Drozdov english grammar latest edition.

T. Yu. Drozdova, A. I. Berestova, N. A. Kurochkina f o r English G r a m m a r: R e f e r e n c e & Practice & English G r a m m a r: Anthology Test File E n g l i s h R e f e r e n c e THE G r a m m a r: & V E R B 1. T H E V E R B "TO BE " E x . 1 (p. 8) 2. t h e y "r e; 3. s h e "s n o t / s h e isn" t; 4. it "s n o t / i t isn" t; 5. I "m not; 6. y o u "re n o t / y o u a r e n" t; 8.1 a m ; 9. y o u a r e ; 10. t h e y are not; eleven . it is not; 12. s h e is. E x . 2 (p . 8) 2. a m ; 3. is; 4 . are; 5. is; 6. is; 7. a m; 8. is; 9. are; 10. is, are; eleven . a m ; 12. is. E x . 3 (p. 8-9) 2 . is; 3. are; 4 . a m ; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. are. E x . 4 (p. 9) 3. I "m / I a m / I " m n o t / I am not; 4. It "s / It is / It i s n" t / I t "s not; 5. isn" t / is not; 6. I "m / I a m / I "m n o t / I am not; 7. a r e / a r e n "t / a r e not; 8. is; 9. i s n" t / i s not; 10. a r e n "t / a r e not; 1 1 . is; 12. a r e n " t / a r e not. E x . 5 (p. 9) 2. W h e r e is my key? 3. W h e r e are my t r o u s e r s ? 4. H o w o l d is y o u r g r a n d m o t h e r ? 5. W h a t c o l o u r is his hair? 6. H o w m u c h a r e t h e s e s h o e s ? 7. W h o is y o u r favourite a c t o r ? eight . W h y a r e y o u always late? E x . 6 (p. 9) 3. Are y o u British? 4. W h e r e are y o u f r o m ? 5. H o w o l d are y o u ? 6. Are you a student? 7. Is y o u r m o t h e r a t e a c h e r ? 8. W h e r e is s h e f r o m ? 9. W h a t is her n a m e ? 10. H o w o l d is s h e ? E x . 7 (p. 10) 3. Yes, it is. / N o, it i s n "t. / N o, it" s not. 4. Yes, I am. / N o, I "m not. 5. Yes, I a m. / N o, I" m not. 6. Y e s , it i s . / N o, it i s n "t. / N o, it" s not. 7. Y e s , t h e y a r e . / N o , t h e y a r e n " t . / N o , t h e y " r e not. 8. Yes, I am. / N o, I "m not. 9. Yes, he i s. / N o, he i s n "t. / N o , h e "s not. 10. Yes, it i s . / N o , it i s n " t . / N o, it "s not. E x. 8 (p. 10) 1. Is y o u r b r o t h e r at h o m e ? 2. H o w m u c h are t h e s e p o s t c a r d s ? 3. This hotel is very expensive. 5. All t h e s h o p s a r e o p e n t o d a y . 6. Is t h e m u s e u m o p e n t o d a y ? 7. I "m hot. 8. My sister is an a r c h i t e c t. 9. I" m n o t t i r e d. 10. W h e r e is her h u s b a n d f r o m ? eleven . T h e y are n o t s t u d e n t s , t h e y are e n g i n e e r s . 12. Are you interested in foreign languages? E x . 9 (p . 1 0 - 1 1) 2 . is, w a s ; 3 . a m / " m ; 4 . w a s ; 5 . w e r e ; 6 . a r e / " r e ; 7. w e r e ; eight . i s / " s ; 9 . w a s ; 10. w e r e ; 1 1 . w a s ; 12. a r e , w e r e . E x . 1 0 (p . 11) 2 . w a s ; 3 . w e r e n " t , w e r e ; 4 . w a s n " t , w a s ; 5 . w e r e n " t , w a s ; 6. W e r e , w a s n "t, was. E x . 1 1 (p. 11) 1. W h e r e w e r e t h e y last night? 2. W h y w e r e y o u late y e s t e r d a y ? 4 . 1 w a s n " t t h e re e . 5 . S h e w a s n " t a t h o m e a t 5 o " c l o c k . 2. "THERE IS (ARE)" CONSTRUCTION E x . 1 (p . 12) 2. T h e r e a r e ; 3. is t h e r e ; 4. a r e t h e r e ; 5. t h e r e w a s not / there wasn "t; 6. There was; 7. Were there; 8. There has be e e n; 9. There are; 10. T h e r e is; 1 1. T h e r e will b e; 12. t h e r e w a s. E X. 2 (p. 12-13) 1. is t h e r e a c a t h e w i n d o w? - yes, t h e r e is. 2. a r e t h e r e s in t h e text? - yes, t h e r e a r e. 3. a r e r e plenty of g l a s s in c u p a r d? , t h e r e are. 4. W e r e t h e r e a lot of p e o p l e at t h e s t a d i u m? - Y e s, t h e r e w e r e . 5. Is t h e r e anything on t h e plate? 6. W a s t h e r e a n y b o d y in t h e r o o m ? - N o , t h e r e w a s n " t . 7. Are t h e r e a n y difficult e x e r c i s e s in this b o o k ? - Y e s , t h e r e a r e . 8. Is t h e r e anything on t h e shelf? - Yes, t h e r e is. 9. Will t h e r e be any interesting p r o g r a m m e s on TV t o m o r r o w 10. A r e t h e r e several e m p t y s e a t s in t h e r o o m ? - Yes, t h e r e are. E x . 3 (p . 13) A. 1. There are m a n y interesting articles in this m a g a z i n e . 2. T h e r e are m a n y m u s e u m s a n d t h e a t r e s i n o u r c i t y . 3 . Is t h e r e a t e l e p h o n e i n t h i s r o o m ? 4 . T h e r e a r e t w o windows in this r o o m . 5. There was no tea in the c u p . / T h e r e wasn "t any tea ... 6. How many articles w e r e there in this magazine? - There w e r e several articles there. W a s t h e r e a s c h o o l in this street? 10. T h e r e are several books on the table. B.1. T h e r e is a s c h o o l n e a r o u r h o u s e . T h e s c h o o l is n e a r o u r h o u s e . 2. T h e r e are several t h e a t r e s in t h e city. T h e t h e a t r e s are in t h e c e n t e r of t h e city. 3. T h e r e w e r e f l o w e r s in t h e v a s e . T h e f l o w e r s w e r e in a beautiful v a s e . 4. T h e r e a r e m a n y children in t h e t h e a t r e . T h e c h i l d r e n are n o w i n t h e t h e a t r e . 5 . T h e r e a r e / e x i s t several solutions o f this task. T h e s o l u t i o n s o f t h i s t a s k a r e given o n p a g e 5 . 3. THE VERB "TO HAVE1 Ex. 1 (p. 14) 2. he" s got; 3. they "ve got; 4. she hasn" t got; 5. it "s got; 6.1 haven" t got. Ex. 2 (p. 14) 2. Have you got a VCR? (Do you have...?) 3. Has your father got a car? (Does your father have...?) 4. Has Carol got many friends? 5. Have Mr. and Mrs. Lewis got any children? 6. How much money have you got? 7. What kind of car has John got? Ex. 3 (p.15) 3. Alice, hasn "t got a camera. (Alice doesn" t have ...) 4. I "ve got / I haven" t got a camera. (I don "t have ...) 5. I" ve got / I haven "t got a car. 6. Keith hasn" t got a car. 7. Alice hasn "t got black hair. 8. Alice has got two brothers. 9. Keith hasn" t got black hair. 10. Alice has got a car. eleven . Keith has got a sister. 12.1 have got / haven "t got brothers and sisters. Ex. 4 (p. 15) 3. has go t / " s got; 4. have got; 5. has got; 6. haven "t got; 7. haven" t got; 8. have got / "ve got; 9. hasn" t got; 10. has got/"s got; 1 1. has g o t / "s got; 12. haven "t got; 13. hasn" t got; 14. have got/"ve got. Ex. 5 (p. 15) 1. They haven't got any seminars this month. 2. They haven't got any flowers in their garden this summer. 3. We haven't got any letters from home this week. 4. He hasn "t got a sore throat today. 5.1 haven" t got any w a r m shoes this winter. 6. She hasn "t got a new dress this summer. 7. They haven't got any supper tonight. 8.1 haven "t got any / a headache tonight. 9.1 haven" t got fish for today dinner. Ex. 6 (p. 16) 1. They have got three dogs and three cats. 2. S h e "s got big green eyes. 3. My brother has got a blue car. 4. How much land have you got? 5. Last year we didn't have a car. 6.1 had a headache yesterday. 7. When do you have tea? 8. We had a good time yesterday. 9. She had a good holiday in the South. 10. Have you got any books on the history of England? 5. THE INDEFINITE (SIMPLE) FORMS Ex. 1 (p. 18) 1. He sings. 2. He runs. 3. They study. 4. He dances. 5. They cook. 6. They dance. 7. He paints. 8. They teach. 9.He types. 10. They paint. eleven . They write. Ex. 2 (p. 18) 1. He thinks he is ill. 2. He often visits his granny. 3. She lives in Leeds. 4. She usually speaks too quickly. 5. Does he like boiled potatoes? 6. A good animal always obeys his master. 7. The boy boxes in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8. His dog always attacks the neighbours. 9. A heavy truck makes a lot of noise. Ex. 3 (p. 18-19) 1. She does not/doesn "t understand the rule. - Does she understand the rule? 2. He does not usually have breakfast at 8 o" clock. - Does he usually have breakfast at 8 o "clock? 3. The lecture does not start at 1 0. 1 5. - Does the lecture start at 10.15? 4. The flowers do not / don" t look fresh. - Do the flowers look fresh? 5. She does not usually walk in the morning. - Does she usually walk in the morning? 6. He does not have coffee in the evening. - Does he have coffee in the evening? 7. S h e does not remember t h e m well. - Does she remember them well? 8. He does not play chess very well. - Does he play chess very well? 9. She does not leave home at 10 o "clock every day. - Does she leave home at 10 o" clock every day? 10. Ann doesn't miss you badly. - Does Ann miss you badly? 1 1. They do not feel very cold. - Do they feel very cold? 12. Tom does not look sick. - Does T o m look sick? 13 14. The last boat does not sail at 10 p.m. - Does the last boat sail at 10 p.m.? 15. That train does not go very fast. - Does (p. 19) 1. are; 2. tell; 3. go; 4. collects; 5. likes; 6. says, is; 7. spend; 8. live, stands 10. live, is; 1 1. sings; 12. has, eats; 13. is; 14. W h a t do you see over there? 16. is, have/"ve g o t; 17. come; 18. is. Ex. 6 (p. 19) 1. do the museums open; 2. don "t use; 3. do you drink; 4. do you do; 5. does your father come; comes; 6. don" t you ask; 7. play, don "t play; 8. does "maintain" mean. Ex. 7 (p. 2 0) 1. The Sun doesn't set ir> the East. It sets in the West. 2. Hens don "t eat foxes. Foxes eat hens. 3. Blacksmiths don" t m a k e things from w o o d. They make things from metal. 4. The river Dvina doesn't flow into the Black Sea. It flows into the White Sea. Ex. 8 (p. 2 0) 1. How often does Felix watch birds? 2. How often do you write to your parents? 3. What time do you usually have dinner? 4. W h e r e does she work? 5. How often do you go to the Zoo? 6. W h y do people do stupid things? 7. How often does the motor break down? Ex. 9 (p. 20) 1.1 usually do my homework in the evening. 2. My friend lives in the North. 3. My sister studies at the Medical college. 4. They have foreign language classes twice a week. 5. He always c o m e s to see us when he is in Moscow. 6. How much time does it take you to get back home? - it usually takes me about thirty minutes. 7. Heseldom travels now. 8. Do you often go to the cinema? 9. She is never late. She is always on time. 10. Do you feel anything? - No, I don "t feel anything. 1 1. His father is an engineer. He builds bridges. 12.1 don" t study French, I study German. 13. Now we rarely see them. 14. Does her husband often travel/go on business? Ex. 10 (p. 22) 1. she woke up early; 2. she walked in the garden; 3. she had a sandwich for lunch; 4. she went out; 5. she slept very well. Ex. 1 1 (p. 22) 1. taught; 2. fell, hurt; 3 sold; 4. spent, bought, cost; 5. threw, caught. Ex. 1 2 (p. 2 2) 1. How long did you stay there? 2. Did you stay at a hotel? 3. Did you go alone? 4. How did you travel? 5. Was the food good? 6. What did you do in the evenings? 7. Did you make any friends there? Ex. 1 3 (p. 2 2) 1. didn't have breakfast, didn't have; 2. didn't buy, didn't have; 3. didn't sleep, didn't feel; 4. wasn't, didn't understand. Ex. 14 (p. 2 2 - 2 3) 1. used to eat; 2. used to be; 3. used to live; 4. used to be; 5. used to like; 6. used to ride. Ex. 1 6 (p. 2 3) 1. We started this experiment last week. 2. They c a m e back home at 7 o "clock in the evening. 3. We decided to send this letter yesterday. 4. Who(m) did you give these magazines to? 5. Yesterday I met Steve in the library. 6. When did you see him last? - Last Tuesday. 7. We didn't study French last year. We studied English. 8. When did you begin to work yesterday? - After dinner. We had little work. 9. The weather was good, and we and our friends went to the park. 10. W h e r e w e r e you an hour ago? 11.1 met her the day before yesterday, and she told me about this. Ex. 17 (p. 2 3) 1. Now she avoids to go there as often as she used to. 2. He would suddenly appear at his mother's and as suddenly disappear. 3. She would spend hours at the open window, looking at the forest the hill. 4. She would complain of her bad life and feel better/relieved. 5 6. Now he doesn't smoke at all, because his health is bad, but he used to be a chainsmoker. 7. He began to study French, and in his childhood he would/used to study English with a tutor. 8. He used to be quite a well-off man. Ex. 1 8 (p. 2 4 - 2 5) 1. will/"ll be; 2. wiil/"ll be; 3. will/il be; 4. shall/will/"ll know; 5. shall/will/ "II be; 6. will/"ll remember; 7. Where\will he come back? 8. shall/will/"ll apologize; 9. shan "t/ won" t see; 10. shall/will/"ll recognize. Ex. 1 9 (p. 2 5) I. a. 1. calls, shall/will/"ll give; 2. shall/will/"ll be, need; 3. will/"ll be, decide; 4. want, will/ "II get; 5. have. b. 1. shall/will/"ll write, have; 2. will/"ll wait, send; 3. will/"ll be, is; 4 go. from 1. don "t know, will come; 2. will stay; 3. wonder, shall / will /" ll ever see; 4. am not sure, will be; 5. will start. II. 1. gets, "II start; 2. "II see, is; 3. come, "II talk; 4. come; 5. wants, will be; 6. wonder, "II write; 7. "II be; 8. get, "II come; 9. will be; 10. come, will find; 11. come, cross; 12. will move; 13. go down, is; 14. "II be, get; 15. will come; 16. come, am sure, will be, gets; 17. continues, "II transfer; 18. "II buy; will you buy; will bring; will bring; 19. look; 20. talk. Ex. 20 (p. 25) 1. If I have time next week, I" ll fix the car. 2. If all goes well, I "ll graduate in June. 3. When he finishes this job, we" ll give him another. 4. If the traffic conditions get much worse, the city will have to build elevated roads. 5. When the light turns red, all the cars will stop. 6. When / if the weather clears, we "ll finish our games. 7. If I am paid tomorrow, I" ll buy this dress. 8. If we get there before you, we "ll wait for you. 9. When he comes home, his father will give him a good talking to. 10. When / if he takes this medicine, he will be all right. Ex 21 (p. 26) 1. get; 2. gets; 3. leave, I I give; 4. feel, will drive; 5. see; 6. come, will find; 7. a m, "I I get in; 8. will you be, a m. Ex. 22 (p. 26) 1. I "ll go to the cinema when I finish my work. 2. He" ll spend a week in Brussels before he goes to England. 3. He can stay with us when he c o m e s to London in April. 4. Let's leave before it's dark. Ex. 23 (p. 2 6) 1. W h e n ; 2.if; 3.if; 4.if; 5. If; 6. w h e n ; 7. w h e n ; 8.if. Ex. 24 (p. 26) 1. Next year I "ll be twenty. 2. Perhaps, he will c o m e today. 3. When will you begin to study a foreign language? 4. He thinks you won" t like the new ballet. 5. Will she be at home at 6? - No, she won "t. 6. 1 hope you will cope with the test. 7. Will you have a lot of work tomorrow? - Yes, I will. 8. The examinations will begin on June, 1. 9. The film will be very interesting. 10. We "ll see him next week. Ex. 25 (p. 2 6 - 2 7) 1. They won" t start the meeting until the chief engineer comes. 2. If you meet them, ask t h e m to phone us. 3. You "ll recognize G e m m a as soon as you see her. 4. I wonder, when they will c o m e Dack. 5. Don" t cross the street until the light is green. 6. As soon as he comes, he will call you. 7. He will be very happy when you come to New York. 8. If you drink this water you "ll get sick. 9. I can" t tell you when they will return. 10. If you don "t take a taxi now, you will miss your plane. 1 1. When you want to see me, give me a ring / ring me up. 12. You won" t know English until you start working hard . 13. I "ll drop in on you before I leave. 14. When winter comes, I" ll go to India. 15.1 don't know when I'll see him again. 6. THE CONTINUOUS FORMS Ex. 1 (p. 2 8 - 2 9) 1 . He isn't lying down; 2. He isn't washing; 3. They aren't fighting; 4. We aren't jumping; 5. They aren't shouting; 6. She isn't walking; 7. I "m not drinking; 8. She isn't reading. Ex. 2 (p. 29) 1. No, he isn't. He's watching TV. 2. No, I "m not. I" m learning them by heart. 3. No, he isn't. He's reading a newspaper. 4. No, they aren't. They're talking with a friend. 5. No, I "m not. I" m going home. 6. No, she isn't. She's listening to a concert. 7. No, I "m not. I" m writing a film script. 8. No, she isn't. She's cooking. Ex. 3 (p. 29) 1. Yes, he is. He is studying. 2. Yes, they are. They are reading. 3. Yes, she is. She is having breakfast. 4. Yes, they are. They are shopping. 5. Yes, she is. She is sewing. 6. Yes, she is. She is washing up. 7. Yes, he is. He is skating. 8. Yes, they are. They are rehearing. Ex. 4 (p. 29) 1. He "s teaching the dog to bark. 2. I" m cutting out a dress. 3. I "m running to catch my bus. 4. I" m buying a mink coat. 5. I "m going to the University. 6. She" s rehearing for a concert. 7. They "re listening to a favorite fairy tale. 8. He" s baking an apple pie. 8 ex. 5 (p. 3 0) 1. Yes, she is. She "s going to the library. 2. N o, they aren't. They "re having a rest. 3. No, she isn't. She "s having a nap. 4. Yes, we are. W e" r e having visitors. 5. No, she isn't. She's staying at home. 6. No, they aren't. They're having a holiday. 7. Yes, he is. He "s going to the concert. 8. Yes, we are. We" r e doing up the flat. Ex. 6 (p. 30) 1. am trying; 2. is raining; 3. are you looking; 4. are making; 5 am looking; 6. Are you enjoying; 7. are crying; 8. are you wearing; nine. am not going; 10. am not eating. Ex. 7 (p. 30) 1. are rising/are increasing/are falling; 2. is getting; 3. is getting/is becoming; 4. is changing; 5.is rising/is increasing; 6. is improving; 7. is getting/is becoming. Ex. 8 (p. 3 0 - 3 1) 1. am training; 2. Are you enjoying; 3. am getting married; 4. am looking for; 5. Are you doing ; 6. is helping. Ex. 9 (p. 3 1) 1. Who are you looking at now? - I "m looking at that old lady. 2. Who is your friend speaking with? - He" s speaking with our teacher. 