What kind of pyramid on the Novorizhsky famine. Pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway: myths and reality

On the territory of the former Union there are 17 pyramids erected by the Famine - in Bashkiria, Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod, Voronezh, Tver regions.

Hunger builds pyramids from fiberglass. It is known that the Egyptian pyramids are made of stone blocks and there is not a single piece of metal in them. In the pyramids of Hunger, metal is also not used: glass blocks are fastened together with rods of the same material, planted on glue. In the "material" issue, Hunger agrees with the ancient Egyptians, but he has a special point of view about the size and shape. Fundamental divergence from Egyptian standards
is as follows: Hunger is convinced that the pyramid should be built according to the proportions of the golden section, that is, its base should be smaller, and the height relative to the base should be larger. The pyramids of Hunger are, as it were, more slender, stretched upwards, stretching towards the cosmos and cosmic energies.

Hunger believes that all the troubles shaking our country are the result of the curvature of space, which in Russia takes on catastrophic proportions. Pyramids, says Hunger, straighten space, radiating life-giving energy around them for many kilometers. If build
a sufficient number of pyramids, it is possible to save Russia from misfortunes - both political and social.

What do the pyramids already built by the Famine really do? Let's turn to the facts. And the facts say: it is possible that the pyramids are indeed capable of working miracles. As soon as it was placed

Seliger pyramid, the water in the lake became clear, which has not been observed for many years. Lake crayfish reappeared in the water; for the first time in many years, storks nested in the vicinity of Seliger. Along the riverbed flowing next to the pyramid, springs opened up, which they will not even mention
the oldest local elders. Flowers appeared, long listed in the Red Book...

The active range of the 22-meter pyramid is 120 kilometers, and it will grow over the years. However, the whole of Russia definitely does not fit into a circle with a diameter of 120 km. What to do? Hunger argues that there is no need to cover the entire country with pyramids. Subject or
the substance that has been inside the pyramid and saturated with its miraculous energies is also suitable for rescue work. It is only necessary to decompose these items around the "object of care" in a closed loop. An experiment was conducted: in 1998, Alexander Efimovich
buried the stones lying in the pyramid on the territory of several correctional colonies in the Tver region. Result: the death rate among prisoners immediately decreased by three and a half times, malicious violations of the regime - by two. The killings have stopped...

The physical effects observed in the zone of action of the pyramids are no less impressive than the social effects. The space above the pyramid becomes opaque for centimeter waves. It turned out that there is a multi-kilometer ion column above the pyramid, like above the others
heavy-duty power facilities (above nuclear power plants, for example). The ion column is more than useful for improving the atmosphere - with its help, the ozone holes above and around the pyramids are successfully tightened.

The author's statements that the shape of the pyramids he proposes harmonizes the structure of the surrounding space, bringing it into line with the ideal proportion of the golden section and thereby correcting the defects caused by the unreasonable activities of both the community of people and nature itself:

Sections of the Space of the Universe with sufficiently dense material objects (for example, the Solar System) undergo changes (curvature) of their structure under the influence of the mental activity of the Mind, which is inadequate to its Habitat. … The result of the distortion of its (space) structure deviation from the state of Harmony is all earthly troubles: diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tensions, economic cataclysms, lack of spirituality, a decline in morality.

To date, there is no information about any positive changes in relation to the environmental situation, health care, terrorism and crime in the territories adjacent to the Hunger pyramids. According to the conclusion of Academician E. Kruglyakov, chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience, the magical properties of the pyramids declared by A. Golod and their other builders have no scientific basis.

Design features

A distinctive feature of the Hunger pyramids is that in them the proportion of the golden section is applied to the ratio of the diameters of neighboring balls, sequentially inscribed in a regular tetrahedral pyramid. When this condition is met, the ratio of the height of the pyramid to the side of the square lying at its base is 2.05817 ..., and the angle between the faces of the pyramid is ≈ 27.3 °, which gives it a characteristic pointed appearance. Pyramids of Hunger are assembled from prefabricated fiberglass panels or blocks. The use of metal elements is not allowed. When planning, the pyramid is oriented in space along the Earth meridian (with its edge in the direction of the North Star).


