What to do if there is not enough tactile contact. Psychology

Some psychologists claim that the aroma is not chosen by the person himself, but by his mood at the moment. Some of them are of the opinion that the perception of aroma occurs at an unconscious level and can even provoke a break in relationships that seemed ideal.

Most women in the arsenal have several bottles of fragrant liquids, used "in the mood." And this is the right decision.

In the previous article, we reviewed . Today we will touch on the topic of how to assemble for yourself a set "in the mood", which will perfectly complement your image in any life situation and become part of your image.

So that the people around you can fall in love with you from the first breath, let's look at some of the nuances of choosing incense for each case.

“Smells change with our mood, intriguing those around us.”
Evelyn Lauder.

The best perfume manufacturers - which company to choose

The shelves of perfume boutiques are full of bottles of various shapes and sizes. Most aesthetes turn their attention to luxury brands of perfume, worth tens of thousands of rubles. They forget that a high-quality persistent fragrance can be found among little-known brands for adequate money, the main thing is that it suits you.

At the same time, the five leading brands are still true legends of the perfume industry:

  • Dior;
  • Chanel;
  • Nina Ricci;
  • Lancome;
  • Hugo Boss.

The fragrances of these companies are considered the best all over the world and are in demand among world-famous stars. Here you can find a large selection of unusual flavors, one of which is sure to suit you.

"A woman who does not wear perfume has no future."
Coco Chanel.

A few years ago ELLE magazine released a ranking of the 11 most iconic fragrances of all time. Just take a look at these titles:

  1. CHANEL N°5

More than sure - you have learned more than half of the names. And some of them may even have been used. These fragrances have taken their star place for a reason. The combination of incongruous, charming aftertaste of aromas made them leaders in demand.

How much can perfume cost?

The price of a bottle of fragrant liquid depends not only on the brand of the manufacturer, but also on the type of perfume and its durability:

Alcoholic women's fragrances fluctuate in the range from 200 rubles to 32,000 rubles per bottle. The exception is sweetish compositions. They reach a price of up to 14,000 rubles.

Oil perfumes for women they also start at 200 rubles. The limit of their cost is 26 thousand rubles for single stamps.

So called unisex start from 300 rubles per bottle. The observed maximum is 23,000 rubles.

Purely men's fragrances start at 1,000 rubles and can reach a limit of 18,000 rubles per bottle.

Why such a difference in seemingly similar types of perfumes? Let's take a closer look:

Composition and concentration of perfume

The composition of perfumery products includes 2-3 main components, as well as a base or solvent.

The base can be oil or alcohol (pure or diluted alcohol).

Oil based perfume softer and more natural. Alcohol flavors are unpredictable.

Oil perfumes are just coming into fashion and are produced by some Middle Eastern companies. We are more accustomed to alcohol options.

Intensity aftertaste gives the concentration of aromatic substances. She can reach up to 30% in alcohol solution.

If the percentage of components up to 20- this species is called perfumed water. If below 10%, then it is already Eau de Toilette.

The persistence of the aftertaste of such incense is not great.

How to evaluate perfume?

“In order to perfume yourself as best as possible, you need to ... disperse them in the air in front of you and go forward. Perfume is like love, you can’t skimp here. We must give ourselves to them completely and completely, and not a little here, a little there.
Estee Lauder.

Spirit class

This parameter takes into account the quality of the components used in the composition:

luxury- the highest category. This category is assigned to perfumes consisting of 100% natural ingredients. They represent the upper price limit. Since they are most often produced in a limited series or a single copy for a specific order.

AT- All other perfumes, which are almost 100% synthetic, can be tied to this category. These may include extracts from plants, which are easier to obtain naturally than in a laboratory. Most often they are clones of well-known brands, similar in flavor, but less persistent.

Aroma persistence

Perfume is perhaps one of the most concentrated inventions in the perfume industry. Many of them retain their aroma aftertaste for many hours after application. Their durability depends on many factors.

Aquatic and citrus perfumes are the weakest. Their fragrance stays on the skin for a maximum of 6 hours.
Floral and fruit compositions retain their fragrance for up to 8 hours.

But chypre and woody are the most persistent aromas.