3. What are you telling your friends about? - I "m telling them abouL my holidays. 4. Are you writing a dictation now? No, we" re doing an exercise 9. 5. Where are you going tonight? - W e "r e going to the circus. 6. When are they arriving in Moscow? - They" re arriving in the morning. 7. W e "r e going to Minsk. 8. Are these students doing an exercise or copying a text? 9. Who(m) are these students meeting? - They "re meeting foreign students. 10. Where are you going? - I "m going to a photo exhibition. Ex. 1 1 (p. 3 2) 1. right; 2. wrong - are you talking; 3. wrong - Do you believe; 4. wrong is trying; 5. right; 6. wrong - I think; 7. right; 8. wrong - we usually go. Ex. 12 (p. 3 2) 1. don "t belong; 2. is coming; want; 3 flows; 4. is flowing; 5. Does it ever rain; 6. grow, aren't growing; 7. am learning; is teaching; 8. don't need; 9. enjoy, am not enjoying; 10. don "t believe; 1 1. lives, does your sister live; 12. is staying; 13. is looking for; 14. does your husband do; isn" t working. Ex. 1 3 (p. 3 3) I. 1. is teaching, is substituting, is; 2. am going, is leaving, Is he coming back, don "t know; 3. stays, comes, is staying; 4. meets, meets, are painting, are going; 5. is leaving; is he taking; is catching ; 6. is repairing; 7. Are you writing; write; Do you want; 8. says, is leaving; 9. am going; 10. is coming; 1 1. call, are playing, think, play; 12. makes I I 1. is, is smoking, think, smokes, is 2. is, is, is playing 3. Are you coming, are you going, are driving, Are you taking, are leaving, Do you mind, bring ; 4. Is Mike coming, is working, is he doing, is reading up, is r -am, isn't going, says, is meeting, is, has. Ex. 14 (p. 3 3 - 3 4) 1. is reading; 2 go; 3. are you going, am going; 4. is, catches; 5. has; 6. are you laughing, are talking; 7. laughs, laughs; 8. speak; 9. is speaking, are smiling; 10. is splitting; eleven . is always reacting; 12.1 am always forgetting; 13. are, are having. Ex. 1 5 (p. 34) 1. The Sun sets early in this part of the world. 2. Joyce is going to Londofo tomorrow because her uncle wants to see her.3. S o m e people like summer best of all, some like spring and autumn, but others prefer winter. 4. Wh e r e is Lizzy? - She is riding. 5. What are the children doing? - They are listening to a fairy tale and drawing. 6. Jane draws perfectly well. 7. Father usually goes to work by train, but today he is driving. 8. Every year he spends his holidays in the mountains. 9. I am writing to invite you to come and stay with us in summer. 10. I "m sitting by the window and looking at the sea. A vessel is sailing away into the evening gold of the horizon. Ex. 1 6 (p. 3 4) 1. W h e n d o e s he usually c o m e home? - He usually c o m e s h o m e at 7 p. m. 2. What train are you taking to S t. - P e t e r s b u r g next w e e k ? 3. My friends from Sheffield are cpming to see me next Sunday. for his room himself. 5. S h e is wearing a hat and a blue dress today. 6. 1 can "t give you the book now because I am reading it. 7. Do you read a lot? - Yes, I read a lot. - Do you buy books or borrow t h e m f r o m the library? - I usually borrow 5 books from the Central Library and c h a n g e t h e m every other month. 8. What are you doing under the table? - I "m looking for the n e e d l e. 9. What do you usually have for breakfast? - I usually have a sandwich and drink a cup of coffee. 10. W h e r e are you running so fast? - I am running to catch t h e 10 o "clock train. I "m meeting Nick today, and he doesn't like it when I am late. 11.1 am leaving for Denmark next Sunday. Ex. 17 (p. 35) 2. he was meeting the manager; 3. he was having lunch; 4. he was visiting his dentist; 5. he was listening to an organ concert...; 6. he was walking the dog; 7. he was driving his mother home. Ex. 1 8 (p. 35) 1. Mother was cooking in the kitchen. 2. Father was making a phone call. 3.1 was getting ready to go out. 4. My sister was washing some clothes. Ex. 1 9 (p. 36) 1.1 caught that cold when I was skating on a frosty day. 2. He wrote those nice poems when he was having a holiday. 3. She learned the language when she was living in England. 4. She heard that song when she was listening to a concert on the radio. 5.1 bought that book when I was reading up for my exams. 6. The boy hurt himself when he was riding the bicycle. 7. Philip lost his camera when he was walking about the city. 8. He rank me up when I was having a supper. Ex. 20 (p. 3 6) 1. The postman brought the letter when I was having breakfast. 2. It started to snow when I was going downstairs. 3. The door bell rang when they were entering the dining room. Ex. 21 (p. 36) 1. fell, was rescuing; 2. was reading, heard; 3. W e r e you having; 4. were waiting, arrived; 5. wasn't driving, saw; 6. broke; was doing, slipped; 7. took, was painting; 8. didn't go, was getting; 9. were you doing; 10. saw; was wearing. 10 Ex. 22 (p. 3 6 - 3 7) 1. was playing, was reading, was sewing, heard; 2 . was leaving, caught; 3vcame in, was sitting; 4. was shaving, cut; 5. was; was standing; 6. began; wassmiling, was walking; 7. was sleeping, rang; 8. were sitting/drove up; 9. was crossing, struck; 10. was drizzling, c a m e; 1 1. broke, wa£ living; 12. was getting, suggested; 13. came in, looked, stood, turned, went; 14. was walking, met, asked; 15. c a m e, were eating; 16. ran, went, was standing; 17. raised, looked; was still snowing; 18. were driving, happened; 19. Did you have; 2 0. fell, hurt, was riding ; 2 1. went, got; 2 2. went, sat, was crackling, was howling; 2 3. took, put, leaned; 2 4. put on; 2 5. was, wanted; 26. was waiting, coughed/ was coughing 27. drew, looked, were standing 28. heard, went, opened, did not recognize, was not wearing 2 9 were walking, began 3 0 c a me , was leaving 3 1 was talking, saw 3 2. arrived, went, took off. Ex. 23 (p. 3 7 - 3 8) 1. o p e n e d , looked, stood; 2. realized, were not paying attention, were muttering, (were) looking, turned, looked, were looking, was coming, led; 3. saw, was hurrying, made; 4. was looking; 5. did not see, was making; 6. occurred, was backing; 7. dropped, was fishing; 8. heard, were packing. Ex. 2 4 (p. 38) I. 1.1 sat on the bench for half an hour and then began reading a book. 2. 1 graduated from the University when I was twenty three. 3. When were you here last? - About a year and a half ago. 4. Gray nodded and went upstairs. 5. I met Helen through my parents about three years ago. 6. He stopped and picked up a rose. 7.1 visited them a year ago. 8.1 saw him in London a w e e k ago. 9. I did not see him when I was in St. Petersburg. 10. What happened to you that evening? eleven . They returned to the house when it started to rain. 11.1. Did you see him this morning? Yes, he was standing by the car. 2. He came in and saw Nelly, who was painting a strange picture. 3. He ran to the gate where Ann was standing. 4.1 glanced at Jennie who was still shivering from cold. 5. We were just talking about him when he suddenly c a m e in. 6. They c a m e while I was working in the garden. 7. She was laying the table at six o "clock yesterday. 8. What were you playing when I came in? 9. The water in the kettle was boiling when my friends c a m e back to the camp. 10. Unfortunately, when I arrived Helen was just leaving. eleven . He suddenly realized that he was traveling in the wrong direction. 12.1 was sitting in the garden yesterday when my brother came and brought a puppy. 13. When I c a m e in, they were sitting in the sittingroom. My elder brother was doing a crossword, my mother was knitting, the others were reading. My mother smiled at me and said, "Come in and sit down, please." 14. When she woke up, the birds were singing merrily in the garden. 15. Who were you talking to on the telephone when I c a m e in? - I was talking to my sister. 16. Wh e n they were crossing the street, a man c a m e towards them and asked the way to the Palace Square. 17. I was doing my homework when he c a m e. Ex. 25 (p. 3 8) 1. Yesterday, when I was walking down Nevsky Prospect, I met Victor, an old friend of mine. He recognized me at once though I was wearing big dark glasses because my eyes were aching. 2. He said, "I was going to see you a fortnight ago, but I couldn't find time to get round to you." All the time he was saying this I was trying to remember something I wanted to tell him. 3. Eventually I r e m e m b e r e d and said to him, "Just before I c a m e out, Oleg rang me up. He wanted to speak to you at Boris "s party yesterday, but you were talking so cheerfully with Alice he didn't dare to interrupt." 4 . Just then I saw another friend of mine. He was waving to me from the other side of the road. I said good-bye to Victor and started to cross the road. Ex. 27 (p. 4 0) 1. will be having; 2. will be playing; 3. will be raining; 4. will be falling 5. will be opening. Ex. 28 (p. 4 0) 1. She will be making a dress on Sunday. 2. We shall/will be bathing in the Black Sea at this time next week. 3. He will be 4. He will be studying law at the University for five years. 5. They will be flying to Kiev at this time tomorrow. 6. She will be singing Russian folk-songs at the concert tonight. 7. He will be interviewing a foreign delegation at this time the day after tomorrow 8. She will be lecturing at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​next term Ex 29 (p. 4 0) 1. They "ll be sleeping. 2. We'll be traveling. 3. We'll be packing. 4. She "ll be typing. 5. He" ll be crying. 6. She "ll be grumbling. 7. He" ll be working. 8. She "ll be keeping to her room. Ex. 30 (p. 4 0) 1. get, will be sitting; 2. is; will come; 3. want; shall / will be waiting; 4. will be boarding ; 5. will be having; 6. shall/will be waiting, come; 7. shall/will call; will be sleeping; 8. will be quarrelling. Ex. 31 (p. 4 1) 1 . will know; will be standing; will be wearing; 2. "II tell," II show, won "t smile; 3. won" t be, c o m e, will be having; 4. will be raining, get; 5. will be waiting; 6. will be; 7. "II be, return, "II be marking; 8. "II be typing; 9. will be, will be sketching; 10. will see, will be having tea; 1 1. will be doing; 12. c o m e, "II be crossing. Ex. 32 (p. 4 1) 1 . We must not be late. They will be worrying. 2. We are going to the cinema today. You will be sitting next to me. 3. We are to be back at 10 o "clock. Mother will be waiting for us. 4. Will you have lunch with me on Monday? - I" d love to, but I "m afraid I" ll be taking my exam then. 5. What will they be doing when we get home? - 1 think they will be reading. 6. I don "t feel well enough to go to the airport to meet Alice. - I" ll meet her for you. Tell me how I "ll know her. - She will be wearing a bright green suit. 7.1 wonder what we"ll be doing in a year, if we"ll be seeing one another. 8. My son will be in the ninth form next year. - That means my mother will be teaching him English. 9. Don "t tell her about it. She will be crying in a moment. 10. What will you be doing this time next Friday? - I "ll be gardening as usual. Ex. 33 (p. 41 - 4 2) 1. was laughing, was going on; 2. are you two talking, Are you discussing; 3. Are you leaving; 4. will you speak; 5. wears, doesn't see; 6. are you wearing; 7. is living, is looking; 8. was sitting; 9. saw, was trying; 10. was writing, wrote/was writing; 12 1 1 . were walking, was getting; 12: are leaving, is getting; 13. see; 14. will hear; 15. "II be," II be watching; 16.was waiting; 17. was trying; 18. rains, was raining, was raining. Ex. 34 (p. 4 2) 1. Are you going; 2. Is Nina writing; 3. W e r e you waiting; 4. are you wearing, Are you having; 5. waits, go; 6. are objecting; 7. cannot meet, is coming; 8. Are you carrying, is; 9. has, is; 10. was, was wearing, was cold; eleven . Will you see; 12. rank, was finishing; 13. entered, was waiting; 14. Is anybody reading, want; 15. is he working; 16. Come, I "ll be waiting. 7. T H E PERFECT F O R M S Ex. 1 (p. 4 3) 1. have never met; 2. has just gone; 3. haven "t seen; 4. have already posted; 5. has helped; 6. have been; 7. has taken; 8. have never studied; 9. have sold; haven "t left. Ex. 2 (p. 4 3 - 4 4) 1. Yes, she has done t h e m. 2. Yes, I have cooked it. 3. Yes, she has learned it by heart. 4. Yes, I have used it. 5. Yes, he has eaten it. 6. Yes, I have found them. 7. Yes, he has washed it. 8. Yes, I have heard t h e m . Ex. 3 (p. 4 4) 1. have stopped; 2. want, have not seen; 3. is, has always been; 4. Have you read, do you think; 5. have not b e e n, is, have never b e e n; 6. Do you know, have you known, have known; 7. are, have wanted, have not done; 8. Do you realize, have known, is, have asked; 9. Do you know, has just left, is, Is, has b e e n, has never bought; 10. have been; eleven . have not seen; 12. has he been, seems; 13. have known, have never seen. Ex. 4 (p. 4 4) 1. Father has got a new job in South Africa. 2. He and Mother have left for Cape Town. 3. Mary has married an architect from Canada. 4. I have passed my law exams. 5. I "ve met the man for m e. Ex. 5 (p. 4 4) 1. He has overslept; 2. We have run out of bread; 3. She has caught a bad cold; 4. They have switched off their VCR. Ex. 6 (p. 4 5) 1. Yes, she has just c o me from the market. 2. Yes, I "ve just phoned him. 3. No, thanks, I "ve just had a cup. Ex. 7 (p. 4 5) 1. been; 2. been; 3. gone; 4. gone. Ex. 8 (p. 4 5) 1. I"ve already had a bath. 2. I"ve already bought some. 3. I"ve already asked him. 4. haven "t invited t h e m yet; going to invite t h e m. 5. he" s already arrived. 6. has not been written to him yet; is going to write to him. Ex. 9 (p. 4 5) 1. Have you ever been to Scotland? 2. Have your parents lived here all their lives? 3. Have you ever heard this concert? 4. How many times have you been married? 5. Has he ever met the President? 6. Have you ever visited the White House? 13Ex. 10 (p. 4 5) 1. Yes, it's the fastest car I've ever driven. 2. Yes, it's the warmest coat I've ever had. 3. Yes, they "re the nicest people I" ve ever met. E x . 1 1 (p. 4 6) 1. Is this the first time you "ve skated? - Yes, I" ve never skated before. - No, it "s the second time I" ve skated this winter. 2. Is this the first time you "ve played volley-ball? - Yes, I" ve never played volley-ball before. - No, it "s the second time I" ve played volley-ball this year. 3. Is this the first time you "ve ever been to / in London? - Yes, I" ve never been to / in London before. - No, it's the second time I've come to London. Ex. 1 2 (p. 4 6) 1 . Have you read any books recently? 2. Have you heard from Tom in the past few days? 3. Have you bought any new records recently? 4. Have you eaten anything today? 5. Have you seen any good films recently? 6. Has it snowed here this year yet? Ex. 13 (p. 4 6) 1. W h e n did it rain last? - It hasn "t rained for ages. 2. W h e n did they last visit you? - They haven" t visited us since June. 3. When did you last play tennis? - I haven "t played tennis for a l o n g t i m e. 4. When did you last eat coconut? - I have never eaten coconut. 5. W h e n did you last drive a car? - I haven" t driven for six months. 6. When did you last go to Canada? - I "ve never been to Canada. 7. When did she last write to you? - She hasn" t written to me since last summer. Ex. 14 (p. 4 6 - 4 7) 1. They have built a new house. Have you seen it yet? 2. Have you shown your picture to your mother? - No, it isn't ready yet. 3. I have seen this film, and you? - Yes, I have. It's an interesting film. 4. Have you been to the London Zoo? - Yes, I have. 5. Father has just c o m e back from the sea. 6. Take these magazines. I "ve already read them. 7. Have you ever been to / in Greece? - Yes, I have. It" s a very beautiful country. 8. We haven't finished the experiment yet. 9. She has never translated such difficult articles. 10. I have called him three times today. 1 1. He has left for New York today. 12. Have you seen the director today ? - No, I haven't. Ex. 1 5 (p. 4 7) 2. It "s the second time you" ve b e e n late this w e e k. 3. It's the third time the car has broken down this month. 4. It's the fifth cup of coffee I have drunk tonight. Ex. 16 (p. 4 8) 1. Harry went to Egypt but now he has c o m e back (to Ireland). 2.1 lived in the center but now I "ve moved to a new district. 3.1 had long hair but now I" ve cut it. 4.1 met Fran ten years ago and we "ve become great friends. 5. He traveled to the North last year, and now he has written a book about it. 6. Three years ago they bought a house but now they" ve sold it . 14Ex. 1 7 (p. 4 8) 1. Wrong - was/is; 2.Right; 3. Wrong - invented; 4. Wrong - has bought. 5. Wrong - have broken; 6.Right. Ex, 18 (p. 4 9) 1. Have you cut, Did you cut, cut; 2. Have you spoken, I phoned her, did she tell you. Ex. 1 9 (p. 4 9) 1. They haven "t phoned so far today. 2. How many times did you phone him yesterday? 3. He has come to see us three times this month. 4. It hasn" t rained so far this summer. 