Aviation Day (Air Force Day). When and how is Russian Civil Aviation Day celebrated?

For almost a century now, Civil Aviation Day has been celebrated in early February, and everyone who is related to it is honored. These are Russian pilots, mechanics, stewardesses.

A Brief History of Civil Aviation Day

The emergence of domestic civil aviation fell on the 20th century. In the young Soviet state, a document was adopted "On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Civil Aviation Council." It happened on February 9, 1923. It is from this date that the history of the civilian air fleet in our country begins.

The structure, which was supposed to meet the needs of the population in passenger and cargo transportation by air, had an interesting name: Dobrolet. In order to manage such transport, many military pilots and navigators had to retrain. The technical staff also retrained. Only over time, special educational institutions began to open.

The first test flight of a civil aviation aircraft fell on February 9th. "ANT-1" from Moscow safely arrived in Nizhny Novgorod.

1932 turned out to be a turning point for civil aviation:

  • a special uniform appeared for employees;
  • own flag approved;
  • the structure changed its name from Dobrolet to Aeroflot.

Initially, the holiday dedicated to the civil air fleet was called Aeroflot Day. It was officially established in 1979 by the government of the USSR and fell in mid-February. Currently, Russia has Air Fleet Day, its celebration has moved to August.

Merits of civil aviation

Among the many duties of peaceful aviation is not only the usual transportation of passengers. There are many more things that are impossible without civil aviation:

  • delivery of various cargoes;
  • medical assistance and services in hard-to-reach areas;
  • transportation of humanitarian aid;
  • search and rescue of people in case of disasters.

If today a flight on a civil aircraft is perceived as something ordinary, then the first steps of airships are real feats. The visit of Soviet civil aircraft to the Japanese Islands in 1927, the North American continent in 1929 - all this was regarded as a tremendous success for civilian aviators.

During the most terrible wars from 1939 to 1945, a special-purpose aviation group, MAGON, was created. In addition to weapons, her transport delivered everything that could support the military: medicine, food, reinforcements. After 1945, the number of air routes increased, and in the middle of the 20th century, jet aircraft appeared.

Civil aviation is one of the most important components for the transport system of the Russian Federation. On February 9, everyone who serves and lifts peaceful airships receives congratulations.

International Civil Aviation Day

Every year, since 1994, on December 7, in many states, the day comes when International Civil Aviation Day is celebrated. The choice of the date was influenced by the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the signing on this day of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.

The same time fell on the creation of the ICAO organization, which solves several problems:

  • safety and orderliness of all civil aviation activities in different countries;
  • organization of joint actions of aviation of many states;
  • develops rules on the use of airspace.

The initiative of the international holiday was supported by the UN, and on December 6, 1996, a corresponding resolution was adopted. Since then, the governments of the countries belonging to this organization have been celebrating the International Civil Aviation Day together with the whole people.

Since time immemorial, man has strived for the sky. And when, thanks to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this desire became a reality, the most courageous and courageous people - pilots - went to conquer the azure sky. Air Force Day is a celebration of the bravest and most heroic representatives of this profession. Their daily work is connected with constant dangers, but despite this, each of the military pilots is ready to take risks again and again for the sake of a peaceful sky over our heads. From our today's article, you will find out what date Air Force Day is celebrated in Russia and the countries of the former USSR, and you will also find beautiful congratulations on this holiday in poetry and prose.

What date is Air Force Day celebrated in 2016 in Russia?

For the first time, a decree on the creation of a new kind of troops - the air-navy, was signed back in 1912 in the then tsarist Russia. Since then, Russian military aviation has come a long evolutionary path from plywood piston aircraft to modern supersonic machines, becoming a real "air shield" of our Motherland. What date is Air Force Day celebrated in 2016 in Russia? According to the official decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2006, Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12. This date was not chosen by chance, since it was on this day in 1912 that a decree on the creation of an air navy was signed.

What date is BBC day

What date is Air Force Day celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus?

