English in modern society. English as an international language

Soltustik Kazakhstan oblysyNorth-Kazakhstan regionMagzhan Zhumabaev audany district Magzhana Zhumabaev Karakoga orta mektebi Karagugin secondary school

The role of foreign languages ​​in modern society

The role of foreign languages ​​in modern society

Completed by: Safinov Daniyar, 10 "B" class

Student: Safinov Daniyar, 10 "С" form

Checked by: Sinelnikova L.S.

Teacher: Sinelnikova L.S.

year 2014


    The role of language in society

    Language features

    Languages ​​of the world

    The role of a foreign language in the modern world

    The role of English in the modern world


Target: to study the meaning of a foreign language in the life of a modern person


    To study the role and functions of language in society

    Find information about world languages

    Learn about the most spoken languages ​​in the world


Learning a foreign language in the modern world is one of the most important components of a modern, successful person. Knowledge of at least one foreign language broadens one's horizons, allows one to learn the culture and customs of another nation. Today, millions of people around the world are learning foreign languages.

Why do they do it? How many foreign languages ​​are there in the world? What languages ​​are the most popular? This is very interesting to know.

Hypothesis: Do foreign languages ​​really play an important role in the life of a modern person?

The relevance of the topic is that many young people are now studying an important role in the life of modern man?

The relevance of the topic is that many young people are now learning a foreign language in order to communicate with foreign friends, some want to go abroad to find work there.

The role of language in society

Look around and you will see many amazing things created by the mind and hands of man: radio, telephone, cars, ships, planes, rockets and so on. But the most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language. All people on Earth can speak. They speak different languages, but all languages ​​have one main task - to help people, to understand each other when communicating, in common work. Without language, the life of people, society, the development of science and technology is impossible.

What is language? What does this word mean?

Language is a means of communication. This is an opportunity, carrying out a communicative function, to transmit any information, messages about objects, serves as a means of communication and an instrument of thinking.

Language is a sense organ that allows you to speak and feel.

Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it.
Language is a part of our body and no less complex than this body itself.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language is the dress of thought

Language- This framing thoughts

Samuel Johnson

Language features

Language is one of the world's mysteries. We are not always aware of the role of language in life, but we perceive it as air, as breathing, as something taken for granted.

Language in human society is of great importance. Thanks to language, mankind develops, passing from generation to generation the experience of cognitive activity and the achievements of science and culture. In their origin and development, language and thinking are organically interconnected, distinguishing man from the animal world.

The development of language contributes to the development of thinking, and the development of thinking is one of the most important conditions for the development of language. Language is an instrument of thought .

Language arose at the dawn of mankind as a result of the need of primitive people to communicate something to each other. Man is a social phenomenon. He cannot master the language outside of society. Let us recall Mowgli, who among the animals developed perfectly physically, but could not communicate in human language.

Languages ​​of the world

According to rough estimates, there are about 3 thousand languages ​​on Earth. There are languages ​​that serve a narrow circle of speakers (the languages ​​of the tribes of Africa, the Indians of America, individual villages of Dagestan, and others). There are languages ​​spoken by numerous nationalities and nations. There are international languages ​​that are used as working languages ​​in the UN and UNESCO (English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French).

International languages ​​are included in the curricula of general education schools and higher schools in different countries as the subject "Foreign Language".

We tried to find out from the students of our school about the number of languages. A survey of students in grades 6-11, in which 77 students participated, revealed the following. When asked how many languages ​​there are in the world, there was an answer.

From 5 to 20 languages ​​- 7 people, 32-35 languages ​​- 2 people, 100-140 languages ​​- 11 people, 148 - 155 languages ​​- 9 people, 1190 - 5 people, several thousand answered - 9 people, more than a thousand - 9 people , 2796 - 3000 languages ​​- 17 people, from 3000 to 7000 - 1 person, 5000 - 7000 languages ​​- 1 person, 6000 - 6 people.


It is generally accepted that the majority prefer to master English as the language of international communication. In principle, this is correct. But we should not forget about the prospects. Now China is becoming stronger and stronger in the international arena. Therefore, knowledge of the Chinese language can come in handy.

The languages ​​of the world are divided into families. One of the largest linguistic families of Eurasia are the Indo-European languages.

