5 biggest tsunamis in the world. The biggest waves in the world

Such an incredible miracle of nature as a tsunami is shocking in its scope. It is powerful because it has tremendous power. It is not surprising why so many scientists in the world have been trying for decades to understand nature, the history of the formation of waves of gigantic height. They record what was the largest tsunami in the world, analyze and draw conclusions. What is the purpose of their study? Understand and find ways to prevent the horrific consequences that the power of water is capable of. There are many cases in history when people managed to escape from the tsunami. If you use this experience and add modern developments, you can certainly protect yourself from such a destructive element as a tsunami.

Ocean waves of huge size (meaning tsunamis, the height of which reaches several meters) are capable of sweeping people, animals, and creations of human hands from their path: buildings, houses, cars, and so on. There are many cases in history that prove this. The power of the tsunami is not just great, it is terrifying. People are afraid of the size of the wave, its height, and the speed of movement, the large distance between the waves (crests can follow each other through tens of kilometers). Tsunami is a cataclysm that shocks with its natural features. If in open water the waves are not so huge (their height can reach a meter or two), then approaching the coast they literally grow in size, increase strength and deal such a crushing blow that nothing alive remains on land. Nothing in the world can withstand natural power: neither strong structures nor high barriers. In history, there are only isolated cases of tsunamis that did not kill people. In the news, we hear about tsunamis, the height of which is measured in several meters, and the consequences of the elements are irreparable.

Overview of the largest tsunamis in the world

Researchers who have devoted their lives to studying tsunamis have compiled a list of devastating elements that cannot be forgotten in an attempt to identify the largest tsunami in the world. Interestingly, it is difficult for scientists to say what was the largest tsunami in the world, since there are no clear parameters for determining it. Here, opinions are simply divided. Someone can say that the biggest tsunamis in the world, in history, were those that claimed a huge number of people's lives. And most researchers are inclined to think that the largest tsunamis in the world were those that were distinguished by the greatest power and speed. Often the tsunami height is taken as the main indicator.

The review presents the largest tsunamis in the world over the past sixty years (by year):

  • 1958 Alaska. Deadly tsunami. The largest that took place in the first half of the 20th century. It happened in March, on the day when the Christian holiday (Good Friday) was held. Seismologists recorded an earthquake of 9.2 points. It was it that caused a tsunami 8 meters high and 30 meters long. More than 120 people were among the victims.
  • 1964 Prince William Bay. The tsunami was caused by an earthquake, the magnitude of which reached 9.2 points. The power of the push that covered 800 thousand square meters. m., can be compared with the explosion of twelve thousand atomic bombs. Many settlements and the city of Valdez have disappeared from the map. The northern coast of America received serious damage. The height of the tsunami was 67 m. Now you understand that we are talking about the largest (highest) tsunami in the world. The deadly wave took the lives of 150 people. If the region were more populated, there would be an order of magnitude more victims.
  • 1976 Philippines. The tsunami, caused by the strongest earthquake, covered with its wave more than 700 kilometers of the Philippine coast. Was the wave high? No, only 4.5 meters. But this was enough to kill more than 5,000 people, injure nearly 10,000 people, and deprive 90,000 people of their homes and livelihoods. People had absolutely no chance of salvation. The numbers are shocking. Perhaps the Philippine tsunami was the largest tsunami in the world.
  • 1979 Tumaco. The city, located on the Pacific coast, was destroyed by one of the largest tsunamis in the world in 1979. More precisely, it was a whole series of destructive waves. It happened in the last month of the year. Then the earthquake was strong (8.9 points). Result: 750 in need of medical care, 259 dead, 95 missing - these are the results of the tsunami in Tumaco.
  • 1993 Hokkaido. In 1993, this island was "attacked" by a tsunami, which was included in the ranking of the largest tsunamis in the world. The cause of the disaster was again an earthquake. More than 80% of the inhabitants of the island (200 people) died, although everyone heard the announcement of an urgent evacuation. Too little time was available. Special barriers could not hold waves 30 m high.
  • 1998 Papua New Guinea. The biggest tsunami waves in the world were here. Their height reached 15 meters. The disaster was caused by a 7-magnitude earthquake. The consequences of the tsunami were severe: 2,000 people died, 500 disappeared, 10,000 were left without a roof over their heads. Why didn't people get saved? Experts say that this is the fault of seismologists who failed to predict the scale and size of the tsunami.
  • 2004 India. Perhaps this tsunami will definitely take pride of place in the list of the largest tsunamis in the world. The element has become a threat to all mankind. Many states that had access to the Indian Ocean felt the strongest blow of a 30-meter wave. More than 14 billion dollars needed to be raised to correct the situation in the world. More than 240,000 people died (just imagine!) The main victims of the disaster were residents of Thailand, India, Indonesia and other countries. The amplitude of the earthquake reached 9.3 points. The people who lived on the coast only had 15 minutes to save themselves.
  • 2006 Indonesia. A tsunami 7 meters high destroyed Pangadaryan (a famous resort), killing 668 people. The island of Java is deserted. Approximately 70 people remained missing, and about 9 thousand people needed medical help. Was it the biggest tsunami? No one will answer for sure. But the fact that it caused irreparable damage remains an obvious fact.
  • 2009 Samoa. A terrible tsunami was also caused by an earthquake, the amplitude of which reached 8.1 points. The researchers point out that this tsunami was the largest tsunami in the world, as waves 13.7 meters high cause crazy damage. Then 198 people died. What is very shocking, high waves took mostly children. Many villages were under water in a matter of minutes. Today, constant monitoring is carried out here, which allows for timely evacuation.
  • 2011 Tohuku. It's about a nuclear catastrophe. Just imagine, Japan was hit by a wave 30 meters high. It destroyed 125,000 buildings, but most importantly, it caused crazy damage to Fukushima-1 (nuclear power plant), which caused radiation to spread over 320 kilometers.