Perfume plume

To remember sillage feeling, resurrect in your memory such words as: amber, bouquet of aromas and fragrance. Each of them is felt at a different distance. This is the loop.

Be aware of the smell man himself is not able. It is felt only by those around you. After all, if only you feel the smell, then the perfume does not have a plume. Optimal composition allows you to feel your presence at arm's length.

Quality cable will be felt at a distance of a couple of meters from you. But if your fragrance fills the entire room in which you work ...

Fragrances with a strong sillage should be chosen only if your main activity takes place in a fairly spacious office or on the street. Otherwise, your colleagues will avoid you.

For work in small offices, choose perfumes that are felt with close contact.

Choose perfume by style

"Perfume is the same clothes."
Coco Chanel.

Smell and hair color

Often at an unconscious level, others expect from women with a certain type of appearance "of their scent". Sometimes, when they see that their stereotypes do not fit, they talk about the wrong choice of perfume.

Also perfume industry professionals It is said that women with different hair colors make different choices when choosing certain fragrances:

Blondes are considered more gentle and sensitive natures. They are also credited with frivolity. Therefore, they are associated with more delicate notes: fresh fruits, delicate flowers, refreshing aromas.

redheads they prefer invigorating, tonic aromas. They are attracted by the sweet, alluring scent.

brown hair love everything spicy, rich. The aromas of the forest, honey compositions, fruit incense are more suitable for them. You can stock up on various flavors of the East.

brunettes they can easily use the richest, thickest odors. In their arsenal, women with bright black hair can have sandalwood, patchouli, and musky perfumes. The main thing is not to be too tart.

If you find it difficult to choose between brands, make a decision based on your hair type. However, hair color is not the final argument in favor of a particular vial. Remember also about age, status and skin type.

Indeed, under the seemingly romantic appearance of a blonde, a pragmatic and strong personality can be hidden. And a seemingly strong and strong-willed brunette in communication can show her tender essence.

Therefore, a confident owner of blond hair can use a woody or chypre perfume. So a romantic brunette may well suit the aromas of freshness, fruity tones.

How to choose a perfume fragrance for cold and warm "type" of skin?

That, how long the fragrance will last depends not only on the characteristics of its durability. The properties of our skin play an important role in the opening of the fragrance.

You can go to a party with your girlfriend using one bottle of perfume. After a while, you will begin to understand that the fragrance coming from both of you is different. It is important - in what form your skin returns the smell accepted by it.

One of the factors that influence the development of a fragrance is your skin temperature. Do not confuse with body temperature.

It will depend on this how well you will be fragrant.

Perfume and season

When choosing perfumes to complement your own image, it is worth considering such a factor as the time of year. Different ambient temperatures affect how the fragrance develops in different ways.

Perfume for spring

In spring, when nature begins to reveal itself in its splendor, you want lightness and more light. This season it is worth taking a closer look at citrus aromas, perfumes with hints of spring flowers.

Perfume for summer

In summer, the period when your skin is as open as possible, the skin is warmer. It quickly reacts to perfume components and gives out aroma. And the natural desire of a person will feel freshness and coolness.

That is why summer compositions are always gentle. In summer, you can use light floral, honey, sweet perfumes, basil, mint, rosemary ... The aroma of summer is light and airy.

Perfume for autumn

In autumn, the body needs comfort. Try perfumes with aromas of wild berries, lavender, saffron. Those smells that you associate with the comfort of your home.

Perfume for the winter

In winter, the smell does not open immediately, but lasts longer. Therefore, more persistent bright aromas are suitable. However, when choosing, remember that warm clothes, especially fur ones, perfectly absorb all odors.

For the winter it is worth stocking up on spicy sensual incense, perhaps even with oriental notes. You can choose muscat motifs or woody aromas. To create a feeling of warmth, woody-moss smells can also help.

When choosing fragrances by season, you can get lost. To buy without fear, study the classics: brands that have already won their place and remain popular year after year.

Consider the occasion for the spirits

“Perfume is the dot over the i in a well-groomed appearance, elegant or fashionable look, as beauty becomes volatile with them.”

