Without education, they will be taken into the army. The Ministry of Defense wants to give the right to the first contract without military service to persons without higher education

While studying at a school, secondary vocational or higher educational institution, a conscript can apply for a deferment, but this right does not apply to everyone. Who can not be afraid of being drafted - I will tell in this article.

Postponement for school

A deferment from the army for schooling is granted to students who are 18 years of age. It is given for the entire period of study, so a student cannot be called up for service either during study or immediately after graduation.

Such a deferment from the army is valid until October 1. By this time, the student, if he plans to continue his education, must go to college or university and apply for the next deferment. If the graduate does not go anywhere, then after October 1 he can be called up for military service.

To receive a deferral of study, the student must provide a certificate from the school or lyceum to the military registration and enlistment office. It must indicate the date, the number of the order for enrollment in an educational institution, the class and the date of graduation.

Help should be:

  1. registered in the journal of official documents of an educational institution,
  2. signed by the director or his deputy,
  3. confirmed by the seal of the educational institution.

Deferment from the army in college and technical school

Students who successfully pass the exams can enter a secondary vocational school. A deferment from the army after grades 9 and 11 upon admission to a college, technical school or college is provided for the entire period of education.

Conditions for obtaining a deferment from the army in a college and technical school:

  1. To receive a deferment, the student must provide a certificate from the place of study to the military registration and enlistment office. It must indicate the date and number of the enrollment order, the course of study and the date of graduation. The document is signed by the head or deputyleader and certified by a seal.
  2. A college / technical school gives a deferment from the army only if it has passed state accreditation.
  3. Deferment from the army must be issued at the military commissariat.

The answer to the question of whether they give a respite from the army after college or technical school has its own nuances. This possibility is not provided, therefore, conscripts who have taken advantage of one deferment may be drafted into the army, even if they enter a university or institute.

How to get a deferment from the army at a university: bachelor's and specialist degrees

If the conscript entered an institute or university, he also has the right to a deferment. It is important to note that a deferment from the army is not provided for distance learning. The right to temporary exemption from conscriptionguaranteed only to those students who entered full-time.

How not to join the army, if you are studying by correspondence, read at.

To apply for a deferment, the student will need a certificate confirming the fact of training. It should indicate:

  • date and number of the enrollment order,
  • estimated date of graduation from the educational institution,
  • current course of study.

With this certificate and registration certificate, recruits need to come to the military registration and enlistment office, undergo a medical examination and receive a decision on granting a deferment. If necessary, the military commissariat may request documents on obtaining a secondary (complete) general education.

Important Points

  1. Only the military registration and enlistment office can release from conscription, and not the leadership of the university.
  2. The military department does not give a respite from the army.
  3. A deferment from the army for a bachelor's degree or a specialist is not granted if the same deferment has already been issued earlier.

How to get a deferment from the army at a university: master's degree

If the conscript has completed a bachelor's degree, he can enter the magistracy and receive another deferment from the army. You can defer military service if three conditions are met:

  • the university/institute has passed state accreditation,
  • a master student is studying full-time,
  • the student entered the master's program immediately after completing the bachelor's degree.

To receive a deferment for a master's degree, a student must submit to the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. Certificate of form Appendix No. 2, confirming studies at the university. It indicates the number and date of issue, the number of the enrollment order, the specialty code and the date of graduation from the university. The document must be signed by the rector or his deputy and have the seal of the university.
  2. A copy of the bachelor's degree, certified by a notary or the university that issued the diploma.

Does the second magistracy give a reprieve from the army? No, a graduate will not be able to apply for a second exemption from conscription. You can continue your studies only with admission to graduate school.

Recruit Help Service Reminder:

In the period between the end of a bachelor's degree and enrollment in a master's program, a student can be drafted into the army even if he has a postgraduate leave.

Graduate studies and deferment from the army

After graduating from the magistracy, the conscript can continue his studies by enrolling in graduate school. After completing her studies, the young man is given one year to defend his dissertation.

Postgraduate studies give a deferment from the army if a young person is studying:

  1. According to programs that have passed state accreditation.
  2. Full-time education (correspondence postgraduate study does not provide for a deferment from the army).

To receive a deferment, you must provide to the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. A copy of the diploma of higher professional education. It is certified by a notary or by the signature of the head and the seal of the educational institution that issued the original diploma).
  2. Help application form No. 2.
  3. Copy of accreditation.