As you can see for yourself, the consequences of the tsunami are difficult to describe in words.

The largest tsunamis in the world may not be the most terrible, destructive. However, everywhere in the world people are dying, houses and important objects are being destroyed, moored ships are being damaged.

It is known that animals and birds "know" about the impending tsunami. They feel energy waves (any weather-dependent person in the world can feel them too). You may notice how the animals begin to leave their homes. This can happen a few days before a disaster or a few hours before it. For example, in Japan, local residents have aquarium catfish and, by their restless behavior, determine the likelihood of a disaster. When a tsunami is coming, catfish begin to jump out of aquariums. It does not matter what the height of the element will be.

The occurrence of a tsunami can also be recorded with the help of instruments. Take a look at seismologists (they have in their special world of seismology) there are special units for such cases. They can even predict when there will be a collapse, what the height of the wave will be.

If you saw that the water abruptly receded from the coast, or an earthquake occurred, or a meteorite fell into the water, expect a tsunami. Take valuables with you and climb the mountains, get away from the water. A distance of three to five kilometers from the ocean, the sea is considered safe. In any situation, it is important to remain calm. Panic can only hurt. What you definitely should not do is stay on the coast and wait for the beautiful, but dangerous ones to swallow the coast. You should not return to the shore even after 4-5 hours, when the water level (height) drops. Perhaps not all waves have passed yet. If in peacetime everyone had these rules, there would be an order of magnitude fewer victims.

For many, the danger of a tsunami is a kind of exotic danger. However, the changes in nature in recent years are such that surprises can be expected. Even in a small lake, under certain circumstances, a large wave can occur. Of course, the appearance of large waves is much more likely - a tsunami in the sea and ocean. A very small proportion of the population of Russia lives near the sea, the absolute majority are not threatened by a tsunami. But if you went on vacation to the open sea or ocean...

Where do tsunamis occur most often?

Most earthquakes occur on the Pacific coasts. Accordingly, tsunamis most often occur in the Pacific Ocean. In our country, the Far Eastern shores are exposed to tsunami attacks: Kamchatka, the Kuril and Commander Islands, and partly Sakhalin. Tsunamis also occur in the Indian Ocean. The greatest risk of disaster exists in coastal areas with increased seismic activity. In 2011, a very strong tsunami happened in Japan, a large number of people died, a huge territory was washed out and it was the tsunami that provoked the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant.

Quite often there is a threat of a tsunami in the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Pacific island states.

Going on vacation to such places, it will not be superfluous to have theoretical knowledge of how to behave and what to do during, before and after the tsunami.

Causes of a tsunami

The cause of a tsunami is an underwater earthquake. Powerful shocks create a directed movement of huge masses of water, which roll onto the shore with waves over 10 meters high. Thousands of tons of water with great speed fall on the coast. No residential building can withstand such a load. Houses that are in the way of the waves are washed away completely. There is no chance to survive in the epicenter. The further the wave goes to the ground, the less its strength, but the danger is no less, as the wave turns into a mixture of building materials, stones, fragments of fittings, cars, trees that crush and destroy all life in its path. But the danger doesn't end there either. When the wave passes, these thousands of tons of water, with a huge amount of floating debris, will begin to return to the ocean. Pulling everything you can. People who find themselves in such a stream can be carried out into the open ocean.