Today in the world there are many thousands of different brands of perfumes and eau de toilette. Choose your fragrance depending on the place where you plan to go:

During business hours do not pour a bottle of oriental fragrances on yourself. Although, if you want to scare away all your colleagues, then perhaps ... At work, choose tonic and refreshing fragrances, giving yourself a chance to become the soul of any company.

In the theatre you can smell light floral notes.

In a restaurant in addition to an evening dress, you can wear something rich and mysterious.

Youth style in no way combined with the recognized classics of Chanel No5. Ripped jeans, frayed sneakers and a baseball cap pair perfectly with the scents of grass and sea breeze.

Ethno style allows you to roam in the choice of rich aromas. Herbal perfumes with notes of sage or rosemary, oriental fragrances are quite appropriate.

What smells attract you the most?

Aromas of seduction sometimes strike on the spot. To charm the opposite sex and encourage him to take action, it is enough to choose the right perfume. The natural smell of a freshly washed body with a well-found perfume composition will complement the feeling of you.

At the first meetings with an interested person, it is worth avoiding pungent odors. Make a choice in favor of subtle, felt only with close contact with you.

Scientists have noticed that fruit notes do not cause a culinary appetite in men at all. And the aromas of ylang-ylang can even arouse passion. But they win to attract.

And when it comes to bed, you should use a light scent of patchouli or eucalyptus.

Male perfumers compare jasmine to a natural feminine fragrance. Use it.

What scents attract men?

The fragrance must accentuate your look and match your personality. Imagine your character - how you see yourself. Have you felt the harmony between your character and the scent you breathe? He is yours.

Women are ambiguous and contradictory creatures. In this case, it is worth keeping on your dressing table immediately fragrances for all moods.

Remember that smell can help you improve mood, induce to action or vice versa - calm the nerves.

You intuitively know What flavor suits you best. What smell can emphasize all your advantages. What notes can breathe into you the state you need.

Perfumes are enough intimate thing. And only you yourself are able to hear your body, how it responds to the aroma. Listen to your heart.

When choosing a perfume, you need to know a few rules so that when you buy toilet water (perfume), you would not be disappointed in your choice of smell. These rules for choosing a perfume are not complicated, but very useful, because the scent of perfume you have chosen should bring pleasant sensations not only to others, but also to you.

PERFUME SELECTION RULE No. 1: In order to smell perfume more vividly when choosing it, on the day when you are going to buy eau de toilette (perfume), you should not use perfume, i.e. you should not use any perfumes that create odors, otherwise, you will not smell the scent of your chosen perfume as brightly as you could. We recommend that you read

PERFUME RULE #2: While in a perfume shop, in no case should you listen to smells by applying them to yourself, for example, on your wrist, clothes, etc., also, in no case should you spray it in the air, sniff the perfume cap and use reusable sponges to apply perfume. Why can't this be done? These methods will not allow you to smell the real smell that perfume smells like. For example, wearing more than one type of perfume on your wrist will blend the scents and give you a completely different scent, while spraying it in the air will give you a concentrate without the subtle notes of perfume. In order to smell perfume (perfumes), you need to use special paper strips, which, as a rule, are available in all large, self-respecting perfume stores. Take the paper strip in your hand, take it away from you at arm's length and spray one perfume on the strip at a distance of about 10 centimeters from the paper. After that, the paper must be ventilated so that the pungent smell of perfume disappears, for this, wave the strip at arm's length and, only after that, you can listen to the smell of perfume.

PERFUME RULE #3: Remember that after listening to two or three perfume smells in a row, you will slightly lose sensitivity, and you will hear subsequent smells much worse, so it is not recommended to listen to more than 3-5 fragrances at a time. But, if you still want to hear more than 3 aromas, then after each listening to the perfume you have chosen, smell the coffee beans, they are in all major perfume stores and are located on the shelves along with perfumes.

PERFUME RULE #4: Remember that the smell of perfume may change slightly over time, so to be completely sure of your choice, take the test strips with you, with which you listened to the smell of perfume, and listen to them again in an hour, only then you will hear the true smell, how yours will smell. perfume.