Family of Indo-European languages

Indian Iranian Slavic Baltic Germanic

Romance Celtic Greek Albanian

Armenian Tocharian Anatolian

The role of a foreign language in modern society

Education is very important in our life. An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. He is always trying to learn, to discover more about the world around him.

Students can gain in-depth knowledge not only at school, but also in additional courses, electives. Our school is well equipped to perform various kinds of laboratory and practical work in biology, chemistry, physics, multimedia and other classrooms. One of the classrooms in each school is the English language classroom, where we study English.

The role of foreign languages ​​is growing. There are about 3,000 languages ​​in the world today, with English being the most widely spoken. It is the state language in many countries: in the USA, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand. It is one of the official languages ​​of Canada, Ireland, South Africa. It is the second language of India and South Africa.

Thanks to the knowledge of foreign languages, we can read books, magazines in the original, talk with foreigners, translate articles, and make progress in sports. In addition, joint ventures, which are becoming more numerous in our country, need specialists with a deep knowledge of Chinese, English, and French. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for good specialists. Our country is moving towards a market economy. That is why it is so important to study English and other languages.

The spread of English around the world began with the first travels to America and Asia, continued with the colonial conquest of Africa and the South Pacific in the 19th century. The decisive step took place in the 20th century, when the newly formed countries adopted English as an official or one of the official languages.

English is the language of international control of civil aviation and the navy. English is the main language of INTERPOL and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, international business and university conferences, the leading language of international tourism.

Foreign language is not just a subject taught in classrooms. This is what is used in real life situations. A foreign language is absolutely necessary for any educated person and modern specialists. Everything depends on our own conditions. And let's remember the rules of language learning: “Learn to speak by speaking! Learn to read by reading!

The role of English in the world



The second language in Canada, the Irish Republic, the Republic of South Africa, India, Pakistan

National language in the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand

new technologies


international relations




mass media




The role of languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan

More than 120 nationalities live in our Republic of Kazakhstan. The state language is Kazakh, Russian is the language of interethnic communication. The President of the Republic N.A. Nazarbaev. The idea of ​​the trinity of languages ​​in Kazakhstan was voiced by the President back in 2004, subsequently returning to it more than once. In 2007, in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan "New Kazakhstan in the new world." The head of state proposed to start a phased one. Implementation of the cultural project "Trinity of Languages". It is from this moment that the countdown of the new language policy of independent Kazakhstan begins, today it can serve as an example for other countries. Language policy is inseparable from the general policy of large-scale social modernization. Modernization is necessary for all Kazakhstanis. Only with this understanding can broad public consensus and success be achieved.

“Kazakhstan should be perceived throughout the world as a highly educated country,” the President repeatedly stressed, “whose population speaks three languages. These are: Kazakh is the state language, Russian is the language of interethnic communication, English is the language of successful integration into the global economy.”

The integration of Kazakhstan into the world community today depends on the realization and implementation of a simple truth: the world is open to those who can acquire new knowledge through mastering the dominant languages. In order to create an innovative, multilingual model of education, the number of schools providing education in three languages ​​will increase from 33 to 700, including the number of schools in the network "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" will expand from 6 to 20. These schools will become the base platforms for testing a multilingual model of education, innovations in education.


In 2006 2007 the experience of polylingual education was generalized and recommended for implementation at schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (order No. 387 dated 7 August 2007). Since 2007 - 2008 school "Murager" is the supporting one for28 newly founded specialized boarding schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan which started implementation of the polylingual education.

The main criterion for successful realization of the polylingual program is the students achievements at the international level (higher education and professional level). 28 school leavers study at universities of Kazakhstan, Israel, USA, Check Republic. Russia and others. According to the results of the Unified National Testing the school "Murager" is considered one of 100 best schools of Kazakhstan.

Learning foreign languages ​​opens up career opportunities that didn't even exist a few years ago. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​can help us find work in such areas as science and technology, foreign trade and banking, international transport communications and others. The more general goal is to create your own intellect and culture.


Currently, people are more often faced with the fact that knowledge of a foreign language is becoming a vital necessity. It should be noted that the most popular language at present is English. A foreign language contributes to the development of thought processes. This is due to the fact that when learning a foreign language, a person has to operate with a different system of signs. Language teaches us to think logically, as well as to choose the right option from the many meanings of each individual word.