Tsunami alert, how to know about a tsunami

The first reason to think about the threat of a tsunami is the announcement of increased seismic activity in coastal areas. If seismologists managed to predict shocks in advance, residents of settlements on the coast should ensure their own safety in case of a tsunami. Such warnings are relevant even if the strength of the earthquake in the city itself is small, because a tsunami occurs when the epicenter of the earthquake is under water.

How can residents and tourists find out about an impending tsunami?
Watch reports and warnings about seismic activity in the region in advance!

To date, in all settlements where there is a possibility of a tsunami, there are special services for alerting the population about the danger. But there is a catch. Earthquakes happen very often, but few reach the tsunami. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine in time. how strong the earthquake will be and whether it will lead to the appearance of a tsunami. And one more thing, if the epicenter of the tsunami is hundreds of kilometers from the coast, then after the notification, the residents will have time to react and evacuate from the dangerous area. But if the epicenter is near the coast, then even if there is an alert, there may not be enough time for evacuation. This is exactly what happened in Japan on the island of Okushiri, during the earthquake off Hokkaido in 1993. Then 230 people died from the tsunami.

At times of increased tsunami threat, one should carefully monitor the messages of the authorities on radio, television via the Internet and SMS informing. In most cases, the danger becomes known in a few hours, which gives residents the opportunity to react. Animals are sensitive to the approach of a giant wave. Long before the onset of a tsunami, they show concern Many wild animals and birds tend to leave the danger area in advance.
The approach of a tsunami in the next 15-20 minutes can be judged by such signs as the rapid retreat of water along the coastline, the sharp attenuation of the surf noise. In some cases, the drift of unusual objects is also observed: fragments of ice or coastal debris raised from the bottom by the current of water. The immediate approach of the wave is accompanied by thunderous sounds, a rumble.

What to do during a tsunami

How to protect yourself and play it safe in case of a tsunami?

In places where there is a high probability of a tsunami, it will not be superfluous to think over your actions in advance. These points should be discussed with the family, agree on a meeting place in case the coast is under threat, and mobile communications turn out to be
inaccessible. In addition, it is important in a calm environment to plan a retreat route taking into account the terrain, avoiding bottlenecks, bays, rivers, places of potential congestion of vehicles and crowds of people. All the most valuable things that will be needed during the evacuation should be at hand and be ready at any time. First of all, documents, a minimum of clothing and a two-day supply of food that does not deteriorate should always be in a specially designated place. You also need a supply of water, a first aid kit, possibly some kind of signaling means (flare gun, hunter's signal), a knife, a rope (paracord), a flashlight, matches in sealed packaging. All this can be folded into a small backpack in case of a quick evacuation.

It is important for residents of coastal areas to take an active part in public events on which protection from the tsunami of the area depends - the construction of dams, shelterbelts, breakwaters.

How to survive a tsunami

In the event that an alarm is announced about the approach of a tsunami, you should urgently leave the coastal area, moving perpendicular to the coastal
lines. Relative safety is provided by an elevation of 30-40 meters above sea level or a distance of 2-3 kilometers from the coast. Such a retreat provides a significant reduction in risk, even if the area is threatened by large tsunamis. But in order to be 100% safe, it is better to move even further or higher.

Retreating from the danger zone, you need to avoid the bed of rivers, streams, ravines. These places are the first to be flooded.

Tsunamis in lakes or reservoirs are less dangerous, but even then caution should be exercised. A safe elevation is considered to be 5 meters above the water level. For this purpose, tall buildings are quite suitable.

With a large tsunami on the sea or ocean, many buildings simply cannot withstand the pressure of the wave of water and collapse. However, if the situation leaves no choice, then high capital buildings are the only chance to survive. They should climb to the highest floors, close windows and doors. how
suggest the rules of conduct during earthquakes, the safest areas in a building are areas near columns, load-bearing walls, in the corners.

A tsunami is usually a series of several waves and in most cases the first wave is not the strongest. This must be remembered and not to lose vigilance.

If a wave has overtaken a person, it is very important to hold on to a tree, pole, building, and avoid collision with large debris. As soon as the opportunity arises, you need to find a shelter in case of repeated waves.

Photo: a ship washed ashore during a tsunami

How to behave after a tsunami

The main danger of a tsunami is repeated waves, each of which can be stronger than the previous one. It is worth returning back only after the official cancellation of the alarm or not earlier than 2 hours after the cessation of heavy seas at sea. The break between large waves can reach 40-60 minutes.

