mom does not let me to go for a walk if the temperature is low. However, it happens not often. Winter is very windy, is not it?

I have special clothes for winter. I wear mittens, scarves, hats, coats, warm trousers (pants), sweaters, woolen socks and good shoes. Sometimes I wear my winter snow-jacket. It is very comfortable and beautiful.

It is very slippery in December, January and February. Many people fall, as they walk on the ice. People don't see the ice because it is covered with snow. The sun rises late and sets early in winter.

We are very happy, because in December we celebrate the New Year. The New Year is my favorite holiday. I love it more than my birthday.

Sometimes winter is warm, windy and sometimes it is snowy. The climate is very changeable in our region. Do you love winter? What do you usually do in winter? Do you love to skate? Do you love to ski? Do you love making snowmen?

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So, it's winter. The peasant, as I remember, is triumphant, but many of us are not very happy about the arrival of cold weather. And there are reasons for this. Firstly, it gets dark early in winter ( it gets dark early).

Secondly, we spend more time getting dressed, because in winter we need a lot of warm clothes. We put on ( to put on) hat ( a hat), often knitted ( a beanie or a toque), classic scarf ( a scarf) or the current scarf-collar ( a snood), boots or boots ( boots), warm jacket ( a warm jacket), coat ( a coat / an overcoat), park ( and parka), anorak ( an anorak) or fur coat ( a fur coat). Of course, we take gloves with us ( gloves) or mittens ( mittens).

Thirdly, the streets become slippery ( icy/slippy- colloquial form), the temperature on the thermometer rarely rises above zero ( above zero- above zero; below zero– below zero), we often get very cold ( to feel as cold as ice) and catch a cold ( to catch a cold).

However, if you put these disadvantages aside, you can see that winter is not such a bad time of year. Why? Because it is in winter that you can actively practice the following sports.

Kind of sport Translation Picture
figure skating figure skating
speed skating ice-skating race
skiing skiing
alpine (mountain) skiing skiing
biathlon biathlon - cross-country skiing combined with rifle shooting ( rifle shooting)
cross country skiing cross-country skiing
freestyle skiing freestyle (ski acrobatics)
speed skiing downhill skiing (cross-country skiing)
snowboarding snowboarding
freestyle snowboarding snowboarding with acrobatic tricks (freestyle)
sledding sledging
tobogganing luge
dogsled racing dog sled racing
snowmobiling snowmobiling
Team sports
curling curling
ice hockey hockey
ice stock sport icestock
bandy bundy - bandy
broomball Broomball is a game that combines elements of ice hockey and indoor hockey.

Well, we've sorted out the names of winter sports. Now let's talk about inventory and equipment ( sports equipment and outfits), which you will need in practice.

If you decide to take up speed skating or figure skating, you will definitely need skates ( skates). And you should practice skating at the skating rink ( a skating rink).

Skiing involves the presence of skis ( skis), ski poles ( ski sticks or ski poles) and ski boots - pieks ( ski boots).

You can ride down mountains and hills not only on sleds ( a sledgeBrE, a sledAmE), but also on ice ( snow saucers).

When playing curling, you shoot granite projectiles, the so-called “stones”, across the ice ( stones), towards the “home” target ( the house), rubbing ( to sweep) while using a special brush to ice ( a broom).

The game of icestock has a similar principle. Only instead of stones, players move ( to slide) along the sliding surface ( surface) other projectiles called icestocks ( ice stocks).

To play hockey, in addition to skates, you will need a stick ( a hockey stick), washer ( a puck) or ball ( and knur / a knor), as well as a helmet ( a hockey helmet). You will play on the hockey rink ( and hockey pitch).

Broomball is played on an area called a field ( an ice hockey rink). The game uses a broom with a plastic tip ( a broom) and ball ( a ball). Instead of skates - shoes with rubber soles ( rubber-soled shoes).

Along with sports games, there are a number of active recreational activities ( recreational activities), which you can do with friends or even the whole family.

Type of active recreation Translation Picture
snowman building building a snowman
snowball fight snowball game
ice fishing ice fishing
ice boating or sailing whitewater sport - boating with runners ( ice-boats/ice-canoes)
ice swimming swimming in an ice hole

If you are completely tired of the cold and snow, we recommend visiting the bathhouse ( a bath-house / bathsplural), Russian ( steam bath) or Turkish ( and hamam), or sauna ( a sauna), where you will not only warm up, but also relax after a hard or eventful day.