5. How many shoes have you bought this season? Ex. 20 (p. 4 9) 1. worked; 2. have lived; 3. have been; 4. was; 5. has been; 6. never met; 7. has never met. Ex. 21 (p. 4 9 - 5 0) I. 1. Have you ever visited; have been; was 2. Have you been; have(been); went 3. Has he spoken; hasn "t (spoken); went, hasn" t arrived 4. Have you seen; have(seen); haven "t seen 5. Have you been; have (been); was 6. Did you go; did; went 7. Have you seen; haven" t seen; was; didn't see 8. Have you shown; have (shown); showed I I. 1. have just called; 2. didn't call; 3. have just gone; 4. has already answered; 5. answered; 6. went; 7 read; 8. has sold; 9. sold; 10. haven "t seen; 1 1. met; 12. Has... come; 13. Did you wear; insisted; 14. hasn" t smoked; 15. did he arrive, arrived; 16. Have you shut; 17. read, enjoyed; 18. Have you b e e n, spent, Did you have, stopped; 19. has stopped; 20 . have just mended; 2 1 . left, got; 2 2 . Have you had, had; 2 3 . Did you see; 24. have missed; 2 5 . has just started; 2 6 . broke; 2 7 . haven "t finished. I I I. 1. have you done, did you buy; 2. had, happened; 3,. found; 4. did you teach; 5. have had, has ruined; 6. spent; 7. have you spoken, spoken; 8. have seen, has arrived, saw, Have you seen; 9. haven "t shaven; 10. Did you hear, said; eleven . was, have picked; 12. was, said, went. Ex. 22 (p. 5 1) 1 . saw, are you doing,"m sleeping, have taken; 2. sleeps, is still sleeping; 3. met, have met; 4. go; 5. have been sitting, haven"t dozen; 6. is playing, play; 7. is taking; 8. wrote, have just written; 9. is talking, has happened; 10. hasn "t eaten, ate; 1 1. is still dressing; 12. have read, read; 13. reads, is reading; 14. hasn" t had, had; fifteen. have stayed / have been staying, aren "t thinking. Ex. 23 (p. 5 1) 1. I" ve lost the needle. I can "t find it anywhere. 2. Did you see the film on television yesterday? 3. Her parents bought her a car for her 21st birthday. 4. Her hair is very short now. She has had a new haircut. 5. Last night he arrived home very late. He had a bath and then he went to bed. 6. Did you visit many museums when you were in London? 7. The book isn't on the shelf. Somebody has taken it. 8. Wh e n did your father 15 give up smoking? 9.1 didn't have breakfast in the morning because I didn't feel hungry. 10. Why didn't you want to play chess yesterday? 1 1. The car looks very clean. Have you washed it? 12. Molly; Hello, James. Is Alan here? James: No, I "m afraid he"s gone out. Molly: What a pity. W h e n did he exactly go out? James: About twenty minutes ago. Ex. 24 (p. 5 1) 1. a m, have read; 2. have finished, Have a look; 3 Haven"t read; 4. Have you brought, have c o m e; 5. have you been, know, went; 6. Has your grandson called on, c a m e; 7. gave, haven "t seen; 8. Have you sent for, will c o m e; 9. Have you known, have known; 10. like, have been; 1 1. haven" t b e e n, moved, like; 12. Have seen, has changed; 13. left for, haven "t seen; 14. met, haven" t heard; 15. was, has changed, is shining; 16. Do you know, have never been; 17. haven "t called on, arrived. Ex. 25 (p. 52) 1. was raining; 2. have breakfast; 3. Has he built, is still building; 4. are you walking, am walking, am afraid, always walk; 5. never wears; 6. was watching TV; 7. comes, is, hasn "t c o m e; 8 watch; 9. called on, was reading, finishes, will give/lend; 10. am afraid, have lost, was playing/played, play; eleven . hasn "t begun, are talking, begins; 12. played; 13. haven" t played; 14. is, wrote; 15. is, has fallen asleep, went to bed. Ex. 26 (p. 53) 1. because he had left; 2. because she had seen the film before; 3. because I had forgotten it; 4. because she had passed it before; 5. because he had spent all the money; 6. because I had lost the key; 7. that he had got married; 8. what it had returned; 9. that she had been ill for a month. Ex. 27 (p. 5 3) 1. had gone; 2. had got; 3. had built; 4. had left. Ex. 28 (p. 5 3) 1. He had never seen the sea before. 2. She had never been late before. 3. ... she had never played the guitar before. 4. ... she had never taught at school before. Ex. 29 (p. 5 4) 1. The train had just left. 2. Everybody had already gone out. 3. They had just come from school. 4. He had arranged to meet s o m e friends at the club. 5.1 hadn "t seen her for seven years. Ex. 3 0 (p. 5 4) 1. had gone; 2. went; 3. broke; 4. had broken, stopped. Ex. 31 (p. 5 4) 1 hadn't switched off the light; 2. had walked a lot that day; 3. had passed the exams; 4. had shown me the picture; 5. had gone; 6. had died; 7. had left the room; 8. had married her; 9. had read it again. Ex. 32 (p. 5 4 - 5 5) 1. T h e sun had risen before he woke up. 2. He had been very ill before he died. 3.1 understood the problem as soon as he had explained it. 4. She went to the post office after she had written the letter. 5. The plane had taken off when I drove to the airport. 6. She had read the message carefully before she wrote the reply. 7.1 turned on the radio as soon as he had left the room. 8. He went to the cinema after he had had dinner. 9. The man didn't leave till he had received a definite answer. 10. We didn't say a word until he had finished his story. eleven . When we reached the football ground the g a m e had already started. 12. John had worked as a skilled builder before he began to study architecture. 13. Harold couldn't leave for home till he had completed everything. 14. The snow was very d e e p after it had snowed heavily. Ex. 33 (p. 5 5) 1. had hardly gone, wandered; 2. had hardly reached , encountered; 3. had scarcely taken, appeared; 4. had started, broke; 5. had... left, broke out; 6. no sooner had they arrived, rank; 7. had the curtains fallen, rose; 8. Hardly had he asked, answered; 9. had scarcely taken, began; 10. had scarcely settled, fell; 1 1. had nearly stopped, reached; 12. had scarcely said, interrupted. Ex. 3 4 (p. 5 5 - 5 6) 1. 1. ate; 2. wasn "t, had gone; 3. hadn "t played; 4. was, had lived; 5. was, had never seen; 6. had talked; 7. c a m e, had got; 8. returned, had arrived; 9. had gone, got; 10. had fallen/fell, left; 1 1. had hardly been, came; 12. promised, had got; 13. had they moved, came; 14. went, had expected; 15. showed, was, had seen; 16. c a m e , sat, had been; 17. kept, had told; 18. spent, had heard, had never s e e n; 19. knew, had come; 2 0. knew, had m ​​a d e. 11. 1. sat, had arrived; 2. was, had never seen; 3. was, had met; 4. was, had been; 5. was, had gone; 6. c a m e, had... heard; 7. hadn "t eaten, went; 8. retold, had held; 9. had gone, came; 10. was, had seen; eleven . re-read, had written; 12. had left/left, made; 13. had been, learned; 14. had already arrived, entered; fifteen. hadn "t gone, noticed. Ex. 35 (p. 56) 1. had left, began; 2. hadn" t risen; 3. hadn "t gone; 4. told, had left; 5. had he taken, looked; 6. c a m e, found, looked, had been; 7. had hardly lit, came; 8. had grown, had b e c o m e; 9 . had fallen; 10. had been; 1 1. had quarrelled, had taken; 12. left, hadn "t gone, r e m e m b e r e d, had forgotten; 13. had disappeared/disappeared; 14. had closed, o p e n e d. Ex. 3 6 (p. 5 6 - 5 7) 1 . one . closed, was sitting; 2. arrived, had started; 3. had stopped, was shining; 4. was just leaving; 5. were watching, were changing; 6. reached, had already started; 7. realized, was traveling; 8. was looking, found; 9. were you doing; 10. hadn "t been, began; 1 1. didn't allow, was blowing; 12. called, h a d ^ l r e a d y got; 13. heard, went, opened, didn't recognize, wasn't wearing; 14. (had) sealed and stamped, went, drew; 15. saw, were you using; was using, had hurt; 16. returned, were, had, had; 17. were walking, heard; turned, held; stopped; 18. arrived, was waiting; was wearing, looked; 19. saw, was painting; 20 . was watering, began; 2 1 . was saying, took; 2 2 . said, w e r e working, wanted. I I . 1. had just finished, was wrapping; 2. reached; 3. had c o m e in, was untying; 4. were enjoying; 5. was cycling, fell, hurt; 6. had dried, had powdered; 7. was beginning, was 17 whistling, were creeping; 8. had moved, was standing; 9. had entered, was rpQvi#g; 10. looked out, had approached, had overspread; eleven . hadn "t taken; 12. hadn" t arisen, were shining / shone. Ex. 37 (p. 5 7) 1. Entering, saw, had left; 2. noticed, e n t e r e d / c a m e in, had left; 3. had hardly read, declared, didn't like; 4. had left, went into, turned off / switched off; 5. was sitting and thinking, hadn "t arrived / come; 6. had stopped, there was; 7. didn't know, had left/gone; 8. didn't remember, couldn't/didn't remember, had met; 9. drove, saw; 10. had passed, understood, had; eleven . Coming, learned, had left; 12. c a m e back/returned, talked about, had seen; 13. had finished, knocked; 14. had been, hadn "t snowed; 15. had gone, came up / went to, dialled; 16. c a m e back, showed, had done; 17. tried / was trying, had left; 18. was astonished, had m ​​a d e , had passed, saw 19. No sooner had he come, met 2 0 . returned, had lived 2 1 . had parted, returned, w e n t / m a d e for 2 2 . was, had expected/anticipated 2 3 . knew, had met 2 4 had gone, shut/closed 2 5 was daylight, was still blowing, had stopped. Ex. 3 8 (p. 58) 1. "II have translated; 2. will have made; 3. won" t have learned; 4. won "t have completed; 5. will have learned; 6. will have come; 7. will have... gone. Ex. 39 (p. 58) 1. Oh no, they will have already moved; 2. we'll have made; 3. they will have finished writing it; 4. he "ll have already graduated from the Institute; 5. I" ll have forgotten; 6. he "ll have left; 7. she" ll have received; 8. I "ll have gone. Ex. 40 (p. 5 8 - 5 9) 1. "II have be e e n, c o m e; 2. is, "II be; 3. are, I" ll go; 4. Will you be angry, talk; 5. finish, "II have done; 6. a m, will have left, Don "t worry, I" ll drive; 7. "II have stopped; 8. think, "II see; 9. don"t take, "II be late, get, will have been over, "II miss. Ex. 41 (p. 59) 1. I "ll have finished; 2. "II have done," II go to the park; 3. "II have passed; 4. will have built; 5. I "ll have written, arrives; 6. will have left, c o m e; 7. I" ll have translated. Ex. 4 2 (p. 5 9) 3. - Will you still be cooking dinner at 12 tomorrow? - I "ll have done the cooking already. 4. - Will you help Granny to look for her glasses when you c o m e back w? - she" ll have found them already. 5. Will you see Jerry in Atlanta when I return? - I "m sure, he" ll have already arrived, 6. - Will Keith be at home if I call him up at 8 o "clock? - he" ll have c o m e already. 7. - Will they be having dinner at 6 o "clock? - they" ll have already had dinner by that time. 8. - Will you still be repairing the car if I call 1 for you at 6? - I "ll have repaired it already. 18 Ex. 4 3 (p. 5 9 - 6 0) ° V Y? J< " v > 9 o i ."? r v ^ ?. . v \ > , " * , II. vfall visit; gets; "II be pfaying; doesn't matter; "II go to see; have finished their talk; will have been over; will have a shower; will have been ready; will have done; will be quite free; arrive, will be having dinner; "II be playing; have stopped; will have made; "II sit and drink; "II go. I I . will have finished, is looking forward to teaching; graduates, "II begin; think, he "ll become; will like; is working hard, knows, flies, may happen, will have no time; studied,; will helped be working; "II go, think, he"ll have finished. 8. THE PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORMS Ex. 1 (p. 6 1) 1. have been working; 2. Has she been sleeping; 3. have been talking; 4. have just been telling; 5. hasn "t been feeling; 6. have you been lying; 7. have been trying; 8. haven "t been sleeping; 9. have been seeing; 10. hasn" t been working. Ex. 2 (p. 61) 1. You have been working too hard lately. 2. Have you been standing in this cold long? 3. She has been scrubbing the floors for three hours. 4. They have been singing at the top of their voices since morning. Ex. 3 (p. 6 1) 1. Have you been waiting for me long? 2. Have you been fighting again? 3. How long has your foot been hurting you? 4. He has been studying for three hours already. 5.1 have been learning Spanish since September. 6. Ann has been looking for a job for six months. 7. My brother has been smoking for ten years. 8. They have been working in Manchester since the 1st of March. 9. How d e e p the snow is! How long has it been snowing? 10. Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? eleven . How long have you been playing chess? 12. How long have you been living in this town? Ex. 4 (p. 6 2) 1. Have you been reading; 2. are you doing; 3. has been doing; 4. is working, has been planting; 5. have been playing; 6. have been thinking; 7. have you been swimming; 8. are staying; 9. have been stealing; 10. are laying. Ex. 5 (p. 6 2) 1. has been ringing; 2. have been reading, am trying; 3. are the children doing, have been playing, are learning; 4. are leaving, have they been staying; 5. are you thinking, "m not thinking, "m counting; 6. is talking, has been driving; 7. have you been doing; 8. have been looking, is waiting. Ex. 6 (p. 6 2) 1. is looking at, so he is, have been meeting... lately; 2. are you hurrying, has been waiting for; 3. Are you reading; 4. is wearing; 5. have been wearing; 6. are you waiting for; 7. Have you been waiting for him long; 8. are you listening to; nine. has been teaching; 10. is teaching; eleven . have been developing; 12. am developing; 13. are you waving to. Ex. 7 (p. 6 3) 1. has changed; 2. have been collecting; have collected; 3. has been reading; have not finished; 4. have been waiting, has gone out; 5. has happened, has been ringing, has answered; 6. have come, have been standing, listening; 7. have ar19 rivedf have just been speaking; 8. have you known, have known; 9. have you turned, V a been playing; 10. "ve definitely decided. Ex. 8 (p. 6 3) 1. "ve been reading, "ve read; 2. has been sewing, has made; 3. has been skiing, has taken part; 4. has been writing, has written Ex. 9 (p.-6 3) 1. has she been traveling; 2. has he translated; 3. has he been translating; 4. have they visited. Ex. 10 (p. 6 3) 1. has been typing, has not finished; 2. "ve been wasting; 3. has fallen; 4. has been smoking; 5. has been doing, has gone; 6.has completed. E x . 1 1 (p. 6 4) 1. Have we m e t ; 2. "ve often s e e n; 3. "ve b e e n trying; 4. has b e e n studying, has learned; 5. haven "t h e a r d; 6. "ve b e e n looking, haven" t f o u n d, "ve b e e n; 7. Have you s e e n, haven "t b e e n," ve b e e n talking; 8. "ve b e e n, "ve b e e n w a n d e r i n g; 9. "ve c o m e; 10. have informed; 1 1. have b e e n doing; 1 2. "ve loved; thirteen . "ve s t a y e d / " v e b e e n staying. 11. 1. have been thinking, have you made up; 2. have been struggling, have solved; 3. have been discussing, have been; 4. have been seeing, has put; 5. have been listening, "ve heard; 6. have been waiting, has looked; 7. "ve been telling, "ve never paid; 8. has been talking, has c o m e out; 9. has been doing, has improved; 10. "ve been asking, hasn"t answered. Ex. 1 2 (p. 6 4) 1. "ve been eating; 2. Have you eaten; 3. are you doing, are picking, have you picked, "ve picked; 4. have been shopping, have found; 5. is making; 6. "ve been polishing, am tired; 7. have you been doing, "ve been pumping, have pumped, Will you help; 8. Have you met, have known; 9. are you making, "ve lost, am trying, am throwing, are throwing, live; 10. has just sold, is lucky, has been painting, hasn "t sold; 1 1. "ve been doing, haven" t done; 12. haven "t you brought, Haven" t you typed t h e m yet; 13. have you put, can't find, has just gone; 14. has been standing, has already left; 15. has been collecting, got married, has collected, doesn't know. Ex. 13 (p. 6 5) 1. are you looking for, are looking for, haven "t bought, have-bought; 2. are you doing, am reading, is, have you b e e n reading; 3. is, is working, has been working; 4. are you waiting, "m waiting, "ve b e e n waiting; 5. "ve b e e n standing, have they been talking; 6. are you thinking, am thinking; 7. a r e singing, "ve b e e n singing, walked. Ex. 14 (p. 65) 1. has returned, has been waiting; 2. have been reading; 3. came, was making, was having; 4. did you discuss, "ve never heard; 5. "ve been; 6. haven "t changed," ve recognized, saw; 7. Has...gone; 8. did you go; 9. "ve offered; 10. "ve been overeating," ve lost, "ve lost, told; eleven . saw, was driving; 12. hasn "t said, got; 13. have been talking; 14. "ve been singing; 15. is, is sitting, hasn "t moved; left. 20 Ex. 15 (p. 6 5 - 6 6) 1. do you hear, "ve been talking; 2. has changed; 3. haven't seen; 4. "ve been; 5. "m leaving; 6. "m going, don" t begin, c o m e; 7. see, talk; 8. have been living, has been; 9. have been crying; 10. hasn "t arrived, are standing; eleven . know, "ve known; 12. has been listening; 13. rock; 14. asks; 15. has fallen, hurt; 16. Have you heard, has asked, has asked, has been... refusing, Has she accepted; 17. read / have read; 18. has be e e n, has done; 19. has been, has been looking, doing, know, comes; 2 0. haven "t been; 2 1 . has been puzzling, are you looking, J m speaking, has made. Ex. 16 (p. 6 6) 1. have been listening to; 2. is your son doing, have just phoned; 3. Have you been working; 4. "ve been waiting; 5. "ve been thinking, said; 6. "ve been looking for, have you been doing; 7. "ve been trying; 8. are, have been watching; 9. will the mechanic come, "ve been waiting for; 10. have been studying; 1 1. has been raining; 12. haven"t been sleeping. Ex. 1 7 (p. 6 6) I. 1. have just seen;, was crossing.; 2. haven "t really worked; 3. did he come; 4. hasn" t come back; 5. have you been examining; 6. have been working; 7. already had coffee; 8. has told; 9. w e r e going, told; 10. have been playing; eleven . have been working; 12. have heard; 13. did he write; 14. have I seen; 15. has explained; was ill, couldn't call; 16. Have you written. I I. 1. has been training, have made; 2. has taken; left; 3. looked, said, was waiting; 4. have been arguing, have lost; 5. did you speak 6. Have you known 7. Have you been waiting 8. did you begin 9. are, have you been doing, "ve been peeling; 10.left; eleven . came up to, o p e n e d, waved; 12. have been waiting, has told; 13. am afraid, has changed; didn't tell, saw. Ex. 18 (p. 6 7) 1. had been gathering; 2. had been shivering; 3. had already been discussing; 4. had been holding. Ex. 1 9 (p. 6 7) 1. was leaving, had stopped; 2. was, was, had been working; 3. had been listening, wondered; had heard; 4. said, had been teaching; 5. said, had just finished, had been reading; 6. c a m e, brought, had been expecting; 7. had been raining, were. Ex. 20 (p. 6 7 - 6 8) 1. Yes, it did. It had been raining for 3 hours. 