After returning home after a tsunami, as well as after other natural disasters, you should carefully examine the building for stability, gas leaks, and damage to electrical wiring. Flooding after a tsunami may represent a separate danger.

  1. Myanmar, 2008
  2. Samoa, 2009
  3. Chile, 2010
  4. Japan, 2011
  5. Japan, 2011
  6. Philippines, 2013
  7. Chile, 2014
  8. Chile-Japan, 2015
  9. Brazil, 2016
  10. Greenland, 2017
  11. Alaska, 2018

Nature is not only pleasant to the eye sunny landscapes, but also a truly harsh element. The proof of this is the tsunami, huge waves that sometimes sweep entire villages off the face of the Earth. Despite the fact that such disasters have happened throughout the existence of the planet, today we will consider only the largest tsunamis in the last 10 years - from 2008 to 2018.

Myanmar, 2008

In early May, a tropical hurricane of incredible power, which was dubbed Nargiz, hit the south of Myanmar. As a result, a 3-meter wave passed along the river, damaging the city of Yangon. Electricity went out for several days, trees were felled, of course, there was no Internet and telephony.

The worst thing is that thousands of people were left without a roof over their heads; there was not even drinking water. The cunning merchants immediately raised the prices of groceries and necessities, which made the situation even more complicated.

According to official figures, the number of victims of the hurricane and tsunami was at least 23,000, and more than 40,000 people were never found. And one of the local Christian missions even believes that the total number of dead and injured can reach up to 2 million.

A state of emergency has been declared in five regions of the country. Local troops, UN troops, World Health Organization staff, the UN Children's Fund and many local residents participated in the rescue efforts.

The consequences of a tsunami wave and a hurricane are so devastating that they could even be seen in pictures from space. Most of the damage was done to agricultural land, completely flooding the coastal fields.

Samoa, 2009

This high tsunami, reaching 6 meters, was caused by a powerful earthquake. It originated in the Pacific Ocean near the archipelago called Samoa. The number of victims of the elements exceeded 220,000 people.

In addition to the inhabitants of the islands, many foreigners died - the wave affected the major tourist resorts. To make themselves felt, many had to hit various canisters with metal objects, otherwise they would not even have been able to find everyone.

But the tsunami didn't stop there. Its echoes also touched Russia, Japan, Hawaii, New Zealand and the small island nation of Tonga. Of course, the strength of the wave there was no longer the same - for example, in Japan it reached only 20 cm.

Barack Obama, upon learning of the situation, ordered that American Samoa be declared a disaster area. Accordingly, US structures began to allocate assistance in rescuing people and restoring buildings, as well as taking preventive measures.

Chile, 2010

In February, a strong earthquake hit the country, which provoked a wave 3 meters high, which formed near the epicenter. In addition to devastation along the Chilean coast, the tsunami brought disaster to the remote Peruvian coasts.

The epicenter of the earthquake determined the middle of the country, the northern suburbs of the city of Concepción. The magnitude ranged from 8.3 to 8.8, which is a lot anyway. The earth trembled within a radius of 350 kilometers from powerful and prolonged tremors.

But this was not the end of the matter. On February 28, the tsunami reached the coast of Japan and caused $27 million worth of damage to fisheries there. This was felt by seven Japanese prefectures, where seaweed and oyster plantations were almost completely destroyed.

The wave height was about 1.5 meters, but the force is truly destructive. The terrible tsunami almost completely undermined the fishermen's business, which is why the state had to fork out for their material support.

Japan, 2011

This famous tsunami was also the result of an earthquake. The magnitude of underwater tremors in the Pacific Ocean reached 9 points. They happened at a depth of 32 kilometers near the Japanese capital and became the most powerful in the history of the country.

The main damage from the tsunami was suffered by the northern islands of the state, but the diverging waves were so strong that they even reached South American Chile (which is at least 17,000 km). True, by that time the wave height did not exceed 2 meters.

Many other countries were also affected by the wave. These are Russia, Canada, China, Australia, Peru. For example, the Peruvian coasts were 200 meters free of water. In Japan, 16 thousand people died, another two thousand were missing.

As a result of one of the largest tsunami in the last 10 years, an emergency occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Also, the runway of the Sendai airport was almost completely flooded. Most of the town of Rikuzentakata was washed off the face of the earth.

Japan, 2011

In March, Japan was again subjected to the terrible consequences of a 9-magnitude earthquake. As a result of the resulting tsunami, the Miyako Dam, located in the northeastern part of the country, was flooded.

The streets of the town of the same name were also damaged, so it was impossible to pass by car. People had to hide from the elements on an elevated part of the terrain. In the port, the water irretrievably mangled several ships.

