Homemade schoolchildren. The biggest school in your house! mother of Maria Nikiforova

It's no secret that quality education plays a very important role these days. People with a high level of qualification are always and everywhere in demand, they are needed in professions both in the humanitarian and purely scientific spheres.

School and home education

One of the initial stages of obtaining a systematized knowledge base is the school. Finishing it, a person receives a minimum of those skills and qualities that are necessary for him in life. For many years, there was not even a question about whether it is necessary to attend school at all and whether it is mandatory, because this fact was considered indisputable, it was the duty of every child and teenager. Today, people are increasingly hearing the phrase "home schooling in school." What is it - myth or reality?

As it turned out, this type of education is becoming more and more popular in our country. More and more children, together with their parents, decide to choose homeschooling.

Reasons for Homeschooling

This is mostly due to the mismatch between the interests of the school and students: many believe that the school does not provide the really necessary knowledge and useful skills, and prefer to organize their own schedule. Others are talented child athletes or artists, etc., who cannot attend school every day and spend time doing voluminous homework because they work hard to achieve their goal. Others are forced to resort to individual learning at home due to a serious illness or disability. Sometimes situations arise when a child categorically refuses to attend an educational institution due to constant conflicts with classmates and teachers, and then family education can serve as a way out. But how to switch to homeschooling at school, what could be the consequences? Homeschooling at school - what it is and how it differs from others, it is better to study these and other issues in advance.

Types and characteristics of homeschooling

There are six types of homeschooling accepted around the world:

  • Family education. It involves the organization of the educational process by parents acting as teachers on their own, or the invitation of teachers. In this case, the student is attached to the school and has the right to attend it. However, according to the decision of the family, it will be better for him to study. Study takes place on the basis of an officially established program with an annual certification. Also, in order to receive a real diploma, confirming the end of school, the child will need to pass an exam.
  • Home schooling with partial school attendance. This option is suitable for children who have certain medical conditions that limit attendance at an educational institution. Children with a number of diseases are allowed to partially attend classes so as not to be far behind their team.
  • Homeschooling at school. What it is: For health reasons, home schooling is indicated for some children. In this case, the child studies the general education program of the school in which he is registered with teachers, but options for self-study of the child are also acceptable. Passing tests and exams is also carried out at home. This option is designed specifically for children with disabilities. But it seems possible to obtain permission for such a form of education only if there is an appropriate decision of the medical commission.
  • External study. Ideal for children with a high level of knowledge, who are much easier given the average school curriculum. The child takes exams immediately (often two or three years ahead) without any intermediate control and other tests. It can be designed for children of any age.
  • remote way. In the era of high technology, this teaching method is perfect for students who live far from school or who want to learn from more qualified teachers. This can be both an addition to school attendance and a complete replacement. Training and communication with teachers takes place remotely. All the necessary materials can be obtained from a kind of online system. But the child can also communicate directly with teachers (for example, through applications such as Skype), and all tests will be held online. All details of this method are agreed with the school administration.
  • Unschooling. It is the most radical learning option. It is based on the complete exclusion of school from life. Parents teach their children on their own, without focusing on any program whatsoever. Because of this, it is not known whether the child will be able to fully develop and live in society further. For the above reason, this type of individual learning at home is prohibited in many countries of the world.

Legal grounds for transitioning to homeschooling

The possibility of transition to home schooling is confirmed at the legislative level. This issue is regulated in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 21, 2012, as amended in 2016-2017.

State aid

The Federal states that the state provides assistance to families in which children have switched to home schooling.

You can learn more about state support for children who are homeschooled by studying the explanatory letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the organization of education in the family form."

Transition to homeschooling

How to switch to homeschooling correctly, without harm to the child? This is one of the first questions parents ask when deciding to homeschool their children. There is a biased attitude towards the topic of homeschooling in Russia. Based on the established traditions and methods of education, culture in general and the foundations of society, this is considered not only unacceptable and wrong, but rather unusual. Although now there is an orientation towards the West and forms of teaching "over the hill", the Russian people are not yet quite ready for this method of obtaining elementary knowledge. However, if the decision is made, and even more so if you need home schooling for health reasons, then you need to immediately take action.