Experimental Models

  • Ramen pyramid. Installed in the early 90s of the last century on the territory of a greenhouse in the Ramensky district of the Safonovsky rural district of the Moscow region. Made from foam. The height of the pyramid is 11 m.
The building has now been dismantled.
  • Seliger pyramid. Installed in the summer of 1997 near the city of Ostashkov on the shores of Lake Seliger. The height of the pyramid is 22 meters.
According to A. Golod, this pyramid is a source, presumably, of ionizing radiation, which affects the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and activates the processes of biocenosis in the environment. This statement has not been scientifically confirmed. And Golod claimed that after the installation of the pyramid: “ the military drew attention to the fact that operators on the screens of locators operating at a wavelength of 10 cm observe an ionized column above the structure ..." Academician E. Kruglyakov questions this message: " For an answer to this question, I turned to Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. A. Kokoshin, former First Deputy Minister of Defense (1992-1997) and Secretary of the Security Council (1998), who said that any information about the observation air defense means of the so-called "ion column" over the pyramid of A. Golod ... he did not receive» . In addition to performing the main function - " harmonization» surrounding space, the pyramid is also used for the production of crystalline « information matrices", used in the construction of smaller pyramids. It currently operates as a tourist facility and a commercial enterprise for the implementation of " information copies» pyramids, as well as water, minerals, natural crystals, souvenirs, etc. with « transferred” on them with healing and other “positive” properties of the pyramid. The pyramid on the Novorizhskoye Highway, thanks to the opinion that certain circles of the population have about its “beneficial” effect on a person, is the subject of pilgrimage.

Special Purpose Pyramids

  • In 1998, in the city of Tolyatti, a pyramid was installed on the roof of the VIZAVI medical center, called the Golod-Groysman pyramid. Doctor of Medical Sciences V. A. Groysman states:

We put medicines in the pyramid. Some patients were treated with those that had been in the pyramid, others with ordinary ones. So, in the first, the ulcer healed earlier ... In our country, thousands of elderly people passed through the pyramid. Everyone felt an improvement in health. The pressure in hypertensive patients decreased, pain in the joints disappeared, the head stopped hurting ... I think we are on the verge of a world-class discovery

« I confirm the results, but we haven't done any research since.”- later the director of the VIZAVI center Alexander Grebennikov spoke about this.
  • In 1992, in Bashkiria, at the Ishimbai oil field, 2 pyramid complexes were installed (four pyramids in each). According to the developer:
« A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well flow rate increased accordingly.» . Media reports confirming or refuting this technological achievement have not yet been found.
  • Several Pyramids 22 and 11 meters high were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant in order to improve the environmental situation in the region.
« However, for some reason, local residents are very skeptical. They do not know anything about the improvement of the ecological situation in the region and the amazing healing properties of the pyramid.” .

General purpose pyramids

Pyramid of Hunger, installed at the resort "Nizhniye Sergi"

« to improve the environmental situation in various regions, for use in the medical and health-improving process, to increase the attractiveness of commercial facilities (boarding houses, open cafes, houses, cottage villages, etc.) » .

The total number of Custom Made Famine Pyramids cannot be counted. The attached photo shows a pyramid installed in the city of Nizhniye Sergi, Sverdlovsk Region, on the territory of the resort of the same name.

Regarding the construction of the Hunger pyramids abroad, it is reliably known about the installation of an eleven-meter Hunger pyramid in Georgia - “... in the center of Batumi, ... for the ex-president of Adjara Aslan Abashidze" and in Ukraine in the Crimean Dawns boarding house.

Initiative projects

Interest in the pyramids of Famine was shown by some enterprises and many individuals. For example:

  • Enterprises
  • Private initiatives


Alexander Efimovich Golod (born March 15, 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk) is the general director of NPO Hydrometpribor in Moscow. In 1971 he graduated with honors from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the army, he became seriously interested in football and became a playing coach and head of the team in the Kyiv military district. After serving in the army, he worked as a teacher of mathematics, a programmer, occupying private and then leadership positions. In 1988, he organized one of the first research and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he has been seriously engaged in the construction and study of the effect of the shape of the Pyramids.