2. Yes, she did. She had been working there for 25 years. 3. Yes, I did. I had been living there for a fortnight. 4. Yes, they did. They had been studying it for 5 years. 5. Yes, they did. They had been working on it for 2 years. 6. Yes, he did. He had been playing football for 6 years. 7. Yes, he did. He had been listening to it for an hour. 8. Yes, they did. They had been walking for 2 hours. Ex. 21 (p. 6 8) 1. They had been quarrelling on the way home. 2. Mother had been baking bread. 3. She had been reading too long. 4. You had been dancing all night. 5. Somebody had been using my typewriter. 21Ex. 22 (p. 6 8 * 6 9) 1. The lecturer had been speaking for 15 minutes when the deanjCotro&jn. 2. Larry had been waiting for half an hour when he realized that he had come to the wrong hotel. 3. My father-in-law had been working in America for 2 years when the war ended, Ex. 23 (p. 6 9) 1. had been running; 2. had been talking; 3. was writing; 4. were waiting, had been waiting; 5. had been standing. Ex. 24 (p. 6 9) 1. got, was eating; 2. was, had been talking; 3. went, were expecting; 4. turned, was standing; 5. had been fanning, stopped; 6. was leaving, called; 7. asked, had been looking; 8. were standing; 9. didn't say, had been sleeping, had. Ex. 25 (p. 7 0) 1. new, had gone; 2. had been standing, c a m e up; 3. was speaking, saw; 4. had parked, a p p e a r e d, stood; 5. c a m e, had lived; 6. w e r e talking, came; 7. looked, was sleeping; 8. had left/left, stood; 9. had dressed, went, wrote; 10. welcomed, turned, had 1 1 was reading, appeared 12. c a m e , saw, had changed 13. had been sitting, c a m e 14. was, were having 15. sat down, had prepared 16. sat, had left; 17. looked, found, had m ​​a d e; 18. was, had been. Ex. 26 (p. 7 0) 1. did... find out, had come; 2. left, had not gone, discovered, was, had left; 3. had been living; 4. enabled, had done; 5. destroyed, killed; 6. had scarcely got, heard; 7. had been looking; 8. drew up, stepped, had been sitting; 9. had rung , was; 10. shouted, was running; eleven . picked up, had been reading, c a m e , turned, had stopped; 12. had not eaten, was growing; 13. had arrived. Ex. 27 (p. 7 0 - 7 1) 1. quarrelled/had a deadly quarrel; 2. was wearing, had not seen; 3. had left, were sitting; 4. met, smiled, asked, had spent; 5. think, showed, was, had been painting; 6.did not get; had stopped; 7. copied, put, went, had stopped, returned, had, sat down; 8. had been studying, started/began, asked, was finishing; 9. was having a bath, rank; 10. c a m e round/dropped in, had not seen, noticed, had changed; eleven . no sooner had they driven, the police stopped; 12. had been traveling, looked, did not feel; 13. had died down, had cleared, was shining; 14. looked, softened; 15. visited, had spent, had planted, was, turned into/grew. Ex. 28 (p. 7 1 - 7 2) 1. "II have been learning; 2. "II have been living; 3. will have been reconstructed; 4. "II have been grumbling; 5. "II have been painting. Ex. 29 (p. 7 2) 1. graduates from, will have been working; 2. "II have been advertising, appear; 3. will have been studying; 4. comes, "II have been living; 5. c o m e back, will have been painting; 6. will they have been running, bring. 9. THE REVISION ON TENSES Ex. 1 (p. 7 2 - 7 3) 1. hasn "t phoned, arrived; 2. has happened, left; 3. think, has become, saw; 4. have you been doing / have you done; 5. have been saving; 6. have you been 22 doing, look; 7. said; have been Icfokingr have; never Hrad, did; 8 / h a v e been doing; 9>havfe been thinking, told; 10. Have you been living, left; 1 1. are having, watching; 12. has come, Has he b e e n, was; 13. "ve just been, Have you seen, did you see, did you go; 14. want, Have you discussed, "ve been skiing; 15. a m , "ve given, am asking, is, "ve put, a m; 16. are, a m not, want, saw, "ve been dreading, don" 17. do you know, is, are having, are, aren't, "ve b e e n; 18. Have the children returned, brought, have not cooked, have you been doing 2 (p. 7 3) 1.1 were you going, met, was going, had forgotten; 2. enabled, had omitted; 3. decided, found out, had begun; 4. was, found, had begun; 5. turned, lay, took, had been reading 6. took, had put, went 7. was, c a m e , had said 8. was, was, sat, circled, was raining, had been raining 9. looked , wanted, had been; 10. was, had imagined; 1 1. came, had promised, were waiting, entered, rushed; 12. had been playing. I I. 1. busied, sliced, fired; 2. had been blowing; 3. was, had been, lay; 4. tried, were saying, were, (were) speaking; 5. deepened, stopped, had been pursuing; 6. was not expected; 7. had gone, fallen, knocked, begged; 8. had, had, had invited, rank, was; 9. had been listening, hastened; 10. had been, was, found, had gone. Ex. 3 (p. 7 4) pulled, tried, b e c a m e , had pulled, was filling, fell. Ex. 4 (p. 7 4) looked; was; had not made, had seen; got, put; turned, washed, dried; brushed, turned, took, left. Ex. 5 (p. 7 4) 1 . w e n t , opened; took, put; drank, ate; wasn "t, had finished, remembered, had promised, would not touch, would clear; 2. sat; heard; w o n d e r e d, was doing; was; had crossed, was standing. Ex. 6 (p. 7 4) went, called ; went, stretched, picked; shot, heard; was; spoke, was smiling; are you leaving; "II fly, is finished; "II have; put, c a m e ; was, said; know, said; is leaving; is taking; have not seen, have you; have not. Ex. 7 (p. 7 5) placed, let; took, put; showed ; was, had been painting; had never sold; were; were, were; were. Ex. 8 (p. 7 5) was; was, had received; entered, rushed, kissed, shook, told, had missed; spoke, asked; asked, had not c o m e. Ex. 9 (p. 75) had just finished; went; settled, was leaving, called; is, want; came; obeyed; got, began; was making, did not like; was. Ex. 10 (p. 7 5) had not covered, favored; met, was, took, wanted; had made, was traveling, wanted, was; was, looked. 23 Ex* 1 1 (p. 7 5 - 7 6 ) told; knocked? opened; was, looked; was pacing, talked; said, was, have decided. Ex. 1 2 (p. 76) had gone, went, lit; felt; was passing/had passed, was clamoring; remembered, had had, went; had died, was; found, ate, looked/was looking; was, ate; needed, was; was, went; was; sat, continued; had finished, c a m e. Ex. 1 3 (p 7 6) 1. put; ed, went; was; looked, was; looked; sucked; longed. 2. told, had won, was; had lived, had gone; had left, was, had c o m b e d. ~» Ex. 14 (p. 7 6 - 7 7) had not b e e n , met; c a m e , was having, introduced; had heard, was, announced, had c o m e; asked, had breakfast; answered; smiled, showed; was; had not shaved; said, leaned, lit, had offered; did you meet, asked; were doing; smiled, said, was. Ex. 1 5 (p. 7 7) was, was giving; knew; knew; was, had been invited; had accepted; said, would be, permitted; had never seen; has not had, c a m e ; works, is; gets, will be, comes; blazed; was packed; overflowed, were sitting. Ex. 1 6 (p. 7 7 - 7 8) I. woke, was burning, had started, hit; had been, were; had been; had missed, had been sleeping; was, took; passed; was, did not want, got, pulled, could; saw, got; did not remember; found, had saved. I I . did you meet, picked, insisted, had, "ve had, c a m e , thought, went, got, saw, decided, doesn't sound, isn"t, is, is, am going, is, have been looking for, swept , meet. I I I. was, waited, had gone, were, sneaked, picked, asked, is, a m, was, is, have not met, a m, was, said, don "t know, are talking, protested, took, met, grew, have got, is, do not know, has certainly never stayed. IV. was sitting, looked, came, got, wished, believe, is, phoned, wasn't it, was, is, frowned, sat, believe, told, have never heard, have you c o m e, didn't believe, leaned, are you accusing, are lying, know, said, was going, phoned, hadn "t worked out, was coming, arrived, was, c a m e , is, know, had been staying. Ex. 1 7 (p. 7 8 - 7 9 1. did you go, went, had left, went; 2. has he gone, think, has gone, goes; 3. Have you lived, did you live; 4. have been expecting; 5. are you doing, am doing, do you do, do, have had; 6. have been walking, are tired; 7. Have you found, lost; yes, I have; did you find, had been; 8. have known each other; 9. went , have been; 10. have already arrived, know; 1 1. had finished, was sitting, was, had just set; 12. have been waiting; 13. write, "II go and post, don"t know, gets; 14. is, have been peeling 15. have been, moved, was 16. Do they write, have been corresponding 17. have been thinking 18. haven't seen, moved; 19. have been writing, a m; 20 . are, have just been talking; 2 1 . has been talking, left; 2 2 . have been playing. 24Ex. 1 8 (p. 7 9) 1. have been thinking, have worked, know; 2. c a m e up, had dropped, stopped; 3. Do you like, love, has been; 4. has always called; 5. will be constantly ringing; 6. coming back, will stay; 7. has locked, won't go down, leave / have left; 8. saw, had been waiting for, had come; 9. has been going on; 10. know, have lived; 1 1. was cooking, was tidying up; 12. had hardly entered, broke out; 13. turned away, saw, had sprung into; 14. decided, "II go, haven"t changed; 15. have you been feeling; 16. haven"t eaten, came ; 17. isn't coming, have just spoken; 18. had taken, was smoking; 19. haven't danced; 20 . has been raining, think, won't stop; 2 1. will have finished; 2 2. discovered; 2 3. No sooner he had opened, scattered; 24. will be sailing back; 2 5. are walking; 26. had paled, was growing dark, shone; 2 7 . had put, was sitting; 2 8 . have been dreaming; 2 9 . leaves, don "t go, "II be late /" ll miss; 3 0 . stayed, returned; 3 1 . got up, c a m e up, wasn "t raining, there were; 3 2 . have never felt, do; 3 3 . am leaving; 3 4 . had hardly approached, heard; 35. "II tell, "II find out; 3 6 . was, had been blowing, had stopped, it was still drizzling; 37. had hardly said good-bye, started; 3 8 . opened, was smoking; 3 9 . "II tell, has seen/sees; 4 0 . drove, stopped. 11. TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE Ex. 1 (p. 8 3) 1. Lucy is staying with her aunt in the South of France. 2. Roy is taking his younger brother to C a n a d a to his parents. 3. Letty is spending a fortnight in Rome. 4. Peter and John are hiking in the Swiss mountains. 5. Miranda is going round Greek islands on a cruising boat. Ex. 2 (p 8 3) 1. Are you traveling by train? 2. Are you taking a lot of things? 3. Are your animals going with you ? 4. Are you letting your flat out for the season? 5. Are you renting a car? Ex. 3 (p. 8 3) 1. are opening; 2. are you going away? 3. open, close; 4 start; 5. does the plane... leave? 6. are going, are you coming; 7. are launching. Ex. 4 (p. 8 4) A .: Let "s go to the theater tomorrow. V .: I" m sorry. I "d love to, but I" m working late tomorrow. A.: What about Wednesday then? V .: I "m afraid, I can" t. I "m meeting my parents at the airport. A.: Well, what are you doing on Saturday evening? V.: I" m playing tennis this Saturday. A.: I see. Well, are you free on Sunday evening? Q: We are having a reunion party at school on Sunday. Ex. 5 (p. 84) 1. I "m going to speak to him after lunch. 2. I" m just going to make it. 3. I "m going to buy it soon. 4. I" m just going to do it. Ex. 6 (p. 84) 1. What are you going to wear? 2. Where are you going to hang it? 3. What are you going to buy instead? 25 EXJ 7 (p. 85) 1. was going to askiher) 2\ yvere^goirrg toyisijbit; 3. was going to attend th: Ex. 8 (p. 85) 1. "m going to miss you. 2. They are going to get lost. 3. He is going to lose it. Ex. 9 (p. 85) 1. Have you cleaned the car? - Not yet. I'm going to clean it tomorrow. 2. Have you had dinner? - Not yet. We "re just going to have dinner. 3. The sky is so blue. It" s going to be a fine day. 4. I "ve decided to make a party. - Who are you going to invite? 5. Did your friends go to Spain on holidays? - No. They were going to, but they changed their mind. 6. The examination is tomorrow . You haven't studied at all, you're going to fail. Ex. 10 (p. 86) 1.1 think I'll go for a swim. 2.1 think I "ll do my home work tomorrow. 3. I" ll phone Ann now. 4.1 don't think I'll have coffee. 5.1 don't think I'll go there on holidays. 6.1 don't think I'll go to the cinema. 7.1 think I "ll have juice. 8.1 don" t think I "ll go for a walk. 9.1 think I" ll go by car. 10.1 don't think I'll watch TV tonight. Ex. 11 (p. 86) 1. I "ll go to the cleaner" s. 2. I "ll do the shopping. 3. I" ll wash the dog. Ex. 12 (p. 86) 1. I "ll cook dinner in the afternoon. 2. I" ll write to you as soon as I get there. 3. I "ll wash it tomorrow. 4. I won't break anything. 5. I "ll take them on Sunday. 6. Do you promise not to tell anyone? 7. I" ll come after you as soon as I can. 8. promise I won "t be angry. Ex. 13 (p. 86) 1. are going; 2. starts; 3. will get; 4. am meeting; 5. are arriving; 6. won "t hurt; 7. will phone Ex. 14 (p. 87) 1. She "ll probably never write. 2. expect they" ll stay at her aunt "s. 3. am sure he" ll phone tonight. 4. think they "ll send a cable. 5. am sure he" ll come back very soon. 6. expect she "ll give you a kiss. Ex. 15 (p. 87) 1. are you turning on, am going to; 2.1 forgot, don" t worry, I "ll lend; 3. is aching, I" ll bring; 4. are you carrying, I "m going to; 5. I" ve decided, are you going to; 6. There "s fire coming out of, I" ll call; 7. looks strange, as if it is going to; 8. I "ll show; 9. I" ll have; 10. Has Anton decided on; ts planned, is going to, is going to; 11. shall we have, don "t know, can" t make up my mind, come on, hurry up, we "ll have; 12. need, Do we?, I" ll go and get some, am going to get , Do you want, I need, I "ll get; 13. can you take me, I" ll take, do you want me to take you, is taking me. Ex. 16 (p. 88) 1. are to; 2. are not to; 3. is (just) about to; 4. am (just) about to; 5. is due to; 6. is not due to. Ex. 17 (p. 88) a future fact; intention; intention; arrangement; a future fact. Ex. 18 (p. 88-89) 1. She is going to buy him a new record for his birthday. 2. Tomorrow is May 1. It will rain. 3.1 was going to see this film yesterday,... 4. We are meeting/are to meet at the Milk bar. He says he is going to ring me up at 7. 26 Ex. 1 9 4p; 8 9) 1. We "ll go to Italy. 2. I" ll sfritfw ydu the way. 3. I "m going to visit the Hermitage. 4. I" ll help you. Ex. 20 (p. 8 9) 1. I "m staying at the Astoria Hotel. 2. We are going to the Maryinsky Theater the first evening I am in St. Petersburg. 3. I" m meeting my Russian teacher the day after tomorrow . 