“Childhood and youth of Nekrasov. b) H

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kerch of the Republic of Crimea "School No. 10"

"Agreed" "Agreed" "I approve"

Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow Region Director for WRM Director of MBOU "School No. 10"

primary school teachers "___" __________2016

MBOU "School No. 10" ________ K.V. Pavlovsky

from "___" _____ 2016 _______I.V. Kurilov order No. dated "____" ____ 2016

Head of MO

N.N. Ostapenko



in literary reading

for grade 4

basic level of study of the subject

Implementation period 1 year


Primary school teacher Yu.G. Chuprina

(position held) (initials, surname)

General provisions

Control and evaluation tools (COS) are designed to monitor and evaluate the educational achievements of students who have mastered the program of the subject of the Russian language. KOS include control materials for current control and intermediate certification.

Educational and methodological support:

1. Literary reading.

2. Literary reading: Lesson developments: Technological maps of lessons: Grade 4: A manual for teachers of educational institutions / M.V. Boykina, N.I. Rogovtsev. – M.; St. Petersburg: Education, 2014. - 247 p.

3. Control and measuring materials. Literary reading. Grade 4 / Comp. S.V. Kutyavina. - 4th ed. revised – M.: VAKO, 2014.- 80 p. – (Control and measuring materials)

4. Literary reading: Grade 4: Control and measuring materials / G.V. Shubina. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2014. - 80 p. (Series "Control and measuring materials").

General provisions

The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education puts forward a number of requirements for mastering the basic educational programs of primary general education in terms of the planned learning outcomes for younger students in the subject.

The subject learning outcomes are the formation of the required level of reading competence, mastering the technique of reading, methods of understanding the read and listened to the work, the ability to analyze the work, compose small statements of your own, orally convey the content of the text according to the plan, characterize the characters and evaluate their actions, be able to read poems by heart, speak with little creative messages.

Assessing the reading skill of a younger student:

    way of reading;

    correct reading, reading an unfamiliar text in compliance with the norms of literary pronunciation;

    reading speed: setting the pace of fluency normal for the reader, allowing him to comprehend the text;

    expressive reading: the use of intonations corresponding to the meaning of the text.

In addition to the reading technique, the teacher also controls the actual reading activity of the student: the ability to navigate the book, knowledge of literary works, their genres and features, knowledge of the names of children's writers and poets and their genre priorities (he wrote fairy tales, poems about nature, etc.).

Reading assessment

To test the skill of reading aloud, unfamiliar texts are selected that are accessible in terms of vocabulary and content. When choosing a text, the number of words is counted (the word of "average" length is 6 characters, characters include both a letter and a space between words). When checking, students read aloud for at least 2 minutes, in order to get the result of reading in a minute, the number of words must be divided by the time spent.

Literary reading

Types of reading

Number of words

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade


25-30 words - 1st semester, 35-40 words 2nd semester

45-50 words

65-70 words

85-90 words

About myself

50-60 words

85-90 words

115-120 words

By heart *

8-10 poems

10-12 poems

At least 15 poems

*on thediscretionteacher

4th grade

Reading Requirements

At the time of completion of primary education, children should be formed conscious, correct, expressive reading, in compliance with all necessary standards, using the means of expressiveness of oral speech. Through pauses, intonations, the student expresses not only an understanding of the meaning of the text being read, but also his attitude to its content; independently prepares for expressive reading, consciously reads to himself any text in terms of volume and genre.

During the frontal survey, the ability to determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work is checked; compose a short monologue statement based on the author's text; evaluate events, heroes of the work; give examples of works of folklore, distinguish between the genres of fiction defined by the program; give examples of works of art on various topics based on the studied material; express value judgments about the read work; work with various sources of information.

Classification of errors and shortcomings that affect the reduction of the assessment


    distortion of readable words (replacement, rearrangement, omissions or additions of letters, syllables, words);

    incorrect statement of stresses (more than two);

    reading the entire text without semantic pauses, violation of the pace and clarity of pronunciation of words when reading aloud;

    incorrect answers to questions on the content of the text;

    inability to highlight the main idea of ​​what is read;

    inability to find words and expressions in the text that confirm understanding of the main content of what was read;

    violation when retelling the sequence of events in the work;

    monotony of reading, lack of means of expression.


    no more than two wrong accents;

    individual violations of semantic pauses, tempo and clarity of pronunciation of words when reading aloud;

    comprehension of the read text for a time slightly exceeding the established one;

    inaccuracies in the formulation of the main idea of ​​the work;

    the inexpediency of using expressive means, insufficient expressiveness when conveying the character's character.

Reading by heart

Rating "5" - firmlywithouthints,knowsby heart, reads expressively.

Rating "4" - knows the poem by heart, but allows permutation of words when reading, independentlycorrects the inaccuracies.

Grade "3" reads by heart, but when reading, he discovers an unsteady assimilation of the text.

Grade "2" - violates the sequence when reading, does not fully reproduce the text.

Expressive reading of a poem

Expressive Reading Requirements:

    correct setting of logical stress;


    the right choice of pace;

    maintaining the desired intonation;

    error-free reading.

Grade "5" - all requirements are met correctly.

Grade "4" not met 12 requirements.

Grade "3"

Grade "2" Errors were made in more than 3 requirements.

Role Reading

Role Reading Requirements:

    start reading your words in a timely manner;

    choose the right intonation;

Grade "5" - All requirements are met.

Grade "4" errors were made on 1 of some requirements.

Grade "3" - Mistakes were made on 2 requirements.

Grade "2" Mistakes were made on 3 requirements.


Rating "5" - retells the content of what was read independently, consistently, without missing the main thing (in detail, briefly, or according to plan), correctly answers the question, knows how to reinforce the answer to the question by readingrelevant passages.

Rating "4" admits1-2 errors, inaccuracies, he corrects them.

Grade "3" - retells with the help of leading questions of the teacher, does not know how to consistently conveythe content of the read, allows speech errors.

Grade "2" unable to convey the content of the read.

Control and measuring materials for literary reading in grade 4

Verification work No. 1. Generalization for the section "Chronicles, epics, lives."

1. Chronicles. Epics. Lives".

1. What nickname did Prince Oleg get?

A) proud

B) glorious

2. With whom did Oleg fight?

A) with the Greeks

B) with the Turks

B) with the Germans

3. From what did the magicians predict Oleg to die?

A) from a beloved horse

B) a snake bite

C) from poisoned wine

4. In which direction did Ilya Muromets go?

A) to the east

B) to the west

B) to the north

5. What tree did Elijah's arrow hit?

6. Why did the “black people” promise Ilya mountains of gold?

A) for marriage

B) for liberation from enemies

B) for acceptance from the law

7. Where did Elijah find the treasure?

A) under the cross

b) in a cave

C) in the forest under a tree

8. What name did the parents give to Sergius of Radonezh?

A) Cyril

B) Sergius

B) Bartholomew

9. How many children did S. Radonezhsky's parents have?

10. What was the name of the mother of St. Sergius?

11* Explain what a chronicle is.

Generalization on the section "Wonderful world of classics". Test

"The Tale of the Dead Princess..." P.P. Ershov

"Humpbacked Horse" M.Yu. Lermontov

"Ashik - Kerib" A.S. Pushkin

"Boys" L.N. Tolstoy

"Childhood" A.P. Chekhov

    Match the first name and last name of the author.

Chekhov Alexander Sergeevich

Ershov Anton Pavlovich

Pushkin Mikhail Yurievich

Lermontov Pyotr Pavlovich

    Determine the name of the fairy tale according to the key words.

Royal mare musician

princess king bride

queen brothers mother

Heroes sister


"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

    What color was the mare that Ivan caught?

A) white B) black C) gray

    What magic item did the queen have in "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..."?

A) ring B) mirror C) crown

    What was the name of the dog of the seven heroes?

A) Falcon B) Sokolko C) Falcon

    What musical instrument did Ashik-Kerib play?

A) balalaika B) accordion C) harp

    To which country were the boys going to flee?

A) Africa B) India C) America

    Who was able to remove the stone from the road in Leo Tolstoy's fable?

A) engineer B) man C) mayor of the city

Verification work No. 2 on the topic: "The wonderful world of classics"

a) M.Yu. Lermontov

b) A.S. Pushkin

c) S.A. Yesenin

d) P.P. Ershov

    Indicate the story of L.N. Tolstoy.

a) "Boys"

b) "Phone"

c) "How the man removed the stone"

    Mark the miracle that was not in P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"

a) Conversation with the month

b) Bathing Ivan in boiling water

c) Fire is a bird

d) Horses with golden tails and diamond hooves

    Mark the correct meaning of the word week.

a) Friday

5. Mark the work to which this proverb fits.

Sharp-witted and cunning - he wiped his nose with five.

a) "Boys"

b) "Childhood"

c) "How the man removed the stone"

d) "Ashik - Kerib"

6. Mark a work that does not belong to the pen of L.N. Tolstoy

a) "Childhood"

b) "How the man removed the stone"

c) "Gifts of the Terek"

d) Shark

Generalization on the section "Poetic notebook". Test.

1. Know the poet.

He composed his first poems at the age of nine. He created 35 poetry collections, wrote 20 books. He also entered the history of Russian literature as a translator, as he translated works of art from English, German and other languages ​​into Russian. He wrote poems for his daughter Nina, composed Fairy Tales for her.

a) N. A. Nekrasov;

b) K. D. Balmont;

c) I. A. Bunin.

2. In the poem "Glorious autumn! .." Nekrasov compares the leaves:

a) with a rug;

b ) carpet;

c) carpet.

a ) « Wildflowers » ;

b) "Grandfather Mazai and hares";

c) Golden word.

4. Get to know the poet.

He was not only a poet, but also a publisher. All the wealth of the Russian language lives in his poetry. Many of his poems have become folk songs (for example, "Peddlers", "Between the high loaves"). They are sung even today. The theme of compassion for the people is one of the main ones in his poetry. He called on everyone to be a citizen, to be a fighter for the freedom and happiness of the people.

a) I. A. Bunin;

b) K. D. Balmont;

c) N. A. Nekrasov.

Are the tops of the pines fluffy,

Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?

And are the ice floes tightly bound

In great and small waters?

a) K. D. Balmont;

b) N. A. Nekrasov ;

c) I. A. Bunin.

6. What is the name of Nekrasov?

a) Nikolai Alexandrovich;

b) Nikita Alexandrovich;

c) Nikolai Alekseevich.

7. What is Bunin's name?

A) Ilya Alekseevich;

B) Ivan Alekseevich;

Old Mazai loosened up in the barn:

"In our swampy, low-lying land

Five times more game would be conducted,

If only they didn’t catch her with nets ...

a) K. D. Balmont;

b) N. A. Nekrasov;

c) I. A. Bunin.

10. What poem did K. D. Balmont write?

a) "Golden Word";

b) "Wildflowers";

c) Childhood.

Test work No. 3 on the topic: "Poetic notebook"

1. What poem did N.A. Nekrasov?

□1) "Schoolboy"

□ 2) "Leaf fall"

□3) “Even the earth looks sad...”

□4) "Butterfly"

2. Who wrote the poem "In the winter twilight of the nanny's fairy tales ..."?

□ 1) I.A. Bunin □ 3) A.N. Pleshcheev

□ 2) E.A. Baratynsky □ 4) N.A. Nekrasov

3. Learn the work by rhyme.

Whisper - murmur, forests - meadows, naked - valleys, winters - hills.

1) "In the blue sky they float over the fields ..."

□ 2) "Spring Rain"

3) "The earth still looks sad..."

□ 4) "Where is the sweet whisper..."

4. Pick a synonym for the word noisy.

□1) rumbling □ 3) humble

□ 2) quiet □4) inaudible

5. Which of the poets are these lines about?

From his father, he inherited strength of character, fortitude, enviable stubbornness in achieving the goal.

□ 1) about A.A. Fete □ 3) about N.A. Nekrasov

□ 2) about F.I. Tyutchev □4) about I.A. Bunin

6. What poem did A.A. Fet?

□ 1) "Leaf fall"

2) "Children and a bird"

□ 3) "Butterfly"

□4) «Where is the sweet whisper...»

7. Who wrote the poem "Where is the sweet whisper ..."?

□1) F.I. Tyutchev □ 3) I.A. Bunin

2) A.A. Fet □ 4) E.A. Baratynsky

Verification work No. 4. Generalization for the section: "Literary tales."