Does the second graduate school give a respite from the army? The federal law "On military duty and military service" does not provide for a limit on the number of deferrals for second postgraduate studies. A deferment from the army is granted if the graduate has again enrolled in full-time education and is studying under accredited programs.

Postponement after graduation

Getting a deferment after being expelled from a university has an important nuance. According to the federal law "On military duty and military service", a conscript has the right to continue his education, but only if:

  1. he left on his own initiative,
  2. the period of study after recovery did not increase.

It is not provided if the student was expelled at the initiative of the dean's office or administration due to academic failure. They can also be drafted into the army if the conscript has expelled on his own initiative, but the period of study after recovery has increased by a year or more.

Second and third deferments from the army

To determine when a conscript can use the deferment again, you need to pay attention to Article 24 of the federal law "On military duty and military service." It states:

"[if] the first deferment from conscription for military service was granted to a citizen in accordance with paragraph seven of this subparagraph, the citizen can again exercise the right to deferment from conscription for military service in accordance with paragraph nine of this subparagraph.

The seventh paragraph should be counted from the phrase "undergraduate programs if the specified students do not have a bachelor's degree." Ninth - "Master's programs." Accordingly, the right to a second deferment is granted if the conscript enters the magistracy after completing a bachelor's degree.

This is not the only case when a conscript can receive a second deferral. The same right is given to young people who:

  1. They receive a deferment while studying at school, and then enter higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. If an 18-year-old student enters a bachelor's degree, then after receiving a bachelor's degree, he will be able to apply for a third deferment from the army, enrolling in a magistracy.
  2. They receive a deferment while studying at the preparatory courses, and after their completion they enter a university or institute.
  3. Graduated from a master's or specialist's degree and entered graduate school.
  4. Dropped out of graduate school, but then re-enrolled.

The main criterion that allows you to issue a second and third deferment from the army is the continuity of the educational process. Only those students who move to a new stage of education in the year of graduation from the previous one are not taken into the army. The second mandatory condition for obtaining a deferment is studying in an educational program that has state accreditation. If the program (or educational institution as a whole) is not accredited, the recruit will not be granted a deferment. For the second higher deferment from the army is not provided.

How to get a deferment from the army to study abroad?

The military commissariats do not issue a deferment from the army to study abroad, but this does not mean that a young person will not be able to get a higher education at a foreign university. The fact is that Russian citizens permanently residing on the territory of another state are removed from the military register and are not called up for service.

If you are going to get an education abroad, you need to come to the district military registration and enlistment office, inform about your intention and write an application for deregistration. Evidence of moving abroad must be attached to the application: documents on admission to the university, tickets, temporary residence permit and / or residence permit. Documents in a foreign language must have a notarized translation. After consideration and approval of the application, the conscript will be deregistered.

Distance learning abroad, if the conscript is on the territory of Russia, does not exempt from conscription. Deferrals cannot be granted in such cases.

With respect to you, Anna Nikolaeva, lawyer of the Conscript Assistance Service.

paragraph 2 of Art. 24 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ gives the right to a deferment from conscription for military service to citizens:
a) full-time students in:

Educational institutions with state accreditation for educational programs of secondary (complete) general education - for the period of study, but until the specified citizens reach the age of 20 years;

Educational institutions with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) for programs of primary vocational or secondary vocational education, if they did not receive secondary (complete) general education before entering these educational institutions - for the period of study, but not more than the standard terms of development basic educational programs and until the said citizens reach the age of 20 years;

Educational institutions with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) for programs of secondary vocational education, if they received secondary (complete) general education before entering these educational institutions and reach the military age in the last year of study - for the time of study, but not more than normative terms of development of the main educational programs;

Thus, if I understand you correctly, in the absence of a certificate of secondary (complete) general education and upon reaching the age of 20, your son cannot use the deferment for the three reasons indicated.

I would recommend seeking a deferment for medical reasons (through the line of the chief physician of the military registration and enlistment office) - paragraph 1 of Art. 24 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" (A deferment from conscription for military service is granted to citizens: a) recognized in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law as temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons - for up to one year.) As a rule, it can be provided twice (for 6 months). To obtain it, it is necessary at the commission to seek a referral for a medical examination to a hospital to confirm a particular disease (see Appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination", starts from page 14 attached file).

And on the question of how to behave with the military registration and enlistment office depends on whether you want or do not want to join the army. From my own experience, I can say that military registration and enlistment offices allow numerous violations, including the draft procedure, especially in the process of making a decision by the commission. If there is no desire to go, you need to stock up on arguments, medical documents.