Early learning a foreign language develops the speech-motor apparatus and, in addition, is a good prevention of speech defects.

A foreign language contributes to the development of communication skills, as well as the elimination of psychological barriers. Through the study of the language (through dialogues, skits, monologues), a person becomes more sociable, and therefore more successful in the future.

English is spoken by more people than any other language and is the mother tongue of over 350 million people. More and more people speak English, outnumbering those who speak Arabic and French combined.

As practice shows, in the most favorable position in the labor market are those specialists who, in addition to knowledge of their main profession, speak one or more foreign languages: in order to keep abreast of the latest developments from the world of science and technology, you must be able to read articles in the original language. In addition, working with foreign partners is much easier if you have first-hand information.

In conclusion, I would like to note that learning a foreign language is not just a tribute to fashion or someone's whim, but the process of obtaining knowledge that is vital in a modern society that is developing towards universal globalization.

Lozbyakova Anastasia. School №3, Rtishchevo, Saratov region, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Why do I study English.

The role of the English language in the life of people

People in Russia study some foreign languages: French, German, Spain, Italian and some others. But the most popular is, of course, English. Why so? I think that there are some reasons for its popularity. First, children learn it at school; they study it further at the universities and institutes because it is easier to learn than any other language. Second, it sounds very pleasant and sweet. Third, English is used in world media. This language is needed when we travel abroad because we have to communicate with people of different nationalities. English is an international language it is spoken in more than 120 countries, it is a working language of the United Nations. Besides, many people want to use it for a future career. Now English is a language of communication for people of various professions. I can name only some of them: politicians, sportsmen, pilots and air traffic controllers, scientists, etc.

As for me, English attracts me because it is used everywhere: on the labels of different goods, in different instructions to them. Nowadays there are many borrowings from English in the Russian language. And we cannot understand the meanings of these words without knowing this language. Every modern person should try to learn English. There are so many beautiful English books which are worth reading in original. Besides, a lot of songs, films and other cultural things are written in English and we can understand them without translation if we try to do the best. Our contacts with the people of the world become more and more wider. Nowadays there is a practice of specialists exchange in different spheres of life. It is one more reason for learning English. I express my own opinion and I think that many people can support me.

People in Russia learn many foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian and several others. But the most popular, of course, is English. Why is that? I think there are several reasons for its popularity. First, children learn it at school, then they learn it at universities and institutes because it is easier to learn than any other language. Secondly, it sounds very pleasant and cute. Thirdly, English is the language of the mass media of the world. This language is needed when we travel abroad, because we have to communicate with people of different nationalities. English is an international language spoken in more than 120 countries and is the working language of the United Nations. In addition, many people are studying it for future careers. Now English is a means of communication for people of different professions. I can name only a few of them: politicians, athletes, pilots and air traffic controllers, scientists, and so on.

As for me, English attracts me because it is used everywhere: on the labels of various products, in the instructions for them. Today in Russian there are a lot of borrowings from English. And we will not be able to understand the meaning of these words without knowing English. Every modern person should try to learn the language. There are so many excellent English books worth reading in the original. In addition, many songs, films and other cultural assets are written in English, and we can understand them without translation if we succeed in learning the language. Our contacts with people from other countries are becoming wider. Today, the exchange of specialists in various spheres of life is practiced. This is another reason to study English. I expressed my point of view, and I think that many people will support me.

The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it"s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.

One billion people speak English today. That's about 20% of the world's population. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it "s either a second language or a foreign language.

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages ​​in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa.

As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, businessmen and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music. 80% of all information in the world's computers is in English. 75% of the world's letters and faxes are in English. 60% of all international telephone calls are made in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It "s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it" s a must.

English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools (sometimes even at nursery schools), colleges and universities.

Everyone will speak English soon - I "m sure of it. We all need to understand each other. To do that we need an international language, and that" s English.


The modern world is getting smaller. Every day the distances between different countries seem to get smaller. For this reason, it is becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.

One billion people speak English today. This is about 20% of the world's population. For 400 million people, English is their mother tongue. For the remaining 600 million people, it is either a second language or a foreign language.