The tradition of celebrating Air Force Day in Ukraine, Belarus and other republics of the former Soviet Union has been preserved despite the collapse of the USSR. True, unlike in Russia, this holiday does not have a specific date and is celebrated on different dates. So what date is Air Force Day celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus? In Ukraine, it is celebrated on the first Sunday of August (August 7 in 2016), and in Belarus on the third Sunday of August (21 this year).

Beautiful congratulations on Air Force Day

Bold and courageous pilots deserve the most beautiful and touching congratulations on their professional holiday. After all, Air Force Day for them is not just a date, but a kind of landmark, reminiscent of how important their work is for all of us. Be sure to choose the most beautiful congratulations on Air Force Day for your familiar pilots, thereby expressing your deep appreciation for their dangerous work.

You fly every day

And your relatives are waiting for the planes.

You instantly rise into the sky,

You just lie down on the course.

You protect your native country from the air

You wish her a clear cloudless sky.

And we want to serve you as long as possible,

Spread wings in the sky

Aircraft of all kinds

Show wanting strength

Surprise your guests

Prove that the Air Force

The bad weather doesn't matter

What is airspace

Under the most reliable key.

Everyone who has a holiday

Any relationship,

Happy Russian Air Force Day

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Air Force Day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

On a beautiful holiday day today,

Let your sky hurry to give you

Flying weather to soar freely.

Will shoot up in the sky like a blue arrow

Steel bird sparkling with wings,

Look around, pilot, and hold on to the helm,

Your work is the best, we know.

Let the sky be a million by a million

Let all three suns shine in your back,

Let only peace reign over your head

May good luck smile beautifully.

Congratulations on Air Force Day in verse

Congratulations - Air Force Day

Congratulations in verses sound solemn and touching at the same time. There is something in these rhyming lines that makes you perceive every word with special trepidation and listen to every wish. In our opinion, congratulations on Air Force Day in verse will appeal to absolutely every representative of military aviation. Especially if you choose one of those universal options that we have prepared for you below.

Those who are courageous, bold,

The sky deftly furrowed.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate

Happy Air Force Day.

I wish you to be healthy

True to the motherland to serve.

And in harmony with myself

Live peacefully and calmly.

Our sky is protected

Valiant Air Force,

We congratulate the military

Those who served in the Air Force!

Both in battle and in training

They are not afraid of heights

We wish you peace and love

Let their life be simple.

Day of the Air Force of the native country,

Be proud of yourself, my friends.

After all, your courage and strength

Always for the good of us, Russia.

May all dreams come true

You light, happiness, kindness.

Health will only be more

Good luck the moment will last longer!

Touching congratulations on Air Force Day in prose

Poems - Air Force Day

On Air Force Day, congratulations are heard not only in the circle of loved ones, but also at the highest state level. Various festive events are not complete without solemn speeches, in which the main place is occupied by numerous wishes in prose. Touching congratulations on Air Force Day in prose, which you will find below, are perfect for both gala concerts and personal wishes.

It's easy to walk on the ground knowing that in the sky you are protected by reliable guys from the Air Force. So let on your day and always the sky be peaceful, flights - training, and the weather - flying. Let faithful friends wait for you on earth, and let technology fail above the clouds.

You have conquered the heights. Many will envy your courage. You are respected and looked up to because you are pilots. On Air Force Day, we wish you successful flights, serviceable aircraft and a cloudless sky.

On this beautiful day, we want to congratulate those who wear sky-blue shoulder straps and whose heart and mind are completely given to the sky and air. Guys, on Air Force Day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and express our endless gratitude for your invaluable work. You are the ones on whom we can rely, being firmly confident in your strength of spirit, crystal clear conscience and love for your native Fatherland!

Congratulations on Air Force Day for your beloved man

It is believed that men of military professions are not prone to sentimentality. But we are sure that when a beautiful congratulation on a professional holiday sounds from the lips of a beloved woman, even the most serious and unshakable men may have involuntary tears in their eyes. It is precisely such touching and tender congratulations on Air Force Day for your beloved man that you will find below.