Action algorithm

Usually everything is the same, except for the option when homeschooling is required for children with disabilities:

  • You need to know for sure what kind of homeschooling is suitable for the child.
  • If the reason is disability, it is necessary to collect the entire package of documents confirming this (a complete list of certificates and medical indications can be obtained from the Department of Education).
  • After receiving a satisfactory response from the commission, write an application addressed to the director of the selected school or to the department of education, referring to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 21, 2012 and attaching all medical documents.
  • You need to find a school that has a home school policy.
  • Further, it is imperative to draw up a working program for home schooling, which is convenient and necessary for a particular child. Teachers will be selected who will be able to teach him at home, and parents will keep records of progress.
  • If the children do not have any health restrictions that prevent them from attending school, then the decision of the parents and an application addressed to the school principal is sufficient. A commission will also be assembled, where, most likely, the child himself will be invited in order to find out his attitude to the above idea. After the meeting, the final answer will be made, and then the student will be attached to the school, where he will come for mandatory certification

Important Points

It is advisable for parents to know some subtleties before arranging a child for home schooling:

  • Children who are in family education, on the basis of an agreement concluded with the administration of the selected school, have the right to return to full-time schooling at any time.
  • The agreement on family education, signed by the school administration, may be terminated by it in case of unsatisfactory results of the passed certification.
  • If a child, moving to home schooling, is forced to leave an educational institution that he previously attended, his administration may force him to write an application for exclusion. But this is not supported legally, which means that it gives the right not to fulfill the request. Indeed, sometimes the transition to homeschooling does not give the expected results, and there is a need to return the child to full-time education, and the former school is the most convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Convenient, flexible study schedule.
  • Lack of coercion from teachers and humiliation, violence from students.
  • More in-depth study of favorite subjects.
  • Chance to prevent bad influence from peers.
  • Reducing the overall risk of poor health (problems with vision, spine, nervous system);
  • The possibility of accelerated development of the school curriculum.
  • "Non-belonging" to the gray, common mass with the standardization of knowledge.
  • Lack of strict discipline.
  • Full parental control, great responsibility.
  • The possibility of developing inferiority complexes due to learning alone.
  • There is no constant socialization with peers, which makes the child less experienced in life (although this can be argued, given that the child will attend various hobby groups, activities if they are organized an entertainment program, and friendly and family meetings).
  • The knowledge of parents is not always enough for the full education of the child.

When it is not possible to choose a good school right off the bat, and there is no way to overcome distrust in the education system, many tend to homeschool their children. But in this form there are difficulties, for many, completely insurmountable. If you choose homeschooling, prepare yourself not so much to save a child from school as to return to it yourself and re-immerse yourself in the rules and equations. Varvara Olenchenko shares her experience of teaching her son at home.

I will say right away that I initially considered the home-based form of education for my son as a project. And three months later I decided to close this project. I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son's ability to self-organize, the cost of training, and so on.

For those who, like me, tired of fighting with the school and the child, consider this opportunity as a saving leap to freedom, I want to talk about what "pitfalls" you will have to stumble upon.

My vision of family education was something like this: we will playfully run part of the program at home, there is nothing sky-high in this. And (this is very important) we are not talking about classes with a child who flips through textbooks in between circles, hobbies and his own projects. And about a child who will find a million ways to avoid all this. The second important note: this is a high school with a large set of subjects.

One evening, when I came home from work, I opened my Russian textbook and said with a sigh: "Let's study." Before me was a topic about spelling one or two "n" in adjectives, and there was a branched algorithm with which it was necessary to determine how many "n" would be in the end. And in addition to this, the words are exceptions. Remember? "Glass, tin, wood." The evening that we usually spend talking, joking, reading aloud, turned into my attempts to force these rules into a child. At the same time, he would like to watch his videos on YouTube, and I would like to read a book.