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages ​​in Canada, the Republic of Ireland and the Republic of South Africa.

As a second language, English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, entrepreneurs and universities.

English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and commerce, sports and pop music. 80% of all information in the world is in English. 75% of letters and faxes in the world are in English. 60% of all international phone calls are in English. More than 60% of all scientific journals are in English.

Knowing English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not easy. This is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it is necessary.

English is taught all over the world and many people speak it very well. In our country, English is very popular: it is studied in schools (sometimes even in kindergartens), colleges and universities.

Everyone will be speaking English soon - I'm sure of it. We must all understand each other. For this we need an international language, and that is English.

The role of the English language in the modern world is invaluable. It is considered the most commonly used language. More than 450 million people consider him native. Another 600-650 million citizens use English as an additional language for communication. It is considered to be in demand in many countries of the world. Knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of this language is essential in order to study abroad. Not to do without it and wishing to find a prestigious and well-paid job. In our article, you can get acquainted with all the features of the English language, as well as find out why it is so in demand.

The history of the emergence and development of a foreign language

To understand the role of the English language in the modern world, first of all, you need to know the history of its creation. The creator of the most popular and sought-after Oxford Dictionary identified 5 major events that influenced the formation of the language.

It's no secret that finding out exactly how a language formed is almost impossible. The Germanic invaders are known to have arrived and settled in Great Britain in the 5th century AD. They spoke the Germanic language. Specialists have little information about this period. This is due to the fact that written archives and documents of that time were not found. The formation of dialects is confirmed by sources from the 7th-9th centuries. All of them belong to the language that Alfred the Great in the 9th century called English.

Some experts believe that the development of the English language was influenced by Celtic. From the middle of the 9th century, Norwegian invaders settled in Great Britain. It is believed that the speech of the Scandinavians had a strong influence on the development of the English language.

Within a few centuries after the Norman Conquest, significant changes took place in the English language. The inflectional system that was formed in that period is still used today. According to her, the generic endings of words characteristic of grammar are almost never used in English. Changes also affected vocabulary. Borrowings from other languages ​​are known, which eventually began to appear in written speech.

In the late medieval and modern period, steady processes of standardization of the English language took place. Written and spoken language continued to change. There was a so-called great vowel shift.

Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, the influence of the English language has been felt throughout the world. Over time, people from different countries began to use it.

The role of English in the modern world. Work and travel

The importance of the English language in the modern world is currently quite large. More recently, it was a foreign language for us, and today it is international. In all countries of the world, learning English is of great importance. Almost everyone dreams of learning it at least at an elementary level. Today, children begin to learn this language at preschool age.

Many do not understand whether English is needed in the modern world. However, it is no secret to anyone that today he plays an important role in finding a job. People who wish to find a prestigious and highly paid position must have a good knowledge of English. This is due to the fact that large firms often cooperate with foreign partners. Today, English is a language that needs to be spoken well enough to fully negotiate and conclude deals with foreign partners.

Traveling around is possible only if you know and understand foreign speech. It is no secret that today almost every person wants to go on vacation abroad. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can easily communicate with people not only in English-speaking countries. Anywhere in the world there is a certain percentage of the population that can understand foreign speech. English is also well spoken by people whose work is connected with tourists. In the event that you know a foreign language, you can always easily ask for help in a foreign country. That is why you will feel confident abroad.

The role of English in education

The role of English in the modern world is obvious to students who want to get a decent education. His knowledge allows you to study at absolutely any university. The received document on education is quoted in all countries. It is no secret that having, for example, a diploma, a graduate can get a prestigious job anywhere in the world.

Almost every major library has books in English. Detectives, novels, poems and other works can be read in the original, knowing a foreign language. It is no secret that the translation of books is not always accurate and literal. No less valuable are the originals of technical literature. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can study the technique or equipment of interest in more depth.

The role of English in the world of technology

The relevance of learning English can also be explained by the rapid development of technology. Every year, experts from all over the world create new inventions. They are given names that are most often in English. Surprisingly, words familiar to us, such as laptop, computer, scanner, mobile and others, came into speech from English.

Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, representatives of different nations began to closely communicate on the Web. In order to understand each other, they use English.