Air force nickname - a brave guy,

Watching from the clouds:

Up and down and left and right

He has a review.

The sky shines or cries

Or an enemy raid

VVS-nick does not hide his eyes

And he doesn't give up positions.

On your joyful proud holiday

I wish dear

From misfortune and misfortune

So that the Lord takes care of you

So that the beloved loves

To keep mother calm

So that you have enough strength

Protect our sky.

Thanks for the clear skies

Thanks for the sunshine.

Thank you for a peaceful life.

For your worthy service.

So that courage, honor

flowing through your veins.

Vivat, military

Air Force!

Happy conqueror of the boundless skies,

I want to congratulate you on Air Force Day!

I want to wish you now, my love,

So that your ardent gaze never goes out!

So that you can do more things!

So that happiness is a true destiny!

So that he could only be with me forever

And I was able not to forget about military duty!

May heaven keep you immeasurably!

Let joy be dimensionless in life!

May you be able to do everything and always be able to do everything!

May everything that you have in mind, then have time!

Despite the fact that since last (2015) the Russian Air Force has been merged with the Aerospace Defense Forces to create the Aerospace Forces (VKS), the day of the Russian Air Force as a professional holiday for all military pilots is celebrated on a large scale in our country. August 12 is an occasion to congratulate all representatives of various military aviation structures: long-range, army, operational-tactical and military transport aviation.

Today the Russian Air Force is celebrating its 104th anniversary. The official date for the appearance of military aviation in our country is August 12, 1912, when a decree was issued according to which the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was introduced into the structure of the military department of the Russian Empire. And over the 104 years of its existence, Russian aviation has come a long way from aircraft, the speed of which can easily surpass a modern car, to truly unique multi-purpose machines capable of conquering the air not only with the power of existing weapons, but also with the beauty of flight dynamics.

The importance of military aviation in the conditions of almost any modern armed conflict can hardly be overestimated. Yes, and obviously big problems will be observed for those who allow themselves to underestimate the capabilities of the Russian Air Force.

Literally at the first stage of the participation of Russian military aviation in the operation against militants in Syria, there were exclamations of individual “specialists” who spoke in the spirit that Russian aviation was “breathing its last for a long time”, and that all Russian combat aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Latakia - "flying scrap metal". When this "scrap metal" began to dispose of terrorists of various stripes along with their infrastructure in various provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and when the Syrian government army, thanks to Russian air support, recaptured significant territories from the militants, including ancient Palmyra, exclamations filled with irony about the capabilities of Russia in the air, began to thin out, and then disappeared altogether. Today, an “expert” who is already rare in his technical literacy will allow himself to speak about Russian military aviation as something that is incapable of solving combat missions in a variety of conditions. And even liberal “experts” contributed to such a reassessment of the state of affairs both by the developers of combat vehicles, techies servicing aircraft and helicopters at home airfields, and directly by the crews of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, attack and military transport helicopters.

Today, the Air Force, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is actively re-equipping, following the path of modernization. The latest Su-30SM and Su-35S multirole fighters, Su-34 fighter-bombers, modernized Su-25SM3 attack aircraft, and MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors are being put into service. The Yak-130 combat training aircraft are being tested, including as part of the Wings of Taurida aerobatic team. Russian Helicopters fulfill contracts for equipping units and formations with Mi-28N, Ka-52 rotorcraft, etc. Tests of the MiG-35S super-maneuverable fighters, as well as the T-50, a promising front-line aviation complex (PAK FA), related to the full-fledged fifth generation of military aircraft.

Russian military aviation performs a colossal amount of work to ensure the security of Russia's borders and to patrol remote regions of the planet in the interests of the Russian Federation. The number of long-range and strategic aircraft sorties is increasing every year. Over the past few weeks, Tu-22M3 long-range bombers have been actively attacking the positions of the ISIS terrorist group (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) in Syria. Just the day before, high-explosive fragmentation bombs were struck on the outskirts of the “capital” of ISIS, the city of Raqqa in the province of the same name in Syria. Among the destroyed facilities is a plant for the production of chemicals for filling ammunition.