PERFUME SCENT RULE #1: If we talk about whether the smell of perfume is universal for all occasions, we will definitely say no. In some cases, a soft subtle fragrance is needed, and in some cases, a harsh and sharp fragrance of perfume, this may depend on the situation or on the shape and color of the clothes. But we will definitely say that in the wardrobe of a man and a woman there should be at least three different perfumes, so that you can choose the smell for each individual case. We recommend that you read

PERFUME SCENT RULE #2: When choosing a perfume for the seasons, we advise you on the following selection of scents, but this is relative to our interests, which may not coincide with yours. So in winter it is better to choose a perfume scent that emphasizes the notes of expensive furs and leather, for example, a tart pungent woody smell. In summer, we recommend choosing a fragrance that has sweet floral scents that emphasize the summer blooming season. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to use a neutral smell of perfume, although in autumn you can choose colder notes of perfume, and warmer notes in spring in order to be closer to summer.

PERFUME SMELL RULE #3: Also, when choosing a perfume, you can focus on hair color. For example, it is accepted that fragrances with fresh and floral notes are well suited for blondes, which are very in harmony with their snow-whiteness. For brunettes, you should opt for spicy, intoxicating and pungent perfume smells. If your hair color is red, then we recommend choosing a perfume with notes of caressing, strong and slightly bright smell.

PERFUME SCENT RULE #4: When the choice of perfume smell is made, it is worth deciding on a bottle, since a large bottle is much cheaper than a small one, but it is not convenient to carry it in your purse, but a small bottle is more expensive than a large one (if you calculate the cost per 1 ml of perfume), but it can be easily carry in a small purse and use when necessary.

PERFUME SCENT RULE #5: When choosing a perfume, pay attention to what exactly you are buying, "Toilet water", "Perfume", "Perfume water". So Perfume is the most concentrated, respectively, the most long-lasting, after the perfume will go perfume water, which has a concentration of 2-3 times less than perfume. Eau de toilette will have the most unstable aroma, their smell may disappear within an hour after application.


Coco Chanel claimed that the smell of perfume predicts the approach of a woman, and makes you remember her even after she is gone.

The correct selection of perfumes emphasizes the female individuality, gives the woman a certain charm and mystery.

Let's find out how to choose the right perfume depending on the temperament, the season and the notes that make up the perfume composition.

Main types of fragrances

There are a huge number of smells on our planet. Perfumers use only a few of their types in their work.

  1. Aromas of freshness - reminiscent of morning dew, clean air, freshly cut grass.
  2. Fruity aromas - strawberry, raspberry, peach.
  3. Floral aromas - flowering meadows, the smell of plants blooming in the garden.
  4. Aromas of the East - sweet, tart, exciting.
  5. Spicy aromas - spices and spices.
  6. The aroma of chypre is the smell of forests, mosses and leaves.
  7. Woody aromas are tart smells of different types of trees.

How to choose the right perfume?

Experts believe that the sweet fragrance suits the sensual brunette, floral scent, blonde and brown-haired with fair and matte skin. Fresh and fruity scent, best suited for women with fair skin and hair. Tart aroma, oriental brown-haired woman and brunette with fair skin.

It is equally important to know how to choose perfumes according to the zodiac sign. The intense, lingering scents characteristic of Aries are not at all suitable for Taurus, who prefer herbaceous and floral aromas. Geminis tend to change fragrances several times a day, picking them up for a momentary mood, and Cancers are well suited for a range of fragrances that resemble a summer breeze.

Leos often prefer elegant fragrances, and Virgos rarely choose one perfume, preferring the constant search for perfect perfumes.

Libras love the classics, while Scorpios are not averse to experimenting with complex palettes with hidden power.

When choosing perfumes, it is necessary to take into account the mood. Therefore, perfumers advise women to have several types of perfumes at home that they can use for different moods.

The same applies to the use of perfumes at different times of the year and weather. In warm weather, it is recommended to use light, floral and fruity fragrances. In cold weather, apply an oriental, spicy and pungent fragrance.

When choosing a perfume for yourself, it should be borne in mind that their notes will mix with the natural smell of the skin itself, as well as the cosmetics that are applied to it - cream, powder, and other cosmetic substances that give their aroma, may conflict with the aroma of perfume.

The smell of a beloved woman remains in the memory of any man for a long time. A woman should know that the smell of her perfume can keep or repel a man.