I opened textbooks on biology, history, geography, and a set of facts fell out on me. In the absence of a school system, the system of knowledge it offered lost its meaning.

It became clear to me that the study of the school curriculum, with my complete antipathy to its content and the complete disinterest of the child, would turn into a war with myself and with him. But after all, the task was to get away from the war for education and bring family life into a more harmonious state.

Here are three questions to help you figure out if you're on the right track.

1. Can you be a better school?

Yes, now anyone has not only unlimited access to information, but can also choose the form of its submission. You can watch fascinating BBC films, study Russian with the help of online simulators, study English with Skype, listen to lectures from the best teachers in the world.

But it works if you develop your own home schooling system that is suitable for you and your child. In fact, you will have to take on tasks that are usually performed by a whole team. And it requires knowledge, experience and skills. If you plan to develop them in the process, then your child and his education will become an experimental platform. The results may or may not be successful.

2. School socialization is a myth, but can you find an alternative?

In articles about family education, a lot of true things are written about the notorious school socialization. What kind of socialization is this in a team where random people are gathered who are engaged in an uninteresting business? And mockery and humiliation, familiar to every schoolchild, do not contribute to the formation of successful behavior patterns.

I agree with every word. But I do not agree that communication in circles and sections is a way to learn how to interact with the team. Probably, somewhere there are such circles where there is a constant composition of children, a talented enthusiastic teacher, and the child is lucky to find a friend or even several there. We haven't found one.

The most interesting STEM course, where the teacher so captivated the boys that they were sure to come out joyful from the knowledge that overwhelmed them, was not a place where you could practice creating social bonds. In the rest of the classes it was the same: the children came for a couple of hours, studied, talked in the process and dispersed.

3. How much is your time worth?

If you do not practice unschooling, but plan to stay within the school curriculum, then you should take a schedule and see how many hours are spent on a particular subject per week and per year. There is an opinion that the school is conditionally focused on the most stupid student, and therefore many subjects can be studied much faster. True, perhaps we fall into the trap of underestimating the value of the technique, which includes the constant repetition of topics covered so that they are fixed in memory.

But even if you cut the number of hours by half or three, it will still be hours that you have to spend on studying in the school curriculum. How long it takes your child to learn the rule of writing two "n" in adjectives - in an hour or in 10 minutes, depends on his interest in learning, abilities and efforts. But you will also have to dive into this topic.

It makes sense to estimate how much an hour of your time is worth. You can do this linearly by calculating the cost of a working hour. Or, in perspective, perhaps if you spend a few hours a day on your development, in the future it will bring generous dividends to both you and your family. Or just compare: an hour spent with children on a walk, playing, having a conversation, or an hour spent on textbooks.

It seems as if I am leading to the fact that an hour with notebooks and textbooks is the worst thing. For me it really is.

About studying with the use of tutors, I can say that it will cost like studying in a private school. It is enough to take the average rate and multiply it by the number of school hours. And it is better to understand right away that you will have to pay not at the average rate, but at the highest border. The number of people who offer their training services is very large. The number of those who really know how to do this is much smaller, and it is not surprising that they require higher pay.

This long text is not needed to say that it is bad. Or difficult. Or impossible. This is a form of education that, in addition to its positive aspects, also has its own difficulties, and if there is a situation of choice or even the need to refuse to study at school, it is worth thinking about them. The family learning experience that is most accessible is that of wonderful extraordinary people. But extrapolating it to myself was a mistake in my case.

so I want children for family education precisely because I do not agree with those that he needs this knowledge ...
at least for now..

02/15/2018 14:46:20, Arslan

In the "Internet lesson" there is such a thing as "home school". There are curators, teachers who check homework, lessons are scheduled for a week. It costs not very long, but such problems as the author of the article does not arise at all. Everything is clear and organized.
There are also partner schools that count the results (grades) from the home school journal "Internet Lesson" and enter them in their journal.
Good luck everyone!