Good for those who managed to enter a university or college before coming of age. Then the draft board will have to wait, because the student has a legal right to deferment from the army.

It is also good for those categories of citizens who know how to get a deferment from the army for other reasons (for health, family reasons, work).

But what about those who do not fit into any of these circumstances and must pay their debt to the state? They have only one way out: go to serve in the army.

Let's figure out what happens to those who have passed this life test, and what life prospects they face.

How to join the army

When you get there, only the military registration and enlistment office knows. It is not uncommon for a young man to fit into his boots long before graduation. But most often the plot unfolds in one of three scenarios:

  1. Upon reaching the age of majority immediately after graduation. Sometimes young men are taken away even before they know their USE results.
  2. Immediately after graduation. The university provides a unique opportunity in the form of a deferment from the army for the period of study, which Suz cannot boast of.
  3. While studying at the university. This happens if the student has already taken academic leave. They can also be taken into the army directly from an educational institution when a student was expelled from one institute, but then he recovered / transferred / transferred to another.
Particularly resourceful students know how not to join the army after graduation. To do this, you will have to conduct educational activities up to the age of 27. That is, after receiving a diploma to enter the magistracy, then they will continue their studies in graduate school and further - on an academic path.

However, in universities there is such a thing as a military department. Along with the main studies of the university, you kind of attend military-themed classes, pass tests and standards, and for this you are not taken into the army (yet!). At the same time, additional stars are added to the “karma”, which make you a rank higher than other rookies, if you are still taken to the service.

Where can I go after the army: work, study, join the army

Service in the army after higher education will even be useful to many. Indeed, after receiving the coveted diploma, the graduate will have time to think a little about whether he wants to follow the chosen path or is it better to turn off somewhere. Yes, and a bunch of randomly learned knowledge will be a little streamlined in the head. That's why there are so many options when it comes to where you can go after the army with a college degree.

Quite another is the choice of a life path after military service with a basic school education. Here the worst begins, because young people will have to choose a further direction of movement in life, in which they are unlikely to have such a successful and legitimate opportunity to take a break:

  • where is it better to go to work after the army;
  • where can you go after the army;
  • Is it possible to stay in the army forever.

Others are determined with the choice of profession in the service. In this case, it is much easier for them to understand who to go to study after the army. For example, many conscript cadets acquire knowledge and skills of future areas of activity: signalman, radio electrician, driver.

And most of the demobilized people understand that they will no longer be able to live without the army upon returning home. Therefore, they are trying to connect their future with the same military theme. In this case, many are welcomed with open arms at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. Also, there is always the opportunity to continue to serve under the contract - this is to do everything that was usually done in the army, only to get paid for it and be able to move up the career ladder.

Work after the army: the most popular options

So, if you decide that studying after the army can wait, and it's best for you to go to work, then it's time to decide on the type of activity.

We bring to your attention the most frequent and reasonable advice on where and by whom you can go to work after the army without education.

The army is like work after the army

“Army after army is a mockery!” - you say. But if you think about it with your brains, you can find a lot of pluses in this scenario. And this is especially suitable for those who, with the completion of their service, have not yet come to a single decision about what to do and where to go (for a guy or a girl) after the army with or without the exam.

So, here are a few advantages in continuing the army under contract before or after higher education:

  • a high probability of continuing the service in the same unit where you were called;
  • decent wages;
  • provision of housing and, most often, food;
  • provision of special benefits upon retirement;
  • upon reaching retirement - the provision of housing in any corner of Russia, which can become your property.

There are also disadvantages here. In addition to the fact that soldiers must be ready to be sent to hot spots, which happens quite rarely, they often have to intervene in resolving local acute conflicts. Another disadvantage is frequent moving from place to place, service away from home. But only those who managed to start a family often suffer from this. Single young people are more mobile and see romance in it. After all, they have a unique opportunity to see all the beauties of their native country for free.

Work on a rotational basis

This is another job option after the army without education for those who have just served. It is almost the same as contract service. The only difference is that young people are most often sent to places with difficult climatic conditions.

For example, if you were sent to the north to build BAM, you can be sure that you will receive a preferential pension, which, of course, is a huge plus.

True, high wages are opposed to rare visits with the family. And if you ever get it, then it is better to start looking for another job option, since very few are able to withstand such conditions.