V.F. Odoevsky "Town in a snuffbox"

1. What was the snuffbox made of?
a) tortoise b) gold c) ivory

2. The main character's name was:
a) Volodya b) Misha c) Alyosha

3. What was depicted on the lid of the snuffbox?
a) a forest b) a wonderful garden c) a city

4. What was the name of the town in the snuffbox?

A) ding-ding B) don-dong C) ding-ding

5. Who was the warden in the town?

A) Screw B) Roller C) Bolt

6. Who was Springy?

A) princess B) queen C) princess

7. List the inhabitants of the snuffbox
a) _____________________ c) _____________________
b) _____________________ d) _____________________

8. What did Misha almost understand from his dream?
a) why music plays in a snuffbox b) how to make new friends
c) that you need to study and work a lot d) that it’s time for business, and it’s an hour for fun

9. What science will help to understand the design of a snuffbox?
a) chemistry b) literature c) mechanics

"The Tale of the Toad and the Rose"

    The Tale of the Toad and the Rose wrote:

a)V.F. Odoevsky b) V.M. Garshin c) P.P. Bazhov d) S.T. Aksakov

2. Why didn't the boy go out into the garden in spring? A) was ill b) moved c) did not want to

3. The symbol of light, goodness, beauty in a fairy tale is:
a).the Rose b) toad

4. What did the toad want to do with the rose? a) pick b) sniff c) eat

5. Read the words: roots, bush, earth, belly, night. They belong to…a) toad B) rose B) a butterfly
6. What is the most disgusting thing about a toad?
A. dirty gray warty sides.
B. nasty sticky paws.
. Insensitivity and indifference.

7. Rose does not regret her premature death, because
A. The toad didn't get it.
B. her death was inevitable
She graced the last minutes of the boy's life.

"Silver Hoof"

1. The Silver Hoof wrote: a) V.F. Odoevsky b) V.M. Garshin c) P.P. Bazhov d) S.T. Aksakov 2. How old was Daryonka?
a) 5, b) 8, c) 6
3. What was the name of Daryonka's father?
a) Gregory, b) Vasily, c) Ivan
4. What did Kokovanya do in the summer ?
a) hunted b) mined gold; c) lay on the stove
5. What was the name of Daryonka's cat? a) Murka; b) Muska; c) Muryonka
6. The Muryonka cat was ... A) gray B) white C) brown
7. What musical instrument did Kokovanya compare the cat to?
a) with accordion; b) with a balalaika; c) with a drum

8 . How many branches were there on Silverhoof's horns?
a) 2; b) 4; at 5

9. How tall is the goat? A) as tall as a person b) no taller than a table c) much higher than a table
10. On which leg did the goat have a silver hoof?
a) on the right back;b) on the left front;c) on the right front

11. How many times has the Silver Hoof been shown to Daryonka? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3

12. Where the Kokovani hut stood, people have long found stones. What color are most of the stones? A) blue B) pink C) green

Option 1

1. Remember the name Schwartz.

A) Evgeny Lvovich

B) Lev Evgenievich

C) Evgeny Leonidovich

D) Leonid Evgenievich

2. Who wrote the work “I didn’t eat any mustard”?

A) V.V. Golyavkin

B) N.N. Nosov

C) V.Yu. Dragunsky

D) E.L. Schwartz

And the mustache is not blowing. Wasting time in vain.

A) "Main rivers"

B) "What the Bear likes"

C) "The Tale of Lost Time"

D) “I didn’t eat any mustard”

4. The work of which composer did Boris Sergeevich play (the hero of the work “What the Bear Loves”)?

B) Prokofiev

B) Chopin

This is how the world works: a person can be saved from any misfortune.

A) V.V. Golyavkin

B) N.N. Nosov

C) V.Yu. Dragunsky

D) E.L. Schwartz

6. Indicate the heroes of "Tales of Lost Time."

A) Petya Zubov

B) Olga Kapitonovna

B) Nadya

D) Korablev

Test work No. 5 on the topic: "Cause - time, fun - hour"

Option 2

1. What is the name of Golyavkina?

A) Viktor Vladimirovich

B) Vladimir Viktorovich

B) Viktor Valentinovich

D) Valentin Viktorovich

2. Who wrote "The Tale of Lost Time"?

A) E.L. Schwartz

B) V.V. Golyavkin

C) V.Yu. Dragunsky

D) N.N. Nosov

3. From which work are these expressions?

Be careful. Like it fell through the ground.

A) “I didn’t eat any mustard”

B) "The Tale of Lost Time"

C) "What the Bear likes"

D) "Main rivers"

4. What did Boris Sergeevich love most in the world (the hero of the work “What the Bear Loves”)?

A) songs

B) music

A) E.L. Schwartz

B) at N.N. Nosov

C) V.V. Golyavkin

D) at V.Yu. Dragunsky

6. Indicate the heroes of the work "Main Rivers".

A) Raisa Ivanovna

B) Petya Zubov

D) Korablev

Verification work No. 6 in the section "Country of childhood"

1. Connect with arrows:

B. S. Zhitkov "Yolka"

M. M. Zoshchenko "Basket with fir cones"

K. G. Paustovsky "How I caught little men"

2. How do you know the works?

    These brother and sister ruined the New Year's Eve for many.

a) Dima and Tanya; b) Minka and Lelya; c) Mitka and Lilya

    This girl inspired the great composer.

a) Tanya; b) Dagny; c) Lily

    The offended aunt predicted the future for Minka, that he would be ...

a) a robber b) a writer; c) an artist

    The boy put a piece of it on the steamboat, near the booth.

a) cheese b) bread; c) lollipop

    This instrument could sing about everything.

a) a piano b) piano; c) guitar

3.Where was it?

    Where did Edvard Grieg spend his autumn?

a) in Paris b) near Bergen; c) in Moscow

    In what city was K. G. Paustovsky born?

    Where did B. Zhitkov spend his childhood?

a) in Paris b) in Odessa; c) in Moscow

4. Explain the meaning of the words:

FEED - ……………………………………………………………………………

TREATS - ………………………………………………………………………

TO POLISH - …………………………………………………………………...

5. Pick up synonyms for the words:

LOOK - ……………………………………………………………………….

THROW - ……………………………………………………………………...

LONG KNIT - …………………………………………………………………

6. Pick up antonyms for the words:

HURRY - …………………………………………………………………….

GENEROSITY - ………………………………………………………………………

GENUINE - ………………………………………………………………..

7. By changing just one or two words, return modern proverbs and sayings to their former sound.

Boring day until evening, if you do homework.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to tell.


From time immemorial, television has been raising a person.


Option 1.

A1. What is the name of Bryusova?

    Yakov Valerievich 3) Vladimir Alexandrovich

    Valery Yakovlevich 4) Yakov Yakovlevich

A2. What poem did S.A. Yesenin?

    "Grandma's Tales" 2) "Again a dream"

    "Children's" 4) "Our kingdoms"

A3. Who wrote the poem "Our Kingdoms"?

    S.A. Yesenin 3) M.I. Tsvetaeva

    V.Ya. Bryusov 4) A.S. Pushkin

What is under us, under the flowers,

Behind iron poles?

    "Children's" 4) "The path runs from the hillock"

A5. Find a word that means a place overgrown with an impenetrable forest.

    thicket 3) jungle

    windbreak 4) boron

IN 1. Choose synonyms for the word "pretend"

    portray 3) simulate

    act out 4) be natural

IN 2. Choose an antonym for the word "shut up".

    shut up 3) sit quietly

    pretend 4) make a noise

IN 3. What poem are these personifications from?

The path is running. Oka moves lazily.

    "Children's" 3) "Again a dream"

    “The path runs from the hillock” 4) “Our kingdoms”

We are good. While still in bed

All the elders and the summer air ...,

We run to ourselves. Trees for us...

Run, dance, fight, cut sticks!..

    fresh, swing

    mil, swing,

    sting, swing

    fresh, carousel

Three people are walking: children of the same father and mother, not brothers among themselves.

    "The path runs from the hillock"


    "Our Kingdoms"

    "Grandma's Tales"

C 2. Poems differ from prose in that they:

    there is a rhythm 3) brevity

    there is a rhyme 4) accuracy

    about S.A. Yesenin 3) about M.I. Tsvetaeva

    about V.Ya. Bryusov 4) about F.I. Tyutchev

Test work No. 7 on the topic: "Poetic notebook"

Option 2.

A1. What is Yesenina's name?

1) Alexander Sergeevich 3) Sergey Alexandrovich

2) Sergey Alekseevich 4) Sergey Sergeyevich

A2. What poem did M.I. Tsvetaeva write?

1) "Grandmother's Tales" 3) "Again a dream"

2) "Children's" 4) "The path runs from the hillock"

A3. Who wrote the poem "Grandmother's Tales"?

    S.A. Yesenin 3) M.I. Tsvetaeva

    V.Ya. Bryusov 4) A.S. Pushkin

A4. What story are these lines from?

Trees swing us

Run, dance, fight, cut sticks!..

    "Grandmother's Tales" 3) "Our Kingdoms"

    “Again a dream” 4) “A path runs from a hillock”

A5. Find the meaning of the word "behemoth"

    animal 3) hippopotamus

    beast 4) mammal

IN 1. What does "disgusted" mean

    freeze 3) starve

    get bored 4) become cold

IN 2. Choose an antonym for the word sleep.

1) insomnia 3) interesting vision

2) stay awake 4) reality

    "Children's" 3) "Again a dream"

    "Grandmother's Tales" 4) "Our Kingdoms"

AT 4. Pick a rhyme for the lines:

Bells are ringing in the shadows

Hits for...

And everyone sings about good ...,

They are about children's time.

    blow, new

    blow, old,

    fire, old

    blow and fun

C1. Guess the riddle and determine in which poem it is said.

Sweeter than honey, heavier than iron, not sold in the store and not bought at the bazaar "

1) "Again a dream"

2) "Children's"

3) "Our kingdoms"

4) "Grandmother's Tales"

C 2. Determine the genre of the work according to its characteristics: there is a rhythm, rhyme, it is short.

    fairy tale 3) poem

    fable 4) poem

C.3 What poet are we talking about in these lines?

He was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo into a poor peasant family. He began writing poetry at the age of 9.

1) about S.A. Yesenin 3) about M. I. Tsvetaeva

2) about V.Ya. Bryusov 4) about F.I. Tyutchev

Verification work No. 8 on the topic: "Nature and us"

D. N. Mamin - Siberian "Upstart"

A. I. Kuprin "Boar"

V. P. Astafiev "Priyomysh"

E. I. Charushin "Shorthair Creak"

M. M. Prishvin "Barbos and Zhulka"

2. In this work, the magpie lost its tail

b) M. M. Prishvin "Upstart"

c) E. I. Charushin "Boar"

3. The danger was approaching in single file, the front one was five steps away from the hero

a) D.N. Mamin - Siberian "Priyomysh"

b) M. M. Prishvin "Upstart"

c) E. I. Charushin "Boar"

4. This hero had to learn life on his own, without the help of his parents.

a) V.P. Astafiev "Shorthair Creak"

b) M. M. Prishvin "Upstart"

c) E. I. Charushin "Boar"

5. They were different, but their friendship was strong

a) D.N. Mamin - Siberian "Priyomysh"

b) M. M. Prishvin "Upstart"

c) A.I. Kuprin "Barbos and Zhulka"

6. He was an adopted family member, but very beloved

a) D.N. Mamin - Siberian "Priyomysh"

b) M. M. Prishvin "Upstart"

c) E. I. Charushin "Boar"

7. Connect the work and the subject:

Mink E. I. Charushin "Boar"

Horns V.P. Astafiev "Shorthair Creak"

Tail D. N. Mamin - Siberian "Priyomysh"

Bowl M.M. Prishvin "Upstart"

Boat A.I. Kuprin "Barbos and Zhulka"

8. Who is this? Learn from the description. Write the character, title and author of the work.

    It's gray. Doesn't like pranks. A little bit of disorder somewhere - vanity or a fight - he, slowly, takes a step and poke someone with his beak. Head bird! .............................................. ...............................................

    She was small, thin-legged, with smooth black hair and yellow marks over her eyebrows and on her chest……………………………………

    He was sad as a man. He will go ashore, stand on one leg and start screaming. Why, it screams so plaintively…………………………………

    It was very difficult for her to feed her children. But she was a good mother……………………………………………………………………

    She was cheerful, everyone liked her: ears like horns, a ponytail with a ring, teeth white as garlic……………………………………………………

    In the summer, he was constantly from head to tail, humiliated with prickly "burdocks", in the fall, tufts of wool on his legs, stomach, wallowing in the mud and then, after drying, turned into hundreds of brown, dangling stalactites………………………… …………………………………………………

9. Explain the meaning of words:

STALACTITE - …………………………………………………………………………….............