Most of the coastal streets have become just a pile of rubble and debris. The school yard became just a huge pool. Some streets were so flooded that one could not even guess that they were there.

We must pay tribute to the Japanese and their hard work. Just a year later, the city was already living a full life. To date, it has been completely restored, not a single trace remains, reminiscent of a powerful tsunami.

Philippines, 2013

A few years ago, a powerful typhoon formed near the archipelago, which provoked one of the largest tsunamis in history. The wave height reached six meters.

The disaster killed at least 10,000 people. The water spread over land for a distance of six hundred kilometers, burying under it not only houses and streets, but also entire islands.

The tsunami destroyed the city of Tacloban, which could not be restored. Fortunately, many people were saved thanks to a quick and well-organized evacuation. And it took more than one billion dollars to eliminate the consequences.

Chile, 2014

April in the country began with a disaster. An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 was formed to the northeast of the coast of the state, followed by a tsunami. This happened less than 100 km from the city of Iquique.

Waves over two meters high rolled over the city. The authorities immediately declared a state of emergency and began to evacuate. And the very next day, the Japanese saw the waves, however, there they no longer exceeded 40 centimeters.

Many Chileans died in the disaster, with a percentage of the deaths attributed to heart attacks. One woman was crushed by the collapsed wall of the building. Also, local residents were left without running water and electricity for some time.

The women's prison in Iquique suffered a lot of destruction, and 300 prisoners did not fail to take advantage of this situation and escaped. True, later more than half managed to be put in place.

Chile-Japan, 2015

Again, Japan suffered from a wave that arose off the coast of Chile. One of the largest tsunamis in the world came as a result of a 7-magnitude earthquake and caused damage to a large Chilean city - Coquimbo.

10 people died from the disaster, the rest managed to be taken out of the city in time. The waves were up to a meter high in places.

Brazil, 2016

In August 2016, the Brazilian coast was hit by a giant tsunami, but the most mysterious thing is why the world media kept silent about it. Locals say that big waves are familiar to them, but this one just went beyond the reasonable.

In addition, the very nature of the tsunami was also unusual. For all its strength, it affected only the coastal areas, and very quickly rolled back.

It seemed that the Earth tilted for a second, and then immediately returned to its original position. It doesn't look like a wind surge at all, according to experts. So the nature of this tsunami is still a mystery to man.

Greenland, 2017

And this tsunami was also triggered by an earthquake, the power of which is estimated at about 4 points. The first tremors were felt in the municipality of Nuugaatsiaq in the southeastern part of the island.

Strong waves covered several coastal settlements at once. 11 buildings were completely washed away, while four residents who did not have time to evacuate disappeared. They are not yet officially named dead, since the bodies have not been found.

Alaska, 2018

When a 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit southeast of an island called Kodiak, scientists predicted a direct danger to Alaska and even recommended evacuation work. Fortunately, the 10-meter waves faded before reaching the peninsula, but the spectacle was impressive.

In this regard, earlier American meteorologists warned of the danger also the western coasts of Canada and the United States, as well as the Hawaiian Islands.

There are many sad pages in the history of mankind. These are fires, and floods, and tornadoes. Of course, tsunamis are on the list - after all, water, so peaceful and harmless in calm weather, can become a dangerous killer if the conditions are right for this.

A tsunami is a giant wave that occurs from seismic activity and moves rapidly across the surface of the water. These waves have caused a lot of harm to man throughout history, especially for the inhabitants of island states.

More about tsunami

The greatest geological activity, which contributes to the emergence of the strongest waves, is observed in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Over the past thousand years, there have been at least a thousand of them here, that is, on average, one tsunami per year. In other oceans, the statistics are much more modest. The vast majority of tsunamis occur as a result of a sharp subsidence or uplift of the ocean floor. However, not every such event is fraught with a giant wave; there are other factors, for example, the depth of the source.

In addition to destruction and loss of life, waves can bring other harm. In particular, this is erosion and strong salinization of coastal land areas. Usually, birds and animals are the first to feel the approach of a catastrophe, which may behave unusually during this period. In a few hours or even days, they try to escape away from the coast, and domestic animals try in every possible way to make this clear to their owners. It has to do with the electromagnetic field. Animals are much more sensitive to it than humans, although some people get severe headaches.

Moored ships have no chance of salvation

Noticing the approach of a tsunami, you need to take documents with you, gather children and other helpless relatives and go away from a dangerous place, trying to avoid bodies of water - rivers, canals, reservoirs, as well as fragile structures like bridges or towers. What was the largest tsunami in the world? We list the most famous cases.