Son - Anatoly Golod. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Marketing Manager of JSC Hydrometpribor (11.03.2008) . Represents the Russian side in the International Fellowship of Pyramid Explorers, in which, together with Dr. John DeSalvo (represents the American side in the Fellowship) " hosted several broadcasts ... for radio listeners in the United States and Canada on popularizing his father's pyramids.


Adherents of the pyramids explain the effect of the shape of the pyramid by its “ability to change the structure of space”, due to which the properties of certain substances and processes change in the new space. The existence of "structuring fields" emitted by pyramidal structures and affecting the environment or organisms has not been scientifically confirmed.

According to Hunger, one sip of water from the pyramid gives a guarantee against oncology, and thus hundreds of thousands of people have been cured, and the pyramids themselves will destroy such diseases as cancer, tuberculosis, etc. in 5-7 years. No significant changes in statistics for these diseases are observed even after 9 years.

To explain the operation of the pyramids, proponents use such a pseudoscientific concept as structured water. To prove the miraculous properties, the builder of the pyramid shook the bottle "with water" (or hit it) and it instantly froze. As Nikolai Vladimirovich Klassen, deputy director for science of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explains, this is achieved when there is a supercooled liquid inside the bottle without mechanical impurities that could become crystallization centers. Thus, such experiments are absolutely unproven.

The version about the "charging" properties of the pyramids and other myths associated with them was checked in the Mythbusters program, but did not find confirmation, and put an end to the question of the mystical pyramids in this program.

see also


  • David Wilcock Chapter 9: Mastering Torsion Waves and Consciousness. clause 9.7. Russian and Ukrainian exploration of the pyramids (Russian). "Divine Space". - Generalization and translation into Russian of English-language publications about the pyramids of Famine. Archived
  • Ukrainian Pyramid Research and Implications. Archived
  • V. Uvarov"Wills of Horus". V.2 (3.1Mb) (Russian) . - Applications No. 22,23,25,26,28,29 - Protocols and conclusions based on the results of physical experiments and biological studies. Archived from the original on February 21, 2012. Retrieved December 26, 2009.
  • WHO WILL STOP THE ADVANCE OF THE HUNGER... OF ALEXANDER YEFIMOVICH? (Russian). Archived from the original on February 21, 2012. Criticism from scientific associates A. Golod.
  • Welcom to Pyramid of Life.
  • Chernobrov V.A. Parts 76-78. BOOK I. TIME AND EARTH (Russian). Interactive Illustrated Library "X-LIBRI BY MAJOR THOMAS". - Pointed pyramids. What are the results?

My friends and I adore adventures and interesting stories, so it is not surprising that the Novorizhskaya Pyramid and stories about it did not leave us indifferent. We decided to definitely visit it, but before going on a trip, it was decided to get acquainted with the history, because how to understand where is the truth and where is the lie, not knowing how it all began?

The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek language and means a polyhedron (according to another version, "pyramis" comes from the word "pyr" - "fire"). People owe their origin either to a funeral cake, or to a huge pile of grains of wheat. Accordingly, the first originates from Death, and the second from Life. Perhaps that is why the Egyptian pharaohs chose this form for their tombs, wanting to rule in both worlds.

But this is not the main thing! Scientists have found that seeds and cereals left as gifts even after more than 2-3,000 years inside the tombs retain their properties. The dead bodies of animals do not rot, but are mummified, razor blades acquire their original sharpness. It turns out that a pyramid model with respected proportions and correctly oriented in space is capable of even more!

The golden ratio underlying the pyramid does its noble work: if cheap wine is placed in the pyramid, it acquires a noble taste, milk retains freshness for a long time, “charged” water promotes the healing of the whole organism. Thanks to all these qualities, they began to build pyramids in Russia and many other countries.

Alexander Golod - a scientist or a hoaxer?

It is difficult to judge, but the person is interesting and diversified. An engineer, he graduated from the Mekhmat with honors, was seriously fond of football, was a player and coach. Then he taught mathematics, retrained as a programmer, opened his own cooperative.