You know, I agree with the author. Most likely, the author read how cool it is to teach a child at home, and decided to try it.
An ordinary average woman, not seven spans in the forehead. With an average income, forced to go to work. Which does not have millions, nannies-grandmothers, the opportunity to force a child to study all day.
In addition, the practical side of the issue: even at school there are few laboratory work and practice, what can we say about the house? Probably, every house has a mega-equipped laboratory for chemistry, physics, for school work. And every mother can teach all this at the highest level?
I will say without false modesty that I can tell most school subjects, including techies, to a child from scratch. And then I gave it to school, because it’s easier for me to improve my knowledge than to systematically force me to study under duress. And I don't have a system to tell.
Again, even in schools there are not enough practical classes, more should be done. I go here hoping that more practice will be introduced in schools, but at home I don’t know what to do at all.

We study in family education at the Educational Center Rainbow of Knowledge. We take compulsory subjects mathematics and Russian. All other items are offered to us by choice. But be sure to certify them at the end of the year. We write an essay or read and hand over items. The presence of the child at the examination is not required. They said only in 9th and 11th grades. And so we write all at home.

06/09/2016 13:45:54, ElenaKosh

We spent this year at CO, 4th grade. Yes, it is difficult. But the child learns very poorly, does not want to study in principle. For the previous three years at school, I sorely lacked time to study with him. Rescued holidays and illnesses. They barely made it to the point where they could understand and apply the material they had learned, just like they had to go to school, where everyone went further.
This year we moved, the nearest school did not have places in the right class, and I decided. The tutors were in English. language 2 hours individually and 2 hours group lesson per week, 2 hours of mathematics per week. Mathematics is still with my school teacher, and she is a mathematician from God. In addition, she knew and loved my son well, we regularly visited her and drank tea from the samovar, and the son reciprocated. In general, after six months she refused to work with him, because she did not see the results and was very upset, she became ill in health. Then I did it myself. Tatyana Rick's textbooks in Russian, many, many manuals in mathematics. We passed mathematics by the end of the year in mid-March, at 4))) Just a whole day of mathematics, day after day. This is how we learned to count previously two-digit numbers. It is more convenient for my son to study subjects in turn. He loves to read, he just read a reading textbook in a couple of days and we talked with him on all issues, as a result of reading 5. But we need to work further in this direction, and in the summer he will study with a literature teacher.
Worst of all was the case with the enc. world in the second half of the year - history from ancient times to the present day. The words about memorizing the textbook smiled))) Yes, he managed to memorize something as a result, he even began to quote the textbook. But I didn't want that at all! He could not answer a single question, up to who founded St. Petersburg - Catherine or Peter (he chose Catherine!). It was our only three in the quarter. In the last quarter I corrected it, but it was very difficult for me and for him. Only after all, when he went to school, everything was also very sad, mathematics, Russian, env. the world barely made it to 3x, in reading, too, never 5 turned out. And this is with my active participation and with a very good primary school teacher.
About socialization. Son goes to music. school, flute and choir, and water polo. Together with group lessons in English. language is enough to introduce the idea that people are different, everyone is interesting in some way, and everyone is better to get along with.

About nothing.
What "experience" are you talking about? I tried it for 3 months, and then as fun after work!

a strange mother who is neither a super versatile teacher (who in all subjects in a couple of hours will ideally put everything into her head) nor a housewife (to study all day herself and take classes-sections-tutors) nor the wife of an oligarch (to hire tutors at home ) decided to lock the child at home
it looks like the article was invented - the author herself did not do this