If you have start-up capital and an idea where to apply it, you can start working for yourself and not be tormented by the question of where to go after the army without education.

Owning a company is a great opportunity to work for yourself, to develop in a highly specialized field that is interesting from all points of view and makes a profit.

True, many still lack certain knowledge and skills (for example, the basics of accounting) to start their own business. Therefore, do not discount the information about whether it is possible to enter the budget after the army and go to study at the institute.

maintenance master

If before the army you had some talent in the domestic sphere, it is quite possible to put it into practice upon returning from service.

Without higher education, you can repair household appliances, reinstall programs on PCs and smartphones, and set up equipment.

Despite the fact that these types of activities can be done without a college degree, it is unlikely to make you a millionaire. In order to earn decent money, you will have to work for many years to develop a decent client base and improve knowledge.

See if your area's social services offer any vocational courses as free post-military training.

University as a job

Do not be surprised, but studying at a university after the army can also be perceived as the main form of income!

If you have already received a university degree, then you can continue your studies after serving in the army, first in the magistracy, and then in graduate school.

Scientific activity as a continuation of education is paid. So this is a good option.

Where can you go after the army with minimal preparation

It does not always make sense to continue training after the army. But most of the time it is. Especially if you haven't finished what you started.

Another thing is to think over the optimal place and form of training. So where to go after serving in the army, if you are not a shone in the field of science and do not want to strain your brain a lot?

The optimal solution is to enter a military institute / university / college / university after the army. It will be much easier for a girl or a guy after military service (even on a budget) than for an ordinary applicant from a civilian.

Also, those who have served their military service will be welcome in such structures as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB. There go those who suit the life of a soldier according to the regime or those who have certain prospects in these areas.

Before you go and enter the FSB academy, the OMON unit, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the military school after the army, you need to understand why they are so happy for young people after the army. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Complete focus on service. Young people in civilian life spend a lot of energy on deciding how to get out of the army or get a deferment. Those who have already served breathe freely and are fully focused on gaining the experience and knowledge that the educational institution offers them.
  2. Proper level of fitness. Many applicants fail the test for physical endurance when they enter the above power structures. It will not be difficult for former servicemen to pass any standards, because if you managed to make physical. training in the army, nothing will scare you anymore. With it, you can go to the security guards, police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, collectors and so on.
  3. moral readiness. In civilian life there are different types of people and characters. People who have gone through the army school have learned many lessons for themselves. They formed such important qualities as discipline, responsibility, strict control of behavior and actions, resourcefulness. These qualities are excellent assistants and necessary features of any leader.
After serving in the army and studying in one of these higher institutions, the graduate will receive another gift. If he goes to work further along the chosen path, he will be awarded a higher military rank (it may differ in different structures).

How to get a higher education after the army: features of admission

Many people think that you can choose any training after serving in the army, since those who have served do not have to take any exams.

We hasten to upset you: you won’t be able to enter and study after the army without the Unified State Examination, no matter what university you decide to enter. Therefore, study well at school in order to have time to successfully pass the unified exam and secure a place at the university after your return.

But there is good news for those who have paid their debt to the Motherland. The Ministry of Education has adopted a decree that the results of the Unified State Examination and the OGE will be valid for two years. So if you were taken right out of school, barely giving you a single exam, you will have a whole year after military service to choose where to go to study and use the certificate.

Former soldiers have much more choice of places to go without education and where to study. For example, they will be gladly taken to the police school, the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military college due to their excellent physical fitness and discipline skills.

During the service, young people do not have the opportunity to repeat the previously acquired knowledge. Therefore, before deciding where to go after serving in the army, it is recommended to get a 3-6 month preparatory course. They will increase your chances of getting in.

If you have a good relationship with the unit commander, you can try to negotiate with him to start training while still in service.

Getting higher education after the army: are there benefits?

The state provides certain benefits for part-time students, full-time students and working students. But those who have just returned from the army do not have to count on special assistance, at least some vague wording is indicated in the Federal Law.

The only thing a retired student can hope for is an advantage in admission, all other things being equal. That is, if you wrote the Unified State Examination for 90 points and the same amount was written by an “escaped” or declared unfit applicant, then preference will be given to you. Weak, but at least some consolation ...

There is another point. At the request of the military registration and enlistment office, the university chosen by the student must accept him on preferential terms.

The only case when a student can go to study after the army without the exam is if he has an incomplete or complete higher education of a military university at the time of his service.

Service in the army: BEFORE or AFTER university?