It has long been recognized that most men dislike strong-smelling perfumes. They prefer the fragrance to be gentle and soft. Fruit, strawberry and apple smells excite a man.

A huge sexual attraction is exerted on a man by essential oils. For example, ylang-ylang essential oil is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. Cause sexual attraction and such essential oils, in which there are notes of musk, jasmine, sandalwood, patchouli, etc.

Perfume with the smell of vanilla, stand in a special place. A woman smelling of vanilla at any age looks young and beautiful in the eyes of a man. Perfumes with sweet smells of chocolate or coconut can attract the attention of men. If it comes to sexual relations, scents containing ginger or eucalyptus will help.

Aroma with notes of jasmine makes even an ugly woman attractive in men's eyes.

“Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He announces the appearance of a woman and continues to remind her when she left.

Coco Chanel.

How to choose the very “own” fragrance? What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume? Where can't perfume be applied? Why do some fragrances suffocate after application? The rules for choosing an individual perfume fragrance are very, very multifaceted. How not to make a mistake with the aroma? 5 tips for choosing perfumes from CashForBrands.

5 secrets of perfume selection

1. There is a misconception that if the fragrance ceases to be felt after application, then this is definitely “your” smell. This is not true. If you stopped hearing the sound x after application means your body protects you from tiring odors so as not to overload the olfactory system.

2. If you are thinking about how to choose a perfume, then it is best to do it in the morning, when the brain is not yet overloaded with other smells. In one trip to the store, you can listen to several fragrances, put the three you like on the tester and only one- which you like the most - put on the wrist.

3. Perfumers advise apply fragrance to certain hot spots on the body. These include the area on the neck near the artery, wrists, elbow creases, knees, and shoulders.

4. It happens that after applying the fragrance "suffocates". This is a physiological reaction: an allergy or vasospasm. If you really liked the aroma, but there is too much of it, you can use the trick - apply it to the area between the shoulder blades.

5. A lot of people, after applying the fragrance, begin to rub it. It is not right. Alcohol should evaporate naturally- you need the perfume spray stain to completely disappear. Only then, after about 20 minutes, you can listen to the aroma and distinguish its other notes.

Fragrance families

Chypre and green

Smells of hay, moss, fresh grass, geranium, lavender, honeysuckle, bergamot, green tea. Examples are Chanel No19, Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden, Into The Blue by Givenchy.


Synthetic fragrances that only open when exposed to heat on the skin. A bright representative is the most famous Chanel No. 5 fragrance. Examples are Climat by Lancome, Very Frank Olivier Women by Frank Olivier.


The most common family in women's perfumery. Contains scents of rose, lily of the valley, jasmine, lilac, lily, peony, mimosa, carnation, violet, magnolia, chrysanthemum, narcissus, etc. Champs Elysees by Guerlain, Eternity Moment by Calvin Klein.


Aromas of apple, pear, apricot, pineapple, orange, peach, papaya and other fruits. These are Lemon Fresca by Guerlain, Touch of Pink Women by Lacoste, Paloma Picasso by Paloma Picasso, Amor Amor in a flash EDT by Cacharel.

Leather fragrances

Tobacco, moss, juniper, birch tar, fire smoke. Leather fragrance Scandal by Livin, Cuir de Russie by Chanel, Colonia Leather by Acqua di Parma, Par Amour by Clarins. Rarely used in women's fragrances, they are suitable for extraordinary and self-confident people. In the end, only you decide which perfume to choose.


Smells of sandalwood, rosebush and patchouli, dry cedar, myrtle, musk and blue iris. These include Truth Women by Calvin Klein, Dolce Vita by Dior, Carolina Women by Carolina Herrera, Trussardi Fresh by Trussardi.

Oriental notes

Vanilla, cinnamon, clove, jasmine, tuberose, musk, patchouli and sandalwood. If you do not know which perfume to choose for an evening out, this is the best option. These include Opium by Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry Brit Red by Burberry, Chanel Allure Women by Chanel.

Sea scents

Freesia, green apple, citrus, synthetic notes. These fragrances are preferred by young girls or business women - Dune by Cristian Dior, L'eau par Kenzo by Kenzo.