An article that if parents show up at home half an hour before the child has time to sleep, the school is better. It can be said more frankly: the boarding school is even better then.
The author proceeds from a number of false assumptions, such as:
there are no grandparents or they do not want to take care of the child;
the parents themselves do not actually have a secondary education;
parents are not able to force the child to do homework and generally obey;
the child himself is not motivated to study;
parents are not motivated to give their child knowledge, they need a certificate, at best, an entrance ticket to an institute.
"I will say right away that I initially considered homeschooling for my son as a project. And after three months I decided to close this project."
To begin with, we forget the office language and start speaking Russian. As a project she considered, evil is not enough.
Then I translate everything into Russian:
"I inadequately assessed my organizational capabilities, my son's ability to self-organize":
My son does not want to study, but I cannot force him.
One would think that he would go to school in that case. It is not necessary to evaluate your abilities, but to build a child. When we want to eat, we do not evaluate our ability to cook, but boil potatoes. This is where it needs to be.
"We will play part of the program at home, there is nothing transcendental about it. And (this is very important) we are not talking about classes with a child who flips through textbooks between circles, hobbies and his own projects. But about a child who finds a million ways, to avoid all this. The second important note: this is a high school with a large set of subjects."
Translation: during the time after studying at school, I forgot how many subjects there are in it. It turned out that a lot! The son does not leaf through the textbook in between circles and watching TV.
What on FIG mugs?! If tomorrow I come back from work and your teeth don't bounce like this .... then there are death threats and everything that you think about mugs and TVs in this context.
“One evening, when I came home from work, I opened a Russian textbook and said with a sigh: “Let's study.” Before me was a topic about spelling one or two “n” in adjectives, and there was a branched algorithm with which it was necessary to determine , how many "n" will be in the end. And in addition to this, the exception words. Remember? "Glass, tin, wooden ..."
Once I came home from work and my son, studying this topic, forgot the "tin" exception. Why did he have such red ears, the husband asked when he returned home.
"I opened textbooks on biology, history, geography, and a set of facts fell out on me. In the absence of a school system, the knowledge system it offered lost its meaning."
Now this is untranslatable! That is, the knowledge given by the school, in the absence of a school system, loses its meaning. What is it like?! They, knowledge, in general, what are they needed for? To apply them in adult life (already without school) or ??? Or do we go to school in order to go to school?
"It became clear to me that the study of the school curriculum, with my complete antipathy to its content and the complete disinterest of the child, will turn into a war with myself and with him."
So why study it? A non-mentally retarded child can pass an exam in an unnecessary subject simply by reading and memorizing the contents of a textbook in three days. If the author has an antipathy, say, to algebra for the seventh grade, then you should immediately write like that. Nobody would have read further.
"But after all, the task was to get away from the war for education and bring family life into a more harmonious state."
I translate: but the task was not to study, but it turned out that those who study at home are asked more strictly! At school, you can know nothing and get three, but here it doesn’t work out that way.
"1. Can you be a better school?"
The author of the article certainly can not. To be a better school, you must have at least a secondary education and minimal pedagogical skills. Type Schaub children listened to their mother.
"2. School socialization is a myth, but can you find an alternative?"
STE depending on what is considered socialization. To whom, as they say, the mare is the bride. We have found what the author understands by socialization, there is a great secret.
"3. How much is your time worth?"
Here we come to the key issue. A child's time is worth nothing to an author. And he lives one day. For me, the child's time is more important and dearer than my own time. That's the difference. Therefore, homeschooling is for us.