July 1958, Alaska

On a summer day, a terrible natural disaster happened in Lituya Bay. The bay protrudes into the land for about 11 kilometers, and, according to geologists, over the past hundred years, giant waves several hundred meters high have arisen here at least four times. And in 1958, a strong earthquake occurred in the northern part of the bay, from which houses were destroyed, the coast collapsed, many cracks formed. At the same time, a landslide swept across the bay, descending from the mountain, and caused a wave of unprecedented height - 524 meters, which moved at a speed of 160 km / h.

The people in the ships anchored in the bay were the first to suffer. According to the stories, at first they were thrown from their beds by a strong push. Having run out onto the deck, they did not immediately believe their eyes: the sea reared up, and even a powerful glacier, previously located far to the north, carried along the sea and brought down bays into the water. It was like a nightmare. The water completely covered the island of Cenotaphia, spread over its largest point and with its entire mass collapsed onto the territory of the bay, causing another impressive wave. On the slopes of the mountains to the north, the largest tsunami in history tore the forest up to a height of 600 meters.

The tsunami easily overflowed the entire sandbank, tore off the forest cover from the nearby mountain slope

The wave was picked up by one of the longboats, which was thrown across the shallows into the waters of the ocean. The fishermen could see the trees below them. The ship pounded against rocks and trees, but the fishermen managed to survive and were later rescued. Another ship, by a lucky chance, remained in place, having withstood the tsunami, but the third drowned; people from it are considered missing. In half an hour the surface of the water was already completely calm, only strewn with uprooted trees, slowly floating towards the exit from the bay.

December 2004, Indian Ocean

On December 26, in the morning, a powerful earthquake occurred near the island of Sumatra, which is part of Indonesia. Its power reached nine points. At the same time, there was a strong displacement of two tectonic plates. Literally in an hour, 1200 kilometers of rock moved fifteen meters, and with them small islands located in the area. It was in connection with this displacement that the tsunami arose. Devastating consequences awaited the popular Thai resort of Phuket, although its residents and vacationers almost did not feel the initial tremors or did not pay attention to them.

What happened next was a complete surprise for the defenseless city. The danger warnings had not yet arrived from Indonesia, so people found themselves face to face with a huge tsunami completely unprepared. Everyone was minding their own business, when suddenly there was a sharp and strong ebb, leaving a lot of shells and other seafood. Residents were delighted with such a catch, and tourists were delighted with free souvenirs.

But very soon, waves of 30 meters high rolled up to the shore, sweeping away everything in their path. People desperately tried to escape, but the tsunami instantly swallowed up many of them. Lightweight bungalows are boldly lighter than house of cards. Receding, the water left behind hundreds of human bodies and debris.

Almost 230,000 people became victims of a terrible catastrophe

On March 11, northeast Japan was hit by a massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake. According to scientists, an earthquake of this magnitude occurs once every six hundred years. It all started from a point 373 km from Tokyo and at a depth of 24,000 meters. The result of the shake-up was a devastating tsunami that almost completely covered 23 Japanese districts (a total of more than 62 settlements).

Due to a large tsunami, an accident occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, which had no protection from waves. The water flooded the diesel generators responsible for the cooling system.

Thus, the power units overheated to a critical state, and a reaction began with a powerful release of hydrogen. This led to several explosions that destroyed the buildings. A lot of radioactive substances were released into the environment.

The number of people who died from the disaster exceeded 20,000, and the monetary damage was more than $215 million. Six months after the incident, radiation continued to be found in food products, not only in the Fukushima region, but also far from it, although the volume of emissions was about 5 times less than Chernobyl.

The maximum wave height was 40 meters, which greatly exceeded the preliminary calculations of scientists.

The largest earthquake in the history of mankind occurred in Chile on May 22 and resulted in three huge tsunamis. 5,000 people died, and several fishing villages were completely wiped off the face of the earth. The waves also reached the coasts of the United States and Japan, from which these countries also suffered high losses. The earthquake occurred the day before, on May 21, and its continuation the next day had a huge force of 9.5 and lasted at least ten minutes.

The resulting high wave caused irreparable damage - destruction, victims, uprooted trees. It is not possible to indicate exact figures, all data are very approximate, since it was not possible to collect reliable statistics, except for eyewitness accounts. Some, for example, believe that the dead were not 5 thousand, but all 10 thousand. Either way, the disaster is simply stunning.

From the air, the outlines of farms and villages can be seen under water, extending 100 kilometers from the former coastline.

About ten thousand hectares of coastal lands were flooded, they are under water to this day. It was assumed that this was due to the fact that as a result of the shift of tectonic plates, the sea level rose. But it turned out that, on the contrary, the surface of the earth became lower.