At the same time, combat training competitions are held as part of the Aviadarts competition, which is attracting more and more attention not only from professional pilots, but also from the Russian and world community.

Teams from four countries took part in the competition of military pilots and navigators at the Ryazan training ground Dubrovichi: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Russian pilots performed on Su-25SM, MiG-29SMT, Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-24M, Su-34, Tu-22M3, Il-76 aircraft, as well as Mi-8, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi -24P and Ka-52. The greatest number of points (555.25) both among the crews of fighter aviation and in general was scored by the crew of the Su-30SM consisting of Captain Ilya Sizov and Captain Yuri Balashov. They also received the highest jury rating for piloting - 253 points. According to the results of the Aviadarts-2016 competition, the Russian national team took the first place overall, having received 1st place in all four international nominations.

Despite their professional holiday, many representatives of the Russian military aviation are still on combat duty both to protect Russia's air borders and to destroy terrorist groups in Syria.

"Military Review" congratulates the military personnel of the Russian military aviation on the holiday!

It finds its origins in the Russian Empire, which became its progenitor by purchasing aircraft from France. This became a prerequisite for the founding of flight schools, and then for the creation of military aviation. Until now, Russia pays tribute to the pilots who did not return from the battlefield, who achieved victory at the cost of their lives, honors the military who underwent exercises and achieved success in service. However, not everyone knows what date the Air Force holiday is, despite its state status. To clarify, we must turn to history.

The birth of the celebration

Initially, it can be considered August 12. It was on this date in 1912 that Nicholas II signed a decree on the creation of the first aviation unit, which was part of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Prior to that, aviation was part of And only with the signing of the Decree began to perform independent intelligence functions.

Why, then, the question arises of what date is the Air Force holiday?

It must be remembered that once in Russia there was a Soviet and post-Soviet space.

The first prerequisite for changing the date of the celebration was the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet in 1918.

Even then, the Bolsheviks were getting rid of all the symbols and remnants that reminded of the once existing Russian Empire.

Let's start researching the topic. Air Force holiday, what date has been approved since the days of the USSR?

In 1933, to match the new fleet, a new date for the celebration was chosen - August 18th. The main motive in choosing the day was the combination of the celebration with the end of the summer period of combat training and the demonstration of the merits of aviation production. Now the holiday includes obligatory competitions in aeronautical technique, performance in the field of aerobatics, as well as fire exercises.

The purpose of creating the Day of the Air Force was to promote the development of socialism through the growth of aviation construction and the strengthening of air defense. However, it would be fair to say that the USSR fleet consisted of several aircraft, which means that they soon began to separate, demanding their own day of honor. So, for example, Civil Aviation Day appeared.

So, the question of when to celebrate the holiday remains open.

It becomes inevitable that the Air Force joins the general trend and petitions for a separate show of respect.

In 1997, the President of the Russian Federation, listening to the requests of military aviators and taking into account their merits, both in land and sea military operations, issues a decree recognizing Air Force Day and returns the historical date - August 12.

Now the question of what date the Air Force holiday seems to have been resolved. But no.

Having completely confused the people, it was decided to approve the third Sunday of August as the official Day of the Air Force. The reason for this was the need to combine the Day of the Foundation of Russian Aviation with a day off. Thus, the government was able to find a consensus without forgetting the historical roots.

little confusion

Some do not just wonder about the date of the celebration, but ask: “What date is the Air Force, Air Defense holiday?”

Do not combine these two great events into one. Despite some similarity in dates, Air Force Day, as we found out, is celebrated on the third Sunday of August, and Air Defense Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of April - the holidays are different.

In addition, the celebration on the occasion of the Air Defense Day is younger. The first participation in the battle of these troops was marked by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. It was for merits during this difficult period for the country that the army was awarded its own memorable day.