YAR - …………………………………………………………………………………………

SIMA - …………………………………………………………………………………………

MARAL - …………………………………………………………………………………………

AWESOME - …………………………………………………………………………………………

QUARRY - …………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Pick up antonyms for the words:

STRICT - …………………………………………………………………………

ANXIETY - ……………………………………………………………………………

CHIEF - ………………………………………………………………………

SIMILARITY - …………………………………………………………………………

11. Pick up synonyms for the words:

TORMENT - …………………………………………………………………………

STOLEN - ………………………………………………………………………

Pampering - …………………………………………………………………………

Verification work No. 9


The great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821
the town of Nemirovo, Kamenetz-Podolsk province. His father, Alex
Sergeevich, a poor landowner, served at that time in the army with the rank of captain.
In the autumn of 1824, having retired with the rank of major, he settled with
family in the family estate of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province, where they passed
childhood years of Nekrasov.

His father led the ordinary life of a small estate nobleman,
which had only 50 souls of serfs. A man of strong character
and despotic character, he did not spare his subjects. Got it and
household members, especially the poet's mother, Elena Andreevna, nee
Zakrevskaya, a woman of kind soul and sensitive heart, smart and educated.
Warmly loving children, for the sake of their happiness and peace, she meekly endured
arbitrariness reigning in the house and patiently engaged in education.

From his father, Nekrasov inherited strength of character, fortitude,
enviable stubbornness in achieving the goal and from an early age was infected with a hunting
passion, which contributed to his sincere rapprochement with the people. AT
Greshneva began a heartfelt attachment of the future poet to Russian
peasant. At the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a deaf
fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not
was at home, he invited the peasant children to him. Nekrasov was not allowed
be friends with the children of serfs, but seizing the opportunity,
the boy ran away through the same loophole to his village friends, left with
them into the forest, swam with them in the Samarka River, made “mushroom raids”.
The manor's house stood by the road itself, and the road was crowded at that time and
lively - pillar Yaroslavl - Kostroma road. Everything that went through it
and rode, it was known, starting with postal troikas and ending with prisoners,
shackled in chains, accompanied by escorts. Young Nekrasov, also,
sneaking out behind the fence of the estate, he got acquainted with all the workers
people - with stove-makers, painters, blacksmiths, diggers, carpenters,
moving from village to village, city to city in search of work.
The children eagerly listened to the stories of these experienced people. Greshnevskaya road
was for Nekrasov the beginning of the knowledge of the noisy and restless
people's Russia. The poet's nanny was a serf, she told him
old Russian folk tales, the very ones that for many years
centuries were told in every peasant family to everyone
peasant child.

In the character of Nekrasov himself, from childhood, the spirit
truth-seeking, inherent in his fellow countrymen - Kostroma and Yaroslavl.
The people's poet also went along the road of the "otkhodnik" only not in the peasant,
but in her noble being. Early began to be burdened by serfdom
arbitrariness in his father's house, early began to declare his disagreement with his father's
way of life. In the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he entered in 1832.
Nekrasov devoted himself entirely to the love of literature acquired from his mother and
theater. The young man read a lot and tried his hand at the literary field.
The father did not want to pay for his son's education at the gymnasium, he quarreled with the teachers.
The teachers were bad, ignorant, and required only stupid cramming.
Nekrasov read whatever he had to, mainly the magazines of that time. big
he was impressed by Pushkin's revolutionary ode "Liberty". AT
gymnasium, the boy first discovered the vocation of a satirist when he
began to write epigrams for teachers and comrades. In July 1837 Nekrasov
left the high school. At that time he already had a notebook of his own poems,
written in imitation of then fashionable romantic poets - V.A.
Zhukovsky, A.I. Podolinsky.

On July 20, 1836, sixteen-year-old Nekrasov went to a distant
the way with the "cherished notebook" and a few rubles. Against the will of the father
who wanted to see his son in a military educational institution, Nekrasov decided, according to
mother's advice to enter St. Petersburg University.
Unsatisfactory preparation at the Yaroslavl school did not allow him
pass the exams, but the stubborn young man decided to become a volunteer. AT
for two years he attended classes at the Faculty of Philology. Having learned
about the act of his son, A.S. Nekrasov flew into a rage and deprived his son of all
material support. "Petersburg ordeals" they call this
period in the life of Nekrasov. There were many ordeals: failure at university
exams, a rant in criticism of the first collection of imitative student
poems "Dreams and Sounds" (1840), half-starved existence, finally,
daily rough work in the capital and newspapers for the sake of a piece of bread. But
at the same time, a persistent, courageous character was formed: “walking along
torments” and tempered the poet, and opened before him the life of the Petersburg lower classes.
Nekrasov lived in poverty for five lats. Literary talent notices the publisher
theater magazine "Repertoire and Pantheon" F.A. Horses. Not without it
support Nekrasov tries his hand at theater criticism, but gains
popularity as the author of poetic feuilletons ("Govorun", "Officer")
and vaudeville ("Actor", "Petersburg pawnbroker").

In 1843 the poet met with V.G. Belinsky, passionately carried away
ideas of the French utopian socialists, stigmatizing the existing
Russian social inequality. Belinsky demanded from modern
writers of a truthful, realistic depiction of Russian
reality, and he fell in love with Nekrasov for his irreconcilable hatred
to the people's enemies. Under his influence, Nekrasov first turned to
real stories prompted to him by real life - he began to write easier,
without embellishment, about the most seemingly ordinary, ordinary phenomena
life, and then his fresh, versatile and
profound talent.

Another teacher of Nekrasov was Gogol. The poet worshiped all his life
in front of him and put him next to Belinsky. "Love - hate" - this
Nekrasov learned from his great mentors.

At the end of 1846 N.A. Nekrasov together with writer Ivan Panaev
rented the Sovremennik magazine, founded by Pushkin. AT
"Contemporary" Nekrasov's editorial talent flourishes, rallying
around the magazine the best literary forces of the 40-60s. last century. I.S.
Turgenev publishes here "Notes of a Hunter", I.A. Goncharov - a novel
"Ordinary story", etc. Nekrasov was at the head of this magazine
almost twenty years (1847-1866). He saved a high reputation
"Contemporary" in the years of the "gloomy seven years" (1848-1855). It happened
that before the publication of the magazine, censorship banned a good third of the material, and
Nekrasov had to protect the magazine from disaster. It is in this
period, he, together with his common-law wife A.Ya. Panaeva writes two
novels: "Three countries of the world" (1848-1849) and "Dead Lake" (1851
G.). After the death of Belinsky in 1848, Nekrasov joined the work
in the literary-critical section of the journal. He has a number of
brilliant articles, among which the essay "Russian
minor poets ”(1850), restoring the shattered in the 40s
years of poetry's reputation.

Beginning in 1855, the highest flowering of N.A.
Nekrasov. He finished the poem "Sasha", where he branded with contempt so
called "superfluous people", that is, liberal nobles who expressed their
feelings for the people not by deeds, but by loud phrases. Then they wrote
"Forgotten Village", "Schoolboy", "Unfortunate", "Poet and Citizen". These
works revealed in their author the mighty powers of a folk singer.
Nekrasov became the favorite poet of the democratic intelligentsia, which
It was at that time that it became an influential social force in the country.

The merit of Nekrasov the editor before Russian literature lies in
that, having a rare aesthetic sense, he acted as
pioneer of new literary talents. Thanks to him for
The pages of Sovremennik appeared the first works of A.N. Tolstoy
"Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth" and "Sevastopol stories". In 1854
at the invitation of Nekrasov, a permanent employee of Sovremennik
becomes the ideologist of Russian revolutionary democracy N.G. Chernyshevsky, and
then the literary critic N.A. Dobrolyubov.

The influence of Sovremennik grew every year, but soon over
a thunderstorm broke out like a magazine. Dobrolyubov died in 1861. A year later was
arrested and exiled to Siberia Chernyshevsky. The government that entered
path of vengeful reprisal against their enemies, decided to destroy
hate magazine. At first, it suspended the publication of Sovremennik for
eight months (June-December 1862), and then banned forever (1866
G.). Only a year and a half later, Nekrasov rents from A.A. Kravskoy
"Domestic notes" and from 1868 until his death remains the editor
this magazine. To the editors of "Domestic Notes" N.A. Nekrasov
invites M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and G.Z. Eliseeva. For the publication of a new
poetic collection of mature realistic works by N.A. Nekrasov
resolved under special circumstances. The collection "Poems by N. Nekrasov" comes out
was published on October 15, 1856, and already on November 5, Chernyshevsky informed the poet,
who is undergoing treatment abroad: “Universal delight. hardly the first
Pushkin's poems, it is unlikely that "The Government Inspector" or "Dead Souls" were such a success,
like your book.

At the beginning of 1875, N.A. Nekrasov fell seriously ill. Nor famous
Viennese surgeon Billroth, no painful operation could stop
deadly cancer. The news about her caused a flood of letters, telegrams,
greetings and addresses from all over Russia. Popular support strengthened
the strength of the poet, and in a painful illness he creates "Last Songs".
It's time for summing up. Nekrasov understands that his
creativity paved new paths in the art of poetry. Only he
decided on an unacceptable, at the last stage of the development of Russian poetry
stylistic audacity, to a bold combination of elegiac, lyrical and
satirical motifs within a single poem. He commits
a significant renewal of the traditional genres of Russian poetry.

Died N.A. Nekrasov December 27, 1877. At the funeral arose
spontaneous demonstration. Several thousand people accompanied his coffin to
Novodevichy cemetery.



Since ancient times, the path in the minds of the Russian people has been associated with grief.
and suffering: along the way, young guys were driven into recruits,
along the path, the peasant carried his last belongings to the market, along the path
the peasants went to the city for a long time to work, along the road lay a mournful
way to exile, to Siberia. A few steps from the family estate
Nekrasov in the village of Greshnevo, Vladimirka lay - the road of sorrow and
suffering, trodden by shackled chains…..

And here is a young peasant girl standing by the road, seeing off the dreary
glance rushing three.

Do not overtake you crazy three.

The horses are full, and frisky, and brisk,

And the coachman drunk, and to the other

A young cornet rushes like a whirlwind ...

Along the endless, terrible road, in a frozen wagon, he hurries to
a Russian woman to her exiled husband…. All these are Nekrasov roads.
The poem "On the Road" by N.A. Nekrasov began his poetic path:

We had a big road.

Working rank people scurried

On it without a number ....

A poem about the wanderings in Russia of men-truth-seekers
completed his work:

In what year - count

In what land - guess

On the pillar path

Seven men came together...

They agreed and argued:

Who has fun

Freely in Russia ....

N. A. Nekrasov will also go into literature along this difficult road of the people.

“Only one thing is important,” said the poet, “to love the people, the homeland,
serve them with heart and soul…”.

Historical commentary. Russia in the middle of the 19th century.

Plants, factories, railways are being built in the country. ending
construction of a railway track between Moscow and St. Petersburg
(1843-1851), named after Emperor Nicholas I of Nikolaevskaya
railway. Tens of thousands were driven to build the road.
peasants. People had to work with their bare hands, knee-deep in the swamp
water. They lived from hand to mouth, in damp, cold dugouts, if anyone
refused back-breaking work, those were beaten with whips. There were many sick
who often died where they worked. On Russian bones was
this road was built, - so they said in the people.

Historical and literary commentary.

In the spring of 1865, the new Emperor Alexander II issued a decree on some
freedom in the press - in newspapers, magazines. Royal decree on freedom of the press
turned out to be completely false.

November 1865, the October book of Sovremennik was published, in
which Nekrasov's poem "Railway" was printed.
The Main Directorate for Press Affairs threatened to close the magazine. Censorship
saw in this work "a terrible slander, set out in a very
sonorous verses. “The author allows himself,” noted the censor, “even
make an arbitrary calculation of the martyrs who suffered death for
railroad, claiming that there are five thousand of them. AT
in fact, this poem was the work of the greatest
truth. Nekrasov expressed in it the "thousand-year-old" torment of working people at
serfdom and capitalism. That people's labor in Russia at that time
was inhuman, many knew and saw, but Nekrasov was the first and
the only one of the Russian poets said this at the top of his voice, menacingly and
angry, as the people themselves would say, if they were not so slavishly subdued.

Chapter I. "Glorious autumn! ...