4. I "m leaving St. Petersburg in a week. Ex. 21 (p. 89) a. #1 b. #2 THE c #1 SEQUENCE d. #1 OF TENSES 1 . G E N E R A L RULES Exf 4 (p- 94 ) 1. had; 2. was doing; 3. looks; 4. meant, said, had; 5. was; 6. was doing, intended; 7. knew; 8. was making; 9. was, didn't leave ; 10. felt; 11. was. Ex. 5 (p. 94) 1. had changed; 2. had been buying; 3. had received; 4. had been happening/had happened; 5. had gone; 6. had spent; 7. had done; 8. had lived/had been living; 9. told; 10. had let; 11. had wanted; 12. had been; 13. had never got married; 14. had been doing; Ex, 6 (p. 95) 1. had formulated; 2. have ever seen; 3 thought, had made; 4. was going; 5. had been waiting; 6. had returned; 7. was feeling/felt; could go; 8. had put; 9. had not seen; 10. was going to do, hoped; 11. was hanging; 12. had been living/had lived; 13. had suddenly invented. Ex. 7 (p. 95) 1. told, was interested in; 2. knew, was thinking; 3. said, would return; 4. knew, was living/lived; 5. knew, had lived; 6. didn't tell, had spoken; 7. thought, received; 8. was glad, had received; 9. thought, would invite; 10. was sure, worked; 11 i was sure, was working, didn't enter; 12. told me, had seen; 13. was sure, was sitting; 14. said, liked; 15. was sure, had been living; 16. heard, were; 17. heard, had been; 18. heard, had been working; 19. didn't know, was ill; 20. didn't know, had been ill; 21. didn't know, had known; 22. was told, returned/had returned. Ex. 8 (p. 86-87) 1. was sure, regretted, had quarrelled; 2 thought, was tired, asked, had been doing; 3. had the impression, had been; 4. nodded, said, it was what she wanted; 5. said, could not understand, had changed; 6. suspected, had forgotten to mention, was waiting; 7. have no idea, knows, will be; 8. Does Ted know, is coming; 9. didn't know yet, would be doing; 10. said, would discuss, returned; 11. thought, would call, received; 12. said, would read, had passed; 13. said; would not go, (had ) finished; 14. was afraid, would be angry, didn't come; 15. promised, would talk, saw. 27 REVISION Ex. 1 (p. 9 6) 1. was happening/had happened; 2. were/would be; 3. returned, was sitting, (was) taking; 4. were, had... been crying; 5. was trying, was; 6. was, saw, said, "ve been fighting; 7. would sleep; 8. m a d e , h a d / h a d had; 9. would tell, lived; 10. drove, stared; 1 1 . were running; 12. was sitting , (was) eating, c a m e, was, had been, was having, waved, saw; 13. remained, had passed; 14. had fallen, returned, said, had turned, couldn't, had... understood, had happened; 15. had been sitting, sat; 16. looked, was sitting, lay, had been doing; 17. was reading, crossed; 18. were coming, ran. Ex. 2 (p. 9 6 - 9 7) I. 1. thought, were busy; 2. said, wanted; 3. hoped, could swim; 4. announced, wanted to go; 5. asked, had; 6. said, must; 7. was sorry, had to stay; 8. said, liked; 9. didn't know, lived; 10. said, was shut (closed) that day; 1 1. thought, knew; 12. thought, were still playing; 13. said, got up; 14. didn't know, like/liked. I I . 1. Did you know, had gone; 2. didn't tell, had spoken; 3. said, had... had dinner; 4. asked, had got; 5. rank up, found out, had... gone; 6. Did... tell, had accepted; 7. denied, had spoken; 8. Didn "t... know, had gone; 9. thought, had graduated from; 10. said, had s e e n. I I I . 1. said, would take part; 2. hoped, would be back; 3. said, would c o m e back; 4. believed, would work; 5. h o p e d, would be able to go; 6. didn't know, would go; 7. told, would be doing; 8. said, would begin; 9. told, wouldn't wait for; 10. thought, would have. Ex. 3 (p. 9 7) 1. said, had been ... busy, hadn "t b e e n; 2. w a s sure, (had) told, had received; 3. w a s surprised, hadn "t told, w e r e going; 4. thought, would read, h a d . . . arrived; 5. promised, would tell, h a d . . . c o m e back, w a n t e d; 6. was afraid, would tell, couldn't help; 7. knew, felt, w a s not satisfied; 8. was sure, had already heard, had returned; 9. said, would send, didn't hear; 10. said, was still, was going to see; 1 1. said, had just c o m e, w a s leaving for; 12. told, the matter w a s, think, "II be able to help; 13. said, w a s. . . busy, hadn "t b e e n; 14. said, must revise, w a n t e d to do well at; 15. promised to get, b e g a n working on; 16. thought, would be fine; 17. heard, w e r e free, decided, would be able to help. DIRECT 1. A N D INDIRECT INDIRECT SPEECH STATEMENTS Ex. 1 (p. 9 9) 1. told, hoped to pass; 2. said, was listening to; 3. said, had made; 4. told, had seen; 5 6. said, hadn't cleaned; 7. said, didn't want to wear; 8. said, felt tired, had; 9. told, had; 10. said, had not s e e n. 28 Ex. 2 (p. 99) 1. "I haven"t got..." 2. "I"m pleased..." 3. "I haven't seen..." 4. "Henry is studying..." 5. "I don't want..." 6. "We don't understand..." 7. "You are driving-..." 8. "The children are playing...". Ex. 3 (p. 99) 1. tells; 2. told; 3. tell; 4. said; 5. tell; 6. said; 7. says. Ex. 4 (p. 99) 1. are always saying; 2. asked; 3. said; 4. told; 5. says; 6. asked; 7. say; 8. said; 9. says; 10. told; eleven . asked/said; 12. said; 13 said. 2. INDIRECT COMMAND AND REQUEST Ex. 1 (p. 100) 1. asked... to take; 2. told... to collect, put; 3. told... not to run; 4. told... to learn; 5. asked... to meet; 6. told... not to go out; 7. told... to open; 8. told... not to go back; 9. asked... to tell. Ex. 2 (p. 100) 1. asked... to give me; 2. told... not to get off...; 3. asked... to clean; 4. asked... to shut down; 5. reminded... to post; 6. forbade... to c o m e into; 7. warned... there was no parking/parking was not allowed; 8. advised... to visit. 3. INDIRECT QUESTIONS Ex. 1 (p. 101) 1. asked, if... c a m e ; 2. asked, if... had got; 3. asked, if...understood; 4. asked, if... wanted to be; 5. asked, if... was going; 6. asked, if... had been. Ex. 2 (p. 101) 1. asked, were tired; 2. asked, had slept; 3. wondered, went; 4. wanted to know, had been working; 5. asked, would be; 6. asked, had seen; 7. wanted to know, liked/had liked; 8. asked, were working. Ex. 3 (p. 1 0 2 - 1 0 3) 1. asked, what... was doing; 2. asked, where... was going; 3. asked, what...has; 4. asked, who... had caused; 5. asked, when... (had) learned; 6. asked, where... had put; 7. asked, which... can be divided; 8. asked, w h e n. . . was going; 9. asked, where... had lost; 10. asked, what...were doing; eleven . asked, why... hadn "t answered; 12. asked, what the matter was; 13. asked, when... would be ready; 14. asked, why... wore; 15. asked, who... was looking at; 16. asked, who was; 17. asked, when... bought/had bought. Ex. 4 (p. 103) 1. asked me, began; 2. asked, liked; 3. asked, knew ; 4. asked, was working; 5. asked, had been/was; 6. asked, had spent; 7. asked, had had ... made; 8. asked, had read; 9. asked, went/had gone ; 10. asked, were going to do; 1 1. asked, hadn "t bought; 12. asked, had passed; 13. asked, had seen; 14. asked, would call/was going to call; 15. asked, was going. 29 REVISION c - Ex. 1 (p. 1 0 3 - 1 0 4) I. 1. asked, how he felt; 2. remarks, E. is; 3. says, John... seems; 4. asked, who... was writing; 5. says, Jack is, is playing; 6. asked what was burning; 7. replies, she can't understand, he is talking; 8. asked, who had given; 9. says, she'll tell him, she'll be back; 10. asked, how much... spends; 1 1. says, M. has known; 12. says, S h. is, he has... had; 13. asked, who... had visited; : 14. says, he was born; 15. says, they didn't have; 16. says, she was; 17. says, when she c a m e. . . was playing; 18. says, rank, was writing, I I . 1. said, he...has; 2. said, he had; 3. said, she was... prepared, c a m e ; 4. said, he was sorry to; 5. said, he was; 6. said, he was, they wanted; 7. said, John... comes; 8. said, she didn't think, could accuse; 9. said, she was learning; 10. said, the taxi was waiting; 1 1. said, F. would be; 12. said, she would go, see, went; 13. said, he wouldn't be able to see her; 14. said, they wouldn't do; 15. said, he would wait for; 16. said, she would never forget her; 17. said, she w a s . . . grateful for, she had done. Ex. 2 (p 104) 1. heard, knew, would go up; 2. thought, preferred to be; 3. heard, would be, ordered; 4. asked, had had/would have; 5. asked, had; 6. was, told, had to go; 7. had, would be; 8. said, woqld be; 9. promised, would try; 10. told, had happened; 1 1. asked, had lived; 12. rank, said, didn" tlike; 13. told, to be, dialed, was; 14. put, belonged, told, had done, returned, treated, went; fifteen. wrote, would come. Ex. 3 (p. 1 0 4 - 1 0 5) I. asked, if I was waiting, invited; asked what the problem was; said, was/had been run down; asked, stayed/had stayed/had been staying; wondered, why I hadn "t kept / hadn" t been keeping; explained, met; wanted to know, how I spent/had spent/had been spending; said, went; asked if I had, had to admit, lasted; asked, if I smoked, smoked, asked, smoked; asked, if I took/had taken/had been taking; answered, didn't have/hadn't had time. I I . what to do/what they should do; ordered them to clean; told them not to leave; advised them to shovel; how to get rid/we should get rid of; let "s load; what to do / what we should do. Ex. 4 (p. 105) said, had studied; told me; had put on...; added, had gained; told me, went on, would get ;a d d e d, had to put; said, would have to live; a g r e e d, could live. T H E 2. PASSIVE USES OF THE V O I C E PASSIVE VOICE Ex. 2 (p. 1 1 1 - 1 1 2) 1. will be driven; 2 . -; 3. were built; 4. -; 5. -; 6. was informed; 7. -; 8. -; 9. must be obeyed; 10. -; 1 1. can be bought; 12. has to be written; 13. has been sold; 14. is held; 15. has been proved; 16.-30 Ex. 3 (p. 112) 1. was asked; 2. were made; 3. w a s being played; 4 were told; 5. were built; 6. was solved; 7. was opened; 8. were chosen; 9. was m a d e; 10. was met; 1 1. was taught. Ex. 5 (p. 1 1 2 - 1 1 3) 1. can/could be heard; 2. is/was praised; 3. is taken for; 4. a m / w a s woken up; 5. was found; 6. was bought; 7. was painted; 8. was broken; 9. will be posted; 10. will be discussed; 1 1. will be changed; 12. were met; 13. has been brought; 14. has just been spilt; 15. has been broken; 16. has been dusted; 17. was shown; 18. was asked; 19. was lent; 20 . was sent; 2 1 . was sent for; 2 2 . was listened to; 2 3 . was much spoken about; 24. is often referred to; 25. was/has been agreed upon; 2 6 . is/was/will be listened to; 2 7 . is always found...with; 2 8 . has never been lived in. Ex. 6 (p. 113) 1. has been sent for; 2. has been looked after; 3. was being listened to; 4. will be taken good care of; 5. isn "t looked after; 6. will be Spoken to/should be spoken to; 7. is listened to; 8. hadn" t been taken care of; 9. can be relied on; 10. has been looked upon. Ex. 7 (p. 113) 1. should be dry-cleaned; 2. is wasted; 3. will be typed; 4. is being repaired; 5. has been left; 6. has... been posted; 7. haven "t been informed; 8. have been ordered; 9. isn" t stamped; 10. haven "t been introduced yet; 1 1. has been destroyed; 12. can be... done; 13. must be left. Ex. 9 (p. 114) 1. died; 2. was given; 3. was attended; 4. be held; 5. lined; 6. was drawn; 7. followed; 8. was given; 9. watched; 10. could be heard; 1 1. turned; 12. whispered. Ex. 10 (p 114) 1. may not be used; 2, hasn "t been read, haven" t been cut; 3. isn "t / hasn" t been locked or put; 4. are being m e n d e d / a m having them m e n d e d; 5 . is used; 6. be left; 7. will be operated on; 8. are being reconstructed, will have b e e n finished; 9. will be exhibited; 10. was being followed; 1 1. is swept, was not swept; 12 . has been spoilt; 13. was left, was found; 14. are built; 15. is being repaired, was... hurt; 16. will b e t a k e n; 17. were returned, had been picked up. Ex. 1 1 ( p. 114) 1. has been swept, mopped, dusted; 2. were told, was being questioned; 3. will be found; 4. was occupied, was quieted; 5. was... done; 6. is being interviewed 7. would be done 8. was being watch d; 9. had been washed, had been combined, had been removed; 10. had been dragged. Ex. 12 (p. 115) 1. is being redecorated; 2. is being constructed, will be built/is being built; 3. was built, was known, was erected; 4. is used; 5. had been locked; 6. had been left; 7. was being prepared; 8. had been prepared, had been floored, tented, placed; 9. had been sweetened. Ex. 13 (p. 115) 1. received, was... looked after; 2. was being prepared; 3. was unlocked, had left; 4. c a m e, had... been served; 5. was greeted, was sitting; 6. was brought, (was) put; 7. (was) closed, dropped, stared; 8. could be/was;... explained; 9. was shut; 10. was 31 palled, was pushed; eleven . was persuaded; 12. c a m e , were driven,; 13. was discussed; 14. was asked; 15. t a p p e d, o p e n e d; 16. has been taken. Ex. 1 4 (p. 115) 1. who built; 2. is. . . being built; 3. h a s . . . been built; 4. are ... built; 5. will ... be built; 6. is... being discussed; 7. do you discuss/are... discussed; 8. has... been discussed; 9. Had... been discussed, was sent. Ex. 1 5 (p. 115) 1. was not forgiven; 2. wasn't asked; 3. wasn't asked; 4. was forgiven and forgotten; 5. was envisaged; 6. was expected, expected; 7. can be forgiven; 8. a m. . . forgiven; 9. may be asked; 10. may be asked; eleven . can be envisaged; 12. can "t be forgiven. Ex. 16 (p. 116) 1. was shown, is done; 2. was promised; 3. was given; 4. will be served; 5. will be shown; 6. was given 7. was given; 8. was shown; 9. w e r e not shown; 10. was promised; 1 1. were... told; 12. W e r e . . . shown; 13. W e r e . . . offered; 14 . was... offered; 15. weren "t... told; 16. will...be shown; 17. wasn't... given; 18. will be given. Ex. 17 (p. 116) 1. are... listened to; 2. was interrupted; 3. was... loved and trusted; 4. is (being) taken care of; 5. was written; 6. was opened, was taken into; 7. wasn't made, was broken; 8. is much spoken about; 9. was being cooked, c a m e up; 10. was dictated, was asked; eleven . was being asked, entered, the students were being examined; 12. will be given; 13. has been sent for/was sent for; 14. will have b e e n completed; 15. hasn "t been seen; 16. was told, w e r e being built; 17. was told, should be cooked; 18. will find out, is sent; 19. did ... go, wasn" t told. Ex. 18 (p. 116) 1. was shown, had been done; 2. is spoken of; 3. was explained; 4. was cut off, was sent for; 5. was offered; 6. Can... be relied on; 7. was told, should give up; 8. Were... asked; 9. were thanked; 10. was advised; eleven . should be put an end to; 12. will not be asked; 13. were... forbiden/are not allowed; 14. were... dictated. Ex. 19 (p. 1 1 6 - 1 1 7) 1. are taken; 2. was told, had... left; 3. was asked not to... 4. was asked, was told; 5. Will...be given; 6. was approved; 7. are taught, are played with, are entertained; 8. was dictated; 9. will be given; 10. will be taken; eleven . was being built; 12. has... been decided; 13. will be taken good care of/will be well looked after; 14. was said; 15. have been taught; 16. should... be done; 17. can't... be done; 18. were... told; 19. hasn't... been done yet; 20 . is being played. Ex. 2 0 (p. 117) I. 1. were shown, is produced; 2. have... been spoken to; 3. are well read, are seldom found; 4. Have... been explained, were not allowed; 5. c a m e , had been restored; 6. was published, had been expected, is being... discussed; 7. don "t say, will be laughed at; 8. have been told nothing; 9. Has ... been approved yet, is still being discussed, has ... been discussed; 10. will be informed, have been sent ; eleven . was offered, doesn't want; 12. turned on; was being played; 13. didn't know, was being introduced; 14. wasn "t paid attention to; was m a d e much fuss of. 32 I I. 1. Is ... being d o n e to restore; 2. has never b e e n t a k e n for; 3. has b e e n m o v e d, w e r e sent; 4. must be a c c o u n t e d for ; 5. H a v e . . . be e n taught; 6. w e r e treated to; 7. has been stolen; 8. have never been spoken to; 9. ought to be d o n e; eleven . is well spoken of; 12. has b e e n p r o m o t e d (t o) c a p t a i n ; 13. will be told, leaves; 14. was being concealed f r o m ; 15. s h a n "t / w o n" t be s e e n; 16. is being aired, is aired. I I I . 1. won "t be operated on; 2. was received, was woken up, (was) given; 3. was interested in, were referred t o / h a d been referred t o / w e r e being referred to; 4. were considered, wasn" t even thought of; 5. was approved, was pointed at; 6. will be played; 7. were explained, (were) dictated, (were) given; 8. will be taken care of/cared of, will be delivered; 9. couldn't hear, w a s being said; 10. We "ll find out, has been looked after; eleven . has been given. REVISION Ex. 1 (p. 118) 1. looked; 2. had been said; 3. have ... been treated; 4 am paid; 5. was being restored; 6. is being done/has been done; 7. had been turned; 8.has been seen; 9. had been offered; 10. was given; eleven . were asked; 12. had been fluctuated; 13. are dealt; 14. had been promised; 15. had... been made; 16. has been lent. Ex. 2 (p. 1 1 8 - 1 1 9) I. had been expected, were shown, were delayed, were not allowed, had been chosen, had been pointed, was interrupted, had been warned, were being introduced. I I . were being killed, were shot, were thrown, were poisoned, were brought, were held, were leapt, were saved. I I I . were found, was being emptied, were dragged, stood, be left, were included, was being sent, was ... connected, was ... discovered. IV. was given, had been drawn, was ... hampered, is believed, was caused, was observed, were brought, were trapped, were overcome, was taken, is reported. Ex. 3 (p . 119) I. knew, was, had been deprived, had been taken, had been inserted, needed, was held, were, knew, were left, would become, would be m a d e , was struck, was taken, ( was) placed, am going, will be observed, is done, will not be approved/is not approved, will be seen, will be punished, return, were impressed, went, returned, s e e m e d , had passed, was astounded, have been outwitted, were overturned, were spattered, had been thrown, was being fought, was being had, wondered, had not been respected, looked, saw, had been covered. I I . boarded, had been provided with, was fitted, glowed/were glowing, were shut, went out, was, had been, w e r e painted out, imposed, had put, longed/was longing, tried/was trying, was, had worn/ had been wearing, had been, clung, set, hadn "t occured, had been, had been wandering, had lunched, had been ordered, were n e e d e d, had not dined, saw, sat / was sitting, c a m e. 33 Ex. 4 (p. 120) v-r", -l