In 90, he became seriously interested in the phenomenon of pyramids, their design and construction. According to Hunger, the pyramids not only contribute to the complete recovery of a person, they are able to defeat cancer, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism and other serious diseases. In addition, its structures affect the surrounding world as a whole. They have a unique ability to change spatial structures, restore the ozone layer and the surrounding nature.

Testers and ordinary people claim that the Hunger Pyramid improves well-being. Even a short stay in it relieves headaches, improves tone, gives a surge of strength. Those who believe in the power of energy pyramids come here regularly for the next portion of energy. There are many curious people who watch, buy souvenirs, take pictures against the backdrop of this huge building.

Travel and reflection

The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, the largest of all the Golod structures, was built in 1999 without the use of metal (from glass-plastic structures) in proportions of the golden section.

The pyramid is perfectly visible from the road, it looks very interesting (albeit a little strange) against the background of the general landscape.

Dry grass, cloudy sky and a huge gray needle pointing skyward. This is how the pyramid, which is located on the 38th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway, met us deserted and depressing.

But we did not have to grieve for long, as soon as we got out of the car, the roar of many engines fell upon us. Directly from the side of the pyramid, a column of dust approached us, in which we could see extreme sportsmen on ATVs.

They swept past us so fast that we only realized what it was when the last cars were hiding in the distance.

After waiting for the dust to settle, we approached the pyramid closer.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters, from a distance it seems that it is a concrete monolith. In fact, it turned out that the pyramid was made of fiberglass, allegedly without the use of nails or other metal.

After wandering around, we found a house where we were offered to “take a picture of the aura” for money.

This can be done before visiting the pyramid and after. They say the difference is huge, but ... we did not dare, or maybe we just spared the money.

Nearby is the "Ostrich Compound". Behind such a loud name was a couple of sleeping ostriches in the distance and one sluggishly chewing something, but which stubbornly did not want to be photographed.

Inside the pyramid

It was evening. The March sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon. It's time to look inside the pyramid.

It turned out that there was unexpectedly a lot of space, the air was cool, and it was twilight all around. The walls are translucent and allow enough light to pass through.

This was very unexpected after the apparent "concreteness" of the structure.

There were several people inside, but there was an amazing silence. People quietly talked to each other, looked at souvenirs. Someone was sitting on a bench under the very dome, thinking about something important, for which, usually, there is always not enough time in the daily bustle.

There are 3 large globes in the center. As they say, to harmonize the globe as a whole and correct all the defects that have arisen from human intervention in Nature.

The principles of the "golden section", which Alexander Golod necessarily takes into account during construction, according to research, have a very beneficial effect not only on nature, but also on the human world and the relationship between them. Their influence restrains the occurrence of world wars and cataclysms, and also contributes to spiritual, economic and moral prosperity.

Military radars are said to be picking up a column of energy above the structure, possibly an ion stream that restores the ozone layer. It is at such moments that you want to start believing in miracles.

The local population and visitors use these magical properties more prosaically, charging various alcoholic drinks. According to them, vodka becomes softer, and cheap cognac and wine are aged.

The healing properties of the pyramid are listed on a piece of paper, which is inside on a special stand: energetically charged seeds will give an unprecedented harvest, plants will be resistant to drought and disease. Water will heal, medicines will become more effective and will not give adverse reactions.

An experiment was conducted when salt and crystals charged in a pyramid were sent to prisons, after which a decrease in the level of aggression and morbidity of prisoners was observed there. Blimey!

Miracles also have to do with money

As it turned out, if you wish, you can buy any souvenirs here: ABO solutions (adaptation of biological objects), globes, energetically charged bottled water, semi-precious stones to attract health and good luck, information copies of the pyramid and other esoteric curiosities.

The range of prices is quite wide, as they say: for every taste and budget. Employees in the pyramid will enthusiastically tell and show everything about any product.

There are also unusual products: ABO information pairs. This is such a small crystal that is grown in this 44-meter pyramid. After dividing it into 2 parts, it becomes an information matrix of a large pyramid.