Who are these two, dad and Vanya? Man in coat on red
lining - general. Vanya - the son of a general - is dressed in a coachman's coat
- clothes of ordinary people. This was the fashion in the last century: rich parents
dressed their children in the clothes of the common people. To the question of the son, who
built this road, the general replies: “Count Pyotr Andreevich
Kleinmichel, darling!”…

N. A. Nekrasov begins his poem with a description of the fertile wild
pictures of nature. The poet creates a beautiful autumn picture with the simplest
paints. He has a healthy, vigorous air, a cold river, ice like
melting sugar; withered grass near the forest resembles a soft bed, in
which you can sleep. This glorious autumn pours cheerfulness into the soul of the poet
and strength.

It is gratifying for the poet to see everything: a carpet of autumn leaves, frosty nights, clear
days, swamps, bumps. He admires the beauty of nature, deeply loves his

All is well under the moonlight

Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia!

The poet calls the homeland native Russia according to the folk. So in folk songs
sang about the mother. Mother dear - the one who gave birth to you and raised you.

A beautiful picture of a quiet autumn, nature where "there is no disgrace"
is replaced by another: ugliness exists in human relations, "torments
people, but the contrast seems even more monstrous against the background of this
blessed nature.

The first image of the railway appears at the end of the first chapter:

I quickly rush along the cast-iron rails,

I think my own….

Sounds [h] and [y] give the reader and listener the impression of speed
movement (“I’m flying”) and, at the same time, the depth and importance of the poet’s thoughts
(“I think a thought ....”) So, the railroad, along which the poet travels,
becomes a poetic image of his native land, homeland. But admiring
beauty of this land, the poet cannot but think of the suffering of his people. IS HE
cannot help but object to the general's words in the epigraph
poems. For the general, it is as if those thousands of serfs do not exist.
peasants who built the road. And the poet tells the young
passenger Vanya the truth about her builders.

Chapter II. "Peaceful children of labor".

The second chapter is the central one in the work. This is a kind of answer.
Nekrasov to the general's assertion that the road was built by the count
Kleimichel. Why does the poet not want to keep Vanya in "charm"? Vania
smart, inquisitive, inquisitive, probably the poet liked his smart face,
kind eyes, he says “smart Vanya” about him, he believes that the seeds
truths will fall on fertile ground. Objecting to the general, the poet asks
permission to "show Vanya the truth." Showing the truth is right
to answer a question about a genuine railroad builder.

This work, Vanya, was terribly enormous

Not on the shoulder alone!

The poet uses the epithet "huge", characterizing the huge scale
construction sites. Such work was beyond the power of one person, be it Kleinmichel
or even the king himself. The people are the true creator of the railway.

By order of Tsar Nicholas I, the peasants were driven from all over
Russia for the construction of the road, and at the same time for the railway
Crowds of peasants rushed in, crushed by want, ruined by the landlords. Them
drove hunger, which subjugated people against their will. He spares none
old or small. The poet builds this image as a symbolic
inevitability that haunts the disadvantaged man. scary, full
hopelessness, the words of the poet about the tsar-hunger lead to sad
reflections: the army, working artels of masons and weavers, heavy
peasant labor - hunger “drives” everyone, there is nothing in such labor
sublime, only one fear - not to die of hunger.

Many are in a terrible struggle,

Calling to life these barren wilds,

The coffin was found here….

People revived these remote places, breathed life into the road, but for themselves
found the "coffin" - death. Nekrasov uses the antithesis technique -
opposition. Labor on this disastrous road the poet calls
"terrible struggle" - with diseases, hunger, need.

Suddenly the lunar landscape is transformed, there is more and more
gloomy, tragic colors appear. The native side is beautiful, but also

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,

Poles, rails, bridges.

And on the sides - then all the bones are Russian ....

Nekrasov calls "iron rails" "road". In one stanza
many words with diminutive suffixes: path,
columns, bones. Under the cover of yellow leaves, hummocks of moss swamps
“Russian bones” seem to the poet - in these words of the poet there is a deep
sympathy for the dead, hence the image of the path. Nekrasov verse
sounds like a folk song about human grief and suffering.

ON THE. Nekrasov paints before us a picture of "Songs of the Dead". First
we can only see the shadow of a terrible secret that has fallen on the car windows. And then
and the dead themselves ran along the sides of the road, overtaking the train. Light
the moonlit night is filled with groans, the sound of rusty shovels, the gnashing of teeth,
weeping song. Colors are mixed with sounds, scary, illusory.
Nekrasov chooses a moonlit night in order to better see these shadows. Poet
knew well folk legends, beliefs, in which the moonlit night was
indispensable background of otherworldly forces. And now - the walls of the car seem to
move apart, and then disappear altogether - and a wide panorama appears
folk Russia. Again, the "path" is replaced by "expensive cast-iron",
the dead sing their own song, or is it a cry ....

There is a contradiction in the poem: labor is hard labor, labor is a great blessing and
feat. “We love to see our work” - these shadow people admire their
labor. With an eternally bent back, in heat, cold, hungry and sick, they
littered the entire roadbed with their "bones". There is a contradiction in the poem
poet, but life itself. At the cost of immeasurable suffering, hard work
millions of people gained the greatness of the motherland. And the greater glory deserves
the people are not Kleinmichel, not the tsar, not "literate foremen" (how many
contempt in this word literate - stupid, semi-literate arbitrators
human lives), and those very "God's warriors", who in agony created everything
the blessings of the earth.

Nekrasov suddenly breaks off this "wild singing", as he is worried,
that Vanya will be frightened by this song and decides to enter into a conversation about
folk building. From all over Russia, people reached for the iron
road: from the Volkhov, from the Oka and Mother Volga. The poet complements the word "Volga"
the epithet "mother", because the great Russian river was the poetic homeland

The poet calls the peasant peasants Vanya's brothers. Trying to convince
“smart Vanya” that the peasants, the creators of material wealth, wants
so that Vanya sees brothers in these Russian people. Feeling that Vanya
frightened by a terrible story, the poet ardently convinces the boy:

It's a shame to be shy, to close with a glove,

You're not small, Russian hair ....

Father General Vanya - believes that the child should not know the truth,
what you need to protect his impressionable soul:

The spectacle of death, sorrow

It is a sin to revolt a child's soul.

The poet has a different opinion. The best teacher is the hard, undisguised truth
from which you can not cover with a glove. The general inspires his son that the road
built by Count Kleinmichel, and the poet shows the true creators of the road.
Yes, you need to know the most bitter truth in order to become a citizen of the "fatherland
amiable”, to love the people, to teach them to fight for their happiness.

The poet, creating the image of a Belarusian, draws our attention to the fact that
work for this unfortunate man became a punishment, took all his strength from him:
he, like an insensitive robot, “stupidly silent”, “mechanically rusty shovel
pounding the frozen ground." But, referring to Vanya, the author remarks:

This noble habit of work

We would not be bad to adopt with you!

The poet is convinced that any work is noble. Man must do the work
habit, the basis of life. Vanya is from a wealthy family. In the future, he
the owner of the men, perhaps, will choose, like his father, military service. Poet
as if calling: in your coming adult life, remember this
Belarusian, awaken in your soul respect for the common people. Hence the abundance
verbs in the imperative mood. The words of N. A. Nekrasov called to

The second chapter ends with enthusiastic words to the glory of the people
labor, as the poet believed: labor is the arbiter of prosperity on earth.

In the penultimate four lines, the same thing is repeated four times
word: "carry out", "carry out". But the meaning of these verbs is not the same. "Brought
Enough of the Russian people, ”- he endured, completed at the cost of his own lives.
“I took out this railway as well” - built, completed at the cost of my own
lives. In the combination of the words "iron road", the poet emphasizes the word
"iron", implying the figurative meaning of the word. Iron - soulless,
a merciless road that ruined thousands of lives.

“They will endure everything, the Lord will not send!” Nekrasov used the verb in
future time, because I am sure that the coming trials sent down
By God, the people will endure with dignity. The poet believes that the people will get
yourself happiness. The road, the path, the railroad turns into
"a wide, clear road to a brighter future."

The first and second chapters of the poem are a kind of monologue.
poet. Vanya and the general are just listeners.

Chapter III. "... All this people created ...".

The third chapter opens with Vanya's awakening. It turns out the crowd
the dead on a moonlit frosty night - this is ... "a wonderful dream." Vanya says
that I saw in a dream how a crowd of five thousand men appeared before God
and he pointed out: “Here they are, the builders of our road!” The general did not believe in
Vanya's dream and decides in a dispute with the poet, who inspired the boy with the truth about
true builders of the road, to express their point of view. Although, more precisely,
the general does not argue with the interlocutor, he is simply sure that he is right.
According to the general, the people cannot do anything great, except perhaps
oven pots. The general scolds the people, calls him "barbarian", "wild
bunch of drunks." According to him, the people, whether they are "Slav", "Anglo-Saxon",
or "German", does not know how to create, he is only able to destroy.

The poet tries to object to the general, saying that he is all
told not for him, but for Vanya. Nekrasov long and convincingly
“showed” to the child pictures of folk life, so that Vanya was imbued with faith in
people, so that they stop “covering themselves with a glove”, and start? boldly
to object to his father, calling on God for help: it was he who pointed out the true
railroad heroes. The general's statement about the inability of the "barbarians"
to create "miracles of art" are unconvincing. How much lyrical complicity
poet in the fate of the people, how true and interesting his story is, that
makes us imagine, experience, re-feel those torments,
who befell the lot of people, is just as helpless in his statements
general. The dispute is over. The boy, thanks to the poet, knows the truth.

Chapter IV. “The bright side of people's life.

The terrible, painful, merciless truth is not needed by the general. He
encourages the child to show the “bright side”. "I'm glad to show!" - from this
exclamations begins the fourth chapter.

Finished work - "fatal works". The German puts down the rails, the dead
buried in the ground, the sick are hidden in dugouts. Workers crowded around
offices - waiting for a salary. The ten's manager and the contractor subtracted everything from them: for
bath when they were sick. People are robbed, but they are submissive, passive: “they waved
hand”, and still have to.

And now the “venerable” merchant-merchant goes to see his work. Him
power and money, he also has honor. Thick, dense, small,
"red as copper." The face is full, glossy with fat. He makes the people
take off your hats: "Hats off - if I say!". The people step aside
him. Kupchina does not spend a lot of words on people. Worth an' akimbo
picturesquely, constantly wiping sweat from his face. The merchant "forgives" them the arrears,
graciously “gives” them this debt, treats them with a barrel of wine. Then the workers
harnessed "for joy" to the cart, put a meadowsweet in it and shouting
"Hooray!" pushed him down the road.

Chukovsky said that "the darkest stanzas of the Railroad"
not at all those where the disasters of people are depicted, but those where the poet speaks of
their tolerance, their everlasting readiness to humbly forgive their
tormentors." The poet showed there a depressing picture of the reconciliation of the people with
by their oppressors, the triumph of the fat contractor and the "literates" -
foremen. A cart drawn by people, in which a meadowsweet sits,
jubilant cries of "Hurrah!" - there is something creepy in this symbolic picture,
no less terrible than the crowd of the dead that Vanya dreamed of in a dream. Here
truth, which cannot and must not leave indifferent all those who
home road. Lots of exclamation points at the end of the poem, but
It ends with a question and an ellipsis:

Seems hard to cheer up the picture

Draw, General?…..


BUT). The emergence of an idea.

The national and universal significance of the liberation
popular movement in Russia in the 60s of the XIX century, no doubt. "In my
opinion, - wrote K. Marx to F. Engels in January 1860, - the greatest
event in the world at the present time is, on the one hand, an American
the slave movement that began with the death of Brown, and, on the other hand, -
slave movement in Russia. Liberation movement of the 60s. opens
an epoch of preparation for the revolution in Russia.

N. A. Nekrasov - a poet and journalist - was an active participant
liberation movement and understood its significance. It favored
the emergence of the idea of ​​the epic. Nekrasov described the events contemporary to him.
The idea of ​​the legitimacy of the image in the epic genre of modern heroic
events of national and world significance, was expressed
Nekrasov in a review of the brochure by Iv. Vanenko "Sevastopolskaya
defense, or such are the Russians" (1855).

The events that caused the revolutionary situation of 1859-1861, the abolition
serfdom, everything that marked the beginning of the era of preparation
revolution in Russia, contributed to the creation of a plot about the desire
disadvantaged peasants to find a better, happy share. After the reform of hundreds
thousands of peasants freed from serfdom and deprived
bread-winning lands, left their native villages and went to cities, to
construction of railways and factories.