Textbook Practical Grammar of the English Language. Drozdova T. Yu. is intended for beginners and advanced learning English language(level A1 and A2). Work with the publication is aimed at a consistent detailed study of the main sections English grammar. Explanations are given in Russian using tables, diagrams and models. The publication contains more than 500 exercises in the form of a workbook.

Year: 2014
Publisher: Anthology
Drozdova T. Yu.
Format: pdf

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The book contains key answers, which allows you to successfully use the manual for independent work. https://tserf.ru/ If English grammar seems to you "foggy Albion", then, of course, this book is for you. This tutorial is intended for beginners and continuing to study English(level A1 and A2). Work with the manual is aimed at a consistent detailed study of the main sections of the grammar of the English language. Do you want to improve your language skills and study with a professional teacher? Arabic courses in Voronezh with a wide choice of different materials and the opportunity to practice individually or remotely via skype.


If English grammar seems like a "foggy Albion" to you, then, of course, this book is for you. The textbook brought to your attention is intended for beginners and those who continue learning English (level A1 and A2). Work with the manual is aimed at a consistent detailed study of the main sections of the grammar of the English language.

We tried to make this tutorial stand out:
- availability of presentation - grammatical explanations are given in Russian in a simple and accessible form using tables, diagrams and models that contribute to a better understanding and memorization of the material.

— optimal conditions for assimilation — 17 main grammatical sections are considered in detail in the manual — a large amount of information is divided by the author into smaller thematic blocks. The amount of new material in each of them takes into account the peculiarities of the work of human memory.

- a large amount of training material - the textbook contains more than 500 different exercises based on original texts and dialogues. Since “everything is known in comparison”, each training block includes exercises for translating from Russian into English.

– psychological comfort – interesting modern texts of exercises, convenient arrangement of the material and visual “supports” make working with the manual pleasant and effective. It is convenient to work with the textbook - all exercises are made in the form of a workbook.

- control of assimilation - for control and self-control, the manual ends with comprehensive tests on all studied grammatical topics.

Plus to this:

- additional opportunities - exercises in the form of short stories, jokes and dialogues can be used not only for studying grammatical models. Connected texts allow you to apply a supportive “speaking” technique (retelling, questions and answers), which significantly improves memorization and contributes to the automation of the skill.

- repetition of the learned vocabulary - lexical the content of the exercises corresponds to the main topics of everyday communication. A significant part of them are live dialogues, which, along with working on grammar, help develop conversational skills.

Tutorial " Practical English Grammar» is designed in such a way that it can be successfully used as an independent grammar book, and key answers will help with independent work. I wish you success!

T. Yu. Drozdova, A. I. Berestova, N. A. Kurochkina

Englis h Grammar: Referenc e & Practic e

Englis h Grammar: Tes t File

Anthology Englis h Grammar:


Ex. 1 (p. 8) 2. they "re; 3. she" s not / she isn "t; 4. it" s not / it isn "t; 5. I" m not; 6. you "re not /

you aren "t; 8.1 am; 9. you are; 10. they are not; 11. it is not; 12. she is.

Ex. 2 (p. 8) 2.am; 3. is; 4. are; 5. is; 6. is; 7 am; 8. is; 9. are; 10. is, are; 11 am; 12. is.

Ex. 3 (p. 8-9) 2. is; 3. are; 4 am; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. are.

Ex. 4 (p. 9) 3. I "m / I am / I" m not / I am not; 4. It "s / It is / It isn" t / It "s not; 5. isn" t / is not; 6. I "m / I

am / I "m not / I am not; 7. are / aren" t / are not; 8. is; 9. isn "t / is not; 10. aren" t / are not; 11. is;

12. aren't/are not.

Ex. 5 (p. 9) 2. Where is my key? 3. Where are my trousers? 4. How old is your grandmother?

5. What color is his hair? 6. How much are these shoes? 7. Who is you

favorite actor? 8. Why are you always late?

Ex. 6 (p. 9) 3. Are you British? 4. Where are you from? 5. How old are you? 6. Are you a

student? 7. Is your mother a teacher? 8. Where is she from? 9. What is her name?

10. How old is she?

Ex. 7 (p. 10) 3. Yes, it is./No, it isn't./No, it's not. 4. Yes, I am. / No, I "m not. 5. Yes, I am. /

No, I "m not. 6. Yes, it is./No, it isn "t./No, it"s not. 7. Yes, they are./No, they aren't./No,

they "re not. 8. Yes, I am. / No, I" m not. 9. Yes, he is./No, he isn't./No, he's not. 10. Yes, it

is. / No, it isn "t. / No, it" s not. Ex. 8 (p. 10) 1. Is your brother at home? 2. How much are these postcards? 3. This

hotel is very expensive. 4. I "m interested in arts. 5. All the shops are open today. 6. Is the

museum open today? 7. I "m hot. 8. My sister is an architect. 9. I" m not tired. 10. Where is

her husband from?11. They are not students, they are engineers. 12. Are you interested

in foreign languages?

Ex. 9 (p. 10-11) 2. is, was; 3. am/"m; 4. was; 5. were; 6. are/"re; 7. were; 8. is/"s; 9.

was; 10. were; 11. was; 12. are, were.

Ex. 10 (p. 11) 2. was; 3. weren "t, were; 4. wasn" t, was; 5. weren "t, was; 6. Were, wasn't,

Ex. 11 (p. 11) 1. Where were they last night? 2. Why were you late yesterday? 3. He

wasn't at the Institute yesterday. 4.1 wasn't there. 5. She wasn't at home at 5 o'clock.


Ex. 1 (p. 12) 1. There is / There "s; 2. There are; 3. is there; 4. are there; 5. there was

not / there wasn't; 6. There was; 7. Were there; 8. There has been; 9. There are;

10. There is; 11. There will be; 12. there was.

Ex. 2 (p. 12-13) 1. Is there a cat in the window? - Yes, there is. 2. Are there any changes

in the text? - Yes, there are. 3. Are there plenty of glasses in the cupboard? - Yes, there

are. 4. Were there a lot of people at the stadium? - Yes, there were. 5. Is there anything

on the plate? - No, there isn't. 6. Was there anybody in the room? - No, there wasn't.

7. Are there any difficult exercises in this book? - Yes, there are. 8. Is there anything on

the shelf? - Yes, there is. 9. Will there be any interesting programs on TV tomorrow?

Yes, there will. 10. Are there several empty seats in the room? - Yes, there are.

1 1. Were there any pears on the plate? - No, there were not / weren "t.

A. 1. There are many interesting articles in this magazine. 2. There are many museums

and theaters in our city. 3. Is there a telephone in this room? 4. There are two

windows in this room. 5. There was no tea in the cup./Ther e wasn't any tea... 6. How

many articles were there in this magazine? - There wer e several articles there.

7. How many students are there in the classroom? - Twenty. 8. There will be a park

near our house. 9. Was there a school in this street? 10. There are several books on

B. 1. There is a school near our house. The school is near our house. 2. There are

several theaters in the city. The theaters are in the center of the city. 3. There were

flowers in the vase. The flowers were in a beautiful vase. 4. There are many children in

the theatre. The children are now in the theatre. 5. There are/exist several solutions of

this task. The solutions of this task are given on page 5.3. TH E VER B "TO HAVE1

Ex. 1 (p. 14) 2. he "s got; 3. they" ve got; 4. she hasn "t got; 5. it" s got; 6.1 haven't got.

Ex. 2 (p. 14) 2. Have you got a VCR? (Do you have...?) 3. Has your father got a car?

(Does your father have...?) 4. Has Carol got many friends? 5. Have Mr. and Mrs. Lewis

got any children? 6. How much money have you got? 7. What kind of car has John got?

Ex. 3 (p.15) 3. Alice,hasn "t got a camera. (Alice doesn't have ...)

a camera. (I don "t have ...) 5. I" ve got / I haven "t got a car. 6. Keith hasn" t got a car. 7. Alice

hasn "t got black hair. 8. Alice has got two brothers. 9. Keith hasn" t got black hair.

10. Alice has got a car. 11. Keith has got a sister. 12.1 have got/haven't got brothers and

Ex. 4 (p. 15) 3. has got/"s got; 4. have got; 5. has got; 6. haven"t got; 7. haven't got;

8. have got / "ve got; 9. hasn" t got; 10. has got/"s got; 11. has got/"s got; 12. haven't got;

13. hasn "t got; 14. have got /" ve got.

Ex. 5 (p. 15) 1. They haven't got any seminars this month. 2. They haven't got any

flowers in their garden this summer. 3. We haven't got any letters from home this week.

4. He hasn "t got a sore throat today. 5.1 haven" t got any warm shoes this winter. 6. She

hasn "t got a new dress this summer. 7. They haven't got any supper tonight. 8.1 haven't

got any/a headache tonight. 9.1 haven "t got fish for dinner today.

Ex. 6 (p. 16) 1. They have got three dogs and three cats. 2. She's got big green eyes.

3. My brother has got a blue car. 4. How much land have you got? 5. Last year we didn't

have a car. 6.1 had a headache yesterday. 7. When do you have tea? 8. We had a good

time yesterday. 9. She had a good holiday in the South. 10. Have you got any books on

the history of England?


Ex. 1 (p. 18) 1. He sings. 2. He runs. 3. They study. 4. He dances. 5. They cook. 6. They

dance. 7. He paints. 8. They teach. 9.He types. 10. They paint. 11. They write.

Ex. 2 (p. 18) 1. He thinks he is ill. 2. He often visits his granny. 3. She lives in Leeds.

4. She usually speaks too quickly. 5. Does he like boiled potatoes? 6. A good animal

always obey his master. 7. The boy boxes in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8. His dog

always attacks the neighbours. 9. A heavy truck makes a lot of noise.

Ex. 3 (p. 18-19) 1. She does not/doesn "t understand the rule. - Does she understand the

rules? 2. He does not usually have breakfast at 8 o "clock. - Does he usually have breakfast

at 8 o "clock? 3. The lecture does not start at 10.15. - Does the lecture start at

10.15? 4. The flowers do not / don "t look fresh. - Do the flowers look fresh? 5. She doesnot usually walk in the morning. - Does she usually walk in the morning? 6. He does not

have coffee in the evening. - Does he have coffee in the evening? 7. She doesn't

remember them well. - Does she remember them well? 8. He doesn't play chess very

well. - Does he play chess very well? 9. She does not leave home at 10 o "clock every day.

Does she leave home at 10 o "clock every day? 10. Ann doesn't miss you badly. -Does

Ann miss you badly? 11. They don't feel very cold. - Do they feel very cold? 12. Tom

does not look sick. - Does Tom look sick? 13. They don't harvest grapes in March. - Do

they harvest grapes in March? 14. The last boat does not sail at 10 p.m. - Does the last

boat sail at 10 p.m.? 15. That train does not go very fast. - Does that train go very fast?

Ex. 4 (p. 19) 1. are; 2. tell; 3 go; 4. collects; 5. likes; 6. says, is; 7.spend; 8 live,

stands, views, is; 9. What does this sentence mean? 10. live, is; 11.sings; 12. has,

eats; 13. is; 14. What do you see over there? 15. keeps, keeps; 16. is, have/"ve got;

17. come; 18. is.

Ex. 6 (p. 19) 1. do the museums open; 2. don "t use; 3. do you drink; 4. do you do;

5. does your father come; comes; 6. don't you ask; 7. play, don't play; 8. does "maintain" mean.

Ex. 7 (p. 20) 1. The Sun doesn't set ir> the East. It sets in the West. 2. Hens don't eat

foxes. Foxes eat hens. 3. Blacksmiths don't make things from wood. They make things

from metal. 4. The river Dvina doesn't flow into the Black Sea. It flows into the White Sea.

Ex. 8 (p. 20) 1. How often does Felix watch birds? 2. How often do you write to your

parents? 3. What time do you usually have dinner? 4. Where does she work? 5.How

often do you go to the Zoo? 6. Why do people do stupid things? 7. How often does the

motor break down?

Ex. 9 (p. 20) 1.1 usually do my homework in the evening. 2. My friend lives in the North.

3. My sister studies at the Medical college. 4. They have foreign language classes twice

a week. 5. He always comes to see us when he is in Moscow. 6. How much time does it

take you to get back home? - it usually takes me about thirty minutes. 7. He seldom

travel now. 8. Do you often go to the cinema? 9. She is never late. She is always on

time. 10. Do you feel anything? - No, I don't feel anything. 11. His father is an engineer.

He builds bridges. 12.1 don "t study French, I study German. 13. Now we rarely see them.

14. Does her husband often travel/go on business?

Ex. 10 (p. 22) 1. she woke up early; 2. she walked in the garden; 3. she had a sandwich

for lunch; 4. she went out; 5. she slept very well.

Ex. 12 (p. 22) 1. How long did you stay there? 2. Did you stay at a hotel? 3. Did you go

alone? 4. How did you travel? 5. Was the food good? 6. What did you do in the evenings?

7. Did you make any friends there? 1 3 (p. 22) 1. didn't have breakfast, didn't have; 2. didn't buy, didn't have; 3. didn't

sleep, didn't feel; 4. wasn't, didn't understand.

Ex. 14 (p. 22-23) 1. used to eat; 2. used to be; 3. used to live; 4. used to be; 5. used to

like; 6. used to ride.

Ex. 1 6 (p. 23) 1. We started this experiment last week. 2. They came back home at 7

give these magazines to? 5. Yesterday I met Steve in the library. 6. When did you see him

last? - Last Tuesday. 7. We didn't study French last year. We studied English. 8. When

did you begin to work yesterday? - After dinner. We had little work. 9. The weather was

good, and we and our friends went to the park. 10. Where were you an hour ago? 11.1

met her the day before yesterday, and she told me about this.

Ex. 17 (p. 23) 1. Now she avoids to go there as often as she used to. 2. He would

suddenly appear at his mother "s and as suddenly disappear. 3. She would spend hours at

the open window, looking at the forest the hill. 4. She would complain of her bad life and

feel better/relieved. 5. Personally, I think you speak English better than you used to.

6. Now he doesn't smoke at all, because his health is bad, but he used to be a chainsmoker.

7. He began to study French, and in his childhood he would/used to study

English with a tutor. 8. He used to be quite a well-off man.

Ex. 1 8 (p. 24-25) 1. will/"ll be; 2. wiil/"ll be; 3. will/il be; 4. shall/will/"ll know; 5. shall/will/

"II be; 6. will/"ll remember; 7. Where\will he come back? 8. shall / will / "ll apologize; 9. shan" t /

won "t see; 10. shall / will / "ll recognize.

I.a. 1. calls, shall/will/"ll give; 2. shall/will/"ll be, need; 3. will/"ll be, decide; 4. want, will/

"II get; 5. have.

b. 1. shall/will/"ll write, have; 2. will/"ll wait, send; 3. will/"ll be, is; 4. go.

from 1. don "t know, will come; 2. will stay; 3. wonder, shall / will /" ll ever see; 4 am not

sure, will be; 5. will start.

II. 1. gets, "II start; 2. "II see, is; 3. come, "II talk; 4. come; 5. wants, will be; 6. wonder, "II

write; 7. "II be; 8. get, "II come; 9. will be; 10. come, will find; 11. come, cross; 12. will

move; 13. go down, is; 14. "II be, get; 15. will come; 16. come, am sure, will be, gets;

17. continues, "II transfer; 18. "II buy; will you buy; will bring; will bring; 19. look; 20. talk.