The role of English in the life of young people

English plays an important role in the lives of teenagers and young people. Computer games in English are very popular among gamers. It's no secret that many young people spend a considerable amount of their free time using them. As a rule, new foreign games do not have a Russian translation at first. At this moment, only knowledge of a foreign language can help a gamer. Thanks to this, he will be able to try out the new product without feeling any discomfort. There are also useful programs in English. Knowing a foreign language allows you to easily use not only games, but also applications.

A large number of English words are present in youth speech. Experts believe that this is due to the stereotypes and ideals that were created in the teenage society. Young people are sure that the standard of living in America is much higher than ours. Using English borrowings in their speech, they in a certain way approach their ideal. Anglicisms include the following words:

  • shoes;
  • boots;
  • comp;
  • friend;
  • face.

Profession "translator"

A translator from English into Russian is a profession that is becoming more popular and in demand every year. It is often chosen by graduates who know a foreign language well. The profession originated in antiquity. Its formation is associated with the emergence of economic relations between countries. During the collapse of the USSR, the profession did not have much popularity, since the work of such workers was low-paid. Today, a translator from English into Russian is characterized by a high and stable income. As a rule, such specialists work in large and influential companies.

The profession of a translator is perfect for those people who have:

  • predisposition to foreign languages;
  • good memory;
  • good diction;
  • perseverance;
  • sociability;
  • diplomatic qualities, and also have a developed ear and know how to imitate.

A qualified specialist is often sent to earn money abroad. He can easily apply for citizenship there, as well as have a stable and high income.

Jobs for people who speak English

Knowledge of English plays an important role in many areas. Many students underestimate its importance. Most often, specialists with knowledge of a foreign language are needed in the field of education and science. The highest level of English proficiency should be for students who wish to connect their lives with information technology.

Jobs for those who speak English are almost always in large companies. They need professional translators. Some firms are ready to train promising candidates at their own expense.

Knowledge of English is also necessary for secretaries, since in large companies they often come into contact with international partners. Not to do without foreign and workers in the tourism sector.

English proficiency and salary

Not everyone knows that many employers are willing to pay more for employees who speak English. According to studies, candidates with knowledge of a foreign language earn about 10-40% more than their colleagues. It is worth noting that in some companies only those employees who speak English are hired for a position.

Students with knowledge of English have a huge advantage. Some firms, including large ones, are ready to hire inexperienced specialists and provide them with high wages if they speak a foreign language.

Anglicisms in Russian

English today is an integral part of the development of the Russian language. Borrowings are one of the sources of replenishment of the lexical composition. They reflect the facts of ethnic, social, cultural and economic contacts between representatives of different linguistic groups. This phenomenon is due to a number of reasons:

  • the need to name new objects and phenomena;
  • lack of equivalents in Russian;
  • lack of the most accurate name;
  • providing a stylistic effect.

The growth of borrowings in the Russian language became noticeable at the end of the last century. This is due to the collapse of the USSR and changes in all spheres of society. Many linguists argue that the phenomenal expansion of anglicisms is observed in the following areas:

  • power and politics;
  • economics and business;
  • science and technology;
  • sport.

The greatest influence of the English language is observed in advertising. Every year more and more firms, goods and shops are called foreign words.

The relevance of the study

The role of the English language in the modern world is obvious. It is the most important communication tool at the international level. A modern person without certain linguistic knowledge cannot use the latest benefits of civilization. All areas of our life in one way or another require knowledge of the English language.

Learning English is becoming more and more popular every year. Any modern person should own it at least at the initial level.

How to learn a foreign language?

Today, English begins to be taught as early as preschool age. Almost all parents realize that knowledge of a foreign language is extremely important. That is why they work hard with their child in this direction. To teach a schoolchild or preschooler, they hire a tutor or send him to special courses.

Recently, many adults also want to learn English. To achieve this goal, you can use the services of a tutor or enroll in appropriate courses. However, you can learn English on your own. To do this, we recommend using educational literature or special video and audio courses.

Summing up

English plays an important role in our life. His knowledge is necessary for people of all ages. English is associated with all spheres of life. Those who want to get a prestigious education or find a well-paid job cannot do without it. According to the information provided in our article, we can conclude that employees who speak English earn more than those who do not know it. This fact can serve as an excellent incentive for learning foreign vocabulary and grammar.