The poem "Pedlars" (1861), inserted into it "The Song of the Wretched
wanderer" indicate that the poet carefully observed new
phenomena of people's life, sensitively capturing its needs and possibilities.
The wanderer's journey from village to village, the nature of his questions: "Man, you
do you live warmly?”, “Do you eat well, do you sing?…”, the Muzhik’s answers to questions
wanderer - "cold-cold, hungry-hungry", repeated in a thousand voices
wind, forests, all the surrounding nature, sounded throughout Russia. Behind
in a generalized way, the Muzhik in the imagination of the reader-friend got up
numerous peasantry, robbed by the liberators.
"Black crows" - officials who massacred the "good
humanity”, weaver-plowman Titus, could in the minds of readers
be associated with the royal satraps, who carried out court and reprisals against
Anton Petrov and peasants like him from Kandeevka, Abyss and
other villages of long-suffering Russia. It seems that the idea of ​​"epopee
modern peasant life" could have appeared while working on
"The song of the wretched wanderer."

The emergence of the idea could precede the subjective readiness
implement it. N. A. Nekrasov said that in this book he wanted
invest all your experience in studying the people, "all the information about him, accumulated
word by word" for 20 years.

In accordance with these words of the poet P. N. Sakkulin wrote: ““ To whom
it is good to live in Russia” was conceived as a completion, as a synthesis of everything
creativity, the success of work on it was ensured by the ability to look at life
through the eyes of the people, to speak their language, to write about their taste.

The study of the creative history “Who in Russia should live well” gives us
the right to say that the beginning of Nekrasov's path to the epic is in the novels: “Life and
adventures of Tikhon Trostnikov", "Three countries of the world", "Thin man, his
adventures and observations "... In them, for the first time, the desire
depict all of Russia from the Baltic to Alaska, from the Arctic Ocean to
the Caspian Sea, to see the diversity of folk types, to treat
great attention and sympathy for people with "energetic mind and
character, the ability to express popular ideals. Here it also appears
that special kind of artistic vision which will
improve and become an essential component of the epic form

The development of Nekrasov's creativity is characterized by three directions,
prepared the possibility of creating an epic. The first of these is poetry and
lyric-epic poems about "heroes of active good". The development of realism in
these works went from documentary to epic. Heroism of the era
preparation of the Russian revolution manifested itself in the speech of the peasants and workers
against their masters, in the selfless activity of revolutionary
democrats preparing a peasant revolution.

Images of Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Shevchenko, Chernyshevsky, created
poet, convince that the desire to capture the facts of their biographies
is combined in the works of the poet with a generalized image of the “hero
active good."

The desire to rise to significant artistic generalizations, not
breaking with documentation, is also revealed in the study of the structure
poems "Poet and Citizen", poems "Unfortunate". In images
Citizen and Mole-Eagle, the features of their prototypes are visible and at the same time - this
"familiar strangers", whose ideals are correlated with the nationwide
ideals. Image of historical "heroes of active goodness"
the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the hero of the epic, was being prepared.

The second direction of creative searches and accomplishments on the outskirts of
The epic is marked by the poems "Pedlars" and "Frost, Red Nose".
Nekrasov created works about the people and for the people.
The form of objectivity he perfected becomes more and more
folk and even epic.

Concern for strengthening the nationality of the poem with evidence that does not need
in evidence, manifested itself in the dedication of "Peddlers"
friend, peasant Gavrila Yakovlevich Zakharov.

The ability to see life through the eyes of their characters, to speak their language,
necessary to create an epic, improved in subsequent
works: "Duma", "Funeral", "Peasant Children", "Orina, mother
soldier's, etc. An epic form of objectivity is often combined in them
with dramatic and lyrical.

In a different way, but with the same success, Nekrasov improves art
reincarnation in their democratic heroes, the ability to feel and
think together with them and for them, working on the poem "Frost, Red Nose".

The third direction of the poet's creative evolution, which prepared
the creation of a new variety of the epic genre, form the poem “Reflections at
front entrance", "Silence", "On the Volga", etc. - lyrical in the way
perception and aesthetic evaluation of phenomena and epic in terms of the expression of thoughts and

The development of this genre variety is characterized by an increase
"details of the objective world", as well as a change in their composition.

“Railway”, “Silence”, “Knight for an hour”, “On the Volga” are written in
form of lyrical thought. But the "details of the objective world" here is so
numerous, voluminous and important, which obscure the lyrical hero.

The lyricism in "Silence" and "Reflections at the Front Door" becomes
truly epic. It is in this capacity that he will develop.
in "To whom it is good to live in Russia."

To implement the idea of ​​a poetic epic, it was necessary and
the corresponding verse.

To correctly assess the importance of this condition, let us recall the words of A.S.
Pushkin: “I am writing not just a novel, but a novel in verse. Devilish difference!
The novel "Eugene Onegin" consists of 5423 verses; epic "Who should live in Russia
good "- from 8866. Nekrasov was prepared for this task
also previous creative searches and achievements. His epic
written mainly in trimeter unrhymed iambic (7965 lines from
8866), with a special flexible foot. The prototype of this flexible foot and the three-foot
non-rhyming iambic with dactylic and masculine endings was created
poet in 1862 in the poem "Green Noise". The originality of the rhythmic
organization of "Green Noise" immediately preceded a similar
epic verse structure. This amazing poem preceded the epic
also a special vision of nature, characteristic of folk art, for
worldview of the plowmen dear to the heart of the poet.

The original version of the Prologue was called the First Chapter of the First
parts." It began with successful and therefore never changed verses,
written in the style of a fabulous beginning: “In a certain kingdom, In a certain
state…”. As well as a fabulous beginning, initial verses
contribute to the poeticization of everyday reality. The plot of the search
happy in the form in which he was outlined in the "First Chapter",
correlates with the plot of the fairy tale "On Truth and Falsehood".

N. A. Nekrasov inserted one hundred and fifty nine into the text of the "First Chapter"
new poems and, in connection with this, re-edited the contract of seven peasants
about a journey through Russia to meet with the supposed happy ones.

By adding new fairy-tale motifs and images, the poet foreshadowed that
the image of life will be carried out not only in the perception of seven
men and alleged happy, but also in the aspect of the deep layers
people's worldview, reflected in folklore.

The curiosity of seven men, which made them forget about personal,
family affairs for the sake of a fair solution to the question of “who lives
happy, at ease in Russia”, testified that they
belong to the best, socially active part of the peasants. In development
self-consciousness of men hid the possibility of a new direction of search
happy in Russia.

The epic nature of the structure “Who should live well in Russia” was carefully
thought out before starting work on the Prologue, but the poet persistently
perfected it. Only the choice of genre remained unchanged,
corresponding to the historical events taken as the basis of the plot. In everything
the rest of the idea developed, improved in the process of its
incarnation. 159 new verses about the wonderful bird were added to the prologue
and tablecloths - self-assembly. The same is observed in the note to another
supplement, smaller in volume and value.

To the original text about the cuckoo, inconsistently responding to the noise
peasant dispute and fight, the poet made the following addition:

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!

Bread will sting

You choke on an ear -

You won't poop.

And in the note he explained: “The cuckoo will stop cuckooing when it starts
bread "(choking on an ear," the people say).

Large and small inserts and edits associated with the transformation of the "First
chapters" in the "Prologue" were intended to strengthen the correlation of the "Prologue" with
conceived structure of the "epopee of modern peasant life".
The epic scope of the planned review of life "through the eyes of men"
is preceded in the "Prologue" by a picture of a dispute-fight, the noise from which
echo echoed loudly, and the inhabitants of the forest responded to it with a groan, a roar.

The owls laughed

Gray wolves howled

A dog barked somewhere.

But the poet was not satisfied only with the sound, devoid of visual
visualization of the inhabitants of the forest. Instead of these verses, he wrote

To the noise, to the fierce fight

Seven owls flocked,

They sit in the trees

Midnighters are laughing.

Big eyes, yellow

They burn like burning wax

Fourteen candles!

Hearing a fierce fight,

Perched nearby

And the raven is unsociable.

Sitting on an old tree

Sits and prays to hell

To go stupid

Anyone to death.

The inhabitants of the forest in this text, as if in a giant circus, surrounded
arguing men. The image of viewers actively responding to the dispute on
"A fierce fight" reinforced the impression.

The next version of this picturesque frame of the picture is much

Seven owls flocked,

Admire the carnage

From seven big trees.

The night owls are crying!

And their eyes are yellow

They burn like burning wax

Fourteen candles!

And the raven, a sensitive bird,

Ripe - sits on a tree

At the very fire,

Sits and prays to hell

To be slammed to death


Fourteen burning eyes, like fourteen candles "from seven large
tree "-candlesticks, illuminate the arena of the night battle. The shouts of the men
“to the king”, “priest”, “priest” - they respond in the scream-laughter of the owls, repeat
and amplified by the booming echo. The image of a raven waiting for bloody prey,
gives the picture a gloomy and sinister character. The epic number "seven"
repeated many times - “seven men”, “seven owls”, “seven large
trees", "seven pairs of burning eyes" - reinforces the impression of a strict
proportionality, repeatability and heralds epic repetitions of the title
questions and noisy debates in the central chapters.

Improving the picture of the night dispute, revealing the compositional role
number seven in it, the poet sought to tell the reader about the structure of the future
"epics of peasant life". "Flying forward with thoughts", he saw
the "embodiment" of the lucky seven in the composition of the epic he conceived.

In the Nekrasov scene, at the very beginning of the search for happiness and truth, seven
gigantic tree-lamps illuminate the arena of dispute and fight of seven
wanderers. Double seven luminous eyes of eagle owls on
tree-lamps is associated with two heavenly seven-stars
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which also include a happy guiding
star. But the men still do not know how to distinguish it from others. They seem to
that a star charter, written in "pure gold on blue velvet",
"Neither intelligent nor stupid can read it." In "To whom in Russia it is good to live"
seven men travel through real sinful Russia to meet with
supposed happy and see "the embodiment of the people's happiness".

The idea “Who should live well in Russia” came to Nekrasov under the influence of
liberation movement that led to the abolition of serfdom. This was
the idea of ​​"the era of modern peasant life" with the appropriate genre
the main character and way of artistic vision. Development
artistic action was planned in a fabulously conditional form, in
according to the needs of the people and the growth of their consciousness.

The readiness of the poet to carry out this grandiose plan was
prepared by all previous epic creative experience. Frontier
subjective readiness was marked by the creation of the poems "Pedlars" (1861
d.), Frost, Red Nose (1863), The Railroad (1864),
which were the highest achievements of the poet on the outskirts of the epic.

It is not yet possible to specify the exact start date for the implementation of the plan.
The term of the subjective readiness of the poet to carry out the plan prompts us
agree with V.E. Evgeniev-Maximov that work on the epic
began in 1863-1864. The time of its completion above the first part is indicated
by the poet himself - 1865.

B) the image of the people.

The people are the main character of the epic. The word "people" sounds very
often, in a variety of combinations: “they were surrounded by the people”, “the people
got together, listens", "the people go and fall", "the people will believe Girin",
“I told the people”, “the people see”, “the people are silent”, “here is the hero
people”, “the people shouted”, “the Russian people are gathering strength…”, etc.
The word "people" sounds like the name of the main character.

In the poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia”, the image of the people is conditional. People
appears in mass scenes: at a festival-fair in the village of Kuzminsky,
at a village meeting that elects a steward, at a city market square,
on the Volga meadow, in the scene of a feast for the whole world, appear as something
united, integral, not imaginary, but real. He is seen by seven men,
traveling around Russia in search of a happy one. important role in creating
the image of the people is played by the national self-consciousness, manifested in folklore, in
folklore. The appearance of mass scenes in which the people are seen as
something unified, motivated by the development of the plot.

Improving the epic ways of artistic vision, Nekrasov
strengthened the nationality of the work. The poet looks at events through the eyes
revolutionary democrat, defender of the "working classes", through the eyes of
astute researcher of folk life, through the eyes of an artist,
possessing the gift of reincarnation in the portrayed characters.

In draft versions, there are the following words of a democrat - an ethnographer:

Whenever what's thinking

About the Russian man

I thought it was true

So I would have sat in St. Petersburg

Yes, he wrote books.

And then the rumor of the people

I want to check my mind

"People's voice" - have you heard? -

"Voice of God" - they say ...

This could be said by both the author and the narrator. N. A. Nekrasov
sensitively listened to the "people's rumor", to the wise judgments of the plowmen,
skillfully used their figurative speech as a speech characteristic of folk
characters. The narrator in the epic is difficult to distinguish from the author. Nekrasov
endowed him with many personal qualities, including a special
insight, the ability to comprehend what and how they see it
male companions during their wanderings in Russia, what do they think about
seen; endowed them with the ability to speak on their behalf, without distorting their
looks, no manner of speech.