Ex. 20 (p. 25) 1. If I have time next week, I "ll fix the car. 2. If all goes well, I" ll graduate in

June. 3. When he finishes this job, we "ll give him another. 4. If the traffic conditions get

much worse, the city will have to build elevated roads. 5. When the light turns red, all the

cars will stop. 6. When / if the weather clears, we "ll finish our games. 7. If I am paid

tomorrow, I "ll buy this dress. 8. If we get there before you, we" ll wait for you. 9. When he

comes home, his father will give him a good talking to. 10. When/if he takes this medicine,

he will be all right. 21 (p. 26) 1. get; 2. gets; 3. leave, II give; 4 feel, will drive; 5.see; 6. come, will find;

7. am, "II get in; 8. will you be, am.

Ex. 22 (p. 26) 1. I "ll go to the cinema when I finish my work. 2. He" ll spend a week in

Brussels before he goes to England. 3. He can stay with us when he comes to London in

April. 4. Let's leave before it's dark.

Ex. 23 (p. 26) 1. When; 2.if; 3.if; 4.if; 5. If; 6.when; 7.when; 8.if.

Ex. 24 (p. 26) 1. Next year I "ll be twenty. 2. Perhaps, he will come today. 3. When will

you begin to study a foreign language? 4. He thinks you won't like the new ballet. 5. Will

she be at home at 6? - No, she won "t. 6.1 hope you will cope with the test. 7. Will you

have a lot of work tomorrow? - Yes, I will. 8. The examinations will begin on June, 1.

9. The film will be very interesting. 10. We'll see him next week.

Ex. 25 (p. 26-27) 1. They won "t start the meeting until the chief engineer comes. 2. If

you meet them, ask them to phone us. 3. You'll recognize Gemma as soon as you see

her. 4. I wonder when they will come Dack. 5. Don't cross the street until the light is

green. 6. As soon as he comes, he will call you. 7. He will be very happy when you come

to New York. 8. If you drink this water you "ll get sick. 9. I can" t tell you when they will

return. 10. If you don't take a taxi now, you will miss your plane. 11. When you want to see

me, give me a ring/ring me up. 12. You won "t know English until you start working hard.

13. I "ll drop in on you before I leave. 14. When winter comes, I" ll go to India. 15.1 don't

know when I "ll see him again.


Ex. 1 (p. 28-29) 1. He isn't lying down; 2. He isn't washing; 3. They aren't fighting; 4. We

aren't jumping; 5. They aren't shouting; 6. She isn't walking; 7. I'm not drinking; 8. She

Ex. 2 (p. 29) 1. No, he isn't. He's watching TV. 2. No, I "m not. I" m learning them by heart.

3. No, he isn't. He's reading a newspaper. 4. No, they aren't. They're talking with a friend.

5. No, I "m not. I" m going home. 6. No, she isn't. She's listening to a concert. 7. No, I "m

not. I "m writing a film script. 8. No, she isn't. She's cooking.

Ex. 3 (p. 29) 1. Yes, he is. He is studying. 2. Yes, they are. They are reading. 3. Yes, she

is. She is having breakfast. 4. Yes, they are. They are shopping. 5. Yes, she is. She is

sewing. 6. Yes, she is. She is washing up. 7. Yes, he is. He is skating. 8. Yes, they are.

They are rehearing.

Ex. 4 (p. 29) 1. He "s teaching the dog to bark. 2. I" m cutting out a dress. 3. I "m running to

catch my bus. 4. I "m buying a mink coat. 5. I" m going to the University. 6. She's rehearing

for a concert. 7. They "re listening to a favorite fairy tale. 8. He" s baking an apple pie.

8Ex. 5 (p. 30) 1. Yes, she is. She's going to the library. 2. No, they aren't. They're having

a rest. 3. No, she isn't. She's having a nap. 4. Yes, we are. We "re having visitors. 5. No,

she isn't. She's staying at home. 6. No, they aren't. They're having a holiday. 7. Yes, he

is. He "s going to the concert. 8. Yes, we are. We" re doing up the flat.

Ex. 6 (p. 30) 1. am trying; 2. is raining; 3. are you looking; 4. are making; 5 am looking; 6.

Are you enjoying; 7. are crying; 8. are you wearing; 9. am not going; 10. am not eating.

Ex. 7 (p. 30) 1. are rising/are increasing/are falling; 2. is getting; 3. is getting/is becoming;

4. is changing; 5.is rising/is increasing; 6. is improving; 7. is getting/is becoming.

Ex. 8 (p. 30-31) 1. am training; 2. Are you enjoying; 3. am getting married; 4 am looking

for; 5. Are you doing; 6. is helping.

Ex. 9 (p. 31) 1. Who are you looking at now? - I "m looking at that old lady. 2. Who is your

friend speaking with? - He "s speaking with our teacher. 3. What are you telling your

friends about? - I "m telling them abouL my holidays. 4. Are you writing a dictation now? -

No, we "re doing an exercise 9. 5. Where are you going tonight? - We" re going to the

circus. 6. When are they arriving in Moscow? - They "re arriving in the morning. 7. We" re

going to Minsk. 8. Are these students doing an exercise or copying a text? 9. Who(m) are

these students meeting? - They "re meeting foreign students. 10. Where are you going?

I'm going to a photo exhibition.

Ex. 11 (p. 32) 1. right; 2. wrong - are you talking; 3. wrong - Do you believe; 4 wrong-

is trying; 5 right; 6. wrong - I think; 7 right; 8. wrong - we usually go.

Ex. 12 (p. 32) 1. don't belong; 2. is coming; want; 3. flows; 4. is flowing; 5. Does it ever

rain; 6. grow, aren't growing; 7. am learning; is teaching; 8. don't need; 9. enjoy, am not

enjoying; 10. don "t believe; 11. lives, does your sister live; 12. is staying; 13. is looking

for; 14. does your husband do; isn't working.

I. 1. is teaching, is substituting, is; 2. am going, is leaving, Is he coming back, don't know;

3. stays, comes, is staying; 4. meets, meets, are painting, are going; 5. is leaving; is he

taking; is catching; 6. is repairing; 7. Are you writing; write; Do you want; 8. says, is

leaving; 9. am going; 10. is coming; 11. call, are playing, think, play; 12. makes.

II. 1. is, is smoking, think, smokes, is; 2. is, is, is playing; 3. Are you coming, are you

going, are driving, Are you taking, are leaving, Do you mind, bring; 4. Is Mike coming, is

working, is he doing, is reading up, isr-am, isn't going, says, is meeting, is, has.

Ex. 14 (p. 33-34) 1. is reading; 2 go; 3. are you going, am going; 4. is, catches; 5. has;

10. is splitting; 11. is always reacting; 12.1 am always forgetting; 13. are, are having.Ex. 15 (p. 34) 1. The Sun sets early in this part of the world. 2. Joyce is going to Londofo

tomorrow because her uncle wants to see her.3. Some people like summer best of all,

some like spring and autumn, but others prefer winter. 4. Where is Lizzy? - She is riding.

draws perfectly well. 7. Father usually goes to work by train, but today he is driving.

8. Every year he spends his holidays in the mountains. 9. I am writing to invite you to

come and stay with us in summer. 10. I "m sitting by the window and looking at the sea. A

vessel is sailing away into the evening gold of the horizon.

Ex. 16 (p. 34) 1. When does he usually come home? - He usually comes home at 7

p. m. 2. What train are you taking to St. Petersburg next week? 3. My friends from

Sheffield are cpming to see me next Sunday. 4. Alex is making a new bookshelf. He

always makes all the furniture for his room himself. 5. She is wearing a hat and a blue

dress today. 6.1 can "t give you the book now because I am reading it. 7. Do you read

a lot? - Yes, I read a lot. - Do you buy books or borrow them from the library? -I

usually borrow 5 books from the Central Library and change them every other month.

8. What are you doing under the table? - I "m looking for the needle. 9. What do you

usually have for breakfast? - I usually have a sandwich and drink a cup of coffee.

10. Where are you running so fast? - I am running to catch the 10 o "clock train. I" m

meeting Nick today, and he doesn't like it when I am late. 11.1 am leaving for Denmark

Ex. 17 (p. 35) 2. he was meeting the manager; 3. he was having lunch; 4. he was visiting

his dentist; 5. he was listening to an organ concert...; 6. he was walking the dog; 7. he

was driving his mother home.

Ex. 18 (p. 35) 1. Mother was cooking in the kitchen. 2. Father was making a phone call.

3.1 was getting ready to go out. 4. My sister was washing some clothes.

nice poems when he was having a holiday. 3. She learned the language when she was living

in England. 4. She heard that song when she was listening to a concert on the radio. 5.1

bought that book when I was reading up for my exams. 6. The boy hurt himself when he

was riding the bicycle. 7. Philip lost his camera when he was walking about the city. 8. He

rank me up when I was having supper.

Ex. 20 (p. 36) 1. The postman brought the letter when I was having breakfast. 2. It

started to snow when I was going downstairs. 3. The door bell rank when they were

entering the dining room.

Ex. 21 (p. 36) 1. fell, was rescuing; 2. was reading, heard; 3. Were you having; 4. were

waiting, arrived; 5. wasn "t driving, saw; 6. broke; was doing, slipped; 7. took, was painting;

8. didn't go, was getting; 9. were you doing; 10. saw; was wearing.

10Ex. 22 (p. 36-37) 1. was playing, was reading, was sewing, heard; 2. was leaving, caught;

3vcame in, was sitting; 4. was shaving, cut; 5. was; was standing; 6. began; wassmiling,

was walking; 7. was sleeping, rank; 8. were sitting/drove up; 9. was crossing, struck;

10. was drizzling, came; 11. broke, wa £ living; 12. was getting, suggested; 13 came in,

looked, stood, turned, went; 14. was walking, met, asked; 15. came, were eating;

16. ran, went, was standing; 17. raised, looked; was still snowing; 18. were driving,

happened; 19. Did you have; 20. fell, hurt, was riding; 21. went, got; 22. went, sat, was

crackling, was howling; 23. took, put, leaned; 24. put on; 25. was, wanted; 26. was

waiting, coughed/was coughing; 27. drew, looked; were standing; 28. heard, went, opened,

did not recognize, was not wearing; 29. were walking, began; 30. came, was leaving;

3 1. was talking, saw; 32. arrived, went, took off.

Ex. 23 (p. 37-38) 1. opened, looked, stood; 2. realized, were not paying attention, were

muttering, (were) looking, turned, looked, were looking, was coming, led; 3. saw, was

hurrying, made; 4. was looking; 5. did not see, was making; 6. occurred, was backing;

7. dropped, was fishing; 8. heard, were packing.

I. 1.1 sat on the bench for half an hour and then began reading a book. 2.1 graduated

from the University when I was twenty-three. 3. When were you here last? - about a year

and a half ago. 4. Gray nodded and went upstairs. 5. I met Helen through my parents

about three years ago. 6. He stopped and picked up a rose. 7.1 visited them a year ago.

8.1 saw him in London a week ago. 9. I did not see him when I was in St. Petersburg.

10. What happened to you that evening? 11. They returned to the house when it started

11.1. Did you see him this morning? Yes, he was standing by the car. 2. He came in and

saw Nelly, who was painting a strange picture. 3. He ran to the gate where Ann was

standing. 4.1 glanced at Jennie who was still shivering from cold. 5. We were just talking

about him when he suddenly came in. 6. They came while I was working in the garden.

7. She was laying the table at six o "clock yesterday. 8. What were you playing when I

came in? 9. The water in the kettle was boiling when my friends came back to the camp.

10. Unfortunately, when I arrived Helen was just leaving. 11. He suddenly realized that he

was traveling in the wrong direction. 12.1 was sitting in the garden yesterday when my

brother came and brought a puppy. 13. When I came in, they were sitting in the sittingroom.

My elder brother was doing a crossword, my mother was knitting, the others were

reading. My mother smiled at me and said, "Come in and sit down, please." 14. When she

woke up, the birds were singing merrily in the garden. 15. Who were you talking to on the

telephone when I came in? - I was talking to my sister. 16. When they were crossing the

street, a man came towards them and asked the way to the Palace Square. 17. I was

doing my homework when he came.

Ex. 25 (p. 38) 1. Yesterday, when I was walking down Nevsky Prospect, I met Victor, an

old friend of mine. He recognized me at once though I was wearing big dark glasses

because my eyes were teaching. 2. He said, "I was going to see you a fortnight ago, but I

11couldn"t find time to get round to you." All the time he was saying this I was trying to

remember something I wanted to tell him. 3. Eventually I remembered and said to him,

"Just before I came out, Oleg rang me up. He wanted to speak to you at Boris" s party

yesterday, but you were talking so cheerfully with Alice he didn"t dare to interrupt." 4. Just

then I saw another friend of mine. He was waving to me from the other side of the road. I

said good-bye to Victor and started to cross the road.

Ex. 27 (p. 40) 1. will be having; 2. will be playing; 3. will be raining; 4. will be falling; 5. will

Ex. 28 (p. 40) 1. She will be making a dress on Sunday. 2. We shall/will be bathing in the

Black Sea at this time next week. 3. He will be working in the garden when we arrive.

4. He will be studying law at the University for five years. 5. They will be flying to Kiev at

this time tomorrow. 6. She will be singing Russian folk songs at the concert tonight. 7. He

will be interviewing a foreign delegation at this time the day after tomorrow. 8. She will be

lecturing at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​next term.

Ex. 29 (p. 40) 1. They "ll be sleeping. 2. We" ll be traveling. 3. We'll be packing. 4. She'll

be typing. 5. He "ll be crying. 6. She" ll be grumbling. 7. He "ll be working. 8. She" ll be

keeping to her room.

Ex. 30 (p. 40) 1. get, will be sitting; 2. is; will come; 3. want; shall/will be waiting; 4. will be

boarding; 5. will be having; 6. shall/will be waiting, come; 7. shall/will call; will be sleeping;

8. will be quarrelling.

Ex. 31 (p. 41)1. will know; will be standing; will be wearing; 2. "II tell," II show, won't smile;

3. won "t be, come, will be having; 4. will be raining, get; 5. will be waiting; 6. will be; 7. "II

be, return, "II be marking; 8. "II be typing; 9. will be, will be sketching; 10. will see, will be

having tea; 11. will be doing; 12. come, "II be crossing.

Ex. 32(p. 41)1 . We must not be late. They will be worrying. 2. We are going to the

cinema today. You will be sitting next to me. 3. We are to be back at 10 o "clock. Mother

will be waiting for us. 4. Will you have lunch with me on Monday? - I "d love to, but I" m

afraid I "ll be taking my exam then. 5. What will they be doing when we get home? - 1 think

they will be reading. 6. I don "t feel well enough to go to the airport to meet Alice. - I" ll

meet her for you. Tell me how I "ll know her. - She will be wearing a bright green suit. 7.1

wonder what we "ll be doing in a year, if we" ll be seeing one another. 8. My son will be in

the ninth form next year. - That means my mother will be teaching him English. 9. Don't

tell her about it. She will be crying in a moment. 10. What will you be doing this time next

Friday? - I "ll be gardening as usual.

Ex. 33 (p. 41-42) 1. was laughing, was going on; 2. are you two talking, Are you discussing;

3. Are you leaving; 4. will you speak; 5. wears, doesn't see; 6. are you wearing; 7. is

living, is looking; 8. was sitting; 9. saw, was trying; 10. was writing, wrote/was writing;

121 1. were walking, was getting; 12: are leaving, is getting; 13. see; 14. will hear; 15. "II be,

"II be watching; 16. was waiting; 17. was trying; 18. rains, was raining, was raining.

Ex. 34 (p. 42) 1. Are you going; 2. Is Nina writing; 3. Were you waiting; 4. are you

wearing, Are you having; 5. waits, go; 6. are objecting; 7. cannot meet, is coming; 8. Are

you carrying, is; 9. has, is; 10. was, was wearing, was cold; 11. Will you see; 12. rank,

finishing was; 13. entered, was waiting; 14. Is anybody reading, want; 15. is he working;

16. Come, I "ll be waiting.


Ex. 1 (p. 43) 1. have never met; 2. has just gone; 3. haven't seen; 4. have already

posted; 5. has helped; 6. have been; 7. has taken; 8. have never studied; 9. have sold;

Ex. 2 (p. 43-44) 1. Yes, she has done them. 2. Yes, I have cooked it. 3. Yes, she has

learned it by heart. 4. Yes, I have used it. 5. Yes, he has eaten it. 6. Yes, I have found them.

7. Yes, he has washed it. 8. Yes, I have heard them.

Ex. 3 (p. 44) 1. have stopped; 2. want, have not seen; 3. is, has always been; 4. Have

you read, do you think; 5. have not been, is, have never been; 6. Do you know, have you

known, have known; 7. are, have wanted, have not done; 8. Do you realize, have known,

is, have asked; 9. Do you know, has just left, is, Is, has been, has never bought; 10. have

been; 11. have not seen; 12. has he been, seems; 13. have known, have never seen.

Ex. 4 (p. 44) 1. Father has got a new job in South Africa. 2. He and Mother have left for

exams. 5. I "ve met the man for me.

Ex. 5 (p. 44) 1. He has overslept; 2. We have run out of bread; 3. She has caught a bad

cold; 4. They have switched off their VCRs.

Ex. 6 (p. 45) 1. Yes, she has just come from the market. 2. Yes, I "ve just phoned him.

3. No, thanks, I "ve just had a cup.

Ex. 7 (p. 45) 1. been; 2. been; 3.gone; 4 gone.

Ex. 8 (p. 45) 1. I"ve already had a bath. 2. I"ve already bought some. 3. I've already asked

him. 4. haven "t invited them yet; going to invite them. 5. he" s already arrived. 6. has not

written to him yet; is going to write to him.