That is why everything that is placed between these halves is harmonized. You can place them on different sides of the bed to improve sleep, you can attach them to the body around the sore spot. Also, all emitting household appliances that will be inside the field of these matrices should stop disturbing.

The issue price is 100 rubles. Oh, it wasn't! Bought, pasted them on the table next to the computer. Everything is fine: the technique works great, I am also writing this article in a great mood. We will assume that the information matrices from the Hunger pyramid have a positive impact! 🙂

A bit of philosophy

I don’t know if the pyramid on the New Riga highway can actually have such an impact on the entire Mother Earth, but it makes you think. About the world around you, about people, about the future that awaits our children. What tomorrow brings us, our endless intervention in Nature, the pursuit of profit, the relentless mining. Or maybe really, spit on everything and start a new life? In harmony and peace.

At least for the sake of a small stop in life and reflections on the Eternal, you should definitely stop by here for at least a few minutes.

Pyramid in the Moscow region how to get there

Finding this place is not difficult. Especially if you are driving a private car. The pyramid is located on the 38th km of Novorizhskoye highway. There are signs on both sides. Yes, and it is difficult to pass this place: the goal is visible at a glance.

By train you can get from the Rizhsky railway station to Nakhabino and by bus 20 to Chesnokovo.

By bus - there are several regular routes from the Tushinskaya metro station.

The coordinates of the Novorizhskaya pyramid of Famine: 55.78427, 37.06366.

You can visit the Hunger Pyramid any day, open seven days a week, in summer from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm, in winter from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. In the off-season, the closing time is determined by sunset. The entrance is free.

But it was time for us to go home, and this is more than 100 km. All the way we remembered today with pleasure, how rich and interesting it turned out to be.

This trip around Zvenigorod took place on March 28, 2015. Here is our route on the map.

In order to conveniently travel around Zvenigorod near Moscow and the region, you can easily rent an apartment or a room on the service in the city or suburbs for several days, or book a hotel in any convenient place.

It began with the heavenly bodies, about which we learned a lot of new things, and we even managed to see spots in the sun with a real telescope! After that, we again found ourselves in heaven - in amazing, which was the first of all Russian monasteries to receive the status of a Lavra.

And here again Cosmos and mysticism, and also in a man-made miracle: a pyramid in the Moscow region.

And another big surprise was that a little more than a month had passed after this trip, and we again had a chance to find ourselves in the pyramid of Famine. Only not Novorizhskaya, but in its younger copy, which is located on Lake Seliger. But this is a completely different story ... And you can read it.

The map below shows other attractions and where I managed to visit.

One of the interesting buildings in the Moscow region was the Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, built in 1999 and collapsed in 2017.

On the site of the destroyed structure, enthusiast Alexander Golod in August 2017 erected a reduced copy of it, 14 meters high and weighing 4 tons, during the construction the surviving 7-meter top from the old pyramid was used.

The temporary copy greatly loses in size compared to the original, but the creator believes that it can support the energy effect accumulated over previous years.

Future plans

Of course, Alexander Golod has grandiose plans for the future - the construction of a new pyramid in the same place with a height of 70-100 meters. During construction, he plans to use concrete with fiberglass reinforcement coated with yellow quartz sand.

Construction work should begin in 2019, construction costs will amount to 100-200 million rubles, depending on the height.

About the old pyramid

Alexander Golod built the old pyramid at his own expense in 1999. Construction cost, according to him, $ 1 million.

The height of the structure was 44 meters, weight - 55 tons. In the open spaces near Moscow, it looked grandiose and reminded of the connection with space.

From afar, it seemed that the building was made of concrete, but in fact it was not - only wooden and fiberglass structures were used during construction, and nails were not used at all. There were beautiful lights at night.

The building is hollow, you could go inside. It was twilit there, with some light coming through the translucent walls, and getting brighter when the door was opened.

Several large globes stood on the floor in the center, and along one of the walls there was a trade in souvenirs - of course, small and large pyramids, as well as all sorts of esoteric gizmos. They also sold "charged" water.