When seven wanderers came to the holiday-fair in the village
Kuzminsky, there was "visibly-invisible to the people" of everyone. This huge
the mass of people is something inseparable from the festive
square, as well as with that crowded, vociferous road, which "hums
popular rumor "as" the sea is blue", as "violent winds". Wanderers and
the author-narrator, who is inseparable from them, are inside the many-voiced
masses seem to merge with it. They not only hear the rumble of popular rumor,
but they also distinguish individual replicas of peasants and women, the words of their songs.

Unnamed replicas are different in content and meaning, sometimes
playful, salty male humor, sometimes well-aimed judgments about topical
phenomena of social life, presented in an allegorical form
riddles, signs, proverbs.

“You are good, royal letter,

Yes, you are not written about us ... "

"Step aside, people!"

(Excise officials

With bells, with plaques

They swept from the market).

“And I’m to that now:

And the broom is rubbish, Ivan Ilyich,

And walk on the floor

Wherever it sprays!

Historical signs of folk talk, folk rumor in the "stormy"
villages of post-reform Russia allow you to limit the time of action in the first
parts 1861-1863 years. Rumors about the tsar's manifesto, promulgated in
1861, were the most intense at the beginning of this period. Words about
excise officials could not be told before 1863, since before
At that time there was no such post. Assimilation of "new officials
brooms ", which can pretty spray, testifies to the attitude
the author-narrator and his companions to the "new officials".

The motley, noisy crowd in the scenes of the fair unites and unites
not only a general festive mood, but also general ideas about
"valiant prowess" and "girlish beauty."

When three dozen youngsters sang a friendly song

About the prowess of the youth,

About girlish beauty

The whole road is quiet...

“Fire-longing” passed that song, collapsible in heart, in peasant. how
something united, united by a common love for justice, intelligence and kindness
the people are depicted in the scene of a rural gathering, electing as
Burmese Yermilu Girin:

Six thousand souls, all fiefdom

We shout: - Yermila Girina! -

How one man!

A single mass, united by trust in Yermil Girin, by the desire to support
him in the fight against the merchant Altynnikov and officials, the people are also depicted
in the city market square. When Yermil turned to the people with
asking him to listen

The crowded square has become quiet ...

The unity of the masses of the people was also manifested in respectful attention to their
pet, and in friendly help to him. Something opposing the merchant Altynnikov
and the tsarist administration saw the poet among the people in the case when he wrote:
"Yermil bowed to the people."

A particularly important role in creating the image of the people is played by the heads
"Last Child" and "A Feast for the Whole World." In the picture of haymaking on the Volga
meadow, as in the picture of the holiday-fair in the village of Kuzminsky, again

Dark people! There are white

Women's shirts, but colorful

Agile braids…

The admiration of the wanderers by the heroism of the workers - the Volzhans with an amazing
sculptural poet embodied in the image of "a tall peasant with a jug -
on a stack." The stack in this poetic sculpture serves as a kind of
a pedestal created by the labor of the hero himself - the plowman.

The people are seen as a single mass in the painting “A Feast for the Whole World”,
taking place at the crossroads in the village of Bolshie Vakhlaki. Vakhlakov
unites here the common joy of liberation from serfdom,
from the oppression of the landowner Utyatin and a common dream of a better, happy life. They are
hope to obtain collective ownership of a large water meadow,
promised to them by the heirs of Prince Utyatin for an extended period of serfdom
obedience to the sick "last child". According to the calculations of the peasants, the income from the meadow
can reimburse them dues and taxes. So they will be released.
not only from serfdom, but also from taxes.

“Without corvée… without tribute…

Without a stick ... is it true, Lord?

This hope pleased everyone, but the joy was premature. Not a meadow, but
a ruinous litigation with the heirs of the feudal lord Utyatin awaited them in
the future.

The question of the meadow was not the only one, but the first in a series of discussions.
participants in the feast. The joy of the liberation of the Vahlaks from serfdom
expressed and motivated in legends about serfdom, in songs
"Merry" and "Corvee", in the story "About the exemplary serf - Yakov

In "Feast ..." the whole Vakhlat world is engaged in the search for the happy, and even
all the people. In "The Legend of the Two Great Sinners" there is a solution to this
old dispute. According to the people's idea of ​​good and evil
the murder of a cruel serf-owner is a feat that saves slaves from a tyrant.
The soul of a person who has accomplished such a great feat is transformed,
cleansed from all past sins and vices. The sin of betrayal
Gleba the headman - a Judas sin - is not forgiven by the people's conscience. Way to
happiness - the way of active opposition to evil. The best of the wahlaks learned
it is heart and mind.

Not only seekers think about the people and see them in their own way
happy and the author accompanying them - the narrator, but also
supposed happy: priest, landowner, peasants Yakam Nagoy, Ermil
Girin, Savely Korchagin, Matryona Timofeevna, people's protector Grisha
Dobrosklonov. This reinforces the impression of epic objectivity and
the diversity of the image of the people.

For the priest, the people are the peasants of his parish. In the post-reform
the time when many landowners left their family nests and moved to
cities, the priest is forced to be content only with income from the peasants and
involuntarily notice their poverty.

The landowner Obolt-Obolduev also thinks about the people, about Russia. This is a thought
serf-owner, whose ideal is Russia, submissive to the power of the masters.

“Now Russia is not the same!”

The serf-owner Obolt-Obolduev hates not only the preachers of freedom and
enlightenment, but also peasants who are recalcitrant to it, especially those who are "naughty" in
his forest, shy away from working in his fields.

To determine the essence of the life of the peasantry, another measure is needed
values ​​than "master's measure". According to this new fair
at least, the working farmers are presented to the people's tribune as "people
great in work and in revelry", people who "valiant daring on
saved the case." In the judgments of a plowman who has experience and
worker-otkhodnik, people's self-consciousness manifested itself, inaccessible
backward section of the peasantry. The essence of the Russian peasantry, mo logic
Yakim Nagogo, in labor, and the reason for the poverty of the peasants is

Under the rule of the exploiting classes.

You work alone

And a little work is over,

Look, there are three equity holders:

God, king and lord!

Saveliy expresses thoughts about the people close to the judgments of Yakim Nagogoy
Korchagin. He speaks of the heroic endurance of the people and their will to
fight. The views of the Holy Russian hero with the greatest obviousness
correlated with the national self-consciousness, expressed in folklore.
The peasantry, disadvantaged by the landlords, appears to Savely in the form
a huge, under the clouds leaving, but chained hero.

"Do you think, Matryonushka,

The man is not a hero? »-

Saveliy asks his daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and he himself answers in style and spirit
epic epic.

With the most ancient epic worldview in the epic of peasant life
correlated the idea of ​​the heroism of the people not only in the minds
Savely Korchagin, but also in the minds of the defender of the people, Grigory
Dobrosklonov, and his scientific mentors. Innumerable heroic army
the author of the song "Rus" sees the people. In this famous song, he generally
expressed everything

What I saw, what I heard

Living with the people myself

What I thought, what I read

Everyone, even the teachers

Father Apolinarius

recent words:

"Since ancient times, Russia has been saved

People's impulses"

(People with Ilya Muromets

Compared scientist pop).

Reflecting on the essence of the Russian people, Grisha compared what he himself saw
and heard, with what I learned from books, from my teacher, a connoisseur of epics.

"A Feast for the Whole World" is the latest mass scene in a series of those in which
the image of the people, the protagonist of the epic, is created. The people in this scene
shows the greatest activity - celebrates the wake after the last.
The spiritual, creative activity of the Vakhlaks finds its expression in
relation to folklore, in updating well-known folklore works,
in creating new ones. Vahlaks together sing folk songs "Barshchinnaya",
"Hungry", attentively listening to the story "About the exemplary serf - Yakov
faithful", the legend "About two great sinners", the song of the soldier Ovsyannikov
and a dramatized dialogue between Klim Lavin and the hero of the Sevastopol

C) Heroes from peasants on the examples of Yakim Nagogoy and Yermila Girin.

Yakim Nagoi from the village of Bosovo stands out from the mass of peasants,
those present at the festival-fair in the village of Kuzminsky, not a surname, not
the name of his village, although both are ambiguous, and
the insight of the mind and the talent of the people's tribune. Yakima's speech
the essence of the Russian peasantry serves to create a collective image
people, and at the same time the characteristics of Yakim himself, his attitude to
workers and "parasites".

This is the main way to characterize the characters in "To whom in Russia
to live well". It is also used in the stories of fellow villagers about Yakima. Reader
finds out that Yakim Nagoi was both a plowman and a otkhodnik worker from St. Petersburg.
Already in those St. Petersburg years, Yakim selflessly defended the interests of his comrades
by labor in their struggle against the exploiters, but without success.

I wanted to compete with the merchant!

Like a peeled Velcro,

He returned to his home

And took up the plow.

Since then, it's been roasting for thirty years

On the strip under the sun...

In the stories of fellow villagers, it turns out that Yakim Nagoi loves art.
There are pictures everywhere in his hut. Yakima's love for the beautiful was
so strong that during a fire, he first of all began to save
pictures, not money. Money burned down (more precisely, decreased in value - this is
there were gold coins), and the pictures were saved, later even

Yakim's speech and the stories of fellow villagers about him are heard by the whole crowded square,
and with it the seven seekers of happiness. The poet sees Yakim Nagogo
through the eyes of plowmen like him, through the eyes of the ethnographer Pavlusha

Chest sunken as if depressed

Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth

Bends like cracks

On dry ground;

And myself to mother earth

He looks like; neck brown

Like a layer cut off with a plow,

brick face,

Hand - tree bark,

And hair is sand.

The portrait of a peasant is painted with paints borrowed from
mother earth, earthly nurse. From the earth and the strength of Yakim Nagogo. This
unprepossessing in appearance, the wise plowman is similar to the legendary, mythical

The peasant Fedosey tells the wanderers about Yermil.

And you would, dear friends,

Ask Ermila Girin, -

He said, sitting down with strangers,

Villages of Dymoglotov

Peasant Fedosey ...

The question of wanderers “And who is Yermil?” surprised the locals

“How are you Orthodox!

Do you not know Yermila?

Jumping up, they responded

About a dozen men.

We don't know!

Well, it means from afar

You have come to our side!

We have Yermila Girin

Everyone in the area knows."

Yermil Ilyich stands out among his fellow countrymen with "strict truth, intelligence
and kindness, exacting conscience and loyalty to the interests of the people.
It is these high qualities of Yermila that are glorified by the rumor of the people, but for
deeds in which the virtues honored by the people were manifested, in prison he
is sitting.

Fedosey's story about Ermil Girin, as well as about Yakim Nagy, wanderers
listening in a crowded square in the presence of many who know him well
countrymen. Silently agreeing with the narrator, the audience seemed to
confirm the veracity of what was said. And when Fedosey violated the truth,
his story was interrupted: “Stop!”.

In the final version, the collective replica of the men was transmitted
close to them "average priest". He knows Yermila Girin well, loves and
respects him. Pop did not confine himself to a remark, but made a significant
an addition to what was said by Theodosius; he said that Yermil
Kirin is imprisoned. This story is cut off, but it follows from it,
that Yermil tried to protect the participants in the rebellion in the estate of the landowner
Obrubkova. Persecuted by the authorities, the "gray-haired priest" speaks of a universal
favorite as about a person who no longer exists. "Yes! There was only one man...

A characteristic feature of the epic genre of the stories of Fedosey and
"gray-haired priest" is that Yermil Girin appears in them, with
on the one hand, in relations with the mass of peasants who elect him
burmister, helping him in the fight against the merchant Altynnikov, during
relations with rebellious peasants from the patrimony of the landowner Obrubkov,
and on the other hand, in relations with the merchant Altynnikov and
officials bribed by him, as well as, in all likelihood, with
suppressors of rebellious countrymen.

The epic nature of the form of objectivity in the creation of the image of Ermila Girin
is manifested in the fact that the stories about him are checked by the world and the world
are supplemented, as well as in the rumor of the people,

Praising him happy.

D) The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

The young life of Grisha Dobrosklonov is all in sight. The reader knows the family
hero, the life of his native village, living conditions in the bursa. Grisha Dobrosklonov
origin, experience of a poor life, friendly relations,
habits, aspirations and ideals is connected with his native Vakhlachina, with
peasant Russia.