True, there were no changes in dates here either. It was originally celebrated on April 11, but already in 1980 it was moved to the second Sunday of the same month.

Yet the differences between these memorable dates are stronger than their similarities.


The great dates of our Motherland should be remembered, because this is history, the struggle of ancestors for the life that we now have.

Everyone needs to know what date the Air Force holiday is, this holiday must be celebrated, paying tribute to all those who fought for our peaceful sky.

The legislative base of the modern Russian state provides for the celebration of all professional celebrations dedicated to a particular date, which is a historical milestone in this sphere of human activity. The past of our Motherland is quite stormy and ambiguous, for centuries and decades numerous invaders and conquerors have sought to conquer our freedom-loving people.

This is what formed a special view on the role of the defenders of the Fatherland, who have always enjoyed love and sincere respect:

  • Numerous annals, chronicles.
  • Epics, traditional tales and legends.
  • Later - literary documentary and fiction works,
  • Creations of fine and monumental art.
  • Movie masterpieces and numerous mass festivities on the occasion of honoring the heroism of the people.

All this and loved by all adults and children, even those who are completely far from military aviation, the annual Air Force Day is dedicated to our heroic aviators of the past and present. What date will it take place this year, 2016, and in the next few years? This and other details are of interest to most of our fellow countrymen and guests of the country.

A bit about the history of aviation

The decree on Air Force Day was signed by the President of the Russian Federation in 1997, on August 29. The document under registration number 949 established the annual calendar date, the regulations for the solemn and entertainment parts. In Russia, it falls on August 12, that is, the second weekend of the last summer month. The past of the holiday began at the distant beginning of the last century. The Military Ministry of the Russian Empire received Decree No. 397 of August 12, 1912, which introduced the aeronautical unit, which was subordinate to the Main Directorate of the General Staff, on duty.

The history of the Russian air fleet is quite small. But it was during these short seven years - between the beginning of 1910 and the revolution that destroyed the empire in 1917 - that the foundation of today's Air Force was laid. Even then, the imperial aviation of Russia took a leading position in the world and gained significant weight in the development of air forces of world importance. The chronology is:

  • 1904 - the outstanding engineer Zhukovsky creates the Kashinsky Institute of Aerodynamics.
  • 1910 - the first school of military pilots based on French biplanes was opened in the Moscow region.
  • 1913 Sikorsky built the Russian Knight and Ilya Muromets, the first operational models of a four-engine biplane and bomber.
  • 1914 - Russian pilots carried out sorties in search of the polar expedition of G. Sedov.
  • 1917 The legendary Russian pilot P. Nesterov used a ram in the air. By the fall of this year, the Russian military department had only 700 combat flight units.

The role of the Air Force in modern conditions

Aviation and aerospace units are one of the branches of the Russian Armed Forces and currently perform the following tactical and strategic tasks:

  1. Conducting reconnaissance activities and tracking the groups of the alleged or actual enemy.
  2. Ensuring the acquisition of dominance in the airspace.
  3. Carry out measures to protect against air strikes in important areas of the state and groupings of troops.
  4. Argument on the forceful prevention of air attack.
  5. They defeat regions and property, which is the basis of the military economic potential of the enemy.
  6. They provide air support to ground troops and the fleet.
  7. Carry out landing of air units.
  8. They transport troops and materiel by air.
  9. Assistance to the medical service of the army in the transportation of specialists, equipment, wounded to the rear of hostilities. The role of air hospitals in saving thousands of lives of servicemen and civilians and children is well known.

Everyone celebrates!

As mentioned above, hundreds of thousands of our compatriots are involved in the creation, maintenance and combat operation of the air fleet. Therefore, aircraft factories, design bureaus, test sites, bases, airfields are located in different regions. Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk and Voronezh honor the workers who create modern powerful machines with exceptional capabilities and the military personnel who operate and maintain aircraft. Hero City Moscow holds a large-scale parade and demonstration flights. Truly, this spectacle fascinates everyone. It will delight children and adults, aviators and ordinary people.