On August 16, the Philippines was swept by the highest wave as a result of an earthquake measuring 7.8 points. A huge tsunami covered 700 kilometers of coastal territory, killing 5,000 people and claiming another 2,200. 9,500 were injured, and almost a hundred thousand lost their homes.

The worst natural disaster in the history of the state completely destroyed several cities to the ground

On July 17, the northwestern part of the state was shaken by tremors with a force of 7 points. For this reason, in the most remote part of the coast, a deadly wave rose high, the height of which reached 15 meters. Having fallen under it, more than 2 thousand people died, and several thousand more were left homeless. Before the terrible tragedy, there was a small and very beautiful lagoon, but because of the earthquake, it was littered with an underwater landslide. This area has never before experienced earthquakes of such magnitude, although smaller ones occur regularly.

The tragedy of 1998 created an entirely new large lagoon

Another major tsunami also took place in Alaska, just six years after the devastating 1958 wave. It all started with an earthquake measuring more than nine points. Already because of it, 120-150 people died. The wave that formed after that, almost 70 meters high, demolished three villages, taking 107 people with them. Then the wave swept along the West Coast of the United States, destroying several business offices in downtown Anchorage, as well as fish and crab processing plants on Kodiak Island. The ruins looked like they had been bombed.

Then the tsunami moved to the city of Crescent City. The residents were warned and managed to evacuate, but later, having decided that there was no more danger, they returned to their homes. This was a big mistake. Strong waves flooded the streets of the city, overturning cars, filling up all the passageways with debris from buildings. The events were truly terrible: the pier almost twisted into a spiral, some houses moved from place to place.

The total damage is estimated at $400 million, and the President issued an executive order for the reconstruction of Alaska after the tragedy.

Powerful waves, as you can see, are extremely dangerous. Like other natural disasters, terrible tsunamis often lead to devastating consequences and take people's lives with them. The only reassurance is that the inhabitants of Russia need not worry in this regard, our regions are not too prone to such a disaster, except for certain regions, for example, Sakhalin Island.

On December 26, 2004, a powerful earthquake struck the Indian Ocean, and a few minutes later a tsunami hit southern Asia. 18 countries were affected by the disaster. On the 10th anniversary of the tragedy, we decided to recall the most devastating tsunamis of our time

Severo-Kurilsk. 1952

In 1952, at about 5 o'clock in the morning, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 to 9 occurred in Severo-Kurilsk. It resulted in three tsunami waves up to 18 meters high. The city was destroyed, 2336 people became victims of the elements.

The tsunami was caused by tremors, the epicenter of which was in the Pacific Ocean, 130 kilometers from the coast of Kamchatka. The first wave came an hour after the earthquake, most of the local residents escaped the tsunami on a hill outside the city, and soon returned home, not expecting subsequent waves. However, the insidious element was preparing a surprise for the Northern Kurils - the second wave 18 meters high. She took people by surprise, destroyed almost all the houses and killed more than two thousand people. Later came the third wave, but it was much weaker than the first two.

The rescue operation in Severo-Kurilsk was carried out with the help of aircraft and all available vessels. A significant part of the population was evacuated to Sakhalin. According to official figures, the element claimed the lives of 2336 people. The city was later rebuilt. And the government of the USSR decided to create a tsunami warning system in the country.

United States, Lituya Bay. 1958

July 9, 1958 at 22:15 as a result of a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 to 8.3 in Lituya Bay (US state of Alaska), a landslide descended from the mountains. Tens of millions of cubic meters of stones and ice fell into the waters of the bay. This led to the formation of a megatsunami 500 meters high. Five people died as a result of the disaster.

A powerful tsunami was caused by an earthquake, the epicenter of which was in the area of ​​the Fairweather Ridge, about 20 kilometers southeast of Lituya Bay. The tremors were the strongest in the region in more than 50 years. 500-meter waves damaged infrastructure facilities: bridges, docks and oil pipelines. This is the highest tsunami wave known to mankind.

After the earthquake, research was carried out on a subglacial lake located to the northwest of the bend of the Lituya glacier at the very beginning of the bay. It turned out that it fell 30 meters. At the same time, according to experts, the runoff of water from the lake could not be the main cause of such a powerful tsunami.

Hokkaido. 1993

On July 12, 1993, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 was recorded on the west coast of Hokkaido and its neighboring island Okushiri. A few minutes later, a giant wave hit the southwestern coast of the islands. 540 buildings were destroyed by the elements, about 250 people died.