Grisha comes to the Vakhlakov feast at the invitation of Vlas Ilyich, his
spiritual, godfather, who is loved and respected by fellow villagers
for intelligence, incorruptible honesty, kindness and selfless devotion to worldly
interests. Vlas loves his godson, caresses him, takes care of him.
They consider Grisha, his brother Savva and other Vakhlaks to be their relatives.
The plowmen ask the Dobrosklonovs to sing "Merry". The brothers are singing. Song sharply
denounces the feudal landowners, bribe takers and the tsar himself.
The pathos of the denunciation is intensified by the ironic refrain that completes each
couplet: "It is glorious for the people to live in holy Russia!". This refrain served
apparently, the basis for the ironic title of the song "Merry", contrary to
its sad, bleak content. Vahlaki learned "Merry" from
Grisha. Who is its author is unclear, it is very possible that he also composed this
song. But it did not become a folk song, coming from the heart of the composer and
performer to the people's heart, since no one understood its essence.

Indicative of the image of Grisha is his conversation with fellow countrymen, saddened
unforgivable Judas sin of elder Gleb, for which they, as
peasants considered themselves responsible. Grisha managed to convince them that
they are "respondents for Gleb the accursed".

The poet carefully perfected the style, the form of a peculiar
Dobrosklonov's propaganda speech.

“There is no support - there is no landowner ...

No support - Gleb new

Will not be in Russia!

The ideas of determinism were promoted by revolutionary democrats for
in order to rouse the oppressed to an active struggle against hostile
to a person of the circumstances of post-reform life. In the original version,
manuscript stored in the "Pushkin House", about the impression made by
Grisha's speech to the audience was told from the author. In the final
in the text it is expressed in a form more appropriate to the genre of the epic - in
popular rumor: "It's gone, the crowd is picked up, Oh, strengthen the word true
chatting: "There is no snake - There will be no kitties!". "True Word" folk
intercessor entered the minds of the men. In the nameless popular rumor
the replicas of Prov, the deacon, and the judicious elder Vlas stand out. Prov
advises comrades: "Move on your mustache!". The deacon admires: “He will create
god head!". Vlas thanks his godson.

Grisha's response to the good wishes of Vlas, as well as his
enlightening speech, carefully improved. Nekrasov sought
to show the cordiality of the relations of the intercessor of the people with the peasants, and together
with those difference in their understanding of happiness. Gregory's cherished dream
Dobrosklonova goes much further than the notion of happiness that
expressed in the good wishes of Vlas. Grisha strives not for the personal
wealth, but to ensure that his fellow countrymen “and every peasant live
freely and cheerfully In all holy Russia. His personal happiness lies in achieving
happiness of the people. This is a new, higher level for the Nekrasov epic
understanding of human happiness.

The feast ended at dawn. The Vahlaks went home. Wanderers and
the pilgrims fell asleep under the old willow. Savva and Grisha went home and
inspiredly sang:

The share of the people

his happiness,

Light and freedom


In the completed version of "Feast ...", this song serves as an introduction to
the subsequent development of the image of the "people's protector." In the "Epilogue" the story
the author himself leads about Grisha, without the participation of seven companions. Outwardly it
motivated by the fact that they sleep under an old willow. The author relates the character
hero not only with the living conditions in his own family, with the life of his own
Vakhlachins, but also with the life of all Russia, with the advanced ideals of everything
humanity. Such a broad, epic correlation of the ideals of the young hero
"active good" with universal ideals is carried out in
lyrical reflection "Pretty demon of joy" and in the song "Among the world
Dolny", which characterize the author himself. Grisha is seen in them
the author, as it were, from the outside, walking "the narrow road, the honest road"
along with his associates.

The beauty of the inner world, creative talent and sublimity
aspirations of Grisha Dobrosklonov was most clearly and convincingly revealed in
three of his songs. The feelings and thoughts of the young poet, expressed in the song "In
moments of despondency, oh motherland!”, are genetically associated with impressions from
worldly feast. These feelings and thoughts are the most active
elements of that national self-consciousness, which was looking for its manifestation
in stories and legends about serfdom, about who is the sinner of all, who
All Saints, was expressed in the joyful dreams of Vakhlaks about a better future.

Sad memories of the distant past, when "A descendant of the Tatars, as
horse, brought to the market a slave-Slav”, about a recent serf
lawlessness, when "a Russian maiden was dragged to shame" and the word "set" caused
horror, are replaced in the soul of the poet by joyful hopes:

Enough! Finished with the last calculation,

Done with Mr.

The Russian people gather with strength

And learning to be a citizen...

In the same epic range, covering dark and light, sad
and the joyful aspects of the life of an individual working person and the whole people,
the whole country, Dobrosklonov reflects on the barge hauler and on Russia. Burlak,
met by Grisha on the banks of the Volga, walked with a festive gait, in a clean
shirt ... But the young poet imagined a barge hauler in a different form, when

Shoulders, chest and back

He pulled a tow barge...

From the barge hauler, the thought of the young poet passed to the people, "to all mysterious Russia"
and was expressed in the famous song "Rus", which is the poetic result
reflections on the people and Motherland not only by Grisha Dobrosklonov, but also by the author

The strength of Russia's RoSila is in the innumerable people's rati, in the creative
labor. But the process of self-awareness of the people, deliverance from slavish obedience
and psychology, from wretchedness and impotence went slowly.

The song "Rus" is the result of the hero's thoughts about the homeland and people, his present
and the future. This is the great and wise truth about the Russian people, the answer to
question posed in the poem.

The truth about Russia and the Russian people, which affected the song
"Rus", which concludes the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia", makes it
to see in the people a force capable of carrying out the reorganization of life:

The army rises


The strength will affect her


Saved in slavery

Free heart -

Gold, gold

The heart of the people!

The assimilation of the heart to gold spoke not only of its value, but also of
fiery. The color of gold is like the color of a flame. This image could not be
removed from the song. By association, the image of a spark hiddenly burning is associated with it.
in the chest of Russia, that spark from which a flame could flare up
revolutionary transformation of Russia, wretched - into abundant, downtrodden - into


The epic "To whom it is good to live in Russia" was a worthy finale
epic creativity of N.A. Nekrasov. The composition of this work
built according to the laws of the classical epic. The author's intention of the poem remained
unfulfilled The peasants do not yet know and cannot know “what is happening with
Grisha”, feeling happy. But the reader knows this. Plan
the work is not finished, but the epic nature of the content was determined,
plot and how it develops. The artistic
hero vision.

Readers, together with Grisha, see the main character of the epic, see how
“The army rises - innumerable”, they see that “the strength in it will affect -
invincible" and believe because they know Savely, the Holy Russian hero,
Matryona Timofeevna, Yermila Girin and other "plowmen" with
"energetic mind and character." They believe because they see people
intercessors selflessly walking “dear? forest ?, dear honest
to fight, to work,” their inspired calls are heard. This is the essence
artistic discovery of folk life, characterized by the beginning
preparations for the revolution in Russia. It was also the discovery of a variety of the genre
epic, corresponding to its stable requirements.

The age-old aspiration of the Russian poets preceding Nekrasov came true
- literature was enriched with an innovative poetic variety of the genre
epics. As a result of her research, we can say: the epic of the new
time is a large poem or prose fiction
a work that reflects an event that has a national and
universal meaning. The main character of the epic is the people. basis
artistic vision of the work is the people's worldview.

The epic differs from other genres in the breadth and completeness of the image.
life of the people, a deep understanding of people's ideals, the inner world
heroes. The epic genre is characterized by assertive pathos. epic genre
lives and develops: “Quiet Flows the Don” by M. A. Sholokhov and others.

In the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" N. A. Nekrasov poetically
plays with proverbs, widely uses constant epithets, but, most importantly,
– he creatively reworks folklore texts, revealing the potential
their revolutionary, emancipatory meaning. Extraordinarily
expanded Nekrasov and the stylistic range of Russian poetry, using
colloquial speech, folk phraseology, dialectisms, boldly included in
a work of different speech styles - from everyday to journalistic, from
folk vernacular to folklore and poetic vocabulary, from
oratory-pathetic to parodic-satirical style.

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Lesson Objectives: summarize the knowledge of children in this section; develop expressive reading skills, love and interest in poetry, teach to see and notice beauty in nature, form the ability to work in a group.

Preparing for the lesson: The class is divided into four teams. On the board are illustrations that the children brought as homework.

Equipment: multimedia projector, tokens.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Topic message and goal setting

What is the name of the section we were working on?

What writers have we met? Let's remember the years of their lives. What works have you read?

III. Contests

1. Warm-up (Questions are asked in turn to each team. For the correct answer - a token.)

At the age of 12, this poet freely translated the odes of Horace. (F. I. Tyutchev)

One day he decided to leave literature and take up agriculture. (A. A. Fet)

Pushkin said about him: “... original - because he thinks” (E. A. Baratynsky)

Contemporaries remembered him as an exceptionally delicate, gentle and benevolent person, always ready to help. (A. N. Pleshcheev)

He opened a bookstore in Voronezh and a cheap library attached to it, which became the center of the literary and social life of the city. (I. S. Nikitin)

From his father, he inherited strength of character, fortitude, enviable stubbornness in achieving the goal. (N. A. Nekrasov)

He spent his last years in poverty, working on a book about his literary teacher A.P. Chekhov. (I. A. Bunin)

A talented storyteller introduced this writer to folk poetry, on the basis of which he created his fairy tales. (A. S. Pushkin)

2. Literary researchers

(The teacher prepares 4 tasks on cards. Time is given for preparation.)

1st team

Personification is the endowment of objects, natural phenomena with feelings, mood, abilities, character of a person.

Task: find personification in the read poems (I. A. Bunin “Falling leaves”, I. S. Nikitin “In the blue sky ...”). What helps personification to feel and understand?

2nd team

Stanzas are parts of a poem that differ in the same number of lines in each of them, the same arrangement of rhymes and relative completeness.

Task: find examples of such poems (N.A. Nekrasov “In the winter twilight ...”, A. A. Fet “Spring rain”, F. I. Tyutchev “How unexpected and bright ...”). Why does a poet divide poems into stanzas?

3rd team

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

Task: give examples from poems (N. A. Nekrasov “In the winter twilight ...”, A. A. Fet “Spring rain”, F. I. Tyutchev “How unexpected and bright ...”).

4th team

Rhythm is a uniform alternation of some elements (in sound, in movement).

Assignment: reread the poems by A. A. Fet “Butterfly”, “Spring Rain”, N. A. Nekrasov “In the winter twilight ...”. What reminds you of the rhythm of these poems? What should be the tempo, intonation, mood, given the rhythmic pattern of the work?

3. Seasons

  • Every year they come to visit us:
    One gray-haired, the other young,
    The third jumps, and the fourth cries.
  • - Who knows when it happens? (proverb)
  • Varyukha is coming - take care of your nose and ear (in winter)
  • Cherry blossomed - called the cold (in spring)
  • The day missed - the harvest was lost (in autumn)
  • Dew and fog live in the morning (summer)

Three teams perform task 4 on page 155.

1st team-spring (F.I. Tyutchev “The earth still looks sad ...”, E.A. Baratynsky “Spring, spring! ..”)

2nd team-autumn (I. S. Nikitin “They are floating in the blue sky ...”, I. A. Bunin “Falling leaves”)

3rd team-winter (N. A. Nekrasov “In the winter twilight ...”, E. A. Baratynsky “Where is the sweet whisper ...”

4th team

1. Reread the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “How unexpected and bright ...”. Explain why the word is repeated twice in the poem. catch and three exclamatory sentences?

2. Reread the poem by I. A. Bunin “Falling Leaves”. Why is the word repeated several times in the poem? today?

3. What did F. I. Tyutchev and I. A. Bunin want to say to their readers? Compare your conclusion with the last quatrain from the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Schoolboy”

4. Competition of readers

Checking homework: draw a picture for a work that you especially liked, prepare an expressive reading or reading by heart.

(Three people from the team participate. The illustrations prepared by the guys are on the board.)

IV. Summarizing

What is another name for this section? (Poems of 19th century poets about nature)

V. Homework

Page 154 task 3, page 156 task 10.

The writing

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in Ukraine on November 28 (December 10), 1821 in Nemirov, where his father then served. Soon, Major Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov retired and in the fall of 1824 returned with his family to their native places. In Greshnev, he began the ordinary life of a small estate nobleman, who had only 50 souls of serfs at his disposal. A man of strong temper and despotic character, he did not spare his subordinates.

The peasants under his control got it, the household members had enough grief with him, especially the poet's mother, Elena Andreevna, a woman of a kind soul and a sensitive heart, smart and educated. Warmly loving children, for the sake of their happiness and peace, for the sake of their future, she patiently endured and, to the best of her weak strength, softened the arbitrariness that reigned in the house. Serf-owning tyranny in those years was a common, almost universal phenomenon, but from childhood it deeply wounded the soul of the poet, because the victim was not only himself, not only the Greshnev peasants and courtyards, but also the poet's beloved "blond-haired, blue-eyed" mother . \"This ... was a heart wounded at the very beginning of his life," Dostoevsky said about Nekrasov, "and this wound that never healed was the beginning and source of all his passionate, suffering poetry for the rest of his life \".