It so happened that for the last six months my children have been studying in a family form. I must say right away that not for ideological reasons, not because of problems with studies or health. Also, my children are not the kind who are "familiar with bullying". The son is an athlete, and the daughter decided to study at home with him at the same time. Prior to this, the son successfully unlearned for 6.5 years, first in a regular school, then in a lyceum. Daughter in a private school for 3.5 years. The article is, of course, quite funny. To understand what tsimes is, you can only cook in this porridge. Briefly. If you have children who are not yo and not 9 or 11 graders, tutors are not needed in principle. If in the 3rd quarter I tried to twitch and control my son, then after successfully passing the certification, the son said, "Mom, that's it. I'm studying, not you. You saw that I can, and I won't let you down." I don't climb anymore. My daughter was hanging in the 3rd quarter, it was necessary to lead her a little in terms of time control, she also passed the certification well, finished the 4th quarter in 2 weeks. My son at 7, of course, has more workload, so he does more work, respectively. We don’t have the task of speeding up the pace and fulfilling the five-year plan in 3 years, he will finish school at 16 anyway. In general, I will repeat the main idea: no tutors are needed. But one of the adults needs to be at home. Because children are children. Well, someone needs to serve, feed, take. The children are learning on their own.
Well, the issue of socialization is closed in principle: fees and camps are cooler than schools. And the team is of different ages, and the coaches are not native mothers, and live in hotels / hostels without mothers and fathers, and generally on the other side of the country, it happens. And they do laundry, and sometimes you have to cook.
In addition to the school curriculum, the son is studying Korean, and the daughter is studying Japanese. Rent to the levels, all in an adult way. My daughter still sings in the Pioneers' house and goes to art once a week.
In general, we still have little experience, but next year is definitely family-oriented. We are often on the road, and there would be many passes at the lyceum. It's more convenient that way, at least for now. I do not rule out that the children will return to school. By the way, I do not advise you to believe those who talk about the fact that there is a lot of free time :))). This is not true, you need to study a lot if you need knowledge, and not just a scribble with an assessment. This, of course, is not about the beginning, there is definitely nothing to do there.
And, more lies about the fact that passing the certification is a problem, that poor family members are oppressed and tortured, they put spokes in the wheels. No one does anything wrong, if you know - you will pass without problems. Well, it's like everywhere else.

Very reasonable. My daughter, a teacher herself, and according to reviews and demand, she is very good, did not transfer her own child (and under the circumstances it would be necessary) to a distance education precisely because of the difficult organizational process - to be a director, and head teacher, and subject teachers at the same time. It is easier in elementary school, provided that the mother is not working, there the efficiency is higher than at school, but then external studies are better than before, provided, however, that the child is highly organized.

Today I would like to talk about one more thing - an online lesson (internetUrok), which provides exactly the same opportunity to study without leaving home. And so, what does she represent?

What is interneturok.ru?

Interneturok is an online home school that offers complete secondary education remotely.

That is, just like in a regular school, you go through all the subjects of the school curriculum from the first to the eleventh grade. And also it provides an opportunity to officially enroll at any time of the year.

The school offers two options to choose from:

  • Learn in a regular, and in the Internet lesson additionally
  • Go completely to formal training


For official enrollment, you will have three options to choose from:

  • To the school itself
  • Back to school - partner
  • Transition to family education, at your place of residence

Now let's look at all the options in more detail.

Option one.

Officially enrolled students have the opportunity to pass on general terms. Students who successfully pass the certification are issued a certificate of general education (grade 9) or complete education (grade 11). You can enroll at any time.

Students who wish to enroll in grades 9 or 11 will only be able to enroll until December and only after passing diagnostic tests.

Option two.

The home Internet school cooperates with general educational institutions located in different cities of Russia, and will work with you in a special manner.

Option three.

Go to family tuition and study together with the teacher.

Read more about all types at official website.

How is the learning process going?

  1. You receive and study the video lesson
  2. The teacher gives recommendations on this material
  3. There are various simulators for better assimilation of the material.
  4. Passing tests for the lesson
  5. Online consultation
  6. Homework

Well, let's talk about the most important thing...

Cost of education

There are three learning options to choose from:

  • Independent - the student studies in addition to the main one in one or all subjects at once. At the moment, the cost is - 400 rubles per month.
  • With a teacher - the student studies with the teacher, in other words, goes to family or distance learning. The tariff also applies to the partner school - 1800 rubles per month.
  • Enrolled - home or distance learning, with full access. The cost is 3800 per month.

Homeschool InternetUrok is an absolutely unique Internet platform, within which it conducts its full-fledged secondary school. It is important to note that the school has all the necessary licenses and certificates that regulate the compliance of the educational process with generally accepted standards. The study of disciplines is carried out in strict accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and includes the school curriculum from grades 1 to 11.

Benefits of distance learning

Before proceeding to the study of the features of the school, we will analyze what the advantage of the distance learning method is. After all, a relatively new phenomenon that has not yet received sufficient distribution. Despite this, it is rapidly gaining popularity and every year the number of its supporters is steadily growing.