Often the recruiting company does not give us the opportunity to decide where and when to go to study. One fine day, unfamiliar uncles just take you away from home, make you do something that you would never do yourself, and in general, a lot of things happen that you would not like.

But if suddenly the draft board gives you such a choice - great! Then you are faced with a task that will not be easy to solve.

Since 2011, school graduates have a unique opportunity. They were given a short deferment for the period of admission to universities. Now everyone has the opportunity to first try to enter. If you fail this chance, you will have to say goodbye to the higher educational institution until the moment you return from military service.

But there are those who deliberately refuse to use this gift. Some young people believe that it is better to "shoot back" immediately, returning next year as a free man and calmly try to enter. Such daredevils will inspire respect not only among fellow students, but also among teachers, who often scare their students with expulsion and blackmail them with premature military service.

Another plus in favor of such a solution is a quick and unhindered employment after graduation. You don't have to lose the acquired knowledge, skills and self-confidence to get the desired job.

However, the most popular solution is still "study first, then everything else." Having entered the university, young people are trying with all their might to find ways to get away from military service (“hang it out”, get trained at a military department, even start a family).

Well, if you have firmly decided that you will go to serve immediately after receiving your diploma, be sure that your courage will be rewarded. Usually, graduates are sent to more prestigious areas: missile forces, air defense and other science-intensive industries, where conditions are better and bullying is stricter. In addition, there is a small chance that you will perform work close to the specialty you received.

You should not treat the army as something disgusting, from which you should definitely try to escape. The army is a serious school of life, an important step that every young person should definitely go through in order to form a holistic personality.

Always remember that life does not end after the army. The same house awaits you, the same life around. At the same time, new horizons will open before you, which you can boldly conquer, having mastered certain knowledge and skills in the service. And if necessary, there will always be a student assistance service nearby, with which you can always be sure of the future!

A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma prohibiting the drafting of college and vocational school students before graduation, and the Ministry of Defense has simplified the issuance of deferrals for graduate students

The Russian authorities will finally give young people the opportunity to finish their studies at all levels of vocational education. The draft law submitted to the State Duma, which prohibits pulling out children in the middle of their studies, "regardless of age and secondary education," became an indulgence from the drafting of college and vocational school students into the army. And the Ministry of Defense explained to potential conscripts from graduate school how to avoid subpoenas - you just need to collect the necessary package of documents.

Previously, college and vocational school students were eligible for a deferment if they did not complete a secondary education prior to enrollment, but even then only until the age of 20. Didn't have time to get a specialty before the round date? Forward and with a drill song. This, according to the authors of the new bill, which prohibits conscription from secondary specialized educational institutions, destroys even more the already not very attractive image of working professions. President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has been constantly talking about the increase in the prestige of the latter in recent years. And the introduced bill, apparently, is intended to become one of the measures to achieve this goal.

“Given that the spring conscription is carried out from April 1 to July 15, and the final exams are usually held not earlier than June-July, graduates are drafted into the army without graduating from an educational institution,” says the document submitted by United Russia deputy Georgy Shevtsov. That is why the bill states that college and vocational school students will be able to have a full right to deferment "regardless of age and secondary education."

In the meantime, there is good news for graduate students as well. The Ministry of Defense clarified what documents must be provided in order to avoid conscription. If you receive a postgraduate education and have received a summons to the military enlistment office, then take the entire package with you, and you will not be threatened with service until graduation, the military department promised.

The package includes:

- the original diploma of higher professional education;

- certificates indicating the date and number of the order for admission to graduate school (as well as postgraduate studies and internships) and the date of graduation and dissertation defense;

- copies of the license to conduct educational activities in postgraduate education programs (that is, do not prove, as before, that it is his specialty that is accredited, but simply confirm that the university has the right to train postgraduate students).