The small island of Okushiri, located south of Hokkaido, was among the areas hit the hardest by the tsunami. He was in the path of the highest waves, which reached 31 meters in height. Trees that came across in the path of the tsunami were uprooted and completely destroyed, houses were destroyed to the ground.

The Japanese authorities promptly responded to the tsunami, the Japanese were warned about the threat. However, it was not possible to evacuate all the inhabitants of Okushiri Island. The giant wave reached its shores too quickly. The protective breakwaters did not save either, they were designed for waves of no more than 20 meters. About 250 people became victims of the elements, of which 147 lived on Okushiri.

Papua New Guinea. 1998

On July 17, 1998, a devastating earthquake hit the northwest coast of Papua New Guinea and generated a 15-meter tsunami. More than 2,000 people became victims of the disaster, thousands of local residents were left without a home.

The tsunami occurred in one of the most remote and isolated parts of the coast of New Guinea. It was caused by a powerful underwater landslide triggered by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale.

Two tremors were recorded at the bottom of the sea with an interval of half an hour. Even in the capital Rabaul, at a distance of 1,100 kilometers from the epicenter of the disaster, sea levels rose by more than five centimeters. Although tsunamis are not uncommon for the inhabitants of this region, according to eyewitnesses, it has never reached such proportions.

Indian Ocean. 2004

On December 26, 2004 at 07:58 local time, an earthquake of magnitude 9.3 struck the Indian Ocean. Following him, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, southern India, Thailand and 14 other countries were covered by a tsunami. The wave destroyed everything in its path. Up to 300 thousand people became victims of the disaster.

The epicenter of the tremors was in the Indian Ocean, north of the island of the Indonesian island of Simeulue. The tsunami that followed the earthquake was the deadliest in modern history. Waves up to 30 meters high in 15 minutes reached the shores of the nearest countries, the tsunami reached the most remote corners of the Indian Ocean seven hours later. Many states were not ready for such a blow of the elements - most of the coastal zones were taken by surprise. People went to the coast to collect fish that suddenly appeared on land, or admire an unusual natural phenomenon - this was the last thing they saw.

The storm killed hundreds of thousands of people. The exact number of deaths has not yet been established - it ranges from 235 thousand people to 300 thousand, tens of thousands are missing, more than a million people were left without homes. Thousands of tourists from different parts of the world who decided to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays in the Indian Ocean never returned home.

Java. 2006

On July 17, 2006, a tsunami hit the southern coast of the Indonesian island of Java. About 650 people became victims of the elements, about 120 more people were missing.

The tsunami was caused by an earthquake whose epicenter was in the Indian Ocean at a distance of 220 kilometers south of the resort town of Pangandaran in West Java province. Its hearth lay at a depth of 33 kilometers. On an approximately 40-kilometer stretch of the coast of Java from Pangandaran to the city of Chilacap, the elements destroyed thousands of houses and cut off telephone communications. The disaster zone was shaken by new tremors for several more hours. This greatly hampered the search for victims.

The wave came to the island in the evening, when many tourists and locals swam in the ocean, only a few of them managed to return to the shore in time. The storm has displaced more than 47,000 people from their homes. According to various estimates, from 600 to 650 people died from the tsunami, 120 were missing. 1,800 coastal residents were injured.

Chile. 2010

On February 27, 2010, an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 struck Chile. 20 minutes after the earthquake, a sea two-meter wave hit the coast. Five people died directly from the tsunami. But the victims of the earthquake were 800 people, 1200 people were missing, about two million Chileans were left homeless.

The tsunami hit 11 Chilean cities, as well as the coast of New Zealand, Japan, Australia and Russia. The highest waves in Russia - 90 centimeters - were recorded in Kamchatka. The amount of damage from a natural disaster in Chile, according to various estimates, ranged from 15 to 30 billion dollars.

Japan. 2011

An earthquake off the east coast of the island of Honshu in Japan with a magnitude of 9.0 to 9.1 occurred on March 11, 2011 at 14:46 local time. It caused a strong tsunami that caused massive destruction in the northern islands of the Japanese archipelago. The official death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in 12 prefectures in Japan is 15,870, with 2,846 missing.

The natural disaster occurred in the Western Pacific Ocean, 130 kilometers east of the city of Sendai on the island of Honshu. The epicenter was located 373 kilometers from Tokyo. After the main shock of magnitude 9.0, a series of aftershocks followed, there were more than 400 in total. This is the strongest earthquake in the known history of Japan.

The element caused a tsunami that spread throughout the Pacific Ocean. In many coastal countries of the Americas, a warning was issued and evacuations were carried out.