Nearby is a small trailer, where they offered to take a picture of your aura before and after visiting a magical object and tell everything about it. :)

Hunger believes that its construction changes the structure of space, an “ion column” appears above it, with the help of which it is possible to tighten ozone holes in the atmosphere, and the seeds of any plants that have lain here for some time acquire increased germination.

Hunger has followers, some of them constantly came here to “charge” and “charge” something.

The pyramid on New Riga is not the only one built by Golod. There are also smaller structures - on Seliger, in Togliatti, Bashkiria, Astrakhan, in the Sverdlovsk region.


Unfortunately, on May 29, 2019, the old pyramid collapsed due to a strong hurricane that swept over the Moscow region. The people who were inside barely managed to run out, it's good that no one was hurt.

Breakdown moment:

How to get to the Pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway

By public transport: from Tushinskaya metro station, take an electric train to the Nakhabino station. Then by bus to the village of Chesnokovo. Buses run infrequently.

By car: drive towards the region along Novorizhskoe highway. After 17 km from the Moscow Ring Road there will be signs to the right "Pyramid" and LCD "Baltic". Having passed under the highway, you can navigate visually - the destination of the trip will be clearly visible in an open field.

Coordinates: 55°47’3″N 37°3’49″E

Opening hours

In summer - from 10-00 to 20-00, in winter - until the end of daylight hours. There are no exits.

Updated 01/10/2019

Comments (32)

  • The news says that the hurricane that raged yesterday in Moscow caused the destruction of this strange structure, but everything is not so simple.


    Not only was the moment of the destruction of the Hunger pyramid very “successfully” filmed on the video recorder of one of the cars standing nearby, it turns out that several rather strange comrades visited the pyramid a few seconds before the destruction.

    Watching video

    Strange right? People arrived who somehow found out that something would happen to the pyramid, performed some kind of rite, left the pyramid, and after a few seconds it took and collapsed ... You can think anything, except that the true cause of the destruction of the pyramid became a hurricane.

    And now let's digress from the reasons why the Pyramid installed on Novorizhskoye Highway could collapse to the ground, and take a short digression into history.

    To begin with, let's find out that the so-called Hunger pyramids are nothing more than an occult project and part of the "Pyramid Business".

    Now, few people remember where the “pyramid boom” began in Russia in the 1990s, where the idea of ​​the beneficial effect of pyramids on a person and the world around came from. However, this unprecedented outreach campaign has a name. In many ways, its inspirer and organizer was a man named Alexander Efimovich Golod.

    Even on Wikipedia, we can learn a lot of interesting things about Golod: Alexander Efimovich Golod (born March 15, 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk) is the general director of the NPO Hydrometpribor in Moscow. In 1971 he graduated with honors from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the army, he became seriously interested in football and became a playing coach and head of the team in the Kyiv military district. After serving in the army, he worked as a teacher of mathematics, a programmer, occupying private and then leadership positions. In 1988, he organized one of the first research and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he has been seriously engaged in the construction and study of the effect of the shape of the Pyramids.

    Son - Anatoly Golod. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Marketing Manager of JSC Hydrometpribor (11.03.2008). Represents the Russian side in the International Fellowship of Pyramid Explorers, in which, together with Dr. John DeSalvo (John DeSalvo, represents the American side in the Fellowship), "he conducted several programs ... for radio listeners in the USA and Canada" to popularize his father's pyramids.

    Hunger seeks to build pyramids not just anywhere, but in iconic places: Seliger, Novo-Rizhskoye Highway.

    Seliger pyramid. Installed in the summer of 1997 near the city of Ostashkov on the shores of Lake Seliger. The height of the pyramid is 22 meters. On this pyramid, according to A. Golod, his assumptions were confirmed that a sufficiently large pyramid forms a powerful column, presumably of ionizing radiation that affects the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and activates the processes of biocenosis in the environment. Geographical coordinates and a photograph of the pyramid are available on the Panoramio website.

    Pyramid on Novo-Rizhskoye Highway

    Pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway. It is located in the Moscow region on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway. Construction completed November 30, 1999. The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. This is the largest of the pyramids of Famine. The weight of the structure exceeds 55 tons, the cost of construction is more than $1 million.