  1. Individual approach to learning. Unlike the traditional structure of a secondary school, where all students in the class follow a single program and do not have an individual approach and the opportunity to re-learn a topic that is not fully understood, during online learning, the child is left face to face with a teacher who knows which tasks to offer the student and what material to dwell on in more detail.
  2. Unlike traditional education, you can take lessons in a place convenient for you and at any time, even during summer holidays in the country.
  3. Opportunity to find a competent qualified teacher. Following what principle do parents choose a traditional school for their child? Usually, this is territorial availability. Online education is free from these shortcomings, because now you can pay attention to more important aspects regarding the experience of teachers, their teaching methods, and so on.

Opponents of online learning complain that the child loses the opportunity to communicate with classmates, which will negatively affect his socialization. However, it is important to mention that when studying in an online school, the student has more free time, which he can spend communicating with friends at home, on a walk or while visiting a section or doing hobbies. This communication is more useful, as it is an interaction with like-minded people. It develops and improves the child.

Therefore, having listed the main advantages of online education, we can say that its demand will only grow.

Home school features

Teaching at home school InternetUrok available even during school holidays. During this period, you can either deepen your knowledge or catch up on missed or poorly studied material.

Homeschool InternetUrok offers students several learning formats, among which everyone can choose the appropriate option depending on their goals, as well as the budget.

  1. Self-learning mode. This method involves additional online education within the framework of education in a traditional school. Additional knowledge will allow you to more successfully cope with the school curriculum and improve overall academic performance. During the passage of this mode, the student gets access to the entire knowledge base of the platform.
  2. Supervised learning mode. This method is a reasonable alternative to tutoring. Online classes with a tutor will help differentiate the disciplines in which you plan to improve your knowledge or, conversely, deepen it. This is especially true for future graduates who plan to enter a university for a specialized specialty for the subsequent successful passing of the exam.
  3. Enrollment learning mode. This method is ideal for those who wish to transition to homeschooling or family schooling. Within its framework, you get a full range of opportunities that a full-fledged school provides.

To see if online learning is right for you, InternetUrok Homeschool offers a unique one-week free trial opportunity.

Otherwise, the home school is in no way inferior to the traditional one. You also undergo training in accordance with the schedule, you have the opportunity to ask the teacher a question at any time through the use of a special section on the site, conduct an online consultation and check the completed assignment. You also receive grades corresponding to the level of learned material, which are recorded in the journal.

If you have chosen a family form of education, the Home School School.InternetUrok.ru will become your assistant.

The home school is organized on the principle of a regular school, but the study takes place on the Internet. By registering, the student receives an electronic schedule of video lessons. Simulators and tests, notes, links to paragraphs of the school textbook are attached to the video lessons. First, the student works through the material on his own, and then participates in an online video consultation, where the teacher presents additional material, analyzes typical examples and tasks, and answers questions.

After studying the topic, the student completes and sends homework to the teacher. Control works, offsets and tests are periodically carried out. The student receives grades that are recorded in an electronic journal.

You can practice anytime and anywhere. You can watch the video lessons as many times as you need to understand and remember the new material. This is the difference from the traditional school.

Lessons are taught by the best teachers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A professional team is working on the creation of lessons, so their quality and the teacher's explanations are always at a high level.

There are several options for studying at Homeschool:

  • Switch to family education at your school. Then the child will study all subjects at the Home School, and take exams and tests at the school where he is enrolled.
  • If the school does not support the family form of education, you can drop out and enroll in one of the partner schools of the project (the list of partner schools is on our website, enrollment is remote, without personal presence, enrollment conditions are discussed with the administration of the partner school). In this case, the student goes through the school curriculum at the Home School, and the partner school conducts assessments and exams, issues documents on education.
  • In addition, a student may continue to attend his/her school, but study at Home School in certain subjects in which he/she does not perform well in his/her school, or study certain subjects that he/she missed or did not learn well.