But Nekrasov also inherited some positive qualities from his father - strength of character, fortitude, enviable stubbornness in achieving the goal:

As demanded by the father's ideal:

The hand is firm, the eye is faithful, the spirit is tested.

From Alexei Sergeevich, the poet from childhood was also infected with a hunting passion, the same one that later gave him a happy opportunity for a sincere, cordial rapprochement with a peasant. It was in Greshnev that Nekrasov's deep friendship with the peasants began, which later nourished his soul and creativity throughout his life:

It's nice to meet in the noisy capital with a friend

But to see a friend following the plow

In the village in the summer heat -

A hundred times nicer...

So Nekrasov wrote in the summer of 1861 in Greshnev, where he often came after reconciliation with his father.

The quarrel with him took place on a well-known and very characteristic occasion. Early Nekrasov began to be burdened by feudal arbitrariness in his father's house, early began to declare his disagreement with his father's way of life. In the Yaroslavl gymnasium, he already completely devoted himself to his second favorite passion, inherited from his mother - literature, theater. The young man not only read a lot, but also tried his hand at the literary field. By the time of the decisive turn in his fate, Nekrasov had a notebook of his own poems, written in imitation of the then fashionable romantic poets:

I left my father's house as a child

(For glory, I was in a hurry to the capital) ...

\"Petersburg ordeals\"

On July 20, 1838, sixteen-year-old Nekrasov set off on a long journey with a "cherished notebook". Against the will of his father, who wanted to see his son in a military educational institution, Nekrasov decided to enter the university. Upon learning of his intention, Alexei Sergeevich became furious, sent a letter to his son threatening to deprive him of any material support and assistance. But the father's tough temper clashed with the son's determined temper. There was a gap: Nekrasov was left alone in St. Petersburg, without any support and support. A life began that was completely different from the life of an ordinary noble son. The future poet himself chose a thorny path for himself, more typical of a poor commoner who makes his way through his labor. Unsatisfactory preparation at the Yaroslavl gymnasium did not allow him to pass the university exam, but the stubborn Nekrasov decided to become a volunteer and attended classes at the Faculty of Philology for three years.

\"Petersburg ordeals \" is usually called this period in the life of Nekrasov. And in fact, there were too many failures: failure at the university exams, scolding in criticism of the first collection of imitative, student poems\"Dreams and Sounds\", a half-starved existence, finally, daily, rough work in the capital's magazines, work (* 163) that for the sake of a piece of bread, which sometimes did not bring any moral satisfaction. But at the same time, \"going through the torment \" formed a steadfast and courageous character, tempered the poet, and most importantly, opened up to him the life of the Petersburg lower classes, the life of the same men, but not in the village, but in the city, their otkhodnicheskoe way of life. In search of earnings at the beginning of life in St. Petersburg, Nekrasov often came to Sennaya Square, where ordinary people gathered: artisans and artisans traded their products, peasants from the surrounding villages and villages sold vegetables and dairy products.

For a penny fee, the future poet wrote petitions and complaints to illiterate peasants, and at the same time he listened to popular rumor, learned the innermost thoughts and feelings that wandered in the minds and hearts of working Russia. With the accumulation of life impressions, there was an accumulation of literary forces, already based on a deep understanding of social injustice.

Nekrasov's literary talent is noticed by the publisher of the theatrical magazine "Repertoire and Pantheon" F. A. Koni. Not without his support, the young man tries his hand at theater criticism, but gains some popularity as the author of poetic feuilletons (\"Talker\",\"Officer \") and vaudevilles (\"Actor\", \"Petersburg pawnbroker\"). In these works, Nekrasov seeks and sometimes finds a democratic viewer and reader. Passion for dramaturgy does not pass without a trace for his poetic work: the dramatic element permeates Nekrasov's lyrics, is reflected in the poems\"Russian women\",\"Contemporaries\", \"Who lives well in Russia\".

The great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821 in the town of Nemirovo, Kamenetz-Podolsk province. His father, Alexei Sergeevich, a poor landowner, served at that time in the army with the rank of captain. In the autumn of 1824, having retired with the rank of major, he settled with his family in the family estate of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province, where Nekrasov spent his childhood.

His father led the ordinary life of a small estate nobleman, who had only 50 souls of serfs at his disposal. A man of strong temper and despotic character, he did not spare his subjects. The family also got it, especially the poet's mother, Elena Andreevna, nee Zakrevskaya, a woman of a kind soul and sensitive heart, smart and educated. Warmly loving children, for the sake of their happiness and peace, she meekly endured the arbitrariness that reigned in the house and patiently engaged in education.

From his father, Nekrasov inherited strength of character, fortitude, enviable stubbornness in achieving his goal, and from an early age he was infected with a hunting passion, which contributed to his sincere rapprochement with the people. In Greshnev, the future poet's heartfelt attachment to the Russian peasant began. At the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a blank fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not at home, he invited the peasant children to him. Nekrasov was not allowed to be friends with the children of serfs, but, having seized a convenient moment, the boy ran away through the same loophole to his village friends, went with them into the forest, swam with them in the Samarka River, made "mushroom raids". The manor's house stood right next to the road, and the road was crowded and lively at that time - the Yaroslavl-Kostroma high road. Everything that walked and rode along it was known, starting with postal troikas and ending with prisoners in chains, accompanied by escorts. Young Nekrasov, also, secretly getting out of the fence of the estate, got acquainted with all the working people - with stove-makers, painters, blacksmiths, diggers, carpenters, who moved from village to village, from city to city in search of work. The children eagerly listened to the stories of these experienced people. The Greshnevskaya road was for Nekrasov the beginning of the knowledge of the noisy and restless people's Russia. The poet's nanny was a serf, she told him old Russian folk tales, the very ones that for many centuries were told in every peasant family to every peasant child.

Since childhood, the spirit of truth-seeking, inherent in his fellow countrymen - Kostroma and Yaroslavl, has taken root in the character of Nekrasov himself since childhood. The people's poet also took the road of a "otkhodnik", only not in a peasant, but in its noble essence. Early began to be burdened by feudal arbitrariness in his father's house, early began to declare his disagreement with his father's way of life. In the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he entered in 1832, Nekrasov devoted himself entirely to the love of literature and theater acquired from his mother. The young man read a lot and tried his hand at the literary field. The father did not want to pay for his son's education at the gymnasium, he quarreled with the teachers. The teachers were bad, ignorant, and required only stupid cramming. Nekrasov read whatever he had to, mainly the magazines of that time. Pushkin's revolutionary ode "Liberty" made a great impression on him. In the gymnasium, the boy first discovered his vocation as a satirist when he began to write epigrams for teachers and comrades. In July 1837, Nekrasov left the gymnasium. At that time, he already had a notebook of his own poems, written in imitation of the then fashionable romantic poets - V.A. Zhukovsky, A.I. Podolinsky.

On July 20, 1836, sixteen-year-old Nekrasov set off on a long journey with a "cherished notebook" and a few rubles. Against the will of his father, who wanted to see his son in a military educational institution, Nekrasov decided, on the advice of his mother, to enter St. Petersburg University. Unsatisfactory preparation at the Yaroslavl school did not allow him to pass the exams, but the stubborn young man decided to become a volunteer. For two years he attended classes at the Faculty of Philology. Having learned about the act of his son, A.S. Nekrasov became furious and deprived his son of any material support. "Petersburg ordeals" call this period in the life of Nekrasov. There were a lot of ordeals: failure at university exams, scrutiny in criticism of the first collection of imitative student poems Dreams and Sounds (1840), a half-starved existence, and finally, daily rough work in the capital's newspapers for the sake of a piece of bread. But at the same time, a steadfast, courageous character was being formed: "going through the torments" both tempered the poet and opened up to him the life of the St. Petersburg lower classes. Nekrasov lived in poverty for five lats. Literary talent is noticed by the publisher of the theater magazine "Repertoire and Pantheon" F.A. Horses. Not without his support, Nekrasov tries his hand at theater criticism, but gains popularity as the author of poetic feuilletons ("Talker", "Officer") and vaudeville ("Actor", "Petersburg usurer").

In 1843 the poet met with V.G. Belinsky, passionately carried away by the ideas of the French utopian socialists, stigmatizing the social inequality existing in Russia. Belinsky demanded from modern writers a truthful, realistic depiction of Russian reality, and he fell in love with Nekrasov for his implacable hatred of the people's enemies. Under his influence, Nekrasov for the first time turned to real stories suggested to him by real life - he began to write more simply, without any embellishment, about the most seemingly ordinary, ordinary phenomena of life, and then his fresh, versatile and deeply truthful talent immediately appeared in him.

Another teacher of Nekrasov was Gogol. The poet worshiped him all his life and put him next to Belinsky. "Love - hate" - Nekrasov learned this from his great mentors.

At the end of 1846 N.A. Nekrasov, together with the writer Ivan Panaev, rented the Sovremennik magazine founded by Pushkin. Nekrasov's editorial talent flourished in Sovremennik, rallying the best literary forces of the 1940s-1960s around the magazine. last century. I.S. Turgenev publishes here "Notes of a Hunter", I.A. Goncharov - the novel "Ordinary History", etc. Nekrasov headed this journal for almost twenty years (1847-1866). He saved the high reputation of Sovremennik during the years of the "gloomy seven years" (1848-1855). It happened that before the release of the magazine, censorship banned a good third of the material, and Nekrasov had to protect the magazine from disaster. It was during this period that he, together with his common-law wife A.Ya. Panaeva writes two novels: "Three countries of the world" (1848-1849) and "Dead Lake" (1851). After Belinsky's death in 1848, Nekrasov joined the work in the literary-critical section of the magazine. He wrote a number of brilliant articles, among which the essay "Russian Minor Poets" (1850) stands out, restoring the reputation of poetry, which had been shaken in the 40s.

Beginning in 1855, the highest flowering of N.A. Nekrasov. He finished the poem "Sasha", where he branded with contempt the so-called "superfluous people", that is, liberal nobles who expressed their feelings for the people not with deeds, but with loud phrases. Then he wrote "The Forgotten Village", "Schoolboy", "Unfortunate", "Poet and Citizen". These works revealed in their author the mighty powers of a folk singer. Nekrasov became the favorite poet of the democratic intelligentsia, which at that time became an influential social force in the country.

The merit of Nekrasov the editor before Russian literature lies in the fact that, having a rare aesthetic sense, he acted as a pioneer of new literary talents. Thanks to him, the first works of A.N. appeared on the pages of Sovremennik. Tolstoy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth" and "Sevastopol stories". In 1854, at the invitation of Nekrasov, N.G., the ideologist of Russian revolutionary democracy, became a permanent contributor to Sovremennik. Chernyshevsky, and then the literary critic N.A. Dobrolyubov.

The influence of Sovremennik grew every year, but soon a thunderstorm broke out over the magazine. Dobrolyubov died in 1861. A year later, Chernyshevsky was arrested and exiled to Siberia. The government, embarking on the path of vengeful reprisal against its enemies, decided to destroy the hated magazine. At first, it suspended the publication of Sovremennik for eight months (June-December 1862), and then banned it forever (1866). Only a year and a half later, Nekrasov rents from A.A. Kravskoy "Domestic Notes" and from 1868 until his death remains the editor of this journal. To the editors of "Domestic Notes" N.A. Nekrasov invites M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and G.Z. Eliseeva. For the publication of a new poetic collection of mature realistic works by N.A. Nekrasov is solved in special conditions. The collection "Poems by N. Nekrasov" was published on October 15, 1856, and already on November 5, Chernyshevsky told the poet who was undergoing treatment abroad: "Universal delight. Hardly Pushkin's first poems, hardly The Inspector General or Dead Souls" were as successful as your book."

At the beginning of 1875, N.A. Nekrasov fell seriously ill. Neither the famous Viennese surgeon Billroth, nor the painful operation could stop the deadly cancer. News of her caused a flood of letters, telegrams, greetings and addresses from all over Russia. Popular support strengthened the strength of the poet, and in a painful illness he creates "Last Songs". It's time for summing up. Nekrasov understands that with his work he paved new paths in poetic art. Only he dared to inadmissible, at the last stage of the development of Russian poetry, stylistic impudence, to a bold combination of elegiac, lyrical and satirical motifs within one poem. He makes a significant update of the traditional genres of Russian poetry.

Died N.A. Nekrasov December 27, 1877. There was a spontaneous demonstration at the funeral. Several thousand people accompanied his coffin to the Novodevichy cemetery.