Ex. 9 (p. 45) 1. Have you ever been to Scotland? 2. Have your parents lived here all theirs

lives? 3. Have you ever heard this concert? 4. How many times have you been married?

5. Has he ever met the President? 6. Have you ever visited the White House?

13Ex. 10 (p. 45) 1. Yes, it's the fastest car I've ever driven. 2. Yes, it's the warmest coat

I "ve ever had. 3. Yes, they" re the nicest people I "ve ever met.

1. Is this the first time you "ve skated?

Yes, I've never skated before.

No, it's the second time I've skated this winter.

2. Is this the first time you "ve played volley-ball?

Yes, I "ve never played volley-ball before.

No, it "s the second time I" ve played volley-ball this year.

3. Is this the first time you "ve ever been to / in London?

Yes, I "ve never been to / in London before.

No, it's the second time I've come to London.

Ex. 12 (p. 46) 1. Have you read any books recently? 2. Have you heard from Tom in the

past few days? 3. Have you bought any new records recently? 4. Have you eaten anything

today? 5. Have you seen any good films recently? 6. Has it snowed here this year

Ex. 13 (p. 46) 1. When did it rain last? - It hasn "t rained for ages. 2. When did they last

visit you? - They haven't visited us since June. 3. When did you last play tennis? - I

haven "t played tennis for a long time. 4. When did you last eat coconut? - I have never

eaten coconut. 5. When did you last drive a car? - I haven't driven for six months.

6. When did you last go to Canada? - I "ve never been to Canada. 7. When did she last

write to you? - She hasn "t written to me since last summer.

Ex. 14 (p. 46-47) 1. They have built a new house. Have you seen it yet? 2. Have you

shown your picture to your mother? - No, it isn't ready yet. 3. I have seen this film, and

you? - Yes, I have. It "s an interesting film. 4. Have you been to the London Zoo? - Yes, I

have. 5. Father has just come back from the sea. 6. Take these magazines. I"ve already

read them. 7. Have you ever been to/in Greece? - Yes, I have. It's a very beautiful

country. 8. We haven't finished the experiment yet. 9. She has never translated such

difficult articles. 10. I have called him three times today. 11. He has left for New York

today. 12. Have you seen the director today? - No, I haven't.

Ex. 15 (p. 47) 2. It "s the second time you" ve been late this week. 3. It's the third time

the car has broken down this month. 4. It "s the fifth cup of coffee I have drunk

Ex. 16 (p. 48) 1. Harry went to Egypt but now he has come back (to Ireland). 2.1 lived in

the center but now I "ve moved to a new district. 3.1 had long hair but now I" ve cut it. 4.1

met Fran ten years ago and we "ve become great friends. 5. He traveled to the North last

year, and now he has written a book about it. 6. Three years ago they bought a house but

now they "ve sold it.

14Ex. 17 (p. 48) 1. Wrong - was/is; 2.Right; 3. Wrong - invented; 4. Wrong - has bought.

5. Wrong - have broken; 6.Right.

Ex, 18 (p. 49) 1. Have you cut, Did you cut, cut; 2. Have you spoken, I phoned her, did

Ex. 19 (p. 49) 1. They haven't phoned so far today. 2. How many times did you phone

him yesterday? 3. He has come to see us three times this month. 4. It hasn't rained so far

this summer. 5. How many shoes have you bought this season?

Ex. 20 (p. 49) 1. worked; 2. have lived; 3. have been; 4. was; 5. has been; 6. never met;

7. has never met.

Ex. 21 (p. 49-50)

I. 1. Have you ever visited; have been; was

2. Have you been; have(been); went

3. Has he spoken; hasn "t (spoken); went, hasn" t arrived

4. Have you seen; have(seen); haven't seen

5. Have you been; have(been); was

6. Did you go; did; went

7. Have you seen; haven't seen; was; didn't see

8. Have you shown; have(shown); showed

II. 1. have just called; 2. didn't call; 3. have just gone; 4. has already answered;

5. answered; 6. went; 7 read; 8. has sold; 9. sold; 10. haven't seen; 11. met; 12. Has...

come; 13. Did you wear; insisted; 14. hasn "t smoked; 15. did he arrive, arrived; 16. Have

you shut; 17. read, enjoyed; 18. Have you been, spent, Did you have, stopped; 19. has

stopped; 20. have just mended; 21. left, got; 22. Have you had, had; 23. Did you see;

24. have missed; 25. has just begun; 26. broke; 27. haven't finished.

III. 1. have you done, did you buy; 2. had, happened; 3,. found; 4. did you teach; 5. have

had, has ruined; 6. spent; 7. have you spoken, spoken; 8. have seen, has arrived, seen,

Have you seen; 9. haven "t shaven; 10. Did you hear, said; 11. was, have picked; 12. was,

Ex. 22 (p. 51)1. saw, are you doing, "m sleeping, have taken; 2. sleeps, is still sleeping;

3. met, have met; 4 go; 5. have been sitting, haven "t dozen; 6. is playing, play; 7. is

taking; 8. wrote, have just written; 9. is talking, has happened; 10. hasn "t eaten, ate; 11. is

still dressing; 12. have read, read; 13. reads, is reading; 14. hasn "t had, had; 15. have

stayed / have been staying, aren't thinking.

Ex. 23(p. 51)1 . I "ve lost the needle. I can" t find it anywhere. 2. Did you see the film on

tv yesterday? 3. Her parents bought her a car for her 21st birthday. 4. Her hair is

very short now. She had a new haircut. 5. Last night he arrived home very late. He

had a bath and then he went to bed. 6. Did you visit many museums when you were in

London? 7. The book isn't on the shelf. Somebody has taken it. 8. When did your father

15give up smoking? 9.1 didn't have breakfast in the morning because I didn't feel hungry.

10. Why didn't you want to play chess yesterday? 11. The car looks very clean. Have you

12. Molly; Hello James. Is Alan here?

James: No, I'm afraid he's gone out.

Molly: What a pity. When did he exactly go out?

James: About twenty minutes ago.

Ex. 24 (p. 51) 1. am, have read; 2. have finished, have a look; 3. Haven't read;

4. Have you brought, have come; 5. have you been, know, went; 6. Has your grandson

called on, came; 7. gave, haven "t seen; 8. Have you sent for, will come; 9. Have you

known, have known; 10. like, have been; 11. haven't been, moved, like; 12. Have seen,

has changed; 13. left for, haven "t seen; 14. met, haven" t heard; 15. was, has changed, is

shining; 16. Do you know, have never been; 17. haven "t called on, arrived.

Ex. 25 (p. 52) 1. was raining; 2. have breakfast; 3. Has he built, is still building; 4. are you

walking, am walking, am afraid, always walk; 5. never wears; 6. was watching TV;

7. comes, is, hasn "t come; 8. watch; 9. called on, was reading, finishes, will give/lend;

10. am afraid, have lost, was playing/played, play; 11. hasn "t begun, are talking, begins;

12. played; 13. haven "t played; 14. is, wrote; 15. is, has fallen asleep, went to bed.

Ex. 26 (p. 53) 1. because he had left; 2. because she had seen the film before;

3. because I had forgotten it; 4. because she had passed it before; 5. because he had

spent all the money; 6. because I had lost the key; 7. that he had got married; 8. that it

had returned; 9. that she had been ill for a month.

Ex. 27 (p. 53) 1. had gone; 2. had got; 3. had built; 4. had left.

Ex. 28 (p. 53) 1. He had never seen the sea before. 2. She had never been late before.

3. ... she had never played the guitar before. 4. ...she had never taught at school

Ex. 29 (p. 54) 1. The train had just left. 2. Everybody had already gone out. 3. They had

just come from school. 4. He had arranged to meet some friends at the club. 5.1 hadn't

seen her for seven years.

Ex. 30 (p. 54) 1. had gone; 2. went; 3. broke; 4. had broken, stopped.

Ex. 31 (p. 54) 1. hadn "t switched off the light; 2. had walked a lot that day; 3. had passed

the exams; 4. had shown me the picture; 5. had gone; 6. had died; 7. had left the room;

8. had married her; 9. had read it again.

Ex. 32 (p. 54-55) 1. The sun had risen before he woke up. 2. He had been very ill before

he died. 3.1 understood the problem as soon as he had explained it. 4. She went to the post office after she had written the letter. 5. The plane had taken off when I drove to the

airport. 6. She had read the message carefully before she wrote the reply. 7.1 turned on

the radio as soon as he had left the room. 8. He went to the cinema after he had had

dinner. 9. The man didn't leave till he had received a definite answer. 10. We didn't say a

word until he had finished his story. 11. When we reached the football ground the game

had already started. 12. John had worked as a skilled builder before he began to study

architecture. 13. Harold couldn't leave for home till he had completed everything.

14. The snow was very deep after it had snowed heavily.

Ex. 33 (p. 55) 1. had hardly gone, wandered; 2. hardly reached, encountered;

3. had scarcely taken, appeared; 4. had started, broke; 5. had... left, broke out; 6. no

sooner had they arrived, rank; 7. had the curtains fallen, rose; 8. Hardly had he asked

answered; 9. had scarcely taken, began; 10. had scarcely settled, fell; 11. had nearly

stopped, reached; 12. had scarcely said, interrupted.

Ex. 34 (p. 55-56)

1.1. ate; 2. wasn "t, had gone; 3. hadn" t played; 4. was, had lived; 5. was, had never seen;

6. had talked; 7 came, had got; 8. returned, had arrived; 9. had gone, got; 10. had

fallen/fell, left; 11. had hardly been, came; 12. promised, had got; 13. had they moved,

came; 14. went, had expected; 15. showed, was, had seen; 16. came, sat, had been;

17. kept, had told; 18. spent, had heard, had never seen; 19. knew, had come;

20. knew, had made.

11. 1. sat, had arrived; 2. was, had never seen; 3. was, had met; 4. was, had been; 5. was,

had gone; 6. came, had... heard; 7. hadn "t eaten, went; 8. retold, had held; 9. had gone,

came; 10. was, had seen; 11. re-read, had written; 12. had left/left, made; 13. had been,

learned; 14. had already arrived, entered; 15. hadn't gone, noticed.

Ex. 35 (p. 56) 1. had left, began; 2. hadn "t risen; 3. hadn" t gone; 4. told, had left;

5. had he taken, looked; 6. came, found, looked, had been; 7. had hardly lit, came;

8. had grown, had become; 9. had fallen; 10. had been; 11. had quarrelled, had taken;

12. left, hadn "t gone, remembered, had forgotten; 13. had disappeared / disappeared;

14. had closed, opened.

Ex. 36 (p. 56-57)

1.1. closed, was sitting; 2. arrived, had started; 3. had stopped, was shining; 4. was just

leaving; 5. were watching, were changing; 6. reached, had already started; 7. realized,

was traveling; 8. was looking, found; 9. were you doing; 10. hadn "t been, began; 11.

didn "t allow, was blowing; 12. called, had ^ lready got; 13. heard, went, opened, didn" t

recognize, wasn't wearing; 14. (had) sealed and stamped, went, drew; 15. saw, were you

using; was using, had hurt; 16. returned, were, had, had; 17. were walking, heard; turned,

held; stopped; 18. arrived, was waiting; was wearing, looked; 19. saw, was painting; 20.

was watering, began; 21. was saying, took; 22. said, were working, wanted.

II. 1. had just finished, was wrapping; 2. reached; 3. had come in, was untying; 4. were

enjoying; 5. was cycling, fell, hurt; 6. had dried, had powdered; 7. was beginning, was

17whistling, were creeping; 8. had moved, was standing; 9. had entered, was rpQvi#g;

10. looked out, had approached, had overspread; 11. hadn't taken; 12. hadn't arisen,

were shining/shone.

Ex. 37 (p. 57) 1. Entering, saw, had left; 2. noticed, entered/came in, had left; 3. had

hardly read, declared, didn't like; 4. had left, went into, turned off / switched off; 5. was

sitting and thinking, hadn "t arrived / come; 6. had stopped, there was; 7. didn't know, had

left/gone; 8. didn't remember, couldn't / didn't remember, had met; 9. drove, saw;

10. had passed, understood, had; 11. Coming, learned, had left; 12.came back/returned,

talked about, had seen; 13. had finished, knocked; 14. had been, hadn't snowed; 15. had

gone, came up/went to, dialled; 16. came back, showed, had done; 17. tried/was trying,

had left; 18. was astonished, had made, had passed, saw; 19. No sooner had he come,

met; 20. returned, had lived; 21. had parted, returned, went/made for; 22. was, had

expected/anticipated; 23. knew, had met; 24. had gone, shut/closed; 25. was daylight,

was still blowing, had stopped.

Ex. 38 (p. 58) 1. "II have translated; 2. will have made; 3. won" t have learned; 4. won't have

completed; 5. will have learned; 6. will have to come; 7. will have...gone.

Ex. 39 (p. 58) 1. Oh no, they will have already moved; 2. we "ll have made; 3. they will

have finished writing it; 4. he "ll have already graduated from the Institute; 5. I" ll have

forgotten; 6. he "ll have left; 7. she" ll have received; 8. I'll have gone.

Ex. 40 (p. 58-59) 1. "II have been, come; 2. is, "II be; 3. are, I "ll go; 4. Will you be angry,

talk; 5. finish, "II have done; 6. am, will have left, Don" t worry, I "ll drive; 7. "II have stopped;

8. think, "II see; 9. don"t take, "II be late, get, will have been over, "II miss.

Ex. 41 (p. 59) 1. I "ll have finished; 2. "II have done," II go to the park; 3. "II have passed;

4. will have built; 5. I "ll have written, arrives; 6. will have left, come; 7. I" ll have translated.

3. - Will you still be cooking dinner at 12

tomorrow? - I'll have done the cooking already.

4. - Will you help Granny to look for her glasses

when you come back w? - she "ll have found them already.

5. Will you see Jerry in Atlanta when I return? - I "m sure, he" ll have already arrived,

6. - Will Keith be at home if I call him up

at 8 o "clock? - he"ll have come already.

7. - Will they be having dinner at 6 o "clock? - they" ll have already had dinner by that

8. - Will you still be repairing the car if I call

for you at 6? - I "ll have repaired it already.

18Ex. 4 3 (p. 59-60) ° V Y? J< " v >9 o i ."? r v ^ ?. . v \ > , " * ,

II. vfall visit; gets; "II be pfaying; doesn't matter; "II go to see; have finished their talk; will

have been over; will have a shower; will have been ready; will have done; will be quite

free; arrive, will be having dinner; "II be playing; have stopped; will have made; "II sit and

drink; "II go. II. will have finished, is looking forward to teaching; graduates, "II begin; think,

he "ll become; will like; is working hard, knows, flies, may happen, will have no time;

studied, helped; will be working; "II go, think, he"ll have finished.


Ex. 1 (p. 61) 1. have been working; 2. Has she been sleeping; 3. have been talking;

4. have just been telling; 5. hasn't been feeling; 6. have you been lying; 7. have been

trying; 8. haven "t been sleeping; 9. have been seeing; 10. hasn" t been working.

Ex. 2 (p. 61) 1. You have been working too hard lately. 2. Have you been standing in this

cold long? 3. She has been scrubbing the floors for three hours. 4. They have been

singing at the top of their voices since morning.

Ex. 3 (p. 61) 1. Have you been waiting for me long? 2. Have you been fighting again?

3. How long has your foot been hurting you? 4. He has been studying for three hours

already. 5.1 have been learning Spanish since September. 6. Ann has been looking for a

job for six months. 7. My brother has been smoking for ten years. 8. They've been

working in Manchester since the 1st of March. 9. How deep the snow is! How long has it

been snowing? 10. Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? eleven . How long have you

been playing chess? 12. How long have you been living in this town?

Ex. 4 (p. 62) 1. Have you been reading; 2. are you doing; 3. has been doing; 4. is

working, has been planting; 5. have been playing; 6. have been thinking; 7. have you been

swimming; 8. are staying; 9. have been stealing; 10. are laying.

Ex. 5 (p. 62) 1. has been ringing; 2. have been reading, am trying; 3. are the children

doing, have been playing, are learning; 4. are leaving, have they been staying; 5. are you

thinking, "m not thinking, "m counting; 6. is talking, has been driving; 7. have you been

doing; 8. have been looking, is waiting.

Ex. 6 (p. 62) 1. is looking at, so he is, have been meeting... lately; 2. are you hurrying,

has been waiting for; 3. Are you reading; 4. is wearing; 5. have been wearing; 6. are you

waiting for; 7. Have you been waiting for him long; 8. are you listening to; 9. has been

teaching; 10. is teaching; eleven . have been developing; 12. am developing; 13. are you

Ex. 7 (p. 63) 1. has changed; 2. have been collecting; have collected; 3. has been

reading; have not finished; 4. have been waiting, has gone out; 5. has happened, has happened

been ringing, has answered; 6. have come, have been standing, listening; 7. have ar-

19rivedf have just been speaking; 8. have you known, have known; 9. have you turned, V a

Teaching aid "Everyday English" edited by Tatyana Drozdova aims to help pupils and students to learn English in more depth. It is suitable for high school students, for classes in an in-depth program, in specialized educational institutions, as well as students of humanitarian universities.

The manual contains not only a textbook, but also a reference book and a content-oriented dictionary. Thus, this book can be dealt with in a variety of ways. More than two hundred dialogues in both English and Russian will allow you to better understand the features of colloquial speech. Vocabulary exercises will help you better navigate what you need to work on. The book also contains many literary texts on a wide variety of topics to hone your reading and translation skills. The dictionary is compiled in such a way that it is possible to find words that are used specifically in texts from this manual. To improve their skills, topics for discussions and essays are offered. It is known that the ability to independently express thoughts in a foreign language is a much more important indicator of its successful study than reading and translating with a dictionary. Therefore, the manual will be of great support to students in the assimilation of new knowledge and their testing, as well as help teachers plan classes.

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