    In addition to performing the main functions (“harmonization” of the surrounding space), the pyramid is also used to produce crystalline “information matrices” used in the construction of smaller pyramids, “information copies” of the pyramids and “transfer” of the healing and other positive properties of the pyramid to water, minerals, crystals , souvenirs, etc.

    The pyramid on the Novorizhskoe highway, thanks to the prevailing opinion about the "wholesomeness" of its internal space, was the subject of pilgrimage.

    The ideas of Alexander Golod found support from such a serious company as Gazprom, and not only.

    “In 1992, in Bashkiria, at the Ishimbai oil field, 2 pyramid complexes were installed (four pyramids in each).

    Several Pyramids 22 and 11 meters high were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant: the Astrakhan Famine Pyramid.

    In 1990, in order to find out the possibility of using the Pyramids in agricultural production, the ABO cooperative, which was led at that time by A. Golod, built pyramids in vegetable farms in the Voronezh region, in Torzhok, the Tver region, in the Belgorod region and the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in the Jizzakh region Uzbekistan. Pyramids were used for pre-sowing seed treatment.

    In general, everything is serious, and serious money is involved here. Of course, this is largely done for the sake of the notorious "cuts and kickbacks", but not only. Although Hunger tries to give his "pyramid business" a scientific form, he is an occultist, and his arguments are arguments of an exclusively occult nature.
    But let's read this, in its own way, wonderful interview with the Gazprom occultist Alexander Golod.

    We will build pyramids, so we will live longer

    “More than a year has passed since the last meeting of our correspondent N.Yu. PANINA with A.E.<Гидрометприбор>. She was mentioned in the article.<Пирамиды будущего> (<Наука и религия>Na 1, 1997). This publication aroused the liveliest interest of the readers, many responses and specific requests were received to help people with the help of miraculous pyramids. And now Nonna Panina is again in the office of A. E. Golod.

    Tell us, Alexander Efimovich, what new things did you manage to do during this time?

    In June 1997, another pyramid was installed on the shores of Lake Seliger, 22 meters high. The radius of its active action is 120 kilometers. And this pyramid still has the same geometry based on the proportion<золотого сечения>. The diameters of the balls inscribed in this pyramid form just such a proportion

    And such a pyramid works most effectively?

    Yes. Moreover, using its example, it is not difficult to explain the very mechanism of the pyramid's action. The fact is that the areas of the Universe space, where there are dense material objects (for example, the Solar system), undergo structural changes. And this leads to distortions of the activity of the Mind inside such a section of space. A vicious feedback is formed. Curvature of space and distorted human mental activity are the causes of all earthly disasters: diseases, crime, wars, earthquakes, economic crises. The pyramid directly or indirectly corrects, harmonizes the structure of space, which means that the likelihood of all our misfortunes is significantly reduced.

    But only in the range of the pyramid?

    Naturally, the dynamics of mitigation, and sometimes the elimination of all kinds of negative manifestations, largely depends on the size of the pyramid and compliance with its geometric relationships. If they are chosen correctly, the pyramid can bring the field structures of a person or a group of people into a harmonious state. And what is the state of field structures? This, in fact, is an indicator of how we fit into the world around us, how harmoniously we interact with it. For example, the same Seliger pyramid. In the zone of its action, there is a flow of groundwater from the Valdai Upland; he thus receives information from our pyramid. Further, this information enters the watershed of the three great rivers - the Volga, the Dnieper and the Western Dvina. Along the channels of these rivers, as well as along many smaller rivers and their tributaries, information from the pyramid is transmitted to a vast territory. Water enters the water supply of cities, and information is communicated to all city communications, buildings, enterprises and, of course, people.

    So, Muscovites?

    Yes. Moscow has been eating for almost a year<живой водой>from the Volga. This significantly reduces the likelihood of epidemics, reduces the number of diseases, increases the life expectancy of Muscovites - by an average of three to five years for each year of nutrition of this<пирамидной>water.

    Alexander Efimovich, on your desktop is a map of the capital with some rings made of stones. What does it mean?