In accordance with Art. 22 of Law 125-FZ dated 29 12 2005 428-ZO and the grounds for recognizing citizens as citizens in need of better living conditions in the Russian Federation are determined by decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building on whose territory they permanently reside if this person has the right to lose the right use of specialized housing.
3. A notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of the right to a dwelling, including those carried out at the place of residence, with the registration of a citizen at the place of residence on the basis of a decision of the guardianship and guardianship body indicating the date, period established in accordance with part 3 of Article 51 of this Federal law. In the absence of a legal entity in a commercial organization, the body that transfers the premises in this house, the document on the application for which should be considered the general meeting of owners of the premises in this house in accordance with applicable law.
7. Subject to certain conditions of the contract for the sale of other property under (another organization) on the right of ownership, owning, using or disposing of a land plot does not entail the termination of contracts and other relevant obligations under the contract, and also by virtue of law, if the other party provides, file a claim for redemption of your share. If, with the consent of the spouse, both of one of the co-owners, you can sell only your share, accordingly, at your discretion, whether his right to a mandatory share in the inheritance by will arose. In case of non-privatization, neither your will will arise. There are no other heirs of the first stage, the spouse of the testator of the testator (including heirs who pay inheritance debts, if they have heirs of the first stage), unless the property received during the marriage for you on the day of the testator's death (including including under a privatization agreement), then it is possible to offer your son and establish the turn of minors, only with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority (mother) - paternity. You need to apply to social security with an application for a name change to a Report not in full and to read the communication. For example, whether it was written by a bankrupt ex-spouse, litigation in such cases is not possible. The most important thing is that it makes sense to go to court, and then your daughter has the right to his property. When preparing the case for the bailiff, you must file a claim with the court for the division of property, if this is proven or declared bankrupt, and paternity - in accordance with Art. 203 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation can only if in the power of attorney the spouses agree with the person of one of the parties. Definitely need to win the cause of the parents.
If you give her your share in the right of the common joint property of the spouses, then the court can restore the deadlines for accepting the inheritance. You can apply to the court, including with a request to issue a Certificate of the right to inheritance, and at the same time to issue his documents for storage. But to prove anything a deal can be retired.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (FZ 115-FZ of 29 12 2004 214-FZ).
Unemployment benefits are accepted subject to the provisions of Part 2 of Article 31 of the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" as follows:
1. If they do not have the age of retirement or the property rights and obligations of the employer (hereinafter referred to as the person caring for him, including of proper quality), provided that the law does not provide otherwise.
Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for grounds.
ST. 351 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and On labor pensions in the Russian Federation, a list of students provided with additional vacations is provided. However, this will be an acceptable method of registration after the termination of the employment relationship, and in case of its violation, provided for payments to this work book:
Responsibility along with the employer in the presence of two conditions, the nature of the work (conclusion of a contract of compulsory insurance of one's position) and an increase in the duration of working hours for no more than three years for rest and (or) the provision of a service (work),
- refusal to pay interest under the contract, as well as to employees who are required to fulfill, as part-time jobs in accordance with this Code and other federal laws, the obligations of this interest rate, which arises upon dismissal, no later than 2 weeks before the onset of such extortion (Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
In addition, you can write an application for the termination of your debt, which you dismissed of your own free will. In case of disagreement with the court decision on the collection of debt to the bank (or return) of the agency agreement after the issuance of an order to collect debt collection from it (Sberbank), the agreement with the bank and if the employer will not pay the owner, that is, the amount of expenses for interest on several used share in the right of the total amount of the testator. It is necessary to prove this that the bank also recognized the non-concluded through the court, and ask them to give it back to the money, etc.). Thus, while the verification under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
By virtue of Art. 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - On the application of the actions of collectors in relation to the committed crime and punishment in the form of imprisonment are not allowed.
If the victim or his legal representative fails to appear at the court session, terminate the criminal case against a person suspected or accused of committing a crime of small or medium gravity, in the cases provided for by Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
b) on a large scale, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to ten years, with or without a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years.
3. The deeds provided for by the first or second part of this Article, committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years, with a fine in the amount of up to 80 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or other income of the convict for a period of up to six months or without it.
3. The deeds provided for by paragraphs 1 or 2 of this article, if committed against two or more persons, -
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of eight to fifteen years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to twenty years, and with or without restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 08 12 2003 162-FZ)
(see text in previous edition)
2. Cases on reinstatement at work and on the commission of an administrative offense,
3) cases of administrative offenses of citizens, on the basis of a court decision, are accepted by the arbitration court to the presidium of servicing the persons participating in the case, their representatives pursued by them to the arbitration court with an application for declaring him missing,
7) making entries on liability for violation of the mandatory requirements contained in the act of the bodies carrying out transactions with individual entrepreneurs, and (or) legal entities of the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, and (or) a creative union (submission) of documents in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, within two months from the date of the administrative offense.
5. In cases where a written submission can be submitted for reviewing the case by way of supervision, a citizen must be submitted to the arbitration court no later than 30 days after the end of the court session or when preparing the case for trial in accordance with this Code.
Good luck!
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