    This is the latest of our experiments to harmonize space over such a gigantic city as Moscow. It is well known that stones and minerals are an important means of transferring information if they are appropriately oriented on the ground. This is especially noticeable when many stones form a closed loop. The space inside such a contour significantly improves its structure over very large areas - even on the scale of entire regions and countries. And in September 1997, in our pyramid, located near Moscow, small granite boulders were kept for a certain time, and then they were buried around the capital in a strictly oriented direction. Three rings were created. One is along a concrete ring road fifty kilometers away from the city. There, boulders were buried every five kilometers. The second ring runs along the Moscow Ring Road: here the stones are already buried at a distance of a kilometer from each other. And, finally, the smallest ring is located parallel to the Garden - boulders were buried here every five hundred meters.

    Do you think it will give real results?

    Yes. We hope that this will lead to a decrease in the level of crime and an improvement in the environmental situation, and an increase in the average life expectancy of citizens. And we took care not only of Muscovites. Similar events were held in the territories of four more regions - Leningrad, Tver, Samara and Saratov, including regional centers and other large cities. Syria, Jordan, Israel became interested in our experiment; Recently, three hundred kilograms of stones processed in our pyramid were sent there. I think that this will partly help to solve the problems of the Middle East. I would like to implement this in the North Caucasus in order to reduce social tension there, but it is easier to come to an agreement with other countries than with your own government. Until now, our appeal to the Security Council of the Russian Federation with a proposal to study the pyramids at the state level remains unanswered. Perhaps such developments are no longer a matter of the present, but of the coming century.

    What are your future plans?

    We will continue to build pyramids. Two 22-meter pyramids are already ready, one of which will be installed in Kamchatka. A pyramid 44 meters high is being designed, but it is not yet known who will finance such an expensive structure.

    Well, it remains for me to wish you good luck and express the hope that the results of your work will be appreciated according to their merits.

    And how many of these pyramids were built, some of which, as follows from the interview, were sent to such characteristic countries as Syria, Jordan, Israel?

    Reading Wikipedia:
    “Pyramids for general purposes include pyramids made to order and designed “to improve the environmental situation in various regions, for use in the medical and recreational process, to increase the attractiveness of commercial facilities (boarding houses, open cafes, houses, cottage villages, etc. .

    Pyramids of this purpose in Russia are produced by ABO-Noosphere Company. The total number of pyramids made by this company cannot be counted.”

    occult project

    Like this. But let's see if the pyramids are as useful as Famine claims? The pyramid really affects the surrounding space, structuring it in a certain way. But Hunger's claims that the pyramid itself is capable of generating "grace" are false. There are thousands of pyramids built in antiquity in the world. In Egypt, China, Mexico, South America, Southeast Asia. Look at these countries, can you say that the people living around these pyramids are happy and they are prospering? In these regions, you can find high crime and drug armies. Has the crime situation in Russia improved after the Hunger pyramids? Have his pyramids helped Syria, where the civil war continues and the worst seems to be ahead?

    But still, Alexander Golod cannot be called a charlatan. You can't call him a freak either. For example, his reasoning like: “It is well known that stones and minerals are an important means of transferring information with their appropriate orientation to the terrain. This is especially noticeable when many stones form a closed loop. The space inside such a contour significantly improves its structure over very large territories - even on the scale of entire regions and countries. ”, - give out a good level of an occultist in it.

    The catch is this - there are a lot of such occultists. But not every one of them finds understanding and concludes agreements with Gazprom. And Hunger, please. Punchy man? So it seems that there are a lot of punchy peasants, too. Therefore, of course, Hunger is the middle link in a certain project. This project is of an occult-political nature, it is not managed from Russia, and its goals, of course, are not the harmonization of the surrounding reality, but exactly the opposite. In such cases, they say - "by their fruits you will know them."

    Meanwhile, the creator of the pyramid, Alexander Golod, said that he had already prepared a draft of a 100-meter pyramid, which would appear in place of the one that was “demolished by the hurricane.” And the new pyramid, unlike the previous one, which was made of plastic, will be a capital structure made of concrete. As Hunger explained, the pyramid needs a stable ideal shape - "so that the wind does not rinse it," so "We will build a serious structure," he stressed.

    Who would doubt that…